Cases 1
Cases 1
Cases 1
For resolution is the Petition1 dated March 10, 2017 filed by Rolando S. Torres (Torres) who seeks judicial
clemency in order to be reinstated in the Roll of Attorneys.
Records show that in a Resolution2 dated April 14, 2004 in Ting-Dumali v. Torres,3 the Court meted the supreme
penalty of disbarment on Torres for “presentation of false testimony; participation in, consent to, and failure to
advise against, the forgery of complainant’s signature in a purported Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement; and gross
misrepresentation in court for the purpose of profiting from such forgery,”4 thereby committing gross misconduct
and violating Canons 1 and 10 the Code of Professional Responsibility. The dispositive portion of the said
Resolution reads:
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, we find respondent Atty. Rolando S. Torres guilty of gross misconduct and
violation of the lawyer’s oath, as well as Canons 1 and 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, thereby
rendering him unworthy of continuing membership in the legal profession. He is thus ordered DISBARRED from
the practice of law, and his name is ordered stricken off the Roll of Attorneys, effective immediately.
x x x5
Aggrieved, Torres twice moved for reconsideration,6 both of which were denied with finality by the Court,7 which
then stated that “[n]o further pleadings will be entertained.”8 This notwithstanding, Torres: (a) filed an Ex-
Parte Motion to Lift Disbarment9 dated January 26, 2006 begging for compassion, mercy, and
understanding;10 and (b) wrote letters to former Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban11 and former Associate
Justice Dante O. Tinga12 reiterating his pleas for compassion and mercy. However, these were ordered
expunged through the Court’s Resolutions dated June 13, 200613 and September 5, 2006,14 considering the
previous directive that no further pleadings will be further entertained in this case. Still undaunted, Torres
continued to file numerous submissions either seeking his reinstatement to the bar15 or the reduction of his
penalty of disbarment to suspension,16 all of which were either expunged from the records17 or denied18 by the
More than ten (10) years from his disbarment, Torres filed a Petition19 dated June 11, 2015 seeking judicial
clemency from the Court to reinstate him in the Roll of Attorneys.20 In a Resolution21 dated August 25, 2015
(August 25, 2015 Resolution), the Court denied the petition, holding that Torres had failed to provide substantial
proof that he had reformed himself, especially considering the absence of showing that he had reconciled or
attempted to reconcile with his sister-in-law, the original complainant in the disbarment case against him; nor
was it demonstrated that he was remorseful over the fraudulent acts he had committed against her.22
Despite the foregoing, Torres filed the instant petition, again seeking judicial clemency from the Court to reinstate
him in the Roll of Attorneys.
The Court’s Ruling
The petition is not meritorious.
The principle which should hold true for lawyers, being officers of the court, is that judicial clemency, as an act of
mercy removing any disqualification, should be balanced with the preservation of public confidence in the courts.
Thus, the Court will grant it only if there is a showing that it is merited. Proof of reformation and a showing of
potential and promise are indispensable.23 In Re: The Matter of the Petition for Reinstatement of Rolando S.
Torres as a member of the Philippine Bar,24 the Court laid down the following guidelines in resolving requests
for judicial clemency, to wit:
1. There must be proof of remorse and reformation. These shall include but should not be limited to certifications
or testimonials of the officer(s) or chapter(s) of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, judges or judges
associations and prominent members of the community with proven integrity and probity. A subsequent finding of
guilt in an administrative case for the same or similar misconduct will give rise to a strong presumption of non-
2. Sufficient time must have lapsed from the imposition of the penalty to ensure a period of reform.
3. The age of the person asking for clemency must show that he still has productive years ahead of him that can
be put to good use by giving him a chance to redeem himself.
4. There must be a showing of promise (such as intellectual aptitude, learning or legal acumen or contribution to
legal scholarship and the development of the legal system or administrative and other relevant skills), as well as
potential for public service.
5. There must be other relevant factors and circumstances that may justify clemency.25
In support of the instant petition for reinstatement, Torres merely rehashed all the several testimonials and
endorsements which he had already attached to his previous petitions, in addition to another endorsement, this
time coming from the incumbent Secretary of Justice, stating that Torres “is a person of good moral character
and a law abiding citizen.”26However, these testimonials and endorsements do not prove whatsoever that Torres
had already successfully reformed himself subsequent to his disbarment. Neither do they exhibit remorse
towards the actions which caused his delisting from the Roll of Attorneys, i.e., the fraudulent acts he committed
against his sister-in-law. In this regard, it is noteworthy to point out that since the promulgation of the Court’s
August 25, 2015 Resolution, there was still no showing that Torres had reconciled or even attempted to reconcile
with his sister-in-law so as to show remorse for his previous faults.
