The Mars Force
The Mars Force
The Mars Force
I learned a lot of things from one of my teachers, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Kiyosaki is a master at kicking people in the rear end, and getting people to realize that the cause of
their problems lies within their subconscious mind and emotions. That is crucial to make major,
permanent improvements in one’s life.
So, I am going to attempt to be a friend and say some things that you will not have heard from
anyone else.
Since you found this article, there is a much higher chance that you have been subjected to alien or
military abduction or mind control, even though you have no conscious memories of it, than there is
for other people.
If you have metaphysical abilities, there is a very high chance that you have been subjected to alien
or military abduction or mind control at least once in your life. And maybe a whole lot more than that.
The chances of this are even higher if you have had any experience in any military group, or have
any family member in the military, especially if they are/were an officer.
Whether or not you know you have them, your abilities could include:
Telepath – receiving (this can cause a lot of problems if you don’t realize the thoughts in your
head are not yours).
Telepath – projectional.
Empath – receiving. Picking up others feelings. (this can cause a lot of problems if you don’t
realize the feelings you feel are not yours).
Sender – able to move physical objects from place to place. Very valuable.
Advanced knowingness.
Super hearing.
The fact that you cannot remember any incidences, or using your abilities, does not mean anything.
Let me say that again, because this is the key to this article -
The fact that you cannot remember any incidences does not mean anything.
By the way, are you starting to feel some resistance to reading the rest of this article? I wouldn’t be
surprised if you are. Please be aware of this as you read this article.
Simple hypnosis plus certain drugs plus advanced technology is enough to prevent all conscious
recall. Plus the desire to even attempt that recall.
My husband Michael and I released our training DVD series “Perfect Health with Kinesiology and
Muscle Testing – The Revolution in Natural Healthcare ” around June 2008. We did this because
what worked for us, can work for you too. We really, really want abductees to know what is being
done to them and to have the tools to fight back and to heal themselves.
But we have been shocked and disappointed at the low number of abductees who have obtained a
copy. We are selling them, but mostly to people interested in natural health, not to abductees. And yet
it is abductees who often have strange health problems, due to the stress of being adducted.
We spent four years going to a huge amount of trouble, expense, heartache and spiritual attack to
make this training available. God meant this training to be made available, because many times when
we needed something to create the DVD, it was given to us when we needed it. So we can only
suppose that, as usual, God’s time is not the same as our time. Still, we hope that the time when all
people, and especially abductees, know how to do accurate muscle testing AND kinesiology to
balance problems out of the body is fast drawing near.
We have come to the realization that the level of control of people and especially abductees is far, far
greater than we could ever possibly have imagined. The size, strength and effectiveness of the level
of control is truly extra-ordinary. This realization came after assimilating many different observations
that we have made of the years, including but not limited to –
1) I gave drafts of the DVD training series, Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing, to a
number of friends who are serial abductees. They raved about it when they received my package. But
after they got the package, they did not ‘get around’ to getting past the first disk.
One lady had been begging me for MONTHS for the series. But when she got it, and sat down to
watch it, she would suddenly get an urge to get up and drink a coke instead – even though she never
drinks coke!
Another person was just ‘too busy’ to do it. Even though she had been waiting for YEARS for this
Which reminds me of another thing that Kiyosaki taught me. He knows something of the bigger
games that are going on on the planet. (Or he did back in the early 1990s. Who knows who has got to
him since then). He said that the name of the game on planet earth is –
That is –
That is, as long as ‘they’ keep you busy, they keep you from your true purpose, which is growing and
evolving spiritually, and helping others.
2) The low ratio of abductees to those ‘just’ interested in natural health who have ordered the DVD
series (to date).
This makes no sense, especially since abductees usually have worse health problems than other
people, and are open minded about alternative health. And it is abductees and readers of this site,
and the tens of thousands of readers of “The Mars Records” who have learned from our experiences
just how powerful kinesiology is – not just for healing all kinds of health and emotional problems, but
also as a very powerful tool for learning when, if and how one is being abducted, and ways to
overcome the effects of that.
Anyone who has an interest in subjects like abduction, mind control and metaphysical abilities, should
realize that the chances are very, very, very high that they have been abducted because of THEIR
metaphysical abilities, and that is WHY they are interested.
Having no memory or idea that you have even been abducted is NOT evidence that you have not
been abducted.
Having conscious reasons why you should not do something like kinesiology which can do so much
for you is not an answer either.
As Kiyosaki said –
What that means is, everyone has CONSCIOUS reasons why they do and don’t do anything. And
why things are not better than they are. But the treasonous commands that are stopping you from
improving your life are in your subconscious, where you cannot get at them normally. Kinesiology can
help to get around that.
Perhaps you’ve seen something similar to this at a hypnosis stage show: The hypnotist will call up
someone onto the stage, and tell them that when the hypnotist taps his tie, the person will stand up
and open up an umbrella. The person then goes back to his chair, unaware that he has been
programmed. As soon as the hypnotist taps his tie, the hypnotized person stands up and opens up
his umbrella. (Audience laughs but they should really be crying because of this terrible evidence of
brutal control). But the worst part is, that when the hypnotist asks them WHY they opened up the
umbrella, do the say the truth? Do they say “because you programmed me to do that?”. NO. They will
make up something from their conscious mind that is as rational as possible, something like “I just
wanted to test if it works”
3) A good while before the DVD, we went to a lot of trouble to create a dating site to help get fellow
abductees together. I know that Michael and I could never have done what we have done without the
support and constant watching from and communication with each other. We have managed to stay
free of abductions for 6 years now – even though they keep trying different stuff on us. ABDUCTEES
NEED SUPPORT. They need at least one other supportive person around who notices things and
with whom they can discuss things. And also who is trained and with whom they can swap sessions
of kinesiology and deliverance (and later on, clearing).
So we created a dating site where people could search for others who knew about aliens and other
paranormal stuff. Hardly anyone joined, even though the price was minimal, and even when we made
it free. So we closed it down. I know of at least six people who are VERY advanced in metaphysical
abilities, who are not in relationships, are hardly ever IN a relationship, were given free membership,
and never got around to signing up. Again, I think the program to keep people on their own so their
‘owners’ can get easy access to them has gone far deeper than I could possibly have guessed.
I recommend that anyone who is on their own, and thinks they may be an abductee or have
metaphysical abilities, or wants to explore this, or who found or, should arrange to be near someone who one can have as a friend or
housemate – to help to get free, and to work on each other, until you find your soul mate.
4) There is a ‘new’ phobia. It’s called “nomophobia”. An incredible one in five people get it. It means
that if they are out of range of a cell tower for their cell phone, they suffer as much stress AS IF THEY
ARE GETTING DIVORCED OR MOVING HOUSE!!!! That shows that there is something highly
advanced going on with cell phones. There is something in them that is addicting people to them and
controlling them.
When you do finally get your “Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing” DVD, and test for
cell phones, please do the test for emotional override. I believe now that all the muscle tests that I did
that made it look as though cell phones aren’t ‘that’ bad, were incorrect because I did not also test for
emotional attachment.
People are now so addicted to their cell phones that even conspiracy researchers don’t give them up.
Why carry around a walking receiver for the kind of commands that are in the movie “They Live” to go
into your brain, unless you have been programmed to do it?
5) We published “The Mars Records” in 2000. This was at considerable risk to our lives as certain
INTEL spooks do not appreciate public knowledge of ongoing projects. I envisioned that within a few
years there would be THOUSANDS of people who had not only done many hours of clearing, but
who had also published their results. So we would no longer stand out. I envisioned an army of
trained people who were doing all kinds of amazing things to free others, after having freed
themselves, and helping others to realize the reality of this situation.
But things don’t always turn out as we plan and the INTEL agents have had nothing to worry about.
Hardly anyone has done any clearing, or kinesiology, or deliverance, as we did,. as of July 2008. The
few people I have heard of who have had clearing sessions where they remembered abductions by
reptilians etc. do not want to publish their session notes, even anonymously. Admittedly, I realized
that people needed the wernicke’s correction, and cloacals, and a whole bunch of other stuff that is
on the DVD – but that just adds to my feeling of sadness when I see that the bulk of people
purchasing the DVD are natural health people, and not the abductees or possible abductees who
REALLY need this stuff, and who can do SO MUCH MORE with it.
6) Apart from “Pat” of The Mars Force, hardly anyone else has made the effort to do clearing
sessions on these subjects.
Please take note of another saying that I learned at a personal development seminar:
Please put that on your fridge. The ONLY person you can change is you. You cannot change anyone
Now, let’s see one way that you can change, so that your life can get a whole lot better.
My husband and I have created a 12 DVD training course, Perfect Health with Kinesiology &
Muscle Testing – The Revolution in Natural Health Care. This DVD is for everyone to improve
their health, well being, emotional strength and energy. However, if you have been subjected to
abduction or mind control or ritual abuse, there will be some extra things you should do. The
techniques for these things are taught in the DVD, but their application to paranormal subjects is not
mentioned, as the DVD is meant for everyone.
Therefore, this article will attempt to cover the techniques which Michael and I have found to be of
benefit to ourselves, and other people who have been subjected to abduction or mind control. I do not
have much experience with people subjected to ritual abuse, but much of the following techniques
would be useful for these people as well.
Before you do the techniques below, please complete all of the DVD series, Perfect Health with
Kinesiology & Muscle Testing, so that you will know what I am talking about and have some
experience. I also strongly recommend that you read “The Mars Records” and “The Mars Force –
Pat’s Story” to see how we have used kinesiology very successfully for abduction and mind control.
These 4 books are free to download from Reading those books could very
possibly stir up a whole lot of stuff for you to work on. Many people have told us they got super
headaches and even fainted while reading these books. That indicates that there is something in that
person’s memory that has a lot of stress on it. Otherwise these people would not react like this. In
addition, you can learn about the spiritual warfare aspects of this at “How to prevent military and alien
abduction” here.
On the other hand, there is one reason why you may NOT want to read these books at this stage. If
you do read these books, you are ” front loading” yourself with new information. You may prefer to
read them later on, AFTER you discover things about yourself. In that way, you then can’t say “oh, I
imagined all that, because I read of similar things in those books.”
Now, before we get started, there is something very, very important that I must warn you about.
Please pray for protection and guidance both before, and continually while, you do kinesiology and
muscle testing for abductees and mind control and ritual abuse victims. This is ESPECIALLY
important if you work on members of the public. If you work on members of the public, do not be
surprised if you get as many or more ‘INTEL spooks’ as clients on occasion, rather than people you
can help.
This work is dangerous. You may think it is kind of cool and fun. If that is your reason, I suggest you
do not work with members of the public. This is very serious. To learn how serious this is, read “Who
Killed our UFO Investigators” and “Whistleblower Dies on Stage”.
ONLY do this work because Yahweh God the Creator wants you to, and will give you protection and
guidance. This is not a game. You get no special T-Shirt for helping other people. You have been
First of all, as for all proper muscle testing and balancing, you must do the pretests. Note that David
Hawkins, author of “Power versus Force” does not even mention the pretests. The pretests are
ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for accurate results. Neither does Hawkins explain the many things that
are necessary to do for a correct muscle test. Plus he says that one should say “resist” instead of
“hold”, which means that it becomes a test of strength, and not an accurate muscle test. I guess that’s
because he is a psychologist, NOT a kinesiologist.
If the person you are working on has been abducted, this can take longer than normal. Maybe even a
lot longer than normal. They may be VERY blocked. As you learned in the DVD, if this is the case, do
Emotional Stress Release. If the person is open to the possibility of abductions and mind control,
while you do ESR, give a command to the person such as, -
“Have a look around and see if you were ever subjected to abduction or mind control.”
The person may nor may not see anything. But in any case, the brain will still process the information.
If you get them to do this while you do ESR for a while, you may get them to unblock.
Now if the person is an abductee or mind control victim, especially if this is their first session, it is in
my experience that quite likely by now the two of you are not alone in the room. You may even smell
or feel their presence by now. It is quite possible that right now you have in the room, or interfering
from a distance, some beings such as reptilians or grays., or a human remote viewer When they are
right in the room, I do not know if they are out of body, or doing some weird energy thing so they are
physically present. I just know that I have experienced this with a number of clients.
It can be quite annoying to have a client come for some kind of normal problem and then find that at
the very first session, the person is being blocked or switched because of the presence of a third
party. I once worked on a woman in Dallas. From memory, things went as normal at the beginning of
the session, but within about five minutes, nothing was working. Once you get very experienced at
muscle testing, and know that you can get truthful answers (because your answers have led to
improvements in people, or to them telling you things that agreed with the answers you were getting),
you can on occasion do a silent, almost invisible muscle test. If you are holding their arm up, you can
just ask the body TELEPATHICALLY, for example, as I probably did in that case in Dallas –
If you get an I/C (Indicator Change) then ask “Indicator change if the interference is from beings –
“With bodies”.
“Without bodies”
Then continue questioning. However, since you are doing this telepathically, you need to be super
fast and very gentle. The person may not even know that you are doing anything. In any case, the
whole experience of kinesiology is so strange to most people, that they won’t wonder at this.
In the case in Dallas, I got that we had two reptilians in the room. Now, this does NOT happen with
most of my clients. Maybe one in 20 or less. My problem was – as is often the case – how to deal
with this.. Generally I ask the person something like, -
“What’s the weirdest thing you have ever read about on the internet, that just might be true?”, or -
“I’m going to ask you a very strange question”. (So they aren’t so shocked when you ask them …) –
“Do you believe that UFOs exist?”
If they give a flat out vehement “No”, then I drop the subject like a hot potato and see how I can help
the person as best I can. If the person is not open and willing to learn more, then pushing too fast can
do more harm than good.
I think with the woman in Dallas I may not have asked her this question. I think I may have just said
something like –
“I’m getting that we have some kind of spiritual interference in the room. Would you be willing to pray
with me to remove it?”
She looked kind of wondering, but nodded. We each did a silent prayer, which removed the reptilians.
I then went on with the session. Unfortunately, I learned later after I left Dallas, that she later got
pregnant to her newly wed husband, but then had a miscarriage at 4 months. I am quite sure that the
reptilians took that baby. I will never know whether or not I should have told her more, but one cannot
help anyone if the person runs from the room thinking that you are crazy. And one can’t give too
much information to anyone at one time.
For the rest of this article, I will assume that you are working with a willing client who is open to what
is possible.
If the person is still blocked after you have done as much as you can, drugs may be involved. In that
case, it can help to muscle test for –
“Indicator change if there are any drugs that this body needs to balance out” and test the number
(zero, one, two etc.)
The trouble is, if they are blocked, how are you going test them? One way is that when you are very
good and practiced at correct muscle testing, you can sometimes get some kind of answer, even
when they are blocked. When you do this, your test is super, super light. They may not even move
their arm, but you will still ‘get’ the answer you are looking for (the truth). You are using the body to
access your own knowingness. As always, you still keep an open mind to the answer and ask
yourself “Is there a lock?”.
If you ‘get’ that there are drugs involved, to get an unlocking muscle so that you can balance out the
drugs, you may need to simply use INTENTION to get them to put the drugs into circuit, so that you
can balance them out.
Testing a client telepathically can also be useful if you have ANY thought that they could be an intel
spook. In fact, this is a good idea to do for all clients. If they are a spook, don’t’ tell them you are onto
them. They may not even know they are one if they are mind controlled. Just do what they came for –
eg: fix up their back. Or before you book them in, tell them that you are sorry but in their case you are
not able to help them. Do not give any reason, just say that you can’t help them.
A word of warning about INTEL spooks. If you ever ‘get’ that someone may be a spook, and decide
you want to do a session anyway, make sure you ask them AT THE LAST MINUTE if a friend of
yours who is learning kinesiology can also be present at the session. Especially do this if THEY are
bringing a second person to the session. I once had a man book in with me who was a new customer,
who had only a few simple problems. I think it was Michael who “got” that he was a spook, especially
after the man asked if a woman friend of his could attend the session. We tested Michael to find out if
he was a spook or not, and got that he was. So when he turned up I asked if Michael could be
present, since he was learning kinesiology. The woman never came in – she stayed in the car.
Nothing abnormal happened during the session, but I think that something would have happened if
Michael had not been there.
Remember that these are people. They have lives just like you. They are overworked and underpaid.
And in addition to all the government rules and B.S. they endure, they have no one to talk to about
their job or the projects they are working on. And THEY get mind controlled to make sure they keep
everything secret. So if you become a practitioner, always protect your physical person (never be
alone) and try to help whoever you can. They are not the enemy. The beings that control them are the
enemy. And when you help someone, you do YAHWEH’s will and those bad beings plans will be set
Another thing to remember. Never get involved with “secrets” or “classified” information. If ANYONE
ever offers to share with you ANY secret information, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit. You ARE
NOT a spy or law enforcement professional. You are not a part of their world. Do YAHWEH’s work to
help others and that’s all.
Hopefully, you will never need this kind of warming in your whole life. But depending on what you are
doing to help free the planet, and until you know everything about what has been done to you, and
what your abilities are, and how important your bloodline is to the evil ones, anything is possible.
In any case, it is always important protection to not see anyone at your own home, unless you know
them well. All strangers must be seen at a public center where there is someone else present in the
building who has seen your people. You can rent rooms at alternative health centers and at some
Be prepared for anything with a brand new person, even if you know them well. I will always
remember the first time I worked on Pat of “The Mars Force”. We had communicated a number of
times by email and I liked her very much from the emails. I also liked her when I first met her, after
she traveled to our home in Norfolk, Virginia. She seemed very intelligent and ladylike, with a lot of
gentleness and internal strength. She is very soft spoken. I will quote from “The Mars Force – Pat’s
Story” –
Michael and I picked Pat up at the bus station. Although she had come a long way, I felt that I should
give her a short kinesiology session that evening. The session was done in my home. It was lucky
that God was looking after us and made sure that the first session was on a Sunday, because
Michael was at home and he was definitely needed!. Pat lay on the massage table but almost as
soon as I started to muscle test her I got a violent reaction. After doing sessions on hundreds of
different people, I had never seen anything like this.
She was blocked, which is not unusual. What was unusual was that as soon as I tried to unblock her
she began to scream. Plus her left arm started moving in circles all by itself. It would start at her side
and then move in a jerky movement across her body. Then move back to her left side and then start
off again. I felt that it was her body reliving a time when it was pulling against restraints. Pat thought it
might have been her deflecting energy, possibly in some way connected to the “alters ” that we later
discovered she had.
I called in Michael to help me and it was only through the deliverance that he did, with the help of
Jesus Christ, that I was able to continue at all. The first session was quite frenetic and I did not take
many notes, although it was taped and we were able to later on hear again the screams that suddenly
came out of Pat’s mouth – a lady who until then had appeared very gentle, soft spoken and ladylike.
I got that she had metaphysical alien circuitry on her and began to remove it, while Michael was
praying for her. She also seemed to have metaphysical implants in her which I removed as best I
If we had never taped those sessions, I doubt that Pat would ever have remembered or believed that
she was had actually SCREAMED during the session!
If you are having trouble with the pretests, at least give them a glass of reverse osmosis water, so
that at least dehydration should be taken care of.
If the person has been abducted or subjected to mind control, it is almost guaranteed that they will
have been given drugs. Test how many different drugs are available to be balanced out. Then
balance them out one by one. Call each drug “Drug number one”, “Drug number two” etc., since we
don’t know the names of most of them.
Once you have finally got all of the pretests in order, make sure you do the same balances that you
would do for any client. That is, check first that their Centering is in balance. As you learned in the
DVD, do it once with eyes open and again with eyes closed. A number of abductees will have
everything in balance with eyes open and nothing in balance with eyes shut, because their eyes were
shut when horrible things were done to them.
And then, as for every client, do a 14 Muscle Balance, with eyes open and with eyes shut.
As you learned in the DVD, write down everything that you find out of balance, so that the next time
you work on them, if the same systems are out of balance again, you can lock in the weakness and
hunt down the cause of the imbalance. It can take a few sessions before even a normal person, let
alone an abductee, stays permanently in balance, because you have removed the hidden layers of
stress that were stored in the person.
Once you get their Centering and 14 Muscles to stay in balance, they will probably feel wonderful, or
at the very least, a whole lot better than they used to feel.
AND RITUAL ABSUSE, or anyone who has or may have metaphysical abilities.
CRUCIAL: At the start of every session, after you have done the pretests, test for blocks for finding
“Booby Traps”, followed by a test for “Booby Traps”.
A Booby Trap is just a special kind of Wernicke’s command, but it can be deadly.
Because removing Booby Traps is so absolutely essential for anyone who has any interest in UFO or
paranormal subjects, or has ever had any unusual experiences, I strongly recommend that people do
this. Instead of doing the normal order of DVDs, do disks #1, #2 and then go straight to disk #11 of
Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing.
1) Commands to die if the person remembers. Examples that I have found on people are:
“Die if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this one. Note: the word “this” is
usually, but not always, in the sentence, to keep it specific.
“Kill yourself if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this command also.
“Don’t remember this or your heart will stop.”
“This will happen if you remember this.” (shows person a video of horrible things)
“We are going to disembowel you if you remember what we’ve done.”
“You will die if you think about this.”
2) Commands to kill the person who helps them to remember (that is, you). Examples that
have been found are:
“You’ll kill anyone who helps you to tear down your programming.”
3) Commands that relate to endangering others. The third category may not hurt anyone, but it
could stop you from getting yourself free and cleaned up. Examples I have found on another
“You put your family in danger if you tell anyone about this.”
A woman healer was murdered by one of her male clients in Melbourne Australia around 2000. I
believe that it is possible and even likely that the man was a victim of mind control and the healer
inadvertently removed the blocks to his memories, without first removing any booby traps.
Do not underestimate the power of booby traps. I once worked on a woman who had many health
problems (eg intense stomach pain) as the result of abduction by reptilians. I removed ten wernicke’s
commands to stop her from remembering. After two sessions her health problems went away. BUT, I
forgot to look for any booby traps as at that time I thought that only the military used these. A few
weeks later she went to a doctor, thinking she had a minor stroke, plus she started ‘talking funny’ – it
was like her brain wasn’t working correctly. I then tested and found five booby traps including “Have a
stroke if you remember this” and “Have an accident if you remember this”. She was fine after that.
Say “Indicator change for the number of commands to be removed that might stop us finding any
booby traps”. Then identify them. Examples that I have found include:
“They can’t be removed”
Once these have been found and removed, test if there are any booby traps to be removed. Say
Then muscle test. If you get an indicator change, there ARE booby traps to be removed. Then muscle
test for the NUMBER of booby traps to be removed. This helps to make sure you get them all. Say:
Then identify the booby traps. Also identify what species of being gave the person each booby trap.
It is important to check for booby traps at the start of every session. And periodically during a session.
A booby trap is just a special kind of Wernicke’s Command. You treat it exactly as you would treat a
Wernicke’s Command.
Once you have removed any booby traps, you are now free to go hunting for other wernicke’s
1) Kinesiology
3) Deliverance / Prayer
Please email us and let us know what results you get! We have found that some people have these.
“Indicator change for the number of wernicke’s commands that are available to be removed related to
Test from zero to the number. Once you have the number, go find them.
If the person was subject to mind control or alien abduction or military abduction, my experience has
shown that it is highly likely that they will have at least the following two commands to prevent
memory regain:
“Forget this”
“Forget this.”
“You imagine this happened.”
“You’re dreaming.”
“This is a dream.”
“Forget us.”
“You’re not getting any images” (from a doctor). Michael got that this was a joke on their part,
because he often says during sessions “I’m not getting any images.”
Note that the above commands tried to be specific about forgetting just one period in time. They were
not all inclusive. For example, they nearly always include the word “this” in them. While this can have
spillover into a person’s life, so that they affect the person’s life, the above commands are not nearly
as bad as other commands that I have found which are not specific.
I can only imagine that the commands which are not specific were done by people who were stupid
people, as well as being evil, because they don’t understand what they are doing with words and
mind control. When a command to ‘forget’ is not specific, it can ruin a person’s life in limitless ways,
such as causing a person to be unreliable and untrustworthy, because they cannot remember things
that they have told another person that they would do. This will negatively affect their professional
career, personal relationships, finances, efficiency and personal growth.
The following are some of these commands which I have found, which can really mess up a person’s
by affecting almost every area of their life:
“Never remember.”
“Don’t remember.”
“You can’t remember.”
“No remembering.”
“Stop remembering.”
“Forget everything.”
“Always forget.”
“Go to sleep.”
“Stay asleep.”
“You’re at home.”
“Memory is forbidden.”
“Your memories are deactivated.”
In addition, for each command, test whether it was deliberately inserted into the person or
accidentally received. If it was deliberately inserted, test what specie/s gave it:
Ceremonial Magician (we have found that these beings are so demonized that the body no longer
regards them as ‘human’)
Other Alien
Examples that I have found that were deliberately given to the person are:
“Obey immediately.”
“Obey ASAP.”
“Serve us.”
“Give yourself to us.”
“Surrender to me.”
There could be at least up to 20 of these. Check to see what species gave them to you. The following
were given by Draconians.
Examples include:
Don’t manifest.
Que sera sera (“What ever will be, will be.” Note: Doris Day programmed this into nearly everyone
with her song. I was going to embed her singing it, but I can feel the programming in it very strongly).
Changing reality is forbidden.
(The brain removed the rest after this by itself. This is not uncommon, the brain learns quickly).
“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to
suppression of metaphysical abilities.”
Every now and again, test for the number of metaphysical abilities that the person has. Do the best
you can to identify each one. Realize that some of them may not even have a name to cover them.
Some of these abilities are to do with other universes and dimensions. This whole subject gets very
mind expansive.
“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to
suppression of wealth.”
It is our experience that many abductees and mind control victims have cashflow problems BY
DESIGN. People who are in constant drama due to lack of money are much easier to control. And
less likely to spend money on things that may help them to wake up and get free.
“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to
suppression of relationships.”
It is our experience that many abductees and mind control victims have relationship problems BY
DESIGN. People who are on their own or with someone who is not aligned with them are much easier
to control. And less likely to find out things and get free.
I mentioned that Pat had alien circuitry on her body. A lot of people have this. To find it, do a ‘body
scan’. Move your hand over their whole body while you test Anterior Deltoid. When you get an I/C,
you may have something to be removed. Once you locate it, you may be able to ‘see’ or sense it.
This circuitry is invisible and metaphysical, but it’s still there. It can be in the form of:
Wires, especially coming out the crown chakra and ears, and back of the knees.
Etheric eggs.
Third eye.
Base chakra.
Solar Plexus
Remember that chakras come out the back as well as the front of the body.
This circuitry can be within or on the body. Or several inches or even several feet outside the body.
To get rid of it, grab it and with a lot of intention, pull it off and throw it away, and click your fingers as
you throw it, to help vanish it.
In this article, I explain how I discovered that the C.I.A. and probably other organizations have put a
microchip into vaccines which lowers a persons metaphysical abilities. I assume that they can reverse
this whenever they need to use the person.
I have not had as much success with this as I would like, but I have had at least some success. It can
certainly help to periodically test for how many alters the person has. And to find what species or
organization gave the person each alter. And the purpose of each alter. Even that knowledge can
help the person to as-is some of their mind control, and to help the alters to heal. Their prayers will be
move powerful when they know specifically what to pray for.
This can be a great way to help to convince a person who is open minded but not sure that they have
been abducted. Find a weakness and then lock it into circuit, as you learn in Disk 12.
If you get that the cause is something that could be related to abduction, then test to see if the cause
was in fact an abduction, or something forcefully done to the person that the person has no conscious
memory of. I have found that if a person had bad stuff done to them by a parent or relative,, as part of
a ritual, that it won’t register as an ‘abduction’ because the person was never taken, they were
“volunteered” .
I have found that often if the cause of a problem is the emotion “No choice”, that the emotion came
from an abduction or sexual abuse. “No choice
This has worked for me on a number of occasion. For example, one woman had problem sleeping
(hardly surprising when they usually abduct people when they are asleep). No matter what a person’s
symptoms are, you still do the same things. When I balanced her a second time, her cloacals were
out of balance. So I locked in this weakness and located the cause. I don’t remember the exact way it
turned out, but by using the techniques you will learn in Disk 12, you are not front loading the person.
You are just going through lists of things that could be the cause, which narrows it down. Finally, I got
that she had been abducted by reptilians. Once I did some Emotional Stress on this, her cloacals
were able to stay in balance, and her sleep was able to improve.
However, symptoms like this will only improve long term if the person believes what is going on
(which she didn’t), and joins in the fight and determines to be vigilant against further attacks.
Kinesiology is a major weapon for this.
Remember, you MUST keep a totally open mind when doing this. While you can do it this way, it’s
often better to find out that a person has been abducted by doing it the way I described above –
through locating the cause of a particular symptom, rather than going straight in for questions like
below. This is called “front loading”. However, if you are really good at getting accurate answers and
keeping an open mind, here is what you do:
“Indicator Change the number of times this person has been abducted”
If ‘more than one”, test “more than 10″ to narrow it down more quickly.
Note that this test has problems associated with it. There is a lot of emotion with this, and maybe a lot
of programming and hidden layers. So this answer may not be the truth, but it can still often provide
an accurate answer, and a surprise to the person who is tested. Test this every now and again after
you have removed other layers of the onion.
If you get a zero, test and keep an eye out for possible interference.
Sometimes when I think I get interference, I pretend to walk away from the person, then quickly rush
back to test again – and then get a different answer!
Once you know the number of times the person has been abducted, then test for which species were
involved, including:
Other Aliens
Remember, as for all kinesiology, the different imbalances and commands etc. are in layers, like
layers of an onion. So you need to periodically check again for the same things that you have already
done on the person. Things like booby traps, wernicke’s commands, circuitry, interference, false
memories etc.
PLEASE do not delay. Get the DVD series Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing –
The Revolution in Natural Healthcare today. Do not let your conscious reasons for not doing this
now get in the way. This knowledge will benefit you and your loved ones in many, many ways for the
rest of your life. And save you a fortune now or later in health care. Remember, there is a full 60 day
money back guarantee if you don’t really love it as much as I say you will.
