Sap Reference

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Transaction Codes

Plant Maintenance (PM)

Production Planning

General Notes


Human Resources

Sales and Distribution (SD)

SAP Office

FI Financial Management

Material Management (MM)

MM configuration transactions

Config Related

Plant Maintenance (PM)

IW31 Create Plant Maintenance Order

IW32 Change Plant Maintenance Order

IW33 Display Plant Maintenance Order

IW34 Create Notification Order

IW51 Create Service Notification

IW52 Change Service Notification

IW53 Display Service Notification

IW54 Create Service Notification :Problem notification

IW55 Create Service Notification :Activity Request

IW56 Create Service Notification :Service Request

IW57 Assign deletion Flag to Completed Service Notifications

IW58 Change Service Notifications: Selection of Notification

IW59 Display Service Notifications: Selection of Notification

Production Planning
C001 Create Production Order

C005N Collective Release

C011N Time Ticket

C012 Confirmation - Collective

C013 Confirmation - Cancel

C00IS Production order information system

C0GI Reprocess Goods Movements

C223 Maintain production version

Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You
SEARCH_SAP_MENU can search by transaction code or menu text.

DI02 ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tables.

Legacy System Migration Workbench. An addon available

from SAP that can make data converstion a lot easier. Thanks
LSMW to Serge Desland for this one.

OSS1 SAP Online Service System

OY19 Compare Tables

Update monitor. Will show update tasks status. Very useful to

SM13 determine why an update failed.

S001 ABAP Development Workbench

S001 ABAP/4 Development Weorkbench.

S002 System Administration.

SA38 Execute a program.

SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool

SCU0 Compare Tables

SE01 Old Transport & Corrections screen

Groups together most of the tools that you need for doing
transports. In total, more than 20 tools can be reached from
SE03 this one transaction.

SE09 Workbench Organizer

SE10 New Transport & Correction screen

ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary

SE11 Display SE13 Maintain Technical Settings (Tables)

SE12 Dictionary: Initial Screen - enter object name.

SE13 Access tables in ABAP/4 Dictionary.

SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables

SE15 ABAP/4 Repository Information System

SE16 Data Browser: Initial Screen.

Table Browser (the N stands for New, it replaces SE16).

SE16N Provided by Smijo Mathew.

SE17 General Table Display

SE24 Class Builder

SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis

SE32 ABAP/4 Text Element Maintenance

SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules

SE36 ABAP/4: Logical Databases

SE37 ABAP/4 Function Modules

SE38 ABAP Editor

SE39 Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare

SE41 Menu Painter

SE43 Maintain Area Menu

Show program call hierarchy. Very useful to see the overall

structure of a program. Thanks to Isabelle Arickx for this
SE48 tcode.

Table manipulation. Show what tables are behind a

SE49 transaction code. Thanks to Isabelle Arickx for this tcode.

SE51 Screen Painter: Initial Screen.

SE54 Generate View Maintenance Module

SE61 R/3 Documentation

SE62 Industry utilities

SE63 Translation

SE64 Terminology

R/3 document. short text statistics SE66 R/3 Documentation

SE65 Statistics (Test!)

SE68 Translation Administration

SE71 SAPscript layout set

SE71 SAPScript Layouts Create/Change

SE72 SAPscript styles

SE73 SAPscript font maintenance (revised)

SE74 SAPscript format conversion

SE75 SAPscript Settings

SE76 SAPscript Translation Layout Sets

SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles

SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench

SE81 SAP Application Hierarchy

SE82 Customer Application Hierarchy

SE83 Reuse Library. Provided by Smiho Mathew.

SE84 ABAP/4 Repository Information System

SE85 ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System

SE86 ABAP/4 Repository Information System

SE87 Data Modeler Information System

SE88 Development Coordination Info System

SE91 Maintain Messages

SE92 Maintain system log messages

SE93 Maintain Transaction.

From the SAP Easy Access screen, type it in the command

field and you will be able to search the standard SAP menu for
transaction codes / keywords. It will return the nodes to follow

SEU Object Browser

SHD0 Transaction variant maintenance

SM04 Overview of Users (cancel/delete sessions)

SM12 Lock table entries (unlock locked tables)

View the system log, very useful when you get a short dump.
SM21 Provides much more info than short dump

SM30 Maintain Table Views.

SM31 Table Maintenance

SM32 Table maintenance

SM33 Display Table Parameter ID TAB

SM35 View Batch Input Sessions

SM37 View background jobs

SM50 Process Overview.

SM51 Delete jobs from system (BDC)

Display/Maintain events in SAP, also use function


SMEN Display the menu path to get to a transaction

Transactions for processing/editing/activating new customer

SMOD enhancements.

Transactions for processing/editing/activating new customer

CMOD enhancements.

SNRO Object browser for number range maintenance.

SPRO Start SAP IMG (Implementation Guide).

SQ00 ABAP/4 Query: Start Queries

SQ01 ABAP/4 Query: Maintain Queries

SQ02 ABAP/4 Query: Maintain Funct. Areas

SQ03 ABAP/4 Query: Maintain User Groups

SQ07 ABAP/4 Query: Language Comparison

ST05 Trace SQL Database Requests.

ST22 ABAP Dump analysis

SU53 Display Authorization Values for User.

WEDI EDI Menu. IDOC and EDI base.

WE02 Display an IDOC

WE07 IDOC Statistics

Human Resources
PA03 Change Payroll control record

PA20 Display PA Infotypes

PA30 Create/Change PA Infotypes

PP02 Quick Entry for PD object creation

Delete PA infotypes for an employee. Will not be able to delete

PU00 an infotype if there is cluster data assigned to the employee.

Sales and Distribution (SD)

Config for SD. Use Tools-Data Transfer-Conditions to setup
OLSD SAP supplied BDC to load pricing data

V101 Sales Initial Screen

VA07 Comparison of sales order with PR and PO ,compares date ,quantity etc

VD01-VD03 Create/change/display Customer : Sales Area

FD01-FD03 Create/change/display Customer : Accounting

XD01-XD03 Createchange/display Customer : Company Code and Sales Area

VL01-VL03 Delivery maintanance

VF01-VF03 billing maintanance

VA01-VA03 Create/change/display Sales Order

VA21-VA23 Create/change/display Quotation

VA11-VA13 Create/change/display Inquiry

VA41-VA43 Create/change/display Contract

MR01 Process Incoming Invoice

TVTY Packaging Material Types

Transaction for Volume Lease Purchases (done as a sales

VB21 deal)

Transaction used to enter multiple sales conditions (most will

VK15 be entered here)

SAP Office
SO00 send a note through SAP, can be sent to internet, X400, etc

FI Financial Management
FGRP Report Writer screen

FM12 View blocked documents by user

FST2 Insert language specific name for G/L account.

FST3 Display G/L account name.

KEA0 Maintain operating concern.

KEKE Activate CO-PA.

KEKK Assign operating concern.

KL04 Delete activity type.

KS04 Delete a cost centre.

KSH2 Change cost centre group - delete.

OBR2 Deletion program for customers, vendors, G/L accounts.

OKC5 Cost element/cost element group deletion.

OKE1 Delete transaction data.

OKE2 Delete a profit centre.

Determine Activity Number: Activity Types (Assignment of
OKI1 material number/service to activity type)

OMZ1 Definition of partner roles.

OMZ2 Language dependent key reassignment for partner roles.

1KEL Create Profit Center doument

F.01 ABAP/4 Report: Balance Sheet

F.02 Compact Journal

F.08 G/L account balance(With Credit and Debit values)

F.23 A/R:Customer Balances

F.27 A/R: Periodic Account Statements

F.27 A/R: Periodic Account Statements

F.42 A/P Account Balances(Vendor balances)

F101 ABAP/4 Report: Balance Sheet Adjustment

FBL3 Display G/L Account Line Items

FBL5 Display Customer line items

FBME Banking

FI01-03 Create ,Change ,Display Bank Master

FS10 G/L account balance

GR55 Report Writer

KO02 Change Internal Order : Master Data

FKMN Area Menu for Account Payable

FDMN Area Menu for Account Receivable

FSMN Area Menu for General ledger

F-01 Enter Sample Document

F-02 Enter G/L Account Posting

F-03 Clear G/L Account

F-04 Post with Clearing

F-05 Post Forgn Currency Valuation

F-06 Post Incoming Payments

F-07 Post Outgoing Payments

FB01-03 Post/change/display : Document

Material Management (MM)

MM01-MM03 Create/change/display material

MM06 Flag material for deletion.

