Born in Africa Newsletter December 2018

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Newsletter D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8

Congratulations BornBIA–
Congratulations, in Africa graduates!

Our graduating superstars of December 2018 are: Adija Hartley-B Ed - Intermediate Phase teaching, Tameryn Zondage -
National Diploma Somatology, Alberto Wilskut National - Diploma in Accounting, Shanice Davids B - Com Accounting, Tarric
Davids - National Diploma Accounting, Carey-Anne Davids - National Diploma Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management and
Beugene Green - Bachelor in Journalism
In conjunction with Born in Africa turning 15 this year, we have also another huge reason to celebrate the
organisation’s success. This year we see our biggest number of students graduating from their tertiary studies.
We stepped into tertiary study territory officially six years ago and those students have all graduated with either
their Degrees or National Diplomas.
Looking back to when Born in Africa was established, many smaller courses were offered to our older students
to help them enter the job market; brick laying, life guarding, welding, electrician courses, carpentry, agriculture,
hairdressing, seamstress and home based care courses to name a few. We have contact with the majority of
our older graduates, just proving that you might graduate successfully from college or university but you always
remain a part of the Born in Africa programme!
So since its inception we are proud to announce that Born in Africa has offered over 100 learners their
passports to living life and earning a salary in the career choice they graduated from. How do we measure and
ensure our success in the tertiary programme? Firstly, we look at each student individually and have continued
personal interaction via telephone, Skype, e-mail and other social media platforms ensuring we know and
understand exactly where our students are, both academically and on a personal level.
Studying is not only about books, notes, attending classes, cramming for exams and waiting for results. It’s also
about the student’s personal journey from being an adolescent living at home at high school and transitioning
into the life of an adult. Born in Africa compensates each student on a monthly basis to cover the expenses of
meals, rent, books and other miscellaneous items students may require. Afterall, this is the beginning of their
adult life and finance plays such an important part in this- that is something we can all testify to!
On a weekly basis, our students send us their feedback which includes their academic daily programme as well
as personal development. This way we keep a very personal record of the development each student and it
also becomes very easy for us to give feedback to you, our sponsor, which is extremely important. We are
incredibly proud of our graduates who have shown they are capable of balancing their academic and
professional life and their determination to create a better future for themselves.

Our mission is to develop well rounded, independent and successful young adults acting as role models
in their communities by providing educational and social support to school going children and young adults
from disadvantaged areas in Bitou, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.
Big numbers to be proud of!
Celebrating Born in Africa’s 15th birthday gave us a chance to look back at all the achievements
throughout the years. Thanks to the families and the children of the Bitou community, we have had the
opportunity to change lives! Check out these impressive numbers and share in our happiness!


1000 CHILDREN 3000

2018 - activities in a nutshell

355 students received a full Our 4 mentors hosted group 16 volunteers assisted with We suppported a total of 35
uniform, stationary and a sessions about empathy, educational activities, tertiary students studying at
backpack protective behaviours and homework classes, camps, university, skills colleges and
friendship to enrich Born in outings and specialised technicons
Africa childrens’ lives projects

A total number of 17 Born in Six ’Good vs Evil’ themed Educational outings focused We financially supported 43
Africa children completed camps were hosted to offer on visits to Tenikwa Rehabili- students at Wittedrift High
the “Learn to Swim” pro- our children a sense of team tion centre, Oudtshoorn and a School by offering them full
gramme spirit and a fun weekend! career guidance outing to bursaries
possible work spaces

Over 100 children received We took part in the Anton Van Career guidance was offered 29 kids were part of “Adopt a
typing and computer classes Wilderode Poem competition to Gr 10-12 pupils to aid them Swimmer” and 13 other BIA
and won a lot of prizes making the right choices! learners are part of Nippers

30 children from grade 2 and Creative sewing and Art & Continuous cycling lessons We offer medical support to
3 followed extra intensive Craft classes were offered to presented to primary school all the Born in Africa children.
maths classes at the BIA primary & secondary school children by volunteers 15 children saw the dentist,
education centre Born in Africa students doctor or optometrist

