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Goal of Therapy:

The therapeutic goals of DKA management include optimization of 1) volume status; 2)

hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis; 3) electrolyte abnormalities; and 4) potential precipitating


Drug Therapy

Fluid therapy- initial bolus of isotonic crystalloid solution (0.9% saline) at a starting rate of
15–20 mL/kg/h (1–1.5 L/h) for the first hour. Following the initial hydration, fluids can be
administered at a decreased rate of 4–14 mL/kg/h. Initial bolus of isotonic saline at 15–20
mL/kg/h followed by hypotonic saline solution (0.45% saline) at a rate of 4–14 mL/kg/h as
long as the patient is hemodynamically stable and corrected serum sodium is normal to
high. If a patient becomes hyponatremic based on corrected serum sodium, initiation of
0.9% saline at a rate of 150–250 mL/h is recommended until eunatremia is achieved. When
glucose levels fall below 200–250 mg/dL, intravenous fluids should be switched to dextrose-
containing 0.45% NaCl solution at 150-250 ml/hr to prevent hypoglycemia, and/or insulin
infusion rate should be decreased.

Insulin Therapy- Intravenous infusion is a preferred route of insulin delivery in patients

with DKA.13 Insulin infusion without initial volume resuscitation is not advised as it may
only worsen dehydration. We recommend an initial bolus of regular insulin of 0.1 U/kg
followed by continuous insulin infusion. If plasma glucose does not fall by at least 10% in
the first hour of insulin infusion rate, 0.1 U/kg bolus of insulin can be given once more while
continuing insulin infusion. When plasma glucose reaches 200–250 mg/dL, the insulin rate
can be decreased by 50% or to the rate of 0.02–0.05 U/kg/h. Subcutaneous delivery of
regular insulin is effective but inferior to the intravenous insulin infusion. Subcutaneous
administration of insulin aspart and insulin lispro every 1 or 2 hours was as safe and
efficient as continuous insulin infusion (before discontinuing IV infusion). For not
complicated DKA, subcutaneous rapid-acting with an initial dose of 0.2 units/kg followed by
0.1 units/kg every hour or intial dose of 0.3 units/kg followed by 0.2 units/kg every 2 hours
until th blood glucose reaches <250mg/dL. Then the SC insulin dose is decreased by half.

Potassium therapy- Insulin administration and correction of acidemia and hyperosmolality

drive potassium intracellularly, resulting in hypokalemia that may lead to arrhythmias and
cardiac arrest. If serum potassium decreases to <3.3 mEq/L during DKA treatment, insulin
should be stopped and potassium administered intravenously. Small amounts of potassium
(20–30 mEq/L) are routinely added to intravenous fluids when serum potassium is between
3.3 and 5.3 mmol/L. No replacement is needed for potassium levels >5.3 mmol/L.

Phosphate therapy- careful phosphate replacement is indicated in patients with a serum

phosphate concentration less than 1.0 mg/dL or in patients with a serum phosphate level
between 1.0 and 2.0 mg/dL and cardiac dysfunction, anemia, or respiratory depression.
Initial replacement strategy may include infusion of potassium phosphate at the rate of 0.1–
0.2 mmol/kg over 6 hours, depending on the degree of phosphate deficit (10 mL of
potassium phosphate solution for intravenous use contains 30 mmol of phosphorous and 44
mmol of potassium).

Bicarbonate therapy- The use of bicarbonate in severe DKA is controversial due to a lack
of prospective randomized studies. It is thought that the administration of bicarbonate may
actually result in peripheral hypoxemia, worsening of hypokalemia, paradoxical central
nervous system acidosis, cerebral edema in children and young adults, and an increase in
intracellular acidosis. Because severe acidosis is associated with worse clinical outcomes and
can lead to impairment in sensorium and deterioration of myocardial contractility,
bicarbonate therapy may be indicated if the pH is 6.9 or less. Therefore, the infusion of 100
mmol (two ampoules) of bicarbonate in 400 mL of sterile water mixed with 20 mEq
potassium chloride over 2 hours, and repeating the infusion until the pH is greater than 7.0,
could be recommended pending the results of future randomized controlled trials.

Non-drug therapy

Water Intake: Drinking water helps combat dehydration and increases blood volume. In
addition, dehydrating drinks like alcohol and coffee and triggers such as a high temperature
environment must be avoided.

Meal Planning Approaches

- Carbohydrates should be included at all meals if taking medications with the potential to
cause hypoglycemia.

- Consistency in meal and medication schedules will help to ensure more even glucose

- Healthful eating and portion control are recommended for patients using no medications,
oral medications, incretin mimetics and fixed or mixed doses of insulin.

Weight loss plan

The best weight loss meal plan is one that the patient can use on an on-going basis. Low-
fat, low- carbohydrate or Mediterranean diets may be effective in the short-term (up to 2
years). Monitoring lipid levels, renal function and protein intake (for those with
nephropathy) and adjusting medications as needed are recommended for patients who
choose low carbohydrate diets.

List of Current Medications

1. Insulin Glargine ( Lon-acting Insulin)

Dose: 13 units
Dosage form: Disposable prefilled pen

Frequency: at bedtime

Route: SC

2. Insulin Lispro (Rapid-acting Insulin)

Dose: 5 units

Dosage form: disposable prefilled pen

Frequency: before breakfast and lunch

Route: SC


 By regularly monitoring, you can quickly find out if your blood sugar is too high or
too low, get it on track and prevent long-term health problems.
 Your blood sugar levels will go up and down during the day, depending on how
recently you’ve eaten as well as how much you move. It takes two hours after
eating for monitoring to reflect your true blood sugar level.
 Monitoring doesn’t stop at measuring blood sugar levels. Because diabetes can
affect your whole body, your healthcare providers should also regularly monitor
your: Heart health (blood pressure, weight and cholesterol level) and Kidney health
(urine and blood testing).


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