MB31 Goods receipt for order

ME21-23 Create/change/display PO

MK01-MK03 Create/change/display VENDOR : Purchasing

FK01-FK03 Create/change/display VENDOR : Accounting

XK01-XK03 Create/change/display VENDOR : Centrally

BD64 Distribution model

materials management configuration menu, most of the stuff

OLMS under this menu is not under the implementation guide

MM configuration transactions
OLMB Inventory management/Physical Inventory

OLMD MM Consumption-Based Planning

OLME MM Purchasing

OLML Warehouse Management

OLMR Invoice Verification

OLMS Material Master data

OLMW MM Valuation/Account Assignment

Config Related
OLE OLE demo transaction
OLI0 C Plant Maintenance Master Data

OLI1 Set Up INVCO for Material Movements

OLI8 Set Up SIS for Deliveries

OLIA C Maintenance Processing

OLIP C Plant Maintenance Planning

OLIQ New set-up of QM info system

OLIX Set Up Copying/Deleting of Versions

OLIY Set Up Deletion of SIS/Inter.Storage

OLIZ Stat Set Up INVCO: Invoice Verif

OLM2 Customizing: Volume-Based Rebates

OLMB C RM-MAT Inventory Management Menu


OLME C MM Menu: Purchasing

OLML C MM Menu for Warehouse Management

OLMR C RM-MAT Menu: Invoice Verification

OLMS C RM-MAT Master Data Menu

OLMW C RM-MAT Valuation/Acct. Assgt. Menu

OLPA SOP Configuration

OLPE Sales order value

OLPK Customizing for capacity planning

OLPR Project System Options

OLPS Customizing Basic Data

OLPV Customizing: Std. Value Calculation

OLQB C QM QM in Procurement

OLQI Analysis

OLQM Customizing QM Quality Notifications

OLQS C QM Menu Basic Data

OLQW C QM Inspection Management

OLQZ Quality Certificates

OLS1 Customizing for Rebates

OLSD Customizing: SD

OLVA C SD Sales Menu

OLVD C SD Shipping Menu

OLVF C SD Billing Menu

OLVS C SD Menu for Master Data

SPRO Start SAP IMG (Implementation Guide)

General Notes
You can execute the following commands in the transaction code (tcode) field with Enter. You
will find some useful transaction codes below to work in tandem with the following commands:

To call a transaction - In the same session (window) Enter: /nxxxx (xxxx = transaction code). -
In an additional session, Enter: /oxxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
If you enter this function before any of the tcodes below, you are able to break out of your
current screen/business and begin a completely new session. Otherwise, the current business
process has to be terminated, and return to the initial user screen (the main menu) has to be
initiated before entering tcode spro). /o tcode saves you the effort of having to do this.

To end the current transaction Enter: /n. Caution: Unsaved changes are lost without warning
To delete the current session. Enter: /i.
To generate a session list Enter: /o.
To log off from the system Enter: /nend.
From John O'Meara
OSS Note 0026171 has additional information on OKCodes in SAP, and is a very useful read
SAP Reports
RGUGBR00 Substitution/Validation utility

RHGENZ0/HRGR RHGRENZ0/2 will abend if there are any

ENZ2 Notes inconsistencies between PD and PA (i.e. people in
a different controlling area than the position they
belong to).

RHGRENZ0 Delimit IT1000 and related 1001s. Program will

delete any 1001 infotypes whose start date is after
the delimit date.

RHGRENZ1 Extend the end date on delimited records. Very

useful when you delimit a bunch of records
incorrectly, and need to change the end date.

RHGRENZ2 Delimit IT1001 only.

RKCTSEAR Search source code for up to two strings. Also see


RPDTRA00 List all HR transactions.

RPR_ABAP_SO Search ABAP code for a string. Has many more

URCE_SCAN options for selecting the ABAPs to search than

RPUAUD00 HR Report to list all logged changes for an

employee. Uses the PCL4 Audit Cluster.

RPUAUDDL HR Report to delete audit data from the PCL4 Audit


RPUDELPN Delete all info for an employee number, including

cluster data and infotypes

RPUP1D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL1 Cluster

RPUP2D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL2 Cluster

RPUP3D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL3 Cluster

RPUP4D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL4 Cluster

RSABAPIV Mass print/display of ABAP/4 help text

RSAVGL00 Table adjustment across clients

RSBDCBTC Submit a BDC job with an internal batch number
and wait for the end of the batch input session.

RSBDCDRU Prints the contents of a Batch Input session. No

options for error transactions only.

RSBDCOS0 Execute UNIX commands. Looks similar to the old

SAPMSOS0 program that disappeared in 3.0

RSBDCSUB Release batch input sessions automatically

RSBTCDEL Clean the old background job records

RSCLTCOP Copy tables across clients

RSDBCREO Clean batch input session log

RSINCL00 Extended program list

RSORAREL Get the Oracle Release

RSPARAM Display all instance parameters

RSPO0041 Removing old spooling objects

RSRSCAN1 Search source code for a given string. Will also

search includes. Also see RKCTSEAR and

RSSNAPDL Clean the old ABAP error dumps

RSTBSERV Compare a contents of a table between clients

RSTXFCON Converts SAPScript page formats

RSTXSCRP Save a SAPScript layout set to disk, and load it

back into SAP.

RSTXSCRP Transport SAPscript files across systems

RSTXSCRP Upload and download SAPScript layout sets

RSTXTRAN Add standard texts to a transport so they can be

moved between systems.

RSUSR003 Check the passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in

all clients

RSUSR006 List users last login

RSWBO052 Change development class of a sapscript (provided
by Alan Cecchini)

RSWBO060 put objects into a request and transport it to any

other system

RFSKPL00 Global chart of accounts(General data)+B106

RFSKVZ00 Local chart of accounts(Ccode specific)
RFBELJ00 transaction journal
RFSLD00 Trial balance
RFBILA00 balance sheet /P&L
RFHABU00 balance audit trail
RFSKTH00 Financial policy manual
RFBUSU00 Postings totla
RFSABL00 Changes to g/l account
RFEPOJ00 Line item journal
SAPMV45A Sales Order Processing
SAPMM06E Purchase Order Processing
SAPMF02K Vendor master
SAPMM03M Material master
SAPLF0180 Balance sheet readjustment
RSWBO052 Change Development Class
RSTXFCON Converts page format
RSTXSCRP pload/Download layout sets
RSTXCHKO To Correct Inconsistencies in Copying Script
RAALTD11 Asset master upload
SAP Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables

Materials Management Tables

Purchasing Tables

Plant Maintenance/Sales and Distribution Tables

Finance Tables

Human Resources Tables/Infotypes

Project Systems Tables

Production Planning

System Tables

Sales and Distribution Tables

KONV Conditions for Transaction Data

KONP Conditions for Items

LIKP Delivery Header Data

LIPS Delivery: Item data

VBAK Sales Document: Header Data

VBAP Sales Document: Item Data

VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records

VBEH Schedule line history

VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data

VBFA Sales Document Flow

VBLB Sales document: Release order data

VBLK SD Document: Delivery Note Header

VBPA Sales Document: Partner

VBRK Billing: Header Data

VBRP Billing: Item Data

VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative

VBUP Sales Document: Item Status

VEKP Handling Unit - Header Table

VEPO Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)

VEPVG Delivery Due Index

Materials Management Tables

EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data

EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization


MAKT Material Descriptions

MARA General Material Data

MARC Plant Data for Material

MARD Storage Location Data for Material

MAST Material to BOM Link

MBEW Material Valuation

MKPF Header- Material Document

MSEG Document Segment- Material

MVER Material Consumption

MVKE Sales Data for materials

RKPF Document Header- Reservation

T023 Mat. groups

T024 Purchasing Groups

T156 Movement Type

T157H Help Texts for Movement Types

Purchasing Tables
A501 Plant/Material

EBAN Purchase Requisition

EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment

EKAB Release Documentation

EKBE History per Purchasing Document

EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines

EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document

EKKO Purchasing Document Header

EKPO Purchasing Document Item

IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document

ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items

LFA1 Vendor Master (General section)

LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)

NRIV Number range intervals

RESB Reservation/dependent requirements

T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types

Plant Maintenance/Sales and Distribution


AFAB Network - Relationships

AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order

AFFL Work order sequence

AFFT Order - Process Instructions

AFFV Order - Process Instruction Values

AFFW Goods movements with errors from confirmations

AFIH Maintenance order header

AFKO Order header data PP orders

AFPO Order item

AFRC Incorrect cost calculations from confirmations

AFRD Default values for collective confirmation

AFRH Header information for confirmation pool

AFRU Order completion confirmations

AFRV Confirmations pool

AFVC Operation within an order

AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation

AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the


AFWI Subsequently posted goods movements for


AUFK Order master data

AUFM Goods movements for order

BGMK Master Warranty Header

BGMP Master Warranty Item

BGMS Master Warranty Text Item

BGMT Master Warranty Text

BGMZ Warranty Counter

CRHD Work Center Header

CRTX Text for the Work Center or Production


EQKT Equipment Short Texts

EQST Equipment to BOM Link

EQUI Equipment master data

EQUZ Equipment time segment

HIKO Order master data history

IFLO Table generated for View IFLO

IFLOT Functional Location (Table)

IFLOTX Functional Location- Short Texts

IHGNS Permit Segment for Plant Maintenance

IHPA Plant Maintenance- Partners

IHSG Object-Related Permits in Plant Maintenance

ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment

IMPTT Measuring Point (Table)

