Ict FPD 3

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weeks 1, 2, 3

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

3 Create a 3 minute video using
YEAR 7 ENGLISH Summative Between lesson 2 and 3 students were taught how to use Green
Over a Green Screen that demonstrates assessment – Screen.
two their understanding of an element
INTERACTING students will create
lesson of film assigned to their group. a 3 minute video 30 students in class, split into 6 groups of 5.
using Green Screen.
Each group is given Classroom set-up for group activity, each group is assigned their
lesson is Perform and summarize their
Plan, rehearse a different element iPad they have been using for the duration of the term so far.
55 understanding of elements of film
and deliver of film as focus for
minutes and how they create meaning.
presentations their movie. These Students were told to watch their favourite films, paying attention
(Week 3,
lesson 7) incorporating elements include to the film elements used and what they noticed.
learned content characters, setting,
Periods and taking into symbolic codes, Green sheets have been set-up outside the classroom in various
3/4 account the written codes, locations for each group, all within close enough range to be
particular audio codes, and monitored appropriately.
purposes and technical codes.
audiences (ACELY Students can access Small props (swords, hats etc) have also been provided by the
1689) their assigned film drama department.
element on the
Weebly website Introduction
INTERPRETING, along with Answer Garden
resources students - “What’s your favourite film?” https://answergarden.ch/86
ANALYSING, can use to refresh 0037
- Students will log onto answer garden entering the titles of
EVALUATING memory, elements
their favourite films. Projector screen
students are to
include in their - This question will spark interest and engagement.
Analyse and
movie, and a link to - Teacher displays finished answer garden on projection
explain the
YouTube where screen, calling out film titles at random and asking
ways text students can upload students to raise their hand and tell the class which
structures finished product. elements of film they noticed while watching it.
and language - Teacher then re-explains the assignment task.
features shape - “Today you will be creating a 2-3 minute video using green
meaning and vary screen that provides examples and explains the element
according of film you have been assigned. You will be graded on your
to audience and ability to work collaboratively, use of imagination, and
purpose (ACELY17 how well you demonstrate what you have learnt so far.”
21) - Teacher provides some examples for inspiration, i.e., “You
can re-enact scenes from some of your favourite films,
explaining how the element of film you have been
assigned was used to create meaning in that scene.”

Use a range of Body

software, Green sheets
including word pr - Teacher pulls group number at random from ‘hat of
objective indifference.’ One student from group comes props
forward to claim 2 props.
programs, to iPads
- Students are able to access their assigned film element on
confidently create
the Weebly website along with resources students can use Green Screen
, edit and publish https://itunes.apple.com/au
to refresh memory, what learning students are to
written and /app/green-screen-by-do-
demonstrate in their movie, and a link to YouTube where ink/id730091131?mt=8
multimodal students can upload finished product.
texts (ACELY1728) - Once all groups have been assigned props and green Weebly
screen location, students using their group iPads begin the https://gstlearning.weebl
film making process. y.com
- Teacher closely monitors.


- With 20 minutes remaining of lesson, teacher

reminds students they need to finish voice
over/editing, upload finished product, and pack up
before the lesson finishes.

Copy this page above as many times as required for each lesson. Usually one (or maybe two) of these per lesson is sufficient to describe your activities.

Explanation of each section – just highlight the general capabilities section on the top that will be covered in the lesson sequence. Make sure you list the year
level and learning area.

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