ECSS E ST 50 03C (31july2008)
ECSS E ST 50 03C (31july2008)
ECSS E ST 50 03C (31july2008)
31 July 2008
Space engineering
Space data links - Telemetry
transfer frame protocol
ECSS Secretariat
Requirements & Standards Division
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
31 July 2008
This Standard is one of the series of ECSS Standards intended to be applied together for the
management, engineering and product assurance in space projects and applications. ECSS is a
cooperative effort of the European Space Agency, national space agencies and European industry
associations for the purpose of developing and maintaining common standards. Requirements in this
Standard are defined in terms of what shall be accomplished, rather than in terms of how to organize
and perform the necessary work. This allows existing organizational structures and methods to be
applied where they are effective, and for the structures and methods to evolve as necessary without
rewriting the standards.
This Standard has been prepared by the ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐03C Working Group, reviewed by the ECSS
Executive Secretariat and approved by the ECSS Technical Authority.
ECSS does not provide any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty
that the contents of the item are error‐free. In no respect shall ECSS incur any liability for any
damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out
of, resulting from, or in any way connected to the use of this Standard, whether or not based upon
warranty, business agreement , tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was sustained by persons or
property or otherwise; and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of, the results of, the
item, or any services that may be provided by ECSS.
Published by: ESA Requirements and Standards Division
ESTEC, P.O. Box 299,
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Copyright: 2008 © by the European Space Agency for the members of ECSS
31 July 2008
Change log
ECSS‐E‐50‐03A First issue
6 November 2007
ECSS‐E‐50‐03B Never issued
ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐03C Second issue
31 July 2008 Editorial changes to conform to the ECSS template, including renumbering
of the requirements and consistency with CCSDS and other ECSS standards
31 July 2008
Table of contents
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................6
4 Overview................................................................................................................10
4.1 General..................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Physical channel ...................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Master channels and virtual channels ...................................................................... 11
4.4 Sharing transmission resources ............................................................................... 11
4.5 Data fields in the frame ............................................................................................ 11
31 July 2008
5.3.1 General....................................................................................................... 20
5.3.2 Transfer Frame Secondary Header Identification....................................... 21
5.3.3 Transfer Frame Secondary Header Data Field .......................................... 22
5.3.4 Extended virtual channel frame count ........................................................ 22
5.4 Transfer Frame Data Field ....................................................................................... 23
5.4.1 Overview..................................................................................................... 23
5.4.2 General....................................................................................................... 23
5.4.3 Packet processing and extraction functions ............................................... 24
5.4.4 Asynchronously inserted data .................................................................... 27
5.5 Operational Control Field ......................................................................................... 28
5.5.1 General....................................................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Type Flag.................................................................................................... 28
5.5.3 Type-1-Report ............................................................................................ 28
5.5.4 Type-2-Report ............................................................................................ 29
5.6 Frame Error Control Field......................................................................................... 29
5.6.1 General....................................................................................................... 29
5.6.2 Frame Error Control Field encoding procedure .......................................... 30
5.6.3 Frame Error Control Field decoding procedure .......................................... 31
Figure 3-1: Bit numbering convention ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 5-1: TM Transfer Frame format................................................................................... 14
Figure 5-2: Format of Transfer Frame Primary Header.......................................................... 15
Figure A-1 : Encoder .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure A-2 : Decoder .............................................................................................................. 33
Table 5-1: Major fields in a TM Transfer Frame ...............................................................12
Table B-1: Differences in names from ESA-PSS-04-106 for fields in a
Telemetry Transfer Frame ...................................................................................36
Table B-1 : Differences in names from ESA-PSS-04-106 for fields in a Telemetry
Transfer Frame .................................................................................................... 36
31 July 2008
This Standard contains the definition for Telemetry Transfer Frames which are
fixed‐length data structures, suitable for transmission at a constant frame rate
on a space data channel.
The Telemetry Transfer Frame provides a standardized data structure for the
transmission of space‐acquired data over a telemetry space data link.
Usually, the source of the data is located in space and the receiver is located on
the ground. However, this Standard may also be applied to space‐to‐space
telemetry data links.
