Breeding and Improvement
Breeding and Improvement
Breeding and Improvement
R. A. BRINK, Consulting Editor
The late Leon J. Cole was Consulting Editor of this series from 1937 to 1948.
Th('re are also the relatcd scries of McGraw-Hill Publications in the Botanical Science~,
of which Edmund W. Sinnott is Consulting Editor, arid in the Zoological Sci~ces, of
which Edgar J. Boell is Consulting Editor. Titl('s in the Agricultural Scien!es were
publishrd in these series in the period 1917 to 1937,
Breeding and lInprovemellt
Farm Animals,
Professor of Animal Husbandry
Pllrdue University
With Chapter on
Selection in Meal Anirn.o,ls
' ....
All Who Love Fine Animals
'- -
An artist, modeling in plastic clay or conjuring with marble,
brings forth a conception that the world acclaims a triumph.
He deals, however, with his materials direct, and they respond
instantly to his slightest touch, as he toils toward a precon-
ceived ideal. There is no resistance to his manipulations.
What, then, should be our estimate of the work of one who
has first to conceive the figure in 'his brain; whose only tools
are the laws of heredity, selection, inbreeding, outcrossing, and
alimentation; whose only materials are flesh and blood, unap-
proachable except by indirection; who battles ever against the
stubborn forces of atavism or reversion to ancestral forms;
who seeks, and succeeds in producing, a creature pulsating with
life, exquisitely fashioned, down to the minutest detail, not only
a thing of beauty in itself-whieh artists try, sometimes with
ill success, to reproduce on canvas or in bronze-but a creation
that serves as well the highest utilitarian purpose?
The breeder of animals (or plants) directs the spark of life
itself. The possibilities of his art are almost infinite.-A. H.
Number Number Number
(000 Av. value (000 Av. value (000
Av. value
omitted) omitted) omitted)
obviously is "yes" because we have had such animals in the past and have
some of them today. Can we so breed our animals that they not only
\vill have these desirable combinations of qualities but also will be able to
pass them on to their offspring? The procedure for accomplishing the
latter purpose is now known, and the purpose of this book will be to
demonstrate the principles underlying reproduction, hereditary trans-
mission, and variation and to show how selection involving the various
systems of breeding can be made to yield certain definite results.
Livestock Trends in the United States.-In Table 1 will be found an
enumeration of the various farm mammals over the past 70 years. It is
obvious from Table 1 that mechanical power has rapidly been supplanting
horse and mule power since 1920. 'Whether machines will entirely sup-
UNITED STATES, 1880-1950*
plant horses and mules as power units, the future will tell. Only from
one-fourth to one-half as many work horses and mules are being produced
as would be needed to maintain their numbers. On the other hand, there
seems to be a growing interest in the horse for pleasure purposes. Dairy-
cattle numbers have shown a steady increase over the last 70 years.
Meat animals have had a slight actual increase and, in addition, they now
mature more rapidly than formerly, the quicker turnover actually mean-
ing more product from a given number of animals. Many factors, of
course, influence the numbers of animals kept on farms from year to year.
The magnitude of the total value of American livestock and the meager-
ness of the average value stan.d in marked contrast to each other. Both
of these points indicate opportunity for the livestock preeder ..
Table 2 shows the trend in total numbers and total value of farm live-
stock in the United States by decades for the past 70 years and the trend
Guernsey ..................... 22,361 365 11 ,014 541
Guernseyt······· ............. 3,351 3053X 9,723 470
Guernseyt·········· .......... 17,420 3052X 8,036 390
Guernsey (HIR) .............. 50,240 ....... 8,159 396 I
Dutch Belted ................. 100 365 10,844.32 414.09
Devon ....................... 46 365 7,484.4 339.99
Red Poll ..................... 1,915 ....... 8,692.88 373.88
Jersey (HIR) ................. 22,385 ....... 7,070 374
Ayrshirei·········· ........... 10,118 ....... 9,846 401
Milking Shorthorn ............. 22,580 348 8,972 357.08
American Dairy Cattle Club ... '1 1,985 305 10,584 437
Cattle Associations
Sheep Associations
Horse Associations
Swine Associations
--,-- - -----_.-_.
United Duroc. .. . ...... 1 6.760 100.391 !2,603,068
Poland-China ........... 1 II ,400 30.800 '2,208.637
Hampshire .............. 1 9,000 50.217 776,875
Chester White ........... 3,782 23,861 699,694
Berkshire ........ , ...... 11 ,500 24,000 635,317
National Spotted Poland-
China ................ 12,995 48,216 625,061
O.LC .................... 1,176 16,254 270,024
National Hereford ....... 2,041 9,200 80,833
Yorkshire ............... 800 5,912 61.890
Chester White Record .... 2,363 2,332 29,916
Essex ................... 90 200 14,765 (1948)
Inbred Livestock ......... 551 3,890 10,427
National Mule Foot ...... 150
Kentucky Red Berkshire. 15 112 2,352
Tamworth .............. 80 1,400 1,533
Goat Associations
American Angora .. 624 7,156 232,000
American Milk Goat .... . 1,700 4,036 93,387
tAmerican Goat ........ . 1,000 3,550 35,000
Rabbit and Cavy Associations
about 2.2 glasses of milk; H oz. of butter (2 pats), ;~ oz. of cheese per
person per day, and about. 2 dishes of ice cream per person per week. In
addition, there is an average consumption of about 1 can of evaporated
milk per person every 3 weeks, plus a small amount of sweetened con-
densed milk.
The 1948 per capita consumption of meat was as follows: beef, 63.4 lb. ;
veal, 9.4 lb.; lamb, 5.0 lb.; pork products, 68.3 lb.; a total of 146 lb. per
capita per year. This is lower than it is in several countries, higher than
that in many other countries. Whether or not it is the optimum, the
writer does not know, but he is confident that meat would be in greater
demand if the means for its purchase could be made available. In terms
of the 21 meals that most of us eat each week, our present consumption
~>-:-,. ..... ~..I';,e
-....---.... ---- ....
/O~- ...
V I~_
" ..................
,-- :--- -_
_._ - ,..--
;::::::-.:::::: ~I
- - - :::;:::-- H.!!!_-
se5and~~ __
Dairy faffle
--, =--- r-- "_-
°1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
FIG. 1.-Graph showing number of various classes of livestock per capita in the United
States, 1880-1950.
of meat would provide about as follows: for 3 meals we could have 7.5 oz.
of beef and veal; for 1 meal we could have 1.5 oz. of lamb; and for 3 meals
we could have 7.0 oz. of pork, leaving 14 meals each week without any
meat. Or the 45 oz. of meat (2 lb. 13 oz.) we consume on the average
each week would give us 1 serving of about 8 oz. for some meal on each
of 6 days of the week, leaving 1 day for fish or eggs, or maybe fish-eggs.
It would be possible to maintain a much larger population on primary
food products (grain, etc.) because of the unavoidable losses in all animal
feeding and the fact that no return is receiyed from that portion of the
animal's feed which goes for maintenance and which amounts to approx-
imately one-half. The inclusion of animal products in the diet, however,
makes it much easier to provide a balanced diet with all the necessary
nutritional elements, including minerals and vitamins, plus the additional
i.mportant fact of making the diet, to most of us at least, much more
palatable and enioyable. Much energy is stored here on earth in a form
not suitable for human consumption, and there is the added considera-
tion of soil productivity, both of which make animal raising indispensable.
The graph (Fig. 1) shows the trends in the number of different animals
per capita in the United States during the past 70 years.
Table 6 gives a picture of the trend in meat consumption per capita in
the United States since 1900.
The trends indicated by Fig. 1 and Table 6 certainly do not indicate
the passing of animal foods from our diet. Meats are palatable and
nutritious and will probably be utilized as long as they can be secured
and paid for. At the present time, milk y,·ould seem to be an indispen-
sable article of diet, and Fig. 1 shows that dairy cattle are maintaining
their numbers in relation to population. If they are increasing in average
yield of production, there is certainly no less milk being consumed per
capita by an increasing population. .
Dietary standards, coarse feeds, and climatic and soil conditions would
:;;eem an effectual barrier against the passing of livestock. Increasing
population means an increased demand for food of all kinds; hence no
time should be lost in raising the efficiency of food production to the
The data in Tables 1 and 2 show that the number of dairy cattle, beef
cattle, sheep, and swine compared to human population has steadily
declined, starting at a high of 2.64. of these animals to each person in the
United States in 1880 and decreasing by 10-year intervals through 2.40
in 1890; 2.05 in 1900; 1.67 in 1910; 1.59 in 1920; 1.34 in 1930; 1.33 in
1940; and 1.16 in 1950. Increasing production in dairy cattle, faster
maturity, and meatier carcasses in the meat classes have, of course, tended
to offset the decrease in numbers.
The Bureau of Agricultural Economics has reduced all food-producing
livestoGk (meat animals, dairy cows, and poultry) to a hog-equivalent
basis. They report that in 1920 we fed 1.67 head of producing livestock
per capita; in 1930 the figure had fallen to 1.55; in 1940 it stood at 1.53;
and in 1948-1949 it ,vas 1.41. There are two possible ways of storing
grain-in dead storage or in animal hides. When stored in the latter
way, we have an emergency food supply, we have a chance to increase
our soil fertility, and we have a better nourished populace consuming
more milk, meat, and eggs.
H. E. Babcock estimated in 1948 that for the proper nourishment of
150 million people, we would need an additional 10 million dairy cows,
11 million beef animals, 8 million sheep, 20 million hogs, and 120 million
poultry. It is obvious that we need increases both quantitatively and
qualitatively in all our classes of livestock. To an extent greater than
the average person realizes does the future welfare of the United States
hinge and depend upon these gains in animal agriculture.
Present Status and Problems.-Many animals are unprofitably low
or inefficient producers because they are poorly fed and cared for. If the
average horse were well fed and cared for and were thus able to work and
breed at maximum efficiency, if the average cow, ewe, and sow were per-
forming at somewhere near the maximum set by their inheritance, live-
stock farming would be much more profitable than it now is. This
involves also the control or elimination of our- various and sundry live-
stock pests and diseases, which take an annual toll of millions of dollars
in terms of lowered individual and breeding efficiency. Likewise, our
civilization would be on a much higher plane if each human individual
were performing more closely to his inherited capacities. The problem
facing us, therefore, as far as our animals are concerned, consists of fred-
ing and managing what we have more efficiently as well as raising the
level of capabilities through selective breeding.
In one sense a treatise on the breeding and improvement of farm ani-
mals seems rather futile :without its corollary, the breeding of better men,
for if our human inheritance and environment were better and we could
induce our people to live and work more nearly to the upper limit of their
thel'e would be less need to wTite books about Qreedi:ng better
livestock. An encouraging angle, however, is ,the fact that the principlelS
underlying the creation and maximum productivity of livestock are
identical with the principles underlying these things in man himself.
If we can put the principles to work generally ,,·ith our livestock, they will
perhaps gradually become incorporated in our thinking about ourselves.
In our animal breeding '\\-e must, of COUJ;se, start from where we now
are, with 1yhat has come do,yn to us from the past. The genetic task in
the field of breeding, therefore, is twofold: (1) to find out what we have
genetically, in other words, to analyze; and (2), to raise the average level
FIG. 2.-Jersey Bull, Count St. George. First-prize bull in 1882. (C01l1'lesy of American
Jersey Cattle Club.)
of production and efficiency all along the line by making better combina-
tions of genetic materials, in other words, to synthesize.
There can be little question about the fact that most of our animals
at the present time are mixed in their inheritance. We shall learn later
that inheritance is due to the actions and interactions of discrete bodies
called genes, which are fo~nd associated in groups, each group of genes
making up a chromosome. The chromosomes (ch?'oma the Greek word
for color, and soma the word for body) are found in the nuclei of cells.
Each species of plant and animal has a definite, permanent number of
chromosomes. If a member Qf the Shorthorn breed of cattle got the
gene, or determiner, for red color (R) in a chr0mosome from its sire and
its allele for white color (r) in a chromosome from its dam, its genetic
m~ke-up would be Rr and its color roan (i.e., RR = red, Rr = roan, and
rr = white, there being no dominance between genes Rand r). Such an
animal cannot breed true because it ",rill pass along to each of its offspring
either the chromosome containing the gene R or the one containing the
gene r.
This illustrates the two basic concepts of modern breeding knowledge:
(1) the mel}hanism of inheritance is found in discrete bodies (genes) or, in
other words, is particulate; and (2) each offspring gets only one-half of
the genetic material which its parent possesses; in other words, the
inheritance is halved each time it is passed to an off5pring. So an Rl'
(roan) animal cannot breed true because it cannot give an identical gene
(in this case, determiner of color) to all its offspring. This animal is not
pure for color, speaking genetically, or, in technical terms, is heterozygous
FIG. 3.-Jersey Bull, Brampton Standard Sir, a modern sire noted for the excellent type
of his offspring. (Courtesy of American Jersey Cattle Club.)
yet ruthlessly culled out those which do not measure up to given standards
of production and transmission. We have all sorts of shapes and qualities
and productiveness in our livestock, and the animals cannot yet be
counted on to transmit as they themselves look or behave. They are
heterozygous (mixed) in their genetic make-up and hence cannot breed
true or uniformly.
The greatest need in animal breeding today is for records of perform-
ance so that we may learn definitely how our animals are transmitting.
When we have developed better ways of measuring performance, and
physiological studies of different hormone levels have provided new clues
FIG. 4.-Jersey Cow, Khedive's Primrose. First-prue cow in 1882. (Courtesy of American
J eraey Cattle Club.)
FIG. 5.-Jersey Cow, Sybil Design Etta. Gra nd Champion Jersey cow, 1947-1948.
(Courtesy of American Jer8ey Cattle Club.)
The record in the ton-litter contest stands at 5,117 lb., the combined
weight attained by an Illinois litter of 17 pigs in 180 days.
The outstanding Rambouillet sire, Prince of Parowan, owned by the
Bureau of Animal Industry, produced seven annual fleeces of wool that
averaged 31.5 lb. per fleece, unscoured, an outstanding record of long-
time wool production. This wool yielded about 40 per cent of clean wool,
or 12.6 lb. of actual wool, per fleece. A large percentage of several hun-
dred of the best Rambouillet sheep in the flocks of the Western Sheep
Breeding Laboratory, Dubois, Idaho, are descendants of this ram.
The ability of the goat to produce milk is evidenced by the fact that
the highest official test on record in the United States was made by a
French Alpine doe, Little Hill Pierrette's Lady Penelope, that produced
,632.3 lb. of miik in 10 months, an average for the period of 7.2 qt. a day,
a figure not far below the average production of all dairy cows in America.
slow and a bull may have many daughters as well as many sons in service
befo;e his own poor inheritance has had time to show itself in the first
5 to 10 daughters' production. Low official-type classification also
requires the surrendering of registration certificates or the prevention
of further registrations.
The other prime function of the breed associations was that of pro-
moting its particular breed. This led to some very worth-while compe-
tition between the breeds and some, perhaps, that was not very much
worth while. Much of this early breed-promotion work was based on
superficialities, largely perhaps because the real basis for animal improve-
ment was at the time unknown. Excessive fat was utilized to produce
even contours, cows were forced to
abnormally high and probably uneco-
nomical milk production in order to
" sell" the breed. Breeds were
judged, by the unthinking, in terms
of a few superlative accomplishments
rather than in terms of their average
level of merit. Demand for pure-
bred sires was very brisk with the
result that every breed retained much
poor germ plasm, and a lot of it
is there to this day. To get a pure-
bred sire seemed to be the easy and
quick way out of all our breeding
difficulties. This attitude is found in 8o<.vtuoftWa.: u.s Department of Agriculture
all fields of human endeavor. We FIG. 7.-Sources of the American farm
dollar in 1948. (Courte8yof U.S. Depart-
want to get to our goal by a quick ment of Agriculture.)
and .easy method, so we take various
and sundry short cuts, but, unfortunately, they seldom or never lead us
to our goal. Breeding better livestock is a slow, tedious process. If we
use proper methods, we can hope to make some progress, but we should
beware of short cuts and panaceas.
The breed associations also set the ideals for their breeders largely
through the awards made at livestock shows. The breed associations
have always exercised their right to have something to say about who
shall judge at livestock shows. Many of them publish lists of acceptable
judges, and some of them conduct judging schools to train judges in breed
ideals and to encourage uniformity in placings in different sections of the
country. In brief, they try to mold their breeds after acceptable stand-
ards of perfection. In all this up to the present, there has been no com-
pulsion. Each breeder is free to follow his own bent, to test or to show
bination was. So the exact origin in terms of genetic material for a breed
either old or new can never be known. _
Before the advent of breeds, it is logical to suppose that the main
criterion for selection was utility. The halo attached to or developed
around the term purebred was responsible perhaps for relegat' 'proved
merit to something less than the main criterion in selection.' his has
occurred, it is a distinct loss and an impediment that should.. Ispensed
with as quickly as possible. The breeders themselves are 1'f~ 'Ones who
should take the lead in accomplishing this result.
Beginnings of Breeds in England.-During the eighteenth century,
agricultural progress in England quickened. By 1700 from one-third to
FIG. 8.- West llighland cows, of great antiquity and indigenous to Great Britain. (From
Thompson, Outline of S cience, Geo. N ewnes, Ltd.)
one-half of the arable land was still cultivated on the open-field system
with its heavy hand laid against more progressive and efficient methods.
"No individual owner could attempt to improve his flock or his herd,
when all the cattle and sheep of the village grazed together on the same
commons." Common lands with movable landmarks and unfenced land
with crops often despoiled by passing cattle and sheep led to continuous
quarreling and litigation. This type of farming was especially hard on
livestock, as the commons were generally overstocked. Writers spoke of
"half-starved, greyhound-like sheep," of "animals bearing ' a closer
resemblance to living skeletons than anything else," and of a motley
mixture of all the different breeds of cattle and sheep at present known in
the island, many of which are diseased, deformed, small, and in every
respect unworthy of being bred from. It was claimed that 5 acres of
individually owned pasture would have been worth more than pasture
rights over 250 acres of common. Enclosing started about 1450 and
progressed at different rates in different parts of England, sometimes by
agreement, sometimes by acts of Parliament.
With the change from open field to enclosure, better methods of farm-
ing became possible. The great pioneer and the" greatest individual
improver" that English agriculture had ever known was Jethro Tull, who
published a book, "Horse-hoeing Husbandry," in 1733. He developed a
drill for planting seed in rows and practiced clean cultivation to destroy
weeds and conserve moisture. The rank and file scoffed at his ideas,
some of which became established in Scotland before they did in England;
but large landowners gradually adopted his suggestions, so that they
eventually spread over England revolutionizing the whole field of agri-
cultural practice.
With the coming of field cultivation of clover and artificial grasses,
sometime after 1600, and of roots somewhat later, a great impetus was
given to agriculture and livestock breeding. Winter feed could now be
had, more livestock kept, more manure produced, better crops grown,
still more livestock kept, etc., over and over. This provided both the
necessity and the possibility for improving livestock. There had grown
up a great variety of short-wool sheep in many sections of England ..
There were also a number of long-wool breeds, and in general their type
was more uniform than that found among the short-wool sheep. Some
attempts 'were made in the latter part of the seventeenth century to
improve the breeds, but they were generally made in terms of fancy
points rather than practical ones.
In cattle, size alone seemed to rule in selection rather than quality of
carcass or earliness of maturity, though power at the yoke and milking
quality were early criteria for selection. Here again each county had its
varieties, more or less true to some color, length and set of horns, etc.
Among these breeds were the Shorthorn, Middlehorn, Longhorn, Devon,
Hereford, Sussex, Pembroke and Red Glamorgan, 'Vest Highlands,
Ayrshire, Galloway, and Angus. Perhaps the quest for size reached its
zenith in the Lincolnshire Ox, standing 19 hands high and measuring
4 yd. from his face to his rump. "Stock breeding as applied to both
cattle and sheep, was the haphazard union of nobody's son with every-
body's daughter." Prizes were offered for the animal with the longest
legs, necessary enough perhaps at the time.
Robert Bakewell of Dishley (1725-1795) had the imagination to
picture the future needs of a growing population in terms of meat and set
about creating a low-set, blocky, quick-maturing type of both sheep and
beef. He also worked with the heavy Blackhorse, shortened his back,
brought him closer to the ground, replacing height and weight with
activity and strength. Bakewell paid little or no attention to fancy
points but bred for animals that would weigh heavily in the best jointr:;
and show efficient feed conversion and quick maturity.
His success was due largely to three factors. (1), He had a definite
aim in mind and bred for it consistently. Joints preserved in pickle
hung from his walls, and skeletons of his most famous animals adorned
his halls. (2), Bakewell divorced himself from the common practice of
crossing breeds, which tends to dissipate good qualities, and adopted in
its p~ace ~he prac~ice of "breedi~g the best to the ~est" r~~less of
relatIOnshIps. ThIS meant a consIderable amount of mbreeding,,"a prac-
tice generally taboo in the England of that day. Finally, he let for fancy
prices, rather than sold, his males; in other words, he got his neighbors to
"prove" the transmitting abilities of his sires for him.
It was with the old Leicestershire sheep that Bakewell's success was
outstanding. From large heavy-boned and -framed animals with little
or no propensity to fatten quickly, Bakewell gradually brought them
closer to earth, gave them blockiness of form, fineness of bone, and quick-
fattening propensities, which set them off from their forebears as a new
variety. Other breeders ,,,ith animals better fitted to their respective
localities were soon following Bakewell's example with the Leicestershire,
~nd it was not long before Leicesters were closely rivaled if not
vVorking with Lancashires, or Craven Longhorns, Bakewell evidently
went too far in establishing better beef qualities at the almost total
expense of milk. Since the region, Leicestershire, was also a dairy region,
this was fatal, and the Durham Shorthorns bred by the Collings along
the lines laid down by Bakewell largely supplanted the Lancashires.
Breeders of other breeds soon followed the trail blazed by Robert Bake-
well. Animal breeding of this sort became fashionable and respectable
and enlisted the services of many country gentlemen.
How great was the change can be seen in the weights of animals at the
famous Smithfield Market. In 1710, beeves had averaged 370 lb.;
calves, 50 lb.; sheep, 28 lb.; lambs, 18 lb.; whereas in 1795 they were
800, 148, 80, and 50 lb., respectively. Individual initiative encouraged
by enclosures, the introduction and use of turnips and clover, the labors
of agriculturalists like Tull and Townshend helped enormously to bring
about these changes. But the main influence was that of Robert Bake-
well, whose imagination, initiative, and courage put a firm foundation
under improved methods of livestock breeding. Animals and man had
progressed slowly together for 10,000 or 20,000 years. Latent in both
was the promise of a better tomorrow. To Bakewell above all other men
belongs the credit for loosening the shackles that held animals back.
Using the crude principle of "like begetting like," he molded animal
much arable land into pasture, much of the change being unwarranted.
Land now came to be thought of in terms of what rent it could earn; in
other words, agriculture became commercial.
Grass holdings were enlarged at the expense of tillage in order to
accomodate the sheep-farming craze. In the process many small farmers
were ruined and many once happy villages became "deserted." Laws
passed to preserve farm homes and buildings and to require tillage were
easily circumvented, and preachers and versifiers inveighed against sheep
farmers and the sheep themselves. But the greater efficiency of enclosed
land, owned and worked by an individual, over open land, jointly owned,
gradually made itself felt, and a new era of progressive agricultural
development opened for England. The price for enclosing some %
million acres was the throwing out of work of around 35,000 persons.
That there was much suffering can be assumed from the numerous rural
uprisings of the time, but there were also attempts to deal fairly and
adjudicate liberally.
Unaccompanied by a contemporaneous development of arable land,
enclosures caused a growing scarcity of employment. Tenant farmers,
copyholders, squatters, cottagers, and laborers suffered alike, and the
rise in the cost of living pushed many to the brink of starvation. Some
individuals waxed rich through enclosure, so that the gro'wing unequal
distribution of wealth brought many abortive attempts at legislative
relief for the unfortunate. Petty crimes, kidnapping, livestock stealing,
and similar misdemeanors grew in the rural districts, though a goodly
part of it was doubtless perpetrated by disbanded soldiers, adventurers,
and other ne'er-do-wells.
During the reign of Elizabeth (1558-1603) "wool was the chief source
of the wealth of traders and of the revenues of the crown" and controlled
the foreign policy of England. Short wool had serious competition from
the Spanish Merino. Ryeland was the preeminent short-wool breed,
its center at Leominster and "Lemster ore" the equivalent of "golden
Fleece." The Cotswolds led the long-wool breeds with Lincolnshires
close behind.
On the whole, there was not much change in the sixteenth- as compared
with tlli:) thirteenth-century agriculture in England. Some gains were
registered, e.g., the greater use of iron in the implements used, but arti~
ficial grasses and roots were still unknown, hops the only new crop.
Seasonable operations remained about the same, with magic and super-
stition still controlling plantings and breeding operations. Sheep 'were
considered the "most profitable cattle a man can have," though without
turnips their full value could not be realized. Ewes were still milked,
and the writers of the time have "nothing to say about the improvement
of breeds of cattle for the purposes that they serve." The general-
utility animal was still the ideal. The combining of crop production with
livestock feeding was yet to come.
Medieval Continental Agriculture.-In Western Europe conditions
were chaotic following the breakup of the Roman Empire, which started
in the third century and was complete by the seventh.
The work of reconstruction in Western Europe began in the eighth
century . Various rulers, and particularly the Christian church, provided
the main impetus. Methods and tools were crude and results in terms of
effort meager, but progress was made and the hope of economic security
was again revived. Thousands of monasteries were established all over
Western Europe, and each of them provided a nucleus for agricultural and
livestock-breeding endeavors. Large herds of cattle, horses, sheep, and
swine were again established, horticulture and winegrowing again came
into prominence.
Even after their adoption of the rudiments of civilized living, the
majority of the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, and Germans \Vere largely herdsmen,
and in central Germany cattle were still a means of exchange up to the
eighth century. The ratio of small animals like hogs, sheep, and goats
to larger ones like cattle and horses ranged from 5 up to 9: 1.
The period from 900 to 1200 saw the rise and the establishment of
feudalism in Western Europe. Land at that time was practically the only,
capital and it came to be controlled by the ecclesiastical and military
classes. Communal ownership of land had changed first to small individ-
ual holdings. These were gathered together into great blocks by powerful
organizations or individuals. As the saying had it at that time, "no lord
without land, no land \vithout a lord." There were still some free men
scattered about, but one-third to one-half of all the land, for instance,
was owned by the Church and another large percentage by powerful
knights and barons. This land was given out as fiefs to be worked by
slaves, serfs, half-free, and free peasants. St_ated returns went to the
lord, and generally the workers also owed the lord or the monastery a
stated number of days of work per week.
Nothing, of course, was known of scientific agriculture, and the lot
of the peasant and his animals was not a happy one, a horse being worth
100 sous and a peasant 38 sous in the eleventh century. Fallowing was
used in place of crop rotation and the cultivation of roots and grasses.
Gradually centralized feudal states emerged, nationalism developed, and
the monarchies began to revive. This led to extensive colonization all,
bver Europe from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries. With this
came some attention to agriculture, irrigation, development of grasslands
and fodder crops, and attempts to foster an empirical veterinary art and
to improve livestock. Studs were set up to try to improve the horse for
both war and commerce, and some sections became noted as mule-breed-
ing districts. Cattle also received more attention from the standpoint of
meat and milk as well as draft. Small animals, however, continued to
dominate, sheep taking the first rank. Millions of sheep were to be found
in the Low Countries, France, and Germany, as well as huge migratory
flocks in Spain and Italy. There was improved cattle breeding in
Scandinavia by the twelfth century, and this region was exporting butter,
cheese, fats, lard, and hides. The art of fattening cattle on roots and
legumes was first developed in the Low Countries.
The eastern portion of the Roman Empire (the Byzantine) fared better
following the crisis of the fifth o~ sixth centuries. For 1,000 years, it
held off or quickly recovered from the onslaughts of the barbarians. It
was realized that the two pillars of resistance were agriculture and
military art. Through an intelligent system of agricultural colonization,
hundreds of thousands of outsiders, including barbarians, were absorbed
into this Eastern Empire. Agriculture, animal husbandry, and horti-
culture flourished, early Greek and Roman agricultural practices were
revived, thereby creating the wealth that made this part of the world the
envy of all men during the Middle Ages. In the early part of the period
the land was held largely by individual owners, but by the tenth or
eleventh century most of tlle lands had gotten into the hands of the
Church or of large landholders. Slavery, however, was abolished, and
the serfs were accorded privileges and rights, which stabilized rural life
with the result that disciplined labor gave to the Eastern Empire its
chief economic supremacy. 1
The East Roman Empire thus accomplished, during the early Middle Ages, a
task of supreme importance. It had received undiminished the heritage of Rome
and added to it. It left a profound mark upon every kind of work. It succeeded
in colonizing the Christian lands of Eastern Europe and it civilized the barbarians,
calling them to the fruitful labours of peace. It gave a powerful impulse to
every form of economic activity, and carried the production of wealth to the
highest point. If in the social order it only half succeeded in protecting free
labour and free property against the exploitation and usurpations of the aristo-
cratic classes, it yet suppressed slavery, and strove with all its strength to mainJ
tain the middle class, both urban and rural. Thus it placed itself in the van of
civilization, whose great traditions it carried on, and it was partly to Byzantium
1 BOISSONNADE, P., "Life and Work in Medieval Europe," pp. 60--1n, Alfred A.
Knopf, Inc., New York, 1927.
that the West in its turn went to school to be prepared for its own civilizing
Roman Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.-The seven separate hills
of Rome, settled at first by humble herders and hunters, were eventually
drawn together into the Septimontium (League of the Seven Hills) and
destined to become the ruling center of the greatest empire the world
had ever known. Agriculture in the surrounding region kept pace with
the growth of the city and came to enjoy a real prosperity. - The unpaid
militia, consisting to a large extent of small farmers, was often called upon
to protect the region from invaders, but the campaigns were seldom of
long enough duration seriously to affect agricultural practice. This is
not true, however, of the period from the First Punic. War (against
Carthage) in 264 B.C. down to the time of the death of Augustus, A.D. 14.
FIG. 9.-Statuettes of Roman animals in bronze, first century B.C. to third century A.D.
(Courtesy of 7'he Metropolitan Museum of Art.)
These were the times of Roman wars of expansion, and they were long
and bloody. The middle-class farmer bore the brunt, waoS slaughtered
by thousands, with the result that a great deal of the property fell into
the hands of a few rich owners. In addition, thousands of the conquered
were brought to Rome and sold as slaves to work the land. The earlier
type of Roman agriculture gradually found itself unable to compete with
outlying conquered territories in the matter of supplying grain. The
type of agriculture, therefore, shifted to greater numbers of livestock,
especially horses, sheep, and hogs, and to increases in orchards, vine-
yards, and gardens. The country became almost deserted except for
foreign slaves and barbarians, the drainage works fell into ruin, and the
old unhealthfulness returned. l
1 TOUTAIN, J., "The Economic Life of the Ancient World," p. 234, Alfred A. Knopf,
Inc., New York, 1930.
The formation of the Roman Empire near the beginning of the Chri;;-
tian Era brought Gaul, Spain, Africa, Greece, and Egypt under Roman
influence. Rome demanded economic, political, and religious loyalty
but allowed old native traditions, habits, and sentiments to persist, pro-
'Tided they did not interfere with the loyalties she demanded. Economic
life in these conquered areas went on much as before, though quickened
by inclusion in a greater united whole. Roman legions and fortifications
held back the barbarian hordes on all sides and gave a comparatively
long period of relative peace throughout the Empire and in Rome itself,
when the civil wars were extinguished.
So far as we can learn, there were no great agricultural innovations or
livestock improvements either in Italy proper or in the other parts of the
Empire during this time. Of a slow, steady evolutionary process, how-
ever, we have reason to be assured. Selection, no doubt, went on in live-
stock breeding, and the long period of peace during the first two centuries
of the Christian Era was bound to have had its effects. We get some
indication of the relative importance of various types of agriculture in the
Empire from· the fact that Columella's 13 books De re rustica include no
whole book devoted to grain growing, 272 books devoted to winegrowing,
about 1 each to fruit trees, including the olive, and to gardens, while
livestock occupies 4 books.
The Empire consisted of cities with surrounding agricultural lands,
orchards, and vineyards. Beyond were to be found the pastoral nomads
with their flocks and herds; and in the hinterland, the barbarians. Each
region of the Empire adapted its crops and animals to its particular topo-
graphical and climatic conditions. Variety there was to be sure, in lands,
in peoples, in methods. Although there were large estates in all parts
of the Empire worked by slaves or tenants, the real backbone of the fabu-
lous old Roman Empire was undoubtedly to be found in the sturdy, indi-
vidual small farmer, businessman, and trader. He it was who created
the wealth and provided the sinews that made the Empire. When this
class, for whatever reason, was forced out of existence, the" grandeur
that was Rome" quickly faded.
Beginning with the third century, the power of Rome began to wane.
Slowly but surely the ordered, progressive life in a ,yell-tended country-
side and in hundreds of cities with fine public buildings, temples, and
homes was undermined by anarchy, insecurity, and discord at home and by
successive waves of barbarians from the north and east. Imperial edicts
proved a poor substitute for the individual efforts of free men. Thus
the structure of the Empire was weakened from within and rendered
highly vulnerable to attack by tribes of vandals which gloried only in
destruction, murder, and rapine. So thoroughly did they carry out their
mission of destruction that by the seventh century a once productive
countryside had largely reverted to waste, the once proud cities were in
ruins, and the population cut in half. There was barely enough courage
and initiative left to start the long, tedious process of rebuilding, which
was to consume the next 600 or 700 years. The effect on livestock breed-
ing was particularly severe. Herds and flocks were wantonly destroyed
and their half-starved remnants turned back to a state of nature.
Grecian Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.-Before the time of Alex-
ander, agriculture and stockbreeding were one of the chief sources of
,,'ealth in Greece and her colonies. Their stables and byres contained
horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, which provided food, clothing,
milk, and power. These early Greeks also kept bees, and the poultry
yard contained geese, ducks, guinea fowl, and pigeons as well as hens.
These people also consumed various and sundry products of the field,
grains, vegetables, and fruits, and their banquets and religious ceremonies
called for the liberal use of wine. In the early days of Greece, the stand-
ard of value was measured in terms of cattle, and among the prizes sug-
gested by Achilles for the funeral games in honor of Patroclus were,
besides mares and mules, a tripod valued at 12 oxen and a slave girl
valued at 4 oxen. There was considerable barter involving the exchange
of cattle for metals. The Greek poems of the period contain many refer-
ences to wealth reckoned in terms of flocks and herds, just as in later
Roman times the word for money, pecnnia, was derived from peens,
cattle. The earliest known Greek coins date from the seventh century
Economic activity at this time was mainly agricultural and pastoral,
pursuits which provided most of the wealth. Through the period from
FIG. 1O. -Stat uette of Greek horse in bronze, fifth century B.C. (Courtesy of The ~Melro
,olilan Museum of Art.)
FIG. ll.-Wall painting of Egyptian bull during XVIII dynasty. about 1400 B.C. (COu.,·_
te8yof The Metropolitan Mu.seum of A,·t.)
kno,,'n. Cattle are shown being used to pull a crude wooden plow; others
are shown grazing in pasture and still others being milked (after their
hind legs had been tied to prevent kicking). Donkeys too are much in
evidence, but the horse was apparently unknown to the Egyptian at this
time, not appearing there until about 1700 B.C. At the Plain of Shinar,
later knmvll as Babylon, carvings and drawings from about the same
time show oxen at the pImy, sheep and goats at pasture, and donkeys
pulling ,,-heeled carts and chariots, the wheel appearing here for the first
time. Horses made their appearance in Western civilization about 200
B.C. when they were brought to Babylon by the conquering mountain
I - , • .,-,-:- ~ ,.
FIG. 12.-WaU painting of Egyptian hunter during XVIII dynasty, about 1400 B.C.
(Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.)
Kassites, ,,·ho in turn had gotten the domesticated horse from tribe::; to
the north and east. To the north of Babylon ,ms another early civiliza-
tion, the Assyrian, with its capital at Nineveh. These people too had
herds of oxen, sheep, and goats and used donkeys for draft purposes.
They also had domesticated horses which, together with their weapons of
iron, they used very effectively in their conquests of neighboring regions.
The peoples who made the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Chaldean empires
came largely from the grassland fringes of the Arabian desert.
In the north was a second fount of nomadic conquerors located in the
gasslands stretching from the lower Danube along the north side of the
Black Sea through southern Russia and into Asia. This was a white race
ealled Indo-European, and most of the people who will read this book are
their descendants. Their original home was the grassy steppe east and
northeast of the Caspian Sea. They were nomadic tribes following their
flocks and herds on horseback and using horses for draft. These people
were the ancestors of the Greeks and Romans and of most of the peoples
of Western Europe and America. Their language group is Aryan, which
includes English, German, Latin, Greek, old Persian, and East Indian,
although these, people themselves were without writing. The Medes and
the Persians were but the Eastern wing of this movement of original
Northern nomads.
Here the historical record fades out. What preceded it in the field of
agriculture and animal husbandry can only be surmised from occasional
relics. This historical record we have traced backward from the present,
a period covering about 5,000 years. We have noted some progress, but
the tempo of change was very slow. We are perhaps justified in assuming
that the period from the earliest do~estication of animals up to this
beginning of the historical record occupied a much longer time.
Summary.-We have tried in this chapter to start from the known
facts about our livestock situation of today and trace it backward to its
historical beginnings. In these few pages we have covered 5,000 years
of man's struggle from barbarism to a certain state of civilization. Much
was accomplished, but a vast deal more still remains to be done. With-
out any sure knowledge, except what he could observe in the gross, man
has made tremendous strides forward in breeding better livestock, aided
materially, of course, by better housing and management and especially
by better feeding. For marked progress in animal breeding, we need
knowledge of principles, ideals, and good feeds together with peace or at
least freedom from invasion. All these except the first were finally pres-
ent in England during the eighteenth century, and it was there and then
that the foundations of our modern breeds were laid.
ALLEN, L. F. 1884. "American Cattle," Orange Judd Publishing Co., Inc., New
ALLEN, R. L. 1847. "Domestic Animals," Orange Judd Publishing Co., Inc., New
BIDWELL, P. W., and FALCONER, J. I. 1925. "History of Agriculture in Northern
United States 1620-1860," Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington,
BOISSONNADE, P. 1927. "Life and Work in Medieval Europe," Alfred A. Knopf,
Inc., New York.
BRANDT, L. 1945. "The Reconstruction of World Agriculture," W. W. Norton
& Company, New York.
BREASTED, J. H. 1935. "Ancient Times," Ginn & Company, Boston.
BURCH, G. I. 1946. "Population Bulletin, Vol. 2, No.5," Population Reference
Bureau, Washington, D.C.
LRMAN, H. J., and TUGWELL, R. G. 1934. "Upon Field Husbandry in New
England," Columbia University Press, Kew York.
LRRIER, L. 1923. "The Beginnings of Agriculture in America," McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York.
JRTLER, W. H. R. 1909. "A Short History of English Agriculture," Oxford
University Press, New York.
A-UBENY, C. 1857. "Lectures on Roman Husbandry," Oxford University Press,
New York.
~NLE, LORD. 1927. "English Farming Past and Present," Longmans, Green &
Co., Inc., New York .
•rmers in a Changing World. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1940.
JRNAS, C. C., and FURNAS, S. M. 1943. "The Story of Man and His Food," The
New Home Library, New York.
RAS, N. S. B. 1925. "History of Agriculture," Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.,
New York.
A-RRISON, F. 1917. "Roman Farm Management," The Macmillan Company,
New York.
is, J. J. 1936. "Domestic Animals of Mongolia," review by Dr. D. Kislovsky,
Jour. Hered., January, 1938.
EILSON, N. 1936. "Medieval Agrarian Economy," Henry Holt and Company,
Inc., New York.
OTESTEIN, F. 'V. 1945. "Food For The World," University of Chicago Press,
~ARSON, F. A., and PARLBERG, D. 1944. "Food," Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., Kew York.
- - and HARPER, F. A. 1945. "The 'Vorld's Hunger," Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, N.Y.
lENTICE, E. P. 1935. "Breeding Profitable Dairy Cattle," Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston.
IIOMPSON, W. S. 1944. "Plenty of People," Jacques Cattell Press, Lancaster, Pa.
1942. "Population Problems," 3d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
New York.
Cretaceous 95,090,000
First grasses
Culmination of reptiles
Mesozoic, Comanchian 120,000,000
First flowering plants
Giant reptiles, dinosaurs
11 per cent
Jurassic 155,000 ,000
First birds, first mammals
First modern trees
Triassic 190,000,000 Rise of dinosaurs
First scorpions
425,000,000 First corals
Ordovician 480,000,000 First armored fishes
Canadian 490,000,000
Ozarkian 505,000,000 Trilobites dominant
Acadian 525,000 ,000 First shellfish
\Taconic 550,000,000 First known marine fauna
25 per cent . .............. . ............ . Primitive invertebrates
30 per cent . .............. . 1,800,000,000 Earliest life
* LOOMIS, F. B., "The Evolution of the Horse," p. 24, Marshall Jones Co., Boston, 1926.
and manlike teeth perhaps place Sinanthropus a little higher in the scale
than Pithecanthropus.
Eoanthropus dawsoni (Piltdown M an).-This discovery was made by
Charles Dawson in 1911-1912. It consisted of several fragments of a
human skull, much like that of a modern except for its excessive thickness
of bone, and , in close proximity, the right half of a lower jaw containing
two molar teeth. This portion of jaw is very similar to that of a chim-
panzee, a creature, however, never found fossilized in England. Later
finds, near Piltdown, of skull fragments and teeth tend to confirm the
once-doubted fact that the skull and jaw belonged originally to the same
creature. The cranial capacity seems to be about 1,200 cc., and the fore-
head not only lacked the supraorbital ridge but was quite vertical. The
apelike lower jaw has no chin but its jaw socket is formed as in Homo
sapiens. A chipped flint and a large bone implement were found in the
deposit that is generally accepted as being of early Pleistocene. These
fossils have caused a great deal of argument among anthropologists, and
it is still not clear where the Piltdown man fits in the general scheme of
man's forerunners.
Homo heidelbergensis (Heidelberg Man).-This find , of a lower jaw,
was made by Professor Schoetensach at Mauer, near Heidelberg, Ger-
many, in 1907 in river sand 79 ft. below the present surface in a stratum
that had yielded many bones of Pleistocene animals. This individual
is thought to have Eved 150J OOO to 300,000 years ago. The jaw, while
very heavy, has teeth that are entirely human. No artifacts were found
associated with this jaw, so that nothing can be guessed as to the cultural
status prevailing during his time. Again it is impossible to assign a
FIG. l4.- Neolithic man of the Campignian Stage. Mural painting by Charles R. Knight.
(Courtesy of The American Museum of Natural History.)
gin is not yet known, and it is believed that they intermingled 'with other
stocks, and perhaps traces of them are still to be found in men living
today. What a fascinating thing it would be if you and I could trace
just one line of our pedigree back to the year, say, 13,000 B.C. just to
make the wish moderate!
Several other fossil remains of man have been discovered, viz., Wadjak
man (Dr. E. Dubois) and Solo man (W. F. F. Opperworth) from Asia;
Rhodesian man CA. S. Woodward) and Boskop man (Dr. R. Broom) from
Africa. But these, together with several other finds, it has not been
possible to place with any degree of satisfaction in the general pedigree
of mankind or his collaterals.
In all this length of time, from perhaps 1 million years ago down to
10,000 or 12,000 years ago, man traveled his difficult way without the
aid of a settled agriculture and animal husbandry. The wonder is of
course that he survived at all. He lived side by side with many other
mammals, some extant, some extinct. Probably for vast periods of time
man has used animals for food and their skins for clothing and shelter.
This Paleolithic hunting stage has persisted in some places right down
relatively to the present, e.g., in Australia, Africa, and America.
Hunting Stage.-The exact times and places of the domestication of
plants are, of course, unknown, and there has been much debate as to
whether agriculture preceded or followed the domestication of animals.
Opinion at the present leans to the following sequence: first hunting;
then a hoe or hand culture, then animal domestication; then agriculture
or an animal-power culture; and, finally, the extensive development of
herds and flocks into a pastoral culture, although herding may have
preceded agriculture in certain areas.
Certainly, we are justified in assuming the hunting stage to have
preceded all forms of agriculture or animal husbandry. Man lived at
this time on what roots, berries, and seeds he could find and on such
insects, animals, and fish as he could catch. Gradually, we can imagine,
he improved his techniques for finding sources of food and utilizing these
natural sources so that they would return a better yield. Likewise his
techniques of hunting and fishing improved. He learned to trap and·
spear fish, to make ingenious traps and pits into which animals could be
lured or driven, and to disguise himself under the skin or hide of the
animal he was hunting in order to permit a closer approach. In this
stage it seems safe to assume that the men generally provided the meat·
portion of the diet, while the women largely supplied the vegetable prod-
ucts. This has led to the assumption that women were probably the
real instigators of agriculture.
During this stage of man's development, he had to make the best of
his own particular environment. Some regions, no doubt, provided
ample game and fish and little food of a vegetable nature, while in some
other regions the reverse situation was encountered. Man being omnivo-
rous, this type of enforced adaptation would present no very great
difficulties. There were undoubtedly wide variations during this early
hunting or food-gathering stage of man's existence. It has sometimes
been assumed that these hunters were extensive roamers, but it seems
more logical to think of each group confining itself to a relatively small
area where they would not come into direct conflict with other groups.
Under these conditions, children are a distinct liability, and it seems
probable that groups increased at a very slow rate.
Early Plant Culture.-Somewhere man took his first decisive step that
was eventually destined to lead him up out of savagery. He had been
utilizing such vegetable products as nature had provided him just as
he found them. Now, however, he begins to try to control this source
of sustenance. He takes wild grasses, wheat, rye, oats, corn, and various
bulbs, tubers, and trees and tries in his crude way to control and assist
their growth by scratching and preparing the soil, removing weeds,
protecting them from animals, and, finally, probably after seeing their
more luxuriant growth on dung and refuse heaps, by actually feeding the
plants. Thus in many parts of the world and under· a great variety
of conditions our grains, tubers, and fruits were brought under man's
conscious control. Later the creation of one region found its way to a
new locality where it sometimes was added to the local accomplishments,
and sometimes it totally superseded and displaced the old. This momen-
tous step in man's history occurred after the last glacial period, probably
in the early part of the Neolithic.
Closely associated with agricultl~re was the art of storing and preserv-
ing food. Just when it developed is not proved, though man had no
doubt been observing similar activities on the part of animals for a long
time. In fact, to have survived at all it seems that man must early
have learned how to store up food to tide over periods of shortage. At
any rate, after the domestication of plants, there would be more to
preserve, and any process that causes man to take forethought is a
considerable stimulus to civilization, for it embraces the feature of man's
nature which more than any other thing differentiates him from other
animal forms. This earliest stage of plant culture (sometimes called
"hoe culture") does not imply the use of domestic animals.
The Metal Ages.-The paleolithic, or Old Stone Age, with its crude
stone and bone implements, gradually merged into the Neolithic, or
New Stone Age, with its polished stone and bone tools and implements,
about 10,000 years ago. Sometime during the Paleolithic Age man
learned to use fire, but he had no agriculture and probably no domestic
animals except perhaps the dog. Sometime during the Neolithic, agri-
culture and animal domestication came into being, and these peop1es
learned how to build shelters of wood.
The ancient stone ages were finally superseded by the various ages
of metals. Metals reached Southeastern Europe soon after 3000 B.C.
but did not penetrate to Northern and Western Europe until nearly
2000 B.C. The first metals used were copper and its alloy of tin, bronze.
This was followed about 1000 B.C. by the Iron Age. Thus the three
great ages of stone, bronze, and iron followed and blended into each
other, although their dates in different localities may have differed by a
thousand years or more, so that Bronze Age here may have been Iron Age
there. With the development of better and more durable tools, the
improvement of agricultural and animal-husbandry practices, civilization
developed new impetus.
yak, water buffalo: sheep, .goat, swine, camel, llama, elephant, dog, cat.
reindeer, guinea plg, rabblt, rat, mouse, poultry, turkey, duck, goose,
guinea, silkworm, honeybee-and who knows that other conquests will
be made in the future?
For successful domestication, of course, animals had to have the
proclivity of breeding in captivity as "well as a certain degree of tract-
ability. The dog has had a varied history under domestication. It is
thought that he started out as a scavenger living on the outskirts of
'man'R settlements. From this he grew to be a pet, companion, herder,
and protector, an ally in the chase, a source of food, clothing, and tractive
power. No other animal has filled so many human n0eds as the dog.
The reindeer, on the other hand, probably owes his domesticity to his
fondness for human urine, which he _apparently considers quite a delicacy
as a source of salt. Many fowl were apparently domesticated for magic
and religious purposes and at the time laid very few eggs. Some tribes
domesticated the pigeon just because they liked its looks. In other
words, many animals have been domesticated for a variety of reasons,
none of 'which was practical. Even today some native tribes keep vast
herds of cattle merely for the pleasure of possession.
On the contrary, travel in the desert without the aid of the camel or
in the arctic without the reindeer or dog would have been difficult, if not
impossi.ble, as these animals often provide milk as well as transportation
and often feed themselves in the bargain. On the contrary, the Egyp-
tians made no use of their hogs and sheep as food, and the Chinese used
cattle for thousands of years as beasts of burden but never used their
It seems probable that there were several centers of domestication,
but where they were is not known. It is generally accepted that the
dog was domesticated, probably from the wolf \vith whom he will still
mate successfully, in the late Paleolithic or early Neolithic. There is
no safe or accepted chronological order for the domestication of the
larger farm animals. Drawings of cattle, sheep, hogs, and donkeys
occur in Egyptian writings dating back to 3000 or 4000 B.C. The horse
is mentioned in Babylonian writing about 2300 B.C. and appears in Egypt
about 1700 B.C. Camels are mentioned in Mesopotamia in 1100 B.C.
How much earlier the actual domestication may have taken place is, of
course, unknown.
Influence of Domestication on Civilization.-Many factors have
influenced the development of civilization, such as the development of
speech and writing, the use of tools, the discovery of fire, and the harness-
inr of steam and electricity. Along with these we must also place the
vidual is altogether devoted to his master, assumes his manners, knows and
defends his goods, and remains attached to him until death; and all this proceeds
neither from want nor constraint, but solely from true gratitude and friendship.
The swiftness, the strength, and the scent of the dog have created for man a
powerful ally against other animals and were, perhaps, necessary to the establish-
ment of society. He is the only animal which has followed man through every
region of the earth.
The dog, an unguiculate, i.e., having claws or nails rather than hoofs
(ungulate), belongs to the order of mammals known as the Carnivora,
meaning flesh eaters. There are two suborders of the Carnivora, the
aquatic carnivores, or Pinnepedia, such as the seals and walruses, and
the land carnivores, or Fissipedia, including the dogs, cats, bears, etc.
The Carnivora have small incisor and large canine teeth with the anterior
molars or premolars usually modified for shearing. The Fissipedia
include the following families, the Viverridae (genets), Felidae (cats),
Hyaenidae (hyenas), Mustelidae (weasels), Procyonidae (raccoons),
Ursidae (bears), Protelidae (earth wolves), and the Canidae (dogs,
wolves, etc.).
The chief genus of the family Canidae is that called Canis. In this
genus are to be found modern domesticated dogs, Canis familiaris; as
well as the wolves, C. lupus, etc.; the jackals, C. aureus, etc.; and the
foxes, C. decussatus, etc. The chief differences between these four species
of Canis lie in the shape of the eye and its pupil. The dog, the wolf,
and the jackal are interfertile, and their gestation periods are of similar
length. The dog has five toes on the front feet and four on the hind feet.
The typical dentition in this family is:
3 1 4 3
a- T 4 "3
FrG . I5.-St. Bernard (Hercuveen Chum) and Chihuahuas (La Rex Doll Pon Pon and
La Rex Doll Snowflake), the results of nature's variation and man's selection. (Under-
wood and Underwood.)
that the dog is an offshoot of the wolf tribe. Possibly savage hunters
captured wolf puppies and took them home to amuse the children, and
in this way through the course of time the wolf gradually lost his ferocity
and aloofness and learned how to bark joyously at his master's approach.
The jackal of the Old World, a smaller, more yellowish wild dog and
much less ferocious than the wolf, is believed by some to be the progenitor
of the dog. This strain is also much more easily tamed than is the wolf.
gome also have suggested that the dog arose as a result of a cross between
wolves and jackals. Nothing definite, hO\vever, is known regarding the
dog's progenitors.
Various breeds of dogs existed during the Roman classical period,
and some of thes~ are preserved in sculpture. Dogs are also represented
on the Egyptian monuments as far back as 3400 B.C. Skeletal remains
of a canine animal are embedded in the Danish middens of the Neolithic,
or New Stone Age. The dog has, therefore, been in existence for at least
5000 to 8,000 years.
'tJe dog may first have served a.s a source of food for ancient men in
times of famin~This in itself would have been a powerful selective
agency,-asthe le'ast valuable would have been the first sacrificed. At
a later period, before the time of the advent of agriculture and a more
or less settled mode of existence, he no doubt became an invaluable ally
in the chase. Later still, certain stra:ins were used for draft as are the
Eskimos and other dogs of today. (}hlOUgh it_ all, the dog has continued
to grow in man's affection no doubt because of his sagacity and faith-
fulness and also becauslLillQLe than any other ani;naI the dog is both
capable anacIesirous of returning any evidence of affection. .
There are now recognized six distinct groups of dogs, viz., the grey-
hound, hound, mastiff, spaniel, terrier, and wolflike. Mason's" Dogs of
All Nations" lists 183 breeds of dogs from 39 countries.\ The variations
in the different breeds of dogs as to size, form, color, degree of harshness
and length of coat, skull and jaw shape, length of body and of leg, tem-
perament, vitality, and educability cover a startlingly wide range. All
breeds and types of the domestic dog have come, however, from not more
than two or three wild progenitors in the comparatively short space of a
few thousand years. All of them from the huge St. Bernard to the tiny
Mexican Chihuahua are the results of nature's variations plus man's
The Horse.-The name horse is equivalent to the Anglo-Saxon hors,
which means swiftness, and it is logical to suppose that this genus was
able to survive the vicissitudes of time and enemy attack only because
of its speed and mobility.
The only surviving genus of the family Equidae, which the horse
belongs, is that designated as Equus. There are at present four living
types: horses, asses, half asses, and zebras. Besides the domesticated
horses, Equus caballus, there is one wild type found in Mongolia, E.
przhevalski. The domestic ass is called E. asinus and has at least two
lPm. 16.-The "Ta.rpan," a. Mongolian wild hor 'c from which the horses of Western Europe
ave been derived. (F,.om Thompson, Outline of Science, Geo. N ewnes, Ltd. )
the foundations of our modern breeds were laid. The horse was appar-
ently domesticated separately in both Asia and Europe, probably earlier
• Asia. A Turanian folk tamed the Przhevalski horse around 3000 B.C.
The earliest record of the horse dates back to Paleolithic times about
l"rAU~.V\.'" years ago. Around an open camp at Solutre in France are found
remains of several thousand horses, indicating that they may have
as a source of food. In later Paleolithic times, rock carvings of
horse were made but do not show him harnessed, ridden, or attached
any sort of vehicle, so that we assume the horse was not yet fully
The earliest trace of the horse hitched to a chariot goes back to about
iOOO B.C. in Greece, whereas the first Egyptian records of the horse
date from about 1600 B.C. These were small horses about 13 hands
high, similar to Przhevalski's horse. The horse ev.idently grew in size
and importance in Persia and Mesopotamia during the intervening years
and after about 750 B.C. began to serve as a mount. Mounted horsemen
were first given a place in the Olympic games in 648 B.C. The Arabs
did not use horses until after the time of Christ.
Horse Ass
]Gang Zebra
l<' IG. 17.-The horse and some of his relatives. (Courtesy New York Zoolorrical Society.)
hair, and long spines on the anterior thoracic vertebrae forming a high
set of withers, the bull standing about 16 hands high. It is a somewhat
shy, forest- and hill-loving animal. The gayal is somewhat smaller
with short horns and" stockinged" feet and is easily domesticated. The
banteng is the smallest representative of this group, has a white disk
from the hocks to the tail setting, and is somewhat longer legged. The
banteng frequents the lowlands as well as the hills.
The bison tine group includes the yak of Tibet as well as the European
and American bison, the latter often erroneously called a buffalo. The
yak inhabits the wild, cold regions of Tibet and Siberia, and it is said that
travel there without his help as a pack animal would be impossible.
The yak has a skirt of long hair hanging from his shoulders, flank, thighs,
and tail. He is smaller than the gaur, standing about 14 hands high,
and is not" stockinged" with white. The bison is characterized by very
heavy forequarters and light rear quarters. His head, neck, chest, and
shoulders are covered with moderately long, dark hair and like the yak
he has 14 or 15 pairs of ribs. Great herds of bison once ranged over
most of Europe and a goodly portion of North America.
The bubaline group, or true buffalo, includes four species at present.
The African buffalo is noted for his very heavy down curving horns,
which almost meet in the mid-line of his face, very unlike the Indian
buffalo with his wide, out- and upcurving horns. The Indian buffalo
is also larger, standing 15 to 16 hands high. Both the Philippine and
Celebes buffaloes are much smaller in stature, and in the latter the
horns grow straight back and upward from the forehead resembling the
horns of an antelope. The buffalo is generally found in low, swampy
'()..Origin and Domestication of Cattle.i-It seems probable that cattle
were domesticated during the New Stone Age in Europe and Asia from
more than on~. There are two types of domestic cattle now
living, B. in'"iHCUs, the humped cattle of tropical countries, and B. taurus,
of the more temperate zones. Humped cattle were domesticaQ as
early as 2100 B.C. Cattle play an important part in Greek mythology,
were sacred animals in many older civilizations, and their slaughter
was therefore forbidden. The great ox or aurochs, B. primigenius,
which Caesar mentioned in his writings, is generally considered to be
one of the progenitors of our modern-day breeds. This was a very large
animal and described by Caesar as "approaching the elephant in size
but presenting the figure of a bull." The wild park cattle of Britain are
considered by some to be the direct descendants of B. primigenius.
Another progenitor of our modern breeds is B. longifrons, a smaller type,
with somewhat dished face. This is the Celtic Shorthorn which has
never been found except in a state of domestication ~nd was the only
ox in the British Isles until 500, when the Anglo-Saxons came bringing
with them the great ox or aurochs of Europe.
It is doubtful whether any of our present-day European or American
breeds trace solely to either one of these ancient types. It seems much
more probable that our present breeds are the results of various degrees
of crossing between them. The cattle of India and Africa, B. indicus,
are characterized by a lump of fleshy tissue over the withers sometimes
weighing as much as 40 or 50 lb. They also have a very large dewlap
and the voice is more of a grunt than a low. They are thought to be
descended from the wild Malayan banteng.
It seems prQbable that savage man first used members of the family
Bovidae as a source of food. Real domestication began when these
animals were used as draft animals, probably in the 1rst faltering steps
of the beginning of agriculture or the ti~e of the soil. In their \vild
state there was little tendency to store excess fat on the body, as this
would have been a hindrance rather than a help under the conditions
then existing. Milking qualities also were just sufficient for the rearing
of the~. As civilization developed, feed became more abundant,
by the absence of a true beard, and by the absence af the strong gaaty
odor in males. There are also marked differences in the skulls, and
. the horns -g;nerally spiral in opp~ directions, the right horn of the
sheep to the right like a corkscrew, and the goats to the left. The sheep
gets its Latin name Ovis from the Sanskirt a~ying to keep or to
Our domestic sheep have a great variety of wild relatives. Lydekker
divides these into four groups: (1) the bighorn (Ovis canadensis) of North
America and Kamchatka, (2) the argali (0. poli) of Central Asia, (3) the
urial (0. vignei) of Asia and the mouflon (0. musimon) of Asia Minor
and Europe, and (4) the bharal (0. nahura) of Little Tibet and the
Barbary (0. tragelaphus) of North Africa.
The bighorns are a large breed of wild sheep standing 38 to 42 in.
at the withers. As the name indicates, the horns are very large and are
noted for the small size of the transverse ridges and the prominence of
the outer anterior angle of the horn. The horns curve back, out, down,
and forward in a bold sweep. The upper part of the body is covered
with dark hair, the lower portion with a gray or dirty white hair. They
have a very noticeable caudal disk of light-colored hair extending in a
radius of about 87-2 in. from the root of the short tail. They make a
square track, for the interior and exterior edges of the toes are nearly
parallel. The front of the toe is also beveled, which accounts for the
remarkable climbing power of this group of mountain-dwelling wild
sheep. The group has a very shallow lachrymal pit in the skull.
The argali, or Marco Polo's sheep, is a large species standing 40 to
48 in. high at the withers. They have strongly marked transverse ridges
on the horns and a less pronounced outer anterior angle. The horns
are very long (circle and a quarter) and make a wide sweep. The
color of this group is very similar to that of the bighorn, including the
caudal disk. These however, have a short mane on the throat. These
wild sheep inhabit the grassy slopes of The Pamirs and never attain to
very high altitudes. There are several closely related varieties in this
group differing somewhat in size, color and shape of horns, habitat, etc.
The urials are a smaller race of sheep generally found in high altitudes.
They stand about 3 ft. high and have shorter horns than the bighorns
or the argalis. The general color is brownish gray with a white belly.
The throat has a short beard or mane. There are several differing
varieties in this group also, including the mouflon of Sardinia and Corsica.
This is a small species of brownish-gray color with lighter colored under-
line and legs.
The bharal in many ways stands intermediate between sheep and
goats. Its horns lack the deep transverse ridges of the sheep and are a
dark olive-green color like the goats. It has a longer, therefore more
goatlike tail, and it lacks the lachrymal gland on the face. On the other
hand, it lacks the strong odor of goats, also lacks a beard, and like the
sheep has glands between the toes of all four feet. The bharal stands
about 30 to 36 in. high and is a dark slaty-blue color. There is no long
hair on the throat or tail. The skull characteristics of the bharal are
goatlike rather than sheeplike.
The wild relatives of the goat include the ture, the pasang, generally
regarded as the true progenitor of all our modern domesticated breeds
of goats, the ibex, the markhor, and the tahr. Here again we find a
very wide variation in superficial characteristics among the mountain-
dwelling members of the genus Capra, a detailed description of which
cannot be entered into here.
/( Origin and Domestication of Sheep.-The sheep probably originated
in Europe and the cooler regions of Asia not further back than the
Pleistocene or later Pliocene. Remains of a sheep or goatlike animal
have been found at the sites of the Swiss lake dwellings oCNeolithic
times. Sheep ~ to have been derived from the antelopelike
animals allie~azelles because of certain similarities of the molar
teeth. It seems certain that our modern breeds trace back to at least
.two remote ancestors, the mouflon of Europe (0. musimon) and the
Asiatic urial (0. vignei).
The sheep, most important of wool-bearing animals, was originally,
as in the case of some breeds still, a 1mtfY"animal with an underfur of
wool. No doubt people living in cold climates who used skins as clothing
were the first to begin the selection of sheep for wool production. As in
all our domesticated animals, there is wide variation among sheep.
Some, like the African long-legged and Abyssinian maned sheep, bear hair
instead of wool, some have spiral horns 2 ft. or more in length, others
Fro. 20.-The Moufion-a wild sheep lacking uniform color and having an exterior coat
of hair. (From Coffey, Productive Sheep Husbandry, J. B . Lippincott Company.)
110 horns at all. The tail of the common, domesticated sheep is long
and slender; in some other strains, it is loaded \yith fat and is 1 ft. in
width, whereas still others have merely a vestige of a tail. The last
IIOrt often carry huge patches of fat on the rear quarters, the stored
fat in all cases serving to tide the animal over periods of food shortage.
The hunia, a tall, long-legged sheep, is used in India as a fighting animal,
f,leing pitted against its fellows or other animals.
Goats are also versatile in characteristics, yielding the underfur, for
Cashmere shawls, and mohair, milk, meat, and draft power and also
. ~ m~of clearing up brush land because of their fondness
all sorts Grtender shoots. Ii .
Swine.-8wlne are ungulates belonging to the suborder artiodactyls
They belong to the family Suidae. The Dicotylidae, or
'" Origin and Domestication of Swine.~t appears that our modern breeds,
'so domesticus, have descended from at least two wild stocks; the N orther~
European breeds from the wild boar S. scrofa, and those 'Of Southern
Europe, Asia, and Africa from one of the Malayan pigs, possibly the
collared pig S. vittatus. The former was a larger, coarser animal through-
out than the latter and had a denser covering of hair. .
Present-day breeds are · no doubt the result of varying degrees qf
crossing between the parent stocks and their offspring. It seems probable
that the pig was domesticated later than cattle and sheep and previous
to the horse. Selected for his ability to fatten rapidly and economically,
the pig is foremost in converting feed into flesh and second to none in the
economy oIAffi~ meat production. Most of the breeds of hogs
found in America are of our own breeders' making; e.g., the Duroc-
Jersey, the Poland China, and the Chester White breeds are strictly
American creations.
In addition our breeders have developed the American Saddle Rorse,
the Standardbred Horse, the Morgan Horse, a~ few breeds of sheep.
For the most part, however, the-American breeder's task has been simply
to i~~rove f9reign breeds and to render them more suitable to ou~
condItIOns. ;I
Summary.-We have tried in this chapter to outline the events leading
up to the appearance of Homo sapiens on this planet. He came upon the
scene by slow and probably painful stages. Finally, some 10,000 to
25,000 years ago, he emerged, and his progress has been quickening ever
since. We surveyed his early hunting, plant-culture, and, finally, animal-
domestication phases and attempted to trace the origins of his four-
footed servants. Each successive stage encouraged and made possible
a larger human family. By the year 1800, man numbered 750 million.
Then came the agricultural and industrial revolutions. Food became
relatively plentiful, and man's procreative powers responded so well that
during the next 140 years population on the earth trebled, reaching a
total of over 2 billion. The world has been filling up, perhaps too fast.
There are no longer frontiers, but in some parts of the world we have
caught a glimpse of the abundance that should be the reward of every
man of intelligence and energy. Science has now placed in our hands
the tools for producing abundance. We have yet to decide what to do
with them.
ALLEN, R. L. 1847. "Domestic Animals," Orange Judd Publishing Co., Inc., New
Anonymous. 1928. "The Indispensable Sheep," Nall. Geog. Mag., 53:512-528.
BREASTED, J. H. 1935. "Ancient Times," Ginn & Company, Boston.
CARTER, WILLIAM H. 1923. "The Horses of the World," The National Geographic
Society, Washington, D.C.
CLARK, W. E. L. G. 1934. "Early Forerunners of Man," William \Vood & Com-
pany, Baltimore.
DAVENPORT, E. 1910. "Domesticated Animals and Plants," Ginn & Company,
EDITORS, 1949. "Dogs of America," Life 26:5.
FINLAY, G. F. 1925. Proceedings of the Scottish Cattle Breeding Conference, Oliver
& Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh and London.
HOOTON, E. A. 1931. "Up from the Ape," The Macmillan Company, New York.
KEITH, A. 1938. "New Discoveries Relating to the Antiquity of Man," J. B.
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
LOOMIS, F. B. 1926. "The Evolution of the Horse," Marshall Jones Co., Boston.
LULL, R. S. 1928. "Ancient Man," Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York.
LYDEKKER, R. 1912. "The Horse and Its Relatives," George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.,
1912. "The Sheep and Its Cousins," E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New
1912. "The Ox and Its Kindred," Methuen & Co., Ltd., London.
MILLER, C. J. 1903. "Dogs of All Nations," Illustrated Editions Co., Inc., New
MORGAN, J. J. M. 1925. "Prehistoric Man," Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York.
MORSE, E. W. 1910. The Ancestry of Domesticated Cattle, U.S. Dept. Agr. Rpt.
Bur. Anim. Indus. 27.
RIGGS, E. S. 1932. "The Geological History and Evolution of the Horse," Field
Museum of :Natural History, Chicago.
SANDERS, A. H. 1925. "The Taurine \Vorld," The National Geographic Society,
Washington, D.C.
SEMPLE, A. T. 1931. "The Origin of Domestic Cattle," Natural History, 31 :287-
SHALER, N. S. 1895. "Domesticated Animals," Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
WILDER, H. H. 1926. "The Pedigree of the Human Race," Henry Holt and
Company, Inc., New York.
ZIRKLE, C. 1935. "The Beginnings of Plant Hybridization," University of Pennsyl-
vania Press, Philadelphia.
was flat. In this same category of the obvious was the production of
living matter from lifeless materials; maggots and flies from decaying
meat, worms from manure, etc. This idea of spontaneous generation of
living organisms from dead material is, therefore, of ancient origin and
is probably still extant in some regions.
Most of the early Greek philosophers felt the need of offering some
explanation of the genesis of living forms. Thales (seventh and sixth
century B.C.) was the originator of the doctrine of abiogenesis, or the
production of living forms from lifeless matter. He taught that life
develops from amorphous slime under the influence of heat. Anaxi-
mander (611-547 B.C.) taught that the earth existed first in a fluid state,
which later solidified in spots to form dry land, and that living creatures
formed in the ,vater came out onto the land in a gradual fashion and
acquired the appendages and other bodily mechanisms which would
make terrestrial life possible.
Anaxagoras (510-428 B.C.) was the first to suggest the idea that
gradual development was not the result of the workings of blind force
but was directed by some "Intelligence," a theory known today as
teleology. His idea was that the germs of all animate and inanimate
things existed first in chaos, but that gradually soil was laid down,
covered with air, and this in turn by ether. The germs of plants floating
in the air finally settled on the earth and covered the earth ,,,ith vegeta-
tion. Thereupon the germs of animals and men, which he supposed
were floating in the ether, settled onto the earth, grew, and prospered.
All of this, according to Anaxagoras, followed an intelligent plan created
by some designer; i.e., the process was not inherent in the materials but
needed an outside directing force.
Empedocles (500?-430? B.C.) had the notion that parts of organisms,
heads, arms, legs, etc., existing first in separate states, were finally brought
together into ,,,hole organisms through the triumph of love over hate,
and that those which had made a lucky combination of suitably adjusted
parts were able to survive and perpetuate themselves in their offspring,
leaving others less fortunate in their acquisitions, to extinction. Here
\ve meet for the first time the general idea of the survival of the fittest.
Epicurus (341-270 B.C.) and his later Roman apostle Lucretius (99-
55 B.C.) taught that plants and animals arose on the earth from the
action of the sun's heat on the moist earth, or, as Lucretius phrased it in
his materialistic poem "On the Nature of Things," " Nothing from
nothing ever yet was born." Lucretius anticipated Dalton and modern
chemistry in his reference to the atomic nature of matter as well aH
Mendel and modern genetics in his reference to hereditary bodies within
the mother.
to mean that there could never be or have been a transition from non-
living to living material. We know, however, that dead bodies of animals
and plants are finally broken down into inorganic compounds or into the
elements. The question is whether the reverse process could ever have
taken place. It is now coming to be generally agreed that it not only
could but did so happen, not that we now have final proof or that the
biochemist can now make life.
The most probable general steps in the process seem to be about as
follows: (1) the pulling out of material from our sun by the near passage
of another star some 1 or 2 billion years ago and the centralization of this
material to form our planetary system, including the earth with its central
molten metal core covered by a layer of igneous rocks and enveloped in
an atmosphere of aqueous vapor; (2) formation of hydrocarbons by the
interaction of carbides of iron and other metals and water; (3) formation
of ammonia by the interaction of metal nitrides and water; (4) production
of numerous high-molecular compounds through condensation, polymeri-
zation, and oxidation-reduction reactions of the derivatives (alcohols,
aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, etc.) of the primitive hydrocarbons and
nitrogen-bearing compounds to form simple compounds of a protein
nature; (5) formation of a primary colloidal system; (6) natural selection
of those colloidal systems with a highly developed physicochemical
organization surrounded by a semipermeable membrane capable of repro~
ducing themselves and also capable of continued growth and variation.
This is admittedly a very sketchy picture. Detailed knowledge of the
internal structure of the simplest living forms is not now available.
Nature has been made to yield many of her secrets, and it seems not
improbable that the true nature of living matter will sometime be dis··
covered. Granted the formation of even the simplest living and repro-
ducing forms together with the principle of variation, an orderly progres-
sion of living forms from the simplest to the most complex becomes
One-celled to Simpler Living Forms.-Students as ,veIl as laymen are
sometimes prone to look upon single-celled organisms as the smallest
and simplest manifestation of life, but this is an erroneous view. The
single-celled plant or animal is actually very complex and endowed with
the capabilities of nourishing itself, of getting tid of its waste products,
and of reproducing. The planet Earth is thought to have existed for
about 2 billion years, and it seems probable that, after life arose from
inorganic materials, it took several hundred million years to work up to
the level of single-celled plants or animals.
Let us then start with single-celled forms but reverse the usual process
and try to work back to the original form of life, though we should be
wary and not expect to get a necessarily definite answer at the present.
The single-celled organism, e.g., amoeba, yeast, etc., as already indicated,
is a complex structure and is organized in a definite way. It consists of
a cell wall surrounding cytoplasm in which are located chloroplasts,
chromoplasts, leucoplasts, chrondriosomes, centrosome, fat droplets,
mineral deposits, yolk granules, and a nucleus, the latter often containing
dark-staining bodies called chromosomes. It has now been established
that the chromosomes are the bearers of hereditary potentialities in the
higher plants and animals and, therefore, form the bridge of inheritance
bet,,'een succeeding generations. The chromosomes are aggregates of
genes arranged in linear series, whereas the genes themselves are probably
complex organic molecules.
As we start down the scale in size, We come first to the bacteria. There
are many thousands of these forms and in general they are rodlike, round,
or spiral-shaped. We are inclined to think of them as enemies to man as
those which cause typhoid, pneumonia, and other diseases surely are, but
there are thousands of them that are harmless to man and many more
which are definitely beneficial, e.g., those soil bacteria which fix nitrogen
from the air, those which convert alcohol to acetic acid, or milk curd to
Ordinary bacteria range in size from about 500 to 750 m,u. Even the
highest powers of the microscope cannot at present disclose much con-
cerning their internal structure, although we have a right to believe that
they do have a very definite and specific structure. They produce
variations that are definitely heritable, and, although we are unable to
see a nucleus and its chromosomes within them, it seems a fair assumption
that they do actually have some such mechanisms. Stoughton (1929)
and Barnard (1930) have shown that at the time of fission the scattered
chromidia of certain bacteria aggregate into an ill-defined mass within
the organism, which then divides to produce two cells. Here apparently
the genetic or hereditary materials are scattered, \vhereas in the one-called
organisms, discussed above, they have become definitely and permanently
organized into chromosomes.
It is known that living entities of a diameter below 300 or 400 m,u
exist, although they cannot be seen even with the most powerful micro-
scope we now have. These materials are called filtrable viruses or filter
passers and are the cause of certain diseases such as smallpox, yellow
fever, rabies in man, and foot and mouth disease in cattle and swine;
but, as with the bacteria, there may also be beneficial ones. Some of
them have been photographed in recent years by means of the shorter
wave ultraviolet light and more recently with the electron microscope.
Although they cannot be seen, they undoubtedly are living materials, for
they can produce their like on suitable culture media. In size the viruses
are thought to scale down to about 10 mfL.
In the same range of size are also found the bacteriophages, or bac-
terium eaters. These agents live on young cultures of bacteria 'which
they cause to disintegrate or dissolve. As the amount of bacteria
decreases, the amount of phage increases. As the viruses can live only
on living culture tissue so can the various phages live only on suitable
bacteria. The phages are thought to be much smaller than most viruses,
probably from 25 to 60 mf,t. Because both the viruses and the phages
have very specific properties and reactions with their respective hosts, it
seems logical to infer that they have definite organization and the ability
to transmit their characteristics to their offspring perhaps by means of
genes. The fact that ,the known phages and viruses depend upon other
organic forms higher in the scale of life as sources of food material may
be advanced as an argument against their having preceded the higher
forms in time. It is a valid objection. Two escapes from the dilemma
are possible: (1) that earlier forms of phages and viruses were not so
limited but endowed with the power of subsisting on simpler organisms,
compounds, or directly on inorganic materials and (2) that the present
parasitic forms of phages and viruses are simply examples of these general
classes of organisms which have changed from earlier habits into that of
being parasitic on higher forms.
Recently an American biochemist, W. M. Stanley, succeeded in
crystallizing the virus of tobacco-mosaic disease. Other viruses have
since been secured in a crystalline or partially crystalline form. Various
nonliving materials like cane sugar as well as complex proteins and
enzymes also have the property of forming crystals. Protein molecules
scale down to around 4 mf,t, whereas starch and sugar molecules are
thought to be of about 2 and 1 mf,t, respectively. From this point, we
proceed down to individual atoms of unknown size and finally reach what
is considered to be the basis of all matter in the universe, protons, elec-
trons, and neutrons.
The best guess at the moment seems to indicate that under suitable
conditions various elements and compounds on the surface of the earth
or in the warm seas became organized into very simple forms of living
material with the power of nourishing and reproducing themselves. Very
likely this process occurred in a variety of places, and, for all we know
to the contrary, this form of spontaneous generation may still be going
on. The materials so formed were probably relatively stable, but with a
tendency for polymerization as well as for various rearrangements of
their atoms and molecules to produce somewhat different forms. From
these earliest living forms, there perhaps eventually came to be organi-
zations of materials resembling the gene.
Existing singly at first, the genes perhaps gradually combined and
took on a protective covering resembling at this point chromosomes.
Later, cytoplasmic materials and a cell wall may have been added, and
after a few hundred million years development may have reached the
one-celled amoebalike stage. Growth, aggregation, variation and differ-
entiation, and specialization of function proceeded, yielding finally the
hundreds of thousands of plants and animals that at present inhabit the
earth. It hardly seems necessary to say that we need not expect to find
traces of the earliest forms of life, because they were too small for us to
see and also because of their fragile nature. The developmental process,
then, may perhaps logically be thought of as progressing from the ele-
ments to organic substances, to genes, to chromosomes, to single-celled,
and finally to multiple-celled organisms and plants.
One-celled to More Complex Living Forms.-It is beyond the scope
of this chapter to do more than point out the general road that progressive
development apparently has traveled. The first step ·was perhaps the
formation of various hydrocarbons. Next may have come the con-
version of the above-formed carbohydrates into an amino acid by the
addition of nitrogen and the conversion of the amino acids into a protein
through fusion of many amino-acid molecules into one finally complex
molecule. Somewhere these minute and relatively simple molecular
aggregates must have become endowed with "life," especially in the sense
of being able to reproduce themselves as the genes apparently do today.
The reverse of the process described in the previous section might
lead from this genelike structure to a microscopically visible one-celled
organism after the passage of hundreds of thousands of years. From
this one-celled stage we pass to a colony of cells such as the Gonium, or
free-swimming colony of 16 cells, or Volvox, in which the cells are arranged
in a hollow sphere with (1) division of labor and (2) differentiation into
soma and germ cells. The next step is the invagination of one side of
the hollow-sphere stage forming a hollow sack two cells deep with the
outer cells specialized for locomotion, sensation, and protection and the
inner ones for digestion. Here the same opening serves as mouth and
vent. N ext we find the opening continuing through the body with a
separate mouth and vent. Segmentation has taken place, the worm
being an example of this stage.
N ow we pass to the forerunner of the vertebrates with well-developed
gill clefts and an outpouching of the gut region which will one day pro-
duce the notochord and eventually the backbone of higher types. The
cartilaginous ring at the mouth of the fishes gives us our first indication of
jaws, although the vertebrate jaw develops from the first set of gill bars.
We also find here our first true division into two sexes, which will persist
right up through the higher animals, including man. Here we should
mention too the Dipnoi, or lungfishes, which are intermediate between
the fish type and amphibian, though they have only a two-chambered
heart. The first land-living forms are believed to have come from the
lobe-finned ganoids, which like the Dipnoi had an incipient lung.
Amphibians such as frogs and salamanders now appear. They spend
their early life in water and later life on land. They have a three-
chambered heart and, in place of fins, five-fingered limbs connected to
the body by pectoral and pelvic girdles. After them come the reptiles,
some gigantic in size though so well adapted to their environment that
they could not change when it did and so became extinct. Here the gill
clefts are still retained in the embryo but the young have lost gills, and
the eggs are laid on land rather than in the water. In the higher forms,
traces of the fourth heart chamber appears.
From this reptilian type were developed both bird and mammalian
forms. Archaeopteryx was a primitive bird type in which the teeth
were still retained and the three fingers of the forelimbs were still distinct
and used for climbing. In modern birds the teeth have been lost, and
the fingers are united by a ,yeb. At the summit of the tree of life comes
the Mammalia, to which class man himself belongs.
The lowest mammalian forms are those like the spiny anteater and
duckbill mole. In these forms the egg is still laid outside the body and
the digestive tract and urogenital organs empty into a cloaca as in
reptiles and birds. Hair has now replaced scales, and a diaphragm sepa-
rates the abdominal from the thoracic cavity. The brain is not deeply
wrinkled as yet, and the nutritive glands are scattered over the belly
region of the female and give out a fluid that is licked up by the young.
The second stage in the mammalian group is represented by the
marsupials, such as the kangaroos and opossums. The young are born .
immature and are placed in a pouch on the mother's belly where they
complete their embryonic growth. These species are viviparous and have
separate openings for urogenital and alimentary tracts as well as a dis-
tinctly four-chambered heart.
The highest stage that the process has yet reached is that of the
placental mammals. In these the embryo is retained for a longer time
in the mother's womb and connected to the mother for nourishment at
the placenta. Here the brain is more convoluted or creased. The
mammae, or teats, are well-developed for suckling and arranged over the
belly region usually in two rows, although in the highest types they
Each individual should think out his own philosophy of life rather than
accept someone else's. There are two doors leading into the office where
the writer is now working, and, although from a scientific standpoint, it
might be important to determine which door one used for entrance, after
all, it is not a very important moral or ethical question whether one
entered by one door or the other. That one arrives at his destination is
certainly of greater ethical importance than his method of travel. The
mystery, as well as the beauty, of life is here with us now and we are part
of it. How these qualities and we ourselves arrived, we do not exactly
know, and perhaps we never shall. The question as to who made the
universe and why may finally prove to be rather overlarge for our human
faculties, bu.t this need not necessarily plunge us into a state of cynicism,
boredom, peevishness, or hostility. We are not here concerned with the
question as to "why" life is now found on this planet; nor are we" primarily
concerned with its mode of origin or its ultimate end. The first and the
last of these questions rightfully belong to the field of philosophy.
Science, which is but another name for organized knowledge, is con-
cerned with the mode of origin of living things, but as yet it has no def-
inite answer to this problem. The theory of evolution accepts life as a fact
and tries to trace its course through the ages. Once given a living entity
that is not immutable but rather prone to vary, the task of the biologist
is to ascertain the causes of variation and finally to shape and to mold
them to more desirable human ends.
The concept of an evolutionary process is not new, for in its broad
outlines it was sensed by early Hindu and Greek philosophers. They
merely had the vague notion but were able to adduce no proof. The
early fathers of the Christian church seem to have been rather liberal-
minded men, but the dogma of the special creation of species and the
literal interpretation of the Mosaic account of creation soon came to be
the accepted belief. During the difficult Middle Ages, little or no thought
could be devoted to questions of this nature. There are occasional ref-
erences to the general subject in the later writings of men like Bruno,
Francis Bacon, Leibnitz, Linnaeus, and Kant, although most of the men
of these times who thought about the matter at all believed in the
separate creation and the immutability of species.
j Buffon (1707-1788), a French naturalist, greatly enlarged the concept
of mutability through direct environmental means, an idea which he
developed in later life after having earlier subscribed to the idea of
immutability. He is a precursor of Lamarck and perhaps also of Darwin
in regard to pangenesis as well as the struggle for existence and the sur-
vival of the fittest. Coupled with his idea of change due to environ-
mental influences was his further implied belief that these so-called
this brief review of the history of men's thinking about animal origins up
to the time of Darwin, we have said nothing of the general opposition to
the theory of gradual change. True there had been martyrs to this
.,<Teneral idea back in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and many others
had been forced to recant. The general populace, however, knew little
or nothing about such things. Life here was hard for the mass of man-
kind, but they had what seemed a sure promise of a better one to come.
The Roman Church and its Protestant derivatives alike frowned upon
any views of man's relation to the universe other than those given in the
Mosaic account. So although the general idea of change had had a long
history and its development had been contributed to by scores of men
for over 3,000 years, yet mankind as a whole was both ignorant of what
had transpired and bound by certain dogmas directly antithetical to the
idea of evolution. But into this hostile, prejudiced atmosphere the idea
did finally come in 1859. It has had a stormy passage but is now
accepted by most educated people, for it seems to offer the best available
solution to the age-old problem of the whence of animal forms.
Darwinism.-Charles Darwin (1809-1882), to \vhom reference has
already been made, Was an English naturalist. He had been educated
in the universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge, studying both medicine
and theology. He practiced in neither field, however, and wrote later,
"My scientific tastes seem to have been certainly innate . . . I consider
that all I have learnt of any value has been self-taught." The foregoing
pages will have indicated that Darwin was not the father of the idea of a
gradual progressive change. He might perhaps more correctly be called
the attending physician who brought the conception safely into the world,
or as Butler said, "Darwin's chief glory is not that he discovered evolu-
tion but that he made men believe in it, and what glory," he added,
"could be greater than this?"
Darwin sailed on H.M.S. Beagle as naturalist on a round-the-world
trip lasting from 1831 to 1836. On this voyage he had the opportunity
of studying the rich fauna and flora of South America and several island
archipelagoes and was struck by the manner in which animal types
shade into each other as well as by the distinctive forms found on separate
islands. He began this journey with a belief in separate creation, but
the facts he observed caused him gradually to give up this explanation for
that of the mutability of species. On his return to England in 1837, he
began to collect facts on plant and animal variation and during the next
year, while reading Malthus's "Essay on Population," the idea of the
struggle for existence that is constantly going on in nature as an explana-
tion of the great variety of plant and animal species came to him as it
had previously come to Wells, Matthew, and perhaps many others.
Darwin's thesis involved four points: (1) that organisms vary, i.e.,
are not exactly like their parents, which no one can successfully deny; (2)
that these varie,tions are or may be hereditary, i.e., passed along-to future
descendants, which again is a commonplace; (3) that there is a continual
struggle for existence in nature; and (4) that those best fitted to survive
in the given environment will be the most apt to survive and should,
therefore, leave the most descendants, which seems to be a very logical
assumption. He thought that the working of the above-named four
principles would account for the great variety of forms of plants and
animals which now inhabit the earth or have inhabited it in the past.
Darwin accepted evolution as a working hypothesis, accepted the
obvious facts of variation and hereditary transmission of potentialities,
and adduced a tremendous amount of data that seemed to support his
thesis that natural selection or, to use Spencer's term, "the survival of
the fittest," is the leading actor in this drama of survival. Darwinism
is not the process of gradual development itself but is one suggestion as
to how evolution works. Discussions among biologists, therefore, regard-
ing the correctness or incorr~ctnegs of Darwinism are discussions regard- .
ing the mechanism of evolution,' not questionings of the process itself,
which practically all· biologists and -other scientists accept as a very
probable--as the most probable--fac~.
Darwin saw that organisms vary.' He had observed the keen com-
petition to survive in both the plant and animal world, and, when these
two ideas are added, the sum is inevitably natural selection. As has
been said, the title of Darwin's book should have been the" Survival"
rather than the" (Origin' of-Species." He accepted variation as he.saw
it without attempting to explain its underlying causes. He accepted the
older ideas of the influences of use and disuse of parts in causing develop-
ment or atrophy. He concurred in the belief that the environment could
cause heritable variations. He made no distinction between germinal
and environmental variations. He believed to a certain extent at least
in the inheritance of acquired characters and formulated a mechanism
for its operation in his theory of pangenesis, i.e., gemmules from flll parts
of the organism being deposited or registered in the germ cells ready to be
passed along to the next generation.
It would have been truly miraculous if Darwin had made no mistakes.
Little was known at the time about germ cells and their cytology.
Chromosomes, now the accepted bearers of hereditary potentialities,
were undreamed of, and naturally the synthesis of cytology and genetics
into a firm foundation for biological thought was lacking.
Darwin did not distinguish between genetic and environmental varia-
tions but depended on a "strong principle of inheritance" that pre-
sumably included both. Later research has shown that the germ cells,
ova ~d spermatozoa, are the bridge of inheritance between parents and
their offspring, and numerous attempts to demonstrate the inheritance
of acquired characteristics (environmental variations) have failed: Dar-
win accepted all variations as potentially heritable and was concerned
with the mechanism that allowed some variants t o survive and breed
successfully, whereas others failed. His conclusion was that the environ-
ment acted as the selecting agency, preserving some variations while
of the higher species pass hurriedly through stageS which are the end
product of organisms lower down the evolutionary ;'lcale.
3. Comparative Anatomy. The fact that the brttin, heart, and other
organs show a progressive development from lower to higher species, that
all mammals have the same bony framework, the bones in the flipper of a
whale, the wing of a bird, the front leg of a horse, and the arm of a man
being similar in general form and articulation.
4. Vestigial Structures. The fact that man during his embryonic life
develops a set of gill clefts and arches, a tail, and a fairly heavy covering
of hair, all of which disappear before birth, and that adult man has ear
and tail muscles, an appendix, and many other vestigial structures which
arc well-developed and functional lower down the animal scale.
5. Paleontology. The fact that fossil remains of animals show a
progressive development from lower to higher in ascending strata of the
earth's crust.
6. Zoogeography. The fact that species grow increasingly divergent
in form in widening circles from their point of origin.
7. Blood Tests. The fact that the blood of closely related animals
shows small incompatibilities as measured by amount of precipitation,
whereas distantly related ones show great incompatibilities.
8. Observation and Experiment. The fact that all of our breeds of
farm animals have been made by a process of selection during about the
past 200 years and that recently a successful cross was made between the
radish and the cabbage giving a true breeding form having some charac-
teristics of both parents but no longer being fertile with either parent.
Evolution of the Horse.-The evolution of the horse is more com-
pletely kno·wn from fossils than is that of any other species of animal.
Evidences of horses are found in both the New and Old Worlds as far
back as Eocene time. Loomis, the leading American student of the
fossil horse, held that the species arose in ·Western North America and
migrated across ,,,hat is now Bering Strait into Asia and Europe. They
were once populous in South America as well and have been completely
wiped out in both continents at different times. Prehistoric horses
were very abundant in both North and South America but were not
present here when Columbus made his discovery of this continent.
The American representative of Equus in Eocene times Was Eohippus.
This was a small animal 10 to 20 in. tall, with four toes on the front feet
and three toes on the hind feet. The horse representative of the Oligo-
cene was Mesohippus, a three-toed horse, standing [Lbout 24 in. high. On
through the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pliestocene, the evolutionary proce~s
reveals successive adaptations to perpetuate the species from the stand-
point of both nutrition and reproduction.
whose broad outlines appear applicable to all forms of life and whose
details have already been worked out in many of the lower, simpler,
more rapidly multiplying forms. And this theory rests solidly on the
genes as the hereditary units involved in the transmission of potentialities
from parent to offspring.
The mechanism of inheritance between individuals today is the gene.
The mechanism of evolution, inheritance between all living forms in
all time, is undoubtedly also the gene. For this to be true, the gene
must be able to reproduce itself exactly. It does this today at every
cell division, it has done it billions of times in your own body, it has
undoubtedly been doing it since the earliest living forms first appeared.
In addition to reproducing itself exactly, the gene must also be capable
of occasionally producing some slight change as it reproduces itself.
This power has also been demonstrated in today's living forms, and
such changes have been given the name mutations. There would seem
to be no right or necessity for denying this power to living forms from
their very inception.
This, in brief form, is the content of modern evolutionary thought.
In other words, its mechanism is to be found in changes in the genes.
Of necessity, only those changes which were relatively slight would
survive. Any living form, from a single gene to a horse, is a very deli-
cately balanced mechanism. Any major change would probably be
lethal. A horse's legs might grow a little longer, and, if this little Was
not too much to prevent the mouth from reaching to the ground, the
horse would survive; if too great, it would be handicapped in securing
food. Likewise, small changes in genes are possible of survival, large
ones probably not. The gene or the horse can adapt itself to small
changes, not to large ones. In time, the summation of many small
changes \yould, of course, cause the organism to vary considerably
from its origInal state This will be recognized as the heart of the
Darwinian theory of the origin of new forms. It is still the most logical
explanation of that process.
The stream of life is, therefore, the germ plasm, and the germ plasm
is the sum of the genes .. Perhaps the genes existed first as naked bodies,
next became grouped into aggregates, next took on cytoplasm to assist
in their growing complexity of function. We might liken the whole
process to radiating assembly lines. The hub or core is the simplest
living form, the gene. One assembly line adds but little material as
the genes pass along it, and there eventuates at the end of the line an
amoeba. Another adds more and different materials, so that there roll
off this line marine forms like fish. Yet another line produces amphibia,
another reptilm" another birds, and yet another mammals. The workers
along these assembly lines are the genes, their raw materials chemical
elements or compounds, their finished products all the millions of forms
of plants and animals that have lived or exist now.
Role of the Environment.-The other feature of this general problem
of the mechanism of evolution is concerned with the environment.
Various roles have been ascribed to this feature in the past. As noted
earlier, Lamarck and others before and since his time have given first
place to the environment as the causative factor of variation. That
the environment may have been very active in causing variations in
the minute and relatively naked early living (germinal) material seems
quite probable, after the hereditary material had encased itself in a
protective coat of cytoplasm seems less likely. Just where the dividing
line may have come is hard to say. Recent research has shown that the
germ cells of forms like D. melanogaster are highly subject to change due
to direct treatment by varying dosages of X rays or of heat. It seems
unnecessary to doubt that the relatively better protected germ cells of
higher forms might be subject to similar experimental influences, though
perhaps to a lessened degree. That the germ cells can be changed by
such processes seems well established, that the changes can be induced
in an advantageously directed manner is not established. Owing to the
delicate balance between any organism and its environment, most of
the changes seem to be deleterious rather than beneficial.