IMRG Measurement Document

KAKO Capacity Header Segment

KONP Conditions (Item)

KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)

OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List

QMEL Quality Notification

QMFE Quality notification - items

QMIH Quality message - maintenance data excerpt

QMMA Quality notification - activities

QMSM Quality notification - tasks

QMUR Quality notification - causes

T001 Company Codes

T001L Storage Locations

T001W Plants/Branches

T077D Customer account groups

T003O Order Types

T352R Maintenance revisions

T353I_T Maintenance activity type description

T356 Priorities

T357G Permits

T357G_T Text for Table 357GT

T370A Activity Category for PM Lists

TINCT Customers- Incoterms- Texts

TVKO Organizational Unit- Sales Organizations

TVKOS Organizational Unit- Divisions per Sales


TVKOV Org. Unit- Distribution Channels per Sales


TVTA Organizational Unit- Sales Area(s)

VIAUFKST Generated Table for View VIAUFKST

Finance Tables

AGKO Cleared Accounts

ANAR Asset Types

ANAT Asset type text

ANEK Document Header Asset Posting

ANEP Asset Line Items

ANEV Asset downpymt settlement

ANKT Asset classes- Description

ANLA Asset Master Record Segment

ANLB Depreciation terms

ANLC Asset Value Fields

ANLH Main asset number

AT02T Transaction Activity Category- Description

AT02A Transaction Code for Menu TIMN

AT10 Transaction type

AT10T Name of Transaction Type

BKDF Document Header Supplement for Recurring Entry

BKORM Accounting Correspondence Requests

BKPF Accounting Document Header

BLPK Document log header

BLPP Document log item

BLPR Document Log Index and Planned Order


BNKA Bank master record

BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data)

BPBK Doc.Header Controlling Obj.

BPEG Line Item Total Values Controlling Obj.

BPEJ Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.

BPEP Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.

BPGE Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.

BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.

BSAD Accounting- Secondary Index for Customers

(Cleared Items)

BSAK Accounting- Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared


BSAS Accounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts

(Cleared Items)

BSEC One-Time Account Data Document Segment

BSEG Accounting Document Segment

BSID Accounting- Secondary Index for Customers

BSIK Accounting- Secondary Index for Vendors

BSIM Secondary Index, Documents for Material

BSIS Accounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts

CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table

CEPCT Texts for Profit Center Master Data

COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlement

COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order

COKA CO Object- Control Data for Cost Elements

COSP CO Object- Cost Totals for External Postings

COSS CO Object- Cost Totals for Internal Postings

CRCO Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center

CSKA Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Chart of


CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling


CSLA Activity master

FEBEP Electronic Bank Statement Line Items

FPLA Billing Plan

FPLT Billing Plan- Dates

GLPCT EC-PCA- Totals Table

KNA1 General Data in Customer Master

KOMK Pricing Communication Header

MAHNV Management Records for the Dunning Program

REGUT TemSe - Administration Data

SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)

SKAT G/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts-


SKB1 G/L account master (company code)

T003T Document Type Texts

T007S Tax Code Names

T087J Text

TAPRFT Text tab. for investment profile

TKA01 Controlling Areas

TKA09 Basic Settings for Versions

TKVS CO Versions

TZB0T Flow types text table

TZPAT Financial Assets Management product type texts

VBSEGS Document Segment for G/L Accounts Document


VTBFHA Transaction

VTBFHAPO Transaction Flow

VTBFHAZU Transaction Activity

VTBFINKO Transaction Condition

VTIDERI Master Data Listed Options and Futures

VTIFHA Underlying transaction

VTIFHAPO Underlying transaction flows

VTIFHAZU Underlying transaction status table

VTIOF Options Additional Data

VWPANLA Asset master for securities

Human Resources Tables/Infotypes

CATSCO Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to


CATSDB CATS- Database Table for Time Sheet

CATSHR Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to


CATSMM Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to


CATSPM Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to


CATSPS Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to


CSKS Cost Center Master Data

CSKT Cost Center Texts

PCL1 HR Cluster 1

PCL2 HR Cluster 2

T001P Personnel Area/Subarea

T001T Company code-dependent texts

T500L Personnel Country Grouping

T500P Personnel Areas

T502T Marital Status Designators

T503 Employee Group/Subgroup

T503T Employee Subgroup Names

T508A Work Schedule Rules

T510 Pay Scale Groups

T510A Pay Scale Types

T510F Assign Pay Scale --- Currency

T510W Pay Scale - Period Parameter Assignment

T511 Wage Types

T512T Wage Type Texts

T512W Wage Type Valuation

T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype

T527X Organizational Units

T528T Position Texts

T529T Personnel Action Texts

T529U Status Values

T530 Reasons for Actions

T530T Reason for Action Texts

T549A Payroll Accounting Areas

T549Q Payroll Periods

T550A Daily Work Schedule

T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts

T551S Period Work Schedule Texts

T552A Monthly Work Schedule

T554C Absence Valuation

T554S Attendance and Absence Types

T554T Attendance and Absence Texts

T558B Payroll Account Transfer- Payroll Periods

T569V Control Records

T5K8C Transfer ext. payroll results into Canadian specific


T74FA Benefit insurance plan

T74FC Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule

HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table (Objects)

HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table (Relationships)

HRP1002 Infotype 1002 DB Table

HRP1003 Infotype 1003 DB Table

HRP1004 Infotype 1004 DB table

HRP1005 DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned


HRP1006 Infotype 1006 DB table

HRP1007 Infotype 1007 DB Table

HRP1008 Infotype 1008 DB Table

HRP1009 Infotype 1009 DB table

HRP1010 Infotype 1010 DB table

HRP1011 Infotype 1011 DB Table

HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB Table

HRP1014 Infotype 1014 DB Table

HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table

HRP1016 Infotype 1016 DB Table

HRP1017 Infotype 1016 DB Table

HRP1018 DB Table for Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution

HRP1019 DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions

HRP1020 Infotype 1020 DB table


HRP1023 Infotype 1023 DB table



HRP1026 Infotype 1026 DB table

HRP1027 Infotype 1027 DB table

HRP1028 Infotype 1028 DB Table

HRP1029 Infotype 1029 DB table

HRP1030 Infotype 1030 DB table

HRP1031 Infotype 1031 DB table

HRP1032 Infotype 1032 DB Table

HRP1033 DB table for infotype 1033

HRP1034 Infotype 1034 DB table

HRP1035 Infotype 1035 DB Table

HRP1036 Infotype 1036 DB table

HRP1037 Infotype 1037 DB Table

HRP1038 Infotype 1038 DB table

HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039

HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040

HRP1041 DB Table for Infotype 1041

HRP1042 Infotype 1042 DB Table

HRP1043 DB Table for Infotype 1043

HRP1044 DB Table for Infotype 1044

HRP1045 DB Table for Infotype 1045

HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046

HRP1047 DB Table for Infotype 1047

HRP1048 DB Table for Infotype 1048

HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049

HRP1050 DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation


HRP1051 DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results)

HRP1060 DB Table for Infotype 1060

HRP1061 DB Table for Infotype 1061

HRP1062 DB Table for Infotype 1062

HRP1063 DB Table for Infotype 1063

HRP1201 Infotype 1201 DB Table

HRP1205 Infotype 1205 DB Table

HRP1206 Infotype 1206 DB Table

HRP1208 Infotype 1208 DB Table

HRP1209 Infotype 1209 DB Table

HRP1210 Infotype 1210 DB Table

HRP1211 Infotype 1211 DB Table

HRP1212 Infotype 1212 DB Table

HRP1213 Infotype 1213 DB Table

HRP1214 Infotype 1214 DB Table

HRP1215 Infotype 1215 DB Table

HRP1216 Infotype 1216 DB Table

HRP1217 Infotype 1217 DB Table

HRP1218 DB Table for Infotype 1218

HRP1220 DB Table for Infotype 1220 Activity Profile

HRP1221 DB Table for Infotype 1221 Excluded Activities

HRP1222 Infotype 1222- General attribute maintenance

HRP1230 DB Table for Infotype 1230

HRP1240 DB Table for Infotype 1240

HRP1250 DB table for infotype 1250

HRP1251 DB table for infotype 1251

HRP1252 DB table for infotype 1252

HRP1253 DB table for infotype 1253

HRP1254 DB Table for Infotype 1254

HRP1260 DB Table for Infotype 1260

HRP1270 DB Table for Info Type 1270

HRP1403 DB table for infotype 1403

HRP1404 DB table for infotype 1404

HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500

HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501

HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502

HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503

HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504

HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505

HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506

HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507

HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518

HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519

HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520

HRP1600 Database Table for Infotype 1600

HRP1601 Database Table for Infotype 1601

HRPAD21 Additional data PAD21

HRPAD22 Additional data PAD22

HRPAD23 Additional data PAD23

HRPAD25 Additional data PAD25

HRPAD27 Additional data PAD27

HRPAD31 Additional data PAD31

HRPAD34 Additional Data for Relationship 'has attended'

