Syllabus Division of Class XII - 30 Parts: Assignment No Date Physics

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Syllabus division of Class XII - 30 parts

Assignment No Date Physics

Introduction, Electric charges, Conductors and insulators, Charging by induction, Charging by friction, Properties of electric charge, Coulomb's law, Vector
Portion 1 07 January, 2019 (Mon) form of coulomb's law, principle of superposition, forces between multiple charges.Electric field, Electric field due to a point charge, superposition principle,
Electric field due to a group of charges.

Portion 2 08 January, 2019 (Tue) Electric dipole, Dipole moment, Electric field due to an electric dipole on axial line, equatorial line and At any other point.Electric dipole in a uniform electric
field, Potential energy associated with dipole, Dipole in non-uniform electric field, Dipole oscillation.
Motion of a charged particle in uniform electric field, Electric field of a continuous charge distribution, volume, surface and linear charge distribution, Electric
Portion 3 09 January, 2019 (Wed) field due to a linear charge distribution like a straight rod.Electric field on the axis of a disk, ring and other cases of interest. Electric lines of force, properties
of lines of force, lines of force due to a positive and negitive point charge.

Portion 4 10 January, 2019 (Thu) Electric flux, Gauss's Law and application, Calculating electric field using Gauss's law. Electric field due to a point charge, An infinite linear charge distribution,
A hollow cylinder of charge, Charged solid cylinder.A shell of charge, Uniform sphere of charge, An infinite thin non conducting sheet.

Introduction, Electrostatic potential energy , Electrostatic potential energy of two and more point charges, Electrostatic potential, Potential difference, Potential
Portion 5 11 January, 2019 (Fri) due to a point charge, Potential due to system of charges.Potential due to continuous charge distribution e.g., Uniformly charged disc/ring, Relation between
electric field and potential

Electric potential of an Annulus, Potential due to a spherical shell, Uniform sphere of charge, Infinite long linear charge.Equipotential surface, Equipotenital
Portion 6 12 January, 2019 (Sat) surface due to a point charge and electric dipole, a long linear charge, Plane sheet of charge, Electrostatics of conductors : A conductor placed in electric
field, A charged isolated conductor. Electric field near the surface of conductor, The role of sharp points on conducting surfaces.

Conductor with cavity, Electrostatic pressure, Grounding of conductors, Dielectrics and polorisation, Capacitor and Capacitance,Types of capacitors-Parallel
Portion 7 13 January, 2019 (Sun) plate Capacitor, spherical capacitor, Cylindrical capacitor, Charging of a capacitor, Energy stored in a capacitor, Force between the plates of a parallel plate

Portion 8 14 January, 2019 (Mon) Grouping of capacitors, Capacitors with dielectrics, sharing of charge and common potential.Laws for solving complex circuits of capacitors, Van De Graff
Introduction, Electric current, Electric current in conductors, Ohm’s law , Factors affecting resistance of a conductor. Resistor colour codes, Temperature
Portion 9 15 January, 2019 (Tue) dependence of resistivity.Current density and electric field, Drift of electrons and the origin of resistivity, mobility, limitations of Ohm's law, Calculating
resistance for different shapes.

Portion 10 16 January, 2019 (Wed) Electrical energy, Power, Combination of resistors, Cells, emf and internal resistance of a cell, Maximum power transfer theorem.Cells in series and parallel,
Kirchoff's laws. Earthing or grounding in an electric circuit. Wheatstone bridge, Equivalent resistance of complex networks.

Portion 11 17 January, 2019 (Thu) Metering circuits, Galvanometer, Ammeter, Conversion of galvanometer to ammeter, Voltmeter, Conversion of galvanometer to voltmeter.Error in the
measurement by ammeter/voltmeter. Meter bridge, potentiometer application of potentiometer, Sensitivity of potentiometer.
R-C circuit, Steady state R-C circuit, Transient R-C circuit, Charging and discharging of a capacitor through resistance. Complex RC circuit.Introduction,
Portion 12 18 January, 2019 (Fri) Magnetic force (Lorentz force), Direction of magnetic force (Fleming's left hand rule), Properties of magnetic force on charge. Magnetic field due to a current
element (Biot-savart law), Magnetic field Surrounding a thin straight current carrying conductor.
Magnetic field due to a loop of current on its axial point at centre. Magnetic field due to an arc at its centre. Magnetic field due to different combined
Portion 13 19 January, 2019 (Sat) structures.Ampere's circuital law. Applications of Ampere's law (a) magnetic field due to a straight infinite current carrying wire. (b) Magnetic field inside a long
straight current carrying conductor, (c) Magnetic field inside a hollow straight current carrying conductor, (d) Magnetic field due to an infinite plane sheet of
current, (e) Magnetic field due to a long solenoid, (f) Magnetic field of a toroid.

Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor. Force between two parallel current carrying wires. Force between two perpendicular current carrying wires.
Motion of charged particle in a Magnetic field, when (a) q = 0°, 180° straight line, (b) q = 90°, circular path, finding r, T, F, (c) q ¹ 0°, 90°, 180°, Helix. Finding
Portion 14 20 January, 2019 (Sun) radius, pitch T, (d) Deviation of charged particle in a magnetic field, (e) Time spent by a charged particle in magnetic field.Motion of charged particle in
combined electric and magnetic fields. (a) V, E and B all parallel to each other, (b) V, E and B all perpendicular to each other, (c) E is parallel to B and particle
velcoity is perpendicular to both these fields.

Cyclotron, Current loop as a magnetic dipole, Torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron. The
moving coil galvenometer.Bar Magnet, Magnetic Field Lines, Pole strength, Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, Magnetic dipole moment of a bar magnet.
Portion 15 21 January, 2019 (Mon) Magnetic field due to a bar magnet (a) On axial position, (b) On normal bisector. Dipole in uniform magnetic field. Torque on a magntic dipole in uniform
magnetic field. Workdone in rotating dipole in uniform magnetic field. Potential energy of dipole in uniform magnetic field. Tangent law. Deflection

Gauss's law, Earth's Magnetism, Geographic meridian, Magnetic meridian, Magnetic Declination and dip. Horizontal and vertical component of earth magnetic field.
Portion 16 22 January, 2019 (Tue) Relation between horizontal component, Vertical component and angle of dip.Magnetization and Magnetic Intensity, Magnetic Susceptibility, Magnetic Permeability,
Relative permeability. Magnetic properties of material (a) Diamagnetism (b) paramagnetism (c) ferromagnetism (d) Hysterisis (e) Curie's law. Hard and soft magnets.
Permanent magnet and Electromagnets.

Introduction, The experiments of Faraday and Henry. Magnetic flux. Faraday's law of inducton, Lenz’s law. Lenz’s law and conservation of energy. Methods to
change the magnetic flux. Induced emf, induced current and induced charge in different cases.Field induction, induced electric field. Induced electric field in a
Portion 17 23 January, 2019 (Wed) cylindrical region. Examples based on calculation of emf induced in rods placed in various positions in the cylindrical region, Motional emf in a straight
conductor, effective length concept. Energy consideration. Eddy current, Electromagnetic damping, DC motor.Magnetization and Magnetic Intensity, Magnetic
Susceptibility, Magnetic Permeability, Relative permeability. Magnetic properties of material (a) Diamagnetism (b) paramagnetism (c) ferromagnetism (d)
Hysterisis (e) Curie's law. Hard and soft magnets. Permanent magnet and Electromagnets.

Inductance and inductor, Self inductance, Potential difference across an inductor, energy stored in an inductor, energy density. Grouping of Inductors.Mutual
Portion 18 24 January, 2019 (Thu) inductance, Calculation of mutual inductance for two coils. Mutual inductance of a solenoid sourrounded by a coil. Coefficient of coupling. Combination of
inductances by taking into account their mutual inductance.
L-R circuit (growth of current and decay of current) steady state LR circuit, steady state LCR- circuits. Current in various branches just after closing and just
Portion 19 25 January, 2019 (Fri) after opening the switch. Time constant of complex LR circuits, AC generator, Migration of birds.Alternating current and emf, Mean value for half cycle of AC,
Root mean square value of AC, Phasor diagram, Hot wire instrument, AC voltage applied to a resistor, Inductor and capacitor. AC through an L-R circuit, AC
through an R-C circuit.
AC voltage applied to a series LCR circuit, Resonance, sharpness of resonance, Parallel resonance circuit, Power in AC circuit (the power factor) Choke coil,
Portion 20 26 January, 2019 (Sat) LC oscillation, Transformer.Introduction, Ampere circuital law and its contradiction, Displacement current, Consequences of displacement current, Maxwell
equation, Sources of electromagnetic waves, Relation between Electric field, Magnetic Field and speed of light, Intensity of electromagnetic waves; Intensity
due to a point source, Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Concept of rays; Laws of reflection; Plane mirrors; (reflection from plane surface); Image formation and characteristics of image; Speed of image of moving
object; No. of images due to two inclined mirrors; Field of view and minimum size of mirror to view full image of the persons; Minimum size of mirror to view
Portion 21 27 January, 2019 (Sun) full length of wall behind the person, Field of view.Reflection from curved surface; Pole, principal axis, centre of curvature, etc.; Mirror equation; (graph
between 1/v and 1/u, between v and u); Magnification ; (lateral as well as longitudinal); Co-ordinates of image if point object is not at principal axis; Image
speed when object is moving