We managed to feed many Dreams can come true at Yet another series of succes- A house was built for the
families thanks to Born in Africa and this year sful parent meetings took Majavie family consisting of 2
Woolworths, KwikSpar and we realised a total number of place in Green Valley, The bedrooms, a lounge and
Le Fournil 270 dreams! Crags and Kranshoek bathroom
Educational activities
Time table competition Short skill courses

As soon as the time table During the October school holidays,

competition was announced to we hosted short courses in
all Born in Africa children in hair-dressing, office administration &
June everyone was constantly hospitality and building. The idea for
practising their time tables, the courses was to possibly spark an
making sure they knew them interest in pupils whose talents may lie
all! They were keen to show off within these careers and we saw this
what they had learnt on the big as a great opportunity to open that
day! Our mentors had the tough job of testing all the world to our students.
children and deciding who were the best two in each grade. Our hairdressing course was presented by Born in Africa
Those chosen would be the ones competing in the school mother Rozanne Windvogel who runs a small salon
hall of The Crags Primary on Thursday 23rd August. And adjacent to her home. Our girls got to learn how to cut,
what an amazing experience that day turned out to be… all blow dry, relax, colour and straighten hair. In the office with
five primary schools were well represented and learners Nadia Beutler, a class of 15 students got computer tech
were super excited to compete! A written three minute test savvy, they learnt about customer service, answering the
revealed the top four learners in each grade across the telephone, customer care in the hospitality industry, mise
different schools and those learners went up on stage for en place, writing a CV and the importance of
the next round. You should have seen the excitement on communication with superiors and
their faces! customers.
Some learners were very
nervous, others beamed with On the building site, Born in
confidence, but all of them did a Africa parent Paul Attwood
truly amazing job and often it taught 8 youngsters how to lay
was a very close call. Well a cement floor, brick laying,
done, boys and girls, for a setting a window, safety in
stunning performance! building and much more!

Career guidance outing and mini expo Born in Africa students doing well
We are convinced that thorough and personal career The Born in Africa tertiary
guidance helps students tremendously to make the right programme is growing from
study choice after finishing high school. Therefore, we strength to strength as featured
organised an outing for grade 10 learners where they on our cover of this newsletter.
visited the police and fire station, a restaurant and a big We would like to extend a heart-
hotel. They were informed about the different job possibili- felt thank you all our Born in
ties and the necessary qualifications and skills for each of Africa godparents and sponsors
them. A big eye opener for many of these youngsters! for ensuring our students can
Cameron Stuurman, currently studying his Masters degree solely focus on their studies instead of worrying about how
they are going to pay for them.
in Forensic Anthropology at the University of Stellenbosch
approached Born in Africa to host a Career Guidance Mini It is a bit overwhelming at this stage, but in 2019 we will be
Expo. Together with his friends from university, Grant applying for no less than 12 students who are hoping to
Arendse (who has already qualified in a Master’s degree in embark on their future career studies. These students
Law) and Gift Menzi (who is currently completing his worked extremely hard at school earning them the bursary
articles as a Chartered to study through Born in
Accountant) put together a Africa. We are extremely
brilliant programme for our BIA proud of our hard working
Gr 10-12 students. They in- students as well, as we all
spired the group with study know that this road is not an
methods, working together as easy one! We also extend a
a team, problem solving skills thank you to their parents for
and they also gave first hand entrusting us to work with
information on student life. their children.