HRPAD44 PAD44 Additional Data

HRPAD47 PAD47 Additional Data

HRPAD48 Additional Data PAD48

HRPAD50 Additional Data PAD50

HRPAD51 Additional data PAD51

HRPAD53 Additional Data PAD53

HRPAD63 PAD63 Additional Data

HRPAD77 Additional data for PAD77

HRPADBLIST Additional Data Databases

HRPADD2 Additional Data PADD2

HRPADD3 Additional Data PADD3

HRPADIC Additional Data PADD2

HRPADNLIST Additional Data Number List

HRPADNN General Additional Data Table

HRPADP1 Additional Data PADP1

HRPADP2 Additional Data PADP2

HRPADPM Additional Data PADPM

HRPADTI PADTI Additional Data

HRPADUZ PADUZ Additional Data- Requirements Assignment

of Persons
HRPADXN Additional Data PADXN

HRPS_T012K For Decoupled Access to T012K (House Bank and


HRPVAC List of vacant positions

HRPXXXX DB Table for Infotype XXXX

HRPYYYY DB Table for Infotype YYYY

PA2001 HR Time Record- Infotype 2001 (Absences)

PA2001_UGR Generated Table for View PA2001_UGR

PA2002 HR Time Record- Infotype 2002 (Attendances)

PA2002_UGR Generated Table for View PA2002_UGR

PA2003 HR Time Record- Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)

PA2004 HR Time Record- Infotype 2004 (Availability)

PA2005 HR Time Record- Infotype 2005 (Overtime)

PA2006 HR Time Record- Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)

PA2006_UGR Generated Table for View PA2006_UGR

PA2007 HR Time Record- Infotype 2007 (Attendance


PA2007_UGR Generated Table for View PA2007_UGR

PA2010 HR Time Record- Infotype 2010 (Employee

Remuneration Info.)

PA2012 HR Time Record- Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer


PA2013 HR Time Record- Infotype 2013 (Quota


PA2500 HR Master Record for Infotype 2500

PA2501 HR Master Record for Infotype 2501

PA2502 HR Master Record for Infotype 2502

PA0000 HR Master Record- Infotype 0000 (Actions)

PA0001 HR Master Record- Infotype 0001 (Org.

PA0002 HR Master Record- Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)

PA0003 HR Master Record- Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)

PA0004 HR Master Record- Infotype 0004 (Challenge)

PA0005 HR Master Record- Infotype 0005 (Leave


PA0006 HR Master Record- Infotype 0006 (Addresses)

PA0007 HR Master Record- Infotype 0007 (Planned

Working Time)

PA0008 HR Master Record- Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)

PA0009 HR Master Record- Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)

PA0010 HR Master Record- Infotype 0010 (Capital


PA0011 HR Master Record- Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank


PA0012 HR Master Record- Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data -


PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany

PA0014 HR Master Record- Infotype 0014 (Recur.


PA0015 HR Master Record- Infotype 0015 (Additional


PA0016 HR Master Record- Infotype 0016 (Contract


PA0017 HR master record- Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)

PA0019 HR Master Record- Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of


PA0020 HR Master Record- Infotype 0020 (DUEVO)

PA0021 HR Master Record- Infotype 0021 (Family)

PA0022 HR Master Record- Infotype 0022 (Education)

PA0023 HR Master Record- Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous

PA0024 HR Master Record- Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)

PA0025 HR Master Record- Infotype 0025 (Appraisals)

PA0026 HR Master Record- Infotype 0026 (Company


PA0027 HR Master Record- Infotype 0027 (Cost


PA0028 HR Master Record- Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical


PA0029 HR Master Record- Infotype 0029 (Workers'


PA0030 HR Master Record- Infotype 0030 (Powers of


PA0031 HR Master Record- Infotype 0031 (Reference


PA0032 HR Master Record- Infotype 0032 (Internal Data)

PA0033 International Infotype 0033- Statistics Exceptions

PA0034 HR Master Record- Infotype 0034 (Corporate


PA0035 HR Master Record- Infotype 0035 (Comp.Instr.)

PA0036 HR Master Record- Infotype 0036 (Social

Insurance CH)

PA0037 HR Master Record- Infotype 0037 (Insurance)

PA0038 HR Master Record- Infotype 0038 (Fiscal Data CH)

PA0039 HR Master Record- Infotype 0039 (Add. Org.

Assignment CH)

PA0040 HR Master Record- Infotype 0040 (Objects on


PA0041 HR Master Record- Infotype 0041 (Date


PA0042 HR Master Record- Infotype 0042 (Fiscal Data -


PA0043 HR Master Record- Infotype 0043 (Family

Allowance - A)
PA0044 HR Master Record- Infotype 0044 (Social
Insurance - A)

PA0045 HR Master Record- Infotype 0045 (Company


PA0046 HR Master Record- Infotype 0046 (Company

Pension Fund CH)

PA0048 HR Master Record- Infotype 0048 (Residence

Status - CH)

PA0049 HR Master Record- Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad


PA0050 HR Master Record- Infotype 0050 (Time


PA0051 HR Master Record- Infotype 0051 (ASB/SPI Data)

PA0052 HR Master Record- Infotype 0052 (Wage


PA0053 HR Master Record- Infotype 0053 (Company


PA0054 HR Master Record- Infotype 0054 (Works Council


PA0055 HR Master Record- Infotype 0055 (Previous

Employer - A)

PA0056 HR Master Record- Infotype 0056 (Sick


PA0057 HR Master Record- Infotype 0057 (Membership


PA0058 HR Master Record- Infotype 0058 (Commuter Rate

- Austria)

PA0059 HR Master Record- Infotype 0059 (Social

Insurances - NL)

PA0060 HR Master Record- Infotype 0060 (Fiscal Data -


PA0061 HR Master Record- Infotype 0061 (Social

Insurance - ES)

PA0062 HR master record- Infotype 0062 Fiscal data (ES)

PA0063 HR Master Record- Infotype 0063 (Social Fund -

PA0064 HR Master Record- Infotype 0064 (Social
Insurance - F)

PA0065 HR Master Record- Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)

PA0066 HR Master data infotype 0066 - Canadian

garnishment- order

PA0067 HR master data infotype 0067 - Canadian

garnishment- debt

PA0068 HR master data infotype 0068 - Canadian

garnishment- adjust

PA0069 HR Master Record- Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance -


PA0070 HR Master Record- Infotype 0070 (Court Orders -


PA0071 HR Master Record- Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds

- GB)

PA0072 HR Master Record- Infotype 0072 (Fiscal Data -


PA0073 HR Master Record- Infotype 0073 (Private

Pensions - DK)

PA0074 HR Master Record- Infotype 0074 (Leave

Processing - DK)

PA0075 HR Master Record- Infotype 0075 (ATP Pension -


PA0076 HR Master Record- Infotype 0076 (Workers

Compensation NA)

PA0077 HR Master Record- Infotype 0077 (Additional

Personal Data)

PA0078 HR Master Record- Infotype 0078 (Loan


PA0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D

PA0080 HR Master Record- Infotype 0080 (Maternity


PA0081 HR Master Record- Infotype 0081 (Military Service)

PA0082 HR Master Record- Infotype 0082 (Additional
Absence Data)

PA0083 HR Master Record- Infotype 0083 (Leave


PA0084 HR Master Record- Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay

Control - GB)

PA0085 HR Master Record- Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity

Periods GB)

PA0086 HR Master Record- Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP

Exclusions GB)

PA0087 HR Master Record- Infotype 0087 (WFTC/DPTC


PA0088 HR Master Record- Infotype 0088 (SMP Record -


PA0090 HR Master Record- Infotype 0090 (Additional


PA0092 HR master record- Infotype 0092 Seniority (ES)

PA0093 HR Master Record- Infotype 0093 (Previous

Employers - D)

PA0094 HR Master Record- Infotype 0094 (Residence

Status - NA)

PA0095 HR Master Record- Infotype 0095 (Tax Canada)

PA0096 HR Master Record- Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)

PA0098 HR Master Record- Infotype 0098 (Profit Sharing -


PA0100 HR Master Record- Infotype 0100 (SI B)

PA0101 HR Master Record- Infotype 0101 (Tax B)

PA0102 HR Master Record- Infotype 0102 (Grievances NA)

PA0103 HR Master Record- Infotype 0103 (Bond

Purchases NA)

PA0104 HR Master Record- Infotype 0104 (Bond

Denominations NA)

PA0105 HR Master Record- Infotype 0105

PA0106 HR Master Record- Infotype 0106 (Related
Persons NA)

PA0107 HR Master Record- Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule


PA0108 HR Master Record- Infotype 0108 (Personal Data


PA0109 HR Master Record- Infotype 0109 (Contract

Elements B)

PA0110 HR Master Record- Infotype 0110 (Pensions NL)

PA0111 HR Master Record- Infotype 0111

(Garnishment/Cession - D)

PA0112 HR Master Record- Infotype 0112 (Garnishment

Claim - D)

PA0113 HR Master Record- Infotype 0113 (Garnish.

