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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper



A Dissertation Report on



Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of

Master of Technology



Submitted by


Under the Guidance of




Vijayapur-586 101


Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


VIJAYAPUR - 586 103



This is to certify that IV semester project work entitled “seismic analysis of RC Structure
using viscous dampers” is carried out by Mr. KIRANAKUMAR V BIRADAR
(2SA15CSE03), a bonafide student of SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Vijayapur, in partial fulfillment for the award of Master of Technology in STRUCTURAL
ENGINEERING from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2016-
17. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated in the report in the departmental library. The report has been approved as it satisfies
the academic requirements in respect of Project work prescribed for the Master of Technology


Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


I, KIRANAKUMAR V BIRADAR, student of IV Semester M. Tech (Structural Engineering)

SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vijayapur hereby declare that the information
and details produced in this report is part of the orientation and guidance received during the
project period. It is a record of original work done by me under the guidance of my mentor Prof.
NIYAZ DAFEDAR. This project work is submitted as per the requirements of the Dissertation
session of 2016 held for 2nd year M.-Tech Students of VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL
UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM. The content of this report have not been submitted to any other
university or institute for any type of work.


Date: M.Tech. (Structural Engg)

(USN 2SA15CSE03)

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of the people who make it possible whose constant guidance and
encouragement crown all the efforts with success.

First and Foremost I would like to place on record my heartiest gratitude to my guide,
Prof. Niyaz Dafedar Civil Engineering department, Secab Institute Of Engineering and
Technology, Vijayapur, for having taken me under her guidance and helped me with her
invaluable suggestions and excellent guidance .

Though it may be appear that the following exposition is a monotonous boat of an unusual
acknowledgement assert beyond the confines of the simple sense of the owned gratitude to pass
on my deep felt thanks on our beloved Prof. M. H. Kolhar, Head of the department, Civil
Engineering department, Secab Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Vijayapur, on their
excellent guidance.

I express my deep gratitude to my institute, Secab Institute Of Engineering and Technology,

Vijayapur, which provide an opportunity and platform for fulfilling my dreams, and desire to
reach my goal.

I sincerely thank to our respected Dr. A. Pasupathy, Principal, Secab Institute Of Engineering
and Technology, Vijayapur, who is the constant source of inspiration, throughout the academics.

I am grateful to my parents and Friends who have been great support throughout the
development of my project. Last but not the least I would like to extend my thanks to the
teaching and non-teaching staff of our department and well-wishers for their timely help either
directly or indirectly for the completion of my project.


Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Structure are mainly subjected to various types of loading conditions such as earthquake, wind
loads etc. For earthquake zone areas, the structures are designed considering seismic forces. The
structures which are present in higher earthquake zone area are liable to get damaged or collapse,
hence to increase the safety of these structure few retrofitting techniques or additional of
materials to stabilize the structures against the earthquake forces are done. And if the retrofitting
techniques are adopted then cost plays an important role and possibly few spaces will be
compromised depend upon the type of methods adopted. Later the structure may be strengthened
by adding materials externally to transfer the lateral loads i.e. some protective devices have been
developed. In modern seismic design, the damping devices are used to reduce the seismic
energy0and enable the control of the structural response of the structure to that1earthquake
excitation. For the present study, an 10-story structure which is symmetrical in plan is modeled
and analyzed using the ETABs 2015 software. The earthquake loads are defined as perIS1893-
2002 (Part 1). To analyze the structure, the static and dynamic analysis method is adopted. The
response spectrum function is defined to carry out dynamic analysis. To control the seismic
response and to increase the stiffness of the structure, Viscous dampers are provided to the
structure. The results obtained and compared in the form of displacement, story drift and story
shear are compared.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Page No

1.1General 1
1.2Introduction to Dampers 1
1.3 Dampers 2
1.4 Types of dampers 2
1.4.1 Metallic Damper 2
1.4.2 Tuned Mass Damper 3
1.4.3 Tuned Liquid Mass Damper (TLDs) 3
1.4.4 Elasto Plastic Damper 4
1.4.5 Viscous Damper 4
1.4.6 Friction Dampers 5
2.1 History 6
2.2 General 6
2.3 Practical Application 7
2.4 Advantages 7
2.5 Characteristics of Friction Dampers 8
2.6 Objectives of the Study 9
Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY 13