Anton van Wilderode poem competition Knysna Literary Competition

With our latest entries for the Anton Van Abigail Gouws, Terence Van Wyk,
Wilderode poem competition in Belgium, Born
Robin Windvogel and Faith Myburgh
in Africa did exceptionally well, taking the follow- were pleasantly surprised when they
ing places: took part in the Knysna Literary
Primary school: 1st prize: Aaliyah Ruiters, 2nd prize Competition held in conjunction with
Keagan Booysen the Knysna Oyster Festival where the
theme of the long walk to freedom of
High school: 1st prize: Yullenay Alexander, 2nd prize: Nelson Mandela was topic choice.
Milano Arendse, 3rd prize: Micail Booysen Well done to our budding writers who
Well done to all who entered the competition! impressed the judges immensely!
Precious volunteers
My name is Anna Vollmer. I am 19 Hello, my name is Raïssa Van Peer and I’m 23 years old. I’m doing my
years old and from Germany. I always final master year in Educational Sciences at the University of Ghent. I’m
knew that after I finished school I didn’t so grateful that I can do my internship at Born in Africa for three months.
want to study immediately. I first wanted Like everyone says, it’s a once in a lifetime
to go abroad and gain some experi- opportunity and I can confirm that it really is! I got
ence .That’s how I ended up here at to experience a new culture and work with
Born in Africa. I am really grateful for the children which I really love doing. I worked at The
Crags Primary Schools giving extra classes in
opportunity and enjoy my work here.
Math and English. Besides that, I also give
Two days a week I work in Kranshoek and two days in Wittedrift. In the
bicycle and life skills lessons. After school, I
mornings I give extra lessons to the children and in the afternoon I taught the children about resilience. The goal; to
assist in the Born in Africa sessions. So happy I can work for three teach them how to stand up for themselves and
months for this wonderful organisation! to become strong, independent individuals!

I’m Freya Weverbergh, 23 years old studying Educational Sciences at Hi, my name is Robbin Huijers and
the University of Ghent. I always dreamt of going abroad but was never I’m 24 years old. I finished my studies
brave enough to do so until now. I’m proud to have been part of the in Educational Sciences and Human
Born in Africa family for three months. I worked at the Crags and Wit- Resource Management and after
tedrift Primary School. As an extra support for teachers, I got a lot of
years of studying I felt the need to
satisfaction from my work; in one school by improving the level of
discover the world and do something.
education by guiding children individually and in the other school by
supporting the teachers to provide struc- I’m working at Harkerville Primary
ture. After school, Raissa and I organised School, a small but cosy school. I’m
life skill sessions for children in the theme doing extra reading and maths with the children in our vibrant classroom,
of resilience. Each session based on a newly painted during the last school holidays. In the afternoon, I do
subject that makes children more resilient homework classes with the Born in Africa children in the educational
such as emotions, self-defence, trust and centre in Kranshoek. I’m really enjoying my time in the schools, and I’m
teamwork. What a wonderful time! so proud that I’m part of the Born in Africa family now.

I’m Janne Gebruers and am 20 years old. Thanks to my college Hi everyone, I’m Marie König and I’ll be with Born in Africa for four
where I study Social Educational Care, I was given the opportunity to months. I am pursuing a bachelor in Psychology at the University of
do an internship abroad for five months. Immediately I was convinced Twente. I am doing an internship with Born in Africa and simultaneously
by the concept, vision and work of Born in Africa. In the mornings I writing my research about South Africa’s educational system. It’s tough
work at Kranshoek Primary School. In to balance Born in Africa, university and my social life but I am passion-
the afternoons I organise my own ate about all three which makes it worth it. It’s
amazing to see what Born in Africa has already
project about talents; how to discover
done for children in the area. Working here
and use them in your life. I also bring
inspires me to do something meaningful of my
in educational themes: recycling, own in the future. It’s admirable to see the hard
teamwork, communication and future work, and the dedication the Born in Africa team
professions. I’m enjoying and learning has and I’m excited to help this positive initiative
so much at the same time. grow.

Dreams came true in 2018!

