Blind Hero Enabling Guitar Hero For The Visually I

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Blind Hero: Enabling Guitar Hero for the Visually Impaired

Conference Paper · January 2008

DOI: 10.1145/1414471.1414503 · Source: DBLP

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Blind Hero: Enabling Guitar Hero for the Visually Impaired

Bei Yuan Eelke Folmer

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, Nevada, USA Reno, Nevada, USA

ABSTRACT their reading, orientation and mobility skills. They are also
Very few video games have been designed or adapted to al- trained to lead more independent and productive lives by in-
low people with vision impairment to play. Music/rhythm cluding them in our information society. Studies conducted
games however are particularly suitable for such people as in assistive technologies with regard to vision are in great
they are perfectly capable of perceiving audio signals. Gui- demand as our population ages and more people suffer from
tar Hero is a popular rhythm game yet it is not accessible age related vision loss. Over the last several decades, video
to the visually impaired as it relies on visual stimuli. This games have become a very popular form of entertainment.
paper explores replacing visual stimuli with haptic stimuli According to a 2008 report by NPD, 63% of the U.S. popula-
as a viable strategy to make games accessible. We developed tion plays some sort of computer and/or video games where
a glove that transforms visual information into haptic feed- over 51% of these players play games on a weekly basis [9].
back using small pager motors attached to the tip of each Despite this increased interest in games, very few games are
finger. This allows a blind player to play Guitar Hero. Sev- actually accessible to the visually impaired. Being able to
eral tests have been conducted and despite minor changes play a game is a quality of life issue that, especially for
to the gameplay, visually impaired players are able to play younger people, may affect their psychological well being.
the game successfully and enjoy the challenge the game pro- Games are popular because of the high degree of inter-
vides. The results of the study also give valuable insights on action they offer. Unlike watching a movie or reading a
how to make mainstream games blind-accessible. book, games provide two-way interaction where players ac-
tively participate and their choices may affect game out-
comes. Games are mainly designed for entertainment, which
Categories and Subject Descriptors puts one major constraint on the way people interact with
H.5.2 [Information Systems]: User Interfaces - Haptic them: it must be fun. This is different from the require-
I/O; K.8.0 [Computing Milieux]: Personal Computing - ments of interacting, for example, with a web browser or a
Games word processor, which are designed to help the user perform
productivity-related tasks.
General Terms Games currently rely on the ability of players to see their
screens. However, there are new strategies to help replace
Human Factors, Measurement, Design, Experimentation
these visual components. Most games provide feedback through
visuals, e.g. by rendering pixels, one can indicate the pres-
Keywords ence of an enemy. Sound is also used to provide feedback
Game Accessibility, Visually Impaired, Blind, Haptic (e.g. gunfire might also be an indication of an approaching
enemy). Still, games rely primarily upon being able to see
1. INTRODUCTION visuals and most games cannot be played using sound alone.
This is clearly a problem for the visually impaired, because
Research on technology for visually impaired people has
they cannot get this type of feedback from the game. One
primarily focused on web accessibility [5] and assistive tech-
of the strategies that we use in this paper is replacing stim-
nology [15, 13]. There are approximately 10 million blind
uli. Games provide stimuli in the form of visual, audio, and
and visually impaired people in the United States, including
haptic feedback. Depending on this feedback, the player pro-
an estimated 1.3 million people who are legally blind and
vides input which may change the state of the game. The
1.5 million who use regular computers [1]. Research has fo-
game provides feedback again and the process is repeated
cused on helping people with visual impairments to improve
for the remainder of the game. If a player is unable to per-
ceive a particular stimuli, either because the player is deaf
or blind, one strategy is to replace that missing stimulus
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for with a stimulus that the player can perceive. For example,
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are closed captioning is a technique that replaces a game’s au-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies dio feedback with visual feedback to make it accessible to
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to those with hearing impairments. Without closed captions,
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
players with auditory disabilities are unable to hear things
ASSETS’08, October 13–15, 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. like the footsteps of someone sneaking up from behind or
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-976-0/08/10 ...$5.00.

