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6 Tech Spec AMOC Final V2

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Section (VI)

Technical Specifications

1. Introduction
Alexandria Mineral Oils Company, AMOC is considered one of the largest petroleum
companies in Egypt and Middle East. The company has been established in 1997 as share-
hold private company.

AMOC aims mainly to satisfy the local needs of petroleum products, and launching the
excess into the international market.

It specializes in the production of Gasoil, Naphtha, LPG, Vacuum residue, Organic sulphur,
Neutral oil, Transformer Oil (T.O.), Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) and Paraffin wax.

This tender concerns the installation of a wastewater treatment plant with a design capacity
of 100 m3/h and 80 m3/h normal operation, with the purpose of recycling most of the water as
Demi water to reach Near Zero Liquid discharge (NZLD).

The project is a turnkey project that includes the design, supply, installation, supervision and
commissioning of the wastewater treatment plant and all civil works. Including sufficient
training for AMOC’s ZLD team.

Bidders are requested to provide the following requirements:

1. Turndown ratio for the ZLD project.

2. Consumption of fuel, electricity and chemicals for the plant operating at full capacity.
3. Life cycle of UF and RO membranes for the plant operating at full capacity
4. Time table for the activities for finishing the required steps for this tender.
Bidders should at their own cost visit the site and make their own investigation and
assessment of the works before bidding.

2. Background
2.1 Site location
AMOC is located at El-Sad El-Aali Street, Wadi El-Kamar, El-Mex district, Alexandria
Governorate, Egypt. It occupies an area of about 500,000 m2 located in an industrial area
and surrounded by:

 PETROGAS Company from the northern side.

 Alexandria National Refining & Petroleum Company (ANRPC) and El-Sad El-Aali
Street from the eastern side.
 International road from the southern & western sides.

2.2 Overview of facility:
The company consists of two main complexes which are:

1. Maximization of gas-oil complex:

Located at the western side of the company and produces Naphtha, LPG, Gasoil, Vacuum
residue and Organic sulphur.

2. Lube oil complex:

Located at the center of the company and produces Neutral oil, Automatic Transmission
Fluid (A.T.F), Transformer oil (T.O) and Paraffin wax.

The two complexes are provided with a number of service units for the continuous supply of the
required utilities.

AMOC has three Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants (IWWTPs) and one domestic
wastewater treatment unit. The final receiving pit collects treated streams from:

 Treated industrial effluent from IWWTP of lube oil complex.

 Treated industrial effluent from IWWTP of maximization of gas-oil complex.
 Treated effluent from domestic wastewater treatment unit.
 Treated effluent from Sulfur recovery unit (Thiopaq).
 Boilers blow down.
 Cooling towers blow down.

Annex (I) shows water balance and schematic diagram for the existing treatment systems
at AMOC.

The main environmental problem facing the company is the End-of-Pipe effluent (E.O.P) from
the final receiving pit which does not comply with law 93/1962 amended by decree 44/2000 for
discharging to public sewer networks for phenol and Sulphides.

3. Design Data:
The company will install a wastewater treatment plant to reach the quality of Demi water and
reach Near Zero Liquid Discharge (NZLD).Also the reject stream from the Reverse osmosis
(RO) unit shall be complying with all parameters specified in the Law 93/62 Limits and decree
44/2000 for discharging into the public sewer.

3.1 Basis of design:

 Approach Zero Liquid Discharge.
 Maximize the amount of water recycled for re-use.
 Meet the specifications of Demi-water for recycling.
 The characteristics of discharged effluents must comply with law no.93/1962 and its
executive decree no. 44/2000 for discharging to public sewer particularly with reference
to Phenol and sulphides.
 Selected treatment option should be cost effective.
 Flexibility of operation and solutions to deal with upsets are encouraged.

3.2 Influent data:

The main problem facing the company is that the quality of the E.O.P effluent from the final
clean pit with a maximum flow of 92 m3/h does not comply with law no.93/1962 and its executive
decree no. 44/2000 for discharging to public sewer due to high levels of phenol and Sulphides.
The main cause of the increased pollution levels is the relatively high levels of phenol and
sulphides in sour water outlet and slope tanks.

The analysis in Table 1 was undertaken from the final clean pit as ZLD influent, these results
are the maximum limits in the last two years. The bidder should take into consideration the
fluctuations in concentrations and also in flows (80 - 100 m3/h). The company performs weekly
analyses for the wastewater and bidders are encouraged to consult these analyses and take
samples for verification.

