Ncert Update
Ncert Update
Ncert Update
Dear Students and Teachers,
NCERT has revised the previous edition of Chemistry book and incorporated certain new facts, gures and
examples. Ambiguous and controversial facts have also been removed as well as corrections have been made (Divisions of Aakash Educational Services Limited)
wherever required.
Aakash brings to you, all the applied changes/additions/deletions in new text of NCERT.
Chemistry, as we understand it today, is not a very old discipline. Chemistry was not
studied for its own sake, rather it came up as a result of search for two interesting
things: i. Philosopher’s stone (Paras) which would convert all baser metals e.g., iron
and copper into gold. ii.‘Elexir of life’ which would grant immortality. People in ancient
India, already had the knowledge of many scientic phenomenon much before the
advent of modern science. They applied that knowledge in various walks of life.
Chemistry developed mainly in the form of Alchemy and Iatrochemistry during 1300-
1600 CE. Modern chemistry took shape in the 18th century Europe, after a few
centuries of alchemical traditions which were introduced in Europe by the Arabs.
Other cultures – especially the Chinese and the Indian – had their own alchemical
traditions. These included much knowledge of chemical processes and techniques. In
ancient India, chemistry was called Rasayan Shastra, Rastantra, Ras Kriya or
Rasvidya. It included metallurgy, medicine, manufacture of cosmetics, glass, dyes,
etc. Systematic excavations at Mohenjodaro in Sindh and Harappa in Punjab prove
that the story of development of chemistry in India is very old. Archaeological ndings
show that baked bricks were used in construction work. It shows the mass production
of pottery, which can be regarded as the earliest chemical process, in which materials
were mixed, moulded and subjected to heat by using re to achieve desirable qualities.
Remains of glazed pottery have been found in Mohenjodaro. Gypsum cement has been
used in the construction work. It contains lime, sand and traces of CaCO3. Harappans
made faience, a sort of glass which was used in ornaments. They melted and forged a
variety of objects from metals, such as lead, silver, gold and copper. They improved the
hardness of copper for making artefacts by using tin and arsenic. A number of glass
objects were found in Maski in South India (1000–900 BCE), and Hastinapur and
Taxila in North India (1000–200 BCE). Glass and glazes were coloured by addition of
2. 1-3 colouring agents like metal oxides. Copper metallurgy in India dates back to the
beginning of chalcolithic cultures in the subcontinent. There are much archeological
evidences to support the view that technologies for extraction of copper and iron
were developed indigenously. According to Rigveda, tanning of leather and dying of
cotton were practised during 1000–400 BCE. The golden gloss of the black polished
ware of northen India could not be replicated and is still a chemical mystery. These
wares indicate the mastery with which kiln temperatures could be controlled.
Kautilya’s Arthashastra describes the production of salt from sea. A vast number of
statements and material described in the ancient Vedic literature can be shown to
agree with modern scientic ndings. Copper utensils, iron, gold, silver ornaments
and terracotta discs and painted grey pottery have been found in many archaeological
sites in north India. Sushruta Samhita explains the importance of Alkalies. The Charaka
Samhita mentions ancient indians who knew how to prepare sulphuric acid, nitric acid
and oxides of copper, tin and zinc; the sulphates of copper, zinc and iron and the
carbonates of lead and iron. Rasopanishada describes the preparation of gunpowder
mixture. Tamil texts also describe the preparation of reworks using sulphur,
charcoal, saltpetre (i.e., potassium nitrate), mercury, camphor, etc. Nagarjuna was a
great Indian scientist. He was a reputed chemist, an alchemist and a metallurgist. His
work Rasratnakar deals with the formulation of mercury compounds. He has also
discussed methods for the extraction of metals, like gold, silver, tin and copper. A
book, Rsarnavam, appeared around 800 CE. It discusses the uses of various furnaces,
ovens and crucibles for different purposes. It describes methods by which metals
could be identied by ame colour. Chakrapani discovered mercury sulphide. The credit
for inventing soap also goes to him. He used mustard oil and some alkalies as
ingredients for making soap. Indians began making soaps in the 18th century CE. Oil of
Eranda and seeds of Mahua plant and calcium carbonate were used for making soap.
