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Acclimatization Cavendis - of - Micropropagated - Musa PDF

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Vol. 8(43), pp.

5335-5340, 7 November, 2013

DOI: 10.5897/AJAR12.788
African Journal of Agricultural
ISSN 1991-637X ©2013 Academic Journals Research

Full Length Research Paper

Acclimatization of micropropagated Musa cavendischii

cultivar roatan plants submitted to doses of fertigation
and auxin
Miguel-Luna Maura Elisama1*, Enríquez-del ValleJosé Raymundo1, Velasco-Velasco Vicente
Arturo1, Campos-ÁngelesGisela Virginia1 and Chavez-ServiaJosé Luis2
Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca. Xoxocotlán, C.P. 71230, Oaxaca, México.
CIIDIR- Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Oaxaca. Hornos # 1003, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Accepted 30 October, 2013

Micropropagation of banana is suggested to produce great number of healthy plants but the success
depends on the ability to transfer plants from in vitro conditions to greenhouse or field environment, at
low cost and with high survival rates. In this study, the effects of the fertilization and indolebutyric acid
(IBA) applied in the nutritive solution on growth of Musa cavendischii plantlets were evaluated during
acclimatization process in greenhouse. First, in vitro plantlets of M. cavendischii were transplanted to
pots of 150 cm3 containing perlite and transferred to greenhouse for their acclimatization during 11
weeks. The experiment was established according to a completely randomized design with 5
treatments and 20 replications per treatment. The experimental unit was one plant transplanted in each
pot, resulting from the combinations of daily applications of 10 ml of the Steiner’s nutritive solution at
10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%, respectively (Factor A), without and with 1 mgL-1 of the auxin IBA (Factor B).
After 11 weeks of acclimatization, the results shows that, the higher plants with respect to plant fresh,
dry weight and height, and leaf width corresponded to the treatments from 75 to 100% of the Steiner’s
solution. The IBA application had no significant effects on the growth of the M. cavendischii plants.
There was no significant interaction between fertigation and IBA applications. The plants fertigated at
100% of nutriments concentration had 27.7 cm of height, 259.9 cm of foliar area, and 1.01 mg of
chlorophyll g of foliar fresh weight.

Key words: Acclimatization, fertilizer, micropropagation, indolebutyric acid, plant nutrition.


In diverse tropical regions banana plays an important role field. In case of infected vegetative material, pathogens
on basic family diet and constitutes a source of disseminate disease, affecting performance and quality of
carbohydrates. The average world production is around crops, making replacement of infected plants necessary.
67,139,570 tons (Venkatachalam et al., 2007). According to Pierick (1990), the micropropagation offers
Propagation of banana plants is done asexually by an efficient method to produce clonal populations of
means of shoots which develop from underground corms diverse species in a short time and for banana disease
in the base of plants having more than one year old in free mass propagation is feasible (Khan et al., 2001;

