Where Should India Invest More
Where Should India Invest More
Where Should India Invest More
1. Introduction
2. Human capital vs human development
3. Why invest in human capital?
4. Human development why?
5. Where should India invest?
6. Conclusion
Every nation thrives not on its resources but on the quality of its people.
It is the ability of the citizens which make a nation prosperous. For
instance, Singapore achieved independence much later than India or
Pakistan, yet it ranks higher in human development index.
Notwithstanding scarcity of resources, it continues to be one of the most
developed nations of Asia. So, what promotes development? Human
capital or human development ? Or, are both necessary for India to
achieve its growth goals?
Human capital refers to the abilities, skill sets and knowledge resource
of the citizens of a country. The more knowledgeable people are, the
more is the economic progress. On the other hand, human development
refers to all around development of the people viz, literacy, health,
social development and equality. Historically, while human capital has
been the tool for civilizations to advance, human development has
helped in effective utilization of the human capital. Be it the Indus valley
civilization, the Egyptian or even the Mesopotamian, the knowledge
level of people, helped them trade, connect and survive. However, it was
only after the period of renaissance and reform, that human
development came to epitomize real development. The ideas of Locke,
Voltaire led to shedding of older beliefs regarding the way of life and
societies and was an inspiration for French and American revolutions
which gave “liberty, equality, Fraternity” and the declaration of “Rights
of Man”. India, too, having spent most of its history entangled in social
traditions and customs of castiesm, gender biasness, realized the value
of human development through the efforts of various reformers like
Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. Post independence,
both human capital and human development has seen tremendous
growth. However, to reach a level as that of developed countries, should
India focus on human capital or human development?