The general role of the environment, at least in later stages of the
developmental process, seems to have been that of a passive selective
agent rather than the direct causative agent. Probably both natural
genetic variability and that induced by the environment have functioned
from the start. In its earlier stages, changes were perhaps more largely
due to the environment; in its later stages, mostly to genetic variations,
natural changes in the genes, although for any variation there is pre-
sumably some specific cause. This natural genetic mutability is capable
of at least two sorts of explanation. Either it is induced by some outside
supernatural force, or it is inherent in the relatively unstable nature of
the material itself.
The mechanism of inheritance is to be found in the germinal mate-
rials, the genes. The process of progressive change is best viewed as
that of interactions between the genes and their environment, both
cellular and general. In the higher forms, the environment seems to
act largely in a passive manner, somewhat perhaps in the nature of a
sieve, allowing some varieties better fitted for their particular environ-
ment to survive and leave offspring, whereas others are unable to do so.
lt also seems plausible to think that variations in a certain direction
might lead to still others in the same direction, a view known as ortho-
FIG. 25.-Diagram of a typical cell, with structures commonly present. at, attracti n
sph.ere; eh, chromatin network; ei, cell inclusions; em, cell membrane; en, centrosome; .
cy, cytoplasm; t, linjn thread; n, nucleus; nt, nucleolus; nm, nuclear membrane; n8, nuclear
sap; p, plastids; pdiv, plastid dividing; v, vacuole. (From Shull, Principles 0/ Animal
1665, Hooke observed the cellular structure of cork. In 1838, two Ger-
man scientists, Schleiden and Schwann, propounded the cell theory for
both plants and animals. In its very briefest form, the cell doctrine
states that all plants and animals are made up of units called cells. In
both the plant and the animal kingdoms are found all degrees of com-
plexity from single-celled organisms, like algae and amoebae, to highly
specialized structures, such as plants and farm animals, which consist
literally of billions of cells.
A cell is a bit of living protoplasm in which are to be found vacuoles,
plastids, a centrosome, and a nucleus, the whole sometimes surrounded
by a wall and sometimes naked. The really important part is the con-
tent of the cell, the sum total of which is called protoplasm. This includes
the nucleus, centrosome, and the remaining portion called the cytoplasm.~
2 3
4 .5 6
!) 10
FIG. 27.- Diagram ol mitosis in a lour-chromosome species, 1-5, propJ.ase; ~8: meta-
phase; 9, anaphase; 10, t elophase.
70.25 70.40
7t a.IfI.
_ _if~!? ~
28.-The division of a living cell in a culture of chick embryo cells. Above are the
at which the drawings were taken, the whole series representing 1 hour. (From C. C.
The Mechani8m 0/ Creative Evolution, The Macmillan Company.)
complicated process from the one to the billions. with consequent differ-
entiation is ever accomplished perfectly.
Origin of Germ Cells.-The mechanism of inheritance resides in the
germ cells, the only direct contribution of parents to their offspring
in the higher species. The mode of origin of germ cells is a very impor-
tant consideration. As we shall see in detail in the next two chapters,
they are produced in testicles and ovaries, but they should be thought
of as direct lineal descendants of the fertiliied ovum that has also given
rise to the entire somatoplasm of the individual now producing ge;m
cells. At sexual maturity, germ cells "Yvill begin to be produced by the
germ plasm, but the chromosomes and genes in these germ cells are not
derived in the final analysis from the body of the parent (somatoplasm)
but from the same source from which the body of the parent has come,
1,iz., the fertilized ovum or zygote.
Summary.-We have tried in this chapter to trace the broad outlines
of ,he process of development of animals from its probable inception in
ultramicroscopic forms on up through its varied manifestations to its
final eventuation in the highest mammals. We have tried to correlate
the processes of heredity and variation, as we know them to manifest
themselves today in our breeding animals, with the greater process of
the production of new species and races. "\Ve have seen that life appar-
ently first manifested itself in some very simple forms, and that by
means of heredity and variation plus differential survival all the thousands
of higher forms have gradually made their appearance in an orderly'
progression. Thus it has appeared that all living forms are related, or,
if not all tracing back to. one original living thing, they all must trace
back to similar original manifestations of life. Finally, we outlined the
process of somatic mitosis by means of which a new individual gradually
arises from a fertilized egg.
BELL, E. T. 1938. "Man and His Lifebelts," Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., New York.
DARWIN, C. 1859. "The Origin of Species," A. L. Burt Company, New York.
DOBZHANSKY, T.· 1941. "Genetics and the Origin of Species," Columbia University,
Press, New York. •
GASKELL, A. 1928. "What Is Life?" Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Ill.
HURST, C. C. 1932. "The Mechanism of Creative Evolution," The Macmilla1.l
Company, New York.
LINDSEY, A. W. 1929. "Textbook of Evolution and Genetics," The Macmillan
Company, New York.
LOOMIS, F. B. 1926. "The Evolution of the Horse," Marshall Jones Co., Boston.
MASON, F. 1928. "Creation by Evolution," The Macmillan Company, New York.
MONTAGUE, WILLIA~[ P. 1940. "The Ways of Things," Prentice-Hall, Inc., New
MOORE, R "The Origin and Nature of Life," Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New
MORGAN, T. H. 1932. "Scientific Basis of Evolution," W. W. Norton & (Jompany,
New York.
MOULTON, F. R. 1937. "The \Vorld and Man as Science Sees Them," Univer~ity of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
NEWMAN, H. H. 1925. "Evolution, Genetics and Eugenics," University of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
OPARIN, A. I. 1938. "The Origin of Life," translated by S. Morgulis, The Macmil-
lan Company, New York.
OSBORN, H. F. 1929. "From the Greeks to Darwin," Charles Scribner's Sons, New
PENROSE, S. B. L. 1941. "Philosophy for Lowbrows by One of Them," 'Yhitman
Publishing Company, Racine, Wis.
RANDALL, J. H., JR. 1926. "The Making of the Modern Mind," Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston.
SCOTT, 'Y. R 1917. "The Theory of Evolution," The .:\facmillan Company, New
SErFRIZ, 1VILLIA'If. 1936. "Protoplasm," :'.lcGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
SHARP, LESTER W. 1934. "Introduction to Cytology," 3d ed., McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York.
SHULL, A. FRANKLIN. 1936. "Evolution," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
Kew York.
SIMPSON, G. G. 1949. "The Meaning of Evolution," Yale University Press, New
TYLER, J. M. 1912. "Man in the Light of Evolution," Appleton-Century-Crofts,
Inc., New York.
Mechanisms of Reproduction
The science of physiology seeks to explain the how and the why of all
the varied reactions or responses of living organisms to external or internal
stimuli and to determine the function of each organ of the body, as well as
the interrelations existing among all parts of the body. The physiology
of reproduction seeks to explain the part that each of the specialized
organs of this system plays in the animal's ability to reproduce its kind.
From the time of the early Greeks on through the Dark Ages, the works
of Galen, an anatomist of the second century, served as the authority
in anatomical and physiological science. This was in keeping with the
general tendency of the time to believe what someone else had said,
rather than to question and to seek to test whether what was asserted
was actually true. Galen used the method of observation but made his
observations on animals alone, applying the results in a general way to
In 1315, an Italian professor, Mondino da Luzzi by name, published a
work on human anatomy based on dissection of human bodies rather than
on Galen's authority. It remained, however, for Vesalius, a Belgian born
in 1514, to break the allegiance to old authority and to set up experimental
inquiry in its place.
After the establishment of the experimental method, in which Harvey,
an Englishman, played a leading part, all that remained needful was the
perfection of method. Up to the seventeenth century, restricted progress
was all that could be expected, for it was not until then that men such as
Hooke and Grew in England, Malpighi in Italy, and Swammerdam and
Leeuwenhoek in Holland began to develop compound microscopes for
study of minute phenomena of all kinds. Physiology is founded upon
the function of organs, but it was not until 1838 that men began to under-
stand even the structure of organs. This development started with the
founding of the cell doctrine of Schleiden and Schwann in that year. -
Preformation and Incasement.-The older thought and belief regard-
ing reproduction were embodied in the "preformation theory." This
was, in effect, a theory that the whole body with all its parts was already
contained in the egg or sperm of an animal but in such a minute and
transparent form that it could not be detected and that, therefore, the
whole of development was nothing more than a growth, or an unfolding,
of the parts that were already "infolded."
Closely connected with this theory was that
of incasement. According to this theory, the
embryonic ovary was supposed to contain the
ova of the following generation; these again
the ova of the next, etc., ad infinitum.
Early Discoveries in Embryology.-Wolff,
in 1759, after careful observations, proved
that embryonic development did not consist
of an unfolding of the preformed organs but
was a series of new constructions, one part
arising after another, all of them simple in
their early stages, though perhaps highly
specialized later. The substantiation of his
finding by Oken, in 1806, stimulated activity
in the field of embryological research. Baer
was the most successful of these investigators.
His contribution led to the discovery of the
three germinal layers on the germ disk of all
the higher animals, viz., the ectoderm, the
mesoderm, and the endoderm.
Baer also first discovered the human ovum, a tiny cell in the Graafian
follicle 7125 in. in diameter.
Ten years after Baer had given a firm foundation to embryological science by
theory of germ layers, a new task confronted it on the establishment of the
. . . .IIIIIIIIJa"I..... theory, in 1838. What is the relation of the ovum and the layers which
-._.. .,...., from it to the tissues and cells which compose the fully developed organism?
\ HAECKEL, E., "The Riddle of the Universe," p. 58, Harper & Brothers, New York,
The correct answer to this difficult question was given about the middle of this
century by two distinguished pupils of Johannes Muller-Robert Remak, of
Berlin, and Albert Ki:illiker, of Wiirzburg. They showed that the ovum is at
first one simple cell, and that the many germinal globules, or granules, which
arise from it by repeated segmentation, are also simple cells. From this mul-
berrylike group of cells are constructed first the germinal layers, and subsequently,
by differentiation or division of labor, all the different organs. Ki:illiker has the
further merit of showing that the seminal fluid of male animals is also a mass of
microscopic cells. Thus it was proved that both the materials of generation, the
male sperm and the female ova, fell in with the cellular theory.1
Forms of Reproduction.-From the standpoint of nature, there are
three main considerations for any succession of individuals: (1) The
individual must be born, (2) it must grow to maturity, and (3) it must
reproduce in order that the cycle may be endless. Reproduction is the
most vital consideration in nature. It simply cannot fail, and the adap-
tations to prevent failure are almost endless.
There are two general types of reproduction, viz., asexual and sexual.
Fission. Cell division.
Budding. A small part being pinched off.
Vegetative. Regeneration of a whole from a part.
In all the higher animals, unisexuality prevails, the union of male and
female germ cells, produced by the two separate entities, being necessary
for the production of a new individual. All the marvelously specialized
organs, in both male and female, for accomplishing this result have had a
common origin, and, although the differentiation probably began millions
of years ago, there still remain many similarities between the male and
the female genitalia. The reproductive organs of one sex have their
homologues in the other, although each has been specialized for its respec-
tive function. The genital ridge, the first indication of sex organs ip the
embryo, is much alike in both male and female of the higher specie~for a
considerable time before specialization begin~.
It will be the purpose in this and the following chapter to study the
principles underlying reproductive physiology. It is not the purpose to
attempt to develop veterinarians, however desirable that might be from
a breeding standpoint, but to impart to the breeder intimate knowledge
of the principles underlying reproduction, in order that he may practice
his profession wisely and understand and counsel with the veterinarian
when it becomes necessary to call upon the latter.
Embryological Development of the Genitalia.-The urogenital system
of the higher animals is formed for the most part from mesodermal tissue.
This double system, designed both to rid the body of certain waste prod-
ucts and to provide a means for reproducing the species, has had a very
interesting evolutionary development.
The earliest stage in this development results in the formation of the
paired pronephric tubules, or pronephros. This is the functional kidney
in Amphioxus and some lampreys. It forms in 7 to 14 somites toward
the cephalic end of the embryo from the intermediate cell mass of the
mesodermal somite (nephrotome). Mesially this forms an invagination
opening into the coelom, with which blood vessels communicate and waste
products transfuse into these invaginated areas. The free or distal end
of this section of each of these somites canalizes, the tubular ends bend
backward, anastomose, and form a duct that runs posteriorly and empties
into the cloaca, the pronephric duct. These structures are found in
early embryonic stages of larval fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and
mammals but are transitional.
The second kidney formed is the mesonephros. As the primitive
pronephric tubules degenerate, there are formed behind them about 80
mesonephric tubules that empty into the already formed prone ph ric duct.
This second formation is known as the mesonephros or W olffian body and
serves the higher organism as a temporary excretory organ, although in
man it is entirely degenerate in a four-month embryo. The old prone-
phric duct is now called the mesonephric or W olffian duct. For some
larval fish and amphibians, the mesonephros is the permanent kidney.
The true kidney is the third stage in this evolutionary process. The
ureter and collecting tubules of the permanent kidney grow out from the
caudal end of the mesonephric duct, while the secretory tubules and
Bowman's capsule are formed from the caudal end of the nephrogenic
The growth of these tissues in the successive somites of the early embryo
causes a longitudinal ridge known as the urogenital ridge to form in the
body cavity on either side of the median line. This ridge soon divides
into a lateral mesonephric fold and a median genital fold. In the former
are lQcated the W olffian duct, already spoken of, and there later forms,
epithelium and the sex cords, and the epithelium is reduced to a single
layer of flat cells.
In the female the process is very similar, except that the first group of
egg cords seems to disappear, after which another group of egg cords
passes down into the stroma of the ovary. These egg cords break up
and form the many thousands of immature follicles that are present in
the ovaries at birth.
It is seen from the above that the primordial germ cells are present in
an embryo at a very early age. Granted normal health, there is nothing
that a breeder can do to change them or their hereditary units in any way.
From a genetic point of view, an animal will transmit just the same when
it is a two-year-old as when it is a ten-year-old. vVe can trace these
early germ cells' precursors in the embryonic testes or ovaries back to the
original fertilized egg or zygote that gave rise to this particular embryo.
It is seen, therefore, that the manner in which an animal will transmit
is determined very early, actually when the specific egg was fertilized
by the specific sperm to produce this specific animal. The new being
got certain determiners of hereditary characteristics from both of its
parents. At sexual maturity, it will be ready to pass on a sample half of
this hereditary material to each of its offspring. After fertilization has
once taken place, the breeder is powerless to change the genetic make-up
of the developing fetus. His only chance for animal improvement comes
before this event, and his task is to devise ways of learning the genetic
content of the germ cells of his animals so that he may know what he
actually has from a genetic standpoint in the animals in his herd or flock.
The genital tubercle develops in the mid-line between the umbilical
cord and anus at about the third or fourth week of embryonic life. On
its caudal slope there appears a small urethral groove. In the male this
groove closes over, and it eventually extends all the way through the
penis and the glans. Rounded ridges (labio-scrotal swellings) appear on
each side of the base of the phallus and in the male hollow out to form the
two-chambered scrotum or sac in which the testes are carried. In the
female the phallus lags in development and eventually forms the clitoris,
while the labio-scrotal swellings form the labia majora, or external lips
of the vulva.
The Testis.-In mammals, with the exception of the whale, elephant,
rhinoceros, and seal which do not have scrota, the testes are present in
the scrotum at or shortly following birth. Their basic anatomy is estab-
lished during embryonic and fetal development, but their functiona!
development awaits the proper environmental and endocrine stimulation.
The testis is covered by a dense connective-tissue capsule, the tunica
FIG. 30.-Generative and urinary organs of bull. 1, scrotum; 2, spermatic chord; 3, testi-
cle; 4, epididymis (globus major and minor); 5, vas deferens; 6, vesicula seminalis; 7, mem-
branous portion of urethral canal covered by W'ilsou's muscle; 8, part of prostate gland
covered by Wilson's muscle; 9. Cowper's gland; 10, accelerator urinae muscle; 11, penis;
12, cut suspensory ligaments of penis; 13, sheath, laid open; 17, ureters. (From U.S.
Department of Agriculttt1'e, Diseases of CaUle.)
FIG. 31.-Semischematic figure showing small segment of the wall of an active seminif-
erous tubule. The sequence of events in the production of spermia is indicated by the
numbers. A spermatogonium (1) goes into mitosis (2) producing two daughter cells (2a
and 2b). One daughter cell (2a) may remain peripherally located as a new spermatogonium
eventually coming to occupy such a position as lao The other daughter cell (2b) may grow
into a primary spermatocyte (3) being crowded meanwhile nearer the lumen of the tubule.
When fully grown the primary spermatocyte will go into mitosis again (4) and produce two
eecondary spermatocytes (5, 5). Each secondary spermatocyte at once divides again (6, 6)
producing spermatids (7). The spermatids become embedded in the tip of a Sertoli cell
7a), there undergoing their metamorphosis and becoming spermia (8), which when mature
are detached into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. (From Patten, Embryology of the
Pig, 2d ed. , The. Blakiston Company.)
FIG. 32.-Seminiferous tubule of mature rat testis. Observe the almost diagrammatic
arrangement of the cells and the abundance of all cell types.
sperm eventually pass through the tubuli recti into the rete testis, the
efferent ducts, and thence to the epididymis. .
In order that the number of chromosomes typical of the species may b~
maintained, and yet a means of variation provided, sperm proliferation
is accompanied by a process called miosis. The spermatogonia, or sperm
mother cells, grow and enlarge and may divide to form either other
spermatogonia or primary spermatocytes. The spermatogonium remains
at the wall of the tubule, while the other, the primary spermatocyte,
begins to move toward the lumen. This latter cell goes through two
rapid cell divisions. Previous to the first cell division synapsis (fusing
of like memhers of pairs of chromosomes) occurs.
•. '
_ _::....c-----Primary spermatocyte
secreted by wall of tubule
Reduction division
including synopsis
Secondory spermotocytes
with one-half the normal
number of chromosomes
~--1f---Spermatozoa ready to
travel out from the testicles.
10 fertl'lize an ovum
FIG. 34.-Schematic seminiferous tubule showing spermatogenesis.
FlO. 35.-1. Immature fowl testis, composed primarily of spermatogonia. 2. ~1ature fowl
testis showing abundant germinal cells of all types including sperm.
ment of the testis when injected, but each acts in a different manner.
The development and maintenance of the seminiferous tubules and
spermatogenesis are dependent primarily on FSH. The interstitial cells
he testis, which secrete the male hormone, are stimulated by LH.
Although the male hormone is concerned chiefly with the accessory
structures of the male genitalia and the secondary sexual characteris-
tics, it may also assist in the development and function of the seminiferous
tubules. Thus it appears that the normal development of the seminifer-
OUS tubules depends upon FSH, LH, and the male hormone.
Age and Testis Function.-There are wide species, strain, and individ-
ual differences in the age at which spermatozoa are produced. Studies
at the Purdue Experiment Station (Hogue and Schnetzler, 1937) showed
that in the chicken full spermatogenesis was attained between the
eighteenth and thirtieth weeks and was then maintained more or less
continuously throughout reproductive life. The pattern of spermato-
genesis was somewhat different in the ring-necked pheasant, a species
which normally breeds in the spring. It was found that in some males
the testes contained sperm at about fourteen weeks of age but that the
testes then regressed to a resting stage until spring. Full spermato-
genesis was thus not attained until the males were about forty weeks of
age (Kirkpatrick and Andrews, 1944). Phillips and Andrews (1936)
found that sperm were present in bull testes at thirty-two weeks and in
the boar at twenty-one weeks. The testes of purebred, inbred, cross-
bred, and hybrid boars have been studied at Purdue (Andrews et al.,
1949). Sperm were consistently present in one of the Duroc lines as
early as 110 days and in another line did not appear regularly until 140
days. The age at which sexual maturity occurs is of considerable impor-
tance in the development of new lines of breeding. Delayed or incom-
plete spermatogenesis may reflect itself in lowered prolificacy and
fertility. Precocious sexual maturity may interfere with the growth
process, for the production of large amounts of the male or androgenic
hormone may cause the long bones to cease grmving at too early an age.
Seasonal Periodicity.-In most birds in this hemisphere the production
of both sperm and ova is strictly a seasonal phenomenon. The chicken,
however, has been carefully selected on the basis of reproductive capacity
for many years and is now regarded as a continuous breeder. Wheeler
and Andrews (1943) have shown, however, that in the Barred Rock the
greatest numbers of sperm per ejaculate are produced between December
and April. The domestic turkey and goose are definitely seasonal breed-
ers. In the majority of mammals sperm are produced only at certain
seasons of the year. Seasonal spermatogenesis is characteristic of wild
species, but man and the domesticated mammals have long been regarded
as continuous breeders. Only in recent years has it been recognized that
there are seasonal differences in the rate of spermatogenesis or in semen
quality, even though sperm are produced throughout the entire year. It
is assumed by many that sexual drive is indicative of the degree of
spermatogenesis and, for example, that the willingness of rams to mate
throughout the year is an indication that sperm are being produced.
This is not true, since sperm are formed in the seminiferous tubules, a
region which is anatomically separate from the hormone-secreting portion
of the testis. Sexual drive can be stimulated in the castrate male by the
injection of the androgenic hormone, but it is impossible for such an
animal to produce sperm. McKenzie and Berliner (1937) clearly showed
that in the ram, under normal Missouri conditions, spermatogenesis
and quality were maximum in the fall and minimum in J\lly
the testis can produce them, and that the physiologic and anatomic
manifestations of sex may differ from the genetic sex of the individual.
Many androgens which do not appear as such in the body have been
synthesized in the laboratory.
In the intact organism, hormones are usually secreted by highly
specialized cells and are distributed by means of the blood and lymph to
other parts of the body where they produce their specific effects. In
general terms, the functions of the various hormones are to provide a
means of chemical coordination of the tissues and organs which make
up the organism as a whole. Testosterone enters the capillaries which
supply the interstitial cells and is transported to all body cells, Some of
these cells are very responsive to this particular hormone, e.g., the comb
of the cock, and tissues such as those found in the small intestine are
little affected. Exogenous androgens can be very effective if properly
administered. Most of the male hormone compounds are relatively
ineffective if administered orally. The most effective me_thods of ad:rnin-
i~tration are the subcutaneous injection of the androgen in oil solutiQp. or
in the form of dense pellets which can be implanted beneath the skin.
The Male Hormones and Secondary Sexual Characteristics.-The
androgens have many functions and somewhat diverse effects in the
normal male. In general, the effects of the male hormones are exactly
opposite to the changes which occur following castration. The testicular
hormone is essential for the normal growth, development, and fun-ction
of the male genital organs. The seminal vesicles, prostate and Cowper's
glands are dependent on this hormone. Withggt it they undergo very
littlB development and produce relatively little secretion. The~rowth
of the penis, the process of erection, and the development and mainte-
nance of the scrotum are all regulated by the androgens.
\ I- Sexual behavior, sex drive or libido, is dependent to a large extent on
.r,- the androgens. In-man and the c~m;~n farm animals sex dri;e is
present more or less continuously from puberty until senescence. As
previously explained, the _presence of sex drive does not indicate that
sperm are_ being produced. The ability to copulate is not necessarily
lost following castration. The psychological explanation for this is that.
behavior patterns, when once established, are not immediately lost even
when their physiological basis is changed. However, in species which
are strictly seasonal breeders, hormonal and spermatogenic activity of
the testes are closely correlated and sexual drive is seasonal in nature.
It has long been known that the characteristic male and female second-
ary sexual characteristics are dependent upon the gonads, since these
characters fail to develop following prepubertal castration. The second-
ary sex characters are highly developed and have been much studied in
birds. In some species, the English sparrow, the feather patterns are
not altered by castration or androgen injection. In the domestic fowl
genetic and hormonal factors are both involved and in general the male
~ dependent upon the male hormone. TheJ.:1lsk_§_of the boar, .1
horns and crest of the b.1lll, ..horns of the rarn, and comb of the cock. are
either reduced in size or lacking if castration is performed at an early a~.
Nehher masculinity nor femininity are absolute. The physiologist
explains this partially on the basis of relative differences in the sex
hormones, the psychologist on the basis of training and experience, and
the geneticist on the basis of gene composition. Whatever the mech-
anism, there is agreement that sex is relative. The ox is a much more
tractable animal than the bull, and this knowledge has been made use of
for centuries. The eunuch is characterized by a high-pitched voice, a
small chest, beardless face, and is often described as lacking in aggressive-
ness and intellect.
Miscellaneous Effects of the Male Hormone.-Hundreds of studies on
the effects of the androgens on various tissues and body functions have
been made. A few of the many effects of these compounds are therefore
mentioned. The androgens both stimulate and inhibit general body
growth. The effects vary with species and level of hormone dosage.
They may increase metabolic rate, increase red-blood cell formation in
castrate males, be concerned with pigmentation of the skin, baldness,
fat-deposition patterns, nervousness, and numerous other conditions.
They have been used experimentally in the treatment of such diverse
diseases as angina pectoris, cancer, mastitis, and ringworm of the scalp.
It is not implied that the androgens have primary effects in the situations
mentioned but that the chemical regulation of the organism by hormones
is truly a complex mechanism.
Castration.-The removal of the testes is one of the oldest of surgical
procedures. In ancient times, men destined for the priesthood were
castrated and prisoners of war and the vanquished were often thus
treated. The effects of castration depend somewhat on the age at which
the operation is performed. Prepubertal castration of the farm animals
produces: (1) permanent sterility, (2) increased skeletal development due
to prolonged growth of the long bones, (3) failure of normal development
of the genital organs, (4) absence or retardation of the secondary sexual
characteristics, (5) improved carcass quality because of increased fat
deposition and retardation of such characters as heavy shoulders and
neck, (6) absence or retardation of sex drive, (7) varying psychic changes
depending upon the species involved. After sexual and body growth
have been attained, the outward evidences of castration may be less
marked. The most usual effects are (1) atrophy of the genital organs,
(2) loss or diminution of libido, (3) increased fat deposition, (4) decreased
basal metabolic rate, and (5) decreased aggressiveness.
The term castration implies the surgical removal of the testes; how-
ever, several methods of securing the effects of castration without the
removal of the gonads are now practiced by livestock men. The most
common method in complete removal is to incise or remove the lower
portion of the scrotum and then remove the testes. In Europe, and in
parts of the United States, castration is frequently performed with a type
of instrument called the Burdizzo forceps. These are double-hinged
pincers capable of great pressure and are made in various sizes depending
on the type of animal involved. One spermatic cord at a time is located
in the scrotum and placed between the forceps without cutting the
scrotum. When pressure is applied, the spermatic cord and vas deferens
are severed by crushing. When properly done, this method is very
effective. The testicle immediately begins to atrophy because its blood
supply has been cut off and all the effects of castration are produced.
This method is called bloodless castration because the scrotum remains
intact. Infection is rare and difficulties with flies are avoided. A new
method, called elastration, was introduced to the United States from
Australia in 1947. Castration is accomplished by placing a special heavy
elastic band around the scrotum of lambs at a few days of age. The
pressure cuts off the blood supply to the testes and scrotal tip, and both
atrophy. This method is reported to have been favorably received by
Western sheepmen.
The castration of lambs and pigs by conventional methods is a simple
procedure and should be carried out by stockmen at the proper time.
The problem is more difficult in cattle and colts and should be performed
by a veterinarian, unless the owner has thoroughly learned the art.
The cardinal features are (1) sanitation: clean hands, clean instruments,"
and clean premises; (2) incisions which are large enough and located so
as to ensure complete drainage of the wound; (3) the complete removal
of both testes; (4) prevention of excessive loss of blood; (5) proper
restraint of the animal; (6) the prevention of undue excitement of the
Lambs are easily castrated by cutting off the tip of the scrotum with a
knife or large pair of shears. When pressure is applied to the scrotum,
the testes are easily grasped. In young lambs they are best removed by
pulling with gentle pressure until the spermatic cord breaks. Pigs are
usually held on their backs by an attendant. Two incisions the length
of the scrotum about Yz in. from the median lines are made, the testes
squeezed out and removed by pulling until the cord breaks. Cutting the
spermatic cord with a sharp knife will cause excessive bleeding. In young
from 6 to 24 efferent ducts. These in turn unite into one duct, thus
giving rise to the epididymis, a greatly coiled tube varying from a few
feet to several hundred feet in length in some species. The epididymis
is lined with tall columnar, ciliated epithelial cells surrounded by a muscu-
lar wall, and this in turn is covered by the serosa. One arises near the
top of each testis where it is coiled to form the head of the epididymis.
It eventually passes down the side of the testis, in a part called the body,
to the bottom of the testis where it forms the tail of the epididymis.
This tube continues the passageway for the egress of spermatozoa from
the seminiferous tubules. The passage of sperm through the epididymis
requires 4 to 7 days in the rabbit and 5 to 6 days in the ram (Anderson,
1945). It appears that passage is accomplished by the ciliated cells in
the vasa efferentia and epididymis, by testicular pressure and by contrac-
tions of these structures which occur during ejaculation.
It is well known that spermatozoa recovered from the testis do not
have the same capacity to fertilize ova which sperm in the vas deferens
have. The work of Young (1929) clearly showed that a process of
maturation of the spermatozoa occurs in the epididymis. Sperm recov-
ered from the head of the epididymis produced approximately half as
many conceptions as those taken from the tail region. Many studies on
epididymal function have been conducted in recent years. It is generally
agreed that the epididymis provides the most favorable medium for
the maintenance of sperm viability. The accumulation of harmful
metabolites is apparently at a minimum, and the reaction is such that
the sperm mature and remain in a resting state until ejaculated. It has
been reported by several investigators that epididymal bull sperm are
more resistant to cold shock than are ejaculated spermatozoa (Lasley
and Mayer, 1944). The functions of the epididymis are (1) a passage
and storage place for sperm, (2) the secretion of a small amount of fluid
which contributes to the semen, (3) maturation of the spermatozoa. The
maintenance of normal epididymal function is dependent upon the
presence of the testis hormone. In the absence of the testes, epididymal
sperm have a reduced length of life as measured by the maintenance of
sperm motility.
Vasa deferentia.-These tubes are a continuation of the epididymides,
continuing the passage for the spermatozoa to the urethra. The walls
of the vasa deferentia are thick and consist of layers of mucosa, sub-
mucosa, muscularis, and fibrosa or serosa. The lumina are small, giving
the tubes a firm cordlike character. They are lined with ciliated colum-
nar epithelial cells. In some species there is an enlargement (ampulla
of Henle) near the termination of each vas deferens. This is absent in
the boar, quite small in the dog and cat, and large in the bull, ram, and"':
being over 1 in. in diameter and often exceeding 6 in. in length in Equidae.
Glands of the vas deferens add to the total content of the semen. The
vas deferens, together with longitudinal strands of smooth muscle, blood
vessels, and nerves all encased in a fibrous sheath make up the spermatic
cord (two of them) that passes up through the inguinal canal into the
pelvic cavity.
Sterility can be produced by cutting or tying the vasa deferentia.
This operation, vasectomy, is legalized in some states for the sterilization
of the feeble-minded, criminally insane, and certain other conditions.
Sterility results because sperm are prevented from entering the urethra.
Spermatogenesis continues in the testes and the hormonal function is
normal. Because some glands, c.g., the pancreas, atrophy if their
excurrent ducts are closed, it was hypothesized that following vasectomy
sperm formation would eventually cease. It was lil~e,\'i3e reasoned that
the atrophy of the seminiferous tubules would allow the interstitial cells
to produce more hormone and that sexual reiuvenation could be brought
about. Information which would tend to disprove this was available
as early as 1830, but the so-called rejuvenating operation was widely
performed in Europe in the 1930's. Experiments on many species have
clearly shown that sperm formation does not cease. The sperm which
are produced undergo resorption within the seminiferous tubules and
the epididymis.
Ejaculatory Ducts.-These are formed through a union of the vas
deferens and the proximal portion of the seminal vesicle on each side.
They open into the floor of the urethra through small slitlike apertures
between which is found, in man, the uterus masculinus, which is the
homologue of the uterus and vagina of the female. In some species, c.g.,
the boar, there are separate openings for the vasa deferentia and the sem-
inal vesicles into the urethra. On the floor of the prostatic portion of tL.e
urethra is found a small elevl1tion known as the crista urethr~, or caput
gallinaginis, ·which contains erectile tissues and thus prevents the semen
from passing backward into the bladder at time of service.
Seminal Vesicles.-These are the largest of the accessory glands of
reproduction in the male. They are located in the pelvic cavity at the
ends of the vasa deferentia, being an outgrowth of the latter at their
urethral end, and each connects with the urethra by means of a duct.
McKenzie, Miller, and Baugess (1938) report as follows 1 on the seminal
vesicles of the boar:
The glands are tortuous, elongated, hollow bodies, with very irregular, branched
lumina and numerous out-pocketings. The wall consists of a thin external con-
I McKENZIE, F. F., MILLER, J. C., and BAUGEss, L. C., The Reproductive Organ8
and Semen of The Boar, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. B1il. 279, 1938, p. 36.
nective tissue sheet, of a thin middle layer of muscle, and of a mucous membrane
resting upon a thin submucous layer. The mucous membrane forms an elaborate
. system of thin, high primary folds which branch into secondary and tertiary folds.
These project far into the lumen, anastomosing frequently with one another,
thereby forming many irregularly shaped cavities of different sizes. These
cavities are separated from one another by thin branching partitions, and all
opening into a larger cavity.
The epithelium lies on a thin vascularized connective tissue supported by
muscle strands. Although showing some variation, the epithelium is simple
columnar in nature with some areas pseudostratified. The nuclei are round or
oval shaped and located at or near the base. Secretion granules are present
above the nuclei and on the free surface, drops or bulblike formations appear.
These are cast into the lumen, forming the secretion product. The fluid has a
gray, opaque color, a medium viscosity, and a pH of approximately 6.7.
There is no central duct of the seminal vesicles. Instead, there are several
large ducts branching and anastomosing irregularly, which finally converge into
one excretory duct. The duct from each seminal vesicle enters the urethra as a
slit-like opening, close to, but ventro-lateral to the vasa openings.
The seminal vesicles vary in size according to the animal and the
species, being in the horse 6 to 8 in. long and about 2 in. in diameter.
They are lacking in the dog and cat. The function of the seminal
vesicles, although not fully understood, is thought to be the secretion
~ fluid that furnishes a medium for transport of the spermatozoa.
This secretion is thick, alkaline, and globulin-containing. The vesicles
;"vere formerly thought to serve as a storage place for s ermatozoa hence
,their name, but this t eory has hyep di§p~. The seminal vesicles
are not essential for reproduction as evidenced by the fact that their
removal does not produce sterility.
Prostate.-At the neck of the bladder, surrounding or nearly surround-
ing the urethra and connecting with it by two rows of openings on either
side of the ejaculatory ducts, is the prostate gland. This gland is a
composite of many small compound tubuloalveolar branching glands.
McKenzie et al. (1938) studied the prostate in the boarl and wrote:
1 Ibid., p. 42.
The glandular tissue is firm, without apparent storage space and contains no
secretion which can be expelled by pressure. Incomplete sections which have
not been made in a known direction, present a bewildering mass of secretory
tubules, follicles, connective tissue, smooth muscles, blood vessels, nerves and'
lymphatics. The gland is a composite of many small compound tubulo-alveolar
glands, giving rise to numerous excretory ducts which open into the urethra
independently on its dorsal wall. ,
The prostate is very irregular in form. Large 'branching cavities, narrow
ducts, and alveoli appear to be massed together in an irregular manner. There
is no distinct basement membrane and the glandular epithelium rests upon a
layer of connective tissue. The epithelium varies from simple or ps~udostratified
columnar in the smaller alveoli to cuboidal or even squamous in the larger cavi-
ties. Numerous secretory granules can be seen in the cytoplasm, and cytoplas-
mic drops appear to be attached to the free end of the epithelial cells.
There is abundant interstitial tissue which appears to consist of dense connec-
tive tissue with collagenous fibers and elastic network, and many smooth muscles
arranged in strands of varying thickness. There is also a connective tissue
capsule about the periphery of the gland.
The secretion of the prostate is viscid and contains proteins and salts.
The prostatic secretion is alkaline, tends to cleanse the urethra prior to
and at the time of ejaculation, and provides bulk and a suitable medium
for transportation of the spermatozoa. In some animals (rodents) the
abundant secretion of the seminal vesicles is coagulated in the vagina by
an enzyme in the prostatic fluid, and thus the ejaculate of the male
becomes a more or less solid plug in the vagina of the female.
Cowper's Glands.-Cowper's glands (bulbo-urethral), two in number
and corresponding to the glands of Bartholin in woman, are situated in
the urethral muscle (except in the boar) on either side of the pelvic por-
tion of the urethra, with which each communicates by means of a small
duct. They are lacking in the dog and very greatly developed in the
boar, a species in which they may extend the entire length of the pelvic
floor and reach a diameter of 1% in. The function of these glands and
the urethral glands is thought to be that of producing an alkaline secre-
tion for the purpose of neutralizing and cleansing the urethra before the
passage through it of the main bulk of the semen.
Penis.-The remaining portion of the male genitalia consists of the
penis. This organ, besides conveying urine to the exterior, has the
additional function of conveying spermatozoa into the female genital
tract. The penis is made up of muscular and erectile tissue that becomes
engorged with blood during the process of erection.
Farm animals exhibit a wide variation in the structure of this organ.
In the horse, the end of the penis is rounded, and the organ nearly fills
the vagina ~t copulation. In the bull, the diameter is much smaller, with
the external urethral orifice situated in the urethral papilla at the end and
. on the left side. The urethral papilla of the bull represents a vestigial
filiform appendage. This is well developed in the ram in the form of a
slender appendage, which protrudes beyond the glans penis in a twisted
manner. The penis of the boar is not provided with an appendage or
lateral papilla, and the opening to the exterior is situated at the end of the
organ and in the center.'
Friction on the glans penis or on the homologue in the female, the
clitoris, finally leads to a sexual orgasm during copulation that is in part a
reflex action, for it can take place after the spinal cord has been tran-
sected. Ejaculation by the male is effected by a series of muscular con-
tractions beginning in the vasa efferentia and involving the epididymis,
vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles, prostate, and Cowper's glands. The final
discharge of the semen is brought about by the rhythmical contractions
of the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles, which, proceeding
progressively in waves, result in the ejaculation of the semen from the
~xternal orifice of the penis.
N ow, in resume, it may be said that the essential organs of reproduc-
tion in the male are the testes, whose functions are to produce sperma-
tozoa and the male hormone; the accessory glands, the prostate, the
seminal vesicles, the Cowper's glands, whose function it is to furnish a
medium for the spermatozoa to travel in on their way to impregnate the
female; and the epididymides, vasa deferentia, and urethra, the parts of a
long tube that is concerned with the maturation and passage of the
spermatozoa. The blood vessels, nerves, and muscles function in bring-
ing about erection and ejaculation.
Physicochemical Properties of Semen.-Semen is the entire dis-
charge of the male during normal ejaculation. It consists of two general
portions. The cellular elements, the spermatozoa, are produced by the
testis. The liquid portion of the semen, the plasma, consists of the secre-
tions of the seminiferous tubules, epididymides, vasa deferentia, seminal
vesicles, prostate, and Cowper's glands and the diffuse glandular cells
which are present in certain parts of the urethra. As shown in Table 9
there are great differences in the volume of semen and numbers of sperma-
tozoa in the different classes of animals. When semen was centrifuged
and the volume of packed cells determined, it was shown that approxi-
mately 15 per cent of fowl semen, by volume, is composed of sperma-
tozoa. Bull semen contains about 10 per cent sperm by volume (Shaffner
and Andrews, 1943).
Thousands of chemical determinations have been made on the semen of
various species and on the secretions of the various parts of the genital
system. One 1)£ the chief purposes of such determinations has been to
is similar to that of cattle blood and that the formula of the sodium ei.trate
buffer which would be isotonic with blood is different from that which
has been widely used in the preparation of yolk-citrate dilutor for semen.
To be isotonic with blood, heated sodium citrate solutions should contain
2.9 g. NaaC6H507.2H20 per 100 ml. of glass distilled water. The actual
preparation of this dilutor will be discussed in a subsequent chapter.
The determination of the pH and buffering capacity of semen has been
No. \ High \ Low IAv. No.1 High Low I I Av.\ No·1 High Low I I
pH ........................... 9 7.36 6.9 7.19 3 6.6 6.33 6.45 2 7.32 7.26 7.29
Water, g .•.......••... " ...... 13 944 891 918 5 936 927 932 2 900 880 890
Sodium, mM .................. 14 133 100 117 5 158 149 153 1 103
Potassium, roM ............. 12 27.4 1722.9 6 61.4 28.7 48.3 2 21.2 14.3 17.8
Calcium, mM .............. 3 7.15 5.3 6.22 3 32.7 28.7 30.2
Total CO" mM ........... 7 33.2 19.2 24 3 5.4 3.1 4.2·
Chloride, mM .............. ... 31 57.3 28.3 42.8 8 46.1 34.8 38.1
Acid soluhle phosphorust ... 8 32.3 17.2 23.8 1.77 0.651 09 7 19.8 9.65 14.7
Specific gravity ................ 6 1039 16/
1031 1035 14 1027 2 1038 1036 1037
Total nitrogen, mg ............. 34 1225 560 913 14 511 295 41G 3 1343 1233 1284
Nonprotein nitrogen, rug ........ 12 130 73 96 6 90 3053.6 1 .. .. .... 99
Total protein by difference. g .... 12 6.85 3.29 4.50 6 2.93 1.66 2.17 1 .... .... 7.78
Total protein, grav-inletric, r, ..... 11 7.74 4.30 5.80 2 2.64 2.46 2.55 1 .... ....
Globulins, g .......... ........ 6 I- 2.43 0.76 1.20
Glucose,t mg .................. 6 369 203 295 12 48 Trace 16.4 5 625 275 390
Ascorbic acid, t mg ...... ..... U .. . .... 12.8 1U . ... .....
0.54 9 . .. . ... 4.66
Inorganic phosphorus, § rug ...... ., .... .... 45
Spermine phosphorus, § mg .. , ... .. .... .... 22.5
Urea,§ mg ......... . . .. ..... .. . , .. . ... 72
Lactic acid, § mg. ..... ..... . .. ., .., . .... 95
Cholesterol, § mg. " .... .. .... . ... 80 .. 618 86 Ii
(3) the penetration of the cell wall of the ovum by a spermatozoon, (4)
the loss of the body and tail piece of the sperm, and (5) the union of the
male and female pronuclei. The process of fertilization is not complete
'.Intil the pronuclei of each gamete have united and the species number of
only the maternal characteristics. Pincus and coworkers have been able
to induce cell division and embryological development in the rabbit by
altering the environment of the rabbit ovum.
Sperm Motility.-The most outstanding characteristic of spermatozoa
is their ability to move. It is generally accepted that sperm which have
lost their motility are incapable of fertilizing an ovum. The presence of
motility, however, does not guarantee that the fertilizing capacity still
exists. It is likewise well known that the more rapidly sperm move the
shorter their length of life. Some of the basic problems in the preser-
vation of semen for use in artificial insemination are the reduction of
sperm motility during storage, the maintenance of the capacity for
motility, and the reestablishment of vigorous activity after the sperm have
been introduced into the female genitalia. It is not unusual for the
motility of bull spermatozoa to persist for 3 weeks under laboratory con-
ditions, but it is very unusual for conception to occur in cattle with
semen which has been stored for 10 days. Shaffner (1942) was able to
restore motility in fowl sperm which had been held at -79°C. for 14
months. Although motility was excellent, fertility was not induced.
Sperm Survival in the Female Genital Tract.-The fact that there are
very great species differences in sperm survival in the female genitalia has
resulted in many unsubstantiated beliefs concerning m~ and the farm
animals. In most mammals it is very unlikely if sperm have a useful
life of more than 36 to 48 hours. In fact, most animal-breeding special-
ists recommend that natural service or artificial insemination should
precede the time of ovulation by only a few hours. In cattle, a species in
which ovulation occurs about 14 hours after the end of estrus, the best
results are obtained when service is given about 20 hours before ovulation
occurs. In the chicken fertile eggs are commonly produced for 3 weeks
following a single insemination and have been known to occur for as long
as 32 days. Of the mammals, the bat seems to be in a special class. In
some species of bats highly motile sperm have been found as long as 159
days following isolation from the male. Although, under natural con-
ditions, bats may copulate during the winter and spring, it has been
shown that sperm deposited in the fall are capable of fertilizing ova
produced in the spring (Wimsatt, 1944). Among insects, the queen
bee has been reported to lay fertile eggs for 7 years following the last
In spite of the above facts, we must realize that the store of energy in a
tiny sperm is not overlarge and that, when the seminal fluid is deposited
in the female genital tract of the higher animals, the spermatozoa are
immediately plunged into violent activity. It would seem reasonable
to expect, therefore, that their tenure of life would be brief. This
venting the loss of sperm from the vagina. It is well known that the uterus
undergoes rhythmic contractions and that the activity is usually greatest
during estrus. It seems probable that uterine contractions are largely
responsible for transporting sperm' through the uterus and Fallopian
tubes. Inert carbon particles, when mixed with semen, travel at approxi-
mately the same rate as sperm.
As previously mentioned, it is essential that sperm maintain the power
of motility if fertility is to be preserved. It would appear logical to
theorize that once sperm have been transported through the uterine horns
and Fallopian tubes that they contact the ovum as the result of their
swimming action and that contact with the ovum is maintained by the
motile sperm.
The various means of evaluating semen quality, the dilution, preserva-
tion, and use of semen for artificial insemination will be discussed in
another chapter.
Summary.-The male's part in reproduction consists of the production
of spermatozoa and their deposition in the female genital tract at the
. proper time in relation to ovulation. The sperm are formed in the testis
in the seminiferous tubules. They then pass through a series of small
tubules into the epididymis where they undergo final maturation, and
thence into the vas deferens where they are stored prior to ejaculation.
The testis, in mammals, is ordinarily maintained in a rather vulnerable
organ, the scrotum. This is essential if sperm are to be formed normally,
since spermatogenesis cannot be completed in most mammals unless the
testes are maintained at temperatures lower than those of the body
cavity. In addition to the production of sperm the testis secretes the
male sex hormone, testosterone, which is responsible for sex drive and the
male secondary sexual characters. Male hormone and sperm production
are usually synchronized, but may be independent under certain condi-
tions. Testicular function depends primarily upon the gonadotropic
hormones of the anterior pituitary" gland. However, the maintenance of
the male in a state of maximum reproductive efficiency requires a favor-
able environment, adequate nutrition, freedom from disease or physio-
logical imbalance, and wise breeding management.
. ALLEN, E. 1939. "Sex and Internal Secretions," The Williams & Wilkins Com-
pany, Baltimore.
AREY, L. B. 1937. "Developmental Anatomy," W. B. Saunders Company,
DUKES, H. H. 1942. "The Physiology of Domestic Animals," Comstock Publishing
Company, Inc., Ithaca.
HOR N--=~IL+
to the many protuberances of the follicles and corpora lutea which give
them a shape somewhat like a bunch of grapes.
In the domestic fowl. and other avian species, only the left ovary is
functional. During early embryonic life there are two female gonads, but
the right remains as a functionless rudiment. During the egg-produc-
ing period the right ovary contains clusters of yellow or reddish-yellow
spheres. These vary in size from the fully developed yolk to microscopic
ova. Although they differ from mammalian ova in that they contain a
large amount of yolk, they serve the same general function. It is
interesting to observe that the chicken, the most highly developed of the
farm animals from the reproductive standpoint, has only one functional
The ovary consists of glandular, connective, and nerve tissues, blood
and lymph vessels, and many thousands of follicles in various stages of
development. The last, which arise from the germinal epithelium, are
found all through the stroma of the ovary, and each contains an immature
ovum that, when matured, is liberated and may be fertilized by a sperma-
tozoon and produce a new individual. It has been estimated that there
are upward of 75,000 follicles in the ovaries of a heifer calf at birth. Only
a very small percentage of these follicles would ever ripen, even though
the cow was never bred and came in heat regularly once in 3 weeks for
10 to 15 years. In this case, the ovaries would gradually become fibrous
because of the deposition of the small plugs of connective tissue, the end
result of the absorption of corpora lutea. The newer concept of a con-
tinual production of new ova from the germinal epithelium, similar to
spermatogenesis in the male, would involve the production of even
greater numbers of follicles, most of which atrophy and are absorbed
FIll. 42.-The generative organs of the mare. 1, left ovary; 2, Fallopian tube; 3, left horn
of uterus; 4, right horn of uterus; 5, body of uterus; 6, broad ligament; 7, vagina; 8, abdomi-
nal wall; 9, left kidney; 10, left ureter; 11, urina.ry bladder. (F1'om Leisering, AUa8 of the
Anatomy of Domesticated Animal8.)
As growth proceeds, the epithelial cells multiply and push out away from
the ovum forming an antrum, which becomes filled with a yellowish,
alkaline, albuminous fluid, the liquor folliculi The ovum itself remains
on a small hillock of epithelial cells, the cumulus oophorus. There is
some variation in the size of the ova of different mammalian species, but
they measure on the average about 0.13 mm. This is greatly in excess
of the size of the sperm, which has little or no cytoplasm. The egg, on
the other hand, has a nucleus with its contained chromosomes of about the
same size as the head of the sperm, and in addition it has a considerable
amount of stored cytoplasm, or yolk, in which the nucleus is suspended.
This makes the egg several thousand times the size of the sperm, but
dam is actually no more important than the sire from a hereditary
"""'''~l'''''Jl'llt, for both egg and sperm have a nucleus of equal size in which
genes, so that it will make no particular difIerence which member of each
pair of chromosomes any offspring may chance to get.
Hormonal Regulation of the Ovary.-The normal development and
function of the ovaries and the testes are dependent upon the gonado-
tropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. '.' If these hormones are
not secreted in proper balance in the mature female, the heat periods
l'lG. 45.- Diagram of maturation or miosis of germ cells in animals. The process begins
with the third row of cells. Maternal chromosomes white, paternal black. All chromo-
pomes in the fertilized egg received from the mature egg are thereafter maternal, and those
received from the spermatozoon are thereafter paternal, regardless of what they were in
the mature germ cells. (After Shull.)
this period that the corpus luteum forms and secretes progesterone
which brings about the final development of the uterus for pregnancy.
If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum regresses and there is a
short period of genital rest called diestrus. Diestrus is followed by
proestrus, which is characterized by follicular growth and generally
heightened reproductive activity. Follicular growth is accompanied
by the secretion of estrogen which gradually induces estrus. During
heat the follicle usually reaches its maximum size, and ovulation occurs
shortly before or just following the end of estrus. In seasonal breeders
the genitalia have a long period of quiescence which is called anestrus.
In cattle and swine the first part of lactation is usually accompanied by
a period of sexual inactivity called lactational diestrus.
cycle, days
I Usual time of
tation, days Age at
Av. Range Av. Range Av. Range
_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 · - - -
Mare....... 21 10--37 5-6 days 1-37 days 24-48 'h 0 U r s 336 310--350 10--12
before end of
Sow...... .. 21 18--24 2-3 days 1-5 days Usually second 112 111-115 3-7
day of estrus
Ewe....... . 16 14-20 30 hours 20--42 hours 1 hour before 150 140-160 4-8
end of estrus
Goat .... , .1 20 12-25 36-48 hours 20--80 hours Near end of 151 140--160 4-8
Cow. ...... 119-20 16-24 I 15-20 hours 8-30 hours 14 hours after 281 274-291 4-8
end of estrus
Because small quantities of blood sometimes appear in the genital
secretions of the cow and bitch, it is frequently said that menstruation
occurs. This is not the case, and the terms menstruation and menstrual
cycle should be reserved for the Primate. Menstruation is the shedding
or elimination of a large portion of the uterine lining (endometrium) at
regular intervals-usually each 26 to 30 days. In the Primate ovulation
occurs at approximately the midpoint of the menstrual cycle. Thus
ovulation would be most apt to occur 14 days after the beginning of
menstruation in a female with a 28-day menstrual cycle. Primates,
unlike other mammals, do not have a limited period of sexual receptivity
and thus no outward manifestations which can be easily correlated with
ovulation. The farm animals are characterized by the presence of a
very limited period of estrus which is closely correlated with ovulation.
throughout the year, man has done much "to keep them on a seasonal
schedule. Mares, if well cared for, are capable of continuous reproduc-
tive activity. Animals which are not well fed, and some which are, are
most apt to exhibit estrous behavior during the spring and summer
months. When horse production was more important than at present,
by far the greatest number of mares were mated in the spring and
Light and Temperature.-The mode of action of light and temperature
upon reproduction in the female is probably rather similar to that
described in the male. The effects of light in stimulating fall and winter
egg production in chickens are well
known. Although the total annual
egg production is increased but
slightly, the hens are induced to lay
in the fall and winter when the prices
of eggs are highest. It seems clear
that the effects of light are upon the
anterior pituitary gland and its secre-
HO tion of the gonadotropic hormones.
Estrone In the chicken both egg production
and fertility are lowest during the
summer. It is difficult to separate
the effects of light and temperature,
but it has been hypothesized that
decreased thyroid activity during the
warm months may indirectly reduce
HO reproductive efficiency. In human
Alpha - estradiol gynecology it is frequently reported
:FIG. 47.-Structural formulas of two of the that the correction of subnormal
common female hormones.
thyroid activity is followed by
pregnancy. Although conclusive experimental proof of such hypotheses
is lacking, they are worth consideration. Temperature, light, and
humidity are very difficult to control in large-animal experimentation.
Studies with goats by Bissonnette (1941) and by Sykes and Cole (1944)
strongly suggest that increased light followed by decreased light, in an
attempt to duplicate seasonal changes, will induce out-of-season breed-,
ing activity.
The Hormonal Functions of the Ovary.-The endocrine activity of the
testis is simple by comparison with the ovary. In the male the andro-
genic hormone is produced at a more or less continuous rate throughout
the reproductive period. In strictly seasonal breeders, or' course, the
male hormone is produced in maximum amounts only during the breed-
ing season. The ovary produces at least two distinctly different hor-
mones. These are produced only at definite times during the sexual
cycle, and the levels of secretion of each hormone vary during the
Estrogen.-It has been known since the 1890's that atrophy of the
uterus following castration could be prevented by an ovarian graft.
Long and Evans (1922) and Allen (1922) suggested that the substance
responsible for the maintenance of the uterus was produced by the
Graafian follicle, and this was proved by Allen and Doisy in 1923. Many
workers regard these studies as the beginning of modern endocrinology.
The hormone produced by the Graafian follicle is commonly referred to
as the female sex hormone and is one of a large number of the estrogenic
hormones. During the early 1920's it was thought that this was the only
ovarian hormone.
It is now known that at least 10 different estrogens appear in animal
tissues, secretions, blood, or urine, and that many others with estrogenic
activity can be prepared synthetically. Estrogens have been isolated
from the ovary, placenta, testis, and adrenal cortex and from various
plants. They are found in large amounts in the urine of both males and
females and such unlikely sources as petroleum and the slime from the
bottom of the Dead Sea.
The first estrogen to be crystallized and chemically identified was
estrone. This hormone was isolated from the urine of pregnant women
by Doisy et al. in 1929. The most active natural estrogen, and the one
which is probably secreted by the Graafian follicle, is estradiol. It is
very similar to estrone in structure but has considerably more physiologic
The natural estrogens have little effect unless they are administered by
injections, e.g., subcutaneously or intramuscularly. During the 1930's
many compounds which do not appear in nature but which have great
estrogenic activity were synthesized. Many of these compounds are
dissimilar chemically from the natural estrogens, and some are very
effective when administered orally. One of the best known is diethyl-
stilbestrol. It can be synthesized at low cost, is more active physiologi-
cally than most of the natural estrogens, is orally active, and has few
undesirable side effects. Diethylstilbestrol is widely used in human and
animal medicine for the correction of reproductive disorders. In addition
to its effect on the genital system it has been shown to be capable of
inducing fattening in chickens (Andrews and Bohren, 1947, and others)
and of increasing growth in cattle and sheep (Dinnusson et al., 1949, and
Andrews et al., 1949).
Progesterone.-The physiologic importance of the corpus luteum has
long been known, although the substance responsible for the effects was
not isolated until 1934. Beard suggested in 1897 that this structure
was necessary during pregnancy and would likewise affect ovulation and
the estrous cycle (Turner, 1948). The general descriptive name of the
corpus luteum hormone is progestin and the crystalline hormone itself is
called progesterone. Progesterone is a steroid hormone closely related
chemically to both'the natural estrogens and androgens. It is produced
cyclically during the estrous cycle, reaching a peak during the late
metestrous stage of the cycle. It is secreted in large amounts during
early pregnancy and can apparently
be produced by both the corpus
Juteum and placenta.
Androgen.-It is clear that the
ovary, in addition to secreting estro-
gen and progesterone, can produce
significant quantities of androgen.
Diethylstilbestrol Whether the ovary normally secretes
androgen in small amounts is not
known, but there is no doubt of its
androgenicity under certain special
conditions. When ovarian grafts
have been made into the ears of cas-
0/ trate rats and mice, sufficient andro-
Progesterone gen has been produced to maintain
FIG. 48.-Structural formulas of diethyl- the male accessory glands (Turner,
stilbestrol and progesterone. 1948). The temperature of the graft
site may be of some importance, since the ear has a lower temperature
than the normal abdominal ovarian location.
Effects of the Ovarian Hormones on the Genital Organs.-The most·
easily recognized effect of the estrogens is their stimulatory action on the
vagina. This effect is the basis of the most commonly used biologic
test for estrogenic activity. Prepubertal castration of the rat or mouse
prevents the development of the vagina. The opening of the vaginal
canal is prevented or greatly delayed, and the vagina has only a very thin
lining of epithelial cells. The injection of estrogen in such an animal
causes precocious opening of the vagina and the development of a very
thick lining of epithelial cells. These cells are produced in great quan-
tities by the germinal epithelial layer. As new cells are produced, the
innermost cells are sloughed off and appear as large scaly cells with
indistinct nuclei. These cells can be obtained for' study by introducing
a swab into the vagina and making a smear on a glass slide for microscopic.
study. The presence of large numbers of such large scaly cells is indica-
tive of an estrogenic effect. This method is very accurate for the de tee-
tion of ~nute quantities of estrogen and is widely used in biology and
medicine. Likewise, the condition of the vagi1lal epithelium in normal
animals is indicative of the stage of the estrual or menstrual cycle and
has wide application in clinical studies.
The development of the uterus is dependent upon both estrogen and
progesterone. Development is initiated by estrogen and completed by
progesterone. Estrogen injection of the castrate is followed by increased
proliferation and activity of the epithelial cells lining the uterus and of
the smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. The activity of the uterine
glands is ordinarily stimulated first by estrogen and is then continued by
progesterone during the luteal phase of the cycle. Uterine activity, as
measured by the rhythmic contractions of the uterus, is maximum during
estrus, and the uterus is relatively quiescent when progesterone is being
secreted by the corpus luteum.
As previously discussed, the corpus luteum is present and functional
only at certain stages of the estrous cycle and during pregnancy. The
primary function of its hormone, progesterone, is the final development
of the uterine epithelium in preparation for implantation of the blastocyst.
Progesterone is concerned with the maintenance of pregnancy following
implantation. In the cow, removal of the corpus luteum from the ovary
during pregnancy, especially during the first half of pregnancy, will
nearly always result in abortion. In "the mare, the ovaries may be
removed during early pregnancy without causing abortion. This is
assumed to indicate that the presence of a functional corpus luteum in
the ovaries of pregnant animals is essential in some species and not in
others. It is known that the placenta can produce progesterone, estro-
gen, and even gonadotropins, and this may explain some of the species
differences in dependency on the ovaries during pregnancy.
The Ovarian Hormones and Secondary Sexual Characteristics.-Like
the male, the female also exhibits characteristics peculiarly associated
with her sex and referable, as are the development and functional activi-
ties of the accessories, to hormones secreted by the ovaries. This is one
of the main functions of the ovaries.
These characteristics are to be found largely in the general body form
and are generally not so striking as those found in the male. The typical
male form is heavy or well developed anteriorly, less well developed
posteriorly. In the female, the exact opposite prevails. The mamma-
lian female develops a wider pelvis and a general feminine type expressed
in finer bone and more refined fe2.tures than the male. The deposition
of fat differs from that in the male, the voice is higher pitched, and she
differs also in psychological traits.
at the time of ovulation. If mating occurs only once during heat, the
time relatJonships are of vital importance.
In all the farm animals estrus or heat is recognized by the willingness
of the female to accept the male. In the ewe and mare the usual outward
signs are the fact that the female stands and will allow the male to mount.
Mares react very vigorously when not in estrus and may severely injure
the stallion. For this reason, it is recommended that mares be tried to
a stallion in some sort of a teasing stall or chute. Sows may occasionally
exhibit both male and female mating behavior, but the estrous animal is
usually recognized by her willingness to accept the male. Of the farm
animals, cows are most likely to exhibit both male and female mating
behavior. This has led to numerous errors in artificial insemination
associations, and the "wrong" cow has often been kept in the barn for
the insemination. Ordinarily, the truly estrous cow is the one which is
mounted by other cows. When one female is approached by several
cows, there should be little doubt that she is in heat. Fortunately, there
are some physiologic as well as behavioral signs of estrus. Estrus is
usually characterized by increased genital secretion and discharge due to
stimulation by the estrogenic hormone. In cattle and swine there is
frequently some swelling of the vulva and urination may be frequent.
Following the discovery of estrogen, it was concluded that this hor-
mone was solely responsible for estrous behavior. The experimental
study of estrus indicated that androgens and progesterone, as well as
estrogen, may be involved. In the spayed guinea pig sexual receptivity
depends upon the secretion of estrogen followed by the secretion of small
amounts of progesterone. In this species it has been shown that proges-
terone is secreted by the Graafian follicle prior to ovulation (Dempsey
et al., Hl36). This has recently been shown to be true in the rat, mouse,
and hamster (cited by Cole, 1948). Cole (1948) has found that in the
ewe androgen, in combination with equine gonadotropin, was quite
effective in inducing estrus. Since androgens are present in significant
amounts in the female of several species, this reaction might not be limited
to the ewe.
Ovulation.-Ovulation is the freeing of the ovum by the rupture of the
follicle in the ovary. As indicated irr-the previous section r this takes '
place in animals durIng the estrus or heat period, except those, of course,
which do not ovulate spontaneously. Many theories have been proposed
to account for the freeing of the egg from its follicle; e.g., pressure from
within the follicle, pres~ure induced from the blood supplY-of the ovary,
ml,lSQ~ffi-the--(')¥ary or the follicle, and the action of
proteolytic enzYlJli)S in the liquor folliculi.
FlG. 49.-0vulation in the rat. 1. Ovum detached from germinal hill and approaching
stigma. 2. Rupture of the stigma and passage of the ovum th.rough it. (Courtesy of Dr.
Richard J . Blandau, University of Washin(Jton, School of Medicine).
FIG. 50.-Cystic ovaries in a nonpregnant sow. This animal exhibited irregular estrual
periods and had been bred repeatedly during a 5-month period without the establishment of
pregnancy. (Courtesy 0/ Dr. A. V. Nalbandov, Department 0/ Animal Science, University
0/ Illinois.)
The process of ovulation is a gradual one and not in any sense explosive
or cataclysmic. The ripened follicle protrudes beyond the surface of
the~vary, one or several areas of the follicular wall become avascularized,
thin, and more or less transparent until the wall finally ruptures at one
point. The follicular fluid flows through the ruptured area carrying the
ovum with it.
During the final stages of follicular development the chromosomes in
the egg are reduced to one-half the somatic number by the budding off
of a polar body containing the chromosomes but little or no cytoplasm.
As the time of ovulation approaches, the germinal hill (discus proligerus
or cumulus oophorus) breaks up, freeing the ovum in order that it -ffill
not be trapped in the follicle.
There have been many suggested schemes in regard to the alternation
of ovarian function. The theory that one ovary produces male and the
other female offspring is obviously unworkable in mammals in view of
what is known of the genetic determination of sex. There is no evidence
to substantiate the idea that the ovaries alternate in egg production.
Alternation sometimes occurs, but the usual pattern of ovarian activity
is a random one. The removal of one ovary usually has little or no
effect on subsequent fertility.
Breeding in Relation to Time of Ovulation.-The time of ovulation is
of very great practical importance to livestock breeders. Relatively
little was known about the time or process of ovulation before 1930, and I
in cattle the matter had received little attention prior to 1940. The
"average" time of ovulation of the various classes of farm animals is '
known, but as in all biological phenomena there is considerable individual
variation. There is as yet no practical method for predicting exactly
when a particular animal will ovulate. In animals which ordinarily
produce only one egg during the heat period, the breeder's problem is to
ensure that large numbers of vigorous fresh sperm will be present in the
Fallopian tubes at the time of ovulation. In the sow, the theoretically
optimum time would be shortly before the majority of the ova are
liberated. In the other farm animals fertilization is an all or none
phenomenon, since only one ovum is ordinarily involved. In the sow
pregnancy may occur even though the percentage of eggs fertilized may
be very low. Breeding swine either too early or too late in the heat
period may have an effect on litter size.
Cows and ewes should be mated during the latter part of the heat
period. The optimum time is shortly after the middle of estrus. How-
ever, since heat is relatively short in those species, random breeding at
any time during heat will result in fair breeding efficiency. In the sow
and mare the longer heat period may influence fertility. At the Purdue
Station it is recommended that gilts be bred early during the second day
of heat and that sows be mated sometime during the second day. Sows
tend to stay in heat longer than gilts and can be mated a little later.
These recommendations are made with the assumption that the breeder
will try the animals each day to determine the presence of estrus. In
swine, if the boar is not being used too heavily, conception rate and litter
size can usually be improved by mating the females more than once'
during heat. Mares have the lowest conception rate of all the farm
animals. This is due to the limited survival time of sperm in the female
and to the uncertainty of the length of heat and the time of ovulation in
any particular mare. Studies by the writer showed that the highest
conception rate occurred when the mares were either naturally or artifi-
cially inseminated each day beginning on the second day of heat and '.
.~ , , " r,.'
.. "!
continuing until the end of estrus. This system is not practical under
farnf conditions. Breeding during the third, fourth, and fifth days of
heat produced excellent results. Some breeders report equal success by
breeding every other day beginning on the third day of heat. If a mare
can be bred only once, the fourth day of heat is usually the best.
Vitality of Ova.-The survival of sperm within the female reproductive
organs is long by comparison with the viability of ova. The early work
of Lewis at the Oklahoma Station in 1911 is classic for its type. Of 13
sows force-bred a total of 34 times following the cessation of estrus, only
1 became pregnant. Lewis correctly concluded that the ovum does not
retain its vitality for more than a few hours following ovulation. More
recent studies have shuwn that not only is the life of the ovum short but
that developmental abnormalitie~ may be related to the age of the egg
at the time of fertilization. In the guinea pig Blandau and Young (1939)
found that when fertilization was delayed for 8 hours following ovulation
there was an increase in the number of sterile inseminations, a decrease
in litter size, and an increase in abnormal pregnancies. No normal
development followed insemination more than 20 hours after OVUlation,
and complete sterility occurred after 32 hours. Similar results were
obtained in the rat (Blandau and Jordan, 1941). Records of cattle
inseminations have consistently shown that very poor conception occurs
when insemination is carried out 12 hours or more following the end of
heat (Trimberger and Davis, 1943).
Superovulation.-Following the discovery of the gonadotropic prin-
ciples, numerous attempts to induce estrus and ovulation have been made.
For the most part the studies have been concerned with the induction
of normal estrual cycles and ovulation rates typical of the species. How-
ever, a number of investigations of superovulation, the production of
large numbers of ova, have been carried out.
It was shown that certain gonadotropic materials would produce super-
ovulation in rats and mice, that many of the eggs were fertilized, that
there was a relatively high rate of embryonic mortality, but that larger
than normal litters could be produced (Engle, 1927; Cole, 1937; Evans
and Simpson, 1940).
This problem has been investigated in both cattle and sheep at the
University of Wisconsin by Casida et al. (1940-1944). Twenty-four ewes
treated with follicle-stimulating extracts had a total of 576 corpora
lutea, and 357 ova were recovered. All the ewes were artificially insemi-
nated. Seven of the animals had no fertilized ova, and 17 of them
yielded from 2 to 19 ova in varying stages of cleavage. The responses
obtained varied with the gonadotropins used and the stage of the estrual
cycle at the time of treatment (Murphree et al., 1944).
The fertilized ovum or zygote passes down one of these tubes in from
3 to 4 days in domestic animals to find lodgment in a horn or in the body
of the uterus. For this purpose, aid is perhaps derived in some species
from the cilia or microscopic fingerlike projections from each of the cells
that line the inside of the oviduct and by a waving motion tending to
push the ovum downward. In other species, however, cilia are lacking
in the oviducts, so that the downward passage of the zygote is probably
here referable to the peristaltic action of the musculature of the tubes,
even though this is made up of small waves rather than one continuous
wave. Like the rest of the female genital tract, the oviducts and their
glands become more active at estrus. Fallopian tubes, the lumina of
FIG. 5~.-Uterine lining of the mare. 1. First day after foaling, endometrium specialized
for pregnancy. 2. First day of foal heat, endometrium not yet repaired following foaling.
which are smaller than the lead in a pencil and greatly convoluted, act
somewhat in the nature of a seal, thus preventing anything harmful
passing down into the pregnant uterus. It can readily be seen, too, that,
if infection of any sort once found lodgment here, it would be exceedingly
difficult to combat or to eliminate. The most usual type of sterilization
operation in woman consists of the severing and tying off of the oviducts
so that sperm are not able to come into contact with the egg.
Uterus and Horns.-The 9viducts in the higher animals terminate in
the horns of the uterus, and the two horns terminate in the body of the
uterus. It is here, of course, that the embryo undergoes its prenatal
development. In the human, the horns of the uterus are practically
lacking. In the mare the body of the uterus is nearly equal in length to
that of the horns, whereas in the cow, ewe, and sow the body is short a.nd
... ,.
the horns long. The horns, or cornua, are long and straight in the dog
and cat, l~ng and coiled or folded in the sow, and long and curved, some-
what like a ram's horns, in the cow, ewe, and goat. The horns and
uterus proper are lined with a highly vascularized mucosa bounded by
two layers of muscle fibers, the inner circular and the outer longitudinal
layers. This muscular structure provides the uterus with the degree of
elasticity necessary for pregnancy and also provides the means for the
final expulsion of the fetus at time of parturition.
The external covering of the horns and uterus is the serosa. The
mucosa of the uterus is highly vascularized and contains many glands
and lymph spaces. During sexually mature life it is undergoing rhythmic
changes due to the heat periods, the inner surface being renewed period-
ically preparatory to the release of eggs from ovaries. The glands
increase in size and activity at this time also. The fertilized egg descends
the oviduct and finds lodgment in or on the uterine mucosa. Parts of
the inner uterine wall become modified, forming the maternal part of the
Illacenta by means of which the embryo receives its materials for growth.
This may be a circular or disklike area, as in woman and the mare, a
zone or band, as in the bitch or cat, or rows of cotyledons or caruncles, as
in the cow and ewe.
Cervix.-The uterus terminates posteriorly in the cervix, or neck of
the womb. This is a very thick-walled portion of the genital tract. It
is lined with simple epithelial cells that secrete copious amounts of mucus
into the small canal passing through the cervix. The thick muscular
walls are thrown into many folds that expand at time of parturition to
allow passage of the fetus and then retract in a few days to their con-
tracted state. The cervix forms an effective seal at the posterior end of
the uterus.
In the mare, the cervix is 2 to 3 in. long and 17'2 in. in diameter.
The cervical canal is straight and never fully closed in the nonpregnant
state. In the cow it is about 4 in. long with a wall 1 in. or more in thick-
ness and is always tightly contracted except at parturition. The canal
through the cow's cervix is spiral, folds of tissue being thrown back on
each other making it difficult to dilate or to insert an instrument of any
sort. In the ewe, the cervix is about l}~ in. in length, and the lumen is
tightly contracted and difficult of entrance as in the cow, whereas in the
sow it is about 4 in. long, partly occluded by rounded prominences on
, its interior and has no intravaginal projection as found in the mare, cow,
and ewe.
The character of the mucus secreted by the cervix varies considerably:.
at different times of the reproduction cycle. During estrus, the mucus
is thin and watery, the cervix also somewhat relaxed. Roth these con-
ditions render passage of the semen into the uterus easier. Following
heat, the mucus thickens and remains in this condition until the next
heat period. Following the onset of pregnancy, the cervical mucus
becomes very thick, forming a more or less solid and permanent plug
that seals the cervix and thus protects the developing embryo. Disturb-
ance of this plug is often followed by abortion, but the reaction here is
quite variable among both individuals and species. Owing to its stlUC-
ture, especially in the cow, pathological conditions in the cervix are
particularly hard to treat.
Vagina.-From the cervix posteriorly to the urogenital sinus or vesti-
bule, the female genital tract is termed the vagina. In farm animals it
Jew. 53.- Changes ill the vaginal epithelium of the mare during the estrual cycle. 1. First
day of estrus. 2. Seventh day of estrus , observe increased number of epithelial cells and
flattening of surface cells. 3. Five days after estrus.
lies horizontally below the rectum and above the bln.dder. This portion
of the tract is relatively simple both in structure and function. It consists
anatomically of the usual three layers of tissue: mucosa, muscularis, and
serosa. The epithelial lining of the vagina is very responsive to cyclic
sexual changes, and these changes have been intensively studied and
correlated with the phenomena of estrus, ovulation, etc., in laboratory
animals and in woman. During estrus the cellular epithelial lining of
the vagina proliferates, becomes highly stratified. During interestrus it
is less active and consists of fewer layers of cells. In the mare the vagina
is about 6 to 8 in. long; in the cow, 8 to 10 in.; in the ewe, 3 to 4 in.; in
the sow, 4 to 5 in. The vagina generally becomes longer during the
pregnant state.
The function of the vagina is twofold: (1) to receive the intromittent
organ of the male in copulation and pl'obably in most cases the ejaculate
also, and (2) to provide a passage for the fully developed fetus at term.
Vulva and Clitoris.-The female genital tract terminates posteriorly in
the vulva or external orifice. With the onset of heat, or estrus, these
structures become congested and enlarged, particularly in the sow,
somewhat less so in the cow, the mare, and the ewe. The clitoris, the
small erectile organ homologous to the penis in the male, is situated just
inside the portion of the vulva farthest removed from the anus. Suffi-
cient stimulation of the clitoris results in a se)o,,'ual orgasm in the female.
Fertilization.-Hormones from the anterior pituitary cause a number
Second polar body
FIG. 54.- A rare photomicrograph of the early fertilization process in the rat taken with the
phase microscope. (Coul·tesy of Dr. Richard J . Blanda", Uni'IJersity of Washington, School
of Medicine.)
of follicles to begin their final rapid growth and maturing processes. F S:.H
Eventually one or several (depending on individuality and species)
follicles become fully mature, a process which includes the reduction in
the number of chromosomes to the haploid number through the budding
off of a polar body containing one member of each pair of chromosomes.
The follicle finally ruptures, and the egg is liberated during estrus. At
this time the female will accept service by the male, and billions of
spermatozoa are introduced into the distal end of the vagina, into the
• cervix, or possibly in some species directly into the uterus. In the course
of a very few hours masses of spermatozoa have been transported through
the uterus and tubes to the upper end of the latter.
• The ovum drops, or is "Swept, into the infundibulum, and one sperma-
tozoon immediately pierces it. This stimulates the ovum to throw off the
dilated capillaries. Villi do not form in the pig, and the uterine mucosa
has no special cotyledonary areas. The placenta of the pig is, therefore,
of the contact type (semiplacenta) in contrast to the burrowing type (true
placenta), e.g., human. Materials secreted by the uterine glands are
absorbed by the trophoblast and transported to the embryo by means of
the allantoic blood vessels.
In the mare the lymphatic system of the uterine mucosa is greatly
developed, and villi are found in the allantois that fit into tiny crypts of
the uterine wall.
FIG. 55.-Pregnant uterus with cotyledons. A, uterus; BB, maternal cotyledon; D, fetal
cotyledon. (From U.S. D epartment of Aoriculture, Diseases of Cattle. )
In the cow and the ewe there are many special points of attachment
between the chorion and the uterine wall. These are called cotyledons
(buttons), and these species are, therefore, of the polycotyledonary type.
There are 70 to 130 cotyledons in the ewe and cow. During pregnancy
the cotyledons become spongy, owing to increased vascularization and
the enlargement of the lymphatics. Villi containing blood vessels from
the allantois grow out from the cotyledonary areas of the trophoblast and
become embedded in the tissues of the cotyledons of the uterus. The
uterine glands in the intercotyledonary areas as well as the surface
epithelium also secrete copiously during pregnancy. This secretion,
together with its contained formed constituents (red-blood corpuscles,
leucocytes, fat globules, salts, glycogen, etc.) from the blood and lymph
systems, is known as uterine milk. It seems probable that the exchange
of oxygen and carbon dioxide is effected in the cotyledons, where glands
are absent and where the maternal and fetal blood systeII+g come into
close contact.
The function of the placenta is, of course, the elaboration of the
materials necessary for fetal development and the development of a
transporting system for conveying food materials to the embryo or fetus
as well as \Va. te products away from it. It should be remembered that
o o
FIG. 56.-Embrronic calf at the two-cell stage. (Courtesy Bureau of Dairy Industry, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, and Carnegie Instit ution of Waahington.)
required for the developing zygote to traverse the oviduct probably varies
somewhat in different species but consumes a period ranging from 1 or 2
up to several days. During this time the egg lives and grows upon its own
stored nourishment found in the yolk.
Upon entrance into the uterus, the group of cells, probably in the
morula stage, takes lodgment upon or in the uterine wall, absorbing
nourishment for growth from the uterine secretions until its own develop-
ing eJl.'traembryonic membranes can set up a connection with the blood
FIG. 57.-Stages in the implantation of the guinea pig ovum. 1. Note bipolarity of the
ovum and beginning of attachment to the uterine epithelium. 2. Observe loss of nuclei in
the uterine epithelium. 3. Implantation approximately one-half completed. 4. Implan-
tation almost completed. (Courtesy of Dr. Richard J. Blandau, University of Washington,
School of ]I{ edicine.)
muscle, nerve, etc., from materials supplied from the mother's blood
The momla, or mulberry like, stage is succeeded by the blastula, or
hollow-sphere, stage, then through an infolding of a portion of the cells
the gastrula stage is formed. The outer portion is called the trophoblast,
FIG. 58.-Fetal calf within its membranes. (From U.S. Department of A{l1'wulture, Disea8es
of Cattle.)
the embryo proper being retained outside the blastocoele. A yolk sac is
developed dorsally, and, althoug!:l little yolk is present in the egg of
mammals, the yolk sac functions for about 3 weeks in the cow, sheep, and
pig, and about 6 weeks in the mare, as the medium for supplying nourish-
ment to the embryo. Folds grow out from all sides of the embryo and
grow up over it, fusing and enfolding it. This is the amnion, which
becomes filled with a watery fluid in which the embryo floats, thus being
protected from concussion. From the hind gut there forms an out-
pouching that grows out and enfolds the amnion and its contained
embryo. This is the allantois, which is also filbd ,,,ith a watery fluid.
Its outer wall fuses with the outer wall of the blastocoele, forming the
placenta. Food materials are carried down into the maternal placent&,
there transfuse into the capillaries of the allantoic circulation, and art
carried to the embryo by means of the blood vessels through the umbili
calor navel cord. Waste products of the embryo are eliminated by thE'
reverse process. In ruminants, the connection between chorion and
uterine mucosa occurs at the cotyledons, or buttons.
Fro. 59.- Bovine monster. Embryonic abnormalities of this type are the exception rather
than the rule.
use and care of sires and the mating of females at the optimum time in
respect to ovulation.
The incidence of absolute sterility in cattle has been reported to range
from 5 to 7.2 per cent. When those animals ,vith complete reproductive
failure are considered separately from those which eventually conceive,
the breeding efficiency of the "fertile" animals can be determined.
Trimberger and Davis (1943) have summarized the data of 16 different
investigations of the breeding efficiency at natural service of nearly 23,000
cattle. In one study of 1,801 Co\YS only 1.32 services per conception
were required. Approximately 78 per cent of the cows conceived on
the first service, 15 per cent on the second, 4.5 per cent on the third, and
1.7 per cent on the fourth or more services. These data were reported in
1918 and to the authors' knowledge, have not since been equaled in a
large group of cattle. At the other extreme are the results of a study of
1,151 cows in which the average services per conception was 2.52. This
difference of only one more service per pregnancy may not seem great.
When the data are examined, it is seen that only 47.4 of the cows con-
ceived on the first service, 22.4 per cent on the second, 12.7 per cent on
the third, and 17.5 per cent required 4 or more services. Delay in the
establishment of pregnancy increases the time interval between calvings,
decreases the number of offspring per animal, and is accompanied by
decreased milk production. When the data from all sources were sum-
marized, it was found that 1.79 services per conception were required.
This figure is fairly typical of the average cattle herd in the United States.
In occasional well-managed, disease-free herds 70 to 80 per cent of the
cows may conceive on the first service. We believe that this degree of
efficiency can be attained if the best practices are used. In poorly
managed herds, or in animals in which there is a high incidence of genital
diseases, breeding efficiency may be less than 40 to 50 per cent. Data on
16,555 cows showed that 64.3 per cent conceived on the first service, 19.9
and 8.5 per cent conceived on the second or third services. App~oxi
mately 7 per cent required four or more services. These animals were
all naturally mated. The breeding results which are being obtained in
artificial insemination associations throughout the United States are
very similar to natural service. As a general rule animals which fail to
conceive following repeated natural service to a fertile sire cannot be
expected to become pregnant when artificial insemination is used.
The breeding efficiency of beef cattle under range conditions is usually
expressed in terms of the annual calf crop, since the bulls are allowed to
run with the cows during the breeding season. The calf crop on the
range may be as low as 40 per cent and occasionally as high as 90 per cent.
Baker and Quesenberry (1944) studied the breeding and calving records
at the U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station, Miles City, Mont., fot"
an 18-year period. The average calf crop during 4,753 cow years wa:-;
83.1 per cent. The calf crop varied from 66.1 per cent following the
severe drought of 1936 to 92.5 per cent in 1939. An analysis of the data
did not show age to be significantly correlated with fertility, but it was
revealed that over 50 per cent of the shy breeding cows could be identified
by four years of age.
Swine have generally been considered to be the most fertile of all the
farm animals. In fact, during the 1930's the prolificacy of swine was
considered as one of the leading economic problems of the livestock
industry. The data which are available on the breeding efficiency of
swine do not tend to support the first statement. Phillips (1939) reported
that of 250 sows selected at random from a Bureau of Animal Industry
swine herd 16.8 per cent failed to produce litters. Of those which far-
rowed, 84 per cent conceived on the first service, 12 required two services,
2.5 required three, and 1.5 per cent required four services. In a subse-
quent report, Phillips and Zeller (1941) presented data on conception
failures in 1,354 breeding seasons in six breeds. They found that con-
ception failures ranged from 13.9 to 36.9 per cent. By estimating the
number of ova produced by the different breeds at the time of ovulation
and comparing with actual breeding and farrowing data, these workers
have attempted to account for the losses of ova which occur. Their
estimates of the per cent of ova lost are as follows: "(a) failure of con-
ception, 36.4 per cent, (b) loss from conception to parturition, 19.9 per
cent, (c) loss from parturition to weaning, 14.6 per cent, and (d) loss at
parturition, 2 per cent. This leaves 27.1 per cent of the ova which have
the chance to be fertilized represented by live pigs at weaning." When
the fertility of swine is considered from this standpoint, reproductive
efficiency seems very low. It has been known for many years that in
pregnant sows examined in the slaughterhouse only about 70 per cent
of the ova which have been produc()d are represented by normally devel-
oping fetuses (Hammond, 1921). Thus, when the fertility of swine is
considered in terms of females which do not conceive, those in which few
ova are fertilized, the high mortality of fertilized ova, and losses at
parturition and prior to weaning, it is evident that a serious and challeng-
ing problem exists.
Sheep are commonly flock mated, and the number of services per
pregnancy is therefore difficult to ascertain. Fertility is usually expressed
in terms of the number or percentage of lambs born to each 100 ewes in
one breeding season. Breed differences, plane of nutrition, and general
management practices undoubtedly have a great influence on the lamb
crop. Under farm-flock conditions in Great Britain, lamb crops of 154
per cent in flushed ewes and 140 per cent in nonflushed ewes have been
reported (Nichols, 1926). As reported by Phillips (1939) in the United
States the lamb crop of flushed ewes kept under farm conditions was
reported as 164 per cent and nonflushed 143 per cent. In range flocks
it has been estimated that the average lamb crop is 70 to 80 per cent.
During a 10-year period the average services per pregnancy were 2.9
(Shropshire), 2.9 (Southdown), 2.5 (Hampshire), and 1.4 (Karakul) in
the U.S. Department of Agriculture flock at Beltsville.
Reproductive failure is more common in the horse than in any other
farm animal. Most of the data which are available express fertility in
terms of the per cent of mares which foaled during a particular period.
Mares are frequently mated more than once during a single heat period,
and a large per cent are bred during two or three successive heat periods
before they conceive. If the per cent of services which resulted in the
birth of living foals was determined, the efficiency would be extremely
Data gathered during a 6-year period on the breeding performance of
390 stallions and 28,241 Clydesdale mares showed that 52 per cent of the
mares foaled. During a .)-year period 42.3 per cent of 3,640 Thorough-
bred mares bred to 43 stallions foaled (Robinson, 1921). In no class of
animal is knowledge and skill of more importance than in the horse. In
the authors' experience the foal crop can usually be increased from the
50 per cent level to 70 to 75 per cent by proper breeding management
(Andrews and McKenzie, 1941). In areas where horse breeding is of
importance, as in the Thoroughbred-producing regions, it has been pos-
sible to produce living foals from as many as 80 per cent of the mares
bred each year.
The Influence of Age on Reproductive Efficiency.-Since age can be
accurately measured and is usually closely correlated with growth rate
and sexual development, it is not surprising that many practical rule-of-
thumb recommendations in regard to age and time of breeding have been
developed. At least two important points should be considered by the
livestock breeder in the application of such recommendations. All ani-
mals must be regarded as individuals. Animals of the same age may
differ widely in weight and degree of development and thus differ in
readiness for conception. A second problem for consideration is that
sexual maturity, or puberty, is not a single point but extends over a
considerable period of ,time, depending on the species concerned and
other factors. In the human, for example, Mills (1939) estimated that
there is a lag of about 6.5 years between the onset of the menses and the
establishment of pregnancy in married Filipino girls. In rats Babcock
et al., (1940) reported that the age at puberty in the female is about 65
days but the normal age for breeding is about 100 days. Even when
breeding in rats is delayed until 100 days, however, there is a time lapse
of 11.7 days between opportunity of mating and the establishment of
pregnancy (Asdell et al., 1941).
The problem of age and breeding efficiency has been widely investigated
in cattle and, to a lesser extent in swine and sheep. One of the earliest
investigations of this problem was begun by Mumford at the Missouri
Experiment Station with swine in 1909. Sows bred at 218 days of age
farrowed 8.68 pigs per litter, and reached a mature weight of 415 lb.
Females bred at 479 days farrowed 8.36 pigs per litter and reached a
mature weight of 401 lb., whereas those not mated until 838 days farrowed
only 5.62 pigs per litter and reached a mature weight of 384 lb. The
rate of growth of the early-bred gilts was lowered, presumably because of
the drain of lactation, but the growing period was lengthened (McKenzie,
1928). A more recent study by Stewart (1945) showed that litter size
increased with the age of the gilt from 9 months until 15 months but did
not increase beyond this point. Under practical conditions swine are
usually bred to farrow when from 12 to 14 months of age.
There is not complete agreement as to the influence of age on the
fertility of dairy cattle, probably due to differences in cattle-management
practices through the years and in different areas of the country, and
in types of cattle observed. There is fairly general agreement that the
breeding efficiency of heifers is lower than that of cmys calving more than
once and that fertility declines in animals more than 9 or 10 years old.
A study at Cornell University involving 41 bulls and over 12,000 services
to Holstein cows showed that the average breeding efficiency of all cows
artificially inseminated was 48.2 per cent. It was maximum (50.6 per
cent) in cows 4 to 6 years of age and minimum in cows 1 to 3 years of age
or more than 10 years (46.5 per cent in both groups). In the bull, the
only outstandingly high figure ,vas 56.1 per cent breeding efficiency in the
2-year-old group and an average of 48.2 per cent in bulls ranging from 1
to 12 years of age (Tanabe and Salisbury, 1946). A study of breeding
efficiency in the University of Nebraska herd between 1896 and 1934
showed that cows under 2 years of age were less fertile than cows from 2
to 10 years old and bulls under 2 years of age had the highest breeding
efficiency (Morgan and Davis, 1938). A summary of the fertility of
dairy bulls in the Purdue herd between 1920 and 1940 showed that bulls
from 21 to 33 months of age had the highest efficiency (73.4 per cent),
but a small number of 10- to 12-year-old bulls still had a breeding effi-
ciency of 64 per cent. The data on older bulls are often biased because of
a tendency to eliminate older animals for many reasons other than lowered
fertility and to retain some bulls of known lowered breeding efficiency
but of outstanding blood lines.
It appears that the effects of age on the fertility of beef cattle are
rather similar to those of dairy cattle. A study of about 1,300 Hereford
cattle on the San Carlos Indian Reservation showed that when artificial
insemination was used 2.37 inseminations per calf were required in ani-
mals 2 to 3 years old and only 1.36 inseminations per calf born in cattle
5 to 6 years of age. Fertility appeared to decline gradually after the
sixth year (Lasley and Bogart, 1943).
Sheep are seasonal breeders and are ordinarily not mated until their
second breeding season at 18 to 21 months of age. Ewes are ,,·ell grown
out by this time, and the age factor is of relatively little importance.
However, Briggs (1936) showed that ewe lambs may be bred during their
first breeding season when about 9 months of age. Such animals grew
more slowly than those bred at their second breeding season but reached
the same ultimate size. In general, there is an increase in lambing rate
up to 3 to 6 years and a decline in lamb crop after this time (McKenzie
and Terrill, 1937). It has been shown that lambs and yearlings have
shorter estrual periods and a lower ovulation rate than mature ewes.
In the mare, breeding efficiency is lowest in animals entering the
breeding herd for the first time and in mares bred at foal heat. Mares
which are ~well grown out can be bred at 2 years of age, but most animals
are 30 to 36 months of age before being placed in the breeding herd
(Andrews and McKenzie, 1941).
Failure of females to reach their expected mature size is frequently
attributed to the premature establishment of pregnancy. This excuse
is invariably given as an explanation for the lack of size of a particular
individual in a herd. The data which are available for farm animals
indicate that lactation places greater demands upon an animal than
pregnancy. If pregnant and lactating animals are properly fed, their
ultimate size appears to be unaffected, even though the rate of growth
may be reduced. This general problem has been extensively studied in
rats at Cornell University, and although there are certain dangers in
interpreting rat data in terms of farm animals, the results are of con-
siderable interest.
It has been shown (1) that castrated female rats grew faster than bred
or virgin rats; (2) that rats bred at normal age and their young killed
immediately so that they were pregnant most of the time but not lactating
grew more rapidly and for a much longer time than virgins or those bred
early or late; (3) that early-bred and lactating females were somewhat
retarded in growth due to lactation but that they eventually reached the
same adult size as those bred later; (4) rats bred at normal age (ahollj,
100 days and somewhat after puberty) grew most rapidly next to the
castrates and those bred at normal age with young killed, and eventually
reached the greatest weight; (5) that rats bred late were retarded in
growth and did not reach the weights attained by castrates, those bred
early, or at the normal time; (6) that virgin rats were most retarded in
growth and attained the smallest size at maturity (Bogart et ai., 1940).
From the standpoint of reproductive efficiency it appears that early
and regular reproduction is a stimulus to reproduction. Rats which were
never bred showed irregularities and cessation of estrual cycles earlier
than any of the mated groups. It was suggested that breeding promotes
a greater harmony between the gonads and the other endocrine glands
(Asdell et ai., 1941).
Relation of Breeding and Time of Ovulation.-As previously stressed,
the chief objective of the livestock breeder is to time the breeding act in
such a way that large numbers of viable spermatozoa will be present in
the female genitalia at the time of ovulation. Such planned mating
should be regarded as essential in the mare, since breeding within the
first few hours of heat is almost certain to result in a sterile mating. At
the other extreme is the chicken; in this species one natural or artificial
insemination results in approximately 90 per cent fertility for an entire
In order that breeding and ovulation may be timed, it is assumed that
the ovulation time of the species is known. In sheep the problem appears
to be less acute than in the other farm animals. The heat period is
relatively short, ovulation occurs near the end of estrus, and rams running
with ewes usually mate more than once during heat.
Trimberger and Davis (1943) have shown that in dairy-cattle, breeding
at the start of estrus results in much lower efficiency than at the middle
of heat and that if insemination is carried out 12 hours or more after the
end of heat, the conception rate is low. The fact that some cows con-
ceived when bred as late as 36 hours after the end of heat probably
indicated that these animals ovulated later than the average cow.
Practical recommendations for the various species will be made in a
subsequent section.
Cows conceiving
Number of from one service
Time of service
cows bred
No. %
been reached. The data which are available seem to suggest that the
ram and bull, species characterized by relatively small semen volume and
high sperm concentration, can be used relatively frequently "without
evidence of permanent damage to reproductive performance. In the
stallion and boar, species characterized by large semen volume and low
sperm concentration, frequent use is followed by easily recognized dele-
terious changes in semen quality. In the absence of clear-cut experi-
mental evidence, the authors draw on their own experience and that of
practical livestock breeders in order that some concrete suggestions may
be made. . To err is human, and in this case the 'writers have attempted
to recommend conservatively.