*Corresponding author. E-mail: jenriquezdelvalle@yahoo.com

5336 Afr. J. Agric. Res. Elisama et al. 5337

Rai et al., 2012). to 14 h. The total of plants were separated in 5 groups of 40 plants,
When the plants are propagated through tissue culture, which after the nebulization they were fertigated at substratum level
with 10 ml of mineral salts (10, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) of the
chemical (culture medium) and physical (incubation)
Steiner´s formulation (1984).The Steiner´s formulation at 100%
conditions determine the explant response whether contains in mgL-1: 166.42 N, 30.68 P, 276.44 K, 182.34 Ca, 49.09
occurring in unorganized cell proliferation or Mg, 111.01 S, 1.33 Fe, 0.62 Mn, 0.11 Zn, 0.44 B, 0.020 Cu, 0.048
morphogenesis. Venkatachalam et al. (2007) described a Mo. The plants submitted to each aliquot were separated in two sub
standardized protocol adapted to the rapid clonal groups, to apply them the respective nutritive solution with two
multiplication at commercial scale, of one cultivar of variants:
banana, in which they considered the costs of production, (I) Nutrient solution without IBA
but in addition demonstrated by means of DNA analysis (II) The nutrient solution with 1 mgL-1 IBA
of a great number of micropropagated plants, that these
did not display cases of somaclonal variation and the So, 10 treatments were generated. Each plant was fertigated daily
plants had high degree of genetic fidelity with regard to with 10 ml of the corresponding treatment. The experiment was
established in accordance to a completely randomized design with
the stock plants selected to be propagated. According to
factorial arrangement 2 × 5. The experimental unit was a plant and
Robinson et al. (1993), the micropropagated plants each treatment had 20 replicates.
adequately acclimatized begin rapid growth when they At the end of the acclimatization period, 10 plants of each
are established in field, and they display superior growth treatment were harvested at random to evaluate their height,
and yield than the plants obtained by conventional length, and diameter of the stem, root volume, number of leaves,
propagation. width of the larger leave, foliar area, chlorophyll content in the
leaves, total fresh weight, foliar fresh weight, stem fresh weight,
Inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to the weight of aerial part (stem plus leaves), root fresh weight. In order
roots of micropropagated plantlets plays a beneficial role to measure the accumulated dry matter in leaves, root, stem, the
on their hardening or ex vitro acclimatization (Kapoor et plant was separated in these organs which were put into paper
al., 2008). Some reports indicate that, AMF confers bags and then into a dryer oven for 72 h, afterward the dry organs
tolerance to banana plantlets in saline stress (Yano- were weighed using an analytic balance. The total biomass (dry
Meloet al., 2003). However, detailed analyses of the matter of leaves, stem, and root) as well as the relationship aerial
part-root (leaves and stem/root) were obtained. Data were
growth in response to mineral nutrition by drip irrigation submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey´s tests (α = 0.05).
system (fertigation) in Musa sp. have not been
elucidated. Enhanced mineral nutrition of
micropropagated plants is key to their survival and growth
under ex vitro conditions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Micropropagated plants supplied with suitable levels of
nutriments during acclimatization in greenhouse The analysis of variance (Tables 1 and 2) determined
conditions and later in nursery have shown greater vigor that, the fertigation dose induced differences of response
and capacity to grow, as well as higher yield in the later in the vegetative characters, fresh and dry weight of plant
definitive plantation (Enríquez et al., 2000). Auxin structures, and the root characteristics, after 11 weeks of
indolebutyric acid (IBA) is used in nurseries as a acclimatization, except in fresh and dry weight of stems.
promoter of rooting cuttings of many species and for In contrast, the addition of auxins partially inhibited
rooting shoots in in vitro conditions and also promotes growth responses in plant height, number of leaves, leaf
growth of aerial part of plant. In the present work, area, fresh and dry weight of root, stem and total, and
fertigation and IBA doses incorporated in a nutritive root volume. The interaction between fertilizer and auxin
solution were evaluated considering its effect on the presented a significant effect on foliar dry weight. The
vegetative development of micropropagated Musa addition at the same time of IBA and nutritious solution
cavendischii plants during their acclimatization in did not promote additional plant growth.
greenhouse conditions. When the micropropagated plants were in the
acclimatization stage for 11 weeks, it was determined
that, those plants fertirrigated in doses from 10 to 75% of
MATERIALS AND METHODS the Steiner´s formulation (1984) a large proportion (75 to
100% of the total) of plants was adapted. In groups of
The investigation was carry out in the laboratory of plant tissue vitro plants fertigated with aliquot 100% with or without
cultures and the greenhouse of acclimatization, at Technological
the auxin AIB, only the 60 and 75% of those plants were
Institute of the Valley of Oaxaca, Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, Mexico. Two
hundred M. cavendischii cultivar Roatan plants were obtained adapted observing that the death of plants occurred
through the in vitro culture of vegetative buds excised from corms of during the first 20 days of acclimatization, which was
stock plants selected in Pluma Hidalgo, Pochutla, Oaxaca, and attributed to the nutrients supply in high doses.
following the methodology described by Luna-Ramírez et al. (2010). Therefore, in the firsts weeks the plantlets suffered stress
The micropropagated plants which had in average 12 cm height by low humidity, high light intensity and switch from
and 4 leaves were transferred to pots of 150 cm 3 containing perlite
and were established in greenhouse for their acclimatization where
heterotrophic to autotrophic, and this determine the
they were kept for 11 weeks, during which these plants were survival rate (Chandra et al., 2010; Kumar and Rao,
watered by nebulization daily during 10 sec every 12 min, from 11 2012). The foregoing suggests that, during the first 20
Elisama et al. 5337

Table 1. Means square and significance of analysis of variance of the responses of micropropagated Musa plants after 11 weeks
of acclimation during which received nutritious solution at different doses with or without AIB.