I am offering to readers only a special offer. If you cannot afford the DVD set
today, even at the low monthly payment plans, email me and tell me your situation, and I will see
what I can work out. We really, really want people who have metaphysical abilities and who want to
help the planet to benefit from this knowledge, so that together we can all be free.
If you keep a journal of all the strange things that happen in your life, it will help you to keep doing
things to get free when your mind and the bad guys try to get you to stop. You might include in your
journal things that happen when you are doing the kinesiology DVD, and other things such as
deliverance to get free. You might also include a list of evidence that you are an abductee (members
of the family in the military, freemasons in the family, missing time, strange experiences, extended
time spent in Europe or near military bases etc.). Obviously, keep it in a secret place. Just remember
that anything you write down could be used against you at some future time, even by family
Here’s an example of the kind of thing that you might include. A woman who purchased the DVD
emailed us:
I just “watched” the emotional stress relieve section and went totally unconscious, just woke up and
feel like I been hit by a truck!
1) It is suggested that metatech readers who purchase the DVD set do the disks in a different order
from other people. You could do Disks #1 and #2, and then go straight to #11 (Wernicke’s
commands). Look for booby traps, followed by commands against remembering, and other
sabotaging commands, such as commands to keep you on your own or with less money. Test which
commands were given deliberately, and which ones you picked up accidentally.
2) If you have read this article, and have purchased my DVD Training “Perfect Health with
Kinesiology & Muscle Testing” and are interested in meeting with another person who has done the
same, please email me of your wish, your location and your phone number. I cannot promise
anything, but if there is another person not too far from you, maybe the two of you can make contact
with each other. Of course, I know nothing about either of you and cannot take any responsibility for
anything that happens from introducing you to each other. And remember – the spooks are reading
this too.
3) Pray to God for guidance and discernment at all times. And pray to God to send you a good person
to work with.
Please see Feedback from Metatech readers who have learned “Perfect Health with Kinesiology &
Muscle Testing”.
Relationship Troubles May be Caused by Commands Inserted into the Brain during Abduction
Wernickes Mind Control Commands and
How You Can Remove Them
If you are not doing some kind of Personal Development, you are leaving money on the table. It is
well known among the affluent classes that certain practices and techniques remove the “damage”
and problems that life causes and allow people to move forward toward happiness and wealth.
Celebrities, CEOs and the rich and powerful constantly seek out new ways to give them the
advantages and leverage they want in their lives. They understand that the first investment is to
invest in themselves and they have never even heard about what you are about to learn.
Mind Control commands stored in the Wernickes area of the brain can sabotage a person’s life and
ruin their health, relationships, career and ability to create wealth. Self improvement becomes very
difficult, if not impossible.
Please let me share with you a way to remove these commands without spending years of your life
and hundreds of thousands of dollars doing it.
Who am I? My name is Michael Relfe and I helped produce “The Perfect Health System”. My wife
Stephanie supplied the talent, healing expertise and the raw determination to create a training system
that would allow anyone to learn kinesiology and possess a technology that would help them make
fantastic improvements in their life. I supplied the technical support: Audio, Video, Lighting, Editing,
etc, etc.
I want to tell you a little about myself and why you need Disk 11 (The Wernicke’s Correction). I have
spent 24 years in the IT industry and have been an employee or consultant for Fortune 50 companies
such as AMEX, IBM, American Airlines and The US Navy. I hold a degree in Computer Science and
am a graduate of United States Naval Nuclear Power School. I am not sharing these things to attempt
to impress you. I want to help you understand that your success in life and the completion of your
goals is in your hands and that with kinesiology … a special kind of kinesiology, you now have the
technology to change your situation and get what you want out of life.
I know you have heard it before. Personal Development. I know you have read the words,
propaganda and horse manure from the big boy millionaires. Promises. Testimonials. Thousands of
dollars for seminars from some clown that only cares about stuffing your money into his bank
account. Some of these guys get $5,000 or more for a weekend seminar. Other “Big Boys” can get
$20,000 for a 2 week “workshop”. And I have seen the offers from more than one “Guru” that will
allow you meet them and join their private club for a cool $50,000. You get people talking at you,
using hypnosis and NLP on you, and all the while trying to “upsell” you on the next big seminar.
Does it work? Who knows. At the end of it all you are still “you”. The worst thing about all this is that
many people who attend these workshops do not make any real changes in their lives. And now they
are thousands of dollars in debt.
Well now there is something new and the “big boys” don’t have it. And it doesn’t cost $50,000.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do some people seem to get all the breaks and
other people are constantly being broken? Why is it that someone else seems to have the best
relationships, best career and the most money? And why are other people so happy all the time?
Let me share with you some startling information. Scientists have discovered that the instructions and
commands that people receive during their lives can be stored in the Wernicke’s area of the brain.
And many of these commands can have long term negative effects on those people.
Wernicke’s commands could be YOUR worst enemy! Imagine dozens or even hundreds of tiny
“computer programs” or “CD records” screaming into your subconscious commands such as “You’re
no good”, “You will always be poor”, “You’ll always be fat” “You’re really stupid” “You’ll never make
anything of yourself” “ You never remember anything” and “You’ll never get married”.
And they “go online” at the worst times. When you are under stress. Working on projects. Making life
changing decisions. And they interfere and cause you to make the wrong decision. Is it any wonder
why people are looking for ways to change their lives in areas such as money, relationships and
Everyone has at least some wernicke’s commands against having money, success and achieving
results. As an example, here are thirty commands that were found on one person, in one session:
•”You’re a failure.”
•”Don’t complete that.”
•”You’re messy.”
•”Slow down.”
•”Be ordinary.”
It can be really tough to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself if your subconscious mind is
sabotaging you at every turn. How can you get out of that rut?
It is one small part of “The Perfect Health System“
It is possibly the most important kinesiology correction for personal development and life
improvement ever discovered.
In “Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing”, my wife, Australian Kinesiologist
Stephanie Relfe is bringing the Wernicke’s Correction outside of Australia and making it available to
the world for the very first time.
By eliminating the self sabotaging commands stored in your brain, you can finally achieve the things
in your life that you have been working for.
In “Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing” you will learn the complete procedure for
the Wernicke’s Correction. Nothing is censored. Nothing is held back. There is no “upsell product”. No
further courses are necessary for you to learn Kinesiology and the Wernicke’s Correction and to start
applying it to you and your loved ones or to your healing practice. You really can remove self
sabotaging commands and improve your life. This is just one small part of this amazing course.
Please note that this is not meditation, visualization, affirmations, hypnosis, NLP or any other “mind
science” type of system. I know some people love such programs because of their high energy
delivery and their claims of instantaneous results. But there is a problem with these systems. They
are not removing the underlying cause of the person’s difficulties. They are adding a new
“program” on top of the old “program”. There is no point in putting jam on top of moldy bread. What is
needed is a scientific procedure for removing the underlying cause of the problem and then letting the
person sort out their own life. Do you really want someone to “program” you with their latest seminar
or audio tape?
Kinesiology is scientific. Chiropractors and Licensed Massage Therapists using Kinesiology put
treatments on insurance. And this is the actual hands on, repeatable, meat-and-potatoes kinesiology
correction. Some kinesiology corrections are for your body. This kinesiology correction is for your
brain. And it is demonstrated completely in “Perfect Health With Kinesiology & Muscle Testing –
Disk 11″.
And no, it’s not available separately. You need to learn Kinesiology from the other disks before you
can use it correctly.
But let me warn you. The Wernicke’s Correction is easy to learn. It is easy to perform. But for some
people that refuse to change and like being the way they are, it could be tough for them to actually sit
down and take the time to do it. Wernicke’s commands are like the layers of an onion. They will not
come out all at once.
But it can do what no other healing modality in the world can do.
If you are a practitioner, the Wernicke’s Correction is a powerful addition to your arsenal of healing
modalities. The Wernicke’s Correction will allow you to have even more ways to help your clients and
they will have even more reasons to book in with you. And as with everything we teach at,
we do NOT charge royalties. So if you want to teach classes on Kinesiology, including the
Wernickes correction or just use it in your practice and become a “Wernickes Specialist“, we
encourage you to do so. This is a new technology and you might be the only person in your state
providing that service.
So after all these years of trying to find the “missing link” to your success, maybe the Wernicke’s
correction is it. This is one that the “big boys” don’t know about. You will have to invest the few hours
it takes to learn kinesiology. Then you will have to invest the time to do the corrections. The results?
Everyone is different but I can tell you that with the help of my wife Stephanie, I have had many
hundreds of self-sabotaging commands removed from my mind and things get better all the time.
The Wernicke’s commands are real. And negative commands are deadly to anyone’s Health, Wealth
& Happiness. I no longer allow them to control my life.
Michael Relfe
P.P.S. Kinesiology even works on horses and pets, please visit here.
As a person gets more and more specific communication back from their body through kinesiology sessions, they
often begin to take more and more responsibility for their own health. Plus they have more knowledge of how to do
that. When a big, tough guy sees that a puny girl can easily push his arm down when he says “alcohol” or “sugar”, he
often begins to think seriously about giving them up. Many people don’t feel like giving up harmful habits because
someone else has told them that they should, but when their own body starts telling them in no uncertain terms that
those habits are weakening it, then that is another matter.
However, kinesiology goes beyond muscle testing. It also includes corrections which balance the body
energetically so that different systems can work more efficiently. The brain allows you to become aware of energetic
imbalances and blockages. It then rectifies these. It is not uncommon for people to notice an immediate absence of
pain in the troubled area during a session. Within a few days many other symptoms often go away as well. Even better,
the symptoms often stay away, provided the person no longer does the thing that caused the problem in the first place.
This can be a great help for fat loss.
When we are tired, hurting or feeling negative emotions, it can be more tempting to eat something that is toxic.
Kinesiology can help a person to improve all of these symptoms. Even better, it helps to balance the body’s energies so
that the body can work more efficiently. For example, if there is a blockage in the large intestine energies, the person
might become constipated. This causes a back log of toxins, and makes it much harder for the body to burn fat. I have
not seen a client who was constipated who I have not been able to help using kinesiology, combined with
improvements in diet.
If you are the kind of person who has “tried everything” including all kinds of doctors and natural healers for a
particular problem, including fat loss, then you are typical of the kind of clients who I have seen, and been able to help
with kinesiology.
Kinesiology is a truly ‘wholistic’ system, because it looks at the whole person (not just at selected parts). When you
step on a cat’s tail, it’s the other end that screams. That is, the whole body affects the whole body.
In addition, kinesiology looks at all types of stresses which can cause disease. They include emotional, nutritional,
structural and electrical stress.
The basis of kinesiology is that the body is like an electrical piece of equipment, which is controlled by an
incredibly complex computer, namely the brain. The brain is continually in communication with each of the
approximately 639 muscles in the body, and it knows exactly what it needs and in what priority.
There are many kinesiology balances which can help you to reduce fat. For example, there is a balance called the
Fourteen muscle balance. This balance is based on Chinese medicine. Each of the fourteen muscles that are muscle
tested, relate to a particular organ or system in the body. For example, if a person has their Quadriceps muscles out of
balance, not only may they find that they have difficulty climbing stairs, because this is a major muscle in the upper
leg, but the small intestine will also be out of balance, because it is energetically connected to the small intestine.
The Fourteen muscle balance is based on the body clock. We have all talked about how our “body clock” gets
messed up when we travel long distances by air. What not so many people know is that ancient Chinese mapped this
clock. It includes the energy flows in the main meridian systems during a 24 hour time period.
The Body Clock based on the Meridian System from Chinese medicine
from “Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing”
Energy flows continuously around the body in an unbroken flow like a river, on invisible pathways called
meridians. These meridians form the meridian system. The meridian system is the basis for acupuncture.
The Anterior Torso Meridians, from
“Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing”
The Posterior Torso Meridians, from
“Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing”
The Head Meridian Relationships, from
“Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing”
Each meridian is associated with a particular organ or system of the body. Each item on the body clock is
associated with a particular meridian in the body. For example, the central nervous system, in the middle of the wheel,
is associated with the supraspinatus muscle.
At particular times of the day, more energy flows to one meridian, and hence to one organ, than at any other time
of the day. If you look at the wheel you will see that at 1 to 3 pm, the small intestine meridian receives more energy
than any other meridian. Then at 3 to 5 pm, the bladder meridian receives more energy than any other meridian.
Then at 5 to 7 pm, the kidney meridian receives more energy than any other meridian. And so on around the clock
until you come again back to the small intestine meridian.
Look again at the body clock. Notice how different lines go to different organs? When an organ receives maximum
energy, the organ that is opposite that organ on the wheel receives minimum energy. For example, 11 am to 1 pm,
most energy goes to the heart. At the same time, the least amount of energy goes to the one opposite the heart, which
is the gall bladder.
Note that at 1 to 3 pm most energy goes to the small intestine. Also, at this time the least amount of energy goes
to the liver, because the liver is directly opposite the small intestine on the clock. This is why people get more drunk
from alcohol at lunchtime, than at any other time of the day. At this time of day, the liver has less energy available, and
the liver is the organ that has to detoxify the alcohol. Another interesting correlation is the time when most heart
attacks tend to occur, which is in the middle of the night, when the heart energy is at its lowest.
In the middle of the circle are central and governing. Central is short for the central nervous system and governing
is the nervous system related to the spinal cord.
If you are one of those people for whom “nothing works” for your health problems, and you are also extra low in
energy, then it’s quite possible that an energy system called the “cloacals” is out of balance. This is the most powerful
kinesiology correction of all, and one that can cause miracles. The cloacals is an energy system that is related to the
autonomic nervous system, which controls many actions of the human body. This control happens without the
person having to think about it, such as heart rate and digestion. The cloacals is part of Applied Kinesiology. It is
unknown by the medical system, and even by most kinesiologists.
If anyone has ever had a time when they were healthy, and then almost overnight started having all kinds of awful
symptoms, including weight gain, it is quite likely that one of two things happened:
1. They picked up a parasite. Particularly suspect this if the person travelled to a foreign country. Please see the
chapter on parasites for more information.
2. Their cloacals went out of balance as a result of extreme stress. The stress could have been:
Unlike most energy systems in the body, the cloacals do not seem to be good at getting back to balance by itself
with a good night’s sleep. I have had clients whom muscle testing indicated that they had their cloacals out of balance
since they were born, often because of a difficult birth.
The cloacals are part of what kinesiologists call the centering system. The test to see if the centering system is in
balance is simple. As always, the tester must do the six pretests first to make sure that all muscle tests are valid. (There
are many people who think that they know how to muscle test, but since they don’t do the pretests, their results are
invalid). The tester then warns the person of what they are about to do. The tester then gives the person a light slap on
an upper arm, and then muscle tests the other arm. If the arm tests weak, that means that the simple slap was more
stress than their body could handle and the centering system is out of balance. Once the appropriate Kinesiology
correction is applied to the body, and the test is repeated, the arm will stay strong when the body is given another light
Anyone who has “incurable” health problems and very low energy, as well as fat that refuses to budge, quite
possibly has their cloacals out of balance. Rebalancing the cloacal system can help to heal and to reduce fat, because
the cloacal system controls and regulates most, if not all, of the major fluctuating qualities and quantities in the body.
The cloacals seem to work by acting as a reference point for the autonomic nervous system, which has the main job of
maintaining stability within your body. Therefore, with the cloacals out of balance, a person will be continually out of
balance. Their body is like a ‘leaf in the wind’, affected greatly by even the smallest stresses, and not able to completely
heal itself fully, even with good food and sleep.
In addition, the person may be operating on a shocking 30 – 70 % of normal body energy levels. In this case, there
is little energy available for any needed healing or fat reduction, and a person can feel so lousy that foods like ice
cream become a lot more attractive.
For example, if the cloacals are not working properly, a few of the things that may not be as efficient as possible
are the following:
Body fat.
Hormone levels.
Blood sugar levels.
Body energy levels.
Emotional stability.
Allergic responses.
Reproductive organs.
Blood pressure.
Body temperature.
Speed of healing.
Immune efficiency.
Brain chemistry.
Learning abilities.
The good news is that a good kinesiologist can put the cloacal system back into balance. People sometimes notice
an immediate improvement in their symptoms. In cases where people feel worse for a few days after having their
cloacals back in balance, it is a symptom of the body using the extra energy available to it to heal some major
problems, which previously the body did not have the energy to do.
You can learn this yourself, because I teach the cloacals correction in my DVD training system, Perfect Health
with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing. I also teach that to get a permanent healing you may need to do more than just put
the cloacals back in balance. If the cloacals do not stay in balance during the weeks after rebalancing them, as they
should, then the kinesiologist needs to use muscle testing to locate the cause of why the cloacals would not stay in
I have found that the cause can be many different causes, all of them extremely stressful to the body. Some causes
have been major emotional shock like death of a loved one, or divorce of parents, a car crash, having something
terrible happen in childhood, being born by “western” birthing methods, having a baby – or even what would appear
to be not too stressful, but obviously is from how it puts the cloacals out of balance - being vaccinated, using an
electric blanket or eating microwaved food.
Once you get the cloacals to be in balance, and to remain in balance, you may get a surprise at the list of
symptoms which is improved if not fully healed. I used to cry much too very easily before I found kinesiology, and it
was all because my cloacals were out of balance. Now I cry only for beautiful things. It’s also likely that this is one of
the reasons why I used to eat huge amounts of food, and now do not eat nearly as much, at the same time that I no
longer experience constant hunger.
The cloacals correction is explained in the Basic Applied Kinesiology Workshop Manual by Gordon Stokes and
Mary Marks, which is unfortunately currently not available. A very strange thing is that, while the cloacals is the most
important Applied Kinesiology correction of all, it is not described in the Applied Kinesiology Synopsis by Walther.
However, I teach this correction in my DVD training system Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing.
Unfortunately, you cannot do kinesiology on yourself, because a broken computer cannot fix itself. Your brain is
the computer. You need to have someone else work on you. Because it can be difficult finding a good kinesiologist to
work on you, my husband and I spent four years creating Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing, which is
designed for ordinary people to learn, not just professional natural health practitioners, so that they could improve
their health. More information is available at and as
well as
As a wife and mother, I do not know how other people manage to raise a healthy, happy, thin family without the
tools that kinesiology provides, and that I teach in my DVDs. If you want to reduce your fat, and ‘nothing works’, then
I highly recommend that you learn kinesiology with someone close to you, so that you can work on each other, or find
a good kinesiologist to work on you. Kinesiology really can be your “Secret Weapon” for health.
BONUS – After completion of the Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing program, all students that the
pass the certification exam are awarded a certificate suitable for display in their office. In addition, they receive
permission to use the course to teach others in their area without the payment of royalties.
Please visit
How Your Metaphysical Abilities are Being Suppressed
THE METAGENE FACTOR: Quote from “Blue Planet Project”- a notebook made by a
scientist who worked with Greys and Reptilians for the government:
The Metagene is a biological variant lying dormant in select members of the human race
[especially on planet earth], until an instant of extraordinary physical and emotional over-stress
activates it. (Apparently a latent self-preservation ‘gene’ capable of producing seemingly
‘superhuman’ abilities in earth humans during times of extreme stress or crisis. – Branton) …
The main interest of the Aliens, especially the Grays, is to understand and control the
Metagene for their own race. They try to do this using Biological Experiments to make Hybrids
from both humans and aliens. They believe perhaps the MEN FROM PLANET EARTH ARE
apparently capable of generating the Metagene Factor, which means Natural Psionics ability,
“Real Power” “(See
Many writers and people have said that we as a human species are far, far, far more powerful than
we know.
Yah’Shua (the real name for Jesus Christ) said “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my
Father.” John 14:12. Well, we are obviously a LONG way from doing what Jesus did, let alone
outperforming him.
I believe that metaphysical abilities, such as telepathy, are gifts that were given to us by God
Yahweh, that have been largely taken away from us by evil ones. I am talking here about true spiritual
abilities such as telepathy, as distinct from magick & psychic abilities which is done by occult means
and is actually done by the power of demons (see for confirmation of this).
For example, animals and young children often display telepathic powers. (One example: See the
report by the U.S. Air Force of a group of chinese children who can teleport). Yet the abilities of
children are generally lost or greatly reduced by the time they ‘grow up’.
I believe this is because there is a concerted plan by species that do not own the metaphysical
abilities that Yahweh gave to us, to enslave the human species and make sure we never access the
powers that we have. We are like an eagle in a cage that has never been taught or shown how we
can fly and soar over the skies.
Telepathy – receiving
Telepathy – projectional
Teleport – self
Below I have listed just a few of the ways that human metaphysical abilities have been suppressed,
and give some suggestions as to ways to overcome these. I believe that the first three listings are the
most important. The rest are in no particular order of importance.
Method of
Reducing How This Method Robs us of Possible Ways
Metaphysical Our Metaphysical Abilities To Combat This
Abduction It is the belief of myself and 1) Stop abductions now by
my husband Michael, from changing the quantum matrix
our own experience, that inside yourself and your family at
almost anyone who has least twice a week. This is crucial
advanced metaphysical to do if you have children.
abilities will have been
abducted at least once and 2) Remove the effects of previous
probably a number of times abductions with kinesiology,
throughout their lives. including removing wernicke’s
This may have been done by
non-humans such as greys, WARNING: Check first for
reptilians, insectoids or other implanted death thoughts.
aliens, or by humans who are
in black operations in the
military. (If you think this is
not for real, then you haven’t
done enough research on this
matter. There is literally tons
of information on this. Start
with our weblinks section).
I have also read reports that it 2) To get rid of fluoride that you
calcifies the pineal gland, the already have, or get through your
third eye, which is partly skin when showering, there are
where our metaphysical reports that turmeric can help get
abilities come from. rid of the calcification of the
pineal gland. Eat more lentil
curries with turmeric!
Vaccinations Vaccines contain mercury and If you have children that are not
formaldehyde for starters. vaccinated, start learning about
There is NO safe level for the huge dangers of this and how
either of these two substances. you can avoid it. I do not want to
repeat the experience I had of
Vaccines are meant to work speaking with a woman crying on
by stimulating the immune the phone because her baby died
system – so why do they within a few weeks of being
vaccinate babies many months vaccinated.
before they have any immune
system? Breast milk contains much that
will protect your children. Read
Read this article by myself The Breastfeeding Book and
and you will see I found out learn why you should breast feed
through muscle testing that to AT LEAST 3 years old.
there is something in Children do not get their full
vaccinations, possibly some immune system till six years old.
sort of microchip or crystal,
that suppresses metaphysical As for the rest of us who have
abilities. been vaccinated, pray to remove
the effects.
Credo Mutwa, a Shaman in
Africa, reported that the only And balance out the effects of
children that can see UFO’s vaccines with kinesiology. I show
flying around are the ones that how to balance out substances on
have never been vaccinated. my DVD kinesiology training
Most of us have been
vaccinated and we will never
know what abilities we have
Junk food Your body is the instrument Cut out all junk food and
through which your unhealthy food.
metaphysical abilities will go.
Your body is like an Get muscle tested with
automobile and if you are kinesiology to find out which
driving a beat up old VW then foods are positive, neutral and
you need a makeover. negative for you.
Eating Meat Uri Geller, perhaps the most Eat more whole grains, fruit and
famous psychic in the world, vegetables, especially raw fruit
is a vegetarian. and vegetables.
The higher frequency your Eat foods with more protein but
body resonates at, the more don’t get hung up on the need for
metaphysical abilities you will tons of protein. Gorillas are 100%
have. vegetarian and they obviously
don’t have any problem growing
Dead flesh is a very low large muscles!!!
frequency. Plants are much
higher. Think about this, if To become vegetarian, don’t eat a
you increase your lot of soy which is toxic unless it
metaphysical abilities, you is fermented and non-GMO (eg
will probably increase your miso is good for you).
empathic abilities – the ability
to feel the emotions of others. Instead, learn from Indians. In
Eventually you may feel the India, the highest cast is the
pain that the cow felt when it Brahmins and they are all 100%
had it’s throat cut, as well as vegetarian. Eat a lot of lentils (for
the terror it experienced protein) as well as brown rice.
before that event.
Once you have stilled your
mind you can more easily
access your metaphysical
abilities. While your mind is
filled with rubbish thoughts
that go round and round and
round, you cannot access your
metaphysical abilities.
still birth but not shown the
Microwave Eating microwaved foods for Throw out your microwave or put
Ovens just TWO months has been it in the garage. To heat up food,
shown to cause effects similar put it in a saucepan with a little
to poisoning. It decreases water and a lid.
your red blood cells, increases
your white blood cells and When eating out ask if any of the
affects your immune system. food you are ordering is
microwaved, as it very often is
Anything that decreases your (even when the menu says
health decreases your “steamed vegetables”.)
metaphysical abilities.
Electric blankets Every time we get away from Never use one.
nature and get closer to
technology we decrease our When travelling, take it off the
metaphysical abilities. hotel bed – it can affect you even
Electric blankets put your when not plugged in, because of
body under major stress. the coils of metal.
Anger The reptilians in particular Would you rather be right or
will focus on increasing your would you rather have peace?
rage and anger, because your
metaphysical abilities Focus on forgiveness.
definitely go down with rage
and anger. Focus on feeling love radiate in
your heart.
Toxins Many toxins include GMOs This is a very big subject which
Deliberately which contain bacterial DNA cannot be handled in one article. I
Added to the which produces poison, wheat spent 2 years writing “You’re not
Food Supply that has been altered from the Fat, You’re Toxic” to show how
original einkorn by the and why you should give up these
Rockefellers and excitoxins toxins, and what to replace them
such as MSG & Aspartame with. It’s much more than an
have been deliberately added excellent weight loss manual.
to the food supply to destroy Please get a copy or ask your
our bodies, our brains and our library to buy one, and extend
metaphysical abilities. your life by decades.
Permission is granted to use this article, or parts of this article, provided you link to or
Attention: The obesity epidemic is one
weight is normal)
Now You Do!
PRESS RELEASE: Sherrington House is proud to offer the latest work from Stephanie Relfe:
You’re Not Fat. You’re Toxic is an explosive expose in the fight against the worldwide obesity epidemic.
Mega-corporation presidents and government infiltrators worked together to plan your weight gain. It is not an accident that you
are overweight.
There is no money in dead people. And no money in healthy people. They want you somewhere in the middle.
The government subsidizes toxic and addicting foods. Then the food mafia processes those foods into junk food that makes you
fat and sick. Then the medical mafia sells you drugs so that you won’t know how sick you are. Then the $60 Billion dollar per
year diet mafia tells you it’s your fault for not “counting calories”.
You have been taught what to eat, what to drink and how to think for over 50 years. You have been brainwashed into being a
slave of the corporations by the schools, books, magazines and television shows. It’s a horrible, vicious project that was planned
to make you sick and overweight. These corporations are killing you. You never had a chance.
This detailed book has the exact information you need for your ideal body. It’s written in a very easy-to-understand
style, so that anyone can benefit from this powerful program. Scientific explanations are put into the simplest possible
terms so that anyone can easily understand what they need to know.
Learn 14 ways that show why it is toxins in the food we eat, rather than calories, that are making us fat.
Instead of presenting just one field of research, Stephanie Relfe has summarized the most important information from
multiple sources, including 43 well-referenced books & documentaries.
Includes additional information from modern scientific research, magazine articles and unique sources, which are
combined together in one very do-able weight loss program.
Learn many fat loss secrets that you won’t find in any standard weight-loss plan.
Learn how many weight loss foods that we are told will make us thin, are in fact causing obesity.
Containing revolutionary and unique ways of belly fat loss and getting slim, some of which have nothing to do with food
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Fight the food mafia. Fight the drug mafia. And don’t be a defrauded by the $60 Billion dollar a year “diet” mafia. If you or a loved
one is a victim of obesity, get angry, get determined and get “You’re Not Fat. You’re Toxic”. Go now
to or to Amazon.
About the Author – Stephanie Relfe was born in Sydney Australia. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from
Sydney University, majoring in zoology and histology (the study of cells). She has been a professional kinesiologist since 1993
and is the author of dozens of articles, two books & the DVD training series Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle
Testing. Please visit,, and She is
also the webmaster of Health, Wealth & Happiness at, a website established in 1998 which provides valuable
natural health, mind, spirit, financial and other information unifying the whole, rather than educating a part of the whole.
5-Star Reviews at for You’re Not Fat, You’re Toxic include:
In 10 months time my daughter went from a size 22 to size 4. Stephanie kept e-mailing me
information what my daughter should eat and/avoid while she was writing the book .My
relationship with Stephanie started out way before the book came out.I had done perfect health
kinesiology and muscle testing with dvd training from Stephanie which really made the plane pick
up and see this wonderful miracle happen.
This is an excellent book, well researched and well written. This book has inspired me to make the
necessary changes in the way I take care of my body so that I can enjoy an optimal life. I have read
the book from cover to cover, did not want to miss one word, section nor chapter.
I agree with Stephanie Relfe when she said “Your health is your wealth”. I would like to thank her
for researching and placing all this vital information in one book. What makes this book so
interesting is the wealth of information it contains and how it explains the serious consequences of
the toxins we put in our bodies and how they can affect our physical, mental and spiritual being.
The book offers great alternatives such as how to cleanse our bodies, what to eat; this includes a
very detail shopping list and recipes; the right supplements and exercises that are very effective.
It has been two weeks since I have applied the healthy recommendations of this book to my daily
routine and already I have seen significant changes. I am eight pounds lighter and look forward to
achieving my goal of losing 30 pounds.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who not only wants to be THIN but also wants to
It is the best holistic book that I have ever read. I possess maybe more that 500 holistic books but I
Why? It is everything explained with fantastic clarity and You will have answers for many many
diseases. Please make something the best for your life. I can write here more and more but I do not
want to be boring to you.My recommendation is: Please take this book and threw out all another
holistic books from your dusty shelves. Only keep THIS BOOK on your shelf, or your desk.
Thanks God that show me the way to this gold mine – You are not fat You are toxic! The best book
of the century!
1) Very easy to read. In fact it is very engaging. When I have ten minutes to sit and read I can open
this book anywhere and get absorbed into the content. Many times I have a problem putting it
2) Puts together a lot of material that I have read in diverse places. I am an alternative health care
professional and I read or hear bits and pieces of great information from many different sources.