gunfire, which may lead to frustration and reduced enjoy-
ment of the gaming experience. Closed captions have been
successfully implemented in the popular first person shooter
game Half-Life 2, which has been praised by the deaf gamers
community for adding this feature.
Developing games is expensive and risky. It is more cost-
effective, in terms of effort, to modify an existing game and
make it accessible than it is to develop a brand new acces-
sible game from scratch. In this paper, we are introducing Figure 1: Guitar Hero & Frets on Fire
Blind Hero, a modification of an existing game based on the
popular video game Guitar Hero. Blind Hero transforms
visual stimuli into haptic stimuli to allow visually impaired
and low pitched drum-roll sounds coming from either left or
individuals to play a Guitar Hero-like game. We want to
right speakers that consist of four output elements. Instead
find out if this haptic version of the game can bring the same
of four arrow step instructions in DDR, Finger Dance maps
level of entertainment to blind people as it does to sighted
the four distinguishable sound to four keys on the keyboard
players and whether replacing stimuli is a viable strategy to
for players to control. This is of course a significant de-
making games accessible in general.
parture from the original gameplay of DDR. AudioOdyssey
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The next sec-
[11] is another music/rhythm game that uses a Wii-mote
tion discusses related work and provides more background
controller and that can be played by sighted as well as non-
on the game we modified. Section 3 presents our imple-
sighted players. It provides instructions and feedback en-
mentation of the game. This is followed by the results of
tirely through audio. Our approach is related to the two
our usability study with 12 players in section 4. Section 5
aforementioned games as it is also a music/rhythm game.
discusses some unsolved problems with the implementation.
Guitar Hero is a popular rhythm game developed by Red
Conclusions and future solutions are proposed in section 6.
Octane, that lets the player use a guitar-shaped controller
with various colored buttons to simulate the playing of rock
2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK music. More than 14 million copies have been sold of this
Many audio games recognized in [10, 4] are designed to game to date [12]. The goal of this game is that the player
provide auditory instructions and non-speech sound com- must press the right button combination matching the col-
mands for blind people to control the game. Most of these ored dots on the screen, which are moving along with the
games are simple arcade, puzzle, or racing games entirely music. Some dots have lines attached to them, implying
controlled by audio commands. that one should hold down that corresponding button for
AudioQuake [3] and Terraformers [17] are first person a longer period of time: until the end of the line hits the
shooter, mainstream games that have been made blind-accessible. bottom of the screen (See Figure 1). When a player hits
AudioQuake replaces visual feedback based on the idea of the right combination of buttons matching the dots on the
“earcons”, which are types of structured sounds, often obey- screen, the score increases.
ing musical conventions. They are designed to alert the Despite unsuccessfull predecessors, Guitar Hero became a
player to an object or event, though they do not “sound million dollar franchise and has dominated the sales charts
like” their referents in the real-world [3]. However, learning for the past 2 years. If we break down the interaction be-
the mappings between the sound effects and real-world ob- tween the player and the game, we can make the following
jects is not that difficult. AudioQuake uses stereo sound to observations. The game continuously provides visual stim-
help the character navigate. For example, a sound to the uli (dots and lines on the screen), which the player uses to
left or right indicates if a wall, door, or other obstacle is know when to press certain buttons on the controller. If
present near the player and in which direction. Sounds gets the player presses the correct combination it will hear the
louder as a player moves closer to an object. Arrow keys correct guitar riff for that part of the song.
are used to move and turn with some customizable options Because Guitar Hero is closed source we cannot make any
to help players control their characters. Terraformers uses a changes to the game. Frets on Fire[19] is an open source
3D sound response system. The main character can either clone of Guitar Hero that is written in Python and runs
be navigated using the visual display (which also has a high- on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Since we are mainly inter-
contrast setting for low-vision players) or sound. There is ested in exploring whether we could make this style of game
a tone that represents North and different variations of the accessible to the vidually impaired, starting with Frets on
tone to represent 8 compass points. The player can tell what Fire reduced the amount of development overhead required
is in front of the player by using a sound radar. By using a to run our experiments.
“ping” it is possible to tell how far objects are in front of the The amount of feedback provided through visuals in Gui-
character. Using a key on the keyboard, it is also possible tar Hero is relatively small. This makes the game a good
to tell what type of object is in front of the character, using candidate to apply the “stimuli replacement” technique. How-
a voice playback system. ever, we cannot turn Guitar Hero into an audio game be-
Music/rhythm games are suitable for the blind as they cause of the predominance of the focus on musical sound
already rely on audio as major feedback mechanism. Dance already in the game. Hence, haptic feedback seems most
Dance Revolution (DDR) is a popular rhythm game where suitable.
the player provides input by dancing on a large mat trying Haptic interfaces generate mechanical signals that pro-
to match step instructions shown on the screen while the vide information via sense of touch, which is much less com-
song plays. An accessible version of DDR has been devel- monly lost, compared to the sense of vision [18]. This tech-
oped for the blind, called Finger Dance [16]. There are high nique is mostly adopted in medical fields and with assis-