The paintings found on the walls of Ajanta and Ellora, which look fresh even after ages,
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testify to a high level of science achieved in ancient India. Varähmihir’s Brihat Samhita
is a sort of encyclopaedia, which was composed in the sixth century CE. It informs
about thepreparation of glutinous material to be applied on walls and roofs of houses
and temples. It was prepared entirely from extracts of various plants, fruits, seeds
and barks, which were concentrated by boiling, and then, treated with various resins.
It will be interesting to test such materials scientically and assess them for use. A
number of classical texts, like Atharvaveda (1000 BCE) mention some dye stuff, the
material used were turmeric, madder, sunower, orpiment, cochineal and lac. Some
other substances having tinting property were kamplcica, pattanga and jatuka.
Varähmihir’s Brihat Samhita gives references to perfumes and cosmetics. Recipes for
hair dying were made from plants, like indigo and minerals like iron power, black iron or
steel and acidic extracts of sour rice gruel. Gandhayukli describes recipes for making
scents, mouth perfumes, bath powders, incense and talcum power. Paper was known
to India in the 17th century as account of Chinese traveller I-tsing describes.
Excavations at Taxila indicate that ink was used in India from the fourth century.
Colours of ink were made from chalk, red lead and minimum. It seems that the process
of fermentation was well-known to Indians. Vedas and Kautilya’s Arthashastra
mention about many types of liquors. Charaka Samhita also mentions ingredients,
such as barks of plants, stem, owers, leaves, woods, cereals, fruits and sugarcane
for making Asavas. The concept that matter is ultimately made of indivisible building
blocks, appeared in India a few centuries BCE as a part of philosophical speculations.
Acharya Kanda, born in 600 BCE, originally known by the name Kashyap, was the rst
proponent of the ‘atomic theory’. He formulated the theory of very small indivisible
particles, which he named ‘Paramãnu’ (comparable to atoms). He authored the text
Vaiseshika Sutras. According to him, all substances are aggregated form of smaller
units called atoms (Paramãnu), which are eternal, indestructible, spherical,
suprasensible and in motion in the original state. He explained that this individual
2. 1-3 entity cannot be sensed through any human organ. Kanda added that there are
varieties of atoms that are as different as the different classes of substances. He said
these (Paramãnu) could form pairs or triplets, among other combinations and unseen
forces cause interaction between them. He conceptualised this theory around 2500
years before John Dalton (1766-1844).
Charaka Samhita is the oldest Ayurvedic epic of India. It describes the treatment of
diseases. The concept of reduction of particle size of metals is clearly discussed in
Charaka Samhita. Extreme reduction of particle size is termed as nanotechnology.
Charaka Samhita describes the use of bhasma of metals in the treatment of ailments.
Now-a-days, it has been proved that bhasmas have nanoparticles of metals. After the
decline of alchemy, Iatrochemistry reached a steady state, but it too declined due to
the introduction and practise of western medicinal system in the 20th century. During
this period of stagnation, pharmaceutical industry based on Ayurveda continued to
exist, but it too declined gradually. It took about 100-150 years for Indians to learn
and adopt new techniques. During this time, foreign products poured in. As a result,
indigenous traditional techniques gradually declined. Modern science appeared in
Indian scene in the later part of the nineteenth century. By the mid-nineteenth
century, European scientists started coming to India and modern chemistry started
growing. From the above discussion, you have learnt that chemistry deals with the
composition, structure, properties and interection of matter and is of much use to
human beings in daily life. These aspects can be best described and understood in
terms of basic constituents of matter that are atoms and molecules. That is why,
chemistry is also called the science of atoms and molecules. Can we see, weigh and
perceive these entities (atoms and molecules)? Is it possible to count the number of
atoms and molecules in a given mass of matter and have a quantitative relationship
between the mass and the number of these particles? We will get the answer of some
of these questions in this Unit. We will further describe how physical properties of
matter can be quantitatively described using numerical values with suitable units.
You are aware that matter can exist in three physical states viz. solid, liquid and gas. 1.2.1 States of Matter
5. 4 1.2 The constituent particles of matter in these three states can be represented as You are aware that matter can exist in three physical states viz. solid, liquid and gas.
shown in Fig. 1.1. The constituent particles of matter in these three states can be represented as
shown in Fig. 1.1.
Every substance has unique or characteristic properties. These properties can be 1.3.1 Physical and chemical properties
classied into two categories – physical properties and chemical properties. Physical Every substance has unique or characteristic properties. These properties can be
properties are those properties which can be measured or observed without changing classied into two categories — physical properties, such as colour, odour, melting
the identity or the composition of the substance. Some examples of physical point, boiling point, density, etc., and chemical properties, like composition,
properties are colour, odour, melting point, boiling point, density etc. The combustibility, ractivity with acids and bases, etc. Physical properties can be
measurement or observation of chemical properties require a chemical change to measured or observed without changing the identity or the composition of the
occur. The examples of chemical properties are characteristic reactions of different substance. The measurement or observation of chemical properties requires a
7. 5 1.3.1 substances; these include acidity or basicity, combustibility etc. Many properties of chemical change to occur. Measurement of physical properties does not require
matter such as length, area, volume, etc., are quantitative in nature. occurance of a chemical change. The examples of chemical properties are
Any quantitative observation or measurement is represented by a number followed by characteristic reactions of different substances; these include acidity or basicity,
units in which it is measured. For example length of a room can be represented as 6 m; combustibility, etc. Chemists describe, interpret and predict the behaviour of
here 6 is the number and m denotes metre – the unit in which the length is measured. substances on the basis of knowledge of their physical and chemical properties, which
are determined by careful measurement and experimentation. In the following
section, we will learn about the measurement of physical properties.
Many properties of matter, such as length, area, volume, etc., are quantitative in 1.3.2 Measurement of physical properties
nature. Any quantitative observation or measurement is represented by a number Quantitative measurement of properties is reaquired for scientic investigation.
followed by units in which it is measured. For example, length of a room can be Many properties of matter, such as length, area, volume, etc., are quantitative in
represented as 6 m; here, 6 is the number and m denotes metre, the unit in which the nature. Any quantitative observation or measurement is represented by a number
length is measured. followed by units in which it is measured. For example, length of a room can be
Two different systems of measurement, i.e., the English System and the Metric represented as 6 m; here, 6 is the number and m denotes metre, the unit in which the
8. 7 1.3.2 System were being used in different parts of the world. The metric system, which length is measured.
originated in France in late eighteenth century, was more convenient as it was based Earlier, two different systems of measurement, i.e., the English System and the
on the decimal system. Late, need of a common standard system was felt by the Metric System were being used in different parts of the world. The metric system,
scientic community. Such a system was established in 1960 and is discussed in which originated in France in late eighteenth century, was more convenient as it was
detail. based on the decimal system. Late, need of a common standard system was felt by the
scientic community. Such a system was established in 1960 and is discussed in detail
9. 10 1.3.6
Density of a substance tells us about how closely its particles are packed. If
density is more, it means particles are more closely packed.
Now, for performing mathematical operations on numbers expressed in scientic While performing mathematical operations on numbers expressed in scientic
10. 11 1.4.1 notations, the following points are to be kept in mind. notations, the following points are to be kept in mind.
Dalton’s theory could explain the laws of chemical combination. However, it could not
14. 16 1.6 Dalton’s theory could explain the laws of chemical combination. explain the laws of gaseous volumes. It could not provide the reason for
combining of atoms, which was answered later by other scientists.
