Business Plan Choco - Toothpaste
Business Plan Choco - Toothpaste
Business Plan Choco - Toothpaste
Submitted By:
Team “Creative Cell”
4th Year, 2nd Semester,
Dept. of Marketing,
Jaghangirnagar University.
No. Name ID
1 Md. Shahriar Aman 1390
2 Sania Akter 2284
3 Debasmita Dey 2674
4 Md. Ebrahim Sujon 2518
Table of contents
List of illustrations i
Executive summary 1
1.0 Introduction 2- 3
1.1Product offerings 3
4.1 Vision 7
4.5 Objectives 8
5.2 Product Strategies 10
6. Organizational Structure 14
10.0 Appendix 19
List of Illustrations
11 Staffing Needs 15
12 Marketing Organization Structure 16
13 Three Year Marketing Budget 17
Executive Summary
Dr. Dent is launching brand new toothpaste in the market, “Choco Paste” which is basically
chocolate toothpaste. The toothpaste offers a unique quality and new way of brushing our
teeth with refreshing as well as yummy chocolate flavored taste. Most of the toothpastes in
the market are with almost same flavor like Mint, Clove, Salt etc. but the new chocolate taste
will bring a new era of brushing our teeth with no boring taste.
We have specific target market for this toothpaste. From the name Choco Paste, some must
be thinking that the toothpaste is only for Children, but it’s not. Because both children and
adults are fond of chocolate all over the world. In our country the preference rate of choosing
chocolate flavored food items are very high. So, the target customer will be both adults and
children. As it will be a lesser fluoride toothpaste so it will not harm children’s tooth, for that
reason we’ll target the both adults and children.
Choco Paste will use pull strategy to make people aware of its products. It will be positioned
as a product of moderate price and high quality. There will be various types of promotional
campaign to make people aware of the product brand and amazing taste it offers. The
marketing tools will include TVC, FM radio ads, newspaper ads, 24/7 help desk etc. Choco
Paste’s marketing budget is estimated in affordable method which will enable it to continue
the huge sales promotion schedule.
As Choco Paste new type of dental care product along with amazing taste, that’s why there
will be a great opportunity to grab the market share with higher demand.
Choco Paste products will be produced in its own production plant in Sirajganj because of
convenient transport and availability of raw materials. Finished product will be distributed
with help of local distributors.
The estimated project cost is BDT 8,493,500 in FY 2016-17 which is financed by 69% equity
from partners and 31% debt from lenders. This report contains projected income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and break even analysis for FY 2015-16, 2016-17 and
2017-18. The projected financial statements portray liquidity and solvency of the firm.
1.0 Introduction
Biting into a sugary chocolate bar may not be the best choice for healthy teeth. But a new product
in Bangladesh is taking the stand that not all cocoa-based products are equal.
Choco Paste has introduced the new dental product containing a cocoa extract and other
minerals that developers say strengthens and hardens tooth enamel.
The toothpaste, which will be unveiled in January, 2016, is called Choco Paste and it contains no
fluoride. We say the cocoa extract-based product will revolutionize the way people think about
“We want people to value the experience of brushing their teeth more,” we say. “They should
care more about what they put in their mouths. Up till now it’s all been sodium fluoride or
fluoride-based. We’ve been brushing our teeth twice a day with one of the most toxic elements
in the periodic table.”
Dr. Tetsuo Nakamoto, professor of Tulane University discovered the link between the cocoa
extract and building tooth enamel in the1980s when he was studying the effects of various
nutritional ingredients on pre-natal teeth.
Part of the fun of introducing the product has been doing the marketing. The paste comes in
chocolate brown packaging because we want the packaging to stand out against the blaring red,
blue and white colors of standard toothpaste brands.
We say “Toothpaste hasn’t changed in 100 years”; “We’re the new kid on the block and we have
a new technology. We have to change the mindset of how people view toothpaste. It’s more of
an oral healthcare therapy.”
1.1 Product Offerings
Choco Paste comes with amazing chocolate color packaging including two types of pack.
>Choco Paste is a commercially and technically effective solution to brush teeth with no fluride
dental care product.
>Choco Paste helps people to brush their teeth with no boring taste but with an amazing
chocolate flavor.
Cocoa extract with necessary effective dental ingredients will be used to produce Choco Paste.