Further provisions and guidance on the application of this standard can be
found, respectively, in the following publications:
• The higher level standard ECSS‐E‐ST‐50, Communications, which defines
the principle characteristics of communication protocols and related
services for all communication layers relevant for space communication
(physical‐ to application‐layer), and their basic relationship to each other.
• The handbook ECSS‐E‐HB‐50, Communications guidelines, which
provides information about specific implementation characteristics of
these protocols in order to support the choice of a certain
communications profile for the specific requirements of a space mission..
Users of this present standard are invited to consult these documents before
taking decisions on the implementation of the present one.
This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constraints of a
space project in conformance with ECSS‐S‐ST‐00.
31 July 2008
Normative references
31 July 2008
Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.2.3 octet
group of eight bits
NOTE 1 The numbering for octets within a data structure
starts with 0.
NOTE 2 Refer to clause 3.4 for the convention for the
numbering of bits.
3.2.4 packet
variable‐length data structure consisting of higher layer user data encapsulated
within standard header information
3.2.5 static
unchanged within a specific virtual channel or within a specific master channel
NOTE This Standard contains requirements on the
invariability, throughout one or all mission phases,
of certain characteristics of the data structures
specified in it.
31 July 2008
3.4 Conventions
Figure 3‐1: Bit numbering convention
31 July 2008
4.1 General
The Telemetry Transfer Frame is a fixed‐length data structure that provides an
envelope for transmitting data units of several types over a telemetry space
link. The frame is compatible with the ECSS standard for telemetry
synchronization and channel coding defined in ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐01.
The telemetry transfer frame protocol can operate in various configurations of
the telemetry space link, depending on the telemetry channel coding scheme
and security options selected. The correct operation of the protocol can only
occur if a high‐quality data channel is provided between the peer entities of the
NOTE 1 The Standard for telemetry channel coding,
ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐01, defines the coding mechanisms
for a high‐quality data channel, including frame
synchronization and randomization. CCSDS 350.0‐
G‐2 describes the security options.
NOTE 2 In this Standard the terms TM Transfer Frame and
Telemetry Transfer Frame are used
interchangeably, i.e. they are synonyms and have
the same meaning as.
NOTE 3 Annex D describes the mission configuration
parameters within the scope of this Standard.
31 July 2008
31 July 2008
TM Transfer Frame
5.1 General
a. The TM Transfer Frame shall encompass the major fields, positioned
contiguously if present, in the sequence shown in Figure 5‐1.
NOTE 1 Figure 5‐1 shows the format of the TM Transfer
NOTE 2 In the case that TM Transfer Frames are directly
submitted to telemetry channel coding, the start of
the TM Transfer Frame is always signalled by the
attached sync marker (ASM) which immediately
precedes the TM Transfer Frame. The ASM is
specified in ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐01.
When the TM Transfer Frame is embedded in a
Reed‐Solomon codeblock or turbo codeblock, the
ASM signals the start of both.
Table 5‐1: Major fields in a TM Transfer Frame
Presence in
Field TM Transfer Length in bits
Transfer Frame Primary Header 48
Transfer Frame Secondary Header optional 16, 24, ... or 512
Transfer Frame Data Field variable
Transfer Frame Trailer optional 16, 32 or 48
b. The maximum length for a TM Transfer Frame shall be 2048 octets.
c. The TM Transfer Frame shall be of constant length throughout a specific
mission phase.
NOTE Because a change of frame length also changes the
time interval between the start of successive
frames, it can result in a loss of synchronization at
the data capture element.
31 July 2008
d. The TM Transfer Frame length shall be in conformance with the
specifications contained in the standard for telemetry channel coding,
NOTE For some coding schemes, ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐01 limits
the TM Transfer Frame length to certain specific
e. TM Transfer Frames shall be transferred over a physical channel at a
constant rate.
f. In order to assure correct decoding at the receiving end, the same
telemetry channel coding options shall be applied to all TM Transfer
Frames of a physical channel.
g. At the receiving end, TM Transfer Frames containing detected errors
need not be delivered.
h. The handling of TM Transfer Frames containing detected errors shall be
specified for each mission or mission phase.
