The 47 Key Principles of Sun Tzu The Art of War: Five Classical Elements of Chinese Science and Philosophy
The 47 Key Principles of Sun Tzu The Art of War: Five Classical Elements of Chinese Science and Philosophy
The 47 Key Principles of Sun Tzu The Art of War: Five Classical Elements of Chinese Science and Philosophy
Below are the 47 key principles from the formulas in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. These prin-
ciples are taken from the award-winning book The Golden Key to Strategy, (Ben Franklin
Award for Self-Help, 2006) which explains Sun Tzu’s concepts in a simple and entertain-
ing way.
Sun Tzu’s Science of Strategy is designed to give competitors an unfair advantage. It is
based on the idea that most people don’t To get from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War to these
key principles requires years of studying the
understand their position and how posi- original Chinese text. Sun Tzu’s text lists not
tions are advanced. Analyzing and advanc- dozens, but hundreds of formulas and it is an
interaction of all these formulas together. His
ing positions requires understanding the system assumes you understand the relation-
non-intuitive way that competitive systems ships of the five classical elements of Chinese
science and philosophy. In this description of
work. It also requires successfully predict- Sun Tzu principles, we explain his system from
the point of view of positioning. Positioning is
ing the actions of others, who are usually a solution that he comes to in his text, but it
don’t understand what they are doing. requires five chapters of careful explanation for
him to get there.
47 Key Principles 1 2
1. The “Journey of Life” Principle of Advancement
Strategy is the science of advancing positions. All advances must start from your current
position. Your current position has everything in it that you need to advance. The worst
position is, by definition, the easiest to advance. No position is permanent. Each position
is a stepping-stone to future positions. Positions can change through luck alone, but you
can only consistently advance your position in the direction you choose by understanding
the dynamics of competitive systems. When you consistently advance your position, you
open up unforeseen opportunities. Like any work of science or mathematics, the
goal of strategy is to simplify complex situa-
tions with methodology. To this end, a large
portion of Sun Tzu’s work is spent defining
terms clearly.
47 Key Principles 1 4
3. The “Many Eyes See Clearly” Principle of Perspective
Seeing strategic positions requires the perspective of a broad range of viewpoints. Each
individual has a unique viewpoint, but every viewpoint is inherently limited by its own
position. The result is that people cannot get a useful perspective on their own situations
and surrounding opportunities without getting information from others. Unfortunately,
most people only listen to those whose positions are most like their own. Since there is
an infinite amount of information, you need a system understanding what information is
the most relevant and where you can find it.
47 Key Principles 1 6
5. The “Feet on the Path” Principle of Mission
What people do is less important than why they do it. Actions can be predicted only by
understanding the motivations that sustain and drive them. To foresee your options, you
start by categorizing the motivations that drive those in positions that affect your own.
People operate at one of three levels of motivation: physical, social, or spiritual. Physical
motivations are the most short term, while spiritual motivations are the most long last-
ing. Groups and organizations are united to the degree that they share their mission and
see others within the group as supporting As you develop the warrior’s mind, you will au-
the shared mission as opposed to indi- tomatically use this important rule for analyzing
and subdividing organizations. The strategic
vidual agendas. factor of “mission” creates unity in an organiza-
tion, and that unity is the source of strength.
Division is the source of weakness.
47 Key Principles 1 8
7. The “Harvest the Planted Field” Principle of Ground
All positions must be grounded in the economic reality of available resources. The ground
provides those resources. When we discuss ground in the context of strategy, we mean
the ground you control and the surrounding ground into which you may be able to move.
Changing positions is a matter of choosing and moving to new ground. The ground is the
physical component of a position that gives it stability over time. The minimum con-
trolled ground is your own body. In classical strategy, many specific conditions affect the
form and utility of the surrounding ground. Strat-
Though translated into the tangible
egy teaches that there are four general types of resources of war—horses, armor,
ground, three dimensions of ground, six extreme helmets, etc.—these items are also a
metaphor for the generic resources that
forms of ground, and nine common ground situ- you cannot afford to lose if you want to
meet competitive challenges.
ations. Where and how we advance a position is
dictated by the form of the ground we are on and You can eliminate the risk of long-term
failure if you protect your resources.
that we are moving to. Every type of ground has This means picking battles where you
know how to prevent your own defeat.
its own rules.
