City Lite V CA
City Lite V CA
City Lite V CA
F.P. HOLDINGS, formerly the Sparta Holdings Inc., was the registered owner of a parcel
of land situated along E. Rodriguez Avenue, Quezon City, also known as the “Violago
Property” or the “San Lorenzo Ruiz Commercial Center” The property was offered for sale
to the general public through the circulation of a sales brochure (see notes)
August 1991 Roy sent a sales brochure, together with the location plan and copy of the
TCT, to Atty. Gelacio Mamaril, a practicing lawyer and a licensed real estate broker. Atty.
Mamaril in turn passed on these documents to Antonio Teng, Executive Vice-President,
and Atty. Victor P.Villanueva, Legal Counsel, of CITY-LITE.
September 1991 City lite in a letter dated addressed to Metro Drug( Meldin Al Roy)
conveyed its interest to purchase ½ of the front lot of the “Violago Property”
Roy replied stating it would take time to subdivide the lot, and that FP Holdings was not
partial to the purchase of only half the front lot.
Atty. Mamaril then expressed City-Lite’s interest to purchase the whole front lot, provided
the asking price of P6,250.00 per square meter was reduced in price and that payment
be made in instalments
Roy made a counter offer:
- Price shall be 6,250.00 per square meter for a total of P57,450,000.00
- Purchased as follows: 15 million peso down payment, balance payable within six months from
date of down payment without interest
September 26, 1991: City Lite’s officers and Attorney mamaril met with Roy at Manila
Mandarin Hotel to consummate the transaction.
Roy agreed to sell the property to City Lite provided that the latter submit its acceptance
in writing to the terms and conditions of the sale contained in the letter dated September
25, 1991
FP Holdings refused to execute the deed of sale in favor of City Lite of the front of the
City Lite registered an adverse claim to the title of the property with the register of deeds
of QC
October 4, 1991 - FP Holdings filed a petition for the cancellation of the adverse claim
against City Lite
October 8, 1991 – Edwin Fernandez met with City Lite’s officers to amicably settle. He
offered properties located in Caloocan and QC as a substitute to the property
City Lite refused, stating “it did not suit its business needs.”
RTC: Dismissed FP Holdings – CITY LITE’s adverse claim had factual basis
City LITE then instituted a complaint against FP Holdings for specific performance
and damages
Complaint was amended to implead VIEWMASTER as a necessary party
RTC Ruled in Favor of City Lite, ordering FP Holdings to execute a deed of sale of the
property in favor of City Lite for the total Consideration of P55,056,25.00
15M downpaymant, to be payable upon execution of the deed of sale, and the
balance within six months
CA: reversed and set aside RTC – no contract of sale was perfected between it and
respondents because of a lack of a definite agreemtn on the manner of paying the
purchase price and that respondents Metro Drug and Meldin Al G. Roy were not authoried
to sell the property to CITY LITE
Issue Ratio
W/N Metro Drug and NO.
Meldin Al G. Roy were
authorized to sell the The absence of authority to sell can be determined from the written
property to CITY-LITE, memorandum issued by respondent F.P. HOLDINGS
President requesting Metro Drug’s assistance in finding buyers for
the property. The memorandum in part stated:
We will appreciate Metro Drugs assistance in referring to
us buyers for the property. Please proceed to hold
preliminary negotiations with interested buyers and
endorse formal offers to us for our final evaluation and
This obviously meant that Meldin Al G. Roy and/or Metro Drug was
only to assist F.P. HOLDINGS in looking for buyers and referring
to them possible prospects whom they were supposed to endorse
to F.P. HOLDINGS. But the final evaluation, appraisal and
acceptance of the transaction could be made only by F.P.
Meldin Al G. Roy and/or Metro Drug was only a contact person with
no authority to conclude a sale of the property.
In fact, a witness for petitioner even admitted that Roy and/or Metro
Drug was a mere broker, and Roy’s only job was to bring
the parties together for a possible transaction
On the issue of whether a Civil Code provides: When the sale of a piece of land or any
contract of sale was interest therein is through an agent, the authority of the
perfected between latter shall be in writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void.
HOLDINGS Consequently, we hold that for lack of a written authority to sell the
„Violago Property‰ on the part of Meldin Al G. Roy and/or Metro
Drug, the sale should be as it is declared null and void. Therefore
the sale could not produce any legal effect as to transfer the
subject property from its lawful owner, F.P. HOLDINGS, to any
interested party including petitioner CITY-LITE.
WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision of the Court of Appeals being in accord with law and the
evidence is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner CITY-LITE REALTYCORPORATION.
Sales Brochure content:
A parcel of land including buildings and other improvements thereon located along E. Rodriguez
Avenue, Quezon City, with a total lot area of 71,754 square meters ·9,192 square meters in front,
23,332 square meters in the middle, and 39,230 square meters at the back. But the total area
for sale excludes 5,000 square meters covering the existing chapel and adjoining areas which
will be donated to the Archdiocese of Manila thus reducing the total saleable area to 66,754
square meters. Asking price was P6,250.00/square meter with terms of payment negotiable.
Broker’s commission was 2.0% of selling price, net of withholding taxes and other charges. As
advertised, contact person was Meldin Al G. Roy, Metro Drug Inc., with
address at 5/F Metro House, 345 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City.