2014 Book BiologicallyInspiredDesign
2014 Book BiologicallyInspiredDesign
2014 Book BiologicallyInspiredDesign
Daniel A. McAdams
Robert B. Stone Editors
Biologically Inspired
Computational Methods and Tools
Biologically Inspired Design
Ashok K. Goel Daniel A. McAdams
Robert B. Stone
Biologically Inspired
Computational Methods and Tools
Ashok K. Goel Robert B. Stone
Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mechanical, Industrial and
Atlanta, GA Manufacturing Engineering
USA Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
Daniel A. McAdams USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Ashok K. Goel
Daniel A. McAdams
Foreword: Curating Nature’s Patent Database
It is an odd hobby for a biologist, I admit, but I enjoy reading patents. Patents tell
the meticulous story of how humans have solved the conundrums of their era, from
catching mice to circling planets. This record of ingenuity is more than a legal
necessity; it is an inspiration. Inventors read patents not just to avoid reinventing
the wheel, but also to glimpse, from a mesa of inventive shoulders, the adjacent
The volume you are about to read describes a Googlesque quest to develop
another kind of patent database, one that describes nature’s 3.8 billion years of
adaptations. These adaptations are a record of life’s long march to become well
adapted to the particularities of this planet. While biologists ponder how adapta-
tions help individual lilies, plankton, and pelicans survive, biomimics ask: ‘‘How
might this adaptation, and the technology it inspires, help the human species fit in
here over the long haul?’’
In the last few decades, life’s adaptations have inspired a series of game-
changing technologies. A refrigeration-free vaccine inspired by the rugged
Tardigrade, a coral-inspired way to sequester tons of carbon dioxide in concrete,
and a material that captures fog as cleverly as a desert-dwelling beetle. Biomimics
are working on ways to reduce pesticides in farmer’s fields, ease traffic jams in
cities, and prevent antibiotic resistance in our hospitals. Biomimetic products are
doubling each year, and papers published in the field are doubling every 2–3 years,
much faster than the 13-year doubling rate of other sciences (Lepora 2013).
A 2010 economic study predicted that biomimicry could represent $1 trillion of
global Gross Domestic Product by 2025,1 and in 2012, biomimicry topped the
Fermanian Business & Economic Institute, Point Loma Nazarene University. Global
biomimicry efforts: an economic game changer, (2010).
viii Foreword: Curating Nature’s Patent Database
Society of Manufacturing Engineers http://www.sme.org/innovations12/#biomimicry.
Foreword: Curating Nature’s Patent Database ix
easily read 10,000 papers to answer a question such as ‘‘How does nature contain
liquids?’’ ‘‘How does nature manage vibration?’’ ‘‘How does nature store energy?’’
Building a taxonomy and extracting the design principles is a skill that takes years
to master.
Once inventors are equipped with bioinspired design principles, there are still
miles to go before these are translated into a product or process. This is where
interactive tools could help, walking inventors through an iterative design process
and giving them access to nature’s ideas every step of the way. How, where, and
when in the creative process this knowledge is delivered will mean the difference
between inspiration and execution. Ideally, actionable plug-ins will be accessible
right from the digital screens that designers, engineers, and architects use every-
day, e.g., an AskNature button embedded in CAD/CAM or BIM tools.
While designing a roofing system, for instance, a building engineer would be
able to visually browse reinforcement strategies in the natural world, and down-
load actual truss designs based on this information. While laying out the HVAC
system, he or she could run a branching algorithm to generate a fluid distribution
system that keeps frictional losses to a minimum. Framing designs could be light
weighted with the use of software that equalizes stress along surfaces, inspired by
the growth of trees and bones. A genetic algorithm that uses natural selection
protocols could optimize the entire design, all within the same program.
These digital modules are what our colleagues at Autodesk have described as
the difference between ‘‘concept’’ and ‘‘content.’’ Rather than read about a con-
cept, inventors want to access biological information as content that they can use
immediately. They would like to be able to download a biological library of
forms—3D models of life’s most streamlined, lightweight, or multifunctional
designs. Imagine if Eiji Nakatsu, the JR West engineer who mimicked the king-
fisher’s beak to create Japan’s Shinkansen train, had been able to download a 3D
model of the beak before building a physical model. He could have attached the
beak model to the train body, stretched and scaled it, even tested it in silico with
computational fluid dynamic tools.
Building a biological library of forms would help biologists as well as inven-
tors. With today’s reality-capture software for cameras, it is possible to imagine
‘‘scan jams’’ where volunteers would digitize the artifacts of the world’s natural
history museums, freeing them from molding drawers so they can enliven the next
generation of sustainable designs.
The internal blueprints of biomaterials will prove equally important, especially
as we move to computer-controlled additive manufacturing (3D printing).
Organisms add structure to common polymers to achieve extraordinary func-
tionality, e.g., beetles layer chitin composites in a plywood hatch to achieve
strength and toughness. A different structural design is used to create color,
resilience, or water repellency, all from the same material. A biomimetic structure-
function catalog could allow additive manufacturers to streamline their supply
chain as nature does, using a small palette of easily recyclable polymers in unique
architectures to achieve a wide range of functions.
x Foreword: Curating Nature’s Patent Database
Of course, each discipline will have different inventive needs. Chemists might
prefer a ‘‘substitution engine’’ that allows them to replace an industrial chemical
synthesis with a biochemical alternative, achieving similar effect without waste or
toxic by-products. Organizational managers will want yet another slice of bio-
logical information, pertaining to topics like communication, cooperation, net-
works, or resilience. For each category of human endeavor, new user-centric
applications will need to be created atop the BIS data.
At the end of the day, even the cleverest information tools will not guarantee that a
new invention, even one inspired by nature, will be sustainable in terms of energy
and material use, toxicity, end-of-life fate, etc.
To help innovators create in ways that are deeply biomimetic, we find it useful
to use systems-thinking tools such as Biomimicry 3.8’s Life’s Principles3 in the
scoping, creating, and evaluating phases of invention. These are meta principles
common to most species on earth, and include reminders such as ‘‘build from the
bottom up,’’ ‘‘use a safe subset of the periodic table,’’ ‘‘perform chemistry in
aqueous solution,’’ ‘‘embed feedback mechanisms to continually evolve your
design,’’ etc. Interactive software tools that screen for how well a design is meeting
Life’s Principles could help innovators solve problems without creating new ones.
If you look at all the ways that nature can influence decision-making, you
realize that biomimicry is more than just a new way to innovate. It is a new way to
think. University and professional training courses that prepare designers and
engineers to ask ‘‘How would nature solve this?’’ are vital, as are techniques,
described here, that help students make the all-important cognitive leap from
design principle to application. The professors pioneering in this field are in a
unique role; they have an opportunity to encourage the highest and best use of this
new and powerful methodology, hopefully to solve the worthy conundrums of our
A prescient Steve Jobs said: ‘‘I think the biggest innovations of the twenty-first
century will be at the intersection of biology and technology. A new era is
beginning.’’ If the age of biology is to keep its promise, the people who make our
world will need to become biologically literate. But they will not want to become
biologists themselves. Instead, they will want to know the key principles, the best
practices, the operating codes of the natural world. They will want to understand
ubiquitous patterns as well as the strange and wonderful curiosities in nature’s
patent database. Ultimately, they will want to understand how life has managed to
enhance this planet, and how our innovations might do the same.
Foreword: Curating Nature’s Patent Database xi
A full-function tool to bring biological wisdom into human design is on its way,
and the people in this volume will be instrumental in delivering it to us. They
know that the key to wide-scale adoption of biomimicry is user-centric, curated
knowledge, available at the moment of creation. Their efforts to help innovators
learn from and emulate other species will one day be remembered as a pivotal leap
in the evolution of our own.
Lepora, N. F., Ver schure, P. & Prescott, T. J. The state of the art in biomimetics.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 8, 013001 (2013)
Janine Benyus
Co-Founder and Institute Board President,
Biomimicry 3.8
xiv Preface
We are grateful to Janine Benyus for writing the Foreword to this volume. Her
work at Biomimicry 3.8 has long inspired the biomimicry movement, including
our own efforts.
We are grateful also to the US NSF for sponsoring the workshops that led to
this volume. In particular, we thank Christina Bloebaum for her support of this
work as a Director of the Engineering Design and Innovation Program (now
known as Engineering Systems Design) of the Civil, Mechanical, and Manufac-
turing Innovation Division of the Engineering Directorate at NSF.
We also thank the Springer publishing company, and especially Grace Quinn at
Springer, for working with us on the preparation of this volume. We can only hope
that scholars and practitioners of biologically inspired design, as well as design
teachers and students more generally, will find this volume useful.
Ashok K. Goel
Daniel A. McAdams
Robert B. Stone
xviii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Chapter 1
Charting a Course for Computer-Aided
Bio-Inspired Design
Keywords Biomimicry Biologically inspired design Computer-aided design
Engineering design Design computing
1.1 Introduction
R. B. Stone (&)
School of Mechanical, Industrial, Oregon State University, 204 Rogers Hall,
Corvallis 97331, USA
e-mail: rob.stone@oregonstate.edu
A. K. Goel
School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 30332, USA
e-mail: goel@cc.gatech.edu
D. A. McAdams
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 411 Mechanical
Engineering Office, 3123, College Station 77843-3123, USA
e-mail: dmcadams@tamu.edu
National science foundation funded two workshops to chart a course for BID.
First, a one-day workshop in Palo Alto, California, was held on Sunday, March 20,
2011, in conjunction with the AAAI 2011 Spring Symposium on Artificial Intel-
ligence and Sustainable Design.1 A second, follow-up half-day workshop was held
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 3
in College Station, Texas, on June 5, 2012, in conjunction with the Fifth Inter-
national Conference on Design Computing and Cognition.2
The first workshop was a good match to the AAAI 2011 Spring Symposium as the
symposium had a topic on the related issue of biologically inspired and evolutionary
models of sustainable design.3 The objectives for the first workshop were to
1. Identify the research community.
2. Identify the topical coverage (overlap/gaps) of research.
3. Explore the gaps in current research efforts as it relates to a systematic appli-
cation of biological information for engineering design.
4. Formulate major themes under the BID research banner.
5. Articulate steps toward a sustainable research community for BID.
Table 1.1 summarizes the workshop presenters and the title of their presenta-
tions. The workshop was broken into three sessions where leading researchers in
the disciplines that intersect to form the BID research community presented the
state of the art in bio-inspired research topics.
4 R. B. Stone et al.
The three breakout groups were led by Mary Lou Maher, Jami Shah, and Craig
Tovey, respectively. The final session of the workshop featured debrief reports by
each of the breakout groups and a general discussion session for all participants.
The workshop included 30 researchers from the disciplines of engineering design,
computer science, and biology in addition to the three organizers. The participants
are listed in Table 1.2.
The second workshop, held in College Station, Texas, leveraged the compu-
tational design community at the 2012 Design Computing and Cognition
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 5
The outcome of the second workshop is captured in the later section entitled
‘‘Proposed NSF Program in BID.’’ Table 1.3 summarizes the workshop presenters
and the title of their presentations. The participants of the second workshop are
listed in Table 1.4.
In addition to the individual presentations, the second workshop held breakout
sessions with the goal of defining a potential NSF research program for funding
BID research. The leaders of the breakout sessions included Alice Agogino, Tom
Arciszewski, David Brown, Julie Linsey, and Marc Weissburg.
We begin with a brief summary of the state of the art from various subdisciplines
of BID, with pointers to workshop presenters whose presentations elaborate each
of those points.
6 R. B. Stone et al.
1.2.1 Bio-Inspiration
One of the key aspects of BID is utilizing the similarities noted in nature for a
particular problem to design and to bring inspiration to the designer. Inspiration
through the forms of nature can come in three different types: visual, conceptual,
and computational. Visual inspiration is widely used and understood. Pictures or
other visuals of a biological system are used to create engineering systems that
share the same visual appearance. Conceptual inspiration is the use of the
knowledge found in biology to form design rules, heuristics, principles, or pat-
terns. This type of inspiration requires an understanding in both nature and
engineering. Algorithmic bio-inspiration is searching through nature to find
algorithms like evolutionary computation and knowledge representations such as
generative representations.
There are three different sources of bio-inspiration: evolution which is the
gradual improvement in living systems in response to environmental stimuli,
coevolution or coadaptation of a species in response to evolution of other species
in the habitat, and morphogenesis—evolutionary development of an organism or
its parts (Areiszewski).
Another search for bio-inspiration has been in the development of 3D manu-
facturing. While there are a large number of polymers used in engineering to
complete various tasks, nature uses a small set. Taking inspiration from nature and
using a smaller set more efficiently can be beneficial in manufacturing (Benyus).
Studies have shown that 70 % of engineering problems are solved by energy
rather than by information. On the other hand, nature solves problems by using
information rather that energy, making the system more efficient (Vincent).
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 7
Novelty is how unique the solutions are, while variety is how many of the
solutions were new. A study containing a control group, a BID group, and an
engineering group allowed the analysis of the groups’ solutions using these met-
rics. The study showed that BID increases novelty but not necessarily variety.
There was noticeable fixation in the engineering group that was not seen in the
others (Rosen).
One can also use a creativity metric to analyze designs. By examining the
novelty and the usefulness of a design, a creativity score can be determined.
Biological systems may be a way to inspire more creative solutions when
undergoing design problems (Chakrabarti).
Historically, BID has been rather anecdotal rather than systematic; therefore, a
way to make BID more systematic is needed to increase the benefits gained from
BID. There are two main methods to enhancing BID, stimuli, and transfer
guidelines. Stimuli is broken up into two different categories, structured and
unstructured. Structured information allows for a simpler search and easier transfer
of knowledge. However, the arrangement of the information into a structure can be
difficult and time-consuming. Unstructured information requires no effort to
arrange the information; however, the ‘‘search’’ carried out by the designer and the
transferring of the idea tend to be more difficult and time-consuming. Transfer
guidelines are broken into four general steps: formulate search objectives, search
for biological analogs, analyze biological analogs, and transfer relevant knowledge
to the target domain. Using the SAPPhIRE model, seven levels of abstraction can
be obtained. These abstractions can be used to inspire ideas. The SAPPhIRE model
excels at empirical findings and exploring the number of ideas which lead to a
higher levels of SAPPhIRE and greater novelty. One can also use design creativity
as a metric of the novelty and the usefulness of a design. Currently, not all levels of
SAPPhIRE have been explored and studies are being done to examine these. Use
of the SAPPhIRE model has shown that a systematic framework helps increase the
overall number of ideas (Chakrabarti).
Bio-inspired design is responsible for many useful, innovative designs: The
lotus leaf inspired self-cleaning water repellent surfaces, and the cocklebur
inspired velcro. These are just a few examples of the power of BID. Engineering
design is more problem driven, and the concepts are dominated by knowledge of
similar systems. One can recast BID as a problem-driven effort by combining it
with function-based design methods to create function-based BID. Function can be
used as the analogical connection between what an engineering system needs to do
and how the natural system completes that function. By using normal functional
modeling techniques, naturel systems can be modeled. This modeling framework
allows an analogous connection needed between engineering systems and natural
8 R. B. Stone et al.
systems. A practical challenge of this approach is that engineers and biologists use
different terminologies when describing solutions to function; therefore, an engi-
neering-to-biology thesaurus is needed. The current BID methodology uses the
functional basis terms with biological function/flow correspondents. The main
steps for this start with creating a functional model for the design problem using a
terminology known as the functional basis. The next step is translating the func-
tional model into the associated biological keywords. After this is done, one can
search a specific biological knowledge repository or use Google, biology texts, or
other publications (McAdams).
Goel has done work in developing information processing theories and com-
putational methods for BID. This work starts with conducting empirical studies of
BID, then developing general information processing accounts of BID, next
constructing computational tools and techniques for aiding BID, and finally
deploying and evaluating the tools in realistic settings. One of their findings is that
BID often involves compound analogies, entailing intricate interaction between
problem decomposition and analogical reasoning. A second finding is that BID
engages not only in analogical transfer of functionally indexed mechanisms but
also in transfer of problem decompositions. A third finding is that biological
analogies are useful for several tasks of BID in addition to design concept gen-
eration, such as design analysis and explanation.
Other work bridges biological information with engineering information. Rosen
has been researching and developing a strategy–state–structure ontology to create
a formal language that represents designs. Strategy is function plus behaviors;
therefore, this would include a taxonomy of functions and behaviors that could be
used together to form strategies (Rosen).
At the University of Maryland, Gupta has been conducting studies with bio-
inspired robots. Bio-inspired robots are robots with the main inspiration coming
from a bird, animal, or fish. There are many applications of bio-inspired robots that
include but are not limited to medical, reconnaissance, mine detection, enter-
tainment, and space exploration. The traditional approach in creating these robots
is taking inspiration from nature and adding modeling- and simulation-based
optimization to create designs for these robots. Traditional manufacturing tech-
niques are then examined to determine which designs can be executed. There are
many successful robots larger than 100 mm; however, miniature robots (between
100 mm and 5 mm) usually come with limited capabilities. By finding new novel
manufacturing concepts, highly capable yet miniature bio-inspired robots could be
implemented. The first step is to approach design differently—to simplify by only
retaining features of the biological creature that are useful and to identify high-
value characteristics. Another need in the design phase is to amplify the useful
biological characteristics to improve the performance of the robot. The second step
is to approach the modeling and simulation of these robots differently using
metamodel synthesis. The last is to approach assembly differently (Gupta).
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 9
The development of design tools to help designers use BID effectively is crucial to
being able to teach BID in a classroom and implement BID in the workplace.
Asknature.org is an important tool for BID. Asknature.org takes organizes bio-
literature by function and allows the user to search through. The Web site is public
domain, part search engine and part social network, and helps people using BID
connect with each other. As of now, asknature.org contains 1,300 strategies for
design. These strategies contain links to biologist Web pages or Google Scholar
articles to help the user be able to research the strategy. Support from Autodesk
Inventor has been crucial as it implements BID into a commonly used design tool.
A current redesign of AskNature is underway to follow the path of idea from
nature–transferable idea–possible products–actual products–digital downloads–
Autodesk Inventor. This would allow an easier transfer of flows from BID into
products. Another possible tool would be implementing native ecosystem data in
city planning. By setting new ecological performance standards, architects and city
planners would use the ecosystem data to develop a city that is more sustainable
and functions together (Benyus).
Another tool of importance is the engineering-to-biology thesaurus. This the-
saurus helps engineers include bio-inspiration in the engineering design process by
relating the engineering functions and flows in the functional basis to biological
functions and flows. In this manner, the designer is allowed to use their functional
model to relate key functionality to the way nature also solves it (McAdams).
Another tool for BID is the creation of databases to organize information.
Goel described two knowledge bases: DANE and Biologue. Both DANE and
Biologue use structure–behavior–function models of biological and engineering
systems. DANE, which has already been released (http://dilab.cc.gatech.edu/dane/),
is a functionally organized database of biological solutions. This is useful to
designers because it allows them to look up the function they are trying to solve and
relate that to biological solutions. The more recent Biologue system is a database
that allows the indexing of biology-related documents using the structure–behavior–
function model. Using this, a designer can compare the functions of what they are
designing and also compare the structures and behaviors of their design to biological
Of note, bio-inspired optimization techniques are also used in design. Genetic,
ant, particle swarm, bee, and firefly algorithms all contain specific uses to help
engineers optimize in design. By studying the ways grouped animals move and
interact, techniques can be developed to mimic those interactions and create better
optimization techniques and algorithms. These techniques can be used to help
overcome challenges often found while trying to optimize designs. Such chal-
lenges include complexity, scalability, and convergence. There is a need to extend
the applicability of genetic algorithms for design optimization with regard to
uncertainty, system product design, and multi-objective genetic algorithms
10 R. B. Stone et al.
(MOGA). Pros and cons exist for all of the BID optimization algorithms. The
desirable traits are that the algorithm is population based, can optimize non-convex
discontinuous functions, can handle discrete–continuous/combinatorial design
problems, and obtain global optimums. However, sometimes these optimization
techniques result in local optimums that can be undesirable. Nevertheless, there
are complications with these algorithms that include complexity, scalability, and
convergence (Azarm).
Vincent discussed another important BID tool, Bio-TRIZ. Bio-TRIZ is a
reduced form of TRIZ that relates the TRIZ inventive principles to biological
contradictions. Studying 5,000 examples, the conflict matrix was reduced from 39
conflict elements to 6 elements that appear in both biology and engineering, and a
6 9 6 contradiction matrix that contains all 40 of the inventive principles was
created. These 6 conflict elements are substance, structure, time, space, energy/
field, and information/regulation. Biological solutions were then studied to fill in
inventive principles aspect of the matrix (Vincent).
The Biomimicry Institute (TBI) has been working on implementing BID into
earlier education (K1-12) as well as into a professional masters program. An
important part of featuring BID in a classroom setting is combining biologists,
biomimetic scientists, engineers, and designers together. Academic settings tend to
be very different from work settings. Therefore, working to close the difference
between academic and work settings would lead to better transition from BID in
the classroom to BID in the workplace (Benyus).
Since 2005, Georgia Institute of Technology has offered a BID interdisciplinary
course for engineers, biologists, and other scientists. This course features *30
engineering students and *15 biology students that take part in semester-long,
self-defined design projects that include the help of faculty mentors. This has been
created to help promote BID practice and explore how BID aids in developing
products. The main goal of this course is to encourage ways of thinking about and
to explore nature that helps facilitate a designer’s ability to implement biological
strategies in engineered products and sustainable systems. The development results
in a fifteen-week course that includes the principles of biologically inspired design,
biomimetic materials, biologically inspired sensing and movement, system design
and optimization, and green technology. These lectures contain both content and
practice to help the students grasp the material. The final is a presentation by the
students on a novel BID (Yen).
An important aspect of BID is implementing it in a classroom setting so stu-
dents can not only learn and understand it but also implement it in industry. The
University of Maryland has offered bio-inspired robotics undergraduate classes.
These classes offer an excellent opportunity to teach students how to design a
complex and modern mechatronics system. The content of the course includes the
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 11
1.3 Recommendations
Bio-inspired design seeks to exploit biology for several different kinds of design
such as sustainable design, creative design, and complex system design. Of course,
these different kinds of design are mutually compatible and consistent: We can
have complex systems that are sustainable, sustainable designs that are creative,
and so on. Nevertheless, the three kinds of design have different emphases and
The goal of bio-inspired sustainable design is to use biology as an inspiration
for designing technological products that are ecologically sustainable. Although
biological systems are not always optimal, the argument goes that they typically
use only local and abundant resources and are often very efficient in terms of use
of resources such as energy and water. Of course, this does not guarantee that bio-
inspired products will be necessarily sustainable, but it promises that they may be
more sustainable than equivalent products available in the market today. Consider
the following specific cases:
The Biomimicry Institute’s work on BID is driven by the growing need for
sustainable design. An example of sustainable design at TBI is the novel design of
a water bottle with ‘‘ribs’’ on its plastic surface mimicking the ribs on trees and
providing strength to the bottle. This allows the bottle to use less plastic, which
makes it lighter than similar water bottles (Benyus).
Recent work on BioTRIZ indicates that for many functions for which techno-
logical products typically use energy, equivalent biological systems use infor-
mation instead. This suggests that we seek biological sources as inspiration to
design a new generation of technological products that use information in place of
energy to achieve as many functions as possible (Vincent).
12 R. B. Stone et al.
Another line of research seeks to identify design patterns that biological sys-
tems use to achieve ecological sustainability. For example, the Namibian beetle
uses an interleaved pattern of the biological effects of hydrophobia and hydro-
phylia for harvesting water from dry air. Bio-inspired designers have now used the
same pattern for fog harvesting. This suggests building a classification of func-
tionally indexed design patterns for sustainable design (Goel).
The goal of bio-inspired complex system design is to use the characteristically
complex interactions found in nature as a guide to engineered systems that are
complex and integrated among their constituent components. Although biologists
welcome complexity, engineers typically are concerned about it and do what they
can to avoid it. Approaching complex system design from a biologist’s perspective
that complexity could be a positive aspect and allow a mechanism for coping with
product failures appears a promising avenue with the following observations:
On the engineering side of complex systems, one has relatively simple units
leading to an emergent phenomenon that includes many interacting parts exhibiting
nonlinear behavior, uncertainty, and multiple scales. The biology side of complex
designs contains heterogeneity, multiple different parts that fit together and provide
different outcomes dependent on initial conditions, and multi-functionality.
Biologists can help shift the paradigm of perceived complexity versus real
complexity. This shift can help show engineers how to manage complexity in their
systems which could lead to innovative products and elegant designs and help
predict the performance of complex systems.
Nature has the ability to self-repair, adapt, add redundancies, accommodate
failure, regenerate and reconfigure parts, as well as others. Engineering systems do
not accept the notion of failure as a positive feature, but small, intentional failures
to avoid a catastrophic failure can be a good thing.
As part of the second workshop, the participants reviewed the findings of the first
workshop and produced variants of a proposed call for proposals. For purposes of
context, it was assumed that the umbrella agency for such a program would be the
United States NSF. The variant ideas were aggregated into the following brief
description of an NSF program:
The NSF invites proposals for research in BID. Biologically inspired designs
and processes have much potential to solve urgent and complex challenges faced
by the United States and the planet such as those found in military, urban infra-
structures, climate change, sustainability, and space exploration domains. Pro-
posals must be from suitable multi-disciplinary teams (i.e., members might include
biologists, computer scientists, engineers, or psychologists), addressing small- to
medium-scale designs (such as household products or automotive systems), have
demonstrated educational and computational potential, and be well evaluated.
Suitable research areas include but are not limited to:
1 Charting a Course for Computer-Aided Bio-Inspired Design 13
The work must be extensible and must be shared in order to promote BID
community building.
1.4 Summary
In summary, it is clear that recent research efforts across the disciplines of engi-
neering design, computer science, and biology have attempted to address the var-
ious problems associated with not only developing biologically inspired designs,
but also teaching students how to develop biologically inspired designs. However, it
is also evident that there is a need for additional work on refining the proposed
methods and tools as well as developing new methods to address current limita-
tions. The recommendation of the workshop organizers is that a new cross-cutting
NSF program in BID be established that seeks to fund transformative research as
described in the program brief above. Such a program is expected to support high-
risk/high-reward research that otherwise has no current home in the NSF.
Suggested Readings
Benyus JM (1997) Biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature, 1st edn. Morrow, NewYork
Bonser R, Vincent J (2007) Technology trajectories, innovation, and the growth of biomimetics.
In: Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part C: journal of mechanical
engineering science, pp 1177–1180
Chakrabarti A, Shu L (2010) Biologically inspired design. AIEDAM 24:453–454
Helms M, Vattam S, Goel A (2009) Biologically inspired design: process and products. Des Stud
Lindemann U, Gramann J (2004) Engineering design using biological principles. Proc Int Des
Conf Des 5:18–21 (Dubrovnik)
Mak T, Shu L (2008) Using descriptions of biological phenomena for idea generation. Res Eng
Des 19:21–28
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Chapter 2
The AskNature Database: Enabling
Solutions in Biomimetic Design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Data
Trained biologists were responsible for gathering and generating the original
almost 1,300 pages of biological data on AskNature. Researchers read scientific
journals and books and perused scientific news, looking for leads on functional
biology that might be of interest to innovators working to solve human challenges.
Strategies were selected subjectively based on the researchers’ assessment of
whether the strategy held some potential for being useful within the field of bio-
inspired design. AskNature‘s original data set represents a huge amount of human
labor and was only possible due to generous funding from an independent investor.
Individuals continue to generate additional content for AskNature. Most of the
biological data that has been added since 2008 has come from paid staff.
2 The AskNature Database: Enabling Solutions in Biomimetic Design 19
Qualified scientific curators are also able to add biological content. However, due
to the rigors of maintaining the scientific integrity of the data and the need for strict
adherence to the data’s organizational structure, all curated content must be
approved by AskNature‘s content editor.
Once the strategy data were collected, the AskNature team began to look for
patterns and to organize the data according to function. The result was a classi-
fication system we call the Biomimicry Taxonomy, shown in Fig. 2.1. The tax-
onomy categorizes strategies according to three levels: groups (highest level),
subgroups, and function. Overall, the taxonomy includes 8 groups, 30 subgroups,
and 162 functions. Individual strategies represent the next, most detailed level
within the hierarchy.
As a specific example, an insect might face the challenge of protecting itself
from other organisms that want to eat it. Its strategy to meet that challenge might
appear like this within the taxonomy:
Group Maintain physical integrity
Subgroup Protect from biotic factors
Function Protect from animals
Strategy Nanoscale protrusions (AskNature 2008a).
AskNature staff consulted with external design professionals when creating the
taxonomy, particularly from chemical and materials science disciplines, but this
schema is subjective and represents a small group of biologists attempting to
organize a huge amount of biological data by function. Unlike other schemas that
have been developed to assist bio-inspired design (Glier et al. 2011; Vattam et al.
2010; Vincent et al. 2006; Yen et al. 2011), the taxonomy has not been rigorously
tested to assess its impact on its users.
Fig. 2.2 Screenshot of the top of AskNature‘s morpho butterfly strategy page (AskNature 2008c)
organizational structure, and the fact that the database is free to the public have
made AskNature a much more widely used tool than others that are accessible only
to select users.
AskNature features nearly 200 biomimetic product pages for users to see how
others have applied a certain strategy. A product’s page describes the history of the
product, what challenges it solves, how it is different from existing products, and
its bio-inspired principles. For example, Fig. 2.3 shows users how one design
group was inspired by the whitebark pine’s spiral fibers (AskNature 2008b) to
develop a distinctive, 100 % recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle.
As the site grows, we hope to add even more biomimetic products to our database.
2 The AskNature Database: Enabling Solutions in Biomimetic Design 23
Fig. 2.3 Screenshot of an AskNature product page (AskNature 2011) showing the product
details, history, and more
Searching is one of the most vital features on AskNature. Without it, most users
would never discover the wealth of biological strategies available on the site. We
provide two mechanisms for finding content: a traditional search and a taxonomy
As shown in Table 2.2, visitors use our search engine more than the browsing
option. Every page on AskNature includes a full-text search box with the prompt
‘‘How would Nature….’’ The prompt is meant to encourage users to search by
function; that is, by inserting a verb: How would nature cool? How would nature
create color? How would nature distribute fluids? How would nature build com-
munity? The search function defaults to return strategy pages before any other type
of page within the system, such as user profile pages.
24 J.-M. Deldin and M. Schuknecht
There are numerous possible queries, but they must be plausible and recog-
nizable by the database. For example, if a user types in ‘‘build an airplane,’’ the
search may not return any useful results. After all, Nature does not build airplanes,
but it is a genius at flight. If the user refines his search to look for things such as
‘‘generate lift’’ or ‘‘reduce drag’’—that is, functions he would like his design to
accomplish—chances are he will find much more relevant results.
While finding strategies via search can provide immediate results, it may be
useful for practitioners to view multiple strategies meeting similar functional
challenges. To accommodate this, users can browse strategies and products by
function in our ‘‘tri-browse’’ page shown in Fig. 2.4. The tri-browse page enables
users to explore different strategies solving similar functional challenges, but users
may find inspiration by browsing related subgroups as well.
Fig. 2.4 Screenshot of the biomimicry taxonomy browser using group = modify, sub-
group = attach, and function = permanently. Matching strategies appear in the rightmost
2.7 Conclusion
In this paper, we have described AskNature.org and how we categorize its data
according to the Biomimicry Taxonomy. We have learned four preliminary les-
sons from running a bio-inspiration database. First, if one is practicing biomimetic
design, one needs tools to support it. AskNature is one such tool. Second, if a tool
is going to support biomimetic design, it needs to provide a sizable corpus for
inspiration. AskNature provides over 1,600 strategies. Third, it is important to
provide a free and publicly available tool for anyone to use. AskNature‘s content is
free and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0
License. Finally, AskNature is under development. It is an experiment, and we
look forward to adapting AskNature to our user’s needs.
2 The AskNature Database: Enabling Solutions in Biomimetic Design 27
Acknowledgements We thank Ashok Goel and our anonymous reviewers for their invaluable
3.1 Introduction
Benyus (1997), a biological sciences writer who popularized the notion that
humans emulate biological phenomena to design sustainable products and pro-
cesses, founded the Biomimicry Institute, a clearinghouse for biomimicry
researchers. A resource supported by the Biomimicry Institute is an online data-
base of biological solutions, available at AskNature.org.
Vincent, a biologist working in engineering, is developing TRIZ (the Russian
system for creative solution of problems) as the main tool of biomimetics. Vincent
and Mann (2002) describe how TRIZ is adapted to support the transfer of knowledge
from the biological to the engineering domain in a method they called ‘BioTRIZ.’
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 31
There are a number of ways to search for biological phenomena that are relevant as
possible analogies to a given problem, each with associated benefits and chal-
lenges. While the final goal is to identify an analogy that provides a working
solution, the initial goal ought to be identifying a large variety of potential bio-
logical analogies in an objective manner.
Lindemann and Gramann (2004) propose a checklist of associations to translate
between technical functions and biology terms. For example, the technical func-
tions of ‘change of the state of aggregation’ and ‘condense a gas’ are associated
with biological terms: nose passages, desert plants/animals, and leaves.
Helms et al. (2009) suggest several solution search heuristics including change
constraints, identify champion adapters, examine variations within a solution
family, and identify biological systems with multi-functionality.
With or without incorporating the above, below are approaches for finding
biological analogies.
The research group at the University of Toronto chose Life, the Science of Biology
by Purves et al. (2001), a reference text for an introductory-level university
biology course, as the initial source of natural language information in 2001. The
text is written at a level that can be easily understood by engineers with little or no
background in biology. In addition to ease of comprehension, introductory-level
texts tend to be general and cover a wide range of organizational levels, from the
molecular and cellular to the ecosystem, such that potential solutions are not
limited to one or two familiar levels. The authors of the textbook kindly provided a
digital searchable version to the University of Toronto to support this work.
Although many other texts are available, this text was particularly well suited to
this purpose.
Our group developed a search tool that identifies matches to keywords in the
text. Other texts can be substituted or added as required for the initial or sub-
sequent search. The challenging task is the initial identification of relevant bio-
logical phenomena. Once relevant phenomena are identified, further details can be
found through more advanced texts, research papers, and traditional research
methods. However, searching through more advanced sources initially will gen-
erate results that are in more technical language and thus more difficult to
understand. Due to the designer frustration this may cause, such results are more
likely to be overlooked even if they are relevant. Therefore, initial results from a
more basic text may be more effective for introducing the subject and confirming
relevance to the design problem. An understanding and confirmed relevance of the
subject then motivates further research and effort to understand the possibly
complex details needed to develop a solution.
Keywords used to search for biological analogies are verbs that describe the
intended effect, or function, of desired solutions. Consistent with functional
description, verbs are strongly preferred over nouns as keywords to initiate sear-
ches. Searching with nouns suggests preconceived analogies or solutions while
searching for verbs that describe the desired action is more likely to objectively
identify a wider range of biological forms that perform that action. For example,
searching with the verb keyword, ‘protect’ will identify several biological phe-
nomena that involve protection. However, searching using the noun keyword,
‘shell’ will only identify information related to shells, thereby limiting potential
protection solutions to those that are based on shells.
WordNet (Miller 1995), an online lexical database, is used to identify syn-
onyms or troponyms for originally formulated keywords. While WordNet uses
semantic information to categorize its lexicon, VerbNet (Karin et al. 2002) uses
both semantic and syntactic information to categorize verbs. Therefore, VerbNet
can identify not only whether a particular verb has a similar meaning as another
verb, but also whether both verbs can be used interchangeably in English without
syntactic error. Therefore, VerbNet may be used to create more coherent groups of
Fig. 3.1 Flow chart of the keyword bridging method, adapted from Chiu and Shu (2007),
illustrates finding the biologically meaningful keyword ‘defend’ for the engineering keyword
Within the relevant matches, words, typically nouns, for example ‘cells,’
‘plants,’ and ‘disease,’ which frequently occur, are then identified, along with the
verbs that act on them. These verbs are then searched for in a biology dictionary.
Verbs that are defined or part of a defined term are categorized as ‘biologically
significant.’ For example, ‘abscise,’ meaning to naturally separate or fall off, such
as by a dead leaf or ripe fruit, is part of the defined term ‘abscission,’ and therefore a
biologically significant verb. Verbs that appear in the definition of terms, but are not
defined themselves, are categorized as ‘biologically connotative.’ An example of a
biologically connotative word is ‘defend,’ since it occurs in several definitions, but
is not a defined term itself. Biologically significant and biologically connotative
words combined are termed ‘biologically meaningful.’ Biologically meaningful
keywords are then sorted by frequency of occurrence in a biology dictionary. Most
useful bridge words are observed to occur between certain frequency cutoffs.
This method was able to identify ‘defend’ and other biologically meaningful
keywords for ‘clean.’ Chiu and Shu (2007) used the method to also identify
‘survive’ as a biologically meaningful keyword for ‘encapsulate’ and ‘break’ or
‘breakdown’ as a biologically meaningful keyword for ‘release.’ A more obvious
and straightforward approach to identify biologically meaningful keywords was to
simply collect all verbs in the vicinity of the search verb. However, this method
yielded far fewer useful, biologically meaningful words.
Chiu and Shu’s (2007) method involved a number of manual tasks, making it
difficult to scale to larger amounts of text. Computational linguistic tools can be
applied to automatize some of the processes. For example, when identifying fre-
quent nouns, a part-of-speech tagger and stop list could be used to highlight more
meaningful nouns. Also, finding the bridge verbs that modify frequent nouns can
be automatically performed using the typed-dependency parser (de Marneffe et al.
2006), which can identify grammatical relationships between two words in a
sentence, for example, between a verb and its object.
38 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
Cheong et al. (2008, 2011) used the bridging method to identify biologically
meaningful keywords for functional terms of the functional basis. The functional
basis contains verb–object pairs intended to comprehensively represent the func-
tionality of mechanical devices (Stone and Wood 2000). During the translation
from functional to biologically meaningful keywords, Cheong et al. (2011) iden-
tified four categories where most biologically meaningful keywords appear. The
four cases were used as criteria for identifying biologically meaningful keywords.
Excerpts by Purves et al. (2001) illustrate these cases.
1. Synonymous pair: Words are used synonymously, often in the same sentence
and adjacent to each other, for example, ‘This information is received and
converted, or transduced, by sensory cells into electric signals….’
2. Implicitly synonymous pair: Words are used synonymously, however, in
separate clauses or sentences, for example, ‘The xylem of tracheophytes con-
ducts water from roots to aboveground plant parts. It contains conducting cells
called tracheary elements, which undergo programmed cell death before they
assume their function of transporting water and dissolved minerals.’
3. Biologically specific form: Biologically meaningful keywords describe a
particular manner of the desired function, for example, ‘Mutations of one of the
homeotic genes, bithorax, transform the third thoracic segment into a second
copy of the second thoracic segment.’
4. Causally related pair (Causal relation): Biologically meaningful keyword is
used to describe the enabling function for the desired function, for example,
‘Humans absorb amino acids by breaking down proteins from food.’
A particularly interesting relation is the causally related pair, where the causal
relation is a higher-order relation between the enabling and desired functions that
may reveal a useful strategy for design-by-analogy. Cheong and Shu (2012)
developed an algorithm, detailed in a later section, to automatically extract
causally related functions from biological text. In addition, we believe that other
semantic relations such as synonymous pairs or biologically specific forms could
also be automatically extracted. For example, Hearst (1998) used lexico-syntactic
patterns to automatically discover hyponym/hypernym relationships between
nouns in a sentence. Perhaps, a similar method could be developed to identify
synonyms/troponyms of verbs in a sentence, which could be applied to automat-
ically identify synonymous pairs or biologically specific forms.
While verb keywords can locate biological analogies that are functionally related
to desired solutions, adjectives can be used to locate biological analogies that share
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 39
similar qualities or working environments with the desired solution. For example,
one can use the keyword ‘dry’ to find solutions that must work well in dry
environments, or the keyword ‘wet’ to search for biological systems that enable
moistness. Ke et al. (2010) used adjectives such as ‘wet,’ ‘humid,’ ‘dry,’ to search
for biological analogies to inspire solutions for novel fuel cell bipolar plate con-
cepts, where proper humidity is crucial to proper operation. Ke et al. (2010)
explored searching for matches where the keyword is used as an adjective. Cheong
and Shu (2012) implemented categorizing adjective search matches by the nouns
modified by the adjectives.
Hacco and Shu (2002) observed that keywords used in conjunction with non-
physical phenomena contribute to many irrelevant matches. For example, in the
following sentence, the verb ‘support’ acts on the abstract entity ‘theory’:
Scientists have now found morphological evidence to support the theory. (Purves et al.
Hacco and Shu (2002) noted that matches may contain search keywords used in
different senses. For example, if the keyword ‘seal’ was used to look for biological
analogies to sealing a joint, many matches that contain ‘seal’ in the aquatic
mammal sense are clearly irrelevant.
40 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
Cheong and Shu (2012) used the typed-dependency parser (de Marneffe et al.
2006) to automatically identify the subjects and objects of verb keywords. Thus,
search results for verbs can be sorted by both subjects and objects, which enable
designers to more easily identify relevant search results for their design problems.
For example, for the keyword ‘prevent,’ search results that contain ‘water’ as the
object of ‘prevent’ may be especially useful to designers interested in
Mak and Shu (2004) observed how students applied descriptions of biological
phenomena functionally related to a given problem to solve that problem. Spe-
cifically, students were asked to develop concepts that result in ‘clean clothes,’ by
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 41
Fig. 3.2 Types of similarity comparisons between biological phenomena and developed
concepts, adapted from Mak and Shu (2004)
Four similarity types were observed between the description of the biological
phenomenon and the concepts developed using them as stimuli. These similarity
types are shown with examples in Fig. 3.2, whose axes are strategic accuracy and
abstraction of biological entities. Details on the four similarity types are as
1. Literal implementation: A literal implementation involves using biological
entities, for example bacteria, directly to solve the engineering problem, for
example, by filling clothing pores to prevent dirt from settling. Here, the bio-
logical entities are not abstracted, but rather, used directly, with the same
strategy between source and problem domains.
2. Biological transfer: A biological transfer involves transferring the biological
entities, for example bacteria, into the solution domain, but without applying
the strategy presented in the biological domain. For example, bacteria are used
to provide the solution of clean clothes by eating dirt.
3. Anomaly: An anomalous solution involves neither the entities nor the strategy
from the biological phenomenon. Some anomalous concepts are due to lack of
understanding. Other anomalous concepts are likely due to fixation on a few
words, for example ‘motor’ in motor proteins, in the text description while
disregarding the overall strategy or principle presented.
42 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
4. Analogy: The intended analogous solution accurately applies the strategy from
the biological phenomenon to the concept without transferring the biological
entities, for example bacteria, into the solution.
Fig. 3.3 Template for abstracting and mapping causally related functions from descriptions of
biological phenomena, adapted from Cheong et al. (2010)
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 43
The challenges observed in novice designers while identifying and applying bio-
logical analogies motivated us to study analogical reasoning from a different
approach. In particular, we were interested in understanding why designers tend to
fixate on certain features of biological phenomena and fail to identify the relevant
analogy, as observed by Mak and Shu (2008), Cheong and Shu (2009), and Helms
et al. (2009).
Therefore, Cheong et al. (2012) studied verbal protocols of fourth-year
mechanical design students working in groups to solve one of three biomimetic
design problems. Each problem had a corresponding description of a biological
phenomenon to be used as a source of inspiration. The discourse of all group
members was recorded. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed
on the verbal protocol.
We noted that participants made three types of similarity comparisons, based on
Gentner’s (1983) work on analogical reasoning:
• Entity: A comparison to superficial characteristics of entities of the biological
• Function: A comparison to functions of the biological phenomenon.
• Strategy: A comparison involving a higher-order relation (strategy) from the
biological phenomenon.
Fig. 3.4 Graph depicting the types of similarity comparison made over time, adapted from
Cheong et al. (2012). The similarity comparison index on the y-axis is the rolling average of
instances of similarity comparisons over five-second time segments
This section summarizes an algorithm developed and applied by Cheong and Shu
(2012) to automatically extract causally related functions from text. As motivation,
Cheong and Shu (2009) and Cheong et al. (2010) had noted that causally related
functions in descriptions of biological phenomena may help designers identify and
apply relevant analogies. Gentner (1983) puts forth that higher-order relations,
such as causal relations, provide a framework for correct analogical transfer. Other
researchers in biomimetic design, including Goel et al. (2009) and Chakrabarti
et al. (2005), have modeled biological systems using a causality framework.
Computational linguistics may be applied to extract causal information from
text. Some of the most promising algorithms (Khoo et al. 2000; Girju 2003) use a
set of explicit causative words, for example ‘causes’ or ‘because,’ and lexico-
syntactic patterns to identify cause and effect from text. While these algorithms are
able to extract explicit causal relations between concepts, our work focused on
extracting causally related functions that are implicit and may be more relevant for
biomimetic design.
A set of linguistic patterns that represent causally related functions was first
manually identified from seven chapters, covering a variety of topics, from our
search corpus, Life (Purves et al. 2001). Table 3.1 shows the linguistic patterns
For each pattern, a particular grammatical relation is held between two causally
related verbs that can be automatically detected from text parsed with Stanford
typed-dependency parser v1.6.7 (de Marneffe et al. 2006). For example, in
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 45
‘Lysozymes destroy bacteria to protect animals,’ the parser is able to identify the
grammatical relation open clausal complement between ‘destroy’ and ‘protect,’
that is, xcomp(destroy-2, protect-5). The numbers within the parentheses indicate
the position of the tagged word in the sentence parsed. The definitions of the
identified grammatical relations are shown in Table 3.1.
The extraction algorithm compares the part-of-speech tags and dependency
relations of the corpus to rules defined based on the linguistic patterns of
Table 3.1. The algorithm mainly looks for types of dependency relations, for
example xcomp, prepc_by, or purpcl, and uses the part-of-speech tags to test
additional rules, such as the exception listed under Pattern #1 in Table 3.1.
The extraction algorithm was implemented in our search tool, which takes a
verb keyword as input and automatically retrieves enabling functions for the
keyword verb. In other words, the search tool returns causal relations that are
formed between the search keywords (desired functions) and the identified
enabling functions. Figure 3.5 shows the results of an example search.
Some matches that contained nonmeaningful verbs were removed. These verbs
include light verbs, simple causative verbs, and other frequently appearing verbs in
the corpus. A light verb has little semantic meaning on its own but becomes more
meaningful when combined with an object, for example ‘use’ versus ‘use heat.’
Simple causative verbs, including ‘cause,’ ‘lead to,’ ‘allow,’ are used to identify
explicit causality, but on their own, do not tend to provide functional information.
Manning and Schutze (1999) note that the most frequently appearing words in a
corpus are likely to be semantically weak, that is, not meaningful. Cheong and Shu
Table 3.1 Typed-dependency relations and corresponding syntactic rules used to extract caus-
ally related functions, adapted from Cheong and Shu (2012). ‘DR’ stands for dependency relation
1. Lysozymes destroy bacteria to protect animals
The verb ‘protect’ is an open clausal complement (DR: xcomp) to the verb ‘destroy,’ that is,
‘protect’ does not have its own subject, but has the same subject as ‘destroy’
Exception: When the first verb is intransitive, that is, does not have an object, the verbs are
usually not causally related. For example, ‘I like to swim’ does not express any causality
although ‘swim’ is defined as an open clausal complement to ‘like’
2. Bacteria are destroyed to protect animals
Similar to Pattern #1, the verb ‘protect’ is an open clausal complement (DR: xcomp) to the
verb ‘destroy.’ In this case, however, the main verb ‘destroy’ is in the passive voice and the
exception rule for Pattern #1 is ignored
3. Lysozymes destroy bacteria, protecting animals
The verb ‘protect’ is an open clausal complement (DR: xcomp) to the verb ‘destroy’
4. By destroying invading bacteria, lysozyme protects animals
The gerund ‘destroying’ is a prepositional clausal modifier of the verb ‘protect,’ linked with
the preposition ‘by’ (DR: prepc_by)
5. To protect animals, lysozymes destroy bacteria
The verb ‘protect’ is part of a purpose clause modifier ‘To protect animals,’ which specifies
the purpose of the following clause ‘lysozymes destroy bacteria’ (DR: purpcl)
6. Destroying bacteria protects animals
The gerund ‘destroying’ acts as a clausal subject for the verb ‘protect’ (DR: csubj)
46 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
Fig. 3.5 Enabling functions for the keyword ‘move’ extracted and categorized in search tool
using Purves et al. (2001), adapted from Cheong and Shu (2012)
(2012) confirmed that the most frequent verbs in the corpus included many light
and simple causative verbs and therefore created a procedure to remove matches
with such semantically weak verbs. Challenges
Most of the processing tasks required for the causal relation extraction are auto-
mated. Also, the extraction rules for the algorithm use domain-independent lin-
guistic patterns. Therefore, the process is scalable to extracting information from a
large amount of text. On the other hand, the algorithm does not completely capture
causally related functions in biological text, as described below.
Causally related functions from multiple sentences. Currently, the parser only
identifies grammatical relations between words within a single sentence, which
limits the extraction algorithm to find causally related functions from a single
sentence. Identifying causally related functions across multiple sentences would
require anaphora resolution. Anaphora resolution refers to determining the ante-
cedent or referent of an anaphor, such as the pronouns ‘them’ or ‘it.’ Hobbs (1978)
first tackled the problem by analyzing a parse tree, while Soon et al. (2001)
recently used a set of syntactic/semantic conditionals to evaluate the candidate
referent of anaphors. However, the performance of these algorithms still requires
improvement for practical applications.
Causally related functions involving light verbs. The current algorithm removes
matches with instances of light verbs. A technique called light verb construction
reduces a light verb and its following object into a ‘heavy’ verb that has more
semantic context on its own, for example, by reducing ‘to take a walk’ into ‘to
walk.’ The simplest technique identifies whether the complement noun itself can
be used in a verb form. Stevenson et al. (2004), however, observed various lim-
itations in light verb construction. For instance, original nuances may be lost, for
example, the meaning of ‘to use heat’ differs from the meaning of ‘to heat.’
Snap fits are often used as a fastening method due to their ease of assembly.
However, snap fits frequently break and are difficult to repair during remanufac-
ture. For example, a toner cartridge with failed snap fits would likely be discarded
rather than repaired or reused. Hacco and Shu (2002), therefore, searched for
biological analogies that could inspire solutions to redesign snap fits for easier
Initial keywords ‘remanufacture’ and ‘refurbish’ did not retrieve any matches in
the biological text. The authors therefore used direct and related synonyms of the
initial keywords for the search, which included keywords such as ‘renew,’
‘restore,’ ‘repair,’ ‘correct.’
The keywords ‘repair’ and ‘correct’ located useful biological phenomena. The
first phenomenon is based on the strategy used by plants to replace damaged parts:
The defense systems of plants and animals differ. Animals generally repair tissues that
have been infected. Plants, on the other hand, do not make repairs. Instead, they seal off
and sacrifice the damaged tissue so that the rest of the plant does not become infected. This
approach works because most plants, unlike most animals, can replace damaged parts by
growing new stems, leaves, and roots (Purves et al. 2001).
Incorporating the preemptive failure strategy to the redesign of snap fits, Hacco and
Shu (2002) specified predetermined breakpoints, shown in Fig. 3.6a, that may cause
earlier failure, but the part containing the snap fit feature can be more easily reused.
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 49
Fig. 3.6 Snap fit redesigned to facilitate easy refurbishment, adapted from Hacco and Shu
(2002). a Re-designed snap fit. b Replacement snap fit installed
3.4.2 Microassembly
Keywords used include ‘remove’ and ‘release.’ In addition, ‘defend’ was selected
as a keyword, because biological systems often ‘remove’ parts as a defensive
The keyword ‘defend’ led to a match with DNA transcription as the basis for
how proteins are selectively synthesized to defend against infections, which led to
a concept where features with different geometries would be used to maximize or
minimize surface contact with the microobject as needed. However, this complex
interaction mapped into a relatively complex solution compared to one that was
developed based on the abscission principle, as described below.
Multiple keywords, including ‘defend,’ ‘remove,’ and ‘release’ led to the
biological phenomenon of abscission. Abscission is the process by which leaves,
petals, and fruits separate from a plant. A hormone called auxin is strategically
released in plants to direct growth. When auxin is no longer produced, other
hormones are released. The combined effect of these hormones breaks down parts
50 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
of plants, for example, stalks of leaves damaged through infection or are no longer
needed, as in the winter season, such that they become completely detached from
the plant. The base of some leaves contains the abscission zone, which is a special
layer of cells. Without auxin, these cells swell and form a cork-like material, which
cuts off nutrients to the leaf, forms a seal between the leaf and the plant, and
protects the plant once the leaf separates.
Fig. 3.7 Implementation of the abscission strategy for micropart release, adapted from Shu et al.
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 51
The Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) device is an optical instrument that can
detect particle concentrations kilometers above the instrument itself. A LIDAR
consists of a high-powered laser that points upward and an optical receiver. A
cover, when closed, protects both the laser beam canister and the receiver lens.
Improved protection is sought for the lens both during operation (when the cover is
open) and while idle. Lunar regolith, or lunar dust, causes significant problems in
lunar exploration because the dust is pervasive, abrasive, and has been known to
damage and cause premature failure of lunar exploration equipment.
Two components of the lunar environment limit the choice of materials. First,
the thin lunar atmosphere approximates a hard vacuum and eliminates the speci-
fication of materials such as polymers, which will outgas in a vacuum and result in
severe physical degradation. Second, in the most common lunar exploration areas,
temperatures range from 120 C during the day to -150 C at night. Solutions
therefore must accommodate large and rapid temperature swings that occur during
the change from day to night and vice versa, further limiting the selection and
arrangement of materials.
Both mechanical and electrostatic aspects contribute to lunar regolith adhering
strongly to all surfaces. Without an atmosphere, no wind rounds regolith particles.
The sharp, jagged edges of regolith cause the mechanical aspect of adhesion, as
well as abrasion of mechanical seals. Furthermore, the small size of most regolith
particles (below 70 lm) leads to infiltration of almost all mechanical systems.
Positive charging of particles by solar wind during the lunar day and negative
charging by plasma electron currents at night enable particles to cling to
ungrounded surfaces. Finer regolith grains will levitate under this electrostatic
charging and thus, dust is present at the instrument level, even without mechanical
disturbance of regolith.
Strategies from the first two biological phenomena, bivalve shells and repelling
charges, were implemented in the chosen two-piece cover system concept, shown
in Fig. 3.8 that mimics the curvature and ligament joint of the bivalve shell. The
curvature of the lids reduces the amount of lunar dust falling onto the inside lens
area during opening, and the ligament hinge avoids the relative motion found in
rotating joints, increasing resistance to invasive dust particles. When the cover is
open during operation of the LIDAR, high-voltage DC electromagnetic fields repel
dust particles away from the lens surface.
Many of the biological analogies discussed in our examples are based on pre-
ventive strategies in biology. For the remanufacture and LIDAR protection
example, this is not surprising because of the nature of the problems and the
keywords used for the searches. On the other hand, it is interesting that a pre-
ventive strategy, that is, abscission in plants, was also identified and finally chosen
to address the microassembly release problem.
In biology, the consequence of failure or damage may be dire. Therefore,
strategies such as abscission and fainting are used before more critical damage to
Fig. 3.8 CAD model of the bivalve-inspired lid assembly, adapted from Davidson et al. (2009)
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 53
Although not detailed in this chapter, earlier reports of both the remanufacture and
microassembly examples include biological analogies that were not as obviously
or successfully implemented in the engineering solution. For example, identified
using the keyword ‘repair’ for the remanufacture problem are DNA repair
mechanisms. Specifically, excision repair targets damaged sections of a DNA
molecule, including that which occurs during the life of the cell. Chemically
damaged abnormal bases are excised and replaced with functional bases. Clearly,
this phenomenon is highly analogous to the repair of damaged parts during
remanufacture. The text on excision repair by Purves et al. (2001) follows:
For example, in excision repair, certain enzymes ‘inspect’ the cell’s DNA. When they find
mispaired bases, chemically modified bases, or points at which one strand has more bases
than the other (with the result that one or more bases of one strand form an unpaired loop),
these enzymes cut the defective strand. Another enzyme cuts away the bases adjacent to
and including the offending base, and DNA polymerase and DNA ligase synthesize and
seal up a new (usually correct) piece to replace the excised one.
While the above description confirms relevance, it is difficult to apply the active
strategies given. For instance, who or what can be used in place of enzymes in an
engineering solution to ‘inspect, find, cut, synthesize, seal up, and replace’ the
defective parts, activities needed in excision repair? Relegating these duties to a
human repair technician confers no improvement over the current situation in
remanufacture. Further details on excision repair from a more advanced source
mention conformation changes that result from the interaction of enzymes and
contribute to the above activities in the repair sequence. The conformation change
strategy was then matched to the engineering strategy where failure induces a
conformation change that helps release the part for replacement, for example, self-
removal during failure, somewhat implemented already in the chosen solution
Another biological analogy identified for the microassembly example also
involves complex molecular interactions. This phenomenon was developed into a
potentially feasible physical concept, but was far more complex to implement than
the polypropylene rods used to represent the abscission zone in the chosen solution
described. However, as engineering operates at increasingly smaller scales, it is
possible that these molecular strategies can be better implemented directly.
In the lunar regolith example, the charge-based solution, although also ‘active’
in that energy is required, can be implemented without the need for a physical
actor, for example, an astronaut, a robot, or a wiper to clear the lens of regolith
54 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
while the LIDAR is being used, all of which would be more complex as well as
potentially unsafe.
While many of our example solutions, for example, for remanufacture and mi-
croassembly, apply strategies from biological phenomena that share little super-
ficial similarity, many biomimetic design examples mimic biological phenomena
that share both functional and superficial similarity with the design solution. For
example, many legged robots are based on, and appear superficially similar to,
insects; Velcro shares both functional and physical similarity to the burrs on which
it is based; even lotus-effect-based solutions share physical and functional simi-
larities at the micro- and possibly nano-level with the lotus surface.
Several design researchers (Bonnardel 2000; Hon and Zeiner 2004; Tseng et al.
2008) report that cross-domain analogies, which often involve functional but not
superficial similarities, can evoke creative design solutions. Cross-domain analo-
gies are frequently more challenging to apply than within-domain analogies
because designers must identify similarities at the functional level, while there
may be little similarity at the superficial level. However, because it is easier for
humans to recall and observe information based on superficial similarity, designers
left to identify biological analogies based on their own or others’ observation or
recollection of knowledge may be more likely to develop solutions that directly
mimic biological systems/phenomena based on superficial similarities.
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 55
Our natural language search approach has focused on using keywords, for
example verbs and adjectives, to more objectively identify potential analogies
based on functional and environmental similarity. Our examples have demon-
strated the ability of this approach to identify analogies that seem unrelated, but
are in fact functionally or environmentally relevant to the design problems. Our
approach is consistent with artificial intelligence systems that make comparisons
between designs at functional, behavioral, or causal levels to support analogical
design (Goel 1997).
Our work on the natural language approach to support biomimetic design has
progressed to incorporate more computational linguistic tools and to automatize
the processes involved. Our latest work on the automatic extraction of causally
related functions in particular creates the potential to extract useful information
from a large amount of text sources. At the same time, it is essential to question
whether the information extraction techniques are capturing the appropriate type of
information, and the completeness of the captured information.
In addition, difficulties experienced by designers when applying analogies
found in natural language sources must be considered. Natural language text, or
language in general, is a flexible yet rich medium to represent and communicate
knowledge. How designers interpret text descriptions of biological knowledge and
form appropriate analogies to design solutions should be studied in more detail.
Interestingly, computational linguistic tools can also assist in such cognitive
Described below are other possible benefits of the natural language approach,
including its potential to bridge the gap between the increasing amount of bio-
logical information available and capturing meaningful information to support
biomimetic design.
strategies compiled before 2009. Vandevenne et al. (2011) noted that manually
compiling information would not efficiently integrate the vast majority of bio-
logical knowledge into design.
Importantly, most of the growing digital information is in the form of natural
language text. The field of natural language processing has existed since the 1950s
(Turing 1950). Therefore, plenty of tools exist that can be used to capture
meaningful information from the biological domain. This chapter referenced a
number of these tools that support the natural language approach to biomimetic
One promising direction is to automatically translate natural language text into
a form that more directly supports other approaches to biomimetic design. Many
modeling frameworks developed for biomimetic design, for example, SBF models
by Goel et al. (2009) and SAPPhIRE by Chakrabarti et al. (2005), may benefit
from techniques developed to automatically translate text information to the
specific representation format used in modeling. Databases to support biomimetic
design become increasingly useful according to the amount of knowledge they
Limitations of this approach exist because English, for one, is a highly
ambiguous language. Many areas of natural language processing, such as word
sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, and speech recognition, are actively
being researched. The accuracy of the information extraction and translation
efforts may be limited by the performance of the state-of-the-art natural language
processing techniques. On the other hand, increased application of natural lan-
guage processing in research domains other than computational linguistics will
likely support the advancement of existing techniques.
An important step in the translation of natural language text to other useful formats
is identifying which syntactic or semantic information must be captured. For
example, the causal relation extraction algorithm used syntactic relations, such as
open clausal complement, prepositional clause modifier, etc., shown in Table 3.1,
to identify causally related verbs. Most computational models in biomimetic
design are based on formal frameworks to index and reason with biological
information. Chakrabarti et al. (2006) defined different relations of verbs, nouns,
and adjectives to express each SAPPhIRE construct. Goel et al. (2009) applied
well-defined syntax and semantics to specify SBF models. Nagel et al. (2010) used
functional basis lexicons to form verb–object pairs to represent biological systems.
Because these approaches have already defined specific frameworks to index
relevant biological information, researchers could then determine whether lin-
guistic relations relevant to the corresponding frameworks can be identified in
natural language text.
Since patterns of linguistic relations are present in all natural language text,
once techniques and strategies are developed to identify specific sets of useful
3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 57
One benefit that comes with the ability to process a large amount of information is
the chance to identify patterns in information. TRIZ was developed based on
manually observing patterns of innovation in over 40,000 patents and has been
used as an effective problem-solving tool. Such a procedure is obviously difficult
to replicate, given the significant undertaking required. BioTRIZ developed by
Vincent et al. (2006) was based on about 500 biological phenomena. Son et al.
(2012) have recently investigated the patterns of biological transformations in 113
biological systems/organisms.
With highly automated information extraction techniques, such as the causal
relation extraction algorithm by Cheong and Shu (2012), patterns of strategies
used by biological systems could be identified. These patterns may reveal ubiq-
uitous solutions employed in nature, which could be mapped to solve a variety of
problems in engineering. Hoeller et al. (2007) propose that capturing recurring
solutions in biology would inspire effective designs of sustainable products or
services. Yen and Weissburg (2007) observe that the generality and robustness of a
particular biological strategy may be determined by whether that strategy is
implemented across many organisms. In addition to advancing biomimetic design,
significant findings on patterns of biological strategies may also advance our
understanding of biology.
3.5 Summary
Chiu I, Shu LH (2005) Bridging cross-domain terminology for biomimetic design. Proceedings
ASME international design engineering technical conference, Long Beach, CA, 24–28 Sept
2005, DETC2005-84908
Chiu I, Shu LH (2007) Biomimetic design through natural language analysis to facilitate cross-
domain information retrieval. Artif Intell Eng Des Anal Manuf 21(1):45–59
Currie J, Fung K, Mazza AG, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2009) A comparison of biomimetic design
and TRIZ applied to the design of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. 6th International
conference on innovation and practices in engineering design and engineering education,
Hamilton, Ontario, 27–29 July 2009
Davidson M, Bligh D, Maloney N, McKnight C, Young W, Shu LH, Potvin M-J, Warkentin A
(2009) Biomimetic design of a multi-layered dust protection system for optical instruments
operating in the lunar environment. 6th International Conference on Innovation and practices
in engineering design and engineering education, Hamilton, Ontario, 27–29 July 2009
de Marneffe M-C, MacCartney B, Manning CD (2006) Generating typed dependency parses from
phrase structure parses. Proceedings of the international conference on language resources and
evaluation, pp 449–454
Gentner D (1983) Structure-mapping: a theoretical framework for analogy. Cogn Sci
Girju R (2003) Automatic detection of causal relations for question answering. Proceedings of the
ACL 2003 workshop on multilingual summarization and question answering, vol 12.
pp 76–83
Goel AK (1997) Design, analogy, and creativity. IEEE Expert 12(3):62–70
Goel AK, Rugaber S, Vattam S (2009) Structure, behavior, and function of complex systems: The
structure, behavior, and function modeling language. Artif Intell Eng Des Anal Manuf
Goel AK, Vattam S, Wiltgen B, Helms M (2011) Cognitive, collaborative, conceptual and
creative—Four characteristics of the next generation of knowledge-based CAD systems: a
study in biologically inspired design. Comput Aided Des 44(10):879–900
Hacco E, Shu LH (2002) Biomimetic concept generation applied to design for remanufacture.
Proceedings ASME international design engineering technical Conference, Montreal, Canada,
29–2 Sept–Oct, DETC2002-34177
Hearst M (1998) Automated discovery of WordNet relations. In: Fellbaum C (ed) WordNet: An
electronic lexical database. MIT Press, Cambridge
Helms M, Vattam SS, Goel AK (2009) Biologically inspired design: process and products. Des
Stud 30(5):606–622
Hobbs JR (1978) Resolving pronoun references. Lingua 44(4):311–338
Hoeller N, Salustri F, DeLuca D, Pedersen Zari M, Love M, McKeag T, Stephens E, Reap J,
Sopchak L (2007) Patterns from Nature. Proc. of the 2007 Society for Experimental
Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics,
Springfield, MA, 4–6 June 2007
Hon KKB, Zeiner J (2004) Knowledge brokering for assisting the generation of automotive
product design. CIRP Ann 53(1):159–162
Karin K, Martha P, Owen R (2002) Extending PropBank with VerbNet semantic predicates.
Workshop on applied interlinguas, held in conjunction with AMTA-2002, Tiburon, CA, 8-12
Oct 2002
Ke J, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2009) Supporting biomimetic design through categorization of
natural-language keyword-search results. Proceedings ASME international design engineering
technical conference, San Diego, CA, 30–2 Aug–Sept, DETC2009-86681
Ke J, Chiu I, Wallace JS, Shu LH (2010) Supporting biomimetic design by embedding metadata
in natural-language corpora. Proceedings ASME international design engineering technical
conference, Montreal, Canada, 15–18 Aug 2010, DETC2010-29057
Khoo C, Chan S, Niu Y (2000) Extracting causal knowledge from a medical database using
graphical patterns. Proc. of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
60 L. H. Shu and H. Cheong
Lenau T, Cheong H, Shu L (2008) Sensing in nature: using biomimetics for design of sensors.
Sensor Rev 28(4):311–316
Lindemann U, Gramann J (2004) Engineering design using biological principles. Proceedings 8th
international design conference design 2004, pp 355–360
Mak TW, Shu LH (2004) Abstraction of biological analogies for design. CIRP Ann
Mak TW, Shu LH (2008) Using descriptions of biological phenomena for idea generation. Res
Eng Design 19(1):21–28
Manning C, Schutze H (1999) Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MIT
Press, Cambridge
Miller GA (1995) WordNet: a lexical database for English. Commun ACM 35(11):39–41
Nagel JKS, Nagel RL, Stone RB, McAdams DA (2010) Function-based, biologically inspired
concept generation. Special Issue Biologically Inspired Des AIEDAM 24(4):521–535
Pedersen T, Kolhatkar V (2009) WordNet::SenseRelate::AllWords—A broad coverage word
sense tagger that maximizes semantic relatedness. Proceedings of the North American chapter
of the association for computational linguistics—Human language technologies conference,
Boulder, CO, 1-3 June 2009, pp 17–20
Purves WK, Sadava D, Orians GH, Heller HC (2001) Life, the science of biology, 6/e. Sinauer
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Saitou K, Shalaby M, Shu LH (2007) Bioanalogous mechanical joints for authorized disassembly.
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Shu LH, Ueda K, Chiu I, Cheong H (2011) Biologically inspired design. CIRP Ann
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3 A Natural Language Approach to Biomimetic Design 61
Jacquelyn K. S. Nagel
Keywords Thesaurus
Function-based design
Design tools
modeling Functional basis Translation Analogies Concept generation
Identification Inspiration search Brainstorming Dialogue facilitation
4.1 Introduction
J. K. S. Nagel (&)
Department of Engineering, James Madison University Harrisonburg,
Harrisonburg, VA, USA
e-mail: nageljk@jmu.edu
Otto and Wood 2001; Dym and Little 2004; Ulrich and Eppinger 2004; Voland 2004;
Ullman 2009; Dieter and Schmidt 2009; Cross 2008). To arrive at a solution, it is not
uncommon for engineers to use design methods and tools, make analogies among
different engineering disciplines (i.e., an electrical resistor and mechanical damper
are mathematically analogous) during ideation to find solutions, or use metaphors to
frame or assist in defining the design problem (Hey et al. 2008). The use of design
tools and methods is recognized as standard practice in both industry and academia.
These tools and methods play a pivotal role in many of the design activities from
concept generation to detailed design. The leap made between engineering disci-
plines using analogies is to be expected as one gains more experience. Making a leap
between domains, however, is less likely to occur without an impetus. Take for
instance Velcro, if it were not for the curiosity of George de Mestral that caused
him to investigate how the tiny burrs he and his dog accumulated from walking
through wooded areas, modern day hook and loop may never have been invented or it
may not be as effective. George de Mestral’s chance observation of a biological
phenomenon resulted in a very simple, reusable material (de Mestral 1955) that has
been used for securing everyday items such as shoes to mission-critical items needed
for exploring space.
The natural world provides numerous cases for inspiration in engineering
design. Though biological organisms, phenomena, and strategies, herein referred
to as biological systems, provide a wealth of elegant and ingenious approaches to
problem solving, there are challenges that prevent designers from leveraging the
full insight into the biological domain. The leap from engineering to biological
science and back has posed a challenge. Engineers often struggle with how to best
use the vast amount of biological information available from the natural world
around them. Often, it is because there is a knowledge gap or terminology is
difficult or terminology takes different meanings. Moreover, the time required to
learn and become fluent in biology poses too large a hurdle. This reveals a fun-
damental problem of working across the engineering and biology domains. The
effort and time required to become a competent engineering designer creates
significant obstacles to becoming sufficiently knowledgeable about biological
systems (the converse can also be said).
This chapter presents a design tool, the engineering-to-biology thesaurus, that
addresses the main barriers to bioinspired design and aims to lower the hurdle,
allowing engineers without advanced biological knowledge to leverage nature’s
ingenuity during engineering design. The three key goals of this thesaurus are to
(1) lessen the burden when working with knowledge from the biological domain
by providing a link between engineering and biological terminologies; (2) assist
designers by establishing connections between the two domains; and (3) to
facilitate bioinspired design.
From the perspective of engineering design, biological information that can
interface with existing design methods will further lessen the burden on the
designer and increase the probability of looking to nature for inspiration. One
approach to interfacing biological information with engineering design is through
terminology or, more specifically, through grouping of synonyms and related
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 65
It is evident that nature can inspire innovative engineering designs (Toko 2000;
Bar-Cohen 2006a, b; Benyus 1997; Stroble et al. 2009a; Vincent et al. 2006;
Brebbia 2006, 2008; Brebbia and Carpi 2010; Brebbia and Collins 2004; Brebbia
et al. 2002; Forbes 2006; The Biomimicry Institute 2009). Biological systems
provide insight into sustainable and adaptable design, which often leads to designs
that are more elegant, efficient, and sustainable. For engineering designers, how-
ever, to adopt such a practice, design tools, techniques, and methods are needed.
Utilizing biological information during the engineering design process has taken
many forms. Inspiration for solving or finding direct solutions to engineering
problems has been obtained through chance observances (Hill 1995; Nachtigall
1989, 2000, 2002), functional keyword searches (Chiu and Shu 2007a, b; Vakili
and Shu 2001; Bruck et al. 2007), systematic reverse engineering (Wilson and
Rosen 2007; Lindemann and Gramann 2004), use of function–structure–behavior
terms to search a database (Sarkar et al. 2008; Wilson et al. 2009; Design and
Intelligence Laboratory 2010), TRIZ (Vincent et al. 2006), analogical reasoning
(Tsujimoto et al. 2008; Mak and Shu 2004, 2008; Helms et al. 2009; Vattam et al.
2010a), and functional representation through functional models (Nagel et al.
2008, 2010a, b; Vakili and Shu 2007; Shu et al. 2007; Stroble et al. 2009b; Vattam
et al. 2010b). Although each method has a different procedure, they all share one
thing in common; the promising biological system or phenomena must be
abstracted to capture the functional principle.
The research presented in this chapter explores the structure and purpose of an
engineering design thesaurus and how it enhances an existing design lexicon for
bioinspired design. Researchers at many universities are working on the knowl-
edge transfer problem between the engineering and biological domains by further
developing function- or function–behavior–structure-based design languages.
Research into the engineering-to-biology thesaurus builds upon multiple design
language research efforts.
The formal idea of a function-based design language, a standard set of engi-
neering function and flow terms for systematically creating function structures,
was originally proposed by Pahl and Beitz (2007). A function represents an
operation performed on a flow of material, signal, or energy. Numerous
researchers further evolved this set of generally valid functions and flows. Hundal
proposed a further refined set of function and flow classes in (Hundal 1990);
however, flows were excluded. Little et al. (1997) developed a set of function and
flow terms, which classified both functions and flows at class and basic levels.
Szykman et al. (1999) created a standardized taxonomy of function and flow terms,
separated into classes down to the fourth level, for the purpose of computer-based
design. Separately, but at the same time, Stone and Wood developed a well-
defined standardized modeling lexicon comprised of defined function and flow sets
with definitions and examples, entitled the Functional Basis (Stone and Wood
2000). Hirtz et al. (2002) later reconciled the Functional Basis into its most current
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 67
set of terms, with research efforts from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), two universities, and their industrial partners. Within the
Functional Basis, there exist eight classes of functions and three classes of flows,
both having an increase in specification at the secondary and tertiary levels. There
are 21 secondary and 24 tertiary functions, accompanied by correspondent terms to
aid the designer in choosing the correct function. Similarly, there are 20 secondary
and 22 tertiary flows accompanied by correspondent terms.
In a similar vein, function–behavior–structure languages were being explored
and developed to provide designers a way to uniformly represent system behavior.
Umeda et al. (Umeda et al. 1990) postulated that structure correlates with a sys-
tem’s state, or with the physical description of an entity in a design, while behavior
was defined as the change in the state, and function was defined as the realization
of the behavior through the use of the design. The work by Goel et al. uses
structure to represent a physical description for components, function is the pre-
and post-conditions for the behavior of the system, and behavior is the transition
between states (Goel et al. 2009; Goel and Chandrasekaran 1992). To capture
environmental interactions with a system, Gero developed the situated function–
behavior–structure framework (Gero and Kannengiesser 2002). Building on this
prior work, Chakrabarti et al. (2005) developed an approach to describe natural
and artificial systems and their functionality. The representation is implemented in
a software package entitled Idea-Inspire that allows one to search a database
comprised of natural and artificial complex mechanical systems with a function–
behavior–structure, or verb–noun–adjective, set. Each entry’s motion or process is
described functionally by behavioral language in the form of a function–behavior–
structure model, which the user chooses from a predefined list of terms. The Idea-
Inspire software yields seven behavioral constructs following the SAPPhIRE
model—state change, action, parts, phenomenon, input, organ, and effect—for
each search result that adequately fits the chosen function–behavior–structure set
(Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2009).
Researchers at the University of Toronto worked to provide designers with bio-
logically meaningful words that correspond to engineering functions. To identify
biologically meaningful words, the strategy developed by Chiu and Shu for searching
biological literature using functional keywords for design inspiration (Chiu and Shu
2007a, b) was employed. Cheong et al. (2008) used the search strategy in conjunction
with the terms of the Functional Basis to create the listing of biologically meaningful
words. Only the Functional Basis functions in the secondary, tertiary, and corre-
spondent levels were analyzed. Based on semantic relationships, the engineering
function terms of the Functional Basis were used to generate a list of biologically
significant and connotative functional keywords. In a similar vein, Stroble et al.
(2009c) worked to provide designers with biological terms that correspond to
engineering flows of the Functional Basis. Flow-type biological correspondent terms
were collected utilizing an organized verb–noun search that extracts collocated
words from a biological text. The Functional Basis flows in the class, secondary, and
tertiary levels were analyzed. The macrorelevant biological flow terms identified
were mapped to engineering flow terms through dictionary cross-referencing.
68 J. K. S. Nagel
Connect Couple Recombination, mate, build, phosphorylate, bond, synthesis, latch, lock, extend, link, overlap
Join Bind, adhere, bond, fuse
Link Clamp, activate, bind, project
Mix Blend, contract, exchange, fragment
Convert Convert Polymerize, synthesize, burn, gluconeogenesis, metabolize, grow, transduction, transduce, fermentation, glycolysis,
hydrolyze, hydrolysis, respiration, ionize, decompose, degrade, develop, mutate, photosynthesize
Control Actuate Activate, induce, trigger
Magnitude Regulate Electrophoresis, gate, organogenesis, respire, sustain, preserve, remain, stabilize, maintain, regulate
Increase Hyperpolarize, pinocytosis, grow, expand, multiply, replicate
Decrease Compress, coil, divide, fold, shorten, wrap
Change Pinocytosis, degrade, alter, bind, catalyze, contract, hydrolysis, twist, mutate, radiate, charged, slip, acclimatize,
alternate, fluctuate
Decrement Decarboxylation, constrict
Table 4.1 (continued)
passing through the functions of the system. There exist eight classes of functions
and three classes of flows, both having an increase in specification at the secondary
and tertiary levels. Both functions and flows have a set of engineering corre-
spondent terms that aid the designer in choosing Functional Basis terms during
model creation. The complete function and flow lexicon can be found in (Hirtz
et al. 2002).
The engineering-to-biology thesaurus provides biological correspondent terms
for engineering functions and flows at the class, secondary, and tertiary levels,
which follows the structure and classification of the Functional Basis. This
grouping highlights the synonyms and related concepts across the two domains.
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 73
The thesaurus does not include an exhaustive set of engineering and biology terms;
rather, it contains a representative set of engineering and biology terms. Biological
correspondent terms to the Functional Basis functions and flows are provided in
place of the original engineering correspondent terms, as shown in Tables 4.1, 4.2,
4.3 and 4.4. Only biological verbs and nouns that are synonymous to terms of the
Functional Basis are considered. The thesaurus does not include adjectives nor
does it include an index. The Functional Basis class-level terms, however, do
emulate the classes of a traditional thesaurus. Furthermore, the secondary- and
tertiary-level Functional Basis terms emulate the categories of a traditional the-
saurus. Thus, the classification is predetermined according to the Functional Basis
model; however, it remains the intermediary between the biology and engineering
A tool such as the engineering-to-biology thesaurus increases the interaction
between the users and the knowledge resource (Lopez-Huertas 1997) by presenting
the information as a lookup table. This simple format fosters one to make asso-
ciations between the engineering and biological lexicons, thus strengthening the
designer’s ability to utilize biological information.
Functional terms from the Indian Institute of Science were collected from the
Idea-Inspire software. Every natural system entered into the software’s database
was indexed using the predetermined list of verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Ana-
lyzing the list of verbs by cluster (Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2009) revealed
scientific terms applicable to biological systems grouped with engineering terms
exactly matching those of the Functional Basis. Utilizing multiple dictionaries as
in the prior analysis, the verbs of Idea-Inspire were mapped to the Functional Basis
functions as biological correspondent function terms.
Functional terms from the University of Toronto were collected from the work
of Cheong et al. (2008). As background work was already performed on the
semantic relationships of the biologically meaningful words to Functional Basis
functions, further investigation was not performed. Rather, the terms were directly
added to the thesaurus as biological correspondent function terms following the
classification in Cheong et al. (2008).
Mapping engineering terms to the biological domain, which the author is not an
expert in, requires a review of the relationships by a biologist. A biologist in two
instances reviewed the thesaurus: (1) when the biological correspondent flow
listing was generated and (2) when the biological correspondent function listing
was generated. The terms of the thesaurus in Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 represent
the complete set of terms that are the result of the biologist’s reviews. Review of
the placement, type, and structure of the thesaurus terms was initially performed
by a biology student at Missouri University of Science & Technology after flows
were placed (Linsey 2008a, b). A large group of tertiary terms under discrete
control signal were moved to the secondary level as they could be either discrete or
analog control signals. Other misplaced biological correspondent terms were
moved between the tertiary-level material classifications. After the first-term
placement review, 32 (10.9 %) of the flow terms were moved to a more appro-
priate mapping, 20 (6.8 %) were removed completely, and 11 new terms were
added, thus changing the total biological correspondent flow term count to 285
from 294.
A second review of the placement, type, and structure of the thesaurus terms
was performed by a professor of zoology at Oregon State University after func-
tions were placed (Brownell 2010a, b). The professor of zoology reviewed both the
function and flow biological correspondent terms and offered his insight. To better
map the terminology to the engineering domain, biological terms of a similar type
or related concept that were scattered were moved to the same classification and
the multiple meanings of terms are emphasized through repetition of the terms
across classifications. For example, all the terms representing molecules across
multiple material tertiary terms were collected and placed into the particulates’
classification. A similar change was made for terms representing hormones, which
were placed in the composites’ classification. The term organ is found under
multiple classifications as it can be thought of as an object or a composite of
tissues. Other changes include removing terms due to ambiguity and changing
term tense. After the second-term placement review, 34 (11.9 %) of the flow terms
were moved, 24 (8.4 %) were corrected to the proper tense, and 22 (7.7 %) were
removed. Also, 7 new terms were added and 5 existing terms were repeated, thus
changing the total biological correspondent flow term count from 285 to 275. For
the biological correspondent function terms, the changes consisted of moving 2
(0.01 %) of the terms, correcting 1 (0.005 %) to the proper tense, and removing 5
(2.4 %) of the terms. Also, 1 new term was added and 3 existing terms were
repeated, thus changing the total biological correspondent function term count to
206 from 207.
76 J. K. S. Nagel
Key challenges to the approach for populating the thesaurus were (1) the time
required searching each term to generate a listing of collocated terms and (2)
understanding the definitions provided by the three dictionaries used in the anal-
ysis. To determine the material, energy, or signal type of the flow term in question,
generally multiple biological dictionary entries were referenced. Considering
biological processes that perform a specific function within the system revealed
many macrorelevant terms that would have been overlooked if only verbs were
The Functional Basis offers a definition and example for each class, secondary,
and tertiary terms. Definitions of the correspondent terms are, however, not pro-
vided. Rather, the correspondent terms are synonyms to the Functional Basis
terms. This is also true for the biological correspondent terms. Biological terms
that correspond to multiple functions or flows are repeated and are italicized to
designate the special case of those terms. This treatment is similar to the repeated
words of the engineering correspondent terms.