47 Key Principles 2 0
9. The “Happy Student of Ancient Master” Principle of Methods
Methods allow groups of people to work together. The methods of an individual are
called skills. The methods of a group are called processes or procedures. Methods use the
resources of the ground and the skills of individuals to defend or advance positions. More
sophisticated methods allow larger groups to work together and individuals to develop
more specialized skills. Skills and processes create regions of internal control, protected
from the chaos of the competitive environment. This internal control allows planning
whereby skills can be organized into more effective processes. Methods arise out of the
creative decisions of command but must be evaluated by their service to mission. Meth-
ods can take on a life of their own, growing apart from the shared mission, and losing
contact with the competitive environment. The larger the organization, the larger their
region of internal control, and the more methods can drift from their external relevance of
serving mission.
47 Key Principles 2 2
11. The “Plant the Empty Field” Principle of Opportunity
Opportunities exist as openings in the environment that allow you to advance your posi-
tion in the direction of your mission. You cannot create opportunities. Opportunities are
created by the changes in climate interacting with the form of the ground. Positions are
advanced by recognizing opportunities and developing new methods to take advantage of
them. Most opportunities are difficult to see because individuals lack perspective on their
position. Command must choose to move into the best openings of opportunities. New
methods must be developed to utilize new opportunities. Your choice of opportunities
defines the direction of your movement.
47 Key Principles 2 4
13. The “Breeze Topples Mountains” Principle of Destruction
Existing positions can be defended only temporarily, because they are constantly
degraded by change. The same forces that create opportunities also destroy existing posi-
tions. As new resources are discovered, existing resources are devalued. Human history is
not the story of resources being exhausted, but the story of new resources outmoding old
ones. Methods that try to expand control to prevent destruction also eliminate opportu-
nities for progress. In the long term, all such methods must themselves be destroyed by
the mounting pressures of change. Organizations do not grow indefinitely because the
control demanded by their expanding internal processes eventually overwhelms their
ability to use command to adapt to change.
47 Key Principles 2 6
15. The “Four Legs of Fast Horse” Principle of the Progress
You must complete a cycle of four steps to make any successful advance. These steps
can be described as listen, aim, move, and claim. The Progress Cycle balances the forces
of input and output. Aiming and moving are the output part of the cycle. Listening and
claiming are the input part of the cycle. To build up or advance a position, input must
exceed output. The Progress Cycle also balances intellectual and physical forces. Listening
and aiming are the subjective and intellectual part of the cycle. Moving and claiming are
the objective and physical part of the cycle. If any step is missing in this cycle no advance
is possible. Working the Progress Cycle
is like riding a bicycle. You must press on As you learn, you master more of the con-
nections in strategic thinking which are often
one peddle then shift to the other in order based on number. For example, “four” always
connects to the four skills in advancing a posi-
to move forward, alternating input and tion. “Five” connects to the five key factors.
output, decisions and actions. You cannot “Six” connects to the six dimensions of an op-
move forward if you press on just one pedal portunity, and so on. This tradition goes back
to the I Ching and the ba gua as we explain on
no matter how hard you work. our science of strategy site.
47 Key Principles 2 8
17. The “Raindrops Fill Oceans” Principle of Scalability
The Progress Cycle is a standard model both for large-scale advances (generally referred
to as “campaigns”) and for smaller-scale advances. Each step in the Progress Cycle (listen,
aim, move, claim) can be broken down into a number of separate smaller progress cycles.
This technique of breaking steps into parts is especially useful for overcoming obstacles.
For example, when listening, you should first just listen. Then decide where you need to
aim the conversion. Then move to take the conversation in that direction by making a
claim. This claim sets up a new cycle of listening. Like the scientific method, the Progress
Cycle is a generic model that is adapted to most specific strategic responses.