Sources of Chlorophyll
DF Plant height No. leaves Leaf width Stem diameter Stem length
variation content
Fert. 4 462.75** 3.42** 23.89 ** 0.60** 0.878** 2.03*
ns ns ns ns
Aux. 1 27.61* 1.51 4.46** 0.04 0.032 1.17
Fert-Aux 4 3.15ns 1.51ns 0.26ns 0.07ns 0.023ns 1.06*
Error 70 6.44 0.658 0.379 0.04 0.013 0.46

Sources of Fresh weight

DF Foliar area
variation Total Aerial part Leaves Stem Root
Fert. 4 819.0** 225.12** 171.9** 165.02** 0.34 12.13*
Aux. 1 170.0** 77.07 ** 22.75** 17.77* 1.036* 15.81*
ns ns ns
Fert-Aux 4 233.0 25.41* 5.72 4.16 0.40* 7.87*
Error 70 2015.8 8.30 2.51 3.14 0.18 2.11
Fert = fertilization, aux = dose of auxins, fert-aux = interaction fertigation-auxins; df = degrees of freedom; * = value F, significant (Pr < 0.05),
** = value F, highly significant (Pr ≤ 0.01), = value F, not significant (Pr > 0.05).

Table 2. Means square and significance of analysis of variance of the responses of micropropagated Musa plants after 11
weeks of acclimation during which received nutritious solution at different doses with or without AIB.

Sources of Root Relationship Dry weight

variation volume aerial part-root Total Leaves Stem Root
Fert. 4 17.37** 4.42* 1969223** 1185477** 1042.2ns 147788*
Aux. 1 28.80** 3.84* 726567* 88644ns 4500.0* 197309*
Fert-Aux 4 8.58ns 2.92* 111112ns 61964ns 1006.0ns 69868*
Error 70 3.78 0.92 82550 43307 559.7 29666
Fer = fertigation, aux = dose of auxins, fert-aux = interaction fertiligation-auxins, df= degrees of freedom;* = value F,
significant (01 < Pr < 0.05); ** = value F, highly significant (Pr ≤ 0.01), ns = value F, not significant (Pr > 0.05).

days of acclimatization, the nutrients supply to these acclimatization process (Pospišilova et al., 1999;
micropropagated plants should be in low doses (50% of Hazarika, 2006; Chandra et al., 2010; Kumar and Rao,
nutrients concentration) and the subsequent days when 2012).
the 77 days of acclimatization stage had passed it was When 77 days of acclimation had passed, it was
observed that the plants reached different size in positive determined that, the plants fertigated at 100% of nutrient
relationship with the level of nutrients supply. concentration reached greater diameter and length of
Smaller plants were those fertigated with the lowest stem. This same pattern was found in fresh weight and
nutrient dose and as plants were fertirgated with root volume but at doses from 25 to 100% (Table 3). As
increasing doses up to 100% of nutrients, they reached the plants were fertigated with increasing doses of
larger sizes (Tables 3 and 4). In the first 10 days of nutrients, they developed bigger leaf area but also with
acclimatization, micropropagated M. cavendishii plants the larger concentration of chlorophyll in their leaves. And
displayed slow growth and the lower leaves formed so, those plants fertigated with nutrient solution at 10% of
during the in vitro culture, died. However, in the following nutrients concentration and the plants fertigated at 100%
days, plants displayed active growth and development of of nutrients concentration of the Steiner´s formulation had
new leaves, although with some differences arising from respectively 77.1 and 259.9 cm of leaf area as well as
the aliquots (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) of nutrient solution 0.44 and 1.01 mg of total chlorophyll g foliar fresh
applied to them. Such morpho-physiological changes in weight, magnitudes significantly different (Tukey,test p <
plantlets are due to effects of ex vitro conditions as 0.05 ) (Table 4).
suggested by other authors. For example, at in vitro It is possible that, the plants with greater leaf area and
conditions, the plantlets have less developed cuticle, more chlorophyll per unit of foliar fresh weight would
epicuticular waxes and functional stomatal apparatus, perform more net photosynthesis, because also, those
causing high stomatal and cuticular transpiration or a plants accumulated more dry matter (Table 4). According
transplantation shock during the first step of the to Marschner (1995), the cells of green leaves, had more
5338 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