4.3.6 Limitations
As with all engineering design tools, limitations exist. For the engineering-to-
biology thesaurus, the limitations are the terms available and the focus on mapping
biological terms to the functions and flows of an existing engineering modeling
language. Setting the boundaries on the small but representative set of engineering
terms of the Functional Basis is a major limitation. This directly affects the design
tool and limits the biological terms that can be correlated with the engineering
domain. For example, the biological function of protect loosely aligns with the
Functional Basis tertiary term prevent, which is under the secondary-level term
stop. This relationship, however, is not intuitive because a shell of an animal
protects the animal from harm or death, but it does not prevent or stop the attack
from occurring. Therefore, there are relevant biological function terms that are
often performed by biological systems that are currently not included. While the
thesaurus does not include a comprehensive list of all biology and engineering
terms, it does, however, contain a representative set that can guide the designer to
make informed judgments on terms that are not included. Depending on the level
of confidence by the designer, this may or may not be achievable. Both the
engineering and biology term sets could be expanded to include other relevant
terms, as they are made available.
Translating biological information to the engineering domain is possible, as
shown in Sect. 4.4.2; however, it is not as intuitive to an engineer as translating
information from one engineering subdomain to another (i.e., fluid resistance to
electrical resistance). Designers must make creative leaps through reliance on prior
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 77
Mapping terms between the biology and engineering domains not only reduces the
terminology barrier and addresses other challenges engineers face when working
across the two domains, but also supports several engineering design applications.
Applications of the engineering-to-biology thesaurus include, but are not limited
to, (1) translation of biological information to increase comprehension or develop
connections, (2) concept generation with biological inspiration through function-
based approaches, and (3) dialogue facilitation between the engineering and
biology communities. The concept generation application activities supported by
the thesaurus are the identification of relevant biological terms to use during
brainstorming or searching for biological inspiration, functional modeling of
biological systems, and identification of analogies between the domains. Fig-
ure 4.2 depicts how the applications of the engineering-to-biology thesaurus
design tool fit within a typical function-based engineering design process. Com-
munication and translation applications can occur at many points during the
engineering design process, affording versatility of the design tool. Additional
versatility is provided during the early phases of design through the multiple
concept generation application activities. Integration and prescriptive use of the
engineering-to-biology thesaurus design tool into an engineering design process to
facilitate bioinspired design are described in Chap. 5.
78 J. K. S. Nagel
Fig. 4.2 Thesaurus applications mapped to a typical function-based design process (adapted
from Pahl et al. 2007)
All the design activities lead to, or can be incorporated into, concept devel-
opment, which is an overarching application of this design tool. Additionally, the
majority of these applications capture the biological system through an abstraction,
which is very valuable in solving design problems and can assist designers with
learning design principles from nature. The following subsections describe the
inherent and plausible applications of the design tool. Application examples are
also provided along with references to in-depth examples.
4.4.1 Communication
The design tool presented in this chapter can aid the communication and collab-
oration between engineers and biologists. There are distinct relationships that the
two domains share. For example, function in engineering is analogous to physi-
ology in biology, and structure in engineering is analogous to morphology in
biology. Similar relationships exist among the subject-domain-specific terms of
biology and engineering. Many are captured in the thesaurus tables. Recognizing
those relationships can help an engineer or biologist understand the other’s
viewpoint, which, subsequently, can aid communication across the domains.
Specifically, engineers get glimpse of how biological terms have multiple mean-
ings and levels of interpretation. Being aware of the terminology differences and
levels of abstraction can ease communication with biologists.
The engineering-to-biology thesaurus can assist engineers with asking better
questions of biologists. For example, asking ‘‘how does a biological system
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 79
transmit information?’’ is very open-ended and may not lead to a useful answer. A
better question to ask would be ‘‘what role does transduction play in communi-
cating information?’’ By replacing transmit with transduction and rewording, the
question to be more specific is likely to reduce the time clarifying what is meant by
certain terms or phrases, and more time is spent discussing topics of interest,
resulting in an intellectually stimulating conversation versus a frustrating discus-
sion of the differences between the domains. Using the terms of the thesaurus can
similarly aid a biologist to reciprocate and give an answer in a context that an
engineer is more likely to understand.
4.4.2 Translation
Mappings used to translate the text on insect chemoreception are with function-
and flow-type terms. Many biological terms in the text excerpt were found in the
thesaurus tables and manually swapped with the corresponding engineering terms.
Examples are molecule, protein, receptor, dendrite, shuttles, and cell. While the
biological process of olfaction through antennae described might be clear, the
types of materials and signals involved in the process are less clear. Translation of
the flow-type terms assists in determining the types of materials and signals
involved. Biological terms to translate that were not found within the thesaurus,
such as dendrite, were addressed through translation of the definition of the bio-
logical term. By manually identifying unclear biological terms and substituting
Functional Basis terms, the translated text presents the information in a more
generalized context. The translated insect olfaction text is as follows:
In insects, odor particulates first contact the solid material surface, and because it is waxy,
they easily dissolve. From here the odor particulate moves in two dimensions, and some
find their way into the opening of a pore canal. … Eventually, however, before it arrives at
the solid object surface of a an object that transfers electrical energy, the hydrophobic odor
particulate will encounter a liquid material. … The other type joins less specifically [to] a
variety of nonpheromone particulates (e.g., food odors) and are called general odor joining
solid-liquid mixtures. The odorant joining solid-liquid mixtures act as guides and transfer
odor particulates through the liquid material to the surface of the object that transfers
electrical energy. In the solid-solid material of the sensory solid-liquid material are solid
objects for various odors, depending on the specificity of the solid-liquid material.
Design Repository www.designengineeringlab.org.
82 J. K. S. Nagel
The process flow in Fig. 4.3 with a solid line relies on the use of engineering
functional models to derive bioinspired conceptual designs. In this concept gen-
eration approach, the inspiring biological systems are not known prior to concept
generation and are identified through searching a biological knowledge base.
Biological knowledge bases that integrate with the thesaurus include the Design
Repository and the biological corpora that are made available to the organized
search tool discussed in Sect. 4.5.2. Once biological solutions are identified, the
designer must learn more about the inspiring systems to draw analogies or con-
nections to make the leap to a bioinspired concept. Translation of biological
information or communication with biologists may be necessary.
Considering biological systems through generalized engineering terms allows
connections to be made between the domains, which facilitates knowledge transfer,
and allows the biological information to be used during the engineering design
process. Prior knowledge of a broad range of engineered systems and processes is
not required for concept generation of bioinspired designs; however, that knowl-
edge provides the impetus for readily recognizing the connections between systems
of two dissimilar domains. Concepts are formulated directly and indirectly from
biological inspiration. Using the thesaurus could result in conceptual designs that
partially (i.e., one or two components) or completely (i.e., entire design) mimic a
biological system. Although the engineering-to-biology thesaurus assists in making
the leap from biology to engineering, to arrive at the final concept, the designer is
still required to make the leap within the engineering domain.
The following subsections describe the concept generation application activities
in detail.
range of biological terms have been collected and placed into the thesaurus, which
can accommodate a designer when developing functional models of well-known to
lesser-known biological systems. Functional modeling of biological systems
allows representation of solutions to specific engineering functions and direct
knowledge discovery of the similarities and differences between biological and
engineered systems, as viewed from a functional perspective (Nagel et al. 2010d).
Figure 4.4 summarizes the relationships between biological and engineering
functional models. Detailed instructions and examples of creating biological
functional models can be found in (Nagel et al. 2010b, d, 2011).
A biological functional model could be thought of as an additional form of
translation, which allows a designer to qualitatively model a system to compre-
hend and compare functionality. Representing biological, functionally using the
lexicon of the Functional Basis, also allows biological solutions to be stored in an
engineering design knowledge base for future reuse, such as for concept generation
or for educational purposes. The archived biological solutions can then be recalled
and adapted to engineered systems. The creation of engineered systems that
implement strategies or principles of their biological counterparts without repro-
ducing physical biological entities is an additional benefit to biological functional
Continuing the example from Sect. 4.4.2, a biological functional model of
insect olfaction through antennae is developed and provided in Fig. 4.5. The
information contained within the prior text excerpt is further expanded below to
assist in understanding details of insect olfaction or chemoreception.
Antennae are made of a chitin–protein complex referred to as cuticle, which are
porous, and covered in a waxy layer to prevent desiccation (Mitchell 2003).
Multiple parts of the insect body, particularly the antennae, are covered in
84 J. K. S. Nagel
cuticular protrusions in the form of sensilla (e.g., hairs, pegs) that house the
chemically sensitive cells for olfaction (Mitchell 2003; Møller 2003; Eguchi and
Tominaga 1999; Klowden 2008). In order to detect the chemical stimulus, the odor
molecules must make contact with the waxy layer of a sensillum and travel
through the porous cuticle. Once inside, odor molecules encounter an aqueous
medium containing odor-binding proteins and receptor sites on the dendrite sur-
face (Mitchell 2003; Møller 2003; Eguchi and Tominaga 1999). As the name
implies, the odor-binding proteins bind to the odor molecules and essentially
shuttle one odor molecule at a time to a receptor site. The dendrite is connected to
a sensory cell that, in most cases, is activated by specific odor types (e.g., food,
pheromones) through the receptor sites at the dendrite surface. Regardless, once an
odor molecule comes into contact with a receptor site, a signal is generated, the
signal is amplified, and the odor-binding protein then causes hydrolysis to separate
the odor molecule from the receptor site and the protein itself (Mitchell 2003;
Møller 2003; Eguchi and Tominaga 1999). The odor-binding protein is responsible
and required for receptor site activation and deactivation (Klowden 2008). Binding
to a receptor site causes activation and conformational change and leads to the
generation of an action potential (electrical signal), which is summarized as signal
transduction. This is achieved through second messengers, typically cyclic aden-
osine monophosphate, which increases the sensory cell’s permeability to sodium
ions and alters the electrical potential of the cell membrane (Mitchell 2003; Møller
2003; Eguchi and Tominaga 1999; Klowden 2008). After the signal has been
generated and separation by hydrolysis is complete, esterase enzymes breakdown
the odor molecule and the odor-binding protein is recycled.
Using the terms within Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, the biological information
is mapped to engineering terms, similar to the translation process described in
Sect. 4.4.2. Where the translation example of Sect. 4.4.2 had an emphasis on
biological flows, the biological functional model has an emphasis on biological
functions. Combined, the two create a comprehensive translation of biological
information into an engineering context. The following paragraph demonstrates
the distilled biological information with the substituted engineering terms in italics
used to create the biological functional model in Fig. 4.5.
When the chemical energy, odorant, enters the insect cuticle, the odor-binding
proteins immediately sense their presence and begin the detection process. The
function of join represents the protein binding to the chemical stimulus, which is
then carried to the receptor site noted by the function of transport. The couple
function denotes binding of the odor molecule and odorant-binding protein to the
receptor site. Change represents the activation, conformational change in the
receptor site, and generation of an action potential and is why the flows of
chemical energy and mixture materials are all present for that function. Signifying
the receptor site deactivation in parallel with the electrical signal that is sent to the
nervous system to be identified is the function of separate and actuate, respec-
tively. The final portion of the chemoreception process is transmission of the
electrical signal to the brain to produce a response.
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 85
Following the process outlined in Fig. 4.3, the biological functional model of
chemoreception could be used to inspire an innovative chemical sensor. Addi-
tionally, the model could be entered into a specialized knowledge base for future
bioinspired design reuse. An example of modeling the symbiotic biological system
lichen with the help of the thesaurus can be found in (Nagel et al. 2010b, 2011).
The lichen biological functional model resulted in a concept for an innovative
solar energy system that is adaptable to different climates to improve efficiency of
electricity generation.
Identified biological systems include spider webs, fainting goats, giraffe throat
valves, blood clots, scabs, clam shells, and puffer fish.
With several biological systems identified, a designer, depending on the level of
understanding, can begin to develop bioinspired conceptual designs. If compre-
hension is low, the designer could look up information on each system to perform
translation or functional modeling or analogy discovery to become inspired.
Considering fainting goats and puffer fish leads to two interesting braking system
concept variants. Learning that fainting goats’ muscles seize when they become
over-excited leads to a concept of suspending bike movement to prevent input
from the rider and slow down. Essentially, the entire bike acts as the braking
system. Learning that puffer fish expand to halt predators leads to a concept that
has tires that act as brakes by expanding to create more friction and stop the bike
from moving.
The organized search tool (Stroble et al. 2009d) was developed for retrieving
relevant biological systems that perform functions of interest. Specifically, the
organized search tool is designed to work with non-engineering subject-domain-
specific information, such as biology. The majority of biological information is
written in natural language format, which prompted the investigation of using both
a Functional Basis function and flow term when searching for solutions. Realizing
how the topic of the text is treated increases the extensibility of the organized
verb–noun search algorithm.
The verb–noun combination search strategy incorporates the terms of the
engineering-to-biology thesaurus into the search algorithm and provides two levels
of results: (1) associated with verb only, of which the user can choose to utilize or
ignore, and (2) the narrowed results associated with the verb–noun pair. This
search strategy requires the designer to first form an abstraction (e.g., functional
model) of the unsolved problem using the Functional Basis lexicon. The verbs
(functions) of the abstraction are input as keywords in the organized search tool to
generate a list of biological matches. The search algorithm swaps the engineering
function term for the corresponding biological function terms in the engineering-
to-biology thesaurus. The biological corpora are then searched for the biological
function, and all sentences containing the function are extracted for further pro-
cessing. Each match is stored for display to the user. When multiple biological
correspondent function terms are present, the search is executed recursively until
all corresponding biological functions have been searched. The noun listing is then
used in combination with the search verb results for a second, more detailed search
to locate specific text excerpts from the biological corpora that describe how the
biological systems perform the functionality with the desired flows.
This search strategy is embodied in an automated retrieval tool that allows an
engineering designer to selectively choose which corpora to search and to upload
additional searchable information as it is made available. The user interface ini-
tially presents the designer with a function (verb) entry field and search options.
Search options prompt the designer to choose from exact word, derivatives of the
word, and partial word. Once the biological corpora are searched for the function
term, the designer is presented with a listing of flows (nouns) that occur in
proximity to the searched verb for each corpus searched followed by a group of
sentences that include the function and listed flows. The resultant biological
information is more relevant and focused due to the integration of the thesaurus in
the search algorithm.
4 A Thesaurus for Bioinspired Engineering Design 89
4.5.3 MEMIC
4.6 Conclusion
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Chapter 5
Function-Based Biologically Inspired
J. K. S. Nagel (&)
Department of Engineering, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA
e-mail: nageljk@jmu.edu
R. B. Stone
School of Mechanical Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR, USA
e-mail: robert.stone@oregon.state.edu
D. A. McAdams
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
e-mail: dmcadams@tamu.edu
5.1 Introduction
systematic design methodology for biologically inspired design can reproduce the
existing design. The second validation exercise investigates three needs–based
design case studies that lead to plausible biologically inspired solutions. The
needs-based design case studies demonstrate the systematic design approach to
biologically inspired design from the problem-driven perspective. A reference to a
case study from the biology-driven perspective is also provided. The thought
processes, model iterations, and connections that are the leaps that enable the
ingenuity of the nature to be discovered and adapted for use in engineered systems
are also presented.
Using functional representation and abstraction to describe biological systems
presents the natural designs in an engineering context and allows designers to
make connections between biological and engineered systems. Thus, the biological
information is accessible to engineering designers with varying biological
knowledge, but a common understanding of engineering design methodologies. By
creating a bridge between the two domains through the perspective of function,
engineers can leverage the elegant designs found in the world around them. This
work demonstrates the feasibility of using systematic design for the discovery of
innovative engineering designs without requiring expert-level knowledge, but
rather broad knowledge of many fields.
Various tools and techniques combine or interact to support the overall systematic
biologically inspired design methodology. The engineering-to-biology thesaurus
(see Chap. 4) is the backbone of this framework, as it assists in modeling bio-
logical systems and searching for inspiration or solutions. Consequently, the
thesaurus also assists in concept generation, both directly and indirectly. Indirect
assistance is through the modeling method and organized search tool, and direct
assistance is through designer knowledge of a biological process (e.g., the con-
version of sunlight to sugars) that could solve a set of design needs of a product.
The following section makes this indirect assistance more explicit.
A framework, by definition, is an arrangement of parts that provides a system or
concept a basic form (McKean 2005). In the framework developed here, the parts
are identify, translate, represent, and conceptualize. The system or concept being
supported is the systematic biologically inspired design methodology. What makes
this framework particularly useful for design is the flexibility a designer is afforded
when working toward a biologically inspired solution. Each tool and technique can
be used individually and in multiple combinations. Prior work has shown how the
engineering-to-biology thesaurus integrates with and improves organized search
tools (Nagel et al. 2010; Nagel et al. 2010; Nagel et al. 2010), supports biological
functional modeling method (Nagel et al. 2010; Nagel et al. 2010; Nagel et al.
2010), and integrates with concept generation approaches (Nagel 2010). Specific
interaction benefits are pointed out in the Venn diagram of Fig. 5.1. Using all four
parts results in systematic biologically inspired design.
98 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
In this section, the overall design methodology is given. In support of the sys-
tematic biologically inspired design methodology, several separate techniques
coalesce to guide the designer from initial curiosity or customer needs to complete
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 99
concept (Nagel and Stone 2011). The framework for making connections between
biology and engineering is presented first followed by the design methodology.
Two holistic approaches by the Biomimicry Institute (2010) and Helms et al.
(2009) offer a process for designers to follow, from a biology perspective and an
engineering perspective, respectively, and a database of biological information that
supports biologically inspired design. Additionally, the work by Helms et al.
(2009) and Vattam et al. (2008) occurred in parallel with this work unbeknownst to
the authors at the time. Both bodies of research made several similar observations
that guided their work along distinct, but related paths. For example, Helms et al.
(2009) first formally identified the two approaches of problem-based and solution-
based bioinspired design that emerged from an earlier study of design students
utilizing biological inspiration to solve engineering design problems (Vattam et al.
2008). The authors of this chapter made a similar observation while exploring how
to use functional models as a means of finding related biological inspiration for
design (Nagel et al. 2008) and identified two approaches to handle both problem-
based and solution-based starting points for biologically inspired design. These
approaches, however, do not offer a complete framework of design tools that
integrate with the functional model-driven design process to support the designer
throughout biologically inspired design. This chapter addresses that gap by
offering a systematic methodology for both problem- and solution-based entry
points along with a framework of supporting design tools that integrate with
established functional model-based, engineering design methodologies.
The aim of the systematic design methodology of this chapter is to provide
enough structure to assist in the bioinspired design process without hindering the
creativity and inventiveness of the designer. This method is intended to foster and
guide the abilities of the designer and encourage objective evaluation of the
results. The systematic approaches of this method are further intended to render
designing based on biological inspiration comprehensible and steer the efforts of
designers down purposeful paths.
This research relies on the designer’s ability to identify and formulate connections
between biological and engineering domains. Just as there are different learning
styles, there are multiple ways to make connections. Analogies (Casakin 2006;
Gentner 1988; Gentner 1983; Gick and Holyoak 1980; Goel 1997; Hofstadter
1995; Tsujimoto et al. 2008; Linsey et al. 2008; Balazs and Brown 2001; Mak and
Shu 2004; Bhatta and Goel 1997; Smith 1998; Nagai and Taura 2006) are the most
widely used and have multiple forms. Direct, indirect, and compound analogies
have all been used to connect a biological system to an engineering solution. A
direct analogy mimics the biological system one to one. An indirect analogy uses
the biological system to spur analogies for inspiration but does not mimic every
aspect of the biological system. A compound analogy is the combination of
100 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
A pictorial representation of the method is given in Fig. 5.2. The flower is used to
show that the methodology is an organic process that has systematic design roots.
Each of the steps is discussed in greater detail below. The majority of, if not all,
design processes are iterative, and this methodology follows the same convention.
Cues for when to iterate are provided. Furthermore, the design methodology here
should not be viewed as a rigid sequence in which one must follow each minute
detailed step. Rather, it should be viewed as a starting point or a set of guidelines
that aim to arrive at a biologically inspired design.
Figure 5.3 summarizes the avenues of the problem-driven approach that closely
follows traditional systematic design, and the avenues of the problem-driven
approach that starts from a known biological solution are summarized in Fig. 5.4.
Figure 5.5 is a flowchart of the biology-driven approach that starts from curiosity.
Also, the parts of the framework and existing design tools used in each step of the
method are made explicit in Table 5.2.
Fig. 5.2 An overview of the five steps of the systematic biologically inspired design
Fig. 5.3 Flowchart of the problem-driven approach that closely follows traditional systematic
design (a) basic systematic approach to biologically inspired design using a function-based
framework (b) systematic approach to biologically inspired design using a function-based
framework with biological system identification guided by search heuristics
104 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
Fig. 5.4 Flowchart of the problem-driven approach that starts from a known biological solution
(a) basic systematic approach to biologically inspired design using a function-based framework
when an inspiring biological system is already identified (b) systematic approach to biologically
inspired design using a function-based framework when translation of a biological process into
functional language is needed
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 105
Table 5.2 Framework parts and existing design tools used in each step of the methodology
Tools Steps Needs or Decompose Query Make Create
curiosity connections concepts
Framework E2B thesaurus X X X X
Search tool X X
Biological functional X X X X
Biological concept X X
Existing Design repository X X X
Functional basis X X X
Automated X
Ullman 2009; Ulrich and Eppinger 2004; Voland 2004; Hyman 1998; Dym and
Little 2004). Identifying customer needs is the most critical part of the design
process as they form the basis for device functionality and specifications. Taking
the biology-driven approach means a designer already knows of an interesting
biological system in which he or she would like to investigate. Thus, the focus is
on finding an application for the principles and concepts exhibited in that bio-
logical system rather than on finding principles to solve an engineering need.
However, the organized search tool can be used to find a biological system to
investigate initially.
Step 2: Decompose
The second step involves decomposing the needs or interesting biological system
into, first, a black box model and, second, a functional model. All models created
with this method use the Functional Basis modeling lexicon. With regard to tra-
ditional systematic design, the black box aims to abstract the overall function of the
device that is to be designed. Whereas for a biological system, the black box model
describes an interesting function, structure, behavior, or strategy of the system.
Next, the input and output flows to the black box are determined. These flows are
prompted by the customer needs from the first step or the needs/attributes of the
biological system needed to achieve the black box functionality. The next task is to
create the functional model. Decompose the black box description into subfunc-
tions connected by flows of energy, material, or signal (Pahl et al. 2007; Otto and
Wood 2001; Stone 1997; Stone and Wood 2000; Nagel 2010). Functional model
creation is often an iterative task. Before moving on to the next step, check to see
that all customer needs have been met by identifying the flows and subfunction
chains that address them (Pahl et al. 2007; Otto and Wood 2001; Stone 1997; Stone
and Wood 2000; Nagel 2010). When following the biology-driven approach, the
designer can refer to the general biological modeling methodology presented in
(Nagel et al. 2010) for assistance with creating a biological functional model.
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 107
Step 3: Query
Step 3 involves querying a knowledge base to identify solutions to each function/
flow pair of the functional model. Two knowledge bases are required: one con-
taining successful engineered systems and the other containing biological systems.
To integrate with this method, both are indexed by engineering function and flow.
The Design Repository1 containing descriptive product information serves as the
engineered systems’ body of knowledge. It also includes product information such
as functionality, component parameters, manufacturing processes, failure, and
component connectivity. The Design Repository now contains design knowledge
of over 113 consumer products and 30 biological systems. Instead of creating a
large knowledge base containing functionally decomposed biological systems,
similar to the design repository, an introductory biology textbook serves as the
biological systems’ body of knowledge. Although it is not indexed by engineering
function, the engineering-to-biology thesaurus provides a starting point to find
inspiration with engineering function and flow.
The tasks that comprise Step 3 begin with using the MEMIC software, or
automated morphological matrix search tool, to query the Design Repository and
the organized search software to query the biological corpus.
Based on the number of results returned for engineered and biological solutions,
the search may need to be repeated. For engineered solutions, it can be helpful to
abstract terms to the next level in the hierarchy. For example, if transport, a
tertiary-level term, does not return any repository entries, then the secondary-level
term transfer should be used. The same approach applies to flows.
108 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
Once a final concept has been reached, the next phase of systematic design,
Detailed Design (Pahl et al. 2007), can initiate.
Notice that the major differences between the avenues to biologically inspired
design as shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4 are within Step 2. When a designer follows
traditional systematic design, flowchart A of Fig. 5.3, and decomposes a functional
model from a black box model, the resultant model is referred to as a conceptual
functional model. The conceptual functional model is used to query the engi-
neering and biology knowledge bases. In the event that no connections can be
formalized, then the designer should return to the query step and try different
levels of functions and flows. The same holds true for when no concepts are
Following flowchart B of Fig. 5.3 instructs the designer to use the organized
search tool heuristics for the initial query. Once biological solutions are gathered,
then the Design Repository is queried to supplement the biological solutions with
engineering solutions. One difference here is that the results of the search tool
should be screened first before moving on. In the event that no connections can be
formalized, then the designer should return to the query step and try a different
heuristic. The same holds true for when no concepts are synthesized.
If a designer knows of a biological system that can solve the black box func-
tionality, then a biological functional model of this system can be created to drive
the methodology as shown in flowchart A of Fig. 5.4. In the event that no con-
nections can be formalized, then the designer should return to the decompose step
and either modify the biological functional model or choose a different biological
system for exploration. The same holds true for when no concepts are synthesized.
Consider the scenario when a designer can describe a known biological process
that solves the black box functionality, as shown in flowchart B of Fig. 5.4. Using
the biological process as a starting point, the designer can search for biological
systems that perform that process using the organized search tool. If the search
results are too narrow or uninspiring, the designer can use the engineering-to-
biology thesaurus to identify new query terms. Once a biological system is chosen,
then the designer can define the biological system with a functional model and use
it to discover engineered solutions that perform the same functions to make
connections back to the engineering domain, unless connections are readily
facilitated. In the event that no connections can be formalized, then the designer
should return to Step 2 and either choose a different biological system for
exploration or, if no model was created, develop a biological functional. The same
holds true for when no concepts are synthesized. In both process flows of Fig. 5.4,
if the Design Repository results are limited, then the designer should try different
levels of functions and flows to broaden the search.
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 109
The first validation exercise is to analyze existing biomimetic products, apply the
systematic design methodology, and verify that the biological system used to
110 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
inspire the original design is used in the results in such a way that could lead to a
Table 5.3 lists six existing biomimetic products. These technologies represent
the fields of electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering and material science. The
validation studies here relied on technical descriptions of these products found in
the literature. From the descriptions, primary function/flow pairs were identified
and represented with Functional Basis terminology. The primary function/flow
pairs are then used to query the biological knowledge base.
Both representation and querying utilize the engineering-to-biology thesaurus.
If the mimicked biological system is within the query results and described in a
way that makes a connection and results in a similar concept to the existing
biomimetic technology, then it follows that the method can reproduce the design.
During this validation exercise, AskNature was added to the biological corpus
knowledge base to augment topical limitations in the corpus. AskNature2 is an
online database that biologists, engineers, designers, chemists, etc., can contribute
focused on biologically inspired design.
Following the five steps of the methodology, all six existing biomimetic
technologies were reproduced. The three found within the organized search tool
required the substitution of biological function and flow terms of the thesaurus,
while the three found within the AskNature database needed substitution of only
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 111
the flow term. Additionally, other biological systems were identified that also solve
the function/flow pair, which, if a redesign was undertaken, could result in com-
pound analogical design.
From here the search heuristics were applied, following flowchart B of Fig. 5.3.
Using the general inspiration heuristic, several interesting biological systems were
found to perform the function of detect. An organized search of a biological corpus
resulted in the following query results (Purves et al. 2001):
1. The hair cell
2. Electroreceptors found in electric fish
3. Epithelial cells
4. Genes that mark recombinant DNA
5. DNA
6. Why birds flock in large groups
7. Echolocation
8. Carotid and aortic stretch receptors
9. Membrane receptor proteins
10. Graded action potentials.
Next, following Step 4 of the methodology, the biological systems returned for
the function of detect are analyzed to formalize connections.
Hair cells are analogous to cantilevers and would detect a presence when dis-
turbed. In a similar manner, the carotid and aortic stretch receptors are analogous
to flexible materials such as polymers. A polymer would detect a disturbance when
pressure is applied.
Echolocation is analogous to radar. Radar is already used to detect objects;
however, it is not a distributed system, as would be needed for a smart flooring
concept. The final connection made from the above list is with the electroreceptor
of fish. Electroreceptors generate an electric field for navigation of the environ-
ment, to locate objects, which is also analogous to radar. Echolocation uses sound
waves where electrolocation uses electric waves.
Now that the query results have been analyzed and reflected upon to get to
establish connections between biology and engineering, and the next task, fol-
lowing flowchart B of Fig. 5.3, is to query the engineering knowledge base and
supplement the biologically inspired solutions with engineering solutions to
complete the design. The returned engineering solutions, shown in Table 5.5, are
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 113
potential from the sensory cells. Hair cells are vertical structures, while stretch
receptors are found in multiple orientations. Taking inspiration from the hair cell
and stretch receptor morphology leads to a detector design that is comprised of a
vertical structure that can be stretched in multiple orientations.
Offering flexibility and ruggedness for repeated deflection, this detector design
could work for woven flooring such as carpet. Taking inspiration from the sensory
cells, flexion of the carpet fibers would result in a change in resistivity, similar to a
strain gage, or generate a voltage by the principle of piezoelectricity. Polyamide is
a high-performance synthetic polymer and is commonly used in textiles. Fabri-
cating polyamide tubes with a conductive gel or paste that can be woven into
carpet to form an array would achieve the biologically inspired design. Materials
research would need to be completed to determine whether the polyamide and
conductive gel or paste would last in a high-traffic environment.
Alternatively, conductive thread, another detector solution that can be stretched
in multiple orientations, could easily be woven into carpet and offer a change in
resistivity. Conductive thread exists and is used in garments and accessories that
merge technology into clothing. Materials research would need to be completed to
the designer to query all possible forms of a chemical stimulus. The device sub-
strate is also generalized as material to include all possible forms of material in the
knowledge base. Figure 5.11 demonstrates the indirect sensing mechanism with
couple and change, and the sensing element or transducer with detect. Electrical
energy is utilized to power the sensor and transfer the detection status signal to the
device capable of interpreting such signals, such as a computer. The boundary of
the conceptual functional model includes the sensing layer and powered sensing
Following Step 3, the Design Repository was queried for engineering and
biological entries. The components for each function/flow pair returned are shown
in Table 5.7. For 10 of the 13 sensor functions, the component list was short and
easy to choose from. The functions of change, detect, and export signal returned
many possible components.
Considering the conceptual device as a whole and how one would use the
device is an advantageous thought process for determining suitable components
from a list. With regard to changing the material as the first step in the indirect
sensing mechanism, the impeller, blade, and punch require mechanical movement
to change a material, whereas the staple plate, filter, and heating element could
change the chemical stimulus without mechanical movement. The conceptual
design is not fully determined at this point and could be influenced by the com-
ponent(s) chosen from biological inspiration. Therefore, the functions of change
and detect will be considered together.
Following Step 4 of the methodology, connections need to be established to
assist concept generation. Bacteria employ the two-component regulatory system
for detection of extracellular signals, and the signaling pathways consist of
118 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
modular units called transmitters and receivers, both of which are proteins (Stock
et al. 2000). Fly antennae contain chemically sensitive cells (chemoreceptors)
hidden deep within pores, which allow the insect to experience olfaction (i.e.,
sense of smell) (Mitchell 2003). The Animalia and Plantae mechanisms of che-
moreception are not descriptive and are meant to guide a designer in a direction of
research. Analysis of the biological components leads to the choice of fly che-
moreceptor for the detect chemical energy function block.
Further exploration of the fly antennae reveals that the insect cuticle (a chitin-
protein outer cover) has elaborations in the form of trichoids (hairs), pegs, pegs in
pits and flat surfaces, all of which provide multiple pores for chemicals to travel
through (Mitchell 2003). Within the pore is a fluid-protein pathway to the dendritic
(sensory) cell membrane. Once the chemical molecule reaches the fluid sur-
rounding the dendrite membrane, it bonds to an odorant-binding protein and is
carried to one of the receptor sites of the membrane (Mitchell 2003). When the two
make contact in the cation-concentrated fluid, a signal occurs as a voltage potential
change across the membrane, which is the signal to be transduced. The sensing
principles of fly antennae are complex and offer the designer inspirations for the
function of detect and, as expected, for the function of change (Nagel et al. 2010).
A filter is analogous to the porous cuticle, which would narrow down the
selection of chemicals or allow only one stimulus to interact with the sensing layer.
The heating element is analogous to the odorant-binding proteins and cell mem-
brane surface with receptor sites, in that an electrified element is capable of
attracting polarized molecules (disregarding the heating aspect). An impeller could
be used to steer the desired chemical stimulus to the sensing element, which is
analogous to the odorant-binding proteins that shuttle stimuli to receptors.
Biological inspiration considering morphology leads to a sensing element that
has specifically shaped cavities or is uniformly porous, and is a good conductor.
Any material that can be patterned by photolithography can achieve the desired
surface. Morphology of the fly antennae itself offers inspiration for a ‘‘stick-like’’
sensing element. Another connection exists between the engineering component
filter and permeable or ion-selective membranes, which are used in current sensor
technology. Therefore, permeable or ion-selective membranes are analogous to the
porous cuticle. Further analogies exist between the heating element and electrical
energy traveling through a conductor, which could be a copper wire, semicon-
ductor, conducting polymer, etc. Semiconductor electrodes that allow absorption
and desorption of chemical species are analogous to binding and removal of
odorants from the cell membrane receptor sites within the fly antennae, which
could also be used in the final concept.
Performing Step 5, concept generation leads to two concept variants. The first
device supports a housing containing an electrified element (not for the production
of heat) acting as a barrier to the transducer that chemical energy is guided to from
the container, or space. The subsequent chemical energy is attracted to the elec-
trified element, and once bonding occurs, the electrical properties of the electrified
element change and generate a signal to be transduced as shown in Fig. 5.12. The
electrical property change in the electrified element fulfills the requirement of an
5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 119
indirect sensing mechanism, which also supports reusability as the absorbed par-
ticles could be removed by heating the element. An electronic circuit powers the
transducer, decodes the sensor signal, and produces an electrical signal analogous
to the input. The second device supports a housing containing a filter covering the
sensing layer, which rests on the sensing element. Only the chemical species that
pass through the filter interact with the sensing element. This interaction generates
a signal to be transduced as shown in Fig. 5.13, but does not fulfill the requirement
of an indirect sensing mechanism. The chemical stimuli, although filtered, still are
allowed to interact with the detection layer. An electronic circuit powers the
transducer, decodes the sensor signal, and produces an electrical signal analogous
to the input. Further material research is needed to accurately define the sensing
layers for both concept variants.
When researching whether a sensor with an electrified element on a transducer
exists, the first concept described above, conducting polymer sensors that are
typically used for detection of gases, was found. The conducting polymer is
deposited atop interdigital electrodes, which make it the dielectric material for the
electrodes. When the gas interacts with the polymer, the capacitance between the
120 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
electrodes changes and the output signal decreases (György 2008; Bai and Shi
2007). These sensors are sometimes referred to as chemiresistors. Functionally, a
chemiresistor is identical to the first concept.
The second concept is similar to an ion-selective electrode (ISE) or ion-
selective field effect transistor (ISFET) used to measure pH. An ISE has high
specificity to single-charged ions and is made of a doped glass. The glass allows
only single-charged ions, such as hydrogen, to pass through to an internal solution
of neutral pH monitored by an electrode. Concentration of hydrogen ions is cor-
related with a pH value by taking the logarithm of the concentration (Grundler
2007; Eggins 2002). An ISFET is the microelectronic version of an ISE and is
similar in structure to an MOSFET (Grundler 2007; Eggins 2002; Liao et al. 1999).
Instead of glass, the membrane is made as a thin film over an insulation layer of
metal oxide or nitrate on a p-type doped substrate. Two n-type doped regions are
added to the substrate for connection between the source and drain, while the gate
is connected to the sensing layer beneath the membrane. Here, the sensing layer is
a liquid or insulation material and the sensing element is an electrode. Function-
ally, an ISE is identical to the second concept.
This case study demonstrated that it is possible to systematically design a
sensor and take inspiration from biology in the process. By analyzing the bio-
logical system and making connections, a designer can become inspired. It is
through these correlations that the designer can recognize existing designs that are
similar or develop an innovative design.
This case study presents the design of a heat exchanging component for use in
future hydrogen vehicles following the approach of a known process before
querying is performed. Needs for the heat exchanger design are set by an external
research group that wanted to explore biologically inspired concepts for distrib-
uting hydrogen on the microscale. The external group had exhausted all their
avenues and expressed a need for more ideas, which satisfies Step 1 of the
methodology. Through discussion, a common understanding of distributing
hydrogen on the microscale and the role heat exchange would play in that process
was reached. From here, the black box model, as shown in Fig. 5.14, was created.
A known biological process that distributes material is circulation of blood by the
vascular system of the human body. This is a known biological process that is used
to begin the biologically inspired design process. When querying the biological
knowledge base for circulation, many results lead to descriptions of the heart, but
also mention gas exchange organs. This preliminary search did not result in a wide
variety of inspiring biological systems. Therefore, to widen the inspiration space,
the biological terms that correspond to the engineering function of distribute were
retrieved from the engineering-to-biology thesaurus.
In the engineering-to-biology thesaurus, the following seven biological terms
correspond to the engineering term of distribute: circulate, diffusion, exchange,
disperse, scatter, spread, and spray. Circulate resulted in a narrow set of results.
The list does reveal that the term exchange is used in biological literature. With a
new keyword chosen, Step 3 of the methodology can be performed. The biological
knowledge base was queried to identify biological systems that perform the
function of exchange. The resulting query results from Purves et al. (2001) are as
1. skin
2. gas exchange surfaces of animals
3. fish gills
4. lungs of a bird
5. respiratory system of insects
6. countercurrent heat exchanger in fish
7. stomata
8. abscisic acid.
It is important to note that the listed results are not the only results provided by
the query. These eight were the most interesting and provided the most informa-
tion for biological inspiration. Plants, fish, birds, mammals, and insects all offer
inspiration for this case study. Notice that not all the biological solutions deal with
gas exchange. Exploring other implementations of exchange increases the design
space and creative solution potential.
As this design is for another research group, a meeting was held to discuss the
biological systems that were identified to choose a biological system for further
investigation as well as work through the remaining steps of the methodology. A
connection established during the meeting is the similarity of engineering mass
transfer concepts and the diffusion of respiratory gases into an insect. Although a
direct relationship between the domains was recognized, the external research
group did not see value in pursuing the relationship further. While reviewing a
detailed description of the avian respiratory system, the discussion led to a con-
nection that revealed the solution of a competing research group in the area of heat
exchangers for hydrogen vehicles. During the first inhale/exhale cycle of a bird,
the air travels to the trachea and into posterior air sacs and then is moved to the
parabronchi area where the exchange takes place (Campbell and Reece 2003).
During the second inhale/exhale cycle, the air moves forward to the cranial air sacs
and then exits the bird (Vattam et al. 2008). Realizing that the air within the bird’s
lungs essentially travels in a circle sparked discussion of a spiral-shaped surface
122 J. K. S. Nagel et al.
that would effectively distribute hydrogen. That is, in fact, what a competing
research group did (Venere 2010).
While reviewing a detailed description of gills along with Fig. 5.15, however, a
researcher immediately made a connection between the gills of fish and hydrogen
distribution. Considering the fish blood as the coolant and the water surrounding
the fish as hydrogen, a distribution scheme inspired by the morphology and
physiology of fish gills was discussed. The concept sketch is shown in Fig. 5.16. In
this case, the biological functional model was not required, nor the engineering
knowledge base query. The concept generation step began during the meeting, and
the final concept was finalized by the external research group.
This case study demonstrated that it is possible to systematically design a
portion of a larger problem with only a small amount of information as well as take
inspiration from biology in the process. By analyzing the biological system and
making connections, a designer can become inspired. It is through these correla-
tions that the designer can recognize existing designs that are similar or develop an
innovative design.
5.5 Summary
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Fraden J (2004) Handbook of modern sensors : physics, designs, and applications. Springer,
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Gick M, Holyoak K (1980) Analogical problem-solving. Cogn Psychol 12:306–355
Gnatzy W, Grunert U, Bender M (1987) Campaniform sensilla of Calliphora vicina (Insecta,
Diptera) I. Topography. Zoomorphology 160:312–319
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Grundler P (2007) Chemical sensors an introduction for scientists and engineers. Springer, Berlin
Grunert U, Gnatzy W (1987) Campaniform sensilla of Calliphora vicina (Insecta, Diptera) II.
