Major Article Influence of Exposure and Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 On The Neuropsychomotor Development in Children
Major Article Influence of Exposure and Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 On The Neuropsychomotor Development in Children
Major Article Influence of Exposure and Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 On The Neuropsychomotor Development in Children
Major Article
[1]. Departamento de Enfermagem Comunitária, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil.
[2]. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia dos Agentes infecciosos, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil.
[3]. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Doenças Tropicais, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil.
[4]. Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil.
[5]. Laboratório de Virologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil.
Introduction: Exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 during pregnancy is a major risk factor for neurodevelopmental
delay and deleterious effects in children. However, limited information about these conditions exists in poor geographical areas
in Brazil. Prevention of vertical transmission of HIV-1 is dealt differently in different regions of the country and in poorer areas
it is more difficult to evaluate the impact of the prevention methods. The outcomes of the exposure to HIV-1 and the impact of
vertical HIV-1 transmission on neuropsychomotor development was evaluated for the first time in children born to HIV-infected
mothers in the North region of Brazil, where the majority of the population has poor access to health services. Methods: Sixty
children born to HIV-1-infected mothers (case group) and 58 born to non-infected mothers (control group) were followed for
the first 12 months of life in a prospective case-control study. Neuropsychomotor development was assessed using the Denver
II test. Results: Suspected neuropsychomotor developmental delays were more frequent in the case group (33.3%), namely
in language (38.9%) and gross motor skills (27.8%). These delays were reversed in most children after 12 months of life due
to therapeutic intervention. The delays were not reversed in three children, all of whom belonged to the case group. Only one
of these was infected with HIV-1, and this child had the poorest neuropsychomotor outcomes. Conclusions: Maternal HIV-1
infection negatively affected the neuropsychomotor development in children, although other factors may have played a role.
Keywords: HIV-1. Vertical transmission. Neurological damage.
INTRODUCTION transmitted via heterosexual sex, which became the main route
of transmission1. This led to a significantly higher prevalence of
The spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 in HIV infection in women of childbearing age and to a subsequent
Brazil has been marked by different epidemiological settings. In increase in the number of children exposed to HIV-12.
the first half of the 1980s decade, HIV-1 was reported to affect
The incidence of HIV-1 infection in Brazilian pregnant
homosexual men, with sexual contact being the main route
women has increased from 2.1 cases/1,000 live births in 2006 to
of transmission, in addition to blood transfusions and needle
2.7 cases/1,000 live births in 2015. More pronounced increases
sharing (among intravenous drug users). However, between the
were found in the North and Northeast regions, where the
late 1980s and early 1990s decades, HIV-1 was also found to be
incidence rose from 1.2 cases/1,000 live births to 2.9 cases/1,000
live births (in the North region) and 2.0 cases/1,000 live births
(in the Northeast region) in the same period3.
Neurological symptoms are more frequent in children than
Corresponding author: Ricardo Ishak. in adults with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), as
e-mail: their central nervous systems are immature and more susceptible
Received 25 June 2018 to injury4. Encephalopathy is an indirect consequence of
Accepted 14 November 2018
Pamplona MCCA et al. - HIV-1 and child neuropsychomotor development
infection and is characterized by neurodevelopmental delay. demographic, economic, prenatal, natal, and postnatal variables
The most common neurological findings include hyporeflexia, was provided by the mothers through a questionnaire. The
delayed neuropsychomotor development, language delay, mental neuropsychomotor development was evaluated by the Denver II
retardation, pyramidal syndrome, and cerebral palsy. Vertical HIV-1 Test6, which is a standardized instrument used to screen children
transmission leads to impaired development in 6-60% of infants, at risk of neurodevelopmental delay and includes four sections:
which includes cognitive impairment and motor or language delays, personal-social, fine motor adaptive, language, and gross motor
resulting in severe deleterious effects later in life, when compared skills. Each score was graded as “caution,” when the child failed
to children who are not infected with or exposed to the virus5. or refused a test item that is expected to be passed by 75 to
Few studies in Brazil have assessed the neuropsychomotor 90% of younger children, or “delayed,” when the child failed
outcomes in children who were exposed to HIV-1 during or refused an item that is expected to be passed by more than
pregnancy, irrespective of vertical transmission. The scenario 90% of younger children. The final result was considered to be
of the country’s North region is of particular concern, due to normal, when the child scored no more than one “caution” and
the high level of illiteracy and the poor access to health care no “delayed”; suspected, when the child scored one “delayed”
for a significant part of the population in this region. As a large, and/or two or more “cautions”; and abnormal, when the child
universal and free healthcare service is offered to the general scored two or more “delays”7.
Brazilian population, the main objectives of the present study Statistical analysis
were to evaluate how the Brazilian healthcare service contributes
The chi-square test, G test, T test, and Fisher’s exact test
to avoid that children be affected by the current HIV-1 epidemic
were used to compare demographic, social, and economic
and the clinical outcomes of affected children.
characteristics and to evaluate differences in the performance
METHODS in the Denver II test between the two groups during the first
year of life. A significance level of 5% was used for all tests.
Ethical aspects The statistical analyses were performed using the BioEstat
This study was approved by the Nursing Program Research program, version 5.38.
Ethics Committee, State University of Pará (UEPA) under RESULTS
the technical opinion number 0053.0.321.000/10 and were
in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible A predominance of female children was observed in both
committee on human experimentation (institutional, regional, groups (Table 1). The most frequent maternal age range was
or national) and in keeping with the Helsinki Declaration of 17-22 years old in the control group (57%) and 23-28 years
1964, as revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, and 2000. All old in the case group (39.7%), which was statistically different
mothers were informed about the project, and those who agreed (p = 0.0005). Almost half of the mothers were in a stable
to participate provided written informed consent. relationship (49.2%), and both case and control groups had a
predominance of mothers who did not complete 9 school years
Study design, location, and period (58.7% in the case group and 52.4% in the control group). The
This was a prospective, case-control study involving two monthly family income was reported to be lower than the minimum
groups of pregnant women and their newborn children. One group wage by 58.7% of women in the case group, while 33.3% of
was composed of children born to HIV-1-infected mothers (case women in the control group reported a monthly family income of
group), and the other group was composed of children born to 1-2 minimum wages, which was significantly different (p=0.0003).
non-infected mothers (control group). The case group included Most women in the case and control groups started having
mothers and children seen in two reference centers in the city prenatal care appointments during the first 4 months of
of Belém, state of Pará (URE-DIPE Section in the Specialized pregnancy (96.8% and 100% in the case and control group,
Mother, Infant and Adolescent Reference Center, [UREMIA] and respectively), had no complications during pregnancy (52.4%
the city of Belém’s Casa Dia), and the control group included and 76.2%, in the case and control group, respectively), and were
women and children attending the Comprehensive Children's tested for HIV-1 infection (54.0% and 85.0% in the case and
Health Care Program (PAISC) in a municipal health unit in the control group, respectively). The case group had a predominance
city of Ananindeua, state of Pará, from 2010 to 2012. of women with 1-6 prenatal care appointments, while the
control group had a predominance of women with six or more
Study groups
appointments, with a statistically significant difference between
Neuropsychomotor development was assessed in 60 children the two groups (p = 0.0001). Most HIV-1-infected women
who were exposed to HIV-1 (case group) and 58 children who (92.1%) underwent cesarean sections, while normal labors were
were not exposed to HIV-1 (control group), who were matched more common among women in the control group (55.6%). The
for age and sex. Children whose parents or guardians did not birthweight was between 2.5 and 3.0 kg in 42.9% of children
agree to participate in the study were excluded. born to HIV-1-infected mothers, and between 3.0 and 3.5 kg
in 42.9% of children of the control group, with a statistically
Study protocol
significant difference between the two groups (p=0.0071). None
The neuropsychomotor development was assessed two, of the HIV-1-infected women breastfed their children, whereas
four, six, nine, and 12 months after birth. Information on social, 92.1% of women in the control group did it (Table 2).
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop Vol.:52:e-20180263: 2019
TABLE 1: Demographic, social, and economic characteristics of mothers with and without HIV-1 infection and their children. Pará State, Brazil, 2010-2012
(n = 126).
Child’s gender
23 – 28 25 39.7 13 20.6
29 – 34 12 19.1 9 14.3
35 – 40 2 3.2 1 1.6
1 —| 2 17 27 36 57.1
2 ―| 3 5 7.9 0 0
Out of 63 HIV-1-infected women, 54 (85.7%) underwent Children in whom neurodevelopmental delay was suspected
antiretroviral therapy (ART) during pregnancy and nine (16.7%) were mostly motor, personal-social and language skills
underwent ART before pregnancy. A total of 15 (27.8%) women (Table 4). Although there was a higher rate of impairment in
started ART during the first trimester, 22 (40.7%) during the these skills among children who were born to HIV-1-infected
second trimester, and eight (14.8%) during the last trimester of mothers, no statistically significant difference was observed
pregnancy. Most births (74.6%; 47/63) occurred between the between the two groups.