Interest - D)

PA0114 HR Master Record- Infotype 0114 (Garnishment

Amount D)

PA0115 HR Master Record- Infotype 0115 (Garnishment

Wages D )

PA0116 HR Master Record- Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer


PA0117 HR Master Record- Infotype 0117 (Garn.

Compensation D)

PA0118 HR Master Record- Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance


PA0119 HR Master Record- Infotype 0119 (Annual Income


PA0120 HR Master Record- Infotype 0120 (Pension Fund

Trans. CH)

PA0121 HR Master Record- Infotype 0121 (RefPerNo


PA0122 HR Master Record- Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance

Bonus D)

PA0125 HR Master Record- Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B)

PA0126 Infotype- Supplementary Pension Germany

PA0127 HR Master Record- Infotype 0127 (Commuter

Traffic NL)

PA0128 HR Master Record- Infotype 0128 (Notifications)

PA0129 HR Master Record- Infotype 0129 (Text Number


PA0130 HR Master Record- Infotpye 0130 (Checking


PA0131 HR Master Record- Infotype 0131

(Garnishment/Cession A)

PA0132 HR Master Record- Infotype 0132 (Garnishment

Claim A)

PA0133 HR Master Record- Infotype 0133 (Garn. Interest


PA0134 HR Master Record- Infotype 0134 (Garnishment

Amount A)

PA0135 HR Master Record- Infotype 0135 (Spec. Garn.

Cond. A)

PA0136 HR Master Record- Infotype 0136 (Garn. Transfer


PA0137 HR Master Record- Infotype 0137 (Garn.

Compensation A)

PA0138 HR Master Record- Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers


PA0139 HR Master Record- Infotype 0139 (Employees


PA0140 HR Master Record- Infotype 0140 (SI Basic Data


PA0141 HR Master Record- Infotype 0141 (SI Premium

Data JP)

PA0142 HR Master Record- Infotype 0142 (Residence Tax


PA0143 HR Master Record- Infotype 0143 (Life Insurance


PA0144 HR Master Record- Infotype 0144 (Property

Accum. JP)
PA0145 HR Master Record- Infotype 0145 (Personnel Tax
Status JP)

PA0146 HR Master Record- Infotype 0146 (Y.E.A. Data JP)

PA0147 HR Master Record- Infotype 0147

PA0148 HR Master Record- Infotype 0148 (Family JP)

PA0149 HR Master Record Infotype 0149 (Tax Data South


PA0150 HR Master Record Infotype 0150 (Social Insurance


PA0151 HR Master Record Infotype 0151 (Ext.Insurance

South Africa)

PA0154 HR master record, infotype 0154 (social security


PA0155 HR master record, infotype 0155


PA0156 HR master data, infotype 0156 (Tax deduction)

PA0157 HR master record, infotype 0157 (User

PA0158 HR mater record, infotype 0158 (Amounts paid by

3rd party)

PA0159 HR master record, infotype 0159 (Seniority)

PA0160 HR master record, infotype 0160 (Family


PA0161 HR Master Record- Infotype 0161 (Limits IRS)

PA0162 HR Master Record- Infotype 0162 (Ins. Y.E.T.A

Data JP)

PA0165 HR Master Record- Infotype 0165 (Limits


PA0167 HR Master Record- Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)

PA0168 HR Master Record- Infotype 0168 (Insurance


PA0169 HR Master Record- Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)

PA0170 HR Master Record- Infotype 0170 (Flexible
Spending Accounts)

PA0171 HR Master Record- Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits


PA0172 HR Master Record- Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)

PA0173 Tax card information

PA0177 HR Master Record- Infotype 0177 (Reg. Country of

Birth NL)

PA0179 HR Master Record- Infotype 0179 (Tax SG)

PA0180 Alternative Address Data (Thailand)

PA0181 HR Master Record- Infotype 0181 [Add. Funds]


PA0182 HR Master Record- Infotype 0182 [Alternative

Names] (SG)

PA0183 HR Master Record- Infotype 0183 [Awards] (SG)

PA0184 HR Master Record- Infotype 0184 [Resume text]


PA0185 HR Master Record- Infotype 0185 [Identification]


PA0186 HR Master Record- Infotype 0186 [Social

Insurance] (SG)

PA0187 Additional family data

PA0188 Tax (Australia)

PA0189 HR Master Record- Infotype 0189 (Construction

Pay- Funds)

PA0190 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0190


PA0191 HR Master Record Infotype 0191


PA0192 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0192

(BuildingTrade Attrib)

PA0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment

PA0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment

PA0196 HR Master Record-Infotype 0196 (Employee

Provident Fund MY)

PA0197 HR Master Record-Infotype 0197 (SOCSO

Contributions MY)

PA0198 Sheduled Tax Deductuion Malaysia

PA0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus -


PA0200 HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments


PA0201 Personnel master record infotype 0201 (basic

pension amnts)

PA0202 HR master data infotype 0202 (Entitlements)

PA0203 HR master record infotype 0203 (Pension/Reserve


PA0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS

Statistics DK)

PA0205 HR Master Record- Infotype 0205

PA0206 HR Master Record- Infotype 0206, SI Finland

PA0207 HR Master Record- Infotype 0207 (Residence Tax


PA0208 HR Master Record- Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area -


PA0209 HR Master Record- Infotype 0209 (Unemployment

Insurance USA)

PA0210 HR Master Record- Infotype 0210 (W4 USA)

PA0211 HR Master Record- Infotype 0211 (COBRA


PA0212 HR Master Record- Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health


PA0213 Additional family information - Malaysia

PA0214 HR Master Record Infotype 0214

PA0215 Building Trade Transaction Data

PA0216 Garnishment Adjustment

PA0217 HR Master Record Infotype 0217 (INSEE code)

PA0218 HR Master Record- Infotype 0218 (Pensioner Fund

No. - F)

PA0219 HR Master Record- Infotype 0219 (External


PA0220 Superannuation (Australia)

PA0221 HR Master Record- Infotype 0221 (Manual Checks)

PA0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company

Cars GB)

PA0224 Tax information - infotype 0224 - Canada

PA0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company

Cars GB 2)

PA0227 Tax file number (Australia)

PA0228 HR Master Record- Infotype 0228

PA0230 HR Master Record- Infotype 0230 / View 0008


PA0231 HR Master Record- Infotype 0231 / View 0001


PA0232 Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child

Allowance) (D)

PA0233 HR Master Record Infotype 0233 ('Bilan Social' FR)

PA0234 HR Master Record Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh.

Inform. - USA)

PA0235 HR Master Record- Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes -


PA0236 HR Master Record- Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)

PA0237 HR Master Record- Infotype 0237 / View for 0052


PA0241 Indonesian Tax Data

PA0242 JAMSOSTEK Details, Indonesia

PA0261 Leave Accrual Australia

PA0263 HR Master Record for Infotype 0263

PA0264 HR Master Record- Infotype 0264/view for Infotype


PA0265 HR Master Record- Infotype 0265 / Special

Regulations (PSG)

PA0266 HR Master Record- Infotype 0266 / View 0027


PA0267 HR Master Record- Infotype 0267 (One time

Payment off-cycle)

PA0268 HR Master Record Infortype view 0045 and 0268

(Loan JPN)

PA0269 HR Master Record- Infotype 0269 (ADP

Information USA)

PA0270 HR Master Data Record- Infotype 0270 (COBRA


PA0271 HR master data infotype 0271 (Public Sector


PA0272 HR Master Record Infotype 0272 (Garnishment


PA0273 HR Master Record- Infotype 0273 (Tax - SE)

PA0274 HR Master Record- Infotype 0274 (Insurance - SE)

PA0275 HR Master Record- Infotype 0275 (Garnishment -


PA0276 HR Master Record- Infotype 0276 (OPIS - SE)

PA0277 HR Master Record- Infotype 0277 (Exceptions -


PA0278 HR Master Record- Infotype 0278 (Basic Data PF


PA0279 HR Master Record- Infotype 0279 (Individual

Values PF [CH])

PA0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016

PA0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045

PA0283 HR Master Record for Infotype 0283 (Archiving)

PA0288 HR CH- HR Master Record Infotype 0021 (Suppl.


PA0302 HR Master Record- Infotype 0302 (Additional


PA0303 HR Master Record- Infotype 303 (reductn


PA0304 Basic pay - additional information

PA0305 HR master record, infotype 0305 (previous


PA0306 HR master record, infotype 0306 (Family data)

PA0309 IRD Number Infotype NZ

PA0310 Superannuation NZ

PA0311 Leave Adjustments - NZ

PA0312 Leave History Adjustments NZ

PA0313 Employee Taxation Detail Infotype NZ

PA0314 I0314- Days for Vacation Bonus and Sal. Deducs


PA0315 CATS- Sender Information

PA0317 HR Master Record- Infotype 0317 (special


PA0318 HR Master Record- Infotype Family data for

Indonesia (0318)

PA0319 Indonesia Private Insurances

PA0320 Official housing

PA0321 Employee accommodations

PA0322 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0322 (Pensions

and Rel. Ben.)