tive technologies. In some cases, non-visual (e.g. audi-
tory or haptic) and multimodal (bi- and trimodal) feedback
forms demonstrate significant performance gains over visual
feedback forms [14] for both Age-Related Macular Degen-
eration (AMD) and normally-sighted users. Some scholars
even argue that haptic-only feedback is more beneficial than
auditory-only feedback [6, 2]. Haptics are also used to con-
vey spatial information such as size and location [8].

The first thing we created was a device that was able to
provide haptic feedback.

3.1 Hardware
The design of the glove was motivated by being able to
preserve as much of the original interaction as possible. The Figure 2: Haptic Glove
idea was to use small “pager” motors, most commonly found
in pagers and cell phones, to provide haptic feedback. Ide-
ally, one motor would represent each of the five colored
buttons on the guitar controller. Whenever a pager mo-
tor buzzes the corresponding button must be pressed. Ini-
tially, we explored placing pager motors underneath each
button on the guitar controller. However, the feedback of
the pager motors turned out to be so strong that the whole
guitar vibrated and players could not distinguish which but-
ton needed to be pressed. Therefore, we decided to mount
the pager motors on the fingers of a special glove that the
player would wear while playing the game. The original Gui-
tar Hero controller has 5 buttons that the player operates
using only four fingers. When it comes to the dots on the
Figure 3: Game Tasks
fifth “fret”, the hand position must shift down to cover the
last button. The design of the guitar makes it very hard to
press the fifth button with the thumb. We cannot attach
and potentially missing dots that are close by afterwards.
more than one motor to each finger. This leaves no option
A quarter of a second delay time was chosen based on the
other than using only the four buttons and having to ignore
shortest time distance between every two dots of music notes
the dots on the fifth fret. In our user studies, we used four
and corresponds to average human reaction time. We came
7mm in diameter, 12.5mm long pager motors attached on
up with the following game tasks (See Figure 3) and cor-
each of the four fingers of a left hand glove. These motors are
responding haptic feedback to send to the virtual com port
rated 1.3 volts DC at 70 milliamps. FT232R is a USB to se-
(See Table 1).
rial UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)
interface with optional clock generator output, and asyn-
chronous and synchronous bit bang interface modes. This 4. USABILITY STUDY
chipset, released by Future Technology Devices International “You can’t control what you can’t measure” [7] is a well
(FTDI), allows us to control each motor through a USB port. known statement in software engineering, which is also ap-
The port shows up as a virtual com port handling commu- plicable to game accessibility. What are the metrics for mea-
nication between the application and the device. Figure 2 suring if a game is accessible? No set of accessibility guide-
shows what our glove looks like. lines for games similar to the W3C web content accessibility
guidelines exists. Games are different from regular software
3.2 Software as they require an additional constraint on what the interac-
We modified Frets on Fire to send a message to the virtual tion should provide: games should be fun. Measuring “fun”
com port indicating which pager motor must vibrate and for is not a simple endeavor since that is a subjective measure
how long. The problem here was that we needed to precisely depending on player preference.
time when to start a pager motor. Players can respond faster
to visual stimuli than to haptic stimuli. It will also take a
while for the pager engine to operate at full speed. It will
take the player some time to notice when a pager engine Table 1: List of Tasks & Solutions
Tasks Haptic Feedback
has started vibrating and so we needed to build in a delay
When to press the Start Vibration 1/4 seconds before
e.g. the pager needs to start buzzing slightly earlier than
buttons? the screen moves onto the dots.
the player needs to press the note. This delay needed to be
Which buttons to Vibrating the corresponding pagers
determined accurately because if the delay was too short the
press? attached to the right finger to press.
player would not be able to respond fast enough, resulting
How long to hold Vibration lasts the length of each
in missing notes. If the delay was too long the player may
those buttons? note.
press the button too early, also resulting in missing notes