This book put many of those pieces together in one place.
3) She covers the corporate and government political agenda….does anyone still believe that the
FDA or CDC or mainstream media is telling us the truth about health issues? If you do, this book
will nudge you to wake up and take charge of your health.
4) The suggestions she makes are all easily doable and will give you immediate and long-term
results. I have used a number of health tips, such as reduce gluten, get GMO’s out my diet, and
cleanses, over the years and I have experienced dramatic and positive shifts in my health. She has
put in a number of those tips. She has quite a few more that I am going to add to my lifestyle. Even
if you do just one change in your diet, you will notice a difference. In fact, I recommend that you
chose a couple of changes and make them a part of your lifestyle…..then chose a couple
more….and before you know it, you will actually feel and look good.
She even talks about the critical and little-recognized mental and emotional factors that doctors
never discuss with their obese patients. And Stephanie doesn’t just explain what you should do, but
also WHY you should do it, increasing your level of understanding and, therefore, your chances of
The Mars Force: Pat’s Story
How Pat’s membership in a Military Cadet
Program led to Military Abductions and the
Suppressing of Psychic Abilities
Version 3
All articles not written by Stephanie Relfe are the property of their
respective owners and were acquired under the public domain of
the internet.
Mail Address
(If you don’t have an internet connection or friend to email for you,
please visit an internet café, library or kinko’s copy shop).
“A Personal Letter from Pat” was added to the end of the book (P. 68)
In 2001 a woman in her early 50s named Pat contacted me after she read “The
Mars Records” ( and decided to have clearing and
kinesiology sessions. She lived quite a distance from where I was, but eventually
she was able to make the journey and spent a week undergoing sessions with
Pat had been involved in the research and investigation of UFOs from 1978 to
1987, but she was not consciously involved with that activity at the time she saw
me. She came to me mainly because she had experienced a great deal of
trouble completing projects: sometimes she would just lie on her bed and stare
at the ceiling, unable to do anything, for hours at a time!
When she read the Mars Records, she suspected that mental blocks and
“Wernicke’s commands”1 were at the core of her problem and felt that I could
help her remove them. She also had frequent flashback memories of violent
incidents where she was struggling against restraints and vague scenes of
fighting people that were trying to harm her. Pat also had missing time episodes
during the years she was a UFO investigator. She also wanted to improve her
When she came on the first night I found that she also wanted to end what are
termed “negative hallucinations”. These are NOT hallucinations. This term
means that she sometimes could not see things that were present – for example,
a person sitting opposite her. She was not sure how often they happened, but
thought that it could be every couple of months.
During the sessions, I also discovered that she periodically went into a trance for
several minutes, where she could hear and see everything but could not move a
muscle or speak. She did this three times in my presence, the first when I was
driving her back to her hotel. It was quite an eerie feeling to be with someone
who had to all appearances turned into a living statue. Several months after the
sessions, Pat reported that these trance states had decreased in frequency
so much that she rarely experienced them anymore. She also reported that
she was more motivated and able to get projects completed. In fact, her
physical energy and mental focus had significantly improved.
Wernicke’s Commands. The right wernicke’s area of our brain stores negative commands that are said to
us by people that we consciously or unconsciously look up to as people in authority. It has also been found
that these commands are sometimes put in forcefully by member of the secret government, aliens etc.
especially when people are abducted. For more information, refer to the Mars Records Book one.
Page 1
In addition, Pat said that there were times when she “could swear she was dying
or having a heart attack”. Later in the sessions I also found that she had had
strong mental impressions that she had killed people. This was surprising as Pat
is a happy, kind, intelligent, ladylike woman. Since that memory did not fit into
her present life, she had wondered if she had lived another time line.
When Pat came to see me she stayed in a motel a few miles from our home. I
felt very strongly that she was going to need a portable door lock when she got
here, so we gave her one when she arrived. (It is highly recommended that
anyone who suspects that they are being interfered with by the secret
government use one of these every night, especially when traveling. We have
found that their agents are able to open all the locks and chains that are on
doors, but the portable door lock keeps them from physically walking in the door).
“The Mars Force” refers to others besides Michael Relfe (the man described in
“The Mars Records”) who discover, through undergoing clearing sessions, that
they have been transported to Mars and used as psychic soldiers.
Page 2
Definitions of Healing Therapies Used
Deliverance : The process of the removing or the “casting out” of demonic entities
using the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, as Jesus did in the bible. For
more information please see the information, books and audio tapes available at
Clearing : A technology for finding truthi by using a biofeedback meter. It works with
a person’s mind and spirit while he is conscious. Clearing removes negative emotional
charge and subconscious sabotage. It increases a person’s abilities and awareness.
We believe from personal experience and from researching the work of others (such as
Bill Schnoebelen and Fritz Springmeier) that the mind control technologies used in
these government programs are demonically inspired and contain physical,
metaphysical and spiritual components. Each component must be dealt with
individually, using the three technologies of deliverance, clearing and kinesiology.
Without the help of GOD, it is highly doubtful that any person can be freed of
these mind control effects, so constant prayer is a must.
If the mind control victim cannot bring themselves to call on God or the Lord Jesus
Christ for help, ultimately they will find limited freedom using the other technologies.
They will get a great deal of help from clearing and kinesiology but will only be able to
proceed so far. Only deliverance will remove demonic entities. Technology and
procedures will not. Deliverance clears the way for everything else. More detailed
information concerning the deliverance ministry is provided in Appendix VI.
When reading these records, please take special note of the format of the sessions as
well as the explanations of the technologies. With “The Mars Records”
( these records are unique in the field of alternative science
(UFO, Paranormal Research, New World Order Expose, Government Coverup, etc) in
that they contain the actual readings from the clearing biofeedback meter.
This biofeedback meter “truth detector” cannot be fooled. The contents of this book are
not opinions or speculation. In addition hypnosis was never used in any form.
These sessions are compelling evidence that the effects of mind control can be
reversed, and that those that use mind control can be defeated.
Page 3
To some people the Clearing Biofeedback Meter looks like a lie-detector. But
it is in fact a 'truth detector'. It is many, many times more efficient and reliable
than a lie-detector. As you will learn, the needle on a biofeedback meter
gives a wealth of information. It does not react to the amount of sweat on the
hands of the person as some seem to think. The Clearing Biofeedback Meter
compares to existing devices as the electron microscope compares to looking
through a magnifying glass.
When a person (the 'client') contacts a memory with negative charge3, the
electric field around his body is affected and causes a reaction (a 'read') on
the meter's needle. The meter gives certain reads when the truth is being
said. If a person makes up a story, or tells a false story which he believes to
be true, the needle on the meter will read differently from when the person is
telling the truth.
Wheatstone Bridge: An instrument or circuit consisting of four resistors, or their equivalent, connected in
a loop, with a galvanometer* linking the junction between one pair and the other. Used to determine the
value of an unknown resistance when the other three resistances are known. (*A galvanometer is a
device for detecting or measuring small electric currents by means of mechanical effects produced by the
current to be measured).
Charge: Charge is a mental energy phenomenon felt by anyone who experiences something unpleasant,
dangerous or lethal. Charge is manifested by negative emotions such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or death
Page 4
B) Acknowledgements.
An acknowledgment is a word or words that lets the client know that what
they have said has been UNDERSTOOD and that THE COMMUNICATION
IS NOW COMPLETE. It puts a “full stop” on what has been said.
Page 5
C) The client is fully conscious throughout the session.
Personality change and improvement are not simply brought about by the
practitioner acknowledging the client, but also by the CLIENT acknowledging
whatever it was that she found in the depth of her mind.
Page 6
More on the Biofeedback Meter
A battery inside the meter sends a very low voltage current (9 volts) through a
wire which is attached to ordinary tin cans which the client holds in her hands.
The current interacts with the body’s electro-magnetic fields. Only two volts
actually arrive at the client.
A gross simplification of how the meter works is that the meter measures the
resistance of the body as it is influenced by the electromagnetic field around it. It
does not react to the amount of sweat on the hands of the client (as some may
When a person locates a memory with charge on it, the electric field around his
body is affected and causes a reaction which registers as an INSTANTANEOUS
needle movement on the meter. The more painful the memory, the more
resistance there will be to the client remembering what happened – and the more
resistance there will be, which will show up on the meter.
A person can recall ANYTHING, no matter how deep. However, it can be easier
to remember memories with charge. v
The Clearing Practitioner must also be trained in the ability to stay ‘Present’, no
matter what the client says or does. To “Be Present” means to “Be here, Be
now, Do nothing”. Have you ever talked with someone and you knew that while
they were physically present, part of their mind and spirit was elsewhere? Or in
another time? Many people are not present for at least some of the time. They
particularly tend to not be present when they hear things which they don’t like
Page 7
hearing – either because the things being discussed are too unpleasant, or are
outside the person’s reality4. It is crucial for a successful clearing session that
the Clearing Practitioner be 100% present at ALL times.
To the beginner the needle seems like a madly wiggling wild thing. But to the
expert each needle motion allows exact conclusions regarding the client’s
attention. The meter does not tell the practitioner what picture the client sees.
But it does tell him when the client is approaching a “hot area” (an area with a lot
of charge), when he is backing off from it and when there is no charge left and no
more information to be gained from the session.
Occasionally the client has memories which he has picked up from another
source. He might have accidentally or intentionally gained false memories or
memories belonging to someone else. When this happens, the meter reads in a
different way. Therefore a good Clearing Practitioner will soon ask "Is it possible
that these are not your memories?".
The client will then realise whether or nor they are his. The truthi of his answer
will be confirmed by the meter. Further questioning soon finds the true source of
where any false memories come from. The proof of this is again indicated by
reads on the meter.
The validity of the truth of what is discovered during a session is confirmed by the
client having many changes during the session. Sudden body movements may
manifest. The client may go from feeling light and happy one minute to VERY
heavy and tired the next. And later back again to feeling light and happy. The
client may suddenly burst into tears, or shake. Often pains suddenly appear and
then disappear in various parts of the body. And each of these physical changes
is usually congruent with what has been said during the session.
The client usually makes changes for the better after a good session. Things
that are discovered by the meter, and looked at and talked about thoroughly, will
not trouble the client again. Often the client will have large positive
improvements in their happiness, wellbeing and ability to "make things go right".
If memories are hidden from us, there is a reason for this. Sometimes the
memories are too painful for a person to look at straight away. This is one
problem with hypnosis - a person is dumped into painful memories, whether
they are emotionally strong enough to face them or not.
In addition, hypnosis does not remove the electrical / emotional 'charge' on the
memory. This can cause problems because the person now has activated
memories with the charge fully intact and close to the surface – whereas
Reality: Agreement to what is. For example, two people have the same reality if they both like dogs.
They have different reality if one likes dogs, but the other dislikes them.
Page 8
previously the memories and charge were further away and less likely to affect
the person as often.
One of the many advantages of the biofeedback meter is that the Clearing
Practitioner asks the client ONLY about things which are reading. Anything
which does not read is either:
1. Not a problem
2. Not true
3. Too big for the client to look at, at that time. However, these things occur in
layers, like an onion. Once we take off the outside layer, the next layer is
smaller. Once a person has looked at the less painful things, they can go
back to the other issues which were originally too big to be looked at, and
they will find that they can then face them easily.
Another important aspect to getting results is that the person doing the talking
must feel totally safe. They must feel that the person they are talking to will
believe them, and not be threatened or upset by what they are saying.
Page 9
The Mind
The mind is an energy field. It is partly made up of what are called ‘pictures’.
Mental image 'pictures' are often visual. But they are not always visual. Mental
image ‘pictures’ can ALSO be in the form of unwanted thoughts, emotions,
physical sensations and pains.
The mind is not the brain. The brain is a physical ‘switchboard’ between the
mind and the body.
We are not a body. We are a spirit (or soul) which lives in a body. We, (the
spirit) communicate with the mind, which communicates with the brain, which
communicates with the, ii
Where is the mind? Part of it surrounds our body. It is not all ‘in our head’. A
simple experiment will prove this. Ask someone to close their eyes. Tell them
not to open their eyes until you tell them to. Then tell them to visualize the
dashboard on their car. Ask them to let you know when they have done that.
Once they have done that, tell them to physically touch the picture of their
dashboard with their finger.
Every single person who does this touches an area IN FRONT OF THEIR BODY.
They do not try to touch their head. This shows that the pictures that form our
mind are OUTSIDE us. We look at the outside world THROUGH our mind.
This is one reason why different people view the world differently from others at
times - because their mind is full of pictures from their past, which can affect their
view of the present when the pictures are activated.
The mind has different levels of activity. On a lower level people are controlled
by the pictures in their mind. They are activated by these pictures which they
experience energetically.
Page 10
The File Clerk
There is a part of each mind which has been called “the file clerk”.vii When it is
told to go and get a memory from the person’s mind, it does so if the memory is
there. If the person is told to remember their last birthday, the file clerk goes
straight to the files and gets out the last birthday. If told to remember what the
person was doing on a certain date, it will do that as well. People who have a
clearing session are usually amazed at how quickly long-forgotten memories will
resurface. They do so because the Clearing Practitioner gives precise,
carefully worded commands to the File Clerk.
The File Clerk gives answers as long as the client has the power to confront
what’s comingii. Otherwise it’s hypnosis when the person is “switched off”.
Sometimes the memories that are remembered are so unusual that the client
may doubt the truth behind his memories. In that case, all he has to do is "make
up" something that is equally strange. The "made-up" memories will not register
on the meter. Only what is TRUE will read on the meter.
The Clearing Practitioner will then get the person to look deeper at areas that are
registering on the meter, by commanding them to do so, which activates the file
clerk. This will get to the whole truth extremely quickly. The meter measures one
level below consciousness. It reacts to signals from the client that are so subtle
that they aren't perceptible to the eye.
Page 11
To “As is”: How Negative Thoughts and Emotions are Cleared
In the physical universe, two things cannot exist in the same space at the same
time. This also applies to the invisible universe of mental charge.
Ron Hubbard called this process to “as-is” something. The person looks at a
memory exactly as it is, at which moment it vanishes and ceases to exist. The
memory will remain as a gentle knowingness, but without the painful charge that
caused him problems.
You yourself have probably “as-ised” things at times without realising it. Think of
a time when you had an absolutely BRILLIANT idea. But a few moments later
you couldn’t remember what it was. No matter how much you thought, the
memory never came back. You as-ised it. After creating the first thought, you
then created another perfect copy. Two things cannot exist in the same place at
the same time – and so your thought vanished.ii, iii
Mental image 'pictures' are often visual. But they are not always visual. Mental image ‘pictures’ can
ALSO be in the form of unwanted thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and pains.
Page 12
The Language of the Clearing Biofeedback Meter:
How To Understand the Notes from the Sessions
As the current of the meter runs around the client’s body, it meets resistance.
When the client begins to remember painful past memories, the resistance of his
body increases. The needle of the meter moves to the left. In order to keep the
needle on the “set” position on the dial, the clearing practitioner has to move the
needle to the right. To do this, he turns a knob on the face of the meter
clockwise. This allows more current to flow out in order to match the increased
This knob is called the Tone Arm. It measures resistance in the following
A person who is in a happy state of being would probably have a tone arm
between 2 and 3.5. TA measures the mental tenseness of the client. TA of 5
and above is very high.
TA is one of the two things to look out for when reading the records of the
sessions. TA is recorded as numbers throughout the sessions, in the right hand
Page 13
Most importantly, notice when TA goes down.
Two things cannot exist in the same place at the same time. When the client
remembers what happened, he creates a perfect copy – which cannot exist in the
same place as the original memory. He “as-ises” the pictures6 in his mind.
Therefore the tension of the memory vanishes, and the person becomes less
dense. The TA then goes down.
This is why we say that he has seen the truth. Since TA and a read can occur
ONLY by creating a PERFECT copy of an event, it therefore stands to reason
that this is a TRUTHFUL copy of the event.
TA goes down when the client remembers at least part of the truth. This reduces
the charge on the incident. A drop of even 0.1 is meaningful. A sudden drop of
0.5 – 1.5 is a major realisation of the truth.
This symbol beside a number in the right hand side of the right hand
column denotes when there is a sharp drop in Tone Arm.iv,vi
Mental image 'pictures' are often visual. But they are not always visual. Mental image ‘pictures’ can
ALSO be in the form of unwanted thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and pains.
Page 14
READS: Short Falls, Falls and Long Falls
A read is a sudden movement to the right by the needle. Depending on the size
of the movement of the needle, it is called a tick, a short fall, a fall or a long fall.
A read means a charged item was located and the charge reduced. The charge
is on the words that were said IMMEDIATELY before the needle moved. This is
called an ‘instant read'.v How does charge come about? By the client wishing to
know something and not knowing it. The harder the client wants to know and the
more difficult it is for him to find out, the more charge there will be.
Finding out and knowing brings relief. Anytime the client experiences relief there
will be a read.
In the notes a symbol for a read is placed directly opposite the last word that it
read on instantly, in the right hand column. If there is any time delay at all
between the client speaking and a read, then the symbol for the read will be
placed on the next line.v
Page 15
Floating Needle
A ‘floating needle’ occurs when the needle idly moves from side to side without
any patterns or reactions in it. It just idly floats about. This is the most difficult
needle characteristic to identify, because a series of falls could look like a floating
A floating needle occurs when a major amount of mental mass has been erased.
It means that there are no more painful or stressful memories, at least for a short
while before the next lot of memories come in.
During a session, a floating needle may occur for only a second or two.
Hopefully the session will end with a big floating needle. A big floating needle
which lasts for a longer period of time indicates that all of the stress from the
painful memory has been removed. It also indicates that all items of truth which
are important to the client have been uncovered and talked about.
If the session does not end with a floating needle, then another session at a later
date should remove the remainder of the charge.
Because a floating needle can be hard to identify, the best way to confirm it is to
look at the client. If he is bright, light and happy, then that is a floating needle. If
he is still tense, tired, sad or generally exhibiting negative characteristics then it is
probably not a floating needle, but a series of falls and long falls.
Page 16
‘Yes’ and ‘No’
The language of the biofeedback meter is simple. If you ask a question and get
a read (that is, any type of fall) that means ‘yes’ to the question.
If the client answers ‘yes’ to a question and the needle reads on ‘yes’ then that
verifies that the answer is yes.
If the client answers ‘no’ to a question, and the needle reads on ‘no’ then that
verifies that the answer is no
The read confirms the practitioner’s question or the client’s statements as true.
Why? Because two things cannot exist in the same place at the same time. We
have seen something exactly as it is, even if only in part. Truth is the exact
consideration: the exact time, place, form and event.i Once the client creates the
exact duplicate of what happened, charge is released.
(Lying or creating a false truth would only ADD to the charge that is there. This
would stop the needle from reading and cause TA to go up). v
Page 17
Rock Slam
A Rock Slam occurs when the needle has a wild, erratic movement. It is quite
amazing to see when it happens. The needle will take on a life of its own. This
happens when either (1) there is a faulty connection in the wires or (2) there is an
“evil purpose”. ‘Evil’ means destructive and / or negatively controlling. The evil
purpose could belong to the client, or to anyone or anything in the
I had been told that Rock Slams were quite rare but they were encountered not
infrequently during these sessions.
Page 18
Underlined v. not underlined words
Words that are not underlined were said by the client – in this case, Pat.
Words that are underlined were said by the practitioner – in this case, Stephanie
Other Abbreviations
This occurs when the client does not say anything for a period of time. He
is in ‘lag’ with regards to an answer to the question.
VGI Denotes “Very good indicators” meaning that the client is bright, light and
happy looking.
Page 19
A summary of symbols used
Unless otherwise stated, the meter sensitivity was set at eight (8)
Not every word is written here. Sometimes I wrote down just a few words to
abbreviate what was going on. However, as much as possible, whenever what
was said was reading or affecting TA or body movements, every word is
Page 20
At the beginning of each session the amount of energy that the person has is
measured. This is done by asking the person to take a deep breath and then let
it out quickly. The needle will then fall a certain distance to the right, unless they
have no reserves of energy when it will not fall at all.v
The distance that the needle falls is recorded as “metabolism”. The basic rule is
that a session can only be successful if the needle falls at least one inch to the
right after the person lets their breath out. This is because doing a session
requires quite a lot of energy on the behalf of the client, as well as the Clearing
A session can be run successfully only if the client is not under the effect of
alcohol or psycho-active drugs, (ie. Anything more powerful than aspirin).
The general rule is that alcohol should not be consumed 24 hours before a
session and drugs not taken seven days before a session.
Page 21
Repeating Technique
During a session, when someone says anything which denies that they know
everything that happened in the incident being looked at, the clearing practitioner
can get them to repeat what they just said. For example, if the client says “I don’t
know”, “I can’t see anything” or “I can’t remember”, they will to be told to repeat
that exact sentence. (“I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, etc.)
Usually, once the client has repeated this statement several times, the underlying
truth will surface and they WILL be able to know, see and remember. This is
because they as-ised at least part of the reason why they “didn’t know” when
repeating this statement.vii
Page 22
The Clearing Practitioner's Code of Ethics
The session will work only to the extent that the client feels that they are safe
with the Clearing Practitioner. Therefore, a “Code of Ethics” was devised which
has been found to be essential for successful sessions.iv
1. I agree not to evaluate a client, by word or thought. That is, I agree not to
judge a client or to tell them what I think is the truth. I agree to simply
question them according to how the meter is reading and to lead them to
make their own discoveries.
2. I agree not to invalidate a client by word or thought, no matter what is
discovered in a session. That is, I agree not do anything that would put the
client down in any way whatsoever.
3. I agree to keep all appointments once made. This is because once the
appointment is made memories can begin to get stirred up, getting ready to
be handed over in the session.
4. I agree not to work with a client later than 10 pm, unless an important action
needs to be completed. I agree not to work with a client who is physically
tired or has not had a meal before the session. This is because a session
requires a considerable amount of energy on the part of the client as well as
of the Clearing Practitioner.
5. I agree not to work with a client who has consumed alcohol within the last 24
hours, or drugs within the last week.
6. I agree not to sympathise with a client but to be effective and help them to be
the very best they can be.
7. I agree to never get angry with a client.
8. I agree not to let a client end the session, no matter what may come up, but to
complete what I have begun.
9. I agree to hold a safe space for the client during the session, and to be a safe
person for the client to contact at any time in the future.
10. I agree to have no sexual relationship with a client.
11. I agree to maintain ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY of the data revealed in
the session.7
This agreement was not broken in these sessions. It was the client herself who requested that I write up
and later publish the sessions.
Page 23
The sessions in these records were even more successful than a normal
Clearing Session because they included the use of Wholistic Kinesiology on
Kinesiology differs from all other methods of healing by its use of muscle
The basis of muscle testing is that the body is like an electrical piece of
equipment, which is controlled by an incredibly complex computer, namely the
brain. The brain is continually in communication with each of the 639 muscles in
the body.
Page 24
However, when the body is overstressed (through a chemical, emotional,
structural or electrical cause), the electrical signals in one or more muscles go
weak. It is like a fuse in your fusebox blowing. The body figures that it is better
to blow a fuse than the whole thing.
This is the basis of muscle testing. For example, if a person has a particular
muscle in their arm 'out of balance' (as we say), then they will not be able to hold
their arm in a certain position when the kinesiologist applies pressure to it.
This is particularly significant when you realise that many different parts of the
body are in communication with many other parts of the body. That is,
In the above example, the muscle itself may have been weakened. However, if it
is the particular muscle that communicates with the stomach the muscle may be
weak because the stomach is out of balance. In another example, a person may
have a weak bladder because their bladder is out of balance. However, the
bladder communicates with the ankle muscles and therefore a weak bladder may
have been caused by weak ankle muscles. It is virtually impossible to completely
heal the body without taking the whole picture into account.
Once the weakness is located through muscle testing, the kinesiologist then
'talks' to the body. For example, by use of muscle testing the kinesiologist can
ask the body any number of questions.
For example, what caused this muscle to go out of balance? If it was a chemical
he can ask the body what specific food or other substance caused the body to go
out of balance. If it was a deficiency, he can find out what food will re-strengthen
the body.
Page 25
Emotional Stress Release
A kinesiologist who locates an emotion or incident stored in the body can use
muscle testing to find out any number of things, including WHEN it happened,
and WHO was involved. It is crucial that the kinesiologist have a totally open
mind when doing this.
Once the emotion is located, the kinesiologist can then do an extremely simple
form of emotional stress relief.
He/she lightly places a few fingers on the other person's forehead, while the
person 'looks at a video' of the emotion. When we are under stress, blood goes
to the back of our brain (where the past is). But when a hand is placed on the
forehead, blood moves to the front of the brain (which unfortunately most of us
use only 5% of the time) where new choice is located. Within a very short period
of time (often a few minutes) the person will be a lot less emotional about the
particular incident, and therefore a lot less affected by it.
If you find at any time after reading these notes you experience negative
emotions, it may be that something in the book has restimulated something in
your own mind.
Page 26
'The Wernicke’s Correction'
Removing sabotaging commands from the Wernicke's area of the Brain, using
The mind is an energy field. Clearing removes charge from the mind. But
clearing does not necessarily remove negativity from the brain. The brain is a
physical ‘switchboard’ between the mind and the body.
Research has shown that words are stored in a specific area on the left side of
the brain. What is not so well known is that there is an equivalent area in the right
half of the brain which is also involved with language. Both these areas are called
the Wernicke's area.
Instead he operated with what is called a "bicameral mind". The bicameral mind
was man's mind before he developed self consciousness. Early man did not
make any decisions on his own. The concept of "self", of being independent and
self-reliant, did not exist.
Whenever a decision had to be made, early man looked for a "sign" from an
outside authority, such as a king or a god, to tell him what to do. For example, if
he went along a road which divided into two roads, he might throw some stones
into the air to see which way they fell, to tell him which road to take.
Other signs that early man used to determine what action he should take when
he was faced with a decision were often "voices" which he heard in his head and
which brought immediate obedience.
Experiments have shown that if the Wernicke's area in the left half of the brain is
electrically stimulated during speech, it will interfere with the ability to talk
properly, almost halting speech.
The same type of stimulation to the Wernicke's area in the right brain, however,
causes a person to hear "voices" or "commands". These are usually of an
authoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can be identified as the voice of one who
was feared, admired or "looked up to" by the person being stimulated. We call
these commands “Wernicke’s commands”, because they are commands stored
in the Wernicke’s area of the brain.
Page 27
The two Wernicke's areas are connected to each other by a thin bridge of tissue.
This is where the term "bicameral mind" comes from. It seems that the "voices of
the gods" were in fact internal dialogue coming from the right half of the brain.
If mankind was to become civilised, this simple mind had to greatly improve and
consciousness had to develop. However, the bicameral tendency is still present
today! It is the bicameral mind, the right side of the Wernicke's area, which we
"hear" when we hear those little words of self-invalidation and sabotage.
The 'authorities' who might have put commands into this mind are no longer
"gods" - they are anyone that we might have looked up to at some time. These
can include parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors.
Have you have ever been told to "grow up", "shut up", "eat up", "forget that" or
"give up"? Have you ever been told "you're mad", you're bad", "you're stupid" or
"you'll never make it"?
If somebody you thought was powerful said "you're too fat", "you'll never
change", "you'll forget", "you're a slow learner", "eat ALL your food", you're not
good enough", "strong enough", "pretty enough", "clever enough" "you'll go to
hell" etc. etc. then they may have made an 'entry' in your right Wernicke's
area, an implanted command, which is still influencing you to this day!
When people do any work or therapy to get rid of negative beliefs, the beliefs
they try to get rid of things are usually worded as "I …" eg. "I'm not good enough"
or "I'm too fat". But "find the truth, and it will set you free". These beliefs are not
filed in the brain (which is like a super powerful computer) under an "I"
point of view. The commands are entered as said by another person, as if the
person is right there, talking to you! For example, the belief may be “I’m no
good” but the original command (which is stored in the brain) was “You’re no
The key to removing these beliefs is that they are stored in the brain as though
another person said them e.g. "You won't remember". The brain then tries to
make sense of a command and translates it, for example, as "I won't remember".
This command then interferes with the person. To get rid of the command you
must find the EXACT wording of the command, which in this case is "You won't
Page 28
This specific kinesiology procedure enables a person to REMOVE the
sabotaging commands from the brain. Instant improvement is generally noted in
the person who has done this.
These commands can be put in our brain either unintentionally (as by our
parents) or intentionally (as by the mind controllers).
These commands are hidden in the brain a bit like the way that 'drop down
menus' are hidden on the computer screen. Sometimes you can't see the menus,
but they are still there. When you do the correct kinesiology procedure, the
sabotaging commands "drop down" and then you can delete them. But they do
not all appear at once. It can take a number of sessions to get rid of them.
The key to doing these corrections successfully is to get the EXACT wording.
Generally, throughout these sessions it would take up to seven attempts each
time to get the precise wording. Mostly the correct wording would be found after
two or three attempts. Throughout these sessions, I did not record our incorrect
attempts to find the commands. Only the successful attempts were recorded.
If you know how to muscle test and would like to know how to do the correction,
please see or the
appendices in ‘The Mars Records’ or email for information on a video teaching this technique.
Page 29
Session 1: Violent Reaction
Sunday September 23 2001
Michael and I picked Pat up at the bus station. Although she had come a long
way, I felt that I should give her a short kinesiology session that evening. The
session was done in my home. It was lucky that God was looking after us and
made sure that the first session was on a Sunday, because Michael was at home
and he was definitely needed!. Pat lay on the massage table but almost as soon
as I started to muscle test her I got a violent reaction. After doing sessions on
hundreds of different people, I had never seen anything like this.
She was blocked, which is not unusual. What was unusual was that as soon as I
tried to unblock her she began to scream. Plus her left arm started moving in
circles all by itself. It would start at her side and then move in a jerky movement
across her body. Then move back to her left side and then start off again. I felt
that it was her body reliving a time when it was pulling against restraints. Pat
thought it might have been her deflecting energy, possibly in some way
connected to the “alters8” that we later discovered she had.