Table 1: Recent chemical analysis for final clean pit (End-of-Pipe)

Minimum Maximum Law Limits 93/62

Indicators (1) (1)
concentration (mg/l) concentration (mg/l) and decree 44/2000

pH 7.4 6 – 9.5 6-9.5

BOD 75 150 600
COD 142 650 1,100
TSS 144 217 800
TDS 1,284 3,000 ----
O&G 25 70 100
Phenol 0.54 13.7(2) 0.05
Sulphides 2.4 30(3) 10
PO4--- 2.26 8 25
Fe 0.41 3 ----
Total Nitrogen 14 14 100
Total Organic ----
351 351
Carbon (TOC)

Bacteria count >24,000 unit/100 cm3 (4) ----

Cd 0.01(4) 0.2
Cu 0.01(4) 1.5
Pb 0.01(4) 1
Mn 1.1(4) ----
Zn 0.03(4) ----
Silica 0.74(4) ----
Boron 0.1(4) 1
1) The levels indicated in the above table represent the minimum and maximum concentrations achieved from
the last two years analysis.
2) Regarding phenol; as per the external laboratory measurements, phenol concentration could reach 13.7
mg/l, however most of the analysis over the past 2 years are in the range 0.54-3 mg/l/
3) Regarding sulphides; Sulphides concentration could reach 30 mg/l, however most of the analysis over the
past 2 years are in the range 0 – 2.4 mg/l/
4) For bacteria count, Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Silica and Boron; they had been measured once in the past 2 years.

3.3 Operation basis and design requirements:

The company is operating 24 hours/day and 360 days per year.

3.4 Product / Effluent Quality:

Table 2 shows the performance parameters of the treated water quality (Demi water) to be
reused in boilers. While the Reverse Osmosis (RO) reject; it will be discharged to public sewer
therefore it should be in line with law no.93/1962 and its executive decree no. 44/2000.

Table 2 Performance parameters for product water recycled to boilers "Demi Water"
Parameter Outlet concentrations (mg/l)
pH 6.5-7.5
Conductivity < 5 µs/cm

The parameters of the treated water will be analysed during the performance test to ensure the
efficiency of the treatment system. One sample /day will be analysed during the performance
test for a period of 14 days.

4.Scope of Work and supply:

 Design Wastewater Treatment Plant to treat maximum flow of 100 m 3/h including civil
work and detailed technical specifications for all equipment to be supplied.
 Dewatering system for the produced sludge from the proposed WWTP.
 Propose the best scenario to optimize the treatment units through possible bypassing the
relatively clean streams (i.e. sent to the tertiary treatment stage without passing through
the biological treatment stage).
 The treated effluent for recycling should meet the requirements for demi water.
 Any monitor instruments can be added to ensure safe operation.
 Recommended equipment for continuous monitoring of the final discharge.
 Storage tanks for recycled water.
 All materials of construction shall be suitable for particular service.
 The treatment technology selected by the bidder should represent the best technical and
cost effective solution.
 study the inlet characteristics of each existing effluent streams and carry any additional
analysis required
 Evaluate suggested schemes with various options including requirement of any additional
equipment with cost benefit analysis.
 Develop a detailed techno economic feasibility report of various units that are part of
 suggest various treated Wastewater recycling options, study limitations of existing
facilities, and options/schemes for achieving ZLD

4.1 Electromechanical scope:

The electro-mechanical scope of responsibilities will include:

 Process and detailed electro-mechanical design and engineering
 Supply of all electro-mechanical equipment to the site
 Manufacture and assembly of steel works
 Installation of all electro-mechanical equipment
 Supply of O&M manuals
 Carry out electro-mechanical commissioning and start-up
 Construct civil works within the battery limits.
 All pumps to be selected according to API Standard.