Typology. Zoomorphology 106:320–328
György I (2008) Conducting polymers: a new era in electrochemistry. Springer, Berlin
Helms M, Vattam SS, Goel AK (2009) Biologically inspired design: products and processes. Des
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Hofstadter DR (1995) Fluid concepts & creative analogies: computer models of the fundamental
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Hubka V, Eder EW (1984) Theory of technical systems. Springer, Berlin
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Electron Syst Softw 1:5–7
Johnson-Laird P (1989) Analogy and the exercise of creativity. In: Vosniadou S, Ortony A (eds)
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5 Function-Based Biologically Inspired Design 125
Keywords Biologically inspired design Biomimicry Biomimetics Bionics
Compound analogy Creativity Cross-domain analogy Design Innovation
Problem decomposition Problem-driven analogy Problem–solution coevolution
Solution-based analogy Task analysis Task model
6.1 Introduction
Biologically inspired design (Bar-Cohen 2011; Benyus 1997; Chakrabarti and Shu
2010; Shu et al. 2011; Vincent and Mann 2002; Yen and Weissburg 2007) perhaps
is one of the most important movements in contemporary design of technological
systems. The paradigm espouses use of analogies to biological systems in gen-
erating conceptual designs for new technological systems. This paradigm has
inspired many designers in the history of design, such as Leonardo da Vinci and
the Wright brothers. However, it is only over the last generation that the paradigm
has become a movement, pulled in part by the growing need for environmentally
sustainable design and pushed partly by the desire for creativity and innovation in
design. The design of windmill turbine blades mimicking the design of tubercles
on the pectoral flippers of humpback whales is one example of biologically
inspired design (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2011a). The tubercles are large bumps
on the leading edges of the flippers, which create even, fast-moving channels of
water flowing over them (Fish and Battle 1995). The whales thus can move
through the water at sharper angles and turn tighter corners than if their flippers
were smooth. When applied to wind turbine blades, they improve lift and reduce
drag, improving the energy efficiency of the turbine (Ashley 2004). The design of
fog harvesting devices (Shanyengana et al. 2002) inspired by the arrangement of
hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces on the back of the Namibian beetle
(Hamilton and Seely 1976) is another example of biologically inspired design
(Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2011b).
Note that the designs of biologically inspired wind turbine blades and fog
harvesting devices illustrate both sustainable design as well as creative design.
However, although biologically inspired design is rapidly growing as a design
movement, its practice at present is ad hoc, with little systemization of either
biological knowledge from a design perspective or of the processes of biologically
inspired design. Transformation of the promising paradigm of biologically inspired
design into a principled methodology requires rigorous development of precise
theories of biologically inspired design (e.g., Vincent and Mann 2002).
For the purposes of our discussion, it is useful to make three distinctions
between different kinds and parts of design theories. Firstly, a design theory
provides an account of both the contents of knowledge and the processes of design
in some class of domains. Hubka and Eder (1988), for example, provide both a
content account of technological systems and a process account of designing them.
Similarly, in the context of biologically inspired design, Vincent et al. (2006)
provide both a content account of biological systems in terms of energy, infor-
mation, structure, substance, space, and time, and a process account of biologically
inspired design called BioTRIZ. In previous work, we have described contents of
knowledge of biological and technological systems in terms of the structure,
behavior, and function of specific systems (Goel et al. 2012), the function and
behavior of abstract design patterns (Goel et al. 2011a), and types of knowledge
that are transferred from biological systems to technological systems in
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 129
In this section, we briefly describe the context of our observations and the
methodology of our analysis of biologically inspired design practice. Since 2006,
we have observed ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL 4740, a yearly, interdisciplinary,
project-based course on biologically inspired design taught jointly by biology and
engineering faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The class is composed
of mostly senior-level undergraduate students from biology, biomedical engi-
neering, industrial design, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and a
variety of other disciplines. Although it evolves a little every year, the course is
consistently structured around lectures, found object exercises, journal entries, and
one or more design projects. Some lectures focus on case studies of biologically
inspired design. Some lectures pose problems for students to solve in small groups.
Other lectures discuss design processes involved in biologically inspired design,
such as reframing engineering problems in biological terms, functional decom-
position of a design problem, use of analogy in design, and quantitative analysis of
designs. Yen et al. (2010, 2011) provide a detailed account of the teaching and
learning in the course.
We base this work on the 2006–2010 classes of the ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL
4740 course. The extended design projects in the classes were the focal points of
our data collection. The projects involved identification of a design problem of
interest to the team and conceptualization of a biologically inspired solution to the
identified problem. Each design project grouped together an interdisciplinary team
of typically 4–5 students. The design projects included both problem-driven and
solution-based designs. Each team had at least one student with a biology back-
ground and a few from different engineering disciplines. Each team identified a
problem that could be addressed by a biologically inspired solution, explored a
number of solution alternatives, and developed a final solution design based on one
or more biologically inspired designs.
In this chapter, we analyze two design projects by one team from one class of
ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL 4740: the Shark Attack project and the Levee project.
Note that we have changed the project names for the sake of anonymity. The same
design team within the class conducted both projects. We report on this design
team in particular because one of the authors (Wiltgen) participated in the team;
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 131
Wiltgen and Goel (2011) provide details of the participant observation. Wiltgen
collected artifacts generated by the design team, including team presentations and
reports. He also collected all his individual class assignments and made audio
recordings of all team meetings. We then performed a task analysis informed by
Wiltgen’s observations of the design process. (Figures 6.1 and 6.2 are our
reconstructions of parts of the design process).
We also collected design reports from other design teams in various classes of
ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL 4740. Although we report in detail only on the two
projects of Wiltgen’s team, our task model is intended to capture a variety of
design processes that we observed in our studies of biologically inspired design.
For additional examples of design projects in the course, please see Helms and
Goel (2012), Helms et al. (2009, 2010), Nelson et al. (2009), Wilson et al. (2010),
and Vattam et al. (2007, 2010a, b).
The Shark Attack project lasted a little more than a month. In this project, each
team in the class first selected a small set of biological organisms. Afterward, each
team member was assigned to research a particular organism. Each team member
was next assigned to find a human problem that he or she thought his or her
researched organism could help solve and to investigate any existing solutions to
Fig. 6.1 The level of functional decomposition of the target design problem and the source
biological system in the Shark Attack project at which analogical transfer from the biological
source to the target problem occurred. The design team was inspired by the way the snapping
shrimp (or pistol shrimp) creates sound. They used this inspiration to design a device to prevent
shark attacks on humans by generating sounds using cavitation. (This figure was derived from the
design artifacts of the Shark Attack project.)
132 A. K. Goel et al.
Fig. 6.2 The process of compound analogy in the Levee project during one iteration. Part 1
illustrates the decomposition of the target design problem into four sub-problems that the design
team addressed. Parts 2 and 3 depict a high-level mapping between a sub-problem and a
biological system. Part 4 shows the individual solutions to the sub-problems in relation to the
original design problem. Note that only two analogies made by the design team are shown. (This
figure was derived from the design artifacts of the Levee project.)
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 133
the problem. Each team member was then assigned to create a mapping between
the researched organism and the design problem. Finally, the design team was
assigned to pick one team member’s work to pursue and to decide what organisms
the team should keep or discard. The designing continued from there. For details of
the assignments, please see Yen et al. (2011, 2013).
The Shark Attack project was directed at preventing shark attacks off of the
coast of the United States without harming the sharks. The students designed an
underwater sound-based shark repellant device inspired by the snapping shrimp
(Ritzmann 1974), a small shrimp with the ability to create loud, underwater sound
waves using one of its claws. The device worked by emitting sounds, generated by
the same cavitation mechanism that the snapping shrimp uses to emit sound but at
a frequency that sharks dislike. The design team envisioned that the device would
repel sharks without harming them.
Following the Shark Attack project, the Levee project lasted about two and a half
months. Instead of starting with a biological system as in the Shark Attack project,
the Levee project began by identifying a design problem. The Levee project
occurred across two major iterations, with the first iteration being shorter in time
than the second. For this project, each team member was first assigned to come up
with a set of design problems. The team was then assigned to decide upon and
investigate one of those problems as well as existing solutions to the problem. At
the same time, each team member was assigned to find one natural system that
solves all or part of the problem. The designing continued from there. (Again, see
Yen et al. 2011, 2013 for details of the assignments).
The goal of the Levee project was to prevent another flood disaster like that
caused by 2005’s Hurricane Katrina by strengthening the levee system in New
Orleans. The design team identified several modalities of failure for the levees in
New Orleans, such as scouring, overtopping, and joint failure, and devised bio-
logically inspired solutions for each except for overtopping. For example, the team
drew inspiration from scaly-foot snails (Yao et al. 2010) based on which the levee
design would be resistant to incoming water forces in part by being multilayered
like the snails’ shells.
From our observations and analysis, we identified several tasks and processes of
biologically inspired design. In this section, we analyze some of those tasks and
134 A. K. Goel et al.
large, complex problem into smaller, simpler problems is a familiar idea in design
(e.g., Brown and Chandrasekaran 1989; Chandrasekaran 1990; Dym and Brown
2012; Hubka and Eder 1988; Pahl et al. 2007). Functional decomposition of a
system into sub-systems too is a familiar idea in design (e.g., Dym and Brown
2012; Hubka and Eder 1988; Pahl et al. 2007; Simon 1996). Thus, it is not
surprising that decomposition of target design problems and functional decom-
position of source biological systems permeate biologically inspired design.
However, these decompositions appear to play a special role in biologically
inspired design. The decomposition of the target design problem and the functional
decomposition of the source biological system help identify the appropriate level
for the analogical transfer from the biological system to the design problem.
Figure 6.1 illustrates both functional decomposition of the design problem and
functional decomposition of the biological system in the Shark Attack project.
Here, both the design problem and the biological system are functionally
decomposed until a level is reached where a function in the problem decompo-
sition is similar enough to a function in the system decomposition for analogical
transfer to occur. In this example, the ability of the snapping shrimp to defend
itself and hunt using sound was an inspiration for the design of a device to prevent
shark attacks using sound.
just consider the first design iteration here. Our analysis of the design artifacts
produced by the design team in the first iteration suggests that the team identified
the first five sub-problems and addressed the first four. The team did not identify a
single biological source that would overcome all four of these sub-problems.
Instead, the final design solution for the first iteration, which was more along the
lines of a set of solutions rather than a tightly integrated device, was a compound
solution; it took inspiration from (1) riparian buffers for the scour sub-problem, (2)
riparian buffers and Bacillus pasteurii bacteria for the foundation destruction sub-
problem, (3) scaly-foot snails for the cracking sub-problem, and (4) Polyrachis
sokolova ant nests for the regional failure sub-problem. Figure 6.2 depicts the
processes of analogy for the scour and cracking sub-problems; it also depicts a
high-level breakdown of the Polyrachis sokolova biological analogue.
Fig. 6.3 The twin analogical processes of biologically inspired design: a problem-driven analogy and b solution-based analogy
138 A. K. Goel et al.
common with similarly named processes described by Kruger and Cross (2006).
Kruger and Cross are referring to the observation that once a designer has pro-
posed a conceptual solution to a design problem, subsequent information pro-
cessing often is driven by both the design problem and the proposed conceptual
solution. In contrast, our problem-driven and solution-based analogical processes
pertain to two different kinds of analogies entailed by biologically inspired design:
one starts with the design problem and makes an analogy to a biological solution
(problem-driven analogy), and the other starts with a biological solution and
makes an analogy to a design problem (solution-based analogy).
Fig. 6.5 Correspondences between the generic task model of analogical design and the processes of (a) problem-driven analogy and
(b) solution-based analogy
Fig. 6.6 A task model of biologically inspired design after incorporating the two processes of problem-driven analogy and
solution-based analogy
A. K. Goel et al.
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 143
Our task model of biologically inspired design should also account for compound
analogies. Figure 6.7 illustrates the task model of biologically inspired design after
incorporating the processes of compound analogy, problem-driven analogy, and
solution-based analogy. Here, S1 represents the initial solution obtained. We add a
new sub-task ‘‘evaluate’’ to both problem-driven and solution-based methods. This
sub-task evaluates the initial solution S1 generated by a method. If the evaluation
of S1 indicates that S1 addresses only a part of the design problem, then a new
design sub-problem is spawned to address the remaining part(s) of the problem.
Addressing the new sub-problem may lead to another partial solution S2. The sub-
task ‘‘compose’’ composes S1 and S2 to obtain a more complete solution to the
original problem. For expediency, it is assumed here that sub-task execution for
compound analogy is sequential, represented by one-way arrows between the
circles denoting the evaluation, designing, and composition. The actual process
may in fact involve much more complex interactions.
In this section, we will compare our task model of biologically inspired design
with existing information-processing theories along some of the dimensions that
appear to characterize the design paradigm: (1) cross-domain analogies, (2)
compound analogies, and (3) the twin processes of problem-driven analogy and
solution-based analogy. We will not consider here the issues of problem–solution
coevolution or problem decomposition because they appear to characterize most
all design paradigms. In particular, we will compare our task model with the two
best-known information-processing theories of biologically inspired design: Bio-
mimicry 3.8 Institute’s (2009) Design Spiral and Vincent et al.’s (2006) BioTRIZ.
We should note, however, that Design Spiral, BioTRIZ, and our own task
model are all still under development and evolving. Deldin et al. (2013) describe
the AskNature Webportal that provides a functionally indexed database of bio-
logical systems in support of Design Spiral. Similarly, Vincent (2013) provides an
ontology for representing biological systems in support of BioTRIZ.
Perhaps the most popular design process used for biologically inspired design is
Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s (2009) Design Spiral illustrated in Fig. 6.8. In partic-
ular, Fig. 6.8a illustrates Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s Challenge to Biology Design
Spiral and Fig. 6.8b illustrates Biology to Design Spiral.
144 A. K. Goel et al.
Fig. 6.7 Our task model of biologically inspired design after incorporating the processes of
compound analogy, problem-driven analogy, and solution-based analogy
The basic idea of design spiral as a design process has been in the design
literature for some time. For example, Evans (1959) describes design spiral for
ship design and Boehm (1988) describes design spiral for software design and
development. However, the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute pioneered the Design Spiral
process in biologically inspired design and related it to its AskNature database
(Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2008).
A comparison between our task model and the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s
Design Spiral reveals the following similarities and differences:
• Both Design Spiral and our model address cross-domain analogies between
biological and technological systems.
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 145
Fig. 6.8 a Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s Challenge to Biology Design Spiral (adapted from
Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2009). b Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s Biology to Design Spiral (adapted
from Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2009)
6.5.2 BioTRIZ
the original design situation. For example, consider a case in the repository that
represents the design of an airplane wing. In this case, the designer faces the
contradiction of obtaining a material that is both strong and lightweight and solves
it using a solution, say S1. This case is then indexed by the contradiction ‘‘strong
yet lightweight material.’’ Additionally, if the particular solution S1 belongs to a
more general way of resolving contradictions of a particular kind, it may be
categorized as a generic abstraction, such as ‘‘use porous materials’’ (to resolve the
contradiction of strong yet lightweight material). TRIZ posits the existence of forty
such generic ways of resolving contradictions, called inventive principles. The
inventive principles were extracted by dropping the specifics of a particular case
and domain and retaining the essence of how a particular class of contradictions is
solved, so we can imagine each principle pointing to numerous cases (potentially
belonging to different domains) in which that principle was used to resolve a
contradiction. The contradictions and the principles typically are organized in a
contradiction matrix (TRIZ Matrix 2004).
When the designer is presented with a design problem and intends to use TRIZ,
she reformulates the problem to identify certain key contradictions in the
requirements of the design. For each contradiction, she is reminded of a inventive
principle that is applicable for resolving that contradiction. In addition to sug-
gesting the essence of a solution for resolving that contradiction, the inventive
principle also points to a number of cases in which that inventive principle was
instantiated (See Fig. 6.9). These cases can originate from domains different from
the one in which the designer is currently working. TRIZ, however, does not
address the issue of how transfer occurs.
Vincent et al. (2006) recently developed a modified version of TRIZ, called
BioTRIZ, specifically for biologically inspired design. The primary difference
between the two theories is a change in the features that compose the contradiction
matrix. Whereas TRIZ defines 39 features with which to determine contradictions
and index into inventive principles, the current version of BioTRIZ has six
‘‘operational fields’’: substance, structure, space, time, energy, and information.
A comparison of our task model and BioTRIZ reveals the following similarities
and differences:
• Both BioTRIZ and our model address cross-domain analogies between bio-
logical and technological systems.
• BioTRIZ is a prescriptive theory of biologically inspired design, derived from
best practices in mechanical engineering design. In contrast, our task model is a
descriptive theory based on in situ observations of biologically inspired design.
• The processing in BioTRIZ is problem-driven. The processing in BioTRIZ
always begins with a specification of a design problem. It does not directly
address the solution-based analogical process. Our task model accounts for both
problem-driven and solution-based analogies.
• BioTRIZ does not directly address compound analogy. However, since a design
problem may contain multiple contradictions, and resolving those contradictions
may require the invocation of multiple inventive principles, compound analogy
appears to be feasible in BioTRIZ.
• BioTRIZ provides a detailed account of cross-domain analogical retrieval. Our
information-processing theory too provides a detailed account of analogical
retrieval (Wiltgen et al. 2011).
(TRIZ Matrix 2004). Similarly, the design spiral process is extensively used in the
design of artifacts ranging from ships to software.
However, our task analysis offers some insights into what may make biologi-
cally inspired design a different design paradigm from an information-processing
perspective. Firstly, biologically inspired design by definition is based on cross-
domain analogies. While many design processes in and out of biologically inspired
design sometimes engage cross-domain analogies (e.g., Goel 1997; Goel and
Bhatta 2004), and while biologically inspired design also frequently engages
within domain analogies (Vattam et al. 2010a), insofar as we know there are not
many other kinds of design that by definition are based on cross-domain analogies.
Secondly, biologically inspired design often entails compound analogies. For
example, the target design problem is decomposed functionally, solutions to dif-
ferent sub-functions in the functional decomposition are found through analogy to
different biological systems retrieved from a functionally indexed memory, and the
overall design solution is obtained by composing the solutions for achieving the
different sub-functions. While problem decomposition is common to almost all
kinds of design (e.g., Brown and Chandrasekaran 1989; Chandrasekaran 1990) and
while other kinds of design too sometimes engage in compound analogies (e.g.,
Goel and Chandrasekaran 1992), compound analogy appears to be a stronger
characteristic of biologically inspired design compared to other kinds of design.
Thirdly, biologically inspired design engages two different analogical pro-
cesses, namely problem-driven analogy and solution-based analogy. We first
observed these two analogical processes in our in situ studies of biologically
inspired design in practice. Subsequently, we conducted a narrative analysis of
some seventy case studies of biologically inspired design and confirmed this
observation. Insofar as we know, information-processing theories of analogy (e.g.,
Clement 2008; Dunbar 2001; Gentner 1983; Gentner et al. 2001; Gick and Ho-
lyoak 1983; Goel 1997; Holyoak and Thagard 1996; Keane 1988; Kolodner 1993)
focus on and emphasize problem-driven analogy. Further, insofar as we know,
information-processing theories of all other kinds of design focus on and
emphasize problem-driven design (e.g., Boehm 1988; Brown and Chandrasekaran
1989; Chandrasekaran 1990; Dorst and Cross 2001; Dym and Brown 2012; French
1996; Goel and Bhatta 2004; Goel and Chandrasekaran 1992; Hubka and Eder
1988; Maher and Tang 2003; Pahl et al. 2007; Simon 1996). Therefore, that
biologically inspired design entails both problem-driven and solution-based
analogies appears to be another definitional characteristic of biologically inspired
Veros and Coelho (2011) take a different approach to comparing various
methods of biologically inspired design. In particular, they apply Biomimicry 3.8
Institute’s Challenge to Biology Design Spiral and our problem-driven and solu-
tion-based analogical design processes to a class of design problems. One of their
key findings is that the solution-based analogical process tends to more often
produce multifunctional designs, which confirms our own empirical observations
(Helms et al. 2009; Vattam et al. 2007).
6 Information-Processing Theories of Biologically Inspired Design 149
6.7 Conclusions
In this chapter, we first presented a task analysis of biologically inspired design based
on our empirical observations of its practice in ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL 4740,
Georgia Tech’s introductory course on biologically inspired design. Our task analysis
indicates some of the fundamental processes of biologically inspired design: (1)
Biologically inspired design by definition engages cross-domain analogies. (2)
Problems and solutions in biologically inspired design coevolve. (3) Problem
decomposition is a fundamental process of biologically inspired design. (4) Bio-
logically inspired design often involves compound analogy, entailing a complex
interplay between the processes of problem decomposition and the processes of
analogical retrieval from memory. (5) Biologically inspired design entails two dis-
tinct but related processes: problem-driven analogy and solution-based analogy.
We then presented a task model of biologically inspired design. Since problem–
solution coevolution and problem decomposition are common to most design
paradigms, our task model focused on two other results of our task analysis: that
biologically inspired design often involves compound analogy and that biologi-
cally inspired design entails both problem-driven analogy and solution-based
analogy. Our task model of biologically inspired design is a descriptive theory of
biologically inspired design that has had significant influence on the teaching and
learning in ME/ISyE/MSE/BME/BIOL 4740 (Yen et al. 2011, 2013).
Next, we compared our task model with the two best-known information-pro-
cessing theories of biologically inspired design: Biomimicry 3.8 Institute’s Design
Spiral and Vincent et al.’s BioTRIZ. Both Design Spiral and BioTRIZ are nor-
mative and prescriptive theories of biologically inspired design. Both address
cross-domain analogies and, at least implicitly, allow compound analogies.
However, BioTRIZ appears to support only problem-driven analogies.
Finally, we analyzed what makes biologically inspired design a novel design
paradigm and, in particular, how the processes of biologically inspired design
differ from that of other design paradigms. Our task model suggests that biolog-
ically inspired design differs from other kinds of design in the use of cross-domain
analogies, the use of compound analogies, and the use of both problem-driven and
solution-based analogies. We are presently investigating the methodological,
technological, and pedagogical implications of our information-processing theory
of biologically inspired design.
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Chapter 7
Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices
in Biologically Inspired Design
Keywords Teaching biologically inspired design Learning biologically inspired
design Problem-driven design Solution-based design Analogical design
Cross-domain analogy Design by analogy Understanding biological systems
J. Yen (&) M. Weissburg
School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
e-mail: jeannette.yen@biology.gatech.edu
M. Weissburg
e-mail: marc.weissburg@biology.gatech.edu
M. Helms A. Goel
School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
e-mail: mhelms3@cc.gatech.edu
A. Goel
e-mail: goel@cc.gatech.edu
C. Tovey
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
30332, USA
e-mail: ctovey@isye.gatech.edu
Functional decomposition Structure-Behavior-Function Design evaluation
Team design Interdisciplinary design Interdisciplinary education Design
creativity Engineering design Engineering creativity Multi-disciplinarity
Team-based learning Analogical reasoning
7.1 Introduction
While the inventory of skills required to generate successful BIDs is vast, we focus
on the following key challenges that we see students struggle with year after year.
1. Searching for biological systems
2. Understanding biological systems
3. Identifying and understanding good design problems
4. Analogy mapping and transfer
5. Communicating across discipline boundaries
6. Communicating complex system knowledge
7. Teaming in an interdisciplinary environment
8. Maintaining equal engagement throughout the process
9. Evaluating designs
In past studies (e.g., Vattam and Goel 2011), we have documented that up to 25%
of out-of-class time can be spent simply searching for the right biological organism
to solve a particular problem. While tremendous resources already are being
devoted to solving this problem technologically (as this volume attests), currently
students comb through volumes of textbooks, scientific databases, and the Web to
find what they need. When they do find something promising: (a) it is often written
in academic or technical language that is difficult for a non-expert to understand;
(b) it takes time to determine whether it will be applicable to their design problem;
and (c) it is usually not design oriented and requires translation before it is useful.
These problems are magnified when the design teams do not have individuals with
broad-based biological knowledge. Even when biologists are represented, they
may not have the background that would be most desirable. For example, students
with strong knowledge of basic organismal biology (e.g., comparative physiology,
functional morphology, behavior, invertebrate and vertebrate biology) are the most
well-equipped to search and identify appropriate systems for human-scale prob-
lems. Student designers typically (although not always) attempt to solve human-
scale problems as this familiar scale is where humans have the most experience.
For design problems at smaller or larger scales (e.g., at the molecular scale such as
filtering pharmaceuticals from the water supply or at large scales such as city
planning), different specializations may be helpful (from organic chemistry to
ecosystem structure). Programs such as ours, where biologists are less well rep-
resented than engineers, require specific curricular elements to increase the ability
of students to mine the biological literature.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 157
Our course has a mix of engineering, biology, architecture, and design students
who must work as a team to understand the key mechanisms of the biological
system so that they are capable of abstracting the mechanism and applying it to an
engineering design problem. Whereas the biologists may have a deep understanding
of a given biological phenomenon in its biological context, it is a challenge for them
to communicate that understanding in such a way that the non-biologists understand
it well enough to use in a design. This is exacerbated by the number and breadth of
biological systems the students are asked to learn about, the limited time available
for deep understanding, and the natural tendency of students to either focus on
structural details, and/or use improper analogies to facilitate or communicate their
understanding (e.g., the analogy: xylem in a tree acts like a straw in a drink—is not
accurate at the mechanistic level since a pressure gradient is used to transport water
by the straw while the molecular force of cohesion is used to transport water up to
its leaves from its roots). Biologists who have experience examining biological
systems in terms of function (e.g., biomechanics, physiology, and behavior) initially
may be more able to communicate their understanding of biological systems in an
appropriate manner. We find that architects and designers tend to focus on the
structural elements of the system, at least initially, and require practice in thinking
about function in biology. Engineers think about function, but generally lack the
requisite biological knowledge.
Throughout their scholastic careers, students are taught how to solve problems that
are given to them. Less frequently faced in an academic context, this course
presents a unique set of challenges when students are asked to identify and define a
problem of their own choosing. Students in our BID class have (in early course
iterations) devoted up to half the semester defining their design problem when
challenged with a wide-open problem landscape. We have learned that BID may
originate with the standard process of problem-driven design or may begin from a
solution-based approach, where the unique mechanisms of a biological solution of
interest determine which problems one may wish to explore (Helms et al. 2009).
Thus, in solution-based design, problem identification is a critical aspect of BID.
As instructors, we must balance the requirements of good problem identification
and formulation against the needs of teaching a complete BID process.
Students often manifest cognitive limitations, biases, and errors (Helms et al.
2009). Whereas students naturally and effortlessly make analogies during the
158 J. Yen et al.
process of design, their analogies can be superficial. Students fall prey to a kind of
confirmation bias, focusing on initial superficial alignment between analogue and
problem, while ignoring deeper dissimilarities until they are forced to confront
them late in the design process. For example, a student team in 2011 attempted to
design a collapsible bicycle helmet inspired by the girdled lizard, which bends
itself into a circle of spiked bands for protections against predators. The design
failed because ‘‘protection’’ in the case of a bicycle helmet means dissipation and
absorption of energy from a collision, whereas in the case of the lizard, it means
resistance to penetration by claws or teeth.
In many disciplines, there are systems so complex that it seems impossible to draw
possible analogies to another field without extensive research and teaching
experience. We have found that decomposing a particular function of a system into
subfunctions allows others to understand at least the interactions occurring at one
level accurately even without gaining a full understanding of how all the functions
in a complex system are integrated. If a subfunction still remains out of grasp of
understanding, then it too must be decomposed further into its underlying mech-
anisms until a principle, common to both disciplines, is reached. This journey may
take the designers several levels deep down in the hierarchical breakdown of the
problem or the natural system, but success is more likely when the team reaches
this common understanding.
Students taking classes within their field of study often work alone, or in teams
with others in their field. Few if any entering students in our BID class have shared
a course with someone outside their major. Hence, it may be difficult initially for
students to recognize the value of knowledge and approaches outside their
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 159
discipline. This can be abetted by the institutional persona that encourages divi-
sions in the perceived utility of different fields of knowledge. For instance,
engineers at a technology institute may think their expertise is more valuable than
others. An appreciation for everyone’s talent needs to be nurtured throughout the
time the team is working toward a common goal.
The roles of each discipline may change throughout the course, depending on the
stage in the design process and a design’s specific requirements. Initially, emphasis
is placed on biological knowledge since the teams have to select an organism and
understand how the biological system works. Once the teams enter the design
process, everyone is actively engaged because BID is unfamiliar to most students,
with more weight placed on the biologists to find, understand, and explain solu-
tions. The engineers are the most engaged when there is a required feasibility or
performance assessment, work which biologists are not as experienced to perform.
Under deadline pressure to complete a design, team members who cannot con-
tribute directly can feel marginalized or devalued.
A good design for our purposes must simultaneously satisfy the following criteria:
functionality, potential market, manufacturability, novelty or competitive advan-
tage, and reasonable cost. Although different ways of teaching BID may not
emphasize all of these criteria, student designs become amorphous and speculative
without a focus on functionality, novelty, and manufacturability, whereas failure to
consider market and advantage results in designs that do not solve real problems or
do so in a way little different from current designs. Challenges occur because: (a)
students may not be familiar with using some of these criteria in their design
analysis; (b) applying some of these criteria may require students to apply quan-
titative methods outside of their domain; and (c) students have trouble balancing
conflicting criteria. These challenges are exacerbated by the profusion of possible
quantitative analyses that could be performed. It is difficult for students to select
the few analyses that are crucial.
In this work, we present our efforts to identify and solve problems in the teaching
of BID, as embodied in the following five areas.
160 J. Yen et al.
7.3.1 Content
For students to find and learn about biological systems, to communicate that
knowledge to people from different backgrounds, and to apply that learning to ill-
defined engineering problems of their own making, we must equip them with tools
that facilitate understanding and communication and focus attention on aspects of
systems that are important for design.
Students produce conceptual designs in this course. Given the need to teach the
process in 15 weeks, and the emphasis on student-identified design problems,
building and testing a prototype to demonstrate feasibility is not possible. Nev-
ertheless, even for conceptual designs, students must convince themselves, the
class, and instructors that the design could work and would have some advantage
over existing products. Throughout the semester, examples of quantitative anal-
yses give students practice in addressing issues that often crop up in BID, such as
scaling, materials selection, and environmental impact.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 161
BID can serve as a catalyst for innovation because of the mix of disciplines. But
just throwing the students together would not lead to success. With different
cultures, values, processes, and vocabularies, as well as different technical back-
grounds, we have learned that a number of different teaming techniques are nec-
essary to ensure proper communication, balance, and respect in a properly
functioning team.
In the next sections, we document the challenges faced in each core develop-
ment area.
7.4 Content
Given the multiple course objectives, balancing content is a difficult task. We must
communicate a breadth of biology and engineering knowledge, accounts, and tools
for design processes and facilitate interdisciplinary communication. Additionally,
there must be sufficient time for the students to practice with the tools they have
learned. We describe specific elements of content that we have identified to help
meet those challenges and ways to maximize the effectiveness of this content to
avoid overloading the students (Table 7.1).
To maintain student enthusiasm, we began every class with what we call a BID-
wow story: an account about an exciting, innovative bioinspired design. These
consist of examples such as: the whale fin inspired windmill blade (Miklosovic
et al. 2004) which is more efficient, quieter, and able to capture wind energy at
lower wind speeds; the slime mold that connected nutrient sources placed in a petri
dish in the same pattern as major cities around Tokyo and grew a transport system
as efficient as the Tokyo railway (Tero et al. 2010); the spacious, transparent
cabins of the 2050 AirBus concept plane (http://www.airbus.com/innovation/
future-by-airbus/) with a bionic structure mimicking bird bones to make planes
lighter and stronger; the butterfly-inspired sensor that responds to different
chemical vapors using the ordered arrays of iridescent scales to outperform
existing nano-engineered photonic sensors (Potyrailo et al. 2007), or; the cat’s eye
retro reflector (Percy Shaw’s patent No. 436,290 and 457,536) that reflects light
back to its source with minimum scattering, similar to eye shine created by the
tapetum of a cat’s eye. These fascinating stories are told as soon as the class bell
rings, encouraging the students to be in class on time, and keeping them focused
Table 7.1 Five course elements (down) pertaining to content that address the 9 key challenges (across)
Content Searching Understanding Identifying Analogy Communicating Communicating Teaming in an Maintaining Evaluating
for biological and mapping across discipline complex system interdisciplinary equal designs
biological systems understanding and boundaries knowledge environment engagement
systems good design transfer throughout
problems the process
BID stories X X
Case studies X X X X X X X X X
Found objects X X X X X
Evolution X X
Focused reading X X
J. Yen et al.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 163
on the thrill of invention. While these news stories pop up frequently, they do not
provide the details of the source of inspiration nor the process of transfer. For this,
we turn to case studies.
Case studies presented by local experts provide information that can meet a variety
of challenges from increasing subject knowledge to developing design skills and
can be an integral part of any BID class. Locally, we have many to choose from, and
the research described by familiar and respected teachers at one’s home institute
adds to the impact. Many of these bioinspired designs have taken years of research
and development. As a result, the lectures given by the BID practitioners have a
wealth of very detailed knowledge that students sometimes find difficult to absorb.
Although the stories are all astounding and fascinating, what should/could a student
get from this? One strategy is not to be concerned about content but to use these
meetings to give the students the chance to meet and talk to the people behind the
design, and we did that initially. We invited a parade of professors who used two of
the 30 class periods (nearly 3 h in all), sharing their excitement about the process
and product. This was great motivation, and students still rate these kinds of expert
lectures as a favorite part of the class, but it did not teach the student ‘‘how to.’’
Over the years, we reduced the number of lectures and the length (45 min plus time
for discussion) and provided the following guidelines to the lecturer:
1. Describe the key feature of the natural system that provided your inspiration. In
particular, we asked experts to focus on 3 things regarding their inspiration.
What were the structures that come from the biological system? In this case,
structure refers to the system components that perform the function of interest
in the system. Why did this function help the organism survive? How did the
organism achieve that function? This is the deep biological knowledge.
2. Decompose the challenge you faced into its functions and describe the function
that your design addressed. What structures are needed for this function, what
use is this function to humans, how do existing solutions achieve this function,
and what are the limitations of existing solutions? This is the deep engineering
3. How did you translate the biology into the engineered design? This is the
design process. From this, we saw how analogical reasoning was a key element
in this translation process.
4. Provide the 3 best articles on your BID, one on the biological inspiration, one
on the details of the specific biological mechanism of interest, and one on how
the biological system were translated into an engineering design that worked.
This teaches the students how to read scientific literature.
164 J. Yen et al.
analytical skills, focusing them on only the most salient features for design. This
also helps the speakers to hone their communication skills, conveying the key
principles that a biologist and an engineer need in order to see the value of the
biological strategy of interest. Additionally, through active participation in the
process, these exercises add a breadth of amazing local biological systems to each
student’s repertoire of biological knowledge, strengthening their appreciation for
the local natural environment around them.
At the other end of the spectrum from the problem of providing sufficient depth,
we have the problem of providing an overall perspective on BID. Engineering
students can find the variety of biological organisms and functions to be bewil-
dering. Biology students can have difficulty establishing and maintaining focus on
biology in the context of design. We provide a lecture on evolution early in the
course to help students gain a perspective on biology in the context of design. This
lecture includes the concepts of common ancestry and convergent evolution,
multi-function optimization, and local versus global optimization. This lecture has
been given every year and receives consistently positive comments from students.
It appears to help them understand differences between evolution as a design
process and intentional design, which enables a more sophisticated view of how to
search and evaluate potential biological solutions.
One of the nagging struggles of this design class is to provide the correct depth of
information at the right time to students, and to do it without overburdening the
students, or suppressing their motivation to continue reading throughout the
course. Early iterations of the class asked students to find technical, academic
papers for biological systems of interest. Considering that a student may do five
found object assignments, five case study lectures, and must research up to ten
biological systems, a requirement consisting of two documents per assignment
results in a massive overload of technical documentation (up to 40 technical
papers!). Adding requirements on top of the technical reading, such as formulating
summaries or key questions for presenters only exacerbated the situation. The
problem still remains: how do we ensure that students engaged in BID conduct
deep explorations of a select few organisms, while getting a broad range of
exposure to many and in such a way that given some biological system, they are
capable of acquiring the knowledge on their own?
One means to address the breadth and depth issue was the use of a general
purpose textbook, such as Vogel’s (2000) Cat’s Paws and Catapults, instead of
166 J. Yen et al.
technical papers prior to the case studies. The textbook is written to be broadly
applicable, yet provides sufficient depth to highlight the key principles as well as
the challenges of applying those principles. By aligning the themes in the textbook
chapters with the themes of the case studies, we provide salient real-world
examples to reinforce the reading.
The problem of finding and understanding deep technical references for a few
systems, balanced against the need to understand, for example, found objects,
remains an unsolved challenge in the class. Simply put, students give higher
priority to generating exciting designs than to time-consuming deep reading.
As we have emphasized, BID requires students to find and learn about interesting
biological systems, to communicate that knowledge to people with backgrounds
different than their own, and to apply that learning to ill-defined engineering
problems of their own choosing. In this fast-paced, novel context, students become
easily overwhelmed and unable to identify clear learning objectives. Student
presentations of biological systems found locally (found objects) in years 2006 and
2007 best exemplify these early struggles. When asked to summarize the most
interesting aspects of found objects: (a) discussion is dominated by the structural
details of biological objects; (b) students superficially associate a wide variety
functions to the design; (c) though we emphasize mechanistic explanations, they
are rarely provided; (d) if mechanistic explanations are offered, they are often
provided by reference to a common sense analogy (often incorrectly); and (e)
technical explanations employing terms from one domain are not understood by a
majority of students from a different domain. In this context, what specific tools or
representation strategies can help focus students on aspects of systems that are
important for design? Table 7.2 below lists five that we have used in our course. In
Sects. 7.4.1–7.4.4, we describe the first four. We postpone the description of the
fifth, SR.BID, until Sect. 7.6.
Since our initial classroom deployments, we realized that students are challenged
with converting engineering-centric design problem language to the corresponding
biological terms necessary to find biological systems in the external information
environment. This is a particular problem when classes are dominated by engi-
neers who have had little basic biology and are unfamiliar with potentially relevant
biological systems. Starting in 2006, we offered three useful techniques for helping
students to identify keywords that might lead to fruitful searches. These techniques
are documented in (Yen et al. 2011), but in brief, we asked students to: (1) identify
Table 7.2 Four course elements (down) pertaining to representation and tools that address the 9 key challenges (across)
Representations Searching Understanding Identifying Analogy Communicating Communicating Teaming in Maintaining Evaluating
and Tools for biological and mapping across complex an equal designs
biological systems understanding and discipline system interdisciplinary engagement
systems good design transfer boundaries knowledge environment throughout
problems the process
Search strategies X
DANE and biologue X X X X
Functional X X X
Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design
168 J. Yen et al.
key functions of interest; (2), invert the function to reveal generic principles (e.g.,
heating and cooling both concern principles of heat transfer); and (3) identify
extreme environments in which high-performing biological systems might be
found. Each of these techniques provides one or more keywords that may be useful
when browsing large collections of literature for biological systems. Regardless of
the technique used, search remains challenging; students report that as much as a
quarter of their design time is spent searching for information on biological
organisms and functions (Vattam and Goel 2011).
As noted above, students have trouble articulating the properties and functions of
biological systems in a way that facilitates abstraction and transfer of design
principles. Our first iteration of this course in 2005 lacked any advice about
representation, which diminished our ability to teach students how to transfer
knowledge from one domain to the other. The basic problem is that both engi-
neering and biological systems can be described in a variety of ways, which
obscures the fundamental cognitive step of transferring biological mechanisms as
solution principles.
In 2006, we introduced a single lecture on SBF analysis (Bhatta and Goel 1997;
Goel et al. 2009), which is grounded in cognitive theories of systems thinking.
• Structure, behavior, and function form an abstraction hierarchy for systems
thinking; behavior is an intermediate level of abstraction between structure and
• Structure specifies the components of the system as well as the connections
among them. For example, the structure of the electrical circuit in an ordinary
household flashlight comprises of an electrical battery, a light bulb, a switch,
electrical connections among the battery, bulb and switch.
• Behaviors specify the causal processes occurring in the system. For example, the
behavior of the flashlight is that when the switch on the flashlight is pressed,
current flows from the battery to the bulb, and the bulb converts electrical into
light energy.
• Functions specify the outcomes of the system. For example, the function of the
flashlight is to produce light when the switch is pressed.
• Behaviors provide causal mechanistic explanations of how the structure of the
system accomplishes its functions. For example, the behavior of the flashlight
explains how its structure accomplishes its functions.
• A behavior of a system specifies the composition of the functions of its sub-
systems into the system functions. For example, the behavior of the flashlight
composes the functions of its components—the battery, bulb, and switch—into
the function of the flashlight.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 169
function improved student performance. Helms, Vattam and Goel (2011) found
that SBF models of biological systems enable complex inferences that were not
readily enabled by textual or diagrammatic representations of the systems. Vattam
et al. (2011) discovered that use of SBF modeling for learning about ecosystems in
middle school science classes resulted in statistically significant improvement in
students’ understanding of the structures, behaviors, and functions of aquatic
ecosystems. Silk and Schunn (2008) summarize some of the benefits of SBF
analysis in science education.
In 2007, we introduced SBF analysis as a framework for organizing found
object exercises. Students were asked as part of the found object homework
assignments (Sect. 7.4) and in their discussions to (a) focus on a single function of
the organism in question, (b) identify the structures relevant to accomplishing that
function, and (c) provide a behavioral explanation for how those structures give
rise to the function. Instructors facilitated these discussions as necessary to guide
students. (In the SBF vocabulary, behavior is synonymous with causal mechanistic
As expected, students discussed structure at length, although they were unable
to limit themselves to the discussion of a single function. As noted earlier, SBF is a
hierarchical representation and systems are naturally functionally hierarchical. As
a result, it was difficult for students to maintain a single level of functional
abstraction during their discussions. Often students travelled ‘‘up’’ the functional
hierarchy attempting to explain why the organism performed the function in
question such as reproduction, survival, and escape from predators. The result was
discussions about many high-level functions that lacked in detail. Less frequently,
students travelled ‘‘down’’ the functional hierarchy, explaining a small portion of
how the organism performed a function. These discussions usually resulted in very
detailed, technical low-level discussions that only a few students could follow.