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


6.1 Story displacement 31
6.2 Story drift 33
6.3 Story Shear 39
Chapter 7 CONCLUSION 44

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


Figure Figure Description Page No

No .
1.1 Metallic Dampers 2
1.2 Tuned Mass Damper 3
1.3 Tuned Liquid Mass Dampers 3
1.4 Elasto plastic Damper 4
1.5 Viscous Dampers 4
1.6 Friction Dampers 5
2.1 Installation of Friction Dampers in a Building 7
5.1 RC building without friction damper 15
5.2 RC building with corner friction damping for all storis 15
5.3 RC building with central friction damping for all 16
5.4 RC building with corner friction damping for alternate 16
5.5 RC building with corner friction damping for bottom 3 17
5.6 Defining of concrete material property 18
5.7 Defining of Steel material property 18
5.8 Defining of Beam Section 19
5.9 Defining of Column Section 20
5.10 Defining of Slab Section 21
5.11 Defining of Load Pattern 21
5.12 Seismic Load Pattern in X – direction 22
5.13 Seismic Load Pattern in Y – direction 22
5.14 Defining of Response Spectrum Function 23
5.15 Defining of Load Cases 23
5.16 Defining of Modal Cases 24
5.17 Defining of Mass Source 24

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

5.18 Defining of Link Property 25

5.19 Defining of Link / Support Directional Property 25
5.20 Defining of Link / Support Directional Property 26
5.21 3D View of RC building without friction damper 26
5.22 3D View of for RC building with corner friction damping 27
for all stories
5.23 3D View of RC building with central friction damping 27
for all stories
5.24 3D View of RC building with corner friction damping 28
alternate Stories
5.25 3D View of RC building with corner friction damping for 28
bottom 3 Stories
5.26 3D View of RC building with Diaphragm 29

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


Figure Title Page No

6.1 Story Drift along width X direction (mm) 33
6.2 Story Drift along width Y direction (mm) 35
6.3 Story Drift along height X direction (mm) 36
6.4 Story Drift along height Y direction (mm) 38
6.5 Story shear along width X direction (mm) 39
6.6 Story shear along width Y direction (mm) 40
6.7 Story shear along height X direction (mm) 41
6.8 Story shear along height Y direction (mm) 42

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


Figure Title Page No

6.1 Comparison of Displacement in X direction along width 31 31
6.2 Comparison of Displacement in Y direction along width 31 31
6.3 Comparison of Displacement in X direction along height 32 32
6.4 Comparison of Displacement in Y direction along height 32
6.5 Comparison of Story Drift X direction along width 34 32 Comp
6.6 Comparison of Story Drift Y Direction along width 35 35
6.7 Comparison of Story Drift X direction along height 37 37
6.8 Comparison of Story Drift Y direction along height 37 37
6.9 Comparison of Story shear X direction along width 39 39
6.10 Comparison of Story shear Y direction along width 40
6.11 Comparison of Story shear X direction along height 41
6.12 Comparison of Story shear Y direction along height 42

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


1.1 General

A natural calamity like an earthquake cause significant loss of life and destruction to property
every year. A disturbance that causes shaking of earth surface due to movement at underground
along fault plane or from volcanic activity is called earthquake. The seismic forces produced are
harmful and lasts only for a small duration of time. Yet, humans are confused with uncertainty in
terms of its time of occurrence and its nature. However with advances made in varies areas of
sciences it has been learned how to pinpoint the locations of earthquake and how to accurately
measure their sizes, however, this solves only one part of the problem to protect a structure. The
other part is seismic design of the structures. Since from the last century, this part of problem has
taken various forms, and improvements in design philosophy and methods have been done.

. The structural control system is usually classified by three method. The three classes of
structural control system are active energy dissipation, semi-active and passive energy
dissipation. The passive energy systems are devices which are used to dissipate the seismic
effect. The main function of the passive devices is to absorb a part of earthquake energy i.e.,
input energy, reducing earthquake energy or force on structural members and to reducing the
percentage of the damage to the structures. Comparing to semi-active or active systems there is
no need of external power supply to passive control system. The active control systems are
controllable and requires some amount of external supply in processing. The active control
system will operate on the sensor which is attached to structure. The semi-active systems are the
energy dissipating devices which is the combination of both active and passive control system
Passive devices are frequently used as type of control system which are implemented in the
structure because they involve no external power and such devices are essentially stable. The
passive devices encompasses a range of materials and devices for enhancing damping and
strength such as friction damper, fluid viscous damper and metallic damper have been developed
since the 1990.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

