SSTC Saml Tech Overview 2.0 CD 02
SSTC Saml Tech Overview 2.0 CD 02
SSTC Saml Tech Overview 2.0 CD 02
The CHECK Service shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 1
These requirements may be updated from time to time by CESG to reflect experience of
operation of the CHECK Service. The Company is thus invited to provide comments and
feedback to the CHECK Service Manager (see Schedule 16 for contact details).
In case of any conflict arising the CHECK Contract terms and conditions take
precedence over the content of this Schedule 2
1 The objective of the IT Health CHECK Service, also referred to as the CHECK
Service or CHECK, is to enhance the IT health check services currently provided by
private sector companies to enable the provision of health check services for HMG
that are consistent with HMG Policy. The function of a CHECK Service health check
is the detection of IT security weaknesses, through practical expert testing of a
system by an independent Company, at the invitation of a Customer.
2.1.1. The Customer is typically the owner of the system but could be a system
procurer or provider.
2.2. The objectivity and repeatability of health check results is dependent on the
expertise and knowledge of the Company’s staff. In principle, CHECK can
accommodate any areas of technical expertise to address the component
technologies of a particular system.
2.3. Testing on these areas of expertise form the basis of the CESG-approved
Team Member exams. Team Member exams test for a good grounding in all
common technologies expected in modern Government ICT systems. Team Leader
exams test for greater depth and expertise, and are offered in specific disciplines,
for example web applications and infrastructure. Additional exams, which CESG
reserve the right to introduce, will test an individual’s knowledge of other areas,
which will exist at the two levels.
2.3.1 ‘Green Light’ status is achieved by at least one member of the team
achieving Team Leader status. Should the company not have, or lose, Team
Leaders, their status is recategorised to Red Light.
2.4. A CHECK Company will be contracted by the Customer to perform testing of the
system. CESG is not a party to such contracts and has no responsibility to the
Company or to any third party for securing any such contract.
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12 January 2011
Schedule 2
2.5. The Customer will typically nominate a point of contact (such as a system
manager) to liaise with the Company on arrangements for testing and other
points of detail;
2.6.1. assessing the Company, on an annual basis to confirm that they are able
to meet the minimum standards for membership of the scheme;
2.6.4 managing and promoting the CHECK Service and publicising the
approved status of the Company on a list of such companies.
4 The primary feature of a CHECK health check is the independent testing of the
system. The Company’s staff use their expertise and knowledge of the component
technologies and products, together with their knowledge of tools and techniques,
which would be available to an attacker in the public domain, to test for security
weaknesses. The Company should suggest appropriate mitigation measures to
address identified security weaknesses.
5 The Company will prepare and submit a report documenting the agreed terms of
reference, health check findings and recommendations to the Customer (and
copied to CESG).
6.1. At least one member of the Company's staff should demonstrate that they
meet the criteria to be assessed as a CHECK Team Leader through
successful completion of CESG-approved Assault Course. All other
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12 January 2011
Schedule 2
members of the team will be required to provide evidence of a baseline level
of relevant experience, academic qualifications and to have passed a CESG-
approved TEAM MEMBER exam in order to attain CHECK Team Member
7. CHECK work performed by the Company will be subject to periodic audit by CESG
and to this end the Company agrees to permit the authorised representatives of
CESG full access to the Company’s premises, systems and other materials on
reasonable notice.
8. Should CESG have concerns about the service provided by the Company then:
8.1. The Company will be informed and their timely co-operation required to
address the deficiencies in the service provided;
8.3. Should the concerns not be addressed to the satisfaction of CESG, the
dispute resolution process may be invoked.
Qualifications of Staff
9. All staff employed by the Company on CHECK work must first be agreed by CESG.
The Company must nominate staff for inclusion in their team as part of the process
of seeking Company approval. Additional staff may also be nominated at any point
during the contract year. Staff must have been agreed by CESG as members of a
Company's team before they are eligible to attend a CESG-approved Assault
Course for the purpose of achieving CHECK Team Leader status.
10. To support nomination of staff for membership of a Company’s team, the Company
must also supply CESG with up-to-date records of staff experience and
11. Those staff agreed by CESG as being suitable to be members of a Company’s team
must hold a minimum of SC security clearance and have passed a CESG-approved
exam (at TEAM MEMBER or TEAM LEADER level) before they can be employed on
CHECK Service related tasks. Where they are not already cleared to SC or above,
CESG will sponsor their clearance. Once the security clearance has been
confirmed, CESG will notify the Company that the individual is fully approved as a
member of their team. If an individual transfers to a new Company it is the
responsibility of the importing Company to confirm that their SC is still current and
shall be transferred to the new Company or, the new company shall request CESG
to sponsor them and shall complete the appropriate SC application pack for the SC
to be granted by GCHQ.
12. The test team must have sufficient experience to undertake the CHECK Service and
comprise the necessary mix of expertise for the component technologies of the
target system. All members of the team must have passed the relevant CESG-
approved Assault Course(s). The CHECK TEAM LEADER must be present on site
for the duration of the testing. Staff approved as having CHECK TEAM MEMBER
status may assist in health checks provided that they are supervised by colleagues
approved as having CHECK Team Leader status in the relevant discipline.
Test Reporting
13. A report must be produced for each health check. Failure to do this may result in
termination of the CHECK membership Contract as described in Clause 7.
15. Unless otherwise agreed, all liaison with CESG in connection with the CHECK
Service should be through either the CHECK Service Manager or CESG Contracts
Manager as appropriate (see Schedule 16 for contact details).