Moreover, Torres also failed to present any evidence to demonstrate his potential for public service or that he -
now being 70 years of age27- still has productive years ahead of him that can be put to good use by giving him a
chance to redeem himself.
In sum, Torres failed to comply with the guidelines for the grant of judicial clemency; hence, the instant petition
must necessarily be denied.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
SHORT TITLE: QUE VS REVILLA sufficiently rehabilitated himself or herself in
LONG TITLE: CONRADO N. conduct and character. x x x The lawyer has to
QUE, Complainant, vs. ATTY. ANASTACIO E. demonstrate and prove by clear and convincing
REVILLA, evidence that he or she is again worthy of
JR., Respondent membership in the Bar. The Court will take into
A. A.C. No.7054 consideration his or her character and standing
November 11, 2014 PER prior to the disbarment, the nature and character
CURIAM of the charge/s for which he or she was disbarred,
TOPIC: his or her conduct subsequent to the disbarment,
Reinstatement to the Practice of Law -- The basic and the time that has elapsed in between the
inquiry in a petition for reinstatementto the disbarment and the application for
practice of law is whether the lawyer has reinstatement.25
STATEMENT OF FACTS: certification19 from St. Peter Parish, Commonwealth
ATTY. ANASTACIO E. REVILLA, JR. (REVILLA) was Avenue, Quezon City, proving that he and his family
disbarred by the court from the practice of law on the are dedicated parishioners.
following grounds: abuse of court procedures and ISSUE:
processes; filing of multiple actions and forum- WON Atty Revilla is qualified for reinstatement in
shopping; willful, intentional and deliberate resort to the practice of law.
falsehood and deception before the courts; maligning HELD:
the name of his fellow lawyer; and fraudulent and NO, Atty Revilla is no longer qualified.
unauthorized appearances in court. Membership in the Bar is a privilege burdened with
Prior to said disbarment , the court had penalized him conditions.20 It is not a natural, absolute or
already in Plus Builders, Inc. and Edgardo Garcia constitutional right granted to everyone who demands
versus Atty. Anastacio E. Revilla for his willful and it, but rather, a special privilege granted and continued
intentional falsehood before the court; for misuse of only to those who demonstrate special fitness
court procedures and processes to delay the inintellectual attainment and in moral character.21 The
execution of a judgment; and for collaborating with same reasoning applies to reinstatement of a
non-lawyers in the illegal practice of law. We showed disbarred lawyer. When exercising its inherent power
leniency then by reducing his penalty to suspension to grant reinstatement, the Court should see to it that
for six (6) months. only those who establish their present moral fitness
The court in rendering their decision stated that: He is and knowledge of the law will be readmitted to the
a continuing risk, too, to the public that the legal Bar. Thus, though the doors to the practice of law are
profession serves. Not even his ardor and never permanently closed on a disbarred attorney, the
overzealousness in defending the interests of his Court owes a duty to the legal profession as well as to
client can save him. Such traits at the expense of the general public to ensure that if the doors are
everything else, particularly the integrity of the opened,it is done so only as a matter of justice.22
profession and the orderly administration of justice, The basic inquiry in a petition for reinstatement to
this Court cannot accept nor tolerate. the practice of law is whether the lawyer has
STATEMENT OF CASE: sufficiently rehabilitated himself or herself in
On July 8, 2010, Revilla filed a Petition for Judicial conduct and character.23 Whether the applicant
Clemency and Compassion3 praying that his license to shall be reinstated in the Roll of Attorneys rests to
practice law be restored based on humanitarian a great extent on the sound discretion of the
considerations, but the Court En Banc resolved to Court.24 The lawyer has to demonstrate and prove
deny the petition for lack of merit. Subsequently, by clear and convincing evidence that he or she is
Revilla appealed his case and pleaded the court’s again worthy of membership in the Bar. The Court
mercy, but his prayers were denied by the court. will take into consideration his or her character
Albeit, Revilla continued to file appeals before the and standing prior to the disbarment, the nature
court and continued to receive negative response from and character of the charge/s for which he or she
the court. was disbarred, his or her conduct subsequent to
On July 18, 2014, the respondent filed a Profound the disbarment, and the time that has elapsed in
Appeal for Judicial Clemency17 reiterating his between the disbarment and the application for
apologies to the Court. He stressed that the penalty of reinstatement.25
disbarment has already taken its toll on his health; he
has now become most frail and weak; and he had In the present case, we are not fully convinced that the
been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease at stage passage of more than four (4) years is sufficient to
five (5) and undergoing dialysis thrice weekly. He also enable the respondent to reflect and to realize his
stressed that in the years that he had been excluded professional transgressions.
from the practice of law, he devoted his time to We emphasize that this is the second timethat the
Christian and charity pursuits serving with all humility respondent was accused and was found guilty of
as a Lay Minister and a regular lecturer on Legal gross misconduct.1âwphi1 The respondent, in an
Aspect of Marriage at St. Peter Church, Quezon City. earlier case of Plus Builders, Inc. v. Atty. Anastacio E.