Table 2: Group Description
Game to Play Guitar Hero
Group # Vision Acuity
in Experiment Experience
1 Blind Hero New
2 Blind Blind Hero Inaccessible
3 Blind Hero Expert
4 Sighted Guitar Hero New

Table 3: Song Playing Order & Labels

Music # Song Repetitive Count Label
1 Song 1 1 1-1
2 Song 2 1 2-1
3 Song 1 2 1-2
4 Song 1 3 1-3
Figure 4: A blind player playing Blind Hero 5 Song 1 4 1-4
6 Song 2 2 2-2
The “Beyond Accessibility to Efficiency” (BATE) principle 7 Song 2 3 2-3
states that the goal of assistive technology should be more 8 Song 2 4 2-4
ambitious than simply to provide access[13]. A user with a
disability should be able to perform a task with the same
efficiency as anyone else. Our application must bring the 4.2 Collected Data Analysis
same level of entertainment to people with disabilities as The accuracy percentile over short and long dots, for each
without disabilities. For the Blind Hero user study we split song played, is calculated for each player during the game.
the evaluation into two parts: In general, players start on the easy level when they play a
game for the first time. We picked relatively easy songs for
• Quantitative oriented analysis: we collected raw data our participants to test. On the easiest level, no more than
including players’ game score, accuracy percentages, one button has to be pressed simultaneously throughout the
and hardware effectiveness during the game play. Ob- whole game. Each song comes with 3 or 4 different levels of
jectively measuring these components allows us to ana- difficulty, with the harder levels requiring more buttons to
lyze how well a disabled player is able to play the game be pressed simultaneously. Different songs vary significantly
and observe his/her learning curve and improvement with regard to rhythm, speed, and the occurrence of pat-
ratios. terns in the music. Because of this, when playing different
• Qualitative oriented analysis: is the game fun to songs, one is likely to end up with very different accuracy
play? If the game fails to provide a fun and engag- rates, even on the same difficulty level. By only playing
ing experience no one will want to play the game and two different songs repeatedly (see Table 3) we were able to
the game loses its purpose, despite players being able measure players’ performance increases for each song. Each
to use it efficiently for a task. Through a questionnaire song takes approximately three to four minutes to complete
we asked players whether or not the game is fun. and our participants were able to finish playing the whole
set in less than 40 minutes. After finishing the set we asked
Many different types of sighted and visually impaired play- them to fill out a brief questionnaire collecting qualitative
ers were involved in this study to create a broad range of feedback on varying aspects of playing Blind Hero.
experiences and to be able to compare performances. Figure 5 a) - d) shows the average accuracy level (e.g. how
many dots they got right) over these two songs as defined in
4.1 Participants Table 3. All groups show a similar performance difference
All participants were new to the Blind Hero game. Some between song 1 and 2. Song 2’s lower accuracy for all groups
participants, however, are expert Guitar Hero players, whereas indicates that this song is more difficult to play. Looking at
some have never played Guitar Hero before (See Figure 4). each song individually we see, for all groups, that the accu-
All the sighted players are blindfolded when playing Blind racy increases after each time playing the song. Comparing
Hero. The players were stratified into four, three person the accuracy percentage for all four groups, we have the fol-
groups based on visual acuity and the game they had to play lowing observations: While playing Blind Hero, sighted in-
(See Table 2). The questions that needed to be answered for dividuals with no experience with the original Guitar Hero
these groups are: game had the worst level of performance in our study. Vi-
sually impaired players had much better performance than
• Will visually impaired individuals have the same game-
the previous group. Group 3, which includes sighted play-
play experience with Blind Hero as sighted users have
ers that have already played Guitar Hero before, performed
with Guitar Hero?
slightly better than the group of blind players. We also com-
• Which group will do better on Blind Hero among groups pared sighted players playing the original Guitar Hero game
1, 2, and 3? for the first time. They had the highest levels of accuracy
among all groups.