I called in Michael to help me and it was only through the deliverance that he did,
with the help of Jesus Christ, that I was able to continue at all. The first session
was quite frenetic and I did not take many notes, although it was taped and we
were able to later on hear again the screams that suddenly came out of Pat’s
mouth – a lady who until then had appeared very gentle, soft spoken and
I got that she had metaphysical alien circuitry on her and began to remove it,
while Michael was praying for her. She also seemed to have metaphysical
implants in her which I removed as best I could.
Her central nervous system, small intestine, and spleen were out of balance (as
they are in many people). Her Psoas muscle, which relates to the kidney, was
also out of balance, but I was not able to rebalance it until I removed a wernicke’s
command which was:
As soon as we got this wernicke’s command, we again got a very big reaction
from Pat. More gasps, body jerks etc. Michael had to do tons of deliverance. As
he did this, pains began to manifest and disappear in different parts of Pat’s
body. At one time she even starteg gagging and threw up a small amount.
Alter: A split personality, generally one that has been created artificially by mind control.
Page 30
I was not able to complete a full 14 muscle balance on her, even after one hour.
Normally this would take me only about ten minutes. Pat needed sleep and we
decided that enough had been done so I drove her back to her motel.
On the way back in the car something very odd happened. While stopped at a
light I remembered that I hadn’t asked her to do something that I normally do at
the end of a session. In order to help people to get present after a session, and
to fill in any ‘holes’ in their space that may have been created by clearing stuff
away, I get the person to name things that they can see around them out loud.
I asked Pat to do this. She was doing it quite slowly, when suddenly she went
into a trance. It was very eerie. She sat as stiff as a statue beside me in the car.
She didn’t answer anything I said. Her eyes were open. I didn’t know what to
do, and said I was taking her back to Michael, when suddenly she snapped out of
it. She said that this had happened to her before. She was able to hear
everything I said, but wasn’t able to move or speak.
Page 31
Session 2: A Reptilian Attacks Pat’s Heart
Monday September 24 2001
Pat was in balance, so yesterday’s work had done something. With her eyes
open, her gaits and cloacals were out of balance.
I then tested her with eyes shut. Her hyoid and cloacals were out of balance with
her eyes shut. Muscle testing indicated the cause of this was an emotion “with-
holding at 34 years old, related to a grey alien abduction). When we got to this
part in the session, her left arm started to move again in the same weird way.
Pat began to get pictures of restraints, as though her arm was trying to pull away
from something. I was getting the same pictures/idea as Pat, although I didn’t tell
her this. I had to remove some wernicke’s commands. These were:
Page 32
At this stage, we both got that a remote viewer appeared and was putting hooks
into Pat. They started attacking her heart. We prayed it off. Then a reptilian
appeared in spirit. He wouldn’t go no matter what any of the three of us did. I
tried to command him to leave. I got angry. No response. Then I had a brilliant
idea. I gave him a great, big, very loving hug. He took off on the instant. As
soon as this happened, the pain that had appeared in Pat’s heart stopped. I
continued removing wernicke’s commands.
When I was driving Pat home I asked her to name things again in the car. The
same thing happened as last time – she went into what looked like a trance. This
time I just kept driving. She snapped out of it by the time we got to her motel.
Page 33
Session 3: Interview
25th September 2001
Summary: I first gave her a kinesiology balance. She was mostly in balance.
Her spleen was out of balance. Muscle testing indicated the cause was “hostility”
at 18 years old. When we did this she had images of seeing a meteorite.
As is done with all new clients, an interview was done to find out which areas
were the ‘hot items’ to be looked at first, and to see if there were any areas that
could cause a problem with the sessions.
Page 34
Yes SF Note the read
Locate where they are
Not here.
In a control room SF 4.0 Note the read and drop in TA
In a building SF
What planet?
Washington SF 3.9 Note the read
Pray to break off the control line SF
(Sensitivity of meter increased
from 8 to 10)
I still feel a connection
Is it the same one?
No. It’s nearby. Implant
(metaphysical implant)
Say ‘hello’ to the implant.
(We read the implant it’s rights.
Then ask it what it now wants to
Tell it it’s free to go. 4.0
(We do the same for another
implant in the heart) 4.1
Is there anything else interfering?
(We then looked at her past, her
family, relationships etc. Then I
asked her the following questions
which are standard questions in
the initial interview:)
What spiritual, mental or growth
work have you done?
Polarity therapy
What else?
Things I’ve started and not
finished. 4.3
I feel uncomfortable with that
question LF 4.1 Note the big read – the biggest so
far, and the sudden drop in TA
I get one word – training F Note the read
Have you ever had an out of body
Yes F
Do you ever feel like you are
somebody else?
There’s another ‘me’.
How many of you are there?
Three F Note the read
I feel compartmentalized F Note the read
Tell me about that
It has something to do with (a
Military Cadet Program) when I
Page 35
was in Junior High School. I’m
attracted to uniforms.
(Because we had already had a
chance to talk with Pat earlier, I
had made a few notes of some
areas that I felt might be worth
looking at. I asked her about
Tell me about the battleship
I don’t remember
Tell me about visiting the house of
the CEO
It was an open house. I was by
the staircase SF Note the read – interesting – why
should standing by a staircase have
charge on it?
Tell me about the rectangles that
appeared on your arm
I noticed them one day. One was Pat said more about this after the
perfectly shaped F session: “They appeared two
separate times, on different days,
both on my left arm. Just the top
layer of skin was gone and they were
a perfect rectangle 1/4” x 1/8”. They
appeared during the time I was
actively intestigating UFOs. I don’t
recall which years”.
(We ran through a few more
questions, then:)
Are you running your own life?
No SF Note the read, and the answer to this
Who is?
Them. SF
The government 3.6
The first thing F Note the reads
that came into my mind when you
said that was MK Ultra SF
Another one I’ve not heard of
before –
“Cover memories” F Note the read
(After a few more questions:)
Do you have any losses not
Freedom F
My mind F Note the reads
(We then ran through a few more
questions and finished the
interview) 3.6
Page 36
Session 4: Remote Viewers Interfere
26th September 2001
Page 37
They said “This is not supposed to
be two-way” 4.9
Is this an incident in restimulation? SF
No It’s happening as we speak
I see myself walking between two Now I believe we’re in an incident
men. from some time in the past.
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
I’m walking SF
between two men. It’s night. The
sky is moving like it’s fluid.
The sky is moving to the right in a SF
There’s something inside – it’s
We step through. SF
We’re someplace else 4.2
It’s a building complex
We’re outside
The remote viewer says “It’s just Body jerks The remote viewer who is listening to
your imagination” us tries to interrupt the session again
Say “thank you” to him
One of them says “it’s breaking Body jerks Note her body reaction and drop in
down” 3.9 TA
What happens next? I try to get Pat’s attention away from
the remote viewers and back to the
incident we were looking at.
It’s stuck SF
Repeat “it’s stuck”
It’s stuck, It’s stuck etc. 4.0
I’m walking toward a building. It Before Pat came to see me she had
looks white or adobe brick. It looks gone to a psychiatrist and asked him
southern. This is the same stuff to acknowledge whatever she said,
that came up with the psychiatrist. SF 3.8 while she tried to do a clearing
session on her self, by repeating
things like “I can’t remember” and
seeing what came up. Note: This is
NOT be recommended! One cannot
do clearing on oneself, until one has
done many hours with another, and
been trained.
We’re inside. I pass through a
I’m blocked from seeing.
Repeat “I’m blocked from seeing” SF
I’m blocked from seeing, I’m
blocked from seeing
I don’t know why. It’s not that
unusual. It’s a lobby to a building.
We go into the elevators. We don’t
go up. We go down.
They’re interfering again – saying
it’s your imagination SF Note the read. This is from the
remote viewers who want to stop this
Page 38
Say “thank you” A good acknowledgement has a lot of
power in it to stop unwanted attention
Thank you
We’re still going down We are back in the incident
How far do you go?
Twenty four floors F Note the read
I begin to feel scared. One says to
the other to do something to put
me back into the state where I
wasn’t feeling or reacting.
Something is pressed against my
arm. I feel spaced. They move
me forward out the door.
I feel really as if I’m asleep. 3.6
body jerks Note body reaction
I feel sick F
I may have gagged. It’s in my
throat or stomach. I feel cold, like
it’s air conditioned. I’m laid down.
They want to wait till the drug
wears off SF
Make this room sound proof and 3.5 I get this idea to tell Pat, to stop the
thought proof remote viewer eavesdroppers
LF Note the read & Pat’s laugh. She is
laughs reacting to what she is ‘seeing’ the
remote viewers do
They called you names She is referring to the remote viewers
That makes so much sense! I’ve
woven an energetic cocoon around
us. It’s thought proof and sound
When I was younger I watched
“Bewitched” and “I Dream of
Jeannie”. I always felt inside that I
could do that. 3.6
When I was doing Polarity Therapy
I felt I was destined to manipulate
I just wove that cocoon. I couldn’t
do that before. I didn’t even think it.
The remote viewers are very Pat is back to looking into what is
upset. going on right now with the remote
They’re planning what they’ll do.
“Will take other measures” “We
can’t let this happen” “I told you
this would happen” “We can’t let
her develop” “Then think of
(stop for ten minute break)
Page 39
(When we come back from the 5.2 TA has suddenly gone up, since we
break, I have started to get a took the break
Move to the incident, to the part
you were up to
I’m getting interference from the
remote viewer.
You have your abilities back – stop
(she does so)
I put him to sleep 4.8 Note sudden drop in TA
(My headache has now gone) Note the disappearance of my
headache as soon as Pat put the
remote viewer to sleep
Two guys are wondering what
happened to the remote viewer.
They’re trying to wake him but
(Back to the incident):
I’m sitting on the table, looking
(Back to the remote viewers):
I still feel under attack from the two
Acknowledge that, block it and
What’s that? (referring to the read)
I’m weaving the cocoon, making it
(Back to the incident):
I see an instrument. It looks long
and cylindrical. A woman has it. 4.6
She presses it against my arm. I
feel floating. My head feels really
light. They’re talking to me. SF
They ask, “When did it start?” SF 4.5
“What do you feel?”
I told them I felt connected as if
stepping into a stream or linking to
a link.
They don’t leave me alone. 3.8
I’m getting a headache (in the
incident). The drug gave me a
(Back to the remote viewers): I can
still see the remote viewers.
They’re listening. They look as
though they’re losing something.
They’re shaking their heads, as
though there’s nothing they can do.
(Back to the incident): I’m sitting on
Page 40
the table now. I can’t quite get
Repeat “I can’t quite get this”
I can’t quite get this, I can’t quite
get this
There’s more than one man and a
woman. They’re all human.
The woman is holding a clipboard SF
The men are talking to me, and to
each other and to her.
They’re putting stuff into action SF
They’re questioning me about my
About when I first do something SF Note the read
Something I did that was psychic 3.7
What did you do?
(Back to the remote viewers): The
remote viewers are upset that I’ve
connected with this
I can’t remember
Repeat “I can’t remember”
I can’t remember, I can’t remember SF
What comes through is something
to do with the space-time
continuum. I can influence it.
When is this incident?
It might be something else F Note the read
What year?
1963 F Note the read
It was when I was 14 years old,
when I was in (a Military Cadet
How old were you when you did
the psychic thing?
1963 SF,F
I was wondering, how many times
have they taken me?
How many times have they taken
Ten F Note the read
I keep thinking this is my
Is this your imagination?
(Back to the remote viewers):
They’re talking with each other,
asking how they can handle this 3.5
(Back to the incident): I’m looking
around the room, but I don’t feel
They ask, how do I do it?
I say, I don’t know
Page 41
What happened so they noticed
you? SF
I don’t know how to explain
There are two images. One is of a
battleship. The other is being at an
important CEO’s house.
(I ask her about this)
I don’t know
Repeat “I don’t know”
I don’t know, I don’t know
It’s to do with time
Move to the incident where they
first noticed you and tell me when
you are there
(she does so)
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go
Where are you?
In a house Note: The ‘house’ is a mansion
It’s the CEO’s house SF,F Note the reads
What happens?
This is kind of wild F
I’m standing in my guard area. I’m
bored. 4.3
Next, a man walks up to me, asks
me to go with him.
He takes me to another area of the
house F Note the read
I have no idea F
why he’s taking me there
They’re testing me. It’s like a
random test.
It’s something they do all the time F Note the read
We go down a ramp, away from
everyone else.
There are other young people
there. SF
Some adults are there 4.2
There are some children not in
cadet uniform. I sit down.
A whole busload of us went to the
house. We were stationed alone,
not in pairs (of young people)
I see a couple walk out, with adults SF
Is something blocking this
Is it wernicke’s commands? Remember that these things are like
layers of an onion. Each layer shows
up only when the previous layer has
been pealed away.
Page 42
We stopped and did kinesiology. I looked for wernicke’s commands that were
blocking the session. As so often happened when I worked on Michael, there
were ten commands. Some of these were the same that Michael has had. I
guess there are only so many ways you can say “you won’t remember this”.
Page 43
Session 5: Testing members at a famous CEO’s House
27th September 2001
Pat’s Military Cadet Unit is used to guard different areas of an important CEO’s
very large house during an ‘Open House’ when she is 14 years old. Pat is
stationed on her own in an area where there are no people. Because she is a
new cadet she is taken for testing. They give her a stimulant to activate parts of
her brain to test for psychic abilities. Pat’s test takes so well that a wall of glass
that is part of the testing equipment is broken. She is then given a drug and
hypnosis to forget that the incident happened.
We do kinesiology. There is one drug to balance out. Then we return to the meter.
Thinking of blockages F
Are there blockages?
Yes I’m not quite sure what went on here,
since we continue anyway.
Hand signals. 4.8
I’m in the incident. I’m getting a
feeling of panic, as though I’m 4.7
We go through a door SF
I’m sitting down.
I’m feeling more emotional this
time (meaning, this session, as
opposed to yesterday’s session).
I’m questioning 4.6
The man who walked me there
smiles at me and walks away.
Two young people walk out. Two
Page 44
walk in.
I’m a bit confused SF
They go in different directions.
I feel a tightness in my stomach SF Note the read
Like I’m on the wrong train or bus 4.5
But I’m trained to take orders.
They come out. I go in behind a
woman. She tells me to sit on a
table. I do.
I’m really getting scared. SF
I’m close to crying F 4.3
I feel like they know what they’re
doing, but I don’t understand Grief Note the tears
But I’m scared 4.1
I’m so scared. They leave me
there. I’m looking for a way to get
out, but I don’t see a door knob on
the inside of the door. I’m really
scared. I feel sick. My stomach is
turning over and over.
I become calm, but still kind of
sick. I’m not panicked any more.
I’m waiting.
How long do you wait?
Ten minutes
Two men and a woman walk in 4.1
I don’t know the men.
I feel stuck
Repeat “I feel stuck”
I feel stuck, I feel stuck SF 4.0
Is someone stopping this session?
There’s an interference
Locate the source of the
It’s like somebody said I wouldn’t
remember before they even did
anything. They used hypnosis,
something mental.
(communication lag)
I’m seeing the man and the
woman, as if they’re in slow motion
(communication lag)
I’m lying down. One swings my
legs onto the table. I’m lying down.
Something is being given to me. SF,SF Note the reads
It seems so hard to think
Repeat “It seems so hard to think”
It seems so hard to think, It seems F
so hard to think
I can’t get everything.
That’s okay, just give me what you Repetition leads to discovery. What
get. 4.1 we don’t get one time through will be
Page 45
(I explain that it’s okay that she seen another time through. This is
doesn’t get everything when ever because the charge is like layers of
we go through an incident). an onion, that we have to peel away
one at a time
I feel jumpy and nervous, like it
was a stimulant, not a relaxant.
I’m getting real LF Note the big reads, body reaction and
worked up and tight LF large drop in tone arm.
It’s a strange feeling. I feel very 3.5
tense physically but relaxed
Pain in my shoulders and back and Note pain appearing
neck and arms and stomach is
coursing through
I can hear one of them saying
“she’ll make it”
They were just standing watching.
A warm feeling like blood coursing
through. Such tension in my chest
and body! I just want them to stop.
The woman says “It’s okay. It won’t
be long. We just have to know
It hurts right in my solar plexus. Gasp
She says “Look over there”. I do.
This is fragmented – I see a glass
behind the glass. I feel a current
not through me but through the
“It’s just a test. It’s nothing to worry
about.” 3.6
“It won’t be long” from the man.
One is talking about something 3.7
being scaled down in miniature. It’s
way beyond me.
I feel something in my head now.
It’s coming up my spine, up to the
top, behind my ears, it’s spreading.
It’s like an energy build up. I’m
sweating, from whatever they gave
(See notes on right) F I failed to write down what happened
at this point. Pat later reminded me
of what happened here; “There was a
physical effect. I remember gasping
and jerking back as if startled, from
‘seeing’ (sensing) a sudden, brilliant
flash of white light. I saw it two or
three times before the damage was
Page 46
There’s some damage to the glass
in one corner from these bursts –
they don’t look too happy about
that – they’re wondering if they’re
More bursts
“It’s taking too well” F
The woman is talking about the
The man says “shut it down”.
Now I’m sitting and talking to a
man. He leans into me and he’s
talking very intensely. I hear from
the side “hurry up, there’s not
much time”.
He says “If I’m to do it right, I need
“Give her something, just make it
He waves someone into the room
F Note the read. Presumably this is the
needle that Pat next refers to.
That hurt. It hurt like a needle.
“Look at me”. I seem to hang on
every word (of this man)
He’s saying “You won’t remember
What she gave me was to make
me more susceptible. I’m being
taken out with two this time.
One is my commander SF,F Note the reads
My God! How can he be here? Grief, tears Note the tears
I feel betrayed and upset. Betrayal after trust can be one of the
most hurtful of all incidents
He is waved away. They say “It
won’t hold if you’re here”. 3.6
He (the other man, not the
Commander) keeps holding and
holding me by the arms, like you
would with a person’s who’s
I go calm.
He walks me back and thanks me F
I have a memory that I went to
another location in the house.
My commander came because it
was taking longer than it should
have F
What is the next view point to be Since we are Beings, not bodies, we
run? can take any viewpoint and position
at any time. Getting someone to look
at an incident from the point of view
of anyone in the incident who also
had a lot of charge on the incident
Page 47
can clear things up quickly, as well as
give new information. I explain this to
The Commander F Note the read
Be the Commander.
(she does so)
When did this incident start for the
When he sends someone
Move to the beginning of the
incident. Move through the incident
from the Commander’s point of
view, telling me about it as you go.
It’s systematic. Pat was new. SF
New cadets are in out of the way
places, where people won’t notice
they’re gone.
I’m being asked “who’s going
next?” SF
I say “Take Pat”, and say where
she’s stationed. 3.8
I turn back to activities. It’s an open
house, inviting public, but also key
people who are supposed to be
here. These are important people.
I check when they’re back. Pat’s
not back yet – what’s holding it up?
I feel uncomfortable that I have to
slip out F
I go look for her. I know where it is,
and they don’t like me going down
there, but it can’t take too long.
I see them still F Note the reads
processing her, F
or testing her.
Why are they still sitting? 3.7
I ask, “what is the delay?”
“She exhibited more than F
we had planned for”.
They’re looking for a receptive
area in the brain.
“It’s not hard science. Things can
happen that we don’t know about.”
“She’s got to go back” (from the
commander) F
I can feel nervousness and almost
impatience, warmth, sweating – we
must get her back, we have to go. 3.5
“Wait here”
What are they testing for? F Note the reads
Psychic abilities F
Which psychic abilities – what
could a person do with them?
Page 48
I’m not privy to everything
I’m getting a headache (that is, the
commander is getting a
headache). God-damned people,
what are they doing to me? I feel
it’s coming from the people or the
It’s about time.
Whoa! You said she was under –
get her under – she looked at me,
she recognized me. She’s upset.
She’s fighting. 3.4
Be Pat
That was weird. I could feel his
emotions. It must have been near
the end of the day.
I don’t have the memory of the
other place F Note the read on “other place”
they thanked me in.
Was that a false memory?
Yes F Note the read
What were they doing? (she
answers herself) – seeking
potential. To see what happens if
that part of the brain is activated.
For a lot of people, nothing would
They realized there is a danger so
they suppressed that part of me.
Very good
Maybe future ones (incidents) were
to see if it’s still holding 3.6
Why would they give me a “You’re
not psychic” if they wanted to use
it? Laughs
I feel really good F/N
I feel fantastic!
This session went very well. I decided that we had completed this incident, since
we ended with the three things you need to end an incident:
1. Very good indicators (client looking bright and happy)
2. Floating Needle
3. Realisations
“You are not psychic” (not recorded who this was from)
Page 49
Session 6: Mind Control on a Decommissioned Naval Ship
28th September 2001
Pat woke up feeling terrible, exhausted and sore all over. Each night when I had
dropped her off I had reminded her to lock herself in with the portable door lock.
For some reason I did not do so last night. (Was my mind blocked? I think so.).
There was another motel with rooms facing the same wall of motel rooms that
Pat was staying in. Her door faced a verandah on the outside of the building).
Last night Pat did not lock herself in. She remembered that she was about to do
so when she was given a thought-command “Don’t do it”, and she followed this
I gave her a balance. Sure enough, she was way out of balance again. Her
central nervous system was out of balance. Muscle testing indicated the cause
was hypnotism. Her cloacals were out of balance. Muscle testing indicated this
was because she was interfered with last night. In addition her spleen was out of
Summary of session:
First we look at Pat being abducted last night after she was mentally coerced into
leaving the portable door lock off the door.
Then we move onto another incident. Pat goes with ten young people on a
Military Cadet outing to stay a couple of days and nights on a decommissioned
ship – a battleship, or destroyer or frigate. During the session Pat called it a
battleship but later she said it might have been another any kind of naval ship.
She is put in a berth with a girl she doesn’t know. At midnight Pat is taken in her
pyjamas to a room where she is restrained in a chair, and told to look at lights
which program three compartmentalized personalities in her.
We also remove wernicke’s commands designed to have Pat kill herself and
others should these memories surface.
Page 50
with me SF Note the read
4. “Kill Stephanie” (Pat had some reluctance to tell me this one. After
we got rid of this one she reported that she had noticed a
fascination for a carving knife when she was in her motel room)
5. “Kill Michael” (She had even more reluctance to tell me this one)
6. “Kill yourself”
Page 51
said later that it felt like ten minutes.
We’re in an area that looks like a
base, or a building. 4.9
I’m inside. I’m in a room.
They gave me something SF Note the read
We stop and do kinesiology. I balance out one drug. After I did that, Pat felt a headache
and really dizzy.
Page 52
Not a huge amount of current SF 4.1
“That does it”. “You’d better be
sure of it”. 4.0
I feel ghastly
The phone rings. I answer it. It’s Michael at work. He wants to know what we are doing,
as he is under a lot of psychic attack. Then I return to the session.
Page 53
before SF She means, before being on this ship
Head jerks Note reads and body reaction
Something is in my head
Yes SF
There’s another one on the other
side 4.1
(For the third time since I have Several months after the sessions
seen Pat, she goes into a trance, Pat reported that after the sessions
where she can’t speak or move, there was a definite reduction in the
but can hear what’s going on. Her number of times that this happened.
eyes are shut. I continue to talk to
Send light to all those implants.
Use your psychic abilities to break
up the implants, and put the pieces
into your blood stream, to carry
them away. (She then starts to
speak again):
That did it.
I have a feeling being on the
battleship was to do with mind
I’m getting F Note the read
the girl I was talking to being
abusive. She counters whatever I
say. She’s trying to scramble me
as far as making sense of things. F 4.0
One moment friendly, the next
abusive. Now there’s hardly any
getting together with the group, just
the people in the room. SF 3.9
I think “it’s me – I’m being bad”.
I don’t feel in any danger, I think
this is just training. 3.8
I’m being taken somewhere one
There’s people SF
Some are in uniform, some aren’t.
There’s a chair.
The chair is different – has
electronics attached. SF Note the read
They put me in and they’re not too
gentle about it.
Strap my wrists down
Shudder Note her reaction
I feel what I felt. That really scares
me, cause I don’t understand.
LF 3.3 Note the big read and blowdown in
Page 54
One says, “Don’t be silly, it won’t
hurt”. They’re having me look at
something again in some lights.
They say, “keep looking”
There’s a current going through
me. I pull against my wrists. It
hurts my head. I close my eyes –
they say “Don’t close your eyes”.
What’s this about? Someone says
“This is a dream” 3.5
Every time I turn away, they turn
me back, and open my eyes.
Sometimes the lights flash. I feel
very calm. If this is all that’s to this,
I can do it. Tired. Headache, hurts
a lot. 3.6
I feel my ears are working, but I
don’t hear anything. A vibration in
my ears. They turn the lights off 3.7
My body relaxes. I didn’t realize I
was so tense.
“That’s enough – take her back”.
They half carry me back. I go to
bed. The girl is in my bedroom.
“Don’t worry, she won’t remember”
I wake up SF
next morning, but I don’t
We were there for a weekend, this Later on I asked Pat to clarify this.
is the day I’m going on. F 3.6 She said, “I felt that I was there for a
couple of days, and when this
incident occurred it was the night
before the day I was to go home.”
Move to the beginning of the
incident and tell me when you are
there. (She does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I see myself getting off the bus.
There’s ten of us. Right now I’ve
got a headache.
Use your psychic abilities to send
the headache into the ground.
(she does so)
How’s the headache?
This is north of the city. It’s a huge
I’m going up the gang plank. Men The men she refers to are
watch us come on. I’m in the maintenance crew, lower officers etc.
The girl who was with me - F
Page 55
She’s the same age, kind of pretty.
She’s asking me a lot of questions. SF
I feel she’s keen to know me, but
part of me is put off –
They’re prying questions. F
She’s awake when they come in. I
look to her to explain why these
guys are here.
Her name? F Note the read.
Susan Remember this name for what
happens later on
She doesn’t answer, just watches
them take me. One of the men are
talking about duty.
What time is it? F Note the read
Midnight F 3.4
I don’t understand – why would I
go on guard duty in my pyjamas? Note: I am Australian born and I spell
with English not US spelling (not
My head hurts
They’ve given me something. I
see them pull me along. We’re
back in the room again. 3.6
They plonk me in the chair SF
I’m small SF
They put metal things over my
wrists, not straps SF
LF Note reads and her reaction
I’m getting upset. My hands hurt.
They say “It’s not going to hurt”.
My biggest emotion is confusion –
I’m not sure what’s going on.
I’m watching the lights
Tell me about them
They’re like a kaleidoscope, but
not as detailed. There are flashes
here and there. They’re very
insistent I look at the lights.
What are they testing for? I should have asked “What is the
purpose of the lights?”
They’re not testing
Something is being put in F Note the read
I get the sense of a picture in the
It’s mind control
What are they programming you
So they can use me
Page 56
This is after the incident at the
CEO’s house. The woman keeps
checking parameters. “Look at the
What’s there?
Have you ever killed anyone
Yes, but I don’t remember SF Note the read
What else?
Obey, Control
Tell me what is in the lights
I must be on another level SF
What else?
Being robotic, programmed.
Oh! Oh my gosh!!! There’s “Alter” is a word for a
something there about alters compartmentalized personality
I see two, then I see it divide again.
How many are there? F Note the read
(answer not recorded- she may not
have answered)
Do both split again?
I repeat the question, how many
are there?
Three. Myself and three alters.
The commands are given to them.
There’s me.
One alter is ‘kill’
What is the name of that alter? SF
Ann. That used to be my middle Pat’s mother told her she could pick
name (of my own choice) any middle name she wanted, and
she went through a few. This
happened during her “Ann” period.
The second alter, what is its job?
Sexual? (she says this with a
questioning voice)
What is its name? F
Laurie Pat said later that she has always
associated beauty and sexuality with
this name.
The third alter is psychic
What is its name?
It’s nameless.
How do they identify it?
With a number
It’s Pat No. 3 3.4
Is there anything else important
about the lights?
They’re mainly purple. That’s my
favourite colour.
This fits. I’ve often asked – I’m a Note: Pat was so concerned about
good person – So why do I get these images she got that she had
images of killing people? even gone to a psychiatrist at one
Page 57
Session 7: Transported to Mars
29th September 2001
We also remove many booby traps which were designed to kill her and others
should memories of Mars surface.
Page 58
LF 4.1
LF 3.8
It’s a full blown attack.
Use tai-chi – step aside. Don’t try Some day after the day when Pat put
to stand up to him. the remote viewer to sleep she tried it
again. I think it was here she tried it.
It didn’t work this time – they were
expecting it and looking out for it.
Also, this remote viewer had more
ability than the other one.
I put up the ‘rubber ball’. Then I The “rubber ball” is an energy
moved in close and kissed and creation that I had told her earlier to
hugged him, and washed his face. make and place around us to prevent
I used lots of light. interference from getting to us.
Because it’s rubber, energies bounce
off it.
There’s something else – a hook 3.7
They have a back up (she fixes it) 4.0
When they hit me, they seized up
the thought.
Move to the incident and tell me
when you are there (she does so).
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
I feel tenseness
(I presume that here I asked her to
locate the tense feeling)
Say “hello” to the tenseness till it
Command it “Run out the incident
that made you the way you are”.
(she does so). Acknowledge it.
(she does so).
Command it “Run out the incident
that made you stick to my body”.
(she does so). I then read the
entity it’s rights “You have the right
of all spirits to your own sanity,
your own self-determinism, the
right to play any game you want
and the right to leave any game
you want”. Now it’s free to leave,
what does it want to do?
Go away 4.3
I’m in the chair, scared.
I get visions F
I’m going through harmonics.
It’s an evaluation F
of what can be done with this alter. 4.2
The lights are still there, but they’re
not so concerned about them now.
They’re holding things up to my
head. One thing looks like a
Page 59
flashlight, without the light.
F 4.0
I remembered that they gave her a stimulant during this time, and I hadn’t balanced it
out. We stopped and using kinesiology balanced the stimulant out of her body. Then
returned to the session.