The respondent also pleads for clemency, not Revilla,Jr.,29 was likewise found guilty of gross
because he intends to practice law again, but to be misconduct for committing willful and intentional
made whole, to recover from being shattered, and to falsehood before the court; misusing court procedure
finally have peace of mind. Heexpressed his sincere and processes to delay the execution of a judgment;
repentance and deep remorse by taking full and collaborating with nonlawyers in the illegal
responsibility for his misdemeanor. He also prayed practice of law – mostly the same grounds on which
that his disbarment be lifted and that he be reinstated the Decision dated December 4, 2009 (2nd
as a member of the Philippine bar. As part of his disbarment) was based. In Plus Builders, we granted
petition, he submitted a Medical Abstract18evidencing the respondent’s motion for reconsideration and
his diagnosis for chronic kidney disease, and a reduced the penalty of suspension from the practice of
law from two (2) years to six (6) months out of respondent deceived her into marrying him despite his
compassion to the respondent. prior subsisting marriage with a certain Helen
Considering the respondent’s earlier disbarment Esparza. The complainant averred that he started
case(and subsequent reduction of the penalty
courting her in April 1991, he representing himself as a
imposed as an act of clemency), and another
disbarment case against him still pending review by bachelor; that they eventually contracted marriage
the Court, we are not fully and convincingly satisfied which was celebrated on two
that the respondent has already reformed. The period occasions administered by Rev. Rogelio J. Bolivar, the
of five (5) years is likewise not considerably long first on December 18, 1991 in the latter’s Manila office,
considering the nature and perversityof the and the second on December 28, 1991 at the Asian
respondent’s misdeeds. We believe that it is still early Institute of Tourism Hotel in Quezon City; and that
for the Court to consider the respondent’s
although respondent admitted that he was married to
Furthermore, we are not persuaded by the Helen Esparza on June 16, 1982, he succeeded in
respondent's sincerity in acknowledging his convincing complainant, her family and friends that his
guilt.1âwphi1 While he expressly stated in his appeal previous marriage was void.
that he had taken full responsibility of his
misdemeanor, his previous inclination to pass the Complainant further averred that respondent entered
blame to other individuals, to invoke self-denial, and to into a third marriage with one Josephine
make alibis for his wrongdoings, contradicted his T. Constantino; and that he abandoned complainant
assertion. The respondent also failed to submit proof and their children without providing them any regular
satisfactorily showing his contrition. He failed to support up to the present time, leaving them in
establish by clear and convincing evidence that he is
precarious living conditions.
again worthy of membership in the legal profession.
We thus entertain serious doubts that the respondent Respondent denied employing deception in his
had completely reformed. marriage to complainant, insisting instead that
As a final word, while the Court sympathizes with the
complainant was fully aware of his prior subsisting
respondent's unfortunate physical condition, we stress
that in considering his application for reinstatement to marriage to Helen Esparza, but that she dragged him
the practice of law, the duty of the Court is to against his will to a “sham wedding” to protect her and
determine whether he has established moral her family’s reputation since she was then three-
reformation and rehabilitation, disregarding its feeling months pregnant. He submitted in evidence that in the
of sympathy or pity. Surely at this point, this civil case “Edmundo L. Macarubbo v. Florence J.
requirement was not met. Until such time when the Teves,” it declared his marriage to complainant void ab
respondent can demonstrate to the Court that he has
completely rehabilitated himself and deserves to initio. He drew attention to the trial court’s findings on
resume his membership in the Bar, Our decision to the basis of his evidence which was not controverted,
disbar him from the practice of law stands. that the marriage was indeed “a sham and make
believe” one, “vitiated by fraud, deceit, force and
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: intimidation, and further exacerbated by the existence
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Profound of a legal impediment” and want of a valid marriage
Appeal for Judicial Clemency filed by Atty. Anastacio
license. Respondent raised the additional defenses
E. Revilla, Jr. is hereby DENIED.
that the judicial decree of annulment of his marriage to
FLORENCE TEVES MACARRUBO, the Minors complainant is res judicata upon the present
JURIS ALEXIS T. MACARRUBO and administrative case; that complainant is in estoppel for
GABRIEL ENRICO T. MACARRUBO as represented admitting her status as mere live-in partner to
by their Mother/Guardian, FLORENCE TEVES respondent in her letter to Josephine T. Constantino.