270 dreams were fulfilled in 2018
To go to Adventure Land
To have a new roof for our house
To have my own bed & bedding
To go to the snake park
To have my favourite toy
To go to a restaurant
To have a cupboard for my clothes
To go horse riding
To go to the movies
For my dad to get glasses
To have a family photo shoot
To have my own desk
To go paintballing
To have a guitar
To go flying
To have a couch
Mentor activities
Our mentors in action The Majavie house
2018 was an incredible year in terms of our mentorship Thanks to the incredible
programme which was a very busy one indeed. Each generosity of Born in Africa
year one looks back at the completion of the year and godparents of Danelle Majavie,
what has been achieved. Looking back at this year, it Jac and Wilmie Heijnen and
certainly has been the busiest year to date with many sponsors, we were able to build
topics discussed. the Majavie sisters a new home!
We commenced the year with looking at mentoring for a It was clear that there was a need to assist the girls after the
positive future. This was implemented immediately in passing of their mom a few years ago. All four of the Majavie
preparation for our 15 year celebration where we were very sisters are or were part of Born in Africa. Charné completed
busy coaching our children for the many shows for their her studies through Born in Africa and is now a practicing
godparents and wow, what a success that was! Friendship physiotherapist in Plettenberg Bay, her younger sister
was a wonderful group session which followed, both positive Ayesha attends a special needs school in George, Danelle is
and negative friendships and important to recognise the currently completing her third year at the University of the
difference! Sadly, we also had to work on protective Western Cape studying towards her Law degree and
behaviours which is where we informed our children about Carleigh, the smallest of the bunch, is in grade 1 at
the dangers of sexual predators out there. A highlight of our Kranshoek Primary. Jac and Wilmie acted immediately as
group session theme this year was certainly working with our they got the news the girls needed a
children on the “Way to Happiness” workshop, teaching 10 secure roof over their heads. Various
foundations of positive living. fundraisers and a crowdfunding
proposal were set in place and the
We were able to conduct over 800 family worked very hard to ensure the
individuals sessions in total, funds were raised in record time.
offering the children within the
Born in Africa programme valuable After the funds for the building were
self help counselling tools to raised, Remi de Backer, his wife Lieve
overcome many personal obsta- and her sister Cathy immediately
cles. Continuous communication started making lovely items that would
with godparents is such an im- transfer the house into a home! At the
portant part of our success and this year we managed to en- time this newsletter went to press, our
sure our children complete all the necessary documentation, Majavie family are all safe, snug and
letters to inform our godparents of what achievements our cosy enjoying their newly built house,
children have managed to accomplish! they now call home!

Happy birthday to you!