As previously stressed, there can be no substitute for the understanding
of each sire's individual capabilities. In the farm animals sperm are
produced in limited numbers long before skeletal and muscular growth
are completed. It stands to reason that a certain degree of size must be
attained before copulation can be performed with physical safety. The
breeding habits of males should be established, not allowed to develop in
a hit-or-miss fashion. The frustration of immature males in unsuccess-
fully attempting to serve animals which are too large, which are improp-
erly restrained or in an unsuitable location, may have a lasting effect on
the mental attitude of the sire. Males which fall because of slippery
footing or receive head injuries because of use in low-ceilinged barns may
be both physically and psychologically injured. The first practical sug-
gestion, then, is that no male be used for service unless he is mated with a
physically suited female. Second, the sire must exhibit sufficient sex
drive to complete the sexual act. Some males develop slowly in this
respect, and others are apt to be restrained in the presence of man.
Impatience and punishment at this time have no place in the intelligent
breeding program. It is our opinion that care in the establishment of
good breeding habits is just as important as the initiation of a heifer to
the milking parlor or the high-strung Thoroughbred to the saddle.
If a sire is willing and able to give service, if these abilities are main-
tained following such use, and if the percentage of females which conceive
is approximately the average breeding efficiency of the species, it "would
seem as though the male ,,,ere being wisely used.
Bulls.-Widespread experience in artificial-breeding associations indi-
cates that the average mature bull can be used at "'eekly intervals prac-
tically indefinitely without affecting semen quality. In most cases two
successive ejaculations are obtained at each weekly collection period.
During the early use of artificial insemination some bulls remained in
useful service when ejaculated on alternate days or even every day, but
such rate of service is now considered undesirable. Under natural breed-
ing conditions a well-developed yearling bull can be expected to serve
at least 25 cows between his first and second years. It would seem wise
to distribute these services throughout the year, or at least not to concen-
trate several servicE;ls per week into a short breeding season. Evidences
of a decline in sex drive or lo:,;s of "weight should be considered warning
that the system of management is unsatisfactory. In view of the data
showing that maximum fertility is usually attained at t,yO years of age
in bulls, it seems logical to expect animals to be capable of natural service
at least once a week after this time. It is well known that bulls can be
used two or three times daily without affecting fertility if they are allowed
several days of sexual rest afterward. Many laboratory tests of the
effects of repeated ejaculation on semen quality have been made. In one
such test 24 ejaculations were obtained during a 27-hour period. The
concentration of sperm remained constant until the fifteenth mating,
after which it fell sharply. However, after an 18-hour rest sperm con-
centration rose to high level again (Anderson, 1945). Many bulls have
been ejaculated at intervals of 3 or 4 days for periods of a year with no
observed harmful effects. Other bulls, which have given excellent result~
when used in natural service in small herds, have proven worthless when
attempts have been made to collect at weekly intervals for artificial
Rams.-Under practical conditions, ram Iambs are not ordinarily used
until they are about eighteen months of age. However, lambs are capable
of limited service during their first fall 'when about nine months old.
expected to give six or seven services per week during a breeding season
of 45 days \\"ithout affecting breeding efficiency. Other workers have
found that some stallions can be used twice daily for extended periods
without harmful effects (Anderson, 1945).
General Management of Males.-Because the maintenance of maxi-
mum breeding efficiency of the male, from a purely physiological stand-
point, to say nothing of his influence from a genetic standpoint, can and
does contribute so much to the economic welfare of his owner, it would
seem that the question merits a lot more attention than it often gets.
The male is often kept in that part of the barn that does not lend itself
to any other use or in some place on the farm where he " 'ill not interfere
\\;th other livestock operations. This location may vary, in the case
of the bull, from a stanchion at the end of the barn, an abandoned
horse stall, or a muddy triangle between the barn and the silo. Bulls all
too frequently receive the hay which the cows have previously sorted
over and have no access to pasture or any source of green feed.
We will subsequently discuss the nutritional requirements for repro-
duction but will make no recommendations of specific rations for males.
By way of summary, our present state of knowledge suggests that the
quantitative and qualitative requirements for reproduction do not exceed
those for the growth of young animals or for the maintenance of older
animals in a state of good health. It should be obvious that the ration
should contain a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals, and
should supply the vitamins known to be essential for the various classes
of livestock. The value of good pasture for breeding animals cannot be
oyeremphasized. It is all too true that the scrub bull allowed to run
with the herd is often more fortunate in this respect than the valuable
purebred sire confined to a small exercise lot. It has been known for
many years that fat sires are often sexually indifferent and may, in
addition, be of lowered fertility. It is still not clear whether the fatness
is the cause of lowered fertility or 'whether decreased testicular function
results in increased fat deposition. Regardless of the cause, there seems
little to be gained by the maintenance of a high degree of finish in breeding
animals and much to be lost. The degree of fatness is, in some cases,
due to feeding and management practices. Confinement of the sire in
close quarters and the liberal use of carbohydrates is almost certain to
result in fat deposition. The occurrence of obesity in the human may
sometimes be of endocrine origin, but the consensus of medical opinion
is that the chief cause is overeating. In the case of farm animals we can
frequently attribute it to overfeeding. .p'9i'"
The rapid development of artificial insemination has done much to
focus our attention on the nature and causes of reproductive disturbances.
Numerous attempts have been made to develop rations which will increase
semen production and improve semen quality. As previously mentioned,
it still appears that there are no special nutrients concerned only with
fertility. Carbohydrate and fat deficiencies are extremely unlikely to
occur in farm animals. The amount and quality of protein required by.
breeding males is still controversial. It has been reported that high
protein intakes are both helpful and detrimental in bulls. Studies by
Branton et al. (1947) have shown little difference in the fertility of bulls
receiving 12, 16, and 20 per cent total protein. It has been reported that
:,;ources of animal protein such as skim milk, fish meal, and casein will
improve fertility. Cornell experiments in which bulls were fed digestible
nutrient levels of 100, 120, and 140 per cent of the Morrison dry-cow
maintenance requirements showed no difference in fertility (Reid, 1949).
FlG. 61.- A method for exercising bulls in use at experimental farm, Beltsville, Md.
(Courtesy of B ureau of Dairy Industries, U .S. Department of Agrwulture.)
the case, the young male has come from healthy parents, has grown up
in a clean environment, and has been furnished suitable feed, he should
reach puberty strong and uninfected. If this is true, one cannot be too
careful in guarding him against infection. The male should be examined
by a competent veterinarian and, if judged sound, he is ready for service.
He should be allowed to serve only healthy females. The pernicious
practice of allowing healthy young males to serve females that have been
unable to conceive from one or several previous services cannot be con-
demned too severely, though it is often practiced, even when the female
has a purulent discharge. Infection is all too prevalent and must be
guarded against continually. A. clean herd can be had if due care is
exercised, and, when this end is once attained, its health should be
guarded diligently in every detail.
Over a period of years your sires will make or break you, so select them
intelIigently and treat them understandingly.
does not occur until 3 or 4 days after the pigs are weaned. However,
sows which have small litters may exhibit estrus while lactating and if
the pigs are not weaned at the usual time will eventually resume estrual
There has been some practical interest in the establishment of preg-
nancy in lactating sows. Experiments by Robeson at the Ohio Station
in 1918 showed that the separation of the pigs from the sows for several
nights, but letting them run together during the day, would induce heat.
A more recent study by Cole and Hughes (1946) showed that the injection
of 1,000 I. U. of equine gonadotropin between the thirty-ninth and sixty-
eighth days of lactation would induce heat in 3 to 7 days. This method
has practical applications, especially in causing animals which farrow late
to come in heat and thus concentrate the next farrowing season in a
shorter period of time.
Among the more important swine-breeding problems which n~ed solu-
tion are the embryonic and fetal death losses and the high early post-
natal deaths. The most conservative estimates indicate that at least
5 to 20 per cent of the fertilized ova fail to develop and that 10 to 30 per
cent of the nel,-born pigs die within the first week of life. Brucellosis is
the only specific genital disease of swine which is widespread. Its dangers
to man and the economic losses which it causes in swine make it a serious
threat to the swine industry. It can best be guarded against by the
introduction of only tested stock from herds of known disease status.
Sheep Problems.-Sheep are peculiar in that they have as yet success-
fully resisted man's attempts to eliminate the seasonal breeding pattern.
Most breeds of mutton sheep exhibit estrus from August through January.
In the Midwest, maximum fertility is usually attained during late Sep··
tember, and Hampshires and Rambouillets tend to become pregnant a
little sooner than Shropshires and Southdowns. In areas where hot-
house lamb production is practiced, Dorset X Merino ewes have been
popular because of their tendency to exhibit estrus during the summer.
Breeding practices in the range states vary with local conditions. In
the Southwest and coast states ewes are frequently bred to drop their
lambs from January through March. In colder areas most ewes are
lambed in May. It is apparent that the breeding time is limited not only
by the seasonal patterns of the sheep themselves but by economic and
geographic considerations.
The desirability of twins may depend upon the nature of the sheep
project. Single Iambs are usually larger and grow more rapidly than
twins, whereas twins which survive produce more lamb meat per ewe.
Because of differences in vigor, many range producers prefer single lambs.
As will be discussed, whether or not flushing affects the size of the
and others breed every other day, beginning on the third day of estrus.
If only one mating is possible, the fourth day of heat is probably the best.
When stallions traveled from farm to farm, mares were usually bred
once without respect to the day of heat. Under these conditions it is
not surprising that only 40 to 50 per cent of the females bred conceived.
The chief problem in practical horse breeding is, therefore, one of
having copulation and ovulation coincide. It has been believed for
centuries that the best time to breed mares is during foal heat on the
ninth day after foaling. This concept is unsound, not only because all
mares do not ovulate on this magic ninth day, but because there is good
evidence that genital diseases may be spread by breeding too soon after
foaling. It appears that navel ill in the foal may actually begin its
development when mares are bred during foal heat. Data from various
horse-breeding areas indicate that fewer mares conceive ",hen bred at
foal heat than if mating is delayed until the second estrus period after
Breeder and Veterinarian Relations.-There are three possible points'
of view concerning the relations between breeders and veterinarians.
One of these is that the veterinarian should be called to take care of
every departure from normality in animals as regards health (or acci-
dent), no matter how slight. The other extreme is that an experienced
herdsman can entirely dispense with the services of veterinarians and
diagnose and treat all health abnormalities in his herd or flock. The
writers think that both extremes are wrong and that there is a middle
ground, somewhat variable between individuals, which is better for all
concerned. If a cow scratches her udder or steps on a teat or a colt
cuts himself on a barbed-wire fence, an avenue of infection is opened up
that may result harmfully or even fatally. If the damage is great enough
to require surgery or suturing, by all means the veterinarian should be
called. If it is not, the herdsman can dress the wound, keep it clean,
and bring about healing.
If an animal loses its appetite and becomes nervous and feverish, it
may be due to a more 0,1' less trivial digestive upset or to constipation,
which a dose of salts or castor oil together with more careful feeding for
a few days would correct. It might, on the other hand, be the beginning
of an acute case of colic or the onset of some fatal disease, the symptoms
of which are totally unknown to the herdsman, and in these latter cases
it would have been much better to secure the services of the veterinarian
as soon as the trouble was discovered.
Sometimes the male becomes a bit slow and uncertain in service, or
the females do not conceive. The herdsman may change the ration,
fltart to feed. minerals or vitamins, or try this or that panacea suggested by
animals, and, finally, and most important, it does not pay to delay over-.
long in getting needed medical care for abnormal, sick, or injured animals.
A good veterinarian is about the best and most valuable friend a good
breeding establishment can have. He merits fairer treatment than has
often been his lot in the past.
If a man is serving as herdsman or manager of a livestock-breeding
farm, he will do well to arrive at a very definite understanding with the
owner as to the procedure to be followed regarding the use of veterinary
service. Are you as herdsman or manager expected to supply veterinary
as well as animal-husbandry services? Few men are thoroughly trained
in both fields, and the lack of training is almost sure to show up sooner
or later and usually with some cost to the owner. Are you to provide
what medical service you feel you are fitted to, and are you free to call
on whatever veterinarian you wish to whenever you think you need his
services? Are you to provide animal-husbandry services only and to
notify the owner whenever you think veterinary services are called for?
Is a veterinarian to be employed to make regular health examinations and
to be entirely responsible for both the general and genital health of the
herd or flock?
Age at Xormal Age Length of ges- Rebred.
puberty, breeding first of heat tat ion after
months season bred period period, parturition
Horses .. 10-12 April-July 3 years 5-6 days 336 24-30 days
after foaling
Cattle. 4-8 Any time 15-30 months 16-20 hours 281 60-90 days
Sheep. 4-8 September- 18 months 30 hours 147-152 Next fall
December "
Swine .. 3-7 December 9 months 2-3 days 112 3-5 days after
and June weaning pigs
All these systems may work under certain circumstances. but there
will be much less loss and misunderstanding if a general policy can be
adopted and followed. If you are the owner of the animals, the decision
as to health policy is yours and should be made, and, when made,
adhered to.
The situations referred to are largely of an emergency nature. All
livestock men should also inform themselves in regard to the symptoms,
prevention, and control of diseases which affect the entire livestock
industry. Such communicable diseases as tuberculosis, brucellosis, hog
McKENZIE, F. F. 1928. Growth and Reproduction in Swine, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta.
Res. Bul. 118.
_ - - and BERLINER, V. R. 1937. The Reproductive Capacity of Rams, Mo.
Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 265.
_ - - , MILLER, J. C., and BAUGESS, L. C. 1938. The Reproductive Organs and
Semen of the Boar, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 279.
_ - - and TERRILL, C. E. 1937. Estrus, Ovulation, and Related Phenomena in
the Ewe, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 264.
MORGAN, R. F., and DAVIS, H. P. 1938. Influence of Age of Dairy Cattle and
Season of the Year on the Sex Ratio of Calves and Services Required for Con-
ception, Nebr. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 104.
l\ICHOLS, J. E. 1926. Fertility in Sheep, Jour. "iJ,fin. Agr. (Gt. Brit.), 33 :218-225.
PHILLIPS, R. W. 1939. Reproductive Failures in Livestock, U.S. Dept. Agr. Year-
book, pp. 476-482.
- - - and ZELLER, J. H. 1941. Some Factors Affecting Fertility in Swine, Amer.
Jour. Vet. Res., 2 :439-442.
REID, T. J. 1949. Relationship of Nutrition to Fertility in Animals, Jour. Amer.
Vet. M ed. Assoc., 114 :242-250.
R~BESON, W. L. 1918. Mating Sows before Their Litters Are Weaned, Ohio Agr.
Expt. Sta. Monthly Bul., Vol. 3, No.5.
ROBINSON, A. 1921. Prenatal Death, Edinb. Med. Jour., 24 :137-151.
STEWART, H. A. 1945. An Appraisal of Factors Affecting Prolificacy in Swine,
Jour. Anim. Sci., 4 :250-260.
TANABE, T., and SALISBURY, G. \V. 1946. The Influence of Age on Breeding
Efficiency of Dairy Cattle in Artificial Insemination, Jour. Dairy Sci., 29 :337-344.
TRIMBERGER, G. W., and DAVIS, H. P. 1943. Conception Rate in Dairy Cattle by
Artificial Insemination at Various Stages of Estrus, Nebr. Agr. Expt. Sta. Eul. 12fJ.
For the breeder there is no more important economic problem than the
fertility of his animals. Animals are simply natural machines that man
has domesticated and improved for the purpose of turning feed into
power, meat and/or milk, meat and wool, meat and/or eggs, or just
meat alone; all these qualities except power and wool being dependent
on fertility.
It is commonly believed that fertility and prolificacy are synonymous
and are the exact opposites of sterility. This is not true. Whereas
§lerility, in a technical sense, pleans complete reproductive failure. the
level of fertility may vary from 1 to 100 per cent. Since the labor, feed,
and shelter costs of pregnant animals are but little more than in non-
pregnant females, any reduction in fertility reduces the efficiency of
livestock production. Breeding animals of the meat classes that do not
bear young annually are clearly liabilities during such years. Dairy
cattle that fail to conceive within 3 to 4 months following calving may be.
regarded as deficient not only in terms of offspring but in maximum milk
production as well. The question of fertility is second to none in breed-
ing. An animal's individual merit and genetic prepotency to stamp its
good qualities on its offspring are without value if such animal~ leave few
or no offspring.
Definitions.-..Eez::ijlity denotes the ability of an aniI_Ilj1l to reRr_Qduce
jt&._~d. In animal;cllaract~arieproauction, fertility may
be limited by either sex. The mating of a highly fertile male to an
infertile female has the same result as the mating of two sterile animals.
Any animal which has the ability to cause pregnancy or to become preg-
nant is, technically, a fertile individual. It is of great importance that
the livestock breeder recognize that there are all degrees of fertility. All
too frequently herd sires are purchased with a guarantee of fertility.
Many such animals produce a few offspring, thus leaving the purchaser
no recourse against the seller, but their degree of fertility is so low that
they are economic liabilities as herd sires.
Sterility may be defined as complete reproductive failure. Such ani-
mals are easily recognized. It is frequently stated that a sterile sire is
far less expensive than one of lowered fertility. This is true because the
failure to cause any conceptions is soon apparent and must be dealt with
at once. The sire which settles an occasional female is often continued
in service in the hope that he will soon improve. Such optimism may
disrupt the entire breeding program and cause considerable financial loss.
Fecundity, meaning fertility or prolificacy in a general sense, comes
from the same root as fetus, and for this reason its use is more or less
restricted to females.
Prolificacy implies especially frequent or especially large numbers of
offspring and is also more or less restricted in its application to the female.
In all the higher species the production of young is contingent upon the
FIG. 62.- Jersey cow, Silken Lady's Ruby of F., 919141, owned by c tate of J. W. Coppini,
Ferndale, Calif. In September of 1949 this cow was nineteen years and four months old
and had produced 181,977 lb. of milk, 10,048 lb. of butterfat, and 18 calves. (COltrtesyof
American Jersey Cattle Club, photo(Jraph by Phil Palmer.)
union of viable germ cells from both parents. In those species, however,
which normally pro~than_ Qi e ~ring at a time, prolificacy is
measured through the f~ndity of the female, for the reason that a
fertile male produces enough spermatozoa at ~ervice to fertilize billions
Qf_Qya. In swine the number of pigs per litter depends not primarily on
the boar, provided he is producing viable spermatozoa, but upon the
number of ova that have matured in the sow's ovaries. Likewise a ram,
granted. normal breeding health, cannot affect the number of twin or
triplet births, for this depends on the number of ova produced by the
ovaries of the ewe. Nevertheless, the inherited power to produce large
litters in hogs or twins in sheep can be transmitted by the boar or ram to
.his offspring, and its effects make their appearance in the second gener-
ation. For this reason, it is wise to select boars from large litters and
rams from twins, other things being equal or being given due consider-
1. Cystic ovaries.
2. Hydrosalpinx.
FIG. 63.-Female genital abnormalities in swine. Compare the size of the follicles with (2) .
Compare the enlarged Fallopian tubes with (1). (Courtesy of Drs. Warnick, Grummer, and
Casida, University of Wisconsin.)
is the successful fertilization of the brg;est number of eggs with the fewest
possible services. This problem will be dealt with in a separate chapter.
Causes of Reproductive Failure.-There is the common erroneous
belief that sterility is a single problem, that it is a specific disease which
can be corrected by the administration of certain drugs, the injection of
specific hormones, or the addition of certain vitamins and minerals to
the ration. No concept could be further from the truth. In some
these are of sufficient severity as to cause sterility and others affect the
degree of fertility. No attempt will be made to describe all the anomalies
which have been reported in the literature, but to give a brief account of
the more general type,<;. _
Probably the most common m~ genital defect ~p~hism. This
conclition has been described in a previous chapter. e results of
cryptorchism depend upon the exact location of the testes and vary from
normal fertility in the unilateral cryptorchid to complete sterility when
both testes are fully within the abdominal cavity. It js established that
FIG. 65.-Complete absence of the cervix in the sow. (Courtesy of Dr. A. V. Nolband<ro,
Department of Animal Science, University of Illinois.)
of sperm by the testes but may prevent effective service. The complete
absence of portions of the genital system is rare, but does occur.
-------------- ------
The general anatomic soundne~l'l_of males, especially their feet and legs,
should not be Ignored. It is well ~--..
known that broken limbs, sore~ver-
grm\~;'lrormed feet, and arthritic __igigts mayprevent -males of
normal fertility from mating.
Probably the best known anatomic abnormality in the female is the
freemartin condition. Of all the farm animals, cattle app-eartobe~~ique
in the occurrence of this abnormality. The freemartin, at birth, appears
to be a normal female calf. However, the genital organs are very small
and fail to develop as the animal grows. The vagina is usually smaller
than normal and cannot be penetrated to the normal depth. The uterus
does not develop, the ovaries are abnormal, and the general appearance
of the animal is more like that of a steer than a female. Such animals are
sterile. This condition appears mabout 90 per cent of the females which
are born twin to a bull cal£. The most acceptable explanation for the
condition is that it results from a hormouaLimbaJ::l,Ilce iI!_Jhe female,
presumably caused by the secretion of the male hormone by the testes
of the twin male fetus. If the placentae of the two calves are fused and
have a common blood supply, the female develops abnormally. If there
is no fusion of the blood vessels, both animals develop normally.
The term whz'le heifer disease has been widely used to describe abnormal
genital deve~tln;~hite or nearly white cattle. This condItIon-has
beenreport~d to cOllsist ofa-perniStent oan;'rof tissue which occludes the
vaginal opening just anterior to the urethra. Such an obstruction
obviously interferes with copulation. It has been shown that conception
may follow surgical removal of the tissue. However, some clinicians use
the term to describe abnormal genital structures in other than white
cattle and abnormalities not limited to vaginal occlusion.
Many different anatomical abnormalities have been described in the
female. Unilateral or bilateral absence of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes,
01' uterine horns occur in all species of farm animals. 1n cattle such
abnormalities can be readily detected by a rectal examination. Fortu-
nately, in both sexes, such abnormalities are not the most common cause
of reproductive failure.
Mechanical Injury of the Genitalia.-From an anatomical standpoint
the testes appear to be extremely vulnerable to injury; however, instances
of bruisir;w inflammation, and laceratioll~ of the scrotum and testes are
~on. The consequences of such injuries vary from temporary
reduction infertility to complete sterility, and all injuries should receive
prompt, expert treatment. The testes of the stallion are more likely to
be injured during service than in the other farm animals. Mares which
"''4 ...
l ·lG. 66.-University of Massachusetts Guernsey cow with her 1941 triplets, which followed
sets of twins in 1938 and 1939. Two of these calves are bulls, one a heifer. What is the
chance that this heifer will prove to be fertile?
to various types of tissue damage in the genital organs. The fetal mem-
branes are frequently retained following abortion.
Although many "treatments" for brucellosis have been proposed,
research workers in this field know of no treatment which could be
described as a "cure." The present (1949) method of control is based
upon the detection of infected animals by testing the blood serum for the
presence of agglutinins. This is accomplished by the addition of an
antigen, prepared from Brucella abortus organisms, to measured amounts
of cattle serum. Calves, even those born to infected dams, usually
remain free of the disease if they are separated from infected animals and
are not fed infected milk. It is believed that the vaccination of calves,
when four to eight months of age, with a live vaccine prepared from a
strain of Brucella abortus organisms of low virulence (strain 19) will confer
sufficient immunity on such animals to protect them against subsequent
exposure to brucellosis. Official plans for the elimination and prevention·
of brucellosis in cattle have been developed by most state livestock
sanitary associations or the offices of the various state veterinarians.
Recommendations are likewise available through the United States Live-
stock Sanitary Association and the Bureau of Animal Industry of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Since no one plan is adaptable for all
situations or each specific locality, it is recommended that the official
agency responsible for the control of brucellosis in the area be contacted
w hen the presence of this disease is suspected.
Brucellosis in swine is most often caused by Brucella suis. Swine are
sometimes infected by Brucella abortus, and cattle may be affected by both
the abortus and 8uis Brucella. Man may be affected by three types of
Brucella, abortus, 8uis, and melitensis. The latter organism causes
brucellosis in goats but rarely in cattle and swine and is not of much
economic importance in the United States. Swine brucellosis is often
a serious economic problem to the swine producer and may occasionally
prevent the profitable operation of a swine enterprise (Hutchings, 1944).
In cattle the presence of brucellosis in a herd is soon recognized by the
occurrence of abortions. The incidence of abortions may vary greatly
between swine herds, ranging from an occasional abortion to the majority
of the pregnant females. In the boar the organisms may localize in the
testis and produce a severe orchitis. Hutchings and Andrews (1946)
have shown that brucella may be eliminated in large numbers in the
semen, and it is well known that the boar is frequently a spreader of the
disease. These bacteria may localize in the joints, causing arthritis; in
the vertebral column, causing posterior paralysis; and abscess formation
is not uncommon. •
Abortion may occur at any time during gestation. This symptom has
A second venereal disease which appears to be widespread is nodular
venereal disease (granular or nodular vaginitis). Some lesions or sup-
posed evidences of this disease can be found in nearly every cattle herd.
In some cases the tissue changes are confined to the vulva and in other
instances may involve the entire vagina. Varying degrees of inflamma-
tion of the mucous membrane may be present and small nodules may
occur. Lesions may be present in virgin heifers and either open or
pregnant cows (Bartlett, 1949). In some cases there is no apparent
effect on fertility and in others natural service may not be followed by
consider the possibilty that some animals which become excessively fat
on the same ration which produces satisfactory results in the rest of the
herd are fat because they are sterile, not sterile because they are fat.
From the nutritional standpoint, a ration which is conducive to fat deposi-
tion may be quite-unsatisfactory from the reproductive standpoint. The
requirements for fattening are more easily met than are those of growth,
reproduction, and lactation. A ration high in carbohydrates may pro-
duce excellent fattening but may not meet the requirements for optimum
fertility. For this reason the selection of breeding animals from the
fattening pens is subject to criticism.
Probably the best known of all feeding practices in relation to breeding
management is flushing. It has long been an accepted practice to
increase the plane of nutrition of breeding ewes prior to actual mating.
This can be accomplished in a variety of ways such as the use of lush
pastures and/or protein, carbohydrate, or vitamin supplementation. It
seems to be accepted as the result of experiments in several countries,
that flushing results in a larger lamb crop, although estrus is not induced
earlier than usual (Friedman and Turner, 1939). Yet, when ewes have
previously been maintained on a high plane of nutrition, flushing appears
to have no beneficial reproductive effects. An 8-year study at the
Oklahoma Station by Briggs e:t al. (1942) showed that, under the condi-
tions of the experiment, flushing did not increase the number of lambs
dropped and that the cost of the increased feed used during the breeding
season was not justified by an increase in lamb crop.
When a flock of purebred range ewes which had produced an 80 to 100
per cent lamb crop under range conditions was transferred to the Cali-
fornia Experiment Station, the lamb crop during the next 6 years aver-
aged 135 per cent and reached a high of 160 per cent. It appears that
improved feeding and management can markedly affect fertility under 1
some conditions (Hart and Miller, 1937).
At the Utah Station Esplin et al. (1940) found that differences in the
fertility of sheep were related to plane of nutrition during the lamb's
first winter. Ewe lambs fed supplemental feeds gained about 25 lb. from
October to April, whereas comparable ewe lambs on range gained 10 lb.
Both groups were on the same range from April until the following Octo-
ber at which time they were placed in the breeding flock. At breeding
time the lambs which received supplementary feed during the first winter
weighed only 2 to 3 lb. more than the others. The lambing results of
the two groups were quite different. Only 45 per cent of the "range"
lambs produced offspring, whereas 65 per cent of the" fed" lambs repro-
duced. It was concluded that the nutritional regime during the growth
period may subsequently influence reproductive capacity.
dead or weak calves, and retention of the fetal membranes. Some work-
ers report that vitamin-A deficient cows do not conceive so readily as
normal animals (Asdell, 1949).
Several recent studies have been made of the effects of vitamin-A
deficiency in bulls. In the young male the absence of vitamin A prevents
both normal growth and normal testis development. Fluid-filled cysts
may occur in the pituitary gland and complete reproductive failure can
be expected. In sexually mature bulls vitamin-A deficiency produces
varying degrees of testis degeneration and general debility, depending
on the degree of the deficiency. In older animals the damage can usually
FIG. 68.-Vitamin-A deficient bull. Vitamin deficiencies are not always easily recognized
by the untrained observer. This bull exhibited impaired spermatogenesis, night blindness,
muscular incoordination and diarrhea, yet his general appearance is not unlike that of many
farm bulls.
monkey, and the guinea pig. The deficiency of this vitamin causes severe
debility and ~ven death, yet it is reported that there are no direct effects
on fertility in these species. It has been reported that the injection of
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in both bulls and cows which had been classified
as "poor breeders" was followed by improved fertility in both sexes.
There seems to be current (1949) agreement that the therapeutic benefits
of ascorbic acid therapy have not been submitted to a critical test and
that judgment must be withheld until more clear-cut evidence is available.
The role of vitamin E in the pre-
vention or treatment of reproductive
disorders of the farm animals is still
a controversial subject. In the rat
and mouse there is no doubt that
vitamin E is essential for reproduc-
tion. A deficiency of this vitamin
prior to puberty resul ts in the absence
of sp~rmatogenesis and in testicular
atrophy following puberty. In the
female conception may occur but
abortion follows in the vitamin-E
deficient rat or mouse.
Numerous reports on the value of
wheat-germ oil (a rich source of
vitamin E) in the correction of cattle-
breeding problems appear in the
scientific journals and literally hun-
dreds of testimonials of satisfied users
have been published. Attempts to
reduce fertility in farm animals by
the use of vitamin-E free or deficient
rations have not accomplished this FIG. 69.-A severe case of hypothyroid-
purpose. It has been concluded in ing ism. Observe the thickening and crack-
of the skin.
a report by the National Research
Council that, "There is no convincing evidence that the addition of extra
vitamin E to normal rations has a direct or specific effect upon reproduc-
tion in practical herd and flock management" (Phillips, 1942).
The minerals which are most lilwly to limit animal growth and health
are phosphorous, calcium, and iodine and, in some regions at least, iron,
copper, cobalt, and manganese. Of these, phosphorous is most apt to
be deficient. Under natural conditions phosphorous deficiency is often
complicated by both protein and vitamin-A deficiencies. Under such
circumstances reproductive problems are almost certain to occur. In
FIG. 70.- 1. Normal la mb thyroid. 2. Abnormal lamb th~'Toid due to iodine deficiency.
Genetic Causes of Sterility.-Certain forms of sterility apparently
have a genetjc basis. The work of Bridges with Drosophila has shown
that a male of sex-chromosome constitution XO (due to nondisjunction)
is sterile. Evidently the absence of a Y chromosome in this species
renders an animal sterile.
An instance from practical breeding history which appears to belong to this
category is that of barrenness in Bates' famous Duchess i:1mily of Shorthorns.
This family was noted for superior individual excellence, consequently breeders,
naturally desirous of maintaining this excellence, followed a practice of breeding
within the famiJy, an example of which is given in Fig. 71. But the family was'
tainted from the beginning with the curse of barrenness. . . . Shortsighted
breeders at the time considered it a fortunate circumstance that Duchess cows I
were so often barren, for it kept down the number of individuals of this favorite .·
berland (3649) Duchess 34th 5Belvedere (1706)
Duchess 55th 1Duchess 29th
. lKorfolk (2377) 52nd Hub.back (1423)
Duchess 38th I Nonpareil
Duchess 33rd j Belvedere (1706)
IDuchess 19th
}'IG. 7l.-Pedigree of Olle of the late~t Duchess cows, illustrating ~ystem of Jinebreeding
followed in maintaining the family, Duchess 55th produced two calves.
such lines are practically sure of being evident. Some of these lines
perhaps disappeared because of poor type or poor production or both.
Others, no doubt, have disappeared because of lowered fertility or
sterility. Whether this has been due to poor management or to poor
genetic make-up is perhaps hard to determine, so to be conservative we
will say that some of it has been due to one, some to the other, some to
( In species characterized by multiple births, fertility and prolificacy are
\ of extreme economic importance. This problem has concerned livestock
breeders probably since the domestication of animals and has received
the attention of research ,rorkers during the last half century. The fact
that there are significant differences in the prolificacy of different breeds
of swine and bet",reen lines within breeds is definite evidence that this
trait is heritable. The exact degree of heritability of prolificacy is not
known. In some instances where attempts to select for litter size in
swine have been made, there has been little increase in prolificacy.
Morris and Johnson (1932) found, that in 1,035 litters of Poland-China
swine, litter 8ize was increased only one pig per litter during a 20-year
period. In a more recent study at the Minnesota Station, Stewart (1945)
1 BABCOCK, E. n., and CLAUSEN, R. E., "Genetics in Relation to Agriculture,"
2d, ed, pp. 5.5.5-556. McGraw-Hill Book Company, rne., New York .. 1027.
FIG. 72.-Illustrating inheritance of barrenness through the female line of the Duchess
family of Shorthorns; barren cows represented by solid black circles. (From Babcock and
Clausen, Genetics in Relation to Agriculture.)
cent seems low, it does tend to show that breeders have not selected so
closely for fertility as is possible. In a companion study of other factors
which affect prolificacy of swine, Stewart (1945) found that age and
weight of gilts at mating account for 4 per cent of the variance in size of
first litters and were of considerable importance in the Helection for
nation were found in 10.6 per cent of the animals and 8 per cent were
physical barriers to fertilization. It was concluded that the cows could
be divided into three groups, (1) failure of fertilization, 39.7 per cent;
(2) embryonic abnormalities and mortality before 34 days, 39.2 per cent;
and (3) embryos still normal at 34 days, 21.1 per cent. Exactly why
fertilization fails to occur and why early embryonic mortality frequently
follows when fertilization does take place have not been satisfactorily
Theoretically, at least, any marked deviation from normal in secretion\
of estrogen, androgen, or the gonadotropins may affect fertility. When
one considers that the entire genital tract of each sex, as well as the
gametes themselves, are dependent upon these hormones, this does not
seem unusual. Although these hormones have been available for clinical
use for at least a decade, thus far their practical applications in both
human and animal medicine leave much to be desired in the treatment
of sterility. Rapid and encouraging advances have been made, but as
previously pointed out, sterility is not a single problem and no one treat-
ment will correct it.
Environment and Reproduction.-Sufficient evidence has already been
presented to demonstrate the importance of light and temperature in the
regulation of reproduction. The reproductive patterns of the seasonal
breeders and the seasonal fluctuations in fertility of the continuous
breeders should be thoroughly understood for each species and class of
animal if a breeding program is to be carried out most efficiently. The
importance of relative humidity and altitude are largely unknown, but
it seems safe to conclude that when these factors affect the general well-
being of an animal, fertility is likely to be affected.
The hazards of the atomic age to man and animal have received much
attention in both the popular and scientific press. Many of the con-
clusions which have been drawn or hinted at have no basis of fact, but
others of equally startling nature have been thoroughly substantiated.
It is indeed interesting to speculate as to the factors which regulate
genetic make-up and induce mutations. Whatever these are, they have
been going on in a reasonably orderly way for thousands of years. It is\
well known that proper dosages of X rays and other types of radiation
do affect cells, chromosomes, and genes and may alter the rate of muta":
tions. But as to whether whole populations exposed to atomic radiations
will ,become altered or even extinct within a few generations is strictly
within the realm of speculation in 1950.
The deleterious effects of X rays upon the testes and ovaries were
known as early as 1903. The germinal epithelium is especially sensitive
to X rays, and complete and permanent sterility can be produced In
during the first third of pregnancy and then increases gradually until
parturition. Both estrogen and progesterone practically disappear from
the urine after parturition.
Endocrine Functions of the Placenta.-There is little doubt that the
placenta is an endocrine organ of considerable significance. The hor-
monal functions of this organ are best understood in woman and the mare.
Why these two species should have so much in common and why the
other farm animals should differ so much from the mare is as yet unknown.
As already discussed, there is little doubt that the placenta can produce
estrogens and progesterone. The importance of these hormones in preg-
nancy is not clear.
Perhaps the most remarkable activity of the human and horse placentae
is the secretion of gonadotropic hormones which are very similar to those
produced by the anterior pituitary gland. These gonadotropins are
secreted by the chorion in the human and the endometrial cups in the
mare and are referred to as chorionic gonadotropins or as anterior
pituitarylike hormones. In the human the hormone appears in relatively
high concentration in the urine during the second "'eek of pregnancy. In
the mare the hormone is not present in the urine in easily detectable
amounts but is abundant in the blood serum or plasma from the forty-
fifth until about the one-hundredth day of pregnancy. This substance
is frequently referred to as equine gonadotropin. The physiological
response of test animals to the human and horse gonadotropins suggests
that the human substance is most apt to cause luteinization and rupture
of ovarian follicles and that the pregnant mares' serum produces both
follicular growth and ovulation. The purpose of these placental gonado-
tropins is not clear. In the mare during the period of maximum gonado-
tropin secretion the ovaries become extremely active and produce numer-
ous Graafian follicles which may rupture and pe followed by corpora
lutea. Why the mare, a species in which more than one fetus cannot
safely develop at anyone time, should produce many follicles when
pregnant is a biological mystery. Estrus and ovulation are not uncom-
mon in pregnant females of other species but superfetation, the establish-
ment of distinctly separate pregnancies, is a rare phenomenon.
Pregnancy Diagnosis.-The importance of knowing whether pregnancy
has been established cannot be emphasized too much. The cessation of
the heat. periods is nature's first indication that conception has occurred.
Pregnant animals fail to come in estrus because of the persistence of the
corpus luteum of pregnancy and its inhibition of follicular development.
In most instances the failure of estrus to reappear is a reasonably reliable
sign of pregnancy. However there are sufficient violations of this rule
to make it unreliable for maximum livestock-breeding efficiency. In
seasonal breeders the absence of heat may indicate that the ovaries have
become quiescent. This is the rule in sheep and occurs in other farm
animals, particularly the mare.
If the corpus luteum persists in the nonpregnant female, estrus will not
follow. The corpus luteum of lactation, which forms shortly after
parturition in cattle and swine, may prevent the reestablishment of the
estrual cycle. The implications of this will be discussed later. It is
clear, therefore, that more exact methods of detecting pregnancy are
In species in which manual examination or palpation of the uterus can
be made, a trained person can diagnose pregnancy with a high degrae of
accuracy by the second or third month of gestation. This method is
limited to the cow and mare. It is an invaluable aid in the diagnosis
und correction of infertility, but unfortunately the supply of qualified
diagnosticians cannot meet the need. Other indications of pregn[',ncy,
such as the cervical seal, the ascultation of the fetal heart, fetal ·move-
ments, increased size of the female, or the tendency of pregnant animals
to become quiet and to fatten, are either unreliable or require the passage
of considerable time before they are useful.
Numerous laboratory tests have been devised for the determination
of pregnancy. These are based on the different levels of hormones found
in the blood and urine of pregnant females. In the human the Friedman
modification of the Ascheim-Zondek test is the one most generally used.
It is based on the greatly increased amount of anterior pituitarylike
substance found in the urine of pregnant women. The procedure consists
of injecting 7 to 10 cc. of morning urine into a mature female rabbit's ear
veins at two 12- to 15-hour intervals. The rabbit is then killed at the
end of 48 hours and the ovaries removed for examination. The presence
of subserous hemorrhagic areas or corpora lutea constitutes a positive
reaction, whereas clear retention follicles with no hemorrhagic areas are
signs of a negative reaction. This test is positive, in cases of pregnancy,
3 or 4 days after the expected date of the first missed menstrual period.
Since estrogen is also produced in increased amounts during pregnancy, its
presence in urine, as determined by estrual changes in the vaginal smears
from rats, is also used to determine pregnancy.
In the mare, pregnancy may be detected from the fortieth to one-
hundredth days of gestation by injecting the mare's serum into immature
female rats. A positive reaction is manifest by increased size and activity
of the rat ovaries and uterus because of the increased gonadotropic
hormone in the blood of pregnant mares. From the one-hundredth day
of pregnancy untH term, sufficiently large amounts of estrogens are
present in mare's urine to cause castrate female rats to exhibit estrus or
spayed mice to show certain vaginal changes when injected with urine
of the pregnant mare.
Many modifications of these basic tests have been made. It is possible
to diagnose human pregnancy within 5 or 6 hours following the injection
of urine into proper test animals. Various chemical tests have been
developed for the detection of urinary estrogens in the diagnosis of
pregnancy. Unfortunately, no practical laboratory tests for the detec-
tion of pregnancy are available for farm animals other than the mare.
This is because the hormonal patterns of the other animals differ from
the horse.
Other Endocrine Changes.-During pregnancy the pituitary gland,
particularly the anterior lobe, increases in 'weight and activity. Since
this gland regulates the activity of the gonads, thyroid. adrenal cortex,
and mammary glands, and is of vital importance in growth, protein,
carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, it is not surprising that it should be
modified during pregnancy.
In the human, and probably other species as well, the thyroid gland
becomes markedly enlarged in 50 to 90 per cent of all pregnancies.
Increased thyroid activity is necessary in order that the pregnant female
may satisfactorily meet the needs of both her own and the tissues of the
developing fetus. Insufficient thyroid activity may result in abortion
or, in the case of farm animals, hairlessness, weakness, and high mortality
during the first few dl1Ys of life. Thyroid deficiencies are particularly
common in the iodine-free areas of the United States, and livestock men
in such regions supply pregnant females with iodized salt or potassium
iodide to prevent the difficulties described.
The parathyroid glands, which are located on the surface of or adjacent
to the thyroid, are directly concerned with calcium metabolism and
indirectly with the regulation of phosphorus metabolism. The increased
needs of calcium and phosphorus during pregnancy and lactation result
in increased parathyroid activity. If calcium is not provided in sufficient
amounts, because of dietary inadequacy or underactivity of the para-
thyroid glands, calcium will be withdrawn from the bones and increased
nervousness or severe muscular tetany may result. Milk fever, which is
in reality temporary calcium deficiency due to the sudden need of calcium
for milk production, is most satisfactorily treated by the intravenous
injection of calcium gluconate, which supplies the body needs until the
parathyroids become adjusted to regulating calcium metabolism at a
new level.
Pseudopregnancy.-Among the most characteristic changes which
occur during pregnancy are cessation of the estrus cycle, proliferation of
the ute~ine endometrium, and development of the mammary glands.
readiness for the reception of the newborn. In some instances a knowl-
edge of breeding date and of gestation period is not enough to ensure
that everything shall be in readiness, but without this information the
case is well-nigh hopeless.
If a stall or pen is to be used, the females should be watched with
even more diligent care than usual as the time for parturition approaches.
They should not at this time be subjected to sudden changes of any kind
in feed, exercise, or care. Moderate exercise is necessary to keep the
muscles in good tone and to prepare them for the strain that lies ahead.
The feed should be of a somewhat laxative nature--this point cannot be
overstressed. The droppings must be watched closely, and if, even in
spite of proper selection of feeds, constipation develops, it must, for the
safety and well-being of both mother and offspring, be quickly remedied.
Feeds indicated at this time are pasturage, silage, roots, legume hays,
bran, linseed-oil meal, and ground oats. In case of emergency, linseed
tion, this being more noticeable in mares and cows. The pelvic region
relaxes, the tail rises, the flanks and croup become hollow, and the
enlarged abdomen drops. At this time, animals spring in their middles
and start to make bag, with the udder becoming hard and tender, espe-
cially in primiparae. If the congestion in the udder becomes too great,
it should be relieved by milking before parturition. Most animals give
evidence of approaching parturition by their general nervousness and
fickle appetites. The mare whisks her tail, the cow bellows, the ewe
bleats, and the sow grunts plaintively. Movements of the fetuses are
often observable through the body wall or recognizable to touch. If not
restrained, the female at this time will seek seclusion from its fellows, and
the sow often starts to pick up straw, sticks, etc., with which to build a
nest. Individuals, of course. vary in these manifestations, sometimes
beginning to react a considerable time before parturition is due. How-
ever, these patterns of behavior and the breeder's record book of dates of
matings taken together do give ample and accurate warning.
Act of Parturition.-If everything is normal and the animal has been
properly fed and cared for, the act of parturition can usually be' accom-
plished without assistance. Under these conditions the best procedure
for the manager or herdsman, after checking up and seeing that all details
have been properly carried out, is to go on "'ith his work and let nature
take its course. Here again the happy medium between too much atten-
tion and too little should be the aim. Meddling is often dangerous alike
to parent, offspring, and owner. On the other hand, the day of parturi-
tion is rather a poor one to choose for a holiday. Mere human presence
at this time is often objected to by the animal, especially by mares, 'which
are particularly sensitive to human presence and will delay foaling as long
as possible if such persists. Other animals, though not so sensitive, also
prefer seclusion at this time. An occasional visit to note progress of
events is always desirable and often profitable, and at this time an invalu-
able asset is the animal's confidence in her caretaker.
Parturition may be divided into several phases. The first phase con-
sists of the dilation of the cervix and the loosening of the pelvic region.
The second phase consists of the gradually accelerating contractions of
the uterine and abdominal muscles causing the actual expulsion of the'
fetus. The third stage is a continuation of the second. the muscular
contractions beginning to abate but resulting in the expulsion of the after-
birth. A convalescent phase covers several days during which the uterus,
cervix, and pelvis gradually return to the normal nonpregnant state.
Labor pains set in from 1 to a fmy hours before final expUlsion of the
fetus. They are mild at first, lasting from a few seconds to 1 or 2 minutes
with intervals of 15 minutes between. Their tempo, duration, and
gth are gradually accelerated. The animal becomes increasingly
,s 'and nervous, shows evident signs of pain, and the skin becomes
"ld dry. The pains are caused by rhythmic contractions of the
longitudinal muscles in the wall of the uterus, which in this way begin the
dilation of the cervix to allow passage of the fetus. The dilation of the
os is soon followed by the contraction of all the uterine muscles, as well
as the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, the contractions being fol-
lowed by a short period of calm for rest. The combined contractions of
the uterine and abdominal muscles soon force out the fetal membranes,
which act as an elastic wedge to open the passages gradually. After
protrusion, the water bag soon breaks, releasing part of the fluid; and the
FIG. 74.- No.rm al position of calf in utero . (From U.S. Department of Agriculture, DiBeases
of Cattle.)
young, which in the meantime has turned first onto its side and then all
the way over onto its stomach, soon makes its appearance.
The duration of parturition varies in different species of animals, being
in the mare normally from 5 to 30 minutes; in the cow, 1 to 2 hours; in
the ewe, 15 to 30 minutes for each lamb born; and in the sow, 10 to 30
minutes for each pig, with sometimes an interval up to an hour between
the pigs.
The last stage of parturition consists of the expulsion of the fetal mem-
branes, or afterbirth, and the man in charge should keep a careful watch
to see whether or not this occurs normally. This may follow soon after
birth, but, if it is delayed more than 24 hours, or 48 at the outside, steps
should be taken to ascertain and obviate the difficulty. When expelled.
the afterbirth should be removed at once and buried or burned. If this
is not done, many sows, cows, and even some mares will eat thls material.
If, as sometimes happens, the young are born in the intact membranes,
they should be liberated immediately in order to prevent asphyxiation.
The mare. cow, and ewe give birth either standing or lying, the sow
Types of Presentation.-The two normal presentations of a fetus are
front feet first with the head resting between or on the knees, or hind feet
first, the first-named being the most usual and showing the least compli-
cations. The pelvic passage is generally large enough to permit fairly
easy passage of the forefeet and head. It is none too large, however, for
the largest portion of the fetus, viz., the thorax and shoulders. After
the head has passed the vulva, there is often a short pause before the
much greater effort now required. The dorsal vertebral spines over the
shoulders are compressed backward, the thoracic cavity contracted and
elongated, which diminishes its vertical diameter and permits passage
through the pelvis. The posterior portion of the fetus generally passes
through the pelvis without difficulty. ..
The normal hind-feet presentation, with the fetus lying on its belly and
its back uppermost, is not quite so favorable as the anterior presentation.
Birth usually takes longer with this presentation, and the pinching of the
umbilical cord may result in asphyxiation.
There may be various types of malpresentations, such as a buttocks
presentation, back presentation, all four feet presented, and many others,
some of which are shown in Fig. 75. Any malpresentation requires early
recognition. together with a lot of skill and patience on the part of an
experienced person. in order to prevent the death of the fetus and/or its
Assistance at Parturition.-If, after reasonable time and effort have
been expended, a female appears to be making no progress in parturition,
it is advisable that an examination be made so that proper assistanbe may
be rendered before the animal has completely exhausted her strength in
futile efforts at expulsion. For such an examination the external parts
of the vulva should be well cleaned, the hand and arm should be thor-
oughly cleansed and lubricated, and the fingernails cut short. After
proper precaution has been taken against injury, the hand, fingers held
in a cone shape, is inserted into the vagina. There may be various types
of malpresentations, such as only one front leg with the other turned
back. one hind leg and the other stretched forward, abdominal or sacral
presentation, head turned back on the side. head protruding with fore-
legs retained, all four feet presented, etc.
The cardinal features in the work of correcting the position of fetus
are cleanlint;\ss, quietness, gentleness, and perseverence, backed up, of
often cheat death, as will protection from the elements for those which
have safely arrived.
Cleanliness of the stan, the dam, the owners' hands, and any instru-
ments which might be used are essential. As previously mentioned, the
mother should be thoroughly cleaned before parturition. The mammary
glands should be clean. Many livestock men dip the umbilical cord
in iodine soon after birth to assist in preventing navel infection, or
scours, but the most effecti ve means, as stressed, are cleanliness of the
Many swine producers clip or remove the sharp" wolf" teeth of new-
born pigs. Although these teeth appear to serve no useful purpose, their
removal sometimes results in injury or infection of the jaws and they
should not be removed unless they injure the teats of the sow.
Care of the Mother at Parturition.-The general care and feeding of
the parturient animal wiII of necessity vary with the species and with the
local conditions. It is obvious that the requirements of a cow calving on
pasture in June are quite different than a sow farrowing in January.
Without attempting a treatise on management and nutrition, a few basic
principles will be summarize. After safely delivering her young, the
things a female needs most ar~ '\st and quiet, together ""ith a moderate
, amount of temperate water. .8, should not be fed for 12 to 24 hours
. after parturition and should be started on feed very gradually. Gruels
of bran and ground oats with perhaps a little linseed-oil meal are good at
this time, together with a small amount of good-quality leguminous hay
and some pasturage. The feed must be moderate in amount for two
reasons: (1) A return to the normal condition of the dam's system will be
hindered by overfeeding, and (2) the presence of too much milk in the
udder as a result of overfeeding is sure to cause scouring in the young,
which is always a serious drawback to normal health and growth. The
wise herdsman never feeds a nursing female until he has observed the
character of the droppings of the young, and at the first sign of scouring,
the dam's feed should be reduced.
One of the most common disturbances of high-producing cattle is milk
fever. This condition is actually not accompanied by fever but is recog-
nized at first by general depression of the cow, followed by nervous
excitation. Twitching of the muscles occurs and is followed by collapse
and eventual loss of consciousness. These symptoms are caused by a
subnormal amount of calcium in the blood which is believed due to the
sudden drain of milk secretion on the stores of body calcium. It can be
successfully treated by the intravenous administration of calcium glu-
conate. For this reason it is unwise to completely milk cows following
tems of feeding dairy calves have been devised and are available III
various books and bulletins.
Golts, calves, lambs, kids, and pigs will begin to nibble at the dam's
feed in from 2 to 4 weeks after birth. They should then be supplied with
suitable fine roughage and with suitable grain mixtures, preferably in a
creep to which the dam does not have access. For colts, a mixture of 2
parts cracked corn, 4 parts crushed oats, 2 parts bran, and 1 part linseed-
oil meal by weight has been found to give good results. For calves,
many starters and meals have been developed and are available under
trade names. They can also be home-mixed from such ingredients as
corn meal, ground oats, bran, middlings, and linseed-oil meal. Similar
starters or home-mixed rations will also serve for lambs and kids. Pigs
may also be fed home-mixed rations of corn, middlings, and protein
supplements such as fish meal or tankage. Pigs should also be supplied
a mineral mixture such as bone meal, 38 parts; cale1um carbonate, 39;
s;)dium chloride, 20; ferrous sulphate, 2.5; copper sulphate, 0.25; and
potassium iodide, 0.03 parts by weight. In order to prevent anemia in
pigs, many breeders paint the sow's udder daily with a solution of iron
and copper or place fresh clean sod or dirt where the little pigs can get it.
For maximum growth and well-being the young must be comfortably
housed in sanitary, safe quarters and must be properly fed both by
their mothers and through their own efforts. To keep young animals on
feed and gaining steadily from the day of birth is an art, gained only
through experience. For maximum eventual returns, proper care and
nutrition are indispensable. Any young animals do best if fed regularly,
often, and moderately. They should clean up their feed with a relish
and look for more, the secret of success being to keep them a little hungry.
Misguided kindness in the form of too much feed must be avoided.
If the young are ever to achieve the maximum of their inherent capa-
bilities, they must get started early along the proper path and must be
kept moving. Normal healthy parents are the first prerequisite, clean
maternity stalls the second, proper feeding and management of the
Lactating female the third. The young themselves ·will soon (1 to 3
weeks) evidence a desire to eat something besides milk. This desire
should be satisfied not ,vith shavings and sawdust but with good pastur-
age, fine-quality hay, and a suitable grain mixture. Reme~ber that
whole milk, and more especially skim milk, is very high in protein.
Along with a suitable quantity and quality of milk from the dam and
such other feeds as just mentioned should go a sufficient amount of
exercise, preferably at pasture and in the sunshine.
Constructive breeding implies that records are to be kept. With the
young animal this starts at birth. Among other things, the record should
show the animal's sire and dam, the length of gestation, the character of
parturition (normal or otherwise), single or multiple births, ,veight of the
offspring, their general condition, number born weak or dead, and any
other pertinent data which will be of service when the breeder is deciding
whether or not to breed the dam again or whether or not to save her
offspring for breeding purposes. Parturition is a busy time for the
herdsman, so that if he does not get his records then and there, they are
likely never to be secured.
If the animals are to be marked in any way, it should be done early
and before there is any chance of making mistakes. Pigs are usually
marked by notching the ears; e.g., a notch in the outer edge of right ear
stands for 1, outer edge of left ear for 3, inner edge of right ear for 10,
and inner edge of left ear for 30. Lambs and calves are best marked by
metal tags, or calves by tattooing. If the tattoo fades, it can be made
permanent in the other ear at about two years of age.
Complications before Parturition.-Many complications can arise
during gestation that 'will interfere with normal parturition. Extra-
uterine pregnancies have been known to occur in the ovaries, abdominal
cavity, Fallopian tubes, the cervix, or the vagina. In human medicine
these are usually recognized and are then removed by surgery. In farm
animals they are not readily detected in their early stages and may
terminate fatally or eventually become aborted or mummified.
Superfetation, the establishment of a second pregnancy in an animal
already pregnant, sometimes occurs. This is not so common as is
thought. The fact that twins or Jitter mates may be of unequal size
does not indicate superfetation but rather that differences in physical
development occur. Other instances of true superfetation may not be
recognized because the second fetus conceived may be expelled at the
time of parturition of the first fetus without arousing suspicion. How-
ever, there are authentic cases in which animals have given birth to
normal young conceived and born at distinctly different times and not at
two normally spaced periods.
Numerous developmental abnormalities have been observed. These
are of many types' and probably have many causes. Many of these
abnormalities are confined to certain organs, e.g., cleft palate, imperforate
anus, etc., and do not interfere with parturition. In other cases fetal
monsters (teratoma) in the form of unorganized tissue containing skin,
hair, teeth, nervous tissue may develop.
In the human there are numerous diseases and functional disturbances
which have either a direct or indirect effect on the course of pregnancy.
,The farm animals are not subject to many of these. The common
genital diseases have been discussed in another section and will be only
CRAIG, J. F. 1930. "Fleming's Veterinary Obstetrics," 4th ed., Alex Eger, Chicago.
'WILLIAMS, W. L. 1940. "Veterinary Obstetrics," W. L. "'illiams, Ithaca.
tion, the cow (or man) has achieved a level of secretion far in excess of the
calf's requirements. The decline in secretion is the result of wear and
tear on the mammary system (involution) and changes in hormonal and
nutritional relationships. In fact, anything which affects the well-being
of the cow will be reflected in mammary performance. As lactation
progresses, the numbers of actively secreting epithelial cells and their
degree of activity decline. The microscopic appearance of the udder of
the dry, nonpregnant cow is very similar to that of the virgin. The
reestablishment of pregnancy is necessary to stimulate both mammary
grov,th and secretion in such an individual.
Endocrine Regulation of Mammary Development.-There is rather
general agreement as to the cellular changes which occur as the mammary
glands develop. It is true that there are wide species differences in the
rate and type of development, but competent anatomists agree as to the
structures which are present at particular times in the various species.
However, there are few body systems whose functions have been explained
by as many different theories as the mammary glands.
During the nineteenth century, when the nervous system was recog-
nized as the chief coordinating agency of the body', it was believed that
both the development and function of the mammary glands were under
~ervous control aud that :there we!:~Ile:r:':9:':l_s J>_:1tE~:::_ay~_bet'~~_Il the u_j;erus
and the mammary glands. This was disproved by such procedures as
~;~erance of the 'cenEi-ai or peripheral nerves and finally by the graft-
ing of mammary tissue to other parts of the body. The development and
function of such grafts clearly showed that the nervous system was not a
primary regulator of the mammae.
It had long been known that sexual maturity was followed by some
mammary growth in most species and that final development and milk
secretion were dependent upon pregnancy and parturition. The djs-
covery that the ovary was ,both an endo_cIjne an9-_gametggenic..Qrgan SQQIl
~to the conclusion that the mammary glands ,yere .lln_<le_r endocrine
.£Q!!.t_~. IhfHx;act nature of the endocrine mechanismsinvolved is not
~agreed upon.
As cited by Trentin and Turner (1948), Allen et al" Laqueur et al., and
Turner and Frank showed that the estrogenic hormone prepared from
follic~ia~ -fluid would cause cl~~pment of the mammary duct ~~'yste~.
M_",~s then found that corpus luteum extracts in combination wj,tn_estr,!?-
gens would induce alveolar growth. As a result of these studies, it was
concluded that estrogen was resp~nsible for mammary duct growth and
that progesterone, preceded by estrogen, resulted in the proliferation of
the alveolar system. It was recognized, however, that complete mam-
mary development could be induced in the guinea pig with estrogen alone.
liw. 76.-Mammary stimulation of a virgin gilt after 3 weeks treatment with stilbestrol
resembles that of 1nid-pregnancy.
(C. D. Turner, 1948). In cattle the natural estrogens illoduce only duct
~h, but stilbestrqL ,3. synthetic est:J;:ogen which ha~Qt ,b...e~!0.g~
nature, induces comp~t~ ml:l,ffiill&ry g.ll.velQ12!!le!!ta~d sQIlleti~~s_cop~R
~tio.n (Espe, 1946).
The present status of the mammogen theory was summarized by
Trentin and Turner in 1948. It was concluded that the active pituitary
factor is associated with the protein fraction rather than with the lipid
soluble fraction as previously reported. It ,vas further concluded that
the present evidence does not warrant the conclusion that there are two
separate mammogens, but that they should be considered as the same
pituitary factor. In an extensive series of studies of mammary develop-
ment of the male mouse, these authors found that continted estrogen
injection caused marked duct growth and some alveolar development in
normal male mice. Combined estrogen and
much more effective than either hormone alone at the same dos~e.
Ho~~'~~~~ the pituitary gl~s of male mice were remov~-;_C e~tr~gen
produced little mammary growth and a combination of estrogen and
progesterone resulted in slight duct growth (Trentin and Turner).
Thus, in 1949, there are at least two distinct theories for mammary
development. One of the most serious criticisms of the mammogen
theory is the fact that percutaneously applied estrogens have been shown
to have limited local effects \vhen applied to single mammary glands in
mice, rabbits, monkeys, and other animals. In other words, the applica-
tion of estrogen to one gland does not affect neighboring glands. __lLj;he
effects of estr~n were thr~:llgh the pituitary, all glands would be expected
to respond (C. D. Turner, 1948). .
A wide variety of substances has l;leen shO\vn to either directly or
indirectly affect mammary grO\yth. Extensive stimulation has been
'obtained in normal and castrate male ~ale rats following andro~n
administration. In the human male enlargement and ten~rness of the
mamm~ are not uncommon at puberty. Extensive mammary develop-
ment and lactation can be induced in males by appropriate hormone
treatment, and it is not uncommon for considerable milk secretion to
occur spontaneously in male goats. Abnormal mammlk.;5' growth, includ-
ing cancer, is one of the serious problems in human medjcine. The exact
cause remains as yet obscure, but several chemical substances which will
induce experimental carcinogenesis are known. _.
these conditions it is frequently said that the animal has "held lIP" her
milk. This is very annoying to the practical dairyman, and he has been
known to resort to various drastic measures to make the cow" let down"
her milk. Most of these measures are ineffective because they are in
opposition to the physiological principles involved.
We know now that a cow cannot "hold up" her milk but that she can
fail to "let it down." .
The greater part of the milk secreted is stored in the millions of alveoli
\\"hich make up the secretory system. Small amounts of smooth muscle
are associated with each alveolus, and it is necessary for these muscles to
contract if milk is to be forced out into the large ducts.
This problem has been extensively investigated by Ely and Peterson
. (1941) and others, and it is now accepted that the "let down" of milk is a
reflex act involving sensory nerves which stimulate the posterior pituitary
"iiand which in turn secretes a hormone (the oxytocic factQr) which
stimulates the smooth muscles around the alveoli and results in the ejec-
tion of the milk.
The production of maximum quantities of milk requires that the milk
be removed from the udder as soon as possible after the hormonal "let-
down" stimulus has been given. These principles are being widely
employed by dairymen and are the basis for the various techniques of
"fast milking" which are being advocated. The natural "let-down"
stimulus is, without much doubt, the crying of the young and the suck-
ling act. Dairy cattle have come to associate many other stimuli with
milking. Such factors as bringing the animals from pasture, the rattling
of milking machines, movements of feed trucks, washing the udder, or
.even radio programs which the milkers tune ilJ.~_§_!,im\lla_te. th~_j)_Q§t.erior
,Eituitary and cause lP_il~~je~ion. The normal stimulus may be easily
interfered with. Changes in the animals' routine, strange noises or ani-'
mals in the barn, mistreatment of the cattle, etc., may prevent the normal
pituitary response. Ely and Peterson (1941) reported that events \vhich
frighten or disturb cattle probably cause the central portion of 'i,he a:<:!!:.e:n111
gland (medullaftosecrete adrenaIIll, which in -turn-lnhiblt~ the--nor~al
actiOn of o~i.Q~in on the muscles sl.lrroUlldlng fhe alveoli. There IS
~n;iderable evidence av:;;ilable In -a-'~id~'-;ariet:y -~fspecies-that fright
or emotional stress results in the almost instantaneous release of epi-
nephrine (adrenalin) into the blood stream.
From the practical standpoint it appears that the hormonal stimulus
for "let down" sometimes is lost before milking is completed. If. for
example, a cow associates the washing of the udder with immediate
milking, delay in milking may result in decreased production. Experi-
ments in which the oxytocic hormone has been injected showed that its
\ ., \\
\ \.
kind of quarters necessary for safety in keeping the bull, to say nothing
of conditions which will be optimum for the maintenance of the male in
good breeding condition. It has been shown that the actual cost of
artificial insemination in herds of 10 cows or less is not so great as when
a bull is kept. It is therefore safer and cheaper, and far superior from
the breeding standpoint, for the smaller dairyman to adopt artificial
Lessens Disease and Improves Breeding Efficiency.-These advan-
tages can likewise be possible disadvantages if artificial insemination is
not properly used. The selection and care of the bulls used for artificial
insemination must be in the hands of people who are specially trained
for such work. When proper precautions are taken, the spread of
genital diseases by the male should be virtually eliminated. The problem
of reproductive disturbances in the female still is an important one. It
appears that the interest which is being developed in the owners of
artificially inseminated cows is already having its effect in the early
detection and treatment of breeding difficulties. Improved systems of
record keeping, plus the fact that every cow is closely observed dur-
ing insemination, has been helpful in the early diagnosis of genital
Miscellaneous Advantages.-Artificial insemination is often of value
in overcoming certain nonheritable physical difficulties.;' It facilitates
the mating of animals of greatly different size;·it extends the usefulness
of sires that for~ some reason may have become incapable of performing
natural service;lt increases the use of males of I_!!Q!lOgamous species such
as the fox; and it promises to be a useful technique in hybridization
Qt. It usually results in the keeping of better calving and breeding records,
and as previously mentioned, this is one of the prerequisites to better
breeding efficiency.
t>Artificial insemination should result in the development of animals of
more uniform type and production and thus attract livestock buyers to
a community.
Perhaps one of the outstanding advantages of artificial insemination is
that it has stimulated greater interest in better livestock-breeding and
man~ement p_r:actices. There is little pride of accomplIshment III We
producti;~ ()f mediocre and inefficient animals. Dairy-extension men
and county agents have found the introduction of artificial insemination
to be followed by increased interest in methods of raising calves, the
feeding and care of pregnant cows, and in dairy-herd improvement
ferliiity than can be attained 'when normal healthy cows and bulls are
maj&d,]i!J'he"careless use of artificial insemination will result in lowered
'b~~eding efficiency,'" and failure to follow strict sanitary practices may
result in the spread of disease. These should not occur in a properly
managed association.
The conception rate immediately following the establishment of ani
artificial-insemination association in a particular community is frequently
lower than the previous natural-breeding efficiency. It appears that this
is most frequently due to inexperience both on the part of inseminators
and owners. The rapid acceptance of this method of breeding has
resulted in a great shortage of trained inse'minators. It should be
recognized that even the best conducted insemination schools cannot
turn out a finished product in 10 days or 2 weeks. The basic principles
of insemination can be learned, but the development of an automatically
smooth routine of insemination requires much practical experience.
Most inseminators require experience with about 200 cows before they
become highly proficient. The herd owners likewise need experience.
The detection of heat, observations in regard to the exact onset and
duration of heat, the necessity of calling insemination headquarters at
certain agreed-upon times of day, having cows ,vhich are to be bred
readily available for the inseminator, and cooperating in every 'way
possible with the inseminator will do much to guarantee the success of
the practice.
Some of the disadvantages or dangers which seemed important a
decade ago have not materialized. As far as is known, un~crupulous
operators have not misrepresented the source of semen used. The use
of artificial insemination has not" ruined" the purebred breeder. If any-
thing, the demand for good sires has increased. Some associations have
failed, but the failures have usually been human ones rather than due to
a lack of basic knowledge of how to make artificial insemination work.
FIG. 77.- Diagrammatic artificial vagina for the collection of bull semell. 1. Outer rubber
jacket. 2. Entrance for penis. 3. Warm water. 4. Heavy rubber band. 5. Water
inlet. 6. Rubber cone. 7. Graduated test tube.
The success with which this method is used depends upon the skill of
the operator and the training of the male, but most workers feel that it is
the most satisfactory yet devised. The equipment should be clean,
ster~e. Males are very particular that the apparatus
be of the correct temperature, pressure, and degree of lubrication, and
conditions that suit one male may be unsatisfactory for a second. The
proper temperature is attained by introducing warm water (40 to 45°C.
for most males) between the outer and inner casings; the correct pressure
depends largely upon the size of the penis of the male in question and is
usually regulated by introducing or releasing air between the casings.
A small amount of special lubricant. which is commercially available,
should be applied to the first few inches of the inner rubber tube, but
the amount used should be kept ·to a minimum, for it is undesirable to
have any excess lubricant carried through the artificial vagina and mixed
with the semen.
Males usuaUy respond to this method without previous training.
Best results are attained when the male is allowed to mount an estrus
female and the penis quickly guided into the open end of the artificial
-- .
- -----
__ the arm into the reQ._t,_um, the location... and
manipulation of the ampullae, seminar-vesicles, and prostate region, and
--------- . ,,---. "--- ---".- _". -
the collection of semen as it drips from the glans penis, requires a high
degree of ~klrr:-lt is most valuable for the collection of semen from bulls
with injuries to their legs, backs, or ~oductive organs, but for ge;enc
reasons should probably not be applied to bulls suffering from physio-
logical disturbances preventing service that might be transmissible.
This method does not compare in usefulness with the artificial vagina.
There are marked differences in the response of individual bulls; the
semen is often contaminated as it drips from the glans penis; the volume
and concentration of semen obtained by this method is often less than
by service into an artificial vagina; and the mixture of urine with the
semen at the time of collection often kills the spermatozoa.
Burrows and Quinn (1935) perfected a massage method for the col.,.
lection of semen from the domestic fowl and turkey that is widely and
successfully used. The copulatory organ of the male can be protruded
by manipulating the cloacal region, and the semen stored in the bulbous
d~~s can be pressed out by the thumb and first finger.
~ecovery of Semen from the Vagina.-One of the older methods of
semen collection is the recovery of semen from the anterior vagina fol-
lowing natural service. This can be accomplished by introducing a glass
or rubber catheter into the vagina, locating the pool of semen, and
aspirating it into a syringe. This method can be used satisfactorily for
the recovery of both ram and stallion semen if the genital health of the
ewe,or mare is known to be satisfactory. However, this method is not
the one of choice in any species. Breeders who do not have other collect-
ing equipment can make use of the method for the recovery of a semen
sample for a fertility examination. The simplicity of the method is
overbalanced by several disadvantages. The semen may be excessively
diluted by female secretions a~d may have poor storage qualities. If an
infectious genital' disease is present, it is very apt to be spread to the
im;~inated animals.
"the Breeder's Bag.-This technique, which involves placing a rubber
sheath over the glans penis, has-been satisfactorily employed by some
Rta.llion and jack owners for many years and has been discarded by
others as unsatisfactory. The chief criticism of the method has been
that the bag often slipped from the penis as the male dismounted. This
has now been overcome by the development of a longer type of sheath.
The method has the advantages of simplicity and the recovery of a normal
ejaculate, but is limited to equines.
Electrical Ejaculation.-This technique was developed by Gunn in
1936 as a method for the collection of ram semen. Various modifications
have been made for small animals, and it has been of value from a
research standpoint.
Two electrodes are used. In some species one is placed in the rectum
and the other in the muscle abO\Te the loin, in other species one electrode
is placed against the roof of the mouth and one at the base of the skull.
An alternating' current of varying intensity, depending on the species,
is applied. The equipment is expensive, requires a high degree of skill,
and gives variable results, even in experienced hands. It is unlikely that
it will ever be widely used in ,practical semen collection.
The successful application of artificial insemination is. to a large extent,
dependent upon the quality of semen used. Those responsible for the
collection, processing, and shipment of semen must be able to evaluate its
quality and to predict its potentialities when used under practical condi-
tions. Those concerned with the insemination of cows must likewise be
able to evaluate semen, lest females be inseminated with nonviable sperm.
Nearly every sperm physiologist is hopeful of being able to develop a
single method of evaluating semen quality. The list of techniques which
have been used is a long one and varies from the visual over-all score of
semen following a brief microscopic view, to the chemical determination
of enzymes, vitamins, or specific metabolic processes. Unfortunately no
one method will yield an accurate estimate of the actual per cent of
inseminations which will result in pregnancy when a particular semen
sample is used. However, the fact that the conception rate does not
fluctuate greatly between days or months or between well-managed
insemination associations indicates that a fairly good job of evaluation is
being done.
Volume of Semen.-Volume is usually determined in a graduated
centrifuge tube in the bull, with a 1-ml. tuberculin syringe in the ram and
rooster, and with a 100- to 200-ml. graduate in the stallion and boar.
The volume is not necessarily related to the fertilizing capacity of the
spermatozoa, since sterile animals may produce large ejaculates. Volume
is C?f gr!~r!tc~ic_al}rr~portancei~__artificial inseminatipn. If -aTfOther
factors in regard to quality are equal, the male with a large ejacqlate is
most desirable. The rate of semen dilutIOn which will be made is deter-
~i~~d largely on the basis of semen volume and numbers of sperm per
unit volume of semen.
Number of Spermatozoa.-The number of spermatozoa per unit
volume of semen varies with species and indi vidual, and breeding males
should be expected to meet the requirements for their species as previously
elaborated. The number of sperm in semen is usually expressed in
terms of sperm per cubic millimeter. The standard method of counting
sperm is the same as that -empI;;yed for counting red-blood cells. This
technique is described in detail in nearly every physiology text. In
brief, it involves the dilution of the semen in a red-blood cell diluting
pipette, the thorough shaking of the pipette to bring about an even dis-
persion of the sperm, and the discharge of a small quantity of the diluted
semen into the measured chamber of a hemacytometer. The number of
sperm ,vithin certain ruled areas of the hemacytometer is counted
heneath a microscope, this number is multiplied by a standard factor,
and the number of sperm is thus determined.
Methods for the estimation of sperm numbers by the centrifugation
of capillary tubes containing whole semen have been described. By
centrifugation at a certain speed in relation to gravity for a standard
time, the sperm are packed into one end of a capillary tube and the
volume of the packed cells is measured. This method has the advantage
that several replications of each sample can be made simultaneously, but
it has not been used in practical insemination work (Shaffner and
Andrews, 1943).
The ideal method of determining sperm numbers in bull studs must
be simple, rapid, and accurate. It had been shown that the dilution of
semen at a standard rate and then measuring the relative light trans-
mission in a photoelectric colorimeter was rapid and accurate, but the
equipment required was rather expensive (Comstock and Green, 1939).
This method was adapted for field use by the development of opacity
standards for the simple visual comparison of diluted semen. Complete
directions for the prep~lation of standardized tubes of different opacity
have been described by Salisbury et al. (1943). Such tubes are now
available commercially. The 'equipment is called the comparator, is
inexpensive and rapid, and is nearly as accurate as any other method.
This is the standard technique of determining sperm concentration in
~ most bull studs.
Motility of Spermatozoa.-The estimation of sperm motility by micro-
scopic examination is one of the oldest of all clinical examinations involv-
ing the microscope. In fact, Leeuwenhoek, the father of microscopy,
Semen which has been diluted with egg-yolk buffer is somewhat hard
to see through under the microscope and the presence of large numbers of
varying-sized yolk globules is confusing to the beginner. The standard
for fresh semen ,vhich is described above is the one in general use with the
exception that there is no swirling motion of the semen itself. The type
of motility of the individual sperm is important. Samples which score 4
or 5 should contain sperm showing definite progressive motility, and the
movement of the sperm should be sufficiently vigorous to agitate the
yolk globules.
There are several factors which commonly affect motility and which
will lead to incorrect estimates if not guarded against. There is a pro-
gressive decline in motility as temperature falls. The sample should be
warmed, vreferably t6 a standard of 80 to 900'F., if uniform results are to
be obtained. The determination should be completed rapidly. Semen
dries quickly in a warm room, and exposure to air inactivates the sperm.
If an estimate is not made within a few seconds, a second sample should
be taken. Dirty slides or traces of water or alcohol will affect the degree
of motility. Although it cannot be said with certainty that a diluted
sample scoring 1 will never produce fertilization, it can be said that the
degree of fertility will be highest when samples scoring 4 or 4 plus can be
Duration of Sperm Motiiity.-It has been known for many years that
there is a high correlation between the maintenance of sperm motility
and the fertilizing capacity of sperm when either whole or diluted bull
semen is stored at 5°C. If the samples are properly handled, motility
persists fot 2 weeks or more if the bull is of normal fertility. While this
method is one of the better ones for the measurement of semen quality,
it has the disadvantage of requiring a relatively great length of time and
the evaluation is not completed until the original semen sample has long
since ceased to be usable.
Weisman (1941) developed standards for the survival of human sperm
stored at different temperatures. He reported that the survival times of
normal human sperm at 20 to 23°C., 37.5°C., and 45°C. should be at
least 24, 10 to 12, and 1 to 2 hours, respectively. Studies at Cornell by
Beck and Salisbury (1943) showed that there were significant correlations
between the decrease in motility of sperm in diluted bull semen stored at
5°C. and similar samples stored at from 46.5 to 47.5°C. The correlation
coefficient of storage for 10 days at 5°C. and storage at 46.5°C. for 1 hour
was 0.9088, indicating that by increasing storage temperature much
valuable information in regard to the maintenance of motility can be
gained in a short time. This method has many laboratory applications
but is not widely used in the field.
hands of its originators, but others have obtained variable results. The
method has been shown to be affected by minor changes in pH, osmotic
pressure, and stain concentration, and the technique must be very
carefully carried out (Mayer, 1948).
This method, or modifications of it, will have practical application if it
can be controlled.
Number of Abnormal Spermatozoa.-Although Ham and Leeuwen-
hoek observed the spermatozoa of the human as early as 1677, it is only
during the twentieth century that detailed studies of spermatozoa have
been made. Williams and Savage (1927) made extensive studies of the
morphology of bull spermatozoa and reported that in bulls with poor
breeding records an average of 50.1 per cent of the spermatozoa were
abnormal and that bulls with good breeding records averaged less than
16.6 per cent abnormal spermatozoa. These findings have been con-
firmed by Moench and Holt (1931), \vho found that men producing more
than 25 per cent abnormal spermatozoa were of lowered fertility or sterile,
and by McKenzie and Phillips (1934), who reported that normal rams
produced not more than 15 per cent abnormal spermatozoa. Several
slides of each semen sample to be examined should be prepared at the
time of collection. This can be accomplished by placing a very small
drop of thoroughly mixed semen at one end of a glass slide and drawing
it out in a very thin film in the same way that blood smears are made.
Considerable practice is required to make satisfactory slides of highly
concentrated semen. The problem is one of obtaining a smear thin
enough for study without mechanical damage to the spermatozoa. The
slides may be allowed to air-dry and then may be placed in a saturated
chlorazene solution for 5 to 10 minutes to remove mucus. They should
then be rinsed in distilled water, washed in 95 per cent alcohol, allowed
to dry, then stained with Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin for 1 to 2 minutes, rinsed
in tap ,Yater, and allowed to dry. The stained slides should be studied
under high-dry or oil-immersion objectives and classified by some
definite scheme.
Nearly as many systems of classification as there have been investi-
gators have been devised, but the abnormal sperm types most usually
encountered are head abnormalities such as tapering, shrunken, large,
or small heads; enlarged, beaded, broken, or filiform middle pieces; and
coiled, broken, or missing tails. A study of a single smear of semen is
sometimes misleading, for seasonal effects, excessive use, or long periods
of sexual rest are among the factors that may temporarily increase the
number of abnormal spermatozoa. McKenzie and Berliner (1937) in an
{'xtensive study of the reproductive capacity of rams found that, under
Missouri conditions, the number of abnormal sperm forms increased
during June, July, and August and were at a minimum during November,
December, and January. Shropshire rams were more noticeably
affected than Hampshire rams, the former having an average of 733 and
the latter an average of 90 abnormal sperms per 1,000 during August.
Semen samples collected after prolonged periods of sexual rest should
not be used for the determination of fertility. Spermatozoa that are not
ejaculated tend to become senescent and are eventually broken down and
resorbed. This fact often accounts for the failure of males to settle the
first females to which they are bred at the beginning of the breeding
season and must be taken into account lin the estimation of fertility. "
A few years ago this measurement was considered essential in the . \
evaluation. of semen. More recently the emphasis has been on the j
that 16,000 sperm will give partial and 90,000 spermatozoa maximum
fertility (Cheng and Casida, 1948).
The first work in artificial insemination involved the use of fresh
undiluted semen. In practical cattle insemination semen was diluted
three to four times in 1940 and about 1: 10 to 1: 16 in 1945. Salisbury
(1948) reported that there were no differences in fertility when bull semen
was diluted with egg yolk-citrate diluter at a rate of 1: 100 in comparison
·with rates as low as 1: 40. One ml. of diluted semen containing about
12.8 million sperm was used for each insemination. It has since been
reported that there were no differences in conception rate when yolk-
citrate-sulfanilamide diluter was used at rates of up to 1: 400. It was
pointed out that "with present techniques the minimum number of sperm
for optimum fertility is between 5 and 10 million if bulls of known fertility
are used (Salisbury and Bratton, 1948).
Much work on dilution rate and composition of diluters is in progress,
and it should be recognized that these results may need further modifi-
cation. As previously explained, the diluter problem is of less practical
importance in the other classes of farm animals, and data similar to those
given for cattle are not available.
Storage and Shipment of Semen.-In artificial-insemination practice
semen is rarely stored at its point of origin but by the local inseminator.
The chief problem is one of the maintenance of optimum conditions
during shipment and while the semen is being transported by the insemi-
nator on his rounds.
The type of shipping container depends on the volume of semen which
is to be sent and the distance involved.
When single semen samples are to be shipped, as is usually the case
when semen from a particular sire is purchased by a breeder at a distance,
an ordinary thermos bottle can be used. It is desirable that the temper-
ature of the semen be maintained at a uniform 4 to 5°C. during shipment.
This can be accomplished by placing a full tube of semen within a second
larger container, taking care to separate the two with cotton. Both
containers should be watertight. The larger container is then surrounded
by cracked ice, the thermos bottle placed in a sturdy cardboard carton
and shipped.
When the time of shipment is 2 or 3 days, the thermos bottle ~lf
should be packed in a refrigerated container. A small, jacketed, insulated
ice-cream shipper has been successfully employed at the University of
MissourL The thermos bottle is placed in a metal can and surrounded
by cracked ice and a can or block of fllozen br~ is placed on top of the
can containing the cracked ice (Herman and R~sdale, 1946).
In most states semen can be shipped from the bull stud to all local
associations within 12 hours. The equipment required for this is sur-
prisingly simple.
The refrigerant is provided by one or two milk cans approximately 2.5
by 4 in. The cans are filled to within about an inch of the top with water,
sealed, and frozen solid. Two layers of heavy wrapping paper are placed
about the cans, and the semen vials are then placed against the wrapped
cans and firmly wrapped with several layers of paper. This package is
placed within one insulated paper ice-cream bag during the cooler months
and within two insulated bags during the summer. This in turn is
placed in a heavy corrugated cardboard box and shipped by common
carrier. This equipment is light in weight, inexpensive, and readily
available commercially.
The vials containing semen should be as nearly full as possible. If
only a small quantity of semen is to be sent, a small vial should be used.
It is known that the mixing of semen with air by agitation during ship-
ment -is undesirable and results in decrel1sed sperm motility (Prince and
Almquist, 1948). .
The experienced inseminator can usually tell if semen shipments are
arriving at the proper temperature. If the ice in the cans has melted,
it is well to check the temperature of the semen with a thermometer and
report abnormalities to the bull stud.
All semen samples 'w:hich the inseminator plans to use should be
examined microscropically each day. There are times when a 48-hour-
old sample may be superior to a fresh one. Knowledge of the actual
fertility of the bulls and experience in semen evaluation will soon enable
the inseminatorto select the samples most likely to produce pregnancy.
The inseminator usually receives fresh semen six or seven times weekly_
It is obvious that he cannot guarantee that the semen of a particular bull
will be used to inseminate a particular cow. However, by adhering to
recommended practices, he usually has the semen of several bulls of each
breed available, even though the semen is of different ages.
In the past there has been much wishful thinking in regard to the
storage possibilities of semen. With rare exceptions bull semen should
be used within 2 to 4 days following collection if good results are to be
expected. Ram semen should be used within 2 days; and boar, stallion,
and chicken semen should be used on the day of collection. To the
authors' knowledge the maximum survival of sperm for conception is 10
days, 6 days, 56 hours, and 48 hours for bulls, ram, boars, and stallions,
respectively. These results have been obtained with stored semen and
represent maximum rather than average values.
The maintenance of maximum fertility in stored semen requires special
handling by the inseminator. The semen should be maintained at a
uniform 4 to 5°C. while in his care. It is recommended that inseminators
be equipped with portable refrigerators of the type commonly used by
veterinarians. The semen vials are transported in small thermos bottles,
and the thermos bottles in turn are kept in the portable refrigerator.
Care should be exercised that the semen is not allmved to remain out of
the refrigerator except for the time required to fill the inseminating
The method of insemination will depend both on the species and the
experience of the operator. The methods commonly used for cattle will
be described in detail and but briefly for the other farm animals.
FIG. 82.-The most common technique of inseminating the cow. The cervix is grasped
per rectum, and the inseminating tube is carefully worked into and through the cervical
canal. -
W 40
I semen can be expected to give
satisfactory results. There is evi-
C dence that much smaller quan-
20 After tities of semen, when properly
cD Heal diluted, may be satisfactory, but
0 this has not been verified under
0 4 8 12 18 24 herd conditions.
Time of Inseminotion - Hours Ewes are usually inseminated
FIG. 83.-Relationship between time of with the same type of pipette or
insemination and breeding efficiency in dairy
cattle. (Adapted from the data of Trimber(Jer tube that is used for cattle. The
and Davis (1943), Neb. A(Jr. Expt. Sta. ReB. pipette is filled and emptied with
Bul. 129.)
a syringe or small rubber bulb.
The cervix is visualized with a speculum and a small flashlight or
headlamp and the pipette introduced into the outer part of the cervix-
probably not more than X to Yz in. A volume of 0.2 ml. is usually used
both for whole or diluted semen. The egg-yolk diluters used for cattle
have been successfully employed for sheep. There is considerable
difference of opinion in regard to sperm numbers required, ranging from
5 to 50 million.
Artificial insemination has not been widely employed i.I!..-l2_o}lJtry.
It is very useful when hens are being maintained in individual laying
cages, as in many nutrition and breeding experiments, and it has a place
-:>n certain practical poultry-breeding farms. Hens are usually insemi-
lated with fresh semen once weekly. The oviduct of the laying hen
~an be easily protruded by applying pressure in the cloacal region. A
[-ml. tuberculin syringe, without a needle, is inserted into the oviduct
It appears that these problems can best be met when some of the workers
devote themselves exclusively to bull-stud work, and others to the insemi-
nation of cows.
In some of the larger states there are several bull studs located in
strategic areas, each serving numerous local insemination associations.
The type of organization in Indiana is described briefly not only because
of the authors' familiarity with it but because of certain unique features.
Local artificial-breeding cooperatives obtain semen from bull studs in both
Indiana and North Carolina. On alternate days semen from the North
Carolina stud is transported by airplane to the Indiana stud and thence
to local associations. And every other day semen from Indiana is
shipped to North Carolina where it is distributed to local associations in
1'\ orth Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Virgina. From the economic
standpoint semen which is produced but not used represents waste, and
it has long been apparent that we have not been getting the maximum
use from our sires. The safety factor cannot be overlooked, however,
and it is regarded as essential that there be some reserve of semen pro-
duction. The regular exchange of semen between states does make for a
wider use of outstanding sires, and it offers some protection to the live-
stock owners of both states in case of serious trouble at one of the bull
studs, such as fire or disease.
Artificial Insemination Problen:s.-It is obvious that artificial insemi-
nation is established as a practical method of livestock breeding but it is
equally obvious that its applications and techniques are being constantly
changed and improved.
The method of processing and shipping bull semen can be regarded as
satisfactory. That constant improvement is being made is evidenced by
the fact that recommended dilution rates have increased from 1: 10 to
1; 100 within the past 5 years and that greater dilution is still possible.
Only when it becomes possible to maintain the fertility of bull semen for
weeks, instead of 3 or 4 days, or even after the sire which produced the
seman is dead, will physiologists be satisfied with their progress.
The proving and selection of sires for artificial-insemination use is a
major problem. A suggested method for proving sires at a young age
has been proposed. The tendency for fertility level to decline in bulls
more than two or three years of age, and the fact that many proved sires
are not of suitable fertility, are limiting factors. We need more knowl-
edge about the basic reproductive processes before these problems can be
The rapid adoption of artificial insemination has resulted in a shortage
of trained technicians. In states where several artificial-breeding asso-
ciations ll,ave been established simultaneously, there has usually been
FIG. 84.-Twin fetuses recovered 46 days after the transfer of fertilized sheep ova to a
second ewe. (Courtesy of Drs. Casida, Warwick, and jl lurphree, University of Wisconsin,
Febmu.r y, 1942.)
PERRY, E. J. 1947. "The Artificial Insemination of Farm Animals," Rutgers
University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
WALTON, A. 1933. "The Technique of Artificial Insemination," Oliver & Boyd,
Ltd., Edinburgh and London.
WEISMAN, A. 1. 1941. "Spermatozoa and Sterility," Paul B. lioeber, Inc., New
Bulletins and Papers
ANDERSON, J. 1945. The Semen of Animals and Its Use for Artificial Insemination,
Imper. Bur. Anim. Genet. Edinb.
BECK, G. H., and SALISBT.:RY, G. W. 1943. Rapid Mcthods for Estimating the
Quality of Bull Semen, Jour. Dail'y Sci., 26 :483-494.
BERLINER, V. R. 1947. Horses and Jackstock. In PERRY, E. J., "The Artificial
Insemination of Farm Animals," Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick,
BURROWS, W. H., and QUINN, J. P. 1935. A Method of Obtaining Spermatozoa
from the Domestic Fowl, Poultry Sci., 14 :251.
CASIDA, L. E., et al. 1943. Effects of Pituitary Gonadotropins on the Ovaries and
the Induction of Superfecundity in Cattle, Amer. Jour. Vet. Res., 4 :76-94.
- - - , WARWICK, E. J., and MEYER, R. K. 1944. Survival of Multiple Pregnan-
cies Induced in the Ewe Following Treatment with Pituitary Gonadotropins,
Jour. Anim. Sci., 3 :22-28.
CHENG, P., and CASIDA, L. E. 1948. Fertility in Rabbit as Affected by the Dilution
of Semen and the Number of Spermatozoa, Soc. Expt. Biol. and IIled. Proe.,
COMSTOCK, R. E., and GREEN, W. W. 1939. Methods for Semen Evaluation.
1. Density, Respiration, Glycolysis of Semen, Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod. Proc.,
pp. 213-216.
GUNN, R. M. C. 1936. Fertility in Sheep. Artificial Production of Seminal
Ejaculation and the Characters of the Spermatozoa Contained Therein, Australia
Council Sci. & Indus. Res. Bul. 94.
HERMAN, H. A., and RAGSDALE, A. C. 1946. Artificial Insemination of Dairy
Cattle, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 494.
LASLEY, J. F., EASLEY, G. T., and McKENZIE, F. F. 1942. A Staining Method
for the Differentiation of Live and Dead Spermatozoa. 1. Applicability to the
Staining of Ram Spermatozoa, Anat. Ree., 82 :167-174.
LAWRITSON, M. N., and NIBLER, C. W. 1946. Artificial Insemination of Dairy
Cattle, Nebr. Agr. Col. Ext. Cir. 628.
LEWIS, L. L. 1911. Artificial Insemination, Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 93.
MAYER, D. T. 1948. Personal Communication.
- - - , SqUIRES, D., and BOGART, R. 1947. An Investigation of the Staining
Principle and the Background Stain in the Differentiation of Live from Dead
Spermatozoa, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6:499.
McKENZIE, F. F., and BERLIN~;R, V. R. 1937. The Rcproductive Capacity of
Rams, ""t[o. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rc.s. Bul. 265.
- - - and PHILLIPS, R. W. 1934. Measuring Fertility in the Ram, .Jour. Am. Vet.
Med. 048801' .• 84:189.
MILLER, F. W., and EVANS, E. 1. 1934. Technique for Obtaining Spermatozoa for
Physiological Dairy Studies and Artificial Insemination, Jour. Agr. Res., 48 :941-
MOENCH, G. L., and HOLT, H. 1931. Sperm Morphology in Relation to Fertility,
A mer. Jour. Obst. and Gynec., 22 :199.
PHILLIPS, P. H., and LARDY, H. A. 1940. A Yolk-buffer Pabulum for the Preserva-
tion of Bull Semen, Jour. Dairy Sci., 23 :399-404.
PRINCE, P. W., and ALMQUIST, J. O. 1948. The Effect of Agitation upon the
Livability of Bovine Spermatozoa, Jour. Dairy Sci., 31 :839-844.
SALISBURY, G. W. 1946. Fertility of Bull Semen Diluted at 1:100, Jour. Dairy Sci.,
29 :695-697.
_ and BRATTON, R. W. 1948. Fertility Level of Bull Semen Diluted at 1 :400
with and without Sulfanilamide, Jour. Dairy Sci., 31 :817-822.
_ - - et al., 1943. Rapid Methods for Estimating the Number of Spermatozoa
in Bull Semen, Jour. Dairy Sci., 26 :69-78.
SHAFFNER, C. S., and ANDREWS, F. N. 1943. The Determination of the Con-
centration of Spermatozoa in Fowl and Bull Semen, Anat. Rec., 86:99-107.
WILLIAMS, W. W., and SAVAGE, A. 1927. Methods of Determining the Reproduc-
tive Health and Fertility of Bulls: A Review with Additional Notes, Cornell
Vet., 17 :374.
. : Mechanisms of Heredity·, ~
ing," the same general principles underlying both processes. The third
milestone was Mendel's epochal work on .the behavior of characteristics
in transmission, concerning which the next several chapters will deal.
Content of Genetics.-Bateson in 1906 coined the term genetics, which
from its derivation from the -Greek root gen, to become, literally means
, the beginning, or coming into being, of organic life. Genetics, however,
does not stop with parturition or birth, but rather it expresses the idea
of the full becoming of the individuality of the organism. This point
should be borne in mind constantly by the student. • Broadly speaking,
genetics is the study of the why and wherefore of individuality. It is
obvious that the individual will be either like its parents or different from
them. What genetics attempts to do is to systematize knowledge regard-
ing these similarities and differences and to furnish a rational explanation
for them.
There is an old deep-rooted belief to the effect that "like begets like."
Experience tea~hes that sows bring forth pigs not calves, and in this sense
"like begets like," but, when the attempt is made to apply the idea in
, minute details to parent and offspring, difficulties are encountered.