In this unit we start with the experimental observations made by scientists towards
the end of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century. These established that
atoms can be further divided into subatomic particles, i.e., electrons, protons and
neutrons— a concept very different from that of Dalton. The major problems before
the scientists at that time were: In this unit we start with the experimental observations made by scientists towards
• to account for the stability of atom after the discovery of sub-atomic particles, the end of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century. These established that
17. 29 Introduction • to compare the behaviour of one element from other in terms of both physical and atoms are made of sub-atomic particles, i.e., electrons, protons and neutrons — a
chemical properties, concept very different from that of Dalton.
• to explain the formation of different kinds of molecules by the combination of
different atoms and,
• to understand the origin and nature of the characteristics of electromagnetic
radiation absorbed or emitted by atoms.
An insight into the structure of atom was obtained from the experiments on electrical
discharge through gases. Before we discuss these results we need to keep in mind a
19. 30 2.1.1 basic rule regarding the behaviour of charged particles : “Like charges repel each
other and unlike charges attract each other”.
The major problems before the scientists after the discovery of sub-atomic particles
• to account for the stability of atom,
• to compare the behaviour of elements in terms of both physical and chemical
20. 32 2.2 Previously it was under the introduction properties,
• to explain the formation of different kinds of molecules by the combination of
different atoms and,
• to understand the origin and nature of the characteristics of electromagnetic
radiation absorbed or emitted by atoms.
These phenomena indicate that the system can take energy only in discrete amounts.
All possible energies cannot be taken up or radiated. It is noteworthy that the rst
concrete explanation for the phenomenon of the black body radiation mentioned above
was given by Max Planck in 1900. Let us rst try to understand this phenomenon,
which is given below:
Hot objects emit electromagnetic radiations over a wide range of wavelengths. At high
temperatures, an appreciable proportion of radiation is in the visible region of the
spectrum. As the temperature is raised, a higher proportion of short wavelength
(blue light) is generated. For example, when an iron rod is heated in a furnace, it rst
turns to dull red and then progressively becomes more and more red as the
temperature increases. As this is heated further, the radiation emitted becomes
It is noteworthy that the rst concrete explanation for the phenomenon of the black
white and then becomes blue as the temperature becomes very high. This means that
body radiation was given by Max Planck in 1900. This phenomenon is given below:
red radiation is most intense at a particular temperature and the blue radiation is
When solids are heated they emit radiation over a wide range of wavelengths. For
more intense at another temperature. This means intensities of radiations of different
example, when an iron rod is heated in a furnace, it rst turns to dull red and then
wavelengths emitted by hot body depend upon its temperature. By late 1850’s it was
progressively becomes more and more red as the temperature increases. As this is
known that objects made of different material and kept at different temperatures emit
heated further, the radiation emitted becomes white and then becomes blue as the
different amount of radiation. Also, when the surface of an object is irradiated with
temperature becomes very high. In terms of frequency, it means that the radiation
light (electromagnetic radiation), a part of radiant energy is generally reected as
emitted goes from a lower frequency to a higher frequency as the temperature
such, a part is absorbed and a part of it is transmitted. The reason for incomplete
increases. The red colour lies in the lower frequency region while blue colour belongs
absorption is that ordinary objects are as a rule imperfect absorbers of radiation. An
to the higher frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ideal body, which
ideal body, which emits and absorbs radiations of all frequencies uniformly, is called a
emits and absorbs all frequencies, is called a black body and the radiation emitted by
black body and the radiation emitted by such a body is called black body radiation. In
such a body is called black body radiation. The exact frequency distribution of the
24. 40 2.3.2 practice, no such body exists. Carbon black approximates fairly closely to black body. A
emitted radiation (i.e., intensity versus frequency curve of the radiation) from a black
good physical approximation to a black body is a cavity with a tiny hole, which has no
body depends only on its temperature. At a given temperature, intensity of radiation
other opening. Any ray entering the hole will be reected by the cavity walls and will be
