Treating Your Infection Uti

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For women under 65 years with suspected lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) or lower recurrent UTIs (cystitis or urethritis)

Possible urinary signs & symptoms The outcome Recommended care Types of urinary tract infection (UTI)

Key signs/symptoms: All women: Self-care and pain relief. UTIs are caused by bacteria getting into your urethra
Dysuria: Burning pain when passing urine (wee) If none or only one of: dysuria, • 
Symptoms may get better on their own. or bladder, usually from your gut. Infections may occur
New nocturia: Needing to pass urine in the night new nocturia, cloudy urine;  elayed or backup prescription with
D in different parts of the urinary tract.
Cloudy urine: Visible cloudy colour when passing urine AND/OR vaginal discharge self-care and pain relief.
• Antibiotics less likely to help. Kidneys (make urine)
Other severe signs/symptoms: Start antibiotics if symptoms:
• Usually lasts 5 to 7 days. Infection in the upper urinary tract
Frequency: Passing urine more often than usual • Get worse.
• You may need a urine test to check • Pyelonephritis (pie-lo-nef-right-is).
Urgency: Feeling the need to pass urine immediately • Do not get a little better with
for a UTI. Not covered in this leaflet and
Haematuria: Blood in your urine self-care within 48 hours.
always needs antibiotics.
Suprapubic pain: Pain in your lower tummy
Non-pregnant women: Immediate antibiotics prescription
Other things to consider: Bladder (stores urine)
If 2 or more of: dysuria, new nocturia, plus self-care.
Recent sexual history Infection in the lower urinary tract
cloudy urine; OR bacteria detected
• Inflammation due to sexual activity can feel • Cystitis (sis-tight-is).
in urine; AND NO vaginal discharge If mild symptoms, delayed or
similar to the symptoms of a UTI. • Antibiotics are more likely to help. back-up antibiotic prescription Urethra (takes urine
• Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can • You should start to improve within 48 hours plus self-care. out of the body)

Developed in collaboration with professional medical bodies. Version 20 October 2021. KAW18-07 © Crown copyright 2018.
have symptoms similar to those of a UTI. • Symptoms usually last 3 days. Infection or inflammation
Changes during menopause in the urethra
Pregnant women: Always request urine culture
• Some changes during the menopause can have • Urethritis (your-ith-right-is).
symptoms similar to those of a UTI. If suspected UTI. Immediate antibiotic prescription.

Self-care to help yourself When should you get help?

Options to help prevent a UTI Antibiotic resistance
get better more quickly Contact your GP practice or NHS 111

• Drink enough fluids to stop The following symptoms are possible It may help you to consider these risk factors: Antibiotics can be lifesaving. But antibiotics are not
you feeling thirsty. Aim to signs of serious infection and should be
Stop bacteria spreading from your bowel into your bladder. always needed for urinary symptoms.
drink 6 to 8 glasses including assessed urgently.
water, decaffeinated and Wipe from front (vagina) to back (bottom) after using the toilet.
Phone for advice if you are not sure how Avoid waiting to pass urine. Pass urine as a soon as you Antibiotics taken by mouth, for any reason, affect our
sugar-free drinks.
urgent the symptoms are. need a wee. gut bacteria making some resistant.
• Take paracetamol or ibuprofen 1. You have shivering, chills and Go for a wee after having sex to flush out any bacteria that
at regular intervals for pain relief, muscle pain. Antibiotic resistance means that the antibiotics
may be near the opening to the urethra.
if you have had no previous 2. You feel confused, or are very drowsy. cannot kill that bacteria.
side effects. Wash the external vagina area with water before and after
3. You have not passed urine all day. sex to wash away any bacteria that may be near the
• You could try taking cranberry 4. You are vomiting. Antibiotic resistant bacteria can remain in your gut for
opening to the urethra.
capsules or cystitis sachets. at least a year after taking an antibiotic.
5. You see blood in your urine. Drink enough fluids to make sure you wee regularly
These are effective for some 6. Your temperature is above 38oC throughout the day, especially during hot weather.
women. There is currently no Common side effects to taking antibiotics include
or less than 36oC.
evidence to support their use. If you have a recurrent UTI, also consider the following: thrush, rashes, vomiting and diarrhoea. Seek medical
7. You have kidney pain in your back advice if you are worried.
just under the ribs. • Cranberry products and D-mannose: Some women
• Consider the risk factors in the
find these effective, but there is currently poor evidence to
‘Options to help prevent UTI’ 8. Your symptoms get worse. Keep antibiotics working, only take them when
support this.
column to reduce future UTIs. 9. Your symptoms are not starting to advised by a health professional. This way they are more
improve within 48 hours of • After the menopause: You could consider topical hormonal
treatment, for example, vaginal creams. likely to work for a future UTI.
taking antibiotics.

Keep Antibiotics Working

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