MACARRUBO, complainant, v. ATTY. EDMUNDO Stressing that he had always been the victim in his
L. MACARRUBO, respondent. marital relations, respondent invoked the final and
A.C. No. 6148. February 27, 2004. executory August 21, 1998 in the case “Edmundo L.
Macarubbo v. Helen C. Esparza,” declaring his first
Facts: marriage void on the ground of his wife’s psychological
Florence Teves Macarrubo, complainant, filed on June incapacity.
6, 2000 a verified complaint for disbarment against It is recommended that respondent Atty. Edmundo L.
Atty. Edmundo L. Macarubbo,respondent, with the Macarrubo be suspended for three months for gross
Integrated Bar of the Philippines alleging that
misconduct reflecting unfavorably on the moral norms respondent filed the instant Petition (For Extraordinary
of the profession. The IBP Board of Mercy) seeking judicial clemency and reinstatement in
Governors adopted and approved the Report and the Roll of Attorneys.
Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner.
Appealing for Clemency, the Court laid down the
Issue: following guidelines in resolving requests for judicial
clemency, to wit:
Whether or not the respondent should be suspended
for gross misconduct 1. There must be proof of remorse and reformation.
These shall include but should not be limited to
Ruling: certifications or testimonials of the officer(s) or
chapter(s) of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
While the marriage between complainant and judges or judges associations and prominent
respondent has been annulled by final judgment, this members of the community with proven integrity and
does not cleanse his conduct of every tinge of probity. A subsequent finding of guilt in an
impropriety. He and complainant started living as administrative case for the same or similar misconduct
husband and wife in December 1991 when his first will give rise to a strong presumption of non
marriage was still subsisting, as it was only on August reformation.
2. Sufficient time must have lapsed from the
21, 1998 that such first marriage was annulled,
imposition of the penalty to ensure a period of reform.
rendering him liable for concubinage. Such conduct is 3. The age of the person asking for clemency must
inconsistent with the good moral character that is show that he still has productive years ahead of him
required for the continued right to practice law as a that can be put to good use by giving him a chance to
member of the Philippine bar. Even assuming that redeem himself.
respondent was coerced by complainant to marry her, 4. There must be a showing of promise (such as
intellectual aptitude, learning or legal acumen or
the duress, by his own admission as the following
contribution to legal scholarship and the development
transcript of his testimony reflects, ceased after their of the legal system or administrative and other
wedding day, respondent having freely cohabited with relevant skills), as well as potential for public service.
her and even begot a second child by her. Thus, 5. There must be other relevant factors and
respondent Edmundo L. Macarubbo is found guilty of circumstances that may justify clemency (Citations
gross immorality and is hereby disbarred from the omitted)
practice of law.
Moreover, to be reinstated to the practice of law, the
Macarrubo vs Macarrubo applicant must, like any other candidate for admission
RE: PETITION (FOR EXTRAORDINARY MERCY) OF to the bar, satisfy the Court that he is a person of good
EDMUNDO L. MACARUBBO. moral character.
Facts: Issue:
For resolution is the Petition (For Extraordinary Mercy) WON petitioner is qualified for reinstatement in the
filed by respondent Edmundo L. Macarubbo Roll of Attorneys.
(respondent) who seeks to be reinstated in the Roll of
Records show that in the Decision dated February 27,
2004, the Court disbarred respondent from the Applying the foregoing standards to this case, the
practice of law for having contracted a bigamous Court finds the instant petition meritorious.