Refraction at plane surface, laws of refraction; Finding refracted ray, given incident ray vector; Apparent depth; Apparent depth in the case of multi-layer of
Portion 22 28 January, 2019 (Mon) media; Total internal reflection; (critical angle); Mirage, optical fibres; Shift due to a slab, Path of a ray of light in a medium of variable refractive
index.Refraction from spherical surfaces; Refraction from single spherical surface; (relation between image distance and object distance), Lenses; Lens -
maker’s formula; Different types of lenses, eg. Biconvex, Biconcave, Plano convex etc.

Lenses; Lens formula, Image formation due to lens ; (convex and concave); Magnification of image due to lens, Lens Constant.; Displacement method to
determine the focal length of a convex lens; Power of a lens; Power of a combination of thin lenses in contact; Equivalent focal length; (power) of a
Portion 23 29 January, 2019 (Tue) combination of two lenses separated by a distances; Behaviour of lens silvered on one face.Prism; Expression for deviation due to prism; Deviation due to
thin prism; Minimum deviation and calculation of refractive index with the help of minimum deviation; Condition for no emergence of ray from prism;
Dispersion and deviation due to prism, dispersive power; Condition for dispersion without deviation and deviation without dispersion.

Optical Instruments; Simple microscope; (magnification in normal adjustment and adjustment for least distance); Compound microscope; (magnification in
both adjustments - normal as well as for least distance) tube length; Telescope; (magnification in both adjustments), tube – length.Wave Optics; Concept of
Portion 24 30 January, 2019 (Wed) wavefront and ray; Huygen’s construction; Explanation of laws of reflection and refraction; Behaviour of mirrors, lenses and prisms according to wave –
model; Coherent and Inchorent source of light, Interference of light – Mathematical analysis, Young’s Double slit experiment, locations of bright and dark

Shape of fringes on screen, fringe-width; Effect on fringe - width if colour of light changed, if experimental set - up is dipped in liquid; Intensity variation, fringe
Portion 25 31 January, 2019 (Thu) visibility, Interference; Interference experiment with bi-chromatic light, coincidence of two bright fringes or dark fringes; Optical path, displacement of fringes
due to introduction of a transparent slab in the path of waves.Diffraction, Resolving power of optical instruments, validity of ray optics, Polarization, Intensity
of transmitted light, Law of Malus, Brewster's Law
Portion 26 01 February, 2019 (Fri) DUAL NATURE OF RADIATION AND MATTER
Portion 27 02 February, 2019 (Sat) ATOMS
Portion 28 03 February, 2019 (Sun) NUCLEI
Portion 29 04 February, 2019 (Mon) Semiconductor Electronics : Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
Portion 30 05 February, 2019 (Tue) Communication Systems
MOCK TEST 1 10 February, 2019 (Sun) PHYSICS-Complete Syllabus
Mock Tests sent from HO will be conducted
Syllabus division of Class XII - 30 parts
Assignment No Date Chemistry
Portion 1 07 January, 2019 (Mon) Solid State : Classification of solids to Calculation of packing efficiency
Portion 2 08 January, 2019 (Tue) Solid State : Radius ratio of Ionic solids to concept of P-type and n-type semi conductors
Portion 3 09 January, 2019 (Wed) Solutions : Types of solutions to Ideal and Non Ideal solutions
Portion 4 10 January, 2019 (Thu) Solutions : Colligative properties
Portion 5 11 January, 2019 (Fri) Electrochemistry : Types of conductors to Faraday's Laws.
Portion 6 12 January, 2019 (Sat) Electrochemistry : Electrochemical cell to Corrosion of Metals
Portion 7 13 January, 2019 (Sun) Chemical Kinetics : Rate of chemical reaction to I order reaction
Portion 8 14 January, 2019 (Mon) Chemical Kinetics : Bimolecular collision theory, Concept of Arrhenious Equation, Activation energy
Portion 9 15 January, 2019 (Tue) Surface Chemistry : Adsorption, Catalysis
Portion 10 16 January, 2019 (Wed) Surface Chemistry : Colloids, Emulsions
Portion 11 17 January, 2019 (Thu) Metallurgy : Extraction of metals (General), Ellingham Diagram, Extraction of Iron.
Portion 12 18 January, 2019 (Fri) Metallurgy : Extraction of Cu, Al, Mg, Ag, Zn and uses.
Portion 13 19 January, 2019 (Sat) p-Block Elements : 15th, 16th Group
Portion 14 20 January, 2019 (Sun) p-Block Elements : 17th, 18th Group
Portion 15 21 January, 2019 (Mon) d,f - Block Elements : Introduction and Physical properties of d, f
Portion 16 22 January, 2019 (Tue) d,f - Block Elements : Preparation and Properties of KMnO4 K2Cr2O7
Portion 17 23 January, 2019 (Wed) Coordination Compounds : Classification of ligands to EAN