Page 60
This ‘gasp’ was because Pat felt something was going wrong with her
heart. She felt that she had ‘booby traps’ to stop her remembering Mars.
We stopped and used kinesiology to find wernicke’s commands. Sure
enough, there were ten. It took one to five attempts to get the correct
wording for each command.
Pat mentioned that these felt much worse coming out of her head than the
others had done.
9. “You have a fatal asthma attack if you remember Mars” (Pat had a
history of asthma)
Because this was Pat’s last day with me, we then continued with the
session with the meter.
Which group did the work on you
on the ship?
Intelligence F Note the read
Which group of intelligence?
Naval Intelligence F Note: Pat said that before this she
had forgotten that the group that took
Michael was Naval Intelligence
Did you know this was the same
group who took Michael to Mars?
When I read the Mars Records I Even if Pat HAD been influenced by
read every word. But I was still what she read, there is no way that
Page 61
trying to not be influenced by it. that would have created all these
F reads, changes in TA and body
I’m back in the chair, past the part
with the ‘flashlight’. F
They’re discussing whether they
want to send me or to develop the
other alters. SF
“Ship her up for a short orientation SF Note the read
and we’ll deal with the other alters
at another time”
This is amazing! 4.3
I’m still in the chair
(communication lag)
Have they put you into one of your I ask this because Pat had stopped
alters? talking, and I was getting no reads
Yes SF Note the read
Which one?
Pat No. 3
Be Pat No. 3
Move through the incident from the
point of view of Pat No. 3
I’m experiencing the body energy SF
I feel really stimulated
Head jerks Note body reaction. The energy was
There are bursts of energy inside
There’s a pain in my third eye
area. SF Note read and body reaction
I feel asleep, in the incident. I’m
being moved. They’re carrying me
some place. They’re talking about
“just in time”. There’s a boring
pain in the top of my head.
Like a surge F
It goes right through. I’m still
asleep , but it’s a different feeling.
There’s activity in my third eye F
Someone’s moving me along.
Whatever was on my head is taken
off. 4.9
I feel almost numb.
Have they given you a drug?
I think it’s the thing on my head.
It strengthens you. My heart is
beating quite hard. They’re waiting
for me to stabilize. There’s a
doctor. He says “She’s okay”.
There’s a very beautiful woman
behind him. She looks very
military-like. She’s wearing a
uniform. It’s not the same (as the
Page 62
others). It looks different. The top
comes to the waist, it’s more tight
fitting, very sharp, greyish or grey-
bluish. A hat cocked to one side,
like a beret. Nice body, dark hair.
She tells me to go with her. 4.6
I do SF Note the read
I’m beginning to collect my
thoughts – there’s something way
strange going on. SF
Are you still in your pyjamas?
What are you wearing?
A jumpsuit of some kind
Where am I? F
In (the Military Cadet Program)
we’re taught to obey and she’s in
uniform. But this doesn’t look like
the ship anymore. It looks like a
tunnel, with roundish walls.
We’re moving through a tunnel F Note the read
Ow! F Note the read
I walk into an area – something is
injected into the side of my neck. I
feel a little weird.
What did they give you?
Something to slow me down
We stop and use kinesiology to balance out the drug put in the side of her neck.
Page 63
evaluated me. Now I’m being
programmed for specifics here.
My third eye is hurting a lot.
There’s a boring feeling into my
third eye.
What colour is it?
Rose or red Note: Michael had a number of
sessions were he saw a red light in
his third eye. We still haven’t found
out what that was. Pat later
commented that she definitely did
NOT remember this from The Mars
They make me hold my head very
still. F 4.5
I’m not afraid – maybe on earth
they gave me enough
programming to not be afraid.
The girl is gone. The commander
is back. There’s a technician as
well. I’m sitting, with braces on
either side of my head. They are
watching a screen, but I can’t see
For a second, hop out of your
body, and look at the screen.
What’s on it?
Pictures SF
Earth type pictures of my life.
The commander comes back
because this needs her decision.
She’s sizing me up.
What is she looking at?
A picture of my brain
This is taking a while
How long?
Twenty minutes SF
It’s hard to hold still for twenty
minutes. I’m very tired.
Do you feel this is a good spot to It doesn’t look as though we are
end the session? going to be able to end this session
with a floating needle – we may have
a very long way to get to that
Keep going till you find a good spot
to end F,F 4.0
I’m sitting there.
This is going to go on a long time.
She says “Keep her”. F 3.9 Note the read. Pat later reported that
she felt an intense emotional reaction
at this realization.
I feel closure with that.
I feel kind of good now. F
Page 64
We had one last look for any more wernicke’s commands, especially booby
traps. There were more, eight this time:
Pat phoned me soon after I dropped her off at her motel. This time I followed her
up to her room, and didn’t leave her room until she had locked herself in with the
portable door lock. Walking back down the stairs I felt (imagined?) people
watching me from the opposite motel.
When Pat got to her room, there was a message waiting for her on the phone.
The message said:
“Hello Patti! This is Susan from Home Realty, calling because you called and
made an appointment to look at some rental property”. She left a phone number
but Pat didn’t write it down.
Pat left the next day. We gave her a lift to the bus station. She told us that later
that night she tried to phone us, but was told that our phone was out of order. In
fact, it wasn’t. We got other calls that night. And that night Pat received a call
from home in her motel room.
Page 65
We were a bit concerned about Pat getting home, but we asked God to look after
her and reminded her to be on the look-out. She promised that she would stay
alert to any possible trouble as she boarded the bus in Norfolk.
Pat called us soon after arriving home to relate what had occurred during the trip.
She told us that she picked up intense psychic vibes on the way to the
Washington D.C. bus terminal, which made her feel extremely uncomforatable,
sinc she had to change buses there. The terminal was so packed with people
that she had to shove her way thorugh just to find the waiting line for the next
New York City bus. When she got in line, two men in front of her immediately
turned and started talking to her. Even though they were very friendly, her inner
alarm went off, and she became suspicious of their intentions. They were being
too friendly, too quickly. It seemed like they were trying to make her relax and let
her guard down. Pat tensed instead, remembering the words of a co-UFO
investigator: “Don’t seek safety in a crowd. They can take you very easily in that
situation. They’ll surround you with their agents, move in, sedate you, and whisk
you out of the area without anyone else noticing because there’s just too many
people around to actually see what’s happening”.
Although Pat wasn’t absolutely sure this was such an attempt, she listened to her
intuition and knew she needed to get out of the situation. At that moment,
another bus, traveling an alternative route to her home was announced over the
loudspeaker, and she herd “Go that way” in her mind. Pat didn’t question
whether the thought was her own decision or inner guidance, she just acted on
the advice without any hesitation.
She hurried over to the departure door and gave her ticket to the driver. He
looked at it and said, “You’re supposed to be on the New York bus.” Pat nodded
but made no attempt to leave, waiting instead with a silent prayer on her lips.
The driver stared at the ticket as if considering something – or was he listening to
inner or divine guidance? – then he tore the New York and Scranton tickets off
and told her to get on the bus. With a sigh of relief, Pat boarded the bus, and
thanked God for getting her safely away from the terminal. She felt that she had
definitely escaped something.
Page 66
Pat kept quiet. She had made it this far, and she trusted God to get her the rest
of the way. The original driver suddenly announced that he would recheck the
tickets for the new driver. “I’ll start at the back,” he stated, knowing that Pat was
sitting at the front. Halfway through the recheck, he quit and said, “You’re behind
schedule. Check them at your next stop.” Then he gathered his belongings and
left the bus. Pat watched him disappear into the terminal and sent him a
heartfelt, whispered, “Thank you!”
Between that stop and the next, Pat kept working out what she would say to the
new driver when he found out that she was #21. She wasn’t nervous, though. It
was as if someone were sitting next to her in the empty seat and constantly
assuring her that “It will be all right.” When her ticket was finally checked, the
bus driver returned it to her without a word! Pat said another “Thank you” to her
heavenly protector. There wasn’t anymore said about the mysterious extra
passenger, and Pat made it home.
After Pat returned home she phoned us, and said she could hear clicking on our
phone. A few days both Pat and we had a LOT of static on our phones. This
continued to us the whole time we were in Norfolk. The static stopped
immediately we moved to another state.
Page 67
A Personal Letter from Pat
Dear Reader:
Thank you for downloading and reading, "The Mars Force: Pat's Story."
When I first went to see Michael and Stephanie, I had no idea that I had been on
Mars. In fact, it was when she requested that I say something that couldn't
possibly be true that I blurted out, "I am on Mars and fighting the aliens in the
ships," thinking that it would demonstrate the needle motion that indicated a false
read. (She was attempting to show me the difference between a true and false
statement in answer to a question I had asked.) Stephanie stared at the
biofeedback meter and said, "Say something that couldn't possibly be true." My
eyes widened and my mouth fell open when I realized that she was implying that
the statement I had just made had read true on the meter. I suspected that I had
been abducted and programmed, but I never fathomed the depth of involvement
that I had with the shadow government's covert, off-world operations.
What I learned during the sessions amazed me, but I also found it hard to
believe. What made it difficult to dismiss, however, was the fact that it explained
the inner me so well. For example:
Page 68
when I misbehaved as a child, there is no other explanation, in my mind, for my
intense fear of restraint, except what surfaced in the sessions.
I decided to try a mental exercise from the book, "The Silva Mind Control
Method." It consisted of counting backwards while looking upward behind my
closed eyelids at a 20-degree angle. For some reason, this position of the eyes
automatically produces an Alpha state in the brain. (I find it interesting that the
posters and pictures of Harry Potter depict him with this eye position. Does the
shadow government want today's children to be in Alpha most of the time?
*Parents, please take note and take action.) The natural Alpha state produced by
this eye position can be deepened to reach Lower Level Alpha by counting
backwards from 100 to 1. I already knew how easily I slipped into an altered
state, so I shortened the exercise by 75 and counted backwards from 25 to 1. I
did this once a day for three days, and each time, I felt myself go deeper. On the
fourth day, something happened. I started my mental count as usual, but I only
reached 12 when a massive surge of energy swept through my body. I had never
felt such a powerful current of energy before. At the same instant, my mind
opened to me like the pages of a book. I connected to my psychic alter and my
killer alter. I 'saw' some of the psychic terminations that I had done, and I
experienced the unemotional ruthlessness that was my 'mind set' when I
completed them. This connection lasted only about 20 seconds, but it left me
gasping afterwards. I remembered everything because it had been triggered by
the exercise, not by the shadow government. This incident has totally convinced
me that my psychic alter and killer alter do exist; logically, if these parts of me
exist, then the other parts must exist as well. If the other parts exist, then,
logically, something had to have happened to me to create them.
Page 69
I was only 14 when I joined the military cadet program and all of this started. I'm
not saying that every cadet program is involved (although it is possible the cadet
program concept was the creation of the shadow government to begin with - a
good way to get to our nation's youth for military mind control and programming.)
The reason that I wrote this letter to you was to outline some of the signs and
symptoms that these experiences left me with, so you will be able to recognize
the same ones in your child if your son or daughter is a member of a cadet
program. If they demonstrate any of the behavior or mental impressions that I
have detailed in this letter, please take them out of the cadet program and get
help for them.
I have withheld the name of the famous C.E.O. and the cadet program for my
own safety. If anything happens to me, I have instructed Michael and Stephanie
to publish the name of the C.E.O. and the cadet program online. I also left the
same information and instruction with two friends. I state, here and now, I'm not
suicidal, and if this should occur, it must be considered murder and the
appropriate action taken.
Page 70
Session 8: Wernicke’s to Kill Us
3rd September 2002 am
Pat came back for a second series of approximately ten hours of kinesiology and
clearing sessions.
I did a kinesiology balance on Pat. As I hadn’t seen her for a year, it was not
surprising that she was quite out of balance.
With her eyes shut, her cloacals and spleen were out of balance. When I
balanced these, her arm started moving by itself. Muscle testing indicated that
the cause was three draconians who were interfering.
Muscle testing indicated that she had been abducted at least four times since we
had last seen her. I then looked for booby traps. The following wernicke’s
commands were removed from Pat’s alter called Anne.
“Kill them in their sleep” (this referred to us, Michael and Stephanie Relfe,
as Pat was staying with us during this visit and not at a hotel).
“Give a floating strike to the Relfe’s in their sleep” (this is a killing martial
art technique, done to the throat).
Pat then went into a trance, and was unable to do the eye movements which are
needed to remove wernicke’s commands.
“Give a Dim Mak strike to the Relfe’s in their sleep” (another killing Martial arts
Page 71
Session 9: Wernicke’s from Reptilians
3rd September 2002 pm
The following commands were removed from her alter called Laurie:
1. “Remember this”
2. “Never forget your mission”
3. “You have perfect memory”
4. “You have photographic memory”
5. “You have eidic (>>>>> ?????????????? PAT – WAS THIS “EIDECTIC
6. “Tell only us”
7. “Your debriefing is only to us”
8. “Watch him”
9. “Watch Michael”
10. “Trust no one”
11. “You have no friends but us”
12. “We love you”
Page 72
Session 10: Etheric Connection to a Machine on Mars
September 4th 2002
Pat – also, I didn’t take many notes of how you looked and felt
before and after sessions, so if you can add anything along
those lines that would be great.
Start of Session
Is anything interfering? F The read indicates that we do have
Identify it F
Do deliverance on them SF 5.0
Angels helping F 4.8
Is it gone?
Is there anything else interfering?
Remote viewer
Do deliverance on them SF
Do you have an incident in
(We then went through various
questions to check that Pat was in
present time. I have not included
this part here).
Is anything else happening?
Ever since the last sessions – I still 4.7
think there’s a part of me that says
this is not true.
Things come up in between. I
have a concern for safety. The
killer part bothers me. 5.0
Is it just my imagination? SF
I feel uncomfortable. F
Also a little afraid. This takes away
some of my security. F 4.9
It’s like I found out I have another
side I didn’t know about. F
Like when I went to the _____ PAT – PLEASE FILL THIS IN OR
Page 73
Dept & pick up a baby and hold the CHANGE IT
baby, it flashes through my mind 4.8
whether I’ll hurt it. With Michael, it
bounces off him. I’m more
concerned. 4.7
I have a feeling F, F Note the reads and the feeling
Something is hooked into my head.
Say “Hello” to it till it answers F
(she does so) F
Command it – “Run out the
incident that made you the way
you are”. F 4.4
NO LF, gasp Note the big read and bodily reaction
Something came in that said “No,
shut down”.
Identify the thing that said “no”
It’s a big, very strong, an authority.
Not human F
Say “hello” SF
to it till it answers 4.3
It gives me a pain in the chest
Keep saying “hello” F
It gave me a look, and turned it’s
F, Note the reads
Body jerks and body reaction
Command it “Run out the incident
that made you the way you are”
I get there are drugs involved –
someone gave me drugs
We stopped doing clearing and switched to kinesiology. I balanced out the drugs.
Muscle testing indicated there were radionic drugs being projected. We got Michael in to
help and prayed them away.
Is he still around? F
Command it “run out the incident
that made you associate with me” SF,SF,F
I got “Mars, hospital, abductions”.
Command it “Run out the incident
that mde you do whatever they tell
you to do”
He’s a watch dog
Let’s go back to the thing in your
head now. Command it “Run out
the incident that made you the way
you are” F,F
I saw a flash F
They’ve been tortured (that is, the beings used to control
Page 74
Pat have been tortured to ensure
they obey their orders)
Acknowledge it
Command it “Run out the incident
that made you stick to my body”
Read it it’s rights “You have the
right of all spirits to your own self
determinism, to play any game or
not and to leave any game or not.
Now you are free to leave, what
you do you want to do?”
The little one leaves. The other
ones are gone.
What else is happening? 4.7
How do you feel? F/N
I feel like it’s very difficult to do
Locate that feeling
It’s outside 4.8
Where? In the world? LF
Yes. Not far.
How far?
Within 100 miles. Between 60 and
80. Underground.
What is the source of the feeling? 4.7
I see a remote viewer
Hi boss. Two people.
They broke it off That is, they broke off the connection
Weave a cocoon around us
It’s a bit harder than last time F,F
What else is happening?
Can I just say the images I get?
Sure. I want you to.
I see images of Montauk F Note the read. For more information,
read the HIGHLY recommended
book “Montauk” by Peter Moon.
A train 4.8
A door
A force field
A doctor, has instruments.
Something’s done to my mind that
wipes it out.
Right now, do we have an incident
in restimulation?
I think so F
Yes or no?
Yes Gasp
LF 4.6 Note the big read
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
I’m on a table. It hurts on the top
of my head, and the back of my
Page 75
head. I’m not conscious. Oh! The
pressure – right in my third eye,
and either temple. It feels like
something clamped.
Is it clamped?
Yes, it’s wiping something out. I
feel blank.
I can hear their voices F Note the read
Two people
One’s saying “This is the third
time”. SF
The other says “I hope this doesn’t
change her”.
“Well, we wouldn’t have to keep
putting it in, if she would just stop
looking (for answers)”.
How old are you?
Fifteen F Note the read
Something in my ears, down the
throat, up the back
Gasp Note the body reactions
Like an electrical charge Gasp
“We’re ready for the program”
My ears hurt. I hear sound, but it’s
really fast F
It’s too fast to understand.
What is the purpose of the sound?
It’s an overlay. It’s programs put
in, that when triggered over-ride
the original personality. F Note the read
It’s … F,F
It feel it’s training
I ‘m seeing fighter ships in space.
Maybe that’s the training F
Is it?
Yes F Note the read
I’m being trained for the fighter
ships. 4.5
I’m being moved out of the room. Gasp
I feel sick (in the incident) F Note the read
It’s the effect of the drug
The woman I talked about, at the
end of the last clearing session,
just walked by. She nodded and
walked on. 4.7
Little micro flashes of memory.
It’s the end (of the incident) F,F 4.6
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
Page 76
through the incident telling me
about it as you go. (She takes a while to do this)
There’s resistance in my chest.
Is there a thought form there we
can talk to? F The read indicates that there is a
thought form we can talk to
Say “hello” to it till it answers. F 4.7
(she does so).
Command it, “Run out the incident
that made you the way you are”
It said “Do you want to die”?
Say to it, “I repeat the command: LF Note we get a read this time
run out the incident that made you
the way you are”.
I saw a connection from it to me
Acknowledge it.
Command it “Run out the incident
that made you stick to my body”
Acknowledge it
It was connected to the thing
connected to my head 5.0
Acknowledge it
Read it it’s rights “You have the
right of all spirits to your own self
determinism, to play any game or
not and to leave any game or not.
Now you are free to leave, what
you do you want to do?”
It has resistance to this
Command it: “Run out the incident
that made you do what others tell
you to do”. 5.2
It still has a lot of resistance but it’s
showing me a force field. It was
trapped in the force field. It’s
connected to a machine.
Say to it, “I repeat the command,
run out the incident that made you
do what others tell you to do”.
(We have to do this yet again). LF Finally, we get a read
Is there anything you can do to
help him disconnect from the
He says if he disconnects, they’ll
just put him back F 5.1 Note the read
(Now I, Stephanie, come in to
encourage it to do this. Plus give it
love which helps it get strength to F 4.9 Note the read and drop in TA. It’s
do this) working
Read it it’s rights “You have the
right of all spirits to your own self
Page 77
determinism, to play any game or
not and to leave any game or not.
Now you are free to leave, what
you do you want to do?”
He’s leaving. 4.8
Instead of just being me, it took on
this global scenario – all those
people are connected etherically. I
was on of millions.
What planet is the machine on?
Not on earth. On Mars.
Move to the beginning of the F
(Pat ignores my command …)
There was a big reaction in me to Oops! It looks like I went too fast
what I just said here and missed something
OH! Tears Note the tears and big read
LF 4.6
I feel a very intense reaction to
what I just said 4.8
A thought came – it’s not millions
of people as such, it’s people
they’ve worked on.
It could be people on Mars.
Have any of the people connected
been only on earth?
This is the Mars Force SF Note the read
This is the way they control the
Mars Force LF 4.5 Note the big read and
Gasp body reacion
There’s a definite charge inside.
Because I dissolved that
The repercussions can be felt all
the way back on Mars. Laugh Note the body reaction
They know when one gets free 4.6
I’m feeling as though they are
trying to reconnect me. They’re
trying to fix it.
Pray to God to send angels to
protect it. SF
The best thing is just finding it’s
there – now I can disconnect it. SF
F/N 4.1
I feel tired.
I feel good. 4.0 Note that we started with a high TA of
5.1 and it is now down to an
acceptable 4.0.
Page 78
Session 11: Torture to Suppress Psychic Abilities I
September 5th 2002 am
Note from Stephanie Relfe: Some of the following will be very disturbing to
many people. Note that it took a lot of bravery for Pat to confront and talk about
these awful things. I repeat, Pat is a very gentle, ladylike, kind person and would
normally never imagine even half of the horrible things that were done to her and
which were removed from her conscious memory.
Page 79
Put up your shields
They’re saying “no you’re not”
(Pat puts her shields up while I put
up a rainbow coloured shield
around the apartment. Then we
ask for God to send angels to help
Move back to the incident
I’m on a table F Note the read
The doctor I dislike is there
I’m angry because he’s the one
who keeps taking me for
programming. This is after Mars.
After I’ve been time shot back F Note the read
I get a feeling I’ve gotten rid of the
connection to the machine before
That is very right F
How old are you?
Thirty-three comes in
Where are you?
Underground area of Montauk
Exactly Montauk? I ask this because I got a read on the
previous statement, but it wasn’t an
instant read (as indicated by being on
a different line). His indicates the
read was on thought she had after
she made the statement
Underground. Not right below
Camp Hero. It’s off a tunnel.
I get an impression of water. We
may be under water.
What happens next?
I’m on a table F Note the read
They take readings. Psychological
profile as well. The doctor has
stepped away.
It’s all so routine F Note the read
I’m in stasis F Note the read
I’m not unconscious. But not
talking or moving. 3.5 Note that TA has come down even
further, from 4.6 at the beginning of
the session to a very good 3.5. If this
was a lie, the TA would be going UP,
not coming down.
I’ve been changed into a different
This takes 20 minutes SF
Seems like some things are
holding but others are not. They
make adjustments.
Page 80
This is not the first time.
How many times before?
Just a couple of months before F Note the reads
Body jerks and body reaction
That might have been an injection SF
Now I feel a change in my head 3.5
The man with me is taking to the
man I hate – into a listening
device. Because he is afraid of me.
They need heavy suppression
because I hate what they did to
I want to take them out.
This is new. SF
They don’t want to lose me. 3.4
On Mars, something happened. I
got free of … F Note the reads
Shudder and body reactions
F 3.3
I’m total tingles now. I got free of
their control. Something triggered
It was a batch of new recruits. F Note the read
I was a trainer – I am a trainer Pat is meant to speak in present time
throughout the session.
I’m on Mars Now.
What year? SF,SF
1977 F Note the read
I’m one of the psychic trainers.
On Mars SF Note the read
I meet new recruits
There’s one recuit – he’s a man.
His name is David. SF
I’m very attracted tom him. My job
is to orient and train them. I’m one
of many trainers. We have them in
small groups. David is in my
Something happens.
What happens to David?
He dies SF Note the read
From drugs Tears Note the body reaction – Pat is not
the type to burst into tears like this!
Note also that this did not get a read
– remember this when you come to
Session 23.
I am so upset. They forced him to
take them. That’s when I started to
Page 81
get ideas of my own. I hated them.
I hated the doctor, but I didn’t do
anything then. I am going to take
them down. I have the ability to,
because I had all the training
I’m waiting F
until something comes through that
I can use.
Michael does F,LF Note the reads. She is referring here
to Michael Relfe of “The Mars
Records”. When they first met it was
as if they were old colleagues who
had known each other for a time.
I notice his potential and his power.
I decide to use him for my plan. I
didn’t approach him right away. I
put him through some training, but
not much. I wanted to see his
potential. 3.4
They found out about what I was
going to do.
I am put in stasis. I don’t see
Michael again. They’re trying to
decide what to do with me.
It’s a close decision. F Note the reads
Some say, just get rid of her. F
Others want to send me back, to
get used. They just don’t want me
Back to where?
A ship
First a ship.
Then earth F,F
It’s almost a relay.
How do you get back to earth?
Through a portal
SF 3.2
It comes through to a hospital.
Outside Detroit F Note the read
What area?
Lincoln Park area SF
They did something to me before I
come back SF
Physical and mental torture,
hooked to my psychic abilities
What do they do to you?
(not sure if I got an answer or not
here – my next note is another
Move to the beginning of the
torture incident and tell me when
Page 82
you are there.
I’m there F
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
It’s a debriefing room SF
It’s done in a very abusive way. A
man comes in. I don’t look at this
for some reason. SF
I can hear him screaming. F 3.1 Note the read
They’re trying to make me … F
This is not done in an alter.
They want me to remember this,
and suppress it. One man is sitting
there and he is screaming at me to
make me forget, to completely
intimidate me. It’s to do with
abilities on Mars. So I associate
danger, abuse and torture with
psychic abilities. 3.3
Move to the beginning of the
torture incident. (she does so).
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
This is on Mars, before they send
me back.
They find out SF
about what I’m planning
Suddenly I have no access to
Michael. 3.25
They come and ask me F Note the reads
to go with them. Gasp and body reactions
I sense what it’s about. There’s
resistance. But I’m cornered.
I’m sitting in a room. F 3.25
A man comes in,
not an officer SF
I get a flash back - SF
As the man walks in – how they
found out – when he walked in – I
could see he was there to do
damage. Not interrogate. So they
already knew. He was the
conditioning agent. He comes in
screaming. I’m sitting by myself. I
think – that’s to make me feel
He charges at me SF
Shouts F Note the reads
“So you think you’re powerful
enough to do this?! You’re
nothing!” He reiterates how
useless and vulnerable I am. How
I don’t have any ability to do
ANYTHING to them. Anytime I try
Page 83
to talk, he shuts me up. He wants
me to remember this. Tk
Not what he’s doing, F
but the feeling I experience as he’s
screaming at me,
threatening me. – F
the feeling of vulnerability.
There are others coming in. SF 3.35
They F 3.3
Start pushing
A jab here, a hit to the head there.
They push my shoulder.
They say nothing. F Note the read
They let me sweat. The (first) man
is still shouting in a loud, abusive,
demanding voice.
There are a total of four of them.
The three others say nothing.
I feel a shove. F Note the read
A hit to the back of my head – not
hard. 3.4
The man talking to me tells me he
is going to turn me over to hem. I
feel a panic in my stomach. He
says over and over again “It’s too
late” – to pull out, to try to get out
of it.
SF Note the reads
Tears and body reactions
He …
turns me over to them. Body jerks
It’s physical abuse.
I am being raped. The lack of reads could be due to the
fact that Pat cannot confront this part
at this stage.
Tell me about it I need Pat to really “as is” the whole
thing and in order to do that she
needs to confront it all and tell me
about it so that I an acknowledge it
and get rid of the charge
They are all men. They stand
there. They poke me, and touch
me, behind him. The man in front
of me has a sadistic smile
on his face F Note the read
He (the man who was yelling at
me) enjoys this.
There is no restraint. I’m just
sitting in a chair. I know what the
men are going to do.
I feel “Please don’t go any further
with this”. F 3.5 Note the read
But he just turns and walks out of
Page 84
the room and says “she’s yours”.
Tears Note the body reaction
They hurt me bad
What happens?
They pull me out of the chair.
The men are not weak. F
They keep saying “Stop me from
doing this. Use your abilities”.
But I’m not in my psychic aliter.
They hit me.
They push me first. I go flying.
They hit me across the face. SF 3.5
They don’t let me get up
They rape me. I feel sick to my
stomach. I throw up. There’s blood.
I feel there, broken bones.
I go mentally away so I don’t feel
It’s a repeat of that. LF
Until I’m unconscious.
They rape me one after another, till
I’m bloody there too.
This is very unpleasant F,F 3.4 Good! We are getting more reads
I don’t want to look F 3.3
There is an electrical device. They
shock me with that. They keep
saying that I can’t stop them, I
can’t do a thing with my psychic
abilities. I’m crying. I’m throwing
up. I’m spitting blood.
I’m shrieking. F
I’m hating them more and more
and what they stand for.
I’m unconscious. F Note the read
I’m being moved out of the room.
I’m on a table. Doctors step in.
They assess me. A drug is given
at this out.
Do we need to do kinesiology to
get the drug out?
Yes F Note the read
We balance out the drug with kinesiology. Then return to the meter.
Page 85
on by devices.
I’m unconscious.
I can feel a heat scanning me. F
A whirring sound F 4.0
I can feel a heat traveling along my
Now I’m sitting F
Now I’m in a debriefing room.
It’s small F 3.9
There’s a man across from me.
He’s talking.
He’s placing or inserting all the
physical conscious memories of
what happened, and of my
consciousness. He’s using the
alters to store them. The memories
of pain, terror, hopelessness, he
wants them to stay on an
unconscious level in my normal
personality, 4.0
So I will react on an unconscious
level with an aversion to psychic
He wants me to remember where,
and by who
I’m gone. I’m seeing that they ship
me out.
I go to that ship SF
More things are done,
with lights F 3.9
They don’t want me to completely
lose my abilities.
The stop at the ship is to make
sure that they are still intact.
I’ve been moved in a stasis form. SF
It’s a device put on my head, not a
drug. They teleport me down.
They had to make sure everything
was workable, they needed it. F
They could have done it on Mars, SF
but they didn’t want to chance it.
I’m in a hospital bed.
Is that part of your conscious
Yes F Note the read
What where you supposed to be
there for?
Asthma F Note the read
I really need a break F I am not surprised that she needs a
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Session 12: Torture to Suppress Psychic Abilities II
September 5th 2002 pm
Page 87
Is this the incident?
I’m being scanned 4.9
They’re using another psychic to
do it, when I’m under suspicion.
They find out my plans.
I’m aware F
of what they’re doing
I can’t hide it – It’s there in my
mind. I can feel – I know that they 5.0
know now. There’s a real sinking
feeling inside. 5.1
I wonder what they’ll do.
I think of contacting Michael SF.
