Upthrusts & Climaxes: Wyckoff Analysis & The Dollar Index

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Legendary technical trader Richard Wyckoff's work is still relevant

from both a long- and short-term perspective, and is particularly
valuable at looking at long-term trends in the dollar.


by Robert Burgess

ichard Wyckoff was a legendary the direction of prices. climax) of the larger decline that had start­
trader in the early 1900s. Wyckoff Traders, looking for long-term trades ed in 2001.
thought that a trader who applied have always kept an eye on weekly and Technically, the rally from the low in
tape-reading skills (i.e., studies of current monthly charts of the Dollar Index. They 2008 is called an "automatic rally" by
price and volume characteristics to weekly do it to find trades, but more important­ Wyckoff technicians. The automatic rally
and monthly charts) could determine a mar­ ly, they also do it to stay abreast of the is usually the prelude to the development
ket's forthcoming price movement ahead of always developing and therefore always of a new long term trading range, which
price change. In coming to this realization, changing, but interesting, "technical inter­ can evolve into either a new long-term bull
Wyckoff concluded that price action was pretation" of the global economic story. market rally, or instead, a corrective rally
a continuing contest between buyers and Price action in this currency is often within a much larger macro bear market.
sellers, which he called the composite man. an excellent long-term indicator of future Either potential, long-term bullish or lon­
By developing and using an under­ global economic trends. Of course, the ger-term macro bearish, should be pre­
standing of price and volume character­ immediate trade and its potential are fre­ ceded by the expected long-term trading
istics-which are the basic components quently more important to a trader than range. Afterward, the long-term trading
of his trading technique--Wyckoff the­ the developing long-term economic story. range often ends with the potential for
orized that price change often created Nonetheless, perhaps ironically, future an important long-term rally, even if the
a sequence of repetitive price actions economic events almost always develop expected rally is destined to become a
that were predictive of future price as the price action has indicated to con­ macro corrective rally within a much larger
action. Years later, in the 1950s and 60s, firm projected price action at critical price macro trading range (i.e., a trading range
Bob Evans, a Wyckoff disciple, refined points. Therefore, understanding the tech­ within a larger trading range) leading to an
Wyckoff's concepts with labels like buy­ nical influences within the developing eco­ eventual decline.
ing and selling climaxes, automatic rallies, nomic story is beneficial to decision mak­ As we see in "Dollar days;· the expect­
retests, springs, jump across the creek ing-as long as the trader has the ability to ed trading range lasted until mid-2014.
(JAC}, markup, sign of strength, back up separate when the near-term developing In Wyckoff terms, the long-term trading
to the creek, last point of support, and chart story appears to be in conflict with range had evolved after multiple, friend­
many others, as a way to know the cur­ the current long-term economic story. ly "secondary retests" of the initial low
rent position of prices, and therefore, the As background, the Dollar Index peak­ in 2008. The friendly retests resulted in
next projected step within the sequence ed in 2001 and started a macro long-term a bullish "springboard" position in mid-
of price actions. Wyckoff, and subse­ decline (see "Dollar days;· page 74). The 2014. The indication in May 2014, due to
quently Evans, thought that by applying decline in the Dollar Index bottomed in the absence of supply having created
Wyckoff's price and volume techniques 2008 as the credit crisis became a global a long-term springboard position, had
they could determine whether buyers or issue. A flight to quality rally in the Dollar become, prices are ready to rally. They did,
0 sellers were going to win the bullish or Index in 2008 recovered most of the taking out numerous resistance levels.
E In Wyckoff terms the multi-year trad-
bearish contest, and therefore determine depreciation of the last down leg (selling

The following terms are part of Richard Wyckoff's technical trading method.


AUTOMATIC RALLY: These follow selling climaxes. The Automatic
reaction follows a buying climax