emitted increases with decrease of wavelength, reaches a maximum value at a given
eventually absorbed by the walls. A black body is also a perfect radiator of radiant
wavelength and then starts decreasing with further decrease of wavelength, as
energy. Furthermore, a black body is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. It
shown in Fig. 2.8. The above experimental results cannot be explained satisfactorily on
radiates same amount of energy per unit area as it absorbs from its surrounding in any
the basis of the wave theory of light. Planck suggested that atoms and molecules
given time. The amount of light emitted (intensity of radiation) from a black body and
could emit (or absorb) energy only in discrete quantities and not in a continuous
its spectral distribution depends only on its temperature. At a given temperature,
manner, a belief popular at that time. Planck gave the name quantum to the smallest
intensity of radiation emitted increases with the increase of wavelength, reaches a
quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic
maximum value at a given wavelength and then starts decreasing with further
radiation. The energy (E ) of a quantum of radiation is proportional to its frequency (v )
increase of wavelength, as shown in Fig. 2.8. Also, as the temperature increases,
and is expressed by
maxima of the curve shifts to short wavelength. Several attempts were made to
equation (2.6). E = hv (2.6)
predict the intensity of radiation as a function of wavelength. But the results of the
above experiment could not be explained satisfactorily on the basis of the wave theory
of light. Max Planck arrived at a satisfactory relationship by making an assumption
that absorption and emmission of radiation arises from oscillator i.e., atoms in the wall
of black body. Their frequency of oscillation is changed by interaction with oscilators of
electromagnetic radiation. Planck assumed that radiation could be sub-divided into
discrete chunks of energy. He suggested that atoms and molecules could emit or
absorb energy only in discrete quantities and not in a continuous manner. He gave the
name quantum to the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in
the form of electromagnetic radiation. The energy (E ) of a quantum of radiation is
proportional to its frequency (n ) and is expressed by equation (2.6). E = hn (2.6)
Where me is the mass of electron, v is the velocity and r is the radius of the orbit in
27. 47 2.4 which electron is moving.
Thus an electron can move only in those orbits for which its angular momentum is
integral multiple of h/2p. That means angular momentum is quantised. Radiation is
Thus an electron can move only in those orbits for which its angular momentum is emitted or obsorbed only when transition of electron takes place from one quantised
28. 47 2.4 integral multiple of h/2p. why only certain xed orbits are allowed. value of angular momentum to another. Therefore, Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory
does not apply here that is why only certain xed orbits are allowed.
Maxwell and Boltzmann have shown that actual distribution of molecular speeds
depends on temperature and molecular mass of a gas. Maxwell derived a formula for
calculating the number of molecules possessing a particular speed. Fig. 5.8 shows
schematic plot of number of molecules vs. molecular speed at two different
temperatures T1 and T2 (T2 is higher than T1). The distribution of speeds shown in the
plot is called Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speeds.
The graph shows that number of molecules possessing very high and very low speed is
very small. The maximum in the curve represents speed possessed by maximum
number of molecules. This speed is called most probable speed, ump. This is very close
to the average speed of the molecules. On increasing the temperature most probable
speed increases. Also, speed distribution curve broadens at higher temperature.
Broadening of the curve shows that number of molecules moving at higher speed
increases. Speed distribution also depends upon mass of molecules. At the same
temperature, gas molecules with heavier mass have slower speed than lighter gas
molecules. For example, at the same temperature lighter nitrogen molecules move
faster than heavier chlorine molecules. Hence, at any given temperature, nitrogen
molecules have higher value of most probable speed than the chlorine molecules. Look
at the molecular speed distribution curve of chlorine and nitrogen given in Fig. 5.9.
Though at a particular temperature the individual speed of molecules keeps changing,
the distribution of speeds remains same.
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By conventions of IUPAC in chemical thermodynamics. The q is positive, when heat is
transferred from the surroundings to the system and the internal energy of the
system increases and q is negative when heat is transferred from system to the
The q is positive, when heat is transferred from the surroundings to the system and q surroundings resulting in decrease of the internal energy of the system..