Dr. Dent Firm
Choco Paste Money
2.0 Current Market Situation
Choco Paste is a paste which provides an amazing taste of chocolate with necessary ingredients
to take care of teeth. Current market is quite subtle because there are many toothpaste brands
available in Bangladesh; like Close Up, Colgate, Fresh Gel, Pepsodent, Sensodine, Meswak and so
on. But none of these toothpastes are offering any kind of UNIQUE taste, all of them are quite
similar to each other and their taste as well. So, the position of Choco Paste will be quite good at
the market we hope.
1. The Youth
2. The Children
There is another reason for the segmentation. That is, generally the young generation and the
children are very much fond of chocolates. Moreover they find the conventional mint flavored
toothpaste too much boring and they need something new. And the children don’t even want
to brush their teeth timely. So Choco Paste will be a “Breakthrough” to this problem. As we
mentioned earlier that Choco Paste is a less fluoride toothpaste, so that will be pretty good for
the children as well.
Close Up: Right now the best selling toothpaste in the market. They have some amazing
flavors like mint, pepper mint, herbal etc. They are grabbing their market by their USP,
the FRESHNESS quality.
Colgate: Colgate is considered as the oldest toothpaste in our country with basic features
and germ-check formula.
Pepsodent: This is another important competitor of Choco Paste, they are offering cavity
fighting formula in their toothpaste and doing very good as well.
Meswak: This is an complete herbal toothpaste in the market. When it came to the
market it was considered as most effective with health issues for its herbal formula.
Despite this strong competition, Choco Paste can carve out a definite image and gain recognition
among the targeted segments. Our unique taste and packaging will attract the attention of the
customer very well and it will have the recognition to be the most selling toothpaste within 2017
we believe. Because none of us doesn’t want to have a bite of chocolate when we wake up in the
A Plant in Sirajganj
A Head office with control room in Dhaka
12 warehouses; 2 in each zone
Wholesalers and retailers of our own
With the help of these supply chain we will distribute the product to the targeted area initially.
Then we’ll distribute it all over the country on the basis of customer demand.
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3.0 SWOT Analysis of Choco Paste
Distribution highly depend on
First movers advantage being dealers
unique product Any small error in production process
Commercially and technically can hamper production hugely
unique formula and taste Need aggressive advertisement to
Subject to fewer government create brand awareness
Opportunities Threats
Uncertain acceptance level
Chocolate lovers will love to Decreasing purchase power of
have such toothpaste potential customers due to
Taste + Health benefits of Choco recession
Paste will be the main USP Production may face losses in early
3.1 Strengths
As it’s a product which is totally new in the market so it will get the first mover advantage.
For its unique taste and formula it will be commercially and technically viable.
As it’s a oral care product so it will face less govt. regulations.
3.2 Weaknesses
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It’s a completely new product in the market, so it will depend much on the distribution
facilities. For distribution, dealers have to be proper trained and responsible. That’s a
weakness of this product.
As a new product there should be no error in production, a small error can hamper the
whole production a lot.
To aware the customer, it will need an aggressive advertisement to create brand
3.3 Opportunities
Chocolate lovers are in a huge quantity in our country. So they will love to have such
chocolate flavored toothpaste.
Not only the chocolate taste, but also less fluoride and health benefits will be the main
USP of Choco Paste.
3.4 Threats
For every new product in the market there is always an uncertain acceptance of the
product. It is also applicable for Choco Paste as well.
At the time of recession of our country, people may not love to have Taste as their main
The production of Choco Paste can face bit losses at the initial stage of production.
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4.0 G O A L S A N D O B J E C T I V E S
4.1 Vision
Choco Paste’s vision is to new revolution in oral care products with taste and health.
Choco Paste wants to offer its toothpaste with amazing taste and aware people to brush their
teeth with yummy taste toothpaste with proper quality. Choco Paste aims at establishing eco-
friendly work environment and providing better employee incentives as it continues to expand
its business.
4.5 Objectives:
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To attain 20% growth rate by the year 2017.
To attain net profit margin of 25% in year 2018.
To repay loans by the year 2020 and lever up the firm with 25% debt by the year 2025.
5.0 M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G I E S
Functional Factor
Illustration-5: Product Positioning Map
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Emotional factor
Economy factor
Functional factor
Premium factor
Most of the existing toothpaste are targeting economy and premium factors in the market but
Choco Paste will position on the basis of economy and emotional factor as it represents the
chocolate flavor among the potential customers.
The shelf life of Choco Paste is 30 months for both tube and packet. If the paste becomes popular
among the target customers, then Choco Paste may decide to launch two more product lines
that include Choco mouth wash and Choco tooth powder.