4.1.1 Wiring Specifications:

The wiring should be as follows:
 All wiring shall be labeled exactly as the existing one.
 Unless otherwise specified, wiring insulation color code shall be as follows:
AC supply live Brown
AC supply neutral Blue
DC supply positive Red
DC supply negative Black
Ground Yellow/Green
Alarm system Yellow
4-20 mA signal pair
Black / White
4-20 mA signal individual
Dark Blue
Thermocouple extension
ISA MC 96, 1 color code Light
intrinsic safe
(Except thermocouple)
Intrinsic safe thermocouple Intrinsic safe thermocouple
extension extension MC 96,1color code.
Name Plates:
Two nameplates are required immediately below each instrument mounted
on front face of the panel, one on the front and the other from the rear. The
name plate on the panel face shall be inscribed with tag number and
service description. The other name plates show tag number only.
 Name plates shall be engraved plastic and fastened to front of panel as
specified in the detail specification sheets and Wiring diagram.
 Name plates shall be the color specified in the detail specification sheets.
 The instrumentation equipment should comply with European, American or
Japanese standards.
 The bidder must submit a list of recommended vendors for approval by
AMOC , provided that the vendors have an Egyptian agent to provide

technical support , after sales services, and also their contact information
for these agents must be provided .
 Considering SCADA software licenses: Developer License and runtime
License are required and must be supplied separately.
 One central control system fully redundant to control the entire unit, control
system shall support OPC for integration with systems and history system
existing control .

4.1.2 Electrical design criteria:

The electrical system shall be designed to provide:
- Safety of operating personnel.
- Reliability.
- Good operability and easy maintenance.
- No risk of fire.
- Adequate flexibility for future possible installations and interchange ability.
Detailed electrical design criteria is shown in annex (II).

4.2 Scope of supply for spare parts:

Spare parts for two years operation shall be listed separately.

4.3 Battery Limits:

The designated area for the unit is within the vacant area shown in the plant layout
given in Fig. This proposed location for the ZLD project is a preliminary location and
classified as EX hazard area however the company will search for alternatives to be
non-hazard classification.

Storage Area (U-3000)

Storage Area (U-3100)

Special Oil

Storage Area

Electric Electric
Generators Control Rooms


Lube oils hydro-treating unit

Hydrogen production unit

MEK/Toluene De-waxing

Waxes hydro-finishing unit

Hot Oil System (U-1100)


Aromatic Extraction unit

waxing Unit (MDDU)
Middle Distillate De-
Sulfur Recovery unit

using NMP (U-100)

Vacuum Distillate

Storage Area
Storage Area

unit (U-200)

Unit (VDU)

Quality Lab


PSA unit

Storage Area
Storage Area


Aromatic Extraction unit using NMP (U-100) Vacuum distillation unit (VDU)

MEK/Toluene De-waxing unit (U-200) Hydrogen production unit (U-550)

Lube oils hydro-treating unit (U-300) Sulfur recovery unit (Thiopaq)

Proposed location for ZLD project Waxes hydro-finishing unit (U-400) Hot Oil System (U-1100)

Middle distillates de-waxing units (MDDU) Tankage areas (U-3000), (U-3100), (U-3050)& (U-3150)

Figure (1): AMOC Site layout showing the location of the proposed project

Battery limits are:

o Raw wastewater inlet from the final clean pit.

o Outlet of sludge dewatering unit.
o Treated water outlet. AMOC will construct the connections for recycle stream to the plant
o Power cable to the site: bidders should indicate power requirements.
o Water supply to the site of IWWTP.
o Earthling lugs.
o Information about ending pipe racks, water, chemicals and power supply, wastewater
discharge, placement of the recycled water storage tank and roads for transportation, etc.
will come later.

4.4 Implementation Schedule:

The bidder shall include with his first stage bid a proposed implementation program for the
works. The program will show the bidder’s sequence and inter-relationship of operations and the
proposed time frame for all project stages and time for completion of activities.

4.5 Design, Equipment manufacture and delivery:

To achieve the design parameters the bidders should specify the following:

o Detailed description of proposed process and technology to be used

o Proposed control system
o Preliminary design and drawings for the plant including but not limited to process flow,
plant layout, electrical, water, gas scrubber systems and other relevant information.
o Detailed technical specifications for all proposed items of equipment
o Itemized bill of quantity provided in the format of Schedules 1-5 in bid forms but without
o Recommended spare parts for 2 years.

4.6 Operational Performance:

Bidders should specify in the first stage bidding documents, the following performance criteria:

 Expected recycled water amount and quality.

 Amount and quality of reject wastewater (if any).
 Amount of sludge.
 Consumption of chemicals per m3 of feed water.
 Water requirements at full capacity.
 Power requirements at full capacity.
 Control system.
 Number of workers required.
 Other operating costs consideration (e.g. number of membranes replaced/y, ..).
 Warranties offered by bidder.