NOTE Depending on the coding scheme in use, errors in
a TM Transfer Frame can be detected during the
telemetry channel decoding at the receiving end
(see ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐01). The Frame Error Control
Field specified in clause 5.6 can be used to detect
errors in TM Transfer Frames.
i. All TM Transfer Frames with the same Master Channel Identifier on a
physical channel shall constitute a master channel.
NOTE 1 The Master Channel Identifier is defined in clause
NOTE 2 In most cases, the master channel is identical to the
physical channel. However, if the physical channel
also carries TM Transfer Frames with other
Spacecraft Identifiers, a distinction between the
master channel and physical channel is made. In
this case, multiplexing of TM Transfer Frames with
different Spacecraft Identifiers is performed by
multiplexing the different master channels on the
same physical channel.
j. A master channel shall consist of between one to eight virtual channels.
k. On a physical channel that carries TM Transfer Frames, all the frames
shall have the same Transfer Frame Version Number.
NOTE The TM Transfer Frames specified in this Standard
do not share a physical channel with other types of
31 July 2008
Figure 5‐1: TM Transfer Frame format
5.2.1 General
a. The Transfer Frame Primary Header shall always be present in a TM
Transfer Frame.
b. The Transfer Frame Primary Header shall consist of six fields, positioned
contiguously, in the following sequence:
1. Master Channel Identifier 12 bits
2. Virtual Channel Identifier 3 bits
3. Operational Control Field Flag 1 bit
4. Master Channel Frame Count 8 bits
5. Virtual Channel Frame Count 8 bits
6. Transfer Frame Data Field Status 16 bits
NOTE 1 All six fields are always present in a Transfer
Frame Primary Header.
NOTE 2 Figure 5‐2 shows the format of the Transfer Frame
Primary Header.
NOTE 3 The Transfer Frame Primary Header covers the
following main functions:
• to identify the data unit as a TM Transfer
• to identify the master channel and virtual
channel to which the frame belongs;
• to provide a counting mechanism for the virtual
channels and the master channel;
• to provide status fields related to the data in the
Transfer Frame Data Field.
31 July 2008
Figure 5‐2: Format of Transfer Frame Primary Header General
a. The Master Channel Identifier shall always be present in a Transfer
Frame Primary Header.
b. The Master Channel Identifier shall be contained within bits 0‐11 of the
Transfer Frame Primary Header.
c. The Master Channel Identifier shall consist of two fields, positioned
contiguously, in the following sequence:
1. Transfer Frame Version Number 2 bits
2. Spacecraft Identifier 10 bits
NOTE Both fields are always present in a Master Channel
31 July 2008
NOTE 1 The Secretariat of the CCSDS assigns Spacecraft
Identifiers according to the procedures in CCSDS
NOTE 2 Different Spacecraft Identifiers can be assigned for
normal operations and for development vehicles
using the ground networks during pre‐launch test
operations, and for simulated data streams.
d. The Spacecraft Identifier shall be static throughout all mission phases.
31 July 2008
d. The Master Channel Frame Count shall not be reset before reaching 255
unless there is a major system reset.
NOTE If the Master Channel Frame Count is reset due to
a re‐initialisation, the completeness of a sequence
of TM Transfer Frames cannot be determined. General
a. The Transfer Frame Data Field Status shall always be present in a
Transfer Frame Primary Header.
b. The Transfer Frame Data Field Status shall be contained within bits 32‐47
of the Transfer Frame Primary Header.
c. The Transfer Frame Data Field Status shall consist of five fields,
positioned contiguously, in the following sequence:
1. Transfer Frame Secondary Header Flag 1 bit
2. Synchronization Flag 1 bit
3. Packet Order Flag 1 bit
4. Segment Length Identifier 2 bits
5. First Header Pointer 11 bits
NOTE 1 All these five fields are always present in a
Transfer Frame Data Field Status.
31 July 2008
NOTE 2 This field indicates whether a secondary header is
present and provides information relating to the
data contained in the Transfer Frame Data Field.
