Uric Acid

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ISSN 1738-5997 (Print) • ISSN 2092-9935 (Online)

Review Electrolyte Blood Press 12:1-6, 2014


Uric Acid Puzzle: Dual Role as Anti-oxidantand


Duk-Hee Kang, M.D.1,2 and Hyperuricemia is known to be associated with the presence of cardiovascular
and metabolic syndrome and with the development of incipient kidney disease
Sung-Kyu Ha, M.D.3
1 and an accelerated renal progression. However, an elevated uric acid level was
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal not generally regarded as a true etiology or mediator, but an indicator of these
Medicine, 2Ewha Medical Research Center, diseases. Uric acid has recently regained the clinical interest and popularity
Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, based on emerging data suggesting the causative role of hyperuricemia in car-
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal diovascular and renal disease. Experimental data demonstrates oxidative stress
Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul, is one of the earliest phenomena observed in vascular, renal, liver cells and
Korea adipocytes exposed to uric acid. Since uric acid is one of the major antioxidants
of plasma acting as a free radical scavenger and a chelator of transitional metal
ion, uric acid-induced oxidative stress seems paradoxical. Data regarding the
Received: June 16, 2014 clinical implication of hyperuricemia is even more confusing, which defines hy-
Accepted: June 22, 2014 peruricemia as a useless parameter to be eliminated from routine follow-up or
Corresponding Author: Duk-Hee Kang, M.D., Ph.D. a major risk factor to be therapeutic target. With a review of experimental and
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal epidemiologic data, the presence of molecular switch to regulate the role of
Medicine, Ewha Womans University School of uric acid as anti- or pro-oxidant in different compartment of our body is sug-
Medicine, 911 Mok-dong Yangcheon-Ku, Seoul gested, which may shed light on understanding the paradoxical role of uric acid
158-710, Korea and solving the “uric acid debate”.
Tel: +82-2-2650-2870, Fax: +82-2-2655-2076
E-mail: dhkang@ewha.ac.kr Key Words: Uric acid, Oxidative stress, Anti-oxidant

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/)
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

glomerular filtration rate in diverse spectrum of pop-

Introduction ulation from healthy participants with normal kidney
function to normoalbuminuric diabetics . Higher uric
An association of elevated serum uric acid with hyper- acid levels were associated with subsequent worsening of
tension, cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disease has kidney function after adjustment for theorized confounders
been reported throughout the 20 century after the first such as body mass index, blood pressure and urine albu-
description regarding high prevalence of hypertension in min-creatinine ratio . Many epidemiologic studies de-
gout patients in the 1870’s . A recent meta-analysis re- monstrated uric acid level as a major predictor for the
veals that a 1 mg/dL increase in serum uric acid level is development of incident kidney disease .
associated with a significant increase of incident hyper- Since a simple association based on epidemiologic or
tension (relative risk 1.13, 95% confidence interval 1.06 observational studies did not support the role of hyper-
to 1.20) after adjusting for confounding risk factors . uricemia as a predictor or causative factor in the develop-
Indeed, an elevated serum uric acid is currently the most ment of cardiovascular and renal disease, the “uric acid
reliable predictor for the development of hypertension. debate” has been going on for decades. This debate is
There is also a solid data supporting the role of serum generated by two major concerns, an absence of random-
uric acid as a determinant of the change in estimated ized controlled study using uric acid-lowering therapy in

Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Electrolyte Metabolism

2 Duk-Hee Kang and Sung-Kyu Ha • Uric Acid Puzzle: Dual Role as Anti-oxidantand Pro-oxidant

a large population and a lack of mechanisms by which

uric acid imposes a detrimental effect on individual organ
system. Randomized controlled studies to examine the
etiologic role of hyperuricemia on the progression of car-
diovascular, renal and metabolic diseases are now on-going
or recruiting the participants, which will provide the an-
swer to clinical implication of hyperuricemia in near future.
In this review, potential mechanism of uric acid-related
complications in cardiovascular, renal and metabolic dis-
eases will be discussed with a special emphasis on uric
acid-induced oxidative stress. According to a hypothesis
Fig. 1. Production & Metabolism of Uric Acid. XO; xanthine oxi-
by Ames et al, the silencing of uricase gene with an in- dase, XDH; xanthine dehydrogenase, NAD; nicotinamice-adenine
crease in serum uric acid level in humans provided an dinucleotide, O2; superoxide.
evolutionary advantage for our ancestors . This hypoth-
esis is based on the results ofin-vitro experiment demon- thine dehydrogenase generates the reduced form of nic-
strating uric acid as a powerful scavenger of free radical. otinamide-adenine dinucleotide (Fig. 1). Both exogenous
On the other hand, many epidemiologic studies clearly (present in fatty meat, organ meats, and seafood) and
show an association of hyperuricemia and clinical con- endogenous purines are major sources of uric acid in
ditions described above. The dual role of uric acid as humans. Approximately two thirds of total body urate
an anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant which can be determined is produced endogenously while the remaining one third
by specific factors and the interrelation among factors, is originated from dietary purines.
may explain the controversy regarding the role of uric The primary site of excretion of uric acid is the kidney.
acid, however there is no clear explanation for this uric The normal urinary urate excretion is in the range of
acid paradox. 250 to 750 mg per day, approximately 70% of the daily
urate production . Although urate (the form of uric acid
What makesserum uric acid elevated ? at blood pH of 7.4) is freely filtered in the glomerulus,
there is evidence that both reabsorption and secretion
Uric acid is produced from metabolic conversion of occur in the proximal tubule, and as a consequence the
either dietary or endogenous purines, primarily in the fractional urate excretion is only 8% to 10% in the nor-
liver, muscle, and intestine. The immediate precursor of mal adult. Some adaptation occurs with renal disease, in
uric acid is xanthine, which is degraded into uric acid by which the fractional excretion of urate will increase to
xanthine oxidoreductase. Xanthine oxidoreductase may the 10% to 20%. The remainder of uric acid excretion
attain two inter-convertible forms, xanthine dehydrogen- occurs through the gut, where uric acid is degraded by
ase or xanthine oxidase . Most xanthine oxidoreductase uricolytic bacteria. Ideas of the handling of uric acid by
is in the xanthine dehydrogenase form in vivo, which the kidney have changed greatly over the past few deca-
is transformed into xanthine oxidase by irreversible pro- des, with the identification, characterization, and iso-
teolytic cleavage or reversible oxidation in specific envi- lation of transporters and channels mainly or exclusively
12) 14,15)
ronment including hypoxia . Xanthine oxidase uses mo- restricted to urate transport .
lecular oxygen as electron acceptor and generates super- The serum urate concentration reflects the balance be-
oxide anion and other reactive oxygen species as by-prod- tween urate production and elimination. Hyperuricemia
ucts in the process of uric acid degradation whereas xan- has been arbitrarily defined as >7.0 mg/dL in men and

Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Electrolyte Metabolism

Electrolyte Blood Press 12:1-6, 2014 • Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.5049/Ebp.2014.12.1.1 3

>6.5 mg/dL in women. “Normal” serum uric acid levels oxynitrite-induced protein nitrosylation, lipid and pro-
in the population appear to be rising throughout the last tein peroxidation and an inactivation of tetrahydrobiop-
century, likely as a consequence of changes in diet, and terin, which results in scavenging free radical and chelat-
mean levels in men in the United States are now in the ing transitional metal ions. Consistent with an intrinsic
6.0 to 6.5 mg/dL range . Hyperuricemia may also result anti-oxidant activity, uric acid administration in healthy
from diets high in purines, from ethanol, and from fruc- volunteers and athletes reduced ROS production . None-
tose. The effect of alcohol is in part related to increased theless, many experimental and human studies demon-
urate synthesis, which is due to enhanced turnover of strated the role of uric acid as pro-oxidants. Animals with
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during the conversion of hyperuricemia was reported to develop hypertension as-
acetate to acetyl-CoA as part of the metabolism of etha- sociated with an evidence for oxidative stress, and the
17) 26)
nol . In addition, acute alcohol consumption causes lac- hypertension was blocked by anti-oxidant treatment .
tate production, and because lactate is an antiuricosuric Experimental studies demonstrated an activation of ox-
agent, it will reduce renal urate excretion and exacerbate idative stress by uric acid in various cells.
hyperuricemia. Fructose (a simple sugar present in su-
crose, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, and 1. Vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells
fruits) can also induce a rapid rise in serum uric acid,
due in part to its rapid phosphorylation in hepatocytes Uric acid is already known to activate critical proin-
with the stimulation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) flammatory pathways and stimulate cell proliferation in
deaminase and ATP consumption . Chronic fructose vascular smooth muscle cells. In endothelial cells, uric
consumption also stimulates uric acid synthesis. It has acid decreases NO bioavailability and inhibits cell migra-
been proposed that the marked increase in fructose intake tion and proliferation, which are mediated in part by the
may have a role in the rising levels of serum uric acid expression of C-reactive protein and oxidative stress .
and obesity worldwide
. Uric acid may also be af- Uric acid significantly increased production of ROS begin-
fected by exercise, with moderate exercise reducing urate ning at 5 min, and uric acid-induced senescence and apop-
levels (probably by increasing renal blood flow) and severe tosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs)
exercise causing a rise in uric acid (probably due to ATP were ameliorated by anti-oxidants, N-acetylcysteine or
consumption with adenosine and xanthine formation). tempol. Uric acid also decreased mitochondrial deoxy-
ribonucleic acid (DNA) contents and intracellular ATP as-
What happens first when cells are sociated with ROS production in human aortic endothe-
exposed to uric acid ? lial cells . Anti-oxidant, apocynin, blocked uric acid-in-
duced alteration in ROS generation and mitochondrial
One of the earliest phenomena observed in uric acid- DNA content. Furthermore, the serum uric acid level cor-
exposed cells is the generation of oxidative stress . related with the markers of oxidative stress in animal
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is known to be associated model of hyperuricemia .
with local inflammation, an impairment of nitric oxide
(NO) generation, an activation of the renin-angiotensin 2. Renal tubular cells
system, insulin resistance and fat accumulation. Uric
acid-induced ROS production seems paradoxical since In cultured renal tubular cells, uric acid induced epi-
uric acid has generally been considered to be one of the thelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) which was blo-
important anti-oxidants that protect the cardiovascular cked by probenecid, an inhibitor of organic anion trans-
27,28) 24)
system from oxidative stress . Uric acid prevents per- porter . Anti-oxidants ameliorated uric acid-induced

Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Electrolyte Metabolism

4 Duk-Hee Kang and Sung-Kyu Ha • Uric Acid Puzzle: Dual Role as Anti-oxidantand Pro-oxidant

EMT and apoptosis of renal tubules. N-acetylcysteine in-

hibited E-cadherin degradation and the expression of What are the lessons from
Snail , suggesting EMT by uric acid was mediated by epidemiologic studies ?
oxidative stress-driven inhibition of E-cadherin synthesis
as well as E-cadherin degradation. Many epidemiologic studies suggest that serum uric
acid is at best a very weak predictor of cardiovascular
3. Adipocytes disease after an adjustment of other risk factors in the
general population . This is mainly due to a strong
Sautin et al. reported soluble uric acidper se stimulated correlation between serum uric acid level and other car-
an increase in NADPH oxidase activity and ROS pro- diovascular risk factors including blood pressure, body
duction in mature adipocytes as early as 30 minutes . mass index, creatinine, glucose, insulin, and lipid profiles.
An interesting phenotype of these differentiated adipo- In contrast, uric acid appears to be a significant indepen-
cytes is a substantial uptake rate for uric acid with an dent predictor of vascular and renal disease in hyper-
expression of urate transporters (URAT1 and OAT4) and tensive patients and in subjects with high risk factors,
high basal level of ROS production. Uric acid stimulated such as diabetes, patients with chronic kidney disease or
NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS production, an activa- congestive heart failure . This discrepancy regarding
tion of MAP kinases p38 and ERK 1/2, a decrease in the effect of uric acid in relatively healthy populations
NO bioavailability, and an increase in protein nitrosyla- and those in high-risk individuals raises two questions
tion and lipid oxidation. A recent study demonstrated about clinical implication of hyperuricemia. First, if a cer-
uric acid-induced ROS production in adipocytes was tain factor is strongly related with other risk factors, it
mediated by an activation of the local renin-angiotensin can never be interpreted as an independent risk factor
system . by conventional statistics. Second, what is the molecular
Oxidative stress in the adipose tissue has recently been switch that convertsuric acid from anti-oxidant to pro-
recognized as a major cause of insulin resistance and car- oxidant. It is particularly interesting since a mild elevation
diovascular disease , and therefore hyperuricemia-in- of uric acid, often observed in patients with uncomplicated
duced alterations in oxidative homeostasis in the adipose obesity or hypertension, seems to impose no major effect
tissue suggested the potential role of uric acid as a cause on cardiovascular and renal complication . It is neces-
of insulin resistance. sary to explore the molecular environment in which uric
acid induces oxidative stress and an inflammatory reaction
4. Hepatocytes in hypertensive and/or diabetic subjects with high car-
diovascular risk factors.
We demonstrated uric acid-induced oxidative stress as
a major mechanism of fat accumulation in cultured hep- Conclusion
atocytes, HepG2 cells . Uric acid (>6 mg/dL) increased
H2O2 production and NOX activity in HepG2 cells from Based upon the data from experimental and clinical
30 minutes, and antioxidants including diphenylene iodo- research, uric acid seems to play a dual role as pro- and
nium and rotenone blocked uric acid-inducedtriglyceride anti-oxidants. Interestingly, intracellular uric acid gen-
accumulation, suggesting both NADPH oxidase-depend- erally imposes the detrimental effects as a pro-oxidant
ent and mitochondria-mediated oxidative stress gen- in cultured cells and animal model of hyperuricemia,
erated by uric acid were responsible for hepatic fat accu- which is supported by the protective effects of an in-
mulation . hibitor of organic anion transporter via blocking the en-
try of uric acid into the cells and amelioration of oxida-

Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Electrolyte Metabolism

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Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Electrolyte Metabolism

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