January 18 Mabokela Ava & Van Wyk Tyla April
2 Booysen Micial & Hannies Timothy 18 Kam Mizaan 1 Green Beugene
4 Ruiters Amber-Lee 19 Mdlazi Bongani & Primo Alezandro 3 Bruiners Rigard
6 Kam Lee-Ray 19 Davids Tasmia 5 Mbopa Anelisa & Myburgh Nathan
7 Kriga Glennique & Jordaan Linique 20 Cloete Lenishia 7 Plaatjies Jean-Pierre & Wilskut Alberto George
7 Damonds Lene 21 Seedat Cheiniel 9 Patterson Marcell & Bukuva Ozuko
8 Jones Kayleigh & Damons Verushka 22 Cupido Jodie & Bailey Ayden 9 Botha Nikita
10 Kriga Ash-Moray 23 De Vries Luran/ Kriga Dermaine 10 De Vos Noël
13 Gysman Llu-esha 25 Welcome Rushé 11 Oliphant Samila
15 Gysman/Christiaans Lauren 26 Stemmet Ashanti 12 Rass Rayneesha
16 Kortje Jamie-Lee 27 Le Fleur Avery 15 Branders Nicole
17 Jeftha Levenia 27 Kriga Yasmine 16 Barnard Tiffany
19 Krigga Rivaldo 28 Human Mathwine 17 Winnaar Nikita
21 Malgas Bianca & Madolo Hlumisa 18 Arendse Milano
22 Wiesie Sade & Grootboom Aubenn March 20 Kriga Tyra
23 Gqwaru Indiphile & Cedras Hylene 1 McClean Noah 21 Christoffels Jay-Cee
24 Booysen/Pretorius Carlin 2 Damane Jadin & Loggenberg Mickaylah 21 Damons Courtney
25 Mbutye Zintle 3 Oraai Giniva & Christiaans Rayme-Lee 25 Mitchell Heallasté & Mouton Annilin
26 Johnson Joe-Nita & Wiesie Tariq 3 Bailey Dionay 26 Hendrickse Jonell
27 Arendse Chevonne & Davids Leandre 4 Van Schalkwyk Samantha & Lourens Akeisha 27 Kandan Mishiloh
27 Van Wyk Elzane 5 Camphor Lauren 28 Salmans Brihantis
28 Ras Preston 6 Barnardo Deidre 29 Everson Nezaam
30 Kiewiets Shakeelah 7 Karnie Chloe
31 Mahiti Jemiel 8 Davids Hayley & Hendrickse Mercia May
8 Luiters Rashida & Moos Deano 2 Comede Ango & Simon Alwynia
February 9 Le Fleur Sethlynn 6 Kraftt Tamsyn
1 Thys Auriel 10 Everson Yazied 8 Christoffels Sharne
2 Sam Shauneal & Majavie Merone 11 Mintoor Alvinio & Windvogel Celeste 9 Nkohla Sisipho
3 Wellman Ameera 11 Thys Lulecia/ Siyila & Thandathu Zodwa 11 Davids Shanice & Thombe Tracy
4 Harker Ethen 11 Mvangeli Akho 13 Simons Zarah & Smith Kay-Lilly
5 Booysen Amor & Alexander Lameez 12 Sonamzi Athanathi 14 Kamfer Cameron & August Gaylene
7 Busiswa Thina & Jones Eunecia 13 Booysen Tiffany 14 Kamm Brengeline
7 Windvogel Monique & Odidi Asivile 14 De Lange Eune & Barnardo Galithea 15 Manyela Onako & Pedro Franchesca
8 Jansen Adrian 15 Gelant Jene-Lee 16 Muller Zoe
9 Jeftha Shawndry & Hoffman Nadine 18 Abrahams Chloe & Mellem Terri 18 Barnardo Kimlin
9 Powie Chesmea & Matshikiza Esona 19 Luiters Cherniqua 19 Kriga Shade & Jonkerman Devenisha
9 Ellenbrugh Eshlin 20 Links Candice & Dyers Kehano 20 Frans Veruscka
11 September Chloe 21 Olieslager Aiden 21 van Rooyen Chloe & Fortuin Lee-Ann
12 Myburgh Faith 22 Carelse Kayleigh 24 Davids Kyle Ethan
14 Dawids Jeneen 24 Jansen Melia/ Jacobs Nicole 25 Thys Faithlin
15 Mitchell Zinzia & Burricks Jamelia 25 Williams Herschelle 26 Dawids Ashaylla
15 Dirkse Jany-Rose 26 De Waal Jaimee-Lee 27 Beukes Doniva
16 Pluim Tashmira 28 Morris Sue-Leigh 28 Nyumba Angeline
17 Saaiman Marian & Philander Ashronique 29 Sam Moira 31 Davids Tarric
17 Loggenberg Roxanne 31 Jansen Dovyone
18 Esau Alexis Kathleen & Snyders Carleigh
Thank you!
Amazingly generous people
BIA thanks Jane & Alan Bradley, Soropomist Club Ghent Scaldilys and the anonymous Thank you, BIA Meetjesland for continuously being active in aid
sponsor through BIA Meetjesland for donations towards medical help for our children. of BIA; organising a wine tasting, your presence at the Nova
Mondo market and North South market, your participation in the
A massive thank you to the Nordbotten family from Norway for their generous donation to Viking Run and for helping others with PR work for their events.
Born in Africa. Fantastic work, Meetjesland, you rock!