4.7 Technical Documentation:
All deliverables should be supplied in (4 Hard copies & 1 Soft copy)

 Block flow diagram

 Piping and instrumentation diagram
 Operating manual
 Engineering manual
 Drawings
 Data sheets
 Piping

4.8Requirements from AMOC:

Bidders should provide a list of requirements that they expect the Employer to fulfil.

5. Guarantee
All deliveries shall be in strict conformity with the scope of work and specifications.

5.1 Guarantee Period:

Minimum one (1) year guarantee from the date of operational acceptance. With free technical
support during the guaranteed and two years for any spare parts.

5.2 Functional Guarantee:

The Bidder shall guarantee that:
 The quality of the treated water for recycling should comply with the required
performance parameters for demi water.
 The Plant will have a normal smooth running according to Bidder operating instructions
and conditions after one year of project implementation from the date of the successful
performance running test (Take over Test).
 The WWTP shall be operated at input/ output flow rate specified in technical
 The final discharge shall be according to the limits specified in law no.93/1962 and its
executive decree no. 44/2000
 The quality of effluents after each process step is according to his design specifications.
 The unit should operate efficiently with the rate given in his design for power and
chemicals consumptions.

5.3 Materials guarantee

The Vendor guarantees:
 Correct selection and quality of the materials used which must be proofed by material
 Applicable construction code:
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute)

API (American Petroleum Institute)
- API STD 650 Welded steel tanks for oil storage
American Welding Society (AWS)
- Structural Welding Code-Steel, ANSI/AWS D1.1
- Qualification and Certification of Welding Inspectors, AWS QC 1
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- ASME II: "Material Specifications"
- ASME V: "Non-destructive Examination"
- ASME VIII: "Pressure Vessels", Division I
- ASME IX: "Welding and Brazing Qualifications"
- B31.3 process piping
- B4.1 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
- B16.5 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket- Welding and Threaded
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)

 Rubber lining guaranteed for at least 10 years lifetime.

 Complete delivery to be confirmed by documentation and extended detailed designation
(especially of loose parts) for transportation and erection.

5.4 Inspection and testing:

In addition to the tests required by code, the following shop test shall be performed as a
 Check of materials,
 Mechanical running test of mechanical equipment,
 Main dimensions,
 Scope of supply,
 Painting, Documentation…

5.5 HSE requirements:

Vendor will strictly adhere to the applicable codes and standards and the clients Health, safety
and Environmental (HSE) requirements. On Vendor's request AMOC will supply all information.

6. Obligatory Condition:
 Pumps and electromechanical equipment should conform to American, European or
Japanese standards.
 Material of construction and piping should be in accordance with Egyptian Standards.
 The confidentiality and intellectual property.
 Site visit by the bidder before starting job (if required) is welcomed by AMOC in order to
enable the bidders to have knowledge of the site. The same will be on the bidder’s cost.
 Transportation of bidder team during all the project implementation period, where the
bidder borne all the expenses (accommodation & transportation).

Annex (I)

Schematic Diagram for the existing treatment systems at AMOC

Water Balance of AMOC

Evaporative Rate 51.5 m3/hr (1,236 m3/day)
(444,960 m3/y)

Process water (Lube& Maximization Wastewater from (Maximization

complexes) of Gas Oil Complex) to IWWTP
40.8 m3/hr (979.2 m3/day) 85 m3/hr *

Alexandria Mineral Oils Company

(352,512 m3/y)
Service Units 107m3/hr* Water
Cooling tower Blow down from
10.3 m3/hr (247.2 m3/day) (Maximization of Gas Oil
(88,992 m3/y) Complex) 10 m3/hr (240 m3/day)-
203.5 m3/hr (4,884 m3/day)

(86,400 m3/y)
Cooling tower make-up water
(1,758,240 m3/y)

(Maximization of gasoil complex)

Input water

21 m3/hr (504 m3/day)

Boilers Blow down from
(181,440 m3/y) (Maximization of Gas Oil Complex)

Pumping station
12 m3/hr (288 m3/day)-(103,680 m3/y)