He doesn’t know about this. I
haven’t had a chance to talk to
LF 4.8
There’s no time. They walk in. I’m
asked to go with them.
We’re both playing the game. F 4.6
They’re not giving away that they
know. I’m looking for a way to get
out. There’s a feeling of being
I’m in a chair F
with the man doing the yelling.
On Mars F Note the read
The doctor I hate ordered this man. 4.5
The yelling is going by. I’m not
feeling very good right now. Tk
I feel nauseated, hot. I’m sweating
the situation. 4.4
I feel really warm.
I think it’s emotional reaction. F
The three men come in LF
I’m wearing a jumpsuit. LF Note the big reads
There’s something in the sternum
area – like a regulator, for
I’m trying to adjust it F
The men are yelling at me,
preventing me.
I’m really hot F Note the read
He’s still yelling 4.1
The others are behind me.
I’m so hot. LF Note the big read
What is the source of the heat?
The suit is a special suit for
psychics. F Note the read
Page 88
Normally they (psychics) produce a
lot of heat. They’re stopping me
from regulating it.
I’m not in my psychic alter though. F
It could be possible I’m starting to
use it on my own.
Are you?
Yes F Note the read
That is why I’m starting to break
away. The man yelling at me
recognizes that fact. That is why
he won’t let me regulate it. It’s
damning evidence of me not
staying in an alter. There’s nothing
I can do.
There’s a psychic tuned into the
room as well. He’s in with the
doctor. SF
I feel psychic suppression, F
so I can’t use any abilities. 4.1
It’s … SF,F
He’s turned me over to the other
men. He got what he needed –
confirmation that the alter psyche /
psychic abilities are leaking
through. 4.7
F 4.5
I feel a smash to my nose. LF
And to the side of my head on the
left. LF Note the reads
I’m jerked by my arm, my right
arm. LF Note the read. We are starting to get
into this incident now.
They hit me in the solar plexus. F
I’m jerked to the left now.
One holds my arms. I feel a crack.
I hear a crack F Note the read
in my left arm.
Does that hurt?
Yes F
I don’t have time to feel the pain. I
get hit again.
To the right side. F Note the read.
How does your broken arm feel? F
Pain shoots for a second.
My left hand feels really weird. SF
On being broken.
Which bone is broken?
Upper bone F,F Note the read
I don’t want to do this F
The jerking is also because they’re
Page 89
taking off my jumpsuit. They don’t
give a damn what is happening to
They keep saying – “You can’t stop
us. Try to stop us.” They taunt me
to try.
And then (PAT I
they …
use it as an example
that they can’t. But
that doesn’t make
At one point one of them puts his
hand over my mouth, LF Note the read
with finger and thumb and blocks
my nose F
I can’t breath – I think he’ll kill me.
He holds till I almost lose
consciousness, then he lets it go.
I feel pressure to my head, as if he
has his hand around my temple,
crushing me. F
Telling me they’ll kill me, that I
can’t stop them. 4.0
I’m so hot F
How is the broken arm feeling? F
I can’t feel my hand.
It’s burning where it’s broken
They’re doing what they want –
Be explicit.
Pick an orifice.
I can feel myself feeling sick while
this is going on. F
I’m being raped and being hit at
the same time. So much is going
on at once.
I can’t deal with it. F
That’s it. F 3.9
I’m on the table.
I feel shitty. My head hurts, from a
device that’s put on my head. I’m
still unconscious.
On Mars F
This is odd – because I’ve had
memores of being tortured and
raped so many times, and there’s a
place on my left arm that will hurt
Page 90
for no reason.
Move to the beginning of the 3.8
There’s a resistance.
I repeat, Move to the beginning of At this point I explain to Pat that we
the incident (she does so). Move have to go over this again and again
through the incident telling me until she doesn’t care about it any
about it as you go. more. That is, when the charge is
When I was being tortured, I
vomited and defaecated. And they
used that as part of it. I was such
a mess.
They … LF Note read
shouldn’t do that to me! Tears and body reaction
Every time they did something to 3.5
me, they used it psychologically.
They took away completely my
control – of breathing, everything.
The reduced me to a hideous … LF
I hated them for it. 3.5
They did perverse things
They urinated on me LF, F
They made me eat my own shit.
The rubbed it on me. All I wanted
to do was destroy them. Tears
They annihilated me – every
It was as if they were F
doing this, the real psychologoical
thing – the taunts – the threats.
They were going to kill me. One
said “Let’s cut her clothes open –
let’s cut her deep.” There was no
safe haven. One was going to
gouge out my eyes.
Animals. 3.6
At one point they said they were
going to set me on fire. Anything
that would make me afraid.
Are you at the end? F
Yes. It explains a lot.
Move to the beginning of the
I can’t do it.
I repeat, Move to the beginning of SF,F
the incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
Something may have happened: I
hit back at one of them. F
It was earlier – I think that’s why
Page 91
they completely tore me apart. F 4.0 Note the read
There was a psychic power when I
was heating up – that’s when I hit
back. SF Note the read
I see a man flying across the room
– one to my right. LF Note the read
There was more of a battle than I
thought. The psychic with the
doctor, he immediately hit me
back. The men in the room are not
psychic. They are trained to be
vicious. They weren’t able to
defend against it. That’s another
reason why they took off my outfit
– because they were hoping I’d
overload, with no way to cool
I’m around 20 … Around 28. Not 3.7
15. Older.
One man’s yelling at me.
There’s more than just F
the one man flying.
One went one way. The other man
went flying the other way.
Then the psychic stepped LE Note the read
in. He stopped it.
Is there anyone you know now? F The read indicates that there may be
someone she knows, but I accept her
answer and move on.
This timeline F,F,SF
The person who did it is still over
there F 3.7
That psychic was my trainer F Note the read
That’s why he won out. He totally
dampened my psychic abilities.
Did he have a machine to enhance
his abilities?
When I got a sharp pain in my
head, I thought that of a device.
They were afraid F
of what I was planning to do. SF
Raped F Finally we get a read on the rape
Tell me about being raped
These were big men F
When they raped me, my face
came just to their chest. I couldn’t
breath. They did everything to
make me thing it was my last
second of life. Like when raping
me, they would press against me
so I couldn’t b reath.
Page 92
One choked me almost F
Right to the brink and then let go F
I couldn’t connect to any of my
abilities. Finally I couldn’t take it all
When they were raping you, did it
Yes 3.8
It felt like I was being torn apart. SF
They used all openings. The used
the anus as well. And mouth. And
when I went unconscious, they
would hit and shake me till I woke. F Note the read
They also doused me – F
told me it was gasoline.
I can feel the fear from that F Note the read
There wasn’t anything left. There
was no way I would touch psychic
abilities. They wanted me to
associated psychic abilities with
such terror and endangerment of
life, that I’d never do it, ever. Tears
Is there anything else that you
have not told me about? SF
They started talking to me as if I
was in the future. F
Like, “You use psychic abilities and
we’ll come and hurt your family”.
They wanted me to feel everyone
else was in danger too.
They made it very unsafe to even
alter my consciousness.
I’m feeling better.
The last thing before they pulled
me out, was the future thing. Laugh Laughter is a way of getting rid of
3.7 charge, and indicates we are getting
to the end of this.
I feel like there’s a wrapping up F
Is this incident erased? F
I’m not completely clear. SF
I feel there was one thing more
that was said - F
even though I was unconscious,
by the doctor. F
He walked into the room.
Oh my God! LF 3.5 Note the big read
He’s telling the man – “We might
need you again”. He’s referring to
the future. Major grief
Page 93
I think that’s the one thing that on
an unconscious level stripped me.
He couldn’t have said anything
worse – I want to scream. The
anger is so ….
I was unconscious when he said it. F But he mind records everything,
whether or not we are conscious of it.
I didn’t have a chance to react to it. LF
Son of a bitch!!!! 3.3
A thought - F
I’ll still take you down. I have
wanted for years, to overthrow
them, to stop them. I interpreted it
as the government, then I learned
of the shadow government.
I will stop you F/N
There’s a lot of pain in my chest. Good But I need “Very good indicators” to
indicators before I can feel that we have got
No. The pain is going through my
body. It started at my chest. It’s
going through my arms and legs.
I’m feeling better. I think they were
(_________________PAT –
WHAT GOES HERE?) me at that
moment. I’m feeling better.
And better emotionally too. F,F
Pain is still there. Both wrists. Up
to my arms. I can hear him say
“Get her out of here”. I’m in the
other room now, with the other
doctor. They could fix it all – I
wouldn’t have a bruise. He patched
me up. They kep me out a while
doing the procedure – energy
I keep realizing I’m …
Something was inserted at that
time F Note the read
An implant F
Back of my head
How many inches long is it? F,F
One inch F Note the read
It’s angled up
Say hello to it till it answers (she
Page 94
does so). Ask it, what is your
purpose in being here?
It’s a tracker SF Note the read
It’s also added insurance for
psychic abilities.
That’s interesting – I get a lot of
pain in the back of my head. It’s
usually if I’m trying to sit and
meditate. My desire to constantly
access my psychic abilities is – I
will do what I want to do. I have
written this into my prayer. It’s
almost on the revenge level.
It hurt for me to see _____
_______ (PAT WHAT GOES
HERE?) them the light. F
Do you still want to blow them up? LF
No – Let me change that. I’ve
learned a lot of the power of God.
If I win, I can wipe out their system
without injury to anyone. F
F/N 3.4
Page 95
Session 13: Pat Seeks Recruits & is Discovered
September 6th 2002 pm
Page 96
Say “hello” to it till it answers.
(she does so).
Ask it it’s purpse
He says he was assigned.
Acknowledge him
Command it, “Run out the incident
that made you the way you are”.
(Answer not recorded)
Say, “I repeat the command, run
out the incident that made you the
way you are”
I see someone who has been an
agent for them, and now he’s in a
warp, where he serves as a
monitor. F Note the read
Command him “Run out the
incident that made you do as they
tell you”
He had no choice F
It was this or termination
He says it’s not as bad as you
think F
Give him information on Near-
death experiences, (to educate him
on the fact that many people feel
MUCH better when they have
dropped their body).
He’s not upset about it. F 3.4
What happens when he goes to
sleep? F
Let him stay
What does that mean?
He’s out of phase so we can’t see
Pray to God and remove him I am not interested in letting him stay
Is he gone? F Note the read
Yes F
Move to the incident on Mars
where the woman said “keep her”.
(she does so)
What happens next? F/N Now we get somewhere with some
F 3.2 reads
I’m taking care of him a bit more. I
blasted him till he’s out of sight –
it’s just light – he’s not being hurt.
That’s much better F
I could feel him start coming back 3.1
In the incident on Mars, what
happens next? F
I move out of the room. F/N
There looks like a guard walking
beside me. I’m taken to another
Page 97
room. It looks like an
accommodation room. F/N
I’m feeling sick to my stomach (in
the incident, plus now as well).
It’s a drug. Pain in my chest. 4.5
Now I’m standing with people in a
line, next to each other. 4.1
This is training. 4.0
How many times have you been to
Mars? F
Eight F Note the read
The first time, how long did you go
Thirteen years F Note the read
How many years in total?
Twenty-one years F Note the read
Now I see myself in a fighter ship.
Are there any drugs we need to
balance out?
Yes F
We stop and do kinesiology and balance out two drugs. Then return to the meter.
F,F 4.5
It’s a quick excursion in space
around Mars F,F Note the reads
The drug was used to increase my
perception and reaction times. 4.1
They are not big ships. They’re
very streamlined.
How big?
20-25 feet F 4.0 Note the read
Now I’m in a classroom F 3.9
People are doing different things
on a psychic level F Note the read
They are pleased with my ability F
I’m used as a demonstration some
times. F 3.75
I skip again to another time. Now
I’m an adult.
What year is it?
(Answer not recorded. I continue
The situation is reversed now.
Now I’m a teacher. This is after
they’ve had the drugs. F,
(communication lag)
I’m going off Mars to earth on a
Page 98
regular basis.
But I don’t go any further than
Montauk. SF 3.7
This is not coming very easily F
Repeat “This is not coming very
This is not coming very easily, this LF,SF,F
is not coming very easily
I’m in charge of recruits F
I check that they transport up all
right F
From Montauk to the ship. On the
ship they’re processed more, then
sent on. 3.8
I’m in one of my alters. F
Which one?
Pat Three F Note the read
Are you ever in Pat One?
Yes 3.9
I’m not seeing anything
Repeat “I’m not seeing anything LF
I’m not seeing anything, I’m not
seeing anything 3.7
Keep repeating
I’m not seeing anything, I’m not F 3.8
seeing anything F,F,F
What’s that? (meaning, the thought
behind the last lot of reads)
I’m feeling a pressure in my chest.
Before I felt that I was with my
trainer. I’m all over the place. I’m
back on Mars.
I’m being reamed out by him for
some reason. F Note the read
It was my handling of some
recruits F,F
I’m given a warning LF
I’m not really happy about it F
What happened?
I’m just waiting
I repeat, what happened? F,F
I have been doing some
experiments with the recruits that
they didn’t know about F,SF Note the reads
Psychic stuff 3.7
Move to the period before that
What were you teaching them?
My way
What is it about your way that
upset them? F,SF
Page 99
My method is not as under control
as their way. I feel like I’m starting
to pull away from my superiors.
I’m … F
but I’m smart enough not to let
them know this. I do it in secret. I
have recruits there willing to follow
Move to the next incident
I have a confrontation with one of
the other trainers F
Things are being discovered
This was after David F
Before the torture we looked at
Yes, before F
The confrontation with the other
trainer was that I’m trying to recruit
his people F
I think I’m trying to recruit a group.
It’s getting too precarious
Is this a good place to end this
I feel terrible So, it’s not a good place to end the
What you’re feeling, is it your
feeling or someone else’s?
It’s mine F
Describe what you are feeling F
I’m really hot, like I’m using my
psychic ability. I’m trying to keep
track of what they’re doing –
counter intelligence. 3.5
I feel that it might be good to
increase my efforts F
I feel so hot now. I’m pouring
energy out.
I have to stop trying to recruit
people, it’s way too dangerous.
I decide to wait. F 3.3
Michael comes up LF
I change my plans LF
I don’t do anything when I first see
him F
But I recognize his ability.
I make sure he’s not with my group F
So they won’t become suspicious F
But I keep monitoring his
I feel very awful inside right now.
Page 100
Is that your feeling or someone
else’s? F
Someone else’s
Identify who the emotion is coming
My trainer
They’ve put him onto me to find out
what I’m doing. I’m being probed
What was that?
I’m doing a lot of thinking of what’s
the best thing to do. I know I’ve
been discovered.
And that I’m in their battlefield F
I did not have LF
a great deal of assignments. I was
put to training very quickly,
because I showed a lot of ability at
that. I still feel the energy of that
F,F 3.3
They come for me
I’m asked to go with them
How many total years have you
been on Mars at this time?
Thirteen F Note the read
Where do the other eight come
It’s not for me to say – It’s better I
say nothing F 3.3
A man is yelling at me.
I’ve been back to Mars F
since they sent me back after they
tortured me.
No way! F,F,F Note the reads – she has just
obviously had a big realization
They re-tortured me. When they
took me back, they had to re-
torture me.
Did they re-torture you? I ask this since she said “no way”
Yes F Note the read
Is this the incident we looked at
yesterday incident or another
Another F
What year?
1983 F,SF 3.3
Move to the beginning of the SF,F
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I was taken at night LF,SF,F Note the reads
Page 101
There’s more devices in this one F
I can see myself hooked up to
something F,F 3.4
Why do they keep torturing me? F
I possess something they just can’t
let go F,LF 3.3
LF,F,F Note the reads
I’m being tortured by devices F
Mars LF 3.8 Note the read
They’re still using me, in an alter. 3.7
But I’m not safe when I’m not in the
There is an anomaly in my brain. 3.8
Have you been given a drug? F
(not sure what was said here,
because next I ask)
Have you been given the energy of
a drug? F Note the read
We stop and do kinesiology and balance out the energy of a drug. Then we return to the
I’m being programmed LF,F
Someone decided it’s safer to not
let me totally go. So they continue
to use me. But they have to keep
Are they still using you to the
present day?
Yes F Note the read
When was the last time?
Last month F
Move back to the incident SF
Remote viewing is part of the
I’m in a chair. I’m doing remote
viewing for them
What is the year?
1983 F 4.0
I also did it last month as well.
Go back to the 1983 incident 3.7
The remote viewing part was after
the torture
How much time elapses?
Six hours
How do you feel now?
Much better F
In last year, what is the time period
between abductions?
A couple of months SF
Page 102
In your whole life, how many times
have you been abducted? F,F
150 SF An adage of clearing is that repitition
leads to discovery.
Page 103
Session 14: Pat Seeks Recruits & is Discovered
September 7th 2002 pm
Page 104
I stop. I’m receiving orders. F Note the read
The previous order was to retrieve
I stop and do the order.
He blows apart. SF Note the read
Do you have a machine to help
Not that I know of SF
Have a look
Something is near my chest area. Tk
Like a shiny piece of jewellery, but
it’s hooked to my outfit SF,F
Back in the debriefing room.
They’re talking about me.
They’re doing something to me. F
I’m shut down like a robot.
They’re concerned about
something. F
I feel like when my trainer came
into me - SF
They’re checking me psychically SF Note the read
They’ve checked the device
They’re not happy by what they
One says, “This could cause
problems” SF
I think they can’t completely control
There’s a part where I’m extremely
adaptable. Maybe I didn’t use as
much of the machine as they
thought I would F
Is that what happened?
Yes F Note the read
I’m marked for monitoring F
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so).
Is there a new beginning to this
Move to the new beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
He came up with a batch. He’s
one of the new recruits. Somehow
he got through our security. He’s
been sent by a warring faction to
He was good enough to get there F
and into the program, but not good
Page 105
enough to make it through.
What is the name of the faction? F
X Pat – was the name of
the faction faction x – or
did I just not want to
record it?
We uncover him. He takes off.
He’s running towards something. F Note the read
I was sent to retrieve him
What is he running to?
A device that will transport him out.
It’s a co-ordinate – not a device.
He took off too quick. F 3.5
They told me to terminate.
I did.
What is the next viewpoint to be
The recruits
Be the recruit (she does so). Move
through the incident from the
recruit’s point of view.
I’m human, but I’ve got a lot of
added things.
I’m nervous. SF
They better know what they’re
doing. SF
Hope it works
I’m seeing … F,SF 3.4
There are recruits moving around.
I’m in the midst of them. The
trainers help them through the drug
phase. SF
We haven’t been divided up yet.
There’s an energy going through
the room.
I’m having trouble keeping a
composed front. F
It’s a sensing energy.
They’re looking for implants or
additions to bodies.
It passes through me. SF
They’re dispersing – going out with
various trainers.
No one is taking me.
I’m feeling really nervous about
one trainer who’s left. SF
She says “come with me” SF
But we go off in a different
We’re walking down F
a hallway
Page 106
I’m more nervous.
This is not working F Note the read
I was a fool LF Note the read
Body and body reaction
(Interruption from Pat saying: I
don’t want to go through the feeling
of being blown up. I tell her to
Various technicians are in the
hallway. I’m looking for a way out.
I know where I’m being taken. I
don’t dare hit the beacon while I’m
in this area. F
She doesn’t say a word (here he is
referring to Pat)
F,F 3.3 Note the reads
around &
very heavy
I see a man approach a door. This
is it. I’m running. The man ahead
of me is not aware – I go through
the door. I hit the beacon.
She hit the beacon – she is right
behind me.
(Pat interrupts again saying: I don’t Tears
want to go further)
I’m looking behind to see where
she is.
I feel all around me this pressure Gasp
That’s the end
Be yourself again
I’m glad I’m not in that viewpoint
any longer – I felt everything.
While on Mars how many did you
kill? F
That can’t be right
82 F Note the read
How many have you killed off
Mars? F
I’m not to know that F
Repeat “I’m not to know that”
Page 107
I’m not to know that, I’m not to
know that
Nothing’s coming
Repeat “Nothing’s coming”
Nothing’s coming. Nothing’s
I repeat the question, how many
have you killed off Mars?
34 F Note the read
It’s a heck of a lot.
Do you consider killing the recruit I am here working to get all charge
as an intentionally committed off. Our minds improve when we
harmful act? remove charge from things done TO
us. But our lives get better when we
get rid of the charge, accept
responsibility, and ask God for
forgiveness, for the things done BY
When was this? F
I repeat, when was this? F
It’s not there
Repeat “It’s not there”
It’s not there, It’s not there F,F
1975 SF
What was the effect of this on
The people who sent him – it
destroyed their chance of
infiltrating Mars.
There’s a girl SF
who was involved with him, and
never saw him again. She always
Did she know he’d gone? F
Yes, he was in the military.
Did she know how he died?
His parents.
They were told he died SF 3.4
in an explosion.
How did this affect them?
They were upset.
Did this affect anyone else?
It affected the people who told me.
It made them glad I did it, but also
disturbed them, because I did it
more with me than with the
machine. SF Note the read
Anyone else? F
His friends
F 3.3
Page 108
How were they affected?
They were told he died on Mars,
during a training accident.
His faction. Pat – there seems to be
something missing here
– how did the subject of
the moon come in –
please add anything you
can to help
The girl.
If not on earth or Mars, where are PAT – WHAT IS THIS
The moon F Note the read
Are you willing to take
Yes F 3.3
And the effect on others?
It seems to be a community were
they are F
The girl wasn’t an active agent for
them F
I feel that’s done VGI PAT – WHAT IS THIS
Please add whatever is
needed to make it make
Greys F,F
Three F
Other aliens?
Ten F
How old when first abducted?
Ten F
Just after born F Pat – How come two
Page 109
Session 15: Pat Abducted from our Home
September 7th 2002 pm
This was unusual because in this session Pat was abducted from our apartment
in Arizona where she was staying – but we ourselves had not been abducted
from this home.
This was due to Michael changing the Quantum Matrix not just in our home but
also in ourselves every few days. (See “The Mars Records, Book 2” for
instructions at
Michael got the realization that one has to change the Quantum Matrix inside
ONESELF to stop abductions after he got taken when we stopped in a car part
while traveling from Virginia to Arizona around April 2002.
They did not do too much to him at that time as it was a new group, because it
was in a new area. We assume they figured that the Virginia people had over-
stated the problem when the Virginia people said they couldn’t get him, and that
the Arizona people figured they could pick him up again when they wanted. They
were wrong. Before that time Michael did not change the Quantum Matrix inside
ourselves. After that time he did it every few days. We have not been taken
between that time and time of writing, November 2003.
At the start of this session Pat looked pretty awful. Last night she had looked
Pat felt that she had been abducted last night, and definitely looked out of balance, so I
gave her a kinesiology balance. She was way out of balance: Her Central Nervous
Page 110
Sytem was out of balance, and wouldn’t correct by the normal procedure. Muscle testing
indicated that I had to remove wernicke’s commands before the correction would take.
1. “Forget this”
2. “Don’t remember this”
3. “You weren’t here”
4. “This is a dream”
5. “You don’t know anything about this”
6. “You won’t remember this”
7. “You are under our control”
8. “Follow your programming”
9. “Your programming holds”
10. “Die if you remember”
11. “Fall if you remember”
Page 111
It’s something to do with my brain.
The one says: “She’s almost too
much trouble F
for the worth of it”
They’re having this discussion right
in front of me SF
One says
“Let’s do it again” F
The drug is given. They don’t do
anything physical to me.
I’m seeing myself back in bed. F
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
Two men
Move back to when you were in I want to see how she got out of the
bed and move through the incident house
from there.
I’m there (in bed) SF
I walk through the door SF Note the reads
without opening it. F
It’s by an increase of my vibration F
I’m slightly out of phase.
I didn’t even walk down the steps.
I just move to where they are at.
I’m not getting the door on the way
back. F
I just go through the wall from
Page 112
Session 16: Pat kills a General – on 4 Different Time Lines
September 8th 2002 pm
Page 113
down deep, under a river. 5.1
I walk in as though it’s normal.
Nobody is with me.
I’m now in a room with a couple of
technicians. SF
No physical type of machine I can
Something says: “This isn’t true,
this is my imagination”
Is that from a wernicke’s
From an entity?
From a demon?
From a person?
Push him out
There is machinery in my body so
they know about this
Use your abilities to deactivate the
There is pain in the top of my Note the onset of pain
head, dead centre.
Did you have this machine in you
Yes 5.0
It’s an interface, and it’s used a lot
when they want me to come.
Whoever was interfacing
did not like me
knowing that one F Note the read
Deep And note the body reactions
F 4.9
Energy is being sent to me, giving
me shocks F
Pray for more protection 5.0
I’ve asked God to send legions of
angels to protect me
I can feel the irritation of the man.
I thought there was only one!
I see all kinds of relays in my head.
Locate the weakest link.
Destroy it F
I destroyed it
I’m seeing a reaction with the
Move back to the incident
Page 114
I’m being programmed F
It’s a program to do something
Time travel F
What year is it now?
What year do you go to?
Nothing’s coming
Repeat “Nothing’s coming”
Nothing’s coming, nothing’s
Have you been given a drug? I ask this since we have a high TA
and the reads seem to have stopped
Yes F
We do kinesiology and balance out the drug, then return to the meter.
Page 115
Is there a machine helping you do
Yes, it’s the interface
The general is sitting at his desk. I
enter the room.
I feel someone is looking through
me at him F Note the read
I’m used as a monitor. I stand and
wait. They send me there so they
could key into him, or astral level F PAT – Is this “his astral
level”, “on an astral
level” or what?????
What he’s going to do, he hasn’t
done yet. They’re deciding. They
tell me to terminate him. I give him
a stroke. That’s it.
Was this a harmful act? F Pat – not sure what was
said here either
Not from me
What harm was done as a result of
this act?
It upset the staff. His wife, his
What was he going to do? F
There’s nothing there 5.0
Ask him, or his higher self
He was planning on taking some
new technology and using it to
affect a shift in power. SF
Was he more of a freedom fighter
or more of a suppressive?
He was more of a freedom fighter.
He’s not alone. Others are
spooked by what’s available (that
is, technology) and how it’s being
The stroke was to send a message
to the others.
I’d like to end this here. Rule of clearing: Do not let the client
decide when the session ends – if
they want to end it, there is usually
something they need to look at.
How do you feel?
Like it’s not complete F The read indicates that, yes, it is not
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go. 5.3
It’s something else to do with the
General. LF 5.1 Note the read
The death of him makes it worse.
Page 116
Worse for the good guys or worse
for the bad guys?
Worse for the bad guys. F
If he lived, someone else would
have taken over his job. That puts
in motion these effects. It makes it
worse for the people I’m working
Humanity loses in the end. 4.9 Now we are getting conflicting
statements: The reason will soon
become clear
Now I’m confused – I’m trying to SF
work it out.
Someone takes over. F
The situation gets worse.
Worse from whose point of view?
The guys I work for – they didn’t I begin to get an idea of what is going
get what they wanted. F 4.6 on and why there is so much
confusion, so I ask the following
How many time lines are we
looking at? F Note the read – that indicates that
this question was relevant.
Remember, there are in infinite
number of time lines, each one
slightly different from the other. For
more information see
How many times do they send you
to kill the general?
Four F,F 4.5 Note the reads
Is there a different outcome each
time you kill him?
Yes F Note the read
Somebody didn’t like that LF
(meaning, us finding this out)
They’re very disturbed
Acknowledge them
Now I feel better 4.4
I feel an anger at being sent to do
this, F Note the reads
four times! F
I got peeved off that they kept
sending me back.
Be the general the first time you
killed him (she does so) 4.3
Re-experience your death F 4.4
LF 4.1
Oh God! – that hurt! 4.3
He realized something was going
on, just before it happened – on
the left side of his head. 4.5
Page 117
Oh my God! LF 4.0
He half stood, and then went face
I could feel him falling SF 4.2
It wasn’t an instantaneous death.
Now he’s gone.
Be the General the second time
you kill him (she does so) F From memory, I think Pat was
surprised I told her to do this, and
was fairly unwilling to do so.
Re-experience his death, the
second time you killed him 4.3
I’m not having a stroke F Note the reads
I’m choking F
How? 4.0
There’s no one around. I feel
crushing in my throat.
Is the woman Pat doing this to you
No F
He’s gone
Be the General the third time you
killed him (she does so)
Re-experience his third death 4.2
Gasp Note the body reaction
LF and big reads
It’s like a blow to the head 4.2
That one’s in the head again F 4.3
It’s like a concussion LF Note the read
Like a cleavage right through the
brain, in the third eye area. I’ve
got a lot of pressure in my third
It’s almost like a hole there. F
But not from a bullet
It’s ended F
Be the General the fourth time you
killed him (she does so).
Re-experience his fourth death Gasp Note the body reaction
This one’s a fire F Note the read
Spontaneous combustion? Or a
normal fire?
It’s just him F Note the read
Will it look like spontaneous
combustion to others?
His desk is charred as well. In spontaneous combustion, no
furniture is ever damaged.
It doesn’t start with him. 4.3
It starts F
on top of his desk.
Next – he’s a total torch. The first Repititon leads to discovery.
part was to disguise it. The
Page 118
second part was spontaneous
Is he hurt? F
It’s very brief
There was more emotion when he
was trying to put the fire out.
What was the effect on others
when you killed him the first time?
The first time was when another
guy took over. F
That did not happen with the
The fourth time be became almost
a martyr. That was not good for
the dark forces.
What about the other two times?
The dark forces benefited on the
third time.
The light forces benefited F
on the second time.
The first time was kind of up in the
Are you willing to accept
responsibility for all four deaths?
Yes F/N
The general was watching us there F
He said “It’s about time you
admitted it”
He kind of forgave me F/N Normally this would be the end of the
session, but I had a few questions to
ask about other things:
(Here we ran through a few
questions that I wanted to ask and
that Pat had asked me to ask her
on the meter)
When you walked through the door
in our apartment, did you have
technology to help you?
Yes F Note the read
Are you on a ________ list? F Pat – What is here? It
looks like ‘Psych’
Yes F
Have you ever been taken at Pat works in a hospital
work? F
How many times?