47 Key Principles 3 0
19. The “Five Notes in Song” Principle of Listening
Listening is necessary to gain a perspective on your situation and especially your oppor-
tunities. Most people rely on too few resources for their information. While more sources
are better than fewer sources, having different types of sources is more important than
having more contacts who largely share the same perspective. You need five different
types of information sources for a well-rounded
The pattern of the five sources of infor-
perspective on your position. We describe these mation ties closely to the five factors in
resources as old hands, new eyes, insiders, guides, analysis, which, in turn, tie to the five
classical elements of Chinese science
and missionaries. and philosophy. After some training,
you understand these connections
47 Key Principles 3 2
21. The “Snake Strikes Instantly” Principle of Moving
In order to move successfully, you must immediately recognize and respond to traffic con-
ditions. Traffic conditions are those factors that facilitate or resist movement in a given
direction at a given time. All movement is controlled by the ground you must traverse and
changes in climate during the move. Only by moving can you discover the current traffic
conditions. Since all routes from your current position are unique, all traffic conditions
are also unique, both in place and in time. There are nine common traffic conditions that
you can encounter. Each requires a specific appropriate response. The goal of every move
is to reach the best available defendable position in the direction of the move with the
minimum expenditure of resources in the fastest possible time.
47 Key Principles 3 4
23. The “Questions Like Rain” Principle of Asking
Good strategy depends upon asking others for information and commitment. In con-
trolled environments, you can plan effectively because you can control the environment.
In competitive environments, competing plans collide, creating situations that no one
plans. Only by asking others what they know and what others plan can you avoid poten-
tial conflict. Only by asking others can you win the commitments necessary to coordinate
activities. The only vital weapon in strategy is the human mind. Only by asking the right
questions can you get other people’s minds working for you. By definition, you cannot
see these opportunities and barriers from your own limited perspective. You cannot learn
the terrain, identify opportunities, coordinate your movements, or make your claims
without asking others for their support.
47 Key Principles 3 6
25. The “Day Follows Night” Principle of Reversal
Extreme conditions tend to reverse themselves over time. Conditions are characteristics
that affect decisions. Big, small, hot, cold, fast, slow, hard, soft, dark, light, open, closed,
far, near, and so on are all conditions. Though often stated in terms of their extremes,
conditions are not complementary opposites but effects that range between extremes
along a continuum. Reversal is more than regression to the mean, that is, the tendency of
an extreme condition to become less extreme. Extreme conditions have a tipping point at
which the extreme itself creates the opposite extreme. For example, extreme overpopula-
tion of an animal must eventually create an extreme depopulation of the same animal.
This shift to depopulation can be caused by a depletion of food resources, an increase
in predators, the spread of diseases, or other reasons. When looking at a situation, the
balancing mechanisms at work in a system (complementary opposites) are often hidden.
The principle of reversal says that even when the balancing mechanism is unknown, you
must suspect that it is still at work.
47 Key Principles 3 8
27. The “Filled Cups Are Emptied” Principle of Inversion
Systems naturally seek to fill empty conditions and empty full ones, but the emptiness
and fullness of seemingly DIFFERENT conditions directly invert into one another. For
example, a fullness of barriers (closed) inverts into the emptiness of ground. The empti-
ness of ground inverts into the fullness of travel (speed). Fullness of size (big) inverts
into the emptiness of travel (slow). The science of strategy defines the specific nature of
these inverted relationships. Strategic leverage Though translated here in terms of “inver-
comes from working with this inversion force sion,” it is often easier to explain classical
strategy in terms of “leverage.” Certain spe-
rather than against it. cific types of decisions require the presence
of leverage. When leverage is missing, the
opposite course must be chosen.
47 Key Principles 4 0
29. The “Hidden Sword Stays Sharp” Principle of Secrecy
Ultimately, all resources exist primarily as information. An all-knowing being has infinite
resources. All individuals have extremely limited resources because they have extremely
limited information. Groups have more information and therefore more resources, but for
any group, no matter how large, the amount of unknown information is virtually infinite.
While some leverage is gained by using secrecy to protect proprietary information, all
such secrets are temporary. The larger the group that shares the secrets, the shorter its life
span. The most important secrets are those that can be discovered by being the first to
explore the unknown.