This project deals with the study of fluid viscous damper provided to the reinforced concrete
buildings. The objective of study is to understand the seismic response of the structure with and
without viscous damper, and comparing the results.
The number of tall buildings constructed today is increasing. Mostly, these structures are
of low natural damping. So, increasing damping capacity of structural system or considering the
need for other mechanical means to increase the damping capacity of the building has become
increasingly common in the new generation of skyscrapers. The control of vibration produced by
earthquake can be done by various means such as modifying rigidities, masses, damping or shape
or by providing passive or active counter forces. In the present study use of manufactured
viscous damper in reducing the vibration is studied.

1.2 Dampers
Dampers are the devices which are used to absorb or dissipate the vibration caused by the
earthquake to the structure and to increase the damping and stiffness of the structure.

1.3 Types of Dampers

The types of damper are as follows
1) Tuned mass damper (TMDs).

2) Tuned liquid mass damper (TLDs).

3) Friction damper.

4) Metallic damper.

5) Viscous damper.

6) Elasto plastic damper.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

1.3.1 Tuned Mass Damper :

Tuned mass damper is a system/device fixed in structure to diminish the amplitude of
mechanical vibrations and also known as a harmonic absorber. From these device application to
structure can prevent discomfort, damage, or complete structural failure. The devices are
commonly used in power transmission, automobiles etc. 3

Fig 1.1 Tuned Mass Damper

1.3.2 Tuned Liquid Mass Damper (TLDs)

A tuned liquid mass damper is a device which consist of liquid slush tank and liquid mass
depth. This type of damper is highly non-linear and it is dependent on frequency. To get the
effective results with tuned liquid mass damper, use multiple tuned liquid mass damper
(MTLDs), because it is having number of slushing tanks from which the dynamic response is

Fig 1.2: Tuned Liquid Mass Damper

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

1.3.3 Friction Damper :

A friction damper is a device which are used in the structure to dissipate the vibration
caused by earthquake hazards. In this damper there are steel plates which are fixed with high
strength bolts. The working of this category of damper is reliable.

Fig 1.3: Friction Damper

1.3.4 Metallic Damper:

The metallic damper are the devices which are constructed with mild steel plates. The
energy is dissipated from the in-elastic deformations of plate which are made up of mild steel.
The reason for using this type damper is to increase the dynamic seismic response of the

Fig 1.4: Metallic Damper

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

1.3.5 Viscous Damper :

Viscous damper is the damper which works on the bases of fluid. It consist of cylinder in
which orifices are present, structure . from which the fluid flows through those orifices whenever
there is earthquake hazards affect to the

Fig 1.5: Viscous Damper

1.3.6 Elasto Plastic Damper:

These type damper is also called as X plate dampers. They are having thin metallic
plates which is of X shape and V shape. They are made up of single or set of plates which is
made up of mild steel or copper material with different thicknesses. The mechanism of reducing
seismic energy of X plate damper is more effective, during the earthquake by absorbing input
energy of the structure.

Fig 1.6: Elasto plastic Damper

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


In the present study, the work includes the analysis of a 10 storey reinforced concrete plan
geometric irregular and vertical geometric irregular buildings in accordance with IS1893-2002
provisions; one with fixed base and other with base isolated.

Following are the objectives for the present study.

1. To carry out modeling & analysis of RC building with & without viscous damper by
using ETabs 15.1 version software & study the effect of seismic forces on these models.
2. To study the effect of placement of viscous damper along the width and height of the
3. To carry out comparison between building with & without viscous damper by response
spectrum method on the basis of response properties like story displacement, inter story
drift, story acceleration & story shear.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper



2.1 History
During the period of cold war which is from the end of World War II and approximate 1990. The
missiles were developed by both countries the US and Russia. For testing of the developed
missiles, the missiles were placed under the ground. The shock and vibration produced after the
testing of the missile should be absorbed by the structure which are adjacent to the testing site.
To overcome that problem the dampers are provided in the structure.
During the period of 1990’s, the use of damper become very large i.e., it is used not only for
military and defence structure but also to the commercial structures. A New York based
company Taylor Devices, Inc. manufactured these type device and produced in the market for all
type of structure

2.2 General
The theory of damping in the system have the different meanings to the various
engineering fields. For civil field, the damping means only a reference to the seismic/wind plot
with 5% damping ratio. But for structural engineer, the damping means the change in overall
stress with in the structure subjected to the shock and vibrations with the damping ratio of 2%,
3%, 4% but not more than 5% of damping ratio .
The Viscous dampers are passive energy dissipation device which is added to structure to
increase the effective stiffness of new and existing buildings. They are very robust material and
energy is transferred by piston and absorbed or vanishes by silicone-based fluid flowing between
the piston-cylinder arrangements.