PA0323 HR Master Record Infotype 0323 (Pension Plan)

PA0326 HR Master Record IT 0326 (Imputation to Pension

PA0329 HR master record infotype 0329 ( Sideline Job)

PA0330 Infotype 0330 (Non-monetary remuneration)

PA0331 HR Master Record- Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)

PA0332 HR Master Record- Infotype 0332 (Social Security -


PA0333 HR Master Record- Infotype 0333 (Disability - P)

PA0334 HR Master Record- Infotype 0334

PA0335 HR Master Data- Infotype 0335 (view of infotype 21

- PT)

PA0336 HR Master Data- Infotype 0336 (view of infotype 2 -


PA0337 HR Master Record- Infotype 0337 (Prof.

Classifications - PT)

PA0338 HR Master record- Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.

clearing - PT)

PA0341 HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start)

PA0342 HR Master Record- Infotype 0342 (HK Extension to


PA0344 HR Master Record- Infotype 0344 (Familiy

members HK)

PA0345 HR Master Record- Infotype 0345 (Hong Kong Tax)

PA0346 HR Master Record- Infotype 0346 (Contribution


PA0347 HR Master Record- Infotype 0347 (Entitlement


PA0348 HR Master Record- Infotype 0348 (HK Appraisal

and bonus)

PA0349 HR Master Record- Infotype 0349 (Eligibility


PA0351 HR Master Record- Infotype 0351 (Country


PA0352 NHI for Family member (TW)

PA0353 Income Tax Taiwan

PA0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan

PA0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan

PA0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)

PA0357 Saving Plan (TW)

PA0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)

PA0359 HR Master Record - Infotype 0359 (PRSI Ireland)

PA0360 HR Master Record - Infotype 0360 (PRSI Ireland)

PA0361 HR Master Record - Infotype 0361 (Pensions

Admin. - IE)

PA0362 HR Master Record- Infotype Membership for

Indonesia (0362)

PA0363 Previous employment period

PA0364 Infotype Tax TH

PA0365 Social Security TH

PA0366 Provident Fund THAILAND

PA0367 HR Master Record- Infotype 0367 (SI Notification

Suppl. A)

PA0368 Rehabilitants

PA0369 Master data- Infotype 0369 (IMSS data)

PA0370 Master data- Infotype 0370 (INFONAVIT credit


PA0371 Master Data- Infotype 0371 (Tax on previous


PA0372 Master data- Infotype 0372 (Integrated daily wage)

PA0373 HR loan repayment plan JP (for P0268)

PA0374 Infortype 0374- General Eligibility

PA0375 HR Master Data Record- Infotype 0375 (Add.

Benefits Inform.)

PA0376 HR Master Data Record- Infotype 0376 (Medical

Benefits Info)
PA0377 HR Master Record- Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous

PA0378 HR Master Data Record- Infotype 0378 (Benefit

Adj. Reason)

PA0379 HR Master Record- Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase


PA0380 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0380 (Comp.


PA0381 HR Master Record Infotype 0381 (Comp. Plan


PA0382 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0382 (Stock)

PA0383 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0383

(Compensation Package)

PA0384 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0384

PA0386 HR Master Record- Infotype 0386 (VHI Scheme)

PA0387 HR Master Record - Infotype 0387 (Starter's


PA0388 HR Master Record- Infotype 0388 (Union JP)

PA0389 Income Tax- General indicators

PA0390 Income Tax- Deductions

PA0391 Income Tax- Information on other employers

PA0392 Social Security- General data

PA0393 Family data- Calendar year schooling assistance

PA0394 Family data- Additional information

PA0395 HR Master Record- Infotype 0395 (External


PA0396 HR Master Record- Infotype 0396 (Expatriate


PA0397 Infotype 0021 Family

PA0398 Infotype 0016 - Corporation and contract


PA0399 HRMS-VE- Table for Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)

PA0400 HRMS-VE- Table for SSO Infotype (IT0400)

PA0401 HRMS-VE- Table for Benefits Infotype (IT401)

PA0402 HR Master Data Infotype 0402

PA0403 HR Master Record for Infotype 0403

PA0404 HR Master Record- Infotype 0404 (Military Service


PA0405 HR Master Record- Infotype 0405 (Absence Event)

PA0406 HR-PSG- Infotype 0406 (Pension information)

PA0407 HR master record, infotype 0407 (Abs.addit.inf.)

PA0408 HR Master Record- Infotype 0408 (CBS NL)

PA0409 HR Master Record- Infotype 0409 (External

Agencies NL)

PA0410 Infotype 0410 - Transportation ticket

PA0411 Taxation Philippines - infotype

PA0412 HR Master Record- Infotype 0412 [View to I0021]


PA0415 HR Master Record- Infotype 0415

PA0416 Time Quota Compensation Infotype- Database


PA0419 HR Master record- Manual tax reporting information

- Norway

PA0421 HR master record, infotype 0421 (spec.remuner.)

PA0422 SSS Philippines infotype

PA0423 HR Master Record- Infotype 0423

PA0424 Industrial Accident / Maternity / Sickness Statement


PA0425 Data Entry of Per Diem Sick Pay Summary

PA0426 Garnishment

PA0427 Debts by garnishment

PA0428 Beneficiary data (Additional information)

PA0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009

PA0434 HR Master Record Infotype 0434/View for 0011

(GB Version)

PA0435 HR Master Record for Infotype 0435

PA0436 HR Master Record for Infotype 0436

PA0437 Multiple employment (BR)

PA0438 HR Master Record- Infotype 0438

PA0439 HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data


PA0440 HR Master Record- Infotype 0440 (Receipts)

PA0442 HR Master Record- Infotype 0442

PA0447 US Federal Tax MTD

PA0448 US Federal Tax QTD

PA0449 HR Master Record- Infotype 0449

PA0450 HR Master Record- Infotype 0450

PA0451 HR Master Record- Infotype 0451

PA0452 HR Master Record- Infotype 0452

PA0453 HR Master Record- Infotype 0453

PA0454 HR Master Record- Infotype 0454

PA0455 HR Master Record- Infotype 0455

PA0456 HR Master Record- Infotype 0456

PA0457 HR Master Record- Infotype 0457

PA0458 HR Master Record for Infotype 0458

PA0459 HR Master Record for Infotype 0459

PA0460 HR Master Record for Infotype 0460

PA0467 Personnel master data Infotype 0467 (SI

addit.notif. pl.c.A)

PA0468 HR master record for infotype 0468

PA0469 HR master record for infotype 0469

PA0470 HR master record infotype 0470 (travel profiles)

PA0471 HR master record infotype 0471 (flight preferences)

PA0472 HR master record infotype 0472 (hotel


PA0473 HR master record infotype 0473 (rental car


PA0474 HR master record infotype 0474 (train preferences)

PA0475 HR master record infotype 0475 (customer


PA0476 Personnel Master Record for Infotype 0476


PA0477 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0477- Debt


PA0478 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0478-

Adjustment (Garnish)

PA0480 HR master record for infotype 0480

PA0482 HRMS-VE- Additional Data from Family/N. of Kin


PA0483 Infotype 0483 - Data entry by CAAF - Italy only

PA0486 HR-SG-PS- Master Data (National Service)

PA0487 HR-SG-PS- Security / medical Clearance

PA0488 HR-SG-PS- Leave scheme

PA0489 HR-SG-PS- Voluntary Service / ECA

PA0490 HR-PS-SG- Employee Suggestion Scheme

PA0491 HR Master Record- Infotype 491

PA0493 HR-SG-PS- Extension of infotype 0022

PA0494 HR-PS-SG- Employee Suggestion Scheme -

Evaluation Results

PA0495 HR-PS-SG- Pensions Scheme

PA0502 Letter of appointment

PA0503 Pensioner's Definition

PA0504 Pensioner's Advantage B

PA0505 HR Master Record- Infotype 0505

PA0506 Tip Indicators

PA0510 HR Master Record- Infotype 0510 (Tax-sheltered


PA0511 Infotype Cost-of-Living Allowance/Office (0511)

PA0512 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0512

PA0521 HR Master Record- Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement


PA0525 Child Care

PA0526 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0526

PA0527 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0527

PA0546 HR-SG- Master Record- Infotype 0546 [Termination


PA0547 BIK Infotype for Malaysia

PA0548 Infotype 0548 - security funds - Italy


PA0551 Termination of contract- General data

PA0552 HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0552

PA0553 HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0553

PA0554 HR Master Record- Infotype 0554

PA0559 HR Master Record- Infotype 0559 (Commuting

allowance Info.)

PA0560 HR Master Record- Infotype 0560

PA0561 Data for tax

PA0565 HR Master Record- Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan

Val. Res.)

