Wendler 5/3/1 Spreadsheet
Wendler 5/3/1 Spreadsheet
Wendler 5/3/1 Spreadsheet
Off Days: I left what I started with in the off day fields as an example. You can do condition
whatever. I don't think there's any really correct way to have your "off" day, just don't overd
what works best for you and start out with something simple)
--> The 4 day split will print on 1 page (Off days will print on a separate page. I like to print
sided). It will not print your maxes. How often do you really need to reference your max in
gym? Me, never, so feel free to change the print area if you want.
You can modify/add/remove assistance exercises and play with increasing the weight betwe
weeks/cycles. I normally do 2 assistance exercises and 1 ab exercise for each wkout.
Depending on the exercise, assistance exercises can be anywhere from 3-5 sets x 10 reps to
Typically I only do 5 x 10 but sometimes will change it up for something like lunges (total 5 x
not per leg) or if it's heavier I might do 4x8. Also, with abs I normally do 5x13 unless I'm do
superset. Then I'll do something like 3x7 supersetting 2 ab exercises.
For assistance exercises, you only need to enter the first weight (in light yellow boxes) and t
increase (in the yellow box at top) to calculate weeks 2-4). OR do it manually.
PROGRAM MODIFICATION: I thought the 3rd warmup set of the 1st week (3x5 work sets) w
little too close in weight to the 1st work set so the warmup sets are 40%, 47%, 55% of your
(The other weeks, 3x3, and 5-3-1 are still 40,50,60% for warmup.)
For assistance exercises, you only need to enter the first weight (in light yellow boxes) and t
increase (in the yellow box at top) to calculate weeks 2-4). OR do it manually.
PROGRAM MODIFICATION: I thought the 3rd warmup set of the 1st week (3x5 work sets) w
little too close in weight to the 1st work set so the warmup sets are 40%, 47%, 55% of your
(The other weeks, 3x3, and 5-3-1 are still 40,50,60% for warmup.)
If you know your true 1RM, enter it into the "Estimated 1RM" area. BECAUSE, if your true 1
200x1 and you enter it into the Weight Used / Reps Achieved area, it will calculate it incorre
ON ALL TABS.... The first 3 sets of each primary exercise are "warmups". The last set rep nu
grey because you will want to enter your total reps achieved. The greyed number is minimu
should shoot for.
CYCLE 2 - 7 TABs:
The "Training Max" is increased 5lbs for upper body exercises and 10lbs for lower. These ar
numbers that the sheet uses to calculate your numbers.
The 90% 1RM and Estimated max are there for reference if you need to reset the program.
numbers are taken from your best weight/rep max from the previous cycle. You should not
enter new maxes in Cycle 2-5 tabs. (You will need to input your assistance initial weights lik
NOTE: If you truly need to adjust something, adjust the "Training Max" since this is the num
for your warmups/work sets.
It's not about how you train, It's about WHY you train,
Version 1.2 Updates:
m any other assistance work you'd 4. Removed the "Assistance Increase %"
"play days", GPP, conditioning, etc... because it didn't actually work, and is really
unnecessary. You should know if you can go
mple. You can do conditioning or up a bit and just do it.
ur "off" day, just don't overdo it! (Do
5. Added "Assistance Work" Tab.
Whatever's in the yellow cells, will be
parate page. I like to print double available via a dropdown list for 'assistance'
ed to reference your max in the OR you can enter your own.
This is NOT a comprehensive list, and I'm
also NOT saying these are the 'best'
assistance exercises. (Some of them like leg
ncreasing the weight between extensions and leg curls, I never do unless
cise for each wkout. I'm rehabbing an injury).
e from 3-5 sets x 10 reps to 20 reps. I just wanted to include a decent list to give
mething like lunges (total 5 x 12 reps, you ideas for the workout. You can enter in
mally do 5x13 unless I'm doing a your own still if you want (in the yellow
ises. cells).
(in light yellow boxes) and the % 6. Minor formatting changes
o it manually.
7. Updated links
e 1st week (3x5 work sets) was a
are 40%, 47%, 55% of your 90% max.
(in light yellow boxes) and the % 6. Minor formatting changes
o it manually.
7. Updated links
e 1st week (3x5 work sets) was a
are 40%, 47%, 55% of your 90% max.
Version 1.2 Updates:
7. Updated links
6. Minor formatting changes
7. Updated links
c or
to select
not go
se %"
d is really
ou can go
nd I'm
m like leg
t to give
enter in
c or
to select
not go
se %"
d is really
ou can go
nd I'm
m like leg
t to give
enter in
Squat Bench Deadlif OH Press
Front Squat Incline Bench Romanian Deads Wide Upright Row
GM (Standing) Dbell Inc Bench Stiff Leg Deads Face Pulls
GM (Dead) Cable Flyes Glute Ham Raise Shrugs
GM (Seated) Dbell Flyes Reverse Hyper Overhand BB Curl
Dbell Lunges Wide Dips Hip Thrusts Hammer Curl
Barbell Lunges Close Grip Bench Farmer Walk EZ Bar Curl
Leg Curl Back Extension JM Press
Leg Ext French Press
Hip Thrusts Skull Crushers
Farmer Walk Close Grip Dips
Back Extension
Only add assistance exercises
in the Yellow cells.