The damping force of viscous damper is given by,

F=C*V*α ………
F - The damping force.
C - The damping coefficient.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

V - The velocity of piston.

α – The velocity exponent.


Figure 2.1. Work Principle of Fluid Viscous Damper

When the damper subjected to external loads to be compressed or stretched, the piston rod with
piston will make reciprocating motion in the cylinder to force the damping medium move back
and forth between the two cavities separated by the piston. In the process, the friction force
occurred between the molecules of the damping medium, the medium and the shaft and piston,
the medium and the cylinder, and throttling damping force produced by the damping medium
through the piston, all these action work together composed the damping force. The role of the
fluid viscous damper is to transform mechanical energy caused by earthquakes, winds or other
structural vibrations into inner energy of the damping medium. The dampers use the increasing
temperature of damping medium to temporary store energy. The heat is ultimately consumed by
natural cooling. In this way, the dampers protect the structure from damage.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

2.5 Advantages
1. At low displacement also these are activated.
2. It has minimal restoring force.
3. The properties largely frequency and temperature independent.
4. The performance in the military application has made the record.

2.6 Disadvantage
1. Leakage of fluid (reliability concern

2.7 Application of Viscous Damper and Its Properties

Damper is a device which is applied to the structure to reduce the seismic effect of the structure.
In ETABs the viscous damper element is assigned to the structure in the form of chevron bracing
through out the height of the structure at all corners of the sturucture. A panel zone is defined at
the mid point of the beam with non linear link property. The chevron will intersect to the mid
point of the beam where the panel zone is assigned. In the panel zone, the beam-brace
connectivity is selected with non-linear behaviour in U2 direction for assigning the damper.
The properties of the Viscous Damper is considered as provided by the manufacturing company

Taylor Device Inc.,

Damping coefficent: 810 kN-s/m
Velocity exponent: 0.3
The stiffness value of the viscous damper is caluculated by the following formula by considering
the force and displacement of the bare structure.
Force = Stiffness *
Displacement i.e., F=K*δ

50 = K*(0.084/1000)

K = 5,95,238.0953 kN/m

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper



1. Mohammad Javad Dehghan1, Mostafa Soleymannejad

The author explains about “ Improving Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings with
Special Moment Frames Using Viscous Damper”Dissipation comparing to the structure
without damper and the damper with higher damping force plays a more effective role in
increasing energy dissipation.Therefore, viscous dampers with higher damping percentage (30%)
have a good capability to retrofit structures


the author explains about “effect of fluid viscous dampers in multi-storeyed buildings”
The purpose of this study is to assess the seismic performance of buildings with fluid viscous
dampers.Using nonlinear dynamic analysis, responses of structures have been evaluated and the
following conclusions have been made.
• For maximum effectiveness in reducing the dynamic responses, a structure with FVD should be
designed for damping ratio of 20% and the velocity exponent, α of the FVD as 0.5.
Effectiveness of FVD along the Width
From the dynamic floor responses of the buildings, it can be concluded that, placing FVD at the
external corners on all four sides of the building is effective for square plans.
Effectiveness of FVD along the Height
The peak displacements and interstorey drifts are minimized most effectively by placing the
FVD along the first three floors alone. But while considering the other dynamic responses such
as the floor velocity and floor acceleration, placement of FVD all throughout the height is found
to be effective.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