37th and 40th weeks of gestation. All children born to HIV-1- Vertical HIV-1 transmission was investigated in 24 (38%)
infected mothers were treated with azidothymidine (AZT) in children who were exposed to the virus during pregnancy. The
an attempt to prevent vertical HIV-1 transmission. remaining children were over 18 months old at the end of the
Table 3 summarizes the results of the Denver II test. study but were no longer seen due to changes in the parental
Although there were variations in frequency, there was no consent after birth, absence in routine laboratory tests, lack of
significant difference until the first year of life between children material, technical resources, excessively delay in scheduling
born to infected and non-infected mothers in the domain of the the examination and receiving their results in the reference
Denver II test associated with the potential neurodevelopmental centers. Among the 24 children that could be assessed, 23
delay. (95.8%) were not infected by the virus. Out of 20 children
Pamplona MCCA et al. - HIV-1 and child neuropsychomotor development
TABLE 2: Prenatal, natal, and postnatal characteristics of mothers with and without HIV-1 infection and their children. Pará State, Brazil, 2010-2012 (n = 126).
with neurodevelopmental delay, this status was reversed in 17 family income and low access to information about routes
(85%) at the end of the first-year evaluation. Three children of transmission and infection1,10. Maternal education is an
were unable to overcome the neurodevelopmental delays, one of important health indicator variable for both newborns and
whom was infected with HIV-1. This child presented the poorest children and is a good predictor of neonatal mortality2.
performances in the Denver II test, especially in language and The prenatal history of children at risk of vertical HIV-1
motor skills. infection was characterized by absence of complications during
pregnancy, according to maternal reports. Prenatal care started
DISCUSSION as late as the fourth month, and more than half of mothers did
The predominant age range of HIV-1-infected mothers was not complete six prenatal visits, reflecting the poor quality of
similar to that found in other areas of Brazil2, and it was not maternal care. Uninfected mothers were more consistently
different from the group most involved in the present HIV-1 treated, considering the minimum standards required by the
epidemic. Most infected mothers were in a stable relationship, Brazilian Ministry of Health's Program for Humanization of
which corroborates a previous report8 and indicates that the Prenatal and Birth Periods (PHPN)11.
HIV-1 infection can occur even during stable heterosexual Early initiation of prenatal care is fundamental for essential
relationships9. Although no difference was observed between interventions during the early stage of pregnancy, including
the groups in terms of education, most infected women prevention of vertical syphilis and HIV-1 transmission,
presented low educational level, which is a key determinant diagnosis of tubal pregnancy, anemia control, and management
of higher susceptibility to infection, along with low monthly of hypertension and diabetes12. The first component of the
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop Vol.:52:e-20180263: 2019
TABLE 3: Evaluation of the performance of children born to mothers with and without HIV-1 infection in the first year of life, according to the Denver II test,
Pará State, Brazil, 2010-2012 (n = 118).
At 2 months of age
At 4 months of age
Not applied 4 - 10 -
At 6 months of age
Not applied 6 - 12 -
At 9 months of age
Not applied 4 - 16 -
At 12 months of age
TABLE 4: Performance in the domains of the Denver II test of children born to mothers with and without HIV infection in whom developmental delay was
suspected in the first year of life. Pará State, Brazil, 2010-2012 (n = 32).
*Neurodevelopmental delay was suspected in 20 children born to mothers infected with HIV-1 (suspected delay in 1 or more months) and 12 children born
to mothers without HIV-1 (suspected delay in 1 or more months).
Pamplona MCCA et al. - HIV-1 and child neuropsychomotor development
PHPN ("Incentives for Prenatal Care") recommends a minimum in a program for prevention of vertical HIV-1 transmission in
of eight quality criteria, including safeguarding the pregnant Thailand. In this program, motor skills accounted for most of
woman, conducting the first prenatal consultation before the suspected delays, which was similar to our findings, but different
fourth month of pregnancy and having at least six prenatal from the findings of other Brazilian study, conducted in the
appointments11. Infected pregnant women need special prenatal city of Diamantina (southeastern region of Brazil), in which
care and should be monitored throughout the prenatal period language skills accounted for most of suspected delays.