24 F Note the read
Do you know anyone now that you
knew on Mars?
No That figures. We get the feeling that
anyone who has been returned from
Mars was sent to somewhere where
they would be unlikely to meet other
people from Mars who would trigger
Page 119
Is your mother your biological
No LF Note the read, indicating that, yes,
the answer “no” is correct.
Is your father your biological
SF This was not an instant read, so the
answer may not be correct. There is
probably more to this.
Have you been targeted and
pursued by government agents?
Yes F 4.1
Is there a base beneath your
No No read on the answer or question.
She may not be ready to see the
truth, there may not be a base, or
there may be something wrong with
my question eg there is no base as
such, but something else.
There’s a corridor to a shuttle
Page 120
Session 17: Abducted at the hospital
September 9th 2002 pm
Page 121
a storage area – the shelves just
We’re going down SF Note the read
I think I’ve been put into a hypnotic
state – I’m not in an alter. I feel it’s
Are you in a hypnotic trance? F
Not a trance
Is it hypnotic control?
Yes F
It’s not one of my alters. The
elevator stops and opens. It looks
like a subway station. There are
people going back and forth.
This is the shuttle SF Note the read. Interesting that she
said “the” shuttle and not “a” shuttle.
This cannot be happening on my
lunch break F
When is this? F
What year? SF
1999 SF
What month? SF
What day of the week?
Tuesday F
What happens next?
The man with me is talking to
someone about me SF 4.5
F 4.6
They’re still talking F
I was trying to make sense of what
they’re saying, but it doesn’t make
One points to a room behind us.
We go in there.
They’ve decided against taking me
anywhere F
due to the time element.
This room has … F
it’s computer looking
I get the sense it’s literally hooked
up F Note the read
to points all over the world.
There are literally hundreds of
these shuttle rooms SF Note the read
It’s a monitoring area for the area
What is the radius it monitors? F
About 80 miles radius F
It monitors electromagnetics,
moods (of people). It’s hooked to
HAARP. For information on HAARP, do a
F search at
They sit me down F
In a round thing, it’s concave. 4.7
Page 122
These machines have a psychic
A lot of data going out
Are you hooked in?
I’m not hooked in – it’s around me.
A lot of data is coming in on an
unconscious level.
What is the data about?
Political SF
Scientific. Research.
I’m back in the locker room now.
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I see the man SF,F
What is his name?
He’s the vice president of the
(She names him) Tk 4.5
His name is (name withheld) SF Note the read
What words does he say to you?
“It’s a beautiful day” F
What else? F
“Let’s go for a walk” F
Plus, it’s a women’s locker room.
(He shouldn’t be there).
He said “Let’s go for a walk”
I always thought he was creepy F
Is he human?
Not completely. He’s reptilian
I’m there for their benefit.
Is somebody interfering with us
right now?
Who’s interfering?
Reptilian F
Both the men I saw earlier were Pat is referring here to some stories
reptilians she had told us earlier. They are
pretty creepy. She remembers these
consciously. In the first, she saw a
tall, thin man wearing a dark suit
come out of a BROOM CUPBOARD.
He looked at her and she had a the
thought “rep”(meaning reptilian) and
he then immediately WENT BACK
occasion, she was in a basement
carpark in the hospital. She saw
Page 123
another tall, thin man wearing a dark
suit walk towards her and look at her.
Again, she had the thought “rep” and
They have received reports on me F
Report’s on what’s done and what
I’m involved with.
They’re still using me F Note the read
on a regular basis
They’re implanting data. They’re
updating me all the time. So when
they need me, I’m current.
Sometime there is no time for
I’m back in the room. They’re
updating the datalink with me.
I think that may be why I’m
constantly looking for information,
but don’t retain it.
I always search for the big picture. F,LF
They’ve been doing this ever since
I worked there. LF
I thought I got that job very easily.
It’s accessible to me, but not in this
I have a great trouble keeping up
with current events.
They make sure it’s on a hypnotic
They return.
What time is it when you leave the
locker room?
What time do you return to the
locker room?
Do they change time or just use up
your lunch break?
There is a bit of time expansion, in F
the room.
How much?
One hour F Note the read
That’s sneaky. There are
sometimes I don’t take a break to
eat. Sometimes I miss out on
A lot of times I don’t get away for a
morning break – I have a late
morning break, and I’m not hungry
at lunch. We get three breaks
during the day.
Page 124
There’s more going on than just
the data input.
They’re checking systems F,SF
I’m not feeling good right now.
I feel kind of sick F
Is the feeling of being sick from this
incident or another?
This one.
I think it’s a drug F 3.9
There’s something associated with
this drug F 4.0
Now I get a feeling on either side
of my head, like a head-phone.
They’re programming me for an
assignment F Note the read
The scene jumped LF
to where I can see men. They’re
wearing black.
Is this happening physically?
(answer not recorded)
Is this happening out-of-body? F
(answer not recorded)
Is your body there?
If it isn’t it’s a heck of a hook up. It
feels like my body is there.
Tell me what you see
I’m doing some remote viewing.
I’m looking inside an installation.
This remote viewing, it’s like a
virtual reality.
This is like a sci-fi book F,SF
I make doors appear where there
are not doors. I don’t go in with
them. I’m holding the perimeter. 4.2
But I follow them mentally.
There’s a lot of rapid change. LF
It’s like the installation is constantly
This is hard to believe F,F
I think the resistance is my own F
Is there a connection between
these pictures and the
It’s like a link up with the
installation we’re in. 4.0
I get this is my imagination, so I’m
doubting it.
Where is this? F,SF, Note the reads
I repeat, where is this?
F,LF 3.9
When you ask that, I see my mind
scanning the eastern coast (of the
Page 125
Move to the incident where you put
on the head phones. Move through
the incident telling me about it as
you go.
Head jerks Note the body movements,
LF 3.8 Large TA and
4.0 Drop in TA
There’s a portal involved in this F,F Note the reads
The men, when they go into the
building, they come back with
someone else. 4.0
Is this real? (answer not recorded)
Is this some kind of virtual reality
training program?
Oh – I never thought of that.
I don’t think it’s virtual reality. I
think they’re real.
Are you still on your lunch break?
No It appears that another incident is
now kicking in.
When is this? F 3.9
Two weeks after that
Where are you?
On the east coast. Virginia.
Mountainous area.
Move to the beginning of the new
incident involving the portal (she
does so). Move to the part of the
incident before the portal.
Where you you?
On my bed
What time is it? F
2.00 am LF 4.2
What happens next?
I get up and go downstairs to the
living room area F,F,F
I’m getting all kinds of pictures
Stick to the one incident that we
are on
I walk through the portal.
It’s a mountainous area. It’s at
night. They have clothes for me at
that end. F 4.5
Why do I have such resistance to
this? F
Are you under attack?
No, it’s programming in me.
There’s a lot of energy coming
from my third eye (in the incident) F 4.4
I’m scanning, remote viewing. It’s
very detailed. 4.5
They were waiting! LF 4.3
Page 126
This kind of ‘op’ is not that unusual
– they use me for an instrument.
They called me a psy-op. This is
to combat security. It’s an
extraction program. To get
someone out. I never go in.
I hold their space F
I make the entrances.
Do you have machinery to help
There’s an interface, in the center
of my chest.
There’s also something internal in
my head.
I scan F
I find a job to penetrate. I remote
view for them, and get them out.
They go in where a door is
created. I also locate their target.
I sense what’s happening as they
do this.
I try to stop tripping the security.
I’m standing there like a statue – F
following them mentally,
They find the man, in a small cell.
This is not just a human base.
Who is it owned by?
Reptilians F We have never worked this out: Pat
is controlled by the Reptilians, and
yet here she is rescuing someone
from a Reptilian base. It is possible,
and probably probable, that the
Reptilians have factions and different
power groups, just as humans do.
Possibly and probably they are not
united, and suffer from the same
political weaknesses that humans do.
Also, higher elite – demonic.
The people I work for are an
intelligence group F
They had a man in there F,F
Where I entered them was the
closest to the cell F
They’re coming back out
F 4.3
That’s the end F
I feel okay.
I was just returned.
That was one of numerous jobs
I’ve done. They’re not all the
same. But they always data-link
I feel good that it came to a
successful end. VGI
Page 127
F/N 4.0
They don’t always end up like that.
Sometimes they end in a
There are some jobs I’ve been hurt
on F Since we are at the end, and have a
floating needle, I feel that here is a
good place to ask Pat some
questions she has wanted the
answer to:
How many times have you “Negative hallucination” is when you
negatively hallucinated? can’t see something that is there
In the last month?
(answer not recorded)
In the week before now, how many
times did you negatively
All the time F Note the read
Who or what do you negatively
hallucinate about? F
Describe them
It’s a man F
They can walk in and out and I
don’t see them.
Sometimes I feel actual touches. Note from Stephanie Relfe: Michael
and I were at a body/mind fair once
and met a woman who seemed to
have had some similar experiences
to Michael and Pat. During
conversation and questions, it came
up that she sometimes sees
binoculars appear in her room!
How long have they been there?
Since the beginning
How do you decide whether to see That is, how do they program her to
them or not? not see a particular thing.
It’s something they wear – a device
on the chest -
A triangle, greenish gold.
What is the background?
There is none. It’s solid greenish
What else is with the triangle?
There’s a blackness to it –
although there is no black ON it.
It’s non-reflective.
How tall is the triangle? In inches?
2 ½” inches
2 inches F Note the read
Page 128
Where is it worn?
On the chest area, over the
How many people have you
negatively hallucinated that were
wearing the triangle?
How many (near where she lives)?
At least 150 F
Have you ever negatively
hallucinated anyone who was not
wearing the triangle?
Yes, but that was hypnotic control.
Do you have a password? F
If you had a code, what words
would I say?
I’m feeling very agitated.
That’s not going to do it Meaning, my question is not enough
to get an answer.
Repeat “That’s not going to do it”
That’s not going to do it, That’s not
going to do it.
Gasp Note the body reaction
We then stopped and removed wernicke’s commands against remembering the codes
that activate her. Pat had TONS of resistance to getting rid of these – crying, back
arching, gagging, deep breathing etc.. She kept stopping what I told her to do, and
started gasping, saying she was afraid they would come true etc.
Throughout these wernicke’s commands, Michael was doing deliverance. He said there
was a demon attached to each command, which was why Pat was reacting so much to
each one.
Page 129
Session 18: Wernicke’s to keep her at Work
September 9th 2002 pm, pm
The following wernicke’s commands were removed, all to do with keeping her at
the hospital she worked at:
1. “Stay here”
2. “You can’t make it at any other job”
3. “You need to go to work”
4. “You can’t be self employed”
5. “You need this job”
6. “Never quit”
Page 130
Session 19: Wernicke’s for Negative Hallucinations
September 9th 2002 pm
Page 131
Session 20: Wernicke’s for Maintaining Control
September 10th 2002
The following wernicke’s commands were removed. They had been given to Pat
when she was abducted from our house:
1. “Don’t publish”
2. “Publishing this is dangerous”
3. “Never publish this”
4. “Don’t do clearing”
5. “Don’t do kinesiology”
6. “Don’t tell anyone about this”
7. “Keep this to yourself”
8. “Don’t publish “The Mars Force Part 2”
9. “It’s not safe to publish”
10. “You’ll never be famous”
This ended the second lot of 10 hours of sessions, making a total of about 20
hours of session that Pat had received.
After these sessions, when Pat returned home, a number of workers commented
that her eyes looked different, in a positive sense.
Page 132
Session 21: Wernicke’s to stop removal of Wernicke’s
October 23rd, 2003
Pat got the courage and commitment to come back for a third series of ten hours
of sessions a year later.
This time she wanted particularly to deal with things that had been happening to
her recently. In particular, she found it hard to believe that there were really
things going on at her hospital where she worked. She also wanted to resolve
issues related to relationships, as she was single. She had been married, but
said that she had been the main cause for the breaking up of the marriage. (The
controllers do not want their subjects to have outside support from anyone and
program their subjects to always be single).
First, I did kinesiology on Pat. Her body was blocked electrically. As with the
first time I ever worked on Pat, when I unblocked her, we got a major reaction –
lots of gagging, crying, some screaming, back arching, heavy breathing etc. etc.
Luckily, this time it wasn’t as bad as the first time.
She had lots of invisible technology on her, mainly on her back and head, which I
pulled off.
There was also demonic interference. Muscle testing indicated that she was
being attacked by 300 fallen angels. Michael helped remove these.
She had a particularly nasty reaction when I pulled off some invisible technology,
and Michael prayed for the removal of, a hook into another dimension in her
We also had demonic interference. From contact with Bill Schnoebelen we had
learned that some demonic interference comes from celestial beings
(principalities etc.) but there can be other souces. One of these sources is “old
ones”. Muscle testing indicated we had three “old ones” in the room, attacking
Pat of Pat’s alter called “Anne” was hooked into another dimension.
Pat herself was hooked into four other dimensions, on each of her first three
Page 133
It would appear that her controllers have read my book. I removed the following
wernicke’s commands that were to prevent removal of wernicke’s commands:
The air felt a lot clearer after their influence was removed.
With eyes open, Pat was then in balance. With her eyes shut, her central
nervous system was out of balance. I then rebalanced this.
Page 134
Session 22: Alters are Activated by Different Breathing Patterns
October 24th 2003
Start of session
What’s been happening? 4.2
I’ve been feeling a change since
the sessions last year. I suspect
things are going on. 4.1
I get mental pictures of being
empowered. F
Usually when this happens I
wonder if I am connecting to (the
alters) Anne or Pat 3.
Have you been connecting to Pat
I think I have SF
Also to Anne? F
Yes SF 3.8
I’m feeling weird
Locate the feeling
Upper chest
Locate what it’s coming from
It’s not in me. In this building. We were in a hotel in Florida at the
On the left side. SF
How many rooms down?
Two rooms down SF
What else is happening?
I was wondering if the abductions
have been continuing.
Have they?
Yes SF,SF Note the read
(Pat – what is
here???? – can’t read
my writing)
Do we have interference?
Yes. From above.
Is it a ship?
What species?
Reptilian SF Note the read
(Michael is outside, nearby. I tell
Page 135
Michael by walky-talky to remove
the ship. He has one of Don Crofts
succour-punches to help)
Pat starts
reacting –
Lots of
(Michael informs us he imploded a
vortex. At that stage Pat
immediately said that they were
gone. Her reactions stopped.
Michael said that they were
attacking through the vortex).
I still feel some pressure F
They’re making alternative plans
on the ship. The ship is out of
Break soul ties from you to the ship
(she does so) F Note the read
Is there still a connection?
Yes. A remote viewing connection.
Stop the remote viewers and come
back to the room.
Somebody else is involved LF Note the read
Locate them.
Who is it?
Naval intelligence. Up the coast.
Is there anyone in the hotel
They’re not connected to
them.(That is, the navy are not
connected to anyone in the hotel).
The reptilians are upset that the
connection to the ship got broken –
they are asking naval intelligence
what to do.
(I ‘got’ that they were connecting
through some crystals in Pat.
Muscle testing indicated there
were two crystals. I told Pat to
deactivate the crystals). 4.1
F,F 4.0 Note the reads and drop in TA while
3.9 Pat deactivates the crystals
Put a cocoon around us.
That feels better.
I think I broke the connection F
I asked for that
What’s happening? Is this questions “what’s
happening?” or “what’s
been happening?”
It’s a council Do you see this NOW or
is this part of an incident
Page 136
in restim?
I’m seeing men that are important.
They’re human, but with alien
connections. I’m keyed into the
incident when I was taken to
When is this?
February this year, 2003
I woke up the next morning and felt
like I’d been abducted. Then I saw
that I had two bruises on my arms.
I had conscious memories then of An ‘alphabet’ meeting means a
being taken to a high level of an meeting of groups such as CIA, NSA
‘alphabet’ meeting in Washington, etc.
for a demonstration of
Maybe I was becoming a threat.
They wanted to know if it was
worthwhile keeping me alive.
I was in a chair, like a dentist chair.
The bruises came from lifting me
into the chair. I recalled all this
consciously the next day.
They did a demonstration of their Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her what
control and my abilities. This is abilities she demonstrated at the
now … F meeting
Move to the beginning of the F
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I’m pulled into the chair. There are
two men on either side of me, for
protection. I’m not extremely
Are you in one of your alters? F Note the read
Yes SF Note the read
Which one?
Pat 3 Tk
Do they put you into others as
Can you be in more than one alter
at the same time?
They can put a flavor in. They can
key aspects of others in.
I’m in Pat 3 and Anne LF Note the read
Gasp and body reaction
This is the demonstration. I’m
activated. I’m really hot. 3.3
One of the council says, “Start the
coolant”. I was overheating. The
two men have moved away. The
coolant goes through the chair.
My temperature has gone down. LF Note the read
Page 137
They keep my energy suppressed
because otherwise it’s too
dangerous, on a permanent level.
That’s why I don’t have any
metabolism. This is referring to a very strange
fact. I was trained to make each
client take a very big breath and then
let it out quickly before each session.
The needle will then move, and
should move at least an inch. This
indicates that the client has enough
metabolism to run the session.
However, since I have known Pat I
have got virtually NO readings of
metabolism. However, at her very
first session, since she had come a
long way and looked and felt as
though she had energy, I tried to run
a session anyway and it ran fine.
She has always run good sessions
even though at no time up till now
has she registered as having any
metabolism on the meter. It is very
strange. Normally when a person
registers as having no metabolism
from the needle falling less than 1”,
they are quite tired or hungry and will
not have enough energy to run a
session. (A clearing session requires
a LOT of energy).
I had an important realization in the
past year: They keep my psychic
abilities and energy suppressed by F Note the read
I’ve noticed that if I’m perfectly still
that’s when my hand and feet start
moving by themselves, and my
back arches.
Move to the incident where they
suppressed your energy.
I’m not getting anything
Repeat “I’m not getting anything”
I’m not getting anything, I’m not F
getting anything. F
They took me back to Mars.
This year. They’re very upset by
what’s been published.
And they’re upset by what I’m
planning, to take out the system.
It’s a complete immersion and
reprogramming, to try to fortify all
control points they had before.
There are lots of machines all over
the place. They’re trying to redo
Page 138
what they did before, because it’s
not holding. They don’t do a
physical performance. They
connect right to the mind.
They’re evaluating -
what’s holding, what’s not. F
They work F
on a psychic super …
They’re setting up fields
I’m getting blocked F Note the read
There’s a program in me F
Will the wernicke’s correction
remove it?
(Answer not clear) SF
There are 30 commands F
Pat then got the realization that they swamped her with thousands of wernicke’s at one
time. I then explained to her that she can “as-is” them all at once – the mind can do
She did this, and when I muscle tested again there were only 6 commands to be
removed. She again “as-ised” them with her mind, and when I retested they were all
gone, without me having to do any kinesiology corrections.
Page 139
There’s a blockage to this.
I breath very shallow normally,
even though I know that is not
good for you.
(I finally realize my mistake of
getting her to look at Anne first and
switch questions):
Do the breathing pattern that gets Pat 3 is the pychic alter.
you into Pat 3.
It’s a deep breath in, and several
measured breaths out, with a stop
in between each. Not equally
(She does the breath to access Pat
I’m in Pat 3 now F 3.7 Note the read
Somebody is upset about this
What is needed to merge Pat 3
with Pat One?
Stillness and breath. The more I
do the breath, the better I will get.
Welcome home Pat 3 F
I feel her F Note the read
She’s very happy
The remote viewers backed away SF
What is the breathing pattern for
Laurie? F Laurie is the sex alter
Fast, rapid SF
Command the body to access
Laurie through breath
(Pat does the short, sharp breaths)
Are you Laurie now?
I can feel her now F Note the read
It feels totally different than Pat 3.
Slower, mellowed out, pleasing,
sensual. No violent bursts… 4.1
Suddenly, Pat got overwhelmed with many, many pictures of things she had done as
Laurie. They included lots of pictures of physical hurt and abuse. Also sexual acts with
men, women, non-humans and ritualistic acts.
Because she was so much in overwhelm (crying, not able to handle it etc.) I put down the
cans and went to her and did Emotional Stress Release on her so that the body could
remove as much stress as quickly as possible. During this time Pat was extremely upset
and crying etc. It was extremely emotional. She was totally shocked to get all of these
memories, which she had had no idea of.
During this time Pat got realizations which I did not record as I was busy holding her
forehead and not writing things down. I also did some muscle testing to back up some of
her realizations.
One realization she had was that she had had other children besides the human ones
show has consciously. We then returned to the meter.
Page 140
How many children have you had
that you didn’t know about? F
How many of those are alive now?
Four F Note the read
Are any of them 100% human?
I never saw them.
There are three girls and a boy
alive now.
(I was having trouble keeping up
with everything at this stage as
there was so much emotion and
things going on at once): Pat got
the realization that her experiences
as Laurie were one reason why
she found it hard to look at men.
What breath is necessary to get
into Pat One?
Shallow, normal breathing
Do that
I ended the session here but Pat looked like a total wreck. Once a happy person, she now looked
as though she had been through a major disaster and looked totally terrible and miserable. We
had been going on with the session for quite some time (1.5 hours) and I figured she needed rest
and some time to get over this, so I ended the session here.
Had I known she would react this way to Laurie’s alter, I would have ended the session on a high
after accessing Pat 3, but since time was limited that thought did not occur to me at the time.
Luckily, Pat can continue to access Pat 3 through the breathing pattern.
Page 141
Session 23: The Alter Anne Kills the Man Pat Likes
October 25th 2003
Page 142
Locate the block
In my mind
Is it from an implant? F
Yes F
Is the implant physical or non-
(answer not recorded)
Pray against it and zap it with your
abilities – you don’t have to
remove it, just deactivate it.
(she does so)
There are shifting pains in my mind
Is it shifting around? F
The implant?
Yes F
It’s programmed to move 3.8
It’s still trying to avoid being
Body jerks Note body reaction
F and read
What happened?
I deactivated it
Continue with what you were
David is involved with the Laurie
alter SF 3.9
I get the feeling of not wanting to
go into that – not the implant, just
I’m blocked F
Is there an incident in
restimulation? F Note the read
N F Note the read
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
David is with me F 3.7
We’re talking F
It’s very intimate.
We are conspiring SF
Not details, just ideas F
We’re overheard F Note the read
Technologically I bet! No doubt every room on Mars
is bugged.
Do they here physical words?
Now I’m in training
F,F,F Note the reads
(communication lag) Body jersk and body reactions
SF 3.7
I’m through
Is there another point of view to be
Page 143
run in this incident?
There is a lot of resistance to that
No, just my own resistance
I repeat, whose is the next point of
view to be run?
Anne’s SF,F Note the reads
Tears and body reaction
Grief (Anne is Pat’s killer alter)
Be Anne. Move to the incident
from the point of view of Anne. Major grief Note the body reaction
Are you Anne now?
Move through the incident form the
point of view of Anne, telling me
about it as you go.
Only one thing comes up F Note the read
Anne killed David
Be Anne and say what happened
It wasn’t a drug that killed him. This incident is in Session 11. On
page 81 Pat said that David died
from drugs, but we did not get a read
on that statement. It would appear
that Pat was not ready to look at that
part of the incident then.
I was activated SF
Be in present time.
I’m activated with a program to kill
him SF 3.7
I’m brought up very quickly so he
doesn’t know F
Move to the beginning of the
incident from the point of view of
Anne (she does so). Move through
the incident telling me about it as
you go, from the point of view of
Anne kills him
How? Tears Note the body reaction
I go for his heart.
I’m in and out so quickly and then
back to Laurie.
What do they do to activate you? SF
Breath SF
Anything else?
Tone SF
A frequency
What kind of frequency?
High F,F Note the read
What level?
Page 144
I don’t know
Give me a number
I don’t know
Repeat “I don’t know”
I don’t know, I don’t know
Are there any numbers after it, or
before it?
There are zeroes F Note the read
How many?
Hertz? SF,SF Note the read
Mega Hertz SF Note the read
Is it
5,800,000 Mega Hertz?
I don’t know
Repeat “I don’t know” F
I don’t know, I don’t know F
The technology is not ours. It
comes in bursts.
Is it 5.8 million Mega Hertz?
Yes F Note the read. (Note: This is 5.8 Giga
What is the next view point to be
run? F
David F
Be David
I feel sad 3.6
Move to the beginning of the
incident from the point of view of
David (she does so). Move through
the incident telling me about it as
you go, from the point of view of
I’m there. It feels like more than
one incident.
Stick to the one incident.
I’m going to training SF
I’ve been here a while F
When do I stop training? F,SF
I’m in a large room. I walk through
to a room, SF
to a smaller room.
I feel hot, F
Something is not right.
(From Pat: I don’t want to
experience this) F
I understand. Continue. 3.6
It’s a meeting F
The training was an excuse to get
to the other room
Page 145
All of my senses are on alert F
There is something really wrong
We’re alone SF
This is a training room.
Who is ‘we’?
Myself and Pat 3.7
LF 3.6
(Pat interrupts again: I don’t want
to experience this, I keep backing
Look at what you can and get to
the end
He drops like a stone F Note the read
I blow his heart apart F
I feel really sad
Is there an earlier, similar incident? Incidents occur in chains. Often the
charge from an incident is coming
largely from an earlier, similar
incident in the chain.
(I explain how incidents occur in
chains). Just answer yes or no, is
there an earlier, similar incident?
Move to the earlier, similar incident
and tell me when you are there.
I’m there.
It’s training F
On Mars LF
When is this?
I don’t know
Repeat “I don’t know”
I don’t know, I don’t know
1970 F
This is not anything to do with
David, this is way before he came
(I explain that these chains are
connected, but one can seldom
see what is connecting them)
I see a blowing up of a heart. It’s
in training.
I’m being trained as an assassin. LF
A remote influencer.
In this incident, what alter are you
Anne F Note the read
Be Anne
F 3.5
Can I take a break?
No – in a while.
Page 146
That’s all I can hear. I don’t’ feel
I’m staying where I’m supposed to
stay – I’m back here.
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
Are you there? F
I’m really here F 3.3
My body feels funny, heavy
Do we have interference?
Not so much interference – just
that outside people want to hear
what is said in this session
Are they good guys listening in?
Weave a cocoon to block those
guys from listening
LF,F 3.9
It’s only half hearted. I get the
thought, what’s the use, I can’t get
away from it. I’m depleted.
Can they still hear us?
Oh well, let’s go ahead anyway.
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go.
I’m being drained.
What does that mean?
They’re training me as an 3.7
I am multi-tasked early on. This is
only one aspect of what I’m trained
There’s a lot of resistance.
Repeat “There’s a lot of
There’s a lot of resistance. There’s 3.9
a lot of resistance. 4.0
What’s that? SF
I’m being clairvoyant. I feel as I
train I am sensing what will happen
with David in the future. The
feeling in me is so strong right now 4.0
– I can’t break their control. I feel
like an animal in a cage. I depend
on them so totally. This is the
incident when I start rebelling. F
It’s not okay to be trained to kill,
Page 147
but I still do it.
My body is responding to that. I
feel hopeless.
Then what happens? SF
There’s a pain in my chest. F
They don’t care for life. F 4.2
I’m very warm 4.1
SF,F,SF,F Note the reads
I kill someone F Note the read
Describe them
A man, not a soldier. Just support
staff, a menial worker.
I’m F
disturbed by this.
They tell me to kill, F
I kill F
There’s a part of me that sees
what happens that is not triggered,
and observes. 3.9
I move more into that part.
Would that part of you stop you
from killing now?
If they took you now, and told you
to kill now, would you?
(answer not recorded) (Pat : Can you put in an
answer here? If not we
can just leave it out)
Are you programmed to kill your I ask this as Pat had wanted me to
family? F find this out for her.
We get a read so there is charge on
this question
Part of your family? F
No, but it’s been used as a threat F Note the read
Not yet
Are you programmed to kill me? Pat also wanted to know the answers
to this.
I don’t understand this answer –
not at this time
Are you programmed to kill
Michael? F
Michael and I have been
programmed to kill each other. F
The time is not right
Their sense of humour
When will it activate?
Page 148
Shit. When I regain my powers.
Did they put that in to stop you
regaining your powers?
(answer not recorded) Pat – what goes here?
When you regain your powers, will
you kill Michael?
No F The read indicates this answer is
Michael and I butt heads in the
future, psychically.
There’s a program if I regain my
powers, they control it.
Can we remove them (the
We are doing so right now – by
‘as-ising’ them
Are these programs being
strengthened now? F
Something happens automatically F
Identify the trigger F,F
It’s something you do F
Nothing’s coming
Repeat “Nothing’s coming”
Nothing’s coming, Nothing’s F,SF
coming Laugh
It applies to both of you. It’s when
you call each other by name.
When was it put in?
Two years ago F
Is there a part of you on Mars? F
(I think I must have asked her if
she was on Mars on another
timeline and got an affirmative
answer, as my next question is):
What year will you not be on Mars?
What month?
Before or after July?
Before SF
Late June
Is there any program left to kill
Michael or me now? F/N
How feel?
Sad 3.6 Since she is sad, there is still
something we need to look at
Right now, is there a part of David
with you?
Page 149
In the heart
Say ‘hello’ to that part of David
until it answers (she does so)
Ask it, “When did you come into
When I killed him
Locate the spirit of David, and
return that part to him, VIA HIS
(she does so).
Is there any part of David with you
Is there any part of you with David
Now how feel?
Still sad
Is there something you didn’t tell
me about killing David? F
Yes, but it went so fast, I didn’t get
Who else was hurt, when you killed
David? F,F,F Finally, some reads.
It’s about another girl. He had a
I connected with the fact he had a
girlfriend. F,F
It was the woman scorned thing.
How did she feel about having her
boyfriend killed? F
She was killed too, right after.
With orders, or did you do it on
your own?
On my own
Totally on your own?
It was part of cleaning up F Pat – I’m not sure of this
answer. Were you under
orders of did you do it
Was anyone else hurt?
No F
How feel? Laugh Note the reaction – charge is finally
Tired. The sad feeling is gone.
Be Pat
I didn’t realize I was still in Anne!
