Sox 2002
Sox 2002
Sox 2002
The Act is named after its sponsors, Senator Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., and Congressman Michael
Oxley, R-Ohio. It's also called Sarbox or SOX. It became law on July 30, 2002. The Securities and
Exchange Commission enforces it.
Many thought that Sarbanes-Oxley was too punitive and costly to put in place. They worried it
would make the United States a less attractive place to do business. In retrospect, it's clear that
Sarbanes-Oxley was on the right track. Deregulation in the banking industry contributed to the
2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession.
Section 404 made managers maintain “adequate internal control structure and procedures for
financial reporting." Companies' auditors had to “attest” to these controls and disclose “material
SOX created a new auditor watchdog, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. It set
standards for audit reports. It requires all auditors of public companies to register with them. The
PCAOB inspects, investigates, and enforces compliance of these firms. It prohibits accounting
firms from doing business consulting with the companies they are auditing. They can still act as tax
consultants. But the lead audit partners must rotate off the account after five years.
But SOX hasn't increased the competition in the oligarchic accounting audit industry. It's still
dominated by the so-called Big Four firms. They are Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
KPMG, and Deloitte.
Internal Controls
Public corporations must hire an independent auditor to review their accounting practices. It
deferred this rule for small-cap companies, those with a market capitalization of less than $75
million. Most or 83 percent of large corporations agreed that SOX increased investor confidence. A
third said it reduced fraud.
SOX protects employees that report fraud and testify in court against their employers. Companies
are not allowed to change the terms and conditions of their employment. They can't reprimand, fire,
or blacklist the employee. SOX also protects contractors. Whistleblowers can report any corporate
retaliation to the SEC.
Although the corporations were legally responsible, the CEOs were not. So, it was difficult to
prosecute them. The rewards of "cooking the books" far outweighed the risks to any individual.
SOX addressed the corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Anderson. It prohibited
auditors from doing consulting work for their auditing clients. That prevented the conflict of interest
which led to the Enron fraud. Congress responded to the Enron media fallout, a lagging stock
market, and looming reelections.