Although there may be, and generally is, a greater or less degree of
similarity between the two, the expectation that parent and offspring
may be exactly alike causes many a disappointment. The fact of the
continuity of the germ plasm would lead one to expect that offspring
would resemble their parents to a greater or lesser degree, and this, in
truth, is just what observation teaches. Any organism receives the
determiners for all its potentialities from its ancestors through its immedi-
ate parents. It is inconceivable that they could come from any other
source, and there is no evidence that any animal can exceed in its accom-
plishments the upper limit set by its inheritance.
The sum total of all the possibilities and accomplishments of an organ-
ism is its individuality. This may appear as the expression of character-
istics exactly similar to those exhibited by any of its ancestors, a blend or
a mosaic of ancestral characteristics, or one or many very different
characteristics due to the interaction of ancestral genes or to mutation.
<Strictly speaking then, it may be seen that an organism's individuality
7is the sum total of all its characteristics which result from the union of
{ germ cells produced by its particular parents plus the influence of the
\., environment in which the individual develops. Genetics seeks the cause
and the pattern of transmission of ancestral traits down through the
generations, to find rational explanations for the occurrence of new traits,
and to differentiate the relat!ve influence of inheritance and environment.
Environment and Training.-Two organisms may have different genes
but be similar in appearance or behavior because of the environment.
Likewise two organisms may have identical genes but be different because
of the environment. 'Ve shall lay particular stress upon the complement
of ancestral determiners, or upon an animal's inheritance. The student,
however, must not forget that two other influences aid in shaping individ-
uality, viz., environment and training. Any individuality is a product
of the interactions of these three influences and, although res~ing o!! the
complement of ancestral determiners as its base, this does not in any way
minimize the influence of the other two. Many val'iations are due to
environmental causes, The complement of ancestral determiners, how-
ever, does set the upper limit that an organism can reach. It is a
breeder's province, therefore, to select breeding animals that will set a
high upper limit for their offspring and then so to modify environment
and training that that limit may at least be approximated.
FIG. 85.-A scrub cow before and after being subjected to a good environment. Besides
the increase in condition evidenced in the pictures, she increased in production 2,814.6 lb.
of milk and 113.75 lb. of fat. (From Iowa Expt. Sta. Bul. 188.)
impetus was given to both the scientific and practical aspects of plant
and animal breeding. These principles were demonstrated in animals
by Cuenot in 1902 and in man by Davenport in 1904. The interrelations
between the behavior of the chromosomes cytologically and the trans-
mission of characters genetically was shown by Sutton in 1903, and the
_ mechanism of sex determination suggested by McClung in 1902 was
confirmed by Stevens and Wilson in 1905. The term genetics was coined
by Bateson in 1906, and the thegry of the gene was developed by Morgan
and his collaborators at Columbia University in 1910, based upon experi-
m~ts with"the pomace fly, Drosophila melanogaster, which has a genera-
tion in 10 days numbering up to 400. Following the lead of Shull and
East, many inbreeding and crossbreeding experiments were begun both
to test and amplify the genetic theory and to try to develop true-breeding
strains of both plants and animals. A host of discoveries of chromosome
behavior in inheritance have developed since 1910, linkage, crossing
over, the nature and production of polyploids, linear order of the genes,
interference, limitation of the linkage groups, position effects, the function
of inbreeding in reducing heterozygosity, the lethal action of certain
genes, etc., the details of which we will meet in later chapters. Finally
in 1927 came the artificial induction of mutations by X rays (Muller)
and in 1933 the complete unification of cytology and genetics through
Painter's work with the giant chromosomes found in the salivary glands of
larval Drosophila.
The possibilities inherent in the application of genetic principles to
the improvement of both plants and animals have become especially
recognized since about 1920. In plants, many new varieties have been
made to order, and" hybrid corn" is now used extensively throughout the
corn belt. In animals we have again centered our attention on the basic
fundamentals of proving sires by means of their progeny, as Bakewell
did in the eighteenth century and as Varro suggested to Roman farmers
in the first century B.C.
Genetics, or the science of breeding, has had a phenomenal develop-
ment since 1900. The earliest characters studied were the most obvious
external ones, such as color, horns, etc. This led some to expect that all
animal characters would follow some such simple pattern of inheritance,
and as a consequence many unjustifiable claims were made relative to
the easy and rapid revolution in breeding practices soon to be achieved
by means of genetics. The basic principles of inheritance have been
revealed by means of the experimental breeding of small inexpensive
and rapidly breeding forms. The detailed mode of inheritance of most
of the commercially valuable characters of our larger forms of livestock
are still unknown. Our lack of knowledge regarding the mode of inherit-
12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Ib t J : tt tacf,.. •• !
, f. J' f ' .... ~ .. ft
e) It.',. I,_tt.r
.. , •• , , • ,.++1
.... [.,I.tA•• f
h 4 •• f f +I ~.+t
; Ie t J , rt ~ tAtt1
FIG. 86.-Eight chromosome groups of 12 chromosomes each of Trimerotrop'is.
Morgan after Carothers, Physical Basis of Heredity, J. B. Lippincott Company.)
\, \
fer! ilized ovum "which impels it to follow in each case a definite line of
development"? This problem, unlike that of the nature of the gene
and transmission, which deal with the germ plasm, is concerned with
the somatoplasm. The method of attack here is the embryological one-
not the old descriptive embryology with its manifest limitations in this
respect, but the new experimental embryology, "using the term in its
widest sense to include the study of such phenomena in regeneration,
regulation, growth, etc." This is primarily a study of ontogeny, and it
will eventually fill the void now existing between the original zygote
with its content of hereditary determiners and the fully developed adult
exhibiting the characteristics for which determiners were present in the
A great deal of intricate experimental embryological research is
.t .,
beginning to shed light on this problem. Transplantation and regenera-
tion techniques have shown that various parts of the body act as organiza-
tion centers, elaborating hormonallike products which prOflide the pat-
terns for further development. Belly tissue of the young frog embryo,
which, if left in place, would have produced ~kin, will, if transplanted
early enough to the region of the jaw, produce a normal frog jaw. If,
however, it is transplanted to the jaw region of a salamander, it will as
formerly produce jaw tissue, but it will be the jaw of a frog because
of the frog genes that it contained. Development, therefore, is due
primarily to the genes and perhaps secondarily to the interaction of the
developing tissues with other nearby tissues, which, of course, have been
gene-determined. Also the amputation of half a limb of a salamander
will be followed by a complete regeneration of a normal limb, bone as
well as muscle and nerves, which indicates a substance in the cells of the
stump capable of directing the normal development of the tissues that
spring from it.
Problem of Mode of Transmission.-There are two methods of study-
ing the manner in which characteristics are transmitted from one genera-
tion to the next. They are (1) by studying the ancestors of certain
individuals or (2) by studying the progeny of certain individuals. The
former, or ancestor study, may be carried on by means of biometry or
by means of data recorded in purebred herd books. The progeny study
_E.Q._ns. This will inevitably result in the sifting of the true from the false,
a service of no mean value and one which is being fulfilled rapidly. If
genetics did no more than unearth the principles underlying breeding
and post" no-passing" signs at the head of all the blind alleys, it would
expedite successful breeding to a marked degree.
However, knmvledge gained through genetic studies has already
provided new methods that will lead more quickly and surely toward
the goal of more beautiful form and more efficient function. Detailed
knowledge of the mode of inheritance of most of the characteristics
exhibited by higher animals is still unknown and from the very nature
of the problem is difficult, though genetics bids fair to furnish the solu-
tion. When this has come about and the principles are thoroughly
understood, genetics will have proved itself merely the handmaid of
animal breeding, to which it will have rendered a valuable service in
successfully and firmly fitting into place the keystone of all breeding
operations, "rational selection."
To be successful in breeding better livestock, a person should first of
all love to work with animals. Next comes the necessity for a thorough
knowledge of the history, accomplishments, and shortcomings of one's
particular breed. Practice in livestock judging bulwarked by a knowl-
edge of anatomy and physiology and by experience gained through study
of finished carcasses in meats courses should also prove to be very useful.
Finally, courses in veterinary hygiene and science, together with the
materials presented in the books dealing with animal breeding, should
complete one's initial training for animal-breeding work with actual
experience in the field serving as a continuing source of enlightenment
and inspiration.
Summary.-This chapter serves as a general introduction for our
consideration of genetics, which, as we have seen, is concerned with
similarities and differences exhibited by related organisms. We have
laid particular emphasis on the chromosomes as "the bridge of inherit-
ance," but we should be careful not to overlook the large part played
by both environment and training in bringing any inherited character
to its full fruition. We traced very hurriedly the long history of both
plant and animal breeding and saw how the occasionally observed facts
of inheritance down through the ages were finally fitted together into a
complete and complex whole by Mendel and his successors. The three
principal types of problems that genetics and related sciences are trying
to solve were indicated as well as a preview of the methods now being
used to effect solutions. Finally, we listed practical prerequisites for
the scientific animal breeder and indicated the role of genetics in the
practical &,eld of animal husbandry.
DEMEREC, M. 1947. "Advances in Genetics," Academic Press, Inc., New York.
MORGAN, T. H. 1934. "Embryology and Genetics," Columbia University Press,
New York.
NEEDHAM, J., and PAGEL, W. 1938. "Background to Modern Science," Chaps. 9-
10, The Macmillan Company, New York.
PEARL, R. 1915. "Modes of Research in Genetics," The Macmillan Company,
New York.
RILEY, H. P. 1948. "Genetics and Cytogenetics," John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York.
SCHWESINGER, G. C. 1933. "Heredity and Environment," The Macmillan Com-
pany, New York.
SHARP, LESTER W. 1934. "Introduction to Cytology," 3d ed., The McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York. .
U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook. 1936, 1937. Especially last chapter, 1937, by R. Cook.
WADDINGTON, C. H. 1941. "Organizers and Genes," Cambridge University Press,
New York.
WEISS, P. 1939. "Principles of Development," Henry Holt and Company, Inc.,
New York.
Men have been breeding plants and animals for many thousands of
years. In the earliest stages of breeding, the main purpose was probably
that of seizing upon favorable variations in order to try to improve both
plant and animal species. By allowing these favorable variates to have
many offspring and less desirable ones to have few or none, a slow, steady
improvement ensued. The question was, "how" can we secure better
plants and animals to serve our human needs?
Early man, like children of today, was probably randomly curious.
He wondered in a vague way about the stars, his own whence and
whither, etc. The early Egyptians and, later, the Greeks began to
develop a system of experimental observation and inquiry, but later
events put a stop to these beginnings. Up until about the year 1500,
authoritarianism (believing what others had said) and the fear of religious
persecution succeeded in quite thoroughly throttling any intelligent
curiosity. Gradually these shackles were unloosed, and man began to
add experimentation to speculation. This was the beginning of the age
of enlightenment. Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo soon proved
through mathematical calculations and observation that the earth, far
from being the center of the universe, was in fact but one of several
relatively tiny specks which revolved around a rather puny star, our sun.
Newton soon combined the mathematical physics of Descartes and
Galileo's law of falling bodies into the gravitational theory of an orderly
and immense universe in which nothing is left to chance or caprice.
These discoveries, deductions, and syntheses finally proved that old
authorities were not infallible, that observation and common sense had
their limitations, because things were not always what they seemed to be
and, most important of all, man's own reason backed by observation,
calculation, and experiment was the most trustworthy guide available.
Eventually this intellectual curiosity was directed toward the world of
living things. Man began to experiment to try to find out "why" the
results of certain matings yielded certain results. This was especially
true in the plant kingdom, in which many men carried on plant hybridiza-
tion experiments in attempts to fathom nature's secrets in the trans-
mission of characters from parent to offspring. In 1694, Camerarius
published a " 'ork which showed that plants were sexual organisms. In
1717 occurred the production of the first artificial plant hybrid by
Thomas Fairchild. The work of Spallanzani in the eighteenth and
Pasteur in the nineteenth century proved the old idea of spontaneous
generation to be a fallacy; Schleiden and Schwann discovered the cellular
nature of plants and animals; and Darwin established the validity of the
process of organic evolution.
Finally, breeding experiments with peas carried on from 1857 to 1865
by an Austrian monk, Johann Gregor Mendel, revealed some of the basic
FIG. 88.- Gregor Mendel, the discoverer of the laws u nderlying inheritancQ.
measure to the fact that he reduced his problem to its very simplest form
by studying one pair of contrasted characters at a time, coupled with the
fact that he happened to work with characters which were determined by
genes carried in different chromosomes and which therefore assorted
independently. Mendel's discovery was duplicated in 1900 by three
botanists, DeVries, Correns, and von Tschermak, and this led eventually
to the discovery of Mendel's original paper.
Mendel's work laid the basis for the later establishment of two of the
general laws of inheritance, viz., those of segregation and of independent
assor,tment. To these have been added, since 1900, the following:
linkage, crossing over, linear order, interference, and limitation of the
linkage groups. Some of these later principles are in a sense antithetical
to the original Mendelian principle of independent assortment, but for\.
the sake of clarity and unity all the phenomena of inheritance, based on
the reac~~s_.2f_~, are generally known under the collect~-te~
The following are some of the terms now in general use in referring to
Mendelian phenomena. - - - .
Unit Characters. Any characters of any organism that behave as a
unit in inheritance-plant size in peas, horns in cattle, etc.
Genes. The units of inheritance that probably react together and with
the cytoplasm, arid thesetwo with the environment to make patent the
organism's latent potentialities.
Allele*. Mendelian characters are inherited in alternative pairs (or
series). These alterItative forms ()La gene, which are located at the
same point on each one of a pair of chromosomes, are called alleles, e.g.,
albinism (recessive), normal pigmentation (dominant); horns (recessive),
hornlessness (dominant). (Allelomorph, allelic, adjective-variants.)
Dominant*. A character, possessed by one of the parents of a hybrid,
which is manifested in the hybrid to the apparent exclusion of the con-
trasted character from the other parent (the recessiveV-Thus in a cross
of green- and yellow-seeded peas the first generation has yellow seeds.
Yellow is dominant and green is recessive, being transmitted bur'not
appearing in the presence of the factor for yellow.
Hybrid. The individual that arises from crossing parents which are
pure for certain different characteristics. Crossing tall (TT) on dwarf
(tt) peas produces a hybrid (Tt).
kJ onohybrid. A hybrid that is heterozygous for one pair of allelic
* Definitions marked with an asterisk taken from "Glossary of Genetic Terms,"
U.S. Dept. AgT. Yearbook, 1936, pp. 153-164.
• \
Dihybrid. A hybrid that is heterozygous for two pairs of allelic genes.
Trihybrid. A hybrid that is heterozy-gous for three pairs of allelic
Phenotype. The expressed character (or sum of all the characters) of
an organism; e.g., if, in peas, genes for both the tall and the dwarf char-
acteristics (T and t) are present, the pea grows tall, and therefore belongs
to the tall phenotype.
Genotype. What an organislll--.a,_ctllally is as determined by its germ
lliasm; e._.g., TT and Tt are hoth tall p~as, therefore, the same phenotype,
but because of their different genotypic constitutions will transmit
differently and therefore belong to different genotypes. 'v/
Heterozygote*. An organism to which its two parents have contributed
unlike genes with rei;pect to any given allelic pair gove;iling contrasted
characters, and which in turn produces two kinds of germ cells with
respect to the character. (Heterozygous, adjective.)
H omozygote*. An organism whose parents contributed to it a similar
member of any given pair of genes, and whose germ cells are therefore
all alike with respect to the genes for that character. (Homozygous,
Race*. A group of individuals having certain characteristics in com-
mon because of common ancestry-generally a subdivision of a species.
Gamete. Jr reproductive cell of either sex; a sperm or ovum.
"" ';/[{eredity*. The resemblance, derived from the ancestry, among
organisms related by descent.
P. Parental generation.
Fl. First hybrid generation-made by crossing P X P.
F 2 • Second hybrid generation-made by crossing two FI hybrids.
Variation*. In biology, the occurrence of diffeyences among the
individuals of the same species or variety.
Haploid. Single; referring to the reduced number of chromosomes in
the mature germ cells of unisexual organisms (n).
Diploid*. Having two sets of chromosomes. Body tissues of higher
plants and animals are ordinarily diploid in chromosome constitution (2n).
Polyploid*. Normal body cells of the higher plants and animals have
I two sets of chromosomes. Polyploids are forms having three or more
of these basic chromosome sets (3 or more n). ,>.- ' ' I JI/ "'" I ,;',... -0
TT Tt t
ovules of hybrid after reduction
3 1
The TT peas are pure for tallness and will produce all tall offspring.
The same holds true for the tt peas in respect to dwarfness. Tho two
Tt peas are phenotypically tall, but carry the factor for dwarfness t as a
recessive. Two of these crossed would again give:
T t
TT, Tt, Tt, tt, etc., ad infinitum
1. The difference in the form of the ripe seeds. These are either round or
roundish, 2 the depressions, if any, occur on the surface, being always only shallow;
or they are irregularly angular and deeply wrinkled.'
2. The difference in the colour of the cotyledons. The albumen of the ripe
seeds is either pale yellow, bright yellow, and orange coloured, or it possesses 11
more or less intense green tint.
3. The difference in the colour of the seed coat. This is either white, with
which character white flowers are constantly correlated; or it is grey, grey brown,
leather brown, with or without violet spotting, in which case the colour of the
standards is violet, that of the wings purple, and the stem of the axils of the
leaves is of a reddish tint. The grey seed coats become dark brown in boiling
4. The difference in the form of the ripe pods. These are either simply inflated,
not contracted in places; or they are deeply constricted between the seeds and
more or less wrinkled.
5. The difference in the colour of the unripe pods. They are either light to
dark green or vividly yellow, in which colouring the stalks, leaf veins and calyx
6. The difference in the position of .the flowers. They are either axial, that
is, distributed along the main stem; or they are terminal, that is, bunched at the
top of the stem and arranged almost in a false umbel; in this case the upper part
of the stem is more or less widened in section.
7. The difference in the length of the stem. The length of the stem is very
various in some forms; it is, however, a constant character for each, in so far
that ·healthy plants, grown in the same soil, are only subject to unimportant
variations in this character.
In experiments with this character, in order to be able to discriminate with
certainty, the long axis of 6 to 7 feet is always crossed with the short one of % to
IH feet.
The results of segregation in the F 2 in those seven series of experiments
by Mendel are shown in Table 18.
Mendel was dealing with strictly contrasting characters and got no
intermediate or blending forms. The matter of personal bias was there-
fore obviated. The phenotypic ratio that Mendel secured in the F2
'with each pair of contrasted characters was in no case significantly
different from 3: 1. Many other investigations of single contrasting
characters have yielded a similar 3: 1 phenotypic ratio in the F 2.
Mendel carried some of the descendants of the above hybrids along
through four to seven generations and reported that" no departure from
the rule has been perceptible."
" ,:
Numberi Character contrast
active; viz., the FI hybrids looked like the sum of the dominant char-
acters put in by both parents, and in the F 2 all the characteristics were ~
recombined into all the possible combinations.
The Mendelian Theory of Inheritance.-The essence of Mendel's
work is summed up in this statement l of Mendel's.
The results of the previously described experiments led to further experi-
ments, the results of which appear fitted to afford some conclusions as regards
the composition of the egg and pollen cells of hybrids. An important clue is
afforded in Pisum by the circumstance that among the progeny of the hybrids
constant forms appear, and that this occurs, too, in respect of all combinations
of the associated characters. So far as experience goes, we find it in every case
confirmed that constant progeny can only be formed when the egg cells and the
fertilizing pollen are of like character, so that both are provided with the material
for creating quite similar individuals, as is the case with the normal fertilization
of pure species. We must, therefore, regard it as certain that exactly similar
factors must be at work also in the production of the constant forms in the hybrid
plants. Since the various constant forms are produced in one plant, or even in
one flower of a plant, the conclusion appears logical that in the ovaries of the
hybrids there are formed as many sorts of egg cells, and in the anthers as many
sorts of pollen cells as there are possible constant combination forms, and that
these egg and pollen cells agree in their internal composition with those of the
separate forms.
In point of fact, it is possible to demonstrate theoretically that this hypothesis
would fully suffice to account for the development of the hybrids in the separate
generations, if we might at the same time assume that the various kinds of egg
and pollen cells were formed in the hybrids on the average in equal numbers.
Mendel's results were published in 1866, and his paper was discovered
by De Vries, a Dutch botanist, in running down the literature on plant
hybridization following his own experiments with the evening primrose,
from which work he formulated his theory of mutations and his law of
"the splitting of hybrids." Apparently Correns in Germany and von
Tschermak in Austria discovered the latter principle at about the same
The principles evidenced by the work of :Mendel, De Vries, Correns,
and von Tschermak have since been named segregation and independent
l. Segregation. A new individual arises from the union of a male
and a female gamete that contain a sample half of the complete genetic
material of each parent, i.e., one or the other member of each pair of
chromosomes. Each parent contributes a complete ha loid set of chro-
~:.::.:.os:.:o:m:::::e.:::.s_t:::.o:_:e::::a~ch.:::....:::o::..__::l.::;s:::....;o=s;:J.p:.:.r,",!-' When t IS new individual matures
1 CASTLE, op. cit., p. 332.
and begins to produce germ cells, the latter go through the process of
reduction, at which time the chromosomes put in by the parents segregate
or separate out from each other, one member of each pair going to each
of the secondary germ cellR, in all the possible combinations. This
principle is illustrated in the tall- and dwarf-pea cross, the pollen or
(21) ; with two pairs of chromosomes, four genetically different germ cells
are produced (22); with three pairs, eight geneticaIly different germ cells
are produced (2 3); etc. Chromosomes and genes were unknown in
Mendel's day. He did not speak of them but rather in terms of the
characters of his plants: Singe, however, all of the characters in peas
with which Mendel ~worked were apparently determined by factors
(genes) located in different chromosome pairs and no two of them by
genes in the same pair of chromosomes, Mendel was able to postUlate
the most important principle of inheritance, independent assortment,
which actually applies to chromosomes and not, as Mendel perhaps
thought, to characters.
Segregation and independent assortment constitute two of the basic
principles of inheritance. For independent assortment or distribution of
characters, the pairs of contrasting characters considered must be deter-
mined by genes carried in different chromosomes. If the two or more
pairs of contrasted characters were determined by' genes carried in the
same chromosome, they would not be expected to assort independently
but rather to remain linked together. Linkage relations wiIl be discussed
Monohybrid Crosses.-A monohybrid is a hybrid that is heterozygous
for one pair of allelic gen~s. When we cross a homozygous tall parent ~
(TT) \vith a homozygous dwarf (tt) we get a monohybrid (Tt). If t\yO
of these monohybrids are crossed, we get a ratio of 3 taIl: 1 d,mrf off-
spring. For an explanation of these breeding facts we assume that one
parent has the genes for tall growth and the other parent the genes for
dwarf growth at similar loci in homologous chromosomes, and that these
genes are both present in the monohybrid but separate or segregate when
the monohybrid produces germ cells with the haploid number of chromo-
somes. Remember, we have never seen these genes, and, if we could see
them, they would have no labels. We get these certain results from
certain crosses, and, knowing the general behavior of the chromosomes
at gametogenesis, we use the simplest theory possible to explain the
breeding results, in this case, one pair of genes.
Polled and horned cattle might be substituted for tall and dwarf
peas and the problem worked out in the same way, the polled being
dominant to the horned condition.
~ce between ~ is not a universal phenomenon; e.g.,
in a cross between a red and a white Shorthorn the Flare all roan.
red RR x rr white
germ cell R r germ cell
F ,\--------. Rr+---I a roan pattern (mixture of red
and white hairs)
R r
R RRred Rr roan
r Rr roan rr white
dominant character to represent the dominant gene and the corresponding small letter
to represent the recessive gene. In this case rough and black are dominant, there-
{ore RR (or Rr) = rough; rr = smooth; BB (or Bb) = black; bb = white.
RrBb X RrBb
RB Rb rB rb
indicating that the germ cells containing genes PB, Pb, pB, and pb were
produced in equal numbers by all these dihybrids.
The nine polled, black individuals are of the same phenotype but the
nine are made up of
or four different genotypes in the same phenotype, and the only way to
ascertain the different members of these four genotypes is through breed-
ing trials. This brings to our attention a very important practical con-
sideration, viz., that we can't always tell by the appearance or perform-
ance of an animal, its phenotype, how it will transmit. The PP BB
animal is polled and black and all of its offspring will be polled and black,
because it must transmit both gene P and gene B to all its get. But the
Pp Bb animals are also polled and black, but these animals may transmit
the combinations of PB, Pb, pB, or pb genes to their offspring. One of
the latter animals (Pp Bb) if mated to horned, red animals will get off-
spring as indicated below;
I pB pb
RR pp
\, , ~
F. Rr Pp
~ /r!{6
6 e.+ s d'
'~-'® ® ® B
Iii' ~'------r----r--~-----.
@~ RR PP
~ ~ ~
RR Pp Rr PP Rr Pp
Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut
@ ~ ~ ~ ~
RR Pp RR££ RrPp Rrpp
Walnut Rose Walnut Rose
® ~ Rr pp
~ ~ ~Rr Pp rr PP rr Pp
Walnut Wolnut P~a -Pea
G) ir\ ~ ~ ~
Rr Pp Rr~ !.r Pp rr pp
Walnut Rose Pea Single
FIG. 91.-Diagram showing interaction of factors for comb form in fowls. The cross of a
pure rose-comb bird with a pure pea-comb one gives all walnut-combed offspring. The 16
possible combinations of the FI gametes, with their genotypes and the phenotypes resulting
from factor interaction, are shown in the F2 checkerboard. (From Sinnott and Dunn.)
,.. ~
'7 II !!, ,
II 3 J 3 I
FIG. 92.-Diagram showing inheritance of polled. white face. and black body characteristics
and their allelomorphs in an Angus-Hereford cross through F2.
agouti pattern, B for black coat, D for intensity factor, and P a factor
for eye co!oration) on a pink-eyed, dilute, brown
female of the genetic constitution aa bb dd pp. ~~~:8~:8~:2
The observed ratios from such a cross in the F 2 ilil""ilil""
~ l:i: " "i:l: " "
were in all cases veW close to expectations. The 1>.1>.1>."'-""""
chromosomal interpretation of the segregation and A.""'' ' ' ' ' """,- "'-
recombination of factors in this cross is the same
as was found in the mono-, di-, and trihybrids. tq 1'1:1"1"1"1"1><\"1"1
In the case of a monohybrid, 4 individuals are Ii.
" ;l";l;l"ililil
i:i: il "i:i: il "
secured in the F2 checkerboard; a dihybrid gives
16; a trihybrid, 64. One involving four pairs of
contrasted characters W 0 u I d fur n ish 256 ~:g~:2~:2~::&
individuals in the F2; and, if ten characters were 1:1: " ili:i: il ;l
considered simultaneously, 1,048,576 individuals ~ l:i:l:i:l:l:l:l:
Y\'Quld have to be considered in the F2 generation. ""'' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1>.'' -' '-' '-
It can readily be seen that the problem is becom-
"1.0 'GoO 'G.oCl:).o
ing unwieldy. For this reason, very few crosses 'G'G'G'G'G""l'G"'<
involving as many as four pairs of contrasted ~ i:1: il "i:!l:: il il
1:1: I: l:l:!l::l:l:
charac~ers have been worked out. ~R.~~';l..~~~
Most of the commercially important char- ""'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "''''''''''-
acters of our farm mammals do not behave in
inheritan'ce as though they were determined ~::8~~~:gi=Q;g
27 with at least one A, one B, and one C.
9 with at least one A, one B, and c's. "'<",,""l.oI'l:1.o~.o
9 with at least one A, b's, and one C.
9 with a's, one* B, and one* C. ~ i:::!l::" ;Ji:!l::;J S
3 with at least one A, b's, and c's. 2:2:2:2:.t.t.t~
3 with a's, one* B, and c's.
3 with a's, b's, and one* C. ;:t
o ~~~~~~~.o
1l,1l,1l.,<l, "''''-'''-~
1 with a's, b's, and c's.
* At lea~t.
Eggs _.
AB Ab aB ab
1 We are departing from our usual notation in order to be able to use one figure of
reference for all the types of variation due to lack of dominance and epistasis.
2 Dominance between red and white color lacking.
AoBb 4~ "",2 15
GlaBB 1---1----3~ 3
aaBb 2 - - 2 ----- ------4
Dom. Dam. Dom. Ree. Inc. Dam. Dup. Dup. Dom.Glnd
neither bath Epis. Oup. [pis. Rec. Dam. Rec.
pair pooir pooir [pis. [pis. Epis. Epis.
genes qenes genes
FIG. 95.-Phenotypic classes in two-gene F" due to dominance and epistasis.
Genetics," 4th ed., pp. 11'1-115, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., ::'{ew York, 1950.
,") \-
ponent genes, As an example we shall choose the house mouse, for in this
animal a large number of spontaneous variations have provided the opportunity
for a genetic analysis of .t_h~.._geI!efl~ affecting coat.. color. Many such genes
'have been Stuilled~ and-their interrelationshlpsuinade out:-· C is the fundamental
<;9Jm gene, necessary, for the production of any pigment in the coat.·· Another
gene, A or gray; determines the development of the agouti patt{lrn. Its reces-
sive allcle,-a -is present in the nonagouti mice, such as blacks or browns. Still
another, B;-governs the development6rblack·pigment and is dominant over its
allelic condition of brown or chocolate, b. Many varieties are spotted with white
in a blotched or _piebald pattern, and such mice contain a gene, 8, which is
recessive to self or solid color, S. Another gene, d, brings about a clumping
of the black and brown pigment granules in the hairs and makes these colors
appear faded or dilute, as opposed to the normal fully pigmented form, D.
Another gene reduces the amount of black and brown pigment in the fur, giving
it a pale and washed-out appearance, and also reduces the pigment in the iris,
making the eyes appear reddish or pink like the eyes of albinos. The gene,
which is called pink eye (p) from its most noticeable effect, is recessive to the
normal dark-eyed intense-colored condition, P. These genes all segregate
sharply and may occur in any combination. There are also several other genes
affecting coat color which will be omitted for the sake of simplicity. Some of
these combinations result in characters which are distinctive and have been
given names of their own. Thus the nonblack agoutis are called" cinnamon"
or brown agouti; the dilute blacks, "blue" j the dilute browns, "silver fawn" j
and so on. Table 20 lists these various gene combinations, together with the
type of coat color produced by each.
All of these types are recessive to the wild coat and appear to have arisen
from it by mutation of one or more genes. Thus at any time the wild type may
be reconstituted by bringing into combination all of the alleles of the genes
which are responsible for these new types. In fact, the wild coat color itself is
found to depend on the presence and interaction of all of the genes named.
Thus, in order to produce the agouti pattern, there must be present the genes for
color (C), agouti (A), black (B), dark eye (P), dense color (D), and solid color (S).
With regard only to these genes the genotype of the wild mouse may be written
AA BB CC DD PP SS. These genes all show essentially complete dominance,
so that their heterozygous condition will give the same result as is produced by'
the homozygous form here given. Thus an animal with the genotype Aa Bb Cc
Dd Pp S8 would also be agouti in appearance. The genes named do not include
all that are known, nor is it believable that more than a small sample of the
genes affeeting coat color in mice have been studied. Were knowledge eom-
plete, it is probable that the list of genes neeessary for the production of the
agouti pattern would be much longer and that the letters of the alphabet would
be exhausted in attempting to write the genotype of the wild mouse. Here,
then, is a clear and -convincing example of gene interaction. In order that the
apparently simple pattern characteristic of wild house mice may be developed,
there must be present at least six genes (probably many more) each of which has
Genes Phenotype
a definite effect on coat color. If any single gene is missing or changed, a cout
pattern differing more or less widely from the wild type results. ., '
This type of gene interaction is not exceptional but is found whenever numerous
variations in- a single aspect of the organism--are carefully analyzed. Such
analyses have been made for several groups of characters in maize. More than a
dozen series of genes affecting chlorophyll development in this plant are known.
The normal color is green, which results from the combined action of all of the
normal genes. If one of these genes such as TV mutates to a recessive allele w, the
seedling is albinotic, virtually without any chlorophyll, and being unable to carry
on photosynthesis it soon dies. There are at least 15 different genes susceptible
to this type of change, which means that there are at least 15 genetically different
types of albinos. In another group of recessive mutants known as lutescents only
yellow pigment develops; in another group are more than 20 recessive genes each
of which when homozygous produces virescent seedlings which are albinotic but
eventually develop enough chlorophyll to keep them alive. Other recessive
genes are responsible for pale green color (10 known), zebra-striping (4 known),
piebald spotting (4 known), golden color (4 known), yellow-green color (3 known),
yellow striping (2 known), fine white striping (3 known), and many other modifi-
cations of chlorophyll composition and arrangement. It must be true therefore
that the normal development of chlorophyll in maize depends on interaction
among at least 75 different genes. If anyone of these changes by mutation from
the normal to the recessive allele, some essential step in the interaction fails and i
the chlorophyll is absent or deficient in some way. - Similarly each of another .
large group of genes conditions some step in the development of anthocyanin
pigments, while the normal starchy endosperm of the kernel of field corn
(dent or flint) depends on the interaction of more than 30 different· genes. The
results of the analysis of such cases as those described above suggest that many
of the characters of organisms are the end products of long chainlike series of
related steps, a - t b - t c _ d - n. Separate genes seem to affect separate steps
so that if the gene affecting step b does not perform its task, then c and all later
steps which depend upon it cannot take place and the character, such as normal
chlorophyll, cannot appear. Other evidence for this view of the mechanism of
gene interaction will be presented in a later chapter. Whatever the means .by
,ichJhe_gjlli~in_t(ll~~be accept(l~_ as a ~~n._«:!al rule that the h~~editary
~arac~ers.Qt~ pla?_~Ul!!ll.~~epend~alan~d co~p.eLati(m of a large
~IllbllI_~~ -_- --~-
, .
how many genes may be involved in the final expression of the amount of
milk a cow may yield to say nothing of the environmental influences
involved in such a matter? We can be fairly sure of the fact that many,
many genes are involved in determining the characteristics of our live-
stock, and we can be very sure that they behave in ways comparable to
those used as illustrations of different types of inheritance in this and the
following few chapters of this book. It may be that we will never know
the exact number and interrelations of the genes involved in milk pro-
duction. Nevertheless, it should be possible to improve our breeding
practices on the basis of the general principles involved in the hereditary
trarismission of characteristics.
Aspects of Dominance.-In the early part of the twentieth century,
soon after the rediscovery of Mendel's laws of inheritance, there was a
tendency toward oversimplification of the theory. That is to say, there
was a tendency to think of each potentiality as determined by one gene
only. We are now a,vare of the fact that, rather than one gene's deter-
mining a potentiality, many or all the genes (together with the environ-
ment) interact to bring the potentiality to full fruition, though, of course,
one gene may still determine the appearance or nonappearance of a
definite potentiality.
In like manner the idea of dominance held full sway in the early days
of genetics. We now recognize that dominance is a relatiye m:ther than
an absolute term. For example, brown eyes in 'man are dominant over
blue, but th~ 'blue-eyed condition is in turn dominant over red or pink -----_
Heredity in Man
BURLINGAME, L. L. 1940. "Heredity and Social Problems," lVlcGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York.
CHARLES, E. 1934. "The Twilight of Parenthood," "T.
,Yo Norton & Company,
New York.
CREW, F. A. E. 1927. "Organic Inheritance in :!\Ian," Oliver & Boyd, Ltd., Edin-
burgh and London.
GATES, R. R. 1929. "Heredity in Man," The Macmillan Company, Kew York.
-~~- 1946. "Human Genetics," The l\!facmillan Company, New York.
---1949. "Pedigrees of Kegro Families," The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia.
GR1uBARD, M. 1936. "Biology and Human Behavior," Tomorrow Publishers,
New York.
, These problems and those at the ends of the next chapters are taken for the
most part from lists in Sinnott and Dunn, "Principles of Genetics," 3d ed., McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1939, and are reproduced here through the kind
permi~sion of the authors.
race homozygous for A. To accomplish this he allows these animals to interbreed
freely and then practices mass selection among their offspring, saving for breeding
all individuals that show the character A and discarding only the aa animals. Mem-
bers of one generation do not cross with any other. In the third generation, what
proportion of the animals which have the character A will be homozygous for it?
How could the breeder have established a homozygous strain more easily?
11. If the breeder mentioned in the previous question is practicing mass selection
for two characters, A and B, and his original animals have the genotpye Aa Bb, would
selection be effective more rapidly or more slowly than when only one character was
concerned? Explain.
12. It has long been known that Blue Andalusian fowls do not breed true to the
blue color of their plumage. How do you explain this?
13. What offspring will a Blue Andalusian fowl have if bred to birds of the following
plumage colors: (1) black, (2) blue, (3) white?
14. NOTE.-In man, brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue (b). A brown-eyed
man marries a blue-eyed woman and they have 8 children, all brown-eyed. "What
are the genotypes of all the individuals in the family?
16. A blue-eyed man both of whose parents were brown-eyed marries a brown-
eyed woman whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed. They
have one child, who is blue-eyed. What are the genotypes of all the individuals
16. Assume that in man, right-handedness (R) is dominant over left-handedness
(r). A right-handed man whose mother was left-handed marries a right-handed
woman who has three .brothers and sisters, two of whom are left-handed. \Vhat
chance will the children of this marriage have of being left-handed?
,/17. \Vhat are the chances that the first child from a marriage of two heterozygous
brown-eyed parents will be blue-eyed? If the first child is brown-eyed, what are the
chances that the second child will be blue-eyed?
~ At the time of synapsis preceding the reduction division, the homologous
chromosomes align themselves in pairs and one member of each pair passes to each of
the daughter nuclei. Assume that in an animal with four pairs of chromosomes,
chromosomes A, B, C, and D have come from the father and A', B', C', and D' have
come from the mother. In what proportion of the germ cells of this animal will all
of t? maternal chromosomes be present together? All of the paternal?
;_A9. If one individual is homozygous for four dominant factors and another for
their four recessive allelomorphs, and if these two individuals are crossed, what
proportion of the F2 from this cross will resemble each parent, respectively, in
~O. A rough, black guinea pig bred with a rough, white one gives 28 rough, black;
31 rough, white; 11 smooth, black; and 9 smooth, white. What are the genotypes of
/21. Two rough, black guinea pigs when bred together have 2 offspring, one of
them rough, white and the other smooth, black. If these same parents were to be
d together further, what offspring would you expect from thcm?
22. If a homozygous polled, white animal is bred to a horned, red one, what will be
e appearance of the FJ? Of the F2? Of the offspring of a cross of the FI back with
~the polled, wh~te parent?
" 23. A polled, roan bull bred to a horned, white cow produces a horned, roan
daughter. If this daughter is bred back to her father, what offspring may be expected
as to horn::; and coat color?
24. In swine, white coat is dominant over black and the "mule-footed" condition
over that with normal feet. A white, mule-footed boar, A, always produces white,
mule-footed offspring, no matter to what sow he is bred. Another boar, B, however,
also white and mule-footed, when bred to black so'ws produces about ~-2 white and
H black offspring, and when bred to normal-footed sows, about 7-2 mule-footed and
Y2 normal offspring. Explain this difference between these two animals by com-
paring their genotypes for these two traits.
25. In poultry, feathered legs (F) are dominant over clean legs (f); and pea comb
(P) over single comb (p).
Two cocks, A and B, are bred to two hens, C and D. All four birds are feathered-
legged and pea-combed. Cock A with both hens produces offspring that are all
feathered and pea. Cock B with hen C produces both feathered and clean, but all
pea-combed, but with hen D produces all feathered but part pea-combed and part
single. What are the genotypes of these four birds?
26. In poultry, the factors for rose comb (R) and pea comb (P), if present together,
produce walnut comb. The recessive allelomorphs of both, when present together in a
homozygous condition, produce single comb.
What will be the comb character of the offspring of the following crosses, in which
the genotypes of the parents are given?
27. In the following five questions, all of which concern comb form in poultry,
determine the genotypes of the parents:
A rose crossed with a walnut produces offspring % of which are walnut, % rose,
% pea, and % single.
28. A walnut crossed with a single produces offspring 7.4 of which are walnut,
74 rose, 7.4 pea, and :-4 single.
29. A rose erossed with a pea produces 6 walnut and 5 rose offspring.
30. A walnut erossed with a single produces 1 single-eombed offspring.
31. A walnut crossed with a walnut produces 1 rose, 2 walnut, and 1 single offspring.
32. If one of the walnut parents in the preceding question were crossed with one
of its single-combed offspring, what would their offspring be like?
33. A rose crossed with a walnut produces offspring % of which are walnut, %
rose, Va pea, and Va single. What are the genotypes of the parents?
34. A feather-shanked rose-combed crossed with a clean-shanked pea-combed one
produces 25 feather, pea, offspring; 24 feather, walnut; 26 feather, rose; and 22 feather,
single. What are the genotypes of the parents?
35. The offspring of a feather-legged pea-combed cock bred to a clean-legged pea-
combed hen are all feather-legged. lVIost of them are pea-combed, but some singles
appear among them. What are the genotypes of the parents? What would be the
offspring expected from a cross of this hen with one of her feather-legged single-
combed sons?
36. A right-handed blue-eyed man whose father was left-handed marries a left-
handed brown-eyed woman from a family in which all the members have been brown.!'lt
eyed for several generations. What offspring may be expected from this marriage,
as to the two traits mentioned?
37. A" brown-eyed right-handed man marries a blue-eyed right-handed woman.
Their first child is blue-eyed and left-handed. If other children are born to this
couple, what will probably be their appearance as to these two traits?
38. A right-handed blue-eyed man marries a right-handed brown-eyed woman.
They have two children, one lcft-handed and brown-eyed and the otner right-handed
and blue-eyed. By a later marriage with another woman who is also right-handed
and brown-eyed, this man has 9 children all of whom are right-handed and brown-
eyed. What are the genotypes of this man and his two wives?
39. A brown-eyed normal-minded man marries a brown-eyed normal-minded
woman. Their first child is blue-eyed and feeble-minded. What is the chance that
the next child will also show these same characteristics? (Normal mind, dominant.)
40. A breeder has a homozygous race of feather-legged, black, rose-combed birds
and another of clean-legged, white, pea-combed ones. He wants a race of black birds
that have clean legs and walnut combs. Wnat proportion of the F2 raised from a
cross between these two races will be what he desires in appearance?
41. What are the phenotypes of the parents and offspring of the following cross:
ff Rr Pp X Ff Rr pp.
42. In rabbits there are several factors that determine coat color:
An albino rabbit mated with a black produces agouti and black, spotted young.
What factors are present in the albino parent and not in the black?
43. An agouti animal crossed with another agouti produces offspring of which
J16 are agouti, 716 black, 716 cinnamon, and 716 brown. What are the genotypes of
the parents?
44. Wbat are the offspring of the following crosses? What are the appearances of
the parents?
(a) Cc Aa bb X cc aa Bb
(b) cc Aa Bb X CC aa Bb
45. Two agouti rabbits produce 3 agouti and 1 black offspring. What are their
genotypes? (Use only the A,a and B,b factors.)
46. In what two ways could you develop a pure-breeding strain of polled, black-
bodied white-faced cattle?
47. NOTE.-In cattle the polled condition (P) is dominant over the horned (P)i
and in Shorthorns the heterozygous condition of red coat (R) and white coat (r) is
If a homozygous polled, white animal is bred to a horned, red one, what will be
the appearance of the F I? Of the F 2? Of the offspring of a cross of the F, with the
polled, white parent? With the horned, red parent?
48. If a group of 100 polled, roan Shorthorn cows by horned bulls were mated to a
roan bull that was heterozygous for the polled condition, what sort of offspring would
~u expect and in what numbers?
49. If a red-flowered broad-leaved plant is crossed with a white-flowered narrow-
leaved one, what will be the appearance of the F, and the F2?
50. If in mice you secured a 9 agouti: 3 black: 4 albino ratio in an F 2 , what were
the gellOtypes of the parents and the Fl llsing the letter C to represent the gene
necessary for the expression of any color and A to represent the gene for banding of
the black hairs with yellow to give the agouti pattern. What type of inheritance is
51. In cultivated stocks (a flower) gene C in the absence of gene R, produces
cream-colored flowers; gene C with gene R, red ones; and genes cc with RR, Rr, or rr
white flowers. If you crossed a red-flowered plant with a white and got an Fl that
was all red, what proportion of red, creams, and white flowers would you get in; the F 2?
52. If you cross two spherical-shaped squash and secure a disk-shaped Fl a~d then
cross one of these Fl'S to an elongated-fruit plant, what will be the fruit shape of
their offspring?
K oTE.-In summer squashes the factor for white fruit color, W, is epistatic to
that for yellow, Y; WYand Wy plants are white; wY plants yellow, and wy plants
53. What is the color of the fruit in the offspring of the following crosses, the
genotypes of the parents being given?
Ww Yy X Wwyy ww l'Y X Wwyy Wwyy X ww Yy
NOTE.-In the following three questions, which deal with fruit color in squashes.
find the genotypes of the parents.
54. A white plant crossed with a yellow one produces offspring of which Y2 are
white, % yellow, and Ys green.
55. A white plant crossed with a green one produces offspring of "'hich Y2 are
white and Y2 yellow.
56. A white plant crossed with another white one produces offspring of which
% are white, ~16 yellow, and 716 green.
57. What will be the flower color of the offspring of the following crosses, in which
the genotypes of the parents are given?
CcPp X ccPp ccPp X CC pp
CcPp X CcPP Cc pp X ccPp
58. A white-flowered plant crossed with a purple produces offspring of which
% are purple and % white.
59. A purple-flowered plant crossed with a white one produces offspring of which
Y2 are purple and Y2 white.
60. A white-flowered plant crossed with another white produces offspring of which
% are white and X purple.
61. In wheat, determine the genotypes of the parents in the following crosses:
(a) Red X white giving % red and X white.
(b) Red X red giving Ys red and Ys white.
62. How would you proeeed in developing a feathered-shanked strain of poultry-
from clean-shanked birds?
63. If an F2 yields a 15: 1 ratio, what could you conclude as to the type of inher-
itance involved?
64. Write the genetic color formulas for two breeds of poultry both of which are
white and the F 2 resulting from their crossing gives a 13 white: 3 colored ratio.
65. Starting with two white breeds of poultry, how would you proceed to develop
a true-breeding colored strain?
In the preceding chapter we have dealt with some of the more simple
and clean-cut types of inheritance. During the past 30 years the inherit-
ance of a great many traits in plants and animals has been studied and the
methods of transmission from parent to offspring ascertained. The fol-
lowing might be called different types of inheritance, although basically
there is but one type of inheritance, viz., by means of genes. This method
of inheritance is typical of all sexually reproducing forms, so that what
may appear as different types of inheritance are actually different sorts of
expressions of gene reactions. The procedure has been to cross plants or
animals possessing different characteristics, tabulate the results by sepa-
rate generations, and, finally, to construct a theory that would fit the
observed facts. It should be noted that the facts come first and the
theory to explain the facts comes later. This is the scientific approach.
In animal breeding, we sometimes find people making the directly oppo-
site approach, i.e., starting out with a theory and trying to find facts that
fit their theory. They generally do find some such facts, but unless one
takes all the known facts into account, his contribution is apt to be nil.
If one "selects" his facts carefully enough he can "prove" almost any-
thing. Several typical forms of inheritance will be presented in the fol-
lowing sections.
Multiple Alleles.-Thus far we have spoken of only two alternatives
as far as one pair of genes is concerned. We have talked about gene A
or its allele, gene a. We have said, too, that the genes are probably com-
plex, organic molecules made up of hundreds of thousands of atoms
arranged spatially in some definite pattern. We assume too that the con-
tent and spatial arrangement of the atoms in gene A are different from
those in gene a. It would seem logical, therefore, to expect that there
might be more than two alternative arrangements. Breeding experience
seems to im'icate that there are.
If a colored rabbit, CC, is bred to an albino, cac a , all the Fl are colored,
and in the F 2 there are 3 colored: 1 albino. Likewise another cross,
between colored, CC, and Himalayan, ChC h (white with black nose, ears,
tail, and feet), gives an Fl all of which are colored and the familiar 3
colored: 1 Himalayan in the F 2. Now, if the cross is made between
FIG. 97.-Three alleles of a gene for coat color in rabbits. Top, colored; center, Himalayan
albinism; bottom, complete albinism. (From Ca.sile, in Journal oj H eredity.)
Himalayan, c"c", and albino, caca, all the Flare Himalayan and in the F 2
there are 3 Himalayan: 1 albino, which indicates but one pair of genes
being involved. From the above breeding results, which show genes C
and ea to be allelic, genes C and cit to be allelic, and genes c" and ca to be
allelic, 'e conclude that all three genes C, elL, and ca form one multiple
allelic series. StilI an~ther gene, cc\ has been f;u~dln this-series causing
t he chinc.hilla color or silvery gray with no yellow color in the fur, and this
Many other multiple allelic series are known in both plants and animals,1
in most of them do~m~rp.~e~the....lvild-type .
domin~~ing. In mice a multiple allelic series of four genes iSI
known, gene C producing full color; gene cch dilute color or chinchilla;
gene ch extreme dilution; and gene c albinism, or lack of color. Here gene
C is dominant over the other members of the series, but crosses between
the other members give results intermediate between the two used, e.g.,
crossing homozygous chinchilla with albino gives the intermediate,
extreme dilution. Allelic series are known in many plants, and in Dro-
sophiLa there are 14 aIIeles of the gene for red eye grading all the "way down
..~ to white eyes. Series of multiple alleles are also known in guinea pigs,
rats, mice, rabbits, and snapdragons.
In man, blood types show a multiple allelic series of thr~e genes. Blood
itself is not inherited, but type of blood is. The red-blood cells in man
contain an antigen A or B or both. The blood serum contains antibodies
a or b or both. A person of blood group A has antigen A in his red-blood
cells and antibody b in his serum; of blood group B has antigen B in his
red cells and antibody a in his serum; of blood group AB has antigens A
and B in his red cells and neither antibody in his serum; and, finally, a
person of blood group a has neither antigen A nor B in his red cells but
both antibodies a and b in his blood serum. If, therefore, red cells frbin
a person with the A antigen were introduced by blood transfusion into a
person of type B with antibody a in his serum, the reaction between thc
serum antibody a and the red-cell antigen A would cause these cells to
clump or agglutinate with possibly fatal results. In making blood trans-
fusions, blood types must be ascertained in order to prevent red-cell
A AA or Aa A b A or AB A or 0
B ABAB or ABa B a B or AB B or 0
0 aa 0 ab All 0
mal lower jaw; calves live only a few hours), amputated (calves born dead
with legs and lower jaw missing), short-spined (fused and compacted
vertebrae), hairless. Bulldog calves with greatly dished faces and very
short legs are a dominant lethal manifestation similar to creeper in fowl,
the heterozygotes being the short-legged Dexter cattle.
Other abnormal conditions that may be due to lethal genes include
mummified calves, resorbed fetuses, ossified joints, and various types of
congenital dropsy. Other lethals in farm animals are known, e.g., para-
lyzed hind limbs in sheep and swine, thick forelimbs, closed anus and cleft
palate in swine, closed colon in horses. If an abnormal embryo is born
the lethal is made obvious. Such happenings are generally due to failure
to reach full development; e.g., hair or limbs do not grow; palate, skull, or
lips do not fuse in the mid-line; joints fail of full development with fluid
and pads between bones. Lethals that destroy the organism in early
embryonic life with its subsequent resorption may pass unrecognized as
Like most other mutations, the bulk of lethals are recessive and may
remain hidden in a stock for many generations. For their total removal
from a strain, test matings and rigid selection must be practiced with the
knowledge that in the case of recessives both parents are carrying the
Many lethals of various sorts are known also in plants and in man.
Lethals may kill the organism at any time, i.e., during embryonic, fetal,
or postnatal times; and, if the lethal gene is located on the sex chromo-
some, peculiar sex ratios will of course result.
The following list of lethals contains those listed by Eaton l in 1937 and
a few others reported in the Journal ?f Heredity since that time.
Atresia coli-closure of intestine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R *
Abnormal sex ratio-55 males: 90 females .............. Sex-linked R
Lethal white-low fertility-lethal or sterility factors or both. . . . .. ?
Stiff forelegs ........................................ Probably R
Achondroplasia,-(Bulldog) short legs and head, hernia, die and
aborted fourth month.. .. . .. . ............................. Dt
Achondroplasia2-(Bulldog) short head, cleft palate, deformed jaws,
die soon .................................................. R
Acroteriasis congenita-amputated-appendages short or absent.. It
".,-' Agnathia-very short lower jaw (sex limited to male?) ......... " R
Ankylosis-ossification of joints ............................... R
*R = recessive.
tD = dominant.
1 Loc. dt.
Amputated-no claws on feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?
Earless and cleft palate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... It
Lethal gray-in Turkanas and Karakuls. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ R
Muscle contracture-usually stillborn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Paralysis-hind parts paralyzed-live few days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Skeletal defects-large head, short upper jaw, rigid fetlocks ....... R
Atresia ani-closed colon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?
Catlin mark-parietal or frontal bones not fused. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Cleft palate-young unable to nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Excessive fatness-young die at 40 to 80 kg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Fetal mortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R
Hydrocephalus-water outside brain in subarachnoid spaces. . R
Hypotrichosis-hairless (lack of iodine).... . . . . . . ?
Legless-(shoulder blades and pelvic bones but no limb buds or kg
bones) ..................... " ......... , .................. R
Lobed ear-usually also cleft palate and deformed hind legs ...... .
................................................ . Probably R
Muscle contracture-thick, stiff legs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Paralysis-hind parts paralyzed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Brachyphalangy-short middle phalanx second finger and toe, live
1 year .................................................... D
Congenital ichthyosis-cracked, imperfect skin, live 3 days ....... R
Glioma retinae-malignant tumor of retina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?
Icterus-jaundice, live 4 days to 37~ years ...................... ?
Infantile amaurotic idiocy-degeneration of cerebrospinal nerves,
live 2 or 3 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
Progressive spinal muscular atrophy-live a few years. . . . . . . . . . .. ?
Xeroderma pigmentosum-sensitive skin, scars, and carcinoma,
live 12 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R
2 MACARTHUR, J. M., Genetics of Body Size and Related Characters. 1. Selecting
Small and Large Races of the Laboratory Mouse, Amer. Nat., 78:142-157, 1944;
II. Satellite Characters Associated with Body Size in Mice, Amer. Nat., 78:224-237,
1914; Selection for Small and Large Body Size in the House Mouse, Genetics, 34 :194-
small, the arithmetic and geometric means are very similar. For example,
if the sire's level was 14,000 lb. and the dams 12,000 lb., the arithmetic
mean would be 13,000 and the geometric mean 12,961 lb.
Sex-linked Inheritance.-In the examples used thus far to illustrate
various types of inheritance, it has made no difference as to sex where
the various characteristics 'were placed; i.e., this set could have been in
the male, that in the female, or vice versa. In the type now to be dis-
cussed, however, it will make a difference, because the genes determining .
the characteristics will be located in the chromosomes that determine the
sex of the individual.
Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fiy, has provided more
material assistance than any other species in the solution of the problems
involved in hereditary transmission. Cytological studies of the cells of
this organism reveal the fact that they have four pairs of chromosomes.
In the female, these are all evenly paired, two of the pairs being large,
bent rods; one pair very small and oval-shaped; and one pair fairly large,
straight, and rod-shaped. The first three pairs are called auto somes, and
the last pair sex or X chromosomes (see Fig. 89). The chromosomal
make-up of males is similar to that of females regarding the autosomes
but the male has an odd pair, one of the pair being an X chromosome,
like that found in duplicate in the female, the other member of the pair
being somewhat smaller, with a hook or bent portion at one end, and
called the Y chromosome.
XY Type of Sex Inheritance.-In the breeding work with Drosophila,
which normally have red eyes, a white-eyed mutant male was found by
Morgan. This male was saved and, when mated to red-eyed females,
yielded an Fl all of which were red-eyed. The F2 gave the expected
3 red: 1 white phenotypic ratio, but it was noted that the white-eyed
individuals were all males. This exception to usual Mendelian expect-
ancy was finally explained by locating the gene for white eyes in the
X chromosome. The Fl female from a red-female white-male cross would
therefore have two chromosomes, in one of which would be found the
gene for red eyes, with the gene for white eyes in the other sex chromo-
some. Mated to a red-eyed male, she in turn would yield an F 2 with
both of the females red-eyed, one male red-eyed, and the other white-
eyed. The diagram on page 349 illustrates this cross.
This is an example of sex-linked inheritance. It is seen that the female
produces eggs, following reduction, all of which are alike as far as the sex
chromosome is concerned, whereas the male produces two sorts of sperm
cells in equal numbers, one containing an X chromosome and the other a
Y chrom~some. The sex of the offspring depends, therefore, on the type
of spermatozoon that happens to fertilize the egg, an X egg plus an
Red-eyed female eggs
male sperms
rX RXrX RXrX FI red-eyed females, heterozygous
Y RXY RXY F I red-eyed males
Red-eyed female (heterozygous) eggs
male sperms
RX' rX
RX RXRX RXrX F2 red-eyed females, 1 heterozygous
Y RXY rXY F2 males, 1 red-eyed, 1 white-eyed
FiG. 98.-Checkerboard diagram of cross of red-eyed female and white-eyed male through
F 2•
eX I y ex Y
ex excx exy eX excx cXY
ex excx exy eX eXeX cXY
FI cross, color-blind man and normal- FI cross, normal-visioned man and color-
visioned-woman blind woman
ex y eX Y
ex ex ex eXy ex eXeX eXY
eX excx eXY eX eXeX cXY
F 2 cross, color-blind man and normal- F2 cross, normal-visioned man and color-
visioned woman blind woman
FIG. lOO.~Diagram of cross of color-blind man and normal-visioned woman and its
Fl cross, barred cock and black hen F 1 cross, black cock and barred hen
F 2 cross, barred cock and black hen F 2 cross, black cock and barred hen
FIG. lOl.-Diagram of cross of barred cock and black hen and its reciprocal in F,.
In the foregoing, two Z's determine a male, one Z and one \V a female,
and at least one B a barred individual.
In some species the Y or W chromosome is lacking, giving XO or ZO
types of spermatozoa or ova.
Sex-influenced Inheritance.-This type of inheritance is not to be
confused with sex-linked inheritance, which has been discussed in the
previous sections. In sex-linked inheritance the genes determining the
characteristic are located in the X chromosome. Such is not the case in
sex-influenced characters, the genes for such characteristics being located
in the autosomes, not in the sex chromosomes.
Basically all characteristics are dependent on genes, or the interaction
of genes plus, of course, a suitable environment, both external and
internal. The environment, be it noted, is just as important as the
genes. A cow, for instance, might have inherited the genes that would
allow her to produce 10,000 lb. of milk under good environmental con-
ditions, but, if she calves out in the woods and runs wild therein, it is
doubtful whether she would give more than a few hundred pounds of milk
at the most.
Animals also have an internal environment, their own bodies, and it
js apparently this internal environment that, together with genes, is the
determining factor in the expression of sex-influenced characteristics.
Both the male and the female are supplied with several sets of glands
that secrete chemical substances which are picked up by the blood stream
and carried to all parts of the body, where they make their presence
known through influencing the activities of cells in various parts of the
body. These are known as the endocrine, or ductless, glands, and their
secretions as hormones. The thyroid gland, which lies athwart the
Adam's apple, secretes thyroxin, which plays a very important part in
Male Female
mahogany and white MM mahogany and white
mahogany and white Mm red and white
red and white mm red and white
the male feather pattern. A dominant gene (H) for hen feathering is
known in poultry. Hens of whatever genetic constitution (HH) , (Hh) ,
or (hh) will be hen-feathered because they lack the proper internal
environment, specifically the male sex hormone, to produce cock feather-
ing. In males, the gene H prevents the development of cock feathering·
so that HH and Hh males are hen-feathered, whereas hh males are
cock-feathered. The characteristic is therefore seen to be sex-limited to i
the male and to be due to the interactions of genes with the internal
environment of the animal.
Probability.-Mathematics is coming to playa greater and greater
part in genetic research owing to the fact that inheritance is traceable to
particulate elements, genes, which, although functioning through a com-
plex system of reproductive physiology, yet behave in an orderly, specific,
predictable manner. Mendel's early success in discovering the basic laws
of inheritance was due largely to the fact that he kept accurate records of
the appearance of characteristics by separate generations and found that
they followed a certain statistical regularity.
If we toss a penny, it has an even chance of falling heads or tails, the
chance of its falling either being H. If we toss two pennies, the chance
that one of them will fall heads is H, the chance that the other will fall
heads is 72, and the chance that both will fall heads is the product of the
likelihood of each separate event or H X Yz = 74:. The same situation
prevails for the likelihood of both falling tails. The chance that one will
fall heads and the other tails is Yz X Yz or n, or that the former will fall
tails and the latter heads is 71 X 71 or 74:, so that the chance of getting
one head and one tail simultaneously is 74: + 74: or Yz. Likewise if we
toss three pennies we may get all heads, in fact, the chance that we will
is definitely known to be Yz X Yz X 7~ or 1 chance in 8, and the chance
that we will get two heads and one tail is again the product of the sepa-
rate probabilities; i.e., two heads = Yz X Yz or 7:1 X one tail = Yz or
Ys X 3 = %, because with three coins being tossed the two-heads-an9-
one-tail combination can appear from any of three combinations. Like-
wise, we would have a % chance of getting one head and two tails and a
Ys chance of getting three tails.
This is seen to be simply an expansion of the bionomial (a + b)n,
where a = Hand b = 71 and n is any number. We can let a represent
heads (chance 72) and b represent tails (chance 71). Therefore, we can
quickly find the answer to the question, "How many times in tosses of
three coins simultaneously will we get two heads and one tail? Expand-
ing the bionomial we have a 3 + 3a 2b + 3ab 2 - b 3 • Since ,ye are dealing
with the two heads and one tail combination and a stands for heads and
b for tails, we select the second term of the expansion 3a 2b and substitute
the values for a, (Yz) and for b, (Yz) and we have 3 X (Yz)2 X Yz or
3>< 74 X 7~= %.
The procedure is th~ same for any problem involving probabilities;
viz., first find the probability of each separate event and then substitute
these values in the proper term of the expanded bionomial. If, for
instance, we wanted to know how many times in clutches of 8 eggs from
birds that are heterozygous for both A and B, i.e., of the genetic consti-
tution Aa Bb, we would get 6 feather-shanked and 2 clean-shanked birds,
first, we must remember that these are duplicate factors and that either
A or B or both will produce feathered shanks, while aa bb is clean-shanked.
The ratio from these parents is then 15 feathered: 1 clean. We will let a
stand for feathered and b for clean. Now our term in the bionomial
expanded to the eighth pO'wer is a 8 + 8a 7 b + 28a6 b2 , and we now sub-
stitute the values for a an d b, glVmg 28 (15)6(
- 1
-1 )2 =318,937,500 " or
16 6 4,294,966,296
roughly 31'3. In other words, once out of 13 times \ve can expect to get 6
feathered and 2 clean-shanked birds from clutches of 8 eggs when the
parents are double heterozygotes for the two pairs of genes that act in a
duplicate fashion in producing this characteristic.
In cases where there are three possibilities, e.g., in a cross between two
red hogs that are double heterozygotes for the two pairs of genes either
dominant of which by itself produces sandy-colored hogs in a 9: 6 : 1 ratio,
we would have to expand the trinomial (a + b + c)n.
In all cases the chromosomes assort and recombine at random accord-
ing to the laws of probability.
Gene Manifestations.-Genes are the genetic representatives of specific
characteristics. The exact nature of the physicochemical make-up of the
genes is unknown. At present, they are known simply by their actions.
It is the purpose here to point out some of the ways in which factors mani-
fest themselves.
The simplest gene manifestation is of the sort where apparently one
gene conditions the development of a certain characteristic, e.g., the fac-
tor P, which brings about polledness in cattle. As a contrast to this may
be considered the function of milk production, which is no doubt depend-
ent on a great many genes, for milk production is a complex physiological
phenomenon dependent among other things on the capacity, tempera-
ment, and vitality of the cow. One gene may have a very pronounced ....,.
effect on the individual; e.g., in peas, the gene T, which brings about tall-
ness, whereas genes tt bring about dwarfness; or the gene may cause the
early death of the individual (lethal genes). On the other hand, the gene
may condition the development of a minor characteristic, such as eye
color. The white eye in Drosophila, however, is only one of the several
characters that such mutants exhibit, some of the others being a lowered
fertility and vitality; thus, one gene apparently affects many character-
istics. The individuals of certain races may exhibit a good deal of vari-
ability, but the evidence would seem to point not to the unstable nature
of the gene but rather to environmental effects as the source of this
Entirely different genes may also bring about the identical character-
istic in the organism. 1
We find, in experience, that we cannot safely infer from the appearance of
the character what gene is producing it. There are at least three \vhite races of
fowls, produced by different genes. We can synthesize white-eyed flies that are
somatically indistinguishable from the ordinary white-eyed race, yet they are the
combined product of several known color-producing genes. The purple eye
color of Drosophila is practically indistinguishable from the eye colors maroon
and garnet.
stantiated this idea, and the genes for many characters have been defi-
nitely located in certain chromosomes in relation to other genes in the
same chromosome on the basis of their behavior in hereditary transmis-
sion. In brief, the gene is thought of as an organic unit, located in a
definite place in the chromosome, which is in some manner capable of
reproducing itself, and the genes in turn are held to be the responsible
agents in making possible the appearance of all the characteristics of a
new organism.
Various estimates have been made regarding the size of the gene, rang-
ing from 10 to 70 mjl as the upper limit. In any event they must be
exceedingly minute. Because of the fixed wave length of visible light,
the smallest objects that can be seen distinctly with the highest powers
of the microscope! are of the order of 250 mjl, i.e., about 1/100,000 in.
(1/100,000 in. compares with 1 in. as 1 in. compares ,vith 1.58 mi.) By
use of the ultraviolet light with its shorter wave length, objects of the
order of 100 mjl have been photographed. Ordinary bacteria, without
distinguishable nuclei or chromosomes but presumably containing genes,
are of the order of 500 to 750 mjl, and the filterable viruses are thought to
be of the order of about 10 to 250 mjl.
Summary.-In this chapter we have considered several additional
types of inheritance. We have learned that there may be more than two
alternative forms of a gene making manifest the principle of multiple
alleles. We also have seen that many of the commercially valuable
characters of our animals are determined by the interactions of a great
many pairs of genes. It is this feature, plus the fact that our larger
animals have so few offspring, that makes animal breeding so difficult.
We have also become acquainted ,vith the action of lethal genes as well
as the various types of inheritance associated with or dependent upon the
sex of the individuals. Finally, we have seen that the transmission of
potentialities from ancestors to offspring behaves in an orderly fashion
which is predictable on the basis of the laws of chance or probability, that
the final result of gene action may follow a variety of patterns, and that
cytology is working ever closer to a satisfactory explanation of the nature
of the basis of all living matter, the gene.
References 2
1. If two chinchilla rabbits produce both chinchilla and albino offspring, what
are the genotypes of all these animals?
2. Could two chinchilla rabbits produce both Himalayan and albino offspring?
1 The current development of the electron microscope may soon permit much more
3. What are the genotypes of the parents in the following rabbit crosses:
(a) Colored X colored give 3 colored and 1 albino.
(b) Colored X chinchilla give 72 colored; 7:i chinchilla; 7:i Himalayan.
(c) Chinchilla X Himalayan give 72 chinchilla; 72 Himalayan.
(d) Colored X Himalayan give 72 colored; Y2 Himalayan.
(e) Chinchilla X Himalayan give 72 chinchilla; 7:i Himalayan; 7:i albino.
4. What will be the phenotype, as to blood groups, of offspring of parents of the
following genotypes for blood groups:
Aa X aba
Aab X aba
aba X aba
5. If a person of blood group AB marries one belonging to group 0, what will be
the blood groups of their children?
6. N OTE.-In the three following problems on blood groups, determine the geno-
types of the parents.
One parent is group A and the other group B, but all four groups are represented
among the children.
7. Both parents are group A, but % of the children belong to group A and % to
group O.
8. One parent is AB and the other B, but of the children >4 are A, X AB, and
>'2 B.
9. In the two following cases of disputed paternity, determine the true father of
the child: Ca) The mother belongs to group B, the child to 0, one possible father to A
and the other to AB. (b) the mother belongs to group B, the child to AB, one possi-
ble father to A and the other to B.
10. In the choice of donors for blood transfusion, a patient's brother or sister is
often selected. Would these be more likely to be successful donors if both parents
belonged to blood group AB or if both belonged to group O? Explain.
11. If both parents belong to blood group AB, what proportion of their children
would be expected to be of such a type as to be able to give blood to their parents?
12. Consult the chromosome map for Drosophila (p. 35i) and determine how many
dominant genes must be present in each chromosome to give the normal red eye color.
13. If a rose-combed creeper male is mated to a rose-combed creeper female and
produces a number of single-combed normal birds, what were the genotypes of the
14. N oTE.-In poultry, creeper is a semidominant lethal, barring a sex-linked
A cross of creeper, barred female and normal, nonbarred male would give what
15. A cross of creeper, heterozygous barred male and creeper, nonbarred female
would give what offspring?
16. A cross of creeper, double-heterozygous walnut-combed, barred female and
normal, rose-combed, heterozygous barred male would give what offspring?
17.* A sex-linked recessive lethal factor is known in poultry. What would be the
sex ratio of the offspring of a male, heterozygous for the lethal, crossed with normal
* NOTE.-In this list the problems that are starred are taken from Snyder, "Princi-
ples of Heredity," D. C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1940, and are reproduced here
through the kind permission of the author and publishers.
18. * In a certain series of matings between normal pigs, 38 offspring were born.
Of these 29 were normal, and 9 had greatly swollen forelegs. The latter lived only
a few hours. How could these results be explained genetically?
19. * In the Tzouracana sheep of Romania, gray individuals and black individuals
are found. The black animals when bred together give all black offspring. Black
mated to gray results in approximately equal ra,tios of black and gray lambs. When
grays are mated together, approximately two-thirds of the offspring are gray, and
one-third black. What kind of inheritance appears to be involved?
20. * In a certain strain of Oldenburger horses, tracing back to the mare, Jelka, the
females of the line regularly produce only half as many male offspring as female
offspring. What genetic explanation can you suggest for this?
21. * In cattle, the polled condition is dependent upon a dominant factor (P), the
horned condition upon its recessive allele (p). In the Dexter-Kerry cattle the short-
legged (Dexter) condition is dependent upon a dominant lethal factor (D), the long-
legged (Kerry) condition upon its recessive allele (d). Suppose a Dexter bull homo-
zygous for polled were mated to a horned Dexter cow. 'What kinds of calves could
they produce, and in what proportions?
22. * Suppose two polled Dexter animals were mated and produced a horned Kerry
calf. What would be the genotypes of the parents?
2S. * What kinds of offspring would be expected from the mating of two horned
Kerry animals? Two horned Dexter animals?
24. NOTE.-Assume that in man the difference in skin color between Negro and
white is due to two pairs of factors; that AA BB is "black" and aa bb "white"; and
that any three of these factors produce "dark" skin; any two, ,imedium"; and any
one "light."
What will be the skin color of the offspring from a mating of white with black?
From a mating of two individuals genotypically like these Fl offspring?
25. What are the genotypes of the parents in the two following matings of Kegroes:
medium X light, giving % dark, % medium, % light, P-S white; median X light,
giving 72: medium and 72: light?
26. * A variety of squash bearing 6-lb. fruits is crossed with one bearing 3 lb. fruits.
The F 1 plants bear 472: lb. fruits. Among the F ,fruits there is considerable variation,
but out of 200 such fruits there are three which weigh as little as 3Ib., and three which
wl'igh 6 lb. How many pairs of factors are responsible for the difference in weight
between the two parent lines, and how much does each effective allele contribute to
this difference?
27. * How many different homozygous strains bearing 4-lb. fruits could be
28. * A race of oats yielding 10 g. per plant was crossed with a race yielding 4 g.
per plant. The F 1 plants yielded 7 g. per plant. Out of 253 F 2 plants, four yielded
as much as 10 g. per plant and four yielded as little as 4 g. per plant. How is yield
inherited in these oats?
29. * In the preceding problem, how much does each effective allele contribute to
SO. * Two different races of corn each averaging 68 in. in height were crossed.
The Fl also averaged 68 in. in height. In the F 2 , however, there was considerable
variation, ranging from 36 to 100 in. Out of 1,942 F2 plants, eight reached a height
of 100 in., and seven were as short as 36 in. Explain these results in terms of genetic
factors, assuming that the environment was held similar for these plants.
N oTE.-Color blindness and hemophilia in man are sex-linked recessives.
31. A girl of normal vision whose father was color-blind marries a man of normal
vision, whose father was also color-blind. 'What types of vision will be expected
in their offspring?
32. A color-blind man marries a woman of normal vision. They have sons and
daughters, all of normal vision and all of whom marry normal persons. Where among
the grandchildren may color blindness be expected to appear? If there are cousin
marriages among these grandchildren, where among their offspring may color blind-
ness be expected to appear?
33. A man and woman, both of normal vision have (a) a color-blind son who has 1
daughter of normal vision: (b) a daughter of normal vision who has 1 color-blind and 1
normal son; and (c) another daughter of normal vision who has 5 sons, all normal.
What are the probable genotypes of grandparents, children, and grandchildren?
34. A brown-eyed woman with normal vision whose father was color-blind and
blue-eyed marries a man who is blue-eyed and of normal vision. W"hat offspring may
this couple expect as to eye color and vision?
35. A man (A) with hemophilia marries a normal woman (B). Their daughter
(0) marries a man (D) with hemophilia and produces 2 sons, 1 (E) with hemophilia.
The normal son (F) marries a woman (G) whose paternal grandfather (II) has hemo-
philia but whose parents (I and J) were apparently normal. 'Yhat are the genotypes
of all the individuals concerned?
36. A man's maternal grandmother had normel vision; his maternal grandfather
was color-blind; his mother is color-blind; his father is of normal vision. What are the
genotypes, as to vision, of the two parents and grandparents mentioned? What type
of vision has this man himself? V\nat type have his sisters? If he should marry a
woman genotypically like one of his sisters, what type of vision would be expected
in the offspring?
37. The mother of a right-handed brown-eyed woman of normal vision is right-
handed, blue-eyed, and of normal vision, and her father is left-handed, brown-eyed,
and color-blind. This woman marries a man who is left-handed, brown-eyed, and of
normal vision whose father was blue-eyed. ''{hat chance will the sons of this couple
have of resembling their father phenotypically?
38. What effect on the sex ratio would a recessive sex-linked lethal factor have in
NOTE:-Barred plumage in poultry is a sex-linked dominant.
39. In poultry, if a nonbarred cock is crossed with a barred hen, and an F, female
from this cross is mated with her father and an F, male with his mother, what will be
the appearance of the offpsring of these last two crosses, as to barring?
40. A single-combed barred cock crossed with a walnut-combed barred hen pro-
duces the following offspring:
wnat are the probable genotypes for fecundity of these seven birds?
From which of these 10 crosses would you be most likely to get the best males for
producing high-laying hens?
42. N OTE.-- Vi'hite eye in Drosophila is a sex-linked recessive.
In Drosophila, if a white-eyed female is crossed with a red-eyed male and thc
F2 allowed to interbreed freely, what will be the appearance of the F, as to eye color?
43. In Drosophila, if a homozygous red-eyed female is crossed with a white-eyed
male and the F2 allowed to interbreed freely, what will be the appearance of the F3
as to eye color?
44. In Drosophila, vestigial wings (v) are recessive to the normal long wings (V),
and the gene for this trait is not in the sex chromosome. If a homozygous white,
long female is crossed with a homozygous red, vestigial male, what will be the appear-
ance of the Fl? Of the F2? Of the offspring of a cross of the FI with each parent
45. In Drosophila, two red-eyed long-winged flies when bred together produce the
following offspring: females, % red, long; >4
red, vestigial; males, % red, long; %
white, long; Ys red, vestigial; Ys white, vestigial.
Wfiat are the genotypes of the parents?
46. In Drosophila, a cross between bar-eyed female and wild-type (round-eyed)
produces only bar-eyed male and female in the F1. Wild-type female crossed with
bar-eyed male produces bar female and wild-type male. Explain the inheritance of
bar eyes and predict the appearance of the F2 from each of these crosses.
47. If a white-eyed nondisjunctional female Drosophila, (Xr) (Xr)Y, is mated to
a red-eyed male, what kinds of offspring may be expected as to sex and eye color?
48. A factor 1 in Drosophila is recessive, lethal, and sex-linked. If female Ll is
crossed with a normal male, what should be the sex ratio of the progeny?
49. In Drosophila vermilion eye color is recessive and sex-linked. In exceptional
cases vermilion female crossed with normal male produces, in addition to the usual
vermilion male and red-eyed female, a few vermilion female and red male. Explain
this result and predict what classes of offspring should appear when the vermilion FI
females from above are crossed with red-eyed males.
60. In Drosophila yellow body color (y) is sex-linked and recessive to the gray (Y)
body of the wild fly.
If a yellow female is crossed with gray male, and (a) if an FI female from this
cross is mated with her father and (b) an FI male mated with his mother, what will
be the appearance of the offspring of these last two crosses as to hody color?
51. If a hen that undergoes sex reversal, and thus becomes a functional male,
produces gametes of the same chromosomal constitution as before (although they are
now sperms instead of eggs), what will be the sex of her offspring when she is mated
with a normal hen?
52. If such a sex-reversed hen were barred, what would be the appearance of her
offspring when bred to a nonbarred hen?
53. * A bald man whose father was not bald marries a nonbald woman whose mother
was bald. What are the genotypes of these two people in regard to the factors for
baldness and nonbaldness? What kinds of children can they have in regard to these
54. * A nonbald, normal-visioned man marries a non bald, normal-visioned woman
whose father was color-blind and whose mother was bald. What kinds of offspring
may they have, and in what proportions?
55. * A nonbald man marries a nonbald woman. They have a son and a daughter.
At the age of thirty-five the son becomes bald. What are the chances that the
daughter will also become bald because of her genetic constitution?
56. * A red-and-white Ayrshire cow whose mother was mahogany-and-white is
bred to a red-and-white Ayrshire bull. If she produces a male calf, what are the
chances that it will be mahogany-and-white? If the calf is a female, what are the
chances that it will be mahogany-and-white? This is a sex-influenced character.
57. * Outline thc breeding procedure necessary to establish a homozygous mahog-
any-and-white Ayrshire herd.
58. * Outline the breeding procedure necessary to establish a homozygous red-and-
white Ayrshire herd.
59. NOTE.-In sheep, white fleece (W) is dominant over black (w); and the horned
condition (h) is dominant over the hornless (H) in males but recessive in females.
If a homozygous horned, white ram is bred to a homozygous hornless, black ewe,
what will be the appearance of the F 1 and F 2 as to color and horns?
60. A horned, black ram bred to a hornless, white ewe has the following offspring:
Of the males, X are horned, white; X horned, black; X hornless, white; and X
hornless, black. Of the females, Y2 are hornless, black and Y2 hornless, white. What
are the genotypes of the parents?
61. * How many times in families of five would you expect four boys and a girl?
Four girls and a boy? Five girls?
62. * In a certain family there are six girls. What are the chances of the next child
being a boy?
63. * In human beings, deaf-mutism may be the result of the homozygous state of
either or both of two recessive factors d and e. Normal hearing results only when both
dominants D and E are present. 'When both parents are Dd Ee, how many times in
families of two would you expect two deaf children?
64. * ""here both parents are DdEe, how many times in families of four would you
expect three normal children and one deaf child?
65. * Two normal parents produce an albino son. What are the chances that their
next child will be a normal girl?
66. * In Shorthorn cattle, the factors for red and white are alleles but neither is
dominant, the heterozygous condition resulting in roan. Twins are sometimes born
in cattle. If twins are born in crosses between red bulls and roan cows, how often
should both twins be roan?
67. * In poultry, feathered shanks are the result of either or both of the dominant
factors F ltl\d S. Unfeathered shanks are the result of the double recessive condition.
! \
In crosses where both parents are Ff S8, how many times in families of three off~pring
would all be expected to have feathered shanks? All three unfeathered shanks?
68. * If one parent were Ff S8 and the other.ff 88, how many times in families of four
offspring would you expect one feathered-shank bird and three unfeathered-shanked
69. * In poultry, the factors for black and for splashed-white are alleles but neither
is dominant, the heterozygous condition resulting in blue (the Blue Andalusian).
A pair of Blue Andalusians are mated, and the female lays two eggs. \Vhat are the
chances that both eggs will hatch out Blue Andalusians?
70. * If three eggs are laid by the bird mentioned in Prob. 69, what are the chances
that all three eggs will hatch out Blue Andalusians?
++ gl
P l ++ X {ji
gray, long black, vestigial
Fl ++
gray, male
G~ ~G 9~ ~q
(metaphase) so that each chromo-
some is now double. The mem- x
bers of each exactly similar
doublet now start to move- t9
opposite poles of -the cell (an8,~ L~ ~ L ~ ~
I 1
.~~Y ~ vestigi~1
phase). Finally the migration is
complete (telophase), and the cell s long Black
wall constricts, forming two cells
09 G~q Go 0'3
exactly like the parent cell. In
other words, in mitosis the
chromosomes appear in the diploid
number of paired threads. In L
meiosis, or germ-cell production,
however, they appear as the F, femG\le dihybricl
'd d FIG. l02.-Schematic crossing over between
hap101 number of paire threads. loci for body color and wing length.
This latter feature is due to
synapsis, or conjugation of the homologous chromosomes, which is specific
in that all the allelic genes are attracted to each other and come to lie
side by side in a regionally specific fashion-gene A with A or a, gene B
with B or b, etc.
In the earliest prophase stage of meiosis, the chromosomes are strung
out into long unpaired threads in the diploid number (leptotene stage).
They next are attracted into homologous pairs (zygotene stage or synap-
sis). They next split or reproduce into bundles of four chromatids, two
from each chromosome (pachytene stage). Finally in the last stages of
prophase (diplotene, diakinesis) they show chiasma as the paired chrom-
atids begin to open out. During these four stages the chromosomes have'
been shortening and thickening.
Each group of two sister chromatids is held together by an unstaining
portion of the chromosome called a centromere. These centromeres
appear to repel each other, and, as the bundle of four chromatids begins
to be drawn apart by the retreating centromeres pulling each pair of
':j~ L\lt
~ ~l,fi,
G G 9/19
rr 91/'
(, \ I
~\I\l L L't L
c \ I
\\\ \ \ I
\ I \ I
h\ \\
\ \ I
\\ • \ I
\\ '\
';{ \\
\\ \\ \, I
FIG. l03.-Diagram of chiasma at x with resulting crossing over between the genes G and
L, thus resulting in the production of germ cells containing GL, Gl, ilL, and III genes.
involving the use of a GL/gl male on gl/gl females, from which only
GL/gl and gl/gl offspring resulted.
lt has been found that the number of chiasmata at any given region
is about twice the amount of crossing over. Again referring to Fig. 103,
if we were considering 100 sets of these chromosomes and found no
chiasma in 80 of them, all these resulting g€rm cells would contain the
original combinations GL and gl. The other 20 per cent would show
chiasma, but 25 per cent of the resulting germ cells ·would contain GL
and 25 per cent gl, whereas the other 50 per cent (of the 20) would be Gl
and gL (25 per cent of each). In other words, there were 20 per cent
of chiasma to but 10 per cent of crossovers. Crossing over takes place
between only two of the four chromatids, in something less than 100 per
cent of the possible cases and always between two nonsister chromatids.
Crossover percentage, of course, is obtained by dividing the total
number of crossovers by the total population. Morgan gives,l among
others, the following instances of crossing over in Drosophila:
I MORGAN, T. H., "The Physical Basis of Heredity," pp. 87-88, J. B. Lippincott
When a black fly with vestigial wings is crossed to a wild-type (" gray") fly
with long wings the offspring are, as we have already seen, gray, long. If one
of the F 1 females is back-crossed to a black vestigial male there are four kinds of
offspring produced; viz., the two original combinations, black vestigial, and
gray long; and in addition two recombinations of these; viz., black long, and gray
vestigial. The two latter classes are called the crossover classes, or, more briefly,
crossovers. The percentage of crossovers is definite for a given stock, of a given.
age, and under given environmental conditions. In this case the percentages
are as follows:
l\on-crossovers Crossovers
Black vestigial Gray long Black long Gray vestigial
41.5 per cent 41.5 per cent 8.5 per cent 8.5 per cent
83 per cent 17 per cent
(with possible crossing over), two closely applied sister chromatids passing
to each secondary spermatocyte or oocyte, this division being spoken of
as the heterotypic division. These secondary spermatocytes then quickly
go through another cell division, at which time one member of each pair of
sister chromatids goes to each resulting cell. This is known as the
}wmotypic division, and through these two rapid cell divisions the number
of chromosomes is both reduced to one-half and the possibility of recom-
bination of blocks of genes from the two parents provided.
It is readily seen in Fig. 103 that if another pair of genes C and c
were located near the bottom of the chromosomes, and if another chiasma
appeared at point y, we might have a repetition of the above-described
1 2 3 4: 5
FIG. 104.- Diagrammatic representation of single crossing over between homologous
chromosomes 1- 3; and double crossing over 4 and 5.
process with the result that genes GlC and gLc might be located in two
chromatids. This would be a case of double crossing over, and, although
two crossings over had occurred between G and C, they would still be in
the same chromatid, which makes it appear genetically that no crossing
over had occurred between them. Thus each case of double crossing
over hides two actual crossovers, and allowance must be made for this
fact in ascertaining crossover percentages involving situations of this
If, in any cross involving genes located in the same chromosome and
thus showing various degrees of linkage, the crossover percentage is
found to be 20 per cent, the same fact can be stated by saying that the
strength of the linkage is 80 per cent.
Under standard conditions the percentage of crossing over remains con-
stant between any two pail's of genes. However, experimental work has
shown that a variety of internal and external conditions may affect this
rate. Among these influences are sex, no crossing over in the male of
Drosophila normally, although this can be induced in the autosomes by
X-ray treatment; chromosomal aberrations such as the inversion of a sec-
tion of the chromosome, translocations, etc., as well as gene mutations;
and, in addition, age and temperatures.
Much of the study of crossing over is made by means of the back-cross.
However, the F2 is sometimes used, and mathematical formulas have been
devised for the interpretation of the results.
If ,ye were dealing with a case that showed 20 per cent· of crossing over
between two genes AB and ab, then the F2 ratios could be found by t.he
usual checkerboard arrangements, as illustrated in Fig. 105.
4AB 1 Ab 1 aB 4 ab
(40%) (10%) (10%) (40%)
FIG. 105.-Checkerboard showing the expected composition of the F2 from a cross between
individuals differing in two linked genes which show 20 per cent of crossing over. The F2
ratio is 66 AB: 9 Ab: 9aB: 16 abo
. fi-
with the attached piece of the Y chromosome, the red eye and the bar
pattern being dominants.
Red-eyed and bar-eyed females of the genetic constitution crB* / + +
were then mated to males of the genetic constitution cr + i.e., round eyes
of carnation color in their only X chromosome (round' being the wild-
type eye shape but recessive to the mutant bar pattern). From this
croSS we would expect four types of females if crossing over between the
two pairs of genes for eye color and eye shape had occurred. Stern
secured the expected four classes of females, viz., carnation, bar; red,
round; carnation, round; and red, bar. The first class should have had
the broken X chromosome plus a normal X from the male. The second
should have had one X chromosome with the attached piece of the Y
chromosome plus a normal X from the male. The third should have
had two normal X chromosomes, one from the male and the other as the,
result of crossing over between the two marked chromosomes of the
female at a point between the two genes being considered, whereas the
fourth should have had one normal X from the male plus a broken X
chromosome with the piece of the Y chromosome attached to one of the
pieces. l
These are the results which should obtain if there had been an interchange
between the two X chromosomes of the mother at a point near the upper end
of the X and between the locations of the cr and B genes. Of the FI female
flies, 364 were tested by Stern and in all but 5 (and these presumably the result
of experimental error) there was a complete correspondence between the genetic
and the cytological facts. In other words, genetic crossing over was proved to be
accompanied by cytological crossihg over, an actual exchange of material between
homologous chromosomes.
"j Linear Order of Genes.-We have seen in the two preceding sections
that blocks of gene~~_Qr.§~"(?f hQmQ.logou"~_,£h!2mos<?!lles s~~eti!lle_a
. in~erch~!!i~h:.:2.9siti~p..~_~r: the_chr~o~omes sothaQ~w combinatioll~
of genes can be formed, even though-i!fie genes controlling these characters
are not in separ~t~ Cl:lromosome pairs. We learned too that th~"perceIlt::
age of the crossing over can be easily ascertained by dividing the total
crossovefsOytne Total' population.
Now, if we assu~e that the chromatids are as likely to form chiasma,
with resulting interchange, at one poi~t as ~t a~~ther, then the"percentagE'
of crossing over can be' taken as the measure of the distance between the
genes being studied.-' For, if cr~~~i-;:;_-g~~e~ isasapt to occui-at one poinf'
as at another then there will be less likelihood of a break occurring
* The bar-eyed mutation behaves as a dominant.
SINNOT'l" EDMUND N., and DUNN, C., "Principles of Genetics," 3d ed., p. 222,
••• <Wl B)
eyeless ~E)
Minute-I'll' (H)
"\ \{3.3.± fOlcet(E~
Notch (E
12.t Gull (W)
13. Tru nCOIte (W)
\ 4.5 Abnormal (B) 14.± dOichsous (8)
, '. 5.5 echinu$ (E) 16. Streak (B)
\ \6.9 bifid (W)
" '7.5 ruby (E)
\ 13] crossveinlE'ss (W)
\15.± club 011) 20. divergent CW>
17.:!: dE'ltex(W)
20. cut (W)
21. singed (H)
27.5 TOin (B) 31. elaeha (8) 26. sepia (E)
27.7 lozenge (E) 26.5 hOllry(B)
35. Ski-U 011)
33. vermillion(E) y
35.1 miniOlture(W) 41. Joommed (W) 35. rose (E)
36.2 dusky (W) 36.2 creOlm-m (E)
38.± furrowed eE) 46.± Min ute-e (H) 40.1 Minute-h (H)
4aS blOick (8) 40.2 Tilt (W)
43. sooble (8) 48.1 jOlunty (w) 40.4 DichOiete (H)
44A (:lO!rneT eE) 42.2 threOid (6) moole fertiliTY
54,5 purple (E) 44. sCOJrlet (E)
5'1.5 cinnOibOlr(E)- 48. pink (E)
54.2 small wing 49.1 maroon eE)
54.5 rudiment"ry(W) 60.! safrOinin (E)
\15o.t dwarf (8)
56.6 forked (H) 50. curled (W)
57. BOir (E) 54.8 HOIiry Win& supr
58.5 smOillMe 64.± pink-wing(EW)
58.2 Stubble )
59. fusecl ) 58.5 spineless(H)
59.6 BeOidex
62. Minute-n H)
(Wd 67.
vestigiOiI (w)
telescope CW) _ 58.7 b ith orax (B)
-'59.5 bithorOlx-b
65. cleft ('N) _62. stripe (8)
72. Lobe eE) \63.1 glOiss (E) Long bris'I'leol
14.± gap(W) 66.2 eltOi ew)
10. bobbedCH) 75.5 curved (W) 69.5 hOJirless (H)
10J ebony (B)
72. banol (8)
'75.7 cardinal eE)
83.5 frInged (W) 76.2 white ocelli (E)
91.1 rough(E)
99.5 arc eN) 93. crumplecl (W) mGlle fer-titi'l'y
100.5 plexus (W) 93.B BeOidec! (W)
102.± lethOiI-UOI 94.1 PrAinted(W)
(105. brown (E)
·\105.± blistered (W) 100.1 clooret eE)
106. purpleoic! eE) '1101. Minute nil
07.± morula (E)
01. speck (B)
107.5 brAlloon 0N) 106.2 Minute-g (H)
FIG. l08.-Linkage map for Drosophila melanogaster, showing relative position~ of many of
the known genes in the chromosomes as determined genetically. The letters in parentheses
indicate the portion of the fly in which the characters appear: B, body, E, eye; H, burs;
W, wings. The arrows indicate positions of spindle-attachment regions. In the Y-chro-
1Il0some, "Long bristled," which is the normal allelomorph of "bobbed," and the two
factors for, male sterility have not been precisely located. In chromosome IV the genes
are all very closely linked. [From Sharp, adapted from Morgan, Sturtevant, and Bridge<
(1925) and Stern (1929).1
I 2
AI :0 AlIa AI !0
6 IbC
I b! 16 bl IB
C Ie
e I
I c i C Cl ie
Non· Two types of Double
crossovers single Crossovers crossovers
FIG. l09.-Diagram showing single and double crossing over.
portion of double crossing over was 1 per cent, the expected 2 per cent
thus giving a coincidence value of 0.5.
Limitation of the Linkage Groups.-We have now discussed six
Mendelian principles, viz., segregation, independent assortment, linkage,
crossing over, linear order of the genes, and interference. There is one
final principle to be added to this list known as limitation of the linkage
groups. In Drosophila melanogaster, four linkage groups are known;
viz., a large group of sex-linked genes located in the I chromosome, two
large groups of autosomal genes in the large II and III chromosome pairs,
and a small group of genes located in the small IV chromosome pair.
FIG. llO.-The bar region in salivary chromosome I, showing duplication of bands in bar
and double-bar. (From Bridoes. after Sinnott and Dunn. )
i tics that may remain latent for a considerable time after birth, and some
do not appear until middle life or later.
Sturtevant and Morgan first reported a case in which(the position of a
gene in a chromosome apparently affects the expression of a character)
This is known as e_osition effect, and an example is the bar gene in Droso-
phila. Bar eye in Drosophila (facets in a bar pattern rather than round)
has long been known as a dominant at point 57 in the X chromosome.