31 July 2008 Packet Order Flag
a. The Packet Order Flag shall always be present in a Transfer Frame Data
Field Status.
b. The Packet Order Flag shall be contained in bit 34 of the Transfer Frame
Primary Header.
c. If the Synchronization Flag is set to ‘0’, the Packet Order Flag shall be set
to ‘0’.
NOTE 1 When the Synchronization Flag is set to ‘0’, the
Packet Order Flag is reserved for future use.
NOTE 2 If the Synchronization Flag is set to ‘1’, the use of
the Packet Order Flag is undefined.
31 July 2008
e. The locations of the octets in the Transfer Frame Data Field shall be
numbered in ascending order starting with ‘0’.
f. If no packet starts in the Transfer Frame Data Field, the First Header
Pointer shall be set to ‘11111111111’.
NOTE This can occur if a long packet extends across
multiple frames.
g. If the Transfer Frame Data Field contains only idle data, the First Header
Pointer shall be set to ‘11111111110’.
5.3.1 General
a. If present, the Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall follow, without
gap, the Transfer Frame Primary Header.
b. The presence or absence of the Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall be
signalled by the Transfer Frame Secondary Header Flag in the Transfer
Frame Primary Header (see clause
c. If present, the Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall comprise an
integral number of octets: between 2 and 64 octets.
d. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall be associated with either a
master channel or a virtual channel.
NOTE 1 If the Transfer Frame Secondary Header is
associated with a master channel, then the Transfer
Frame Secondary Header is present in every frame
on the master channel. In this case, the Transfer
Frame Secondary Header has the same length for
all virtual channels of the master channel.
NOTE 2 If the Transfer Frame Secondary Header is
associated with a given virtual channel, then the
Transfer Frame Secondary Headers of other virtual
channels can be absent or can be used for other
purposes. For example, the Transfer Frame
Secondary Header can have a different length on
different virtual channels.
e. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall have a fixed length in the
associated master channel or in the associated virtual channel throughout
a mission phase.
f. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall consist of two fields,
positioned contiguously, in the following sequence:
1. Transfer Frame Secondary Header
Identification 8 bits
2. Transfer Frame Secondary Header
Data Field 8, 16, ... or 504 bits
31 July 2008
NOTE 1 Both fields are always present in a Transfer Frame
Secondary Header.
NOTE 2 The format of the Transfer Frame Secondary
Header is shown in Figure 5‐1.
g. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header shall be used to carry fixed length
data defined at mission level.
h. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header may be used to provide an
extended virtual channel frame count as specified in clause 5.3.4. General
a. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header Identification shall always be
present in a Transfer Frame Secondary Header.
b. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header Identification shall be contained
in bits 0‐7 of the Transfer Frame Secondary Header.
c. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header Identification shall comprise two
fields, positioned contiguously, in the following sequence:
1. Transfer Frame Secondary Header Version
Number 2 bits
2. Transfer Frame Secondary Header Length 6 bits
NOTE Both fields are always present in a Transfer Frame
Secondary Header Identification.
31 July 2008
c. The Transfer Frame Secondary Header Length shall contain the total
length of the Transfer Frame Secondary Header in octets minus one,
represented as a binary number.
NOTE When a Transfer Frame Secondary Header is
present, this length can be used to compute the
location of the start of the Transfer Frame Data
d. The value of the Transfer Frame Secondary Header Length shall be static
within a specific master channel or a specific virtual channel throughout
a mission phase. Overview
The Transfer Frame Secondary Header may provide an extended virtual
channel frame count. The following requirements apply in when the extended
virtual channel frame count is used.
31 July 2008
NOTE 1 If the extended virtual channel frame count is
associated with a master channel, then the Transfer
Frame Secondary Header of every frame on the
master channel contains the extended count.
However, the value of the extended count in a
given frame is the value for the virtual channel to
which the frame belongs.
NOTE 2 If the extended virtual channel frame count is
associated with a virtual channel, then the Transfer
Frame Secondary Headers of other virtual
channels can be absent or used for other purposes.
e. The use of the extended virtual channel frame count shall be static in the
associated master channel or in the associated virtual channel throughout
a mission phase.
