Environmental Scanning and Industrial Analysis: Indentifying External Environmental Variables
Environmental Scanning and Industrial Analysis: Indentifying External Environmental Variables
Environmental Scanning and Industrial Analysis: Indentifying External Environmental Variables
Must scan external environment to indentify possible opportunity and threats and internal for strength and
Definition: Is the monitoring, evaluating and dissemehating of information from the external
environments to key people with in the corporation.
are Task environment is typically the industry with in which that firm operates.
Industry analysis refers to an in-dept examination of key factors with in a corporation task environment.
Both the Environment must be monitored to detect the strategic factors that are likely to have strong
impact on corporate success or failure.
Economic part: Impact on business activity increase in interest rate and decrease in product
Seven sociocultural trends that are helping to define what the world will soon look like are
Multinational corporation(MNC) – a company with significant asserts and activities in multiple countries,
conducts its marketing, financial, manufacturing, and other functional activities…
Eg: European Union, North American free trade zone→ significant improve → rules of the game
Rupee conversations
For strategy in particular location →company must scan the particular country right→ SWOT
Eg: successfully global industry in automobiles, tires, electronics, watches, a company established 3
developed areas of the world known as Traid→ Japan, north America, western Europe- because of high
valued good produced and consumed in there 3 countries.
↓ ↓
Market Competitive
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
Supplier analysis
Selection of strategic
factors Governmental
Interest group analysis
analysis Opportunity
Why do companies often respond differently to the environmental changes→ ability of manager
No firm can sucessfully monitor all external factors
The willingness to reject unfamiliar as well as negative information is called “strategic Myopia”
Identifying a number of likely trends emerging in the societal and task environments →strategic
environmental issues→ if imp trends occur determine what impact and shows in near future.
Assess the probability of these trends actually occuring from low to high
Assess trends impact in corporation.
Probality of
stake holders
Industry competitors
Rivalry among existing Buyers
No new companies sucessfully enter the indian IMCG Eg: interest cost advantage
Because of
Economies of sale: production and sales Eg; chips, microprocessor, high entry barriers network.
Product differentiation: Procter and gamble→ tide ,arial adding and promotion
Rate of industry growth: only path to growth is take sales away from competitors Eg: Airlines
Amount of fixed cost: Cheap standby fares whenever a plane has empty seats
Unimportant price and quality to final product Eg: electric wire for use in land
Industry evolution from services and stages growth through maturity to events decline.
Industry life cycle is useful for explaining and predicting trends among the six forces driving
industry competition.
Eg: New product→ people buy→ regardless price fulfills unique need.
No firm has large market share and each firm save as small piece of the total market in competetion with
other Eg: chinese restaurant, financial institutions ,Transport services.
industry in which companies Tailor their products and no the specific needs
Industry in which companies manufacture and sell the same products with only minimum
adjustments made for individual countries around the world
Television Sets
Pressure for co-ordination within the multinational corporations operating in that industry
Pressure for local responsiveness on the part of individual country markets.
Big companies like TATA & ONGC, develop elaborate information networks & computerized
systems to evaluate risk.
Small companies hire consultants such as:
Political system stability index and business environment stability index to assess →economic &
business risk
It is a set of business units or firms that pursue similar strategies with similar resources
categorizing firms in any one industry into asset of strategic groups is very useful as a way of
better understanding the competitive environment
Eg: MC Donalds& haldirams
Match with burger king
It is a category of firms based on a common strategic orientation & a combination of structure, culture &
process consistent with that strategy.
Eg: Aircel, Vodafone, Logitech, limited product lines, nokia, mouse, suppliers of Hyundai
Atleast 2 different products- market areas. 1 stable & another 1 variable.. stable→efficiency,
Reactors ;
Hyper competition:-
Most industries are more complex & dynamic , multi domestic→ global.
Are those variables that can affect significantly the overall competitive positions of all companies within
any particular industry.
Key success factors deal with entire industry and strategic factors→particular company.
Industrial espionage (intelligence)- gathering techniques to get their information straight from their
Forecasting:- techniques