Presocratic Philosophers
Presocratic Philosophers
Presocratic Philosophers
Empedocles’ death. One of the stories tells that Empedocles climbed to the
Plato has left us one of the greatest philosophical bodies of work. So great summit of Mount Etna and threw himself to his death in the lava. Either he did
has the influence of Plato been that his representation of Socrates has this as a way of actually becoming a god, or to fool his followers into believing
eclipsed all of the philosophers who existed in the Greek world at the time and he had vanished from the Earth. Either way it is said that the volcano spat out
before. These preceding philosophers are commonly known as pre-Socratic, one of his bronze sandals, revealing his death.
not necessarily because they were inferior to Socrates but merely because 9
they came before. We do not have nearly as much information about their Zeno
lives and teachings but what we do have is very interesting. For a more full
reading on these, the best source we have, though not totally trustworthy, is
Diogenes Laertius’ ‘Lives of the Philosophers.’ Here are ten of best pre-
Socratic philosophers.
Heraclitus, also known as Heraclitus the Black, the Obscure, and the Thales of Miletus is often credited with being the first systematic philosopher
Weeping Philosopher for his negative outlook and mysterious sayings. What of the Western world. He was the first to reject supernatural explanations and
little we have of Heraclitus’ work exists in short sayings open to multiple seek reasons behind events. To prove the value of this understanding of the
interpretation. He is famous for the saying ‘You cannot step in the same river world he used his logic and evidence to predict a good crop of olives and,
twice.’ Is this because the river will have changed between steps, or you will buying up olive presses, was able to corner the market in oil and make a
have? Another of his sayings was ‘Everything flows.’ Little of his work fortune. As well as devising several geometric theories (which allowed him to
survives today but he was well-known in antiquity and was influential on later measure the height of the pyramids from the ground) Thales was also the first
philosophers. In his later days he suffered from dropsy, accumulation of fluid person to study electricity. It had been noticed that amber, when rubbed,
under the skin. In an effort to cure this he plastered himself in cow dung and attracted threads of fiber to it. It was this static electricity which Thales’
lay in the sun hoping to drive the fluid off. After a day, he died. studied. When the negative particle of the atom was named it was called the
electron, after the Greek for amber – elektron.
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Democritus Pythagoras
Pythagoras is probably the best known of any of the names on this list. The
theorem which bares his name was well-known in Egypt long before his birth.
It was known that if a right angled triangle had sides of lengths 3 and 4 then
the hypotenuse would have a length of 5. What probably happened is that
Democritus was perhaps the most successful of the ancient philosophers
Pythagoras took this special case and worked out a theory which worked on
from a scientific standpoint, and yet he was largely ignored in the ancient
all right angled triangles. As well as this he worked out the relationships
world. We know that he believed that the whole universe was governed by
between musical notes, figured out all regular solids, and was the first to
natural laws which were understandable and predictable, a very modern view.
study irrational numbers. Apart from these scientific discoveries he also did
Using reason Democritus also predicted the existence of atoms and vacuums.
much work on mystical beliefs such as reincarnation. He formed a community
This was at a time when it was impossible to detect anything smaller than the
of followers who adhered to somewhat eccentric rules. It was against their
eye can see and the idea of nothingness and vacuums was anathema to most
rules to eat beans, unload a wagon on the street, and never stir a fire with an
thinkers. His wide ranging studies also took on the finer points of philosophy,
iron tool. Modern opinion is that Pythagoras may have gathered around him a
biology, human society, and geometry. As well as being right on so many
group of learned individuals and all of their discoveries became linked to his
matters, even if unacknowledged, he was also a cheery individual known as
name. Of the stories regarding Pythagoras’ death most include stories of him
the Laughing Philosopher.
being chased out of town by a mob. It is also reported that he was caught by
the mob when he came to a field of beans and could not bring himself to
trample on those holy plants.
The Cradle of Western Thought The Milesians
Pre-Socratic Philosophy
600 – 450 B.C.
In the beginning…
The Ionians/Milesians
“The history of philosophy began on May 28, 585 B.C. At 6:13 p.m.
Greek Standard Time.” (Gordon Clark) Fundamental to their cosmogony was the belief that the world came into
being, that is, the first reality was a single living stuff.
The Pre-Socratics
Tries to explain the world without any reference to a
Asia Minor (Ionia) supernatural being
• Thales, Anaximander, & Anaximenes (Miletus) Materialists
• Heraclitus (Ephesus) Referred to the Arch as divine, but probably meant nothing more
than that it was eternal.
• Anaxagoras
• The Atomists
Living matter (ex: magnet)
Southern Italy
• The Pythagoreans
The ultimate explanation for reality is one basic thing
• Parmenides, Zeno, and Empedocles
They would have loved the weather channel. Anaximander
Mixed by the weather Given credit for Inventing the sundial, making the first map, and making
astronomical discoveries.
Bill Clinton’s favorite philosopher • By contemplating form, order, proportion & harmony, the soul is
purified, thus mathematics and music
• What is, is. What is not, is not.
• “things are numbers”
Good vs. Bad
Their beliefs:
Mind-body dualism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!