Figure 5: Average Performance for each group playing songs 1 & 2.

#""! <3;40/07! >3?54@!=503! 6:;A/./B/07! similar e.g. they have to learn what the dots mean on
=503! =503! the screen and how long they have to press the button
by watching the screen carefully. All of the players will

("! then learn when and what button to press by either fol-
'"! lowing the glove’s vibration or visual observation. The
feedback for both games is the same; when the player
$"! presses the correct button; a guitar riff will play corre-
#"! sponding to that part of the song. This predominance
6507!,!F3G3;:! #,#! $,#! #,$! #,%! #,&! $,$! $,%! $,&!
of music is the reason why replacing visual stimuli by
-./01!2345!,!6507!#! -./01!2345!,!6507!$! 89/:;4!2345!,!6507!#! 89/:;4!2345!,!6507!$! audio is not an option.
! 2. Memory Zone: at some point, players start recog-
Figure 6: Guitar Hero vs. Blind Hero. nize patterns that correspond to specific parts of the
music such as the chorus or solos. From recognizing
patterns in the music, the player is then able to play
Another interesting observation that can be drawn from parts from memory rather than by haptic input. We
Figure 5 is that all groups’ performance levels follow similar see a big performance increase in the transition be-
curve patterns. For both songs, it takes the player a while tween learning and playing from memory. Sometimes
to learn to play the game and increase their performance. however, when relying on memory and ignoring the
In the very beginning, the accuracy percentages are relative haptic inputs, players actually hit the correct notes too
similar and low. After that, performance starts to increase early, decreasing their performance rating. We realized
significantly each time a song is played. that the glove is able to translate visual stimuli into
Based on the results we found, we have generated another haptic stimuli as it contributes to the memorization
chart that shows performance in Blind Hero by combining process and allows players of Blind Hero to feel-then-
groups 1-3 and comparing against the results with Guitar act, rather than visualize-then-act as sighted players
Hero by group 4. The comparison results are split into dif- of Guitar Hero do.
ferent zones (see Figure 6) explained as follows:
3. Stabilizing Zone: after 30 minutes of playing the
1. Learning Zone: hardware including the guitar con- game, the performance of all groups starts to stabilize.
troller and the glove are new to the participants that Some performance ratings may have even slightly de-
play Blind Hero and it will take a while for them to creased from one song to the next due to fatigue. The
get accustomed to feeling which pager vibrates and for limits of players short-term memories were reached and
how long. The first minutes of the first song are to further improvements in skill level might take longer-
get used to the haptic glove. For Guitar hero this is term practice with the game.