with a minimum number of consultations, which provide them Although no statistically significant differences were seen
with extra care and advice, to ensure an effective ART to reduce between the groups regarding variables of neuropsychomotor
the possibility of vertical transmission9. development, children at risk of vertical HIV-1 infection
The absence of the HIV-1 test during the prenatal period is were exposed to factors that are associated with delayed
possibly due to the mother’s knowledge of her infection status. neuropsychomotor development, including low maternal
However, it is the duty of the health professional to request a educational level, low monthly family income, no breastfeeding
rapid HIV-1 test in the first prenatal consultation, and the test and low birthweight. Thus, the risk of delayed neuropsychomotor
must be repeated during the third trimester of pregnancy13. The development exists even when the possibility of vertical HIV-1
non-detection of HIV-1 infection due to the absence of the HIV-1 transmission is ruled out21. Intrauterine exposure to antiretroviral
test during the prenatal care is considered a failure in prevention agents is other possible cause of impaired neurodevelopment22.
and early treatment, which can impair the efforts to control the Although there is no consensus regarding this subject, it has been
vertical HIV-1 transmission14. suggested that environmental factors play a key role in the risk
The rate of cesarean sections was high, although there were of neurodevelopmental delay in children born to HIV-infected
few complications during the prenatal care. Most cesarean mothers20,21, as well as maternal stress upon discovery of the
deliveries were elective, in order to ensure the minimum HIV-1 infection, which leads to emotional symptoms during
possible contact between the newborn and infected maternal pregnancy, such as anxiety23.
fluids. It is worth mentioning that, in some cases, the number Maternal competence strongly contributes to the
of cesarean interventions was low, compared to the 58% rate neuropsychomotor development. This consists of four
among pregnant women who underwent cesarean sections in components (support network, marital satisfaction, maternal
Teresina, Piaui9. Most infected mothers underwent highly active health, and child characteristics) that interact in a complex
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) during pregnancy, starting from manner to determine the child’s development24. In HIV-1
the second trimester. HAART is recommended for all pregnant infected mothers, these components are likely to be crucial for
women, regardless of the presence of symptoms or low CD4+ T the risk of developmental delays, as most patients with HIV-1
lymphocyte count15, and its administration has brought relevant infection confront a range of psychological challenges, such as
benefits, preventing approximately 35% of cases of mother-to- fear of death, prejudice, neglect and guilt.
child HIV-1 transmission, especially when the drug was used Although previous studies have indicated that both exposure
during the final weeks of pregnancy16. to and infection with HIV-1 can affect a child's development,
In this study, children born to infected mothers were not HIV-1 infection can impair the neuropsychomotor development
breastfed, which is in accordance with existing guidelines. In in a more serious way. In this study, three children completed
the case of HIV-1-infected mothers, breast milk is replaced the first year of life without reversing the neurodevelopmental
with a specific formula for infants, which is provided for the delays. Only one of them was infected with HIV-1 (after vertical
first 6 months of life by the Brazilian Health System (SUS)17. transmission) and this child had the poorest neuropsychomotor
Breastfeeding exclusion reduces the odds of mother-to-child performances in the Denver II test, particularly in language and
HIV-1 transmission by 20%18. Similarly, it was also found motor skills.
that all children underwent treatment with AZT syrup 10 Most HIV-1-infected children showed motor and cognitive
mg/mL, which was initiated before the second hour post- delays, which are indicators of disease progression. These
partum, and administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg every 6 hours, abnormalities did not appear to be associated with other risk
for 6 weeks19. Despite of the poor access to health services, factors, such as socioeconomic variables described in another
most infected mothers received the necessary attention and setting25.
followed the measures to reduce the possibility of vertical In conclusion, the subjects of this study showed demographic
HIV-1 transmission, which led to the low rate of children with and social characteristics similar to those of the general
confirmed HIV-1 diagnosis at the end of the follow-up. population affected by the HIV-1 epidemic in the northern
A higher rate of children with suspected neuropsychomotor region of Brazil. Low educational level and low income
developmental delay was observed in the case group. Most play a key role in maintaining the epidemic, as the affected
suspected delays occurred in the areas measured by the Denver populations remain unaware of prevention measures and do not
II test associated with language and motor domains and in have access to quality health care. The incidence of suspected
the personal-social and fine motor domains. At the age of 12 delay in child development was higher among those exposed
months old, most children did not have any neurodevelopmental to vertical transmission from mothers infected with HIV-1.
impairment. The incidence of neurodevelopmental delay was Therapeutic intervention during the first year of life helped
greater than the 15.4% rate observed in 143 children enrolled reverse the damaging effects in most children at the end of
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop Vol.:52:e-20180263: 2019
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