ing range had created a cause (point and RETESTS: Price actions that confirm whether a prior high or low has
figure count) for a result (breakout}, but validity as a turning point
would the expected rally become the start SPRINGS: Very important price action that ends declines. The mos:
of a new long-term bull market or would
common example is a price action that makes a new low belo ·
it become a counter trend rally in a much
a trading range or other support; but the new low reverses and
larger and developing macro bear market?
having trapped short sellers, prices rally
NEW CYCLE UPTHRUSTS: An Upthrust ends rallies. Prices make a new high
Starting in July 2014, notice how eas­ above a trading range or other resistance and then reverse and
ily prices started to trade higher (see prices decline
"Breaking out;' page 74). The price action
is classic Wyckoff bullish price action. It is ICE: Stong resistance
the start of "markup." The Wyckoff trad­
JUMP ACROSS THE CREEK (JAC): JAC is a price action that
er knows that the price action is bullish.
clears old highs, usually a trading range, followed by really good
Additionally, because of the previous
preparation within the multi-year trad­ appreciation
ing range, the Wyckoff trader has every SIGN OF STRENGTH (SOS): SOS is a strong rally, which almost
technical reason to conclude that the rally always has an increase in volume. It is an expression of increaseo
will become an extended and meaningful demand
rally. Nonetheless, it remains possible that
eventually the current positive beginning SIGN OF WEAKNESS: This is an easy decline in prices on increased
becomes a long-term rally, which peaks as volume. It is an indication that selling has overcome buying
a "retest and lower high;' to the existing
MARKUP: This indicates prices are intentionally being bid up by the
2001 high. If so, the rally will risk becom­
ing a rally within a developing macro price Composite Man
action, which is long-term bearish. THE COMPOSITE MAN: The Composite Man is the market
Therefore, at a point in July 2014, in participants in general; usually dominated by a more informed
spite of all of the future long-term macro trader or group of traders
unknowns, the Wyckoff trader wants to
be long the dollar. He sees bullish near­ BACK UP TO THE CREEK: Back up to the creek is a correction to a
term and bullish long-term potential; rally/jump across a creek
and very importantly, the markup should
LAST POINT OF SUPPORT: The last point where prices are
have only just begun because of the large
point and figure counts created within supported in what is usually a small correction before a strong
the long-term trading range. Additionally, rally
the upside potential greatly outweighs EFFORT & RESULT: There should be an appropriate price action/
the risk because of the combination of result to the quality of the preceding price action/effort.
the existing multi-year point and figure
Combinations of volume and price spread are used to decide if
counts where price action in July 2014 is
confirmed as bullish.
the result is appropriate for the effort
The "wide price spread" in September SHORTENING OFTHE UPWARD OR DOWNWARD THRUSTS:
2014 can't be bought on the cheap A price action that indicated that the response has been
(Lockout). Prices have surged past the inappropriate for the effort
old 2012 and 2013 highs, which is another
important step supporting the unfolding
bullish price action. Going forward, new
participants will have to pay up-increasing
their risk of ruin-to trade.
Markup continues to carry prices

I 11
'1 I'
1 The dollar reversed a seven-year long bear market in 2008, but only has retraced a little more than half
the ground lost.

U.S. Dollar Index 120000

"buying climax," which should cause a
near-term correction to the rally that start­
ed in May 2014.
75000 A successful correction, if that becomes
70000 the result of forthcoming price action
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 (back up to the creek) would be bullish,
Source: eSignal
creating the potential for the long-term
rally to extend upward. Price action, as a
back up to the creek, should be expected
to hold on top of the older trading range.
If that step is accomplished, another
important piece to the macro puzzle
BREAKING OUT will have fallen into place. Afterward ,
The dollar began its breakout with the markup month in July 2014. May 2014 is an important Springboard at least a short-term rally should devel­
Position. op. The expected short-term rally could
break out of a near-term trading range

l 100000
and become positioned to create an
U.S. Dollar Index

�i 1 �I,.1 1,
,11 1 .11
extension to the larger rally that began
in May 2014. Therefore, short-term price
action, the new developing trading range,
---.-----------...;1---- 90000 could become another longer-term bull­

I iii il 1

ish step and potentially the catalyst that
1 1,111
,11 11 I 11 could substantially extend the larger rally.
1a, :���
111 11 11 1111,!ii�1111,111!,11r1,11 1 1111 �...
Price action in August 2015 is a positive.
11 1j , ! 1
1,�i ! fjl i j
1 1 1
After an extended multi-year 78000
The five-month-long correction has not led
to significant depreciation. Instead, the
" 'ljj
� IJ,I trading range, DX began a
markup stage in July 2014
correction has held on top of the previ­
n� ous multi-year trading range as it should
0 ; 70000 if the market remains bullish (see "A clos­
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 er look;' right).Therefore, the price action
Source: eSignal contains the bullish potential of a back up
to the creek. In August prices are, once
again, positioned to rally. The rally has the
potential to extend the larger rally that
began in May 2014. Whether the expec­
upward through December 2014, and monthly high creating an important sepa­ tation will become a reality or not will be
importantly, prices trade through the pre­ ration between the January 2015 level of defined by "how" the forthcoming price
vious high of the automatic rally, which is prices and the old trading range. After a action develops.
potentially a very bullish long-term price narrow monthly price spread in February A Wyckoff trader appreciates this advan­
action: A "JAC" and a "sign of strength." (consolidation). prices rally again in March tage, which is offered because of the
Once again, these price actions are clas­ 2015. Therefore, after the monthly price Wyckoff' trader's understanding of the
- sic bullish Wyckoff behavior, and positive action in March 2015, prices have cleared dynamics of price action within trading
indications that the rally should still have the old trading range by a comfortable ranges and trends. Therefore, using his
had further to run. margin, accomplishing a successful bull­ "tape reading skills," the Wyckoff trader
Importantly, the monthly price bar for ish JAC. Nonetheless, the increased vol­ can study price action as it develops; gain­
0 January 2015 continues the JAC with a ume and relatively poor monthly close for ing information from the developing price
wide price spread that closes near the March 2015 indicates a potential near-term action that confirms or rejects his initial