Portion 18 24 January, 2019 (Thu) Coordination Compounds : Bonding in coordination compounds and stability and bonding in metal carbonyls.

Portion 19 25 January, 2019 (Fri) Alkyle Halides and Halo Arenes : Preparation and Properties of Alkyle halides and optical activity
Portion 20 26 January, 2019 (Sat) Alkyle Halides and Halo Arenes : Preparation and properteis of Halo arenes, Chloroform
Portion 21 27 January, 2019 (Sun) Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers : Alcohols
Portion 22 28 January, 2019 (Mon) Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers : Phenols and Ethers
Portion 23 29 January, 2019 (Tue) Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids and its derivatives : Aldehydes, Ketones
Portion 24 30 January, 2019 (Wed) Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids and its derivatives : Carboxylic acids and its derivatives
Portion 25 31 January, 2019 (Thu) Ammines : Aliphatic ammines
Portion 26 01 February, 2019 (Fri) Ammines : Aniline
Portion 27 02 February, 2019 (Sat) Biomolecules : Carbohydrates
Portion 28 03 February, 2019 (Sun) Biomolecules : Proteins, enzymes vitamins and Nucleic acid
Portion 29 04 February, 2019 (Mon) Polymers
Portion 30 05 February, 2019 (Tue) Chemistry in Everyday life.

MOCK TEST 2 13 February, 2019 (Wed) CHEMISTRY-Complete Syllabus

Mock Tests sent from HO will be conducted
Syllabus division of Class XII - 30 parts
Date Maths

Portion 1 07 January, 2019 (Mon) Relation : Definition, Domain, Range, Total number of relations, Composition & inverse of relations, Types of relation, Reflexive,
Symmetric, Transitive, Equivalence, Examples.Function : Domain

Portion 2 08 January, 2019 (Tue) Range, Graph, Example

Portion 3 09 January, 2019 (Wed) Type of Functions : One-one, Many One, Onto, Into, Examples,Composite Function, Inverse of a Function
Portion 4 10 January, 2019 (Thu) Even/odd Functions, Periodic function, Binary Operation,Types of Binary Operation, Miscellaneous question, Assignment Discussion