3. Mohsen KARGAHI1 and Chukwuma G. EKWUEME2

The author explains about “optimization of viscous damper properties for reduction of
seismic risk in concrete buildings”Viscous dampers can be extremely effective in improving
the seismic performance of concrete buildings when the damper properties are optimized to
ensure efficient performance. For the building studied, reductions in displacements in the order
of 50% were obtained. The plastic rotations in the beams and columns were reduced to levels
acceptable for life safety performance. The optimization process also provides the engineer with
the ability to minimize the dampers costs for a particular project, while maximizing the benefit to
the structure.
Nonlinear static analyses tend to underestimate the response due earthquakes when compared
with a nonlinear time history analysis. However, the differences in the two analyses methods are
small enough to be acceptable for use in performing the optimization or for developing
preliminary designs. Improvement in the displacement coefficient method, which has been
recommended by researchers (Miranda [5]) should further improve the accuracy of the results.
The damper characteristics for different stories were selected from a pool of available properties.
For each configuration, the cost of dampers was calculated and the configuration that resulted in
minimum cost was selected as the optimum solution. This method (Total Enumeration) proved
efficient for a building of the size of the example building and with the chosen range of variation
for damper properties. However, for buildings with more stories, the total possible permutation
of damper properties for different stories will make it impossible to perform total enumeration.
In such cases an efficient heuristic search method, such as Genetic Algorithm could be used to
perform optimization and will be subject of future studies

4. Vajreshwari Umachagi1, Katta Venkataramana2, G. R. Reddy3, Rajeev Verma4

The author explains about “ applications of dampers for vibration control ofstructures: an
overview”Recently, use of seismic control systems has increased but choosing best damper and
installing it into a building is very important for reducing vibration in structures when subjected
to seismic loading. The controlling devices reduce damage significantly by increasing the
structural safety, serviceability and prevent the building from collapse during the earthquake.
Therefore many researches are being carried out to find the best solution. This paper attempts to
provide an overview of different types of seismic response control devices, and highlights some

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

of the recent developments. The experimental and analytical investigations carried out by various
researchers clearly demonstrate that the seismic control method has the potential for improving
the seismic performance of structures

5. T.S.Prashanth Hathwar
The author explains about “Dynamic Analysis of Steel Frame Using Manufactured Viscous
Damper” Current trends in construction industry demands taller and lighter structures, which are
also more flexible and having quite low damping value. This increases failure possibilities and
also, problems from serviceability point of view. Several techniques are available today to
minimize the vibration of the structure, out of which concept of using of viscous dampers is
one.The present study is made to study the effectiveness of using the viscous dampers in control
of vibration of the structure. A preliminary design method of arriving at the value of the damping
coefficient „C‟ was adopted. A moment resisting five storey steel structure was modeled using
SAP analysis tool.The structure was analyzed once without a damper and then with the damper
for bhuj earthquake using time history analysis.
1. The responses such as displacement, velocity and acceleration are minimized when the
viscous dampers are added to the fifth storey of the structure.
2. When the damper is placed at the top storey, the drift is less. Hence, it can be concluded that
the placement of the damper plays an important role in the vibration control of the structure.
3. The base shear of the structure increases with the damper placed in the structure than when it
is not placed

6. Mr. Muralidhara G B*, Mr. Naranagowda**, Mrs. Swathi Rani K S

The author explains about “Seismic Vibration Control of a MDOF Building Connected with
Viscous and SAVFD Dampers” Structural control by implementing energy dissipation devices
or control systems into structures is more effective in reducing excessive structural vibrations
because of natural disturbances. This study presents the vibration control of multi degree of
freedom building connected with viscous and semi active variable friction damper types of
dampers due to earthquake effect. The model is subjected to Modified El Centro earthquake data.
Dampers are placed diagonally in-between stories. Viscous damper mainly depends on damper
damping coefficient and exponential coefficient similarly semi-active damper also depends on

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

stiffness of the damper and that can be preselected by the control designer. Some of important
conclusions are mentioned below

the structures. Damping can be increased in the structure by connecting dampers and making
structures stable during earthquakes.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


In the present study10 storied reinforced concrete building have been considered. Five different
models are considered. The 1st model is for RC building without viscous damper , the 2ndmodel
is for RC building with corner viscous damping for all stories , 3rd model is for RC building
with centralviscous damping for all stories, 4th model is RC building with corner viscous
damping for alternate stories, 5th model is for RC building with corne viscous damping for
bottom 3 stories, The RC frame without infill panels situated in zone IV of India having medium
stiff soil is considered.

 Loadings
 Live load on floors = 3 kN/m2
 Live load on roof = 1.5 kN/m2

 Geometric Properties
 Column size = 250mm x 600mm
 Beam size = 230mm x 450 mm
 Slab thickness = 150mm

 Material Properties
 Grade of concrete = M25
 Grade of Steel = Fe500
 Soil type : Medium (Type II )
 Importance factor : I =1
 Zone factor : Z = 0.24
 Special Moment Resisting Frame : R = 5
 IS code for earth quake = IS 1893
 Friction damper properties
 Stiffness = 174251
 Damping coefficient = 5%

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

 The work started with modeling and analysis of RC building for three case.