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16. To ensure a consistent standard of work CESG may audit the conduct of health
checks by attending selected test sessions and by reviewing selected reports. A
member of the CESG CHECK team may visit any Company as necessary to discuss
methodology, current and future projects and respond to any queries the Company
wishes to raise.
17. CESG reserves the right to solicit feedback from Customers receiving CHECK IT
health checks.
18. Because IT systems are business critical, Customers need confidence that their
asset will be treated responsibly. It is of the utmost importance that the Company
does not damage the system under test, either deliberately or accidentally. The
Company must therefore ensure that:
18.1. it performs no testing which might cause damage to the system (e.g.
involving virus infection, release of malicious code, unchecked hacking scripts
downloaded from the Internet or unacceptably high network loading);
18.2. all testing is carried out with the full knowledge and authority of the Customer
(or system owner, if different);
18.3. the system manager is advised of the possible impact of testing, which might
simulate one or more agreed threat scenarios, and advised to take
appropriate precautions before any testing takes place. These might include
system backups or isolation of critical elements;
18.4. the system is left fully operative and functioning after testing (e.g. by
relinquishing any test privileges back to the system manager).
19. CHECK assignments must be conducted impartially and deliver objective technical
results and recommendations:
19.1. Before entering into a contract to supply CHECK services, the Company must
therefore declare any other commercial interest in the system or products
used by the Customer (where, for example, the system to be tested had been
supplied by its own, or a partner organisation). Equally, the Company must
declare any interest (perhaps by nature of previous employment) which may
apply to the staff they propose to use for the assignment.
19.2. The Company may recommend use of certain products or services in order to
eradicate vulnerabilities. Where the Company has a commercial interest in
such products or services then this, and the existence of any alternatives of
comparable capability of which an expert in the field would be expected to be
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Schedule 2
aware, must be acknowledged in the test report.
20. The Company must operate to a high standard and be able to demonstrate this to
CESG's satisfaction as part of any quality reviews conducted on the Company.
Where a Company is accredited as compliant with ISO 90001 or a comparable
standard, this will add to the strength of its application for CHECK Service
21. The Company must formally advise the Customer in writing whether or not the
proposed work is provided in accordance with the CHECK Service. Any non-
CHECK Service work must be separately identified. The Company must ensure that
CESG are made aware of the performance of the work and given a contractual right
of audit. The Company shall ensure that its contractual provisions with the
Customer relating to CESG’s right of audit comply with the Human Rights Act 2000.
Terms of Reference
22. The Company must agree with the Customer terms of reference for the health
check. This must include identification of:
23. The terms of reference should set out agreement about the supply to the Company
24.1. The focus and efficiency of testing can be enhanced by the supply of
supporting system security procedures and system security architecture
documentation (e.g. outlining a network topology) to the Company. The
Company is therefore advised to acquire such information where available.
This will not preclude the Company from investigating threat scenarios where
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12 January 2011
Schedule 2
threat agents do not have direct access to such documentation/information;
24.2. The scope of testing should include those components where there is
significant risk of system vulnerabilities being exercised. This will typically
24.2.4. Components that are responsible for key critical Security enforcing
functions (e.g. Firewalls, Domain Controllers/LDAP servers, System audit
24.3. Where the Customer or system manager wishes for certain critical system
elements not to be physically tested (e.g. on account of operational risk), then
other means of checking their effect on the security of the system should be
sought, (e.g. through confirming release and patch numbers of the associated
components and knowledge of relevant vulnerabilities).
25. If, at the scoping meeting stage, it is apparent to the Company that the system is
incapable of countering the identified threats, the Customer should be advised
Test Preparation
26. The Company shall ensure that it makes appropriate preparation for testing by
formulating a test strategy, test plans and test scripts, and should refine and further
develop the strategy, plans and scripts, as and where appropriate, during the course
of testing. Test preparation is a matter for the Company. However, they shall also
consider, and tailor for specific use, the following generic strategy, which has been
proven on specific health checks undertaken by CESG.
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12 January 2011
Schedule 2
26.1.3. Attempt to deny or disrupt service to that node (if appropriate and
with the agreement of the customer)
Test Requirement
27.1. all obvious potential vulnerabilities within the scope of the terms of reference
(this is expanded by the following guidelines, which are intended to give an
illustrative, but not necessarily exhaustive, interpretation of the requirement);
27.2. any other relevant vulnerabilities sources including those advised by CESG.
Test Guidelines
28.1. each threat identified in the terms of reference (including those which arise
from the inadequate application of system security procedures),
28.2. each mode of attack associated with a given threat (e.g. at a first level of
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CHECK Ref: CSP/#####/#####
12 January 2011
Schedule 2
categorisation, modes of attack might include monitoring communications,
brute force, exploitation of bugs and loopholes),
28.4. each major system component (such as might be identified in the terms of
reference) subject to a given threat.
29. Where practical, testing shall also confirm the secure configuration of system
components. In confirming secure configuration, testing must address any potential
configuration errors which carry the risk of introducing vulnerabilities.
30. Testing must also aim to identify vulnerabilities arising from inappropriate trust
relationships; a trust relationship exists wherever a given node or network is
connected to a node or network governed by a different security policy, different
security management or different security procedures. A trust relationship is
inappropriate where false assumptions have been made about the security of a
connection or of a connected node or network.
31. When considering the level of testing which is reasonably practical, the following
principles apply:
31.1. Where it is impossible to test for all potential vulnerabilities, priority shall be
given to those where risks are considered to be greatest;
31.2. Testing must cover all aspects which might reasonably be expected from the
terms of reference;
31.3. To maximise test coverage the following types of automatic test equipment
shall be used where relevant:
32. As a general principle, the most recently publicised public domain vulnerabilities
should be viewed as representing a particularly significant risk.