47 m3/hr
84.6 m3/hr (2,030.4 m3/day)
(730,944 m3/y) Cooling tower Blow down (Lube oil
Cooling tower make-up water complex)
(Lube oil complex) 10 m3/hr (240 m3/day)(86,400 m3/y)
34 m3/hr (816 m3/day)
(293,760 m3/y) Wastewater from (Lube oil
complex) to IWWTP
30 m3/hr (720 m3/day)
Irrigation & Administration 45 m3/hr Maximum Flow rate
(259,200 m3/y) Final
12.8 m3/hr (307.2 m3/day) 92 m3/hr*
Domestic Wastewater Receiving pit
(110,592 m3/y) 3 m3/hr (72 m3/day)-(25,920 m3/y)

Wastewater from Sulfur recovery

unit (Thiopaq)
2 m3/hr (48 m3/day)-(17,280 m3/y)

* A batch flow which is the

maximum expected flow Water balance for AMOC

Annex (II)

Detailed Electrical Design Criteria

Electrical Design Criteria:
Standards and Codes:
The design criteria shall refer to the latest edition of the following codes and rules:
- Egyptian Authority Requirements as/where applicable.
- IEC (International Electro-technical Commission).

Units of Measure:
The utilized units of measure shall comply with the International System (S.I.), with
the exception of the conduit to be expressed in inches.

Language Units
All project documents and equipment labeling shall be in English Language.

Electrical System Data

The new battery charger system will be fed from site electrical network, with the
following characteristics:
Rated Voltage Vac 400

Voltage Variation % 10

Rated Frequency Hz 50

Frequency Variation % 5

Neutral Earthing - solidly

Environmental Conditions
All system hardware shall be designed to meet the following environmental

Minimum recorded 3.5 c
Maximum recorded . c
Design temperature Maxi 47.1 c
Mini c
Average daily maximum 95%
Average daily minimum 52%
Annual average 65%
Design wet bulb temperature 25 c

Site altitude
Altitude above sea level 2m

Site atmosphere
Marine atmosphere
Presence of dust
Presence of salty water in the soil.

Hazardous Areas Classification Study
The contractor shall provide a complete study for hazardous area classification,
according to latest codes and standards, and update the existing documents in
relevant areas of plant installation.
The equipment to be installed/ used in “hazardous classified area” shall be ATEX

Harmonic Study
In case that, in the plant, variable speed drives and large Thyristor controlled
equipment are used a harmonic study shall be carried out, Limits specified latest
versions of applicable standards shall not be exceeded.

Earthing System
Earthing conductors are required to bond the metal enclosure of the electrical
equipment to the company earthing network and shall be individually identified and
recorded on the drawings.

Dedicated ground bar shall be provided in each room. The ground rings of enclosed
rooms and equipment skid shall be connected to the surrounding plant ground ring.

As far as possible, the ground ring shall be routed on the main cable support
system. All non-current carrying metallic parts shall be bonded to the ground ring by
means of copper cable connections.

Residual current operated devices shall be provided (earth leakage circuit breakers
shall be installed to provide personnel protection for all portable equipment circuits).

Grounding cable connections to equipment shall be made with compression type


However plant and equipment grounding systems must be engineered according to

latest versions of applicable standards.

Lightning Protection
The contractor shall provide lightning protection study to provide maximum
protection against lightning.

Lightning protection equipment shall be designed/ selected and installed in

accordance with latest versions of applicable standards.

Short Circuit Calculation
The short circuit calculation, relevant to the entire AC electrical system (including
UPS, if any), shall be carried out in accordance with the latest versions of applicable
standards recommendation for two networks configurations (maximum short circuit
and minimum short circuit), output shall be used for protection system co-ordination.

The short circuit calculation includes as a minimum:

a) Three phase symmetrical fault
b) Phase to phase fault
c) Single phase to earth fault

Cable Sizing Calculation

Cables shall be sized to withstand without damage the maximum fault current of the
circuit, for the duration that the protection device takes to disconnect the cable from
the power source.

The cables sizing shall be done taking in consideration the following:

a) Short-circuit current and overload current (this means that the cable shall be
coordinated with the action of the protection device).
b) Cable de-rating factor (for capacity, for grouping, for ambient temperature, for
laying conditions).
c) Maximum Voltage drop in steady-state and starting conditions.