PA0566 HR Master Record- Infotype 0566

PA0569 HR Master Record- Infotype 0569

PA0570 HR Master Record- Infotype 0570

PA0571 HR Master Record- Infotype 0571

PA0572 HR Master Record- Infotype 0572

PA0578 HR Master Record- Infotype 0578

PA0579 HR Master Record Infotype 0579 (Ext. Salary


PA0592 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0592 (Foreign

Public Sector)

PA0593 Rehabilitants

PA0595 HR Master Data Record for Infotype 0595

PA0596 PhilHealth Philippines Infotype

PA0602 HR Master Record- Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan


PA0611 HR Master Record- Infotype 0611

PA0612 HR Master Record- Infotype 0612

PA0625 Infotype 0002 - Race/complexion

PA0628 HR Master Record for Infotype 0628

PA0629 HR Master Record for Infotype 0629

PA0630 HR Master Record for Infotype 0630

PA0631 HR Master Record for Infotype 0631

PA0634 Philippines Previous Employer Information Info-


PA0645 Contract termination- General data

PA0900 HR Master Record- Infotype 0900 (Sales Data)

PA0901 HR Master Record- Infotype 0901 (Purchasing


Project Systems Tables

IMAK Appropriation requests - general data

IMAV Appropriation request variant

IMPR Investment Program Positions

IMPU Texts for cap. inv. program positions

IMTP Investment programs

IMZO Assignment Table- CO Object - Capital Investment


PMCO Cost structure of maintenance order

PRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy


PROJ Project definition

PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master


Production Planning
Thanks to Tymon Kerste for the PP table info.
MAST Material BOM


STPO BOM Positions (detail)

MAPL Assignment fo Task Lists to Materials

PLKO Routing Group Header

PLSO Routing Group Sequence

PLPO Routing Group Operations

AFKO Production Order Header

AFPO Production Order Position (details)

System Tables

ADCP Person/Address assignment (central address

ADIRACCESS Table to store keys for TADIR objects

ADR2 Telephone numbers (central address admin.)

ADRP Persons (central address administration)


APQI Queue info definition

D010SINF ABAP- Information about ABAP program source


E071 Change and Transport System- Object Entries of


E07T Change and Transport System- Short Texts for


ENLFDIR Additional Attributes for Function Modules

INDX System table INDX

NAST Message Status

STXH STXD SAPscript text file header

T005 Countries

T005S Taxes- Region (Province) Key

T005U Taxes- Region Key- Texts

T006 Units of Measurement

T015M Names of the months

T247 Month name and short text

T777A Building Addresses

TADIR Directory of Repository Objects

TBTCO Job status overview table

TBTCP Batch job step overview

TFDIR Function Module

TFTIT Function Module Short Text

TSP03L Spool- Long device names

TSTC SAP Transaction Codes

TSTCT Transaction Code Texts

TUTYP User Types in Current Price List in SAP System

TUZUS Special versions

TVARV Table of variables in selection criteria

TVDIR View Directory

US930 Data Relevant to Measurement for User Master


USR01 User master record (runtime data)

USR02 Logon data

USR04 User master authorizations

USR06 Additional Data per User

USR14 Surchargeable Language Versions per User

USR21 Assign user name address key

ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization

BTCUED Description of user event IDs for background


BTXSUPB BSI- Upgrade-Information

CCCFLOW Client Copy Control Flow

DBSTATC DB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)

DEVACCESS Table for development users


E070 Change and Transport System- Header of


E070L CTS- Index for Assigning Numbers to


INSTVERS Documentation for installation Status and History

PAT03 Patch Directory

SDBAC DBA Action Table

T100 Messages

TAPLT Program Application Long Texts


TDEVC Development Classes

TEMSE Temp Sequential table.

TLOCK Change and Transport System- Lock Table

TNAPR Processing programs for output

TNAST Printed output control table

TPFET Table of profile parameters

TPFHT Profile header, administration data for profiles in


TPROT Table contains all DD tables to be logged

TRBAT Communication Table for Transport Control

TRDIRT Title texts for programs in TRDIR

TRESN Table of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench

TRJOB Job ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for


TSP03C Spool- Device Description Extension

TST03 TemSe data



USOBT Relation transaction - authorization object

USR03 User address data

USR05 User Master Parameter ID

USR12 User master authorization values

USR40 Table for illegal passwords

USR41 User master- Additional data

UST04 User masters

VARIT Variant texts

VARID Variant directory

D010TAB Table for Use Report---Tables

DD02L SAP tables

DD02T R/3 DD- SAP table texts

DD03L Table Fields

DD03T DD- Texts for fields (language dependent)

EDIDC IDOC Control Records

EDIDOT Short description of IDoc types

EDID2 IDOC segments (version 3.1)

EDID4 IDOC segments (version 4.6)

EDSEA EDI- Table of all segments of current release

VRSX2 Central Table for Version Management (Report


TSE05 Can add parameters to the INSERT COMMAND

(IC). Then, when you insert command, your info
appears in the editor. Useful for comment blocks,
common section of code, etc.

CDPOS Change document items

CDHDR Change document header

T529A governs the foreground sequence of infotypes the

system will use to prompt the user during online
and batch processing. You will have to code your
BDC to follow that sequence of creating infotypes.

T588Z governs the dynamic event processing that will only

take place during online user inputs. For BDC's you
will have to create separate BDC's to handle any
infotypes that are inserted dynamically by this

T588M Infotype Screen Control

SAP Functions












































































































Function Group GRAP is now obsolete.

































































































Download ABAP documentation in HTML format.

With this function module you delete logs in the database according to specified selection

With this function module you can analyze logs in the database.

With this function module you can analyze logs in local memory, e.g. when you have only
collected log records at runtime and do not want to write to the database.

This function module checks whether the specified object or sub-object exists and deletes all
existing associated data in local memory.

With this function module you read the log data in the database for an object or sub-object
according to specified selection conditions.

With this function module you read all log data whose log class has at least the specified value,
from local memory, for the specified object or sub-object.

With this function module, you create a new object or sub-object for writing in local memory. With
a flag you can control whether the APPL_LOG_WRITE_... messages are written in local memory
or are output on the screen.

With this function module you write all data for the specified object or sub-object in local memory
to the database. If the log for the object or sub-object in question is new, the log number is
returned to the calling program.

With this function module, you write the log header data in local memory.

With this function module, you write the name of the log parameters and the associated values for
the specified object or sub-object in local memory. If this function module is called repeatedly for
the same object or sub-object, the existing parameters are updated accordingly. If you do not
specify an object or sub-object with the call, the most recently used is assumed.

With this function module you write a single message, with parameters, in local memory.
Otherwise the function module works like APPL_LOG_WRITE_SINGLE_MESSAGE.

With this function module you write one or more messages, without parameters, in local memory.

With this function module you write a single message, without parameters, in local memory. If no
header entry has yet been written for the object or sub-object, it is created. If you do not specify
an object or sub-object with the call, the most recently used is assumed.

will return the IP address of the terminal in hex.

Create Control for log display

Release Control

Put new data in log display

Delete logs from the database

Unlock log

Lock log

Load logs from the database

Load log(s)

Save logs in the database

Save log(s)

Prepare save

Find logs in the database

Display messages in memory

Display Log

Either output extended long text or call a callback routine (based on the data in BAL_S_LOG-

Output all log header data

Display message long text

Either output extended long text or call a callback routine (based on the data in BAL_S_MSG-

Output technical data of a message such as work area, error number, etc.

End output

Initialize output

Set dataset to be displayed

Message hierarchy in DETLEVEL

Display without tree (fullscreen)

Display without tree (popup)

Standard profile (SLG1) for one log

Standard profile (SLG1) for a lot of logs

Assign authorization

Reset authorization

Read configuration

Set configuration

Put function group memory in ABAP-MEMORY

Get function group memory from ABAP-MEMORY

(Partially) reset global memory

(Partially) initialize memory

Get current message handle

Get message defaults

Find logs in memory

Find messages in memory

Create log with header data

Create log with header data

Delete log (from database also at Save)

Check existence of a log in memory

Change log header

Check log header data for consistency

Read log header and other data

Put message in log

Put message in log

Change message

Change message

Check message data for consistency

Add message cumulated

Delete message

Delete message

Check existence of a message in memory

Read message and other data

Replace last message

Delete log from memory

Delete log from memory

Output message as ABAP-MESSAGE

Read Application Log objects table record

Check whether object and subobject exist and the combination is allowed

Read subobject table record

Trigger an event from ABAP/4 program

Fetch job log executions

Move the negative sign from the left hand side of a number, to the right hand side of the number.
Note that The result will be left justified (like all character fields), not right justifed as numbers
normally are.

Export a text table to the clipboard (on presentation server)

Import a Text Table from the Clipboard (on presentation server)

To load long text into SAP

converts any number into a string fill with zeroes, with the number at the extreme right

converts any number with zeroes right into a simple integer

convert abap spool output to PDF

Convert SAP documents (SAPScript) to other types.

converts a OTF spool to PDF (i.e. Sapscript document)

Convert local currency to foreign currency.