Portion 5 11 January, 2019 (Fri) Principal value, Graphical representation,Properties of Inverse Trigonometric functions, Converting one inverse function into another
Portion 6 12 January, 2019 (Sat) Sum, difference formula of inverse function, Solution of inverse trigonometric equations.Assignment discussion
Matrices : Introduction, Types of matrices Operations on Matrices- Equality of matrices, Algebra of matrices-Addition, Subtraction,
Portion 7 13 January, 2019 (Sun) Multiplication by scalar, matrix multiplication & Properties, Trace of a matrix, Transpose of a matrix ; Symmetric, Skew
Symmetric,Elementary operations on matrices, Inverse using elementary operations, Assignment discussion.
Portion 8 14 January, 2019 (Mon) Introduction: Determinants of matrix of order one, two, three, Properties of Determinant,Applications of Determinants- Areas, Minor
and Co-factors. Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix
Portion 9 15 January, 2019 (Tue) Applications of Determinants and Matrices, Solution of equations- Using Inverse and Cramer’s rule, Assignment discussion.Limits,
Indeterminate forms, Evaluation of limit
Portion 10 16 January, 2019 (Wed) L’ Hospital rule, Continuity, Definition, Examples,Continuity continued, Differentiability : Definition, LHD, RHD
Portion 11 17 January, 2019 (Thu) Chain rule, Differentiation of composite, Implicit, Inverse Trigonometric function, Differentiation of logarithmic, Parametric forms,2nd
Order derivative, Rolle's theorem, LMVT, Examples, Functional equations and assignment discussion.
Portion 12 18 January, 2019 (Fri) Derivative as rate measurer- Rate of change of quantities, Marginal rate, related rates,Equation of tangent & Normal, Length of
tangent, Normal, Sub-tangent, Subnormal, Angle between two curves, Examples
Portion 13 19 January, 2019 (Sat) Errors and approximation, Monotonicity - Increasing and Decreasing function,Definition of local maxima & minima, Absolute maxima
& minima
Portion 14 20 January, 2019 (Sun) First order Derivative test, Second order derivative Test, Word problem on Maxima & MinimaIndefinite Integrals Introduction basic
concepts, Standard result, Algebra of Integration, Methods of integrations, Integration by substitution

Portion 15 21 January, 2019 (Mon) Integration using trigonometric identifies, Integration by parts, Special Integral of Type :

a sin x + b cos x + c

Portion 16 22 January, 2019 (Tue) Integration of Irrational function,Reduction formula problem discussion
Portion 17 23 January, 2019 (Wed) Introduction- Definite integral as the limit of a sum, Evaluation of integrals by substitution,Properties of definite integrals
Portion 18 24 January, 2019 (Thu) Properties of definite integrals continued.
Estimation of integrals, Gamma Function, Reduction formula, Miscellaneous Problem and assignment discussion,Introduction, Area under simple
Portion 19 25 January, 2019 (Fri) curve, Curve sketching.
Portion 20 26 January, 2019 (Sat) Basic problems.Area under the curves, Miscellaneous Problem and assignment discussion.
Portion 21 27 January, 2019 (Sun) Introduction: Order Degree of differential equation, Examples, Formation of a differential equation.Methods of solving differential
equation variable separable. Homogeneous differential equation. Reducible to homogeneous differential equation,
Portion 22 28 January, 2019 (Mon) linear differential equation, Bernoulli’s equation,Inspection method, Orthogonal trajectory examples, Miscellaneous questions
Portion 23 29 January, 2019 (Tue) Introduction : Types of vectors, Addition of Vectors and Properties, Multiplication by Scalar, Components of Vector, Section Formula,
Dot product of two vectors,Cross Product of two vectors, Scalar Triple product
Scalar triple product continued, Volume of parallelepiped, Tetrahedron, Examples, Vector triple product and its application, Solution
Portion 24 30 January, 2019 (Wed) of vector equation,Introduction, Direction cosines, direction ratios, vector and Cartesian equation of a line in space, Angle between
two lines
Portion 25 31 January, 2019 (Thu) Skew lines, Shortest distance between skew lines and parallel lines, Plane : Introduction, Various equations of the plane,Family of
planes, Coplanar lines, angle between planes
Portion 26 01 February, 2019 (Fri) Plane and line– Angle, Distance of a point from a plane and from a line. Image of a point with respect to a plane,Introduction-
Solution of inequalities using graphical approach, formation of LPP optional, Solution of LPP.
Portion 27 02 February, 2019 (Sat) Basics of probability, Problem on P & C
Portion 28 03 February, 2019 (Sun) Introduction, Conditional Probability, multiplication theorem on probability
Portion 29 04 February, 2019 (Mon) Independent events, Total probability : Examples, Bayes’ theorem
Portion 30 05 February, 2019 (Tue) Bayes’ theorem continued, Probability distribution of a random variable, Mean & Variance of distribution, Binomial Distribution