The first one is analyzing of model2 and model3 and comparing their results from this we
conclude that effectiveness of placement of viscous damper along width.

The second one is, analyzing of model2, model4, model5 and comparing their results from this
we conclude that effectiveness of placement of viscous damper along height.

The third one is, analyzing of model1, model2 and comparing their results from this we conclude
that effectiveness of placement of viscous damper.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper



Fig 5.1 Plan of Rectangular model

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.1(a): Plan of the Model”

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.1(b). : 3D View of the Model

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Material Property Data

Fig 5.2 Model Initialization

Fig 5.3 Spacing and Height of the Structure

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.4 Defining Material Property

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.5 Material Property of Steel

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.6 Material property of Concrete

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.7 Defining Section Property

Fig 5.8 Defining Load Patterns

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.9 Defining the Earthquake Load

Fig 5.10 Defining Mass Source

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.11 Defining The Response Spectrum Function

Fig 5.12 Defining The Seismic Load Case

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.13 Defining Link Property

Fig 5.14 Defining Link Directional Poperties

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.15 Defining Panel Zone

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.16: Elevation & 3D view of Model with Original building

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.17: Elevation & 3D view of Model ( Corner with Viscous Damper)

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Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

5.18: Elevation & 3D view of Model ( Centre with Viscous Damper)

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.19: Elevation & 3D view of Model ( Alternate with Viscous Damper)

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Fig 5.20: Elevation & 3D view of Model ( Bottom 3Story with Viscous Damper)

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


In the present study, viscous dampers are used to reduce the seismic effect of the structure which
are subjected to the earthquake load. The frames (with and without viscous damper) is modelled
according to the properties of the structure which are explained in the work. The models are
subjected to analyse for gravity load (i.e., dead and live load) and seismic loads.
Dynamic analysis is carried out by response spectrum method according to the Indian Standards
codes by using ETABs 2015 software. The seismic behaviour of the Reinforced Concrete
structure is judged by observing the parameters such as displacement, story drift and story shear.

6.1 Displacement
Along width

story dissplacement in x direction



story level


0 5 10 15 20
story dissplacement mm

Fig 6.1 Storey Displacement in X direction

From the above the graph it is observed that , the percentage reduction of story displacement
along X direction with respect to the bare frame for CENTERAL is 18.61% and for CORNER
IS 30.31%

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

story dissplacement in Y direction



story level


0 5 10 15 20 25
story dissplacement mm

Fig 6.2 Storey Displacement in Y direction

From the above the graph it is observed that , the percentage reduction of story displacement
along Y direction with respect to the bare frame for CENTERAL is 0.95%and for CORNER IS

Along height

story dissplacement in x direction



story level


0 5 10 15 20
story dissplacement mm

Fig 6.3 Storey Displacement in X direction

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Form the above the graph it has been observed that ,the reduction in the story displacement
along X direction with respect to the bare frame viscous damper are placed uniformly alternative
floors and bottom three floors are 30%, 11.17%and 6.0% respectively.

Story dissplacement in Y direction



story level



0 5 10 15 20 25
story dissplacement mm

Fig 6.4 Storey Displacement in Y direction

Form the above the graph it has been observed that ,the reduction in the story displacement
along Y direction with respect to the bare frame viscous damper are placed uniformly alternative
floors and bottom three floors are 3%,2%and 1.9% respectively.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

6.2 Story Drift

As the number of story increases in the structure, the drift is the common factor for multi-story
building. The variance between the lateral displacements of two adjacent floors of the structure is
defined as the story drift.
The structure which is modelled and analysed by dynamic analysis i.e., response spectrum
method. The story drift is maximum at middle story and less at bottom and upper story. The
values obtained from the model with central damper have lesser value then model having corner,
alternative and bottom three storey damping compared to the bare frame model.
Along width:

Table 6.1 Story Drift (X direction)

Story Elevation(m) Story drift in X direction

Original Centernal Corner
building damping damping
0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0.000428 0.00035 0.000311
2 6 0.000828 0.000677 0.000597
3 9 0.000918 0.00075 0.000655
4 12 0.000896 0.000731 0.000633
5 15 0.000838 0.000679 0.000582
6 18 0.000769 0.000614 0.000518
7 21 0.00069 0.000536 0.000443
8 24 0.000591 0.000442 0.000356
9 27 0.000467 0.000334 0.000262
10 30 0.000328 0.000226 0.000174