One must continually emphasize to the students that, while the number of levels in
a decomposition is very large, functions expressed at much lower or higher levels
than the original problem may not always be useful for the purpose at hand,
because they introduce constraints (lower levels) or goals (higher levels) not
present in the initial problem definition. In addition to traversing levels of
abstraction, students frequently confused the different senses of the word
‘‘behavior.’’ Students often associate behavior with higher-level actions at the
organism level, for example, mating behavior, territory marking behavior, seeking
shelter from the heat rather than addressing the causal mechanisms, as this word is
used in the cognitive sciences (Gero and Kannengeisser 2004; Goel et al. 2009).
To simplify the vocabulary, in 2008, we changed the SBF vocabulary to a
What-Why-How vocabulary, mapping ‘‘What’’ to ‘‘Structure,’’ ‘‘Why’’ to
‘‘Function,’’ and ‘‘How’’ to ‘‘Behavior.’’ This was an attempt to both remove the
ambiguous interpretation of ‘‘behavior’’ and to formalize the levels of functional
abstraction. Functional abstraction was considered in terms of ‘‘why’’ moving up
the hierarchy (more abstract, superfunctions), and ‘‘how’’ moving down (more
detailed, subfunctions). Again, students were asked to describe all biological
systems in these terms, both conversationally and in formal homework
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 171
We also have experimented with interactive tools that use SBF models to help
enhance student understanding of biological and engineering systems. Given the
importance of knowledge representations and interactive tools, it is not surprising
that recently there has been enormous amount of work on devising representations
and tools to support BID (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute 2008, 2009; Bruck et al. 2007;
Chakrabarti et al. 2005; Chakrabarti and Shu 2010; Cheong et al. 2011; Chiu and
Shu 2007a, b; Nagel et al. 2008, 2010; Sarkar and Chakrabarti 2008; Sarkar et al.
2008; Sartori et al. 2010; Shu 2010). These tools differ in their representations of
biological and engineering designs, strategies for searching for a biological solu-
tion potentially relevant to a design problem, the (implied) process of BID,
evaluation of design solutions, and so on. However, these representations and tools
for BID are normative and prescriptive. We believe that it is important to situate
the development of representations and tools in real-life contexts. The BID course
has provided a motivation and a context for using, often in new ways, existing
knowledge representations such as SBF, and also for developing and evaluating
new representations such as SR.BID (see Sect. 7.6.6) and new interactive tools
such as DANE (Goel et al. 2012; Vattam et al. 2010b) and Biologue (Vattam and
Goel 2011) (see below).
DANE provides a digital library of SBF models of biological and engineering
systems, as well as tools for constructing SBF models of new systems. We
introduced DANE into the BID class in 2009. Some students in the BID class
found DANE useful for making sense of complex biological systems and con-
structing a conceptual understanding of the systems. (DANE can be downloaded
from \http://dilab.cc.gatech.edu/dane/[.)
Biologue enables students to annotate and share documents on biological sys-
tems as a team, to tag the documents with SBF models, and to search for additional
documents based on SBF tags. We introduced Biologue into the BID class in 2012.
Some students in the BID class found Biologue useful for online annotation and
sharing of biology articles. In controlled experiments, we discovered that Biologue
enables subjects to more easily and accurately locate relevant biology documents
online (Vattam and Goel 2011). While initial results from DANE and Biologue are
promising, identifying ways to search for interdisciplinary analogies remains an
open research area (as this volume attests).
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 173
Students in BID class are asked to invent their own design challenge and to generate
a creative, biologically inspired conceptual design that solves that challenge.
174 J. Yen et al.
Fig. 7.1 Problem decomposition of a search and rescue vehicle to transport over uneven and
unstable ground
Undergraduate students enrolling in a BID class may enter with little or no formal
design process training. Even for engineering students, design is often in the context
of a problem with very specific functional requirements, that is, the problem and
evaluative criteria often are very clear. It is important to monitor the typical design
experience of the student pool to determine how much to coach students through the
process, particularly during problem definition.
Perhaps the most significant reworking of the class involved the organization of
the class into sections representing these two dominant process modes for BID.
Initially, we instructed students to find a problem, find a biological source, and
apply the source to the problem to generate a solution. With regularity, half of the
design teams would follow the problem-driven approach, and half of the design
teams would instead fixate on an interesting biological solution and then find an
appropriate problem to solve. Since each process seemed useful in different cir-
cumstances, we decided to formalize the different approaches and allow students
to experience both.
On the very first day of class, students are now introduced to dozens of inter-
esting biological systems in our ‘‘biology auction’’ exercise. The auction engages
student’s curiosity and imagination with a wide range of possible biological sys-
tems that can serve as design inspiration, either directly or indirectly. In addition,
the immediate emphasis on biological systems reinforces the validity of biological
knowledge and engages the biologists.
Over the next 6 weeks of the class, students identify one interesting biological
system and figure out a means for using the interesting principles of that solution
to solve a human-scale problem. We teach this process in class more formally as
solution-based design and scaffold the process with exercises meant to help stu-
dents (a) understand the mechanism of interest in their biological system, (b)
abstract the mechanism used in their system, (c) identify a number of problems for
which their system may provide a solution, and (d) formally analyze the analogy
between their system and the problems they propose to solve in order to identify
the best solution-problem match. Only in weeks five and six are students asked to
begin producing conceptual designs.
We institute a more compressed problem-driven design cycle during weeks
seven through ten. This begins with students: (a) defining a problem; (b)
abstracting the problem; (c) finding biological solutions to the abstract problem;
and (d) formally analyzing the analogy between their problem and the solutions
they propose will solve their problem. Students craft a design solution in the last
Table 7.4 Six course elements (down) pertaining to the design process that address the 9 key challenges (across)
Design process Searching Understanding Identifying Analogy Communicating Communicating Teaming in an Maintaining Design
for biological and mapping across discipline complex system interdisciplinary equal evaluation
biological systems understanding and boundaries knowledge environment engagement
systems good design transfer throughout
problems the process
Problem-driven and
Source breadth X
Problem definition X
Problem focus X X X
Project format
Analogical evaluation and X X X X
J. Yen et al.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 177
The challenges associated with defining a problem, and finding and understanding
biological systems, often result in students exploring few potential biological
solutions (Wilson et al. 2010). This compounds the tendency of all novices to
engage in design fixation. Students in early iterations of the course were required
to explore only one problem and solve the problem with one or more biological
solutions. Student designers in this environment investigated between two and ten
biological solutions, while applying one or two biologically inspired mechanisms
to solve the problem. However, in about two-thirds of the design projects, students
fixated on the first biological system they encountered and only superficially
explored other systems. Thus, in early classes student design teams shallowly
investigated a handful of biological systems and came to deeply understand one or
maybe two biological systems.
To counteract the effects of solution-fixation, student design teams are now
required to report on at least thirty biological systems throughout the course. Each
student examines a minimum of five biological sources before selecting one for
their solution-based design, which means for a team of five, the entire team learns
about 25 biological systems. These systems can be related to each other via con-
vergent evolution, phylogeny, or exaptation. Furthermore, during problem-driven
design, each student is required to report on five biological sources, or 25 natural
systems for the team. In their final team design reports, a deep analysis is required
of at least five of these systems. These systems may or may not overlap with
systems discussed in their five found object exercises, again including up to twenty-
five additional systems per team. Thus, student teams may explore and share
knowledge about as many as seventy-five biological systems over the course of a
semester. Furthermore, because students are trained in formally representing these
systems using the function-based representation tools we provided (see Sect. 7.5),
178 J. Yen et al.
exploration of these systems is a structured process that (in theory) allows students
to functionally index each system in their own memory for later retrieval during
design episodes.
In a semester-long design project, students (who again, are largely naive with
respect to open-ended design problems) spend approximately half of the semester
learning about and grappling with the complexity of their own design problems.
Students seem to be motivated by tackling complex, often topical, issues such as
oil-spill cleanup or eliminating traffic congestion, for which they may have little
familiarity. In a class where students are expected to learn an incredible breadth of
content and process knowledge, our task is motivating students to find interesting,
challenging problems, without letting the definition of the problem itself become
the core challenge.
Problem discovery and definition is usually the first step in the design cycle
(Dym and Brown 2012; French 1996; Pahl et al. 2007). Even when the design
cycle is solution-based, problem definition is quickly derived by working back-
ward from a potential solution. Moreover, problem definition is inherently itera-
tive. We have found, for example, that 70 % of the function requirements
considered during the semester are discarded by the final design and as many as
one-third of the final function requirements were identified during the final few
weeks of a semester-long design.
We provide three scaffolds for students to help with problem definition. First,
we give a lecture early in the semester that is inspired by Ron Bills, the CEO of
Envirofit, entitled ‘‘What makes a problem a good problem?’’ this lecture pro-
vides an answer in terms of three W’s: what stinks, who cares, and what are you
going to do about it? This lecture sticks in the students’ minds and keeps their
focus on the practical. To reinforce this perspective, student design teams are
required to answer the three W’s during their preliminary design evaluation.
Second, we provide the problem-structuring tool (SR.BID) described in Sect.
7.6.6. These tools provide a handle for students to gain traction on defining their
problems. Third, we embed problem definition formally in many of the design
assignments, forcing students to reflect, to explicitly represent their design
problems, and come to a shared team understanding of them. Our observations in
2011 suggest that these interventions: (a) reduce the time students spend on
problem development; (b) reduce the problem scope; and (c) enhance the level of
detail, especially with respect to the number of performance criteria and speci-
fications that are considered. We believe projects in 2011 were among the most
practical designs produced since we began teaching this class, with no sacrifice in
perceived creativity.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 179
The extent to which student problems should be defined by the instructor versus by
the students involves some trade-offs that may strongly affect student performance.
We have tried limiting problems to specific areas (for example, sustainable housing)
and allowing students to choose their own problems. Constraining student problems
to specific areas potentially allows student groups to share information and come to a
deeper understanding of the problem as a result of their joint efforts. It also may
ameliorate some of the difficulties associated with problem formulation, and iden-
tifying and understanding biological systems. However, many students express
disappointment that they were not allowed to choose problems with which they were
comfortable. Moreover, constraining the problem sometimes limited the opportu-
nity of certain engineering disciplines to participate. We also learned that unless
problems are highly constrained, student teams were able to find a wide variety of
problems such that benefits of shared knowledge were weakened considerably.
Ultimately, in our highly interdisciplinary environment, allowing students to self-
identify problems leads to stronger application of engineering knowledge and
student motivation and is preferred even though problem definition remains chal-
lenging. Constraining problems to certain domains may be more productive when
students share a greater amount of disciplinary knowledge or attitudes.
The project format can serve a variety of goals, some of which may be important,
but are ancillary to BID practice. For instance, it is common practice at Georgia
Tech for instructors to require capstone design projects to be sponsored by industry
partners, where industry partners then can participate in the project as real-world
customers. We initially framed the project format in an entrepreneurial context,
that is, student design teams were expected to pitch their designs to appeal to a
group of venture capitalists. While students found this quite motivating, they also
spent a lot of time on branding, marketing, and selling their concept, rather than
understanding and articulating the underlying principles. Still, the emphasis on
design feasibility is important. Thus, we currently frame the design process in a
more pragmatic sense. We ask students to prepare a presentation that validates the
design concept in a way that would convince us (the instructors, and other guest
evaluators) to invest in creating a prototype of their design.
mapping continues to challenge us. Students asked to find a biological analogy for
a problem like ‘‘create a device for collecting water samples at a fixed depth
underwater in a lake,’’ can almost immediately produce answers like ‘‘puffer fish,’’
‘‘pelican,’’ and ‘‘whale.’’ Remarkably, students generate these analogies naturally,
without instruction, and within minutes given a particular design challenge. When
asked to describe why the analogy is a good fit, however, students require much
more time and often are at a loss for a description that they themselves find
satisfactory. When asked to evaluate these analogies for applicability or ‘‘goodness
of fit’’ for generating a solution to the design problem, students can often cate-
gorize one analogy as better than another, but they are generally incapable of
producing a consistent rationale for why one is better than the other. These
observations have led us to seek better ways to focus student attention on
appropriate analogical mapping and evaluation of goodness of fit.
Students seem to use more than functional similarity as memory probes for
arriving at appropriate analogies. Similarity of structure, external environment,
and performance characteristics too are often involved; for instance, the search
technique of ‘‘finding extreme adapters’’ is used to find high-performing biological
solutions by environmental similarity of problem–solution pairs. Capitalizing on
these findings, we introduced in 2011, a new representation framework called
Structured Representation for Biologically Inspired Design (SR.BID) that extends
and expands the SBF representation. The core aim of SR.BID was to create a
comprehensive representation linking biological solution descriptions and problem
descriptions over the broader range of concepts used for analogical indexing,
mapping, and evaluation. The SR.BID framework borrowed the structure (called
specifications in SR.BID) and function concepts from SBF, and appended envi-
ronment and performance concepts noted earlier. The ‘‘Four Box Method’’ uses
the four concepts pictured in Figure 7.3 to organize student thinking about prob-
lems and solutions.
Table 7.5 Using the Four Box Method to describe the problem of building a better bike lock
Operating environment Functions Performance Specifications
Outdoors and indoors Protect bicycle from Weigh less than 5 lbs. Adjustable
Wind and Prevent potential Withstand 4500 lbs. Weatherproof
precipitation damage to of force
Daytime and nighttime bicycle caused Withstand temperatures Flexible
by contact with below 32 F and above
lock 100 F
Temperature variations Waterproof, freeze proof, Strong materials
and shockproof
Easy to use
Deter from cutting
All assignments in the 2011 class were structured using the SR.BID framework.
The following Table 7.5 provides an example of a four box diagram provided to
describe the problem of building a better bicycle lock.
Furthermore, once given a problem specification and a specification of the
biological solution in the same format, students were asked to do a side-by-side
comparison where they identified whether elements were the same, similar, or
different. In Table 7.6, we see a side-by-side comparison of the North American
Elk antler with the bicycle lock problem. This side-by-side comparison forces
students to consider not only where the problem and solution align, but also where
solutions do not line up. Markman and Gentner (1993) have suggested that
comparison of source and target problems in analogical transfer often is based on
such alignment. We believe that in BID, highlighting these differences early in the
analogical mapping stage helps students consider their sources more deeply, as
well as identify potential transfer issues such as performance, size scaling, material
composition, and manufacturing earlier in the design process.
From 2006 through 2011, we have experimented with a number of represen-
tations and tools to help students overcome common interdisciplinary design
challenges. We have less experience with SR.BID than with other representations.
However, student surveys indicate that the SR.BID organizational framework
resulted in more pragmatic final projects and provided students with a more robust
method for evaluating analogies, especially for identifying potential transfer
failure points. On the other hand, students continued to provide shallow mecha-
nistic explanations of biological systems. In 2011, we did not teach diagrammatic
functional decomposition, and instructors felt as a result students lacked a deeper
understanding of the connectedness of functions in both problem and solution
182 J. Yen et al.
Table 7.6 Side-by-side comparison of the biological solution (Elk antler) with the problem
(bicycle lock) using SR.BID
Problem target Biological source (Elk antler)
Operational environment Operational environment
College students/adults N/A N/A
Global use in all habitats Different North America/Eastern Asia/forest habitat
Bike racks, poles, sign posts, fixed Different Elk head
Usable in all seasons/usable at all times Different Usable only during mating season
of day
Temperature range: adaptable to outside Same Temperature range: adaptable to outside
temperature temperature
Weather resistant Same Weather resistant
Functions Functions
Prevent bike theft N/A Fight/protect against other male elks during
mating season
Withstand applied stress Same Withstand applied stress
Maintain temperature Same Maintain temperature
Deter possible thieves Similar Deter predators
Specifications Specifications
Stress withstanding materials Same Stress withstanding
Lightweight materials Different Strong materials
Inexpensive materials Similar Relatively low energy cost
Inert materials Same Inert materials
Detachable from bike Similar Ability to shed antlers after the end of
mating season
Lifespan of over 5 years Different Lifespan equals the duration of mating
Criteria Criteria
Weight \5 pounds Different Weight of up to 40 pounds
Fits around average sized tree trunk Different Height of up to 3.9 feet
Fits on/around average sized bike frame N/A N/A
7.7 Evaluation
One of us once overheard an alumnus from our 3rd iteration of the course describe
it to a prospective student. He said, ‘‘It’s different from any other course. There are
assignments like ‘go outside and find something.’ It’s hard to know exactly what
you’re supposed to do.’’ In most courses, it is clear to the students what specific
information and skills they must master. Because BID education is process ori-
ented, as opposed to content oriented, the students often have trouble gauging their
own performance, particularly before their first projects are vetted. Evaluation by
the faculty is necessary throughout, and most important quite early, to help stu-
dents realize what it is they should be working on, how good their work is, and
what mental activities are leading to productive outcomes. The first two course
Table 7.7 Six course elements (down) pertaining to evaluation that address the 9 key challenges (across)
Evaluation Searching Understanding Identifying Analogy Communicating Communicating Teaming in an Maintaining Evaluating
for biological and mapping across discipline complex system interdisciplinary equal designs
biological systems understanding and boundaries knowledge environment engagement
systems good design transfer throughout
problems the process
Three W’s X X X X X
In-class X X
Environmental X X
Make-or-break X
Materials X
Reports X X X X X X
Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design
184 J. Yen et al.
elements in Table 7.7 below are the main methods we have found to get students
on a productive track early in the course.
Ideas are commonplace; good ideas less so. Many of the ideas in the student
journals were novel, but impossible to implement so as to achieve the desired
functionality. Quantitative analysis is usually the key to assessing feasibility of a
design. For example, how much must the surface area of a shoe expand to prevent
sand from liquefying when an adult walks at normal speed? How much will
serrations at the leading edge of a lawn mower blade reduce noise? Course ele-
ments 3–5 in Table 7.7 represent the quantitative assessments we require. In
addition, we ask the students to perform some quantification of the three W’s.
The last course element in Table 7.7 is the final report. This pulls together the
biological sources, problem description, design description, analogical evaluation,
and all of the quantitative analyses that are described in this and the previous
sections. If the students can write a persuasive project summary and have correctly
performed the underlying analysis, they can feel confident that they have delivered
a good BID.
The three W’s, ‘‘What stinks,’’ ‘‘Who cares,’’ and ‘‘What are you going to do about
it,’’ were introduced in Sect. 7.6.3 as scaffolding for student problem definition.
For the oral presentations of the first two projects, we require the students to state
the three W’s of their problem definition. This helps them select a worthwhile and
well-defined problem. For the final reports, we also require quantitative justifi-
cations of each W. For example, the first W would ask how wasteful are lawn
sprinklers compared with drip irrigation? The second W would ask how much
clean water is wasted annually by lawn sprinklers and of what fraction of total
clean water use does that consist? A more thorough answer to the second W would
calculate the annual cost of the wasted water to a typical owner of a water
sprinkler. If the annual cost is a few dollars, who is going to care, even if the
overall cost is a hundred million? The third W would call for the quantitative
analysis of the design to be sure it saves the amount of water claimed, and an
estimate of the production cost.
knowledge to tell a group that an idea has already been tried, or that an organism’s
mechanism is not what they think it is, or that the basic nature of their problem is
different from what they suppose. This kind of feedback helps eliminate dead ends
early, before the team sinks much time into them.
The other kind of feedback that is very helpful during the early stages of work
has to do with problem focus. Students frequently begin with too broad a problem
and need to be advised to narrow their focus, often drastically. It has become much
easier for us to provide this feedback now that we have taught the course for
several years, because we have acquired some problem domain knowledge. For
example, every year since 2006 at least one team has wanted to solve the problem
of water. We have learned that worldwide water problems range from aquifer
depletion, desertification, inefficient irrigation, and leaky toilets to collection, non-
point-source pollution, filtration, and millions of children’s deaths annually. Each
of these differs by geographical region, culture, and other factors. We might
suggest a focus on collecting potable water from the air for a hundred thousand
refugees living in makeshift tents in Haiti, or on finding gray water alternatives to
pure aquifer sources for farmers in the midwestern USA.
Occasionally, a group will have too narrow a problem focus. If their solution is
good, it is usually enough to point out that there is not a sufficiently important
‘‘who cares,’’ and urge the students to find a broader scope of application.
Therefore, it is not usually vital to detect this flaw very early. Feedback during in-
class presentations, discussed next, is sure to reveal such flaws that have not yet
been detected.
We invite experts from various departments such as mechanical engineering,
materials engineering, architecture, chemistry, psychology, and civil engineering,
as well as local firms such as Perkins+Will, Interface, and David Oakey Designs
and that are interested in sustainability, to attend the oral and poster presentations
of the student projects. These presentations are typically given a week or two
before the final project reports are due. Each team gets feedback from the visiting
experts, the course instructors, and their fellow students. Surprisingly, we have
found that some of the toughest questions come from other students. The visitors
are the most likely to challenge fundamental assumptions or parameters of the
entire project. We instructors, perhaps because we have been providing feedback
all along, tend to ask the least unsettling questions. Instead, we usually probe to
test whether or not the students have a deep understanding of the biologically
inspired mechanism that is being transferred into the design.
Several times visitors have expressed regret that they had not been brought in
earlier, because there is not enough time for the student team to act on their
criticisms or ideas. On the other hand, these visitors are a scarce resource and we
are leery of imposing too much on them. The best use of this resource seems to be
during the presentations of the first and second designs, because the teams will
choose one of those two to refine for their third design and therefore have several
weeks to take an expert’s comments into account.
186 J. Yen et al.
Student responses to our course suggest that BID captures the imagination and
attunes students to values of sustainability. In fact, many engineering students in
our early courses reported they were more likely to consider sustainability and
environmental impact of their designs as a consequence of learning BID, even
though sustainability was not a design requirement. Subsequently, we added an
environmental impact assessment (EIA) assignment to align student output with
their greater sensitivity to environmental concerns.
The EIA assignment creates a number of challenges, given many engineering
and biology curricula do not cover this kind of evaluation. We discovered it was
necessary to familiarize students with the major environmental impact categories
and their associated metrics (e.g., greenhouse gases in CO2 kilogram equivalents
and solid non-toxic waste in cubic feet). We identified some of the most common
difficulties and created a quantitative homework assignment that forced the stu-
dents to navigate them. The assignment was to compare the environmental impact
of travel by air and travel by car. This forced students to understand the need to
express the cost per function achieved (e.g., amount of CO2 equivalents released
per passenger miles travelled), and how to prioritize potential costs (e.g., the
amount of clean water used per passenger mile is negligible compared to the
impact of greenhouse gas emission). Afterward, when teams were working on their
projects, we met with each group to discuss which impacts were important and
how they were to be measured.
Several of the changes that we have described, namely identifying pitfalls and
environmental impact categories in lectures, tailoring quantitative analysis
assignments to these lectures, and discussing these issues with each team while
they were developing their designs, had the net effect of changing quantitative
assessment from a burdensome requirement of a final report to a key tool used
during much of the design process.
In the first three years of the course, we gave three quantitative homework
assignments, each analysis tied to a specific reading or lecture. Our aim was to
stimulate students to perform quantitative evaluations of their projects. These
assignments were unpopular; many students, especially biologists, found them
difficult. Starting in the fourth year, we changed these from individual to group
assignments. To keep the biologists engaged, we offered extra credit to teams if a
biologist presented the group’s solution to the class. We observed that the quality of
the student solutions improved, and that the student satisfaction with the assign-
ments increased when the design team was jointly responsible for the exercise.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 187
However, the degree to which all team members, in particular the biologists,
learned how to do quantitative analysis is unknown.
Though we do not know whether everyone learned how to perform quantitative
analysis, we do know that the students did not learn how to choose what quanti-
tative analyses were worth doing. All final design reports were supposed to include
a quantitative assessment that related to how well the design functioned. In the first
few years, we were usually dissatisfied with their quality. Many assessments
lacked depth or importance. Teams frequently analyzed aspects of the design that
were not critical to its performance, choosing analyses with straightforward
techniques as opposed to relevance. We elected to address this problem with a
‘‘make-or-break’’ lecture, in which we stress that usually there is a single quan-
titative issue of function that is critical to the success of the design. A bicycle
helmet must be able to protect against a certain speed of collision; a condensation
device for desert use must produce a certain amount of water per day; a levee must
withstand a certain flood height. We told each team to figure out what would make
or break their design. We then met with each team to discuss their choice. This
discussion was important because otherwise a difficult time-consuming technical
analysis could turn out to be irrelevant or a major design infeasibility could go
Our subsequent experience has led us to identify common issues that students
confront in this analysis. One pitfall has to do with scaling. For example, a human-
sized gecko could not climb walls easily because the mass increases as the cube of
the length, but the surface area of the foot increases only as the square of the
length. The adhesive force is proportional to the surface area, as a simple thought
experiment will show. We created a new quantitative homework assignment for
which scaling was the key. Since biological solutions often are scale-dependent,
students often will have to deal with this issue, and some discussion of scaling
seems key for successful analogical transfer of principles. The other common
pitfall had to do with materials. This was so important that we made a materials
assessment a separate requirement, as described in the next subsection.
Students in the first 3 years of the course would often base their design on a
hypothesized material with certain physical properties, when no such material
existed. When we reviewed the course after 3 years, we were a bit shocked to see
that this single weakness rendered about one-third of all the designs infeasible! We
began to warn students not to rely on imagined materials, encouraging them to use
existing material or to design a hybrid material from known materials. Now, we
require a materials analysis in the second or third week of the third project. The
final reports typically incorporate this materials analysis.
Often the properties of a material have turned out to be the ‘‘make-or-break’’
quantitative question. In several cases, teams performed a computation-intensive
188 J. Yen et al.
finite-element analysis to answer the question. Usually, only one member of the
team, a mechanical or materials engineer, knew how to perform such an analysis.
In our experience, therefore, a materials analysis seems necessary to prevent
situations in which students produce unfeasible designs. In the most recent itera-
tion of the course, fall 2012, only one of the eight final designs (a radically
different toothbrush) depended on material of dubious manufacturability.
7.7.6 Reports
We have always required students to deliver both oral and written reports. In the
first year, we tried different formats. For written reports, we asked for traditional
write-ups of about 10 pages, posters, and pamphlets of 4–8 sides. For oral reports,
we asked for either short poster presentations or PowerPoint presentations. We
observed that students were highly motivated by poster presentations, and we have
retained them. We found that written reports got much better if we specified a
template in advance and tied all of the elements in the template to previous
assignments. In this way, final reports served as a reflective synthesis of previous
work and provided an opportunity for improvement. Report templates also pro-
vided students with focus. There are so many aspects of the process of BID that
could be included in a report that students are at a loss for what to include or not
include. In particular, in 2007, about 40 % of the final report documented the
design process, while 60 % documented the actual final design. The template
seemed to reinforce both the process learning goals for the students and the
product/design goals. Creating good rubrics for a class is an extremely difficult
problem, particularly in design. To grade the final designs, these 10 sections are
awarded a specified portion (%) of the final grade as follows:
1. Summary (5 %). Specify the problem and the biological source; state the key
analogy; describe the design solution and its value proposition as compared
with existing solutions.
2. Biological System Understanding (10 %). For solution-based designs, convey
a deep understanding of the primary natural system, with particular focus on
explanation of the mechanism(s) of interest. For problem-based designs,
provide a deep description of all mechanisms transferred to the design. In
addition, describe at least briefly all natural systems that were considered,
indicating why a system was or was not chosen for inspiration.
3. Design Problem Understanding (10 %). Motivate the problem, including what
stinks, who cares, and what are we going to do about it. Also, give a detailed
problem decomposition showing a logical analysis of the functions involved in
the problem including function, operating environment, performance criteria,
and constraints.
4. Biological System to Design Problem Analogy and Comparison (10 %).
Describe similarities and differences between the biological systems and the
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 189
design problem. In addition, present arguments for and against the suitability
of the biological systems to serve as a solution to the design problem.
5. Visualization (10 %). Supplement the written text with a variety of visual
representations such as graphs, figures, drawings (CAD or freehand), and
tables. Legends must be informative.
6. Quantitative Analysis of Biological Mechanism (20 %). Provide a succinct
and quantitative analysis of the mechanics, material properties, or interacting
processes of the biological system(s) that are transferred to the design.
7. Quantitative Analysis of Design (20 %). Provide a succinct and quantitative
analysis of the key functions of the problem. Show how the new design
integrates the principles derived from nature.
8. Design Understanding (10 %). Discuss the principal obstacles to achieving
the design objectives that were encountered. Assess the value of the design
(greater functionality, cost savings, increased sustainability, other potential
9. Cross-Domain Translation Creativity (±10 %). This portion of the grade
depends upon the creativity of the design based on its novelty with respect to
current technology and previous BID designs, together with the potential
usefulness of the proposed product.
10. Literature (5 %). This must contain key references from the primary literature
(no Weblinks allowed) for the biological systems, existing solutions, similar
problems, materials, and mechanics.
Item 9 in the list above requires clarification. The weights of the other items sum
to 100 %. Item 9 permitted the project grade to go up or down by as much as a full
level, for example, from B to A or C. We instructors did not fully agree as to how
much the designs should be graded on the process rather than on the outcome. Item 9,
being a highly subjective criterion, gave individual instructors leeway with respect
to the rest of the grading rubric. To ensure fairness, we balanced the set of instructors
assigned to each report. Note also that the weights assigned to these categories will
vary, reflecting the instructors’ course goals and institutional context.
In the most recent iteration of the course, we required a complete draft of the
report a few weeks before the final version was due. We graded the drafts as
carefully as we would have graded final versions. About half of the final reports
were much improved over the drafts. (several were already excellent). This process
required a lot of time from both faculty and students, but it significantly improved
the outcome.
essence, seed their minds with new ideas. Teams in this class include at least one
of each of these two disciplines: biologist, mechanical engineer, plus a mixture of
these: systems engineer, materials scientist, designer (industrial designer, architect,
and artist). Asking the students to show they are able to use each other’s skills,
starting from the biological inspiration, throughout the design process, to the final
quantitative analysis of feasibility informs them of the importance of the inter-
disciplinary effort. These interactions expand their design space, promoting cre-
ative thinking and innovation in design (Table 7.8).
As already mentioned, BID draws from many areas of scientific knowledge and
cannot be accomplished without at least two or more disciplines working together.
In our course, we emphasize the essential value of knowledge from other domains.
In particular, it requires a sufficiently broad understanding of biology to facilitate
search and selectively deep understanding once a particular biological source is
targeted as a potential source for innovation. Whereas substitutes exist, there is
still no resource quite as effective as a good biologist.
Table 7.8 Five course elements (down) pertaining to interdisciplinary training that address the 9 key challenges (across)
Interdisciplinary Searching Understanding Identifying Analogy Communicating Communicating Teaming in an Maintaining Evaluating
training for biological and mapping Across complex system interdisciplinary equal designs
biological systems understanding and discipline knowledge environment engagement
systems good design transfer boundaries throughout
problems the process
Faculty X
Knowledge from X X X X X X X X X
Nature auction X X X
ID teams X X
Peer evaluations X X X
Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design
192 J. Yen et al.
It is not easy for an engineer to identify keywords to search for a system with
properties they seek: a BID thesaurus is useful, and biologists can act as a
‘‘translator.’’ Although several groups are working on techniques, such as context-
based searching, to help engineers bridge the knowledge gap without direct access
to biological expertise, such an approach is neither optimal nor justified when there
is easy access to biologists. Hence, we always place at least one biologist in a team
of 5, although adding additional biologist team members, when possible, is sound
practice. Just as for engineers, there are many kinds of biologists, so the particular
ability of the biology teammate can affect strongly the choice of systems that can
be examined by the team.
understand the basic constraints and capabilities of these skills, and learn how to
express themselves using concepts familiar to the engineers. All students come to
the conclusion that they can address this complex problem more effectively by
putting their skills together and learning how to apply their knowledge as a team to
address the challenge.
Team interactions can range from everyone working equally under strong lead-
ership and team spirit to dysfunctional teams ruined by team members who do not
or are unable to engage in the process. We ask each member of a team to evaluate
themselves and their team, using a system based on a fictional reward. Students are
given 1000 fictional dollars per team member, which they distribute between
individuals (including themselves) based on the value to team. We ask each stu-
dent to justify this distribution by commenting on the contribution of each team
member (again including themselves). We alter the grades of students who average
significantly higher or lower than 1,000. Our intentions are both to be fair and to
motivate. Students know in advance that their grades may be lower than their
team’s grade if they do not contribute adequately. In some teams, everyone clearly
valued the expertise offered by each discipline. However, in other teams, the
engineers would not engage in the biological search and the biologists did not
know how to engage in the quantitative assessments. More attention is needed to
find ways to engage all the disciplines throughout the process.
7.9 Synthesis
This is an unusual course. We are not teaching biology or engineering, but we are
asking the students to obtain a deep understanding of the specific biological system
they intend to apply and translate into engineering design. A student’s under-
standing of the biological system has to be deep enough that he or she can identify
the biological knowledge that should be transferred to an engineering problem.
Well-defined grading rubrics are useful so students know what constitute the traits
of a BID expert. These should be directed at project evaluation, but also need to
help students understand what sorts of mental process and activities help produce
novel and useful (e.g., creative) designs.
Despite the unfamiliarity and challenges, students are eager to include this
design process in their skill set because of the lure of invention, the novelty of
BID, and its potential to lead to more sustainable practices. When given the
freedom to work on a problem of their own choosing, motivation is not a sig-
nificant problem. While engagement can wax and wane, depending especially on
the ability of an individual to apply their domain skill set and feel useful, case
194 J. Yen et al.
studies, BIDwow, and auctioning off nature work well to maintain enthusiasm.
Taking advantage of this enthusiasm by teaching bioinspired design allows us to
reach quite a few learning goals, making it well worth the effort to identify some
best practices. These recommendations are specifically for a course where we take
inspiration from biology for design, going beyond copying or using nature.
Our experience has been that for effective BID, having biological expertise is
necessary, either by having biologists on the team or available for consultation.
When there is no option for student teams to include biologists, trying to find the
right function from the right natural system is difficult. We recommend that
experts be consulted for the best understood biological systems. Seasoned biology
faculty that do research on biological systems and attend biology conferences have
an edge in finding the natural systems that are rich in mechanistic details. Whereas
using this expertise to give the students a good starting point may take away the
chance to teach them how to search the biological literature, the students still will
have many chances to hone their search strategies to find other exemplars of
similar or inverted functions in extreme environments. Advanced students may
even learn to find relevant examples based on phylogenetic relatedness, conver-
gent evolution, or exaptations.
Focusing the found object exercise on some key biological functions (sensing,
locomotion, and hierarchy) and comparing conjectured designs based on these
solutions illustrates to the class the myriad of possibilities, teaches them about
these key biological concepts and reduces design fixation. Skillful use of SBF,
functional decompositions, and analogical reasoning to compare biological and
engineering systems enable connections to be made between the biological
functions and engineering needs. The tools for these cross-disciplinary interactions
that we have developed work well. Students read the primary literature carefully
and they can use SBF to focus and to keep them from getting lost in the inherent
biological complexity. The newly developed SR.BID framework applied to the
problem and biological solutions works well to identify the many functions to take
across the divide and to evaluate analogies more deeply across functional, per-
formance, and specification viewpoints.
When the student population is diverse, encouraging team-based problem
solving is not only desirable, but necessary. Using bonus points given to the
biologist who is able to explain the engineering principles or the engineer who is
able to explain the biological principles tells the students that we think this ability
to communicate across disciplines is useful in their training to be a practicing
bioinspired designer. This cross-disciplinary practice serves as one way to keep
disciplines engaged throughout the design process. Oral presentations where each
team member speaks can help encourage all members to be active.
Design evaluation remains one of the more challenging aspects. Students need
clear direction as to what does and what does not constitute a good problem, and to
avoid common pitfalls in arriving at good designs (e.g., poor material selection, lack
of appreciation of scaling, and appropriate EIA). Simple assignments pertinent to
developing specific skills help students to incorporate these considerations in their
final design, particularly when project grading rubrics indicate they are required.
7 Adaptive Evolution of Teaching Practices in Biologically Inspired Design 195
Problem areas that require additional attention are the search strategy for bio-
logical systems, a more complete method for teaching analogical mapping and
evaluating good analogies, and evaluating good designs and good design prob-
lems. Searching and identifying useful biological systems with high potential for
transfer to design still can be much improved when an expert biologist makes a
suggestion or guides an exploration into the natural world. Capitalizing on evo-
lutionary knowledge is key here, and computational methods, while promising,
still cannot take the place of a skilled biologist. Although many connections can be
made between biology and engineering, it is still difficult to figure out which
analogical match is the best to pursue to solve the engineering challenge.
The BID class is also a research laboratory for studying BID artifacts and
practices. On one hand, it has allowed us to apply, evaluate, and explore theories
of creative design, analogical reasoning, and knowledge representation. On the
other, in situ studies of BID already have led to the development of new
descriptive theories of BID such as solution-based analogy, new knowledge rep-
resentations such as SR.BID, new interactive tools such as DANE and Biologue,
and new techniques such as the four box method for specifying design problems.
Our current course, focused on idea generation and conceptual design, does not
include instruction in essential skills that can bring a creative idea to fruition.
Translating a biological principle to a functioning device requires fundamental
concept testing and experiments to build and test a BID prototype. Over and over,
these new interdisciplinary designers realize that quantitative analyses can eval-
uate value and feasibility of the design but that implementation and testing provide
the essential proof of success. Long (2012) found that making a physical prototype
solves the problems of functionality, manufacturability, and improper quantitative
analyses. A sequel to this course would be a fundamental concepts testing class to
evaluate whether the make-or-break criterion is feasible. If it is feasible, then the
196 J. Yen et al.
3rd class would be prototype building and testing. Some students in our classes
have gone on to do this independently in other design classes. However, for certain
projects, there may be some value in extremely limited prototyping within the
context of our current 15 week course model. Rapid prototyping combined with
hierarchical scaling have been implemented voluntarily by student groups in our
BID class and this activity has gone far to evaluate designs. For certain classes of
projects, incorporating this requirement would be feasible and useful.
On balance, BID provides a continuous and exciting growth process. Practicing
this approach improves the facility with these new design skills, encouraging us to
make friends outside our expertise. The novelty and allure of the BIDs provide
motivation to go beyond the superficial and deeply understand the complexity of
the problem and the complexity of the natural system.
Acknowledgments We are grateful to several colleagues who have contributed to this work
over the last several years, including Inbal Flash-Gvili, Wendy Newstetter, Swaroop Vattam, and
Bryan Wiltgen. We thank the US National Science Foundation for its support of this research
through a TUES grant (#1022778) entitled ‘‘Biologically Inspired Design: A Novel Interdisci-
plinary Biology-Engineering Curriculum,’’ and a CreativeIT Grant (#0855916) entitled ‘‘Com-
putational Tools for Enhancing Creativity in Biologically Inspired Engineering Design.’’
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Chapter 8
Supporting Analogical Transfer
in Biologically Inspired Design
Amaresh Chakrabarti
Keywords Analogical transfer Biomimetics Biological stimuli Engineering
design Guidelines Idea-inspire GEMS of SAPPhIRE Novelty Usefulness
Creativity Technical product development
A. Chakrabarti (&)
Innovation, Design Study and Sustainability Laboratory (IdeasLab), Centre for Product
Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India
e-mail: ac123@cpdm.iisc.ernet.in
8.1 Introduction
This understanding of designing ‘as is’ provides the basis for identifying
possible aspects of designing that could be improved.
• Prescriptive Study. During this stage, specific aspects of (current) designing are
focused on for improvement, and some form of support—which can be guide-
lines, methods, tools, or standards—is developed in order to improve these
aspects of designing. The support is envisaged to influence and change current
designing into a more desired ‘future’ designing, so as to influence success
criteria in a more positive manner.
• Descriptive Study II. During this stage, the support developed is evaluated for its
effectiveness in changing designing as desired and assessing its influence on
success. Depending on the results, iterative steps are undertaken to improve the
support (going back to Prescriptive Study), or even improve the understanding
of current designing (going back to Descriptive Study I).
According to the DRM framework, a specific programme or piece of research
into design can be described as a combination of a subset of these four stages, with
varying emphasis on the stages. DRM categorises design research broadly into two
categories: Descriptive Studies—where the main focus is on developing research
criteria and understanding of designing ‘as is’, and Prescriptive Studies—where
the main focus is on developing and evaluating support so as to change designing
‘as should be’. Using the DRM framework, BID can be categorised into
descriptive (i.e. as is) studies and prescriptive (i.e. as should be) studies
(Chakrabarti and Shu 2010).
Descriptive studies into BID are relatively few and recent (Chakrabarti and Shu
2010). Helms et al. (2009) analyse the processes followed in BID projects, where
student designers carry out given design tasks in order to develop BID. A major
finding is that in BID, both problem and solution decompositions are transferred;
this is consistent with the earlier findings that problems and solutions co-evolve in
designing—and therefore both are design outcomes (Nidamarthi et al. 1997;
Chakrabarti et al. 2004b). Vattam et al. (2008) report that generation of compound
solutions are achieved in these processes through two related approaches: analogy
and problem decomposition. Vattam et al. (2010a) argue that while BID is
inherently analogical in nature, understanding of its analogical basis is currently
limited. They present an observational study of a series of BID sessions towards
developing a content theory of creative analogies in the context of BID. Sartori
et al. (2010) analyse a collection of published biomimetic design cases, and
identify the generic levels of abstraction at which biomimetic transfer occurs in
design (further discussed in Sect. 8.3).
There are many prescriptive studies in this area. Some focus on biomimetic
processes, some on databases and guidelines, and others on support tools.