30. 163 6.1.4 (b) is negative when heat is transferred from system to the surroundings.
The q is positive, when heat is transferred from the surroundings to the system and q
is negative when heat is transferred from system to the surroundings.
(f) Enthalpy of Dilution It is known that enthalpy of solution is the enthalpy change
associated with the addition of a specied amount of solute to the specied amount of
solvent at a constant temperature and pressure. This argument can be applied to any
solvent with slight modication. Enthalpy change for dissolving one mole of gaseous
hydrogen chloride in 10 mol of water can be represented by the following equation.
For convenience we will use the symbol aq. for water
7.12.1 Designing Buffer Solution
Knowledge of pKa, pKb and equilibrium constant help us to prepare the buffer solution
of known pH. Let us see how we can do this.
Preparation of Acidic Buffer
36. 227-228 7.12.1 To prepare a buffer of acidic pH we use weak acid and its salt formed with strong base.
We develop the equation relating the pH, the equilibrium constant, Ka of weak acid and
ratio of concentration of weak acid and its conjugate base. For the general case where
the weak acid HA ionises in water,
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conjugate base (anion) of the acid and the acid present in the mixture. Since acid is a
weak acid, it ionises to a very little extent and concentration of [HA] is negligibly
different from concentration of acid taken to form buffer. Also, most of the conjugate
base, [A—], comes from the ionisation of salt of the acid. Therefore, the
concentration of conjugate base will be negligibly different from the concentration of
salt. Thus, equation (7.40) takes the form:
If molar concentration of base and its conjugate acid (cation) is same then pH of the
buffer solution will be same as pKa for the base. pKa value for ammonia is 9.25;
therefore a buffer of pH close to 9.25 can be obtained by taking ammonia solution and
ammonium chloride solution of same molar concentration. For a buffer solution formed
by ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide, equation (7.42) becomes:
pH of the buffer solution is not affected by dilution because ratio under the logarithmic
term remains unchanged.
The heterolytic cleavage can also give a species in which carbon gets the shared pair of The heterolytic cleavage can also give a species in which carbon gets the shared pair of
electrons. For example, when group Z attached to the carbon leaves without electrons. For example, when group Z attached to the carbon leaves without
electron pair, the methyl anion (H3C-:)is formed. Such a carbon species carrying a electron pair, the methyl anion (H3C-:)is formed. Such a carbon species carrying a
negative charge on carbon atom is called carbanion. Carbanions are also unstable and negative charge on carbon atom is called carbanion. Carbon in carbanion is generally
reactive species. The organic reactions which proceed through heterolytic bond sp3 hybridised and its structure is distorted tetrahedron as shown in Fig. 12.3(b).
cleavage are called ionic or heteropolar or just polar reactions.
Two programmes are being implemented under the broad umbrella of the Swachh
41. 418 14.6.1
Bharat Abhiyan. These are Swachh Bharat Mission–Urban (SBM–U) and Swachh
Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM–G). The SBM–U primarily aims at making Urban India
free from open defecation and achieving 100% scientic management of solid waste in
the country. The SBM–G targets to bring about an improvement in the general quality
of life in rural areas by promoting cleanliness and hygiene, and eliminating open
defecation. It is accelerating its efforts to achieve the goal of universal sanitation
coverage by 2 October, 2019, which is the birth aniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. If you
have participated in some event on Swachh Bharat Mission, write your experiences.
(iv) ‘Green Solution’ to Clean Turbid Water Powder of kernel of tamarind seeds has
been found to be an effective material to make municipal and industrial waste water
clean. It is non-toxic, biodegradable and costeffective material. This powder is usually
42. 420 14.7.2(iv)
discarded as agricultural waste. The present practice is to use alum to treat such
water. It has been found that alum increases toxic ions in treated water and can cause
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