Table 3.Characteristics of micropropagated Musa plants fertigated with different doses of nutrients, and with or without auxin during eleven
weeks of acclimatization.

Plants Plant Stem Stem Leaf

Fertigation Auxin Root volume Number
adapted1 height length diameter width
(%) (mg L-1) (cm 3) of leaves
(%) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
f a bc c bc e
10 1 90 13.63 0.85 0.79 6.68 6.25 2.90
ef a c bc c de
10 0 100 14.11 0.87 0.82 6.93 5.75 3.32
def a ab ab ab d
25 1 90 17.08 1.09 1.04 8.56 c 6.75 c 3.70 e
25 0 85 18.12de 1.13a 1.17a 9.31abc 6.75abc 4.17cd
cd a ab abc abc cd
50 1 90 20.72 1.11 1.06 8.87 6.75 4.32
bc a a ab ab bc
50 0 90 22.93 1.01 1.24 10.12 7.37 5.11
75 1 90 25.35 1.02a 1.35a 8.31 abc
7.62a 5.63 ab

ab a a ab ab ab
75 0 90 25.53 1.01 1.18 8.37 c 6.62 c 5.72
100 1 75 25.77a 1.18a 1.25a 7.18bc 7.25ab 5.78ab
a a a a ab a
100 0 60 27.72 1.08 1.33 10.87 6.75 c 6.37

Fertigation Auxin Fresh weight (g)

(%) (mg L ) Total Aerial part Leaves Stem Root
10 1 5.10 2.51f 2.24c 0.27a 3.28b
10 0 5.57de 2.80f 2.49bc 0.31a 2.77b
25 1 9.16cde 4.68f 4.4 bc 0.22a 4.48ab
25 0 9.69bcd 5.20e 4.75bc 0.45a 4.49ab
50 1 10.64bc 6.01d 5.79abc 0.22a 4.63ab
50 0 13.96ab 8.62c 8.17ab 0.45a 5.34ab
75 1 13.22bc 9.27b 8.90ab 0.37a 3.95ab
75 0 12.99bc 9.20b 8.80ab 0.40a 3.79ab
100 1 13.01bc 9.83ab 9.30a 0.53a 3.18b
100 0 18.44a 11.92a 11.47a 0.45a 6.52a
In column, means with same letter does not differ significantly (Tukey’s test, p < 0.05); Define in terms of the total of transplanted plantlets

Table 4. Characteristics of micropropagated Musa plants fertigated with different doses of nutrients and with or without auxin, after 11
weeks of acclimatization.

Fertigation Auxin Foliar area Chlorophyll Dry weight (mg)

(%) (mg L-1) (cm 2) (mg g -1) Total Leaves Root Stem
d e c d c ab b
10 1 72.42 0.42 625.0 270.9 320 26.13 0.97
cd e c d c ab b
10 0 81.80 0.33 664.3 302.4 330 27.75 1.19
cd d bc cd abc ab b
25 1 134.42 0.62 1004.9 468.5 500 28.25 1.14
bc d b bcd abc a b
25 0 153.04 0.61 1173.8 560.0 550 54.63 1.12
50 1 153.83bc 0.72d 1061.6 bc
510abc 16.13b 1.79b
50 0 213.85ab 0.64d 1475.4ab 793.4abc
620ab 53.25a 1.35ab
75 1 222.74ab 0.87bc 1313.4ab 801.6 ab
490abc 18.88b 1.81ab
a c ab ab abc ab ab
75 0 230.79 0.75 1343.8 816.5 490 22.50 1.76
a ab ab a bc ab ab
100 1 234.90 0.97 1438.8 1031.8 380 22.25 3.32
a a a a a ab a
100 0 285.01 1.04 1740.0 962.6 700 25.50 1.41
In column, means with same letter does not differ significantly (Tukey’s test, p < 0.05); RPA/R = relationship aerial part/root;

