The Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964

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ACT 22] Municipalities 583


Statements of Objects and Reasons
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Specification of smaller urban area.
4. Power to include or exclude areas in or from smaller urban area and the
effect thereon.
5. Erection and maintenance of boundary marks.
6. Omitted.
7. Property and rights of municipal council of the smaller urban area which
has ceased to exist to vest in Government.
8. Naming of smaller urban area comprising two or more places.
9. Procedure for constitution, abolition, etc., of smaller urban areas.
10. Incorporation of city and town municipal councils.
11. Constitution of municipal councils.
12. Omitted.
13. Wards for elections.
14. List of voters.
15. Qualification of candidates.
16. General disqualifications for becoming a councillor.
16A. Account of election expenmses and maximum thereof.
16B. Lodging of Account with the returning officer.
16C. Failure to lodge an account of election expenses.
17. General election of councillors.
18. Term of office of councillors.
18A. Allowances to Councillors.
19. Casual vacancies how to be filled up.
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20. Publication of results of elections.

21. Election Petitions.
22. Relief that may be claimed by the petitioner.
23. Grounds for declaring elections to be void.
24. Procedure to be followed by the Election Tribunal.
25. Decision of the Election Tribunal.
26. Procedure in case of equality of votes.
27. Appeal.
28. Election valid unless called in question.
29. Corrupt practices.
30. Maintenance of secrecy of voting.
31. Officers, etc., at elections not to act for candidates or to influence voting.
32. Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations.
33. Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling stations.
34. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station.
35. Breaches of official duty in connection with elections.
36. Removal of ballot papers from polling station to be an offence.
37. Other offences and penalties therefor.
38. Control of elections.
38A. Returning Officer, Presiding Officer etc. deemed to be on deputation to
State Election Commission.
39. Bar of suits relating to elections, etc.
40. Resignation.
41. Liability to removal from office.
42. President and Vice-President.
43. Functions of President.
44. Functions of Vice-President.
45. Rights and privileges of individual councillors and President.
46. Penalty for refusal to hand over charge to new President or Vice-President.
47. Meetings.
47A. Omitted
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48. Notice of meetings and business.

49. Place of holding meetings and maintenance of order thereat.
50. Quorum.
51. Presiding Officer.
52. Method of deciding questions.
53. Business to be transacted at meetings and order of business how to be
54. Minutes of proceedings.
55. Councillors not to vote on matter in which they are interested.
56. Adjournment of meetings.
57. Modification and cancellation of resolutions.
58. Motions and amendments.
59. Conduct of ordinary meetings.
60. Notice of business to be transacted must in certain cases be given to the
Government Executive Engineer.
61. Certain Government officers may attend meetings of municipal council.
62. Interpellation.
63. Standing Committee.
64. Omitted.
65. Casual vacancies.
66. Chairman of Standing Committee.
67. Procedure at meetings.
68. Procedure by circulation.
69. Subordination of committees to instructions of municipal council and
compliance with requisitions of municipal council.
70. Powers, duties and functions may be delegated to officers whose
expenses may be paid.
71. Joint committees of local bodies and joint levy of toll.
71A. Staff of municipal council.
72. Competency of municipal council to lease, sell and contract.
73. Transfer of property may be subject to conditions.
74. Contracts by officers appointed by Government to execute municipal works
and payment for such works.
75. Compulsory acquisition of land.
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76. Municipal fund ordinarily liable for all costs and expenses incurred by
municipal councils.
77. Officer or servant of municipal council not to be interested in any contract
with such municipal council.
78. Penalty for councillor, being interested in any contract, etc., with the
municipal council.
79. Councillors, etc., to be deemed public servants.
80. Validity of proceedings.
81. Municipal Property.
82. Decision of claims to property by or against the municipal council.
83. Municipal Fund.
84. Application of Municipal Fund and Property.
85. Power to deposit and invest surplus fund.
86. Power of municipal councils to borrow money.
87. Obligatory functions of municipal councils.
88. Special functions.
89. Power of Government to exempt municipal council from any of the
90. Analysis and inspection of water supplied through pipes.
91. Discretionary functions of municipal councils.
92. Arrangements purporting to be binding permanently or for a term of years.
93. Management of public institution maintained by municipal council to vest
in it.
Taxes and procedure for Levy.
94. Taxes which may be imposed.
94A. Omitted.
95. Omitted.
96. Omitted.
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97. Publication of resolution with notice.