Lighting System
- The location of normal/emergency/safety lighting fixtures shall be based on
the need for light in manned conditions.
- Safety lighting fixture shall provide an appropriate lighting level to personnel
in case of escape in case of complete power failure.
- Safety lighting shall be provided for the following areas:
 Indoor: equipment room and escape ways (above air lock doors).
 Outdoor: escape walkways and accesses.
- Exit/Escape signs shall be illuminated by safety lighting fixtures installed
close to the signs.
- Illumination levels for all locations should be defined according to latest
codes and standards.

- Control of external lighting shall be manual or automatic by means of sun
light cell, activated by local remote selector.

Selection Criteria
- Motors, push button stations, lighting fixtures, the power and light sockets,
the push button stations and all other assembly materials shall be selected
and manufactured according to hazardous area classification report.
- Unless otherwise specified in equipment specification and data sheets, the
electrical equipment installed outdoor shall have IP 56 external / IP20
internal ingress protection degree as a minimum.
- The equipment installed in the technical rooms will have the following ingress
protection degree as a minimum:
a) Panels/ switchboards: IP41 external / IP20 internal.
b) Low voltage equipment (lighting fixtures, terminal, junction boxes,
sockets, etc.): IP55 external / IP20 internal.
- All electrical equipment such as motors, push button stations, lighting
fixtures, the power and light sockets, the push button stations etc. shall
comply with European, American or Japanese manufacturing standards.

- The bidder must submit a list of recommended vendors for approval by

AMOC , provided that the vendors have an Egyptian agent to provide
technical support , after sales services, and also their contact information for
these agents must be provided .

Power cables and control cables shall meet the applicable requirements of IEC
standards; in detail:
- All outdoor power cables and control cables shall be rated for temperature of
75°C, PVC insulated, with galvanized steel wire armour (with galvanized steel
tap), not propagating fire and flame retardant
- All outdoor power cables for "Safety loads" and for "Emergency loads" shall
be rated for temperature of 75°C, PVC insulated, with galvanized steel wire
armor (with galvanized steel tap), not propagating fire and fire resistant.
- All indoor cables shall be the same of outdoor type.
- All cables shall include lead protective layer.
- Cables shall be "hydrocarbon resistant and salty water resistant" type.
- All signaling cables (mA, mV) shall be shielded.
- The rated insulation voltage for LV power and control cables shall be 0.6/1
- LV cables shall have yellow/green sheathed conductor for earth connection.

- Minimum conductor size for three phase power and lighting users shall be 2.5
mm2, while conductor size for control & signaling system will be 1.5 mm2.
- For single core cables, armor shall be made of a non-magnetic material.
- The use of multicore power cables is preferred instead of single core cables.
- Cable joints are not permitted. Fire resistant cables shall have separation
from not fire resistant cables.
- General wall and bulkhead cable penetrations shall be by means of gas and
fire tight multi-cable transit (MCT).

Lighting and Small Power Sockets

- Power & lighting sockets will be equipped with 4 poles or double pole
switches respectively and they shall be properly EX rated for hazardous
areas, IP 56 type for outdoor installation and IP 55 type for indoor installation.
- The power socket will be 32A; 380V; 3phase + neutral + PE.
- The lighting socket will be 16A; 220V; single phase + neutral + PE.
- Welding sockets (63A; 380V; 3phase + neutral + PE).

Electrical Motors
- All A.C. motors shall be squirrel cage induction types and shall be used with
direct lines starters (DOL).
- The motors above 90kW shall be used with soft starter.
- Insulation class to be F.
- Terminal boxes to be top mounted.
- Motors shall be IP 56, and shall be properly rated for relevant hazardous
- Motors shall be properly selected in order to resist corrosion and

Push Button Stations

- The local Push Button Station (PBS) and all the relevant assembly materials
shall be with IP56 external / IP20 internal ingress protection degree.
- For PBS in hazardous areas shall be properly rated according to hazardous
area classification.
- The local PBS shall be equipped with:
a) "Start" push button (green).
b) "Stop" push button, mushroom red head emergency push button type
and Pad lockable in “stop” position.
c) "Manual/Automatic" two positions selector switch; where “manual”
means command from the local PBS, and "automatic" means command
from relevant control system, if any.
d) Ammeter for motors 7.5 kW and above.

Lighting Fixtures
- Normal lighting fixtures will be supplied from a 220 VAC, 50 Hz power supply.
- Emergency lighting fixtures will be supplied from a 220 VDC power supply.
- Lighting fixtures shall be IP 56 for outdoor installation and IP 55 for indoor
- For installation within boarders of hazardous areas, lighting fixture shall be
properly classified according to relevant hazard area classification.
- All lighting fixtures shall be LED type.