Convert from foreign currency to local currency

Check to see if a date is in a valid format for SAP. Works well when validating dates being passed
in from other systems.

Returns a number indicating what day of the week the date falls on. Monday is returned as a 1,
Tuesday as 2, etc.

will return the week that a date is in.

Calculate a date N days in the future.

download a file to the presentation server (PC)

Read the values from a dynpro. This function can be used to read the values from a report's
selection screen too (Another example).

Similar to DYNP_VALUES_READ, this function will allow the updating of fields on a dynpro. Very
useful when you want to change a field based on the value entered for another field.

Wait a specified period of time before continuing processing.

Lock an abap program so that it cannot be executed. Please note that you should not use SY-
REPID to pass your report name to the function. The value of SY-REPID will change as it is being
passed to the function module, and will no longer hold the value of the calling report.

return a list of filenames from a local or network drive

Pass in a filename and a path, and will return attributes for the file

displays a calendar in a popup window and allows user to choose a date, or it can be displayed
read only.

Use values from a DDIC table to provide a list of possible values. TABNAME and FIELDNAME
are required fields, and when MULTIPLE_CHOICE is selected, more than one value can be

F4 help that returns the values selected in an internal table. Very handy when programming your
very own F4 help for a field.

documents the different reasons to use a search help exit, and shows how it is done.

This function does not exist in 4.6 and above. Use F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST instead.

popup to get a filename from a user, returns blank filename if user selects cancel

Takes a message id and number, and puts it into a variable. Works better than
WRITE_MESSAGE, since some messages use $ as a place holder, and WRITE_MESSAGE
does not accommadate that, it only replaces the ampersands (&) in the message.
Execute a command on the FTP server

Open a connection (and log in) to an FTP server

Close the connection (and log off) the FTP server

You can use this function module to display simple material BOMs. You cannot display BOM
groups (for example, all variants of a variant BOM). as in transaction CS03. Current restrictions:
You cannot display long texts. You cannot display sub-items. You cannot display classification
data of BOM items for batches. You can only display one alternative or variant. You cannot enter
an alternative for module CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ, so you always see alternative 01. The
following example came from a posting on the SAP-R3-L mailing list.

SAP recommends using functions in function group SFES instead. Below is an overview of the

Fetch values from a set.

Get the current fiscal year.

Returns a list of all tables, select options, texts, etc for a program. Even includes the text
definitions for the selection screen

Returns a list of all INCLUDES in a program

Create a directory on the presentation server

Replaces WS_FILE_DELETE. Delete a file on the presentation server

Replaces WS_DOWNLOAD. Download table from the app server to presentation server

Replaces WS_EXECUTE. Start a File or Program Asynchronously with WinExec

Replaces WS_QUERY. Delivers Information About the Desktop (client)

Delete a directory on the presentation server

Start a File or Program Asynchronously with ShellExecute

Replaces WS_UPLOAD. Upoad file from presentation server to the app server

Display help for a field. Useful for doing AT SELECTION SCREEN ON VALUE REQUEST for
those fields that do not provide F4 help at the DDIC level.

Show a list of possible values for F4 popup help on selection screens. This function module pops
up a screen that is just like all the other F4 helps, so it looks like the rest of the SAP system. Very
useful for providing dropdowns on fields that do not have them predefined.

Useful for determining whether or not a date is a holiday. Give the function a date, and a holiday
calendar, and you can determine if the date is a holiday by checking the parameter
Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar &/ Holiday Calendar.

is an HR function, but can be used for any data. You pass it data, and column headers, and it
provides a table control with the ability to manipulate the data, and send it to Word or Excel. Also
see the additional documentation here.

Get all leave information (includes leave entitlement, used holidays/paid out holidays)

To load long text into SAP

Return a list of all plants for a given company code.

Retrieves the output of a report from memory when the report was executed using SUBMIT...

convert an ABAP report (displayed on screen) from OTF to ASCII format

It returns all the month and names in repective language.

Add or subtract months from a date. To subtract a month, enter a negative value for the 'months'

will build a file, and automatically start Excel

wraps several other function modules. Will convert OTF to ASCII or PDF

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a
processing step with loss of data.

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform the step.

Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point during an action.

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a
processing step with a particular object.

Provide user with several choices as radio buttons

Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point via a diagnosis

Create a dialog box in which you display a two line message

Popup to choose a month

Provide a display of a table for user to select one, with the value of the table line returned when
Return pricing conditions in an internal table. Use structure TCOMK for parameter
COMM_HEAD_1, and structure TCOMP for parameter COMM_ITEM_1, and set
CALCULATION_TYPE to B. The pricing conditions will be returned in XOMV. You must fill
TCOMP, and TCOMK with the appropriate values before callling the function in order for it to work.

Read an Entry in an INI File on the frontend

Write an Entry in an INI File on the frontend

To load long text into SAP

Read an Entry from the Registry

Set an entry in the Registry

Runs an ABAP program that is stored in the table PROGRAM when the MODE = 'F'. Table
WRITES contains the ouput of the program. Allows you to run a program without having the
source code in the target system.

Return the active HR Plan

return the day based on the date provied

starts Excel with the contents of an internal table. This function finds Excel in the desktop registry.
It also uses a local PC working directory to save the file (that's what the 'W' value for data path
flag does). Very transparent to user!

Returns all related org info

Add/subtract years/months/days from a date

Determine last day of month

Read dynpro, including screen flow

Given a transaction, return the program and screen or given a program and screen, return the
transactions that use the program and screen.

Returns an internal table that contains a formatted list of all the selection parameters entered for a
report. Table is ready to print out.

Get the current contents of selection screen

Send message from ABAP/4 program to SAPoffice.

Returns the contents of the specified variant in a table.

Download the spool from a program to a file. Requires spool number.

If the server name is left blank, it reads a directory from local presentation server, otherwise it
reads the directory of the remote server

Read a directory on the Application Server

Read a file from the presentation server if no server name is given, or read file from remote
server. Very useful to avoid authority checks that occur doing an OPEN DATASET. This function
using a SAP C program to read the data.

Hang the current application from 1 to 5 seconds.

Submit a remote report.

Saves table to the presentation server (not PC). Does not use OPEN DATASET, so it does not
suffer from authority checks!

Display a progress bar on the SAP GUI, and give the user some idea of what is happening

To load long text into SAP

If you are coding a module pool and using a table control, you can use this function
SCROLLING_IN_TABLE to handle any scrolling. (provided by Paul Kjaer)

Give the difference in Days and Time for 2 dates

Send a document as part of an email. The documentation is better than normal for this function,
so please read it.

Split a fully pathed filename into a filename and a path.

Fetch printer spool according to the spool number informed.

Browse printer spool numbers according to user informed.

Conversion From OTF to PDF (SAPScript conversion)

Conversion From OTF to Printer Format (SAPScript conversion)

Conversion From OTF to ASCII (SAPScript conversion)

you can check the user's authorization for the specified command and run the command. The
command runs on the host system on which the function module is executed. The function
module is RFC capable. It can therefore be run on the host system at which a user happens to be
active or on another designated host system at which an R/3 server is active.

Check whether the user is authorized to execute the specified command on the target host
system with the specified arguments.

Read the definition of a single external OS command from the R/3 System's database.
Check a user's authorization to use a command, as in SXPG_COMMAND_CHECK. If the
authorization check is successful, then execute the command on the target host system.

Select a list of external OS command definitions.

Return the terminal id

Logoff a user. Similar results to using SM04.

Get the UNIX environment

Display a popup system message on a specific users screen.

Run a transaction on a remote server. Optionally provide BDC data to be used in the transaction

Give information about the current user (sessions, workstation logged in from, etc)

Show which users are logged into an app server

Retrieve all of the files and subdirectories on the Presentation Server (PC) for a given directory.
When a value other than * or *.* is used for the filter, you will not get any directories, unless they
match your wildcard filter. For example, if you entered *.png, then only files and directories that
end in png will be returned by the function

convert weights from one UOM to another.

upload a file to the presentation server (PC)

Will load one or more files from app or presentation server

For a given week (YYYYMM format), this function returns the date of the Monday of that week.

Useful for writing out the list contents that result from the function LIST_FROM_MEMORY.

Save Internal Table as File on the Presentation Server

Start EXCEL on the PC

execute a program on a windows PC

Delete File at the Frontend

Call File Selector

Create a dialog box in which you display an one line message

Load Files from the Presentation Server to Internal ABAP Tables

Get the label from a frontend device.

After running a report, call this function to convert the list output to HTML.

This function prints the report output in the same fashion as in SE16 output. Events like top of
page ,Bottom of page ,end of list etc can be triggered by this function by passing the events in an
internal table to the parameter IT_EVENTS.Fields to be displayed can be selected.At User
command can be implemented using this function.

This function is used to provide F4 help using matchcodes.

This is used to display the F4 values for any field.

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