Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Science
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
a. Differentiate Social change and Cultural Change;
b. Judge Social change whether it is beneficial or not;
c. Identify socio-cultural change observed in the locality;
d. Construct own ways of sustainable development based on the 17 goals of Sustainable
Development of UN;
e. Appreciate the value of Cultural Preservation;
References: Macionis, John J., (1997), Sociology, (6th. ed.), Prentice Hall: New
PDF:Cultural Preservation and Protection by Elizabeth Hoffman
PDF: Education for Sustainable Development by UNESCO, 2017
Materials: art materials, illustration boards, manila papers, markers, LCD projectors,
Teaching Strategy: Inductive Method
III. Procedure
Preliminaries :
Set the class atmosphere into a conducive one
Ask them to group themselves into 5
A. Motivation
You have just watched a very informational video Through brainstorming, the group leader will list all
entitled Technology and Social Change. Now, in your his/her member’s ideas, organize it then write them on
group, brainstorm and answer these two questions: the manila paper.
1. What are the technological advancements
that you are now experiencing today? After collecting the members’ opinions, the group
2. Give reasons why Social Media is the most leader/presenter shall present it to the class.
influential Technological advancement this
3. Describe a world without social media.
D. Abstraction
First, these are social issues that we need to understand Possible answers
because these are also important products of socio- One example of social stratification is
cultural change: marginalizing indigenous groups
Social Structure We can see social inequality in local farmers
Social Mobility having no benefits in tilling lands while land
Social Stratification owners are becoming wealthier.
Social Inequality
E. Application
(for 5 mins) For groups 1 and 2 After the activity, group reporters will discuss their
1. List some of the socio-cultural changes you outputs.
observe in your locality. Cite examples from For poster, the reporter will give interpretation about
your own culture (as Ibanag, Ilokano, Malaueg, the symbols drawn.
For groups 3 and 4
2. Using 1/8 Illustration board, make 2 slogans
about: importance of culture preservation
3. For group 5
Make a poster on how to achieve the 17 SD
IV. Evaluation
In a 1 whole sheet of paper:
Pick one causes of Social Change and relate to it to your experiences in your locality.
Choose one of the Goals of Sustainable Development and state how to achieve it.
Criteria: in each item:
Content- 10 pts
Organization of thought– 5 pts
Overall total- 30pts
V. Agreement
Follow up:
Collect and cut 2 news reports or features in magazines, journals, or newspapers that highlights
Sustainable Development and give 3-5 sentences reaction in each. Put it in a long bond paper.
Familiarize yourselves on contemporary issues on: