A Few Approaches To The Study of Endomembranes: Insights Gained From Autoradiography
A Few Approaches To The Study of Endomembranes: Insights Gained From Autoradiography
A Few Approaches To The Study of Endomembranes: Insights Gained From Autoradiography
018.04.BIO201.4B9… MORENO, DANI…
8.2: A Few Ap...
Early studies with the electron microscope provided biologists with a detailed portrait of the structure
of cells but gave them little insight into the functions of the components they were observing.
Determining the functions of cytoplasmic organelles required the development of new techniques and
the execution of innovative experiments. The experimental approaches described in the following
sections have proven particularly useful in providing the foundation of knowledge on which current
research on cytoplasmic organelles is based.
The use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) reveals the movement of proteins within a living cell. See
also Video: Visualizing Golgi to plasma membrane transport in live cells.
(a) Fluorescence micrograph of a live cultured mammalian cell that had been infected with the VSV virus at
40°C. This particular strain of the VSV virus contained a VSVG gene that (1) was fused to a gene encoding the
fluorescent protein GFP and (2) contained a temperature-sensitive mutation that prevented the newly
synthesized VSVG protein from leaving the ER when kept at 40°C. The green fluorescence in this micrograph is
restricted to the ER. (b) Fluorescence micrograph of a live infected cell that was held at 40°C to allow the VSVG
protein to accumulate in the ER and then incubated at 32°C for 10 minutes. The fluorescent VSVG protein has
moved on to the Golgi complex. (c) Schematic drawing showing the retention of the mutant VSVG protein in
the ER at 40°C and its synchronous movement to the Golgi complex within 10 minutes of incubation at the
lower temperature.
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Source: (b) From Daniel S. Chao et al., courtesy of Richard H.Scheller, J. Cell Biol. 144:873, 1999; reproduced with
permission of The Rockefeller University Press.
Cell and Molecula…
Insights Gained from the Analysis of Subcellular Fractions
Electron microscopy, autoradiography, and the use of GFP provide information on the structure and
function of cellular organelles but fail to provide much insight into the molecular composition of these
structures. Techniques to break up (homogenize) cells and isolate particular types of organelles were
pioneered in the 1950s and 1960s by Albert Claude and Christian De Duve. When a cell is ruptured by
homogenization, the cytoplasmic membranes become fragmented and the fractured edges of the
membrane fragments fuse to form spherical vesicles less than 100 nm in diameter. Vesicles derived
from different organelles (nucleus, mitochondrion, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and so
forth) have different properties, which allow them to be separated from one another, an approach that
is called subcellular fractionation.
Membranous vesicles derived from the endomembrane system (primarily the endoplasmic
reticulum and Golgi complex) form a heterogeneous collection of similar sized vesicles referred to as
microsomes. A rapid (and crude) preparation of the microsomal fraction of a cell is depicted in Figure
8.5a. The microsomal fraction can be further fractionated into smooth and rough membrane fractions
(Figure 8.5b,c) by the gradient techniques discussed in Section 18.6. Once isolated, the biochemical
composition of various fractions can be determined. In recent years, the identification of the proteins
present in cell fractions has been carried out using proteomic technology. Once a particular organelle
has been isolated, the proteins can be extracted, separated, and identified by mass spectrometry as
discussed in Section 18.6. Hundreds of proteins can be identified simultaneously, providing a
comprehensive molecular portrait of any organelle that can be prepared in a relatively pure state. In
one example of this technology, it was found that a simple phagosome (Section 8.20) containing an
ingested latex bead comprised more than 160 different proteins, many of which had never previously
been identified or were not known to be involved in phagocytosis.
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Using this strategy in which cellular processes are reconstituted in vitro from purified components,
researchers have been able to study the proteins that bind to the membrane to initiate vesicle
formation, the proteins responsible for cargo selection, and the proteins that sever the vesicle from the
donor membrane.
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In yeast, as in all eukaryotic cells, vesicles bud from the ER and travel to the Golgi complex, where
they fuse with the Golgi cisternae (Figure 8.7a). To identify genes whose encoded protein is involved in
this portion of the secretory pathway (i.e., sec genes), researchers screen for mutant cells that exhibit
an abnormal distribution of cytoplasmic membranes. An electron micrograph of a wild-type yeast cell
is shown in Figure 8.7b. The cell depicted in Figure 8.7c has a mutation in a gene that encodes a
protein involved in the formation of vesicles at the ER membrane (step 1, Figure 8.7a). In the absence
of vesicle formation, mutant cells accumulate an expanded endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the cell
depicted in Figure 8.7d carries a mutation in a gene that encodes a protein involved in vesicle fusion
(step 2, Figure 8.7a). When this gene product is defective, the mutant cells accumulate an excess
number of unfused vesicles. Researchers have isolated dozens of different mutants which, taken as a
group, exhibit disruptions in virtually every step of the secretory pathway. The genes responsible for
these defects have been cloned and sequenced, and the proteins they encode have been isolated.
Isolation of proteins from yeast has launched successful searches for homologous proteins (i.e.,
proteins with related sequence) in mammals.
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Source: From Chris A. Kaiser and Randy Schekman, Cell 61:724, 1990; © 1990, reprinted with permission from Elsevier.
One of the most important lessons learned from the use of all of these techniques is that the
dynamic activities of the endomembrane system are highly conserved. Not only do yeast, plant, insect,
and human cells carry out similar processes, but they do so with remarkably similar proteins. It is
evident that the structural diversity of cells belies their underlying molecular similarities. In many
cases, proteins from widely divergent species are interchangeable. For example, cell-free systems
derived from mammalian cells can o en utilize yeast proteins to facilitate vesicle transport.
Conversely, yeast cells with genetic deficiencies that disrupt some phase of the biosynthetic pathway
can o en be “cured” by genetically engineering them to carry mammalian genes.
Over the past decade or so, researchers interested in searching for genes that affect a particular
cellular process in plant or animal cells have taken advantage of a cellular phenomenon called RNA
interference (RNAi). RNAi is a process in which cells produce small RNAs (called siRNAs) that bind to
specific mRNAs and inhibit the translation of these mRNAs into proteins. This phenomenon and its use
are discussed in detail in Sections 11.10 and 18.25. For the present purpose we will simply note that
researchers can synthesize a collection (library) of siRNAs that are capable of inhibiting the translation
of virtually any mRNA that is produced by a genome. Each mRNA represents the expression of a specific
gene; therefore, one can find which genes are involved in a particular process by determining which
siRNAs interfere with that process. In the experiment depicted in Figure 8.8, researchers set out to
identify genes that were involved in various steps of the secretory pathway, a goal similar to that of the
investigators studying the yeast mutants shown in Figure 8.7. In this case, researchers used a strain of
cultured Drosophila cells and attempted to identify genes that affected the localization of
mannosidase II, an enzyme that is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and moves via transport
vesicles to the Golgi complex, where it takes up residence. Figure 8.8a shows a control cell that is
synthesizing a GFP-labeled version of mannosidase II; the fluorescence becomes localized in the
numerous Golgi complexes of the cell as would be expected. Figure 8.8b shows a cell that contains
siRNA molecules that have caused a relocation of the GFP-mannosidase into the ER, which is seen to
be fused with the Golgi complexes. This type of phenotype is typically caused by the absence of one of
the proteins involved in the transport of the enzyme from the ER to the Golgi complex. Of the 130
different siRNAs that were found to interfere in some way with the secretory pathway in this study, 31
of them generated a phenotype similar to that shown in Figure 8.8b. Included among these 31 siRNAs
of them generated a phenotype similar to that shown in Figure 8.8b. Included among these 31 siRNAs
Cell and Molecula…
were numerous species that inhibited the expression of genes that were already known to be involved
in the secretory pathway. In addition, the study identified other genes whose function had been
unknown and are now presumed to be involved in these processes as well. Because it is easier to
synthesize a small RNA than to generate an organism with a mutant gene, RNAi has become a common
strategy to investigate the effect of a missing protein.
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Source: (a) From Frederic Bard et al., courtesy of Vivek Malhotra, Nature 439:604, 2006; © 2006, Reprinted by permission
of Macmillan Publishers Ltd.; (b) From Frederic Bard et al., courtesy of Vivek Malhotra, Nature 439: 604, 2006; © 2006,
Reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd.