306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: st.joseph_olpe@yahoo.com
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Parochial Administrator
Fr. Ratna Swamy Nannam MSFS, Parochial Vicar
MASS OPENINGS: We have mass openings for Feb. 7-8-15 and are now booking through June (Father Swamy will be gone
during May). Please stop by the rectory during office hours or call and leave a message. THANK YOU!
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019 Sunday, Feb. 3, 2019
Servers: Reese Johnson, Hanna Cole Servers: Maryn and Brylie True
Lector: Leann Eberle Lector: Donna True
Ministers: Kathy Stevenson, Aaron & Michelle Cole Ministers: Donna True, Barb Kuhlmann, Rose Redeker
Gift Bearers: Curt & Bobby Johnson family Gift Bearers: Carol and Terry Tayor
Sacristan: Alice Bechtel
January is the month that the students of CCD pray for vocations. The fifth
grade class would like to invite the parish to pray for vocations with
them. ……… Phyllis Krueger, Rosemary Martin and the fifth grade class
There will be a Parent Meeting for the Parents of 2nd grade CCD students who are making the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. The meeting will be held in the church at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
February 6. *Please note this is a schedule change due to a conflict in Father Swamy’s schedule.
Please plan on attending! If you have questions please call Kay Schmidt @620-340-5638
“To all of St. Joseph Parishioners: It was such a pleasure talking to students of Stacey Schade and Melissa Gerleman about
Birthright. Our Birthright families are so grateful for all the items donated. Thank you so much. We also want to say thanks to
the students families for the support. Thanks to all St. Joseph parishioners. May God bless each of you.” ……all Birthright
If you purchased a flower for the altars for a loved one, you may remove it from the north sacristy at
any time. Please do not remove from altars! Thanks so much to all who contribute to this! Your
generosity sure helps to make our church even more beautiful at Christmas!
Knights of Columbus officers and members are selling Lottery Tickets for the 2019-2020 drawing, which begins in
March 2019. If you haven’t been contacted, contact your friendly K of C member soon.
Circle leaders are needed. We are also praying for four ladies to step forward this month and
volunteer to become co-circle leaders. This is a 2-year commitment and is very rewarding and
spiritually uplifting. Please exercise your faith and community to help make a difference in our
commission for the parish.
Did you get any new shoes for Christmas? Are you cleaning closets for your New Year's resolution? We will be
collecting shoes- new or used- in the back of church during the month of January. We collect these for Soles4Souls to
be used in the United States and other countries where they are needed. Thanks for your help.
Please say “YES” to supporting the many faithful servants throughout our Archdiocese who
continue to provide to the services and ministries. To read more about how ACTS helps
others, read the article in the Leaven or at www.leaven.org. Thank you if you have already
made your gift to ACTS. Our parish goal is $12,740. (from the Archdiocesan Call to Share office)
Are you a recent high school graduate or college student, who is serious about their faith and loves
working with youth? Consider working as a Camp Counselor at Camp Tekakwitha this summer! It
requires hard work, long hours, and dedication—but it is sure to be a summer of adventure and great
reward! We want to hear from you! Apply at: https://evangelizationspring2017.typeform.com/to/cs8I3B
family. It is the “school of love” that your children attend and the “domestic church” of the faith.
Make a resolution to invest in your marriage in 2019. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend will help you discover new ways to make your marriage the priority. The next
weekend in the Kansas City area will be March 1-3, 2019. For more information, or to apply for
a weekend, visit www.wwme4youandme.org, or call/email Tony & Barb Zimmerman at 816-
741-4066, tonybarbz@prodigy.net For more information about Worldwide Marriage
Encounter and how our ministry can support the couples in your parish you can contact us at
As we begin the new year we offer
the following: Local Area Leadership Couple: Rich & Wendy Lorenz, 815-761-6591,
a few “resolutions” for married
wendyteach3@yahoo.com Local Area Leadership Priest: Fr. Ron Will, 816-390-7950,
couples.Resolution #1 – Make
rlwill2@juno.com Weekend Application Couple: Tony & Barb Zimmerman,
Your Marriage a Priority. Your
816-741-4066, tonybarbz@prodigy.net Inviting Resource Couple: Ralph & Jan Lewis, 913-909-
marriage is the foundation of your
1028, encounteredcouple@gmail.com