After playing the 8 songs, we gave each player a question- learn. Despite the compromises, we have the impression that
naire focused on identifying whether this was a fun game to Blind Hero is a very close representation of Guitar Hero.
play. We received all positive feedback, despite the setup of
our test requiring players to play the same songs repeatedly. 5.2 Hardware Cost
Over the duration of the songs, we noticed players were en- For this game, we had to create a customized glove that
thusiastically trying to increase their performance, so the players need to use to be able to play the game. The glove we
elements of challenge and progress is definitely present in developed cost about $1500 including custom design, hard-
our game. Players were convinced they could improve their ware, and manual labor. Even with possible cost reduction
performance given enough practice. Overall all, the players when mass produced, cost may still be a barrier to the suc-
in the study were very impressed with the game. cess of this game. In the future we might explore more cost-
effective solutions, such as the use of headphones where the
5. DISCUSSION music could be playing in one ear while the other ear gets au-
The development of Blind Hero and the results of the dio cues indicating which note to play. However, currently
study have given us valuable insights into whether replacing our haptic device can provide about 200 different stimuli;
stimuli is a viable technique to make games accessible. We e.g. four frets, and dots varying in length. Using audio cues
made the following observations: will require more research as players may have a hard time
distinguishing different audio cues. Another viable option
5.1 Compromising Gameplay could be using a Force Feedback mouse and adapt the game
There is not a one-to-one mapping when transferring feed- accordingly.
back from the visual domain to the haptic domain. The level
of detail that the eye can separate including colors, shape,
5.3 Glove Design
motion is a much higher level than what the sense-of-touch Each motor is currently mounted just below the last joint
can differentiate. For Blind Hero we tried as much as pos- on the finger. However, since players may have different
sible to preserve the gameplay, as it is with Guitar Hero. sized hands, we need to find a solution that allows for cus-
Nevertheless, because there is not a one-to-one mapping, we tomization of the glove to fit most peoples’ hands. Initially
had to make the following compromises: we attached the pagers below the second last joint on each
finger, which made it hard for players to identify which fin-
• Lookahead: in Guitar Hero, the dots on the frets ger was buzzing. A glove where pagers could be attached
move from top to bottom leaving future dots on top anywhere on the finger would be optimal as it would allow
of the current playing ones. Sighted people can see the player to place the motors such that they could more
a whole screen of dots during the play, which gives accurately identify which finger is buzzing. This would be
them time to prepare which buttons to play next. For especially useful for songs that require one to play two notes
our haptic glove we only provide direct feedback on at the same time, when it becomes harder to identify which
the button that needs to be played and we don’t pro- finger is actually buzzing.
vide this type of lookahead information. We explored
the use of additional motors for providing lookahead 5.4 Short Dots vs Long Dots
information, but this made the gameplay overly com- The dots of the song come with different lengths. As part
plicated, and would likely take players a longer time of our data collection, we did an analysis on the accuracy of
to learn. We compromised gameplay by not provid- long dots versus short dots using data from all groups. For
ing any lookahead information. This is the main rea- all groups that played Blind Hero, players made almost twice
son that people score higher playing Guitar Hero than as many long dots as short ones, while in the Guitar Hero
Blind Hero. game, the accuracy over long dots is just slightly higher than
the short ones. We noticed that for shorter dots, the motor
• One Button Less: as stated in Section 3, we care-
tends to generate weaker vibrations i.e. less effective to the
fully chose to only use four buttons out of five on the
player to make a move. This is because the duration of a
guitar. This will not affect any songs played at easy or
pager’s vibration affects the motor power level. We should
medium levels, since the fifth fret is not used. The hard
be able to find another type of motor or alter the program
level uses the fifth fret and our glove currently cannot
to treat dots lengths the same cross the whole game in the
accommodate that. We are convinced that this com-
future, or find a way to weaken the signal the pager sends
promise is acceptable, especially since all of our par-
for the longer notes so the shorter dots will be more easily
ticipants indicated that the current level of interaction
distinguishable from longer dots.
is appropriate, which as players get more experienced
may change. 5.5 The “Misconception”
In implementing these compromises and departing from the A common notion is that blind people might have bet-
original Guitar Hero gameplay, we run the risk of creating ter senses of hearing and touch than sighted people because
a game experience that is not fun. Hence, compromising the loss of vision improves their other senses. Some think
decisions must always try to optimize gameplay. We did it is a misconception, others don’t. What does this study
not know how to provide lookahead information. Providing with Blind Hero contribute to this statement? The perfor-
lookahead information through the use of extra pager motors mance comparison reveals that, when looking at the blind
was a solution we considered but that would most likely not group’s accuracy level and comparing it against average of
be an enjoyable experience because of the steep learning group 1&3, blind people do have some level of advanced
curve. In this case we decided to get rid of the lookahead performance as shown in Figure 7. One interesting com-
information all together, to make sure the game is easy to ment from one of our blind participants was that “Your

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