Drug Action Indications & Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name: Ferrous Trade Name: Eosol, Fer-Mechanism of Action: Indications
Drug Action Indications & Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name: Ferrous Trade Name: Eosol, Fer-Mechanism of Action: Indications
Drug Action Indications & Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name: Ferrous Trade Name: Eosol, Fer-Mechanism of Action: Indications
Generic Name: Ferrous Mechanism of Action: Indications: Lab tests: Monitor Hgb
Sulfate Ferrous sulfate:Standard iron To correct simple iron deficiency and reticulocyte values
Trade Name: eosol, Fer- preparation against which other and to treat iron deficiency during therapy.
Investigate the absence
In-Sol, Fer-Iron, Fero- oral iron preparations are (microcytic, hypochromic)
of satisfactory response
Gradumet, Ferospace, usually measured. Corrects anemias. Also may be used after 3 wk of drug
Ferralyn, Ferra-TD, erythropoietic abnormalities prophylactically during periods of treatment.
Fesofor, Hematinic, Mol- induced by iron deficiency but increased iron needs, as in infancy,
Iron, Novoferrosulfa does not stimulate childhood, and pregnancy. Continue iron therapy
Classification: Drugs to erythropoiesis. May reverse Contraindications: for 2–3 mo after the
treat anemia;Iron gastric, esophageal, and other Peptic ulcer, regional enteritis, hemoglobin level has
returned to normal
Preparations tissue changes caused by lack of ulcerative colitis; hemolytic
(roughly twice the
Route, Dosage & iron. Ferrous anemias (in absence of iron period required to
Frequency: gluconate:Claimed to cause less deficiency), hemochromatosis, normalize hemoglobin
Iron Deficiency gastric irritation and be better hemosiderosis, patients receiving concentration).
Adult:PO Sulfate (30% tolerated than ferrous sulfate. repeated transfusions, pyridoxine-
elemental iron) 750–1500 Side effect: responsive anemia; cirrhosis of Monitor bowel
mg/d in 1–3 divided liver. movements as
constipation; constipation is a
doses; Fumarate (33%
common adverse effect.
elemental iron) 200 mg
t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Gluconate upset stomach; Patient & Family Education
(12% elemental iron) 325–
600 mg q.i.d., may be black or dark-colored Note: Ascorbic acid
gradually increased to 650 stools; or. increases absorption of
mg q.i.d. as needed and iron. Consuming citrus
tolerated temporary staining of the fruit or tomato juice
teeth. with iron preparation
(except the elixir) may
Adverse effect:
GI:Nausea, heartburn, anorexia, increase its absorption.
constipation, diarrhea, epigastric
pain, abdominal distress, black Be aware that milk,
eggs, or caffeine
stools.Special Senses: Yellow-
beverages when taken
brown discoloration of eyes and with the iron preparation
teeth (liquid forms.) Large may inhibit absorption.
Chronic Doses in Infants
Rickets (due to interference Be aware that iron
with phosphorus absorption). preparations cause dark
Massive Overdosage Lethargy, green or black stools.
drowsiness, nausea, vomiting,
Report constipation or
abdominal pain, diarrhea, local
diarrhea to physician;
corrosion of stomach and small symptoms may be
intestines, pallor or cyanosis, relieved by adjustments
metabolic acidosis, shock, in dosage or diet or by
cardiovascular collapse, change to another iron
convulsions, liver necrosis, preparation.
coma, renal failure, death.
Do not breast feed while
taking this drug without
consulting physician.