St. John’s International School organised an auction in aid of BIA on 20th November. It Saturday 13th October the 44th edition of the
turned out to be a big success and is a promising start to our cooperation with this school ‘Vriendschapsfeest- Woluwedal’ was organised and BIA was
and a wonderful preparation for their visit to BIA South Africa in 2020. Thank you for the yet again one of the good causes money was raised for. Congrat-
support and trust! ulations on your enthusiastic youth who eagerly helped all afternoon and the amazing turn up.
Your support means a lot to BIA.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to Eugenius for the generous donation towards the study
bursary programme. We thank Nick & Penny Brooks and the UK supporters of Born in Africa for organising a
wine tasting in a South African owned pub in Surrey for BIA. Congratulations on organising
Born in Africa is now a proud local partner of Pocket Pal in Plettenberg Bay. We are looking yet another successful event!
forward to a fruitful collaboration.
This year we once again received a nice donation from the organisation of the
De Smedt Winery sells wines on a Christmas promotion and profits go to BIA! A massive ‘vastenvoettocht’ in Buggenhout. Each year we can count on their support and this year
thank you goes out to Chantal & Marnick Cloet for their help and selling so many bottles! their support helped us build the class rooms for the Harkerville primary school, thank you!

Born in Africa is registered as a good cause for the ‘Warmste Week’, a project for good BIA received a beautiful donation from the European Association of Urology in the
causes by the Belgian radio station StuBru! Jolien Uyttendaele, organised a wonderful Netherlands; a pallet full of pencils, pens, paper and bags. Just in time for the start of the new
event for BIA last month. Baie dankie, Jolien! school year in January! We also thank the Seabourne Group - Freight Netherlands to take the
transport to Port Elizabeth for their account.
A big thank you goes out to ‘de Klokgroep’ and Jolanda Bubbels- Van Summeren from
the Netherlands for the continuous financial support for three years to all our projects. The annual donation from the Vandersandengroup goes towards the BIA study bursary
funds which aids students to study further after successfully completing high school. Thank
Thank you, Lucien Wilms for the two laptops and portable DVD player for our students, you for your support!
mentor Sarija and projects of BIA.
Special thanks go to the ‘Orde van den Prince’ for their support towards our assistant teach-
Born in Africa thanks Biblionef for the more than 200 books received for our library. ers, homework booklets, educational software and teaching aids for our assistant teachers.

Thank you, Lotte Van Buyten, for constantly being so active for BIA and now gathering A special thank you goes to Henri Decraemere and his wife Roos for choosing donations
forces with your employer, Visit Antwerpen, to set up a fundraiser for Born in Africa! towards BIA over personal gifts on their 70th birthday celebration. The money raised by this
wonderful initiative will be invested in the new class rooms in Harkerville!
Lief en Ivo De Bisschop, thank you for your annual support! Thanks to you 17 children from
Kranshoek learned how to be safe in the water and the basics of swimming! Marie-Jeanne & Willy Naessens
donated an amazing amount for
Thanks, Bie & Charles Verheyen and their friends Monique & Dirk, for the crocheting the interior of the house for the
classes and the donation of books for our library in the educational centre. Majavie family and the BIA sports
and culture centre we will built in
Kranshoek. Also a big thanks
Woolworths, KwikSpar, Nguni, Le Fournil and Le Fournil En Route. goes to our partner organisation
The Sabrina Love Foundation
for all the help with sorting out the
Thank you for the monthly donations: flooring and furniture for the new
J. and M. Van Den Eynde-Lemmens, L. De Smet, Verheecke G. and C., T. and J. Bogaert- house.
Verlinden, H. De Schouwer, M. Van Damme, M. Moers- Scheepmans, G. and S. Vandermal-
iere, L. Van Der Linden, H. Vermeersch, E. Vyncke, R. Flamand, Y. Vandenabeele, Hol- Put Born in Africa in your will or donate through a duo legacy.
landers, J. and W. Wechuys, L. Danielle, L. Bostyn, H. Meersseman, N. Hallegraeff, G. Even when you are no longer here, you can still make a difference in the educati-
Lenaerts-Van Opstal, Familiepraktijk Goossens-Maes, M. Asselberghs, P. Hendriks, I. on of a Born in Africa godchild. If Born in Africa is close to your heart, you can put
Bracke us in your will. That way you can give Born in Africa a little push in the back even
when you have passed on. Supporting Born in Africa and making your heirs profit
THANK YOU CORPORATES for the tertiary study funds is also possible, through a duo legacy. The duo legacy is a legal way through
which your heirs can receive more than through a regular inheritance and you can
support a good cause at the same time. When you donate through a duo legacy,
Born in Africa will take all of the inheritance taxes on their account. Both Born in
Africa, as an accepted organisation, and your heirs will profit from this! To get a
better idea of your own situation, please do not hesitate to contact your own solici-
MABO MiM VZW Inktco bvba tor or Jaak Leenknegt at Born in Africa (