Zelany discovered that homozygous bars very infrequently produced a
normal (1 in 1,500), and, still less frequently, a still more restricted bar,
or ultra or double bar. By using bar females with two other mutant
genes near bar, Sturtevant and Morgan showed that the production of
normals from bar was always due to a peculiar unequal cro sing over.
and crossover values between any two genes remain constant under
uniform conditions. The use of crossover values in constructing the very
ingenious chromosome mlill_s was indicated on the basis of the genes being_
arranged i~ linear series aiong the chromosomes. We comPleted our
discussion of th~ seve~ Mendelian principles with references to inter-
ference and to limitation of the linkage groups to the number of pairs of
chromosomes present in any species. Finally, we discussed the as yet
rather incompletely known role of the genes in development, indicated
the various lines of evidence that substantiate the chromosomal and gene
theory of inheritance, and presented a summary of the modern genetic
References l
1. Assume that genes a and b are linked and show 40 per cent of crossing over.
If a ++/++ individual is crossed with one that is ab/ab, what will be the genotype
of the F l? What gametes will the F 1 produce and in what proportions? If the F 1
is crossed with a double recessive, ab/ab, what will be the appearance and genotypes of
the offspring?
2. If the original cross is +b / +b X a+ /a +, what will be the genotype of the F I?
\Vhat gametes will it produce? If the F 1 is crossed back with a double recessive, what
will be the appearance of the offspring?
3. An individual homozygous for genes cd is crossed with wild type and the F 1
crossed back to the double recessive. The appearance of the offspring is as follows:
903 ++, 898 cd, 98 +d, 102 c+. Explain this result, giving the strength of the
linkage between c and d. If assortment between c and d were independent, what
would be the result of this cross?
4. If the cross in the preceding question had been between a homozygous +d
individual and a homozygous c+ one, what would be the result of the cross between
Fl and the double recessive?
5. How far apart are A and B if in the F2 you derive 706 AB; 291 Ab; 304 aB; 697
6. Results of a cross of Aa Bb Cc X aa bb cc give:
600 ABC 140 aBC 15 aBc
580 abc 120 Abc 5 AbC
130 abC
120 ABc
\Vbat are the percentages of crossing over between A and Band Band C? How
far apart are A and C?
7. NOTE.-In Drosophila the mutant known as black, b, has a black body in con-
trast to the wild type, which has a gray body; and the mutant arc, a, has wings which
are somewhat curved and bent downward, in contrast to the straight wings of the wild
In the two following crosses the parents are given (homozygous in each case)
together with the counts of the offspring of Fl females bred to black, arc males (data
from Bridges and Morgan).
1 See lists at end of Chaps. XI and XII.
From these data calculate the crossover value between black and arc.
S. NOTE.-In Drosophila the mutant known as vestigial, V, has wings that are
very much reduced as compared with the long wings of the wild type.
In the two following crosses the parents are given, as in the previous question,
together with the counts of offspring of FI females crossed with black, vestigial males
(data from Bridges and J\lorgan).
a. Black, vestigial X wild type (gray, long)
From these data calculate the linkage strength between black and vestigial.
9. NOTE.-In tomatoes, Jones has found that tall vine is dominant over dwarf,
and spherical fruit shape over pear. Vine height and fruit shape are linked, with a
crossover percentage of 20 per cent.
If a homozygous tall, pear-fruited tomato is crossed with a homozygous dwarf,
spherical-fruited one, what will be the appearance of the F I? Of the F I crossed with a
dwarf, pear? Of the F2?
10. A certain tall, spherical-fruited tomato plant crossed with a dwarf, pear-
fruited one produces 81 tall, spherical; 79 dwarf, pear; 22 tall, pear; and 17 dwarf,
spherical. Another tall, spherical plant crossed with a dwarf, pear produces 21 tall,
pear; 18 dwarf, spherical; 5 tall, spherical; and 4 dwarf, pear. What are the genotype;;
of these two tall, spherical plants? If they were crossed, what would their offspring
11. NOTE.-In rats dark eyes are due to the interaction of two genes Rand P, the
recessive allele of either producing light eyes. These genes are in the same chromo-
When homozygous dark-eyed rats, + + / + +, were crossed with double-recessive
ones, rp/rp, and the F, crossed back with the double recessive, the following offspring
were obtained (data from Castle): 1,255 dark-eyed; 1,777 light-eyed.
When +p / +p animals were crossed with r + /r + ones and the F, crossed back with
the double recessive, the following offspring were obtained: 174 dark-eyed; 1,540
Calculate the linkage between rand p.
12. In the fowl, assume that e (early feathering) and B (barring) are sex-linked and
show 20 per cent of crossing over (in the male only). If a male from a cross of late-
feathered, barred male with early, black female is mated with an early, black female,
what will be the appearance of their offspring, as to feathering and barring?
13. Assume that genes a and b are linked, with a crossover percentage of 20 per
cent; and that c and d are also linked, with a crossover percentage of 10 per cent, but
are in another chromosome. Cross a plant homozygous for ABCD with one which is
abed and cross the F, back on abed. "'nat will be the appearance of the offspring of
this cross?
14. In Drosophila, yellow body is sex-linked and recessive to the gray body of the
wild fly. Vermilion eye is also sex-linked and recessive to the wild red eye. The
genes for yellow and vermilion show about 28 per cent of crossing over. The gene for
vestigial is in one of the autosomes. If a homozygous yellow-bodied red-eyed long-
winged female is crossed with a homozygous gray-bodied vermillion-eyed vestigial-
winged male, and if an F, female is crossed with a yellow, vermilion, vestigial male,
what will be the appearance of the offspring of this last cross?
Here are two steers, one of them gains 22.1 lb. for each 100 lb. of
nutrients fed; the other only gains 14.3 lb. from a like amount of feed.
Here are the litters of two sO\\"s, one of them gains 100 lb. from 504 lb.
of feed; the other litter gains 100 lb. from 360 lb . of feed .
Here are t,yO dairy cows, one of them returns 36 lb. of total digestible
llutl'jents for each 100 lb . fed; the other returns only 18 lb. from a like
amount of feed.
Here is a Guernsey bull bred to 8 cows that range from 12,500 to
13,500 lb. of milk per year; the 8 daughters range from 8,600 to 15,600 lb.
Here is an Ayrshire bull bred to 13 cows that range from 10,500 to
11,500 lb . of milk per year; the 13 daughters range from 7,800 to 15,300 lb.
F IG. 11 2.- Beth of Amherst 3rd, a Grand Champion at Eastern States Exposition (picture
taken when dry). H er twin sister was nearly as poor a dairy type as this one is good .
General opinion leans toward the latter explanation. There are two
types of stimuli that might conceivably bring about variation, one inter-
nal, the other external to the organism. Any fully developed organism
is the result of the combined action of these internal and external stimuli.
V . t' {AutOgenetic
arIa lOns Exogenetic
. l{Recombinations
" S ermma
VarlatlOns {G t' Gene and chromosome mutatlOns
." , oma IC { Ch anges m
. soma, b eh '
aYlOr, e t c.
In this chapter, we shall consider only those variations that have their
origin in the germinal material, the genes and chromosomes in the germ
cells, leaving the somatic variations to be treated in the next chapter,
Variation as a Too1.-Variation is one of the most useful tools that
th~p'oSSeSSeS:-- It provides him the raw material fro~hich
he can fashIon b~i1er animals. The breeder is constantly on the lookout
for desirable types of variation. He sees variation as it manifests ,"
itself in his animals and seizes upon it in the hope that it will prove to
be hereditary. Much variation does have a genetic basis, much of it
too is environmental, whereas some perhaps is both. It is no simple
matter to separate these three categories. In addition to these com-
plications is the further one that the hereditary variations may be of
various sorts. Some of the allelic pairs of genes may show varying
degrees of dominance, from complete to an entire lack. This same feature
of dominance bet~\Yeen different pairs of genes known as epistasis may be
operating, whereas in still other cases the various genes may behave
in a cumulative or additive fashion. To secure desirable variation of a
hereditary sort and to guide it toward some preconceived ideal of perfec-
tion is the problem that the breeder constantly struggles with.
Fortunately there is generally plenty of variability available. In
horses, cattle, sheep, and swine there are literally all sorts. The animals
. . .y '" :'\.
] 60 / \
II • I\.
V \
§ 30 / I'"1\
/ \
0 l-
V .........
6 q 10 II 1'2 13 14 15 16 11 18 Iq 20 21 22 23
1 8
1houscmcls of pounds 3.5'/, milk or its eq.uivQlent in 4'1, f.c.m.
FIG. 113.-Graph of Holstein Indexes, Vol. 11, Holstein-Friesian Red Book.
hopes that a goodly part of this variation is hereditary and will be passed
along to the offspring.
FIG. 114.-Two Ayrshire cows and their twin calves showing mark"ld variation in amount
of red color in the coat.
Number of differ-
Number of pairs
ent kinds of germ
of chromosomes
Ascaris ............................... . 1 21 2
A. megalocephala . ....................... . 2 2' 4
Drosophila melanogaster . ................. . 4 24 16
Corn .................................. . 10 210 1,024
Swine .............................. ' ... ' 19 219 524,288
Human ................................ . 24 224 16,777,216
Cattle, goat, horse ..................... . 30 230 1,073,741,824
If, 'by selecting, we bring it about that these two chromosomes become
1 2 3
2 4 9
3 8 27
n 2" or (10 0 •s0b ) 3" or (100 . 477 ,,)
3 X 2 X 1 X 2 = 12
If the capital letters represented desirable traits and the small letters
undesirable ones, we can see that there would be a vast difference between
these full sisters or brothers. Identity of pedigree, then, does not meall
identity of inheritance except when the parents are homozygous for each
pair of genes.
Our example has dealt with four pairs of genes, or eight in all. We do
not know how many genes are present in the chromosomes of our farm
animals. There are 60 chromosomes in some of these animals, and, if
there were an average of 100 genes in each chromosome, there ,,,,ould be a
total of 6,000 genes. Each parent would then be transmitting not 4
genes, as in our simple example, but 3,000. If two animals were hetero-
zygous for all of these 3,000 pairs of genes, then there could be 3 3• 000
different genotypes, assuming that all combinations were possible by
means of independent assortment and crossing over. Such a number
is, ofcou~~e, beyond human comprehension. It could be written 10 0. 477n
or 10 1,431, and it has been estimated by physicists that the whole universe
contains 1080 electrons. Three to the nineteenth power is a number
twice as large as the number of cattle at present in the world. These
3,000 genes are in bundles (chromosomes) of perhaps 100 each and, of
course, will show linkage in each bundle. Even if linkage is complete in
all chromosomes, we could still get 2 30 or 1,073,741,824 different recom-
binations of complete chromosomes, whereas there are only about 650
million cattle in the world.
In our simple example where we were dealing with only eight genes,
if we assume all these genes to be in the same chromosome the sire might
and a heifer produced that yields 3,600 lb. of milk and later the same
cow be bred to the same bull and a heifer produced that yields 6,100 lb.
of milk. The first heifer yielded 31 per cent less milk than her dam,
the second one yielded 17 per cent more than her dam. Or, to cite a
case from the purebreds, viz., a purebred cow bred twice to the same
purebred bull, in the first case a heifer resulted that yielded 6,200 lb. of
milk, 14 per cent less than her dam, and in the second case a heifer
resulted that produced 9,800 lb. of milk, or 35 per cent more than the
dam. As explained above, the chromosomes, which carry the deter-
miners for all characters, e.g., milk yield, tendency to fatten, color, speed,
type, etc., go through the process of reduction, the chromosomes separat-
ing or segregating, which enables them to reunite into new combinations
of various sorts. The chromosome mechanism, in heterozygous organ-
isms, is one of the most potent causes of variation, including as it does
both the recombination of intact chromosomes and the creation of
different ones by means of crossing over. It must be recognized, how-
ever, that such characters as ~ilk production may be greatly influenced
by environmental factors. The occurence of such metabolic disturbances
as ketosis, the presence of inflammation of the mammary gland, improper
feeding, or general management practices frequently overshadow the
actual genetic potentialities of dairy cattle.
Variation from Gene Mutations.-In addition to the different recom-
binations that might be inherited, there are mutations that are also
inherited. Gene mutations are germinal or genetic variations involving
single genes. They are probably due to chemical or spatial.alie;ations
in the genes for certain characteristics in the germ cells. vTh! c;he~ic9:.l
rearrangem~l}~_~O~e..l1t.9~s..i!,l._th~ that may bring about mutations
migh-roe compared t-othe interchanging of a certain number of hydroxyl
ancfIlYdroge'u ions from one place to another in the structural formula
for dextrose which ~onverts dextrose into le~ulose. Or different atoms
may be substituted for some already present, just as one may by sub-
stitution change methane (CR 4 ) to monochloromethane (CRaCI). Both
the new arrangement of atoms and the substitution of one or more
different atoms for others already present would supposedly~ive rise t.2,.
Since 1927, when Muller first discovered that treating Drosophila
with varying dosages of X rays led to increased rates of mutation, much
experimental work of thiEl'nature has been performed both with X rays
and with radium. The evidence seems irrefutable that the bombard-
ment of the genes by active rays does induce changes in the molecular
structure of the gene, which in turn is evidenced by changes in external
or physiolqgical characteristics. These gene changes ocg_ur naturl.tlly
I, "-'
Average per
Gametes Number of
Gene one million
tested mutations
a rose because of a chemical change of some sort in the chromoso!Ues.
FTG. 116.-A sheep with very short and crooked legs after the style of the Ancon . .
No doubt, they have arisen in all the breeds at times, and in most breeds
they have been noticed and valued and a polled strain developed from
them. The reason for the change in the chromosomes that prevents
'-. ~-
the horns from developing is unknQl\Ql. -
Another mutation, now erlinct, ;;Ccurred many years ago in sheep.
Seth Wright, a Massachusetts farmer, had dropped in his flock a ram
lamb that was a mutant, being low-backed, long-bodied, and having
short crooked legs, something after the fashion of a dachshund. Farmer
Wright recognized its value-its type of build, although not interfering
seriously with wool production, being a decided deterrent to the sheepish
pastime of fence jumping. The ram, a mutant, was used for breeding,
and from this start the Ancon breed of sheep, with the characteristics
listed above, was produced, though the breed has long since been sup-
planted by the Merino.
(ClB and cLb). These flies were bred to a male with nonsuppressor,
normal, and round-eye genes in its X chromosome (cLb). Before breed-
ing, these males were subjected to X rays. From this cross, bar-eyed
females (ClB and cLb) were selected and bred to normal, untreated
(cLb) males. From this cross, half the males will die because their X
chromosomes contain the original lethal gene (ClB). If the other males
also die (cLb), it shows that a~.was produced by the
X-ray tre~tmeI!t of the original mak"The complete lack ~grand~s,
therefore, proves the artificial induction of a new lethal gene, probably
a cheD1_icaL chlk!},g~hat destroys the balance necessary for
the survival of an organism getting it~~-,_----____,
alanced lethals were first discovered by Muller. His stock of
eaded (deformed wings) flies when mated usually gave % beaded and
H normal offspring, as though beaded were due to a single dominant
gene, lethal when homozygous. Muller was able to select out a stock
that bred practically true for beaded (producing an occasional normal)
but when crossed back to normal gave 50 per cent beaded and 50 per
cent normal, showing it to be heterozygous for beaded. Full analysis
by Muller finally showed that the two stocks of flies differed genetically,
the first having a dominant mutation, beaded, in the III chromosome
which was lethal when homozygous, the second or true-breeding strain
have another lethal closely linked to beaded, so that their genetic con-
stitution is Bd+ / +l. With a crossover suppressor (probably an inver-
sion) they produce only Bd + or +l gametes and only Bd+ / +l offspring
(with an occasional + + normal if crossing over occurs), because the
Bd+ / Bd+ offspring and the +l/ +l offspring both die, which gives
an apparently true-breeding strain because of a system of balanced
Variation from Chromosomal Aberrations.-In addition to gene or
point mutations a considerable variety of chromosomal aberrations
involving various-sized blocks of genes, whole chromosomes, or whole
sets of chromosomes have been discovered in recent years. Changes
of this nature are generally brought to light by discrepancies in breeding
behavior resulting in disturbances of the normally expected Mendelian
ratios, in the creation of new linkage relations, or in the appearance of
variable offspring. When such things occur, cytological study has
generally revealed certain changes in the number or arrangement of the
loci within the whole chromosome complex or a change' in the actual
number of chromosomes. This close correspondence between the visible
changes in the chromatin and changes in ratios or in individuals is, of
course the strongest possible evidence supporting the chromosomal
theory of inheritance. \\ Since visible changes in the chromosomes result
)~~f .)~~(2
3 3 3 3
FIG. 118.-Diagram showing reciprocal translocation and catenation.
producing a reaction on the same part of the body. In this way the complexity
of organisms must have been immensely increased, and it is evident that trans-
locations giving rise to transmutations of chromosomes have played a great part
in the general progress from lower to higher organisms which has taken place and
they may be regarded as one of the prime factors in Creative Evolution.
iR.prosgphi~~. Notch behaves as a dominant, is lethal whel!_homozy-
gous, and is located at about point 3 in the X chromosome.!
A Notch female from a red-eyed stock crossed with a white male gives Notch
and normal offspring as expected, but all the Notch flies show the recessive white
eye (which is located at 1.5), as though the Notch female contained no wild-type
allele of white. The normal-winged flies are all red-eyed. Similarly, the gene
facet, at 3.0, showed this peculiar pseudodominance when crossed with Notch,
and the gene Abnormal at 4.5 was also affected. Bridges and Mohr, who studied
this condition, assumed that Notch was due to the absence of a piece of chtomo-
1 SINNO'IT, EDMUND W., and DUNN, L. C., "Principles of Genetics," 3d ed., pp.
233-234" McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1939.
some in this case bearing the loci from white through Abnormal. This was called
a deficiency and in conformity with the assumption, the map of the X in Notch
is abou t four units shorter than normal. Much later the actual absence of this
section of the chromosome in Notch females was proved by examination of the
salivary gland chromosome.
Notch ~ (Red Eyed) While ~
-~--~':::. :.:>-<==:=-;-:.-;.--<:.:~--------//
r/ r:---- ~ :/- ~--1
( ----:
One of the above chromosomes is A
deficient for genes Band C, whereas the C C
other has a double dose of these genes, i.e., D 0 B
E £ C
they are duplicated. o
A chromosome fragment, however it E
FIG. 121.-Diagram illustrating
arises, is known as a duplication, and it both deficiency and duplication due
may exist by itself or become attached to unequal crossing over.
to some other chromosome.
One of the best known duplications is that of the bar eye pattern in
Drosophila, long known as a dominant at point 57 in the X chromosome.
Zeleny found that hOplOzygOUS bar-eyed flies very occasionally produced
normal round-eyed offspring and even less frequently the ultra- or
double-bar pattern. By the use of other mutant genes close -to bar,
Sturtevant and Morgan showed these exceptions to be due. to uDf'qllal
crossing over at the bar region, so that the normals showed a slight
deficiency compared with bar and the double bar a duplication. Since
the normal flies showed no actual deficiency, it was reasoned that bar was
originally a duplication. These facts have been substantiated by
Bridges's cytological study of the salivary-gland chromosomes, which
shows bar to be a duplication. The further fact that the duplication in
separate _c~romosomes pr()_r1_11Q!")_~J:)ar, and that, when_the duplication
occurs in one-chromoson:te, it produces double bar led Sturtevant to the
conclusion that the position of the gene in the chromosome, as well as its
nature, was influential in the final effect produced. This is the position-
effect theory.
Duplications may also arise from crossing over between inverted
portions of two chromosomes as illustrated in Fig. 122.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1
~ '-------_/
",------- .....
S;jI1apsis- inverted Non cross-over Cross-over
chromatids chromatids chromCllticls
FIG. 122.-Diagram of duplications due to inversions.
:Mutations and freaks should not be confused. A mutation is a
sudden germinaL variation that breec!~_true. A freak is probably a
~suddensomahc vanation, s~wo-headed calf, a six-legged pig,
~and many others that may be seen at the circus but which will not breed
true. The freak has no genetic value, and, although the mutation may
not have value, if often does, and, because of the fact that it breeds
true, the characteristic may be perpetuated.
Breeding Systems and Variation.-It is obvious from the foregoing
that genetic variation is dependent on what transpires in the genes
, and chromosomes. In addition to these gene or chromosome changes,
however, there is the further consideration of the sorting out of the whole
genetic material into different sorts of combinations. Self-fertilizing
plants tend to separate themselves into homozygous forms. If one of
these plants were Aa, its offspring would be 7~ AA, .% Aa, 7~ aa. Con-
tinued selting would constantly change the proportion of the genotypes
according to the formula 2n -1 AA: 2 Aa: 2n -1 aa, where n is the
number of generations of self-fertilization. In other words, about one-
half the heterozygous gene combinations become homozygous each
generation the inbreeding is continued. This is true for every pair of
heterozygous genes that the original parent might have possessed.
Even with 15 pairs of heterozygous genes, practically all of them will
have been separated out into homozygous forms by 10 generations of
selting. There would, of course, be many combinations of these 15 pairs
of genes, but they would all be sorting out into homozygous forms.
With two pairs of genes, Aa Bb, we would be getting AA BB, AA bb,
aa BB, and aa bb forms, or 22. With 15 pairs of genes, we would get
2 15 different forms. Selting i§__of _col!rse th_f;_closest sort of inbr~~ding
possible. It should be:iJ.~ted that, gr~tea eq-UarvrabilitY;---t11;~u~b-er
~r~cessive and dominant genes in the population remains the same.
Inbreeding, therefore, is seen to have a direct effect on variation.
When it is practiced, the population tends to increase in variability by
becoming broken up into many separate, though highly uniform, families
or strains. This, of course, offers greater opportunities for selection
within desirable uniform lines, and, when this sort of selection is prac-
ticed, the population becomes more uniform, owing to the selection,
however, rather than the inbreeding.
In the higher animals, however, selfing is not possible because the
union of an egg and a sperm produced by two separate individuals is
necessary to 'produce a new individual. If we start with the animals
PP palled!
ww black face Angus
BB black body
pp horned !
WW white face Hereford
bb red body
FIG. 124.-A series of grades for classifying the plus and minus variations of the white
spotting pattern of hooded rats. (From Castle, Genetics and Eugenics, Harvard University
unchangeable. Adding another atom of oxygen does not alter them, though it
changes radically the compound formed which becomes carbon dioxide, CO 2,
possessed of very different properties. But the carbon and the oxygen are still
there unaltered and recoverable. This question is one of great practical impor-
tance-are unit-characters as constant as atoms, so that we can merely recom-
bine them, or are they different in nature from atoms so that we can modify as
well as recombine them. Much careful work has been devoted to the solution
of this question. It was at first assumed from chemical analogy that characters
which behave as units in heredity must, like C and in the case of carbon dioxide,
emerge from combinations unmodified. But presently case after case came to
light in which this was not true. Albinism emerged from crosses tainted with
color; clear yellows emerged from crosses intensified to red, or diluted to cream,
or sooty with minute quantities of black; patterns such as are seen in Dutch or in
English rabbits, or in hooded rats, emerged considerably altered in appearance.
1 CAS'fLE, W. E., "Genetics and Eugenics," pp. 237-240, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1930. (Heprinted by permission of the President and Fellows of
Harvard College.)
Facts such as these were interpreted in two different ways. It was assumed by
;5ome that the actual unit-character, factor, or gene involved was subject to
quantitative and possibly to qualitative chapge. By others it was assumed that
the observed character changes were not due to changes in single genes but to the
supplemental or modifying action of the other genes.
Hooded Rats and Selection.-As a test of these rival interpretations, we may
discuss a typical case. The hooded pattern of rats clearly behaves as a simple
unit-character allelomorphic to Irish pattern or to self in crosses. But the hooded
pattern as seen either in pure-bred or in cross-bred litters of young varies slightly,
and such variations have a genetic basis since by selecting either the whitest or
the blackest individuals, one can either whiten or blacken the average racial
condition. Races corresponding with the extremes of the series shown in Fig. 124
were thus produced. The question now arose whether the observed changes had
occurred as a result of change in the single unit-character or gene clearly con-
cerned in the case, or whether this was due to other agencies. To test the matter
the selected races, now modified genetically in opposite directions, were crossed
repeatedly with a non-hooded (wild) race. The recessive hooded character
disappeared in Fl but was recovered again in F2 in the expected 25 per cent of
this generation. These extracted hooded individuals, following each cross, were
less divergent than their hooded grandparents from the ordinary hooded pattern.
After three successive crosses (six generations) the whitest individuals extracted
from the dark hooded race were no darker than the darkest individuals extracted
from the white hooded race. In other words repeated crossing with the non-
hooded (wild) race had caused the changes in the hooded character, which had
been secured by selection, largely to disappear. The conclusion was drawn that
the hooded allelomorph itself had remained unchanged throughout the selection
experiment, and that the phenotype had been altered by associating with the
hooded gene a different assortment of other genes in each of the selected races,
these serving as genetic modifiers. In the course of the selection experiment a
mutation was observed to occur in the plus series to practically the Irish stage.
This is not included in the summary but is mentioned to show how it is possible
for selection to be aided in its progress by the occurrence of contemporaneous
genetic changes, no less than by the sorting out of variations originally present
in the foundation stock. Apart from the mutation mentioned the results of
selection in this case show conclusively that the changes obtained had not occurred
in the gene for the hooded pattern, but in the residual heredity. Other cases of
apparent gradual change in unit-characters under the action of selection may
be explained in a similar way. Accordingly, we are led to conclude that unit-
characters or genes are remarkably constant and that when they seem to change
as a result of hybridization or of selection unattended by hybridization, the
changes are rather in the total complex of factors concerned in heredity than in
single genes.
Types and Frequency of Variation.-All animals will produce varia-
tions to a greater or less degree, depending upon the interaction of a
great many factors. So~etimes e~~ely vaJ.ll_I1_1;>l~_a._nimm§__~:r:~~~om
structure or habit which are impressed upon the organism during its
individual life." As Thompson h;~ stated-it, -th~ preci~~ question at
issue is this: "Can a structural change in the body, induced by some
change in use or disuse or by a change in surrounding influence, affect
the germ cells in such a specific or representative way that the offspring
will through its inheritance exhibit, even in a slight degree, the modifica-
'lions which the parent acquired?"
Anyone of the higher organisms is the result of the union of a certain
spermatozoon with a certain ovum. The chromosomal content of the
particular spermatozoon and of the ovum that have united to produce
any given individual determines the normal characteristics for' this
individual. With normal nutriment and a normal environmel).t the
individual will approximate its own norm as specified through its inherit-
ance. Now both the anatomy and physiology of the organism are
,, on
FIG. 125.-Schematic representation of the supposed method of transmission of acquired
and thus bring about the development of the character in the offspring.
This is the theory of pangenesis.
Weismann has been the chief antagonist of the theory of the inherit-
ance of acquired characters, and he also developed the idea of the con-
tinuity of the germ plasm. Under this conception the germ cells that
any individual produces are thought of as arising, as do all the other
cells of this individual, from the original zygote. Under this view the
type of germ cell produced is dependent on the nature of the original
zygote ~nd is not affected by the soma or body that has also arisen from
the original zygote. The accompanying diagrams should make clear
the differing features of these two systems.
discussed. This is the belief that the exercise of any organ or function
results in a corresponding stora:ge olenergy in the germ cells, such that
the effects are transmitted to~;'-t· i~~~rntiOn-in other w0rds, that
these '<aCqUlreacnaracters j; aietransmTtte'd. This theory would postu-
late that, if a cow were developed from an 8,000-lb. two-year-old into a
16,000-lb. ten-year-old, the calf produced in her tenth year would be a
much higher milk producer than the one produced when she was two years
old, owing to the cumulative effect of the increased production she had
attained, the same bull having been used to sire both heifers. This has a
distinct practical bearing in all classes of livestock. '
In his work to try to prove the existence of the inheritance of this
acquired character or development in fast horses, Redfield first computed
the average age of the immediate sires of the first 1,000 stallions taken
alphabetically from the American Trotting Register, which he found to be
9.43 years. He then computed the average age of all the sires, four
generations back, of the entire class of 2.10 trotters, a faster class than
that dealt with previously, the upper limit for admission to the register
being 2.30, and this average he found to be 13 years. From this material,
he concluded that the 2.10 class was faster than the group first considered •
because their sires had gradually grown more speedy as they increased in
age up to thirteen and that they had transmitted this dynamic develop-
ment to their offspring. ,
Marshall critically points, out the following shortcomings in Red-
field's work. In the first place, he took in one case the immediate sire
and, in the second case, all the sires included in the four-generation
'/ pedigrees. Marshall reminds us also that these four generations carry
us back over the formative period of the trotting horse to the time of
Hambletonian 10, who ,vas himself a great sire of speed and left many sons
and grandsons which, bred to faster mares, were even better sires of speed
than he. Taking only the immediate sires of the 2.10 list, as was done
with the first list of sires, Marshall finds the average to be 9.41 yea;rs,
nearly the same figure Redfield secured for the first group, 9.43, and
evidencing no advantage of the old sire over the young one.
In this matter of increased speed in succeeding generations of horses,
it has not been proved that functional modifications have not been con-
tinued in the next generation, though it is a biased mind which would •
attribute all increase in speed to this fact()r and fail to recognize possi-
bilities in amphimixis, possible mutations',' better environmental influ- .
ences, better harness and training methods, faster tracks, more skilled
drivers, etc. Also, as has been suggested previously, is it not more likely
that the germ cells caused the somatic changes rather than that the soma
caused the germinal changes?
in Animals, Ill. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 419,1935. (Contains an excellent bibliography.)
1CASTLE, W. E., "Genetics and Eugenics," pp. 87-90, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1930. (Reprinted by permission of the President and Fellows of
Harvard College.) .
male or female, are more likely to be feeble and sickly, and so to die. Experi-
ments of Hertwig show that similarly the germ-cells of frogs are capable of being
injured by emanations of radium in consequence of which enfeebled or abnormal
offspring may be produced.
Guyer and Smith have produred probably the best existing evidence for the
artificial production of heritable defects. Injecting into the bodies of fowls the
pulped lenses of rabbit eyes, they induced the production in the fowls' blood of
antibodies which would neutralize harmful effects of the foreign material. Blood
serum was then obtained from these immunized fowls and this serum was injected
into the circulation of pregnant rabbits and made its way, it is thought, through
the placenta into the circulation of the developing fetuses, where it interfered
with the proper development of the eye in a certain number of embryos. Eye-
defects such as opaque lenses, under-sized eyes, and eyes rotated out of their
proper position, were thus obtained in two different and unrelated races of
rabbits. These defects reappeared sporadically among the inbred descendants of
the abnormal rabbits, and so may be regarded as having become hereditary.
Guyer and Smith consider the mode of inheritance that of a recessive Mendelian
character, though fewer recessives are reported than theory demanqs; but this
may be explained as due to the authors' failure to detect cases of slightly defective
eyes, or to the failure of the character to find somatic expression in all cases.
In a third unrelated series of animals, Guyer and Smith injected pulped rabbit
lens directly into the circulation of pregnant rabbits, and in this case also they
obtained from one treated mother one young with defective eyes in a litter other-
wise normal. The defect was transmitted in this case also.
The eye-defects in the experimental rabbits of Guyer and Smith were trans-
mitted through male as well as through female parents. The authors believe
that the antibodies artificially produced by the injected foreign bodies affected
the constitution of germinal determiners at the same time that they affected
corresponding somatic structures in the same individuals. In other words they
favor" parallel induction" as an explanation of their results.
Finlay (1924) has repeated on mice the experiments of Guyer and Smith on
rabbits, but with wholly negative results. He used rat lens, sheep lens, and ox
lens to produce antibodies in pregnant mice, but without observing any eye-
defects in the young of either the Fl or the F2 generations.
On the other hand, Little and Bagg, by X-raying pregnant mice, obtained
young with pronounced eye-defects which were apparently inherited in the next
generation as recessive characters. Hansen, too, X-rayed rats in utero and
obtained eye and other defects but without studying their inheritance. Stockard
had previously obtained similar eye-defects in guinea-pigs by exposing the
mothers to alcohol fumes. Hansen and Stockard are agreed that a variety of
harmful agencies acting during the embryonic development of a vertebrate may so
interfere with the complicated process of development of the eye as to lead to
defective end results. They regard the defective eyes of the rabbits of Guyer and
Smith not as specific effects of lens antibodies, as those authors supposed, but as '
due to disturbed development, maintaining that like results can be produced by
any other disturbing agency.
on the offspring, all types and races would have long ago become a
hideous, conglomerate mess.
Atavism or Reversion.-These terms, meaning the r~appearaIl_()~ ~L
some ancestral trait or character after a skip of one or several generations,
ate-often -encountered in the older literature on animal breeding. Such
, reappearances were more or less mysterious before the physical basis of
inheritance was understood. The birth of a red Angus__when the past
four generations have been bl!1ck is known to be due to each parent
supplying a gwe for 'red. Re()~§Bives may be carried along, hidden by
dgminants, -for any Qumber..(;f g~nerations:-- Wlieiiever two recessives-
~ome together, or, in other words, wheneverthe dominant gene l~-i~ck~g;
the "atavistic" character will be evident. Atavism or reversion is the
sudd~!LL~allJ.>earance of some ancestral trait, but there is nothing mys-
teri~-us about it,for it is- oneoTthenOrmai"manifestations of the hereditary
Summary.-We have tried to indicate in this chapter that the environ-
ment does playa large part in variation. Any organism inherits a certain
"norm" based upon the nature of the genetic content of egg and sperm
that unite to produce it. This "norm" however, may be influenced by
many internal or external factors. It is like any elastic material, dough
or newly mixed concrete. Within limits it can be molded into different
forms by the environment. However susceptible the somatic tissue may
be to molding, there is no conclusive evidence that molding of the soma
itself can have any influence on the germ cells. By regulat1ng food
intake, any parent could be one-third lighter or heavier in weight, but his
children's actual weight would not thereby be directly influenced. If we
want heavier children, we will naturally select as the parents those who
most readily put on weight. Variation therefore can be a very useful tool
in directing selection. The task of differentiating between environmental
and hereditary variation and between the various types of the latter is
not easy but on its accomplishment depends the breeder's ultimate sue..
cess. Variation can indicate new and desirable gene combinations.
Seeing, seizing, perpetuating, and amplifying these lie at the base of any
breeder's progress.
References l
DAVENPORT, K 1907. "Principles of Breeding," Ginn & Company, Boston.
KAMMERER, P. 1924. "The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics," Liveright
Publishing Corp., New York.
1 See lists at end of Chaps. XI and XII.
Sex in the higher animals is a relative matter in all except one respect,
viz., the kinds of cells produced. And even in this respect the different
types of cells, ova and spermatozoa, are essentially alike regarding
chromosome content and differ only regarding cytoplasm and motility.
For obvious reasons, man has always been keenly interested in the
factors determining sex, with the hope that he might ultimately find··
ways and ,means of controlling them to his own benefit. Because of
the ,vide interest and enormous value of such knowledge, there have
been conceived in men's minds a great number of hypotheses regarding
sex determination and its control. It is said that over 500 of these
theories have been recorded. One theory states that the right testicle
produces male-producing spermatozoa and the left testicle female-pro-
ducing spermatozoa. The same idea is often applied to the ovaries of the
female. l\Iany breeders believe that alternate heat periods are produc-
tive of opposite sexes. The same idea is sometimes applied to service at
early and late portions of the heat period. Such theories as these have
easily been proved false. One of the most weird superstitions states that
"if a man has a sty on his eye, he concludes his aunt is pregnant. If the
sty is on the upper eyelid the offspring will be a boy;on the lower a girl."
Any theory for sex determination must, from the very nature of the case,
be correct half the time, the offspring, of necessity, being either male or
female, in most species these occurring in equal numbers.
Sex Ratios!-:::ln most of the higher species the two sexes are born
in approxi~ately equal numbers, whereas in some of the lower species
there are great differences lii-r;:~mbers of the two sexes. Since in some
of the multiparou~pecies many embryos die and are absorbed during
gestation, tl1e"actual number born is neither a correct record of fecundity
nor is the sex ratio at birth necessarily the same as at fertilization if
there is a differential survival rate between the sexes. Both Hammond
and Parkes have shown that in swine there is a preponderance of males
soon after fertilization, but in this species the males are more liable to
die during embryonic deveIQP.meEt, so that at time of bi!th they exist
in approxImately equal numbers, and Parkes has reported the same
phenomenon in mice. Other evidence indicates that in mammals,
generally, there is a heavier fetal de~ toll on the male than on the
female embryos. For these reasons tJ}Mex ratio at fertilization is some-
( times referred to as the primary sex ratio, that at bIrth as the secon4;;Y~
h;thi;discussion, sex-;:atio means ttlat eXIsting atl)irth.
Sex ratlblnlle expressed as the number of males per 100 females or as
the percentage of males of the whole number born. For statistical
reasons the latter figure is preferred.
Table 26 gives some sex ratios that have been found in some of the
higher animals.
* Adapted from LUSH, J. L., "Animal Breeding Plans," p. 315, Collegiate Press, IIlC., of Iowa State
College, Ames, Iowa, 1937. (By permission of author and publisher.)
If sex is determined by the chromosomes and genes, as seems most
: probable, and the heteJ:ogametic sperinat~ (in rtmmnTals) are produced
' in approximately. equal .numb~r~, then differehces in fertilization rate
II must be due to dIfferentIal actlvl~y of the two types of spermatozo~or
i to differential selectivity by the ova. If there is a differential fertilizing
rate between the male- and f~male-'Conditioning sperm but approximately
equal numbers of the sexes at birth, then there must also be a differential
mortality rate between the two types of embryos, with the male embryo
in mammals apparently having a higher rate of mortality.
Chromosomes and Sex Determ~la melanogaster,
the common fruit fly, has been more thoroughly studied, from the stand-
point of inheritance, than any other species, and the study has yielded a
rich harvest. Along with the knowledge gained regarding behavior of
genes and chromosomes in transmission from parent to offspring has come
definite knowledge regarding sex and what determines it. There are two
sources of such information, one cytological and the other the behavior of
sex-linked factors. Cytology has established the fact that the normal
number of pairs of chromosomes in D. melanogaster is four. Of these,
three pairs are autosomes and one pair sex chromosomes, and although
~ Wfu
\:lD \Jj/
. I
; C!}j0fro,m&ctiMl!fj @
Germ cells
FIG. 127.-Diagram of nuclei of male and female germ cells in Drosophila, showing the
kind of ova and kinds of spermatozoa produced.
to egg cells of the constitution XX and instead of two normal egg cells,
each containing one X chromosome. The relations holding may be
made more clear by means of introducing a sex-linked character. If,
for instance, a white-eyed female (rXrX) is mated to a red-eyed male
(RXY), all the normal daughters will be red-eyed and the normal males
I Eggs
Sperms I
rX rX
Y 'rXY rXY
I Eggs
Sperms I
x,t I
RX 0
These results not only furnish very strong proof of the chromosome theory of
sex, but serve also to show how a knowledge of the actual mechanism involved
leads to the discovery of how a change in the mechanism gives a new output.
1 MORGAN, T. H., "The Physical Basis of Heredity," p. 203, J. B. Lippincott Com-
pany, Philadelphia, 1919.
The conclusion that females behaving in this manner must contain a Y chromo~
some was confirmed by the cytological demonstration that showed in them two
X's and a Y.
It will be seen from this table that a normal balance between auto-
somes and sex chromosomes 3A and 3X or 2A and 2X results in a female,
whereas a preponderance of the X ingredient results in a superfemale
and a preponderance of the autosomal ingredient results m 'varying
degrees of manifestations of maleness. 1
that there seems to be no sexual difference between them. In the X2A individual
the ratio is 100: 160, or the sex-index is 0.63, that of the standard male. The
sex-index of the 2X3A. intersex is 0.83, intermediate between the 1.25 of female-
ness and the 0.63 of maleness.
New tests of the general validity of the genic balance formulations as a ratio
between opposed sets of genes came from several sources. First, both myself
[Bridges, 1925] and L. V. Morgan found tetraploid individuals. We observed
that these 4X4A individuals were completely normal and fertile females, practi-
cally indistinguishable somatically from 3N females. That the sex was not
1 ALLEN, E., DANFORTH, C. H., and DOISY, E. A., "Sex and Internal Secretions,"
2d ed., pp. 40.-:42, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1939. (Paper by
C. B. Bridges.)
changeAl when the chromosomes were doubled is in the best conformity with the
ratio formulation and is difficult to account for on the arithmetical system
(Schrader and Sturtevant 1923). '
A second and more striking test came from the work with the haploid or one
N individual in Drosophila. It was predicted that this type should be female in
sex since it must have the same ratio of X to A as the 2N, 3N, and 4"Y females.
No such haploids were then known for Drosophila, and this expectation of female-
ness was in direct opposition to the fact that all of the many haploid animals
known up to that time were males without exception. By a special technique a
few mosaic individuals, one in several thousands of normals, were found in a
special strain of flies. These rare mosaics have parts of their bodies haploid as
shown by autosomal genes and by the smaller cell size. In some of these mosaics
the haploid regions included body parts which enabled the sex to be diagnosed.
They were actually female as expected (Bridges 1925). Since then at least three
other workers have found Drosophila mosaics in which haploidy and femalenef's
seem to be associated.
In unpublished results Sturtevant has found that the 2X4A is a male and that
3X4A individuals are intersexes, both fitting into place in the series.
The observation of IN = ~ in Drosophila no longer stands alone. Frank-
hauser (1937) secured haploid embryos of the newt, one of which lived nearly
through metamorphosis and showed definite female-type gonads, conforming to
expectation from the 2X2A formula for the normal female.
In applying the concept of genic balance to sex Bridges (1922) had made the
postulate that female producers predominate in the X and are scattered through-
out it at random in the same sense as are the producers of eye color or any other
character. Experimental proof of these assumptions were obtained by Dob-
zhansky and Schultz (1934) through the use of fragments of X (duplicationst of
various lengths and taken from various regions of the X, and also by deficiencies
or losses of sections of the X.
For a sensitive test of the sex effect of these extra pieces or losses of sections
of X the grade of the intersexes was used, marked off into six classes from extreme
male-like to extreme female-like types. Thus, a 3N female all of whose X's
carried the recessive yellow was crossed to a male whose X was also yellow, but
which was hyperploid for a non-yellow fragment extending from the left end of
the map to beyond the locus prune. Half the intersexes would be without this
duplication and would be yellow while the other half would carry it and would
have the yellow" covered" by the wild-type allel in the fragment.
The experimental findings were that each of the dozen duplicatio_ns tried
causes a shift in the female direction, none in the male direction, as compared
with the siblings without it. Moreover, the longer the piece of X used the greater
was the shift toward femaleness-Bven resulting in intersexes fertile as females!
On the other hand, one deficiency shifted the intersexes toward maleness, while
another, involving mostly the "inert" region at bobbed, was neutral in effect.
Since these duplications covered all of the X chromosome, the conclusion follows
tha t no part except the "inert" region is free of female producers in excess of
male producers.
~:L+~+~.O+ + +
Normal X Normalll
o o
NormalY frogmentafX FrogmentofX Fr.gmenlsofX Fr.gmen!ofX Fr~9mentafX
Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome Chromosome
Femo:le MOlle Male Male Male female female
FIG. 129.-Diagram of section of X chromosome determining sex. (After Paterson.)
such dizygotics were mosaics for autosomal characters in two different autosomes,
though it is rare to make a cross that would show this. The first of the clear
dizygotic gynandromorphs was one found by Bridges (Morgan, Bridges, and
Sturtevant, 1925) in a backcross involving two second-chromosome recessives,
vestigial and speck. The right side of the body was mostly female and showed
speck; the left side was mostly male and showed vestigial. The explanation is
that the right side had come from an X-egg carrying speck, fertilized by an
X-sperm carrying vestigial and speck. The left side came from an X-egg carrying
vestigial, fertilized by a Y-sperm carrying vestigial and speck. Some 20 dizygotic
mosaics have been found in Drosophila, though the majority were alike in sex
on the two sides.
In Drosophila there is another type of gynandromorph, of which several hundred
have been found. These start as XX zygotes and give rise to XO male tissues
on one side or part of the body. The male tissue results from the loss ~a
tion" of one of the two original X chromosomes, the autosomes all remaining
diploid. If the elimination takes place at the first cleavage, Mit of the body
becomes male; if at the second, only about a quarter. _
A ~triking example of such bilateral gynandromorph was one found by A. M.
Bro,vn and included in the general account of gynandromorphs by Morgan and
Bridges (1919). This gynandromorph occurred in a cross between an eosin
miniature male and a female heterozygous for eosin and miniature. The male
right side showed miniature and eosin, while the left side was female and wild-
lar to their parents, for a considerable portion of the parent went to form
each new offspring, although an occasional mutation might happen.
Eventually the division of labor among the cells making up organisms
meant that certain cells were developed for the particular purpose of
reproduction. At length, there apparently came to be formed different
types of reproductive cells, which had to unite to produce a new organism.
At first these cells were produced by one parent (hermaphrodite), but
eventually there came a time when the union of dissimilar cells, particu-
larly as far as cytoplasm is concerned, produced by two separate indi-
viduals was necessary to form the beginning of a new individual, and
finally the two sexes themselves came to be quite different, in part because
of the constitution that allowed one to produce eggs and the other
spermatozoa. Sexuality has therefore come about through a long line
of evolutionary development, and the advent of unisexuality probably
greatly speeded up the evolutionary process because of the gene differ-
ences brought together in the new organism, and the fact that the new
organism in turn was destined to give a random, sample half of its
diversely acquired genetic material to each of its offspring.
Many plants and animals are still of one sex in one portion of the body
and the other sex in another portion. In some the production of male.
or female gametes alternates or varies in time owing probably to environ-
mental influences. In higher mammals, of course, the two sexes are
recognizably different both in regard to their sexual products (eggs
and spermatozoa) and their somatic differentiation. These differences
are basically genetic, i.e., owing to differences in gene complements,
but superimposed on the genic differences are those lately discovered to
be of an endocrine nature.
It is probable that in Drosophila and many other species of lower
animals the same mechanism, i.e., the genes, underlies both these phe-
nomena. If, at the first cell division in a female Drosophila zygote,
one of the resulting daughter cells gets only one X chromosome, a
gynandromorph half male and half female results. If the discrepancy
occurs at the second cell division, approximately one-quarter of the
resulting organism will show male characteristics.
In the higher vertebrates, however, the evidence indicates that,
although the genic balance usually determines the sex of the individual,
this is subject to another, hormonal, control. Lillie has shown that the
freemartin (abnormal sexual female) in cattle arises where the choria
of unlike sexed twins become fused and the blood vessels anastomosed
so that the blood of the two embryos becomes interchangeable. Lillie
has shown that this is due to the influence of a hormone secreted by the
male gonad which, when carried by the blood into the female calf,
with ovarian activity. The idea that one ovary produces ova which give
rise to males and the other to females has been proposed. The obvious
fallacy that mammalian sperm rather than ova control sex negates this
belief. The possible role of the female in the determination of sex
persists because of the not uncommon observation that some individual
females have offspring of rwedominantly one sex.
It is difficult to trace the exact-origin of the hypothesis that the reaction'
of the female genitalia, usually expressed in pH, influences sex. There
are numerous variations of the general idea that an alkaline reaction
prod..w!ed by ..douchiog ;will ~t in a prepondernace--2Cii1a~s- aria an
aci .on in the production of females. Although some data nave
apparently in I, sex ratios have deviated some-
what from the normal, the consensus of opinion seems to be that sex
cannot yet be controlled by such techniques. It is well known that the
secretions in the various parts of the female genital organs are well
buffered and that douching the vagina, for example, will have little or no
effect on the remainder of the tract. For this reason, some investigations
have been made on the alteration of the pH of the semen. To the
authors' kno,yledge, the exposure or storage of sperm at different pH
levels has no significant effect on the sex ratio.
Because of the presence or absence of the X or Y chromosomes, it
seems logical that there are physical or chemical differences in the sperm.
It has been proposed that ;'s-ep~~onOfSperm on tIle basisuoCSizemight
result in a separation of those of different sex potential. This idea has
some merit, but it is obvious that a separatIon of the sperm cells on this
basis has many practical limitations. It should be possible to accomplish
this by centrifugation, and several mathematical calculations for such a
separation have been made. It is entirely possible that centrifugation
under highly controlled conditions might be effective. What effect this
would have upon fertility and whether sex could be effectively controlled
is hypothetical.
Still another, but not the last, approach is based upon the electrical
charge of the sperm of different genetic make-up. It has bemnuggested -
tliatsPe~ different charges could be separated by passing an electric
current through a suspension of sperm. It has been reported that by
sampling a charged suspension at the anode or c~regions that the
sex ratio has subsequently been altered. ---:Although this idea is a relatively
old one, it has not yet been sufficiently explored to warrant the con-
clusion that sex can be controlled by such procedure. ,f
least alter the normal sex ratio. From the standpoint of pracQcal live-
stock production, this would constitute a real advance in technology.
Summary.-The general role of the chromosomes in the determination
of sex was substantiated in 1905. The two principal additions to the
chromosomal theory since that time have consisted of the theory of
"gen~£J:l~~' between the autosomes and sex chromosomes and the
more recent localization of the effective materials in the sex (X) chromo",
some to a known small regioll of this chromosome. We have latelY come
to understa:rrdll:lore fully the part played by the endocrine secretions
in sex differentiation among the higher animals as \yell as som~-;;tthe
conditions that affect the sex ratio and the possibilities of affecting the
latter by selection. In spite of many attempts to solve it, the problem
of controlling sex remains unsolved up to the present.
ALI,EN, E., DANFORTH, C. H., and DOISY, E. A. 1939. "Sex and Internal Secre-
tions," The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
CREW, F. E. A. 1927. "The Genetics of Sexuality in Animals," The Macmillan
Company, New York.
GOLDSCHMIDT, R. 1923. "The Mechanism and Physiology of Sex Determination,"
Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York.
SCHEINFELD, A. 1943. "Women and :Men," Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,
New York.
Bulletins and Papers
CRAFT, W. A. 1938. The Sex Ratio in Mules and Other Hybrid Mammals, Quart.
Rev. Bioi., 13 :1940.
HENNING, W. L. 1939. Prenatal and Postnatal Sex Ratio in Sheep, reprint from
Jour. Agr: Res., Vol. 58, No.8.
JULL, M. A. 1924. The Relation of Antecedent Egg Production to the Sex Ratio
of the Domestic Fowl, Jour. Agr. Res., Vol. 28, No.3.
LILLIE, F. R. 1917. The Free-martin: A study of the Action of Sex Hormones in
, The Fetal Life of Cattle, Jour. Expt. Zool., 23 :371-452.
MCPHEE, H. C. 1927. The Swine Herdbook as a Source of Data for the Investiga-
tion of the Sex Ratio, etc., reprint from Jour. Agr. Res., Vol. 34, No.8.
SWETT, W. W., MATHEWS, C. A., and GRAVES, R. B. 1940. Early Recognition of
the Free-martin Condition, etc., Jour. Agr. Res., 61(8) :587-623.
times portray the systems of breeding used by some breeder or the type
of matings used to beget some champion with the implication that similar
methods should be adopted by all and sundry. However,. the fact that
some successful breeder used linebreeding has no necessary application
to any other herd or flock.
Similarly, a crossbre~.ding or an inbreeding experiment that turns out
well (or ill) cannot be liken as a rigid standard of what will happen the
next time or in some other group or class of animals.
The success or failure of any system depends entirely on the genes
present in tlie animals concerned, plus of course the breeder's ability to
mate and select intelligently. '
All systems of breeding can be grouped under two categories, , viz.,
outbreedin~ and inbreeding. Outbreeding includes hybridization, grad-
i,ng, crossbreeding, and outcr~srng; inbriegi~].g includes linebreecilrig and
closebreediEg. -qutbreeding is ~e mating of unrelated animals, inbreeg-
ing the mating of related anImals. N ow all animals on earth are related
if there has been an evolutionary process, as the evidence seems to
indicate; i.e., anyone in Tibet or Tombouctou probably has come origin-
ally from the same parent stock from which we came and has a lot of the (
same genes that you and I have, since we all belong to the genus Homo,
These so-called foreign peoples are related to us but not very closely.
Since inheritance is a halving process, any ancestor in the fifth generation
back of us means very little, since his or her inheritance has been halved
five times before it got to us and, therefore, there is very little of it left.
As an analogy, think of halving a dollar five times-first, halving 50 cents; .
second, halving 25 cents; third, 12.5 cents; fourth, 6.25 cents; fifth, 3.125
To provide ourselves with a practical working limit, we say that if
any two animals of opposite sex have no common ancestor back through /
four or five generations of their pedigrees, they are unrelated and their
offspring will be outbred. On the other hand, if a sire and dam have a ;
common close-up ancestor or ancestors, their issue will be inbred.
This chapter is concerned with the various types of outbreeding.
Heterosis.-For a considerable time it has been realized that the
mating_gf_unrelated animals is likely to yield offspring of increased vigQ.r.
ThiS phenomenon is called heterosis or hybrid v!W:' -':-The gcn~~easont·
off~r~d to explallli£msed on the fact-that genes'favorable to production 1
are generally dominant over their opposites. Species or breeds develop
somewhat different sets of favorable (dominant) genes, and they all
have some unfavorable (recessive) ones. Wh~ species_.or bree~e
crossed, one pare.nt_may ~,::pply.~ favora.hl~ ,domillant gfl~_to off~et ~e
, - recessive
one supplied by the other
-_.---_._- ~ -_ parent and vice versa.
- .-
The mule approximates more closely to the ass than to the horse in
The hinny is the reciprocal of the mule, being the result of a stallion-
jennet cross:- It~ said to more closely approximate the horse in general
c-ra~acteristics. The hinny has never become popuiar -or numerous.
The zebroid, a zebra-horse hybrid, is fairly popular in the tropics
becauseoTits docility and its resistance to disease and the effect of the
Several hybrids in the genus Bos are fairly common. Of these one
of the best known and most valuable results from crossing the zebu, or
humped variety of cattle (Brahman), on ordinary cattle. Heterosis is
evidenced and the zebu's resistance to ticks, fever, and various diseases
is at least partially dominant. This cross is quite common in Brazil and
seems to be gaining in popularity in the southern part of the United
States, especially in Texas. More will be said of it later.
Bison and cattle belong to the genus Bos and are interfertile. Bison
bulls are bred to domestic cows to produce this cross. Males are seldom
born alive, owing either to their height back of the shoulders, which
prevents their passing through the cow's pelvis, or to too great a quantity
of amniotic fluid, and seem never to be fertile. Some of the females are
fertile. The first cross, bison bull on domestic cow, is called a hybrid or
half-bred bison. The second cross is made by using a domestic bull on
the foregoing hybrid. The females resulting from this cross are mated to
bison bulls and the offspring are termed cattaloes. Besides more rapid
gruwth and greater vigor, the following advantages over cattle are
attributed to the cattalo, viz., greater resistance to many diseases, includ-
ing blackleg and Texas fever, higher dressing per cent, failure to run from
heel flies and to drift in storms, lower feed requirement, and a greater
ability to withstand lack of water.
Grading.-Breeds of animals arose by slow degrees from the general
population of livestock by a process of selection. Along with better flesh-
ing, milking, or other qualities, certain breed trade-marks, such as color
of hair or wool, shape and set of horns, etc., were secured. By systems
of mating (often involving quite close breeding) and a continuous dis-
carding of animals that did not show the desired combination of char-
acters, animals which would breed relatively true were finally secured.
When this had been accomplished, the obvious best thing for the breeder
without purebreds to do was to secur a urebred sire to his
grade....animals. Thus the breeding system€~~-qtl:m,
naturally int~ bemg.
Grading is the practige_ of using purebred sires of a given pure breed
on native or grad"e' re~ales. Its purpose -Ts to develop uniformity' ana
~.-=_:_~". ,- , - .' - - -----------
FIG. 131.-Showing results of grading up. (From Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta. B 'ul. 188.)
few more offspring, and could still produce enough so that they would
yield a little more than the cost of their keep, they no doubt would prove
to be profitable investments. Young breeders of limited means who plan
eventually to have purebreds may well consider this and somewhat
similar plans for getting good "blood" (good germ cells) at reasonable
McCandlish, Gillette, and Kildee, at the Iowa Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, graded up a herd of scrub cows with purebred sires of the
FIG. 132.-The grade Clydesdale gelding, Major MacFarlane, champion at the Inter-
national 1921 and 1923. He is only two generations removed from a cayuse mare.
pwing however, to their heterozygous nature, they often lack the ability
'to transmit breed trade-marks in a uniform manner!' A Hereford-Angus
~rossbred will be black-bodied, white-faced, and polled and heterozygous
for all three characteristics so that eight different combinations of these
three pairs of genes will be found in such an animal's germ cells. If,
however, the parental Hereford and Angus had the genes for desirablp
meat type, the crossbred would probably be of good meat type and
would also transmit it.
A great many crossbreeding experiments have been carried out during
the past 30 years. In l\lareh, 1924, a double litter of pigs was horn at
FIG. 133.-Loyal Alumnus 4th, the Grand Champion Steer at the 1941 International Live-
stock Exposition. This steer was out of a Shorthorn cow and by an Angus bull. (CoUl·tcsy
of Animal H usbandry Department, P urdue University.)
averaged 235.2 and the 2 fems-le crossbreds averaged 228 lb. This is a
striking example of heterosis.
Roberts and Carroll carried on an experiment involving double matings
of Poland-China and Duroc-Jersey sows to both Poland-China and Duroc-
Jersey boars in which 5 crops of pigs and 105 litters were produced. Of
these 24 litters were purebred, 16 crossbred, and 65 were mixed litters.
Litter size for purebred litters was 8.0 pigs, for crossbred litters was 7.4,
and for mixed litters was 9.8. All purebred pigs averaged 2.62 lb. at
birth, all crossbreds 2.64. When paired for sex and in same litters, the
purebred pigs weighed 2.63 lb. at birth, the crossbreds 2.76. There was
little difference in strength at birth between purebreds and crossbreds
judged subjectively. The mortality before vaccination (average age 38
days) was 43.3 for the purebred pigs, 41.1 for the crossbreds. Paired
purebre~s and crosshreds from 20 litters were used in feeding tests with
'- Feed,
Weight, Number Weight, Daily 100-
Litters Pigs
birth weaned 70 days gain pounds
Purebred Yorkshires. 38 10.6 2.40 7.6 38.4 1.21 375
Purebred Chester 0
Size of litter .... 1,538*-10.1 lb. 1,081- 9.4 1,515- 9.5 9.75 -2.5
Av. birth weight. 1,728 - 2.90 lb. 4,176- 2.65 lb. 6,137- 2.79Ib. 2.775 lb. +0.6
Survival ability. 8,288 -80% 15,874-72% 9,935-80% 76% +5.3
Weaning weight. 15.522 -33.4 lb. 8,133-31. 7 lb. 9,519-33.3Ib 32 . .5.5 lb. +2.3
A v. daily gain .. 489 - 1.43 lb. 574- 1.319 lb. 794- 1.436 lb. 1.3745 lb. +4.3
Economy of gain. 346 -366 lb. 274-3821b 591-368 lb. 374 lb. +1.6
.,' KNAPP, B., JR., .BAKER, A. L., and C~ARK, R. T., Crossbred Beef Cattle for the
Northern Great Plams, U.S. Dept. Agr. Ctr. 810, 1949.
In the females, the weaning weight and weaning score of the crossbreds improved ~
with each generation and all generations were superior to the purebreds. The
weights of the heifers at 18 months were also in favor of the crossbreds. The
first-generation crossbreds were the heaviest at maturity, followed in order by
the purebred Herefords and the second-generation crossbreds.
Growth studies indicate that the first-generation females reach the heaviest
mature weight, but up to 18 months of age the second-generation crossbreds
were heavier than the first generation. The purebred Hereford females were the
lightest of the three groups up to 5 years of age when they become intermediate
in weight between the first- and second-generation crossbred females.
The calf-crop percentages as a whole were higher for the crossbreds than for
the purebreds.
We assume that there was no selection in either group; i.e., crossbred
heifers were all kept to produce further crosses and the offspring of
random-selected Hereford cows bred to random-selected Hereford bulls
were saved each year to compare with the crossbreds.
The authors' discussion follows: 1
The data presented indicate that all three generations of crossbreds were better
in nearly every characteristic than the purebreds fed during the same year and
handled as nearly the same as possible. In progeny groups from individual sires
among both the purebreds and the crossbreds, considerable variation was found.
For example, in daily gain in the feed lot, four purebred Hereford sire groups
outgained the crossbreds and four others gained equally as welL Pure-bred-sire
groups were also observed that weighed more at the end of the feeding period,
that sold for as much per hundredweight, and that returned more money over
feed and marketing costs than did the crossbreds. None of these superior bulls
were used to produce crossbreds in the third generation because of their usefulness
in another project.
Of eight bulls whose progeny on feed showed equal or superior gaining ability
to the crossbreds, seven are from one inbred line that has shown superior merit
in rate of gain. However, in the case of the three Hereford bulls used in both
purebred and crossbred herds, the crossbred progeny materially outgained the
purebred progeny from the same sire. The same statement applies to the Short-
horn bulls, based on tests at Beltsville. These results seem to indicate that the
best results from crossbreeding are dependent on the procuring of good bulls, but
indications are that the progeny of all bulls in this experiment performed better
when out of females of a different breed than when out of females of the same
breed as the bull.
For range producers of feeder cattle, crossbreeding has a distinct disadvantage
that should be mentioned. Order buyers of feeder cattle tend to purchase steers
of uniform breeding, type, size, color, and quality. Thus, crossbred cattle with
1 KNAPP, B., JR., BAKER, A. L., and CLARK, R. T., Crossbred Beef Cattle for the
Northern Great Plains, ['.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 810, 1949.
mixed colors are often discriminated against with a resulting lower price per
hundredweight. The feeder buyer may be justified in his antipathy to off colors,
because of the fact that inferior bred animals of poor fattening qualities may
appear similar to ~~e better bred crossbreds espec.ially at the younger ages. Yet
the finishing quahtles of the two are sure to be dIfferent. It would seem, there-
fore that unless the range producer is either selling direct to the feeder or produc-
ing ~rass-fat steers, the advantages of crossbreeding are largely lost on the feeder
market. Such a disadvantage does not exist on the fat-cattle market where
purchase is made on finish, quality, and killing yield.
The crossbred fem[Lles were excellent range cows, high in fertility, and produced
very heavy calves at weaning time. There seems to be a distinct advantage in
crossbreeding from the female standpoint. The second- and third-generation
calves [Lppeared to profit as much from the fact that they were out of crossbred
cows as from being crossbreds themselves. Milk production of the crossbreds
was high yet it was not necessary to milk out any of the crossbred cows to prevent
spoiling of the udders.
The conclusion seems sound that crossbreeding can be carried on most profit-
ably where the range producer is able to crossbreed systematically and where he
either feeds his own steers or sells direct to the feeder.
Commercial meat production can perhaps be carried on most easily
and most profitably by crossbreeding provided good sires are used. For
the purebred breeder to equal or surpass the results of crossbreeding,
performance data must be collected and evaluated and relatively pure
breeding lines be built up through close- and linebreeding.
Crossbreeding work with dairy cattle has been in progress at Beltsville,
Md. by the Bureau of Dairy Industry since 1939, using Holsteins,
Jerseys, Guernseys, and Red Danes. Since production data on the
parental stocks was limited, practically completely lacking for the sires,
it again is difficult to evaluate the degree of benefit from heterosis. Two-
breed and three-breed crosses have produced very well. This could be
anticipated if the parent females had a good hereditary complex to start
with (genotype perhaps exceeding phenotype) and were to be mated to
high-transmitting males down through the generations of crossbreeding.
We would also anticipate good results from straight breeding these cows
to good sires of their own breed, in fact the Bureau of Dairy Industry
has improved both their Holstein and Jersey herds from levels of over
600 lb. of butterfat to that of over 800 lb. by the use of a succession of
proved sires in each breed. Good females (from good families) mated to
good sires either in straight breeding or crossbreeding will yield increas-
ingly better offspring. Perhaps a slight amount in production will be
gained by crossbreeding, but whether a crossbred dairy herd at the 525 lb.
of butterfat level is worth)more than a purebred herd at a 500-lb. level
might be a dehatable point.
breed B. Crossbred gilts from these matings are then selected and bred
back to a boar of breed A, selected females from these matings heing
mated to boars of breed B, etc.
It is seen from Fig. 134 that the crossbreds under crisscrossing soon
come to have about two-thirds of their blood from the breed of their
immediate sire and one-third from the breed of their maternal grandsire.
The Minnesota Station reports;!
The crossbred litters averaged from one-third pig to two pigs larger at weaning;
on the average, each pig weighed from 5 to 7 p()unds more at weaning, and the
litters weighed from 39 to 96 pounds more than the purebreds. The crossbred
Crossbreds 100 %
A 68.5
B 31.5 B
Crossbreds 100 % A
A 37.5 100%
B 62.5 B
100% .
A 75
B 25 Crossbreds
A 50
B 50
FIG. 134.-Diagram of crisscrossing.
pigs reached a market weight of 220 pounds from 17 to 22 days earlier than
comparable purebreds, and they reached that weight on from 27 to 36 fewer
pounds of grain.
Another system of continuous crossbreeding involves the_u~. of__ three
pure breeds ann kndwn ItS tnple cro88ing_. As indicated in Fig. 135, the
- ;ci"mals -soonCOnietCi-have about four-sevenths of their blood from the
breed of their immediate sire, two-sevenths from the breed of their
maternal grandsire, and one-seventh from the breed of the sire of their
maternal granddam. Such a system retains heterozygosity in the ani-
mals and, provided the animals and breeds "nick" well, desirable results
may be anticipated.
In both crisscrossing and triplecrossing, desirable boars of the two or
three breeds must be located and purchased. The success of cross-\
breeding for the market (as indeed for any kind of breeding) hinges pri- i
marily on one's ability to secure purebred sires capable of introducing I
into the life stream the desirable hereditary determ~ners for vigor,!
1 Minnesota Expt. Sta. Bull. 320.
C 12.5 A 62.5
B 12.5 Crossbreds ~OO%
C 25 A 25
B 25
C 50 Crossbreds
A 50 A
B 50 100%
FIG. 135.-Diagram of triple crossing.
very poor, 15 to 20 per cent are mediocre, 40 to 60 per cent are average,
15 to 20 per cent are superior, and 5 to 10 per cent are excellent in trans-
mISSIOn. Under the old scheme of using purebred sires, so many were
demanded that some rather pOOl' ones were bound to be used. Artificial
breeding still depends on purebred sires but makes it much more probable
that fewer poor ones will be used.
It is being suggested that commercial dairymen 'with mixed-grade
herds use semen from the best bull in the inseminator's kit on a given day
when he has a cow in heat, rather than grading up to a certain breed by
always using sires of that breed. We see no objection to this in principle.
It will give the maximum in hybrid vigor. However, the dairyman will
have to use some judgment as between sires in such matters as probable
size of calf, milk yield, and fat test of cow to be bred, etc.
Crossbreeding and New Breeds.-Crossbreeding with its attendant
variation, plus later painstak.m~ection and inbreeding, has been used
for the creation of several new breeds. In sheep, the Oxford Down is the
direct result of crossbreeding, the Cotswold and Hampshire Down furnish-
ing the pure breeds for the cross. This crossing, followed by rigid
selection for specific points and type, has established the Oxford DovVll
as a pure breed. The Corriedale, aNew Zealand breed of sheep, resulted
from the use of Leicester and Lincoln rams on Merino ewes, and the
Columbia breed was created by the specialists of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, using the Lincoln and Rambouillet breeds.
Two things should be borne in mind so far as the creation of new breeds
is concerned. One is the fact that two men might start to cross breeds
A and ~ to produce a new breed C. Since none of our breeds is entirely
homozygous, they would surely start with different genetic materials.
In addition, chance sampling of the hereditary material plus different
ideals in each breeder's mind might result eventually in two samples of
a new breed, called C, made up of very dissimilar genes and therefore
very dissimilar in type and productive capacity. If they sold stock to
other breeders, the two strains might further diverge. The other point
to be kept in mind in the creating of new breeds is that of the time
involved. Whether it is to take 6 generations or 16 or 60 before -One
would be justified in saying that the result of the original crossing and
later selection now merits being called a new purebred is also an arbitrary
matter. Many of the so-called new breeds still show a great range oj
'variation after 25 or 30 years of careful selecting, and, as we have jus,
stated, even the oldest of our pure breeds are still relatively heterozygous
To the King Ranch of Kingsville, Tex., goes the honor of having
created the first American breed of cattle, the Santa Gertrudis. 1 Estab·
1 RHOAD, A. 0., The Santa Gertrudis Breed, Jour. Hered., Vol. 40, No.5, 1949.
lished in 1851, the King Ranch was stocked originally with "Texas
Longhorns" which had environmental fitness but yielded a poor carcass.
Shorthorns and Herefords were used for top-crossing between 1880 and
1910 and successfully upgraded the carcass but downgraded environ-
mental fitness. To restore the latter, recourse was had by Mr. Robert J.,
Jr., and Mr. Richard Kleberg to crossing with Brahman bulls, Bos indicus,
after an exploratory period (1910-1918) indicated that the cross had
promise. Three-quarter to seven-eighths Brahman bulls were secured
from the Pierce Estate in Texas for mating with purebred Shorthorn cow
herds. Red males and females from this F 1 were selected to beget the F 2
without inbreeding. One of the Fl bulls (Brahman bull X Shorthorn
1916 to Brahman ;'16 cow) was named Monkey and became the real
FIG. 136.-Santa Gertrudis steers in feed lot. (Courtesy of Kino Ranch, Kingsville, Tex.)
FIG. 137.-The grandmother of the Montana No. 1. This black sow was from a second-
generation litter of tbe Landrace X Hampshire cross. In 8 litters she farrowed 96 pigs
and weaned 83 at 56 days of age. The litters averaged 351 lb., or 34 lb. per pig. Selection
has largely elimina ted the depression behind the shoulders but has not increased produc-
tivity. (C01,rtesy of J. R. Qu e8en.berry, u.s. D epartment of Aor1.cuU.ure, Mt7es City, Mont. )
The Montana No. 1 is a solid black hog. The back is slightly arched. The
sides are smooth and uniformly deep. The hams are thick and carry well down
to the hocks. ' The legs are medium in length with a neat jowL The ears are
of fine texture, medium in size and vary somewhat in carriage, ranging from
slightly erect to slightly drooping. The disposition is very quiet and docile.
-J78 JJHJJ}·; })}.W' .LYD IJIPIwr ' K 1!H:\ l ' OF F .1RJ[ .L\}.1ULS
The sows are quiet at farro-wing time and suckle well. The breed is a good
The Minnesota No. 1 and No. 2 are also new breeds-the former
resulting from crosses of Tamworth and Landrace and the latter from
crosses of Yorkshire and Poland-China.
FIG . 138.- Minnesota No. 1, Boar (top) and Minnesota No.2, Boar (boUom) . (Court esy of
L. M. Winters, Univ ersity of Minnesota.)
wit!: any de~'e~ combinatio. ns of characters, unless, of course, the latter
are an agorustic to each other or certain genes are linked in such a way
in the germ plas'"m th~t segregation is impossible. he drawbacks to
this procedure are serious ones, however, 'because of the time and expense
involved a,nd the large number of animals that must be produced in
order to give ample range for selection. After these difficulties have
been overcome, there would still remain even a greater one, viz., selling
the new breed to the breeders and growers, a matter which would vary
among the different classes of livestock. The breeds as they exist today
seem to fill most of the needs fairly well. Considerable variation still
exists in all of our breeds, in fact, probably enough so that those in each of
the classes could for the most part be made uniform in productive
qualities through suitable matings and selection, although they would
still differ in external character such as color, presence or absence of
horns, set of ears, etc.
This whole matter of the possible creation of superior new breeds in
any and all classes of livestock is an extremely fascinating one and has
intriguing possibilities, though it is not a field in which an ordinary
breeder \yith limited time, capital, and number of animals can hope to
achieve success. He lacks the necessary equipment. If exploited at all,
these fields should generally be left to the state agricultural experiment
stations or the U.S.. Department .._\.
of Agriculture.
Uses of Crossbreeding.-Crossbreeding is useful in making gen~ic
studies of hereditary transmission of characters. It provides the oppor-
tunity for'combining the better genes of two or more breeds and thus
getting enhanced commercial production. It-offers the opportu~ity for
'1))the cr~aMon of new breeds- by s~itable ci"ossing -.
selection fgllowed by
....••.... -
inbreeding to render the desirable combined genes relatively homozygous.
The practical breeder is generally not suitably equipped for genetic
studies or for the formation of new breeds. These functions can best
be carried on by experiment stations. He is vitally interested in the
best methods of commercial production of various livestock products.
Maintaining two or more separate breeds for commercial crossbreeding is
not generally feasible, while mating crossed females to a series of good
purebred sires of()_l!e ()r_s_El:ver"ilbreeds is~··- But there is no magic in cross--
b~~~di:r{g;a~d promiscuous,- planless crossbreeding is not likely to lead to
beneficial results.
Finally, we should mention the aesthetic side of the problem. We all
know of the pride that the good purebred breeder takes in his uniform,
trade-marked flock or herd, sometimes bordering on biased, prejudiced
partisanship. "Belonging" to a pure-breed association gives many men
a deep feeling of satisfaction, and they can not only "belong" but also
bathe in the reflected glory of the breed as a whole. For most men there
probably is -just more fun and satisfaction in working with a uniform
flock or herd of purebreds than in working with grades or scrubs. As
one farmer put it, "The extra five or ten per cent efficiency of a well-
planned hut heterogeneous group of grade animals is just not sufficient.
when brought together often make something better than either one
Hingly. In thinking of crossbreeding, therefore, we should think of genes
rather than breeds. Since this is so, we could expect to find evidence of
heterosis within a breed if selection and inbreeding had separated out
different complexes of good genes. The Oklahoma Experiment Station
working with the Regional Swine Breeding Laboratory reports such [l,
case. 1
The Oklahoma Station started a project with Duroc Swine in the fall of 1937.
The project has been carried on in cooperation with the Regional Laboratory
since that time. Four inbred lines of Durocs were developed. Line 1 had
already been inbred in another project and was retained to be used in this project.
It has been necessary to discard two lines to date and start two new ones. One
was discarded because of a lack of fertility and the other one was discarded on
account of inverted nipples. Moderate inbreeding is being used in this project.
Most of the matings are half-brother X half-sister.
Inbreed- No. of pigs per Av. weight of Av. daily
litter at pigs at gains No. of
No. of ing of weaning litters
litters litters,
to 6 tested *
% Birth 6 months Birth 6 months months
.. Pure line 1
1938-1943 .....
Pure line 3
62 39 7.8 3.3 2.3 111 0.72 10
In the fall of 1943 fifteen litters were produced by crossing lines 1 and 3. Seven
line-1 sows whose inbreeding averaged 39 per cent were mated to line-3 boars
" whose inbreeding averaged 28 per cent. Eight line-3 sows whose inbreeding
averaged 25 per cent were mated to line-1 boars whose inbreeding averaged
36 per cent. While the inbreeding within the lines has not progressed very far,
it was considered worth while to check the combining qualities of the lines
especially since some preliminary crosses have shown promise.
1 Okla. A gr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 113, April, 1944.
\. \
EAST, E. M., and JONES, D. F. 1919. "Inbreeding and Outbreeding," J. B. Lippin-
cott Company, Philadelphia.
KLEBERG, R. J., JR. "The Santa Gertrudis Breed of Beef Cattle," Kingsville, Tex.
LUSH, J. L. 1945. ,I Animal Breeding Plans," Collegiate Press, Inc., of Iowa State
College, Ames, Iowa.
KICHOLS, J. E. 1945. "Livestock Improvement," Oliver & Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh
and London.
WINTERS, L. l\JL 1948. "Animal Breeding," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Ymk.
The last chapter dealt with the systems of breeding involved in the
mating of unrelated animals, which were defined as those having no
common ancestors on both sides of their pedigrees for at least the first
four to six generations. It would be possible to bring to America 20 sows
and 3 or 4 boars of some foreign breed and thus establish the new breed in
America. The animals would become scattered to all parts of the
country, somewhat different ideals of perfection might be set up in the
different sections, and after thirty or forty generations there perhaps
would be several thousands of animals in the breed. Most of the matings
would then probably be between boars and sows that had no common
ancestors in the first few generations of their pedigrees. Such matings
would be called "outcrossing" although all the animals in this breed
would trace back to some of the original 20 sows and 3 or 4 boars and
would, therefore, be more or less related. Mutations, different selection
ideals, and the sampling nature of the hereditary process would have
made some of the sectional strains quite different genetically, although
all the animals in the breed would probably have many genes in common.
In fact, all living organisms are related, to some extent, from an evolu-
t~onar! standpoint, and it is not inconceivable that all may have some)
genes III common.
Any two cattle of the present day trace back eventually to the few
animals that through variation actually gave rise to the class of animals
we now knO\v as cattle. So much mutation, variation, selection, and
recombination has transpired since tha~ote time that thefact. that
all cattle are of the same" blood" means little or nothing so far as their
present genetic make-up is concerned.
It would be very interesting if you and I could throw on a moving-
picture screen a parade of our ancestors, generation by generation,
starting with our two parents, then following with our four grandparents,
then our eight great-grandparents, etc. Occasionally, if all the facts
were known about these people, we might be inclined to blush and would
be reminded of a saying attributed to Mark Twain that "!!ill!! is Hle
only animal that blushes or needsJo." If our parade extended back to
Sire to daughter
ClOSebreeding Son to dam
Inb d' Full brother and sister
ree mg{ Half brother and sister or matings
Linebreeding (Of animals more distantly related;
e.g., cousin matings, etc.
~(ml.d_j}~rhap§ p_e pointed out that many breeders use the term
tnJ_)reeding jg_ refer t() " ~lose " ma tinge; aI~_(iLfue_breeding to refer to_~-vider
OllBS,_ Nevertheless, two animals which have any close-up (four to six
-generations) ancestors are related, i.e., more related than average animals
of the breed, and if we mate such animals we are practicing some degree
of inbreeding. In this chapter inbreeding means either close- or line-
breeding, and" close" and" line" are illustrated herewith schematically.
It is said that only 21 Brown Swiss bulls and 129 cows were ever
imported to the United States. All the many thousands of Brown Swiss
cattle now existing in this country must trace back to these, so that any
two Brown Swiss picked at random today quite probably would be found
to have some common ancestors if their pedigrees were traced back far
enough. Likewise only 6,000 or 7,000 Holsteins were brought to the
United States, and the millions of Holsteins now trace back to them and
are, therefore, related. So when we say that outbreedin__gj~the mating
of unrelated animals and inbreeding the mating of relai~d ani~~i~~--we-are
~singthese terms in the spe~ial, limited time sense o[four~to SIX gener-
ations back. Since there have been, especially in the formative and
early stages, particularly favored animals or families in all breeds, it is
probable that the animals in any breed are inbred to a small extent. 1
For example, in a study of Holstein-Friesians born in 1909 these were found
to be related to each other about 2.6 per cent relative to the foundation stock of
about 1883. If a present-day Holstein-Friesian is related 40 percent to another,
both pedigrees being traced back only to 1909, we are not apt to be seriously in
error if we assume that the relationship found if both were traced back to 1883
would be about 41.6 per cent (40 per cent plus 2.6 per cent of the remaining
60 per cent). In other words, 40 per cent relative to 1909 is about the same as
41.6 per cent relative to 1883 in this breed.
Two animals that have any close-up ancestors in common are related,
and if we mate such animals, we are practicing some degree of inbreeding.
What inbreeding does genetically is to sort the original heterozygous
genes _():ut into homozygous form. If we started with organisms that
were Aa Bb and practiced inbreeding, we could by testing and selection
1 LUSH, J. L., "Animal Breeding Plans," Collegiate Press, Inc. of Iowa State College,
Ames, Iowa, 1945.
tance, the fact that a parent passes along only a sample half of its total
genetic material to any offspring.
The formula for relationship between X and Y is, therefore,
Rxy = summation of [(Yz)n+n']
The fraction Yz stands for the halving or sampling process of inheritance
in each generation, n stands for the number of times this halving or
sampling has gone on between S and X, and n 1 stands for the number of
times the halving process has gone on between Sand Y. Therefore,
for S, R = Yz1+1 or ~/;)2 or 25%
and for D, R ~'2Hl or Yz2 or 250/0
and the summation is RXj,
A C 5F
FIG. 142.-Schematic pedigree of half first cousins.
father to you, and there is no generation between your father and himself.
Likewise, in Fig. 142 the relationship between A and X is
i' lC}M
A )0
FIG. 143.-Schematic 1}edigree showing 25 per cent relationship.
blood from M, N, 0 and P but the sampling process has gone through
one more generation than is the case with full brothers so A and B
(Fig. 143) are only 25 per cent related.
Applying the relationship formula to A and B we have for M R = %2+2
and the same for N, 0 and P so that the summation for all four is
4~4 or 25 per cent.
The term" blood" is being put into quotation marks, because, although
it is the usual way the breeder expresses the idea of inheritance, actually,
OrmSb Y Sensation,
. 274343
Ormsby SensatIOn .
45th 442551 Shady . Maple Kmg
Newmont Mutual , Pontlac Hockster,
Orrnsby Lad, 219580
493889 Sir Mutual Scotia,
~ewmont Mutual 170631
Name, N.J.E.S. Mutual Scotia, 575310 { Isa Scotia Beets,
Ormsby Jewel Alice 315248
No. 654594 ormSb Y Sensation,
Born Dec. 1, 1931 . 274343
Newmont Ormsby
Jewel Alice,
Ormsby SensatIOn Sh d M I K
45th 442551
~ewmont Ormsby
a Y. ap e
219580 !
Ormsby Sensation
Pontmc Hockster,
Alice. The former has 50 per cent of Ormsby Sensation 45th "blood"
and the latter 75 per cent, the average of the total of the two parents
being 62.5 per cent as noted above. N.J.E.S. Mutual Ormsby Jewel
Alice is 62.5 per cent; Newmont Mutual Ormsby Lad, 50 per cent; and
Newmont Ormsby Jewel Alice, 75 per cent related to Ormsby Sensation
Since the sire and dam of N.J.E.S. Mutual Ormsby Jewel Alice are
collaterally related, i.e., have one or more common ancestors, this bull
is inbred. He is likely to have gotten identical genes from Ormsby
Sensation 45th through three different lines, viz., through his sire, his dam,
and his maternal granddam. To find the relationship between the sire
and dam, we must brace all these lines and count the generations involved
according to our formula Rxy = ~*[(Y2)n+nll
A /~~
percentage of Ormsby Sensation 45th "blood" in
each (50 X 75 = 37.5). This latter method be-
comes complicated, however, where there is more " 'D
than one common ancestor, especially if these are ~,/
related. c~--------o
FIG. 146.-Simplified
It may help to simplify matters by writing t he pedigree of Fig. 145.
pedigree of X.J.E.S. Mutual Ormsby Jewel Alice
in a little different form and using letters of the alphabet instead of the
actual names. This is done in Fig. 146.
The solid lines from D (Ormsby Sensation 45th) to Band C indicate
that both Band C are by D, and that some identical genes may have
reached A from D through these two different paths. The same pos-
sibility holds for some other identical genes reaching A from D through
the paths indicated 'by the broken lines.
* Greek letter sigma is used for summation.
Great great grandsire
· {Great grandsire
Gran d SIre 6.25 %
12.5% (3 or 4)
Sire 2~~ (7 or 8)
50% (dd) Great granddam
Gran am
Animal A
Granddam . "
Total blood each gener-
ation ................ 100% 100% 100% 100%
Total chromosomes each
generation. . . . . . . . . . . (60) (60) (60) (60)
FIG. 147.-Showing most probable distribution of "blood" and chromosomes in a cattle
~ {~\=iI~
~:""J ~:::
.. ~{~'
.. '~{~
~~; ~
FIG. 148.-Pictorial pedigree showing relative size of ancestors in terms of their contribution
according to Galton's law.
probably duplicates (~:4: from each parent). Now, if a full brother and
sister are mated, we produce a new generation that is once further
removed from the common ancestors. Since each such r~oval halv~s
the genetic material, we can simply multiply the relationships bet,,'een
the full brother and sister (50 per cent) by Y2 and thus arrive at th;
coefficient of inbreeding f~r the new individua1~-'- -.
In other words, to find the coefficient of inbreeding of any animal, we
can first find the coefficient of relationship between its sire and dam and
then divide this amount~ 149 represents such a mating. \
Another way to do this is to count the number of times the genetic
material has been halved in getting to the ,parents of the inbred animal
from the common ancestor (or ancestors) and then adding 1 to the
exponent of ~~ to take care of the halving in getting from the sire and dam
to the inbred animal in question, This gives us the formula for inbreed-
The only common ancestor here is D. From the sire back to the
common ancest?r is 1 (n in formula) ; from the dam hack to the common
ancestor is 1 (nl in formula); and the 1 that must be added to take care
of the halving in getting from Band C to X gives us a total of 3 as the
exponent of 72, and 72 3 = >.g, or 12.5 per cent as the inbreeding coeffi-
cient of X. This figure 12.5 per cent simply means that this system of
mating has reduced the heterozygosity (or increased the homozygosity)
by that amount over what it was in the generation containing D, E, and
F. If the animals D, E, and F were 50 per cent homozygous and 50 per
B 5D
1E or
FIG. 150.-S"hematic half brother-sister mating. f.
ancestor on both sides of its pedigree; in other words, its sire and dam are
not related.
It is true that animal B is inbred, since it resulted from a full brother-
sister mating. Animal B is 25 per cent inbred, 25 per cent more homozy-
gous than its immediate ancestors were, but B transmits to A only one-
half of its genetic material, one member of each pair of genes that it
has and there is nothing in the pedigree of A to lead us to suspect that B
and C will pass identical genes to A. Animal A, therefore, is not inbred.
By the same token, "'e might mate a highly inbred Holstein bull to a
highly inbred Guernsey cow. The resulting offspring would, of course,
not be inbred although both of its parents were, but crossbred. The
inbred Holstein and Guernsey would not be likely to pass identical genes
to their offspring, although since they both belong to the species cattle,
or A
/ FIG. 152.--Pedigree of an out bred animaL
1 From EAS1', E. ]\f., and JONES, D. F., "Inbreeding and Outhr('('ding," J. B. Lippill~
\ ")
, 25
) !~,t
0 10
FIG. 153.-Graph showing the reduction in the proportion of heterozygous individuals and
of heterozygous factor pairs b successive generations of self-fertilization. (After East and
All the evidence can best to interpreted, therefore, as indicating that the
reduction in size and vigor is related in some way to the attainment of homozygo-
sity and that the mere process of inbreeding, of itself, does not produce this
result. The automatic reduction of heterozygosity will occur, of course, only
if new mutations in inbred lines are very rare. If the mutation rate is high, this
may defer or prevent the attainment of homozygosity.
will pass identical genes_!? 90th descen~~nts, and also because inbreeding
makes a population more variable by producing separate inbred strains,
two corrections are needed in the formula for relationship to make it
scientifically correct. To take care of the fact that an>!ed_ common
a~gestor is more like~~_pa~sidentical ge_J1_es~~~o des~da~ec_~:USe
his inbreeding has made him ~oiYgous, tIlenumerator of the
relationship coefficient must have added to iC(C+F a ) as a multiplier,
as we have just seen; and to take care of the fact thatln~ding tends to
=t- create separate families, a denominator must be supplied in the form of
~ . I + F~, -I + F 11 making the complete formula for relationship between
animals X and Y.
R"" = ~[(Yz)n+nl. (1 + Fa)]
vI + F z ' VI + Fy
In the mating for instance, of a son to his own dam, the relationship
between his offspring and his noninbred dam becomes
% . In
1 + Fo
this case the most probable situation is that in half the pairs of genes in the
offspring both members will have come from the common ancestor. But
in half those cases the two genes will be duplicates of only one gene that
the common ancestor had, so that in one-quarter of the pairs of genes
the offspring will be homozygous, whereas the common ancestor \yas
heterozygous, although both of the offsprings' genes came from the com-
mon ancestor. This is illustrated in Fig. 154.
o{s{~ ROJ) =
VI + Fo = V'l
+ 0.25
= 1.1 = 68.2
FIG. 154.-Parent-oifspr;ng mat;ng w;th relationsh;p computed.
In the mating of full ~_roth~_and sister we have seen that the coefficient
of inbreeding is 25 per cent.
A{D~~ C
A:X:X:25% 1272%
FIG. 155.-Brother-sister matings for two generations.
We have, therefore, in this two-generation full brother-sister mating
four common ancestors, D, E, F, and G, and they have the following
D = ~~1+1+1 = %3 = 12.5%
E = 721+1+1 = 72 3 12.5%
F = H2+2+1 X 2 = Yz5 X 2 = G.25%
G = 722+2+1 X 2 = Yz5 X 2 = 6.25%
Total 37.5%
3174% 12 72% 674:%
FIG. 156.-Brother-sister matings for three generations.
Here we meet the fact that some of the commdn ancestors (D and E)
are themselves inbred, so that our summation of all the different paths,
by means of which A might get identical genes from its common ancestors,
is \.
FIG. 157.-Comet (155). The first bull ever sold for $5,000. He was very strongly inbred .
(From Sanders, Sh01·thorn emtle, The Breeder8 Gazette.r=--
addition, the parents of the sire and dam have one generation of inbreed-
ing behind them, or 25 per cent. Our formula becomes, therefore,
We notice that there are five ancestors in his pedigree (Fig. 160) that
are common to both sire and dam, viz., Oxford Majesty, Royal Majesty,
Gedney Farm Oxford Lad, Fontaine's Oxford Pride, and Champion
Flying Fox, and we also notice that Oxford Majesty, one of the common
ancestors, is himself inbred. We have, therefore,
Oxford Majesty. One chain of two generations, together with his
own inbreeding coefficient of 12.5 per cent. Contribution 01)3 X 1.125. ~
Royal Majesty. One chain of four generations (the other .chain having
been accounted for in working with Oxford Majesty). Contribution
, , or !
/ , ,~
, .;
FIG. 159.-Skeletoniz:d pedigree of Comet.
:<~; "~I'
The foregoing examples illustrate the fact that not only during the
foundation period of the breeds was inbreeding a potent factor for
improvement but that it still retains its potency.
Harm from Inbreeding.-In exactly similar manner, one might unearth
opinions and examples, both in the past and in the present, that would
indicate that inbreeding is al! ~e~tLeJ1lely dangerous practice and that
anyone using it is liable to encounter serious difI.i_c_~s. This will not
be done, however, for there are many references in the literature of ani-
mal husbandry ,as to the harll![,:!!.!~~_f_r_~t!ce of inbr~e<:ling.
\ - ~~;N'v
\ v ~
! \
My pupils and I bred brother and sister for fifty-nine generations in succession
without obtaining a diminution in either the vigor or the fecundity of the race,
which could with certainty be attributed to that cause. A slight diminution was
elbserved in some cases, but this was wholly obviated when parents were chosen
from the more vigorous broods in each generation. Nevertheless, the crossing
elf two inbred strains of Drosophila, both of which were doing well under inbreed-
ing, produced offspring superior in productiveness to either inbred strain. Even
in this case, therefore, though inbreeding is tolerated, crossbreeding has
Bos and "Weismann inbred rats for about 30 generations and secured a
diminution in both fertility and vigor. King also inbred rats for 25
generations and, according to Hays,2 found that:
Inbred males in seventh to fifteenth generations were 18 per cent heavier than
check males not inbred. Inbred females were about 3.7 per cent heavier than
controls at one year old. The variability in both weight at maturity of the
fifteenth generation of inbred males and females was about 40 per cent less than
among the control animals. King (1918) also studied the effect of inbreeding on
fertility, the time of puberty, and the longevity of albino rats inbred by brother
and sister mating for twenty-five generations. The average size of litter of all
inbred matings was 7.5 rats; and the average litter size for controls 6.7 rats.
Inbred rats seemed to re&ch sexual maturity and to breed slightly earlier than
stock females not inbred. . .. The number of sterile animals is not given, but
King states that inbreeciing did not decrease the productiveness of the animals.
Inbred rats lived longer than control animals not inbred. The value of selection
in inbreeding animals is concisely illustrated in this pain'staking and thorough
study of the question of inbreeding.
Reporting on his extensive investigations, Wright says:3
There has been an average decline in vigor in all characteristics during the
course of 13 years of inbreeding of guinea pigs, brother with sister. The decline
is most marked in the frequency and size of litter, in which it is so great that it
would have to be accounted for even though the decline in other respects was
assumed to be due wholly to a deterioration in the environmental conditions.
The decline is greater in the gains after birth than in the birth weight, and greater
is the percentage raised of the young born alive than in the percentage born alive.
1 CASTLE, 'V. E., "Genetics and Eugenics," p. 221, Harvard University Press,
The ability to raise larger litters has fallen off much more than ability to raise
small litters.
A comparison of the inbred guinea pigs with a control stock, raised under
identical conditions without inbreeding, and derived in the main from the same
linebred stock as the inbred families, indicates that the inbreds have suffered a
genetic decline in vigor in all characteristics. The decline in fertility is again
shown to be marked. Experimental inoculation with tuberculosis has shown
that the inbreds were inferior, on the average, to the controls in disease resistance.
A study of sex ratio yields results in marked contrast to those obtained in connec-
tion with the other characters. There are no significant fluctuations from year
to year, no contrast between inbreds and controls, and no indications of change
due to inbreeding.