Hill (1997, 2005) proposes an orientation model for supporting biomimetics
projects; it has two steps: goal setting and solution identification. Based on con-
tradicting demands identified in goal setting, solution identification consists of: (1)
determining the basic function(s) underlying the contradicting demands; (2)
identifying relevant biological structures with similar functional characteristics;
204 A. Chakrabarti
(3) compiling the identified biological structures and analysing each to extract
underlying principles and make preliminary solution associations; (4) transferring
these preliminary solutions into technical solutions according to the requirements
and conditions of the goal; (5) varying and combining relevant characteristics of
these solutions; (6) enlisting alternatives of each characteristic into a morpho-
logical table and identifying possible combinations of these characteristics; (7)
using common evaluation methods, evaluating the solution elements or completing
variants to select the best; and (8) elaborating the chosen solution. Schild et al.
(2004) propose a systematic method for identifying analogue solutions to a given
problem, with the following steps: (1) problem formulation at an appropriate level
of abstraction; (2) evaluation; (3) search for analogies; and (4) verification and
evaluation. Gramann (2004) recommends the following biomimetic process to
support technical problem solving: (1) formulate a search objective; (2) search for
and assign a set of relevant biological systems; (3) analyse these biological sys-
tems; and (4) evaluate.
Based on an analysis of the above processes, Sartori et al. (2010) construct a
generic model of the biomimetic process with these steps: (1) formulate search
objectives; (2) search for biological analogues; (3) analyse biological analogues;
and (4) transfer these analogues to the technical domain.
Several databases of biological systems have been developed to aid the biomi-
metic process. Catalogue sheets by Hill (1997, 2005) aim to capture knowledge
about biological structures and functions. With the goal of developing bio-TRIZ,
the database of biological effects by Vincent et al. (2002, 2006) uses TRIZ methods
(Terninko et al. 1998; Mann 2001). Further, Vincent et al. developed a framework
for capturing biological data in a technology-compatible manner, to support
designers in BID. One issue with these approaches, as Chakrabarti et al. (2011)
point out, is the distribution of biological functionality over several levels of scale
and complexity; as Sartori et al. (2010) argue, developing an appropriate functional
representation of biological systems suitable for engineering design seems to be a
major, unresolved issue. Neither in Hill’s catalogue sheets nor in Vincent et al.’s
database is there an explicit relationship between function and structure of bio-
logical systems with an objective basis. A possible resolution to this is the basis
provided by the SAPPhIRE model of causality (Chakrabarti et al. 2005).
SAPPhIRE model uses seven constructs to explain how system-functions are
achieved, see further details in Sect. 8.4.2. A database of over 1,000 entries of
biological and technical systems structured using SAPPhIRE model has been
developed for a software tool Idea-Inspire (see further in this section) to retrieve
relevant entries as inspiration for a given design problem (further details in Sect.
8.5). There are other approaches of cataloguing biological systems, such as func-
tion-based approaches (e.g. Vakili et al. 2007; Nagel et al. 2010), approaches that
use reverse engineering and ontologies (Wilson and Rosen 2007; Wilson et al.
2009), or SBF model-based approaches (Vattam et al. 2010b).
The database approach to biomimetics is not without criticism; Gramann
(2004), for instance, criticises these due to the vast amount of and variety in
biological knowledge to be captured—a massive task. The natural language-based
8 Supporting Analogical Transfer in Biologically Inspired Design 205
approach (e.g. by Hacco and Shu 2002; Chiu and Shu 2007; Cheong et al. 2010) is
a possible resolution to this issue. Their approach uses natural language processing
methods to analyse biological information already available in existing resources,
in order to extract relevant biological phenomena that can be transferred by
designers to the target domain by applying analogical reasoning. A comprehensive
review of this approach can be found in (Shu 2010).
According to Chakrabarti and Shu (2010), each approach has pros and cons.
While the natural language approach avoids the effort involved in structuring and
populating databases, it needs effort in developing appropriate search processes for
identifying meaningful information from the natural language resources, and
transfer may be more difficult. In contrast, the database approach needs substantial
effort into prestructuring information and populating databases, so that search for
relevant information in the use phase becomes easier, and transfer less difficult.
A set of guidelines for biomimetic transfer has been suggested by Sartori et al.
(2010); various guidelines for composition of biological systems have been pro-
posed by Vattam et al. (2010a). A number of software tools have also been
developed. For example, Idea-Inspire is an interactive, biomimetic-inspiration tool
that uses the database approach, structures the entries using the SAPPhIRE model
of causality (Chakrabarti et al. 2005; Sarkar et al. 2008; Srinivasan et al. 2011),
and provides biological systems as stimuli for ideation. DANE is a tool, also based
on the database approach, which uses SBF model for structuring information
(Vattam et al. 2010b).
In summary, current research in biomimetic support is focused on providing
three types of outputs:
• stimuli for biomimetic inspiration (e.g. Chakrabarti et al. 2005).
• framework for systematic BID (e.g. Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2010b).
• guidelines for biomimetic transfer (e.g. Sartori et al. 2010).
In this chapter, we provide an overview of our research into each of these.
According to Sartori et al. (2010), the BID process has four general steps:
1. formulate search objectives;
2. search for biological analogues;
3. analyse biological analogues;
4. Transfer relevant knowledge to the target domain.
Our research is focused on the following:
• provide biological inspiration—Step 2 in the BID process (Sect. 8.5);
• provide a systematic design process for supporting BID (Sect. 8.6);
• provide systematic guidelines for transfer—Step 4 in the BID process
(Sect. 8.7).
206 A. Chakrabarti
For understanding the work in the rest of the chapter, knowledge of the following
is essential and is therefore briefly described below.
8.4.1 Creativity
Since the focus of the work reported in this chapter is on understanding designing,
especially BID, in terms of its influence on the various aspects of creativity, an
understanding of creativity and its various aspects is crucial. Based on the
‘common definition’ of creativity (Sarkar and Chakrabarti 2007b, 2011), creativity
in design ‘occurs through a process by which an agent uses its ability to generate
ideas, products or solutions that are novel and useful’. This ‘common’ definition is
developed after analysing an extensive set of definitions of creativity from liter-
ature, taking into account all encompassing features that constitute these defini-
tions. In this definition, the two major aspects of creativity are ‘novelty’ and
‘usefulness’; novelty means ‘being recent and original to the society’, while
usefulness refers to the ‘utilitarian value to the society’.
Novelty is assessed using a measure that estimates how different the idea,
product, or solution under assessment is from existing ideas, products, or solutions.
The assessment is based on the following assumption: if the product is different
from existing products in the functionality itself, that is, invents a new function, it
is of the highest novelty. If that is not the case, and the product is structurally no
different from existing products, then there is no novelty. If, however, it is in
between, SAPPhIRE model of causality (see Sect. 8.4.2) can be used to assess how
different the product is from existing products (Sarkar and Chakrabarti 2011).
More recently, a variant of this measure has been developed based entirely on the
SAPPhIRE model (Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2010a).
Usefulness is assessed based on the assumption that, the value of a technical
product lies in its usefulness to the society. Usefulness can be assessed using the
extent to which it is used, or likely to be used. In this sense, usefulness of a product
is reflected in the extent of use of the product. This is assessed using these sub-
measures: how beneficial the use of the product is (for instance, a life-saving drug
is more beneficial than a lifestyle drug), how long the product is used or its effect
lasts (for instance, a drug whose intended effects last a lifetime is more useful than
one that has to be taken once every day to remain effective), how many people use,
or benefit from the product (for instance, a car which runs the same distance with
all seats full is more useful than one that runs similar distance with fewer seats
occupied) (Sarkar and Chakrabarti 2011).
8 Supporting Analogical Transfer in Biologically Inspired Design 207
The relationships among these constructs are as follows: Parts (P) of an entity
and its surroundings create organs (R), which are the structural requirements for a
physical effect (E). A physical effect is activated by various inputs (I) on the
organs and creates a physical phenomenon (Ph), and changes the state (S) of the
entity. The changes of state are interpreted as actions (A), as new inputs, or as
changes that create or activate parts (see Fig. 8.1).
208 A. Chakrabarti
The use of these constructs together and their links with functionality provides a
richer description of behaviour. Action, state change, and input constitute the
higher levels of abstraction. Physical phenomenon and effect comprise the inter-
mediate levels of abstraction. Organs and parts constitute the lower levels of
abstraction (Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2010a). This model of causality explains
the functioning of a system as follows (Srinivasan and Chakrabarti 2009): a set of
components and interfaces that constitute a system and its environment (parts)
creates a set of properties and conditions of the system and its environment
(organs). When the system and its environment are not in equilibrium, there is a
transfer of a physical quantity in the form of material, energy, or signal (input)
across the system boundary. This physical quantity, in combination with a par-
ticular set of properties and conditions (organs), activates a principle (physical
effect). Activation of this principle creates an interaction between the system and
its environment (physical phenomenon). The interaction between the system and
its environment creates a change in property of the system (state change). The
change in property can be interpreted at a higher level of abstraction (action).
The example below is used for clarifying the model. Let us assume that some
water is kept in an electric kettle (parts). The relevant properties and conditions
that are available from the parts include the fluidic property of the water, the
electrical resistance properties of the coil, the heat transfer properties of the water
and the coil, etc. (organs). When the kettle is switched on, electric current flows
8 Supporting Analogical Transfer in Biologically Inspired Design 209
through the coil (input), and due to the resistance properties of the coil, activates
the resistive-heating effect (effect). This leads to exchange of heat within the coil
(phenomenon) which leads to an increase in its temperature (state change) that
may be interpreted as heating of the coil (action). The temperature difference
between the coil and the water (input), along with the heat transfer properties of
the water and the coil, activates heat conduction effect (effect), which leads to heat
exchange between the coil and the water (phenomenon) that leads to an increase in
the temperature of the water (state change), which is interpreted as heating of
water (action).
While a model of causality explains how an existing entity satisfies its goals, that is,
its intended effects on the surroundings, designing is a process in which, starting
from its goals, descriptions for an appropriate entity have to be worked out.
Designing, therefore, should involve working out the details of the intended entity
at the various levels of abstraction that a model of causality requires, but in reverse
order, so as to end up with sufficient detail about its lowest—part level of
abstraction. Based on this assumption, a model of designing has been developed
that uses the levels of outcome abstraction, provided by the SAPPhIRE model, for
an entity to be designed. It is called the Integrated Model of designing (also called
the GEMS of SAPPhIRE as Req-Sol model), where GEMS(Generate–Evaluate–
Modify–Select/reject) activities are applied on SAPPhIRE levels of outcome which
evolve as Req-Sol (Requirements or Solutions), see (Srinivasan and Chakrabarti
2010b). The Integrated Model of designing has been empirically validated using
video–protocol studies of designing sessions that occurred well before the model
was proposed. This was to ensure that the way designers worked could not have
been biased by the knowledge of this model. A two-way comparison was used for
validation: whether all constructs of the model were present in the events that
constituted the designing sessions, and whether all events could be described using
the constructs of the model. The model was found to represent the natural processes
used by designers for conceptual design of technical products.
140 [1]
120 [2]
40 [5]
20 [6]
a(i) s ph e r p
the number of ideas should have increased monotonically as the designers pro-
gressed from the higher levels to the lower levels of abstraction. However, this did
not happen. Why did this not happen, and how did that affect creativity?
We argue that there are two possible reasons as to why, instead of monotoni-
cally increasing as one progressed from higher to lower levels of abstraction, the
number of ideas generated followed a ‘bathtub’ curve as in the Fig. 8.2:
• Conjecture 1: The high number of action-level ideas comes from the design
brief. The high number of part-level ideas comes from designer competence in
mapping action-level ideas to part-level ideas. The relatively small number of
ideas at the remaining levels comes from a lack of designer competence at
mapping ideas at action or part levels to those at these intermediate levels.
• Conjecture 2: The high number of action-level ideas comes from the design
brief. The high number of part-level ideas comes from designer competence in
mapping action-level ideas to part-level ideas, and the belief that this would
produce less risky and more feasible solutions fast, which going into the fun-
damentals (via intermediate levels) might sacrifice.
Idea-Inspire (Chakrabarti et al. 2005) is a software tool that is used for supporting
ideation using knowledge about biological and technical systems as stimuli. Idea-
Inspire has three components.
212 A. Chakrabarti
novelty (e.g. Csikszentmihalyi 1997; Sternberg and Lubart 1999), which in turn is
a measure of creativity according to the ‘common’ definition of creativity.
More recently, influence of fluency on novelty in the context of conceptual
design has been empirically verified by Srinivasan and Chakrabarti (2010a); they
found that the number of ideas explored strongly correlates with the variety of the
solutions generated, which correlates with the novelty of the solutions generated. It
was also found, in the Idea-Inspire study, that about 42 % of the ideas generated by
the designers with stimuli from Idea-Inspire were selected by themselves as worth
developing further; this points to the likely usefulness of these ideas—the other
indicator for creativity according to the common definition.
In the second stage of evaluation, twelve masters-level design students with an
undergraduate degree in engineering and up to a year of industrial experience were
asked to use Idea-Inspire in their respective, mandatory design projects. Feedback
from these students, on the usefulness and usability of the software for their
purpose, indicated both an enhancement in the number of new ideas generated and
ease of use of the software.
214 A. Chakrabarti
RDS G[req(a/s/ph/e/i/r/p/others)]
contradiction, feasibility]
M[req(a/s…others)] S[req(a/s…others)]
req(a) sol(s) sol(e)
Fig. 8.5 Integrated Framework for designing (Source Srinivasan et al. 2011)
8 Supporting Analogical Transfer in Biologically Inspired Design 215
Table 8.1 Number of ideas generated when various types of support are used: d stands for
designer; f for Integrated Framework; i for Idea-Inspire; B for biologically inspired ideas; NB for
non-biologically inspired ideas
Mobility Steering Handling gradient Stability Overall
B NB total B NB total B NB total B NB total B NB total
d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 0 2 2 1 6 7
f?d 0 7 7 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 15 15
i?d 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
f ? i + d 11 3 14 3 5 8 2 1 3 1 0 1 17 9 26
11 10 21 3 10 13 5 5 10 1 5 6 20 30 50
(Source Srinivasan et al. 2011)
abstraction, while going from action level (shown as (a)), through state change
(shown as (s)), phenomena (ph), effect (e), organ (r) levels, to part (p) level, in that
order. The framework proposes that designers generate, evaluate, modify as nec-
essary, and finally select appropriate requirements at all levels of SAPPhIRE
abstraction and then do the same for solutions, working gradually at more concrete
levels of the solution as they progress from action to part level (Fig. 8.5).
Two types of evaluations were used to test the effectiveness of the Integrated
Framework: comparative study in laboratory setting where various design teams
used various interventions (no support, framework only, and both framework and
Idea-Inspire), see Srinivasan (2011). On average, number, variety, and novelty
increased in the cases in which either the Integrated Framework was used alone, or
used along with Idea-Inspire, compared to when no support was used.
In the second study, a group of designers used the Integrated Framework and
Idea-Inspire during an industrial project (Srinivasan et al. 2011). Designers ini-
tially developed some ideas on their own and then started using the Integrated
Framework; they had the freedom to decide when they wanted to use Idea-Inspire
and when not, within the Integrated Framework. The results of evaluation are
detailed in Srinivasan et al. (2011) and summarised here (see Table 8.1) as follows:
Designers generated very few ideas on their own—most of them non-biological
ideas. Using the framework alone, this number doubled although still using only
non-biological ideas as inspiration. When they used Idea-Inspire only, few ideas
were generated—but all of these were inspired by biological stimuli. When the
Integrated Framework and Idea-Inspire were used together, the number quadru-
pled, with a dominance of biological ideas. This indicates that using the Integrated
Framework and Idea-Inspire together substantially improves ideation and balances
the generation of ideas that are inspired by biological as well as non-biological
216 A. Chakrabarti
While various guidelines are provided in literature as to how various steps in BID
are (to be) carried out, relatively little is specified as to how transfer is carried out.
The definition of ‘transfer’, taken from Sartori et al. (2010) and based on Schmidt
(2005), is as follows: it is the reproduction of information from a model of a
biological system in a model or prototype for a technical system.
According to Schild et al. (2004), there are four possible levels of transfer:
transfer of technology to a new context, transfer of structure, partial transfer of
functional principles, and use of an analogy as idea stimulus. According to Vattam
et al. (2010a), transfer is guided by the sub-functions identified. However, liter-
ature provides little further detail as to what kind of knowledge is transferred
within each single sub-function, or what the steps of transfer are.
In order to understand the process of transfer is greater detail, we asked the
following questions (Sartori et al. 2010):
• What kind of knowledge is transferred in biomimetics?
• How can the step ’transfer’ in the biomimetic process be supported?
SAPPhIRE model of causality (Chakrabarti et al. 2005) is used to analyse
twenty existing cases of biomimetic transfer from literature, to understand the
types of knowledge used, and the generic process of transfer. The levels of
abstraction at which transfer took place are identified, and a guideline is developed
to enhance fluency of transfer. Based on this analysis, five types of transfers have
been identified to have taken place (for details, see Sartori et al. 2010):
• Transfer parts: This is direct mimicking of a biological system in a technical
system. The same materials are used and arranged in the technical system in the
same way as in biology. This is transferred at the lowest level of abstraction.
• Transfer organs: This involves developing a technical system with similar
organs as in its biological analogue.
• Transfer attributes: This involves developing a technical system with the same
or similar attributes as its biological analogue. Attributes are properties of the
biological analogue that are not clearly connected to any physical effects.
• Transfer state changes: This involves using a state change of a biological ana-
logue by the technical system in order to achieve an analogue action.
• Resulting (or incidental) transfer: This is the case where the technical system
resulting from an associated transfer provides adequate means for a new action
to be also supported.
Note that the above types mark the highest level of abstraction at which transfer
was found explicitly to occur; in many of these cases what was transferred,
implicitly or explicitly, was not just the knowledge for that level but a combination
of knowledge from multiple levels of abstraction including that level; in a broader
8 Supporting Analogical Transfer in Biologically Inspired Design 217
sense, these are similar to ‘design patterns’ of Alexander (1977), which were
proposed by Goel and Bhatta (2004) to be useful in analogy-based designing.
Transfers that were carried out in above the twenty cases are distributed as
follows. Most transfers took place at the part, attribute, and organ levels, with very
few at state change levels. Since variety at a higher level of outcome abstraction
has a greater impact on novelty, this leaves scope for improvement. Hence, a new,
SAPPhIRE-based set of guidelines for analogical transfer has been developed.
Two sets of guidelines have been developed (Sartori et al. 2010). The ‘Generic
Guideline’ has been developed to encapsulate the essential steps for carrying out
BID, and the recommendations specific to each of these steps as found from
existing literature. The Generic Guideline therefore encapsulates the current
wisdom as to how to carry out BID, as weaned out of existing literature.
The second, new ‘Guideline with SAPPhIRE’ has been proposed to follow the
same generic steps as in the Generic Guideline, but with specific recommendations
for using SAPPhIRE constructs within these steps. This guideline recommends
that the four classes of transfer identified be systematically used in the analysis and
transfer steps. This, it is argued, should increase the number of BID alternatives
generated, see details in Sartori et al. (2010).
A series of design studies have then been carried out to evaluate these guide-
lines, by comparing the performance of designers when using SAPPhIRE-based
guideline in carrying out BID, with that when using the Generic Guideline. The
study has been carried out in both India and Germany, using two different groups
of designers. In both the countries, the number of concepts produced when
SAPPhIRE guidelines were used was higher, by between 50 and 100 % from when
Generic Guideline was used. Not all of these solutions were biologically inspired
or feasible; for the concepts that were biologically inspired and feasible, the
average increase in the number of concepts produced was 60 % when SAPPhIRE-
based guidelines were used. More importantly, the percentage of transfer at the
higher levels of abstraction (from part and attribute to organ and state change)
improved steadily from the cases in literature to when the Generic Guideline was
used, and even further when the SAPPhIRE guidelines were used. This indicates
that there is potential for greater novelty in using these guidelines.
supporting analogical transfer, and a database and associated software tool for
providing biological stimuli for ideation. Comparative, empirical studies using
these as interventions indicate substantial potential for their use as support in
enhancing creativity in developing technical products.
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Chapter 9
Overcoming Cognitive Challenges
in Bioinspired Design and Analogy
Abstract Bioinspired design and analogy are powerful tools for innovation.
Engineers face many cognitive challenges when seeking to employ design by
analogy and bioinspired design. This chapter presents known difficulties engineers
must overcome for bioinspired design and summarizes the cognitive psychology,
multi-media learning and design evidence for the cognitive challenges. A number
of cognitive challenges block a designer from being effective when using design
by analogy. The challenges range from retrieving appropriate analogues based on
deep similarities to the challenge of seeing multiple solutions based on a single
analogue, to becoming fixated on initial solutions. Like any other idea generation
process, design fixation limits the solution space explored during design by
analogy and bioinspired design. There are empirically proven strategies for miti-
gating design fixation ranging from presenting uncommon examples to abstrac-
tions and categories of solutions. From research on multimedia learning and
design, additional heuristics applicable to the design of new bioinspired tools have
also been identified. These include annotations directly next to ambiguous or
unfamiliar representations to enhance communication and make learning easier.
Design heuristics and principles are presented after each section of the relevant
research. The chapter ends with the summary of the cognitive design heuristics for
bioinspired design methods and tools. This set of heuristics can be used as
guidelines for researchers developing new methods and support tools for bioin-
spired design.
9.1 Introduction
Bioinspired design and innovation through analogy are powerful tools for design,
as demonstrated by the anecdotal and empirical data (Casakin and Goldschmidt
1999; Leclercq and Heylighen 2002; Christensen and Schunn 2007; Basalla 1988).
Bioinspired design is a specific type of design by analogy which is based on
analogies from nature. Currently, significant work aims to create computer tools
and design methods to enhance and support this critical process (Hacco and Shu
2002; Chiu and Shu 2007; Chakrabarti et al. 2005a, b; McAdams and Wood 2002;
Cheong et al. 2011; Goel and Bhatta 2004; Linsey et al. 2012; Oriakhi et al. 2011;
Linsey et al. 2008a; Helms et al. 2009; Nagel et al. 2010; Vattam et al. 2010).
Designers who are attempting to implement bioinspired design and design by
analogy face a number of cognitive biases and challenges. Effective tools for
bioinspired design and analogy must be effectively designed to overcome these
cognitive biases and challenges. This chapter will describe the cognitive consid-
erations that design researchers must be aware of and then list a set of heuristics
for analogy tool design.
This chapter begins with a cognitive description of the design by analogy
process and the associated challenges including retrieving appropriate analogues,
creating multiple solutions based on a given analogue, and selecting design fea-
tures to copy. The next section then discusses the road blocks created by design
fixation and ways to mitigate its effects. The final section presents other consid-
erations and heuristics from research in multimedia learning and design. The
chapter ends with a summary of the cognitive challenges and the associated
heuristics and principles.
9.2 Analogy
Psychology has sought to understand the cognitive processes people use to create
and understand analogies (Falkenhainer et al. 1989; Gentner and Markman 1997;
Hummel and Holyoak 1997). Figure 9.1 shows the basic steps involved in
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy 223
Linsey et al. (Linsey et al. 2007) found that senior undergraduate mechanical
engineers who were required to use an airplane as an analogy and to map design
features that cause lift would occasionally select incorrect features such as the
smoothness of the plane or the propellers and try to map these features to the
solution rather than the shape of the wing for lift. This was in spite of the fact that
these students had taken and passed fluid dynamics where this material would have
been covered.
• Deep Connections—Encourage deep and functional connections between the
analogue and the problem.
• Matching Features—Highlight appropriate features that should be mapped from
the analogue to the problem.
Since at least da Vinci’s time, birds were recognized as good analogues for human
flight, but no one found a practical solution. The Wright brothers recognized that
birds’ twisting of their wings for control was an effective means to successful
control of their plane, rather than feathers or flapping being the key to success.
Often due to designers’ inaccurate mental models, an appropriate analogy will be
identified, but an effective solution will not result. People have mental models of
the world that are highly efficient for the tasks they frequently complete; but
generally inaccurate unless significant experience or training has occurred
(Markman 1999; McAfee and Proffitt 1991; Chi et al. 1981). The Wright brothers
had a rough theory of aerodynamics providing them with a better mental model of
flight and also guiding them to select appropriate features from birds.
Significant research in psychology has sought to understand how people reason
about the physical world and this directly impacts the concepts engineers develop
along with their evaluation. The areas of mental models and Naïve physics seek to
understand how people reason about the world around them (e.g., Gentner and
Stevens 1983; Forbus 1984; Kuipers 1994). Mental models of physical systems are
internal mental representations of external systems (Markman 1999). The area of
Naïve physics has produced some rather surprising findings about people’s mental
models which have direct implications for engineering design research. An
important finding is people’s mental models of physical phenomena, which they
observe frequently, can be surprisingly inaccurate. For example, when asked to
draw the water level of a glass tipped on its side, over 40 % will not be able to
indicate that the water line will be parallel to the horizontal plane (Markman 1999;
McAfee and Proffitt 1991). Similarly, inaccurate mental models of home-heating
systems have also been observed. Many people have the mental model of a home
thermostat like that of a car’s accelerator: the higher the thermostat is set, the
faster the house is heated (Kempton 1986). In reality, most home-heating and
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy 225
home-cooling systems are either on or off. This mental model has a direct real-
world impact on people’s behavior and the environment. People with this mental
model tend to change the thermostat frequently throughout the day which is
inefficient and wastes energy. Limits in the capability of people’s mental models
have also been shown with highly trained scientists (Hutchins 1995).
Naïve physics’ implications for engineering design are that engineers’ mental
models are not likely to be highly accurate unless they have been repeatedly tested
through either extensive experience in situations where more accurate mental
models were required or through education. This is true for phenomena that
engineers may have observed many times. The challenge is even greater for
aspects of biology that engineers are not at all familiar with. This means that for
very innovative concepts, engineers are not likely to have accurate mental models
of behavior and will judge a concept inaccurately. Very viable and effective
concepts may be overlooked due to inaccurate mental models. Helms et al. (2009)
document one of the common errors with student teams is that they often miss the
significance of the underlying principles of the biological analogue and then
oversimplify the complex functions of the analogue.
• Supplement designers’ mental models—assist designers by supplementing their
erroneous mental models. Provide physical prototypes, virtual prototypes and
other external models that test and provide feedback to the designers on their
mental models. Provide other means to test and evaluate designers’ mental
Another challenge engineers face is that distant domain analogies are ignored
unless the design problem is open (unsolved). Engineers tend to ignore distant
domain analogies unless they have spent time attempting to solve a problem and
are having difficulty, an ‘‘open’’ problem. If the analogous information is more
distantly related to the problem, it is more likely to be used to solve the problem if
it is presented when there is an open design problem to be completed rather than
before work has started on the problem (Tseng et al. 2008).
• Present distant domains analogues later—Present more distant domain ana-
logues after the designer has spent time working on the problem and it is still
• Encourage distant domain analogy use—Encourage designers to use distant
domain analogues by suggesting they create new solutions for every example
226 J. S. Linsey and V. K. Viswanathan
Another bias designers face is that it is often difficult to create many solutions
based on a single analogue (Krawczyk et al. 2005; Holyoak and Thagard 1989;
Gadwal and Linsey 2010a). For most tasks in everyday life, a single, most likely to
work solution is desired, for example, if you walk up to a door, you probably want
to try opening it the same way you did last time. The fundamental purpose of
analogy is to generate plausible and useful inferences. In order to obtain useful
inferences from analogical reasoning, analogical mappings have to be constrained,
otherwise too many inferences are possible (Krawczyk et al. 2005; Holyoak and
Thagard 1989). Very often multiple inferences based on a single analogue do exist.
For example, the analogy between a bird and human flight is a case where the
wrong inference was made for a long time. There have also been a number of wall
climbing devices and adhesives based on the gecko lizard which is able to quickly
scale walls (Gadwal and Linsey 2010a). In general, it is difficult to develop
multiple inferences (solutions) from a single analogue (Krawczyk et al. 2005;
Holyoak and Thagard 1989). Engineers can develop multiple inferences when
instructed to do so, but it is not an easy task (Gadwal and Linsey 2010a). On
average, participants were only able to create three solutions in 30 min, indicating
it is a difficult task and engineers need methods to assist them.
To assists engineers, Gadwal and Linsey created a set of principles from
existing examples of multiple solutions based on a single analogue (Fig. 9.2,
Gadwal and Linsey 2010b). They asked designers to generate ideas for a device
dispensing flour efficiently. The provided a child’s toy device that can hold and
release substances, as shown in Fig. 9.2, as an analogue for the problem. The set of
principles were derived based on the ideas generated by the participants. The
principles are as follows:
• Change the scale of the feature mappings
– Map at the same scale.
– Map at different scales: Substitute physical principles (e.g., magnetic instead
for van der Waals).
• Abstract the problem
– Change the abstraction of the design problem (e.g., ‘‘wall climbing’’ to the
more general case of ‘‘adhesion’’). The WordTree Method can facilitate this
process (see Linsey et al. 2008a, 2012 for more details). Figure 9.3 displays
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy 227
Fig. 9.2 Above are two solutions for a device to sprinkle flour based on an analogue to a child’s
toy. These solutions illustrate the design principle for multiple solutions of repeating a design
feature (Gadwal and Linsey 2010b)
Fold Laundry
Design Problem:
Lightweight travel exercise Yoga mat
Analogue-Air Mattress substance available
at usage location Water Dumbbell
Punching bag
filled with sand
Fig. 9.4 Examples of multiple solutions created based on different features of the analogue and
by abstracting the analogue features
• Multiple Inferences—Assist users in creating multiple inferences. Use multiple
analogies design principles.
It is actually hard to say what is different about a car and a phone. When making a
selection and when finding similarities during the analogical reasoning process,
individuals will focus more on alignable differences than non-alignable ones even
though in most design situations both are likely equally important.
• Alignable and Non-alignable—Illustrate both alignable and important non-
alignable differences between the analogue and the problem
There are additional challenges that currently do not have tools to assist in
overcoming them, but are still important. Confirmation bias is the tendency to
accept information that is consistent with current beliefs while ignoring infor-
mation discredits or is contrary to current beliefs. Within design by analogy and
bioinspired design, (Hallihan et al. 2012) demonstrate that designers suffer con-
firmation bias during concept generation. This likely leads designers not to re-
evaluate the initial analogies they select, nor evaluate their initial analogical
mappings. Helms et al. (2009) observe design teams sticking to their first analogue
which is likely due to a confirmation bias.
Helms et al. (2009) have documented other common errors that student teams
encounter. Professionally likely face many of the same challenges. Many of these
errors have been referenced in the previous sections with heuristics for overcoming
them, but a few of the identified common errors have not been discussed. One error
is using the ‘‘off-the-shelf’’ biological solution, for example when designing a
device to shell peanuts, designers suggest training squirrels to shell the peanut
rather than using the principles a squirrel implements. Designers also often map
the wrong features from the analogue to the inspired solution frequently due to
superficial matches. Another issue is designers also transfer additional features
which are not required for the problem domain.
While much work needs to be done in order to identify approaches for overcoming
the cognitive challenges during analogical reasoning, a few proven approaches
have been identified. Wherever possible, the high-level principle between the
analogue and the problem should be presented. Presenting both the abstract
principle and the analogue significantly increases success rates (Thompson et al.
2000; Namy and Gentner 2002b; Mak and Shu 2004). The presence of the
230 J. S. Linsey and V. K. Viswanathan
• Abstract and Specific—Present both the abstract principle and specific analogue
examples to maximize analogical transfer.
• Diverse examples—Provide several diverse examples for far transfer.
• Multiple Analogues—Present two to three analogues that share the same
Any tool or method to support and enhance the bioinspired design process must
minimize design fixation. The existing literature demonstrates the susceptibility of
both experts and novices to design fixation (Jansson and Smith 1991; Wiley 1998).
Design fixation causes the blind adherence of designers to presented examples or
their initial ideas (Jansson and Smith 1991). Fixation narrows the solution space
where designers conceive their ideas and decreases creativity. Design fixation is a
common problem for practicing engineers, design faculty, and engineering stu-
dents (Purcell and Gero 1996; Jansson and Smith 1991; Linsey et al. 2010;
Christensen and Schunn 2007).
There are a number of factors that likely influence design fixation including the
sunk cost effect, unusual solutions, abstraction and categories of solutions
(Table 9.1). Current and prior work indicate that sunk cost has great potential to
cause design fixation (Viswanathan and Linsey 2010; Viswanathan and Linsey in
review). Sunk cost basically indicates that once a decision is made or significant
effort is applied, people tend not to change the course of action (Kahneman and
Tversky 1979a; Arkes and Blumer 1985). This indicates that designers should be
more fixated when significant effort has gone into a project. In design, it has been
observed that once prototypes are built, designers make very few design changes
(Christensen and Schunn 2007). Sunk cost’s impact is further described in the next
Two experimental studies attempting to identify the benefits of brainstorming
groups presented participants with uncommon examples (ideas participants rarely
thought of spontaneously) and found that more ideas were generated compared to
those who received common examples, indicating that fixation is probably reduced
(Dugosh and Paulus 2005; Perttula and Sipila 2007). Providing uncommon
examples like biological analogues can reduce design fixation. Commonly iden-
tified biological analogues will likely not have this effect, but most biological
analogues would be uncommon examples.
Limited direct experimental work exists on identifying approaches for over-
coming design fixation, but two studies have directly identified approaches:
Chrysikou and Weisberg (2005), Linsey et al. (2010). First, Chrysikou and We-
isberg (2005) replicated a study by Jansson and Smith (1991) and also presented
participants with warnings on features they should not replicate. Chrysikou and
Weisberg (2005) did not observe participants fixing to the example like the
Jansson and Smith study did. The Jansson and Smith study also told the partici-
pants which features to not duplicate. A likely reason the Chrysikou and Weisberg
study did not see fixation is because participants in this study were forced to focus
more on what they should not do.
Linsey et al. (2010) reduced design fixation through providing participants with
a combination of unusual solutions (distant domain analogies), abstractions of the
design problem (functions of a device), and categories of solutions (categories of
natural energy sources). In the Linsey et al. study, an experimental group is pro-
vided with a fixating example (Fixation Group), whereas another group is provided
with the same example and the defixation materials (Defixation Group). A third
group did not receive an example (Control). Linsey et al. found that all the def-
ixation materials in combination reduced experts’ fixation; however, did not
identify which individual factors reduced design fixation. A follow-up study found
that fixation was only reduced for experts (design faculty) but not for more novice
engineers (senior mechanical undergraduates) (Viswanathan and Linsey 2012,
2013, Fig. 9.6). When a fixating example was present, the quantity of non-
redundant ideas generated by both faculty and novice designers was reduced,
indicating fixation. When the defixation materials were present, the quantity
increases for faculty designers, but not for novices. This indicates that defixation
materials mitigated fixation for faculty designers, but those materials were not
equally effective on novices. Uncommon examples, abstractions, and categories
likely reduce design fixation.
Numerous design books also advocate the use of abstraction and categories in
design (Otto and Wood 2001; Antonsson and Cagan 2001; Pahl and Beitz 1996).
Suggested abstractions include, but are not limited to, functional, graph grammars,
black boxes, and bond graphs. Useful categories include the functional basis, idea
generators and other checklist methods, physical principles, and classifying
schemes (e.g., working geometry, and working motions). Idea generation methods
such as Mind Maps and Morph Matrices also highlight categories.
Much further, work is required to study these influences on design fixation and
to identify more ways to overcome design fixation. The effect sizes of each of
these factors also need to be measured, so that factors with greatest impact can be
focused on. The types of abstractions that reduce design fixation also need to be
determined. Ideally, bioinspired design tools would be able to help designers in
recognizing their design fixation and then provide stimuli to reduce that fixation.
For identifying design fixation in a design session, Gero (2011) has developed a
metric based on linkography from coding design protocol. Gero’s metric does not
measure fixation relative to a control group; so his approach, unlike the measures
often implemented in fixation studies, could be incorporated into a computational
tool to identify when a designer is fixated and then provide examples to reduce
• Uncommon Examples—Common examples cause design fixation and uncom-
mon ones do not. Unusual example (analogues) should be provided whenever
• Causal Reason for Ineffectiveness—Explain why certain features are undesirable
in the design.
• Categories of Solutions—Categories of solutions can help designers identify
associated principles.
• Encourage Abstraction—Encourage thinking in terms of high-level principles
instead of surface features.
Identified by behavioral economics, the sunk cost effect manifests a greater ten-
dency to continue in a selected path, after significant money, time, or effort is
invested in that path, even when an alternate path is more beneficial for the future
endeavors (Arkes and Blumer 1985). Good decisions should be based on the
expected costs of the choices in the future not past sunk costs (Keeney and Raiffa
1993; Holcomb and Evans 1987). However, in actual practice, sunk costs do affect
234 J. S. Linsey and V. K. Viswanathan
decisions, due to the sunk cost effect (Kahneman and Tversky 1979b). Some good
examples of this effect are portrayed by Thaler (1980). The resale prices of cars are
generally guided by the current market price, whereas the sellers always decide
based on the original buying price.
The sunk cost effect can fixate designers to their initial ideas, especially when
they spend more time or effect (costs) on those ideas. In engineering design, the
cost can be money, time, or effort that designers spend to solve a problem. Once
significant investment of these resources is made into a particular solution path,
designers tend to fixate on that path. In engineering design, the generation of
highly novel ideas is important and this requires ‘‘out-of-the box’’ thinking. The
adherence to one selected solution path can hinder this target. This can be espe-
cially true when designers build physical models of their ideas during idea gen-
eration. If this building process takes longer, the chances of fixation is also greater.
A controlled study conducted by the Viswanathan and Linsey (Viswanathan
and Linsey 2011; Viswanathan and Linsey in review) has shown evidence sup-
porting the presence of the sunk cost effect in engineering idea generation. In that
study, novice designers were instructed to generate as many ideas as possible for a
small object that could securely bind ten sheets of paper together without dam-
aging them. The participants were randomly assigned to five different conditions.
The first condition was sketching only condition, in which the participants sket-
ched their ideas. In the second condition, metal building, the participants sketched
their ideas and built those with steel wire. The third condition was a plastic
building condition, in which the participants sketched their ideas and molded those
out of plastic. Building ideas with plastic consumes more time as compared to
building with metal, making the associated sunk cost higher for plastic building.
The fourth and fifth conditions were metal constrained sketching and plastic
constrained sketching, respectively. In these conditions, the participants were told
that they would build their ideas in the second half of the experiment and were
instructed to sketch their ideas. These constrained sketching conditions isolated
Fig. 9.7 Example physical models built by the participants in the study
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy 235
Fig. 9.8 Variation of average novelty across the conditions (Error bars ±1 S.E.)
any possible effects of implicit constraints imposed by the building materials and
processes. Figure 9.7 shows some example solutions generated by the participants.
The presence of design fixation in the ideas generated by participants was
measured using novelty and variety metrics (Shah et al. 2000; Linsey et al. 2005;
Linsey et al. 2011). Design fixation is believed to cause ideas to be less novel and
for participants to search a smaller portion of the design space. Novelty measured
how frequently a particular idea occurred. The ideas were sorted into bins of very
similar ideas and novelty was calculated as one minus the frequency of ideas in
each bin. Variety measures the span of the entire solution space that a participant’s
Fig. 9.9 Variation of average variety across the conditions (Error bars ±1 S.E.)
236 J. S. Linsey and V. K. Viswanathan
ideas cover. This is measured as the ratio of the number of bins that the partici-
pant’s ideas occupy to the total number of bins. Figures 9.8, 9.9 show the variation
of these measures across the five conditions. Participants who built their ideas with
metal generated ideas with a lower average novelty and variety as those in the
Sketching Only Condition, indicating design fixation. The data clearly showed a
further reduction in novelty of ideas when they built those ideas with plastic. As
building with plastic consumed more time as compared to building with metal, the
sunk cost effect could be causing this reduction. Comparing the Sketching Only
Condition with the constrained sketching conditions, there was no effect of
implicit constraints observed on novelty and variety.
• Minimize Sunk Cost: Minimize sunk cost (time, effort, money, etc.) to encourage
changes in the course of action and minimize fixation. Tools and methods
should require little time, money, and effort from the designer in order to be
Much work has been done in the area of human computer interaction on creating
effective computer tools. Much more applicable work exists beyond the scope of
this chapter. Within this area, research on learning in multi-media environments
and from design research provides guidelines applicable for the development of
new methods and computer-based tools for bioinspired design. Biological phe-
nomena are generally outside a designer’s knowledge domain; therefore, before an
effective solution can be created based on the biological phenomena, the designer
must first learn about the biology to some degree. Engineering design research has
demonstrated that ambiguous or unfamiliar representations should be annotated
with short phrases to enhance communication (Hisarciklilar and Boujut 2009;
Linsey et al. 2011). Information, such as a graphic and annotation that must be
integrated, should not be separated. Images and labels should be placed close to
each other (Clark and Mayer 2008). Figure 9.10 demonstrates the principles of
annotation and contiguity. The images on the left show two examples that do not
follow these principles and the image on the right shows a clear description of the
flat spring outlined in the image (an ambiguous representation) placed directly
next to the image.
Researchers also must be aware that much depends on the knowledge and
experiences of the user (Clark and Mayer 2008). Certain representations will be
effective for different groups of people based on their prior experiences. A number
of studies in engineering design demonstrate cognitive differences between nov-
ices and experts in design (Ball et al. 2004; Casakin and Goldschmidt 1999;
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy 237
Chi et al. 1981; Moss et al. 2006). Experimental findings often differ based on
expertise level and discipline expertise. Purcell and Gero (1996) found that experts
in mechanical engineering (senior undergraduates) would fixate on presented
examples while experts in industrial design (senior undergraduates) did not fixate.