Thanks for the donations for the members of BIA Meetjesland Team running the Viking Run: De Smul G. & A., De Clercq-Brokken L. & E., Malfliet-Van Bogaert,
Jans T., Leenknegt-Lernout J. & C, Bruyr J., Diamar VOF, Strobbe-Dellaert BVBA, De Pourcq-De Groote, Van Kerckhove- Gheldof, Welvaert L., Lampaert M., De Smedt
G., De Latter A., Loete K., Van Hoecke-Pille, Dooms-Vandekerchove D. & M., Thomaes S., Uitvaartcentrum De Sporen
Thank you for your contribution towards the Dream in Africa project: Jane & Alan Bradley, Jac & Wilmie Heijen, Maria Helena Croos and ‘De Blauwe Vogel’ visitors.
Thank you for your donations: UK supporters of BIA, Lions Club Lokeren, Veenendal Nederland, Music for Life and Koning Boudewijnstichting, Bauters M., De Vos-
Debrock W. & C., Ameele-Saelens, Francois A., Deconinck-Van Damme, Cardoen-Burvenich K. & L., Van Oudenhove-Brisaert, Van Zeebroeck-Tijsmans, Rotaryclub
Ghent-South, Van Velthoven H., Grauwzusters- Franciscanessen, Lions Club Harelbeke Liederik, Apotheek Smishoek BVBA, Van De Walle, St.Vincentius Basisschool,
Lust-Groenvoorzieningen BVBA, Wijnant M., Orde van den Prince, Parochiefeesten, Croons M.H., Zaman L., Van Hecke A., Daemelinck J., Kumi-Kata BV, ML Claes,
Vanoppen-Indesteege, N. Gousseau, Vandersanden Steenfabrieken NV, M. Van Bastelaere, Muter-Van De Wouwer, M. Verbruggen, M. Thys (kloostergemeenschap), M.
Bergen, M. De Mey, Synnesael-Van Vooren
Thank you for the contributions towards the Majavie house: Jac & Wilmie, family Heijnen- Geurtjens, Remi & Lieve de Backer, Buytaert C., Cardoen- Burvenich Karel
& Lia, ; Maetens- Van Eynde A. & J., Georges De Smul; De Vleeschouwer-Willems A. & P.; Supermarkt NG Magda; Wijnen De Smedt; Ots Mona, Kring 2000; Laurean &
Pieter, litlle Bowie, Matthijs; De Vos P., Francois M. & A., Van Roey-Wuyts; Francois-Ots; Mechant Marie; Deconinck-Van Damme M. & A., fam. Naessens, Steurbaut A.,
Van Parys C., Pedicuresalon Inge Van Oosteren, Supermarkets Albert Heijn & Jan Linders., Pedicuresalon Inge Van Oosteren, Supermarkten Albert Heijn & Jan Linders
Thank you for all donations to celebrate Henri Decreamere’s 70th birthday: Decraemere W., Ampe W., Ampe J-M., Walbrou– Bervoet G. & J., Verhaegen A,
Decraemere C., Hardeman– Noppe H. & B., Walbrou– Verdonck, Walbrou– Deschuytter E. & R., Walbrou– De Rynck L., Reynaert– Allein E. & R., Walbrou– Verraes G.,
Walbrou N., Decraemere K., Apotheek Taveirne BVBA, Van Der Aa– Sucaet, Bervoet Y.
Born in Africa in motion!
Born in Africa’s new website