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper




story level 8


0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001

Fig 6.5 Storey drift in X direction

From the above table and graph we can observe that :

1) The values of drift are more at middle story ie, at 3&4 stories and less at top and bottom
2) By applying viscous damper to the structure there is percentage reduction in drift of about
18% for centeral damping & 28% for corner damping with respective bar frame in mid
3) By applying viscous damper to the structure there is percentage reduction in drift of about
18% for centeral damping & 27% for corner damping with respective bar frame in
bottom story.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Table 6.2 story drift (Y direction)

Story Elevation(m) Story drift in Y direction

Original Center Corner
building damping damping
0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0.000813 0.000806 0.00078
2 6 0.001062 0.001052 0.001017
3 9 0.001015 0.001007 0.000974
4 12 0.000944 0.000936 0.000906
5 15 0.000873 0.000865 0.000835
6 18 0.000802 0.000793 0.000761
7 21 0.000718 0.000709 0.000676
8 24 0.000614 0.000604 0.000569
9 27 0.000469 0.000459 0.000426
10 30 0.000272 0.000266 0.000243


story level

0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015

Fig 6.6 Storey drift in y direction

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

From the above table and graph we can observe that :

1) The values of drift are more at middle story ie, at 3&4 stories and less at top and bottom
2) By applying viscous damper to the structure there is percentage reduction in drift of about
0.94% for central damping & 4 % for corner damping with respective bar frame in mid
3) By applying viscous damper to the structure there is percentage reduction in drift of about
0.8% for central damping & 4% for corner damping with respective bar frame in bottom

Along hight

Table 6.3 Story drift (X direction)

story Elevation(m) Story drift in X direction (mm)

Original Corner Alternate Bottom 3
building damping damping story
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0.000428 0.000311 0.00038 0.0004
2 6 0.000828 0.000597 0.000737 0.000776
3 9 0.000918 0.000655 0.000818 0.000861
4 12 0.000896 0.000633 0.000799 0.000842
5 15 0.000838 0.000582 0.000746 0.000786
6 18 0.000769 0.000518 0.000678 0.000718
7 21 0.00069 0.000443 0.000599 0.000638
8 24 0.000591 0.000356 0.000503 0.000541
9 27 0.000467 0.000262 0.000388 0.000422
10 30 0.000328 0.000174 0.000267 0.000294

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper




story level



0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001

Fig 6.7 Storey drift in X direction

From the above table and graph we can observe that:

1)the story drift is maximum at middle story and minimum at top and bottom story.

2)By observing the above values of model with damper are little bit reduces as compared to
model without damper.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Table 6.4 story drift (Y direction)

Story Elevation(m) Story drift in Ydirection(mm)

Original Corner Alternate Bottom 3
building building building story
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0.000813 0.00078 0.000795 0.000796
2 6 0.001062 0.001017 0.001038 0.001039
3 9 0.001015 0.000974 0.000993 0.000995
4 12 0.000944 0.000906 0.000924 0.000925
5 15 0.000873 0.000835 0.000853 0.000855
6 18 0.000802 0.000761 0.00078 0.000782
7 21 0.000718 0.000676 0.000696 0.000697
8 24 0.000614 0.000569 0.00059 0.000592
9 27 0.000469 0.000426 0.000446 0.000449
10 30 0.000272 0.000243 0.000257 0.000259




story level

0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012

Fig 6.8 Storey Drift Y direction

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

From the above table and graph we can observe that:

1)the story drift is maximum at middle story and minimum at top and bottom story.

2)By observing the above values of model with damper are little bit reduces as compared to
model without damper.