In addition to the points brought out in this bulletin, which indicates genetic
decline during inbreeding, extensive experiments have been made in which
different inbred families have been crossed together. These are described in
another paper (U.S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 1121) in which it is shown that crossbred
guinea pigs born of unrelated inbred parents are distinctly superior to their
inbred relatives in nearly all elements of vigor. A slightly larger percentage are
born alive, in small litters at least, and a distinctly larger percentage of those born
alive are raised. The young are slightly heavier at birth in a given size of litter
and gain much more between birth and weaning. They mature earlier, produce
larger litters and produce them more regularly than inbreds. Of the young which
they produce, a much larger percentage are born alive, especially in large litters,
and even more of these are raised than in the first generation. Their young
show a further increase in birth weight and in later gains.
It is believed that the results point the way to an important application of
inbreeding in the improvement of livestock. Nearly all of the characteristics.
dealt with here, like most of those of economic importance with livestock, are of
a kind which is determined only to a slight extent by heredity in the individual.
About 70 per cent or the individual variation in resistance to tuberculosis and
over 90 per cent of that in the rate of gain and size of litter are determined by
external conditions. Progress by ordinary selection of individuals would thus be
very slow or nil. A single unfortunate selection of a sire, good as an individual,
but inferior in heredity, is likely at any time to undo all past progress. On the
other hand, by starting a large number of inbred lines, important hereditary
differences in these respects are brought clearly to light and fixed. Crosses
among these lines ought to give a full recovery of whatever vigor has been lost by
inbreeding, and particular crosses may safely be expected to show a combination
of desired characters distinctly superior to the original stock. Thus a crossbred
stock can be developed which can be maintained at a higher level than the original
stock, a level which could not have been reached by selection alone. Further
improvement is to be sought in a repetition of the process-the isolation of new
inbred strains from the improved crossbred stock, followed ultimately by crossing
and selection of the best crosses for the foundation of the new stock.
This Ipethod of improvement has not been unknown in the past. In faet,
most of the rero~nized hreeds of livestock were developed, more or less UllCOIl-
sciously, in this 'Way. Close inbreeding was practiced by the pioneer breeders--
Bakewell, the Collings, Bates, Cruickshank, Hewer, etc. The relatively few
promising families and the successful nicks between them were the foundation
stock of the breeds. Further development may be expected by the intelligent
application of the same principles.!
Combining the results de~cribed in this and in Bul. 1121 there seems no escape
from the conclusion that a loss of vigor, especially in fertility, took place as a more
or less direct consequence of close inbreeding. The question whether this is an
inevitable result of inbreeding or merely a likely one, as well as other phases of
the subject, will be discussed after the presentation of further data?
Sir Double
Leader 2d
Double Leader of U.F.
l 331377
Double Leader Belle
of U.F., 350285
Inbred litter Double Leader Belle
(8 pigs) 331378
Mar. 24, 1931
Univ. of Calif.
Double Leader 4th
Double Leader of U.F.
Double Leader Belle Enhancer's
331378 Leader Belle
Miss Double 2d
Leader Belle 318539, Univ.
550285 of Calif.
Double Leader 4th
Double Leader Belle
of U.F., 350285
Double Leader Belle
FIG. 162.-Pedigree of inbred pigs.
the inbred bull is not likely to be seriously impaired and any lack of size and vigor
in the inbred bull is not likely to be transmitted to the offspring if he is mated to
unrelated animals. Continued inbreeding of whole herds, however, is almost
certain to be disastrous.
Bartlett, Reece, and Mixner (1939) have inbred Holstein cattle at the
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station with lethals and deformities
appearing in some families, very poor type and red color in other families,
good results in some families. They stress the point that rigid selection
must be practiced along with inbreeding.
Bartlett et al. (1942) reported no harmful effect of inbreeding (up to
20 per cent) on the birth weight, rate of growth, and type of dairy cattle,
provided one starts with genetically superior animals and employs rigid
Margolin and Bartlett (1945) from further studies arrive at the follow-
ing conclusions:
This paper further confirms earlier work demonstrating that Holstein-Friesian
dairy cattle can be inbred without necessarily causing a decrease in body weight
or size at any stage, from birth to maturity, as compared to outbred controls
of the same blood line, provided the Wright coefficient of inbreeding does not
exceed 0.20. Females inbred to a coefficient greater than 0.20 develop normally
to approximately first calving age, but show markedly abnormal development
thereafter. However, the animals in this group with growth records complete
to 72 months of age do not vary significantly in mean weight, height and heart
girth from the Ragsdale standard, although they are considerably smaller than
the outbred controls.
Class I, the control group, contained all animals whose coefficient of inbreeding
was 0 to 0.1249; Class II from 0.125 to 0.2449; Class III from 0.245 to 0.3749;
and Class IV 0.375 and over. . . . The percentage of abortions in the control
group was just as great as in the highest classes of inbreeding. It is concluded,
therefore, that the degree of inbreeding has little or no effect on the number of
abortions . . . .
Both genetic and environmental factors were found to influence mortality.
Total mortality, which includes abortions, stillbirths, and deaths after birth
up to 4 months of age, increases with the degree of inbreeding in Jersey females.
This is also true for Holstein female calves, but, because of fewer numbers and •
certain influences of the environment upon mortality, the effect .is less marked.
The mortality to 4 months of age for calves born alive increases with an increase
in the degree of inbreeding. . . . Individual bulls sire progeny of a characteristic
birth weight-light, medium, or heavy-but there is no evidence of a correlation
between characteristic birth weight and mortality.
Within the same breed, sex and class of inbreeding, when the progeny of all
the sires are combined, there is no significant difference in the mean birth weight
between calves that lived and calves that died. Calves with extremes in birth
weight, either light or heavy, succumb more readily than calves near the .mean
weight . . . .
The percentage of mortality varied among the inbred progeny of the different
sires. Inbreeding apparently increased the mortality in the progeny of all sires,
but the increase over the controls was not significant in the progeny of three of
the sires. The mortality among the inbred progeny of all the other sires that
had sufficient numbers of offspring was significantly greater than in the controls.
It was tentatively concluded that two different lethal genes, conditioning anoma-
lies of the liver and heart, but with no external morphological effects, may have
been responsible for deaths in the inbred progeny of two of the sires. These two
genes, however, are insufficient to account for all the mortality observed. It
seems that more subtle genetic relationships or interactions may be involved in
causing most of the mortality.
In inbred calves, the proportion of mortality that cannot be attributed to
specific lethal genes, was greatly influenced by management and medication.
The mortality was reduced by keeping the calves on fresh, clean ground that
had been free from Mttle for several months and by the use of sulpha therapy in
the treatment of certain infectious diseases.
Winters et al. (1948)1 report that performance in inbred swine has not
deteriorated with inbreeding. "The advance of inbreeding has not been
accompanied by any noticeable decline in any of the factors of perform-
ance in the lines as maintained." These workers attribute these results
to (1) rigorous selection on the basis of performance and (2) a flexible
system of mating best to best within lines rather than a rigid pattern
of full brother-sister or one-sire herd scheme mating.
t Use of Inbreeding.-Inbreeding has been used very little in animal
breeding up to the present. 13a,~ewell practiced inbreeding to some
extent in England during the eighteenth century, and, when other
breeders took up the practice, the foundations for our present breeds
,,'ere laid. During the past 100 years, however, little animal inbreeding
has been practiced. The larger and more influential breeders have used
inbreeding to a limited degree, but the belief that there is something
i~~_!!y_p.3:~~ful in inbreedingyll!§. thejustified prohibitions ~~~~st
it i_n the humar;. baye gre~tly restncted_ its us~ and in consequence many
possi1:)ilities of more rapid progress in breeding were lost .•
In 1905 G. H. Shull at the Station for Experimental Evolution of the
Carnegie Institution at Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., and E. M. East at
the Illinois Experiment Station began the experimental inbreeding and
hybridization of corn" This work has now developed to the point where
the majority of field corn produced is "hybrid" corn. The procedure
involves the inbreeding of corn for seven or eight generations, by which
time the strain is practically pure or homozygous. Rigid selection is
practiced, and the weakest strains discarded. There is always a dec,r'e::.,se
in yield in these inbred strains. After the best surviving strains h:ne
been purified by inbreedil1&....tb.ey_are crossed, hybridized, in an experi-
mental way to determine which inbred strains best complement each
other. Many systems of hybridizing are in use, including the single
cross between two inbred strains, the three-way cross of a third inbred
on the result of crossing two other inbred strains, double crosses between
two single crosses involving four inbred strains, and top crossing of an
inbred strain on a commercial variety. All these systems have certain
advantages and disadvantages, the double-cross system being the one
most generally practiced.
This hybrid corn has been compared with the mule hybrid in animals.
Both of them are excellent in themselves but genetically poor from a
.breeding standpoint, the mule, of course, seldom being fertile anyway.
Only the first generation of hybrid corn should be used for commercial
planting, as the second generation generally drops in yield by from 10
to 25 per cent. Properly produced and tested hybrids that are carefully
1 Minn. Agr. Ext. Spec. Bul. 400.
selected for their adaptability for certain regions will yield, on the average,
about 8 to 10 per cent more than commercial seed-corn varieties.
The corn breeder is thus analyzing his materials, finding out what they
are genetically through inbreeding and record keeping, and trying to fit
these known strains together into superior strains. He, of course, has
a big advantage over the animal breeder in that self-fertilization can be
practiced, making the inbreeding twice as intense as is possible with ani-
mals, his number of offspring is many times that possible with even the
most prolific animals, and the cost of producing a corn plant is much less
than that involved in producing a colt, calf, lamb, or pig.
The man with just average livestock should, of course, not practice
inbreeding. The fact that his stock is average means that it has a-g-oodly
share of undesirable genes, which inbreeding would make homozygous
and therefore worse. For average livesto~ ~utcrossing would seem
to be a better system, for unrelated animals wouIa have1es~d
of carrymg Identical poor genes.
"'"The man wIth better-than-average livestock should do some inbreed-
ing. The fact that his stock is above the iVerage meritclthe breed
'ineans that a random-selected, unrelated animal will have a tendency
to pull his herd or flock back toward the breed average. Since many
breeders still shy at the word inbreeding, we will say that th~n
average breeder should practice linebreeding, which of course is a form of
inbreeding, but a term whiclid.~ha~e the same fearsome connota-
tions as inbreeding.
Every breeder should try to buy his males in the best available family
in his breed. In the present state of our knowledge, the genetically
best families in any breed are not easy to know, and one must be wary of
advertising and "ballyhoo." Assuming one does buy a sire in a really
good family, then, generally speaking, he should try to stay in that
family, intensify its good qualities through linebreeding, and weed out
the poor genes.
Linebreeding.-Man bre del's fear ci,osebreeQillg (which they often
ut favor line reeding. This is sound practical
judgment. Probably only a tiny per cent of our herds could bep.efit
from closebreeding, a much larger per cent could benefit from linebreed~
ing.- What the breeder is constantly trying (albeit unknowingly in
many instances) to do is tq re lace poor genes with good ones-improve
his stock. When he gets a great SIre proved so by hIS oTfspring) all
would be lovely if that sire could be kept alive indefinitely, or at least
his testicles through transference to a series of young sires.. But even-
tually he will die and direct samples of his inheritance will be no longer
available. Now it is obvious that we can get the closest approach to his
good germ\cells from his offspring. So the intelligent breeder uses his
sons and grandsons and thereby practices ljnebr~'H;liRg. In the last
cnapter we warned that there was no J;agic in out breeding systems, as,
for example, crossbreeding. Again let's remind ourselves that there is
no magic in inbreeding systems, as, for example, linebreeding. Some-
times breeders set out deliberately to linebreed to certain animals. They
draw up a gedigreuf an animal to be born 10 years hence by mating
certain present animals in line- or closebreeding systems. Often these
plans are based on present phenotypes rather than genotypes, and the
whole plan is pedigree or paper breeding. These plans seldom work out
Such general plans can be made to work out very satisfactorily if
they are soundly based on present animals' genotypes and enough animals
so bred according to plan so that many ca:ii'1ie tested" and those that meet
the test used to continue and build the ~he plan.
Linebreeding should be practiced in only better-than-average herds,'
seldom if ever, in a~ or grade herds.,. but perhaps even here when
such breeders turn up with an outstanding sire. In any case, it must
be done intelligently and in the light of all the records of performance
possible. Some deterioration. is to be expected from all inbreeding
because even the best of our ammals seem to carry some undesIrable
traits and these as well as their good traits will be intensified (become
ho~golLS). It, therefore, b~comes a race between selection and
deterioration. Obviously, if a breeder is to win such a race, he must
start with good stuff and select intelligently. The annual 500-mi.
Memorial Day race at Indianapolis is always won by a good machine
(proved good by rigid test, not necessarily by its appearance) piloted by
a skillful and daring man who selects his course and his varying speeds
intelligently and, to carry our analogy further, who goes to the pits ,,,hen
necessary for an outcross of oil, gas, or new tires.
Linebreeding is not necessarily measuredgy .,!:he inbreeding coefficient
as is illustrated in Fig. Ip3.
Three of the pedigrees in Fig. 163 show the same amount of inbreeding,
but the percentage of "blood" from a certain animal is very different.
If we are ever fortunate enough to own a really good sire, we will want
to keep his inheritance as intact as possible in our herds.
If we have l', good sire, B, his offspring are good presumably, because
they get one-half of their inheritance from B, in other word,B's inherit-
ance has been halved just once. "
Now, if we get another sire A, unrelated to B, then
A's offspring {A {~
W {B
B's granddaughters B's offspring F d t· . 1
oun a Ion anIma s
B's inheritan..c.e has been halved once more; it is only one-half as strong
now, and will continue to be further diluted if we use lines unrelated to B.
When we get a good sire, we should try to keep our herd related to him
as much as it will stand, and this, of course, involves some degree of
x)B 1 E~~
A = 12.5 % inbred A = 12Yz % inbred
25 % "blood" from II 50% "blood" from M
25% "blood" from I 25% "blood" from N
25% "blood" from Ie 25% "blood" from P
25% "blood" from L Line-bred to M
Not line-bred
zl:[ 1:1:
A = 12Yz % inbred A = 37.5% inbred
62.5% "blood" from M 87.5% "blood" from M
25% "blood" from D Very strongly line-bred to M
12.5% "blood" from X
More strongly line-bred to M
FIG. 163.-Pedigrees to illustrate linebreeding.
The obverse side of the above picture could be had by breeding the son
of a "great" cow back to her to get a sire.
Conclusion on Inbreeding.-From the foregoing, one is forced to
conclude that inbreeding in itself is powerless to create either good or bad.
If good or bad is present in theg;;rm plasm, inbreeaing' will sort ICout
and bri~g it to light. Closebreeding may be used in the better herds
a~(Cflocks if acc~mpanied by very rigid selection. However, line-
breeding, a less intense form of inbreeding, is decidedly safer. I:his
consists of mating animals of the same general line of descent. Because
-~yC:~'eo(the same line, they have the same general type of germ plasm
and so exhibit the same general set of characteristics. In other words, a
line bred herd or flock is extremely un~f~rrn' a characteristic almost •
invaluable (if of a good sort) in animal breeding. In a general way,
closebreeding has the greatest permanent genetic possibilities both for
good and for harm, whereas outbreeding or mating of animals of no
degree of kinship has perhaps the least permanent genetic possibilities
for good and the least danger of producing harmful phenotypic results,
provided desirable animals form the outcross. It is conceivable, of
course, that two animals showing no pedigree relationship for several
generations back might have identical genes for one or more character-
istics or potentialities, and, that if these two animals were mated, it
would, as far as their like genes are concerned, be tantamount ~o inbreed-
ing. Most people think of inbreeding in terms of the names in a pedigree.
Since we can see the names on a pedigree and cannot see the genes in our
animals (but only their effects and the picture may be distorted through
environmental or genetic influences), this is perhaps the most intelligent
way to think about it. But we should keep in the back of our minds the
fact that inbreeding is concerned primarily with the genes. If the
homozygous state is equal to or superior to the heterozygous state, then
we can have as good or better animals through inbreeding and in addition
animals which ,vill transmit uniformly.
If a breeder is keen enough in mating his animals and severe enough in
\ culling, he may practice closebreeding. Such pioneering requires both
eourage and skill. The majority of breeders ought perhaps to seek the
middle road, the happy medium. Their desire is to progress, but they
eannot afforg to take great chan:ce~ For such breeders, both therr;
hop~-~~d'their ~afety lie in linebreeding, which is an attempt to secure a
greater degree of homozygosity of certain desirable genes without running
too great a risk of intensifying undesirable ones. This result can be
accomplished in a variety of ways.
It is perhaps easier to line breed to an outstanding male rather than
to an outst~nding female because of the greater number of offspring of th£)
'\ \
. I ..;o...~~-,-----c----=
~~ ~";":~k---::::::::::::~~
I~~ r o o/5
FIG. 164.-Five generations of inbreeding. Pedigree of the entire young herd late in 1932
complete back to the time of Sultan's Banner, and with coefficients of relationship (r) based
on the ancestors alive in or near 1900. Each animal is shown but once. If it has more than
one son or daughter, an additional arrow indicates that. Selection has not yet llad much
opportunity to thin out the young herd. When that inevitable culling takes place, many
of the lines from Banner will disappear. In the herd 10 or 15 years from Ifow, even though:
the present plan is continued, Banner may not appear much more important than Banner-
view or Banner's Last. In allY case he is not apt to be more important than those two
combined. (From Lush, J. L., A Herd of Cattle Bred for Twenty Years without New Blood,
Jour. Hered., 25 (6) :209-218, June, 1934.)
could then be used for intelligent crossing within the breeds, and they
would also be available for crossing between or among the breeds in both
fields, thus hastening the creation of better genetic lines. For progress
in animal breeding, we need first to know what we now have. When that
knowledge is available, it can be used intelligently both to strengthen
existing breeds and to create new ones.
Summary.-We have seen in this chapter that animals which evidence
relationship by having common ancestors within the first four to six
generations of their pedigrees are likely to have received identical genes
from their dose-up common ancestors. When two such related animals
are mated, they may both pass their identical genes to their offspring.
Matings involving re!!l,~~d animals are called inbreeding) and an inbred
aninl::LJi~JikfJlY_tQ biholJlozyg6~us in~rnore s~ts-of genes than is an outbred
:@jQlal.J Inbreeding creates no new gen~~\)Ut allows those already present
to get into homozygous combinations. Inbreeding results in improve-
ment or deterioration, depending entirely on the genes present in the
related animals. <;!DIy those hreeders who,,!,! herds...are fairly Ill.r~d of
more than avera e merit should ractice closebreeding. Linebreeding
shou ave a greater vogue t an it has had in the past.
Inbreeding will be successful (1) if the good genes pretty well out-
number the bad ones to start with,(2fir the breeCIeY lias-more than
average skill 'in pliiimiitg his matrngs, (3) iLthe breeder can and win
practice veryrIgid sclection. Finally, it isn't the system of mating__::_
it's'the genes in the animaTsand the intelligence in the man, and the
latter is perhaps a'!solargelya;'inatter of genes.
Inbreeding will uncover u~<!ysirable trait~ in animals, expose th~ so
that they can be discarded. It will create separate more or less homo-
zygous lines which may in themselves lack something of being completely
desirable but prove to be very potent for good in crossing between lines
or onto heterogeneous material. Good lines may be sorted out from
inbred stocks; but when an outcro~s is resorteato, the good results of
many generations of inbreeding will be scattered and lost, i.e., inbreeding
must again follow the outcross. Inbreeding will succeed if the genetic
complex was good to start with and the breeder's selection is keen enough
and ruthless enough to offset probable deterioration.
In closing this chapter, it seems safe to say that animal breeding has
lost more through fear of inbreeding than it has lost in any other way.
Only occasionally do we get a particularly desirable combination of gene:;
in an animal. Due to the halving and sampling nature of inheritance,
outbreeding soon tends to dissipate this original good combination.
Each animal is unique, there never has been nor can be another just like it
(except identical series). The easiest way to get other animals as near
genetically like the original good one is through some form of inbreeding.
'ow that the principles involved in breeding systems are becoming
better known and understood, it seems reasonable to hope that greater
se will be made of inbreeding systems.
Rapid progress in animal breeding will have to wait upon the intelligent
~~~~nIl:br!leding. - ---
EAST, E. M., and JONES, D. F. 1919. "Inbreeding and Outbreeding," J. B. Lippin-
cott Company, Philadelphia.
JONES, D. F. 1925. "Genetics in Plant and Animal Improvement," John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Kew York. .
LUSH, J. L. 1945. "Animal Breeding Plans," Collegiate Press, Inc., of Iowa State.
College, Ames, Iowa.
KICHOLS, J. E. 1945. "Livestock Improvement," Oliver & Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh
and London.
WINTERS, L. M. 1948. "Animal Breeding," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
! See als<\ Annual Reports, Regional Swine Breeding Laboratory, Ames, Iowa.
O'CALLAGHAN, M. A. 1923. Cattle Breeding and Inbreeding, World Dairy Congo
Froc. pp. 1401-1405.
REGAN, W. ]\1., MEAD, S. W., and GREGORY, P. W. 1947. The Relation of Inbreed-
ing to Calf .Mortality. Growth,11(2):101-131.
RICHEY, F. D. 1935. The What and How of Hybrid Corn, U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers'
Bul. 1744.
RITZMAN, E. G., and DAVENPORT, C. B. Some Results of Inbreeding on Fecundity
and on Growth in Sheep, N.H. Expt. Sta. Tech. BuZ. 47.
ROBERTSON, A. 1949. Inbreeding Experiments in Dairy Cattle, Anim. Breeding
Abs., 17(1):1-6.
STEELE, D. G. 1944. A Genetic Analysis of Recent Thoroughbreds, Standard-
breds, and American Saddle Horses, Ky. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 462.
TYLER, W. J., DICKERSON, G. E., and CHAPMAN, A. B. 1946. Influence of Inbreed-
ing on Growth and Production of Holstein-Friesian Cattle, Jour. Anim. Sci.,
5(4) :390-391.
----, CHAPMAN, A. B., and DICKERSON, G. E. 1949. Growth and Production of
Inbred and Outbred Holstein-Friesian Cattle, Jour. Dairy Sci., 32(3) :247-255.
'VILLHAM, O. S., and WHATLEY, J. A., JR. 1941. The Improvement of Swine
through the Use of Moderate Inbreeding and Selection, Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir.
WINTERS, L. M., et aZ. 1948. Experiments with Inbreeding Swine, Minn. Agr.
Expt. Sta. BuZ. 400.
et oZ. 1930. A Survey of Inbreeding Research, Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod.
Proc., pp. 114-134.
WOODWARD, T. E., and GRAVES, R. R. 1946. Results of Inbreeding Grade Holstein-
Friesian Cattle, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 927.
- - - and - - - . 1933. Some Results of Inbreeding Grade Guernsey and Grade
Holstein-Friesian Cattle, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 339.
WRIGHT, S. 1933. Inbreeding and Homozygosis, etc., Natl. Acad. Sci. Proc., 19:
1923. Mendelian Analysis of Pure Breeds of Livestock. II. The Duchess
Fam~ly of Shorthorns, etc., JZ!:r. Hered., 14 :405-422.
1923. Mendelian Analysis, etc. 1. The Measurement of Inbreeding and
Relationship, Jour. H ered., .14 :339-348.
1922. Coefficients of Inbreeding and Relationship, Amer. Nat., 56 :330-338.
1922. The Effects of Inbreeding and Crossbreeding on Guinea Pigs, U.S.
Dept. Agr. Bul. 1090.
- - - and MCPHEE, H. C. 1925. An Approximate Method of Calculating Coeffi-
cients of Inbreeding and Relationship from Livestock Pedigrees, Jour. Agr. Res.,
31 :377-383.
/ Selection is. the keystone of the arch in, anilll!!:.LbrE)eding. The fact
that a breeder's ultimate success depends upon his skill in selecting and
mating animals is so obvious that it permits of no argument. It will
be recognized immediately also that sel~ction and systems of breeding
are bound together so closely that there. is no likelihood of being able.
to separate them. They are but different angles of this same basic
problem. We have seen that an animal's ultimate and intrinsic worth
depends in the final analysis on the genetic contents of the egg and the
sperm that united to produce it. We must, therefore, relate all of our
thinking about selection to the ultimate ,determip.ers of IJotentil11ities-
"genes and chromosom~s~and it hardly seems necessary to add that
whether or not ~n animal with a good hereditary complex actually
develops into a desirable individual depends in '. turn -on' the type of
environment, especially feed, care, and management, which is provided.
If our seleCtionlsSuccessful,' itt1le animals we b~ed, in other words, are
superior in the qualities that enable them to perform their respective
functions successfully and profitably, It will be ~.-
because their good genes
.... --
have had an o.Eportunity to express the'msel~n_Ylro.nment.
Selection is nothing new. . I fhas been going on for over a billion years,
or since the first forms of l~fe appeared on this planet. This is called
natural selection and is the idea on which .Charles Darwin formulated his
the~ry ~i ~-;olution. For millions or years before man even appeared
on the scene, nature was, busy putting the gene~together into new
combinations (variations). Some of these new combinations were
successful, giving rise to new types of life that were adapted to the given
environment. They, therefore, prospered and multiplied. The unsuc- ,
cessful combinations were those giving rise to animals that were ill-
adapted to their environment. They could not live and prosper and
therefore left few or no progeny. Nature was ruthless, her one criterion
was fitness, and on the dual bases of variation and fitness she has peopled
the earth with myriad forms of life. A long, long succession of successful
variations finally produced man himself.
One of man's early and most far-reaching accomplishments was the
domestication of plants and animals. When this had been accomplished,
_. .-.' ~I}d..~_goodly
in the pedigree "'-- share _
ments (both as individuals and as transmitters) of the direct ancestors
__ of the collateral
'----.. relatives, we can pre-.
........ ~
dict with a fair degree of assurance how the ammals will transmit, How-
ever, the final and only sure test of an animal's breeding worth is now
recognized to reside in the quality of its offspring. Good type, good
performance, good pediwee (in terms of records) are indications of
,breeding. merit., b;-;-i>ihe ~n.lY assuraii~e ~{ breeding meritresldes 1I1Th'e
offspring themselves. # • :
mated mutation rates in the sex chromosomes yields the limits of 20,000
to 42,000 genes in the human. Possibly the number of genes in our farm
animals is something fairly comparable. It is unlikely that we can ever
know very accurately what genes any animal has. Selection, therefore
(marshaling favorable genes) must be done indirectly.
Since all living forms are probably the result of an evolutionary process,
they may all still have some genes in common anTI the more clo~ely
related individuals are, the ~ore genes will they have in common. An
amoeba and a man may have some genes in common, though probably
not many. A monkey and a man no doubt have more genes in common
(sometimes, apparently many). A Chinese and an American no doubt
have still more genes in common, two Americans still more, two Smiths
still more, the two "coughdrop" Smiths still more, and identical twins
have all their genes in common, except for the slight possibility of
Breed differences are gene differences. Breed A and breed B, no
doubt, have many (or most) genes in common. But they have enough
different genes so that they are set off into two distinct breeds. .If 1 in
200 Angus calves is born red, then the frequency of the b gene must be
about 0.07 (bb or b2 being 0.07 X 0.07 or approximately 0.005 per cent)
and the frequency of the B gene is, therefore, 0.93. Then pure (homo-
zygous) blacks, BB, are 867~ per cent; Bb are 13 per cent and bb are H per
cent, since the. zygotic ratio is the square of the genetic ratio. Short-
horns, however, and Herefords, while no doubt having many of the same
genes as do Angus, are 100 per cent bb, having 'no blacks. By selection
the frequency of the Band b genes in the Angus breed could be changed
in either direction. If the selection was for more red (more b genes),
then it would move up to 1 per cent red calves when the breed would be
81 per cent BB, 18 per cent Bb, and 1 per cent bb; then up to 10 per ce~
red calves when the breed would be 48 per cent BB, 42 per cent Bb and
10 per cent bb; then up to 25 per cent red calves when the breed would be
25 per cent BB, 50 per cent Bb and 25 per cent bb; etc. If there is no
selection for one gene or against another, the original frequencies of the
genes will remain just as they are.
While breeds have many genes in common, they also have many which
are different. Breeds may be homozygous dOl!linant§ (for some genes),
homozygous recessives, or be orany degree of heterozygosity ... The
memoers of a breedin one section of the country (descended largely from
a certain foundation) may be genetically quite different from the mem-
bers of that breed in some other section of the country. The genes in
t.vo herds in the same section of the country may be quite different in the
relative frequency of certain genes. The early success of selection in
molding animal and plant types toward an ideal led to a belief that
selection had practically no upper limit. The discovery of the hereditary
mechanism as resident in the genes finally dispelled this illusion. This
was brought about largely through the work of Johannsen with the
self-fertilizing garden bean. From a mixed population, he selected
plants that bore large seed and others that bore small seed. Attempts
at selection within these "pure lines," however, proved unavailing.
Selectinglarge_seed from the large line gave no larger seed, on the aver-
~-than did small seed fr~~ this line ... Likewise, the selection of small
s~m-the ·smallline gave no smaller seed, on the average, than did
large seed from the small line. Johannsen designated these as "pure
lines," i.e., pure from a genetic standpoint. Small seed from the large
line was small because of environmental effects, but genetically these
small seeds were just like the large seeds in the same line. •
Selection, therefore, did prove to have an upper limit, and selection
within a "pure line" was not effective. Thus, for the first time, it was
fully realized that the effectiveness of selection ·was entirely dependent on
the nature of the heredltaI-Y units.-- -If a quantitative character depends
on two sets of genes A and B and we start with a heterozygous generation
Aa Bb, we can get out a line that is AA BB or aa bb, thus showing the
character to a greater or less degree than did ancestors. 'Vhen we get a
line that is AA BB, thus showing the character to a greater degree, we
cannot go beyond this point. This is a pure line which, under optimum
environmental conditions, will always breed t r u e . - - - - - --
- This general prmcip1e IS apphcablet'Oair1iving forms. In our live-
stock, it is probable that most commercially desirable characters are of
a quantitative sort and probably controlled by scores or hundred of genes.
What we are attempting to do in selecting is to develop our animals into
"pure lines" or as close to this as we can get with unisexual animals.
The task is not an easy one because of the time necessary and the com-
plications involved in dealing with large numbers of genes, but knowing
the underlying scientific basis will at least enable us to chart our course
more intelligently. Dealing with large numbers of genes simply mean"
that it will take a long time to get them sorted out into the desired
homozygous forms, but we can have the comfort of knowing that when
we once get them sorted out they will remain in that condition indefinitely
except for an occasional mutation. There seems to be a growing belief,
however, that the best animals phenotypically may not be the most homo·
zygous-in other words, that an Aa animal may be better phenotypically
than either an AA or an aa animal. If this idea proves to be true, it will,
of course, have a very marked bearing on systems of breeding.
This, brings to mind the importance and gravity of the decision to
introduce a certain male into our breeding plans, When once we bring
a male into our herd or flock, his influence, good or bad, is apt to remain
with us for some time. When once his genes are put into our "hereditary
mix," they remain there more or less indefinitely. Probably most males
will bring in some undesirable genes, and, if there are not too many of
them, we can hope to rid ourselves of them in a reasonable length of time.
If a ma!e brings a host of bad genes, they may plague~rough many
generatIOns. \ ,>(., j}..
A!}_;iv.~ saw earl~~/_th.~._g_~nj_)'§'J!la.y act in a variety of ~ They may
shoW additive or cU!Il.ulat_iye. effect~. If in sheep, for example, genes
A, B, C, and D stood for 1 lb. of wool each and a, b, c, and d for Yz lb.
each and a breeder has a flock that was Aa Bb Cc Dd, he could by inter-
breeding select out lines tlrat were AA BB CC DD (shearing 8 lb.) or
aa bb cc dd (shearing 4 lb.). Our assumption is that these genes act
additively so that when AA replace aa wool production goes up 1 lb.
It seems certain that much inheritance for commercially valuable traits
in our livestock is of the additive type, though far from all of it.
Dominance effects may be misleading. In the above example if A
(1 lb. of wool) were dominant over a 0,2' lb.) then substituting a large A
for one of the small a's in aa animals increases yield by ~2' lb., but not
when substituted for the small a in Aa animals. AA and Aa animals
yield alike but do not breed alike-,ve will make some mistakes in
selecting because we can not readily distinguish between the AA and Aa
individuals. Epistatic effects, dominance between pairs of nonallellic
genes, behave in a siniilarfa15himl and arealiillcIrance'to'srueciTon because
to have the desired effects we must keep ce~~un8"*genes
together, a hard thing to do because of the principle of independent
assortment. A
Genetic variation is then of three sorts-additive, dominance, and
epistatic. The first sort presumably shows rt:;-presence whenever it
~~-ln a phenotype. The offspring will, therefore, average halfway
between the phenotypes of their parents. Dominance and epistatic
variance, while genetic and hereditary in the broad sense, does not behave
in this simple additive way, and the phenotype does not tell so complete
and simple a story of probable genotype as it does when the inheritance
is of the simple additive sort. If a good quality is due to simple additive
inheritance, it can be seized and enriched by selecting and mating parents
which show the quality in increasing amounts. If the quality is influ-
enced by dominant or epistatic genes, it will not necessarily be passed
to all offspring because of the halving and sampling nature of inheritance.
Finally, an animal with an average Of mediocre genotype may, through
the stimulus of excellent environment, perform fairly or very well. But
include as many of the close relatives as possible and select from good
phenotypes which, according to the nature of the ~e and
transmitting abilities of their near relatives, are probably also --g~~a:-
genotypes~--Tf the--maternal great=granddam was a productive femal~-
and hadseveral good offspring among them, the granddam, 'which was
by a good proved sire, and this maternal granddam was in turn a good
producing female and got good offspring among them, the dam, which
was by a good proved sire a,rd the dam herself was a good producing
female and has gotten some good offspring, then her present offspring
which we are considering, if by a good proved sire, has a reasonable
expectation of being a good one. In short, selection is likely to be more
successful if the six animals making up the bottom line of the pedigree for
three generations back are not only good phenotypes, but whose geno-
types have also been tested through their offspring and found to be
Characteristics of a Livestock Population.-The numerical data as to
numbers and values of animals in the various classes of livestock are
given in Tables 1 and 2. Dividing the total value in 1949 by the total
number gives us an average value of $95 per head for all classes of animals
combined. The specific values for each class are listed in Table 1. The
modest value of the average horse, mule, cow, sheep, or pig should provoke
serious thought on the part of livestock breeders. These average values
indicate that billions of dollars worth of product are being produced
annually in the United States with low-grade, inefficient animals. Such
economic waste should be checked as soon as possible.
The average dairy cow is said to produce 5,000 lb. of milk and 200 lb.
of butterfat yearly. In 1947, 775,000 cows in Dairy Herd Improvement
Associations (D.H.LA.) averaged approximately 8,700 lb. of milk and
350 lb. of butterfat. According to the Bureau of Dairy Industry, the
feed cost per pound of butterfat in the latter group of cows was 43 cents,
while in cows producing only 200 lb. of butterfat, the cost per pound was
60 cents. Speaking generally, dairymen who test their cows are a
selected and superior group of men. They pay more attention to breed-
ing, they grow their young stuff better, they farm·and they feed at higher
levels than the average. So part of the increased production of D.H.LA.
cows is, no doubt, due to better environmental conditions, part is due
to better inheritance, and how much, on the average, environment plays
and how much inheritance, no one can say. D.H.LA. figures show
conclusively that" income over feed costs" mounts steadily with increas-
ing production. True, the high-producing cow eats more feed than the
low producer, but a smaller percentage of her feed needs to be used for
maintenance. Or to put it another way, the higher producing cow
produces more product per pound of feed consumed and for this reason
is more efficient and more profitable.
It should be remembered that an average is a mid-point. If the
average production of all cows in the United States is 5,000 lb., of milk,
then about half our cows must produce less than 5,000 lb. of milk per
year. To people living in a good dairy area, this is almost unbelievable.
Table 34 shows the distribution of 216,489 cows on which dam-daughter
comparisons were secured in proving the first 25,000 bulls in D.H.LA.
The average butterfat production of all the dams in Table 34 is 376 lb.
It will be seen that the greatest number of cows (79,844) is in this group
and that the number in the other groups tapers off fairly regularly as we
approach the upper limit and not so regularly as we approach the lower
limit because the poorer cows are disposed of early. In short, most
animals are average animals-there being fewer very poor or very gOOd~
ones. The breeder's job is to find the upper half of his herd in trans-
mitting ability and to save his replacements from these better-than-
average females which are in better-than-average cow families and see L--
to it that they are by better-than-average males. Only in this way can
improvement be brought about.
It will be seen in Table 34 that the dams are arranged from low to
h~gh by 25-lb. intervals. They start at 188 lb. and proceed upward in
a straight line to 637 lb. Their daughters start at a higher level and end
at a lower level. When their daughters' production is fitted to a straight
line by the method of least squares, the daughters' production is found to
II 335 I
!!2 300 I l - 328
OJ . ~50V \ 233
'0 200 Mos! Bulls 1\
~ lore overage
4; \ I
E 1 \/22
100 _Some Bulls
z A few Bulls-
ore very poor
"""5) I
o Iy
1 9
o 125 225 325 425 525 625 725
Bull Index in Pounds of Butterfal
FIG. 165.-Distribution of Holstein-Friesian bulls. (From Vol. 15, Holstein-Friesian Red
start at 247 lb. and to end at 541 lb. The regression of daughters on
dams in an unselected population is known to be 0.5. This means that
these daughters should start at 275 lb. and end at 512 lb. They actually
start at a lower figure and end at a higher one. This would seem to
indicate that there is effective selection now used in some D.H.LA.
herds. The poorer herds seem to use below-average sires and the better
herds to use above-average sires. If the environment were the same for
all herds, we would know this to be the case. Some of this possible
hereditary difference may actually be due to environment, the poorer
herds holding down production of both dams and daughters through
poor feeding and management and the better herds boosting production
by superior feeding and management. For the data in Table 34, the
sires' transmitting levels (Equal-parent Index) start at 305 lb. and end
at 449 lb., instead of running straight across on the 375-lb. level as they
would do if all environmental conditions were similar and there were no
effective selection. The above data shows that, so far as milk pro-
duction is concerned, most cows are about average and that they grow
~,:sityColle,;" 01 Vell'rinilrV S(
& l\nimal I !tlS : ","
\! '-
stages. Now that some of the facts regarding the principles of heredity
are known, a somewhat more rapid shifting of the average toward higher
goals should be possible. It must be remembered, however, that gradual
progress made through the centuries may have limited somewhat the
working range of animal breeders. For example, further improvement
in the egg-laying ability of a 250-egg strain of chickens may be more
difficult than in a wild strain laying one clutch a year. In general, the
means effecting further improvement would seem to consist of two things:
(1) getting more accurate and complete facts about the various qualities
of our animals and using the facts more intelligently by arriving at an
animal's probable genetic value from a consideration of its close relatives
as well as the animal's own qualities; i.e., broadening the base of selection;
and (2) being more careful to separate, in so far as possible, genetic from
environmental variations. We will probably continue to find that our
animals will vary around their mean. How to locate the favorable/~
genetic variations will continue to be our main problem in selection.
Changing Gene Frequencies. 1-Since genes determine characters,
breeders, in selecting for certain things, are actually trying to influence
the proportion of different genes in their stock. Wright, in studying
the coat ~olors of the parents of 3,000 Shorthorn cattle, found that 47.6
per cent were red, 43.8 per cent were roan, and 8.6 per cent ,vere white.
Since this is a character seemingly controlled by one pair of genes lacking
dominance, we know that to the 8.6 per cent of white genes showing as
white and to the 47.6 per cent of red genes showing as red must be added
one-half the roan value 43.8/2 or 21.9 (roan being Rr), in order to get the
frequency of the white and the red genes in the population. Thus,
47.6 + 21.9 = 69.5% red genes and 8.6 + 21.9 = 30.5% white genes in
the population. N ow, if the population had been mating at random,
we would have had
G'J.5R 30.5 r
This slight discrepancy shows that mating was not at random but that
there was a preference on the part of breeders for roan.
1 See ibid., pp. 64--71.
q2 2q(1 - q) (1 - q)2
AA Aa aa
0.25 0.50 0.25
BBO.25 0.0625 0.1250 0.0625
2q(1 - q)
Bb 0.50 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250
AA Bb AaBb aaBb
Thus we can see that ,yith two pairs of genes of equal frequency (0.5)
we would have 1: 16 chances of getting an animal pure for both pairs of
dominant genes (AA BB). This is calculated according to the formula
q2n (n being the number of pairs of genes involved). Thus in Fig. 166,
q was 0.5 and n pairs of genes was 2, so 0.5 4 = 6.25%, or 1: 16 chances.
With qat, 0.4 and five pairs of genes, we would have 0.4 10 = 0.0001, or
! \
dition, as, for example, the roan color in Shorthorns or the blue in Anda-
lusian fowl.
Heredity vs. Environment in Selection.-The past has seen many
arguments between the hereditarians and the environmentalists, with
first one and then the other having seemingly the bette~f the argument.
The debate has of late tended to be resolved by tlte simple but far-
reaching expedient of sUbstituting and for VB, In other words it is not
a case of whether heredity or environment is the most important. B.Jill!.
_!!:!e important, on~_ much as t__~.?ther. Neither good genes and a/_
poor environment nor bail genes and a good environment will give
us a profitable and satisfactory animal husbandry. We must have
There is still a considerable problem in this field, not the old one of
attempting to determine which is the most important, but rather that
of perfecting devices that will measure the influence of the two in a given
case. Obviously some characters, like color pattern, are largely heredi-
. tary, owiJ,HL!:_Q__t~~nes.; Bthers, like milk in the pail 01'- fat on -the
carcass, are determined both by the genes and their various interactions
and by enyironmental factors-feed, care, etc. - ------
The br~ed~r'·s-ta:skTs-to d~termine to the best of his ability how much
-of the variance in any given case is due to environment and to make due
allowance for it in practicing selectiop.. This is necessary because, as
'we have already learned, only the hereditary variations are capable of
being passed along to an animal's p~ If a group of heifers in
comparison with their dams ha~ belter feed and care, calved at a more
advantageous season of the year, ,,,ere better fed while milking, were not
bred so soon after freshening, etc., with the result that they considerably
exceeded their dams' production, it would obviously be unfair to attribute
all this excellence to their heredity. Better or worse feed, weather, and
other environmental conditions could make a considerable difference in a
crop of lambs or pigs, even though there were no appreciable genetic
At present, the breeder has no practical tools for separating the genetic
from the environmental causes of variation except hi~ own judgment
applied to individual cases, and his judgment unsupported by factual
material in the form of carefully kept records is liable to be untrust-
worthy. If he will keep records, however, and appraise them intelligently
and fairly, not letting his judgment be warped by individual likes and
dislikes in regard to his breeding animals, he will be well on the way
to avoiding the all-tao-common mistake of assigning to heredity what
rightfully belongs to environment. His success or failure depends to a
large exte~t on his ability to do just this, for the simple reason that
hereditary differences may be transmitted, whereas environmental . s
apparently cannot be transmitted.
In nature the gene complexes which would yield the best result in . e
given environment ,,,ere the ones which eventually won out in the ruthless
battle for survi'Vw and perpetuation of the speeies. The environment
probably did not 6ause the original variations, but crossing, recombina-
tions, crossings over, mutations, and chromosomsl aberrations did. The
germ plasm provided the base for variation and the environment acted
as a screening agency.
In practical animal breeding or animal production, the environment is
of equal importance with heredity. "Half the breeding goes down the
throat." If we are going to measure differences in heredity, the environ-
ment for different animals or groups must be ~tS constant as possible.
Likewise, if we attempt to measure differences in environment, we must
do it with animals which are as alike as possible genetically-inbred
lines. There are many examples in animal-husbitndry literature of pure-
bred animals which have been selected to perform well under certain
environmental conditions failing dismally when taken to some different
environment for crossing with native animals. Khishin,l for example,
reports the failure of dairy Shorthorns to hold their own pr.,duction for
more than oile or two lactations in Egypt and to cross successfully with
native cattle beyond the Fl. Dltiry breeds with high inheritance for
milk production have quite generally failed in crosses in tropical countries.
Various admixtures of Brahman cattle with European beef breeds have,
on the other hand, been successful in establishing more successful lines
or breeds for tropical or semitropical conditions.
Animals should be selected and tested under conditions similar to
those in which they are to be expected to perform. If the regime is to
be three-times-a-day-milking, cattle should be tested under those con-
ditions. Cattle which do best under a two-times regime will not neces-
sarily do best under a three-time system and vice versa.
Optimum conditions for performance should be provided. Two or
more groups of animals may gain at about the same rate under limited
feeding thus making them appear phenotypically the same. When
placed on full feed, however, there may be marked differences in their
ability to consume feed and to utilize it for growth. If we expect a
certain quality to manifest itself, we must provide the maximum oppor-
tunity for this to happen.
The Market and Selection.-The ultimate purpose for ,,,hich animals .........
are bred is that of supplying the needs and desires of consumers. The
1 KHISHIN, A. E. F., Twenty Years of Shorthorn Feeding in Egypt, Empire Jour.
of Expt. Agr. VoL 17, No. 66, 1949.
markft pays more for a low-set, blocky, well-finished, and marbled steer
than it does for an upstanding, narrow animal in thin condition, because
the former satisfies the wants of the consumer to a greater degree. Horses
of accepted draft type and cows of dairy type will command higher
prices than animals lacking these outward appearances, because the
buyer feels that they are better equipped to perform their respective
functions. The breeder, therefore, should be a careful student of market
demands. Coupled with this should be a careful scrutinizing of his
records in order to ascertain the type of animals that actually returns
the greatest profit to the breeder, because the animal that brings the
most money on the market is not necessarily and always the one that
nets the breeder the most profit.
Most breeders must make their living through selling the animals they
breed or the products therefrom. The mere fact that they have produced
efficient and attractive animals will not of itself prove profitable if the
market does not happen to be in the mood to buy that particular sort of
animal or product. The breeder who is to get ahead must be a keen
student of what the market demands and is apt to demand in the next
few years. This should not, in the slightest degree, be construed to
mean that breeders should follow every whim of the market and be
continually attempting to change type. Such practice can lead to
nothing but chaos. The successful breeder is the one who can sense the
difference between a passing whim and a permanent change. The market
is not a fixed institution incapable of change. For substantiation of this,
one need but refer to pictures of accepted animal types of 20 years ago
and to consult market statistics of two decades past. The progressive
breeder senses each change somewhere near its beginning and shapes his
course accordingly. In so doing he begins to practice selection for the
new type one or a few generations before his fellow breeders and generally
reaps a financial reward for his shrewdness and foresight. He also, of
course, runs the risk of guessing wrongly-for which he probably will pay
a penalty.
What type changes in draft horses will be expedient or necessary in
view of the increasing use of tractors? What type changes would be
desirable in dairy cattle owing to the likelihood that we will want to
feed them an increased (or decreased) proportion of roughage? Will a
changing feed situation, new kno\vledge of the functions of the endocrine
glands in growth and fattening, or possible adjustments in our system
of governing ourselves make somewhat different types of meat animals
desirable? "Ty" Cobb was a great baseball player because he had the
imagination to outguess the opposition plus the skill to carry out his
plans. He is a great general who outguesses the enemy, a great lawyer
F'IG. 167.- Grand Champion Durocs showing how ideals of type change. Above, Wave-
master Stilts, 1931 Grand Champion; and, below, Top Set, first aged boar, Iowa, 1947,
(Courtesy of Dttroc Record Association. )
at this point, for they are obvious. They arose because breeders have
followed somewhat different ideals in practicing selection over a period
of time and were able to influence the frequencies of certain genes in a
recognizable fashion.
There are wide differences both between breeds and between individuals
of a given breed. Breed differences may be due to the fact that breed 1
is generally AA, whereas breed 2 is generally aa. Such differences do
actually exist, but they are not now thought to be so important as
formerly. Another way in which breeds differ concerns the relative
frequency of a given gene within the two breeds. Breed 1 may be 90
per cent A. and 10 per cent a, whereas another breed may be just the
reverse.0he genes for high-butterfat test are much more prevalent in
Jerseys and Guernseys than they are in Holsteins. This is due largeIy-
to selection. Holstein breeders for many years based their selection
largely on amount of milk. It is well known that there is a negative
correlation between amount of milk and its butterfat percentage. In
other words, in selecting for high milk, Holstein breeders automatically
rejected the genes for higher test, so that the Holstein breed now produces
a milk with about 3.5 per cent butterfat, whereas Guernsey milk averages
about 5 per cent and Jersey milk about 5.4 per cent butterfat. The
relative scarceness of the genes for higher test in Holsteins makes the
job of developing a 4 per cent herd very difficult. If a breed totally
lacked the genes for some desired character, then there would be no other
recourse but to go outside the breed to get these desired genes.
There is nothing in the mechanism of inheritance itself that will change
the frequency of any gene in a breed or population. If we start with
two animals that are Aa (one-half the genes A and one-half, a) and do
not select for gene A or gene a, then after any number of generations
and with any system of breeding, there will still be as many A genes as
a genes in the population. It must be recognized, however, that chance
may lead to rather large fluctuations in gene frequencies in small
A stock phrase for many years has been, "There is no best breed,"
though "tlltiStat~ment is only true when there has been added, "for all
conditions." There are breeds better suited to certain conditions than
are others of the same class, because certain breeds have been grown
under, and with a view to fulfilling, similar conditions to the ones now
contemplated. Some of our breeds of dairy cattle produce a milk better
suited to cheese making or the production of evaporated or condensed
milk than do others. Comparable situations exist between breeds of
horses, sheep, and swine. Breed tests of various sorts are likely to be
very misleading, because in them it is more apt to be the particular strain
rather than the breed as a whole that is being tested. If enough so-called
"breed tests" were run, under a wide enough range of environments, no
doubt all the breeds would get a share of the winnings. A breeder will
find it profitable to make a study of the breeds in order to ascertain
which one has been produced under conditions similar to his own and has
given the most general satisfaction therein. On the other hand, caution
must be exercised in accepting the offerings of overenthusiastic breed
advocates. This matter of an unbiased opinion and a thorough knowl-
edge of the breed from its earliest inception to the last sale and shmvyard
winning or loss cannot be overstressed. Such knowledge is essential
before a pedigree in the breed can be properly evaluated.
Each of the breeds has certain exterior trade-marks that make it
possible to differenti~te the breeds without any serious likelihood of
error. In this sense the trade-marks are an advantage. They may
also, of course, be a disadvantage if breeders select for fancy points at
the expense of points of utility. In sheep, one breed calls for a long,
horizontal ear, others for short, horizontal ears, and others for an erect
ear; some breeds demand a very heavy face covering of wool, others a
moderate face covering, and still others a clean face; some demand the
color markings on face, ears, and lower legs to be black, others brown,
others gray, others white; some breeds have no horns, others horns in
the male only, others in both sexes.
In swine, some breeds demand erect ears, others moderately erect ears,
others lop ears; in some the face must be greatly dished, in others moder-
ately dished, in others straight; some are black colored with a slight
toleration for white, others white with a complete intoleration for black,
others varying shades of red, and one requires a white belt to include
the front legs and shoulder. The dairy and beef breeds also vary in
color, horns, face. The most acceptable colors of Percheron horses, grays
and blacks, are not acceptable in Belgians; and the ones the Percherons
frown upon, chestnut, sorrel, bay, and roan, are the desired colors in
The breeds should continually scrutinize these trade-marks. Most
of them in themselves are harmless, although some may have positive
detriment, horns, face coverings, etc. Reasonable trade-marks should
be maintained, but care must be exercised at all times that "the tail
does not get to wagging the dog." The principal advantage of the
trade-marks is not that they have any intrinsic merit in themselves but
that they do enhance uniformity of appearance, and their very existence
and recognition reduces the likelihood of fraudulent or careless regis-
tration and so helps to protect the purity of the breeds. The existence
of separate and distinct breeds has two very important functions; (1) in
encouraging cooperative effort among men in the same breed, and (2) in
stimulating competition among the breeds.
Trade-marks generally mean some compromise in selection. The
breeder has to get a little less of some intrinsically valuable trait because
he has to get more of some breed trade-mark. Breed score cards gener-
ally try to allot point scores on the basis of relative merit of the part or
trait considered. Breeders should use this technique in practicing
selection so as to strike the happy medium between paying no attention
to breed trade-marks and paying them too much attention.
In the choosing of a breed, one must reach a decision as to whether
to select a breed already numerous and well established in the region or
to introduce a new and unknown one. Both of these procedures have
advantages and disadvantages. If a new breed is chosen, one has the
advantage of novelty and monopoly but the verYJerious disadvantage
of standing alone and perhaps being far removed from other sources of
replacement. Conversely, if one chooses a b.reed that_ is prominent
in the locality, he can have the distinct advantage of other breeders'
experience 'with the breed and the opportunity of wide choice near at
hand for his foundation animals and later additions. The good ·and bad
features of other herds in the community are more or less generally
known as well as the integrity and dependability of the men themselves.
With the growing trend toward the proving of sires in all classes of
livestock, the exchange of good sires in a region in order to extend their
use over longer periods of time will probably ensue. Having animals
of the same breed as others in the region would allow a new breeder to take
advantage of opportunities of this sort. General adoption of such a plan
would also tend to create line bred herds in the district, something greatly
to be desired in American livestock breeding.
Likewise, the trend toward artificial insemination in some classes of
livestock 'would indicate the much greater likelihood of one's being able
to have the use of better sires if he were breeding animals in a breed
already numerous in a region.
Finally, the greater likelihood of developing a market that would
attract outside buyers and permit the fostering of consignment sales
is an advantage which can grow out of a community's sticking to one
breed. Choosing a breed already well established in a region seems to
hold more advantages to the newcomer than the alternative scheme of
choosing a breed with few or no breeders in the region .
. / Individuality and Selection.-What an individual is and does is called
its phenotype, so that selection based on in.diY~an properly be
~ called phenotypic selection. This has been the most commonly used tool
\\ in selecli0n,-alld to it can b7ascribed most of the progress that has been
",Ii <l
," \)B-)",
"C-A I
r 11
ti .
1 M3.16~\""{<-:: L
~~~S !I"'~
ent, for they belong to two different genotypes. When mated to red
cattle, the first, BB, will give all black offspring, whereas the second will
give 50 per cent black and 50 per cent red off"priug. This is a simple
case,!to he sure, involVing only ~aiI" of ~nes, but the saine reasoning
and the same or more complica e genetic principles apply to the more
complex characteristics;'such as speed, milk production, ability to fatten,
ability to raise pigs, etc. If selection were practiced on the basis of..
general average excellence, we would perhaps keep some sows with poor
pasterns, steep rumps, and heavy jowls because they had enough other
good qualities to give them an average score that wai-higher than other
sows which might excel in some specific characters. Similar illustra-
tions can be envisioned in all classes of livestock. It is often noted with
a beginning class in livestock judgingthat as specific animal faults are
pointed out, each one in turn tends to bulk too large in the beginning
student's mind, so that an otherwise excellent animal which exhibits this
particular fault is dropped clear to the bottom of the class. Some
students find it impossible to overcome this tendency. Improvement in
livestock h!.dging on the part of other students is merely the growth in
'~biil'ti'to'balance defects or imperfections and arrive at a sound judgment
Q_ased on the total average excellence of the ~in each judging
rlng:----'I'he gooifJudge-sees attthe good anCfU;;-PQ_oIP.0511ts of his animals
but makes his placing on the basiS-ofgeneral balance of all parts. The
good breeder practicing phenotypic selection does the same thing in his
own "Little National or International" that he holds in his own barnyard.
The shortcomings or selection based on individuality can best be
illustrated by calling to mind excellent individuals in fat-stock classes
or horses that ha<V~' failed to transmit their own good qualities to their
~sprin.K:. There h~--p-;;bably'-been 'many animarstllatstooCl at or
near the top in the show ring and at the same time were mediocre or
worse as breeders. Likewise, some animals that stood lower in their
show classes, or perhaps were never deemed worthy of showing, have
proved to be. excellent transmitters of desirable type.
' .....Alloth~~-·~o;::e 'gen(!ral critique of 6e limitatiori.- of selection based on
individuality is t~~~V~~X,!l!,?.'':.. ,.P.~9~,.0!'..Q:_~.rise in productiQQ__in dairy
catthl, .. For many years dairymen have saved heifers from the highest
Pr~ducing females and sons from their highest producing cow. Yet the
average cow now yields 5,000 lb. of milk and 200 lb. of butterfat.
I For qualities which akthighly hereditary, individual selection is the
.§i!nplest and most useful tOOfWe have. Its main limitation arise~-f~~m
the fact that herItabIlIty of the commercially valuable qualities is rela-
tively low. It is a general principlethfl,_t the longer we can delay selection,
the fewer mistakes we are lii~ely to make. li,ve selected ewe lambs the
day-they ',vere Dorh, many mistakes would be made; if we delay until
they are yearlings, fewer mistakes would result; if we could try them
all out for 4 or 5 years and then select on the basis of individuality and
progeny, relatively few mistakes need be registered. So another limita-
tion of individual selection lies in the fact that it is based on young and
untested JUdgments.
FIG. 168.-Schematic pedigree showing" old-st:de" pedigree below diagonal line.
(If, on the other hand, sire A is a young, unproved bull, then we have
got to try to guess from his pedigree as to what he got and we would do it
by the method we are describing.)
We would apply the same line of reasoning to maternal grandsire
E (Fig. 168) as we have just applied to sire A. If grandsire E is a good
proved sire, then what's back of him cuts relatively little figure.
And likewise for maternal great-grandsire M.
In short, if sire A-grandsire E-and great-grandsire M, are good
proved-sires, then we can forget about what's back of them-the material
above the diagonal line in Fig. 168-and concentrate all our efforts and
study on the material below the diagonal line.
This may sound a bit revolutionary, but actually it is not. When
B, and finally to the present" Any Animal" being considered in Fig. 168.
If great-grand dam ·N is a great female herself, in ~and production,
and has had sev~ good 0ff_s.p_ring~_among them_~rl1Ili~~!ll F~-and if F
in turn has had several good offspring, among tIiem dam B, and if B
has had one or some good offspring, then we can be sure that the stream
(which is actually the female family) is a good one. j
Now if, in addition, great-~as a good pr~re and
poured into the stream tne-nereditar ,?-eterminersrorg;od type, highl
production, disease resistance, regularity of bree lng, longeVIty, and the \
ot'fier good things which we want III our herds, and If maternal grandsire. . .
E "andSire A did the same thing-then the good maternal stream which
we started with in gre:1t-granddam N will have had the best possible
chance to become en.r;lChed as it flowed down the generations.
Many breeders seem to consider all the l~als in a three-generation,
bracket-type pedigree as about of equaflmportance and to base their
judgment largely on the individuality (type and/o~_production) of those
14: indw~ocecrure-rs-gOoaaS far as it goes, but not so
complete and efficient as it might be.
lt would be much more efficient, we think, to work with only the six
animals concerned in a three-gen~, old-type pedigree-the bottom
line, but to get all the in1umnl:tlOn available about these animals. Study
sire A thoroughly: _ /'
What kind of females was he bred to (production and type)?J'
What kind of offspring did he get? ./ ..
Did the offspring and dams have similar environments (feeding, etc.)?
Has he any sons that are transmitting well? J
Has he any full or half brothers or sisters which have done well? ,.J
Perhaps sire A has 30 daughters, 5 sons, and 30 or 40 paternal and
maternal full or half brothers and sisters. So, instead of just studying
sire A as an individual and learning about a few of his offspring, we should
study carefully and completely not only sire A himself, but some 70 or
80 of his offspring and close relatives.
We would carry out similar studies on the other five animals-B, E,
F, M, N, in Fig. 168. We are going to take the really functional part
of a pedigree and study it as completely and exhaustively as possible.
So, while we advocate discounting to a certain extent about half the
animals in a bracket-type pedigree (those above the diagonal line in Fig.
168), we also advocate doubling or quadrupling the amount of study and
thinking we give to those making up the bottom line of the pedigree.
T.he. bO. ttom. line.of the pedigr.e.e-t¥ old-style pedigree-is really the
"Functiop-a~ :part of the Pedigree." ",hen used intelli e etting
alrti~~ relevant d1~ta p()Hsihle, and in conjunction ~v· selection for goon
type and production in the females involved, we have the presently most
valuable tool for arriving at the most probable transmitting values of
our livestock.
_" Breeders have traditionally used three mesns to try to evaluate the
paRsmittiHg abjlj~ of their animals, and their availability to the
breeder in point of time places them in the following order: (1) pedigree,
(2) individuality, (3) actual breeding performance. When properly used,
lall these methods are lJseful in breeding better livestock, but they all
'have certain limitations. We can summarize by saying that, from the
Istandpoint of hereditary transmission: /'
, The pedigree of an animal tells us what the ~tnimal ought to be. /
The individuality of an,.animal tells us what the animal seems to be.
The bree..ding peI!!!!!!!!J/nce of an animal tells us "'hat the animal actu-
ally is. .
L njustified merit i's sometimes assigned to any and all animals of
certain strains or families. In common vernttcular, this is known as a
"pedigree craze." They are sometimes propagated for the sake of
res~petition, and the livestock breeder will do well to investi-
,gate thoroughly before shaping his course by them. Utility rather than
'popularity will, in the final analysis, be the criterion by which all classes,
breeds, strains, and individuals will be tried. This should not be con-
strued in any way to mean that certain strains or families are not better
producers of speed, milk, flesh, wool, or ,,'hat not, than are others,
because such an interpretation ,,"ould be entirely removed from the truth.
In planning matings, pedigree study has 11 legitimate place. Hard
and fast rules cannot be laid down.· It is a matter of reflection and
judgment requiring intimate knowledge of the dominant characteristics
of the strains in question. Some strai;us, are too fine, others too coarse,
some .Qlature quickly, others -Slo\vly,' b~tterfat percentage is high in some,
low in ~mate wisery, s~ in all probability ther-e will be
blended in the offspring some of the extremes found in the parents is an
art in the achieving of which pedigree study has its legitimate function.
It will readily be recognized that the number of animals in the most
efficient strains is more or less limited. It is also a fact that because of
their recognized merit there is a large demand for them, and they con-
sequently sell for high prices. To the small breeder, this is discouraging,
but he need not be without hope. These, to be sure, are proved strains,
though, when their origin is studied, it is found that they arose more or
less by chance through the mating of two particular individuals. Each
parent probably supplied some previously missing factor or facton"
which when combined into one individual yielded an animal of much
greater, \~orth than either parent and, moreover, an animal capable of
\/ \
this bull has raised the production of his daughters by 2,000 lb. of milk
and 0:2 per cent of butterfat. ~ecause these qualities are apparently
contron~~L~iple genes, (~e-~ssun{e- that-the-~sl;:e-- and damai:e
jointly and equ~le for the production of ~~ers,
in other words, that the daughters' producti~l!_ falls half~~_l>etween_
the two parental levels. KuO\vrng--the lever of production of the cows
and ili:eii- daughters ena15les us to estimate the transmitting level of the
Dam's production ........................ . 7,000 3.8
Daughter's production ............. . 9,000 4.0
Bull's index ................... . 11 ,000 4.2
We think it advisable for every breeder to chart his herd into its
respective female families. This is not a difficult task and generally
will pay good-sized dividends.
The simplest way to arrange a herd into its female families is probably
to make out a little card for each female, showing the a~imal's name at
the top, her date of birth, her sire and dam. A)Vhen such c~~Js-have been
mane out -for all the remal~ have existed in a herd for the past 5,
10, 15, or 20 years, they should be sorted, putting the oldest animals on
the top of the pile and the young females born last week down on the
bottom of the pile. Next secure some large sheets of paper, at least
2 ft. or more wide and a foot or more in depth. Enter the name of
the oldest female in the middle at the left-hand side of the large sheet
and her daughter just at the right of her name, with the daughter's sire
above her own name. That card can then be dispensed ~with. Next,
look down through the pile of cards and see if there are any other offspring
from this old female. If so, they can go in the column to the right of
the foundation female and a straight line can connect dams and daughters.
In this way, the female family will build up across the page, starting
with the old foundation animal and showing her daughters, grand-
daughters, great-granddaughters, and so on, in columns as we move to
the right across the page. This whole array is a female family. We can
guarantee that no matter how well a breeder knows his herd, he will
learn many things he didn't know by working the herd up into its female
families. flame fm.llQi_es are better producers than others; some families
a,re more regular breeders than others; some families ar! itm__ger live
some families are better type, and so on. Qualities do run in families,
as we all know in a general way. What ~ must learn in a
specific way is the nature of the things running in his female families.
Only in this way can his selection be placed on a sounder basis.
~ Production, Type, and Show Ring in Selection.-Production is generally
thought to be closely associated with type, which in turn is determined
by the market as well as by show-ring standards. With meat animals,
type is ll1easured by the relati~portlons bet\veen hams, legs, rounds,
loiii.~l rIbs, bellies, and shoulders, as well as their proportion to the less
ViiUable portions of the carcass. Type, in other words, in these classes
is--production, and to a certain degree it is evident to the eye before
slaughter and is evidenced by both sexes. In horses, certain types of
build have been found by experience to be better suited for certain
performances than are others, although temperament is also of great
importance. In dairy cattle, there is somewhat less correspondence
between external appearance and production, for the latter is due largely
test is simply dependent on the reading of the scales that weigh the milk, whereas
the use of a scale of points to judge a cow for milk yield depends, not on any
external scale, but on the mental processes or mental ability of the judge so to
balance his cuts as to show the true worth of the cow. From this it follows that
the conformation of the cow as a measure of milk yield would in all probability
be subject to the personal bias of the judge.
This is, in fact, shown to be the case in study of the records. There are nine-
teen men, all well-trained dairymen, who have judged enough cattle with milk
yield to make a test of their ability as judges of these cows for milk yield. Nine
of these men clearly could judge dairy cattle by the score card and select the
better milkers. On a scale ranging from 1 to 0 and 0 to -1 (correlation scale)
these men varied from the most accurate judge of milk yield from the conforma-
tion of 0.614 to the least accurate judge of -0.098. The average ability of these
men is 0.246, or they are, on the average, about 25 percent better judges of dairy
cattle for milk production than the average trained dairymen. Clearly, some
men are good cattle judges. Equally clearly, some men cannot judge cattle for
milk production by the use of the score card. Such being the case, the individual
man will do well before he selects cattle by their conformation alone to make a
sufficient test to convince himselfthat he is one of those gifted men who can
judge dairy cattle.
On the other hand, almost anyone can weigh milk. No personal equation
need be present in recording the weights. Such being the case, when they are
obtainable the dairyman or buyer would do well to consider the milk yield
carefully in selecting dairy cows as indicated by the figures above.
Bureau of Dairy Industry and is published as U.S. Dept. Ayr. Misc. Pub. 409.
nothing but high milk production in dairy cattle, and we could undoubt-
edly secure it, but if it came at the expense of badly pendulous and
broken-away udders or lack of general vigor, disease resistance, or
longevity, it might not be worth the price. Or we might practice selec-
tion for a 4 per cent butterfat test in Holsteins to the exclusion of all
else. Again we could undoubtedly be successful in this aim, but, if we
got it at the expense of a greatly lowered total amount of milk, it probably
would not be worth this price.
From a practical standpoint, therefore, we must reconcile ourselves
to the task of generally selecting for several things and also selecting
against several things at the same time and trying in general to strike
a happy medium, a balance, between the best and the worst in several
The items that hinder selection most are different in the two sexes.
In the male, it is the inability to test out enough young males so as to be
sure of getting one of the better ones. Probably not more than 10 to 20
per cent of the male offspring of sires are ever used in breeding, and only
an infinitesimal portion of these are properly tested before being put into
heavy service. Most breeders pick males on the basis of type and
pedigree and hope. Probably many of the best males in any class of
animals are never used for breeding.
The main impediment to selection in females is the rapid turnover
among these animals. If a cow is in a herd for 4 years (until she is 6
years old), she will drop 2 heifer calves and we must keep one of them
to replace her-we do not have much choice. The choice may be a little
wider in ewes and sows, but not much so. If we could have our choice
among 10 or 15 females to replace each one that goes out, we could expect
to have more rapid improvement, provided our criteria for selection
were sound. With our present rapid turnover among females little
range of selection is possible. Anything a breeder can do to lower the
rate of turnover in his herd will be of immediate benefit economically
and of ultimately great benefit genetically.
Summary.-We have seen in this chapter that intelligent selection of
breeding~nimal~ presents a great variety of problems. The main purpose
~f selectio;_1~ to increase our stock of desirable-genes and to diminish
our stock of undesirable ones. Since we cannot examine the genes them-
selves, our only recourse is to estimate them by studying individuality,
pedigree, and progeny. In addition to the difficulty of not being able.
to read the labels on the genes directly, there are the further complications
due to dominance, epistasis, and probably other unknown interactions
between the genes, as well as those caused by the environment. To be
effective, o,ur selection must be on the basis of variation caused by
BABCOCK, E. B., and CLAUSEN, R. E. 1927. "Genetics in Relation to Agriculture,"
2d ed., Chaps. 21 and 42, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.
CASTLE, W. E. 1930. "Genetics and Eugenics," Chap. 26, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass.
DARWIN, C. 1859. "The Origin of Species," Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., Garden
City, N.Y.
FISHER, R. A. 1930. "The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection," Oxford "Cni-
versity Press, New York.
LUSH, J. L. 1945. "Animal Breeding Plans," Collegiate Press, Inc. of Iowa State
College, Ames, Iowa.
MALIN, D. F. 1923. "The Evolution of Breeds," Wallace Publishing Company,
Des Moines, Iowa.
NORDBY, J. E., and BEESON, W. M. 1937. "Livestock Judging Handbook," The
Interstate Printers and Publishers Co., Danville, Ill.
SMITH, W. W. 1941. "Elements of Livestock Judging." J. B. Lippincott Com-
pany, Philadelphia.
cattle by the fact that breeders desire' their animals to evidence the
approved dairy type in addition to being high and profitable producers,
and the two things are not highly correlated.
Genetically, we are faced with the very serious problem that milk
production is the end result of a long chain of events caused by manifold
and complex physiological functionings, which probably means that
many genes and many kinds of gene interactions are involved. What we
are trying to do, therefore, is to ascertain the genetic causes of very
complicated physiological processes in a species which has many chromo-
somes and fmv offspring. With 30 pairs of chromosomes, 2 30 gametic
recombinations of paternal and maternal chromosomes are possible and
3 30 possible zygotes (to say nothing of dominance and epistatic effects,
crossing over, mutations, and chromosomal aberrations), and at best vve
can have only a few score or hundreds of daughters of a bull and three
or four or five daughters of a cow. We may get a few landmarks, but
the details of the genetic picture are quite likely to be blurred and the
whole seeming picture turn out to be a mirage.
Another obstacle militating against the effectiveness of selection in
dairy cattle is the fact that l!either type nor producti9!l are completely
heritable. For example, Lush,- N-Ort()n, and Arnold (1941), in a study
of the effects which selection of dams may have on sire indexes, report
heritability figures of 28 per cent for fat and 33 per cent for milk based
on Iowa D.H.LA. records and from Holstein H.LR. data figures of 25
per cent for fat when based on the first lactation and 30 per cent when
based on the second lactation. Lush and Straus (1942) found a value
of 17 per cent for heritability of butterfat production in dairy cattle.
They also cite Ward's figure of about 25 per cent as revealed by his
study of New Zealand cattle. And likewise, in dairy-cattle type, Tyler
and Hyatt (1948) report a figure of about 30 per cent for heritability of
type ratings between parent and offspring in dairy cattle.
The fact that type and production are not completely heritable does
not mean that we should not select from best-type and highest producing
cows. We must of course do this. What th~relatively low heritability
figures mean is that individual looks and·performance must be augmented
by as many other favorable indications as can be secured from perform-
ance of an animal's close relatives and the performance of its offspring.
In addition to all the above handicaps, the.environment can play mean
tricks on us and lead us astray. Milk production is a highly elastic
affair, easily influenced by men, money, materials; feeding, fussing,
fertilizing; health and general hocus-pocus, as well as heredity. Finally,
the cow is forced to live, produce, and reproduce under conditions very
far removed from what might be called natural ones.
female lines, and sharper tools for use in the selection of males are badly
The most important item in the dairy business is the individual cO\y.
If she is healthy, a good producer, long-lived, and able to transmit her
good quafitles to numerous' offspring, then there is a firm foundation for
the multitude of activities that must result before milk, butter, cheese. or
ice cream appear on the consumer's table. If, on the other hand, the
individual cow is not healthy, not a good producer, not long-lived, and J
worse still, probably capable of transmitting these poor qualities to her
offspring, then the whole of the dairy industry rests on a very insecure
foundation. It.. is clear, therefore, that dairymen cannot devote too
much time and thought to the matter of getting better CO\YS into their
dairy herds.
Selection Goals in Dairy Cattle ..!:_Breeders of dairy cattle want their
herds to exhibit many qualities of which the following is a partial list:
0.1'4 production, test, efficiency, persistency, longevity, disease resistance,
.' regularity of breeding, good disposition, easy milking, goodtype, trueness
t~ breed standards, etc. It should be obvious that, with ~o many things
clamoring for attention, considerable compromising is bound to ensue.
It would not be so bad if we had easily applied objective measurements
for all these wanted things, but for many of them, all we can have is a
subjective judgment, an opinion which may be right or may be wrong
and may be variable. Many things in our above list can be measured
objectively, but only over a period of years, yet we must select from
some of our cows while they are young. Our above list could perhaps b~ .'
grouped under two headings: (1) physical individuality or type, (2) phys- , /
iological individuality, which adds up to production and reproduction.
Dairy Type and Selection.-Dairy type has been more or less of a
moot subject for a long time. In fat stock type is production to a con-
siderable extent. In hogs, for example, a long deep body (loin and rib
chops and bacon), well-fleshed front and rear ends (shoulder, butt, and
ham), with smoothness, quality, and nonwastefulness indicates directly
to the eye that the five primal cuts make up a considerable portion of the
live animal. In dairy cattle the degree of correlation between type and 1
production is not nearly so high. Nevertheless, type does enter into the
selection picture for dairy cattle, and, when successful, it pays very good
dividends possibly as regards reproduction, probably as regards pro-
duction, certainly as regards sales merit. Type is an old means of
evaluating animals, having appeared in Roman animal hu~bandry
writings of nearly 2,000 years ago. In those far-off days the bovine was
used primarily as a draught animal, and the ideal animal ,,"as to be well
made; sound, deep-bodied; with long, thick neck; broad, high shoulders;.\
a wide, deep body; good rump; short, straight legs; good hoofs; ~nd at
smooth, soft hide. Included with these points, which obviously have
some bearing on power, ,,"ere stipulations that the animal have dark,-
horns, hairy ears, flat nose, black muzzle, tail reaching to the heelst i
and preferably be black in color-points which might be described as'
fancy rather than strictly utilitarian. With this for a starter, or everi
,,"ithout it, it is not surprising that dairy-cattle score cards continue to
carry aesthetic as well as utilitarian requirements.
The presently used score card for dairy cows of all breeds allots 30
points to general appearance, 40 points to dairy character and body
capacity, arid 30 points to mammary system. It seems impossible to
quarrel with the latter two divisions which have to do \\"ith size and
quality of body and udder. Many statistics are available ,yhich show
that the larger cows within a breed are, generally, more productive and
profitable than are the smaller ones. ; Quality is more difficult to measure,
but experience has shown that,. generally, cows of a lean, angular type,
of moderate-sized bone, of thin hide, and "with udders which, when
milked out, are soft and yielding, thus indicating no overdevelopment of
connective tissue, are higher milkers than those ,Yith the contrasting
attributes. But, whether one pays any attention to so-called "type"
in practicing selection, or not, he is probably going to select cows which
are lean in the neck, shoulder, and thigh; deep and wide in body and
flank; and carrying a capacious mammary system of high quality. So, we
repeat, that these 70 points on the present score card are fully justified
and are probably used by all progressive dairy-cattle breeders.
The only possible score-card argument then boils down to the matter
of the 30 points for general appearance. These 30 points demand that
the animal conform, within certain limits, to the generally accepted
breed standards and that its head and lean neck, its capacious body,
and its large, quality udder, show some decent relationship to each other,
and that the body be carried on fairly straight and well-placed legs
which (following Abraham Lincoln's stipulation) are at least long enough
to reach to the ground.
It appears, then, that the critics of "type" make much ado about
nothing. True, how pretty a cow's face is (and judgments would differ
as they seem to do in our own species) , how straight her back, how level
her rump, how pretty her legs, probably have little to do with how
productive she is. But, both "dirt farmer" and "real breeder" know
FIG. 170.- Holstein-Friesian bull (top) Chip of Nettie and Aaggie; and (bottom) cow,
Rosehill Fayne Wayne--All-American aged bull and cow for 1948.
they must have size and quality of body and udder for high production,
and with the udder strongly attached-not sagging to within a few inches
of the ground and being kicked like a football at every step. The bodily
essentials for milk production we all agree on-some "practical" men
will take them no matter how poorly they are joined together, just as
long as they are still in one piece-the "breeder" wants the same things,
but wants them blended together into a symmetrical whole. Now it
should be obvious that the man who tries to get the necessities more
properly blended has a more difficult task, but he gets good dividends for
his efforts when successful, both in satisfaction and sales appeal as well
as to some extent in production and perhaps in longevity.
Some people apparently have the erroneous idea that "dairy type"
was conceived in one or a few minds sometime in the"dim past, and that
selection for this type gradually led to increased £!od1.!.£!ion. The exact
opposite is probably the truth-selection for production gradually
brought" dairy type" into being; i.e., cows which put excess feed into
milk rather than into fat on their backs are just naturally lean and
angular. It is certain, therefore, thatthe individuality (type) of a dairy
cow is an indication of ,vhetner the avimal will be a good producer or ng,t'3
Type is not an infallible guide to production, but it is, within limits, a
~ound guiqe. Sinc~ "like tends to beget like" (again not perfectly), \~e
can get some idea of how an animal will transmit from its o\vn type, and
,,-e should continue to use individuality in trying to measure the probable
transmitting abilities of our breeding females. Most breeders do select
heifers (and bulls) from their best-type and highest producing cows.
Type and production of daughters of these "best" cows do not always
equal or exceed the dams-the correlation between type or production
of dams and daughters is not perfect-but what we get from this proce-
dure is certainly well worth having.
/' There are two biological reasons why there is not a perfect correlation
bet\veen type and production of daughters and dams. The first ,reason
is that inheritance is a halving and sampling process. Each animal is
I likely to get ·some good and some poor heredit~erminers from each
parent. In some eggs (or sperm) the sample half may contain most of
the good hereditary units and a few of the poor ones, or most of the poor
ones and a few of the good ones. Many varying sample halves are
possible. So, our "best" cows do not always transmit fully ~heir own
excellencies, and can and do transmit differently to their various offspring
-the very nature of the hereditary process makes it almost certain that
this will be so. The other biological reason for the low correlation
between dams and daughters is the fact that each daughter must have
another parent (a bull), and he, too, transmits samples of his inheritance
-some better, some worse. In addition to these two biological reasons
for lack of complete type and production correlation between dams and
daughters, there are also the environmental differences in feeding and
management, which may lead to rather extreme differences between
dams and their daughters.
There is a decided relation, as numerous statistics show, between size
and produci'ng capacity in dairy cattle. Other things being equ'&l, the
big cow produces more and returns more over feed cost than does the
little cow in any breed or in grade animals. Again, this is not to say
that all big cows are good producers and all small cows poor producers.
Our experience contradicts such a statement, but it is true that we will
more often find high production in big dairy cows than we will in small
.FIG. 17l.-Ayrshire bull (top) Netherhall Swanky Dan who won 84 grand championships;
aud cow (bottom) Alfalfa Farm Ann 2ud, a many times grand champion cow.
ones. Therefore, good size for the breed or grade is a point to be kept
i.n mind in the selection of replacements.
Included in size is the matter of length, depth, and width of body.
The ,animals should be deep from the top of the withers to the floor of
the chest, should be comparatively wide through the chest region, should
be deeper through the rear than through the foreflank. The ribs should
Ex. V.G. G+ G F P
Ex. 22 85 95 86 6
V.G. 48 851 516 448 76 2
P 2 2 5 3
FIG. 172.-Distribution of classified daughters from classified dams.
Excellent cows do not beget only excellent daughters; poor cows do not
beget only poor daughters. However, we are more likely to get good-
type offspring from the three upper classification types than from the
lower three. The correlation is not high (about 0.2) but it is positive.
From a study of 3,738 paternal sisters and of 1,601 cows out of classified
dams, Tyler and Hyatt arrived at the conclusion that the heritability of
type was about 30 per cent; i.e., that offspring inherit about one-third
the superiority or inferiority of the parents' type. If we had the average-
type score of both the male and female parents, the correlation would
probably be higher.
Most of our dairy-breed associations now provide for type classifications
for ~r breeders. Some of the breeds print the types of the animal
cl~d. Such information is valuable, but it leaves a lot to be desired.
When the record shows a certain cow to be G+, we do not know whether
she was off in general appearance, body capacity, dairy quality, or
mammary system, or how much in each. When all a bull's daughters
The correlation between the average of the several ratings of each heifer before
first calving and the first and second ratings after calving were 0.37 and 0.40
respectively. With improvements in and standardization of classification
methods, particularly for heifers, the classification program may become valuable
1 HYATT, G., JR., TYLER, 'IV. J., and CONKLIN, C. T., The Relationship betweell
Type Ratings of Ayrshire Females as Young Heifers and as Cows, Jour. Dairy Sci.,
32(4) :380, 1949.
\ \,
in helping breeders to cull the poorest type individuals from their herds at an
early age.
Since dairy type has sales value (more for some breeders than for
othe:rs)~'-ls partIally correlated with production and perhaps with longev-
ity, and is up to one-third heritable, it should receive attention from
dairy-cattle breeders in their selection plans and on a family as well as
individual basis. An animal which herself scores 95 per cent, but whose
parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, half brothers and sisters,
and nieces and nephews average 80 per cent is not likely to be as good a
transmitter of type as one which herself scores 85 per cent and whose
close relatives also average 85 per cent. The breeder will be recompensed
for selecting from good-type animals, especially if the latter are members
of good-type families.
20,000 0
19,00'0 1 ,.......
i l7 o~
., 18,00D J/ I
I 0 7 .... ~ I
'i- 11,000
~ 16,000 ILr i i )'..
c 15,000
L'_ II I ~
~ 14,000
v I 0
1:',000 L I
v I
12,00°1.9 2 9 ;) 9 4 9 5.9 6·9 1.9
8.9 9.9 10.9 {1.9 1'1..9 13.9 /49
: /5.9
FIG. 173.-0bservational and fitted curves showing the relation of 365-day milk yield
to age for Holstein-Friesian cattle. The observational curve is represented by small
circles. The smooth curve shows the fitted logarithmic curve for milk yield. (From
Gowen, Studies in Milk Secretion, Me. AUr. Expt. Sta. Report, 1920.)
To convert a 365-day record to a 305-day basis multiply by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 .85
To convert a 305-day record to a 365-day basis multiply by. . . . ... . . . . . .. I . 17
To convert a 4-times-a-day milking to 3-times-a-day milking multiply by. . . 0.88
To convert a 4-times-a-day milking to 2-times-a-day milking multiply by. . .. 0.74
To convert a 3-times-a-day milking to 4-times-a-day milking mUltiply by. . .. I . 13
To convert a 3-times-a-day milking to 2-times-a-day milking mUltiply by . . .. 0 . 83
To convert a 2-times-a-day milking to 3-times-a-day milking multiply by. . . 1 .20
To convert a 2-times-a-day milking to 4-times-a-day milking multiply by. . .. 1.35
To convert 2 milkings per day for 305 days to 3 milkings per day for 365 days add 40 %
To convert 3 milkings per day for 365 days to 2 milkings per day for 305 days
subtract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................... 30 %
Mixed average
Ayrshire, Brown Swiss,
of Ayrshire,
Age Guernsey, Milking Holstein
Guernsey, Jersey,
Jersey Shorthorn
and Holstein
305-308.. .... . .. 1.00 337-340 .. 0.92
309-312...... 0.99 341-344 .. 0.91
313-316...... 0.98 345-348 .. 0.90
317-320...... 0.97 349-352. 0.89
321-324...... 0.96 353-356 ... 0.88
325-328...... 0.95 357-360 .. 0.87
329-332 ........... 0.94 361-364. 0.86
333-336 ........... 0.93 365 0.85
* Applicable also to Table 46, hence omitted there.
differences in butterfat test. The most usual figures which breeds print
about their cows are those for total milk and total fat. These figures are
the least valuable to the breeder. What he needs to know are his
animals' fat test (because it does not generally pay to stray too far from
breed average in this respect) and total inheritance for production. He
Conversion factors
Av. test
Milk Total fat
should, therefore, know the fat test of each cow, and if he will convert
all production to his own breed standard F.C.M. test by means of the
factors in Table 47, he will have each cow's total production figure.
For more rapid progress in improving dairy cattle, we need more
production facts, and these facts must be standardized to some common
basis by means of age and times-milked factors, and the F.C.M. factors
will add a further refinement of the data.
Methods for Indexing Dairy Bulls for Production.-Since a dairy bull
yields no milk, his transmitting inheritance must be assayed by means
of his type, his pedigree or the production facts of his offspring. The
first two methods are not very accurate. Over the past 30 years, many
suggestions have been made for working out the third method. In
general, the idea is to try to get a genetic picture of the bull by studying
his daughters' records or by comparing them with those of their dams.
Pearl, Gowen, and Miner 1 (1919) suggested the quartile method of
~riving at a bull's transmitting ability. This method consists of plotting
the curve of variability of AR records, dividing it into quartiles (or
octiles), then classifying the offspring of each sire in terms of percentage
on the basis of the relative standing of each dam with her daughter. The
highest quarter of the AR records was called A, the second B, the third G,
and the fourth D. If a bull had 4 daughters, and 50 per cent, or 2, of
them were in the second quarter, whereas the respective dams were in
the first quarter; 1 daughter, or 25 per cent, was in the second quarter,
,,'hereas her dam was in the third quarter; and 1 daughter, or 25 per cent,
was in the fourth quarter, whereas her dam was in the first quarter;
the bull was then represented by the following formula, the dams' letters
being given first:
50AB + 25GB + 25AD
The example just given seems relatively simple, but on occasion this
formula for a bull can become very complicated; e.g., the formula for
Spermfield Owl:
12AA + 4AB + 4AG + 23BA + 12BB + 4BG + 8GA + 8eB
+ 4GD + 12DA + 4DB + 8DD
In any event, the method was complicated and too indefinite for general
use. In any given case the question for which a breeder seeks an answer
is, How many pounds of milk and what fat percentage will this bull
transmit to his daughters? No such definite answer is possible by the
quartile method.
1 PEARL, R., GOWEN, J. W., and MINER, J. R., Maine Agr. Col. Ext. Bul. 281,
(Studies in Milk Secretion VII), 1919.
f* 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 . 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
- - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- ---
2 0.700 0.715 0.730 0.745 0.760 0.775 0.790 0.805 0.820 0.835
3 0.850 0.865 0.880 0.895 0.910 0.925 0.940 0.955 0.970 0.985
4 1.000 1.015 1.030 1.045 1.060 1.075 1.090 1.105 1.120 1.135
5 1.150 1.165 1.180 1.195 1.210 1.225 1.240 1.255 1.270 1.285
6 1.300 1.315 1.330 1.345 1.360 1.375 1.390 1.405 1.420 1.435
7 1.450 1.465 1.480 1.495 1. 5101 1.525 1.540 1.555 1.570 1.5~
*f ~ fat percentage.
December, 1924.
2 GAINES, W. L., and DAVIDSON, F. A., Relation between Percentage Fat Content
and Yield of Milk, Ill. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 245, 1923.
3 PERKINS, A. E., A Simplified Procedure for Calculating Weights of Milk, etc.,
Jour. Dairy Sci., 20:129-132,1937.
4 TURNER, C. W., A Comparison of Guernsey Sires, Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 79,
ter's fat production minus 0.15 of the dam's fat production divided by
0.85. This formula grew out of Turner's study in which he found that
for each increase of 100 lb. of fat on the part of the dams, the daughters
increased 15 lb. This formula of Turner's implies the genetic theory of
partial dominance on the part of the bull, since the daughters are seen to
progress 85 per cent of the way up or down to the bull's level from the
dam's average level of production.
Graves l (1926) suggested comparing the dams' and daughters' records
and i~tting the difference (plus or minus) stand for the bull's index. In
rating bulls under this system, Graves also considered the average milk
production of the dams and daughters, the average fat percentage of
dams and daughters, and the percentage of daughters making an increase
in amount of milk as well as the percentage making an increase in fat test.
Goodale 2 (1927) proposed the Mt. Hope bull index. This assumed
that, in matings between animals of unequal levels, ~ilk production is
on the average about seven-tenths of the distance above the level of the
lower parent, while butterfat per cent is about four-tenths of the distance
above the lower level. To get the Mt. Hope Index, compute the averag~
mature equivalent of the milk production of all daughters of the bull,
also the average mature equivalent of the milk productiOI; of the da~s
of these daughters and take the difference between these averages. •
If the daughters' average exceeds the dams' average, add three-
sevenths_ (or 0.4286) of the difference to the daughters' average to get
the bull's milk-index figure.
If the daughters' average is less than the dams' average, subtract
seven-third~ (or 2.333) of the difference from the daughters' average to
'get the bull's milk-index figure.
The index for percentage of butterfat is obtained by similar operations,
but with different fractions,
If the daughters' butterfat average percentage exceeds the dams'
butterfat average percentage, add 1J!!ee-halvet?, (or 1.5) of the difference
to the daughters' average to get the bull's butterfat index.
If the daughters' average is less than the dams' average, subtract t-wo-~
.thirds. (or 0.6667) of the difference from the daughters' average to get the
bull's index.
The above was known as the Precise Mt. Hope Index. Later it was
suggested to ignore the theoretical partial dominance of high milk yield
and low fat test and consider that the daughters fell halfway between
dams and sire index in both milk and test. This is a variation of the
idea expressed by Yapp and others earlier.
Gifford 1 (1930) from a study of a group of Guernsey bulls concluded
that the daughters' records could be used as the index of the bull. In
other words, the dam's contribution is disregarded entirely, which is all
right provided the dams in each instance are an average of the breed.
Wright 2 has proposed a method for evaluating bulls that takes into
account the number of daughter-dam pairs available. He has clarified
the situation by distinguishing between three types of matings. The
first type, a mating of a bull with some individual cow, Wright says,
can be answered by using the method of multiple regression, provided all
the necessary correlation coefficients are available. Even this, however,
would seem to be rather a risky procedure in the present state of probable
heterozygosity of most of our dairy animals. The second type of matings
of a bull to cows in the same herd or of similar levels of production,
Wright says, can be foretold by the records of the previous daughters
of the bull.
For the answer to the question as to what record would be expected of
daughters of a bull, if the latter were mated with a random sample of
cows of the breed, Wright has proposed the following formula:
2 n
S =n + 2 A + n + 2 (20 - D)
between the average production of the dams and the average production
of the daughters. The simplest way to ~o this is by the formula-twice
the daughters' averages for milk and test minus those of the dams. This
lets the daughters fall just halfway between the actual average pro-
duction of the dams and the estimated index of the bull, on the assumption
that both parents are jointly and equally responsible for the character-
istics of their offspring.
Dams Daughters
Age Conver- Con- Age Conver- Con-
Actual Actual
of Sion verted Test of sion verted Test
record record
cow factor record cow factor record
A bull index is a very useful tool in the selection and breeding of dairy
~maTs/ though it should by no means be the only one. Figure~i7 4
shows the index of a given bull with the dams' records on the left and the
daughters' records on the right, both sets converted to standard mature
age, six years, 305 days lactation, twice-a-day milking. Since records
show that the fat test of milk produced by a cow is relatively constant,
i.e., changes little, although it does fall slightly with age, it is not custom-
ary or necessary to apply any conversion factors to the butterfat test.
The bull comes out with an index of 8,578 lb. of milk and a 5.19 per cent
test on 6 daughter-dam pairs. It would have been better, of course, for
the bull to have had 8 or 10 daughters rather than 6, and they must be
uses bulls ,vith an inheritance of 14,000 lb. or more, his herd ,yill remain
at 14,000 lb.
Regression (first used by Francis Galton) is, in one sense, an unfortunate
term because to most minds it usually connotes going backward. In
the biological sense, it means, according to Webster, "the correlation
bet,veen parent and offspring when used as a meas~r~~.ri~."
Actually, of course, regression is the correlation times the ratio of the two
standard deviations, but since in much biological data the two standard
deviations are approximately equal, the correlation and the regression
often have approximately the same value in studies o.f he.redl.·t y . ~res
sion is commonly referred to as "the drag or boost of the breed." hen
animals g_et below the breed average, their offsPri~-"teiidto" chmb back
upt;;;ard the breed a;;erage; when they get above the breed average'1
they "tend to" fall back toward the breed average. In short, regression I
moves upward from below the breed average and downward from above
the breed averag9-
The regression index can be found by getting the difference between
his daughters' actual and "normally eXI?ected" production and adding
this difference to the breed average. This proposal differs from the
Equal:parent system in that the latter method deals with the actual
records of dams and daughters without specific reference to the breed
average, although, as will be shown, this feature could be included.
The Regression Index could be calculated from tables centered on the
respective breed average§_lillth for amount of milk and for butterfat test,
with daughters' expectation rising or falling from the breed average
one-half as fast as their dams.
If tables of normal expectation were not available, the normal expecta-
tion for any group of daughters could be ascertained by adding the
respective breed averages in milk and test to the dams' average in milk
and test and dividing by 2.
(The easiest ,yay of finding a bull's Regression Index would be to find
his Equal-parent Index in the usual fashion (twice the daughters' aver-
ages minus the dams), then add the respective breed averages for milk
and test to this Equal-parent Index and divide by two. In other words,
the Regression method simply regresses the Equal-parent indexes half-
way back to the respective breed averages.