Electrical Panels
- Minimum of 25% spare space should be considered.
- All power components shall be separated from control components.
- Panels shall be dead front type.
- Bus bars shall be effectively insulated.
- All switches and circuit breakers handles shall be accessible without any
need to remove any covers.
- All panel components shall be easily accessible only from front side of panel.
- Cable entry shall be from bottom, by means of cable glands.
- Entire cable channels/ ducts shall be properly sized/ selected for proper
cables fixation and proper cable capacity per duct.
- Live parts and cable termination shall be adequately protected to prevent any
accidental contact.
- Panels shall be forced self-cooled.
- Proper ventilation grid, with the same protection degree of the enclosure,
shall be provided from tops and bottoms.
- High intensity plastic terminal blocks shall be used.
- As a basic rule, only one connection is allowed at each side of terminal block.
- Terminal blocks are to be din rail fixed, screw type. Spring type terminal block
are not allowed.
- Multilevel terminal block are not allowed.
- Terminal blocks shall be properly grouped and tagged.
- Labeled spacer must be provided between terminal blocks groups.

- Switchboards shall be installed indoor in a dedicated panel room, provided
with air treatment system.
- The structure of switchboard shall be not painted, zinc-plating Al-Zn type,
whole the colors of doors shall be RAL 7035.
- All switchboard components requiring maintenance shall be easily accessible.
- The switchboards shall be metal enclosed form 4B, free standing, floor
mounting type on false floor, with front access only.

- In any case the panels shall be designed in order to work at its rated
performances also in case of air treatment system out of service.
- Incomers and tie breakers shall be air-breakers withdrawal type.
- Distribution circuits shall be molded-case circuit breakers installed on
withdrawal cubicle.
- Motor starter shall be located in withdrawal cubicle with combination of
molded case, thermal overloads and magnetic contactors.
- The short circuit breakers capacity of the circuit breakers shall be referred to
Ics (service short circuit breaking capacity).
- As a general rule, all loads (motors, panels, lighting circuits, sockets … etc.)
protection shall include earth leakage protection.
- All remotely controlled outgoing circuits shall include the facility to accept a
remote ESD signal.
- Furthermore, Mechanical interlocks shall be provided in order to avoid wrong
or dangerous operation on the withdrawal equipment on the switchboards.
- Each and every cubical shall include but not limited to the following:
1. LED indication lamps, as follow:
a. Red: ON.
b. Green: OFF.
c. Yellow: FAULT.
2. Bush buttons, as follow:
a. Red: ON.
b. Green: OFF.
c. Blue: TEST.
3. Ammeter for 7.5 KW motors and above.
- Spare capacity shall be as follows:
1. 10% empty spaces;
2. 10% with equipped drawers on a suitable size.
- Bus bars shall be effectively insulated, made of electrolytic tinned copper,
insulating supports shall be flame retardant and resistant to superficial
- Cable entry shall be from bottom by means of cable glands.
- Any ventilation or drainage openings shall be internally shielded with
screens or drilled plates to keep insects from entering the board/cabinets.
The board/cabinets shall be accessed only from the front through hinged
doors equipped with handles and locks.
- Switchboard (design, construction, wiring, electrical system coordination
… etc.) shall be done in accordance with latest versions of applicable
Variable Speed Drives
- All VSDs shall be equipped with input/ output harmonics filters.