marriage with complainant Florence Teves and a third
marriage with one Josephine Constantino while his Respondent has sufficiently shown his remorse and
first marriage to Helen Esparza was still subsisting, acknowledged his indiscretion in the legal profession
which acts constituted gross immoral conduct in and in his personal life. He has asked forgiveness
violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and Canon 7, Rule from his children by complainant Teves and
7.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. maintained a cordial relationship with them as shown
by the herein attached pictures. Records also show
Aggrieved, respondent filed a Motion for that after his disbarment, respondent returned to his
Reconsideration/Appeal for Compassion and Mercy hometown in Enrile, Cagayan and devoted his time
which the Court denied with finality. Eight years after, tending an orchard and taking care of his ailing mother
until her death in 2008. In 2009, he was appointed as
Private Secretary to the Mayor of Enrile, Cagayan and Atty. Marcial Edilion stubbornly refused to pay
thereafter, assumed the position of Local Assessment the annual IBP dues resulting in an investigation which
Operations Officer II/ Office-In-Charge in the ultimately led to the IBP Board of Governor’s
Assessor’s Office, which office he continues to serve recommendation to remove his name from the Roll of
to date. Moreover, he is a parttime instructor at the Attorneys. Edilion’s arguments are as follows: (1)
University of Cagayan Valley and F.L. Vargas College Forced membership in the IBP is unconstitutional as it
during the School Year 20112012.14 Respondent violates his right of freedom to associate (and not to
likewise took an active part in socio-civic activities by associate); (2) The provision of the Rules of Court
helping his neighbors and friends who are in dire requiring payment of a membership fee is void; (3)
need. The enforcement of the penalty provisions would
amount to a deprivation of property without due
Furthermore, respondent’s plea for reinstatement is process and hence infringes on one of his
duly supported by the Integrated Bar of the constitutional rights; (4) The Supreme Court has not
Philippines, Cagayan Chapter and by his former and power or jurisdiction to strike the name of a lawyer
present colleagues. His parish priest, Rev. Fr. Camilo from its Roll of Attorneys.
Castillejos, Jr., certified that he is faithful to and puts to
actual practice the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Issue: Whether or not mandatory membership in the
He is also observed to be a regular churchgoer. IBP is constitutional.
Records further reveal that respondent has already Held: Yes. The integration of the Philippine Bar was
settled his previous marital squabbles, as in fact, no obviously dictated by overriding considerations of
opposition to the instant suit was tendered by public interest and public welfare to such an extent as
complainant Teves. He sends regular support to his more than constitutionally and legally justifies the
children in compliance with the Court’s directive in the restrictions that integration imposes upon the personal
Decision dated February 27, 2004. interests and personal convenience of individual
lawyers. Apropos to the above, it must be stressed
The Court notes the eight (8) long years that had that all legislation directing the integration of the Bar
elapsed from the time respondent was disbarred and have been uniformly and universally sustained as a
recognizes his achievement as the first lawyer product valid exercise of the police power over an important
of Lemu National High School, and his fourteen (14) profession. The practice of law is not a vested right but
years of dedicated government service from 1986 to a privilege, a privilege moreover clothed with public
July 2000 as Legal Officer of the Department of interest because a lawyer owes substantial duties not
Education, Culture and Sports; Supervising Civil only to his client, but also to his brethren in the
Service Attorney of the Civil Service Commission; profession, to the courts, and to the nation, and takes
Ombudsman Graft Investigation Officer; and State part in one of the most important functions of the State
Prosecutor of the Department of Justice. From the — the administration of justice — as an officer of the
attestations and certifications presented, the Court court.
finds that respondent has sufficiently atoned for his
transgressions. At 58 years of age, he still has Furthermore, Sec 5 (5) of Article VIII of the
productive years ahead of him that could significantly Constitution provides that one of the powers of the
contribute to the upliftment of the law profession and Supreme Court is to “Promulgate rules concerning the
the betterment of society. While the Court is ever protection and enforcement of constitutional rights,
mindful of its duty to discipline and even remove its pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the
errant officers, concomitant to it is its duty to show admission to the practice of law, the integrated bar,
compassion to those who have reformed their ways, and legal assistance to the under-privileged.” Also,
as in this case. Sec. 1 of RA 6397 provides: “Within two years from
the approval of this Act, the Supreme Court may adopt
Accordingly, respondent is hereby ordered reinstated rules of Court to effect the integration of the Philippine
to the practice of law. He is, however, reminded that Bar under such conditions as it shall see fit in order to
such privilege is burdened with conditions whereby raise the standards of the legal profession, improve
adherence to the rigid standards of intellect, moral the administration of justice, and enable the Bar to
uprightness, and strict compliance with the rules and discharge its public responsibility more effectively.”
the law are continuing requirements.
With respect to Edilion’s arguments:
Integration does not make a lawyer a member of any
In the Matter of the IBP Membership Dues
group of which he is not already a member.
