Runers Do It Better - Sex!
Runers Do It Better - Sex!
Runers Do It Better - Sex!
We’re healthier
running is good for us. fitness consultant Spencer McGawley. “You start slow in the aerobic
zone, as you reach pace you begin using your anaerobic systems. Then #5. We’re sexier #9 We’re less needy
It improves your fitness, in the final sprint you hit the burners and power home using the high Running gets you lean, toned, and fit – which just about covers most
people’s ideas of sexy. Need more proof? Ladies check out Dean Karnazes
Julia Armstrong is a former international marathon runner and now
a relationship therapist. She says, “Running teaches you to take
eases stress, and gets you powered - but quickly exhausted - phosphagen system. These translate
directly into the bedroom. Well, in some bedrooms, at least.” on page 22. Guys pick up the January issue and get a load of the lovely responsibility for your own body and reminds us that we’re all responsible
out in the fresh air. But #2. We’ve practised the moves
Nell McAndrew. Case rested. for our own sexual expression and our own orgasms. Those hours alone
on the road help us to build a healthy relationship with ourselves. The
have you thought about Another thrust to Spencer’s argument is that runners tend to have well #6. We’ve got more confidence more complete we are as human beings, the easier it is to enjoy a deeper
the benefits it brings to developed sex-related muscles. “Runners tend to have strong glute It’s not just the physical benefits of running that make us such great connection and great sex.”
muscles (that’s muscles in your bum) and strong hip flexors, which run lovers. Renowned sex and relationships expert Dr Petra Boynton says it’s
your sex life? It’s true, along the front of the pelvis. This means runners have the ability to the all-round positive physical and psychological benefits of running that
really helps make runners better lovers; “If someone takes up running
#10 We have a shorter “refractory period”.
Yes, that’s new word for us as well. Basically, what we mean is, runners
health and fitness experts produce a very strong thrusting - quite a useful attribute during the act
of love, whether you are male or female.” and gains confidence from exercise, changing body shape and achieving are ready for second helpings sooner! Dr John White of California
Well nearly. Here’s 10 and reduce stress, which has the effect of making us more likely to be
interested in sex and more able to concentrate on the act making us
increase in adrenaline we get from running makes our bodies more
responsive to arousal and the enhanced body awareness you get from any
Turn the page for an RF exclusive revealing more of Dr White’s research
good reasons why… better lovers.”
Z You need to get your heart rate up. Taking a look at
my cute ass might help…
“There’s no doubt that there’s a very high do no exercise have an average of 2 orgasms
correlation between running and sexual per week, whilst non-smoking runners enjoy
activity.” Dr White told us. His studies found twice that amount.
that, on average, runners have 15-20% more
sex than non-runners – that’s men and women Dr White’s studies have also found that runners
from their twenties right up to their seventies. have more exotic sexual fantasies, greater desire
to have sex, they kiss and caress more, and are
“Sex drives in both men and women depend on more readily sexually aroused. What’s more,
testosterone,” said Dr White. “Running is one people who run and have regular “vigorous
of the best forms of exercise for increasing the sex” tend to live 5-7 years longer than average.
levels of testosterone in the body, so I wasn’t
entirely surprised to find runners have more “So,” says Dr White, “if you’re interested
regular sex.” in living a long, healthy life, featuring lots
So, the more time you spend running, the more of orgasms, the best advice I can give is to
In one study Dr White took a group of men climaxes you’re likely to enjoy. That is, up until not smoke, eat a good diet with plenty of
who were regular runners and compared them you run for more than 75 to 90 minutes per antioxidants, keep trim, and run 30-45 minutes
with a group who didn’t run at all. He found day. Increase your running time over that level five days per week.” RF
the runners tended to “more actively pursue” and you can expect a decline. Dr White says
sex and got jiggy an average of four times per that for many people
week. Meanwhile, the non runners had sex a that amount of running
mere two and a half times a week (that’s an would constitute over-
average, the half isn’t a failed attempt!). To training, which actually
investigate further, half of the runners were leads to a lowering of
asked to stop exercising for six weeks and half testosterone and, of
of the non-runners were put on a vigorous course, tiredness, so it’s
jogging schedule. Guess what happened… The easy to see how you
former runners’ sexual activity dropped by 15% might end up feeling less
and the reformed coach potatoes’ new running amorous come bedtime.
regime boosted their sexual activity by 10%.
Another thing that’ll
Dr White also found that, up to a point, more damage your sex life,
running means more sex. The table shows how not to mention your
the number of orgasms people have per week general health, is
increases with the time they spend running each day. smoking. Smokers who
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