5.4.1 Overview
As specified in clause 5.1, the length of a TM Transfer Frame is static
throughout a mission phase. The lengths of the optional parts of the frame
(Transfer Frame Secondary Header, Operational Control Field and Frame Error
Control Field) are static in the associated virtual channel, master channel or
physical channel throughout a mission phase. As a result, the length of the
Transfer Frame Data Field for a virtual channel is static throughout a mission
In general, the Transfer Frame Data Field contains data to be transmitted over
the space link on behalf of higher layers.
For TM Transfer Frames where the Synchronization Flag (clause is set to
‘0’, the Transfer Frame Data Field carries packets in the manner specified in
clause 5.4.3.
This Standard does not specify the data carried in the Transfer Frame Data Field
for TM Transfer Frames where the Synchronization Flag is set to ‘1’. The data
can consist of packets or any other data units.
clause 5.4.4 specifies an optional use of the Transfer Frame Data Field to carry
asynchronously inserted data. The specification in clause 5.4.4 does not restrict
the use of the Transfer Frame Data Field of frames where the Synchronization
Flag is set to ‘1’.
5.4.2 General
a. The Transfer Frame Data Field shall always be present in a TM Transfer
b. The Transfer Frame Data Field shall follow, without gap, one of the
31 July 2008
c. If a Transfer Frame Secondary Header is present, the Transfer Frame
d. If a Transfer Frame Secondary Header is not present, the Transfer Frame
e. The length of the Transfer Frame Data Field shall be an integral number
of octets and be constrained by the length of the total TM Transfer Frame.
NOTE The constraints on the length of a TM Transfer
Frame are specified in clause 5.1. Overview
For TM Transfer Frames where the Synchronization Flag is set to ‘0’, the
Transfer Frame Data Field carries packets. Clauses, and
apply in this case.
The First Header Pointer (clause indicates the position of the first packet
which starts in the Transfer Frame Data Field.
The functions for processing the packets depend on knowledge of the position,
size and meaning of certain fields in the standard packet headers. Clause
specifies some of the properties of the packets.
Clause specifies the packet processing function at the sending end, which
places the packets into the Transfer Frame Data Fields in a sequence of TM
Transfer Frames for a virtual channel. Clause specifies the function at the
receiving end which extracts the packets from the Transfer Frame Data Fields.
31 July 2008 Packet properties
a. A packet handled by the packet processing and extraction functions shall
have a defined Packet Version Number in conformance with CCSDS
135.0‐B‐3 clause 7.6, and conform to the definition of the related data
structure specified in the same subclause.
NOTE 1 The Packet Version Number occupies the first
three bits of the packet header.
NOTE 2 CCSDS 135.0‐B‐3 clause 7.6 contains a list of the
defined Packet Version Numbers that are also
referred to as authorized Packet Version Numbers.
It provides a list of references to the documents
which specify the related packet data structures.
NOTE 3 For a mission that uses the packet processing and
extraction functions, it is the responsibility of the
mission designer to verify the availability of
support by the telemetry transfer services for each
defined Packet Version Number that is used by the
b. An idle packet shall be either:
1. an idle space packet in conformance with CCSDS 133.0‐B‐1 clause
4.1, or
2. a fill encapsulation packet in conformance with CCSDS 133.1‐B‐1
clause 4.2.
NOTE 1 Because an idle space packet has a minimum
length of seven octets, it can spill over into a
subsequent frame.
NOTE 2 The option for a different type of idle packet, in
addition to the idle space packet, is being
evaluated at the time of publication of this
31 July 2008
Frame Data Field of a subsequent frame of the
same virtual channel.
NOTE 2 Within a virtual channel, one or more frames
containing idle data (see requirement can
be transmitted between two frames carrying parts
of a given packet.
NOTE 3 When a long packet is being processed, there can
be frames which carry part of the packet, but
where no packet starts within the Transfer Frame
Data Field. In this case the First Header Pointer is
set as defined in requirement
d. The packet processing function shall set the First Header Pointer as
specified in clause
e. Packets with different Packet Version Numbers may be transmitted
within a virtual channel.
f. A Transfer Frame Data Field containing only idle data may be created.