The impact of intervention to assist designers can also be impacted by expertise.
Viswanathan and Linsey (2012, 2013) found that defixation materials such as
analogies, categories of solutions, and abstractions effectively reduced experts’
fixation but did not assist novices.
Further challenging the situation, users’ perceptions about the effectiveness of
an idea generation method are often inconsistent with the quantitative outcomes.
Users believe that brainstorming, where ideas are shared verbally with a group
then recorded, is more effective than brainwriting where individuals simulta-
neously write down their ideas and then exchange them (Paulus and Yang 2000).
In Paulus and Yang’s study, people generated more ideas during brainwriting than
brainstorming but believe that brainstorming is more effective for idea generation.
The inaccuracy of productivity perceptions has also been found with experts in
design. Linsey et al. (2010) in a study on design fixation presented experts with
poor design examples. The experts inaccurately believed that the example did not
238 J. S. Linsey and V. K. Viswanathan
hurt their idea generation process. The experts were somewhat accurate at per-
ceiving that the defixation materials alleviated their fixation.
• Annotation—Include annotations next to ambiguous/unfamiliar representations
to increase clarity.
• Contiguity—Avoid separating information that must be integrated (do not
separate images and labels and place them as close to each other as possible).
• User Dependence—A representation’s effect depends on the prior knowledge of
the user.
• User Perceptions—Measure both user perceptions and quantitative outcomes
when assessing a method’s effectiveness.
9.5 Summary
This chapter presents the known cognitive challenges that designers face when
attempting to implement design by analogy and bioinspired design. Cognitive
research in design, psychology, and multi-media learning has identified these
cognitive challenges. Table 9.2a, b summarizes the known cognitive challenges
that designers face along with providing a summary of the principles and heuristics
that methods and tool developers can implement to assist designers in overcoming
the cognitive challenges. Design by analogy is a powerful but not easy cognitive
process. Designers need assistance in retrieving appropriate analogues based on
deep and functional connections. Due often to inaccurate mental models of how
the analogue works or the non-alignable differences, designers may select the
wrong features from the analogue to implement to find a solution. In addition,
designers tend to initially unintentionally ignore distant domain analogues and
then are only able to find a few inferences (solutions) based on each analogue even
though numerous solutions may actually exist. Design fixation, initial examples or
solutions limiting creativity, further inhibits bioinspired design.
While significant challenges exist, there is much that developers of new design
methods and tools can do to assist designers. Computer-based designer tools can
retrieve analogues based on deep connections between the problem and analogue
such as functional or other relational similarity. Designers need to be encouraged
to identify multiple solutions (inferences) based on each analogue presented.
Presenting diverse examples, multiple analogues that share the same principle, a
diverse set of analogues and the abstract principles will also facilitate the design by
analogy process. To minimize design fixation, designers need uncommon solu-
tions, categories of solutions and abstractions. New tools also need to not require
significant sunk costs of time, money, or effort from designers in order to minimize
design fixation.
Table 9.2 Summary of cognitive challenges that designers face during design by analogy and heuristics to guide the design of tools to assist designers
Cognitive biases and challenges Principles and heuristics
Challenges in analogy Retrieving based on unimportant (surface) features Deep connections—encourage deep and functional
connections between the analogue and the
Selecting the wrong features to map Matching features—highlight appropriate features
that should be mapped from the analogue to the
Inaccurate mental models—individuals’ mental Supplement designers’ inaccurate mental models
models of the world are cognitively efficient but (e.g., external models, feedback, and testing)
often inaccurate
Distant domains are initially bypassed Present distant domains later. Encourage distant
domain use. Provide several far-domain
Single inference—designers only infer a single Multiple inferences—assist users in creating
analogue for a problem multiple inferences. Use multiple solution design
Alignable differences—individuals focus more on Alignable and non-alignable—illustrate both
alignable differences than non-alignable ones. alignable and important non-alignable
Individuals systematically ignore important differences between the analogue and the
information when it is non-alignable problem
Analogical inference is cognitively difficult Diverse examples—provide several diverse
examples for far transfer
9 Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy
The chapter summarizes only the known cognitive biases and many more likely
exist. Most of the challenges and heuristics in the chapter are based on a limited
number of studies and much more research needs to be done. Almost nothing is
known about the relative effect sizes or the impact of multiple principles in
combination. There is little data on the influence of expertise in regards to
developing new tools or with the presented cognitive challenges and heuristics.
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Chapter 10
An Engineering Approach to Utilizing
Bio-Inspiration in Robotics Applications
10.1 Introduction
The problem of biology is not to stand aghast at the complexity but to conquer it—Sydney
Robot designers are often presented with challenging scenarios, where meeting
design requirements through traditional engineering approaches becomes difficult.
In such cases, robot designers may be interested in taking inspiration from biology;
the biological world is full of extraordinary systems that routinely solve extremely
complex manipulation and locomotion problems very effectively and efficiently.
For example, the musculoskeletal structures of animals have evolved over mil-
lennia to enable energy-efficient and effective mobility in a variety of terrains.
Locomotion research has long taken advantage of inspiration from these biological
analogs: using natural shapes for improved aero- and hydrodynamics, passive
dynamic systems for energy efficiency, neuromuscular synergies for simplifying
coordination- and control-challenges.
However, biological systems have evolved to exploit structural and organiza-
tional principles, spanning multiple physical scales and operational modes, in
order to realize functional performance gains in efficiency, passivity, decentral-
ization, and adaptability. Biological structures are well known for using flexible/
deformable structures, capable of adapting, bending, and twisting in response to
changing environmental conditions, instead of the typical rigid/non-compliant
engineering counterparts. Their underlying multi-scale and nonlinear nature makes
it a challenge to analyze their ultimate functional behavior using either a bottom-
up substructuring framework or a top-down subsystem-based approach.
Therefore, faithfully, mimicking biology alone does not appear to be a realistic
option for systematic engineering design of robots because of many existing lim-
itations including that (1) engineered materials are unable to match properties of
multi-functional living materials; (2) engineered subsystems cannot realize highly
multi-modal characteristics, for example, compliant joints present in animals;
(3) analyzing and simulating such multi-physics-based designs is a very difficult
task; (4) finally, manufacturing complex structures found in nature remains a great
challenge even today. Overcoming these challenges requires an interdisciplinary
research approach within a bio-inspired paradigm. The research approach must
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 247
to realize robots with small cross-section, achieve significant forward velocity, and
operate on a wide variety of terrains. The final case study investigates vertebrate
mastication performance by using parallel manipulator architectures. In each of the
case studies, we will examine different aspects of (1) obtaining functional
requirements; (2) taking inspiration from nature; (3) manufacturing of the bio-
inspired design; (4) evaluating the performance for optimization and refinement;
and (5) lessons learned.
Flapping motion used by birds tends to be quiet in operation and highly maneu-
verable, so we derived our biological inspiration from avian flight (Gerdes et al.
2012). For this case study, a variety of flying animals were observed that were in a
similar size range to establish common traits which could improve performance.
A well-known property of aerodynamics is the increasing importance of unsteady
aerodynamics as Reynolds number is reduced, which generally corresponds to
smaller flying animals (Dickinson and Gotz 1993). Due to the high frequency of
wing beats in smaller flying animals, kinetic energy recovery is required
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 249
Wing supports
Rigid links
Rigid body
Revolute joints
Fig. 10.1 Schematic diagram of compliant mechanism used for flapping-wing action
compliant structure
carbon fiber rods, press fit into the holes distributed around the mechanism. The
design of the mechanism is shown in Fig. 10.2.
After identifying the basic shape of the mechanism, the next step was to
determine detailed dimensions of the mechanism. Considering the functional
requirements and constraints on the overall size of the MAV, it was important to
first identify the constrained and free dimensions of the mechanism design,
illustrated in Fig. 10.3. The constrained dimensions were identified from the
functional requirements of the MAV. The design of the mechanism required the
rocker operational envelope to be placed between the wing arm supports. For the
required flapping range of 65, the minimum separation between the supporting
members was constrained to 19 mm. Inherent stability was desired to simplify
flight control, so the relative angle on the wing arms was designed to be 15,
resulting in a stroke plane extending from 52.5 to -12.5 with an average dihedral
of 20. The length of the crank and the rocker was determined to be 4.1 and
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 251
Width =19 mm
Prismatic Joint
Length =66 mm Range =12 mm
Minimum Hinge
Thickness = 0.8 mm
45.7 mm, respectively. The range of flapping motion also determined the range for
the prismatic joint to be at least 12 mm to account for elastic deformations of the
structure in operation due to loading. The gear axis separation and the range of
motion for the prismatic joint determined the minimum length of the mechanism to
be 66 mm.
The next step was to optimize the design of the compliant hinges in the
mechanism. In miniature multi-material compliant mechanisms, compliant joints
are required to transfer relatively large loads while allowing for the required
degrees of freedom (DOF). The load transferred by the miniature compliant hinge
not only determines the sizing of the hinge cross-section, but also influences the
required level of bonding between the link and joint materials selected to create
rigid and flexible portions of the structure. Since many polymers do not chemically
bond during the molding stage (Gouker et al. 2006; Rotheiser 2004), restricting the
material choices to just chemically compatible pairs significantly reduces the
design space. Therefore, to expand the design space, it was necessary to consider
physical (i.e., mechanical) bonding through interlocking features to ensure a robust
interconnection between the materials.
A parameterized hinge model was used for a simulation-based design optimi-
zation using design variables and constraints that describe the geometry com-
pletely. To evaluate the hinge design, the parameterized geometry was represented
as a 3D solid model. The model was assigned material properties corresponding to
the polymer used to mold the hinge prototype, high-impact polypropylene (HIPP).
The simulation of wing forces’ propagation into the mechanism parts was per-
formed using a dynamics model, modeled using MSC Adams View R3 software.
Each iteration required incremental design changes and remeshing. The final
dimensions of the compliant hinges were chosen to minimize weight.
252 S. K. Gupta et al.
Drive Frame
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 253
receiver, as well as provided a rear anchoring point for the wings. The assembly of
the MAV is shown in Fig. 10.5.
Upon completion of final assembly, the MAV was evaluated in terms of flight
performance and functioning of mechanism. During the FEA and dynamic simu-
lations, it was determined that the most likely failure points were the left and right
interfaces between the rocker and the wing supports, as these joints supported the
majority of the aerodynamic and inertial loads. High-speed photographic analysis
showed minimal out-of-plane motion of these joints, and extended testing revealed
good fatigue life. Additionally, flight testing in gusty conditions, as well as some
crash landings, confirmed the robustness of these key mechanism points. Test
flights indoors and outdoors revealed good controllability, passive stability, and
excellent endurance. Previous versions of the MAV that used all rigid mechanism
links were only capable of about half the endurance exhibited by this model, thus
confirming the value of compliant mechanisms in boosting the efficiency of oper-
ation (Bejgerowski et al. 2011). Results are summarized in Table 10.1.
This case study illustrated that the use of compliance in mechanisms and wings
can be very beneficial from the performance point of view. The idea of using
compliance came by observing birds. But ultimately, the use of compliance in
MAVS was incorporated very differently from the original source of biological
inspiration. In the drive mechanism, it was implemented using a combination of
hard and soft polymer materials that led to compliant joints. In case of wings,
compliance was exaggerated significantly to produce large deformations during
the flapping cycle. This ultimately led to significantly improved performance in
terms of payload-carrying capacity.
The design of the drive mechanism required use of the in-mold assembly
process, an emerging manufacturing process. This process enabled reduction in the
number of assembly operations and use of lightweight polymer composite mate-
rials. This process also enabled realization of parts with small features. This
combination ultimately led to a lightweight drive mechanism design with
improved transmission efficiency. This process is also scalable in nature and can
be used during high-volume production runs to realize the design at a low cost.
Search and rescue applications often require use of robots that need to go through
very small spaces. Traditional robot platforms are not useful in such applications.
Our goal was to create a new robotic platform that has a cross-section of less than
5,000 mm2. We also wanted this robot to be able to reach a peak speed of at least
2 km/h. This robot had to be able to work on rugged terrains with significant
variations in coefficient of friction.
The main functional requirement for the robot was to be able to locomote over a
wide variety of terrains. It required the robot to be able to move forward, backward,
and turn. The robot also needed to be able to traverse through small passages. These
requirements eliminated wheeled and legged locomotion.
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 255
Because of their long, slender, limbless bodies, snakes possess the ability to tra-
verse small enclosed terrains, such as small holes, tunnels, and gaps, which would
prohibit most legged animals. Another natural advantage for snakes is an ability
known as terrainability, which is the ability of an animal to traverse rough or
difficult terrain. This ability allows a snake to crawl over rugged, non-level terrain
as effortlessly as it can traverse open, smooth terrains, and environments, allowing
much more maneuverability compared to conventional concepts. Because of these
two considerations, we derived our biological inspiration from snakes in designing
our new robot platform.
In snakes, rectilinear locomotion is described as the whole snake moving for-
ward along a straight line, sliding against the terrain as illustrated in Fig. 10.6
(Lissmann 1950). Among the various snake-inspired robot gaits, rectilinear-
gait-based motion has demonstrated favorable results through many useful fea-
tures. However, the majority of snake-inspired robot platforms which utilize
rectilinear motion are relatively slow in speed (Hopkins et al. 2009). Higher speeds
in snake-inspired robot platforms are possible, if rectilinear-gait-based motion was
applied in a straight line, as observed in natural snakes, and executed at high rates.
Hence, we decided to choose rectilinear gait for inspiration.
In order to achieve the functional requirements described above and take advan-
tage of the benefits of rectilinear motion observed in nature, the new robot plat-
form must be able to perform high-speed linear expansion/contraction and pivoting
servomotors with servo arms attached to the output shafts acting as the input links
to the mechanism. Each servo arm is attached to the output link of the mechanism
(a U bracket) through a slotted hole and pin joint (see left image in Fig. 10.8).
Essentially, the complete robot is a serial collection of modules. Thus, a
modular structure was devised in which two identical parallel mechanisms were
assembled in a single module. The two mechanisms are assembled serially in a
single housing, with the mechanisms’ orientation offset 90 apart about the x-axis
(direction of the linear expansion) of the module. Both mechanisms contribute to
the total linear displacement of the adjacent module, while one mechanism is
capable of providing yawing motion and the other provides pitching motion. This
assembly provides the potential for full spatial motion for the robot through the
fact that the modules are able to lift as well as pivot horizontally. In addition, this
configuration allows all modules to contribute to the expansion–contraction
capability of the robot, significantly increasing its speed.
In addition to the modular design, the other important design aspect of this
snake-inspired robot architecture is a variable friction force concept used to
provide anchoring points on the terminal ends of the robot to enable locomotion.
The variable friction force concept is a simple yet effective method of anchoring
one end of the robot to the terrain to provide a counter to the reaction forces of the
powered joints of the modules during forward or turning gaits. In nature, the
anchoring is accomplished by redistributing more of the animal’s body weight
across the surface of the foot to increase the friction force between the foot and the
terrain. This concept adopts a similar approach. The surface of the friction anchor
is covered in a material with a much higher coefficient of friction than the rest of
the robot’s housing material. The friction anchor is placed in contact with the
terrain by the action of a powered revolute joint as illustrated in Fig. 10.9. The
friction force, a function of the normal force between the anchor and the terrain, is
increased or decreased by varying the angle, hFA, of the revolute joint which
changes the amount of the module’s weight being supported by the friction anchor.
258 S. K. Gupta et al.
Figure 10.9a depicts the friction anchor in its nominal position, with the anchor’s
high coefficient of friction surface not in contact with the terrain, allowing the
terminal end of the robot to freely slide. Figure 10.9b depicts the friction anchor
surface in contact with the terrain with only a slight change in hFA, useful in low
reaction force gaits. Figure 10.9c depicts a large change in hFA, useful in high
reaction force gaits.
The force normal between the friction anchor pad and the terrain may be
modeled as a function of hFA and the extension of robot using the solid model
illustrated in Fig. 10.10. In addition to hFA and the prismatic extension, the model
also incorporates a vertical joint at the location of the friction anchor pad. This
joint is not actuated throughout the analysis and only serves as analysis point to
compute the force normal at the pad location, using analytical dynamic techniques.
The Lagrangian formulation is then used to find the inverse dynamic equations of
motion for the closed loop model in Fig. 10.10 (Tsai 1999).
The prototype, pictured in Fig. 10.11, was made primarily from ABS plastic. The
robot has a 69.85 9 69.85 mm cross-section. The robot has a contracted length of
850.9 mm and a fully extended length of 1,143 mm. The total mass of the robot
is approximately 1.36 kg. The robot prototype consists of three modules. The
prototype also includes a friction anchor at both terminal ends. Each parallel
mechanism is capable of a 90 range of motion and 48.68 mm of extension. Each
mechanism consists of two standard-sized Hitec HS-985MG High Torque ser-
vomotors. They are capable of 12.40 kg-cm of maximum torque and a maximum
speed of 0.13 s/60. The prototype demonstrated a maximum forward velocity of
196.65 mm/s (0.71 km/h) and a maximum turning rate of 26.32/s. By the nature
of the snake-inspired robot’s modular design, the forward velocity of the robot
may be increased by the inclusion of additional modules. Therefore, while the
demonstrated forward velocity does not yet meet the design goals, the velocity of
the prototype can theoretically achieve the speed requirement with the inclusion of
six additional modules.
260 S. K. Gupta et al.
This case study illustrated how rectilinear gaits and anisotropic friction exhibited
by snakes can be utilized to develop a mobile robot. Both concepts were imple-
mented in the robot in a very different form compared to their natural counterparts.
The rectilinear motion was exaggerated dramatically to achieve the high-speed
locomotion. This was necessary due to the inherent limitations of the existing
actuator technologies and the desire to realize the design with a small number of
joints due to cost considerations. The exaggerated rectilinear gait led to very good
performance in terms of speed. Limitations of the existing engineering materials
required implementing anisotropic friction concept by using the friction anchors
that control friction force by applying pressure on the ground.
The final design had parts with complex shapes. So in order to minimize the
number of assembly operations, the design was realized using a layered manu-
facturing process (e.g., fused deposition modeling). Currently, the housings are
made of ABS plastic which meets the strength and durability necessary to withstand
the impact forces generated in the modules during expansions and contractions;
however, a second material must be added to the housing’s outer surface to reduce
the coefficient of friction between the robot and the terrain. In the future, the
housing material should be chosen with the friction as a requirement to eliminate
the need for additional materials.
The goal of this project was to develop an experimental test bed for analyzing the
masticatory motions of animals (including humans) and establishing the quanti-
tative relationship between relevant geometric parameters (tooth geometries,
numbers, and types) as well as regimen parameters (joint forces, motions).
Therefore, we seek to (1) design a general purpose mastication simulator based on
parallel architectures, capable of producing the motions and forces encountered in
mastications and (2) ensure its working with a range of test foods within controlled
and carefully monitored scenarios (with uniform/non-uniform mastication cycles).
Such a setup would enhance our understanding of observed mechano-bio-physi-
ological synergies from varied perspectives. From a biological science perspective,
it will aid in understanding the anatomical variability in mastication for intra- and
inter-species comparative evaluations. It will enable understanding of the cumu-
lative functioning of different muscle groups by studying how various animal
populations preprocess their food by chewing and biting and how certain breeds of
animals kill their prey with improved estimates of biting forces by performing
hypothesis testing of behavioral analyses (Signore et al. 2005). From an
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 261
Early simulator systems that were designed to mimic the jaw motions focused
mainly on the ‘‘form’’ aspects (muscular architecture and geometry), with lesser
emphasis on actual functional behaviors. As a result, such systems were used to
reproduce masticatory motions of only a specific breed (humans or animals) and
were too specialized to account for diverse species. Two of the most notable and
relevant bio-mimetic systems developed for mastication are shown in Fig. 10.12.
Therefore, building a generic mastication test bed is useful to enable better
understanding of underlying muscular actuations across different species and to
overcome the limitations in quantitative analysis of masticatory performance. The
typical masticatory cycles, namely opening and closing, are found to be a non-
uniform combination of both spatial translations and rotations through the entire
chewing process (Koolstra 2002). The envelope of jaw motions corresponds to that
of a 6-DOF joint (3 translational DOF ? 3 rotational DOF), which implies that the
robotic system must be a spatial manipulator (Narayanan 2008). Moreover, the
biting force estimates cover a range of values (10–300 N) for small canines to
humans to huge vertebrae animals (Signore et al. 2005). Therefore, the masticator
should not only possess desirable workspace but also be capable of exerting high
end-effector forces while simulating jaw masticatory cycles.
262 S. K. Gupta et al.
Fig. 10.14 a Animal motion capture setup; b Recorded frames with marker tracking
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 263
Fig. 10.15 6-DOF masticatory simulator system: a 3D CAD model; b Workspace; and
c Physical prototype
264 S. K. Gupta et al.
and mandible were used to obtain highly detailed 3D models of canine jaws which
were then fabricated into rapid prototypes and metal casts. Figure 10.16a shows
the resulting dentitions for labrador and bulldog specimens. These physical
prototypes were then mounted on the platform with the force transducer for
conducting our mastication experiments.
The robotic simulator designed for this purpose, shown in Fig. 10.15c, is capable
of measuring the bite forces during chewing cycle experiments using a 6-DOF
force–torque transducer (ATI Delta) mounted under dentition prototypes
(in Fig. 10.16). In the complete masticator setup (Fig. 10.17a), the platform was
(a) (b)
Canine Dentition
6-DOFATI Delta
Force Transducer
Fig. 10.16 a Rapid prototypes and metal casts of dentitions (upper and lower mandibles) and
b Masticatory simulator mounted with bulldog jaw and force transducer
Fig. 10.17 Raw MoCap data a HIL testing; b Z-coordinate; and c Bite forces of canine chewing
10 An Engineering Approach to Utilizing Bio-Inspiration 265
driven using canine MoCap trajectories for different types of food (hard to soft)
with varied canine dentitions and resulting bite force estimates were measured in
real time. Representative measured trajectory motions and bite forces, shown in
Fig. 10.17b, c, now offer a quantitative data streams to evaluate masticatory
performance/efficiency across a variety of test foods and dentitions.
10.5 Discussion
Julian F. V. Vincent
Keywords TRIZ Inventive principle Cluster analysis Ontology Local quality
Consolidation or merging Dynamics Prior cushioning Information Hierarchy
11.1 Introduction
There are several databases of ‘biological design’ of which the best known is
‘AskNature’, produced online by the Biomimicry Institute. Although beautifully
presented, many of its sources are casual and not peer reviewed. Although it can be
searched for specific words or ideas, it cannot derive relationships that might be
implicit in the data. The European Space Agency had a database of biomimetics,
but this seems not to be accessible. It was based on work done by the late Centre
J. F. V. Vincent (&)
University of Bath, Bath, UK
e-mail: j.f.v.vincent@bath.ac.uk
for Biomimetic and Natural Technologies in Bath but suffered from being small,
complex and inconsistent. Other databases are available but suffer from similar
problems. Difficulties with a database are that it has to be designed before it can be
used and it is difficult to expand its scope during its use; more importantly, a
database can only record history and cannot deduce new relationships. In reality,
these databases deal largely with the physical and chemical properties of organ-
isms and biomimetically derived designs represent a small proportion. There is
very little indication of how one can take a concept from its biological context and
transfer it to an engineering or technical context, which can be very different and is
the most difficult part of the design process.
There is a more basic problem. If the aim is to produce a bridge between engi-
neering and biology, a comparison has to be made between a largely analytical topic
and a purely descriptive topic (most modern engineering is reliant on mathematics;
the differences between organisms can be transformed into numbers—leading to
cladism—but this is a totally artificial transform). It is probably necessary to regard
technology from a descriptive point of view, which slews the approach towards
design but requires careful definition of what the technology is actually doing.
Used with care, lexicography enables new ideas and relationships to be derived
from biological texts, but in its current form, it does not create a generally
accessible database, being more of a search algorithm used in individual cases.
Even so, with careful choice of words and their interrelations, using a thesaurus
and a biological text, this approach produces good and unexpected results (Mak
and Shu 2008). On its own, it lacks data storage—the methods and results need to
be programmed into a search method. It has the advantage that it does not rely on
specifically chosen information and so is much more general, choosing examples
without any underlying assumptions.
In the Centre for Natural and Biomimetic Technologies at the University of Bath,
UK, we initially tried a very broad approach based on solving problems: given a
certain problem, what change provides a solution? For instance, an insect or snake
sheds its old skin easily by having a structural adaptation (a line of thinner
material along the back which can split more easily). Or for a safety jacket to
provide flotation, it can increase its volume (thus occupying more space) by
inflation with gas. This is a very crude classification, and inevitably examples use
more than one of these sources of change. For instance, the inflating jacket requires
energy to compress the gas, but this can be said to occur at the size level of the gas
molecules, whereas the inflating jacket is nearer a metre across. Many more
examples (about 5, 000 from technology and 2, 500 from biology) were gleaned
from the Internet and biological publications, and the solutions to the problems
classified as changes in structure, substance (things), energy, information (do
things), in space and time (somewhere). The examples were then plotted on to
11 An Ontology of Biomimetics 271
two graphs, one for technology and one for biology (Fig. 11.1a, b) in which the
vertical axis represents all problems and the horizontal axis shows how these
problems are distributed according to size (Vincent et al. 2006).
It is important to realise that these two graphs do NOT indicate the quantity of
any of these six categories that is required to solve a problem—it is the CHANGE
that is important. These are CONTROLLING variables, and their presence is in
proportion to their frequency of use for producing change. There are many dif-
ferences between these two graphs, but the most salient is at the lm level, which
can be equated with materials processing. Technology uses energy as the main
control variable and requires substance (i.e. material resources). Biology is very
different, with energy the least important control parameter across the entire size
scale—again note that this is importance in control. It is not to say that energy is
not important for a living organism, just that it is not used very much when it
Fig. 11.1 a, b Different use of substance, structure, energy, space, time and information in
solving problems in biology and technology
272 J. F. V. Vincent
comes to managing change or adaptation (which may itself have energy con-
straints). There is also far less emphasis on input of raw material—in fact, nature
uses many fewer raw materials than technology, probably in part because it
recycles so much—and information (derived ultimately from DNA) is much more
important. Although it is difficult to understand quite how information is expres-
sed, the implication is that it informs the structure of the material leading to the
wide range of properties which, when density is accounted for, provides much the
same range of mechanical properties (or at least strength and stiffness) as tech-
nology. In other words, to a first approximation, the replacement of energy and
material with structure and information implies a biomimetic transformation of
materials processing, one of the most basic parts of engineering. This is important
because it frees technology from believing that all such transformations neces-
sarily require energy and material resource. Biology shows that careful assembly
of molecular components (e.g. liquid crystalline structures) can produce acceptable
results. This is crucial for the credibility of biomimetic materials processing, but
still leaves open the means of effecting such a transformation, although for
designers it is a definite direction in which to move.
An example of this transfer in thinking at a more general level is given by a
novel form of roof insulation, developed with the precept that the clear night sky
represents a heat dump at absolute zero (Craig et al. 2008). The normal solution for
cooling a building in an area of extreme solar heating is to use an air conditioner—
control by use of energy. Craig replaced energy with information and structure in
his design and produced a novel form of insulation that keeps direct short-wave
radiation from a concrete slab that forms the roof of the building, but allows the
heat stored in the slab to be radiated away through an orientated honeycomb which
forms the main part of the insulating layer (Fig. 11.2). Temperature differences in
the building between day and night can be as large as 13C. The information is in
the wavelengths and the orientation of the honeycomb and the structure is provided
by the honeycomb and the organisation of the layers.
11.3 Ontologies
information. RDF allows exchange of information on the Web and so lends itself
to a communal resource. Information on RDF is readily available (Hitzler et al.
2010; Robinson and Bauer 2011).
The most recent development of RDF uses OWL2. OWL stands for Web
Ontology Language (don’t ask…). The public domain editor developed by Stan-
ford and Manchester Universities, ProtégéOWL, makes it relatively easy to
organise and analyse information. A brief description of OWL2 serves to illustrate
its advantage. Information is structured into a hierarchy of classes and subclasses
that you define. A class can contain any number of subclasses at the same level,
and the hierarchy of sub-, sub–sub-, etc., classes can go to great depth, although
this is not always desirable. Classes are given suitable names, and their members
are related to each other by a range of properties that you define. These properties
relate objects to each other (Object Properties), or they relate specific data
quantities to objects (Data Properties). Additions and changes can be made on the
fly, so that the size, range and complexity of the ontology are increased or
decreased as required. This, of course, is very different from a conventional
database. Within broad limits an ontology can undergo great modification at all
stages of its use and development. This is particularly convenient since the
temptation is always to include too much information at the outset since one is
never sure what information is necessary, sufficient or significant in any other way.
With Protégé, the redundant information can easily be deleted or reformulated.
The heart of the ontology is the establishment of relationships between the
classes and their members. Crucially, the reasoning is based on an ‘open world’
model as opposed to ‘closed world’ which is the case with simple databases. In a
closed world assumption, if something is not stated to exist, then it is assumed not
to exist. However, in an open world model, if something is not stated to exist, then
it is impossible to say whether or not it does exist. A clear and explicit statement as
to its existence or non-existence has therefore to be made. Large parts of ontology
rely upon set theory. Classes can be defined as disjunct (i.e. non-overlapping) or
intersecting (overlapping sectors). A Property can be functional, relating an item to
only one other (e.g. Sally hasBirthMother Liz) or inverse functional (Liz is-
BirthMotherOf Sally). If we say that Liz isBirthMotherOf Sally and that Betty is
Birth MotherOf Sally, we deduce that Liz and Betty are the same person.
A Property can be transitive (any friend of yours is a friend of mine), symmetrical
(I’m your friend and you are my friend), antisymmetrical (your friend is my friend
but I’m not your friend) or reflexive (I know you and I know myself). All these
properties can have their domain and range specified. This can ensure that rela-
tionships are clearly restricted and false inferences are difficult to make. In a
hierarchical system, such as a living organism the ability to make Object Prop-
erties transitive is particularly useful, since it means that the properties of an
organism can be retrieved from within any level of the hierarchy. This allows the
establishment of a chain such as (amino acid)—(protein)—(collagen)—(bone)—
(femur)—(endoskeleton). An example is shown in Figure 11.3, where collagen is
explicitly stated as being part of a number of materials (in squares) but remaining
reliance on collagen is implied within the rest of the relationships. Thus, using a
274 J. F. V. Vincent
that is to be improved (Hegel’s thesis) and the other, any perceived disadvantage
of implementing the improvement (Hegel’s antithesis). Resolution of the problem
is achieved by making a change in the system, producing Hegel’s synthesis.
Genrich Altshuller, the inventor of TRIZ, used this construct to describe the action
of patents. He drew up a list of factors that contribute the thesis and antithesis
(currently, there are 39) and of the changes (Inventive Principles. Currently, there
are 40) that produce the synthesis. Since each factor can be a thesis or an antithesis
it is possible to arrange them along two sides of a matrix, with the appropriate
synthetic Inventive Principles within the body of the matrix. We thus obtain a
matrix (called the Contradiction or Conflict Matrix) containing 1,521 cells, most of
them populated with up to four Inventive Principles and representing the resolution
of a problem whose definition and solution were obtained from published patents.
The matrix thus represents best practice of engineering (and related technologies)
and so is a convenient baseline for comparisons.
The introduction of biology into this system is managed by considering the
problems solved by living organisms in the same way that a patent is considered: an
organism has a problem, what is its solution? There is a difficulty. Although, given a
problem, it is logically simple to show that the solution has been derived from the
definition of the problem using Hegel’s approach, it is logically impossible to prove
in the other direction. For instance, given the answer ‘42’ it is impossible to state
with certainty the question that led to that particular answer. Indeed, there is an
infinity of questions. An organism is a compendium of solutions to biological
problems that may have been solved millions of years ago by an organism living
under conditions very different from the present. That the solution worked is evi-
denced by the survival of the organism; the nature of the problem has to be inferred,
making this the most difficult part of generating a believable ontology. Ultimately,
believability comes from the recognition of internal patterns that result from the
logic of the ontology (which comes from the individual and independent decisions
made during the assembly of the data) rather than some subliminal desire to impose a
pattern on the data. I have tried very hard to make all judgements as objective and
independent as possible (see next paragraph). Ultimately, it needs a small team of
people who can introduce such independence with ease.
The starting point is the abstract of a published, peer-reviewed, scientific paper
chosen from as wide a field of biology as possible, covering molecular biochemistry
to ecosystems and behaviour. The only proviso is that, like a patent, the paper
presents the analysis and solution of a biological problem. Consider the problem of
making a skeleton from bone. Calcified bone is approximately twice as dense as
other tissues, so it is important to minimise the size of the skeleton, but this implies
increasing stress on the bones and the potential for fatigue fracture. If muscle mass
increases in linear proportion to bone mass, extending a bone’s fatigue life by
increasing its cross-sectional dimensions may not be effective because the inertia of
bigger bones would require larger muscles with increased skeletal loads. Thus, bone
remodelling to remove fatigue damage may be essential for the existence of rela-
tively large, long-lived vertebrates. The problem can be defined as the desirable
strength and stiffness of bone (Feature number 14) but the undesirable force needed
276 J. F. V. Vincent
to move it because of its weight (Feature number 1). Relevant Inventive Principles
(IPs) are then allocated by making judgements on their applicability. The choice has
been made considerably easier by allocating typical functions to each of the IPs;
Table 11.1 shows those developed for IPs 25 and 40, both relevant to the solution of
the problem of the skeleton. Some 450 such functions have been identified, each of
them unique to a single IP. Other IPs for this problem are IP31 (use porous material;
introduce lightness) and IP34 (discarding and recovering material—for example,
remodelling the bone). These IPs are then compared with the groups of IPs in the
Conflict Matrix, each group defined by a pair of conflicting features (thesis and
antithesis) looking for a minimum of 3 out of 4 of the Inventive Principles which
biology would use to resolve the strength/weight duality. This is a check to see
Fig. 11.4 The ontology entry for a bony skeleton and the effort required to move it
whether TRIZ has the same group of IPs as biology, but representing a different pair
of Features. If the Matrix reveals such extra groups, the Features proposed as defi-
nition of the problem are reviewed and may be changed. Otherwise, the original pair
of Features is retained, and the IPs which they define are used in the ontology. These
two sets of IPs (from biology and from TRIZ) represent the degree to which biology
and TRIZ are comparable. In this instance, there is a big difference—it is possible in
biology to repair the skeleton while it is being used. This is not normally the case in
an engineering context. The relevant entry in the ontology is shown in Fig. 11.4.
278 J. F. V. Vincent
11.4 Analysis
Over a period, I have accumulated such results for rather more than 260 examples
of biological problems. The resulting set of descriptions forms a pool of data that
can be mined to discover general principles and trends that differentiate biological
and technical solutions to problems, thus generating a set of design rules for
biomimetics that can be used in the absence of biological knowledge. This analysis
is preliminary and I present here only some basic simple statistics and cluster
analysis. However, the differences and similarities are rational and continue the
direction of results that the graphs shown in Fig. 11.1 have suggested. The current
version of the ontology of biomimetics, together with limited instructions and
comments, is available at http://wiki.bath.ac.uk/display/OOB/.
The similarity between the technical and biological solutions to problems can
be calculated from the coincidence between the TRIZ and biological solutions.
This ranges from zero to 100 (total identity) and is shown as a cumulative total
(Fig. 11.5). The straight line is not necessarily significant. The proportion of
11 An Ontology of Biomimetics 279
I have chosen only three of the possible six subfactors of Fig. 11.1 to illustrate
the differences between biology and technology that this study has generated.
These differences, because the Inventive Principles are suggestions for the changes
11 An Ontology of Biomimetics 281
required to solve a problem, represent the changes that would move the design
process towards biology and hence achieve apparently counter-intuitive goal of
allowing designers to be biomimeticists without knowing anything about biology.
Considering Energy (Fig. 11.7), the only IP used more by biology is ‘Anti-
weight’. The suggestion that TRIZ makes in the definition of this IP is ‘merge a
heavy object with one that provides lift or use aerodynamic, hydrodynamic,
buoyant and other forces’. More important is that this result places seven of the
Energy Principles in technology and only one in the biology, mirroring the dif-
ferential in importance of energy as a control parameter shown in Fig. 11.1. Thus,
this result has been confirmed using an independent metric.
Considering Structure (Fig. 11.8), the balance between technology and biology
shown in Fig. 11.1 is once again reflected, with three Principles in technology and
7 in biology, once again confirming, in more detail, the general picture presented
in Fig. 11.1. Note that the Principle ‘Composites’ (IP40) is commoner in tech-
nology, possibly because composite materials are ubiquitous in biology and so do
not constitute a novelty that could introduce change. The same could be said of
‘Nesting and Hierarchy’ (IP7) which, although in the biology half of the diagram,
is not outstanding. Nearly, all biological materials and structures are hierarchical,
being formed from the molecule up. Local Quality (IP3) makes up for some of this
by suggesting heterogeneity, zonation, etc. Remember, however, that the inference
taken from Fig. 11.1b is that Information is directly responsible for Structure.
Unfortunately, as indicated by Fig. 11.1a, information is almost literally trashed by
technology, being squozen out at the level of materials processing. This is reflected
in the poor showing of information in the list of IPs—it contributes only four of
282 J. F. V. Vincent
them, whereas, statistically, it should contribute six or seven. This point will be
returned to. Meanwhile, the other two important structural factors are Segmenta-
tion and Consolidation.
Time is marginally more important in biological than technological problem
solving (compare Fig. 11.1a, b), and more detail (Fig. 11.9) shows that Dynamics
and Prior Cushioning are important. In fact, ‘Prior’ is an important factor in the
more biological Principles, suggesting that biology designs its structures and
mechanisms in a way that we might regard as introducing redundancy. In biology,
this preparedness for action, and the ability to adapt which ‘Dynamics’, shows that
biological organisms are far more flexible and adaptable in their response to their
surroundings and possible requirements.
The questions to be asked are not just which are the commonest IPs in use, but do
they show any sort of relation with each other. The four or so IPs associated with
each solution (the crossing points in the Conflict Matrix of the pairs of thesis and
antithesis) are compared as a group. Principles which are related, and which will
tend to occur together in the synthesis of a problem, will be classified similarly and
belong to the same cluster. There are several methods for calculating and pre-
senting clusters—the one used here produces a tree. The analyses were performed
using the public domain language R. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to
analyse and compare these results statistically, so what follows is a preliminary
11 An Ontology of Biomimetics 283
Figure 11.10 is derived from the entire TRIZ Conflict Matrix, which is taken as
providing the technology baseline. The order in which the IPs are numbered bears
no relation to their recommendation for the design or to the principles by which
they work. The first four Principles occur separately on the left edge of the cluster,
remote from the rest of the tree. This shows that they have only very weak
similarity to the rest of the Principles or to each other. It also seems reasonable that
the most obvious Principles would be the first to be identified, so we can say with
some certainty that these isolated Principles are mutually independent and strong.
To the right of the tree, IP10 is also rather isolated, so we can say something
similar about that one. IP35 (which in effect says ‘If there is anything you can
change, then change it’!) is by far the commonest in the TRIZ Matrix and is
obviously the least related to any other Principle. It is also the Principle that has
the most associated Functions (3 or 4 times more than any other Principle). It is
well accepted amongst the TRIZ community that IP35 is a dump for a large
number of solution strategies that could not be shoehorned into any other Prin-
ciple. The last five Principles in the Matrix (making up the total of 40) were
probably added at a much later date. This brief and rather casual analysis (which
will be expanded and improved) exposes one of the basic problems with the TRIZ
system—the Inventive Principles are not equally weighted; IP35 is grossly
However, so long as all the analyses are performed from the same starting
position with the same assumptions, comparisons are still valid.
Figure 11.11 is the cluster tree for 117 biological examples from the ontology
whose deduced Inventive Principles have no counterpart in the TRIZ matrix. There
are a few similarities with the TRIZ Conflict Matrix cluster—notably, the position
of IP1. IP3 is the dominant one (the same result came from a study on insect
cuticle) (Vincent 2005), and IP35 has, in effect, been lost. Principles 5, 11 and 15
are also very important. These four Principles are the strongest indicators of
biologically inspired design.
The thought occurs that, even though there is a significant number of examples
whose Inventive Principles are more or less what TRIZ would predict (given the
thesis/antithesis definition of the problem), the biological solution has nonetheless
selected a set of results which does not resemble the cluster results for the entire
TRIZ Conflict Matrix. This turns out to be true (Fig. 11.12) in that IP35 has been
greatly reduced in its significance. Otherwise, this cluster seems to be not too
different from the basic TRIZ cluster.
There are some clear gaps when the clusters are compared with ideas at the
beginning of this chapter. Most notably, there is no explicit mention of Informa-
tion, which Fig. 11.1b shows clearly is a major component in the biological
solution of problems. The answer appears in Fig. 11.1a—in our technology, we
284 J. F. V. Vincent
Fig. 11.12 Cluster analysis of biological examples with strong TRIZ identity
have very little use for information—at least, this was true during the period, about
30 years ago, when TRIZ was being formulated. The result is that information is
not considered as an important part of the solution of problems. Unfortunately,
many people treat TRIZ as a set of ultimate truths, so this lack tends not to be
perceived by the TRIZniks who are most expert in this field. The very least that
Fig. 11.1 shows is that technology is definitely not an assemblage of techniques of
Best Practise. Biology (the most sustainable and arguably, therefore, effective way
of doing things on this planet) differs in most respects. These two graphs represent
the first real challenge to technology in that they not only show where it is wanting,
but also show what is needed. And the recognition of the importance and use of
information in modern technology is crucial and must be admitted into the model.
To be fair, information at the molecular level is being developed in the science of
nanotechnology. In order to see how it should be used within the process of bio-
logically inspired design, as developed here, we need to understand information
from the molecular level. This brings in topics such as thermodynamics, liquid
crystals and self-assembly, water as an assembly medium. This is a distinct lack and
should go straight to the top of the biomimeticist’s wish list. What other ways do we
have of manipulating information that can be expressed in such a way that they can
be incorporated into TRIZ system (and thus into the system presented here)?
A second clear gap is the materials used. This chapter has addressed problems
of how to design structures and mechanisms but has said little about how they are
to be realised. The assembly process is probably covered by information, but the
materials are integral to this. Biological systems are assembled in a watery
environment that provides the context for the types of interaction that drive the
assembly process. Hydrophobicity is the driving force for molecular interaction—
its outcomes are summarised in the design processes suggested by Principles 3 and
5—Local Quality and Consolidation. The advantage of the biological system is
11 An Ontology of Biomimetics 285
that the materials are easily recycled, but this is merely another way of saying that
all the molecular processes of biology are provided by a relatively small range of
chemical processes that are thus easily integrated. The recycling of metal is an
equally well-closed loop, except (of course) that it requires large amounts of
energy. Unfortunately, commercial pressures, commercial secrecy, the profit
motive, even self-aggrandisement, all militate against the generation of a fully
integrated system of materials. Metals are generally recyclable only because there
is not an awful lot you can do with a material which has to keep in more or less its
elemental state in order to be useful. Plastics come under commercial pressures
and so are highly varied and generally incompatible and so difficult to recycle.
Perhaps therefore this TRIZ-based system needs some design principles to aid the
choice of materials.
A third apparent omission is that the pervasive appearance of composite
materials and hierarchy in biology is not salient in this study. Presumably, this is
because all biological materials and structures are made using these principles.
Therefore, they cannot be introduced, although they can be fine-tuned. Even so,
they appear in the Principles of Local Quality and Consolidation.
Craig S, Harrison D, Cripps A, Knott D (2008) BioTRIZ suggests radiative cooling of buildings
can be done passively by changing the structure of roof insulation to let longwave infrared
pass. J Bionic Eng 5:55–66
Hitzler P, Krötzsch M, Rudolph S (2010) Foundations of semantic web technologies. CRC Press,
Boca Raton
Mak T, Shu L (2008) Using descriptions of biological phenomena for idea generation. Res Eng
Des 19:21–28
Robinson PN, Bauer S (2011) Introduction to bio-ontologies. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
Group, London
Vincent JFV (2005) Deconstructing the design of a biological material. J Theor Biol 236:73–78
Vincent JFV, Bogatyreva OA, Bogatyrev NR, Bowyer A, Pahl A-K (2006) Biomimetics—its
practice and theory. J R Soc Interface 3:471–482
Chapter 12
Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design:
Natural Limitations
Keywords Evolution Darwin Natural selection Ffitness Adaptation
Phenotype Genetic variation Design Reproduction and replication MantaBot
Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Muscle
12.1 Introduction
The field of biomimetics and bio-inspired design has become an important source
of innovative ideas. Biomimetics attempts to produce engineered systems that
possess characteristics, resemble, or function like living systems (Vogel 1998).
The biomimetic approach seeks technological advancement through a transfer of
the perfection of nature and the power of the biomimetic approach. Many human-
contrived inventions are thought to be the result of biomimicry (i.e., net spider
web, submarine dolphin, wheel rolling round fruit; Lu 2004), although they may
only be analogies with no cause and effect.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a fundamental understanding of how
evolution works and its importance with respect to biomimetics and bio-inspired
design. The chapter has been written primarily for engineers as the mechanism of
evolutionary change is generally known to biologists. However, biologists can also
benefit from this chapter in understanding the inherent differences in the disci-
plines and seeing how a productive biomimetic design may be developed through a
synergy of biology and engineering. By examining the relationship between
evolution and biomimicry, limitations and constraints can be elucidated for nature-
based technologies. It will then be possible to better target biological designs for
technology transfer and more quickly bring biomimetic products to market.
Although the general principles of organic evolution are widely known, its
implications are often misinterpreted or misdirected. This is unfortunate because
evolution is arguably one of the most profound tenets of modern biology in that it
provides a solid, unifying concept for all of biology’s disciplines and subdisci-
plines as well as a common thread for continued investigation. At its core, evo-
lution is a conceptual framework for the process by which living systems change
over time. Because the time frame for evolutionary change is geological, it is
difficult if not impossible to observe these changes directly. Instead, evolutionary
biologists must rely on the results (or products) of evolution, which include all
living systems past and present.
The genesis of modern evolutionary theory has a rich and colorful history
involving numerous personalities. However, its formalization, development, and
ultimate acceptance within the scientific community are generally attributed to
Charles Darwin as documented in his seminal work ‘‘The Origin of Species’’
(Darwin 1859). In developing his theory, Darwin sought to explain the bewildering
diversity of life by answering two basic questions: (1) How do organisms change
over time? and (2) how do new types of organisms originate? Darwin’s concept of
evolution can be summarized as a series of observations and deductions
(Fig. 12.1).
In contrast to his contemporaries, Darwin’s extensive observations of nature led
him to conclude that evolution operated at the level of the population rather than
the individual. Darwin further concluded that populations evolved (changed over
time) by differential reproductive success; that is to say, individuals with favorable
traits leave more offspring than individuals with less favorable traits, thereby
increasing the frequency of the favorable traits in the next generation. The measure
of an individual’s ability to pass its traits into the next generation is termed fitness.
290 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
Fig. 12.1 The observations and deductions of Darwin (1859) that lead to the idea of evolution by
natural selection
Individuals with a high fitness pass more of their traits into the next generation
than individuals with a lower fitness. The process by which favorable traits are
preferentially passed from generation to generation is termed natural selection.
Although Darwin’s theory provided an elegant framework for the process by
which populations change over time (natural selection), it lacked an adequate
mechanism. Darwin’s theory of natural selection relied on the passing of favorable
traits from parent to offspring. However, the work of Gregor Mendel and therefore
the genetic basis of inheritance were unknown to Darwin, and he therefore was
unable to adequately explain how the traits of parents could be transferred to their
offspring. R. A. Fisher, J. B. Haldane, Sewell Wright, and T. H. Huxley finally wed
Darwinian evolution with the principles of genetic inheritance. The resulting
elaboration of Darwinian evolution is variously referred to as neo-Darwinism, the
Synthetic Theory of Evolution, or the New Synthesis. One of the first outcomes of
this union was the field of population genetics.
According to the New Synthesis, evolution can be defined as the heritable
changes that occur in a gene pool over time due to differential reproduction (i.e.,
ability to produce more offspring due to a heritable trait). This simple definition
encompasses three key concepts: change, time, and populations. In studying
evolution, it is important to distinguish between statements that apply to popula-
tions and statements that apply to individuals. Evolution occurs at the level of the
population (populations evolve, individuals do not evolve). By contrast, natural
selection occurs at the level of the individual by favoring the reproductive success
of the fittest phenotypes. Phenotypic traits are characteristics of individuals that are
coded for by specific genes (e.g., hair color, body size, wings). Therefore, if the
frequency of a gene within a population changes, the frequency of the corre-
sponding phenotypic trait in that population will also change. As such, evolu-
tionary change does not occur within individuals, but occurs in a population over
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 291
time as a consequence of which genes are passed from generation to the next
generation. Evolutionary fitness is a measure of an individual’s ability to pass
genes on to the next generation. The more genes an individual passes on to the next
generation, the higher the fitness of that individual.
It is important to note that by definition fitness is relative (there is no absolute
fitness scale) and to recognize that fitness is not differential survival. To measure
fitness, we compare the reproductive success of all phenotypes and then assign the
phenotype with the highest reproductive success a fitness value of (1.0). For all other
phenotypes, we assign a fitness value that reflects their reproductive success relative
to the phenotype with the highest reproductive success. For example, if a second
phenotype produced 80 % as many offspring as the fittest phenotype, it would be
assigned a fitness value of (0.8); if a third phenotype produced 50 % as many
offspring as the fittest phenotype, it would be assigned a fitness value of (0.5).
It is also important to note that selection operates on phenotypes, not the
underlying genetics in that different combinations of genes or alleles can yield the
same phenotype. Phenotypic traits include any morphological, physiological,
behavioral, or other definable characteristic of an individual. Natural selection
determines which phenotypic traits are favored and which are not. To be favored, a
trait must increase the fitness (reproductive success) of an individual with that trait
over an individual without it. Favored traits are often described as adaptive traits,
so that adaptation is the process of acquiring favorable traits.
As a result of evolution, populations change through time (as traits change in
response to changing gene frequencies) with the direction of change determined by
natural selection. Evolution only works by selecting between alternative pheno-
types already present in the population. This makes variation the raw material for
evolutionary change. Yet, the process of evolution itself works by eliminating
variation through natural selection. Continued evolution is therefore dependent on
additional mechanisms, which add variation to a population.
Genetic variation is added to populations by several mechanisms. New genes
can arise through mutations, genetic recombinations, or can be introduced (or
reintroduced) by gene flow from neighboring populations (gene pools). In addition,
the distribution and availability of genes within a population can be altered by
various mechanisms or by chance (mating systems, genetic drift, genetic bottle-
necks, and founder effects). For example, mating systems driven by female choice
can lead to males and females being phenotypically different. Such species are
referred to as being sexually dimorphic and the process leading to sexual dimor-
phism is termed sexual selection. Darwin recognized sexual selection is a special
case of natural selection in which males and females are under different selective
pressures. Because each of the different mechanisms for altering genetic compo-
sition can differ from population to population, each population of a species can be
on a different evolutionary pathway. If these pathways diverge sufficiently, the
original species can split into two new species.
As indicated by the fossil record, the rate and direction of evolutionary change
are highly varied by both over time and taxonomic group. This variability is driven
by multiple factors including changes in the range and scope of genetic variation,
292 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
shifts in the adaptive landscape, and shifts in selective pressures. Various com-
binations of these factors over geological time have produced a wide range of
evolutionary change that span from minor phenotypic adjustments to the apparent
sudden appearance of new phenotypes (or disappearance of existing phenotypes).
Because these factors are in constant flux, evolution is a continuous process and
populations never stop changing.
One of the complications to studying evolution is that evolutionary change is
not always evident. Although we define evolution as heritable changes in a gene
pool, not all genetic change is translated into phenotypic change. In addition, the
phenotypic consequences of genetic change are rarely predictable. Whereas some
genetic mutations will have little if any effect on the phenotype, others can have
profound effects depending, in part, on whether or not a gene codes for a functional
or non-functional protein, whether the protein is a structural or regulatory protein,
and the timing of protein expression.
Evolutionary change is limited or constrained by historical, developmental, and
logistical factors. From a historical perspective, evolution implies a continuity of
genetic information through time in the form of ancestor–descendant relationships.
This ancestor–descendant relationship constrains evolution (descendants are lim-
ited by their ancestors). However, this relationship also provides a test for evo-
lution in that character evolution should map to natural classifications, known as
phylogenies, which in turn should reveal evolutionary trends. A phylogeny is the
evolutionary history of an organism that shows its relationship to its ancestors and
related species. Examination of evolutionary trends indicates that character evo-
lution can be progressive or retrogressive and that generalized characters can
provide a template for the radiation of more specialized characters across different
groups of organisms.
Morphological evolution has strong ties to developmental programs. The spe-
cific area of biology that investigates this relationship is referred to as evo–devo
(Arthur 2002; Gilbert 2003). According to evo–devo, developmental programs
consist of a mosaic of interacting modules (Kuratani 2009; Breuker et al. 2006).
Collectively, these modules add up to a specific body plan with a specific set of
interdependent characteristics. The development of each module is influenced by
the development of each other module both spatially and temporally. Modularity
preserves the integrity and cohesiveness of each morphological unit while
allowing for adjustments throughout the course of development in response to the
interactions between the modules. When they are required for proper development,
the interactions between modules can conserve existing morphological expression,
thereby constraining the direction and magnitude of morphological change.
However, temporal alterations in the expression of modules (heterochrony) can
produce large, coordinated changes in morphology in a relatively short period of
time. Therefore, developmental modularity can either canalize morphological
change through spatial interactions or accelerate morphological change through
temporal changes in expression or duplication of modules.
From a logistical perspective, not all evolutionary change is feasible. Each
organism is a mosaic of interacting, interdependent characteristics. As such,
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 293
individual characteristics do not evolve in isolation, but evolve in concert with all
other characteristics. Whereas evolutionary modification to any particular char-
acter may have positive fitness effects on some characteristics, it may also have
negative fitness effects on other characteristics. In these situations, evolution must
settle for compromise rather than an optimized solution for each affected char-
acteristic. Compromise selection can be driven by additional factors including
seasonal variation, habitat variation, and ontogeny (development and life history).
Each of these factors may provide competing selective pressures that vary across
time, location, and age and thus further constrain the reach of evolution.
Despite the continuous march of evolutionary change and the numerous factors
that influence, drive, and alter its direction and timing, the process of evolution is not
restricted to greater and greater phenotypic divergence. It is not unusual for multiple
evolutionary pathways to independently arrive at a common solution. These com-
mon solutions may be shared by unrelated groups (convergent evolution) or related
groups (parallel evolution). Convergence not only demonstrates that there is more
than one pathway to the same end point, but also demonstrates the power of natural
selection to find a favorable solution from a variety of starting points.
structural components and surface textures (Ummat et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2006).
Differences in size between current engineered and biological structures affect the
forces experienced by these systems. While large vehicles traveling through a fluid
medium experience an environment that is dominated by inertial and gravitational
fluid forces, small organisms may be more affected by viscous forces. Water
striders (Gerridae) can cruise across a water surface supported by molecular
cohesion and surface tension (Hu et al. 2003), whereas ships operate at the water
surface by buoyancy from the mass of water displaced by the hull. Grappling with
such disparate criteria requires a designer to possess a working knowledge of both
the relevant biomechanics and the engineering issues associated with adapting the
biology to a machine for some targeted application.
The forces related to the scale of the systems dictate the construction materials
used. Engineered systems are composed of rigid materials. These materials include
metals, ceramics, and hard plastics. Even where compliance is required, hard
materials are used (e.g., spring steel). The choice of these rigid materials is a
matter of practicality for simple durability considerations as non-living systems do
not possess the capacity for self-repair. Biological systems are generally con-
structed from materials based on organic molecules. Metals are of limited avail-
ability as construction materials in biological systems. Iron, copper, and
magnesium are broadly used, but only in respiratory processes and only as one
atomic component of a significantly larger molecule. Iron and copper are part of
the molecules hemoglobin and hemocyanin. These molecules are essential to
capture oxygen for transport through the bodies of animals. Magnesium is part of
the basic structure of chlorophyll and functions to absorb radiant energy for plants.
Magnetite (Fe3O4) is found capping the small teeth of the grinding radula in
mollusks (Gordon and Joester 2011). A class of organic compounds, called sid-
erophores, is used by marine bacteria to complex with iron and collect the metal
from an environment, where this material is limited (Martinez et al. 2003).
Proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids form structures and components of simple
cells to complex plants and animals (Wainwright et al. 1976; Vincent 1990). These
materials are created and often function in an environment that is wet. Although
biological skeletons can be formed from ceramics (e.g., vertebrate bones, mollusk
shell, sponge spicules), these structures are composites with varying amounts of
organic molecules (Vogel 1988). Generally, organisms are primarily composed of
biological materials that are compliant (Wainwright et al. 1976; Vogel 1988).
These compliant structures are part of a design that permits the body to bend
(Wainwright 1988). Where motion is restricted due to a rigid skeletal framework,
the compliant materials permit flexibility at joints. Furthermore, compliant
materials allow for the storage of elastic energy when stressed. Release of the
elastic tension can be used for energy recycling in repetitive motion. The springing
ligament in the horse’s leg aids in reaccelerating the hoof when running. The
Achilles tendon in the kangaroo is stretched when hopping and recycles enough
energy in each step to maintain a nearly constant metabolic effort as speed
increases (Alexander 1988).
296 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
Engineered systems generally use rotational motors. The energy to power these
devices is derived from radiant energy, chemical transformation, or thermal and
nuclear sources. The energy for movement and manufacturing in biology is
restricted to chemical catabolism, although ultimately radiant energy from the sun
is used to produce the chemical compounds. High-energy chemical bonds are
broken to release energy. This energy is then transferred to intermediate com-
pounds (e.g., ATP, creatine phosphate), which can be transported around the cell.
With the exception of bacteria, rotational motors have not evolved in biological
systems (Fig. 12.2). Movement in plants is powered by growth and fluid pressure.
Animals utilize translational movements that are activated by a chemical motor,
that is, muscle. Muscles contract while exerting a force to do work. As muscles
cannot lengthen on their own, muscles are typically arranged as antagonistic pairs.
As one muscle contracts, the other is lengthened either passively or while exerting
a force. This results in oscillatory motions of the body of an animal or its
appendages, but not rotary motion. Some energy is lost by cyclical accelerations.
Complex neural networks with multiple sensory inputs control animal systems,
whereas engineered machines are controlled by simple computational systems
with limited sensory feedback. A human brain of approximately 1.5 kg is com-
posed of 100 billion cells with one quadrillion synaptic connections (Denny and
McFadzean 2011). The large number of nerve cells (neurons) and neural con-
nections is associated with a large range of behavioral responses. Whereas
autonomous machines must be pre-programmed to produce an appropriate
response to a particular known stimulus, animals can be plastic in their response.
Biological organisms are functionally multifaceted (i.e., they move, feed,
remove wastes, and reproduce) and must compromise optimal solutions for spe-
cialized functions to perform adequately rather than maximally (Katz and Jordan
1997; Webb 1997). A machine is constructed with a particular and defined purpose
or a mission that it was designed to fulfill (Denny and McFadzean 2011). Having
an engineered system with a single purpose increases the maximal efficiency of the
targeted operation. As biological organisms are multitasking, they must balance
any one function with a number of other functions that compete for energetic
resources within the body, but are necessary to maintain life (Fish 2006). Ulti-
mately, all biological organisms are driven by three primary motivations of
obtaining sustenance (i.e., food and water), security (i.e., avoid being killed, self-
preservation), and sex (i.e., reproduction) (Denny and McFadzean 2011). These
are criteria that are seldom included in engineering schematics.
Perhaps the greatest difference between biological and engineered systems is
that biological systems are capable of reproduction. Mechanical systems can be
manufactured in large lots with strict control for exact duplication. However, for
organisms, the ability to reproduce is not confined to merely making copies of
individual units. Indeed, new mutations and recombinations of genetic material
increase variation, which is the raw material of evolution. Reproduction allows for
changes that can lead to new evolutionary solutions or improvements in functional
efficiency. Machines cannot autonomously replicate themselves. Improvements in
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 297
Fig. 12.2 Improbable and real fish propulsion systems. A mechanical fish model with a
rotational screw propeller (top), based on the art of Dr. Seuss on display at Universal Orlando.
Lateral view of a fish exhibiting fins for propulsion and stability (middle). Dorsal view of a shark
swimming by undulations of the body and caudal fin (bottom)
machine design and function only come about from tinkering with established
designs or scrapping the old design for a completely new approach.
Internal reproduction of the cells of the body affords organisms the ability to
grow and self-repair. Growth permits change in a body. This change in size may
afford the reproducing adult the capability of maximizing the production of young
by increasing the space available for storage of gametes or housing and protecting
298 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
the young prior to parturition. Over the course of growth and maturation of the
young, their small initial size will allow them to feed on different foods and occupy
different microenvironments, which fully mature individuals would not be able to
exploit. The assemblage of different species at varying stages of development and
size would enhance the stability of a given ecosystem.
The ability of organisms to self-repair is not merely associated with wound
healing. It is also associated with immunity in fighting disease, invasion by foreign
bodies, and with coagulation in limiting damage to the body. Organisms can
prevent damage to delicate tissue by generating new cells to replace those cells,
which have been damaged or abraded away. Another mechanism is to coat an
irritant, rendering it harmless. For example, mollusks such as bivalves (e.g., clams,
oysters) can secrete a smooth nacre material around a grain of sand to produce a
pearl. The pearl prevents abrasion to the soft tissue (mantle) responsible for
secreting the animal’s shell. Literally, sand in the gears of a machine would
generate enough friction to stop operation. Filters and lubrication must be designed
into machines to reduce contaminants from wear or external sources.
Engineered systems are built with an assessment of potential for failure and
with a plan for maintenance that is based on failure of prototypes. In the devel-
opment of an engineered design, such considerations are known as failure criteria
and dictate the physical limits for the form, function and materials used (Petroski
1996). Autonomic healing is only recently being attempted with battery technol-
ogy (Blaiszik et al. 2012).
Besides the inherent differences between biological and engineered systems, a
cultural disparity in the way engineers and biologists view the data in their
respective disciplines. Engineers strive to limit the number of variables of any
mechanical system, especially in the design of structures or devices with targeted
functionality. Biologists consider a large number of variables. Furthermore,
engineers analyze all the errors associated with a system in an attempt to control
and reduce variation. Biologists study variation for each of the parameters that
control a system. Indeed, variation in biological systems is the foundation of the
evolutionary process, which is at the core of modern biological thinking.
Fig. 12.3 Flexibility of the propulsive fins of batoids (top, manta; bottom, cownose ray)
the fin could increase the efficiency by up to 20 % with only a moderate decrease
in the overall thrust (Katz and Weihs 1978, 1979; Bose and Lien 1989; Bose 1995;
Prempraneerach et al. 2003). Actively swimming rays with flexible fins may have
higher propulsive efficiencies compared to values predicted for models of rigid
lifting surfaces. Hydrodynamic computations performed by Heine (1992) showed
efficiencies of 0.7–0.9 for swimming rays. Efficiencies in this range are considered
high, because few engineered propellers achieve efficiencies higher than 0.7
(Larrabee 1980; Liu and Bose 1993). In addition, oscillating biological hydrofoils
with flexibility maintain high efficiency over an extended operational range (Fish
and Lauder 2006). Standard fixed-pitch marine propellers have a maximum pro-
pulsive efficiency in only a very narrow range of operational speeds. Thus,
oscillating hydrofoil propulsion as demonstrated by batoids is in keeping with the
requirements for a BAUV.
The size of myliobatoid rays is appropriate as a model system for a BAUV. The
manta is reported to be over 6 m wide and weigh over 1,580 kg, although other
related species, such as the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), are smaller (Deacon
et al. 1997; Compagno 1999). Scaling issues are inconsequential as the size and
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 301
speed of these rays correspond to design and operation of AUVs. Thus, the hydro-
dynamics of the biological and engineered systems are equivalent as defined by
important variables, the Reynolds number, Re, and the Strouhal number, St.
The Reynolds number represents the ratio of inertial forces to frictional forces
and defines the flow conditions (laminar or turbulent) around a submerged body. A
manta ray swimming at one body length/s would have a value of Re over three
million, and data for the cownose ray from Heine (1992) indicate a Re of
approximately 90,000. These high values indicate that inertial forces dominate.
Propulsion is provided by production of a caudally directed momentum jet of
fluid. The momentum jet is generated by oscillatory motions of the enlarged
pectoral fins (Fig. 12.4), leaving a wake of staggered alternately rotating vortices.
The rate at which these vortices are shed and the efficiency of the propulsive
movements are related to St. St is the ratio of inertial forces from local acceleration
to inertial forces from convective acceleration and represents the degree of
unsteadiness in the flow. St is the product of the propulsive frequency and vertical
excursion of the fin divided by the velocity of the animal (Rohr and Fish 2004).
The cownose ray has St = 0.19 (Heine 1992). This value is close to the Strouhal
number range of 0.2–0.4, which is stated to be where the propulsive efficiency is
maximal (Triantafyllou et al. 1993, 2000; Triantafyllou and Triantafyllou 1995;
Rohr and Fish 2004).
There have been a number of attempts to develop a bio-inspired batoid AUV
(Moored et al. 2011a, b). Robots have been constructed to mimic the oscillatory
swimming of rays by motors (Gao et al. 2007; Yang et al. 2009; Zhou and Low 2010),
Fig. 12.5 Kinematic traces of the body and propulsive pectoral fins of a swimming manta (top)
and MantaBot (bottom). The large oscillations are from the pectoral fins, and the small
oscillations are indicated for the anterior end of the manta and the MantaBot. The manta shows
asymmetrical movements of the fin strokes at lower frequency than for the MantaBot. Vertical
motions of the anterior end were relatively greater for the MantaBot than the manta
pneumatic pectoral fins (Brower 2006; Suzumori et al. 2007; Cai et al. 2010), fluidic
muscles (Festo 2008), and ionic polymer–metal composites (Takagi et al. 2006).
Recently, two prototypes (MantaBots) were developed and tested (Fig. 12.5;
Pennisi 2011). The MantaBots were based on biologically derived data, which
detailed the design geometry and kinematics of living batoids. Each MantaBot
used different mechanisms to actuate the pectoral fins. In one version produced at
Princeton University, four metal rods were actuated with a servomotor. The rods
heaved a flexible plastic fin, producing varying degrees of spanwise and chordwise
curvature (Moored et al. 2011b; Pennisi 2011). A second MantaBot was con-
structed at the University of Virginia and used a mobile tensegrity structure to
move a propulsive elastomer fin (Pennisi 2011). The tensegrity structures consisted
of truss-like structures, which acted like a skeleton tendon internal framework
(Moored et al. 2011a, b; Fish et al. 2012). The rigid elements of the tensegrity
structure were articulated. Two cable elements could generate tension to give
integrity to the structure to support large loads and actuate movement.
While both MantaBots were capable of swimming and could perform elaborate
maneuvers (Pennisi 2011), the propulsive movements of the pectoral fins were
similar but not an exact duplication of a batoid (Fig. 12.4). The kinematics of the
MantaBot pectoral fins was more symmetrical on the up- and down-strokes with
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 303
respect to the longitudinal axis of the body than for live batoids. Living rays can
swim faster and are more agile and maneuverable than the MantaBots (Parson et al.
2011). The MantaBots swam at just over 0.5 body lengths/s, and manta rays can
swim at 0.8 body lengths/s. The amplitude of heave at the rostrum was 27 % of the
fin tip amplitude of the MantaBot, whereas the heave amplitude was 12 % for
manta (Fig. 12.4). St were 0.6 and 1.6 for the Princeton University and
University of Virginia MantaBots, respectively. Such values were outside the range
for maximum efficiency and above the value of St for the cownose ray (Heine 1992;
Triantafyllou et al. 1993, 2000; Triantafyllou and Triantafyllou 1995).
For the MantaBots, engineering has derived separate solutions that provide
similar motions, but are still limited compared to the actual rays. The skeletal,
neural, sensory, and muscular systems of living organisms are still more complex
than robotic systems. This complexity permits organisms to work within a large set
of behavioral and performance responses. As further refinement to robotic systems
is built into the design, emulation of biological systems will converge with the
engineering. However, there are limitations to biological systems from evolu-
tionary constraints that may reduce performance. Emulation of biological systems
should only be taken to a point in which performance is maximized, but then can
be enhanced through engineering of a bio-inspired design.
Caution must be exercised when using evolution as a justification for the devel-
opment of biomimetic products. Nature has served as inspiration for various
devices for centuries, but the theory of evolution, as currently understood, has only
been around since the mid-1800s. With the arrival of biomimetics and bio-inspired
design as fields that could produce products and increase funding and investment,
there has been an attempt to validate these fields with a natural justification.
Evolution is seen as an iterative process that arrives at the best design. Therefore,
the evolutionary process becomes imperative to highlight the advantages of natural
designs. However, evolution does not hold all the answers or solutions to problems
that affect our daily lives.
Evolution is a process that over the history of the Earth has produced a mul-
titude of differing species that have developed solutions (adaptations) to local
environments. In some cases, evolution has lead to different but analogous solu-
tions to similar environments in different phylogenetic groupings. Consider
swimming by a fish and a squid. The fish wags (undulates) its caudal fin from side
to side to accelerate a mass of water into its wake, and thereby gain forward
momentum (Fig. 12.2). The squid, however, uses jet propulsion to push the animal
backward. Both animals can move rapidly through the water, but the mechanics of
the propulsive systems differs. Flexibility of the vertebral column of the fish
permits an undulatory wave to move posteriorly down the body to laterally flex the
caudal fin. Because the body of the squid is held rigid by a non-flexing internal
304 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
skeleton (i.e., pen), such movements are not possible in the squid, necessitating
jetting. These differing solutions to the problem of rapid movement through water
have further consequences. The fish can push a large volume of water at slow
speed, thereby moving with a high efficiency, whereas the squid pulses a jet of
fluid at a much higher speed to gain an equivalent momentum, resulting in a lower
propulsive efficiency (O’Dor and Webber 1986).
For a non-biologist using evolution to justify biomimicry, the greatest mistake
is inferring that evolution has an optimal design goal. Evolution is neither con-
scious nor predictive. Evolution is not visionary. Construction and organization of
an organism’s features have not evolved toward a specific goal, and evolution does
not drive toward perfection. Evolutionary change by natural selection does not
provide a ‘‘perfecting’’ principle, only a ‘‘better than’’ principle (Luria et al. 1981).
Organisms evolve features not to be optimal or perfect, but merely to perform
adequately (Katz and Jordan 1997; Webb 1997).
Genetic algorithms are used to mimic the process of evolution by natural
selection. Genetic algorithms start with a population of randomly generated
individuals [i.e., primordial ooze of hundreds or thousands of computer programs;
Koza (1994)]. The individuals are evaluated iteratively by a fitness function, which
represents a predetermined solution set. The solution set is encoded as a finite-
length string that is composed of elements with a finite number of possibilities
(Whitley 1994; Barrett 2002). By iteration and selection, a singular, predetermined
optimal solution can be produced. However, biology is not driven by a predeter-
mined optimal solution. The evolution of living organisms is shaped by the
interactions of an organism with its environment, its phylogenetic history, and the
genetic mechanisms that promote genetic diversity (e.g., mutation, recombina-
tion). Furthermore, evolution can work in the opposite direction from genetic
algorithms to produce a diversity of solutions from a singular ancestral type. Each
solution or species divides up the environment into various ecological niches.
Biological organisms are multitasking entities. An organism is a mosaic of
integrated structures and functions to achieve evolutionary success (i.e., survive
and reproduce). Some of these components may be at odds with other features of
an organism. As a result, organisms must compromise optimal solutions for the
necessity of having an integrated system that can perform a number of simulta-
neous functions. The integrated parts of an organism must share the limited
metabolic energy available for maintenance and function. Increased allocation of
limited resources to one component of a body may improve function, but be to the
detriment of another component. Natural selection acts on an entire organism and
not its individual parts (Luria et al. 1981). Despite the contrary argument (Bar-
Cohen 2006; Allen 2010), evolution rarely leads to solutions with a maximal
performance and with an economy of resources.
An example of how optimal design is lacking in biological organisms can be
found in the structure and performance of the propulsive mechanics of fishes. Fish
carry with them a large amount of muscle. Most of the muscle mass is not used
during routine swimming, such as when a fish is cruising or migrating. Routine
swimming is accomplished using muscle composed of slow oxidative (red) fibers
12 Evolution and Bio-Inspired Design: Natural Limitations 305
(Alexander and Goldspink 1977). These fibers use aerobic means of generating
energy for muscle contraction and are highly efficient. As long as oxygen is
available, red fibers can repeatedly contract over an extended period of time, but at
a relatively slow rate. However, the bulk of the propulsive muscle mass is com-
posed of fast glycolytic (white) fibers. These fibers contract faster and more
powerfully than red fibers, but cannot sustain repeated contractions over a long
time and have a very low efficiency. For fish that migrate long distances at low-to-
moderate speeds, it makes more sense for these fish to have a muscle mass
composed of a higher proportion of red fibers than white fibers. Indeed, carrying a
large mass of white muscle seems detrimental. The inactive white fibers continue
to metabolize nutrients, and the extra mass encumbers additional energy costs to
move the body. Why then is so much of the musculature composed of white fibers?
While not utilized all the time, the white fibers are advantageous during those brief
instances when life and death are on the line. When a fish has to chase prey for
food or to escape being preyed itself, it is advantageous to have a large mass of
white fibers to generate the forces required to accelerate quickly. At these times,
efficiency is not as important as rapid acceleration to close the distance on prey or
increase the distance away from a predator. In addition, the fish must carry other
organs that add to its mass, thereby impeding performance. Carrying large gonads
and reproductive products can reduce swimming speed and survival, although
reproductive organs are necessary for evolutionary fitness.
Not all possible structures and processes are available to organisms. As men-
tioned previously, biological organisms do not use metal as a framework for a
physical support. The structures of organisms can only work within the constraints
of materials based on organic molecules. The formation of these molecules is
directed through recipes encoded on the DNA molecule and manufactured by
living cells. Metabolic processes are only possible within a narrow range of
temperatures for the formation of complex molecules. Above critical temperatures,
proteins denature and cellular systems fail. Alternatively, synthetic manufacturing
systems can use high temperatures and pressures to produce new molecular con-
figurations or meld materials together in construction.
The wheel may be considered one of the greatest inventions by humans. It
allows for a reduction in the energy cost for movement by reducing friction and
eliminating oscillatory motions. The wheel is free to rotate continuously around an
unattached central axis. Although the wheel is ubiquitous in engineered
mechanical systems, it is rare in natural systems. With the exception of bacteria,
multicellular organisms have not evolved wheels. Rotation movements translated
over 360° are found in whole body rolling maneuvers by organisms, such as
tumbleweeds, caterpillars, stomatopods, and desert spiders (Full et al. 1993;
Armour and Vincent 2006). The energy for rolling is derived from air and water
currents or from gravity. Self-actuating movements by animals are powered by
muscles, which only allow a limited degree of rotation. A physical connection is
made by muscles and stabilizing ligaments across a rotational joint. It is this
construction of rotational joints that makes the evolution of wheels in animals
impossible. As continuous rotation is not possible in the musculoskeletal system of
306 F. E. Fish and J. T. Beneski
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Anthony Nicastro and Janet Fontanella for their
comments on the manuscript. We also great appreciate the cooperation of Drs. Hilary Bart-Smith,
Keith Moored, Hossein Haj-Hariri, Tetsuya Iwasaki, and Alexander Smits on the robotic manta
project. This chapter is based in part on research performed with support from the Office of Naval
Research grant no. N000140810642 to FEF.
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Author Biographies
including Nike, HOK, GE Procter and Gamble, Levi’s and General Mills. In 2011,
we combined our staffs and administration services into a single entity, to create
Biomimicry 3.8.
Dr. Ashok K. Goel is a Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science in the School
of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA. He is
Director of the School’s Design and Intelligence Laboratory, and a Co-Director of
Georgia Tech’s Center for Biologically Inspired Design. He serves on the Boards of
Biomimicry 3.8 Institute and BioInspired! digital magazine. Born and brought up in
India, Ashok immigrated to the U.S. for graduate studies. He lives in mid-town
Atlanta with his two sons. Ashok conducts research into artificial intelligence and
cognitive science, with a focus on computational design, modeling and creativity.
His recent TEDx talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiRDQ4hr9i8 summa-
rizes some of his research on AI, biologically inspired design, and environmental
sustainability. An interactive tool for supporting some aspects of biologically
inspired design developed by his laboratory is available at http://dilab.cc.
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and five
best paper awards in conferences. For description of his latest projects please visit
systematic methods and tools for innovative design with a particular focus on
concept generation and design-by-analogy. Her research seeks to understand
designers’ cognitive processes with the goal of creating better tools and
approaches to enhance innovation. She has co-authored over forty technical
publications including four book chapters and she holds two patents.
Dr. Frank Mendel is the Vice Chairman and Associate Professor in the
Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences at the State University of New
York at Buffalo, NY, USA. He received his MA and Ph.D. degrees in
anthropology from the University of California, Davis in 1971 and 1975,
respectively. His research interests include forensic pathology of extant and extinct
big cats and cat-like carnivores (saber-toothed forms), developing virtual clinical
training platforms and determining best practices for managing sprains and other
soft tissue injuries.
2008 from the State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA. He is
currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering since 2009 from the
same institution. His research interests include kinematics, haptics and
medical robotics.
Dr. L.H. Shu, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering at the University of Toronto, received her SM and Ph.D. in
Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has
held research fellowships at the Technical University of Denmark, AlliedSignal
Aerospace Canada Inc., Eastman Kodak, Naval Ocean Systems Center, and Naval
Training Systems Center. She received the CIRP (International Academy for
Production Engineering Research) F. W. Taylor Medal and numerous best paper
awards for her work on biologically inspired design, and held leadership positions
in both the Design Society and the ASME Design Theory and Methodology
community. Dr. Shu’s research interests are in creativity in conceptual design,
systematic identification and application of biological analogies in biomimetic
design, affordances, and identifying and overcoming obstacles to personal
environmentally significant behavior.
Dr. Robert B. Stone is a Professor and the Interim Head of the School of
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Oregon State University.
Dr. Stone s research interests include design theories and
methodologies, specifically automated conceptual design techniques and concept
generation techniques such as biologically inspired design. He has
authored chapters on product architecture and reverse engineering techniques in
product design texts. He leads the Design Engineering Lab (http://www.
designengineeringlab.org). Previously, Stone utilized his design background to
assist in creating the design-focused Interdisciplinary Engineering degree program
at the University of Missouri-Rolla. At Rolla he served as Director of the inter-
disciplinary Student Design and Experiential Learning Center from January 2004
through June 2008 where he oversaw the design competition activities of ten teams
Author Biographies 319
and guided the Center’s new engineering design and experiential learning initia-
tive. He was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the US Air Force Academy
during the 2006–2007 academic year. Prior to initiating his graduate work, Dr.
Stone worked in the Missions Operation Directorate of NASA-Johnson Space
Center as a Space Shuttle Flight Controller for the Guidance, Navigation and
Control Section. Stone completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The
University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Craig Tovey is the David McKenney Family Professor in the School of
Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his AB in
applied mathematics from Harvard College in 1977 and both an MS in computer
science and a Ph.D. in operations research from Stanford University in 1981.
Tovey’s principal research and teaching activities are in operations research and its
interdisciplinary applications to social and natural systems, with emphasis on
sustainability, the environment, and energy. He co-founded and co-directs Georgia
Tech’s Center for Biologically Inspired Design. His current research concerns
inverse optimization for electric grid management, classical and biomimetic
algorithms for robots and webhosting, the behavior of animal groups, political
economy, and sustainability measurement.
Dr. Tovey received a Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1985 and the
1989 Jacob Wolfowitz Prize for research in heuristics. He was granted a Senior
Research Associateship from the National Research Council in 1990, was named
an Institute Fellow at Georgia Tech in 1994, and received the Class of 1934
Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activity Award in 2011.
Dr. Julian Vincent began his career as an entomologist with a Ph.D. studying
insect hormones acting on cuticle, then a DSc on the mechanical design and
properties of the extensible cuticle of the female locust. This got him interested in
materials and mechanical properties, a topic which he developed to cover aspects
of plants and animals and food, concentrating specifically on fracture mechanics.
All this time he was at the University of Reading in the department of zoology,
collaborating with George Jeronimidis and Jim Gordon in the department of
320 Author Biographies
Dr. Marc Weissburg is Professor of Biology and Co-Director of the Center for
Biologically Inspired Design. He is an ecologist/sensory biologist who examines
the mechanisms and consequences of information transfer via aquatic chemical
signals. He uses multidisciplinary approaches and field ecological investigations to
study the structure of aquatic plumes and the dynamics of fluids in the marine
environment and to behaviorally analyse the sensory strategies of aquatic
organisms and their capability to rely on turbulent chemical plumes for
guidance and navigation. He has used biological principles to devise artificial
sensory processing strategies for autonomous navigation in chemical plumes. He
has applied principles of ecological organization to human infrastructure in his
search for more sustainable practices. He has co-taught Biologically Inspired
Design for seven years to a variety of audiences ranging from undergraduates to
professional engineers and scientists.
Dr. Jeannette Yen is the Director of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center
for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID). The goals of CBID are to bring together
a group of interdisciplinary faculty who seek to facilitate interdisciplinary research
and education for innovative products and techniques based on biologically-
inspired design solutions. The participants of Georgia Tech’s CBID believe that
science and technology are increasingly hitting the limits of approaches based on
traditional disciplines, and Biology may serve as an untapped resource for design
methodology, with concept-testing having occurred over millions of years of
evolution. Experiencing the benefits of Nature as a source of innovative and
inspiring principles encourages us to preserve and protect the natural world rather
Author Biographies 321
Idea-inspire, 20, 67, 74, 161, 204, 205, 211, Reproduction and replication, 57, 109, 216,
215 256, 296, 308
Identification, 74, 85, 130, 247 Robotic design, 260, 303
Information, 3, 7, 17, 18, 21, 35, 47, 55, 80, Robotics, 10, 247, 260, 266, 303
129, 147, 212, 238, 281
Information extraction, 55–57
Information retrieval, 68, 73, 74, 79 S
Inspiration search, 6, 67, 85 Search categorization, 39
Interdisciplinary design, 129, 181 Search keywords, 33, 35, 51
Interdisciplinary education, 10 Sensor design, 116, 120
Inventive principle, 10, 146, 275, 276, 279, Solution-based analogy, 138–140, 143, 148,
283 149
Index 325
Task analysis, 129–131, 133, 148, 149 Understanding biological systems, 156, 177,
Task model, 129–131, 139, 140, 143–145, 179
147, 149 Usefulness, 7, 206, 211, 213
Teaching biologically inspired design, 2, 157