68.6% of current customers do love to have such chocolate flavored toothpaste as their
regular mouth washing.
As the product is totally new for Bangladesh market, competitors are unlikely to emerge
in the market easily and undercut the high price.
Choco Paste will be introduced to market at Tk.90 wholesale / Tk. 110 retail price for 200 gram
tube. For mini packet, the price is estimated Tk.4 wholesale/ Tk. 8 retail price.
The following price list shows the wholesale and retail prices of Choco Paste products:
Marketing Activities
Choco Paste’s marketing communication mix or promotion mix includes all the typical elements
like advertising, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling and direct marketing. Here’s
the detail:
Electronic media advertisements, such as television commercials, FM radio commercials.
Print media advertisements, such as newspaper ads, posters and leaflets.
Point of purchase advertisements, Shelf space advertisements.
Sales Promotion:
SMS contest
Price discount at special occasion
Public Relation:
“Buzz marketing”—by using opinion leaders (Dentists).
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Written articles about awareness of chocolate paste as fluoride free toothpaste and its
Written features in lifestyle pages of newspapers.
Sending press release about products.
Personal Selling:
Temporary selling booth at super stores and campus.
“Choco Paste quality assurance campaign”— a tour to production plant to know about
the eco-friendly production process.
Direct Marketing:
E-mail marketing, web marketing.
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The project will start at March 2016 and the commercial launch is on September 2016. The 6-
month project implementation schedule is as follows:
Product development
Land, building
Machine purchase
Premise beautification
Pilot Production
Quality testing
Commercial operation
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6.2 Organizational structure
At the initial phase, the operation of Choco Paste is monitored by six department heads categorized
as finance, human resource, manufacturing, marketing, research and development, procurement
and storage. The head of the departments are taken from the partners and requirement for labors,
supervisors and managers are fulfilled from outsource. Following is the organizational chart of
Choco Paste:
At the initial phase, the operation of Choco Paste is monitored by six department heads. The
needs of staffs can be illustrated below based on the organizational structure:
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2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Finance Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 1 1 1
Staff 3 3 3
Human Resource Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 1 1 1
Staff 3 3 3
Marketing Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 3 3 3
Supervisor 4 4 4
Staff 16 17 17
Manufacturing Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 1 1 1
Supervisor 3 3 3
Staff 12 13 13
R&D Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 1 1 1
Staff 6 7 7
Storage Unit
Head 1 1 1
Manager 1 1 1
Supervisor 1 1 1
Staff 5 6 6
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Illustration-11: Staffing Needs
All the staffs are permanent and recruit by giving monthly wages
The production unit needs extra staffs each years due to process more raw-materials
The staffs are giving all privileges stated in “Bangladesh Labor Code 2006.”
Sales Advertising Promotion
Manager Manager Manager
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7.2 Advertising and Promotional Campaigns
Choco Paste’s will be first launched in the market in September 2016. Following is the summary
of the advertising and promotional campaign during the first year of Choco Paste:
In July, we will start advertising for our product with the help of newspaper ads and
creating Buzz by providing samples to selected product reviewers, opinion leaders, and in
its case, the renowned dentists of our country. Newspaper ads will continue whole year.
Also our marketing staff will use direct marketing by working with retailers to explain
fluoride free toothpaste’s health benefit and advantage.
There will be television commercials which we will launch at the month of August. These
commercials will create brand awareness among people faster. This will continue
throughout the whole year.
In July we will hold internal contest among sales persons and the retailers offering prizes
and discount to those who will be able to sell most products in their zone during the four
week period.
We will launch create our own website and start online ads this in September and there
will be a discount offer for the four week period.
In December we plan to roll out a massive advertising campaign. We will use celebrity
voices telling how Fluoride free Choco Paste can help us to change our brushing habit.
Following is the three year allocation of our marketing budget at affordable method:
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8.1 Financial Statement Assumptions
The wages of production staff increased by BDT 300 yearly started from BDT 4200.
The firm’s initial investment is BDT 8,493,500 which is financed by 69% equity and 31%
The cost of capital or discount rate is assumed to be 20%.
Interest for loans is 15% per annum repayable annually.
Firm’s primary exit strategy is converted into private limited company from partnership
firm to reduce capital problem (if occurs) and skill managing.
Firm’s secondary exit strategy will be to convert the product from Chocolate toothpaste to
a usual toothpaste. This will lessen the risk of being dissolute.
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Choco Pastes’s Product Offerings
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