47 Key Principles 4 2
31. The “Paddling With the Current” Principle of Ease
You must make the easiest and lowest-cost move that advances your position. The path
of absolute least resistance always leads to degrading your position. However, in choosing
among paths that advance your position, there is always one path that allows the most
movement with the least resistance. Your progress along this path is leveraged by the
opposing forces of complementary opposites seeking to rebalance conditions of empti-
ness and fullness.
47 Key Principles 4 4
33. The “Free the Hidden Tiger” Principle of Momentum
Since perceptions create reality and reality creates perceptions, the least costly way to
overcome resistance is by doing what is completely unexpected at a critical time. Expec-
tations are set by consistent performance. Consistent performance is made possible by
standard methods. Standards make progress predictable but unremarkable. At a criti-
cal turning point, standard practices are abandoned and replaced with an innovative
approach.Innovation alone creates surprise and can overcome specific obstacles. Suc-
cessful innovations are repeated and eventu- The science of strategy connects the
ally become standard practice. Innovation and rules of basic physics to the rules of
human psychology, especially the
standard practices form a system of comple- psychology of groups. This makes
mentary opposites that, used correctly, creates it easier to predict the most likely
momentum. course events will take.
47 Key Principles 4 6
35. The “Eagle Strikes Bird In Flight” Principle of Decision
All decisions should be made consciously and quickly. Even the decision not to act must
be a choice rather than the result of indecision. You must quickly choose the best imper-
fect available alternative rather than waiting indefinitely for a perfect alternative. It is
better to choose nonaction if all available actions are too expensive and risky. All deci-
sions have consequences, but most people suffer much more from the consequences of
indecision. Strategy teaches you how to make much
better decisions. This starts by putting your
decisions into the framework of advanc-
ing or defending positions. When do you
defend your position? When do you try to
advance it? Do you ever abandon it?
47 Key Principles 4 8
37. The “Road Reaches Beyond Sight” Principle of Opportunism
A path in the right direction always exists, but you cannot know where that path leads
until you try it. Many attempted advances fail. Most successful advances yield small
payoffs, but when you continually advance in the right direction, it is only a matter of
time until you find yourself in the proper position to take advantage of a big opportunity.
When that opportunity arrives, it will not take the form you expect. It may not even take
you in the direction that you thought you were headed. However, when you recognize
such an opportunity, you must seize it and follow where it leads.
47 Key Principles 5 0
39. The “Wings Learn Wind” Principle of Resistance
Resistance is inherent in all systems and should never be unexpected. If others know you
are making a specific move, some will try to stop you. So me will try to stop you out of
fear of change. Others will try to stop you because your relative progress reflects poorly
upon their lack of progress. Others will try to stop you simply because they can. Because
resistance is inherent in all systems, you try to keep your moves a secret. When you
cannot keep your moves a secret, make them by a route that makes resistance difficult.
When such a route isn’t available, prepare surprises to derail resistance when it appears.
47 Key Principles 5 2
41. The “Never Fight Fair” Principle of Conflict
All conflict is costly. Success is more certain when conflict is avoided. Threatening conflict
is only cost effective when it decreases the chances of actual conflict. When conflict is
unavoidable, you must control the time, place, expectations, and reports of that conflict. If
you set up fights so that they are unfair, you are less likely to get involved in them.
47 Key Principles 5 4
43. The “Bright Paper Makes Gift” Principle of Packaging
People make judgments based on what they see. Packaging is a concern with outward
appearances. Everyone judges a book by its cover. A good package is often as important as
a good product. A fearsome-looking army is challenged less often. People judge the value
of what you offer by the care spent in packaging it. Packaging influences the subjective
judgments of positions. Packaging is an important part of preparing expectations.
47 Key Principles 5 6
45. The “Full Belly Soon Empty” Principle of Dreams
When you win a desired position, your dreams change and new challenges arise.
47 Key Principles 5 8
47. The “Greet the Rising Sun” Principle of Happiness
Happiness comes from looking forward to your next successful move, not from looking
back on your past successes.