I always thought if I had a At the time I didn’t think I should ask
relationship with a man, I would Pat to take responsibility for these
destroy him. I destroyed my killings since she was under mind
marriage. It wasn’t his fault – I control. But later, upon reflection and
drove him away. looking at my notes about harmful
Page 150
acts, I changed my mind. We lose
reactivity when we remember what
was done to us. But our lives only
really get better when we admit to,
and claim responsibility and ask God
for forgiveness for harmful things we
did to others. From the point of view
of an infinite spirit with all abilities, it
is ripping someone off to not have
them take responsibility. Otherwise
they stay a victim forever. And the
rules on clearing are clear: When a
harmful act is committed, the person
must accept responsibility for it to be
free of it in the future. So next day I
asked Pat is she would take
responsibility for this, and she did.
Pat finally looked back to her normal happy self after this session.
Page 151
Session 24: Breath Activation of the Anne alter
October 26th 2003
Start of session
What’s been happening? 4.7
I felt really good last night.
I could feel more space F
I was easier inside. 4.6
I’m confused about the Mars thing. F
And the alters and how they come
in and go out and how part of them
is there and not there.
I went to the beach and felt safe. 4.0
Yesterday they wanted it to go
undisturbed so they could find out
what was said F
(I explain why she needs to accept
responsibility etc. for the death of
David for her life to get better).
Will you accept responsibility for
the death of David?
Yes F Note the read
Will you accept responsibility for
the death of his girlfriend?
Ask God for forgiveness for them
(she does so)
Is that incident erased? F
Yes 3.8
What breathing patterns do they Pat looked kind of shocked here that
use to activate Anne? 3.6 I would ask her this
Do it now
(she does so)
It’s a sharp, sudden breath. 3.5
I feel really weird.
I can feel her energy F Note the read
It’s intense. She’s there.
Do the breath again 3.6
(she does so) 3.7
Do you have anything to report?
Page 152
You’re disturbing me (that is Anne
talking to Pat). She’s upset (that
is Pat talking). Yesterday when I
brought them (the alters) up – I felt Pat – can you clarify
them in me, but I could still feel
me. this?
Anne’s more intense than the other
two. She is disturbed.
She’s working F Note the read
What’s she doing? F
(answer not recorded)
Mars F Note the read
She’s losing her focus cause I’ve
pulled her back . She’s training
Where I work (that is, the hospital
Pat works at), girls are brought in
to be trained as unit clerks. I was
training one who had trained with
others for four days. She said that
she learned more from her four
hours with me than in four days
with the others. That’s because I
find the most efficient way to teach,
and use it. That’s what she’s (that
is, Anne) there for – to teach short
cuts. I can really feel this. That is
why they have never got rid of me.
I have this ability. F 3.8
She’s there short term.
How does she get there?
There’s no technology. She just
I just see her going.
It’s people who send her
Not machines?
Is it a person who teleports her?
It’s a group of people F 3.8 I’m still confused here about how Pat
got to Mars, but I decide to leave it
and continue with the original line of
Everyone of these breaths you do
to activate the alters, I’ve seen you
do in sessions.
Yes, I realized that too F
The alters come in and out during
How many components are
required to trigger you into an
Tone (frequency)
Page 153
Code words. There are certain
missions in that have code words
Is there a permanent password? Tk
What is it?
There’s nothing there?
Repeat “There’s nothing there”
There’s nothing there, there’s
nothing there
No way! F
That’s ridiculous SF
Tap F
Is anything else attached to “tap”? 3.5
In 1987 I went to Albany NY, and This code word “Tap” shows how
went to a hypnotist. He was with during hypnotism programs are put in
the dark side, and worked out of a even in the hypnotist has good
state prison. He said he’d give me intentions – making things worse, not
a code word to get me out of the better. During clearing, I cannot
trance, and that it would be my program a person. For example, if I
name spelled backwards. That’s told them to run around the room
“Tap”. crowing like a rooster later on when I
said a particular word, they would just
laugh at me and ignore it. But if they
were hypnotized they would do it.
Is that the code word used by the
Mars Defense Force?
What password does the Mars
Defense Force use?
I am getting interference
I feel weird
Repeat “I feel weird”
I feel weird, I feel weird
Yes, F
there’s interference
Identify it
It’s off planet
Break the connection F
It’s from Mars F Note the read
It’s just blank
Repeat “It’s just blank”
It’s just blank, It’s just blank
Something in my head is working
Say “hello” to it until it answers
(she does so)
Ask it, “What is your purpose in
being here?
To block me
Thank it. Then command it, “Fun
out the incident that made you the
Page 154
way you are”
(she does so).
Acknowledge it. Then command it
“Run out the incident that made
you do what others tell you to do”
(she does so). Acknowledge it.
Then read it it’s rights “You have
the right of all spirits to your own
self determinism, to play any game
or not and to leave any game or
not. Now you are free to leave,
what you do you want to do?”
He’s leaving
I repeat the question, what is the
password to activate your alters?
What’s happening?
(answer unclear)
Is it the same code words for all
For Pat 3, how many code words
are there? F
Two F Note the read
I have a pain in my head
What are the words? F
I’ve got a headache Note the onset of pain
(she says a word) F I will just give a description of the
code words (‘word’, ‘number’, ‘color’
etc. rather than publish them, for
Pat’s safety)
Is there a number?
(word) three. That’s what I got
Is that the whole code word?
I don’t feel so F
What’s missing?
I can’t believe how much my head
is hurting
Are there wernicke’s activating?
I think it’s a program, not a
What’s missing? Tk
There’s nothing there F If there was nothing there, we would
not have pain and a read
Repeat “There’s nothing there”
There’s nothing there, There’s
There’s something F
Something said “You’ll never find
Page 155
Repeat “You’ll never find it”
You’ll never find it, You’ll never find
It’s a computer code F Note the read
Can it be repeated by a human?
No F Note the read
How is it activated? F,F
Over the phone, radio or TV.
I’ve had phone calls that have
weird sounds (and nothing else) F,F
Is that one of your activations?
Yes Tk
I felt like I was going somewhere. I
get a lot of static on the phone a lot
of the time.
What do they do to you to make
you do the breath?
It’s to do with something in the
back of my brain stem F Note the read
How is it delivered?
It’s computerized. They can track
and monitor me from space.
Do they need line of sight to do it?
No F
Identify the thing at the back of
your brain stem F
It’s a pulsing sphere
Say ‘hello’ to it till it answers F
(she does so)
Do deliverance on it (I also talk to
Michael on the walky talky to do
the same).
I saw it fade, but really it was just
Do whatever it takes to get rid of it.
I see Mars now F
It pulled back (to Mars) 3.5
I can feel a little space there now.
Fill it with light….. Give the light a
colour, like blue light, because I
have read that programs can be
encrypted into white light.
What a coincidence – I was going
to fill it with white light, and then I
got, don’t use white light, use blue,
and then you said to not use white
What are the codewords for
Laurie? F,F Note the reads
It heard F
It gave me an instruction not to
Acknowledge it (she does so)
Something is being pulled from my
Page 156
This is so hard.
My headache is back. Note the reappearance of pain
There’s nothing there
Repeat “There’s nothing there”
There’s nothing there, There’s
nothing there.
I repeat the question, What are the
codewords for Laurie? SF 4.0
(She names a color) LF Note the read.
Are there other words?
What are the other words
F 3.9
(She names an animal). I don’t want to
(Color) – (animal) SF SF
That’s weird.
Are there any other words?
It’s a movie F Note the read
I repeat the question, are there any
other words?
Yes 4.0
F 3.8
(She names an anatomical word)
(Color) – (animal) – (anatomical LF Note the read
Are there any numbers?
Are there any other words for Pat
What are the codewords for Anne? F
I still feel they’ll change them.
That’s okay, each time they put
them back in they won’t hold as
well. Plus one day you will do
what it takes to stop being taken.
I repeat the question, what are the
code words for Anne?
It’s blank
Repeat “It’s blank”
It’s blank, It’s blank F 3.8
I can’t get it
Repeat “I can’t get it”
I can’t get it, I can’t get it SF
(word) LF
(word) (word) Pat – if you feel it’s okay we
could tell people maybe
some of these code words,
just not all of them
Any other words?
Page 157
That swept by me F
There’s another word F
What is it? F
It’s just not there
What comes after (word) (word)?
It’s just on the tip of my … F,SF
I was about to say, F
my third eye is killing me right now. Note onset of pain
The word ‘eye’ came up F,F
That’s not it F
It’s close, but not it
It’s blocked.
My head is killing me
Vision! F,LF 3.6 Note the read
I feel weird. My third eye is killing
me, the back of my head is killing
me, I get chills.
It’s (word) (word) vision F/N Note the floating needle
Are there any numbers?
So much is going on in my head
right now.
I still have a headache. VGI
There’s some major shuffling going
on F
They are upset about this. On
Mars. It’s to do with Anne. She is
behaving differently.
Check in and remote view her. F
She’s shut down, during the F Note the read
training – she’s gone into a kind of
They’re upset
They’re trying to figure out what
happened F
Page 158
Session 25: Abducted Last Night to Mars
October 27th 2003
Yesterday, after the session I told Pat about something that had happened to
Michael and me in the previous year. We went to a body-mind expo. There
Michael met a woman who looked to be in her early 20s but was in fact in her
early 40s. After talking with her he felt strongly that she was someone with
psychic abilities who had had things done to her without her conscious
knowledge of them. She then told us of a number of things which had happened
to her which backed this up – including having telescope lenses appear in her
room in mid air!!!!
I muscle tested to find out if she had metapsychic abilities and got that she did,
but I couldn’t work out just what it was she could do. It wasn’t any of the usual
like remote viewing, remote killing, clairvoyance, telekinesis etc. Finally a
thought went through my mind. A few months previously we had seen the B-
Grade movie “The Sender”. In that movie a young girl has the ability to teleport
herself and others. She is wanted by both good and bad guys alike for this
ability. I tested the woman and got that she was in fact a sender. I also muscle
thest that there are only a few dozen people in the world with that ability – to
transport gates across space (I’m not sure how accurate that information is).
This ability is crucial for intergalactic expansion. We believe that there are two
main ways to get to another planet, other than by ship which is way too slow.
You can go through a jump-gate as Michael did to Mars. The trouble with this is,
you still have to walk a certain distance. So if a planet was many light years
away, it would be too far, even with a jump-gate. The other alternative is a star-
gate, as in the movie and TV series “Stargate SG”. With a stargate travel is
instantaneous. It is quite possible that the secret government either has a
stargate or is trying to get one. See for some details of this.
In either case of the jump-gate or stargate, you still need someone to travel to the
other end and put in the gate on the other side. If the planet is light years away,
this will not happen for a many years. But, if you have people who can teleport
the gate there, then hey-presto! You’re done!
Page 159
Yesterday Pat was feeling good. Today she felt and looked awful.
I explained all of the above to Pat after yesterday’s session, and she started to
feel very, very strange. Both of us got goose-bumps all over our bodies (a good
indication of the truth). I muscle tested her, and then got that she is a sender.
Although the following session she does not have quite the ability of the woman
we met, as there are different KINDS of senders. I believe that Pat may be di
I started by doing a kinesiology balance on her. She had been in balance on the
previous day, and should have still been in balance. But she was way out of
balance. Her Cloacals and Gall bladder were out of balance. When I tried to
correct this by normal means, it didn’t work. Muscle testing indicated the cause
was the emotion “hostility” from humans and reptilians, and that I needed to do a
clearing session in order to get her back to balance.
Page 160
They put something onto the head
which switches me into an
unconscious state.
That’s what came up last night F
What I feel today has something to
do with that. I don’t think I got
much sleep – only about four hours
I wasn’t here SF
Then what happens?
I’m brought before the council
Are there any drugs to balance
Are there any wernicke’s to
I’m not sure. Something was put in
and strengthened.
They hurt me to reinforce it SF 4.1 Note the read
They said that putting in a whole
lot of wernicke’s commands in one
go before, just with technology
alone, was not strong enough
The hurting is … F
Now I see a little grey (as in, grey
They greys are doing the hurting. We are getting no reads at the
They put a hand up to me and the moment. This could be because Pat
pain comes. is not confronting the pain yet.
Humans are standing back and
They don’t grab me or touch me –
it’s just their hands.
Something is beamed from the
ceiling SF
We stopped and did kinesiology, since I was not getting enough reads.
There were seven wernicke’s commands, all with eyes shut:
1. “At our command, feel pain” (from the council – who Pat said were
hybrids of aliens and humans. Muscle testing confirmed this)
(Note: If anyone out there still thinks the greys are good guys,
please reconsider how you would feel if humans did this!)
2. “At our command, you will forget”
3. “At our command, you will kill yourself”
4. “At our command, you will kill others”
5. “At our command, you will come to us”
6. “At our command, you will activate”
7. “At our command, you will deactivate”
I then balanced out the energy of two drugs. We then returned to the
Page 161
Everything was to reaffirm their
control SF 4.7
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move F
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I wake up at 12.08 am. I look at
the clock and think, I didn’t sleep
very long. I go back to sleep.
Then I’m standing naked. I seldom
sleep all night with pyjamas.
F 4.3 Note the reads
(communication lag) F,SF,F
I feel drugged
I’m being suppressed SF
Something is saying, “Don’t say
this” F Note the read
Locate the source F
Where is the thought coming from?
From them?
It’s a connection.
Pray to God to break the
connection. Pray to bind the
demons giving them their power. 4.0
That worked. F Note the read
That worked – when you said to
bind up the demons.
I don’t usually see greys F Pat – please expand on
what you mean here – all
the time or just in
sessions or what?
We, I am in this room F
The humans, F
they have the feeling of soldiers F 3.9 Note the read
They bring me clothes F
I keep bouncing back to the council F
This was a correction to a problem, SF
to what we did yesterday F
Is there a grey ship in the area?
(I ask Michael on the walky talky to
remove it. At that time, Pat also
feels something at the back of her
Is what you feel from the round
sphere in the back of your head
(that we removed yesterday?)
Yes F Note the read
Bind it and remove it 3.9
It popped out F
Page 162
I kept repeating and repeating the
words for the binding, like Michael
does. I didn’t say the words just
once like I usually do.
They’re upset about Anne LF Note the big read
About what happened to her when
I remembered the code words (and
she shut down) F 3.7 Note the reads
Anne is there, but not in this time
What time is she in?
Ahead – in the future – six months F
She’s in the moment, but it’s
different from now.
In six months time, could you meet
her? SF
No, she’s on a completely different
time line F 3.5
What happens next?
There’s discussions going on SF,F
They’re reaffirming their control.
They’ve put something else in LF
Something so they can get me
over there very quickly.
It’s either a program or they’re
activating an ability F
It’s like a back door to a computer.
Locate the back door F
(she does so)
Do you need to remove it or fill it
with something else?
(not sure of answer)
Locate the source of the program
that keeps filling it up SF
This is weird SF
A man F Note the read
On Mars
It’s all coming from there SF
Control is being brought back to
the source, because others are
screwing up F
Bind up the demons that give that
man the power to run the program
I’m seeing an archway, it’s blue 3.6
He didn’t like that! F Note the read
I asked God to send angels to
close and fill up the back door
What happens next?
I’m seeing where they lock it in
with the pain.
It’s like electrical jolts F
Is it electrical?
Page 163
It’s finer energy than that
How many jolts?
20 up
How many jolts? F
28 F Note the read
They’re centering most around my
Also the side of my head SF
And chest, and arm
SF 4.2
I yelp or scream. It really hurts
when they touch.
I’m at the end.
I woke up this morning, my
muscles were so sore.
I could feel my calf muscles seizing
up, LF
as I was talking
I feel better now than this morning.
I felt really sluggish then.
Move to the beginning of the F 4.0
incident (she does so).
Move through the incident telling F
me about it as you go.
My body feels weird.
There’s a snap F Note the read
I feel coldness of my feet on a 4.1
I can feel F
my upper arms being grabbed.
Pressure in my jaw
Pressure at the side of my head F Note the read
They’re putting a mask on me LF Note the read
There’s a thing over my face F
There’s something in this mask,
right over my third eye F
Then they dress me.
Part of a suit F
There are eye holes.
Now there’s an energy at the base
of my spine F
coming from the suit.
I don’t know what they’re doing F
They do this before they take me
to the council F
It’s so there’s a complete
monitoring at all time F
Scanning at an unconscious level SF
The council bases decisions on the
readouts SF 3.8
They hook up the thing to the back
of my head
Page 164
I just disappeared.
And now I’m back F Note the read
There’s something I’m not looking
at – F Note the read
Something I just jumped over 4.0
I’m back.
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I’m back there, with the greys.
There’s something in that room
beside the greys that I’m not
Repeat “There’s something I’m not
There’s something I’m not seeing,
There’s something I’m not seeing.
It’s just there, but I haven’t touched
it yet.
Repeat “It’s just there, but I haven’t
touched it yet”
It’s just there, but I haven’t touched
it yet. It’s just there, but I haven’t
touched it yet.
Something to do with my body F,F
I don’t understand it.
Who’s saying that?
I’m saying it to the block.
There’s a zap that comes out and
hits me in the chest.
Does it hurt?
It immobilizes me 4.1
F 4.0 Note the reads
Gasp and body reactions
Body jerks
LF 3.8
Whatever it was that hit me,
forcibly brought up each of my
Adjustments were made to them F
They don’t use the triggers.
There are men there F Note the read
These are the Mars Force.
I’m getting questioned. F
That is, each alter is being
questioned. It’s an interrogation.
Body jerks Note body reactions
Page 165
That was with the greys.
They pass me down.
I’m back naked with the men.
The suit … F
The suit was also containment and
suppression. The greys are
I’m back
That is weird! Good
They gave me a spanking with
energy. 3.9
I feel lighter F/N
They would do it again.
Page 166
Session 26: Teleportation to Mars
October 28th 2003 am
Page 167
stop the attack.
It was three people. I almost
dropped the cans when they
attacked. 3.6
I’m aching.
They stopped my prayer right
before it started. I saw the energy
they used to trigger me to do it. I
sent it back to them. The three
guys leave the room quickly. F
Congratulations – It would appear Note: A certain type of sender. We
that you are a sender! have yet to see if Pat can teleport
anything other than herself.
This time came up two sessons
I can affect the space-time
continuum. This is the folding.
I have goose-bumps all over.
They didn’t want me to know that.
They want me to think that I’m
taken up, by them.
Can you teleport?
Yes F Note the read
Can you open a portal?
Yes, but in a triggered state. 3.4
When you stayed with us in
Arizona, and you walked through
the wall when they abducted you,
did you do that then?
I asked something F
I got a connection with that Pat had woken with intense room
dizziness this morning – with spins – very unusual for her.
F 3.3
It was a postural dizziness – from
when I moved – it got worse – it’s
connected somehow.
They are really upset on Mars F Note the read
How do you feel now?
Extremely energetic?
Even before I started this, I had
visions of myself fighting battles,
being a psychic – that there is
more there.
Recently I see myself fighting
someone – I stop them physically –
they just stop.
Page 168
Session 27: Reptilians under Hospital Harvest Cadavers
October 28th 2003 pm
Page 169
which others can travel to other
times or spaces?
It’s limited
Under certain conditions F Note the read
That set up a whole different
Now I feel connected to something.
It’s tuning, frequency tuning. You
have to tune to a different
I’m getting pain from the top of my
head. Note the onset of pain
Maybe I use a radio for Pat – is the word
Do you?
Yes F 3.6
I believe everything is simple – I
use this. My whole body is feeling
so different from when we started
this session.
F Note the read
What’s that (referring to the
thought behind the previous read)
That is a barrier F
in my mind 3.5
It’s a buildup of energy F
It’s like running a car, but not
putting it into gear. When you
mentioned the portals, my mind
keyed into a notch. Just by thinking
of it, something changed inside my
head. It’s a latent energy. I can
feel it right down my spine. It’s not
done just by the mind.
It’s .. SF
during the time that I don’t think. This is a very powerful realization!
Can you teleport people or things? SF This means to teleport something
directly, without having to create a
portal for the thing to go through
There’s nothing there
Repeat “There’s nothing there”
There’s nothing there, There’s
nothing there
Yes –
when permitted
Is there any other kind of
teleportation I haven’t thought of?
(Answer not recorded)
Is the woman you call your mother Pat wanted me to ask her these
your biological mother? questions. Actually, we had been
through these questions two years
before in earlier sessions, and got the
Page 170
same answers.
No F
Is the man you call you father your
biological father?
No …
but, they used genetic material
from him F
Are you partly your mother?
No F
Are you 100% human?
It’s something else.
Is there a name for it?
They did something F
Apart form altering your DNA, is
your DNA 100% human? F Of course, it all depends on the
quality of the question. To
understand this question fully, we
would have to know what it means to
be 100% human.
Are most of your genes from earth
within the last 10,000 years? F
What country are you genes
predominantly from?
Germany SF Pat – What would you
have answered
This lifetime, to date, how many
people have you killed? F
You do jump around (meaning,
with regard to subjects).
Over 200
Give me a number
Up to 286?
(We are getting confused answers
– I clarify my question):
This lifetime, how many people
were killed, or died as a result of
what you did to them?
280 F Note the read
You do realize that that is a higher Pat – Please double
number than last time (by 64)
check this no. for me
(We now move onto something
How many times have you been
taken from the hospital you work at
since last session?
Page 171
Three SF Note the read
How many from your home town?
Ten SF
Is that counting the three times
form the hospital?
Yes SF
Of the times you were taken from
the hospital, move to the most
easily accessible incident and tell
me when you are there. F
Move through the incident telling
me about it as you go. 3.4
There’s …
I’m seeing pictures – This is very
hard to believe. The abductions
originate from the locker room.
There is a person in the hospital
who’s quite high up. SF
Let’s call him “Mr Z”
They’re aware of me. You have to
slide your card in, so they’re aware
of when I’m there (at the locker
room). There’s somebody else
beside Mr Z. He’s not part of the
hospital committee CEO team.
He’s almost a ‘Man in Black” (MIB).
Does he work in the hospital?
Have you consciously seen him?
From peripheral vision, only
I’m having trouble accessing this
We stop and do kinesiology. Pat’s head felt like it was moving again.
Again, she felt really dizzy.
Page 172
me. F
Especially to the back of my neck
and third eye 3.9
I’m feeling really suppressed SF
As if they are controlling my energy 3.8
I’m hearing F
them say “This is not true, this is
your imagination” and I’m
accepting that.
I feel rotten now, very tired,
nauseated. 3.7
I’m underground
F,F 3.6
I feel weak, as if something is
sucking something out of me SF,F
Is this feeling from the incident?
I really feel awful – hot. 3.3
They send my energy to things
To what?
F 3.2
It’s like a feeling
What is the feeling?
They look like reptilians F This backs up what David Icke of says – that
humans are harvested for their
energy by reptilians
Are they reptilians?
Yes SF
I still feel the drain
When is this? SF,F
This year? SF
(answer not recorded – believe the Pat – if the answer was
answer was yes)
‘yes’ please change this
When this year?
What month? Tk
June SF
What happens next? F 3.3
I’m seeing things. I’m seeing a
shuttle. I see reptilians talking with
each other.
How tall are they?
Ten feet 3.2
There are other people and
reptilians. It’s the same room I
was in before (in last year’s
Dead bodies! F Note the read
Page 173
They’re transporting dead bodies
I sit down to have my lunch F
( Pat –there is a sentence
here but I can’t read it –
something like “Have
you ever had done F)
Did this really happen to you?
(Answer not recoded). One part Pat – did you say “yes”
came here wanting to prove this is F
wrong here????
I think of it every day
Is this real?
Yes F Note the read
Move to the beginning of the
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I swipe the card for the locker
F 3.1
But, I don’t go through the door.
Someone comes up behind me.
One of the unseen ones. We both
go through the door into the locker
room. F Note the read
I leave my lunch on the chair.
What day of the week is it? F,F
June 11 F,F Note the read and floating needle.
F/N 3.0 I later checked my diary – June 11
2003 is in fact a Wednesday
I just jumped to where I’m
There are other people there - SF
Others from the hospital. They’re
not aware of what’s happening.
There are still dead bodies. 3.1
One of the people – their head
went forward as if something
shoved into the back of it.
They’re almost zombie-like, as if
they’re controlled. 3.2
Do you see anyone you know?
One from the lab. F
Page 174
Respiratory technicians. F
A couple from admin.
There’s a business feel to the
whole thing F
As if this is a daily occurrence.
It’s something about bodies.
I’m blocked F
Repeat “I’m blocked”
I’m blocked, I’m blocked SF 3.2
It’s like there’s a nest of them F
(‘them’ being reptilians)
There are also tunnels down there.
They’re taking out glands from
those bodies LF Note the big read
They’re taking out the hormone
systems LF 3.1 Note the big read
They’re taking things not major
enough to be missed
Some of those people
who are having something shoved
into them – they are people being
used time and again. They are
people who have access to
This is not just happening in (town
where Pat lives)! F Note the read
What percentage in America and
Canada is this going on?
No, higher, but some not to this
That’s the shuttle F
The lab people are bringing things
down to them like blood samples F Note the read
What percentage does it happen in
In the USA? F
There are more tunnels, more
nests there.
It’s mind boggling what they do in
the big cities SF
There’s a constant convoy of
hormone harvesting. There are 3.5
deaths that happen just to
replenish the cadavers. Some are
due to the controlled people in the
I’m at the end.
That felt very uncomfortable. I
came here hoping to find out this
wasn’t true.
Move to the beginning of the
Page 175
incident (she does so). Move
through the incident telling me
about it as you go.
I went to where I left off. I’m picking
up a reporting. All of this goes
under some other plan. .
I feel real uncomfortable with what
I just said.
I’m not seeing anything
Repeat “I’m not seeing anything”.
I’m not seeing anything, I’m not LF 3.5
seeing anything.
There are politicians there F,LF 3.4 Note the reads
Are they controlled?
Yes, but one gives orders
Are some controlled?
Are some not controlled?
This is a hospital-by-hospital
(she names one of the politicians Note the read
she recognises) F
Is he controlled?
Yes SF
This is a display, to show to these
They are passing through.
The hormones F,F
They tie into these politicians F Note the read
It’s a reward.
They (the reptilians) have an
unlimited number of hospitals.
They also to go funeral homes but 3.5
they’re not as fresh.
I’m at the end. Except for one
thing. I seem to be aware but
others don’t. I try to hide it.
I don’t know. F Pat – What does this
refer to?
My whole feeling is that I slip out of
their control. F 3.2
When I’m working in the hospital,
they use
some kind of program to keep me
from leaving 3.1 Nice low Tone Arm
F/N 3.0
Page 176
Session 28: Wernicke’s to keep her at the Hospital
October 28th 2003 am
We stopped and did kinesiology. The following wernicke’s commands were removed:
1. “Stay here”
So I looked for booby traps which were designed to keep her from leaving
the hospital. We found some:
Page 177
Pat then saw the next lot of commands, and ‘as-ised’ them without us having to access
Pat had recently had thoughts of moving to a bigger city hospital. Again, Muscle testing
indicated there were three programs in her, designed to keep her working in hospitals, if
not necessarily her own hospital. Again, once we found this out, Pat ‘as-ised’ the
remaining commands, so I did not have to remove them for them to go.
Page 178
removed as a result of the thirty
hours of clearing and kinesiology she
has now done.
Have a look at the thing that
happens to the trigger that makes
you go back
It’s natural F
That’s the first thing that comes in
What do they do to access that?
They make it pleasant F
Would it be pleasant if you did it
yourself, without their help?
I got ‘yes’ – then I got ‘no’. F
(We now get interference from
them) Body jerks
Identify the source of the
interference 4.1
There’s pain going through my
head F
Somebody is interfering
Locate them
I keep getting it’s between here
and Mars
On a ship? F
Yes F Note the read
Bind the demons giving them their
power 4.2
These guys know me. I heard
“You don’t really believe that” F During these sessions Pat got some
private realizations that she has
some issues to work out between
herself and God
I severed the connection
I repeat the question, would it be
pleasant if you wave rode
Have they added anything?
They made it easier F
There’s not as much preparation
Go to the last time you got
triggered (that is, remove view it) F
Go to Mars and see what they do
before you come
There’s a block F
A shield?
Yes F Note the read
Morph with the shield and go
through it
See if any alarms go off when you
I’ve gone through Tk
Have a look to see what they do to
trigger you.
Page 179
This area is way more than just for
me. It’s almost wave central.
There are not so many people, it’s
just that there’s a feeling that a lot
of people come and go from here.
Resonance! F Note the read
They key something I resonate to
What and how?
It’s in part of this central area F
If they need you, they have to
manually trigger it. Something in
me resonates with something in
Then, what do you need to do to
stop them from wave riding you
I need to change the Quantum
Matrix inside of myself (as
Michael explains in “The Mars
Records, Book Two” – This is Very good A great set of conditions in which to
the key to stopping getting Indicators end this series of session!
abducted) LF 4.0
Page 180
Further information
Please visit the weblinks page and “best books” page at,
which are kept up to date.
Page 181
Hubbard, Ron. Scientology 0-8. 1970. “The Axioms of Scientology” Axiom 38.
Church of Scientology. 0884043762/healtwealthappi
Kin, L. Scientology - More than a Cult? From Crusade to Rip-Off. The Principles
Unveiled. 1991. Edition ScienTerra.
Hubbard, Ron. Scientology 0-8. 1970. “The Axioms of Scientology” Axioms 11-20.
Church of Scientology. 0884043762/healtwealthappi
Wright, Allen. Clearing Seminar,1991
Kin, L. Scientology – A Handbook for Use. The Procedures. Professional
Application. 1992. Edition Scienterra.
Hubbard, Ron. Dianetics & Scientology Technical Dictionary. 1975. Church of
Scientology of California.
Hubbard, Ron. Dianetics. 1950. The Church of Scientology.
Goodheart, George
Thie, John F. “Touch for Health”. 1973. T.H,. Enterprises, 1200 N. Lake Ave,
Pasadena CA 91104
Bridgman, David, “Balancing the Bicameral Mind” In Touch, Australia, Autumn
1997, #41 p. 18
Page 182