- All VSDs installed in MCC drawers or in stand-alone panels shall be
provided with front door mounted by bass switch, with key, to be used in
case of maintenance or VSD malfunction.
- The installation of the plant shall be executed in accordance with the latest
versions of applicable standards.
- All equipment mounted/ used in the plant shall be suitable for relevant
installation zone (hazardous area, safe area).
- Electrical equipment locations and cable ways shall be shown on layouts
during detail engineering.
- These layouts, however, will be diagrammatic and shall be subject to such
change as may be necessary to facilitate the installation; the work shall be
coordinated with other draft to overcome obstacles encountered during
- The design of cable installation, the materials used and the cable route shall
be to afford maximum mechanical protection and minimize the effects of fire
or cable fault.
- Cables will be normally laid on cable trays; cable trays shall be normally hot
dip galvanized, ladder type and shall be provided with cover for outdoor
- Standard cable trays accessories (elbows, risers ... etc.) shall be used, site
fabricated accessories are not allowed.
- Fixing/ connecting bolts used for cable trays shall be rounded head type.
- Insulating material (i.e. Teflon) shall be used between cable trays and
supports, in case of different materials.
- Welded type cable tray supporters are preferred.
- All cable routes shall grant, once installed, for a spare capacity of 10% for
future cables installation.
- Stainless steel tie wraps, plastic covered, shall be used for cables.
- All cables shall be clamped or strapped at maximum intervals of 500 mm in
the horizontal runs and 500 mm in the vertical runs;
- Straps shall be of non-corrodible material and have adequate strength for
their designed duty.
- The instrument cables shall be installed in separate cable trays with a
minimum spacing of 300 mm from cable trays for electrical power and control
- Welding of cable trays to supports or structural steel shall not be permitted.
- Each piece of cable trays shall be supported with, at least, number off one
- Electrical ground continuity shall be maintained at tray joints by cross-
bonding straps. Continuous runs shall be bonded to the ground ring at both

- Where the cable tray has been cut to size, the raw edges of the galvanized
steel shall be properly repaired and protected with a suitable paint.
- In general wall penetration will be fitted with a suitable fire rated multi-cable
transit (MCT) for:
- Fire walls.
a) Walls between hazardous and non-hazardous areas.
b) Through walls, roof and floors of a hazardous area to open air.
- Suitable documents for MCT’s layout and for each MCT composition shall be
- The spare ways transit frames shall be fitted with blank fillers.
- Single core cables with non-magnetic armour will be double point bonded
and earthed at both ends.
- All cables shall be equipped with stainless steel tags at both ends fastened
by stainless steel tie wraps.
- Cable joints shall not be permitted.
Power & Lighting Sockets
- For operating and maintenance duties, an appropriate number of power &
lighting sockets shall be provided.
- Power and lighting sockets shall be located in such a way that all the
equipment can be reached with a 15 meters cable max extension.
- Power, lighting and welding outlets will be mounted approximately 1 m above
grade level either on a freestanding support, on structural steelwork.
Electrical Motors
Whilst in outdoor storage and depending of storage before commissioning,
motors shall be provided with initial and thereafter periodic preservation
procedures according to the manufacturer’s instructions. As a minimum these
shall include proper sealing of motor shaft and the supply, if any, of the anti-
condensation heaters.

After assembly and alignment, switchboards bus bar joints will be tightened to
the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings and materials. After correct
installation, bus bar joints shall be insulated in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Push Button Stations

The push button stations shall be fixed on a hot dip galvanized steel support with
the protection cup and located in proximity of the electric motor.

Junction Boxes and Panels

Junction boxes and panels shall be fixed on a hot dip galvanized steel support
with the protection cup on height/ position that assures easy access and

- Testing and commissioning of electrical facilities shall be performed according to
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Pre Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-up
Procedures and Site Acceptance Test (SAT).
- When equipment guarantees could otherwise be voided, Manufacturer's
representative will be invited at Supplier charge, to witness tests, commissioning
and where necessary supervises installation.
- All electrical equipment shall be factory tested before delivery to site.

Drawings and Lists
- Electrical one line diagram.
- Earthing and neutral connection.
- Electrical cable list.
- Electrical interconnecting list.
- Electrical system summary of power circuits and protections verification.
- Electrical cable routing layouts.
- Multi cable transit disposition layout and multi cable transit details/ composition.
- Electrical equipment layouts.
- Earthing layouts.
- Lighting/sockets distribution layouts and lighting/sockets schematic diagram.
- Typical installation details (power system details, lighting system details, earthing
system details).
- Material take-off listing electrical equipment and bulk materials

Equipment Data Sheets

- Technical data sheet for distribution boards.
- Technical data sheets for motors.
- Technical data sheet for electrical cables.
- Technical data sheet for cable trays.
- Technical data sheet for bulk materials (lighting equipment, sockets, motor
control stations, junction boxes, cable glands, earthing materials).

As Built Documentation:
In case the Contractor is appointed for as built documentation, it shall maintain a
complete and detailed record of the installation on a full set of contractor


All equipment and component parts shall be guaranteed by the Vendor against
faulty design, defective or improper materials and failure due to normal usage for

a period of 12 months from official startup date. Items replaced through this
period shall have a further 12 months warranty period, starting from the date of


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