Born in Africa’s website got a revamp this year! Social

media is the way forward nowadays and we reach a lot of
possible future godparents, volunteers and partners via our
website. Therefore, we felt it necessary to update our web-
site and make it look fresh again to match Born in Africa’s
spirit and vision! Thanks to the support of Jaak Leenknegt,
Lieven Van De Velde and the team of Insite Solutions it
turned out to be a gem of a website. We are so proud of it!
Be sure to check it out via

Sign up for our newsletter on our website if you don’t

receive them via e-mail yet; and subscribe!

Teaming up with Pocket Pal New Born in Africa board members in South Africa

Pocket Pal is a reward system Congratulations to our newest board members Juf Evangeline Koeberg,
where local businesses reward Grade 1 teacher at Crags Primary and Emma Irvine BIA volunteer for
customers for their support with accepting the respective positions of BIA board members. It is such an
Golden Ticket Prizes, Discounts, honour for us to have you as part of our team.
Promotions, Specials, Competi- Since our establishment Juf Koeberg (left) has
tions, Lucky Draws, Cash been a part of our BIA family, welcoming the
Rewards, Savings and more... many visitors BIA hosts on a weekly basis to her
Born in Africa has now become a local partner, classroom. Her hospitality and the enthusiasm
which means we can sell vouchers for different has really added so much value to the way our
local restaurants and activities for R10 each. visitors perceive the program.
Every ticket sold is direct profit for BIA and after Emma Irvine (right) has been working as a BIA volunteer for the last 7
claiming the voucher, the purchaser can also years. Our Emma is a bundle of energy, always ready for a challenge, she
choose to either claim the discount himself or to goes above and beyond her calling as a volunteer and we really consider
give it back to Born in Africa. When visiting us in her to be family.
South Africa, be sure to ask about this reward
system and support BIA while enjoying a nice Both ladies have a tremendous amount to offer as board members and
discount yourself! we are thrilled with their appointment.

Donor info is a public foundation specialising in the financial transparency of charities

established in Belgium. It is the first independent website that publishes high quality, objective
and verified information about the activities and resources of charity organisations. Born in
Africa is registered with Donor info and you can thus make a donation in full confidence.

Service clubs, companies, schools, seniors clubs and others interested: If you would like to organize something for Born in
Africa, contact Georges De Smul or Remi De Backer. They will be more than happy to visit you and give an informative talk!
Sign up for our newsletter on our website if you don’t receive them via e-mail yet; and subscribe!

This newsletter was compiled by Nele Schroyen, Emma Irvine, Nadine Mampaey,
Veronique Claes, Belinda Coram & Isabelle De Smul– Brink.

Would you like to get involved?

Contact people in Belgium Contact people between Contact person in: Contact person in:
Belgium and South Africa South Africa Norway
Arlette & Georges De Smul Toralf Nordbotten
Lieve & Remi De Backer Isabelle De Smul–Brink
R. Dalechamplaan 4 P.O. Box 1674
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Cell: +32 (0) 47 528 3873 Plettenberg Bay 6600 Germany
South Africa Dr. Reinhard Schydlo
Tel: +27 (0) 44 533 6271
Cell: +27 (0) 82 857 2345 The Netherlands Chantal Van Summeren
Tel: +32 (0) 27 706 916 United Kingdom
Cell: +32 (0) 49 612 236 Nick & Penny Brooks Corporate fundraiser Jaak Leenknegt
Donations are always welcome!
In Belgium: Iban nr. BE 25 8845 03500182 Have a look at our Facebook page: Born in Africa
BIC-code: HBKABE22 & our website:
In South Africa: First National Bank, Plettenberg Bay Tax exemption in Belgium (from €40) & in South Africa!
62044941533, branch code: 210514 ANBI status in The Netherlands

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