NOTE 1 In this case the First Header Pointer is set as
defined in requirement
NOTE 2 The bit pattern of idle data is not specified. See
Annex D.2.8.
g. One or more idle packets may be created to fill space in a Transfer Frame
Data Field.
NOTE 1 In many cases, the idle packet or packets fill all the
remaining space in the Transfer Frame Data Field.
However, an idle packet or packets can be
followed by one or more non‐idle packets within
the same Transfer Frame Data Field.
NOTE 2 If many idle packets are created in a Transfer
Frame Data Field, they can increase the packet rate
at the receiving end. Conversely, the creation of a
single idle packet to fill the remaining space in the
Transfer Frame Data Field reduces the number of
packets to be processed by the packet extraction
31 July 2008 Overview
For legacy reasons, this clause provides a description of the requirements which
apply if asynchronously inserted data is used.
The asynchronously inserted data consists of TM Transfer Frames that are
recorded in an on‐board memory device, such as a magnetic tape recorder. The
recorded TM Transfer Frames are played back, later at a convenient time, and
placed in real‐time TM Transfer Frames for transmission.
31 July 2008
5.5.1 General
a. If present, the Operational Control Field shall occupy the four octets
following, without gap, the Transfer Frame Data Field.
b. The presence or absence of the Operational Control Field shall be
signalled by the Operational Control Field Flag in the Transfer Frame
Primary Header (see clause 5.2.4).
c. The Operational Control Field shall be associated with a master channel
or a virtual channel.
NOTE Support at the receiving end for retrieving the
Operational Control Field can be limited. In some
cases, the receiving end can only support retrieval
of the Operational Control Field associated with a
master channel.
d. The Operational Control Field shall be present in every TM Transfer
Frame transmitted through the associated master channel or virtual
channel throughout a mission phase.
e. Bit 0 of the Operational Control Field shall contain a Type Flag which
indicates the contents of the field.
NOTE The purpose of the Operational Control Field is to
provide a standardized mechanism for reporting a
small number of real‐time functions.
5.5.3 Type-1-Report
a. If the Type Flag is ‘0’, the Operational Control Field shall contain a
b. A Type‐1‐Report shall contain a Communications Link Control Word in
conformance with ECSS‐E‐ST‐50‐04, clause 6.3.
NOTE The Communications Link Control Word is used
to control the operation of a telecommand space
31 July 2008
5.5.4 Type-2-Report
a. If the Type Flag is ‘1’, the Operational Control Field shall contain a
b. The value of the first bit of a Type‐2‐Report (i.e. bit 1 of the Operational
Control Field) shall indicate the use of the report as follows:
1. ‘0’, the contents of the report are project‐specific;
2. ‘1’, the contents of the report are reserved for future application.
NOTE This Standard does not define the use of
Type‐2‐Reports; however, it accommodates the
possibility to do so in future issues by restricting
the use of the first bit.
c. The value of the first bit of a Type‐2‐Report may vary between TM
Transfer Frames on the same virtual channel.
5.6.1 General
a. If present, the Frame Error Control Field shall occupy the two octets
following, without gap, one of the following:
1. If an Operational Control Field is present, the Operational Control
2. If an Operational Control Field is not present, the Transfer Frame
Data Field.
b. The Frame Error Control Field shall be present in a TM Transfer Frame if
the TM Transfer Frame is not Reed‐Solomon encoded.
NOTE The Frame Error Control Field is optional if the TM
Transfer Frame is contained within the data space
of a Reed‐Solomon code block.
c. If present, the Frame Error Control Field shall occur within every TM
Transfer Frame transmitted within the same physical channel throughout
a mission phase.
NOTE 1 The purpose of this field is to provide a capability
for detecting errors which can be introduced into
the frame during the transmission and data
handling process.
NOTE 2 When applied to an encoded block of less than
32 768 bits (4096 octets), the code has the following
• All error sequences composed of an odd
number of bit errors are detected.
31 July 2008
• All error sequences containing at most two bit
errors anywhere in the encoded block are
• If a random error sequence containing an even
number of bit errors (greater than or equal to 4)
occurs within the block, the probability that the
error is undetected is approximately 2‐15 (or
3 × 10‐5).