MOCK TEST 3 17 February, 2019 (Sun) MATHS-Complete Syllabus

Mock Tests sent from HO will be conducted
Syllabus division of Class XII - 30 parts
Assignment No Date Zoology Botany

Portion 1 07 January, 2019 (Mon) Life span, Maximum life span, Types of Reproduction–Asexual reproduction: Life span, Basic features of reproduction, Asexual reproduction-Features, Methods
Fission, Budding, Fragmentation (Binary fission, Budding, Sporulation). Vegetative propagation - natural

Portion 2 08 January, 2019 (Tue) Sexual reproduction, Prefertilization events, Fertilization and parthenogenesis, Post Vegetative propagation - artificial, Sexual reproduction - Features, Phases of life cycle,
fertilization events, Embryogenesis Events i.e. Pre-fertilisation, Fertilization and Post-fertilization.

Introduction, Flower - A fascinating organ of angiosperms, Pre-fertilization -

Portion 3 09 January, 2019 (Wed) Sex organs, Male reproductive system: Testes, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Penis, structures and events - Stamen, Microsporangium, Microsporogenesis, Pollen grain,
Accessory glands of male reproductive system, seminal plasma and semen Development of male gametophyte,

Portion 4 10 January, 2019 (Thu) Structure of Female reproductive system: Fallopian tubes, Uterus, Vagina, External The pistil, Megasporangium (ovule), Types of ovule. Megasporogenesis, Embryo
genitalia and Accessory genital glands. Structure of Mammary glands sac/Female gametophyte development.

Portion 5 11 January, 2019 (Fri) Spermatogenesis and its hormonal control, structure of mature sperm. Oogenesis Pollination : Objective, Kinds - Autogamy, Geitonogamy, Xenogamy, Agents of
and structure of ovum. pollination - Wind, Water, Insects.

Outbreeding devices, Polen-pistil interaction, Double fertilization, Post-fertilization

Portion 6 12 January, 2019 (Sat) Structure of ovary. Menstrual cycle: Various events and its hormonal control. structures and events - Endosperm

Capacitation and acrosomal reactions. Fertilisation: Fast block and slow block to
Portion 7 13 January, 2019 (Sun) Embryo development, Post-fertilization, structure and events - Seed, Fruit; Apomixis
prevent polyspermy. Embryonic development: Cleavage, morula, blastula and and Polyembryony.

Introduction, Mendel's law of inheritance, Inheritance of one gene. Laws of

Portion 8 14 January, 2019 (Mon) Gastrulation, fate of these germinal layers. Pregnancy and embryonic development.
inheritance - Dominance, Segregation

Explanation of the concept of dominance, Incomplete dominance, Multiple alleles,

Portion 9 15 January, 2019 (Tue) Major features, function and types of placenta. Parturition and lactation Co-dominance, Pleiotropy

Portion 10 16 January, 2019 (Wed) Reproductive Health, Problems & Strategies, Population explosion, Human Inheritance of two genes, Law of independent assortment,
population growth.

Polygenic inheritance, Complementary genes, Duplicate genes, Epistasis,

Portion 11 17 January, 2019 (Thu) Methods of Birth control. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP). Chromosomal theory of inheritance

Portion 12 18 January, 2019 (Fri) STD (Venereal Diseases), Infertility, ART (Assisted reproductive technology). Linkage and recombination, Sex determination

Origin of universe (Big bang theory). Solar system, Theories of origin of life: Mutations - Gene mutation, Mutations - Chromosomal aberrations, Genomatic
Portion 13 19 January, 2019 (Sat) Panspermia theory, Abiogenesis theory, Theory of biogenesis. Chemical origin of mutation,
life, Stanley Miller’s experiment.

Portion 14 20 January, 2019 (Sun) Genetic disorders - Pedigree analysis, Genetic disorders - Mendelian and
Prebiotic system: coacervate and microsphere. Geological time scale. Chromosomal disorders.