Delinquency of Atty. MARCIAL A. EDILION (1978)
He became a member of the Bar when he
Facts: passed the Bar examinations. Bar integration
does not compel the lawyer to associate with
anyone. He is free to attend or not attend4.the No local custom prohibits the continued use of a
meetings of his Integrated Bar Chapter or vote deceased partner's name in a professional firm's
or refuse to vote in its elections as he name;
chooses. The only compulsion to which he is
subjected is the payment of annual dues. 5. The continued use of a deceased partner's name in
Assuming that the questioned provision does the firm name of law partnerships has been
in a sense compel a lawyer to be a member of consistently allowed by U.S. Courts and is an
the Integrated Bar, such compulsion is accepted practice in the legal profession of most
justified as an exercise of the police power of countries in the world
the State. Issue: Whether or not petitioners should be allowed to
The fee is indeed imposed as a regulatory measure, continue the use of the names of their deceased
designed to raise funds for carrying out the partners in their firm name.
objectives and purposes of integration. Held: No. Art. 1815 of the Civil Code provides: “Every
Respondent's right to practice law before the courts of partnership shall operate under a firm name, which
this country should be and is a matter subject may or may not include the name of one or more of
to regulation and inquiry the partners. Those who, not being members of the
partnership, include their names in the firm name,
It is but an inherent judicial function and responsibility. shall be subject to the liability, of a partner.”
Petitioners can’t invoke Art. 1840, because it treats
more of a commercial partnership with a good will to
protect rather than of a professional partnership.
Petition for authority to continue use of the firm Also, the legal profession cannot be likened to
names “Sycip, Salazar, Feliciano, Hernandez and other professions, because of these primary
Castillo” and “Ozaeta, Romulo, De Leon, Mabanta characteristics: (1) A duty of public service, of which
and Reyes” (1979) the emolument is a byproduct, and in which one may
attain the highest eminence without making much
Facts: money; (2) A relation as an "officer of court" to the
administration of justice involving thorough sincerity,
Two separate Petitions were filed before this integrity, and reliability; (3) A relation to clients in the
Court 1) by the surviving partners of Atty. Alexander highest degree fiduciary; (4) A relation to colleagues at
Sycip, who died on May 5, 1975, and 2) by the the bar characterized by candor, fairness, and
surviving partners of Atty. Herminio Ozaeta, who died unwillingness to resort to current business methods of
on February 14, 1976, praying that they be allowed to advertising and encroachment on their practice, or
continue using, in the names of their firms, the names dealing directly with their clients.
of partners who had passed away. Petitioners argued
that: The right to practice law is not a natural or
constitutional right but is in the nature of a privilege or
1. Under the law, a partnership is not prohibited from franchise.
continuing its business under a firm name which
includes the name of a deceased partner; in fact, It is true that Canon 33 does not consider as
Article 1840 of the Civil Code explicitly sanctions the unethical the continued use of the name of a
practice. It provides: “The use by the person or deceased or former partner in the firm name of a law
partnership continuing the business of the partnership partnership when such a practice is permissible by
name, or the name of a deceased partner as part local custom but the Canon warns that care should be
thereof, shall not of itself make the individual property taken that no imposition or deception is practiced
of the deceased partner liable for any debts contracted through this use. It must be conceded that in the
by such person or partnership.” Philippines, no local custom permits or allows the
continued use of a deceased or former partner's name
2. Canon 33 of the Canons of Professional Ethics in the firm names of law partnerships. Firm names,
adopted by the American Bar Association declares under our custom, Identify the more active and/or
that: “The continued use of the name of a deceased or more senior members or partners of the law firm. A
former partner when permissible by local custom, is glimpse at the history of the firms of petitioners and of
not unethical but care should be taken that no other law firms in this country would show how their
imposition or deception is practiced through this use.” firm names have evolved and changed from time to
time as the composition of the partnership changed.
3. There is no possibility of imposition or deception
because the deaths of their respective deceased
partners were well-publicized PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
Before the Court is a complaint[1] dated March 19, [Respondent] intend (sic) for particular purpose that
2010 filed by complainant Datu Budencio E. HIS LAW OFFICE in Valencia City is one of the
Dumanlag (complainant) against respondent Atty. COURTS in the Philippines as to investigate
Winston B. Intong (respondent) for gross misconduct [complainant] thereat."[5] To bolster his indignation,
and negligence. complainant cited Republic Act No. (RA)
8371,[6] otherwise known as "The Indigenous
The Facts
Peoples' Rights Act of 1997," specifically Section 21
which accords equal protection and non discrimination
Complainant claims to be a leader of the Indigenous
of Indigenous Cultural Communities and Indigenous
People of Bangcud, Malaybalay and the President of
Peoples (ICCs/IPs), as follows:
the Philippine Datus Cultural Minorities Assistance,
Inc. and the Frontier's Mining Prospectors and Section 21. Equal Protection and Non-
Location Corporation.[2] On March 12, 2010, discrimination of ICCs/IPs. Consistent
complainant received a letter[3] from with the equal protection clause of the
Constitution of the Republic of the
respondent,[4] which is reproduced in full hereunder:
Philippines, the Charter of the United
February 08, 2010 Nations, the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights including the Convention
TO: DATU BUDENCIO DUMANLAG on the Elimination of Discrimination
Infront Mac Feedmill, San Jose Against Women and International Human
P-1, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Rights Law, the State shall, with due
recognition of their distinct characteristics
Sir: and identity, accord to the members of
the ICCs/IPs the rights, protections and
Please consider this as a letter request privileges enjoyed by the rest of the
for your presence on 12 citizenry. It shall extend to them the same
employment rights, opportunities, basic
February 2010 at 2:00 o'clock in the services, educational and other rights and
afternoon located at Purok 11, Poblacion, privileges available to every member of
Valencia City, Bukidnon. the society. Accordingly, the State shall
likewise ensure that the employment of
This is for the settlement and pre- any form of force or coercion against
litigation conference prior to any legal ICCs/IPs shall be dealt with by law.
action against you as complainant by my
DUMANLAG-AJOC ofLapu-lapu St.,
Valencia City.
He likewise quoted an Evaluation Report[7] of the
Hoping for your preferential and positive Office of the Ombudsman dated October 11, 2001
action on this matter. Thank you very
where he, as complainant, stressed that "[n]o court in
much. My highest esteem.
the Philippines, therefore, should punish any member
of a cultural community but shall extend to them
Very truly yours, courtesies in accordance with [the aforesaid] law."[8]
Roberto Soriano vs. Atty. Manuel Dizon The Supreme Court agreed with the findings of the
AC 6792
CBD that the crime of frustrated homicide
January 25, 2006
committed by Atty. Dizon involved moral
turpitude. The court defined moral turpitude as
“everything which is done contrary to justice,
Atty. Manuel Dizon was driving his car under the
modesty, or good morals; an act of baseness,
influence of liquor when along Abanao Street, Baguio
vileness or depravity in the private and social
City, a taxi driver overtook him. Incensed, Dizon tailed
duties which a man owes his fellowmen, or to
the taxi, pulled it over, and berated Roberto Soriano,
society in general, contrary to justice, honesty,
the taxi driver, and held him by his shirt. To stop the
modesty, or good morals.” Moral turpitude was
aggression, Soriano forced open his door, causing
shown when Atty. Dizon shot a taxi driver for
Dizon to fall to the ground. Soriano tried to help Dizon
no justifiable reason. His act definitely did not
get up, but the latter was about to punch him so
constitute self-defense. It was he who was the
aggressor because he first tried to punch with great caution, and that disbarment should
Soriano. The latter was merely defending never be decreed when any lesser penalty
himself when he counterpunched Dizon. would accomplish the end desired, the court
Moreover, Dizon’s act was aggravated with held that meting out a lesser penalty would
treachery when he shot Soriano when the be irreconcilable with the lofty aspiration that
latter was not in a position to defend himself. every lawyer be a shining exemplar of truth
Soriano was handing Dizon’s eyeglasses, and justice. Atty. Dizon was disbarred.
which he just picked up, when he was shot. A.C. No. 244 March 29, 1963
Furthermore, Dizon tried to escape
punishment by wrapping the handle of his gun
in handkerchief in order not to
leave fingerprints on the gun used. Dizon’s
violent reaction to a simple traffic incident
indicated his skewed morals.
PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF FREE LABOR On 12 May 1964, the Court of Industrial Relations
UNIONS (PAFLU), ENRIQUE ENTILA & awarded 25% of the backwages as compensation for
VICTORIANO TENAZAS petitioners, professional services rendered in the case,
vs. apportioned as follows:
BINALBAGAN ISABELA SUGAR COMPANY, Attys. Cipriano Cid & Associates
COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, & QUINTIN ............................................. 10%
MUNING respondents.
Quintin Muning
Cipriano Cid & Associates for petitioners. .............................................................