Formulae for finding the Equal-parent and Regression indexes are as
Equal-parent = W + 2(d - e)
Regression = W + (d - e)
where W = breed average, d = daughters' actual production (or test)
and e = daughters' expected produetion (or test). Leaving the figure 2
The figures in Table 49, it should be noted, assume that cows are milked
for a full 305 days, twice a day, under good conditions. 1Ve realize that
not all purebred herds reach the figures indicated in Table 49. Also,
the basic figure of 410 lb. may be up to .j per cent too much 01' too little
for certain breeds. Until we can get more accurate figures from the
breeds, however, the above approximate must suffice. Actually, the
Ayrshire breed is now using the figure of 9,100 lb., which is the actual
average for this breed, but this average includes many cows ·which do
not milk the full 305 days. Those milking the full lO-month period
approximate the figure shown in Table 49.
With ,the values shown in Table 49, one can compute Regression
indexel3 f'01' bulls in any breed. ~he chief advantage of the Regression
Index is that, knowing his breed average, the breeder can quickly .arriy~
at a bull's apparent transmitting level. For example, if a Breed Average
was actually 10,000 lb. of milk with a 4 per cent test and a bull of that
breed is stated to have a Regression Index of 10,600 - 4.20%, we know
immediately that his daughters produced 600 lb. more than normally
expected (10,600 minus 10,000) and tested 0.20 better than normally
expected (4.20 minus 4.00) regardless of the level of the dams to which he
was mated. An Equal-parent Index of 10,600 milk and 4.20 test, on
the other hand, could have been secured from dams 8,000, daughters
9,300-dams 14,000, daughters 12,300, and from millions of other com-
binations. The Equal-parent Index is not very revealing because it
lacks any specific point of reference which the Regression Index has
automatically in the Breed Average:
In addition, since the Regression Index moves very high or very low
Equal-parent indexes halfway back to the Breed Average, its use in
pedigrees and other advertising material would help to keep purchasers'
hopes within reasonable bounds of possible accomplishment.
Bull1JLJlgX_!L~__IJ._Sele~t:ion Tool.-Some people prefer to use the actual
daughters' average as the -measure of a bull's transmitting ability without
standardizing the data even as far as age or number of milkings. In
this form, we think the data practically worthless, at least so far as
comparisons among bulls or prediction of future daughters are concerned.
When standardized for age, number of milkings, and environment, if
necessary and possible, the records of a bUll'S daughters are of great
value in delineating his hereditary level of transmission. If the mates
were a random average sample of the breed or population and the bull
was later to be mated to a random average sample of the breed or popu-
lation, such records are perhaps all that are necessary.
Some people standardize mates' and daughters' records and express
the results as simple pluses or minuses for daughters in amount of milk,
butterfat percentage, and total butterfat. This may be misleading
because it fails to consider the normal average regression of 0.5 of groups
of daughters on groups of dams. A bull bred to 6,000-lb. cows and
having daughters at 8,000 lb. would show a 2,000+ figure, ,...-hile one
bred'to cows averaging 14,000 lb. and having 12,000-lb. daughters would
show a 2,000 - figure, leading one to assign greater merit to the first
bull. However, if the breed or population average was 10,000 lb., the
normal regression of daughters on dams would call for exactly the figures
secured, 8,000 and 12,000. In short, these two bulls are equal in trans-
mission-both of them average rather than there being a spread of 4,000
lb. between them, as the 2,000 lb. plus and minus seem to indicate.
For more sound procedures in the selection of bulls, we need all the
breeding facts we can get and we need to use the facts as logically and
completely as possible. To us this means using the standardized mates'
and daughters' averages in the form of a bull index.
; A bull's index is a numerical summation of standardized data from his
I mate's and his daughters' production figures aimed to express the bull's
inherited level of transmission for milk, butterfat test, and total butterfat.
, There are several factors which may limit the accuracy of an index.
Environment.-Since an index is based on the average production of a
bull's mates and daughters, it is only as trustworthy as the records
themselves. It is always possible that, either through design or chance,
the mates or the daughters may have been more or less favorably circum-
stanced for high production than were their opposites. If this has
happened, the index loses value. In assessing an index, it is necessary to
establish the "normalcy" of conditions under 'which mates' and daugh-
ters' records were made and to make as reasonable an allowance as the
facts seem to justify. Such allowances are arbitrary and may further
distort rather than correct for differences. If the error is brought about
by forcing a bull's daughters, the distortion will not be increased any
more in an index than it would be in using daughters' records alone.
If the distortion is brought about by hwering mates' production, the
distortion will appear in the bull's index but would not in the daughters'
average. One is, therefore, perhaps justified in discounting to some
extent an index on a bull which was bred to very low record cO\vs.
Since milk, test, and total fat are all elastic to some degree (some
perhaps more than others), it is apparent that neither daughters' records
alone nor an index can be infallible. Both of them are relatives, not
absolutes. Since an index considers all the data, while the daughters'
average considers only half or a little more of it, ,ye prefer the index
over daughters' records alone for the hereditary evaluation of a bull or
as a prediction tool.
Genetic Interactions.-Another point which may influence the accuracy
of an index grows out of the following facts: (1) the number of genes
affect!ng milk, test, and total fat is probably large and (2) the genes
probably interact with each other in a variety of ways other than in
simply additive or multiplicative fashion to produce a given result
(dominance or lack of it, epistatic effects, etc.) The practical breeder
lumps all these and perhaps others into what he calls "nicki~g." This
phenomenon is perhaps difficult of rigid proof, but many practical
examples are most easily explained by recourse to "nicking," and the
nature of the hereditary process would lead one a priori to expect it. If
the early use of a certain bull in a certain herd does result in a favorable
"nick," tl~en the index derived from those early favorable matings may
\, \
be misleading so far as the results of the use of this bull on later cows of a
different genetic background are concerned (and this would also be true
of the use of his daughters' records alone).
Finagling.-Still a third factor may limit the accuracy of an index,
namely, selection. Studies have shown that 5 daughter-dam pairs are a
sufficient number on which to formulate an index, provided they are
unselected daughters, although we personally still prefer to have at least
7 or 8 daughter-dam pairs (as does probably everyone else). If only the
selected 5 best daughters (out of 10 or 20) are used in calculating the
index, then the index is of very questionable value and adding more
selected daughters would not help any. Selected daughters are invalid
for indexing a bull; they are also invalid in themselves for estimating the
genetic worth of a bull.
Unpublished data of Hyatt and Tyler of West Virginia on 473 Ayrshire
sires with 17 to 20 or more tested daughters from tested dams showed the
following regardirig average butterfat production.
Regression of
Correlation next 10 on 1st
7, 8, 9, or 10
Regression of index on
Correlation next 10 on 1st 7, 8, 9
or 10
As Hyatt and Tyler point out, in this data the Regression Index on
the 1st 7, 8, 9, or 10 daughter-dam pairs becomes the Equal-parent
Index for the next 10. Apparently, if the first few daughters are above
or below average, future groups of daughters will tend to regress toward
the breed average and the same for indexes.
Then what answer can we give to the question, " What about indexes
jn the selection of bulls"?
To us the answer seems to be about as follows:
1. Since we want to know how good (or bad) a bull is as quickly and as
completely as possible or on as few unselected daughters as possible,
we can get the answer a little more quickly with indexes, since it
requires ab.out 50 per cent more total daughters to provide as valid
an answer.
FIG. 176.-Any bull js "safe" jn tbis sort of pen. (From Wis. AUT. Expt. Sfa. Cir. 238.)
b. If a bull's first few daughters have done 450 lb. or his index is
500 lb., the client must not necessarily expect his own daughters
by that sire to reach these levels. It depends on a lot of things-
especially the genetic worth and perhaps specific genetic make-up
of his cows and how he feeds and manages them. Better regress
his hopes to some realizable level.
c. If a bull's Regression Index on his first 7 daughters is 450 lb. of
butterfat, better use that as the Equal-parent Index for his
next 10 or 100 daughters.
d. If a bull's index stands at 450 lb. and the cows he ,,·ill be bred to
average 400 lb., then the resulting 1,000 daughters ,,,ill average
about 425 lb. But that average means that there ,,,ill be about
500 of them below 425 lb. Every artificial breeding patronizer
will expect his neighbors to be housing and caring for these 500
below-average daughters. Many will probably want to "raise
Ned" if they get one of them, so be prepared.
e. Because of the heterozygosity of our animals and the halving
and sampling nature of inheritance, no one can predict with any
accuracy ,,,hat a certain daughter by a fairly indexed bull and
out of a cow of known production will produce. An index on
daughters' records is useful only in judging what future groups
may do. The groups will inevitably show considerable vari-
ation, and there will probably be "squawks" from those on the
lower side of average.
Age of Bull to Buy.-It seems fairly obvious that the best buy in a bull
would be a proved sire, one that had already demonstrated his ability to
transmit good type, production, and all the other desirable things which
we want in a herd of dairy cattle. If the bull has done a good job of
transmitting in one herd, he stands a good chance of doing likewise in
another herd, but this is not an absolute certainty. Some bulls do 'well
in one herd, not very well in some other herd, and the reverse of this
occasionally happens too. If management is adequate in both herds
concerned, the differing transmitting abilities of bulls is probably genetic.
As the breeders say, the bull "nicked" well here, he didn't there. In
other words, the genes of the bull fitted well with the genes of the cows of
one herd but not with those of the other.
There are several difficulties with good adequately proved bulls: (1)
There are not many of them; (2) their price is apt to be high; (3) they' are
often getting on in years and losing some of their breeding vigor and
sureness; (4) they are often dead when we learn of them.
In other words, although good proved bulls are the best bet, few of us
are going to be apt to own them. Most of us, in other words, are going
to be using young bulls for some time to come.
If we can't get a proved sire six or eight years old, should we buy a
younger bull, say three or four years old? Some breeder may have such
a bull and not want to use him on his own daughters but be anxious to
keep him alive. If the bull has a good pedigree, if his daughters look
good in comparison with their dams, if the herd is clean, so that we are
not apt to be introducing disease into our herd by the use of this bull,
and if he can be purchased at a reasonable price or, better still, leased at a
nominal price, or if perhaps we find ourselves in a similar situation to this
breeder we and the breeder might then just exchange bulls for 1 or 2 years,
the bull problem would be solved for a while.
And so we might go on, all the ,yay down to calves. A six- or eight-
year-old bull might be proved, a four-year-old bull might have a group of
yearling daughters, a two-year-old bull a bunch of calves being born, a
yearling bull will have no offspring, but he has had a chance to grow out a
bit so we can get an idea about what he is going to look like. With the
calf, there is not much that we can determine perhaps except that he is
alive and with good luck ought to remain so for some time.
There are dangers and possible disappointments in the purchase of any
male. The problem is worthy of all the study and effort we can put into
The principal dangers with the purchase of older bulls are both physio-
logical and genetic. In other words, the older bull used in some other
herd may bring disease with him when he comes to us, and it is very
easy to draw rather broad conclusions from rather fe,v data. Perhaps
a bull has half a dozen daughters that in their youth look a lot better
than their dams which have seen a lot of hard service, but how will 30
of his daughters look 5 or 8 years from now? It is very easy to fool our-
selves with a small" number of young offspring.
With a bull calf, we generally largely avoid the matter of his intro-
ducing disease into our herd. Genetically, we can know nothing about
him except what we can guess from his pedigree and his collateral rela-
tives. The older bull gives us a chance to see a few of his offspring-
generally too few and too young to be a very sure indication. The young
bull, although having no offspring, is generally on the farm where he was
bred. We, therefore, usually have a chance to study his sire and dam,
often many other of their offspring and other direct or collateral relatives
of the bull calf in question. Also the calf can usually be bought more
There. is no definite categorical answer to the question-is it better to
buy a t,~- to four-year-old bull or a bull calf-provided a good, definitely
proved bull is not available. There are many angles from which the
problem must be viewed, and the solution will vary with different
individuals and circumstances.
One thing is certain, we need to prove more bulls. Records show that,
on the average, out of every three bulls, one will give daughters that excel
their dams in production, one bull's daughters will produce less than their
dams, and one bull's daughters ·will produce at about the same level.
When a young bull is purchased, he preferably should be used on 12 or
15 cows when he is just at or past a year old and then be leased, loaned,
or just temporarily retired until 5 or 6 of his daughters have made records.
In this way the good transmitting bulls can be discovered and, when dis-
covered, used as extensively and as long as possible. The present system
is generally the exact opposite of the above. A bull calf is purchased, he
gets one to two crops of calves, and then he goes to the butcher to avoid
inbreeding. Thus lots of good young bulls have been real "boloney"
before their worth was realized, and by the same token, lots of poor bulls
get by on the" phony boloney" of 6 or 8 good daughters out of a total
crop of 60 or 80 daughters.
If a man is to be a successful breeder of dairy cattle, there are several
"musts" in his program. We think the most important one of all is that
he tryout young bulls before putting them into heavy service. This,
of course, is just another way of saying that to be successful, a breeder
"must" use a series of good, proved sires.
Many breeders are solving their bull problem by joining artificial-
breeding cooperatives, and the trend in this direction seems likely to
continue, provided the sire selection committees of the artificial breeding
cooperatives are able to do a thorough and painstaking job in the selec-
tion of proved sires and also in the matter of proving their own young
Practical Shortcomings of the Progeny Test.-By means of the
progeny test we can, it would seem, get a fairly definite idea as to the
transmitting ability of a bull from a production standpoint. Ho\vever,
some practical considerations would indicate that even this method of
breeding with bulls which have been tested by the progeny method and
found desirable has serious shortcomings. In the first place, the metho~L
is e~pe_n.~~cause it implies the using of a one- or two-ye~r-~l(fbull
'On 12 Qr1.5. .<?.?~s and then setting the bull aside for a perio~_~rs._llll.d_
waiting t~milk yleIct corrlpaxes-"'ith that of their
dams. . The gestation period in""Ca~The heifers are not
br~d until they are eighteen months old, then follows their gestation
period of 9 months, and finally they must go through a 10 months'
lactation period. This is at the very least a total of 48 months, or 4 years,___.
which must elapse after a bull reaches sexual maturity until his genetic
~ Quite OOVlOUS y suc a proce d never
be put into practice except by an infinitesimally small number of the
most affluent and farsighted breeders. In addition to the time and
financial aspects involved in such a system of breeding only from proved
sires, there is the additional fact that only a relatively small perce;tage
tIT- be proved good in any event.
FIG. 177.-A proved Guernsey bull and some of his daughters. Ten dams averaged 333
Ib of fat; 10 daughters averaged 5331b of fat. (Courtesy of W. D. Hoard & Sons Publishing
Several state-wide inquiries in the United States have revealed that the
average age of dairy bulls in service is about 2H to 3Yz years. Many
dairymen will not keep an old bull because (1) of the danger involved,
(2) of a wish to avoid inbreeding, and (3) of the danger of sterility.
Lush and Lacy have analyzed this problem in a very thorough-going
way as the following quotation l will indicate.
Table 50 shows an estimate of the age distribution which might be expected
among dairy bulls if the value of proven sires w~re so thoroughly appreciated
1 Lus~ J. L., and LACY, M. D., The Ages of Breeding Cattle and the Possibility of
Having ~foved Sires, Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul, 290, 1932. .
that every bull thought worth using in the first place was kept (unless natural
caUses of death or sterility interfered) until he could be proven and if all those
proven to be distinctly better than the average of theit breed were kept after
the proving as long as they remained fertile and healthy. The figures in the
table represent the maximum which could be attained in the direction of using
as many proved sires as possible for dairy breeding. There are several rough
approximations in the table, as for instance the estimate that during the first
five years the losses from sterility and death from natural causes would only be a
little more than 2.5 per cent per year and that after the bulls had passed 8 years,
the losses from the same causes would run some 13 per cent per year and higher.
If these estimates are roughly correct, for every 1,000 bulls thought worth
trying as sires in the first place, approximately 900 would go past 5 years of age
and begin to be proven by the records of their daughters. Extensive data already
collected! upon proven sires indicate that about one-third actually lower the
production of the herds where they are used, another third do not change the
production much one way or the other, and one-third produce distinct increases
in the production of the herds where they are used. Therefore, it is likely that
of the 900 bulls which begin to be proven between 5 and 6 years of age, it would
rather quickly become apparent that about 300 of them were below the average
merit of their breed and these would be discarded promptly. Of course the
evidence would not all be available at once, and there would be many bulls about
which the breeder would still be in doubt when they were 6 or 7 years of age.
In Table 50, it is indicated that about half of the medium bulls would have their
mediocrity definitely enough proven so that they would be discarded between
the ages of 6 and 7 and the remaining half would be discarded the following year.
This would leave about 30(} bulls which would be proven to be good and would
still be alive at 8 years of age so that they would be available for further use.
An annual loss of 30 or 40 each year through death and sterility from causes not
under the breeder's control (only an estimate but probably not unduly high)
furnishes the basis for the remaining figures in Table 50. When the figures in
Table 50 are added, it is seen that there would be at anyone time only 1,345
bulls 8 years of age or older which would be clearly proven to be superior sires
among a total of 7,145 in use. This is not quite 20 per cent of the entire number
of bulls in service. One thousand fifty more (those between 6 and 8 years of age)
would be in the process of being proven and the very poorest sires would all have
been discarded from this group. This would make a total under such nearly
ideal conditions of about one-third of the sires in actual use which are either
proven to be good or are partially proven and are indicated to be at least of
average merit.
! McDOWELL, J. C., and 'VINTERMEYER, W. Eo, Proved Dairy Sires, U.S. Dept.
No. of sires
Steps in the proving Age of
No. of sires
that go out
alive at this Reason for decrease
process sire of service
during yel1r
3-year period when proof 6 600 300 Disease and accident plus
is coming in and being 7 450 150 the culling of % which
culled accordIngly I prove to be distinctly
inferior. Further cull-
ing of >2 those proved
8 300 150 Culling of the remaining
mediocre ones
FIG. 178.-Guernsey bull (top) Cowham Farm Tress King, first-prize bull, three years and
over, and senior and grand champion, winner of the Langwater Trophy. Sire: Riegeldale
King's Philosopher. Dam: Rex's Tress of Cowham Farm. Breeder and owner: C. F.
Cowham, Jackson, Mich. Cow (bottom) Adohr Eldor Pearlette, first-prize female, five
years and over, and senior and grand champion. "Pearlette" won the Douglaston Manor
Farm Trophy for best AR cow, the Meadow Lodge Farm Trophy for best uddered cow,
and her breeder was the winner of the Guernsey I sland Perpetual Challenge Trophy.
Sire: Eldor of Adohr Farm. Dam: Escalon Pearlette. Breeder: Adohr Milk Farms,
Tarzana, Calif. Owner: Adobr Farms-Merritt H. and Rhoda R. Adamson, Carmarillo,
Calif. (Courtesy of American Guernaey Cattle Club.)
granddam (call her Y) of our young bull, and finally we must find a good
daughter of bull F and out of cow Y, a cow we will call X who has several
good records and several good daughters, and she will be the dam of our
young bull. \ This procedure is not theoretical; i.e., it is practical. One
might ask, "Where would one find that kind of situation?" The answer
is in any good herd which has used three good sires in succession. They
first used bull M and got a lot of his daughters. These were bred to
bull F to get a lot of his daughters. They are now using the good
proved sire A. In such a herd, if of fair size, there would be considerable
choice of cow family-of what we designated as cows Y and X. N at all
bulls selected in this way will turn out to be good ones, but four out of
five of them should. Since inheritance is a halving and sampling process,
there is no way to take all the guess out of breeding.
We have applied our thinking in the above example to production.
We could also apply it to type, so that if we picked a young bull of
acceptable type whose pedigree, analyzed for type as favorably as we
have just demanded it analyzed for production, we would, no doubt,
have a young bull which would sire good type.
Up to the present, a good proved sire has meant one whose daughters
have done well considering the level of the dams to which he was mated.
Proved bulls have been valued very highly especially by artificial-
breeding associations. This has created the temptation to try to make
bulls look as good as possible. Perhaps there has been some cheating-
feeding and managing dams on a much lower plane than daughters.
Such manipulations are easily possible, and there may nmy, or in the
future, be mediocre or poor bulls masquerading under rather high
A further and more definite check on the probable genotypes of bulls
consists of studying how their sons perform. Daughters in one herd can
be manipulated to give apparently good results. Sons scattered over
several herds could not be juggled so easily. A bull can be proved
through his daughters when he is five or six years old. To prove him
through his sons will take about 2 years longer.
We think one good way to spot good bull prospects is to watch for
those bulls in any breed which begin to show up with good sons. If the
first few sons of a bull to become proved really look good, then we could
write to the breed association and get a list of all his registered sons and
perhaps find a few out of good cow families which might merit a trip to
study their offspring. In this way, we might find a good four- or five-
year-old son of a good proved sire (out of a good cow in a good cow
family) who, while not yet proved, will be in another year or two. If
the first few sons of a bull prove out well, it seems probable that more
will later. Studies do indicate that later sons of proved sires will not be
so good or so poor as earlier ones-will tend to regress toward the breed
average, but this is a possible source of bulls which has not been utilized
as much as it might be with advantage. Cow family must be scrutinized
very carefully when using it, however, because early sons are likely to
be out of good cow families, but when the older bull begins to get a
reputation through his sons, it will be a temptation to the breeder to sell
his sons out of any old cows.
Another possible source of good herd sires is to induce the owner of a
well-proved sire to breed said sire back to a few of his own best daughters.
If we can get a calf bred that way, he will have 75 per cent the same genes
as his proved sire.
In the past, most breeders have used a good bull or two, then a pOOl"
bull or two, etc., ,vhich, together with the fact that within-herd heifer
selection has not been very soundly based, means that genetic improve-
FIG. 179.--8ir Bess Ormsby May 2nd. a great Holstein sire--result of mating of daughter
back to her sire. Sir Bess Ormsby May. (Courtesy of Mr8. W. S . Kellogg.)
ment in dairy cattle has been very halting. If the last three bulls which
a breeder has used have been good ones, then that breeder now has a good
herd. We often say that the place to buy your next bull is at some farm
where the last three bulls used have been good ones, and then ,ye get off
onto another topic before anyone has time to ask us the location of such
farms and, speaking seriously, they are rather few and far between.
Bull Transmitting Chart.- The art of animal photography has made
rapid progress during the last 20 or 30 years. To bring out photo-
graphically the best points of an animal and to minimize the weaker ones
is a very difficult procedure and one requiring an infinite amount of
patience and practice. When the job has been well done, however, it has
decided limitations from a breeding or selection standpoint, because the
photograph portrays only the phenotypic aspects of the animal. In
additioI\, the breeder also needs some method of getting a picture of th.€
animal that will portray his or her genotypic aspects.
The following graphs are an attempt to supply this need, especially for
Figure 180 shows a graph for the Holstein bull, King of the Ormsbys,
in regard to amount of milk. The 84 cows to which this bull ,yas mated
were grouped according to production to the nearest 1,000 lb. The
solid line of the graph shows that there was one cow in the 12,000-lh.
class, one in the 13,000-lb. class, two in the 14,000-lb. class, three in the
15,000-lb. class, etc. The broken line of the graph shmys that out of these
84 cows, this bull sired three daughters III the 15,000-lb. class, three
'Dams~ Vi \ Daughter.
13 1--+-+--1I-"'-II---;I.>'-+''-+-t--l
13 I
1'2 121--+--+-;\--;',\--,I-+-+-+--1
II !i
II .'!l Ill--j--+-J H' \--I'i-l-1----1'----4
Dams \ ~.Dau!!n ~rs " 'I I
10 I
I j I~ I~I-H'-\-+-+--+--1
~ 9 \
.... I /' \
I \
~ 81--+--+-1'+-++-1+ !-++-+-+--I
I .
I ,
.g 1 ,: ~
l:; 6 1,1 '\
I \
~ 6 I--l-t-I-i ':-T--f-L-tl--¥-t+-+--{
15 JI\I
I 'I \ I 1
\: J\1
\1 \
, , IAi
/ l I ~ 1\/ \\\
I 1\ V"! 1 V /1\4 /
'to 1'2 14 16 18 '20 22 '24 o·(0 28 ~O 32 '2.6 2.8 :!I.O 3.2 14 ;'.6 18 4.0 4.2 4.4
Pounds of Milk,in thousands fat Percentage
FIG. 180.-Daughter-dam chart for the FIG.181.-Daughter-dam chart for
Holstein bull, King of the Ormsbys. the Holstein bull, King of the
daughters in the 17,000-lb. class, five in the 18,000-lb. class, etc. The
dams' mean was 20,547 lb. and the daughters' mean 22,190 lb. The
standard deviation of the dams was 3,858 lb. and that of the daughters
3,465 lb., and the coefficient of variation of the dams was 18.8 per cent
and the daughters 15.6 per cent.
A desirable bull is, of course, one who moves the mean to the right;
i.e., increases average production and also lowers the coefficient of vari-
ation. If a bull is able to do both these things, it indicates that he is
more or less homozygous for the genes making for high production.
This sort of graph, in other words, presents a picture of the genotypic
make-up of this bull, which shows at a glance just ,,,hat sort of breeder
he is.
Figure 181 shows in the same manner the genotypic make-up of this
bull from the standpoint of fat percentage. In this case the dams' mean
was 3.34 per cent, their standard
deviation was 0.288 per cent, and
~, Dams their coefficient of variation 8.62 per
1\ I VD;Jughfers
I ,
The daughters' mean was 3.54
cent, their standard deviation was
'"] 9 I
\ I , 0.256 per cent, and their coefficient of
~8 I I \ N ,, variation 7.23 per cent.
'151 I I 'I~
, , Figure 182 shows a graph for this
t II \1 \ '
\ \ ,I,,
~6 I
I same bull on the basis of 4 per cent
,j! 5
4 I- II
" \' \
F.C.M. The coefficient of correlation
bet\YE~en dams' and daughters' pro-
1/ I Ji
,\ I I
, duction on a 4 per cent F.C.M. basis
2 \
\ \
was also calculated and found to be a
110 l'Z 14 16 Itl 20 22 24 26 2B 30 32 positive correlation of 0.57 ± 0.04,
Pounds of 4% F.C.M.,in thousands indicating that the level of produc-
FIG. 182.-Daughter-dam chart for the tion of these dams did influence con-
Holstein bull, King of the Orrusbys.
siderably the level of production of
their daughters, ,,"h~h adds weight to the argument for using both dams'
and daughters' records in computing indexes for bulls.
Herd Knowledge and Heifer Selection.-A breeder must start from
where he now is, with whatever heredity is now present in his herd. He
\yill hope to gradually improve the inheritance in his herd-primarily
through the use of better sires. Obviously his first task is to learn more
completely what he has.
Since he is going to pay some attention to type, that would be a good
place to start. He could arrange to have his herd classified, and by
assigning values of 95 for Excellent, 87.5 for Very Good, 82.5 for Good
Plus, 77.5 for Good, 72.5 for Fair, and 67.5 for Poor ratings by the
official classifier, he could work up the average score for his o\vn herd in
general appearance, dairy character, body capacity, mammary system,
and over-all rating. The breeder must go into type matters much more
thoroughly than this, however. He must know 'whether his animals are
good- or plain-headed, fine- or heavy-shouldered, strong- or weak-
topped, wide- and level- or narrow- and peaked-rumped, straight- and
strong- or crooked- and weak-legged, and especially about any general,
weaknesses in size, quality, contour, and attachments of udder and teat;
placing. Only with thorough, detailed, and clear-cut knowledge of his
own present status can a breeder be fully armed to start the search for
his next'. sire. Breeders can work up the data on their own herds, stu-
dents Qn'their college or school herd, and this type of study must be both
on '"
Q) M
'd ....;::l
.... ~ OO~I
p:; 6~
~ ~~! ~
] g~11111111111111j
~:lllllllllllill ~I
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they are born, because they are in poor families which he is planning to
eliminate gradually from his herd. Then he can devote his 'whole
attention to choosing the better calves in the better families to serve as
Likewise, the task of choosing a bull calf from another breeder's herd
will be greatly simplified when the breeder can display a chart of his
whole herd as indicated in Fig. 184. We may hear of a breeder with a
good proved bull and decide we y,ould like a son of this bull. We go to
Sire I Sire 2 Sire3 Sire 4-
Dams' ewe. 12,371 3.47 12.872 3.50 13,541 3.52 14,2603.52
Daus' ave. 13,4253.52 13,532 3.52 14,163 3.63 15,8803.68
BulJ's index 14,4793.57 14,192 3.54 14,785 3.74 11,3003.84
Cow 101
Record 4l 13,980 3.61 2l /6,74/ 3.BO
160 181
6 Lac.
13,372 3l 16,420 3.67 II 17,320 3.70
3.58 4l 15,'261 3.7/
2l 16,471 3.81
) - - - - - - - { 158 ) - - - - - - - - { 175
Cow 115 - - - - . ( 4L 13,470 3.41 2L 12,0603.S0
4 Lac.
2L 11,046 3.22
FIG, 184.-Two cow families of very different breeding worth.
this farm and study the female lines as charted and try to pick our bull
calf from a good female line, one in which each generation of females has
proved to be better than the dams. We find from the chart two or three
cows meeting this requirement, and then we go out to the barn to make
our choice between these calves on the basis of their own and their
close relatives' individualities. Such a scheme of selection gives a double
check. We not only get a son of a good proved bull, but we secure him
from a line of females that has shown steady progress generation by
Two cow families are shown in Fig. 184. Family A is a good one,
family B not so good. The chart is to be read in the following manner.
FoundatipIi cow 101 had 2 daughters by sire 1; one (137) averaged
in 6 lactations 13,240 lb. of milk testing 3.62; the other (127) averaged
15,261 lb. of milk testing 3.71 in four lactations. In family B, founda-
tion cow 116 had a daughter by sire 1 that averaged in four lactations
11,431 lb. of milk testing 3.33. The daughter 137 of foundation cow 101
by sire 1 in turn left a daughter (159) by sire 2 that averaged in four
lactations 13,980 lb. of milk testing 3.61; whereas the daughter (133)
of foundation cow 116 by sire 1 left 2 daughters by sire 2, one of which
averaged in four lactations 12,470 lb. of milk testing 3.37; and the
other (147) averaged in five lactations 14,370 lb. of milk testing 3.13,
etc., through the rest of the chart. All the descendants of foundation
cow 101 (there were 20 in all) averaged to produce 16,020 lb. of milk
testing 3.75, and all the descendants of foundation cow 116 (13 in all)
averaged to produce 12,340 lb. of milk testing 3.34 per cent.
It is obvious that from a production standpoint selection in family B
should be stopped and selection of replacements confined to family A,
with due attention given to type, longevity, ease of milking, freedom from
disease, regularity of breeding, etc. If a breeder keeps records, he can
analyze his herd in the above fashion, and only then is he in a position
to select his female replacements intelligently. If he does this and uses
care in the selection of his sires, there is no reason why he cannot make
progress in building up a higher producing herd. Records provide the
oIlly intelligent basis for the art of selection.
- One pos~ible way to lump together the effects of inherent producing
capacity with regularity of breeding, freedom from disease, etc., is to
compute the average daily production for each cow from the day they
freshen as heifers until they leave the herd. This simply means dividing
a cow's lifetime production (standardized to a 4 per cent F.C.l\1. or par-
ticular breed basis) by the number of days she remained in the herd fol-
lowing her first calving. If she had high inherent milk-producing capac-
ity and persistency and dropped a calf on about the same day each year
for a number of years, her average daily milk production (milking days
and dry days) will be high. The dairy farmer prospers or not depending
on the average daily production of all the cows in his herd, so this figure
for each cow and for each cow family can be very useful in guiding
Some breeders find it difficult to think in terms of cow families arranged
as in Fig. 184 where we start at the left and read to the right in order to
go from ancestors to offspring, whereas in a pedigree we move from right
to left as age decreases. The material in Fig. 184 can be shown as a
pedigree if one wishes by simply listing all the off-spring of the females
on the bottom line of the pedigree.
Because of the limitations of space, we have shown only the lines
with living descendants and nothing but the records in the cow-family
chart, Fig. 184. The breeder should also list on his family charts all
pertinent data concerning the animals in each family, e.g., the typf'.
mature weight, number of services per conception, abortions, mastiti1:i,
difficult calvings, average time between calves, and then work up the
averages for each family.
All sorts of things, both good and bad, run in cow families; i.e., they
are more likely to be found in this family than they are in that one.
Here is a family ,,"hich averages 16,020 lb. of milk ·with a 3.75 test over an
average of 5.6 lactations per cow, has a type score of 83.2, requires 1.83
services per conception, is seldom bothered with mastitis or abortion.
FIG. 185.-Countess Chloe. foundation cow to which more than 90 per cent of the HolsteinI'!
at the University of Massachusetts now trace on the bottom line of their pedigrees.
Another family averages 12,340 lb. of milk with a 3.34 test over an
average of 3.1 lactations per cow, has a type score of 80.1, requires 2.21
services per conception, and is bothered a lot with mastitis and with
"casting the wi.ther;:;" a frequent accompaniment to calving. The
breeder's first job is to analyze his herd, know his best cow families and
broaden the base of his selection (make it more foolproof) by paying
attention to family, which is a better guide to genotype, especially in
young animals, than is their own individuality or phenotype.
It is genetically unsound to select dairy heifers solely on the phenotype
of their dams. It is not strange for a good phenotype to appear c;rccasion-
ally in a poor family. It is very questionable whether her offspring
should be saved. Speaking generally, it would probably be better to
save f,rom a less good phenotype in a good family than from a better
phen,otype in a poor family. Ideally, of course, we should save from
:FIG. 186.-Holstein bull, Clovercourt Ormsby Royal Blend, a ten-year-old bull which has
sired over 17,000 offspring in the New York Artificial Breeding Cooperative. (Cou'rtesy
0/ S . J. Brownell, Cornell University.)
dairy cattle and arranged the animals into their respective cow families.
Without exception we have found breeders saving as many or more
heifers from their poorer cow families as they were from their better
ones. Good and bad hereditary traits do run in families, and there is
ample justification for the old Scot's admonition to his son, "Sandy,
never marry the only good girl in a family." What animal breeding
most needs is to put a broader base (than individuality) under selection.
The best way to do this is to arrange one's herd into its female lines and
consider family along with individuality.
Actually we have not used individuality or phenotype very intelli-
gently. We are likely to take a cow's highest record as the measure of
her genotype. This is unsound because so many environmental happen-
stances can make a record large or small. Lush, from a study of repeat-
ability of cow's records, arrived at a figure of 0.4 for the usual run of
the breeder can begin to get some notions as to the probable kinds of
genes his animals possess. This, in faet, is the only reason for keeping
Other Considerations in Selection of Dairy Cattle.-There are many
other considerations to be borne in mind in "electing dairy cattle, only a
few of which ,,·ill be mentioned here.
From a practical standpoint a dairyman desires to have a herd of cows
that are not too high-strung and nervous, are easy milkers either at hand
or machine milking, and have teats \\'hich are neither too large nor too
small and are well placed on the udder. He also desires cows that calve
easily and without complications and those not particularli';~lbj~-ctto
going off feed or prone to develop udder troubles, such as leaky teats,
mastitis, etc. He hopes to develop a generally vigorous strain of animals
and a strain that maintains high production for a long time during each
lactation period and remains productive over a long period of years. The
matter of longevity is especially important, for it takes about the first 2
years of a cow's productive life to repay the cost of growing her up to
two years of age, or her cash cost if purchased. In addition, the range of
selection is seriously curtailed if cows stay in the herd but a short time;
in other words, the faster the rate of turnover, the less effective can
selection be. To evaluate properly all the considerations that have been
discussed in this chapter makes it imperative for the breeder to keep
records. Many forms have been developed for this purpose, a sample of
which is shown in Fig. 183. Most of the characteristics for which or
against which we select in dairy cattle are the result of the combined
action of heredity and environment. Only with fairly complete recorded
data is the breeder enabled to discover the strains and families within his
own herd that have a preponderance of the genes which he desires to
increase and a minimum of those which he would like to rid himself of.
Finally, the matter of efficiency of feed conversion should receive some
attention in making selections. Several investigations have demon-
strated that variations in ability to convert feed in excess of maintenance
requirements into milk exist among dairy cows. A study by W. T.
Smith and one of the authors on the matter of efficiency of feed conversion
among 42 cows in the University of Massachusetts Experiment Station
herd in 136 lactations over a period of 13 years showed efficiencies rang-
ing from 18.12 per cent to 39.6 per cent, with an average efficiency of
29.25 per cent. One cow put 39.6 lb. of total digestible nutrients into
the milk pail for each 100 lb. of total digestible nutrients fed, another
only 18.12 lb. In general, the higher producing co\\"s were more efficient.
Any cow's rate of efficiency was fairly constant at all ages, being some-
what lower, of course, while the animals were still growing. One hull's
daughters were 5.21 per cent less efficient than their dams, another bull's
daughters were 4.17 per cent more efficient than their dams. That
efficiency of feed conversion has a hereditary basis seems quite likely.
To measure things of this nature requires more feed weighing and record
FIG. 187.-Brown Swiss bull (top) Bradenhurst Royal ChaLlenger 76657, Gr'and Champion
bull at the 1949 National Brown Swiss Show. He was owned and shown by Charles A.
Choate, Old Elm Farm, Winona, Minn.; and cow (bottom) Royal's Rapture of Lee's Hill
115541, Grand Champion cow at thE! 1949 National Brown Swiss Show. Just 2 weeks prior
to the show she completed a national champion production record for the breed of 29,095.7
lb. of 4.22 per cent milk, 1228.84 lb. of butterfat ill 365 da.ys, 3 times, as a five-year-old.
She is owned by Lee's Hill Farm, Morristown, N.J. (COU1·te8Y of Brow'll Swis8 Cattle Breeders'
A8sociation. )
FIG. 188.-Milking Shorthorn bull (top) Revelex Daisy's Warrior, Imp. Grand Champion
bull at Eastern States Exposition and Michigan State Fair, 1949. Owned by ~Iystery
Farm, Hope, R.I.; and cow (bottom) Maidstone Dairy Queen, Grand Champion female at
Eastern States Exposition, 1949. Owned by Last Chance Ranch , Lake Placid, N.Y.
(Courtesy of American Milkino Shorthorn Society.)
! \
lS9.- Grand Champion barrow, 1948 National Barrow Show, Austin, Minn.
·FIG .
Owned and shown by Portage }"arms, Woodville, Ohio.
producing superiority claimed for them and that they are undesirable in
other respects.
Extensive studies have likewise shown that extreme face covering is
undesirable. Probably the deficient production is dependent upon the
FIG. 192.-Ab01'e, a champion B type Rambouillet ram showing beavy neck folds and a
moderate degree of wrinkling on the body . B elow, a range Rambouillet ram almost free
from wrinkles. Note the difference in degree of face covering in these two rams. (Courtesy
oj Bureau of Animal InduatTy, U.S . Department of AOMcultw·e.)
\'IIet \ YC ,e
& An r 1 t l
~~~ lJo.l'('~_A~,
FIG. 193.-Variation in degree of face covering in sheep. The animals shown in E and Fare
definitely "wool blind." (Courtesy of Western Sheep Breeding Laboratory, Du~ois, Idaho.}
% lambs Pounds
No. % ewes % lambs % live Av. % lambs
weaned of Jamb
Face of lambing born of lambs of weaning weaned
of live weaned
covering ewe of ewes ewes lambs weight, per ewe
lambs per ewe
years bred lambing born lb. bred
Open .... 286 95 .5 126.7 91.9 89.0 76.3 99.0 i5.5
covered 845 95.4 124.2 92.3 88.1 74.8 96.3 72 .1
Covered. 1,557 91.9 119.7 90.0 88.6 73.4 87.7 64 .4
I I , ,
Not only were the covered-face ewes inferior in lamb production, but
\yere not importantly superior in wool characters. A few statements
from Terrill's paper! give a concise summary of the work:
Ewes with open faces produced 11.3 percent more lambs and 11.1 more pounds
of lamb per ewe bred than those with covered faces. Ewes with partially covered
faces weaned 8.6 percent more lambs and 7.7 more pounds of lamb per ewe bred
than those with covered faces. Differences in fare covering within these groups
were associated with corresponding differences in lamb production. These ad van-
tages for ewes with open faces occurred in spite of three periodic clippings around
the eyes of all ewes subject to wool blindness.
About 46 percent of the advantage of open-faced ewes was due to a greater
number of lambs born per ewe lambing; 26 percent was due to higher weaning
weights; 19 percent was attributed to a higher proportion of the ewes becoming
pregnant; and 9 percent was due to greater viability to weaning of offspring.
Open-faced ewes excelled covered-faced ewes in lamb production at each
year of age. The greatest advantage for open-faced ewes in pounds of lamb
per ewe bred was found at 3 years of age followed in order by 2, 4, 6, and 5 years.
The yearling grease and clean fleece weights and staple lengths of 2,499 Ram-
bouillet ewes and the lifetime grease fleece weights of 798 Rambouillet ewes were
slightly greater for covered-faced ewes than for those with open faces. The
differences were not significant except for staple length and were not large enough
to be economically important.
The great economic importance and high heritability of face covering indicate
that it should receive as much or more attention in selection than any other trait
in sheep if wool blindness is a problem.
The moral to be drawn from such studies is obvious, namely, that
present-day breeders should critically examine existing breed standards
and, if necessary, research should be carried out to determine whether
they are compatible with the production of the most efficient and profit-
able animals. Obviously, such critical tests should be applied to fads
which are certain to be started in the future before and not after they
have become so widespread as to seriously handicap the usefulness of a
Evidence that responsible leaders among breeders are aware of the
necessity of this approach comes from the fact that the American Here-
ford Breeders' Association is currently (1950) sponsoring research in
cooperation with four state experiment stations on the question of type
in that breed. The need for such work arose from the facts that (1)
over a long period of years, show rings have tended to favor an increasingly
thick, compact, early maturing type of animal which seemingly has been
accompanied by some loss of size and ruggedness, and (2) during recent
,years an ultracompact type known as" comprest" has arisen in the breed
1 Jour. Anim. Sci., August, 1949, pp. 360-361.
"big type," which was often the subject of ridicule at the shows. The
tide finally turned, however, and overnight these hogs became the most
popular in the breed. Adherence to an ideal paid off with a small
fortune to Mr. Mouw in this case.
Many breed trade-marks are neither positively nor negatively corre-
lated with productivity but are nevertheless a problem for breeders.
The amount and distribution of white in breeds with white color markings
apparently is very low in heritability. Genetic knowledge at present
indicates that rigid adherence to a set color pattern is difficult, if not
impossible, to fix. Therefore, if the breed requires certain markings,
3 portion of young animals will be ineligible for registry regardless of
their excellence in other regards. Discarding these animals automati-
cally lowers the amount of selection which can be practiced for more
important characters and cannot help being a drag on the progress of
the breed. A statement several years ago by the late E. M. Harsch,
secretary of the Hampshire Swine Registry Association, in which he said
that "a few white hairs on the hind legs or a black spot the size of a
dime in the belt is truly a long ways from a pig's heart" seems to express a
common-sense attitude toward minor deviations from a set color pattern.
To summarize our discussion of type, it can be said that the breeder
should endeavor to select for the fundamentals of good meat type----=-Items
known to be positively correlated with true worth and regarding which
our ideals are not likely to change greatly within the forseeable future.
On the other hand it is imperative that he not espouse a new fad until
it has been shown to be clearly superior to existing types. He should
avoid placing undue emphasis on "frills" or "fancy points," even if
'they are in themselves harmless.
Use of Production Records as a Basis for Selection in Meat Animals.-
Since meat animals are kept for profit, it would seem axiomatic that
selection should be directed principally toward those things which have
a direct influence on productivity (in the broad sense) and thus on
profitability. If type were perfectly correlated with productivity, it
couldlogically serve as the sole basis for selection. Siqce, as we have
seen, this correlation is at best of a low order, a priori reasoning indicates
that selection could be better if based on actual production records
themselves. Selection for type will then be automatic in so far as it is
correlated with productivity.
The ease of measuring speed, milk production, and egg production, in
racehorses, dairy cows, and laying hens, respectively, led to the use of
production or performance records in selecting breeding animals in these
classes of stock long before such records were used for meat animals.
The problem of using production records in meat animals is more
produced in relation to that of his own herd to be sure the production
records do not depend upon skillful management alone.
Relation of Environment to Selection in Meat Animals.-H has long
been recognized that animals of improved meat types tend to resemble
unimproved types when raised under suboptimal nutritional conditions
-hence the origin of the old saying that "half the breeding goes in the
200 -------------------------------- lb. 200-----------:3000oys
lb. 2001b.
I Kill
20 24 28 32 36 40
FIG. 194.-Plan of experiment to determine the influence of plane of nutrition at different
periods with respect to age upon growth rate and carcass composition in bacon hogs.
(Courtesy of Dr. C. P. Mc1IIeekan and Dr. John Hammond, Cambridge University, Cambridge,
mouth." Moulton et al. (1921 and 1922) showed that in cattle the major
tissues, bone, lean, and fat, were differentially affected by a low plane of
nutrition, with bone growth being affected the least and fat deposition
the most. Several other workers have confirmed this basic tendency
in other species of farm animals.
McMeekan (1940-1941) made a detailed study of the growth and
carcass composition of pigs of an inbred Yorkshire strain when fed from
birth to a slaughter weight of 200 lb. on various feeding regimes. Pigs
were divided at birth into two groups, with one fed on a high plane and
the other on a low plane for the first 16 weeks of life. At that time half
the pigs on each plane of nutrition were shifted to the other so that four
nutritional regimes resulted, namely, groups fed on (1) a high plane from
birth to slaughter (high-high), (2) a high plane from birth to 16 weeks
and a low plane from that time to slaughter (high-low), (3) a low plane
from birth to 16 weeks and a high plane thereafter (low-high), and (4) a
low plane from birth to slaughter (low-low).
It was found in this work that if the pig is grown so slowly as to be
stunted early in life, the early growing parts of the carcass, such a
head, legs, and bone and to a lesser extent muscle, are permanently
reduced in size. When these animals are later put on a high :plane of
nutrition, the later developing parts, particularly fat) grow rapidly and
result in a carca, s too fat for bacon. Conversely, pigs fed from birth
on a high plane have a rapid development of the early growing parts and
FIG. 195.-Influence of plane of nutrition upon carcass composition of bacon pigs as illus-
trated by cross sections at the last rib. Pig 83, killed at 168 days of age, maintained on high
plane of nutrition throughout life. Pig 85, killed at 196 days of age, was changed to a low
plane of llutrit ion a t 16 weeks. Pig 89, also killed a t 196 days, grown On a low plane of
nutrition the fir st 16 weeks. Pig 99 was maintained on a low plane of nutrition t hroughout
and required 315 day s to reach the standard slaughter weight of 200 lb. (Cow·tesy of Dr .
C. P. lvIcMeekan and Dr. John Hammond, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.)
if later put on a low plane of nutrition produce carcasses "ith a high
content of lean. In a similar experiment with sheep Verges (1939)
showed that carcass composition may be materially altered by controlling
the shape of the growth curve.
These experiments and others which could be quoted point definitely
to the fact that environment exerts a control over development. The
animal breeder is vitally interested in the questions of (1) how to properly
evaluate known differences in environment so far as their effects on
potential breeding stock are concerned, and (2) what type of environ-
ment should be used in breeding foundation stocks for ultimate commer-
cial use.
The old saying, that "fat is a good color," shows that the first of these
problems has long been recognized. From the standpoint of the sales
value of an animal it often happens that putting on a degree of finish
far and above what the animal needs for proper development will improve
the appearance (apparent type) enough to be a profitable investment for
the sellek This is apparently the principal reason for the high and often
excessive degrees of finish so often seen on meat animals in our shows and
sales rings.
The question the practical breeder, interested in true improvement
more than immediate sales value or show-ring glory, has to answer is
how he can logically make allowance for differences in environments to
which various animals have been subjected during growth. There
appears to be no absolute rule which can be laid down, but certainly
the growth rate and apparent type of an animal should be discounted
somewhat if it is knmvn to have been forced unduly. Conversely, an
animal reared under poorer-than-average conditions should be given some
credit over and above what its record and appearance would entitle it to.
In some cases, such as the difference in growth between twin and single
lambs, it is possible to determine the average effect of a certain environ-
mental factor and make suitable adjustment for it.
The question of what environment a breeder should provide for his
animals is a broad question for ,yhich no one answer can be given. It has
sometimes been assumed that animals should be bred in the best environ-
ment possible and that the commercial producer who will use the animals
produced should strive to bring the environmental conditions under which j
he raises his stock up to the same level.
This viewpoint is unrealistic because there are vast areas, such as
range country, subtropical areas, etc., ,,,here environmental conditions
can in all probability never be made ideal but which can if properly used
support large numbers of meat animals and add tremendously to our
meat and wool supplies. The same argument applies to the utilization
of much feed that would otherwise be waste in areas where more intensive
agriculture prevails.
The prevailing opinion among animal-breeding specialists in the United
States seems to be that animals should be bred and selections made
under the same environmental conditions where their descendants will
be used commercially. This general plan would seem to have much
to commend it since adaptation to the environment at hand is the first
essential for successful production.
The folly of departing far from this plan can be ilbstrated by the
general low productivity of our common breeds of beef cattle when
placed under tropical or subtropical conditions where their thermo-
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate for keeping body temperatures
down. The development of these breeds in temperate climates has not
fitted them for use in hotter areas.
At the present time there is a considerable amount of effort being put
into the development of strains of beef cattle suitable for use in the
southern regions of the United States and containing various percentages
of the blood of Zebu or Africander cattle which carry more genes for heat
and insect resistance than are present in our beef breeds. The best
known of these is the Santa Gertrudis (Rhoade, 1949) which is already an
established breed. It would seem axiomatic that development of these
types should continue in that region, even though regions with better
feed conditions might be found.
Hammond (1940, 1947) has developed a point of view w4ich differs
somewhat from that outlined above. He feels that, if the environment
is so poor as to put a virtual ceiling on development, there will be little
chance for inherent differences in gaining ability, type, or production to
be expressed and that under such conditions there is little or no chance
for a selection program to be effective. He therefore recommends that
if we are attempting to make improvement in a given character We
should place the animals in an environment 'which will develop that
character to the utmost and then make selections from among those
which show it to the greatest degree, even if the descendants are later
to be used under poorer conditions.
No experimental evidence is available to indicate which of these rather
divergent viewpoints is correct. The most common procedure to date
in the United States seems to have been more in line with Hammond's
viewpoint. Our purebred herds and flocks have for the most part been
maint'1ined in areas where feed conditions are good and other environ-
mental conditions not extreme. Animals from these herds have then
provided fO\lndation stock for commercial production in all areas of the
country. This situation, together ,vith the nation-wide promotional
activities of many of our breed associations, has sometimes tended to
result in animals of the same general types and breeds being raised in
virtually all parts of the country regardless of their adaptation.
Since meat animals are often maintained in this country under range
conditions or other types of environment which may not be adequate
in many cases to produce animals with enough finish to meet market
demands, it is common to use such areas as breeding grounds, and to
move the potential market animals into an area where better feeding
conditions prevail for a fattening period before marketing. Such animals
must thus have the abilities to (1) survive and grow under suboptimal
conditions and (2) fatten readily and produce desirable carcasses when
given the opportunity.
Therefore, the logical system to use in producing sires for use in range
herds and flocks would seem to be to maintain the purebred breeding
herd under typical range conditions and raise the potential sires to
weaning there. A preliminary culling could be made at weaning, elim-
inating those which are undersized or otherwise undesirable. The
remaining animals could be put on feed and further culling done on the
basis of rate and efficiency of gain and apparent body type after a feeding
Selection in Swine.-From a breeding standpoint the following items
are of primary importance in determining the efficiency and profitability
of swine:
1. Litter size. / "./
2. Weight per pig and per litter at weaning time.
3. Daily gains between weaning an~ing. j
4. Efficiency of feed utilizatiOil':' v
5. Body type or carcass desirability. 1./
Although greatly influenced by herdsmanship, the number of pigs
farrowed and raised and their weight at weaning time together form
the best measures we have of prolificacy and mothering ability of sows.
They are particularly important since they have a tremendous influence
on profitability. On the average, a sow will have consumed a total of
1,51)0 to 2,_QOO_lb. of feed during the period between breeding and the date
her litter is weaned. If this all has to be charged against a litter of only
four or five pigs, the chance of eventual profit is small. In addition to
number of pigs farrowed and raised, the weaning weight of the pigs is
important since it has been definitely shown that the pigs which are the
heaviest at weaning time reach market weights the soonest.
Daily gain from weaning to market weight is important because the
fast-growing pig is on hand fewer days, thus requiring less labor and
fewer days of shelter and exposure to risk of disease. Another important
consideration is that rate of gain and efficiency of feed utilization are
related, the correlation having been shown in several studies to be about
+0.70. With this relationship and the difficulties of keeping feed records
under practical conditions, most breeders will be content to select for
efficiency of feed utilization indirectly through selecting fast-gaining pigs.
In selecting primarily for rate of gain, there may be danger of selecting
for excessive fatness since, as discussed later, these characters may be
correlated to some degree.
As is to be expected, the estimates of heritability for various characters
in swine (Table 52) show considerable variation from study to study but
do show general trends. The heritability of litter size at birth is evidently
low, only two of the nine estimates being over 22 per cent. Most
investigators have found heritability of this important character to be
less than 20 per cent. Three estimates of heritability of litter size at
about weaning age range from 17 to 31.7 per cent, indicating that this
character is likewise low in heritability. Similarly, weaning weight of
litter is apparently low in heritability.
Litter size at birth 17 Maternal half-sib litters Lush and Molln (1942)
Estimated from published Lush and :\Iolln' (1942)
reports of various workers
13 Maternal half-sib litters Hetzer et al. (1940)
14.5 Average of 3 methods Stewart (1945)
21. 7 Intrasire regression Cummings et al. (1947)
24 Average of 2 methods Blunn and Baker (1949)
Litter size at wean- 17 Maternal half-sib litters Lush and MoUn (1942)
iug 22 Average of 2 methods Blunn and Baker (1949)
31.7 Intrasire regression Cummings et al. (1947)
Litter size at 70 20 Maternal half-sib litters Hetzer et al. (1940)
Weaning weight of 18 Maternal half-sib litters Lush and Molln (1942)
litter 7.4 Intrasire regression Cummings et al. (1947)
37 Average of 2 methods Blunn and Baker (1949)
Survival 40.3 Intrasire regression Cummings et at. (1947)
Pig weight at 56 0 Intrasire regression Comstock et at. (1942)
days of age 15 Paternal half-sib Baker et al. (1943)
0 Paternal half-sib Nordskog et al. (1944)
13.6 Paternal half-sib Krider et al. (1946)
Pig weight at 180 14 Intrasire regression Comstock et al. (1942)
days of age 20 Paternal half-sib Whatley (1942)
62 Intrasire regression Whatley (1942)
30 Intrasire offspring-dam Whatley (1942)
40 Full sibs, not litter mates Whatley (1942)
30 Regression of variance to Whatley (1942)
genetic relationship
I 23 Paternal half-sib and in-
trasire regression
Whatley and Nelson (1942)
19 Line differences due to Krider et ai. (H)46)
23.9 Paternal half-sib Krider et al. (1946)
Market score at 33 Average of ,2 methods Whatley and Nelson (1942)
Conformation score 20 Intrasire regression Stonaker and Lush (1 ()42)
Type of score:
Within strains 38 Paternal half-sib Hetzer el al. (1944)
Between strains 92 Paternal half-sib Hetzer el al. (1944)
A f
A I I Expected
Vt·· ,Herita- perform-
h:~~ individ-
Ise Iec ,IOn
d t
a van age
blhtv, % ance next
. generation
Av. No. of pIgS weaned, ..... ,I 6,0
6.6 +0,6 20 6.12
Av.litterweaning weight" .. ,.!IS0,0 19S.0 +lS,O 20 IS3,60
Av. individual ISO-day Fcight.11SO,0 195,0 +15.0 30 lS4.50
Av.typescore* ....... , ...... 1 5 7 +2.0 30 5.6
time. The bases for this statement are: (1) Recent unpublished studies
at several stations! participating in the Regional Swine Breeding Labora-
tory ha,ve shown that the expected advantages from selection have not
been realized. These studies are complicated by the fact that most of
the lines studied are being inbred and this may be depressing performance
more than realized. Then, too, the studies cover a period of only a felV
years. (2) There is a continuous automatic selection for litter size
which has apparently been going on for centuries without raising average
litter size above its present modest average.
This last point is something which has apparently not been considered
in previous animal-breeding texts and which may need a word of explana-
tion. To understand this, it is necessary to differentiate between
"average litter size raised" per sow farrowing and" average size of litter
in which raised" for the pigs raised. To make this clear, let us consider
an actual example of a group of 12 litters born to gilts in an inbred line
on a Purdue University farm in 1948.
The data are now being summarized for pUblication by Dr. G. E. Dickerson of
:\fissouri. '
is by no means an absolute negative correlation between litter size and
rate of development, together with the fact that many breeders have
consciously selected for large litters, makes this seem unlikely.
If, as seems likely, litter size is failing to respond to selection as rapidly
as it theoretically should, the reason is probably either (1) prolificacy
depends to a certain extent at least upon "overdominance," with the
best performers being heterozygous for a larger-than-average number of
gene pairs, or (2) there is a negative correlation between prolificacy and
certain other factors so that when we select for some of these, such as
rate of gain, we indirectly select for smaller litters and override any
actual positive selection we have made for litter size.
No positive evidence for" overdominance" has as yet been advanced
·with swine, although the possibility that it may exist cannot be over-
looked. Dickerson and Grimes (1947) and Dickerson (1947) have
presented convincing evidence that in the material with which they
worked rapid gain was correlated genetically with (1) rapid fat deposition
(r = around 0.60) and (2) low feed requirements (r = 0.78). The data
strongly suggested that poor suckling ability may be caused by the same
genes responsible for rapid fat deposition and low feed requirements.
Blunn and Baker (1947) working with a different herd of hogs found
no significant genetic correlation (actually slightly negative, r = -0.04)
between rate of gain and carcass fatness as estimated from back-fat
thickness. No data on feed requirements were kept in their experiment.
Winters et al. (1949) in an experiment where rate of gain was controlled
by limiting feed intake during certain periods of the feeding period in
some lots found that the slower gaining lots had lower feed requirements
and produced leaner carcasses. They rightly point out that genetically
slow rate of growth may be quite a different thing from environmentally
controlled slow growth. They also point out on the basis of other data
from their swine-breeding project "that a high rate of gain, economy of
feed utilization, and a quality carcass can be combined."
Quite aside from the experimental data on the subject, a priori reason-
ing (always a dangerous procedurel) might be taken as indicative of a
negative relationship between maternal ability and rapid fattening.
Bacon hogs are commonly reputed to raise larger litters than most lard
breeds. Likewise in cattle, no one has yet succeeded in combining the
best beef type with maximum milking ability.
If there is a strong negative association between rate and economy of
gain and maternal ability, the increased use of crossbreeding or crossing
of inbred lines for commercial production is suggested. Dickerson (1947)
makes the following suggestion l from his data:
1 Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 354, October, 1947.
that selection for rapid gains on test may result in indirect selection
for lowered milking ability in sows and thus for lower gains in pigs during
the nursing period. Although rate of gain on test has increased by 11
per cent since 1924-1925, the decrease in age at 90 kg. live weight has
been only about 3 per cent. In spite of this possible antagonism, it
must be remembered, hawever, that the decrease of 6 days in age at 90
kg. live weight represents a real gain.
FIG. 196.-Graph showing trends in carcass length, back-fat thickness, and belly thickness
in carcasses of Danish Landrace hogs fed out and slaughtered in testing stations in the Danish
swine progeny-testing program. (Redrawn by T. W. Perry oj Purdue University from graph
presented by Clausen, 1949.)
of the test litters has undoubtedly improved over the years (although
known changes in rations or management are slight), it is impossible to
determine how much of the improved performance can be attributed to
genetic improvement resulting from the program.
Several other European countries and Canada have progeny-t.esting
programs which are carried on under plans more or less similar to the
one in Denmark.
In the United States production testing on an organized basis has been
slower in ' developing, but several programs initiated during the past 20
years indicate that American breeders are coming to a realization of the
FIG. 197.- Ring Gold Lady Dora PR149, 753956, the first sow of any breed to produce eight
qualifying litters in a P .R. program. Shown here with her sixth qualifying litter, the 10
pigs of which sold at auction for a total of $4,365. (Courtesy of Hampshi re S wine R eoistry
Association, P eoria, Ill.)
need for such procedures. Active effort.s are being made to devise
programs which will be practical with the huge hog population and under
the management systems used in swine production here.
In i938 the United Duroc Record Association initiated a program of
"Production Registry" which is designed to give recognition to sows
having the ability to farrow and raise large litters and nurse them properly
to weaning. Recognition is also given to boars. Most of the other
breed associations developed somewhat similar programs during the
following years under rules which varied in some particulars. In 1946
all the associations united in adopting a single set of rules which (as
changed somewhat in 1948) are as follows:
I. Farrowing reports.
Farrowing reports on nominated litters must be witnessed by one disinterested
party of unquestionable standing in the community to verify size of litter and
earmarking of litter. This farrowing report must be sent to th e breed record
association office within 5 days after the farrowing date.
FIG. 198.-A P.R. Duroc sow, New Era's Type 185962. At the ti me of her death in 1946
she had raised 116 pigs ia 12 litters for a lifetime average of 973 per litter. As well as being
outstanding from a production standpoint, she was a noted show sow, being named reserve
All-American aged sow in 1943. (Courtesy oJ United Duroc Record Association, Peoria, Ill.)
effective even if it is more directly selection for sow maternal ability than
for gaining ability as such.
It is well at this point to introduce a word of caution in order that
swine breeders may not be tempted to make the same mistake that our
dairy-cattle associations made with their AR testing. The mistake that
practically spoiled all the good that might have come from this system
was the fact that a man could test as many daughters of a bull as he
wanted to. Naturally, the best daughters were tested, the poor ones
not. This gave a very distorted picture of the breeding worth of hun-
dreds of bulls. Any bull can be made to look good if the breeders test
only a few of his best daughters. Likewise, any boar can be mad.e to
look good if they put only a few of his very best daughters into PR
testing. When this is done, they completely defeat the very purpose of
the system, which is to determine the genetic breeding worth of the
animals. Thus, all a sow's litters should be considered in evaluating her,
and the records of all a sire's daughters that farrow should be used in
evaluating him.
At least one breed association is developing a program of herd testing
in which weights are taken on all litters in the herd, not only at 56 days
of age but at six months. This is a most constructive step and overcomes
the danger of selective testing inherent in the PR program. Some
breeders are now following the commendable practice of weighing all
pigs and publishing the records made, be they good or bad, as a part of
the pedigree in sale catalogues. An example of an actual pedigree
printed in the catalogue of a recent purebred Hampshire sale is given in
Fig. 199.
Another word of caution should be introduced against undue forcing
of litters because of the advertising values sometimes attached to extreme
weight records. Records made under practical conditions will be of
much p;reater value in assessing the genetic worth of the animals. The
prima y purpose of "Production Registry" is to reduce the number of
small litters weighing less than 275 lb. and to increase the number in
the commendable range of 350 to 450 lb.
Another significant development during the past few years has been
the growth of sow-testing programs in various states. Probably the
most highly organized of these is the Wisconsin Swine Selection Coop-
erative. This program is designed to provide information which will
aid the breeder in making intelligent selections from his herd for breeding
The breeder ear-notches each pig individually at birth and records
litter size. The cooperative furnishes forms for keeping records and
employs field m~n to aid the breeders taking weights of pigs at approxi-
mately 154 days of age. The weight records are sent to the University
of Wisconsin where they are adjusted to 154 days of age. An index is
then calculated for each pig and the records returned to the breeder in
time for him to use the index in selecting breeding stock.
LOT No. 24 LITTER No. 62
GILT, Tag 2501, 56 Day Weight 30.6 Ibs., Dinner Plates 14
(Pedigree of Litter 62)
Farrowed Jan. 27, 1948 Average birth wgt. 3.1Ibs.
Pigs Farrowed 13 Average 56 day wgt. 30.49Ibs.
Pigs Raised 9 Bred by Conner Prairie
4 litters avo 8.75 pigs born
4 litters avo 5.5 pigs raised
Average birth wgt. 2.39 Ibs.
Average 56 day wgt. 28.851bs.
CONNER TOP DECK 361355 ...
14 litters avo 9.43 pigs born CONNER ALBRIGHT 879126
14 litters avo 7.1 pigs raised 5 litters avo 10.6 pigs born
Average birth wgt. 3.19 Ibs. 5 litters avo 6.8 pigs raised
Average 56 day wgt. 32.69Ibs. Average birth wgt. 3.03 Ibs.
Average 56 day wgt. 33.88 Ibs.
Herd No.._ __
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about five months of age. Factors have been worked out by Whatley
and Quaife (1937) and Lush and Kincaid (1943) for adjusting individual
pig weights to 56 or 154 days of age, respectively. These make it
possible to weigh several litters at once and convert all records to a
standard age for use in comparing the records of various individuals.
Assuming production records are being kept, the breeder is faced with
the problem of how to evaluate them in selecting breeding stock for
retention in the herd. How much emphasis should be put on weight
Animal Husbandry Department
_ _ l _ , L - - L_ _ _ _~~~_ _J __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
FIG. 202.-An example of a record sheet used to keep records on a Jitter of pigs to weaning
age. (Courtesy of Dr. J. A. Hoefer, Purdue Uni~er8ity, Lafayette, Ind.)
for age, how much on litter size, how much on litter weaning weight,
how much on body type, etc.? Noone answer can be given to this
question. Hazel (1943) in an analysis of the factors involved in con-
structing selection indexes, pointed out that the emphasis which should
be placed upon the different characters depends upon (1) the relative
economic importance of the various traits, (2) the variation in each trait,
(3) the heritability of each trait, and (4) the phenotypic and genetic
correlations between each pair of traits. Obviously, these constants may
vary from herd to herd and even in the same herd over a period of time.
Using data from the Iowa Station swine herd of inbred Poland Chinas,
FIG. 203.-Modern sow types. Chester White sow (above) upreme Fancy 2nd, grand
champion 1947 TIlinois State Fair. Owned and shown by Harry Brett, Decatur, Ill.; and
Duroc sow (below) Tiptop Princess 3rd, grand champion 1948 Nebraska State Fair.
(Courtesy of Chester White Swine Record Association and Duroc Record Association.)
Crossing of three or more lines restored the losses in all traits; in some cases
crossing of three or more lines produced increases in most of the traits studied as
compared to the performance of the parent lines before inbreeding or as compared
with noninbred stock used in some trials as controls. Some, but not all, inbred
boars have sired litters which exceed, in weight and numbers of pigs, litters by
noninbred boars at 5 or 6 months of age; some, but again not all, boars from
crosses of two inbred lines have sired litters which beat litters by other noninbred
boars at 5 or 6 months of age; crossline sows have proved to be good pig raisers;
crosses of inbred lines of different breeds have shown more hybrid vigor than line
crosses within a breed; genetic divergence of stock of different breeds seems to
provide gene patterns differing enough to produce more hybrid vigor than lines
related to each other such as is the case when they are of the same breed. Study
of data completed recently for 70 litters of line crosses within the Poland China
breed compared with 72 litters of crosses of lines between breeds shows a differ-
ence of 0.66 pigs at birth, 4.2 pounds per pig at weaning and 12 pounds per pig
at 5 months in favor of the lines of different breeds. Hybrid vigor appears to
be as real in pigs as in corn, but there are economic problems involved in obtaining
it which are more difficult to overcome than is the case in corn.
The lines produced by mild, medium, and intense inbreeding appear to
differ little in average merit as inbred lines or in their usefulness in
crosses. Since rapid inbreeding results in a considerable saving in time,
1 Quoted from a speech given in April, 1948, at the University of Illinois Swine Day.
it now appears that the most feasible method of producing inbred lines
is to start many small inbred lines and inbreed intensively at first. The
least promising lines can then be discarded and the remaining ones tested
in crosses.
Although several of the inbred lines produced thus far in this study
appear to have real value and may in themselves exert a beneficial
influence on American swine production, the work of the laboratory
must be considered primarily a study of methods. As promising methods
are developed, breeders are adopting them and can be expected to
develop better lines than the relatively few developed thus far by the
experiment stations. If the methods used continue to show promise,
this program can be expected to exert a considerable influence over
future swine-breeding practices.
Selection in Sheep.-In colonial America, sheep were grown almost
entirely for the purpose of producing wool. This led shortly to the
creation, from Spanish ':\lerino importations, of the American Merino
breed, which became very numerous along the Eastern seaboard, with
Vermont at that time the leading state in number of sheep, owing in
large measure to the influence of William Jarvis, who had a farm at
Weathersfield, Vt., and at the time was serving as American consul in
Lisbon, Portugal. The wool clip in the early colonies was only 2 or 3 lb.
per animal per year, but through selection and improved feeding and
management it has been continuously raised to an average level of 7 or
8 lb. for the present sheep population (all types) of the United States.
From the Vermont .M.erino, there were later developed the various
Delaine Merinos for the purpose of producing a fine wool of sufficient
length for combing. Most of the numerous Merino breed associations
that had sprung up were merged in 1906 into the American and Delaine
Merino Record Association, with three other smaller associations still
existing. Merino type varies from a small thin animal of poor carcass
quality but heavily wrinkled and producing a fine, dense, heavy fleece of
short wool (Type A), to a larger, fairly heavy, and low-set animal pfo-
ducing a good carcass but generally lacking wrinkles and with a heavier
but less fine and dense fleece (Type C or Delaine), and a third inter-
mediate form (Type B).
From Spanish :Merino foundations, the French developed a fine-wool
strain of sheep, the Rambouillet, of much greater size than the American
Merino. Many of these animals were brought to America about the
middle of the nineteenth century, and for a time they were a very popular
breed. Interest then declined, to be revived about 1890. The Ram-
l~ouillet is a large animal producing a heavy, dense fleece. As with the
American Merino, there are variations in amount of skin wrink,les and
at some shows the animals are divided into Band C types. They were
brought to America to serve primarily as wool producers. In recent
years, greater attention has been paid to fleshing qualities, more by
some breeders than others, but the carcasses are not of so high a grade
generally as those from the Down breeds. This breed has been called
the most typical dual-pmpose breed in America, yielding something in
FIG. 204.-Different types in lamb carcasses. (CottTtesy of Bureau of Animal I ndustry,
U.S. Department of Aoric~lltttre,.)
density and fineness of fleece to the American Merino and to the Down
breeds in quality of carcass. ! Under these conditions, we would expect
to find wide degrees of variation in the breed.
Robert Bakewell, the noted English livestock breeder of the eighteenth
century, greatly improved one of the long-wool breeds, viz., the Leicester.
He devoted his major attention to fleshing or fattening qualities and
.quite neglected consideration of wool. The result was a fairly large
breed of sheep with rather long and coarse wool and a carcass of a coarse
grain, which when finished was overlaid with several inches of fat. To a
greater or less extent, these qualities are found also in the other long-wool
breeds, Cotswolds, Lincolns, and Romneys. The long-wool breeds were
created, therefore, primarily to serve as meat animals supplying the large,
fat legs and roasts then in demand. In recent years, more attention has
been paid to wool, and attempts have continually been made to improve
the quality of carcass in these breeds. The fine-wool breeders generally)
pay particular attention to fleece, less to carcass qualities. The long- It
wool breeders, on the other hand, pay more attention to carcass, less to )
fleece. '
The various "Down breeds" of sheep, Southdown, Shropshires,
Oxfords, Hampshires, etc., have been developed to fill the void between
the fine-wool and long-wool breeds. They are, in a sense, a happy
medium between two extremes with the very great added advantage of
producing very superior carcasses from the standpoint of quality. The
various Merinos and the Down breeds have been bred and kept relatively
pure in the East and Midwest. In the range country farther west, the
foundation females were largely grade Rambouillet ewes. On these ewes,
there have been used all the types of American and Delaine Merinos and
Rambouillet rams. Later, rams from the long-wool breeds were used,
particularly Cotswolds and Lincolns, in the attempt to improve size and
fleshing, and rams from the Down breeds were used to try to improve
carcass quality still further. Finally the use of long-wool rams on
fine-wool e\ves in the attempt to get good sheep from the standpoint of
both wool and mutton led to the formation of the Corriedale breed in New
Zealand (imported to the United States in 1914) and the Columbia,
Panama, Targhee, and Romeldale breeds in the United States.
As can be seen from the above discussion, there are a great many types
of sheep in existence. Sheep are raised in the United States under a
greater range of environmental conditions and management systems than
is true of any other class of farm animal. The first job of the sheep\
breeder is, therefore, to select the type and breed of sheep best adapted 7
to the conditions under which operations will be carried on and where\
breeding stock will be sold. It may well be that more breeds are needed)
to fill needs in certain areas.
The second task of the breeder is to improve the productivity of the
type of sheep selected. Although in former years many sheep were kept
almost exclusively for wool production with aged wethers often being
run for this purpose, the sheep industry is today almost universally on a
dual-purpose basis, i.e., both wool and meat animals (usually lambs) Ile
major products, with the relative importance of the two varying c .
siderably in various areas. For example, in the semiarid regions of the
Southwest, w~ere ranges are so sparse as to make the production of
storms are frequently severe, the objectives in sheep improvement must also
include a consideration of those characteristics in a fleece that protect the sheep
against weather extremes. The fleece must be relatively long and "lofty" as
well as dense and must hold together along the topline and cover well the
Besides we are interested in the mature form of mutton sheep on the basis of
its value for producing the right kind of market and feeder lambs, and replace-
ment ewes. While obviously the mature size, form, and fleshing quality of a
sheep are important, the ranchman is perhaps fully as concerned with weight,
form, and fleshing qualities at the time of weaning the lamb, because it is at this
time that weight and form, but principally fleshing will determine if the lamb is a
market lamb or a feeder lamb. The milking quality in ewes is observed just
after lambing, and this is further checked in their ability to produce vigorous and
fleshy lambs. In the selection program, therefore, much emphasis is placed
upon the finish in lambs at the time of weaning. Due consideration is given to
twins in this connection. Stud ram prospects are scored carefully for market
qualities at weaning, because a ram lamb that has the acceptable growth, rugged-
ness, form and finish at weaning time is probably more apt to be a potential sire
of lambs of the same kind, than is a more slowly maturing ram that does not
develop these qualities before he is more mature. Vigor is an essential quality
in the selection of ranch sheep. Some ewes, and rams also, "wear" uniformly
well under heavy service until they are seven or even eight years of age. Others
begin to decline early in life and are on the" cull" list at five or before.
Selection is being practiced against too heavy face covering that might
\ lead to "wool blindness" and also against heavy skin folds.
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5. Fleece weight and quality.
6. Regular annual or semiannual weights of all breeding stock.
The evaluation of performance records is greatly complicated by
environmental factors. Some of these, such as the effects of sex, age of
dam, type of birth (single or multiple), and age at weaning, can be
measured and definitely taken into account.
If these things are not systematically evaluated, selection may be
biased in favor of lambs having the most favorable conditions for growth.
A study of the lambs born during a 14-year period (1921-1934) in the
Hampshire, Shropshire, and Southdown flocks at the National Agricul-
tural Research Center at Beltsville, Md., showed that their environ-
mental factors had apparently influenced selection to an undue degree
when selection of lambs began at about t\lree months of age. In summa-
rizing this studyl tho authors recommend some practices which should
minimize this tendency.
The results showed that type of birth, time of birth, and birth weight have
influenced the selection of breeding animals. Single lambs have been preferred
to twins, early lambs to late ones, and lambs that were heavy at birth to light
lambs. With the exception of a portion of the effect of birth weight, the effects
of these factors on selection are considered to be environmental in nature, and
therefore, reduce the chances of selecting the genetically superior animals for
breeding purposes. This weakness in the present method of selection can be
at least partly overcome in one of the following ways:
1. When selections are made at weaning or a similar early age, the animals
may be divided, first by sex and then into single and twin groups within sexes.
These last two groups should then be divided according to ti!I1e of birth. If the
range in date of birth is 6 weeks) the lambs may be divided into two groups
having a range of 3 weeks each. If lambing occurs over a longer period, more
groups may be necessary. With the animals so divided, those in each group will
be on a more comparable basis than if considered as a whole, and selections can
be made within each group. This division does not take into consideration
differences in birth weight, and if data on this point are available they may be
kept at hand for use while making selections. Selections would, of course, be
based on the characters in which the breeder is primarily interested, such as
mutton form, fleece, and perhaps other factors such as pedigrees of the animals.
This method eliminates comparison of single lambs with twin lambs and of
early lambs with late ones. Assuming that the proportion of individuals possess-
ing superior germ plasm is equal in the groups of singles and twins and that
there is a similar proportion in the early and late group in each type of birth,
the chances of actually selecting these superior animals would be greater if this
suggested system was followed.
2. Selection may be made at a standard age, such as 6 months, rather than on a
certain date. Weights at this age could be adjusted for the effects of birth fac-
tors, and any advantage or disadvantage kept in mind when evaluating each
animal. The weights of all animals could be adjusted to a standard basis, such
as single males of a standard birth date and weight, for use in making such allow-
ances for the effects of birth factors and sex. All animals reaching the standard
age within a given ''leek might be observed on one day during that week. By this
method each individual is compared with an ideal at a standard age, with allow-
ance for any unfavorable environment due to birth factors. The effect on selec-
tion would be similar to that of the first suggested method.
3. Selections might be postponed until an age when the effects of the birth
factors on development discussed herein have disappeared. Little effect of type
and time of birth and birth weight on development, as measured by weight,
remains at 12 months. Retention of all animals to this age is not practical for
the sheep breeder who must sell his discarded lambs when they reach market
1 PRILl,lPg, R. W., and DAWSON, W. M., Some Factors Affecting Survival, Growth,
Body Staple Body Staple
weight, length, weight,
weight, I length,
lb. crn. lb. em.
-~~---- _----_
Advantage of:
Rams over ewes ..... ...... . 8.3* -0.48*
Mature dam over 2-year-old
dam ..................... 6.1 * 0.19 2.6 0.17 0.12
Singles over twins ...........
Columbias, Targhees, and
9.2* 0.05 I 6.0* 0.23* 0.30*
Advantage of: I
Rams over ewes ............ 10.8* -0.54*
C'l C'l C'l C'lC'l
o 00
~ ~~ ~~
FIG. 207.- A model hropshire ram, bred by George McKerrow and Sons Compan.v ,
Pewaukee. Wis.
reflect all-around merit, is used as the basis for selecting breeding animals
in this flock. The average index has increased during the period of this
study almost as much as would be expected, and Terrill concludes that
the average merit of the sheep in the flock has improved.
Individual performance and family averages in production are the
basi~it£ms--upon which selection in sheep must be based. This follows
frcimtneTacts that Crr
although some culling of breeding animals may be
practiced on the basis of the first lamb crop or two, they must initially
be selected for use in a flock upon the basis of their own and relatives'
performance, and (2) even if a progeny-testing program is followed with
prospective stud rams before they are used in the main flock, only a
small percentage of the most promising rams can be progeny-tested,
these must be selected on the basis of individual and family performance.
An organized program in which prospective stud rams are progeny-
tested in an auxiliary flock prior to being used in the main flock can be
useful under certain conditions. Dickerson and Hazel (1944) concluded
that a program of progeny-testing yearling rams and using the best ones
in the main flock as two-year-olds or three-year-oIds, should increase
progress by about 20 per cent and 5 per cent for weanling and yearling
traits, respectively, with characters having heritabilities as low as 10 per
cent. For characters with heritabilities of 30 per cent, progeny testing
would be expected to increase progress slightly for traits which could
be measured at weaning age, but would be expected to decrease progress
for those traits which could not be measured until yearling age. This
latter situation occurs because of the additional year which it takes to
evaluate yearling characters of the progeny.
Progeny testing can be expected to be still more effective if rams can be
progeny-tested as lambs instead of yearlings and the best performing
ones used in the main flock as yearlings.
Selection in Beef Cattle.-Selection in beef cattle has long been based
primarily upon show-ring winnings or type evaluations based upon show-
ring standards. The fact that the beef market tends to be a discriminat-
ing one makes it necessary to pay considerable ~atten~ beef
cattle, but much more informat~ed regarding therclation
between type and carcass quality.
FIG. 208.-Appearance may not be a good indicator of a bull's breeding value. Calves sired
by the bull at the top averaged 42 lb. heavier at the end of a feeding period and produced ~
higher grading carcasses than calves sired by his more attractive half lirother shown in the
lower photo. (Courtesy of B1LreaU of Animal Industry, U.S. Department of Agrictdture.)
Although all breeding work with farm animals is slow and expensive,
such work with beef cattle is especially so because of slow reproductive
rates. Much information has been accumulated during the past 15 to 20
years, however, which when widely applied promises to aid in the develop-
ment of more profitable types of cattle.
Winters and McMahon (1933) in a series of experiments in which steers
were fed i~dividually, demonstrated rather wide differences between
individuals in gaining ability and in efficiency of feed utilization. Further
extensive work by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has extended these
observations (see Table 56 for some extreme cases), and it has been shown
that sire progenies differ considerably in these same characters.
The few heritability studies thus far reported for beef cattle (Table 57)
have almost all been from the same herd and seem to be unreasonably
;\Iethod used to
Character ability, Reference
estimate heritability
Birth weight. ..... . ..... 53 Paternal half-sih corrp- Knapp and Clark
lation (1950) *
11 Paternal half-sib corre- Dawson et al.
lation (corrected birth (1947)
, Va
e mng weI g ht '" . 28 Pate mal half-sibe orr ~- K napp a nd Clark
lation (1950)
Gain during feeding period .. 65 i Paternal half-sib eorre-i Knapp and Clark
lation (1950)
Rate of gain in feed lot. .. I: 77 Sire offspring regres- Knapp and Clark
Slon (1950)
Slaughter grade ..... ... 45 Paternal half-sib corre- Knapp and Clark
lation (1950)
Area of eye muscle ......... 68 Paternal half-sib corre- Knapp and Clark
lation (1950)
* KNAPP, BRADFORD, JR .. and CLARK, R. T., Revised Estimates of Heritability of Economic Charac-
ters in Beef Cattle (unpublished manuscript). This paper represents an extension of studies previously
reported by Knapp and Nordskog (l946a and 1946b) but includes about fOUI times as much material
high for those characters reflecting feed-lot efficiency and carcass quality.
However, even if further studies should indicate that the figures upon
·which these estimates are based were not typical of beef cattle in general
and that the estimates need to be revised downward, it does appear
likely that heritabilities are high enough for selection to be effective in
bringing about improvement in these characters.
Several record-of-performance procedures have been proposed for beef
cattle (Winters and McMahon, 1933; Sheets, 1932; Winters, 1940; and
Bureau of Animal Industry, 1941), and the factors usually considered
important will be listed and discussed briefly.
1. Birth Weight.-Although no one would advocate breeding beef
cattle for extremely heavy birth weights, it has been shown that, within
the normal weight range, heavier calves at birth tend to grow more
rapidly later (see Dawson et al. 1947). Thus, birth weights are a desirable
but not indispensable item in performance records.
2. Weaning W eight.-Weaning weight is important to all beef cattle-
men because, in general, gains made prior to weaning are cheaper than
those made later. The producers of calves for slaughter at weaning or of
feeder calves are especially interested in heavy weaning weights because
their income depends upon weight available for sale at that time. It has
been assumed that growth rate from birth to weaning is largely a function
of milk production of the dam. Gifford (1949) found gross correlations of
+0.60, +0.71, +0.52, and +0.35 between daily milk production of 57
Hereford cows and daily gain in weight of their calves during the first,
second, third, and fourth months, respectively. After the fourth month
there was no significant relationship between the two items. From this
data it would appear that, while milk production exerts an influence on
calf growth, it is by no means the only factor involved.
It has long been assumed by animal husbandmen that heavier weaning
weights are associated with rapid gains during a subsequent fattening
period. Knapp et al. (1941), however, found virtually no correlation
bet\veen these items. They also found that weaning weight was nega-
tively correlated with efficiency of gain during a subsequent fattening
period. Since the heavy calf at weaning gains as rapidly after weaning
as a lighter one, he will reach a given market weight in fewer days because
of his headstart. In all probability the lower efficiency of the heavier
weaning calves is due to the fact that they have reached a more expensive
part of the growth curve, and not to an inherently lower efficiency. Thus,
these observations do not constitute an argument for selecting light
weaning calves.
3. Gain and Efficiency of Feed Utilization during a Feeding Period.-Beef
cattle are ordinarily fed a heavy grain feed for a period of time prior to
\ \,
being marketed. The animal which gains rapidly during this period has
to be fed fewer days, with a resulting saving in labor and a more rapid
turnover of capital. The rapid-gaining animal also tends to be the most
efficient. This relation is by no means absolute, however.
Since no other characters seem to be highly enough related to feed-lot
performance to be of predictive value, feeding tests are needed to measure
this important character. How such feed tests should be conducted is
not a settled question.
Earliest proposals were for a feeding period of a fixed number of days
after weaning. This is by far the most convenient method, but has the
disadvantage that the animals may be in very different portions of the
growth curve during the period of similar chronological age. In general,
the heavy weaning calf will be at a disadvantage in efficiency evaluations
because he will be heavier throughout the feeding trial and therefore in
a more expensive part of the growth period. This method is, therefore,
not well suited for measurement of efficiency (see Knapp and Baker,
1944), but since there is little or no relationship between weaning weight
and subsequent rate of gain, it does provide a convenient and acceptable
method of evaluating rate of gain for use in selection.
It was later proposed (Black and Knapp, 1938) that animals on test
be fed through a given weight range, the suggested period being from
500 to 900 lb. live weight. They showed a very high relationship between
rate and economy of gain using this method.
Guilbert and Gregory (1944) pointed out that animals differing in
rate of maturity may differ greatly in composition at a given weight.
Since the energy required to produce fat is greater than that required to
produce lean meat and bone, it is apparent that the early maturing,
rapidly fattening calf would be at a disadvantage in evaluating efficiency.
They recommend feeding to a definite degree of finish in an effort to
control the composition of the gains.
Although there is no basic relationship between size and efficiency,
many of the overhead costs of livestock production tend to be on a "per
head" basis. Thus, as Brody (1939) has pointed out, it may be more
economical to produce the same amount of product from fewer animals
of large size than from a larger number of smaller animals.
It would appear, therefore, that the method of selecting on the basis of
rate and economy of gain during a constant weight period would be
satisfactory from a practical standpoint if it were combined with selection
for satisfactory carcass finish at the desired weight.
All investigators are agreed that the feeding period should be one of
full- or self-feeding. Knapp and Baker (1943) found that genetic
differences were not expressed between sire progenies if a limited feed
FIG. 209.-Angus bull (top) Prince Sunbeam 249th, 1948 Grand Champion bull at Inter-
national Livestock Show, shown by Ellerslie, Charlottesville, Va.; and cow (bottom) Eileen-
mere's Effie W., Grand Champion female, 1948 International Livestock Show, shown by
J. Garrett Tolan Farms, Pleasant Plains, Ill. (Courteay of American Aberdeen Angus
Breeders' A8sociation.)
intake put a ceiling on rate of gain. Knapp and Clark (1947) found that
genetic differences in rate of gain were not fully expressed until late in a
lopg feeding period. The apparent heritabilities of gain were 10, 54, and
84 per cent in the first, second, and third 84-day periods of a 252-day feed-
ing period, respectively. Thus, the chance of getting very much genetic
information from a feeding period of less than 168 days appears to be
Sl.'JLl~C1'j()N IN MEAT ANliVlALS 701
FIG. 210.-Hereford bull (top) MW Larry Mixer 1st, champion Hereford bull of the 1949
American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. Bred and shown by the Milky Way
Hereford Ranch, Phoenix, Ariz. ; and Hereford cow (bottom) JJ Gertt"Udis, reserve cham pion
Hereford female of the 1949 American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. Bred
and shown by Jack Haley, Escondido, Calif. (Courteay of American Here/ord Association.)
to full-feed them for a period, although it is recognized that this may not
be possible in some cases.
A cooperative beef-cattle breeding program has been recently started
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and cooperating state experiment
stati'Ons, with Dr. R. T. Clark of Denver, Colo., as coordinator.
Inbreeding and performance testing are being carried on by a number of
experiment stations. Due to the slow rate of reproduction in cattle,
this program can not be expected to produce results so rapidly as the
Regional Sheep and Swine Breeding Laboratories. The progress of this
program will be watched with interest.
FIG. 211.- Lassie of W.T. 92607, Grand Champion Red Poll female at the 1949 Indiana
State Fair. The Red Poll is a dual-purpose breed of cattle. (COU1·tesy of Purdue University,
Lafayette, Ind.)
HAGEDOORN, A. L. 1946. "Animal Breeding," 2d cd., Crosby, Lockwood & Sons,
HAMMOND, JORN. 1940. "Farm Animals, Their Breeding, Growth, and Inherit-
ance," Edward Arnold & Co., London.
KELLY, R. B. 1946. "Principles and Methods of Animal Breeding," John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York.
LusR, JAY L. 1945. "Animal Breeding Plans," 3d ed., Collegiate Press, Inc., of
Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
NICROLS, J. E. 1945. "Livestock Improvement in Relation to Heredity and
Environment," 2d ed., Oliver & Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh and London.
WINTERS, L. M. 1948. "Animal Breeding," 4th ed, John 'Viley & Sons, Inc.,
New York.
Bulletins and Papers
BAKER, M. L., HAZEL, L. N., and REINMILLER, C. F. 1943. The Relative Impor-
tance of Heredity and Environment in the Growth of Pigs at Different Agee,
Jour. Anim. Sci., 2:3-13.
BLACK, W. H., and KNAPP, B., JR. 1938. A Comparison of Several ::\lethods of
Measuring Performance in Beef Cattle, Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod. Proc., pp. 103-
HLUNN, C. T., and BAKER, M. L. 1949. Heritability Estimates of Sow Productivity
and Litter Performance, Jour. A nim. Sci., 8 :89-97.
- - - and - - - . 1947. The Relation between Av..erage Daily Gain and Some
Carcass Measurements, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6 :424-431.
BRODY, S. 1939. Factors Influencing the Apparent Energetifl Efficiency of Produc-
ti,\e Processes in Farm Animals, Jour. Nutr., 17 :235-251.
Bureau of Animal Industry, lI.s. Dept. Agr. 1941. Record of Performance Proce-
dure for Beef Cattle, A.H.D. Mimeo. 37.
CARROLL, W. E. et al. 1929. Swine Type Studies. 1. Type in Swine as Related
to Rate and Economy of Gain, Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 321.
CHAPMAN, A. B., and LUSH, J. L. 1932. Twinning, Sex Ratios, and Genetic Vari-
:lbility in Birth Weight in Sheep, Jour. H ered., 33 :473-478.
CLAUSEN, HJALMER. 1949. Beretning om sammenlignende Fors¢g med Suin fra
statsanerkendte Avlscentre, (Report about the comparisons between swine from
the state recognized breeding centers, 1947-1948), Ejvind Christensens Forlag,
COMSTOCK, R. E. et al. 1942. Measures of Growth Rate for Use in Swine Selec-
tion, Jour. Agr. Res., 65 :379-389.
CRAFT, W. A. 1943. Swine Breeding Research at the Regional Swine Breeding
Laboratory, U.S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 523.
CUMMINGS, J. N., WINTERS, L. M., and STEWART, H. A. 1947. The Heritability of
Some Factors Affecting Productivity of Brood Sows, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6 :297-304.
DAWSON, W. M., PHILLIPS, R. W., and BLACK, W. H. 1947. Birth Weight as a
Criterion of Selection in Beef Cattle, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6:247-257.
DICKERSON, G. E. 1947. Composition of Hog Carcasses as Influenced by Heritable
Differences in Rate and Economy of Gain, Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 354.
- - - and GRIMES, J. C. 1947. Effectiveness of Selection for Efficiency of Gain
in Duroc Swine, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6 :265-287.
- - - and HAZEL, L. N. 1944a. Selection for Growth Rate of Pigs and Produc-
tivity of Sows, Jour. Anim. Sci., 3 :201-212.
- - - and - - - . 1944b. Effectiveness of Selection on Progeny Performance as a
Supplement to Earlier Culling in Livestock, Jour. Agr. Res., 69 :459-476.
- - - et al. 1947. Performance of Inbred Lines and Line Crosses in Swine, Jour.
Anim. Sci., 6 :477. (Abs.)
GIFFORD, WARREN. 1949. Importance of High Milk Production in Beef Cows
Found Overestimated, Jour. Anim. Sci., 8 :605-606. (Abs.)
GUILBERT, H. R., and GREGORY, P. W. 1944. Feed Utilization Tests with Cattle,
Jour. Anim. Sci., 3 :143-153.
HAMMOND, J. 1947. Animal Breeding in Relation to Nutrition and Environmental
Conditions, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Biol. Rev., 22 :195-213.
HAZEL, L. N. 1943. The Genetic Basis for Constructing Selection Indexes, Genetics,
28 :476-490.
----- and LUSH, J. L. 1942. The Efficiency of Three Methods of Selection, Jour.
Hered., 33 :3\)3-399.
- - - and TERRILL, C. E. 1946a. Heritability of Type and Condition in Range
Ramboui!let Lambs as Evaluated by Scoring, Jour. Anim. Sci., 5:55-61.
- - - and - - - . 1946b. Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Weanling
Traits of Range Columbia, Corridale, and Targhee Lambs, Jour. Anim. Sd.,
- - - and - - - . 1946c. Heritability of Weanling Traits in Range Columbia,
Corriedale, and Targhee Lambs, Jour. Anim. Sci., 5:371-377.
- - - - and - - - . 1946d. Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Fleece and
Body Characteristics of Range Rambouillet Yearling Ewes, Jour. Anim. Sci.,
- - - and - - - . 1945a. Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Weanling
Traits of Range Rambouillet Lambs, Jour. Anim. Sci., 4 :331-341.
\ ! \
PHILLIPS, R. W., and DAWSON, W. M. 1940. Some Factors Affecting Survival,
Growth, and Selection of Lambs, U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 538.