Portion 15 21 January, 2019 (Mon) Evidences of evolution–Palaentological, evolution of horse. Morphological and Introduction, The DNA-structure of polynucleotide chain, Derivation of DNA structure,
anatomical evidences of evolution-Homologous, analogous, Vestigeal organs. DNA packaging in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,

The search for genetic material, Transforming principle, Evidence from experiments
Portion 16 22 January, 2019 (Tue) Evidences from: Connecting links, Embryological evidences, Biogeographical
with bacteriophage, Properties of genetic material, RNA world, Replication of DNA -
evidences, Adaptive radiation.
The experimental proof,

Portion 17 23 January, 2019 (Wed) Lamarck’s theory, Darwin’s theory–Darwin novelty, Mutation theory DNA-replication, The machinery and enzymes. Transcription - Transcription unit,
Types of RNAs

Portion 18 24 January, 2019 (Thu) Hardy Weinberg principle: Gene flow, Gene migration, Genetic drift, Mutation, Process of transcription in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Genetic code - Salient
genetic Recombination, Natural selection. Speciation–Allopatric and sympatric. features,t-RNA - The adapter molecule, Translation.

Brief account of evolution: Evolution of plant forms. Evolutionary history of Regulation of gene expression, Operon concept, Human genome project - Goals,
Portion 19 25 January, 2019 (Fri) vertebrates through gelogical period. Human evolution, Prior to Ape man, Ape man Methodologies, Salient features, Applications and Future challenges, DNA
to prehistoric man, Prehistoric to modern man. fingerprinting.

Portion 20 26 January, 2019 (Sat) Health–Various types of diseases in Human–Bacterial, Viral. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Portion 21 27 January, 2019 (Sun) Fungal: Ringworms, Helminthic: Ascariasis, Elephantiasis, Protozoan: Life cycle of
Microbes in Human Welfare
Plasmodiumvivax and Entamoeba histolytica.

Portion 22 28 January, 2019 (Mon) Types of Immunity: Innate and acquired; Active & Passive Immunity, Humoral Introduction, Levels of organisation, Major biomes, Abiotic Factors - Temperature
mediated Immunity, Cell Mediated Immunity.

Portion 23 29 January, 2019 (Tue) Vaccination and Immunisation, Allergies, Auto immunity, Immune system of the
Abiotic factors - Water, Light, Soil, Response to abiotic factors, Adaptations,
body, Lymphoid organs: Primary and Secondary.

Portion 24 30 January, 2019 (Wed) AIDS–Cause, Detection, Symptoms, Prevention.Cancer–Causes, detection & Population – Characteristics, growth, growth models; Population interactions.
diagnosis, Treatment.

Alcohol and Tobacco smoking. Opioids, Cannabinoids, Sedatives, Hallucinogens,

Portion 25 31 January, 2019 (Thu) Introduction, Types of ecosystem, Components of ecosystem, Ecosystem structure,
Stimulants, Sedatives and Tranquilisers.Adolescence, Addiction & dependence.
Productivity and decomposition. Energy flow, Ecological pyramids
Effects of drugs & alcohol abuse, Prevention & control.

Live stock, Animal Breeding, Inbreeding, Outbreeding, Out crossing, Cross

Portion 26 01 February, 2019 (Fri) breeding, Interspecific hybridisation, MOET, Artificial Insemination, Dairy farm Nutrient cycling, Succession, Ecosystem services

Poultry farm management, Indigenous & exotic breeds, Bacterial, Viral & Fungal
Portion 27 02 February, 2019 (Sat) Introduction, Levels of biodiversity, How many species are there on earth and how
disease, Bee keeping, Sericulture, Aqua culture (Fisheries),Biotechnology-
many in India?, Patterns of biodiversity, Importance of biodiversity to the ecosystem.
Principles, Tools of recombinant DNA technology.

Separation and Isolation of DNA fragments. Cloning vectors, Competent

Portion 28 03 February, 2019 (Sun) host,Processes of recombinant DNA technology.Biotechnological applications in Loss of biodiversity and its conservation.
agriculture–Bt cotton, Pest resistant plants

Portion 29 04 February, 2019 (Mon) Biotechnological applications in medicine–Genetically engineered insulin, Gene Introduction, Air pollution and its control, Noise pollution, Water pollution and its
Therapy, Molecular Diagnosis control, Solid waste.

Agrochemicals and their effects, Radioactive pollution, Greenhouse effect and global
Portion 30 05 February, 2019 (Tue) Transgenic Animals, Ethical Issues, Biopiracy warming, Ozone depletion, Degradation by improper resource utilization and
maintenance, Deforestation.

MOCK TEST 4 20 February, 2019 (Wed) BIOLOGY(Botany & Zoology)-Complete Syllabus

Mock Tests sent from HO will be conducted

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