Monthly price action during the last year indicates the dollar may be near an important inflection point.



1------------------n::____..L_.l-_.,___J 90000
Upper ban d of long-term range O August2015sell- May2016 is

•16 l
off fails to breach
range breakout
�n i�ix:.rtant
spring and
n OilUfltt O rencwedattempt
analysis. Nonetheless, he must always be '
'• nt�O•+hLI
I n O
ft 1 Uu t
t 196Q 1 0
to rally. I 80000
very careful not to confuse a short-term
indication as a long-term indication. IMhLi Dec2015isaretest I 75000
Having rallied from the August 2015 Volume
low, the monthly price bar in December
is a warning sign that prices may not cur­
rently have the power to break out of the
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
trading range. This tentative indication is
Source: eSignal
confirmed in January 2016 because the
month, which is a rally, lacks the price
and volume characteristics that are nec­
essary to continue the rally. This indica­
tion is followed by initial price weakness poor price action in December 2015 and May spring. Afterward, it must be followed
in early February. January 2016. The subsequent low in by a good rally. Otherwise the macro back
Although prices close lower for the May became a spring, which recovered up to the creek will fail. If prices fail to rally,
month, since prices closed in a recovery the macro potential. Nonetheless, the after a friendly retest of the May spring, the
from the low, the close in February offers spring was only able to produce a rally, failure will indicate that the short-term trad­
an indication of support. but the support which failed once again, where supply had ing range, which has been charged with the
may be the last ditch effort by prices to turned prices downward in March. Price responsibility of creating price action that
hold on. Subsequently, prices fall easily action has failed in December 2015 and successfully backed up to the creek, failed.
in March. The downward thrust starts to again in July 2016. Because of these fail­ A short-term failure, now, leads to a long­
shorten in April and prices enter a spring ures, a potential downtrend - within the term failure with macro potential. A
position in May (see "Breaking out;' left). trading range - has been drawn.
The recovery and close in May creates These price actions are important red Robert N. Burgess has been a trader
for 45 years. During this period he has
a renewed rally potential. Initial price flags developing within what had been
also been a broker and publisher of his
weakness in June is followed by a recov­ an unencumbered bullish long-term
proprietary newsletter, The Burgess
ery rally and positive close at month end. analysis that indicate the market may Technical View.
Therefore, June has the potential to be be failing to successfully back up to the
an important "positive short-term retest creek. Remember, it has always been
of the spring:' The indication has become possible for the Dollar Index to rally with­
that prices should rally. The expected out breaching the longer-term bear mar­
upside effort develops in July, but the ket, which started in 2001. If so, the rally
effort fails to gain a following and create begun in 2008 has been a rally within a
a positive result. Prices close down and larger macro downtrend. Going forward,
well off of the monthly high. either a failed or successful back up to the
In macro terms, a near-term correc­ creek will define which choice will have
tion, which may be a bullish back up to the greater potential to become the real
the creek, has been in effect since March macro trend.
2015. As part of the macro analysis, pric­ It is clear that prices are headed toward
es entered a spring position in May 2016. an important inflection point, because
The spring created a rally within the near­ within the developing short-term trading
term trading range, but the response range, the recent red flags indicate that the
to the spring remains questionable. short-term bullish interpretation for price E
Additionally, the high in July 2016 failed action has become vulnerable. Therefore, a u

within the range of the prior monthly price long-term trading opportunity, with macro <l>

spread for March 2016. The failure of pric­ potential, has become questionable. For �
es to rally in March 2016 was significant. the long-term analysis to remain bullish,


because February had been an import­ price action, within the short-term trading -0
ant effort to hold prices up following the range, must have a positive retest of the


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