- - - , SCHOTT, R. G., and SPENCER, D. A. 1945. The Genetics, Physiology, and
Economic Importance of the Multinipple Trait in Sheep, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech.
RHO~DE, A. O. 1949. The Santa Gertrudis Breed. The Genesis and the Genetics
of a New Breed of Beef Cattle, Jour. Hered., 40:115-126.
SEMPLE, A. T., and DvORACHEK, H. E. 1930. Beef Production from Purebred,
Grade, and Native Calves, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 203.
SHEETS, E. W. 1933. Evaluating Beef Cattle Performance for a Register of Merit,
Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod. Proc., 25:41-47.
SPENCER, D. A., and HARDY, J. 1. 1928. Factors That Influence Wool Production
with Range Rambouillet Sheep, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 85.
STEWART, H. A. 1945. The Inheritance of Prolificacy in Swine, Jour. Anim. Sci.,
STONAKER, H. H., and LUSH, J. L. 1942. Heritability of Conformation in Poland-
China Swine as Evaluated by Scoring, Jour. Anim. Sci., 1 :99-105.
TERRILL, C. E. 1949. The Relation of Face Covering to Lamb and Wool Production
in Range Rambouillet Ewes, Jour. Anim. Sci., 8:353-361.
- - - and HAZEL, L. N. 1946. Heritability of Face Covering and Neck Folds in
Range Rambouillet Lambs as Evaluated by Scoring, Jour. Anim. Sci., 5 :170-179.
- - - and - - - . 1943. Heritability of Yearling Fleece and Body Traits in
Range Rambouillet Ewes, Jour. Anim. Sci., 2 :358-359. (Abs.)
- - - , - - - , and SIDWELL, G. M. 1948a. Effects of Some Environmental Factors
on Yearling Traits of Columbia and Targhee Rams, Jour. Anim. Sci., 7 :181-190.
- - - , - - - , and - - - . 1948b. Effects of Some Environmental Factors on
Traits of Yearling and Mature Rambouillet Rams, Jour. Anim. Sci., 7 :311-319.
- - - , - - - , and - - - . 1947. Effects of Some Environmental Factors on
Yearling Traits of Columbia and Targhee Ewes, Jour. Anim. Sci., 6:115-122.
VERGES, J. B. 1939. Effect of Nutrition on the Carcass Quality of Suffolk Cross
Lambs, Suffolk Sheep Yearbook, Ipswich.
WARWICK, B. L. et al. 1949. Selection of Sheep and Goats for Resistance to
Stomach Worms, Haemonchus contortus, Jour. Anim. Sci., 8:609-610. (Abs.)
WHATLEY, J. A. 1942. Influence of Heredity and Other Factors on 180-day Weight
in Poland-China Swine, Jour. Agr. Res., 65 :249-264.
- - - and NELSON, R. H. 1942. Heritability of Difference in 180 Day Weight
and Market Score in Swine, Jour. Anim. Sci., 1 :70. (Abs.)
- - - and QUAIFE, E. L. 1937. A Method for Correcting Pig Weights to a 56-day
Basis, Regional Swine Breeding Laboratory Res. Item 2.
WINTERS, L. M. 1940. Records of Performance for Meat Animals, Empire Jour.
Expt. Agr., 8 :259-268.
- - - and McMAHON, H. 1933. Efficiency Variations in Steers, A Proposed
Record of Performance, Minn. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 94.
- - - , SIERK, C. F., and CUMMINGS, J. N. 1949. The Effect of Plane of Nutrition
on the Economy of Production and Carcass Quality of Swine, Jour. Anim. Sci.,
ZELLER, J. H., and HETZER, H. O. 194,1. Influence of Type of Hog on Production
Efficiency, U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 698.
* For tractors and automobiles drawbar equivalent was used rather than rated horsepower.
people on farms have produced enough food for 56 nonfarm people plus
10 living abroad. 1
This is probably due, for the most part, to the fact that the modern
farmer has more efficient sources of power. In ancient times a few
peofJle could live well and enjoy leisure because they had enslaved othm
human beings who were compelled to work for their keep. Today oUI
slaves in America are machines.
Among the animals that have been domesticated and whose energy
has been used to supplant human muscle, the horse is the most interesting
and the most important. Next to the dog, among the larger animals, the
horse apparently has the greatest capacity for responding to man's
friendship. From the earliest times he was both helpmate and com-
panion. The maximum efficiency of both man and horse during work,
according to the researches of Brody and Trowbridge,2 stands at 24 per
cent, with steam engines at 15 per cent, gasoline engines at 18 per cent
"at the belt" and about 13 per cent "at the drawbar," and Diesel
engines at 35 per cent. Many other factors, of course, are involved in
the choice of the" best" source of farm power.
In addition to supplying power, the horse had filled a great variety
of human needs. History, unfortunately, is too largely the story of
war and conquest, and, although "struggle" is the keynote and first
necessity of a nation's or an individual's progress, it is to be hoped that
less devastating forms of struggle than war can speedily be devised.
Associated with the famous warriors of the past, there generally is found
their favorite horses, e.g., Alexander the Great and Bucephalus, Napoleon
and Marengo, Washington and Nelson, Grant and Jack, Lee and Traveler.
These men's names live in history; their physical likenesses, generally
astride their favorite horse, on canvas or in bronze. The place of
cavalry in war is too well known to need repetition here, and the same
is true of the place of the horse in moving supplies, guns, and other
equipment. During the First World War the United States shipped
abroad for war purposes nearly 1 million horses and over ~ million
mules. And, in spite of motorization, the horse played an important
part in the Second World War, for Germany is estimated to have used
over 200,000 horses and mules in the Polish campaign and 750,000 in the
conquest of the Low Countries and France.
In addition to his services in work or war the horse has filled, and will
1 MCCRORY, S. H., HENDRICKSON, R. F., and COMMITTEE, Technological Trends
in Relation to Agriculture, reprint from Report of Subcommittee on Technology to
the National Resources Committee, 1937, p. 99.
2 BRODY, S., and TROWBRIDGE, E. A., Efficiency of Horses, Men, and Motors, "Mo.
Motor Horse
Advantages Advantages
More work in given time Lower initial investment and depreciation
No permanent unsoundnesses or disease Power of reproducing
Can work day and night Live on home-produced feeds
No care nor fuel while not working Flexibility-use 1 or 30
Less man power needed Help maintain soil fertility
Use for belt power and custom work Less actual cash outlay
The advantages of one are to a certain if not the full degree disad-
vantages of the other. Whether motors will entirely displace horses as
a source of farm power is for the future to answer. The American farmer,
like workers in all other fields, is becoming more and more efficient,
i.e., he produces more in less time and with less human physical effort.
This tends to create a puzzling economic problem, for it means we cannot
profitably consume all that is produced if all work as many hours a day
or a week as they did under less efficient methods of production. As
individuals, we are not interested in efficiency for efficiency's sake but
only in translating efficiency into better living for ourselves and our
families. If our efficiency can be made to mean a greater net income or
the same income from less hours of labor, the average man is definitely
interested. Hours of labor have shown a steady decline for the past
40 years; it is probable that the bottom in decreased labor time has not
yet been reached.
The farmer is on the lookout for more efficient sources of pow~r. If
engineers can provide machines that can do the general run of farm
work more efficiently and more cheaply than can the horse, it seems
certain that farmers will find ways to buy these machines. Table 58
shows something of the trend in forms of power on the farm.
* Estimate.
In any event the farm horse is going to have to try to meet this compe-
tition. It seems unlikely that the farm horse will be totally replaced
by machines, and it is evident that horse breeders must use every possible
means to improve their methods of selection so that only sound, durable,
and efficient types of horses will be produced.
Many farmers who keep horses and raise colts do not have sufficient
numbers of animals to justify the keeping of a stallion, which means that
they must patronize various and sundry owners of stallions. In the
early part of the twentieth c~ntury, there were many unsound and poor-
type stallions and jacks standing for public service at low service fees in
the Midwest, and many also that were improperly registered. In order
to protect both the owners of good purebred sires and the owners of
mares, some states inaugurated stallion-enrollment or licensing services,
which required the payment of a fee for enrollment or licensing, provided
the stallion was adjudged sound upon inspection by a veterinarian, and
the inclusion of a copy of the license in all advertising. Other states
were, of course, forced to follow suit to prevent the dumping within
their borders of inferior stallions from states that had adopted such
legislation. This is the only class of animals in which legislation has
been invoked as an aid in bringing about improvement. Twenty-two
states from New York and New Jersey on the Atlantic to Washington
and Oregon on the Pacific and including New Mexico and Oklahoma in
the South now have stallion registration boards, and a national asso-
ciation of these state boards was formed in 1910 and is still functioning
with Prof. W. L. Blizzard of Oklahoma as its president and Prof. R. B.
Cooley of Indiana as secretary.
Although the state laws for licensing stallions and jacks vary somewhat,
in general it may be said that to be eligible for public service a stallion
must be free from sidebone, ringbone, bone spavin, curb (when accom-
panied by curby formation of the hock), glanders-farcy, maladie-du~
co'it, urethral gieet, and mange. He must be registered in a nationally
recognized registry association or be advertised as a grade. In some
"tates only sound purebred stallions are eligible for a license. In other
states an unsound stallion or jack may be licensed, but the nature of the
unsoundness must be shown on the face of the license.
The main purposes of stallion-enrollment laws were and are to prevent
misrepresentation in advertising and to prohibit the use of sires thought
likely to spread infectious diseases or a conformation that would not
stand up under hard work and, conversely, to encourage the development
of a sound breeding program for horses. That these stallion-enrollment
laws have accomplished their main purposes cannot be questioned, and,
although it is impossible to estimate their financial advantages to breed-
ers, farmers, and the respective states, their contribution to a better
average type of horse is admittedly very great.
General Bases for Selection in Horses.-In general there are five l
types of horses, l)iz., draft, heavy harness, light harness, saddlers, and ')
ponies. They are maintained in the final analysis for but one thing,
their ability to move for its own sake, as in the various types of racing,
driving, hunting, riding, polo-playing, etc., or their ability to move loads,
as in various forms of draft work. The criterion of selection in horses
has always been their ability to do certain things plus, in some instances,
)Juili: p~auty of appearance. In the heavy and light harness horses, the
pony, and the Saddle Horse used in the show ring, perhaps equal weight
has been given to appearance and performance. In the hunter, utility
saddler, draft, and various types of racehorses the main influence shaping
selection has been performance, with somewhat less attention paid to
appearance. The distinct types of horses have evolved quite naturally,
as breeders selected those which excelled in the various types of perform-
ances, and so it has come about that in horses perhaps more than in any
other class of livestock "~!L_~_£roduction." Draft power calls for a
compact, heavy, low-set, heavily musclelt,-iind clean-boned animal "with
a relatively docile disposition. Speed calls for a lithe, lean, relatively
long-muscled and light-boned animal with plenty of animation and a
highly developed nervous temperment. The individuality of the animal,
its phenotype, because this so closely correlateswithits performance, is
and should be the most important consider~tion in selection.
Pedi~..L if relatively complete in terms of records of performance
(work, speed, show_ winnings, etc.), can be of very great usefulness in
providing a safer basis for-selection; and progeny performance, as in all
classes of livestock, provides the one unaSs~est of an animal's
breeding merit. Performance~.cords are available for various types
of racing horses, which provides something comparable to milk-produc-
tion records in cattle. To a limited extent, show winnings are available
for heavy, and light harness horses and Saddle horses. The dynamometer
is available for the testing of draft power in heavy horses, but thus far
it has not been used in any practical way to help in the selection of draft
The principles of inheritance in horses are similar to those in all other
clas~es of livestock. The horse is the product of its genes times its
environment. In this class of livestock, the enVironment in the form of
training plays a much more important part than is true in any other
class of livestock. Proper feeding is essential if any animal of any class
is to grow out to the normaCsetby-its particular genes. Cattle, sheep,
and swine require no particular training, whereas training in the horse
is fully as important as good genes. An offspring of Dan Patch and Lou
Dillon would hardly be expected to do 1 mile in 2 minutes if it had grown
up on pasture and spent the years from three to five pulling a grocery
or laundry wagon.
1\1ore also in horses than in other classes of livestock do we need balance
between the several parts of the body and between the physical and the
mental make-up. We can overdo compactness in a draft horse until we
reach the point where we have an animal that cannot move effectively.
We want length of leg in a racehorse, but we can reach the point where
further increase in length of leg detracts from rather than adds to speed.
Likewise, we can have too phlegmatic a draft horse or too high-strung
and nervous a Thoroughbred.
The halving and sampling nature of inheritance prevails in the horse
as well as complex interactions between groups of genes providing favor-
able and unfavorable "nicks." We still have far too many horses ill-
adapted, both from a genetic and from a training standpoint, for the
purpose they are supposed to fill. With the number of horses declining,
it is of great importance that use all means available, and perhaps
design new ones, to measure both the performance and the transmitting
qualities of those remaining, so that the less efficient may be the first to
go and the better genes discovered and put together in more desirable
and homozygous combinations.
Buying Horses.-Buying a horse, even for the initiated, is something
of ~gamble. This is due to the fact that, in the sh0rt space of minutes
0; hour-s with the knowledge that many faults can be temporarily covered
up through clever manipulation, we must evaluate a complex physical
and mental make-up for use over long hours of work through days
stretching into years.
As -with all other classes of livestock, the first consideration is that of
general health. Horses that have been shipped or have passed through
sales stables may have had the opportunity of picking up various germs
sueh as thosp, causing; pleuropneumonia (shipping fever) or influenza,
Such ailments very seldom prove fatal, but, if carried home to a group
of horses, considerable inconvenience may be caused.
Since the horse is maintained for his ability to transform energy into
useful work or to provide pleasure and companionability, one of the
most important things to be appraised is his disposition. Whether or
not there are genes for obnoxious dispositions in animals or man is not
known, but something does occasionally give rise to bad dispositions,
and whether genetically or, probably more often, environmentally caused,
we do not want them. Undesirable dispositions may manifest themselves
in the stall as halter pulling, kicking, biting, crowding, stall walking or
trotting, weaving, cribbing, wind sucking, manger chewing, tail rubbing,
etc., and outside the stall as an unwillingness to be harnessed, balking,
running away, stumbling, etc. Work becomes doubly hard when it
must be performed with the aid of recalcitrant beasts, and in a horse
maintained for purposes of pleasure the first prerequisite is good manners.
Even if not dangerous or particularly obnoxious, many cf these faults
and vices consume considerable energy for which the owner gets no return.
In addition to securing healthy horses that are free from objectionable
manne~dyices.-Ql!_e inl!St,~[~urse, select horses whose types fit them
for the specific functions that they are intended to fulfill. This, of course,
has many gradations from ponies to draft horses. Limitations of space
and the general availability of excellent discussions on types of horses
for specific requirements in book and bulletin form make both impossible
and unnecessary similar discussions at this point. Since the value of a
horse depends so largely on his ability to move from place to place, his
feet and legs should receive first and major attention or, said more
concisely, "no foot, no horse." Fully as important, however, are the
matters of SOlinG ,vind and good eyes. Any unsoundnesses of feet or
legs, inability to breath easily and normally, or any impairment of vision
should be avoided in purchasing horses. Since he is not a gift horse,
better look in his mouth too in order to check on the soundness of his
teeth as well as his age.
One final consideration remains, after having checked on a horse's
freedom from vices, his disposition, his soundness of foot and limb, wind,
mouth, and eyesight, his action, his-general (ype c" blilidas to-the work
or service it is intended to have him perform, viz., his adaptability for
specific work!
A horse may possess proper conformation, be sound, and have good action yet
still not be well adapted for a specific work; consequently it is very essential
that he be thoroughly examined at the work for which he is wanted. If the
1 REESE, H. H., How to Select a Sound Horse, U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bul. 779,
pp.21-22, \
horse is to be used for heavy hauling for draft purposes, steady pulling under all
conditions is an indispensable quality. For harness use the horse should drive
promptly and freely with an easy, rapid gait and an alert expression, taking just
sufficient hold of the bit to be in hand without causing the driver to pull on the
lines. The saddle horse should have an easy, prompt mouth, style, graceful
carrtage and should stand quietly to be mounted and dismounted.
Some horses are difficult to harness and object to taking the bit in their mouths;
others jump when an attempt is made to place a saddle or harness on their backs;
while still others offer a great deal of resistance to having the crupper placed
under their tails, which, if due entirely to general muscular strength and tension,
may be an indication of endurance. While being hitched up or mounted the
horse should stand quietly and should start promptly but quietly on command.
For any purpose the following vices should cause the animal to be rejected:
balking, backing, rearing, kicking, striking with the forefeet, or running away.
Less important vices are: throwing the head up or down, shying, scaring, breaking
loose when tied, resting one foot upon the other, grasping the bit between the
teeth, rolling with the harness on, or switching the tail over the lines. Occa-
sionally the last named vice causes the horse to kick, in which case it becomes
Enlargements or scars (due to deformity, unusual mishap, or uncommon
disease) not conforming to any of those discussed should cause a horse to be
rejected unless the nature of the cause and the detriment to the value and useful-
ness of the animal is self-evident.
Experience gained by examining large numbers of horses will aid in quickening
the eye and judgment, thereby making it possible to perceive readily any unusual
condition, but it should be remembered that a hurried examination is liable to
prove a disappointment: consequently plenty of time should be taken in making
the examination, because time is much cheaper than money tied up in an unsatis-
factory horse. In some countries nine days are allowed by law to the purchaser
in which to learn of the serious forms of unsoundness or vice in a horse, so that in
this country it would seem fair to allow at least a day for a trial when practicable.
If possible, get a history of the animal, and while you are about it get a history
of the person having it for sale. So many defects may be covered up by such
unfair methods as drugging that it is a good plan to make purchases only from
persons with good reputations.
Horses offered at auction sales should preferably he thoroughly examined
previous to their being brought into the ring; at least they should be tried out in
compliance with the rules of the sale before time for settlement.
Finally, it is well not to form the habit of seeing only the defects, for horses,
like people, are seldom perfect; consequently in judging them weigh the good
qualities against the bad. A horse should be valued by the amount of service
it will perform rather than by its minor shortcomings.
In case of the purchase of mares i£t;ended to serve in whole or in part as
brood mares, attention should"oegiven to their pedigrees, their collateral
relatives, and their offspring in addition to their own indIVIduality.
Breeder Must Know His Own Band First.-In spite of the fact that
horses by and large have been selected on the basis of a phenotype lending
itself to the efficient performance of specific tasks for a considerable
period of time, they are as yet far from homozygous for desirable genes.
The best appearing mare may not beget the best-type foal when br~d to
stallion A although she might if bred to stallion B. It is a worth-while
and sometimes very surprising exercise to lead out our animals by families,
standing the foundation female at the head of each separate female line
and arranging her offspring behind her so that all the offspring of each
successive sire used will form a line at right angles to the female lines.
Foundation Mares - Pentoila's Favorite Daffodil's Belle
Laura Lady Bene
/~ - ~
Laletto Lena * Imdy Lou * La Belle*
This is easily done with horses and provides the opportunity for studying
the whole band of mares with their offspring, of sizing up and evalu'ating
the contributions of both sires and dams and arriving at an estimate of
the good and bad features of the group as a whole, and of visualizing the
trend which the group as a whole is apparently taking.
The story of the Percheron breeding at the Massachusetts State College
is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 212. Two closely related mares,
Pentoila's Favorite 164611 and Dope's Primrose 163421, born in the
spring of 1920, were purchased from Ohio State University in 1923. The
dam of the latter was the maternal granddam of the former, while the
maternal great-grandsire of both was the same animal Diamant 30018,
and both mares were sired by Libretto 121447. They therefore were
40 per cent r~lated. Both mares were in foal to Colin 166024, a grandson
\ \,
of Carnot 66666, when purchased and dropped filly foals, Lilly and Rose.
These two mares (see Fig. 214) together with their filly foals appeared
to be an excellent foundation for a band of Percherons together with a
good homebred mare Daffodil's Belle.
Ht>wever, the Dope's Primrose line quickly faded out. She was fifth
Futmity filly at the International in 1921, fifth three-year-old mare at
Ohio State in 1923, second aged mare at Eastern States Exposition in
1926. Besides her daughter Rose by Colin born in 1924, she left two
colts by Revelation 181000, called Bay State Reliance 204527, which was
fu·st as a colt in 1930 and as a two-year-old stallion in 1932 at Eastern
States and sold as a stallion, and Jerry, a male born in 1927 and used on
the farm as a gelding. She did not conceive to breedings in 1924, 1925,
1928, and 1930 and bore a dead male foal in 1928. Her daughter Bay
State Rose 186214 bore a male colt in 1928 that was altered. She failed
to breed in 1928 and thereafter was used as a work horse until 1938
when she was sold. Dope's Primrose was sold in 1932. This mare,
although a good individual and purchased as a foundation mare, made
no contribution to the herd, and her line has entirely disappeared.
The other marc, Pentoila's Favorite, has been a fairly successful brood
mare through having left one really good daughter Bay State Lilly
186213 by Colin in 1924. Pentoila's Favorite left 2 other daughters,
Favorell and Novelle, by outside studs, which were not kept because of
deficiencies in type, as well as 2 by Revelation 181000, 7.'iz., Rosalind 'in
1928 and Rosabelle in 1929. Rosabelle dropped 1 filly foal that was
sold, and she herself was sold in 1934. Rosalind dropped 3 dead foals,
also 2 that ,Yent bad behind and 1 filly that was sold. In addition to
in 1940. One son, Leader, by Lafayette 204281 and one daughter, Lala,
by Laletto 208524 have been sold as breeding animals, and one daughter,
Laurel, by Dragon Jr. 113939 and 2 by Laletto 2085424, Leta and Lau-
rette, were brood mares on the farm. Their type through their rear
quarter and the set of their hind legs, however, resulted in the discard of
this entire line.
The other retained daughter of Lilly was called Lady. She was first
filly foal and junior champion at Eastern States Exposition in 1932,
first in her class in 1933, second in 1934 and 1935. Her first colt in 1935
hy Dragon Jr. was altered, her second and third colts by Laletto in
1936 and 1937, Lena and Lady Lou, are brood mares on t he farm, the
latter having been fu'st-prize two-year-old mare and junior champion at
FLG. 216.-ReveJation aqd his two best daughters, Laura and Lady,
lConchapet and also had Konilla by the same stallion. When mated to
Konhysop, she had Lensop, a young mare still on the farm; and when
mated to Koncarno, she had another filly, Carno Carrie, that we had to
destroy after she broke her leg. For the last two years Lena has had
finY'foals by Konhopecar II. The first one, Lorna, ~was Junior Champion
mare at Eastern States Exposition in 1949 and won her class of eight
yearling fillies. The second filly, Lucille, shows a great deal of promise,
and we expect much from this pair of full sisters in our breeding program.
In this same family line, Konilla has had a stallion foal that was sold
as a gelding and has had a filly, Hopeful, by Konhopecar that has been
discarded; she was one of the poorest in size and type of five good fillies
by Konhopecar II. Lensop had one filly by Konhopecar II that we
call Hylea. We, therefore, have Lorna, Lucille, and Hylea as potential
female breeding replacements that trace to Lena.
Lady Lou had KonLouis, a gelding, that we disposed of and KonLady,
both sired by Konchapet. KonLady is a brood mare on the farm and
foaled ,vith twins prematurely in 1948. Lady Lou had two fillies by
Konhysop that are both brood mares on the farm; Lousop and Kon-
hysop's Lady. Lady Lou had a stud foal by KonCarno that we altered,
and now she has a promising yearling filly named Louise, sired by Kon-
hopecar II. Lousop had a stud foal by Konhopecar II that was sold
as a breeder, and Konhysop's Lady has a filly foal, Kathleen, sired
by the same stallion, that probably will be retained as a brood
The third foundation mare, the homebred Daffodil's Belle, has been
an average good brood mare. Her daughter Betsey by Revelation
18lO00 was second-prize foal at Eastern States in 1931, but she and all
her offspring have been sold. The other daughter, Belle, also by Revela-
tion 181000, was not shown. Belle had a daughter, LaBelle, by Laletto
and four other foals. LaBelle is the only one present as a brood mare
on the farm. LaBelle, when bred to Konhopecar II, had a filly, Lana,
that in 1949, as a yearling, was second in a class of eight fillies at Eastern
States Exposition.
So, after a start with the foundation mares in 1923, and using nine
different stallions, we now have two good full sisters-Lena and Lady
Lou-as brood mares on the farm. Both are good-type mares and have
transmitted satisfactorily; so satisfactorily that at present all of our
Percherons, except LaBelle and Lana, trace to Lena and Lady Lou.
LaBelle is a rather plain-bodied mare but has high-quality underpinning.
When she was mated to Konhopecar II, she had Lana, and we are much
pleased with her individuality.
Our younger mares, Konilla, KonLady, Lensop, Lousop, and Kon-
hysop's Lady are all relatively untried as breeders, and we have much to
learn about their transmitting ability.
We have bred and raised a lot of horses since 1923. Most of these
animals have been used on the farm and have done their work in an
acceptable manner. The stallions have been carefully selected in regard
to their individual type and have cost from $1,000 to $1,500. Revelation
181000 was used for 7 years (1925 to 1932) and sired two very good
offspring, Laura and Lady, a lot of good ones, and some poor ones. He
was an imported horse that stood second to Hesitation, the grand cham-
I·'w. 217.-Lafayette. the grand champion Percheron stallion. Eastern States Exposition,
1933. Owned by Massachusetts State College.
for a stallion to mate with them. It is obvious, of course, that the male
should be selected both on the basis of holding the desirable qualities
which the breeder already has and also, and more especially, of bolstering
the weak points shown by the mares. The mares at the University of
Massachusetts have from the beginning been a little too light in IDOlle
and a little too shallow to suit us. In addition there is a tendency for
the hind legs to be a little close together and not to set under the horse
as much as they should. In our search for our next stallion, these points
will receive major attention.
In selecting mares or fillies either from outside or in one's own herd,
acceptable type for the class of horse concerned should, of course, be the
first criterion regardless of the fact that mares do not always breed
exactly as they look. In other words, one has a greater expectancy of
getting drafty offspring from draft mares than from Thoroughbreds, and
VIce versa.
In addition to acceptable type, one should try to select from good
female lines in which as many as possible of the animals have been
Ol"lhe aeslrea type. An obvious weak point in the University of Massa-
chusetts horses, as discussed above, is the fact that Pentoila's Favorite
had 4 mediocre daughters and 1 good one, Lilly. Lilly in turn had 2
mediocre daughters and 2 good ones, Laura and Lady, and the latter, a
somewhat poorer individual, is evidently transmitting in a more accept-
able fashion than her somewhat superior typed sister, Laura. In this
whole female line, there are evidently both good and bad genes, the
former not being so numerous :::s one might wish. It is very important,
therefore, that both the direct ancestors (those occurring in the pedi-
gree) and the collateral relatives (half brothers and sisters, cousins,
aunts, uncles, etc.) receive some consideration. Because, generally, only
the most acceptable animals are saved and used for breeding purposes,
the pedigree of the direct ancestors of an animal is bound to look pretty
good and will tell us, in general, the best that we can expect. The
collateral relatives, on the other hand, which do not generally appear in
the pedigree or, if included, contain only the desirable references, will
tell us some of the bad things we may expect by selecting their family.
The pedigree of the University of .Massachusetts filly Leta can be made
to look very good, as is shown in Fig. 219. _
..The pedigree (Fig. 219), with some of the better show winnings listed,
looks 7ery good. How about some of the collateral relatives? Pentoila's
Favorite had 1 good daughter Lilly and 4 not very good ones; 1 good son,
2 or 3 average ones, and 1 poor one. Lilly had 2 good daughters and
2 mediocre ones, 6 sons ranging from good to poor. Revelation had
quite a ~ahge of offspring, making his total breeding value about average.
Laura's offspring on the whole (4 daughters and 1 son) have not been
nearly so good as their dam in draft quality. Laletto has sired a range
of offspring from very good to very poor. Leta, the filly pedigreed in
Fig. 219, is a fairly good individual, but she is not so good as Fig. 219
mal~es her appear, and, although she has some good genes, it would seem
from a study of her collateral relatives that she probably also has a lot
of poor ones and would probably not be a particularly successful breeding
2d prize Ohio, Indiana
1935, 3d prize East-
ern States Exposi-
tion 1936, 1937
2d International 1932
1st prize foal
Grand champion East-
ern States Exposi-
tion 1925, 1926, 1927,
Laura 1930
1st Eastern States 1932
2d Eastern States 1933
1st Eastern States 1934 Colin
1st Eastern States 1940
1st prize Eastern States Pentoila's Favorite
1931 1st filly Ohio and
1st and grand cham- Indiana 1920
pion Eastern States Junior and reserve
1932 champion Indiana
1st mare and foal 1928-- 1921
1933, inclusive 1st mare. Eastern
States Exposition
FIG. 219.-Good-looking pedigree of Leta.
in which case a breeder should get all the information available and then
"cross his fingers" until he sees how things turn out.
In the selection of brood mares, it is essential that attention be given
to their probable and actual ability to bear young over a long period z'
of years. Their probable ability in this regard can best be judged born (
their complete pedigrees (both direct and collateral relatives). In other
words, in the selection of mares one should select only in families that
have a high natural rate of fertility. Like all other attributes having a
genetic basis, this varies among different families in all the classes of
livestock. Demonstrated abilities by the direct and collateral relatives
is the best guarantee that a breeder can get for any new animal going
into his band of females.
Actual ability to reproduce can be ascertained from the performance
of older mares as well as from current examinations of their genital
tracts by competent veterinarians, and the latter type of examination
can and should be used on young mares. .
Finally, in the selection of mares or fillies that hard-to-describe quality
of femininity should receive considerable emphasis. The general term
for it is probably quality, as evidenced in fine texture of bone (different,
of course, with different types of horses) and fineness of hide and hair,
together with indications of alertness and intelligence and a certain
nobility of carriage and demeanor. The mare should be well balanced
throughout, with a roomy middle and ample width through the hips and
croup, and must have a sound, well-developed udder.
Selecting the Stallion.-The s~fest plan in securing a stallion is
obviously that of getting one that has already demonstrated his ability
as a sire in the type and performance of his get, in other words, a proved
sire. Unfortunately not many good, proved stallions are available at
any price. Most breeders, therefore, will have to select and use young,
unproved studs.
These should be healthY, of the desired type and disposition from a
naturally fertile strain. Preferably they should be by a proved stallion,
the majority of whose offspring were desirable and out of a daughter of
a good proved stallion, said daughter having preferably demonstrated
her ability to transmit desirable qualities to her offspring. Admittedly,
such animals are scarce, complete records of ancestors not generally
available, etc. Nevertheless we must make a start sometime in getting
such information, and it is unlikely to become available until prospective
buyers start asking for it.
Just as indications of femininity are desired in the female, so do we
desire indications of masculinity in the stallion. Here we expect a little
more compactness and scale, a little heavier bone, a well-developed
forequarter and chest. We want spirit and masculinity in our stallions
but of a sort that proper training has rendered obedient.
Sire Indexes in Horses.-As yet few objective measurements of
performance that might serve as a basis for an index have been developed
f&r'the horse. H. H. Laughlin has evolved a mathematical yardstick
for measuring racing capacity in the Thoroughbred through a study
of the breeding and racing records of some 10,000 of these animals. He
has measured quality of performance for a single race on a definite
mathematical scale by developing correction factors for sex, age, weight
carried, distance run, and speed, on the basis of actual performance of
this breed under varying conditions and yielding standards that are the
"smoothed best" which the breed has accomplished up to the present
iime. By means of such standards the true racing capacity of any horse
can be measured, and, if he runs a sufficient number of races under
standard conditions, the one figure for racing capacity (derived from
the several "quality-of-performance" figures for separate races) can be
compared with a similar figure for any other horse, and the question as
to which was the better racing horse can be definitely answered, although
the two horses may have never raced against each other.
When the racing capacities of a male and female together with their
(lose, direct, and collateral relatives can be ascertained, then it is possible
to formulate a futurity index or hereditary-promise level for their off-
spring. Because racing capacity involves the whole organism, it is
reasoned that multiple genes are concerned, and therefore equal ,,,eight
is given to both the sire and dam in arriving at the futurity index of their
offspring. In this system the breeding factor of the sire is obtained by
taking one-third of the average racing-capacity figure of his sire and darn
plus one-third of the racing capacity of the sire himself plus one-third of
the average racing capacity of the foals that he has already sired. The
breeding factor of the dam is arrived at by a similar procedure, and the
average of the sire's and the dam's figures is called the futurity index of
their potential or actual offspring. This" prediction-index, 'when it
contains only a few ancestors, each doubtfully stressed, gives a low
prediction-value; but when it comprises a highly representative group
.. of close antecedent blood-kin, each properly stressed, then the prediction-
value of the specific formula is high."l
It would, of course, be possible to work out similar prediction values
for any type of racing horse, where the one criterion for selection is that
of speed, or for show horses, where the criteria are type, action, and
From the results it is evident that tests designed to measure speed, length of
stride, and respiration and heart rate are subject to rather wide variations when
applied to the same horse at different times. It is apparent~ therefore, that, if
such tests are used for the purpose of detecting differences between horses, the
tests must be repeated several times under carefully controlled conditions. How-
ever, the degree of accuracy required will depend upon the magnitude of the
differences that it is desired to detect. In most of the analyses presented here,
the variability of the material used (i.e., of the 14 horses) relative to the various
sources of error was high enough that the observed differences between horses
were significant. In a more uniform group of horses it would probably be neces-
sary to improve the accuracy of the test in order to differentiate with any degree
of certainty between animals with respect to any given character.
It should be emphasized that the results presented in this bulletin deal only
with the degree to which results of each of the tests agree when obtained on the
same horses at different times. Before these tests, or any other tests of perform-
ance, should be applied generally, careful studies are needed to determine the
relationship of the tests to actual performance under practical working conditions.
1 PHILLIPS, R. W., BRIER, G. W., and LAMBERT, W. Y., A Study of Some Problems
Involved in Measuring Performance in the Horse, U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Anim. Ind.
Mimeographed Rpt.
2 PHILLIP~, R. 'V., KRANTZ, E. B., and LAMBERT, 'V. Y., The Accuracy of :VIeasure-
:nents and Shores of Draft Horses, A mer. Soc. of Ardm. Prod. Proc., 1938, p. 82.
Objective measures of the characteristics which contribute to maximum ability
to do work are badly needed. Such measures might include maximum pulling
ability for a short period of time, staying power with a heavy load over long
periods, walking speed with a standard load over a given distance, and ability to
lliIaintain weight doing a given amount of work with a given allotment of feed,
alo~g with careful records of the occurrence of soreness and unsoundnesses.
When such methods are developed and a sufficient number of records is obtained
under standard, experimentally controlled conditions of training and testing, and
the animals used have been scored and measured at comparable ages, it will be
possible to arrive at some estimate of the value of any given measure or score.
The dynamometer is available and has been used for many years to
get the maximum puliing ability of horses for a short period. Records
of these contests together with measurements of the animals competing
have shown definite correlations between height and weight and ability
to pull, but no other measurements have shown definite positive corre-
lations. "Staying power with heavy loads over long periods" and
"walking speed \vith a standard load over a given distance" might also
be secured by means of the dynamometer.
So far as the writer knows, the dynamometer has not as yet been used
in any constructive manner as an aid in the selective breeding of draft
horses. The dynamometer contests 1 are a very interesting sporting
event and generally draw a much larger crowd than does the orthodox
judging of horses on the basis of type. In fact, it has happened more
than once that the type judging has had to be temporarily suspended
until the breeders and showmen of the purebreds have returned from
watching the pulling contest. In other words people in general are more
interested in seeing what a horse can do than they are in admiring him for
what he may look like.
Type in Horses.-Horses have been select~g_9n the basis of the type
best suited to perform given tasKs--ror--liuudreds of years. Thi~-has led
gfiUlualli-to the c;~ation of distinct and separate types for racing, riding,
driving, and pulling. Selecting the speediest horses gradually produced
the racehorse type, selection for power gradually produced the draft-
horse type. The speed and saddle types are now definitely established,
and there seems to be little prospect that they will be changed in any
fundamental way. The task of the future in these types, then, is further
refinement to add slightly to their speed, symmetry, balance, action,
and behavior; and by means of keener selective tools based on records of
performance, measurements, and progeny tests to render them more
homozygous for the respective qualities desired.
1 See PHILLIPS, R. W., MADSEN, M. A., and SMITH, H. H., Dynamometer Tests of
The draft horse was created by selection for the particular purpose of
moving heavy loads at a fair speed. For this task the criterion was the
greatest weight possible in the smallest compass. The heavy draft horse
was a remarkably efficient animal for the job he was supposed to do.
The railroads, trucks, and tractors have made their appearance dul'in-g
the past 100 years, however, to challenge the horse in this field, and
largely because of their greater speed they have supplanted him so that
the market for the ton-upward horse has shrunk almost to the vanishing
point. Draft-horse type, in other words, is changing to a somewhat
smaller, more active model, with greater quality. In particulars, the
type will remain what it always has been, a short, compact, well-set-up,
and straight-moving type, but, in place of weighing from a ton upward,
he will weigh from a ton downward. He will be a medium-sized draft
horse, since the city market for the heavy sort has disappeared, the
farmer never did like the extremely big ones, and in so many instances
now power machinery has to do the very heavy work. The new type
will stand 15:3 to 16:2 hands, the stallion weighing 1,900 to 2,100 lb.,
the mares 1,700 to 1,900 lb. in good condition.
There are two ways of creating such a horse, one by mating large
stallions to small mares (or small stallions to large mares) and the 'other
by mating medium-sized stallions to medium-sized mares. If the former
method is used, and we put in the two extremes, we will generally get
the mean in the immediate offspring, but the mixed inheritance of these
animals can be expected to come out in all sorts of combinations in their
offspring. In other words, we can expect to have to do a lot of weeding
out if such a plan for creating the medium-type horse is used. Because
the average run of farm mares tends to be on the small side, there would
still seem to be a place for the good-sized stallion of good quality.
The other plan of mating medium size to medium size should give less
extreme variations and lead more quickly toward the desired goal.
With the system either of mating unlikes to produce a medium or of
mating intermediates in types, it goes without saying that selection must
be practiced and the offtype animals discarded. Less of this will be
necessary with the matings of animals that resemble each other closely
in general type. One should not deceive himself, however, by thinking
that two animals which are similar in appearance are also similar in their
genetic make-up. Many different combinations of genes may give the
same general phenotypic appearance. We must remember that, in
dealing with commercially important characters of our animals, we are
probably dealing with hundreds or thousands of genes. This is very
different from crossing a rough, white guinea pig (RR bb) and a smooth,
black one (rr\BB) and getting rough, black offspring (Rr Bb). And even
\, \
History of the Stud at the United States Morgan Horse Farm from 1928-1938, Amer.
Soc. Anim. PrOd. Proc., 1939, pp. 358-365.
at the trot, 10 per cent at the canter, and 40 per cent at the walk. In
addition to the time record, each horse is scored for ease of handling,
response to commands, degree of fatigue, and ease of gaits by the rider.
Recuperative power is measured in harness by a test on the track at
th~ trot for 5 mi. This is done by studying data on respiration and
heart rates as well as time elapsed in completing the distance.
Results to date on the above types of performance studies are an
approach to the many problems involved. It is obvious that there is
variation from year to year and variation due to riders and trainers.
Every attempt is being made to standardize these environmental
influences as much as possible. Temperament or the "desire to go"
undoubtedly has considerable effect on the performance of the individual
horses. It has been found that temperature and humidity also affect
results greatly, particularly the endurance tests. Very many con-
clusions cannot be made until some of these variable factors are controlled
even more than at present.
These performance tests and correlative studies involving them and
other measurements are a complex problem. The results over the next
few years should be of value to all breeders of horses for saddle purposes.
Summary.-We have seen in this chapter that in spite of drastic
reductions in the numbers of horses in the United States during the
past 30 years, due to the inroads of various forms of mechanized power,
the horse is still very much with us as a source of power on the farm
and is filling an ever larger place in pleasure and sport. In the past,
selection of horses has been based almost_ \Vholly 0rt individuality.
Because inheritance in horses follows the one basic pattern found in
all animate forms of life, we have now come to realize that sound selection
must consider records of performance of direct and collateral relatives
and of the animal itself in addition to the consideration of individuality.
We are badly in need of practicable measures of performance in the
horse. Only when these have been devised and put to work in the
securing of essential records, and the records used intelligently, together
with continued full considerations of individuality, will our selection in
this class of livestock be on a sound footing. When the above methods
have revealed the inherently better strains of horses, we will face the
further task of intelligent line- and closebreeding, so that we may create
fairly true-breeding strains.
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HARIUS, W. J. 1934. "The History of Bourbon King 1788," The Judson Company,
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SKINNER, J. S. 1856. "The Horse" (Youatt), Blanchard and Lea, Philadelphia.
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ANDERSON, W. S., and HOOPER, J. J. 1917. American Jack Stock and Mule Pro-
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CALDER, A. 1927. The Role of Inbreeding in the Development of the Clydesdale
Breed of Horses, Roy. Soc. Edinb. Proc., 47 :118-140.
DAWSON, W. M. 1934. The Pulling Ability of Horses as Shown by Dynamometer
Tests in Illinois, ArneI'. Soc. Anim. Prod. Proc., pp. 117-121.
FULLER, JAMES G. 1931. Horses for the Farm, Wis. Agr. Col. Ext. Cir. 244.
HARPER, M. W. 1921. Raising Colts, N.Y. (Cornell) Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 406.
HARVEY, A. L .. 1936. Using Horses on the Farm, Minn. Agr. Expt. Sta. Spec. Bul.
HUDSON, R. S. 1939. Guides for Horse Buyers, Mich. State Col. Ext. Bul. 197.
Horse Association of America. Horses, "Mules-Power, Profit (1934).
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1930. Making History with Horses, Mich. State Col. Spec. Bul.
Learn to Judge Your Horses and Mules, Leaflet 196 and many others,
Wayne Dinsmore, Secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
JOHNSTON, P. E., and WILLS, J. E. 1933. A Study of the Cost of Horse and Tractor
Power on Illinois Farms, Ill. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 395.
LAMBERT, W. V., SPEELMAN, S. R., and PHILLIPS, R. W. 1939. The Reproductive
History of the Stud at the United States Morgan Horse Farm From 1928 to 1938,
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LAUGHLIN, H. H. 1934. Racing Capacity in the Thoroughbred Horse, Sci. Monthly,
38 :210 and 310.
NEWELL, PAUL F., and GOODELL, C. J. 1938. '~'ork Stock Feeding, Management
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PJilT,TET, Z. R. 1933. The Farm Horse, U.S. Dept. Com., Bur. Census.
PHILLIPS, R. W., BRIER, G. W., and LAMBERT, W. V. A Study of Some Problems
Involved in Measuring Performance in the Horse, U.S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Anim.
Indus., Anim. Hush. Div.
- - - , KRANTZ, E. B., and LAMBERT, W. V. 1938. The Accuracy of Measure-
ments and Scores of Draft Horses, Amer. Soc. Anim. Prod. Proc., pp. 77-83.
- - - , MADSEN, M. A., and SMITH, H. H. 1940. Dynamometer Tests of Draft
Horses, Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 114.
- - - , SPEELMAN, S. R., [l,nd \VILLIAMS, J. O. 1942. Horse Breeding Research at
the United States Morgan Horse Farm, Vt. Horse and Bridle Trail Bulletin. Jan.
RIGGS, ELMER S. 1932. The Geological History and Evolution of the Horse, Field
Mus. Nat. His., Chicago, Leaflet 13.
ROMMEL, G.::\1. 1908. The Preservation of Our Native Types of Horses, U.S.
Dept. Agr. Bur. Anim. Indus. Cir. 137.
SCHWARTZ, B., IMES, M., and \VRIGHT, ,Yo 1936. Parasites and Parasitic Diseases
of Horses, U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 148.
SOLANET, E. 1930. The Cirollo Horse of South America, Jour. Hered., Vol. 21,
No. 11, Nov.
'WILLIAMS, J. 0., and JACKRON, W. 1936. Improving Horses and Mules, U.S.
Dept. Agr. Yearbook, pp. 929-946.
yet few samples of bull semen give satisfactory fertility when stored
for more than 3 or 4 days and other farm animals even less. The fact
that sperm motility, but not fertility, can be maintained for many months
in quick-frozen semen; that sperm retain their fertilizing capacity for
up to 5 months in the female reproductive tract of the bat; and th",t
FIG. 220. -The "targets" at which Holstein breeders are shooting. Such models shoul d
prove invaluable in fixing type.
the queen bee can produce fertile eggs for 3 to 4 or even up to 7 years,
indicates to the physiologist that there are broad horizons ahead.
The endocrine regulation of the testis is fairly well understood, but
it is as yet impossible to completely regulate fertility in the male by
artificial means. Too many sires are deficient in reproductive capacity.
Whether their limitations are genetic, physiological, pathological or
environmental remains to be learned. One of the important questions
before attempting to restore fertility in males is whether or not the
FIG. 221.-May Rose II, foundress of t he May Ito e family of Guernseys, noted for type
as well as production. (Courtesy of American Guernsey Cattle Club.)
another. These techniques are far from the practical stage in 1949,
but much optimism, especially in the popular press, is being shown.
A.Ttificial parthenogenesis has already been achieved in one mammal,
the rabbit. Whether or not a scientific procedure for accomplishing this
in the larger animals will ever be achieved remains to be seen. WHat
a boon it would be, for instance, in cattle if a particularly good cow could
be made to reproduce parthenogenetically, provided, of course, that she
herself was relatively homozygous for the desirable genes, because we
·FIG. 222. -The Guernsey bull Foremost Prediction bred by Emmadine Farm, Hopewell
Junction, N.Y., owned by McDonald Farms, Cortland, N.Y. (Photo(Jraph Courtesy of
Strohmeyer and Carpenter.)
:;. .,
tion of this hormone might have a stimulatory effect on growth. With
an increase in knowledge it may eventually be possible to correct such
deficiencies or limiting factors. The cause of such difficulties should
not be overlooked. If the deficiency has an environmental cause much
:nay be gained by its correction. If the deficiency is primarily ~enetic,
there is considerable question as to whether such lines should be propa-
gated. It is evident that in man numerous characters that would be
lethal or semilethal under natural conditions are constantly being repro-
duced. The livestock breeder can practice much more rigid selection
than man seems inclined to accept for himself. Deviation from such
standards should be given careful thought.
Tremendous strides have been made during the last 50 years in unrav-
eling the heretofore puzzling and seemingly mysterious ways of hereditary
transmission. Although the exact nature of genes is still unknown,
experimental inquiry has yielded a wealth of information as to the varied
nature of their reactions in determining the presence of specific characters.
For reasons of expediency and cost, most of these discoveries have
occurred in small, rapidly breeding species. Enough work has been
done with the larger animals, however, to reveal the very great proba-
bility that the genes behave in these animals in approximately the same
manner as has been so abundantly proved to be the case in the smaller
species. It is true that we do not have for any farm mammal even a
beginning of a chromosome map, but this may be no great loss or depriva-
tion, for, as far as the writer knows, the chromosome map of Zea mays
has not served any utilitarian purpose in the recent remarkable progress
in corn breeding.
Work on the chemistry of the gene and the biochemical effects of gene
action should provide the animal breeder of the future with powerful
working instruments. The fact that in some of the lower forms vitamin
and amino-acid synthesis are so closely controlled by specific genes may
eventually contribute to the identification of such genes and their
functions in higher organisms.
The clear-cut demonstration of the influence of X rays and other
radiations on mutations in lower forms and the effects of chemicals, such
as mustard gas and colchicine, are shedding new light on the causes
of variations. It is not impossible that when the gene, the virus, the
enzyme, the hormone, and the vitamin-to mention a few-are under-
stood, and the information integrated, that evolution may be speeded
up or molded more to man's purpose. In the past we have had to be
content with what nature provided in the way of mutations. Perhaps
the time is coming when we can induce beneficial mutations by artificial _
means and thus speed up the process of animal improvement.
FIG. 223.-Belgian stallion Jay Farceur, grand champion International Livestock Exposi-
tion 1938,1939, and 1940. Bred by J. W. Billman, Grand Junction, Iowa, owned by B. C.
Borneman, Danville, Ill.
Like all things human, however, they have had and still have their fail-
ings. After 75 years of effort, and because they are recording societies,
they should, it would seem, have records to which a breeder could turn
for fairly accurate guidance in his job of breeding better livestock. They
should now, in other words, be a real help to breeders, because they were
organized for that purpose alone and long enough ago for results to have
been achieved.
The greatest "lack" in breed associations today is the lack of records
of performance. A pedigree that consists merely of names of ancestors
without production performance of the ancestors and collaterals is of
little value.1 If, however, the pedigree could be made complete in terms
Holsteins, red for Durocs, etc.). Along with this came the formation of
breed associations to record pedigrees, to protect the purity of and
promote the use of various breeds. Standards of perfection were set up,
and the breeds gradually approached the standard"by the simple process
of weeding out those animals which failed to approximate the breed
standards. It was early realized that some animals which were them-
selves good representatives of the breed lacked the ability to transmit
their own desirable qualities. By and large, however, the purebreds
were better individuals and better transmitters than grades or scrubs.
This led to the second stage in American animal husbandry, the use
of purebred sires for grading up native or grade herds. The demand
FIG. 225.-Grand champion steer, a Hereford , at the 1949 International Livestock Exposi-
tion, shown by Pecos County 4H Club, Ft. Stockton, Tex. (PhotoGraph. Courte8Y of J. F.
Abernathy Livestock Photo Company.)
for purebreds and the lack of rigid criteria for measuring breeding worth
led to the use of many pOOl" purebreds as breeders-to the detriment
of animal husbandry in general and the breed in particular. The worst
feature of a poor sire from either the breed's or the individual breeder's
standpoint is the fact that, if he is used, the harm does not stop with
him but breeds on for many generations. The contribution of purebred
sires on the whole to our American aninial husbandry, though, is beyond
calculation. Although some bad sires have been used, the total effect
in better loins, rounds, hams, legs, racks, wool, milk, and power is both
enormous and well recognized. The breed associations have been great
promoters, and they have performed their function in this second stage
of animal development with marked success.
The thi~ stage, that of getting more complete and accurate production
records sp that animals may be proved for breeding value, lies in the
future, and time alone can tell how well the breed associations will
respond to this responsibility. Up to the present they have done very
little. They have worked hard to preserve the purity of their respective
breeds through recording genealogies and also to promote their breeds.
~_Vue, the dairy breeds have had their AR work for nearly 50 years.
Although it represented a considerable advance over the old, recordless
days, its value should be apparent after this lapse of time, so that we
could now write to a dairy-breed secretary and find out just where we
could buy a bull that, when mated to a herd of cows of some known
production level, would leave a group of daughters of some certain higher
production. This, however, is not yet possible. This does not imply
that the secretary would be acting as sales agent for some particular
breeder or group of breeders, but rather that the breed had secured facts
regarding the transmitting abilities of animals in their respective breeds
and had published the facts for breeders and buyers to use as they saw
fit. And before we criticize the breed secretary, we should call to mind
the fact that he is simply a person hired to carry out the desires of the
breeders as expressed through the breed's executive committee or board
of directors.
The value of AR work, from a breed-improvement standpoint, has
been negligible or worse. Thousands of excellent records have been
made and many animals have been sold at long prices because of them,
but we know now that an individual's performance and its progeny may
be very dissimilar. AR testing is like going into some city, finding the
five prettiest girls in the town, and then inducing eligible young bachelors
to believe that all the girls in said city are beautiful, and implying proba-
bly that they are also good cooks. No, selective testing is not worth
the money it costs because it gives a distorted picture of the facts. The
poorest bull that ever lived would probably have sired a few good daugh-
ters out of really good cows.
The herd test is a lot more satisfactory (records on all animals in a herd
year after year), and such testing is now available in all the dairy breeds.
I ts use should be pushed much harder than is generally being done, and
at the same time selective testing should be discouraged. Then, after
the records are secured, they should be made readily available to breeders
in a form that they can use in selecting breeding stock. The best way
is on the basis of a comparison of the daughters' records with those of
their dams. Som~ of the breeds are now doing this.
A fine system of recording D.H.I.A. records and getting valuable data
quickly into the hands of the breeder has been set up by the Bureau of
Dairy Industry, in cooperation with state colleges. If a bull is being
used in a D.H.LA. herd, we can write to our state extem;ion dairy
specialist and get the breeding facts about the bull as soon as he has
five daughters with records from dams with records, as these facts are
published several times a year.
From a breed-improvement standpoint the dairy-breed associations
could well afford to discourage, and shortly give up entirely, selective
testing (as some already have), and try to induce their breeders to test
all their cows every year. All the bulls could then be proved while they
are still young and vigorous.
The breed associations are now becoming cognizant of their responsi-
bility to provide their members with unselected factual data regarding
the animals in their respective breeds. Plans are being developed by
many breeds to provide breeders with unselected factual data on which
constructive breeding and selection programs can be founded. The plans
in the various breeds vary and are being refined as new needs are indi-
cated. Since the plans are in a state of flux (and perhaps always should
be), we do not print them herewith but anyone interested can secure
them by writing to the breed secretaries as listed in the Appendix. 1
The greatest good can accrue from the breeds securing and publishing
records of performance of sires, since the series of sires a breeder uses
makes or breaks his herd. If the breeds will do this, fewer mistakes will
need to be made by breeders in selecting sires. If, in addition, breeders
will study and chart their own female lines, selecting always from the
best and letting the poorer lines die out, great impetus will be given to
the creation of finer livestock.
Our greatest need is records to prove breeding worth-records as to
speed and economy of gains, quality of product, reproductive efficiency,
amount and character of wool, longevity, resistance to disease, pulling
and staying power, soundness, etc. The job is for each class of stock to
set up its own standards and to find practical, economical methods of
measuring its animal population against the standards. The purebred
breeders, through their associations, should take the lead. It is a
challenge that it would seem they cannot ignore.
The other major task awaiting the livestock industry, after that of
getting records of performance, is that of fitting together these known
ingredients in our animals into strains of animals which will surpass in
performance anything that we have known in the past. This is the true
art of breeding. In essence, it is merely applying the known principles
of reproductive physiology and genetics through systems of breeding and
selection in order to attain quickly and surely some preconceived ideal.
Selection might be thought of as the anvil and systems of breeding as
1 The American Dairy Cattle Club (based on production rather than on pureness of
pedigree) sec~ta'ry is Leland W. Lamb, 213 East Seneca St., Ithaca, N.Y.
the hammer. Animals are tested in the fire of record keeping from which
the best emerges in a somewhat purified state. Taking this tested
material, the breeder with his hammer of breeding system shapes it
according to his will agairist the anvil of selection.
) 1'he regional animal-breeding laboratories are carrying on extensive
research in inbreeding and outbreeding. Lines are being made relatively
homozygous through inbreeding which retain desirable qualities that
can be perpetuated in true breeding strains. Crosses between lines are
sometimes yielding highly desirable results, and many new strains ha\'e
been and will continue to be made by outbreeding followed by varying
FIG. 226.-Grand champion wether, a Southdowu, at the 1949 International Livestock
Exposition, shown by the University of Kentucky. (Photo(JralJh Courtesy of J. F. Abernathy
Livestock Photo Company.)
many difficulties involved in such a program, but they would not at this
time seem to be insurmountable. If such "pure lines" can be created
and sires made available to breeders to be used in artificial-breeding
associations, or in bull, boar, ram, or stud associations, and if the
irid~'vidual breeder win keep such records as will enable him to select
intelligently in his best female lines, animal breeding will begin to
approach a scientific level. As pointed out by Dr. Hugh C. McPhee,
what we seek in our breeding animals is merit. Genetically, this can
be achieved either through homozygosity or perhaps, as in the case of
corn breeding, through controlled heterozygosity.
Within the past 20 years a concerted, scientific attack on the problems
involved in improving our livestock through breeding has been launched
by the Bureau of Animal Industry, and the Bureau of Dairy Industry of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We are indebted to Dr. Hugh C.
McPhee, assistant chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, for the
following discussion of its work:
Livestock Record Associations
The following list of livestock record associations, as of Sept. 1, 1950, is presented
through the courtesy of 1\~r. H. J. Brant, secretary of the National Society of Livestock
Record Associations with headquarters at 282 South \Vabash Street, Wabash, Ind.
This society was organized in 1911 and represents over 350,000 breeders of purebred
livestock. The purposes of the society are stated as follows:
"The objects of this Society shall be to advance the interests of member registry
associations, (1) by devising and perfecting methods for preserving pedigrees of pure-
bred animals; (2) by endeavoring to secure the enactment of equitable laws relating to
the purebred livestock industry and to livestock record associations; (3) by securing
the adoption of just freight and express rates on exhibition and breeding stock; and
(4) by originating or participating in any and all other activities which will in the
judgment of the Directors of the Society advance the interests of breeders of purebred
livestock through their respective registry associations."
Beef and Dual-purpo3e Cattle
American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Association, Union Stock Yards, Chicago H,
Ill., Frank Richards, Secretary.
American Brahman Breeders' Association, 2711 South Main Street, Houston 2, Tex.,
Mrs. G. R. Sunday, Secretary.
American Devon Cattle Club, Inc., Meredith, N.H., W. J. Neal, Secretary.
American Galloway Breeders' Association, Henry, Ill., Rank C. Forbes, Secretary.
American Hereford Association, 300 West 11th Street, Kansas City, Mo., Jack Turner,
American Kerry and Dexter Club, Independence, Iowa, Roy Cook, Secretary.
American Polled Hereford Breeders' Association, 1110 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6,
Mo., Don Chittenden, Secretary.
American Polled Shorthorn Society, Union Stock Yards, Chicago Il, Ill., C. D. Swaff('r,
American Red Danish Cattle Association, Fairview, T\lich., Clifford Shantz, Secretary.
American Scotch Highland Breeders' Association, Henry, Ill., Rank C. Forlws,
American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, 1:'nion Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill., Clinton
K. Tomson, Secretary.
Red Polled Cattle Club of America, 3275 Holclredge Street, Lincoln, 3, "'ebr., F. A.
Sloan, Secretary.
The American Milking Shorthorn Society, 4122 South union Avenue, Chicago 9, IlL,
'V. J. Hardy, Secretary.
Dairy Cnttle
American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough, N.H., Karl B. Musser, Secretary.
American J(,rsey Cattle Club, Sixth and LOllg, Columbus 15, Ohio, Floyd Johnston,
Light Horses
American Albino Horse Club, Inc., Butte, Neb., Ruth Thompson, Secretary.
American Hackney Horse Society, Room 1737, 42 Broadway, ='lew York, N.Y., Mrs.
J. Macy Willets, Secretary.
American Quarter Horse Association, 1405-b \Vest 10th Avenue, Amarillo, Tex.,
Raymond D. Hollingworth, Secretary.
American Saddle Horse Breeders' Association, 929 South Fourth Street, Louisville,
Ky., C. J. Cronan, Jr., Secretary.
Appaloosa Horse Club, :l\Ioscow, Idaho, George B. Hatley, Secretary.
Arabian Horse Club of America, 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago 3, Ill., Frank Watt,
Cleveland Bay Society, White Post, Va., A. ]\Iackay Smith, Secretary.
IVlorocco Spotted Horse Association of America, Greenfield, Iowa, LeRoy Fritz,
National Quarter Horse Breeders' Association, Houston 5, Tex., J. M. Huffington,
Palomino Horse Association, Reseda, Calif., Jim Fagan, Secretary.
Palomino Horse Breeders of America, Mineral Wells, Tex., Dr. H. Arthur Zappe,
Pinto Horse Society, Concord, Calif., George ]\1. Glendenning, Secretary.
Tennessee \Valking Horse Breeders' Association of America, Lewisburg, Tenn., Miss
Syd Houston, Secretary.
The Jockey Club (Thoroughbred), 250 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y., l.1arshall
Cassidy, Secretary.
The Morgan Horse Club, 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N.Y., F. B. Hills, Secretary.
United States Trotting Association (Standardbred), Goshen, N.Y., Neil R. Gahaa,
American Shetland Pony Club, P.O. Box. 2557, South Bend, Ind., Wayne C. Kirk,
Welsh Pony Society of America, 417 West Engineering Bldg., University of Michigan,
Ann,Mfor, Mich., Frank H. Smith, Seeretary.
, .""._
American Cheviot Sheep Society, Oneonta, K .Y., :\frs. Katherine S. Turrell, Secretary.
American Corriedale Association, 100 North Garth Street, Columbia, Mo., Rollo E.
Singleton, Secretary.
American Cotswold Registry Association, Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, Ill., F. W.
Harding, Secretary.
American and Delaine-Merino Association, Marysville, Ohio, Walter 1\1. Staley, Jr.,
American Hampshire Sheep Association, 72 'Yoodland Avenue, Detroit 2, ::'I1ich., l\Irs.
Helen Tyler Belote, Secretary.
American Oxford Down Record Association, Clayton, Ind., J. :\1. :'IIcHaffie, Secretary.
American Rambouillet Sheep' Breeders' Association, San Angelo, Tex., Geneva Cald-
well, Secretary.
American Romney Breeders' Association, 200 Dairy Building, Corvallis, Ore., H. A.
Lindgren, Secretary.
American Shropshire Registry Association, Lafayette, Ind., Chas. F. Osborn, Secre-
American South down Breeders' Association, 212 South Allen Street, State College,
Pa., 'Yilliam L. Henning, Secretary.
American Suffolk Sheep Society, Moscow, Idaho, C. ,Yo Hickman, Secretary.
Black Top and National Delaine-1\Ierino Sheep Breeders' Association, Houston, Pa.,
1. Y. Hamilton, Secretary.
Columbia Sheep Breeders' Association of America, Box 2466, State College Station,
Fargo, N.D., 1\1. L. Buchanan, Secretary.
Continental Dorset Club, Hickory, Pa., J. R. Henderson, Secretary.
Karakul Fur Sheep Registry, Friendship, Wis., L. K. Brown, Secretary.
Montadale Sheep Breeders' Association, 61 Angelica Street, St. Louis, Mo., E. H.
Mattingly, Secretary.
National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association, College Manor, Apartment 10, East
Lansing, Mich., Harry Crandell, Jr., Secretary.
National Suffolk Sheep Association, Middleville, Mich., C. A. Williams, Secretary.
National Tunis Sheep Registry, Fulton, N.Y., Ralph E. Owen, Secretary.
Texas Delaine-Merino Record Association, Brady, Tex., George H. Johanson,
American Angora Goat Breeders' Association, Rocksprings, Tex., Mrs. Thomas L.
Taylor, Secretary.
American Goat Society, Inc., :'Ilena, Ark, R. D. '''eis, Secretary.
American Milk Goat Record Association, Sherborn, Mass., Miss Mary L. Farley,
American Berkshire Association, 410 South 5th Street, Springfield, Ill., Noel F. Titus,
Secretary. - -
American Essex Swine Association, 1335 East 2d Street, Muscatine, Iowa, Mrs. J. J.
Lighthall, Secretary.
American Spotted Poland-China Association, Moberly, Mo., Van G. Sutliff, Secretary.
American Yorkshire Club, Wallace Building, LaFayette, Ind., Bob Shannon,
Breeders Chester White Record Association, 330 Royal Lnion Building, Des l\1oinC!:s (,~
Iowa, L. 'V. Drennen, Secretary.
Chester 'Vhite Record Association, Rochester, Ind., Levi P. Moore, Secretary.
Hampshire Swine Registry, Commercial National Bank Building, Peoria, Ill., R. L.
Pemberton, Secretary.
Kentucky Red Berkshire Swine Association, Lancaster, Ky., Hogan Teater, Secretary.
National Hereford Hog Record Association, Chariton, Iowa, Harris Sellers, Jr.,
Kational Mule Foot Hog Association, DeGraff, Ohio, O. C. Kreglow, Secretary.
National Spotted Poland-China Record Association, 3153 Kenwood Avenue, Indian-
apolis 8, Ind., Fned L. Obenehain, Secretary.
O.I.C. Swine Association, Brookville, Ohio, ':\lrs. Jane I\oper, Secretary.
O.I.C. Swine Breeders' Association, Goshen, Ind., Harry C. Miner, Secretary.
The Poland-China Record Association, Galesburg, Ill., C. G. ·McCahan, Secretary.
Tamworth Swine Association, Hagerstown, Ind., R. H. Waltz, Secretary.
United Duroe Record Association, Peoria 3, Ill., B. R. Evans, Secretary.
A Berthold, 113
Bickersteth, 60
Adamson, 620 Bilek,243
Agassiz, 80 Bissonnette, 111, 146
Alexander of Macedon, 33 Blakeslee, 405, 409
Allen, 147,251,439 Blandau, 152, 155, 161, 167
Almquist, 118, 278 Blizzard, 711
Altenburg, 404 Bloom, 223
Ames, 16 Blunn, 665
Anaxagoras, 69 Bogart, 178-179
Anaximander, 69 Bohren, 147
Ancon, 381 Boissonnade, 2gn.
Anderson, 119, 124, 126, 181-183,276 Bos, 217, 511
Andrews, 110, 112, 117-118, 123, 130, Boule, 43
147, 176, 178,206,269 Brahe, 304
Aristotle, 70 Branham, 458
Arnold,581 Branton, 184
Asdell, 177, 179,205,211,252 Bratton, 276-2i7
Auerbach, 399 Brett, 679
Bridges, 214, 376, 383-384,404,406,408-
B 409, 435, 438-440, 442-443
Brier, 728
Babcock, E. B., 214n., 216, 218-219n., Briggs, 178, 210
401 Brody, 699, 709n.
Babcock, H. E., 11, 418, 421 Broom, 45
Bacon, 78 Brown, 442
Baer, von, 99, 293 Brownell, 631
Bagg, 430 Bruno, 71, 78
Baker, 174,469,515,665,699 Bufion, 71, 78-79
Bakewell, 16, 23-24, 293, 295, 509-510, Burrows, 267
Barnard,73 C
Barry, 127
Bartlett, 207-208, 515 Caesar, 5~1
Bateson, 291, 295, 365, 415 Camerarius, 2\)3, 304
Battell, 732 Card, 427, 573
Baugess, 120, 126 Carducci, 60
Beadle, 381 Carroll, 466-468, (;49
Beard, 148 Casida, 1.55-156, 200, 221, 277, 28G-287
Beck 271-272 Caspari, 381
Beeling, 405, 40g Castle, 309n., 311n., 351, 381, 414-415,
Berg, 125 429,511
Berliner, 110, 112, 182,273,276 Cheng, 277
Choate, 634 E
Clark, 469, 697n., 700, 703
Clausen, 215n., 216, 218-219n., 401, 418, Earls, 243n.
421, 667-668 East, 295, 498, 517
Cole, 144, 151, 155, 190 Eaton, 342n.-343
Collings, 24, 513 Edwards, 209
Columella, 30 Ellerslie, 700
Comstock, 269, 671 Ely, 257
Conklin, 590 Empedocles, 69
Cook,293n. Engle, 155
Cooley, 711 Ephrussi, 381
Copernicus, 304 Epicurus, 69
Coppini, 199 Erb, 111,212
Correns, 294, 306, 311 Espe, 253
Craft, 680-681 Esplin, 210.
Creighton, 371, 385 Evans, 147, IS.5, 267
Crew, 446
Cruickshank, 16, 513
Cuenot, 295
Culbertson, 468n. Fairchild, 293, 305
Culley, 509 Finlay, 430
Cuvier, 50, 80 Flemming, 29,1
D Frankhauser, 440
Fraps, 382
Dalton, 69 Freeman, 394
Danforth, 439 Friedman, 209-210, 228
Darwin, Charles, 78-84, 290, 294, 305,
Darwin, Erasmus, 79 . Gaines, 595, 602
Datura, 405 Galen, 98
Davenport, 219, 295, 423 Galileo, 304
Davidson, 595, 602 Galton, 294, 300, 607
Davis, 155, 174, 177, 179,282 Gardner, 250
Dawson, Charles, 42 Garrett, 700
Dawson, W. M., 690n. Gates, 409
Dempsey, 151 Gentry, 16, 510
Descartes, 71 Gifford, 604, 698
De Vries, 80, 294, 301, 306, 311 Gillette, 463
Dickerson, 516, 664n.-66S, 679-681 Gilmore, 217
Dimmock, 209 Goethe, 80
Dinnussen, 147 Goldblatt, 125
Dobzhansky, 325n., 440 Goldschmidt, 437
Doisy, 147, 439 Gomez, 252
Dubois, 39, 45 Good,523
Dukes, 157 Goodale, 603
Dunkle, 353 Gowen, 569, 573n., 591, 601
Dunn, 107, 317, 325n., 334n., 372-3i3n., Graves, S13-S14, 572n., 603
380, 383, 406n.-407, 437n., 499n. Green, 269
Duthie, 16 \ Gregory, 381, 699
Dvoracheki647 Grew, 98
Griffith, 428 J
Grimes, 665
Griieter, 253 Jarvis, 682
Grummer, 200 Johannsen, 301, 532
Guilbert, 699 Johnson, 125, 215
"G11nn, 268 Jones, 498, 650, 692
Guyer, 430 Jordan, 155
Haeckel, 99n., lOOn.
Haley, 702 Kant, 78
Ham, 126, 270, 273, 293 Karpechenko, 410
Hammond, 175, 433, 647-648, 657-658, Kellogg, 622
600 Kepler, 304
Hankins, 650 Khishin, 547
Hansen, 430 Kildee, 463
Hardy, 650 Kincaid, 677
Harsch,655 King, 218, 448,511,513
Hart, 210 Kirkpatrick, 110
Hartman, 130 Kleberg, Richard, 476
Harvey, 71, 98 Kleberg, Robert J., Jr., 476
Hays, 294, 511 Knapp, 469, 696-700
Hazel, 666, 677~680, 691~692 Knox, 701
Hemen, 125 Koenigswalde, von, 41
Hendrickson, 709n. Ki:illiker, 100, 127,294
Herman, 277 Ki:ilreuter, 294
Hertwig, 294, 430 Koger, 701
Hetzer, 536, 649 Krantz, 728
Hewer, 513 Kuhn, 381
Hill, 723
Hillman, 742 L
Hisaw, 231
Hodgson, 212 Lacy, 616
Hoefer, 674-675, 677 Lamarck, 71, 79, 83, 89, 420
Hofmeister, 294 Lamb,74Sn.
Hogue, 109 Lambert, 482, 573, 728, 732n.
Holt, 273 Landauer, 381
Hooke, 91, 98, 290 Laqueur, 251
Homeman, 742 Lardy, 275
Huggins, 125~126 Lasley, 119, 178, 272
Hughes, 190, 445, 513 Laughlin, 727
Hunter, 260 Lawrence, 381
Hurst, 95, 405n. Lawritson, 261
Hutchings, 206~207 Leeuwenhoek, 71, 98, 126, 2(;9, 273, 293
Hutchinson, 431 Leibnitz, 78
Hyatt, 581, 589~590, 611 Leisering, 137
Lewis, 130, 155, 261
I Lillie, 444
Ibsen, 328 Lincoln, 584
Irwin, 342 Linnaeus, 78
Iwanoff, 260 Little, 318, 430
MacArthur, J. M., 347
MacArthur, J. ''1'., 347 Nalbandov, 153, 202
yfcCandlish, 463 N athusius, 401
McClintock, 371, 385 Nealc, 694
McClung, 295 Nelson, 252
McCrory, 709n. Newton, 71, 304
McDougall, 428 Nibler, 261
McDowell, 617 Nichols, 176, 646
McKenzie, 110, 112, 117, 120-121, 176- Nilsson-Ehle, 345
178, 182, 273 Nordby, 685
McLellan, 125 Nordskog, 697n.
McMahon, 696, 698 Norton, 581
Mc~{eekan, 657-658
McPhee, 753
Madsen, 729n. Oken, 99
Malpighi, 98 Opperworth, 45
Malthus,81 Osborn, 573
Mangelsdorf, 382 Osborne, 80
Margolin, 515 Owen, 2'd4, 342n.
Marsh, 16
Marshall, 424, 431 P
Mason, 53
Matthew, 80-81 Painter, 295, 405
Matthews, 249 Palmer, I\)9
:\{ayer, 119, 126, 272-273 Parkes, 433
Meites, 254-255 Pasteur, 71
M®~,~W~300,W2,W5,~,3W Patten, 105, 144
Mercier, 111 Patterson, 441-442
Miller, 120, 125-126,210,267 Pavlov, 428
Mills, 176 Pearl, 300, 601
Mimura, 130 Pearson, 294, 300, 523
Miner, 601 Pei,41
:\1:i1-llcr, 515 Perkins, 602
Moeller, 130 Perry, E. J., 261
Moench,273 Perry, T. W., 668
Mohler, 205 Peterson, 257
Mohr, 406 Pettit, 708n.
Moore, 117, 125-126 Pfiffner, 252
Morgan, 177 ,\-t07 , 295, 348, 356n., 365, Phillips, no, 117, 127,130, 175-176,213,
368, 37.;1, 376, 383, 407, 436, 439, 273, 275, 318, 690n., 728-729n.,
442-443\ 732n.
.. .
Sidwell, 691
Q Simpson, 155
Sinnott, 107, 317, 325n., 334n., 372-
Quaife, 677 373n., 380, 383, 406n.-407, 437n.,
Quesenberry, 174, 477 499n.
Quick, 117 Smith, H. H., 182, 430, 633, 729n.
Quinn, 257 Snedecor, 347
Snyder, 342, 358n., 428n.
R Spallanzani, 71, 126, 250, 305
Speelman, 573, 732n.
llagsdale, 277 Spemann, 384
Hatner, 243 Spencer, 82, 650
Redfield, 423-424 Spuhler, 530
Redi,71 Stadler, 399
Reece, 252, 254, 515 Stanley, 74 .
Reese, 714n. Stern, 371-373, 376, 385, 443
Regan, 516 Stevens, 295
Reineke, 112, 255 Stewart, 177, 215-216
Remak,l00 Stockard, 429-430
Rhoad, 475'lL., 660 Stoughton, 73
Rice, 606 Strasburger, 294
Roberts, 427, 456-468, 573 Straus, 581
Robeson, 190 Stricker, 253
Robinson, 176 Strong, 250, 426
Robson, 399 Sturtevent, 376, 383, 407-408, 440, 442-
Rowan, III 443
Sutton, 212, 295
S Swammerdam, 98
Swett, 249, 572n.
St. Augustine, 70 Sykes, 146
St. Hilaire, 79
St. Thomas Aquinas, 70 T
Salisbury, 111, 124, 177, 269, 271-272,
276-277 Tanabe, 177, 221
Sanders, 503 Taylor, 16
Savage, 127, 2i3 Terrill, 178, 651, 653, 691-692, 694-
Schleiden, 91, 98, 200, 294, 305 695
Schnetzler, 109 Thales, 69
Schoetensach, 42 Thomas, 476
Schrader, 440 Thompson, 420
Schultz, 440 Thuret,294
Schwann, 71, 90, 98, 290, 294, 305 Toutain, 3On.
Scott, W. W., 125 Townshend, 24
Scott, Sir Walter, 51 Trentin, 251, 253
Scott-I"v1oncrieff, 381 Trimherger, 155, 174, 179,282
Seiler, 447 Trowbridge, 70!Jn.
Semple, 647 Tryon, 428
Shaffner, 112, 123, 129,269 Tschermak, VOIl, 294, 306, 311
Webster, 573n.
Turner, 112, 148, 209-210, 251-255, 476 Weisman, 271
Weismann, 80,217,294,421-422,511
Turner, C. D., 250, 253
Turner, C. W., 250, 602-603
Twain, 485
Tyler, 515, 581, 589-590, 611
Wells, 80--81
Wbatley, 677
Wheeler, 110
Wbeldale, 381
.. .
Tyrell, 118
Whitney, 130
V Williams, 136, 273
Wilson, 295
van Beneden, 294 Wimsatt, 129
Van Demark, 130 vYintermeyer, 617
van Dyke, 390 Winters, 478, 517, 665, 006, 698
Varro, 295, 564 W odsedalek, 218
Verges, 658 Wolff,99
Vernon, 448n. Woodward, 45, 513-514
Vesalius, 98 Wriedt, 509
Vilmorin, 294 Wright, 130, 381, 400, 414, 496, 511, 513,
Vinci, da, 70 535-536, 541, 604
Vir chow , 294
Von Guaita, 217 Y
! \
Boars, wild, 65 Brown Swiss cattle, 487, 540, 570, 593,
(See also Swine) 600,608
Bos, genus, groups included in, 57-60 Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Associa-
Boskop man, 4-5 tion,634-
Bovidae, 57, 60, 480 Brucellosis (Bang's disease), 190, 205-
·Bo·wman's capsule, 101 208, 223, 246
Bradenhurst Royal Challenger, Grand Buffalo (see Bison)
Champion bull, 634 Bull indexes, 601-613
Braham cattle, 459, 472, 476-477, 547 as selection tool, 609-613
Breed associations, 6, 17-20, 743-744, work sheet for, 605
746-748,757-760 'Bull pen, safe, 612
Breeding, animal, 1-36 Bull transmitting chart, 622-624
analysis in;749 Bulls, 180--181, 207-208, 211-212, 262-
art of, 742, 748 263,269,273,278,284,345,347,391
basic idea in, 562 424-425,464-465,538-540,580,591-
definition of, 16 637, 695, 701
in England, 22-25, 86 best age at which to buy, 613-615
genetics of, 12-14,301--302 dairy, age distribution of, 613
as hobby, 1 methods of indexing, 601-613
as livelihood, 1 exercising paddocks for, 183
opportunities in, 14-17 fertility of, 177-178
and ovulation, 154-155 young, selection of, 618--622
pre-Mendelian, 292-293 (See also Cattle)
progress in, 743-744 Burdizzo forceps, 116
since 1900, 294--296 Byzantine Empire, agriculture in, 29
and records (see Records)
scientific basis of, 742-743, 753
status and problems of, 11-14
Calcium, 125--126
synthesis in., 74-9-750
Calf, in utero, abnormal positions of, 239
systems of, in related animals, 485-
normal position of, 237
vaccination of, 206
and sterility, 217-219
young, care of, 240
in unrelated animals, 452-483
California, University of, 515--516
and variation, 411-412
California Experiment Station, 210
plant, 46--47 California Favorite, Grand Champion
pre-Mendelian, 293-294 steer, 465
Breeding efficiency, in horses, 731-732 Canidae, 51
Breeding management, of female, 187- Capra, 60
192 Capsella, 422
of male, 179-187 Carbohydrates, 184, 210
Breeds, American, 66 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1{)6
beginnings of, in England, 22-25 Station for Experimental Evolution of.
competition in, 19 517 -
differences in, 549-551 Carnivora, 51, 77
rise of, 20--22 Castration, 110, 114--118,209, 445-4J<i
and selection, 453, 549--552 bloodless, 116
trade-marks of, 551-552 of female, 147-148, 157, 178
(See also Purebreds) (See also Spaying)
Bridge of inheri1;ance, 418 Catenations, 405
Bronze Age, 47 Cattaloes, 459
Cattle, 29, 32, 35, 48-49, 423, 457, 459 Characters, acquired, requirements for
beef (see Beef cattle) proof of inheritance of, 421
breeding of, 187-189,221 schematic representation of, 420
breeds of, 21, 23 development of, 418-419
chromosomes in, 92 hereditary transmission of, 299-~01..
dairy (see Dairy cattle) 325, 329, 479, 741-743
domestication of, 57-60 inherent, 423
dual-purpose (see Dual-purpose cattle) and selection, 555-556
in England, 21, 23-25 Charbray cattle, 476-477
families of, 57 Chester White swine, 21, 66, 467
on farms in United States, 2 Chester White Swine Record Association,
inbreeding of, 513-516 679
lethals in, 343-344 Chiasma diagram, 368
origin of, 59-60 Chick embryo celis, 95
purebred (see Purebreds) Chickens, 32, 113,212,267,278,282,427,
seasonal fertility of, 111 430,447
(See also Bulls; Calf; Cows; Steers;
(See also Fowl)
specific names of cattle)
Chihuahua dogs, 52-53
Cattle associations, 7, 757-758
Chip of ~ettie and Aaggie, Holstein-
Cattle problems, 187-189
Friesian bull, 585
Cell diagram, 90
Cell division, 93-96, 128, 166 Chorion, 164--165, 169
Cell theory, 90, 94, 98-99, 290, 294 Chromatids, 108, 369-370, 373, 377, 404
Cells, classification of, 91 Chromatin, 92-94, 107-108, 139
definition of, 90 Chromosome groups, Trimerotropis, 297
development of, 90-91 Chromosome maps, facing 366, 374-375
differentiation of, 169-170 Chromosomes, 12-13, 21, 73, 75, 82, 86,
ova as, 94 91-93, 107-108, 128, 137-140, 153,
sex, 737 16]-162,294-296,302,312-315,332,
(See also Germ cells) 394-395, 417
Cenozoic Age, 39 definition of, 308
Centromere, 367 diploid,92
Centrosome, 91, 94, 162 distribution of, 129
Cervidae, 57 aberrations in, 410-411
Cervix, 102, 130, 1511-L60, 170-171,202 random, 140
Characters, acquired, 419-420 division of, 92-96, 140, 218, 308
and anatomical modifications, 421- and duplication, 407-408, 410
422 and genes, 91-93
dcfinitions of, 419-420, 423 maternal and paternal, 141
and environmental modifications, numbers of, in farm mammals, 93
422-423 in grain, 92
and functional modifications, 423- in man, 92-93, 285, 299
425 reduction of, 408
inheritance of, 420, 425 and segregation, 311-312, 332
arguments against, 428-429 sex, 92, 138, 214,348,437-438,441,451
practical phase of, 431 and sex determination, 434
summary on, 429-431 Classification, 84
and pat~ological modifications, 425- Clitoris, 103, 123, 161
427. Closebreeding, 486, 518, 521-f.i22
and psychological modifications, Clovercourt Ormsby Royal Blend, Hol-
427-428 stein bull, 631
Coat color, in cattle, 328, 541 Cows, scrub, 419, 462
in mice, 325-328 (See also Cattle)
in rabbits, 340 Craven Longhorns, 24
Coincidence, 377-379 Creation, separate, theory of, 77-78, 80
Color blindness, 350-351 Creepers, 342
• d.iagram of, 351 Crisscrossing, 472-473
Color inheritance (see Coat color) Crista urethra, 120
Colorado Agricultural Experiment Sta- Cro-Magnon man, 45-46
tion, 654 Crossbred, definition of, 482
Colostrum, 242-243 Crossbreeding, 217-218, 295, 413, 456-
Columbia sheep, 475, 684, 686, 691-692, 457, 464--472, 483, 645
755 diagram of, 349
Columbia Univ~rsity, 295, 365 effects of, within breed, 480-482
Comb form, factors for, 317 of hooded rats, 416
Comet, Shorthorn bull, 503-505 for market, 472-475
pedigree of, 504, 506 and new breeds, 475-479
Conner Verbena, Hampshire gilt, pedi- of sheep, 645--646
gree of, 673 uses of, 479-,j.80
Conversion factors, 592-601 Crossing over, 295, 306, 366-371, 386--
D.H.LA., 593 387, 404
Copulation, 105, 114, 123, 130, 180, 192, cytologically, diagram of, 372
220 diagrams of, 370-374, 377
Cornell University, 177-178, 184, 271- genetic, cytological proof of, 371-373
272, 275-276, 631 percentage of, 373-374
Cornua (see Horns of uterus) problems on, 387-389
Corona radiata, 164 schematic, 367
Corpus.albicans, 163 unequal, diagram of, 407-408
Corpus luteum, 134, 141-143, 147-149, variation from, 397-398
163-164,170,220-221 Crossover percentage, 368-369
absorption of, 163 and linked genes, 370
development of, 163 Cryptorchidism, 118, 202
formation and retrogression of, 144 Cumulus oophorus, 137
functions of, 163-164 Cytology, 82, 86, 92, 290, 294, 434
Correlation studies in classes of livestock, Cytoplasm, 88, 90-92, 137, 297, 444
Corrie dale sheep, 17, 475, 684, 691 D
Cosmic or astronomic time chart, 40
Cotswold sheep, 475, 684 Dairy-breed associations, 589
Cotyledons, 165-166, 169 Dairy cattle, 25, 249, 256-258, 454-455,
Countess Chloe, Holstein cow, 630 464, 537, 550-551, 555-556, 568-
Cousin relationship, 488-489 570,752
Cow fantilies, 628-630 artificial insemination of, 279-282
charts for, 627-628 auction records of, 5-6
Cow ham Farm Tress King, Guernsey conversion factors for, 593-601
bull, 620 crossbreeding of, 471
Cowper's glands, 114, 122 distribution of type of, 540, 589
Cows, 149, 177, 187, 220, 232, 234--238, on farms in United States, 2-3
241,246,255-258,263-264,279-281, feed conversion in, 633
292,347,352,391,397-398,423-425, fertility of, 177-178
448-449 judging of, 584, 590
records of, in proving sires, 538 number of, in United States, 580
Germ plasm, 18, 20, 88, 91-92, 96, 301, Herd tests, 18, 747
418-419, 425 Hereditary transmission of character-
schematic representation of continuity istics (see Characters)
of, 421, 429 Heredity, 1, 3, 12~14, 84, 96, 103, 215--
Germinal epithelium, 102, 105, 135-137 217, 223, 292~294
• -<Germinal variation, theory of, 80 in beef cattle, 697
Gestation, 230 definition of, 307
and estrus, table of, 235 vs. environment, in selection, 546~547
ovarian hormones during, 226-227 in horses, 713
table of, 234 principles of, 304~333, 339~357, 364~
Giants, 94 387
Giraffidae, 57 in sheep, 692~694
Goats, 32, 35} 60~63, 457 in swine, 661~662
milk yield of, 15 Hereford cattle, 23, 318~319, 413, 415,
Gonadotropic hormones (see Hormones) 465, 469~470, 472, 476, 746
Gonads, 102, 114, 116 Hermaphrodites, 444
Ganium, 75 Hermaphroditism, 100, 102
Graafian follicle, 99, 135~143, 151, 153, Hernia, 202
170, 220~221 scrotal, 118, 202
diagram of, 144 Heteroploids, 307, 409
Grading, 459~465 Heteroploidy, 408~409
Grain surpluses, 10 Heterosis (hybrid vigor), 218, 456-457
Greece, 304 definition of, 482
agriculture and animal husbandry in, Heterotypic division, 108, 138
32~34 Heterozygosity, 13, 17,295,301,496-499,
Grimaldi race, 44~45 731
Guernsey cattle, 21, 391, 448, 471, 540, controlled, 752~753
550, 570, 593~595, 600, 604, 608, 616 Heterozygote, 307, 329
Guinea fowl, 32 Hinny, 218, 457, 459
Guinea-pigs, 430, 511~512 Hippopotamidae, 64
Gynandromorphs, 442~443 Hippopotamuses, 64
Hoard, W. D. & Sons, Publishing Co., 616
H Hogs, 30, 32, 48~49, 454, 555~556
carcasses of, 658, 668
Hambletonian 10, 424 nutrition of, 657~658
Hamprace swine, 477 in United States, 2, 15
Hampshire Down sheep, 475 (See also Swine)
Hampshire swine, 21, 477 Holstein cattle, 21, 393, 415, 448, 471
Hampshire Swine Registry Association, 487,54O-541,544~545,550,570, 581,
655, 669 593, 599~600, 608, 738, 755
Haploid, 307 Holstein-Friesian cattle, 487, 515, 539,
Haploid number, 408 591, 752
Haploidy, 409 Holstein-Friesian Red Book, 619
Harvard University, 429 Holstein indexes, graph of, 393
Health in selection, 573~574 Hominidae, 41
Heat (see Estrus) Homo heidelbergensis (Heidelberg man),
Heidelberg man, 42~43 42~43
Heifers, selection of, 637 Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal
through herd knowledge, 624--633 man), 43~44
Herd books, 17, 299~300 Homo sapiens, 38, 42~46, 66
Herd Improvement Test, 608 (See also Man)
New York State Fair, 555 Ovum, ova, 1, 83, 91, 96, 99-100, 102,
Nicking, 412-413, 457,473, 610, 619, 713 134-142, 158, 220
Nondisjunction, 214, 435--437 cyclic development of, 138-142
Notch deficiency, inheritance of, 407 developmental organization of, 298-
Nucleus, 73, 91-94, 108, 137, 139, 170 299
Nutrition, of bacon hogs, 657-658 fertilization of, 161-163, 170 .' -
of beef cattle, 698-700 fertilized, transplantation of, 285-287
and fertility, 112-113, 175, 184-185, vitality of, 155
209-214 Oxen, 25, 35, 59-60
of mother, 241 Oxford Down sheep, 475
of newborn, 242-244
of sheep, 658 P
(Sec also Food)
Nymphomania, 189, 221 P (parental generation), 307
Paedogenesis, 100
o Paleolithic (Old Stone) Age, 43-49, 55
Paleontology, 80, 85
Paleozoic Age, 40
Ohio Experiment Station, 190
Ohio State University, 716 Pangenesis, 78, 82
Oklahoma Experiment Station, 155, 210, Parallel induction, 418
261, 481 Parathyroid, 229, 256
Parthenogenesis, 100, 162, 384, 409
Old Stone (Paleolithic) Age, 43-49, 55
artificial, 740
Oligocene period, 39, 85
Parturition, 134-137, 164, 193,204, 220,
Open-field system of farming, 22, 26
226, 230--242
Orchitis, 206, 219
act of, 236-238
Organic evolution, 75-81
assistance at, 238, 240
defi,nition of, 77
care of mother at, 241-242
Organisms, evolution of (sec Organic
care of young at, 240--241
complications of, 245-247
generation of, 68-72 duration of, 237
single-celled, 72-77 physiological regulation of, 230--231
Oriental agriculture, 34-36 place of, 231-233
Orthogenesis, 84, 89-90 and sanitation, 233
Os uteri, 135 preliminaries to, 235-236
Outbreeding, 456--483, 525-526 significance of, 231
Outcross, definition of, 482 time of, 233-235
Outcrossing, 480, 483 and types of presentation, 238
Ovarian stroma, 136,-137 Pasang, 62
Ovaries, 96, 102-103, 113, 134-140, 151- Peccaries, 64-65
157 Pecora, 48, 57
functions of, dual, 134-135, 170 Pedigrees, 17,48,215,491,746
hormonal, 146-148, 170, 353 bracket-type, 558, 561
hormonal regulation of, 140-142 of bulls, 492-493
schematic diagram of, 144 of cattle, blood and chromosome distri-
Ovis, 60--61 bution in, 494
Ovogenesis, 135, 136, 152 dairy, estimates of, 635
Ovulation, 151-155 early or old-style, 558--559, 561
and breeding ,time, 154-155, 179, 187- female side of, 560--562
191,220 ' of five generations of inbreeding, 524
super-, 155--1,56 of horses, 712, 724-725
Peuigrees, identity of, 489 Poland-China swine, 21, 66, 215
, 466,
to illustrate linebreeding, 520 468, 478, 482, 649, 654
of inbred pigs, 514 Polycotyledonary animals, 165
of outbred animal, 498 Polyestrous animals, 142
pictorial, Galton's law, 495 Polymerization, 74
.....schematic, 488-491, 559 Polyploids, 295, 307, 409
and selection, 553, 557-563 commercial interest in, 410
of swine, 673, 678 Polyploidy, 409-411
Peking man, 41 Ponies, 423
Pembroke cattle, 23 Pony associations, 758
Penis, 102-103, 114, 122-123, 202, 266- Population of United States, farm mam-
268 mal, 3, 11
Pentoila's Favohte, Percheron mare, 716, human, 3, 6, 10
718, 723-725 Position-effect theory, 408
Percentage of blood, 494-495, 501 Posterior-lobe hormones (see Pituitary
Percheron horses, 545, 551 gland)
family chart of, 716-723 Poultry, mass selection in, 566
Performance records (see Records) (See also Fowl: specific kinds of
Perissodactyls, 54 poultry)
Pfliigers egg cords, 102, 138 Preformation, 98
Phacochaerus, 64 Pregnancy, 142, 157, 173-174, 177, 195,
Phallus, 103 226-230, 245
Phenotype, 307, 316-317, 320-321, 324- diagnosis of, 227-229
325, 332, 483, 534, 536-537, 552-554,. endocrine changes during, 229
557 premature, 178
pseudo-, 229-230
Physicochemical entities in heredity,
termination of, 230
(See also Abortion)
Physiology, 98
Prepotency, 413-414
Pigeons, 32
Primates, 39, 143
Pigs, 26, 465-468, 477
Prince Sunbeam 249th, Grand Cham .
inbred, pedigree of, 514 bull, 700 PlOn
in United States, 2
Private ownership of land, 26, 28 33
(See also Swine)
Probability, 354-355 '
Piltdown man, 42 Production, milk (see Milk product' )
Pinnepedia, 51 " lOn
m selectlOn, 508-572, 655-657
Pithecanthropus I!rectus, 39-41, 43 Production averages and selection 574-
Pittsfield, Mass., first livestock show, 571 575 '
Pituitary gland, 142, 229, 253 Production registry of swine, Purpose f
hormones of, anterior-lobe, 150, 153, M2 0,
163, 219, 230-231, 252, 254 rules for, 669-671
posterior-lobe, 230, 257 Proestrus, 143
Placenta; 164-16G Progeny-performance records (see Rec-
endocrine functions of, 227 ords)
Plant culture, 304 Progeny-performance test, 553, 563 695
early, 46-47 practical shortcomings of, 615-618
pre-Mendelian, 293-294 and selection, 564-5G6, 679-680
Plants, disease-resistant, 573 Progesterone, r'42-143, 147-150,220 226
somatic variation in, 418-419 231,252-254 ' J,
Pleistocene Age, 39, 41-42, 62, 85 functions of, 163-164, 170, 230
Pliocene Age, 62, 85 Progestin, 148