than 75% of the total organic Nitrogen in the chloroplasts, of mineral nutrient in the leaves and the rate of net
mainly into enzymes; in addition, in groups of plants that photosynthesis. According to Jones (1983), the
receive nutriments from sub optimal until optimal supply, accumulation of dry matter, particularly during the phase
there are high positive correlations between the content of vegetative growth, is in linear function of the amount of
Elisama et al. 5339

intercepted solar radiation and the CO2 fixation and so having 3 and 6 cm wide; the leaf area of 77.1 and 259.95
those factors such as nutrition and water condition of the cm . The fresh weights were stem 0.29 and 0.30 g, foliar
plant have effect on the plant performance by altering the 2.36 and 10.38 g and root 2.68 and 4.8 g. The
leaf area index, the interception of light and net accumulated dry matter was 285 and 996.5 mg foliar, 325
photosynthesis. and 540 mg the root, in all cases magnitudes significantly
The plants fertigated with doses from 75 to 100% of the (Tukey, p < 0.05) different.
Steiner´s universal solution (1984) displayed a significant The acclimatization process evaluated M. cavendischii
growth in root, stem and total fresh and dry weight plantlets which was supported with fertigation and IBA
(Tables 3 and 4). This fact indicates that fertilization added to nutritive solution and this showed that, the first 2
during the acclimation of micropropagated plantlets of or 3 weeks are crucial to the plantlets survival and
Musa, improves the further development of leaf area, particularly the fertigation in high doses enhanced the
stems and roots, in view of the greater accumulation of growth M. cavendischii plantlets under ex vitro conditions.
dry matter. Plants control their development through In this work, the fertigation had significant effects on
endogenous synthesis of growth regulators which acting plantlets survival and growth, and this practice can
firstly at the level of receptors in the cell membranes and complement the proposals of other authors which
later at the level of gene expression. Both the amount of suggest the utilization rhizosphere bacteria and
growth promoters synthesized in various organs of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi which induce metabolic
plant, such as the amount of receptors at level of changes and enhance the tolerance to abiotic and biotic
membrane, are in direct relation and are components of stresses (Yano-Melo et al., 2003; Kumar and Rao, 2012)
the physiological condition of the plant; thus also the and in other cases, the preconditioning under shadow is
magnitude of growth is an expression of the physiological recommended (Scaranari et al., 2009)
condition of the plant. In reference to the effect of the
addition of auxins, the results show differential effects
between the evaluated variables. For example, the Conclusion
addition of 1 mg L-1 of IBA inhibited the growth of leaves,
stem and root; as well as the accumulation of fresh and The acclimatization of micropropagated M. cavendischii
dry weight. These results suggest that the IBA was c.v. Roatan plants was realized in a greenhouse for 11
applied in higher dose than the optimum and induced weeks, and those plants fertigated with the Steiner's
lower plant growth and development. nutritive solution whether at 75 or 100% of nutriment,
The major response in plant growth and chlorophyll reached the major growth in term of plant height, length
content at high doses of mineral nutrition indicated that of the stem, number of leaves, leaf width, foliar area,
M. cavendishii plantlets absorb nutrients once they fresh and dry weight, and content of chlorophyll. The
developed roots during first seven weeks of critical periods of plant adaptation to the ex-vitro
acclimatization. This fact also was observed in conditions were the first 20 days. The use of 1 mg L of
micropropagated plants of Fragaria x ananassa cv. Elvira the IBA in the nutritive solution did not have effect in
and the mineral nutrition conferred similar effects in shoot inducing additional growth of the plants.
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