6.3 Story Shear (kN)

The story shear is the shear value obtained from the sum of design lateral forces at the levels
above the story consideration of the structure. The story shear at bottom stories will be maximum
and will be minimum at the top stories. The shear values of the both models are below in the

Along width
Table 6.5 story shear (X direction)
story Elevation(m) Story shear in X direction
Original Centre Corner
building damping Damping
0 0 0 0 0
1 3 368.3829 302.7535 271.6693
2 6 355.0943 289.5843 256.5732
3 9 331.3298 269.3357 235.1299
4 12 303.894 247.1877 213.229
5 15 279.0448 224.6651 191.8301
6 18 255.778 202.1608 169.4523
7 21 232.157 176.6187 143.9698
8 24 200.668 145.0591 114.1914
9 27 156.5732 105.2591 79.5573
10 30 91.009 55.6044 40.3146

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

story shear in X direction

story shear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
story level

Fig 6.9 Storey Shear in X- direction

Table 6.6 story shear (Y direction)

story Elevation(m) Story shear in y direction(mm)

Original Center Corner
building damping Damping
0 0 0 0 0
1 3 334.4723 331.1348 320.504
2 6 319.5725 315.7517 304.8801
3 9 297.1958 294.3252 284.5317
4 12 274.213 271.7019 262.7108
5 15 252.2809 249.7997 240.9453
6 18 230.8803 228.1858 218.8241
7 21 206.0038 203.4664 193.7262
8 24 176.0095 172.9677 162.6131
9 27 134.0882 130.944 120.5598
10 30 72.7273 70.8303 63.9031

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

story shear in Y direction

story shear



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
story level

Fig 6.10 Storey shear in Y direction

From the below graph,

1.by observing that the story shear in case of model with corner damper are more then model
with center damper as compare to bare frame.

2..The value of the story shear has been linearly decreasing as height of the story increases

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Along height

Table 6.7 story shaer (X direction)

story Elevation Story shear in X direction(mm)

(m) Original Corner Alternative Bottom 3
building damping damping Story
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 368.3829 271.6693 327.1817 344.3859
2 6 355.0943 256.5732 314.7666 331.6874
3 9 331.3298 235.1299 294.6232 309.8931
4 12 303.894 213.229 270.5543 285.2201
5 15 279.0448 191.8301 247.659 261.0341
6 18 255.778 169.4523 224.2429 237.984
7 21 232.157 143.9698 199.3041 213.3178
8 24 200.668 114.1914 167.7851 181.7863
9 27 156.5732 79.5573 125.9706 139.4592
10 30 91.009 40.3146 70.1692 79.0557

story shear in X direction

story shear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
story level

Fig 6.11 Storey shear in X direction

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

Table 6.8 story shear (Y direction)

story Elevation Story shear in Ydirection(mm)

(m) Original Corner Alternative Bottom 3
building damping damping Story
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 334.4723 331.1348 326.5048 327.0175
2 6 319.5725 315.7517 311.5598 311.927
3 9 297.1958 294.3252 290.5623 290.91
4 12 274.213 271.7019 268.0496 268.4809
5 15 252.2809 249.7997 246.2474 246.7113
6 18 230.8803 228.1858 224.4896 224.9331
7 21 206.0038 203.4664 199.4341 199.961
8 24 176.0095 172.9677 168.9004 169.5374
9 27 134.0882 130.944 126.956 127.7149
10 30 72.7273 70.8303 68.0685 68.6505

story shear in Y direction




story shear


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
story level

Fig 6.12 Storey shear in Y direction

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

From the below graph,

1.by observing that the story shear in case of model with corner damper are are more than model
with center damper as compare to bare frame.

2.the value of the story shear has been linearly decreasing as height of the story increases

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


Effectiveness viscous damper along the width:

From the dynamic response of the buildings, it can be concluded that, placing of viscous damper
at the external corner on all four sides is effective and compare to central damping.

Effectiveness viscous damper along the height:

The story displacement and inter story drift are minimized most effectively by placing the
viscous damper along the corner at all stories compare to model having corner dampers at
alternative, bottom 3 stories

When damper are provided at corner through out the building, the story displacement has been
reduced 30.10% as compare to bar frame.

When damper are provided at corner through out the building, the story drift has been reduced
28% as compare to bar frame.

And damper are provided the story shear has been decreased linearly has height of story increase
compare to bare farme.

From about result discussion it is concluded that corner damping for all stories is most effective
basement of viscous damper among all the models(corner ,central and alternate damping and
bottom 3 story).

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper



1) In the present study only one type of damper is used, further the study can be extended
by using different types of dampers.
2) In the present study all building models are analyzed by linear dynamic method, further it
can be analyzed by nonlinear static and dynamic methods.
3) In the present study sizes of beams and columns are kept same. Work can be done to
optimize sizes of beams and columns.

Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper


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Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

Seismic Analysis of RC Structure using Viscous Damper

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Department of Civil Engineering ,SECAB Engineering collage Vijayapur

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