Ceferino Magat and Manuel C. Gonzales for ............ 10%
respondent Quintin Muning. Atty. Atanacio Pacis
.... 5%
REYES, J.B.L., J.:
The award of 10% to Quintin Muning who is not a
May a non-lawyer recover attorney's fees for legal lawyer according to the order, is sought to be voided in
services rendered? This is the issue presented in this the present petition.
petition for review of an order, dated 12 May 1964,
and the en banc resolution, dated 8 December 1964, Respondent Muning moved in this Court to dismiss
of the Court of Industrial Relations, in its Case No. 72- the present petition on the ground of late filing but his
ULP-Iloilo, granting respondent Quintin Muning a non- motion was overruled on 20 January 1965.1 He asked
lawyer, attorney's fees for professional services in the for reconsideration, but, considering that the motion
said case. contained averments that go into the merits of the
case, this Court admitted and considered the motion
for reconsideration for all purposes as respondent's a relationship cannot exist unless the client's
answer to the petitioner for review.2 The case was representative in court be a lawyer. Since respondent
considered submitted for decision without Muning is not one, he cannot establish an attorney-
respondent's brief.3 client relationship with Enrique Entila and Victorino
Tenezas or with PAFLU, and he cannot, therefore,
Applicable to the issue at hand is the principle recover attorney's fees. Certainly public policy
enunciated in Amalgamated Laborers' Association, et demands that legal work in representation of parties
al. vs. Court of Industrial Relations, et al., L-23467, 27 litigant should be entrusted only to those possessing
March 1968,4 that an agreement providing for the tested qualifications and who are sworn, to observe
division of attorney's fees, whereby a non-lawyer the rules and the ethics of the profession, as well as
union president is allowed to share in said fees with being subject to judicial disciplinary control for the
lawyers, is condemned by Canon 34 of Legal Ethics protection of courts, clients and the public.
and is immoral and cannot be justified. An award by a
On the present issue, the rule in American jurisdictions
court of attorney's fees is no less immoral in the
is persuasive. There, it is stated:
absence of a contract, as in the present case.
But in practically all jurisdictions
The provision in Section 5(b) of Republic Act No. 875
statutes have now been enacted
that —
prohibiting persons not licensed or
In the proceeding before the Court or admitted to the bar from practising
Hearing Examiner thereof, the parties law, and under statutes of this kind,
shall not be required to be the great weight of authority is to the
represented by legal counsel ... effect that compensation for legal
services cannot be recovered by one
is no justification for a ruling, that the person who has not been admitted to practice
representing the party-litigant in the Court of Industrial before the court or in the jurisdiction
Relations, even if he is not a lawyer, is entitled to
the services were rendered. 5
attorney's fees: for the same section adds that —
No one is entitled to recover
it shall be the duty and obligation of
compensation for services as an
the Court or Hearing Officer to
attorney at law unless he has been
examine and cross examine witnesses
duly admitted to practice ... and is an
on behalf of the parties and to assist in
the orderly presentation of evidence. attorney in good standing at the time.6
thus making it clear that the representation should be The reasons are that the ethics of the legal profession
exclusively entrusted to duly qualified members of the should not be violated;7 that acting as an attorney with
bar. authority constitutes contempt of court, which is
punishable by fine or imprisonment or both,8 and the
The permission for a non-member of the bar to
law will not assist a person to reap the fruits or benefit
represent or appear or defend in the said court on
behalf of a party-litigant does not by itself entitle the of an act or an act done in violation of law; 9 and that if
representative to compensation for such were to be allowed to non-lawyers, it would leave the
representation. For Section 24, Rule 138, of the Rules public in hopeless confusion as to whom to consult in
of Court, providing — case of necessity and also leave the bar in a chaotic
condition, aside from the fact that non-lawyers are not
Sec. 24. Compensation of attorney's
amenable to disciplinary measures. 10
agreement as to fees. — An attorney
shall be entitled to have and recover And the general rule above-stated
from his client no more than a (referring to non-recovery of attorney's
reasonable compensation for his fees by non-lawyers) cannot be
services, ... circumvented when the services were
purely legal, by seeking to recover as
imports the existence of an attorney-client relationship
an "agent" and not as an attorney. 11
as a condition to the recovery of attorney's fees. Such
The weight of the reasons heretofore stated why a proper action against the persons alleged to be
non-lawyer may not be awarded attorney's fees should illegally engaged in the practice of law.
suffice to refute the possible argument that
WHEREFORE, the orders under review are hereby
appearances by non-lawyers before the Court of
set aside insofar as they awarded 10% of the
Industrial Relations should be excepted on the ground
backwages as attorney's fees for respondent Quintin
that said court is a court of special jurisdiction; such
Muning. Said orders are affirmed in all other respects.
special jurisdiction does not weigh the aforesaid
Costs against respondent Muning.
reasons and cannot justify an exception.