Obstetrics & Gynecology: Course Objectives

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At the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. Participate in all national health programs and policies related to reproductive
health and safe motherhood.
2. Define terms commonly used in obstetrics and gynecology.
3. Demonstrate skills of history taking and performing obstetric and gynecological
examination in order to arrive at a logical diagnosis.
4. Recognize clinical features of common obstetric and gynecological disorders
correlate these with etio-pathology and institute primary management.
5. Diagnose pregnancy and provide antenatal, natal, post-natal and essential newborn
6. Identify high risk pregnancy, provide primary care and refer to appropriate medical
7. Prescribe drugs judiciously during pregnancy and lactation.
8. Screen women for genital and breast cancer for early diagnosis and prevention.
9. Counsel and guide patients and family regarding illness, care, possible complications
and prognosis.
10. Counsel couples and provide fertility regulation.
11. Acquire and practise communication skills required for taking informed consent and
providing reproductive health care to women.
12. Handle medico-legal and ethical issues related to obstetrics and gynecology.
13. Diagnose and provide primary care of common obstetric and gynecological

Course Duration: 12 Weeks


Dr.Lucio Pedro - HoD

Dr. Geremias De Oliveira Rangel
Dr. Ahmad R N Rozan
Dr. Narine Singh

I. Introduction to obstetrics and gynaecology

1. Terms used in obstetrics, gynaecology and fertility

2. Demography
3. National health policy for reproductive health care and safe motherhood.

II. Management of Normal Pregnancy

1. Development of placenta and development and growth of foetus.
2. Maternal adaptation to pregnancy.
3. Diagnosis of pregnancy.
4. Screening for high risk pregnancy.
5. Fetal surveillance for growth and well being.

III. Management during labour

1. Mechanism of normal labour.
2. Intrapartum monitoring and use of partogram.
3. Pain relief during labour.
4. Management of normal delivery.
5. Management of third stage.

IV. Menstrual function and dysfunction

1. Menstrual disorders
2. Dysmenorrhoea
3. Abnormalities of menarche and menopause

V. Common Gynecological Symptoms

1. Vaginal discharge
2. Pain abdomen.
3. Abdominal mass.
4. Utero-vaginal prolapse.

VI. Complications in Pregnancy Complications of early Pregnancy Abortions

1. Abortions
2. Ectopic pregnancy
3. Gestational trophoblastic tumors
4. Hyperemesis gravidarum
5. Retention of urine
6. Multiple pregnancy
7. Malpresentations
8. Antepartum Haemorrhage
9. Pregnancy induced hypertension and eclampsia
10. Pretem labour and premature rupture of membranes.
11. Intracuterine growth retardation.
12. Rh isoimmunisation.
13. Intrauterine fetal death
14. Repeated pregnancy loss.
15. Anaemia
16. Hypertensive disorders
17. Renal disorders
18. Cardio vascular disorders
19. Diabeties mellitus
20. Jaundice
21. Malaria
22. Tuberculosis
23. Syphilis
24. TORCH infections
25. AIDS
VII. Abnormal Labour

1. Prolonged labour
2. Obstructed labour
3. Assisted delivery
4. Breech delivery
5. Forceps delivery
6. Vento use delivery
Caesarean section
7. Version (I.P.V.)
8. Destructive operations
9. Post partum haemorrhage
10. Manual removal of placenta
11. Birth canal injuries

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