Uddi Tutorial
Uddi Tutorial
Uddi Tutorial
UDDI is an XML-based standard for describing, publishing, and finding Web services. In
this tutorial, you will learn what is UDDI and why and how to use it.
This tutorial has been designed for beginners interested in learning the basic concepts of
Since UDDI is an XML-based standard, all that you need to have is a basic understanding
of XML to make the most of this tutorial.
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Table of Contents
About the Tutorial .....................................................................................................................................
Audience ................................................................................................................................................... i
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. i
5. UDDI – INTERFACES.............................................................................................................. 10
The Publisher Interface .......................................................................................................................... 10
find_binding........................................................................................................................................... 22
find_business ......................................................................................................................................... 23
find_relatedBusinesses .......................................................................................................................... 24
find_service ........................................................................................................................................... 25
find_tModel ........................................................................................................................................... 26
get_bindingDetail .................................................................................................................................. 27
get_businessDetail ................................................................................................................................. 27
get_businessDetailExt ............................................................................................................................ 28
get_serviceDetail ................................................................................................................................... 29
get_tModelDetail ................................................................................................................................... 29
get_authToken ....................................................................................................................................... 30
discard_authToken ................................................................................................................................ 31
save_business ........................................................................................................................................ 31
save_service .......................................................................................................................................... 33
save_binding .......................................................................................................................................... 34
save_tModel .......................................................................................................................................... 35
delete_business ..................................................................................................................................... 36
delete_service ........................................................................................................................................ 37
delete_binding ....................................................................................................................................... 38
delete_tModel ....................................................................................................................................... 39
get_registeredInfo ................................................................................................................................. 40
set_publisherAssertions ......................................................................................................................... 40
add_publisherAssertions ....................................................................................................................... 41
delete_publisherAssertions ................................................................................................................... 42
get_assertionStatusReport .................................................................................................................... 43
get_publisherAssertions ........................................................................................................................ 44
What is UDDI?
UDDI is an XML-based standard for describing, publishing, and finding web services.
UDDI uses Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) to describe interfaces to web
UDDI is seen with SOAP and WSDL as one of the three foundation standards of web
UDDI is an open industry initiative, enabling businesses to discover each other and
define how they interact over the Internet.
A registry of all web service's metadata, including a pointer to the WSDL description
of a service.
A set of WSDL port type definitions for manipulating and searching that registry.
History of UDDI
UDDI 1.0 was originally announced by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba in September 2000.
Since the initial announcement, the UDDI initiative has grown to include more than
300 companies including Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP,
and Sun.
In May 2001, Microsoft and IBM launched the first UDDI operator sites and turned the
UDDI registry live.
As the time of writing this tutorial, Microsoft and IBM sites had implemented the 1.0
specification and were planning 2.0 support in the near future.
PIP3A2: Enables a partner to query the price and availability of specific products.
These exclusive services are designed for the sole purpose of allowing members of the
company or of the industry group to share and advertise services amongst themselves.
Regardless of whether the UDDI registry is a part of the global federated network or a
privately owned and operated registry, the one thing that ties them all together is a common
web services API for publishing and locating businesses and services advertised within the
UDDI registry.
A business or a company can register three types of information into a UDDI registry. This
information is contained in three elements of UDDI.
White Pages,
Yellow Pages, and
Green Pages.
White Pages
White pages contain:
Basic contact information including business name, address, contact phone number,
Unique identifiers for the company tax IDs. This information allows others to discover
your web service based upon your business identification.
Yellow Pages
Yellow pages contain more details about the company. They include descriptions of the
kind of electronic capabilities the company can offer to anyone who wants to do
business with it.
Green Pages
Green pages contain technical information about a web service. A green page allows someone
to bind to a web service after it's been found. It includes:
Discovery information and similar data required to find and run the web service.
NOTE: UDDI is not restricted to describing web services based on SOAP. Rather, UDDI can
be used to describe any service, from a single webpage or email address all the way up to
SOAP, CORBA, and Java RMI services.
The UDDI Business Registry (UBR), also known as the Public Cloud, is a conceptually single
system built from multiple nodes having their data synchronized through replication.
The current cloud services provide a logically centralized, but physically distributed, directory.
It means the data submitted to one root node will automatically be replicated across all the
other root nodes. Currently, data replication occurs every 24 hours.
UDDI cloud services are currently provided by Microsoft and IBM. Ariba had originally planned
to offer an operator as well, but has since backed away from the commitment. Additional
operators from other companies, including Hewlett-Packard, are planned for the near future.
It is also possible to set up private UDDI registries. For example, a large company may set
up its own private UDDI registry for registering all internal web services. As these registries
are not automatically synchronized with the root UDDI nodes, they are not considered as a
part of the UDDI cloud.