• All single error bursts spanning 16 bits or less
are detected provided no other errors occur
within the block.
L(X) = Xi comment: input the correct formula
o G(X) is the generating polynomial given by:
G(X) = X16 + X12 + X5 + 1.
NOTE 1 The X(n‐16) ⋅ L(X) term has the effect of presetting
the shift register to all ‘1’ state prior to encoding.
NOTE 2 A sample implementation of an encoder is
described in Annex A.
31 July 2008
31 July 2008
Annex A (informative)
Frame error control
A.1 General
This annex describes sample implementations of the encoding and decoding
procedures for the cyclic redundancy code in the Frame Error Control Field
defined in clause 5.6.
The bit numbering convention specified in clause 3.4.1 applies.
A.2 Encoding
Figure A‐1 shows an arrangement for an encoder to generate the Frame Error
Control Field value, FECF, as given in the equation in clause 5.6.2.
For the 16‐bit FECF value, the first bit transferred is the most significant bit, P0,
taken as the coefficient of the highest power of X.
The encoder uses a shift register and each small rectangle in the figure
represents a bit in the shift register. For each frame, the shift register bits are
initialized to “1” before the encoding.
For encoding, the position of the ganged switch is as follows:
• 1 when the (n‐16) information bits are being transferred;
• 2 when the encoder outputs the 16 bits of FECF.
0 n-17
(M transferred first)
(1) (1) OUTPUT
(2) (2)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 X2 3
X X X X4 X5 X6 X
7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
Figure A‐1: Encoder
31 July 2008
A.3 Decoding
Figure A‐2 shows an arrangement for a decoder to generate the syndrome
polynomial, S(X), as given in the equation in clause 5.6.3.
The decoder uses a shift register and each small rectangle in the figure
represents a bit in the shift register. For each frame, the shift register bits are
initialized to “1” before the decoding.
The frame contains n bits, which consist of the (n‐16) information message bits
followed by the 16 bits, FECF, of the Frame Error Control Field.
To decode:
• All the n bits of the frame are clocked into the input.
• The contents of the shift register are then examined. For an error‐free
frame, all bits in the shift register are zero. A non‐zero content indicates
an erroneous frame.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3
X X X X X4 X5 X6 X
7 X
9 X
X11 X12 X
14 X15
0 n-1
(C transferred first)
Figure A‐2: Decoder
31 July 2008
Annex B (informative)
Changes from ESA-PSS-04-106
B.1 General
This annex describes some of the technical differences between this Standard
and ESA‐PSS‐04‐106, ESA Packet Telemetry Standard, Issue 1, January 1988.
The main purpose of the annex is to assist in verifying the compatibility of
existing systems.
The list of differences in this annex provides an indication of the differences in
technical content between this Standard and ESA‐PSS‐04‐106. However, it is not
the purpose of this annex to provide a complete list or to provide full details on
each item in the list nor to describe the consequences of each item in the list.
Refer to the relevant clauses of this Standard and to the PSS documents for
further details.
ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 has a wider scope than this Standard. This annex only includes
differences that are within the scope of this Standard.
31 July 2008
d. In this Standard, a physical channel can have multiple master channels.
Each master channel has a different value in the Spacecraft Identifier field
of its frames.
ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 makes no distinction between a physical channel and a
master channel.
e. In ESA‐PSS‐04‐106, if the Operational Control Field is used, then it is in
every frame of the physical channel.
In this Standard, Operational Control Field use can be related to a master
channel or to virtual channel(s).
NOTE The master channel and physical channel are less
clearly distinguished in ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 than in
this Standard.
f. In ESA‐PSS‐04‐106, if the Transfer Frame Secondary Header is used, then
it is in every frame of the physical channel.
In this Standard, Transfer Frame Secondary Header use can be related to
a master channel or to virtual channels. Similarly, in this Standard, if the
Transfer Frame Secondary Header is used for an Extended Virtual
Channel Frame Count, this use can be related to a master channel or to
virtual channels.
g. ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 only defines one length (32 bits) for the Transfer Frame
Secondary Header.
In this Standard other lengths from 16 to 512 bits can be used.
h. An Operational Control Field with Type Flag (bit 0) set to 1 is a Type‐2
report. In ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 all use of Type‐2 reports is reserved for future
In this Standard, Type‐2 reports are defined as follows:
⎯ if bit 1 of the Operational Control Field is ‘0’, the contents of the
report are project‐specific;
⎯ if bit 1 of the Operational Control Field is ‘1’, the contents of the
report are reserved for future application.
i. In this Standard, if the Synchronization Flag in a Telemetry Transfer
Frame is set to ‘1’, the First Header Pointer is undefined.
ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 states that in this case the First Header Pointer is set to
all “1”.
j. The differences in the names of fields and of groups of fields in a
Telemetry Transfer Frame are shown in Table B‐1.
31 July 2008
Table B‐1: Differences in names from ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 for fields in a
Telemetry Transfer Frame
Name in ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 Name in this Standard
Frame Identification (not used)
(not used) Master Channel Identifier
Version Number Transfer Frame Version Number
Frame Data Field Status Transfer Frame Data Field Status
Secondary Header Flag Transfer Frame Secondary Header Flag
Secondary Header Identification Transfer Frame Secondary Header Identification
Secondary Header Version Number Transfer Frame Secondary Header Version Number
Secondary Header Data Transfer Frame Secondary Header Data
Secondary Header Length Transfer Frame Secondary Header Length
Frame Error Control Word Frame Error Control Field
31 July 2008
Annex C (informative)
Differences from CCSDS
C.1 General
This annex describes the technical differences between this Standard and the
related CCSDS recommendations defined in CCSDS 132.0‐B‐1.
This annex lists the differences of technical content between this Standard and
the CCSDS recommendations indicated. However, it is not the purpose of this
annex to provide complete details on each item in the list or to describe the
consequences of each item in the list. Refer to the relevant clauses of this
Standard and to the CCSDS recommendations for further details.
The given CCSDS recommendations have a wider scope than this Standard.
This annex only includes the differences that are within the scope of this
C.2 Differences
a. This Standard defines the use of the Transfer Frame Secondary Header
for extending the Virtual Channel Frame Count.
The extended count is not specified in the CCSDS recommendations.
b. In CCSDS 132.0‐B‐1, a telemetry transfer frame with its First Header
Pointer set to ‘11111111110’ is called an OID Transfer Frame, meaning
that it has Only Idle Data in its Transfer Frame Data Field.
In this Standard the term OID Transfer Frame is not used but the
meaning of the First Header Pointer value is the same.
31 July 2008
Annex D (informative)
Mission configuration parameters
D.1 General
This annex provides a summary of the mission configuration parameters within
the scope of this Standard.
This annex lists the options and values that can be taken by the parameters as
specified in this Standard. Mission designers are responsible for verifying the
availability of support for the options and values selected for their mission.
D.2.1 Overview
This subclause describes the mission configuration parameters of a physical
channel that carries TM Transfer Frames.
31 July 2008
D.3.1 Overview
This clause describes the mission configuration parameters for a master
31 July 2008
31 July 2008
D.4.1 Overview
This clause describes the mission configuration parameters of a virtual channel.
31 July 2008
D.5.1 Overview
This clause describes the additional mission configuration parameters for a
virtual channel that has the Synchronization Flag set to ‘0’. The additional
parameters concern the packets carried in the Transfer Frame Data Field.
31 July 2008
ECSS‐S‐ST‐00 ECSS system – Description, implementation and
general requirements
ECSS‐E‐ST‐50 Space engineering – Communications
ECSS‐E‐HB‐50 Space engineering – Communication guidelines
CCSDS 132.0‐B‐1 TM Space Data Link Protocol – Blue Book, Issue 1,
September 2003
CCSDS 320.0‐B‐4 CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identification Field Code
Assignment Control Procedures – Blue Book, Issue 4,
January 2006
CCSDS 350.0‐G‐2 The Application of CCSDS Protocols to Secure Systems
– Green Book, Issue 2, January 2006
ESA‐PSS‐04‐106 ESA Packet Telemetry Standard, Issue 1, January 1988