98. Power to suspend, reduce or abolish any existing tax.
Duty on transfers of immovable properties.
99. Duty on transfers of immovable properties.
Tax on vehicles, boats, animals and dogs.
100. Omitted.
Assessment of and liability to tax on buildings and lands.
101. Description and class of property Tax.
101A. Omitted.
102. Method of assessment of property Tax.
102A. Enhancement of property Tax.
103. Rebate for self-occupied building.
104. Omitted.
105. Assessment of property Tax.
106. Preparation and Publication of property Tax register.
107. Levy of penalty an unlawful building
107A. Survey of lands and buildings and preparation of property register.
108. Notice to be given to the municipal council of demolition or removal of a
109. Omitted.
110. Tax from whom primarily leviable.
110A. Omitted.
111. Notice to be given to municipal council of all transfers of title by persons
primarily liable to payment of taxes on buildings or lands.
112. Form of notice.
113. Name of transferee to be Entered in Property Tax register.
114. Liability for payment of taxes on buildings or lands continue in the absence
of notice of transfer.
115. Power to assess in case of escaped from assessment.
116 to 122. Omitted
123 to 127. Omitted.
128. Omitted.
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129. Omitted.
130. and 131 Omitted.
132. Omitted.
Advertisements and Advertisements Tax.
133. Prohibition of advertisements without written permission of municipal
134. Permission of the municipal council to become void in certain cases.
135. Presumption in case of contravention.
136. Removal of unauthorised advertisements.
Powers to charge fees, etc.
137. Fees in respect of Jatra, Urus, etc.
138. Municipal council may charge fees for certain licences, etc.
Special Provisions Relating to Taxes.
139. Fixed charges and agreements for payment in lieu of taxes.
140. Power of Government to suspend or prohibit levy of objectionable taxes.
141. Power of Government to require municipal council to impose taxes.
142. Presentation of bill for taxes.
143. Distress.
144. Sale of goods and property distrained or attached.
145. Procedure in respect of sales, etc.
146. Sale outside the district.
147. Procedure when distraint is impracticable.
148. Summary proceeding may be taken against persons about to leave the
municipal area.
149. Fees.
150. Appeal to magistrate.
151. Liability of vacant land, building, etc., for tax.
152. Suspension of power to recover by distress and sale.
153. Receipt to be given for all payments.
154. Recovery of rent on land.
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155. Power of municipal council to undertake works and incur expenditure for
improvement, etc.
156. Particulars to be provided for in an improvement scheme.
157. Procedure on completion of scheme.
158. The scheme to be then forwarded to Government for sanction.
159. On receipt of sanction, declaration to be published giving particulars of
land to be acquired.
160. Payment of betterment fee.
161. Assessment of betterment fee by the municipal council.
162. Settlement of betterment fee by arbitrator.
163. Fee for arbitrator.
164. Powers and duties of arbitrator.
165. Municipal council to give notice to persons liable to payment of betterment
166. Agreement to make payment of betterment fee a charge on land.
167. Payment of betterment fee first charge.
168. Recovery of money payable in pursuance of sections 161, 162 or 166.
169. Agreement of payment not to bar acquisition under a fresh declaration.
170. Forming of new extensions or layouts or making new private streets.
171. Alternation or demolition of extension, layout or street.
172. Power of the municipal council to order work to be carried out or to carry it
out itself in default.
173. Establishment of Improvement Board.
174. Property, finance, powers, etc., of Improvement Board.

Powers in respect of streets.

175. Power regarding streets, etc.
176. Power to require repair of streets and to declare such streets public.
177. Power to declare any street a public street subject to objections by owners.
178. Temporary closure of streets.
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179. The regular line of public streets.

180. Control of construction of buildings within regular line of street.
Powers to regulate buildings, etc.
181. Setting back projecting buildings.
182. Setting forward the regular line of street.
183. Buildings at corner of streets.
184. Roofs and external walls of buildings not to be made of inflammable
185. Level of buildings.
186. Rat-proof building for warehouse for storing grain.
187. Notice of new buildings.
188. Sanction accorded under misrepresentation.
189. Power of Government to prohibit the erection of buildings in certain areas
without permission.
190. Completion certificates: permission to occupy or use.
191. Regulation of huts.
192. Improvement of huts.
Power connected with drainage, water works, etc.
193. Municipal control over drains, etc.
194. Powers for making drains.
195. Sufficient drainage of houses.
196. Power of owners and occupiers of buildings or lands to drain into municipal
197. Right to carry drain through land or into drain belonging to other persons.
198. Rights of owner of land through which drain is carried in regard to
subsequent building thereon.
199. Provision of privies, etc.
200. Cost of altering, repairing and keeping in proper order privies, etc.
201. Power to close existing private drains.
202. Power in respect of sewers, etc., unauthorisedly constructed, rebuilt or
203. Encroachment on municipal drains, etc.
204. Inspection of drains, etc.
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205. Municipal council may execute certain works without allowing option to
persons concerned of executing the same.
206. Power of carrying water mains, etc.
207. Works to be done by licensed plumber or licensed water supply contractor.

Powers regarding external structures, etc.

208. Permission necessary for certain projections.
209. Troughs and pipes for rain water.
210. Fixing of brackets, etc., to houses.
211. Naming streets and numbering houses.
212. Removal and trimming of hedges, trees, etc.
Powers for promotion of public health, safety and convenience.
213. Ruinous or dangerous buildings.
213A. Precaution in case of dangerous trees.
214. Powers and duties with regard to dangerous, stagnant or insanitary
sources of water supply.
215. Displacing pavements, etc.
216. Obstructions and encroachments upon public streets and open spaces.
217. Hoardings to be set up during repairs, etc.
218. Provision of facilities when work is executed in public street.
219. Timber not to be deposited or hole made in a street without permission.
220. Power of municipal council to recover expenses caused by extraordinary
221. Dangerous quarrying.
222. Provision as to dogs.
223. Provision as to keeping of pigs.
Powers for the prevention of nuisance.
224. Depositing dust, etc.
225. Discharging sewage, etc.
226. Non-removal of filth, etc.
227. Removal of nightsoil.
228. Filthy building, etc.
229. Deserted and offensive buildings.
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230. Buildings or rooms in buildings unfit for human habitation.

231. Power of city municipal councils to order demolition of buildings unfit for
human habitation.
232. Power to enter and inspect, etc., buildings.
233. Provision of bathing facilities.
234. Fouling water.
235. Regulation of washing of clothes by washermen.
236. Abatement of nuisances from wells, etc.
237. Regulation or prohibition of certain kinds of cultivation.
238. Using offensive manure, etc.
239. Tethering cattle, etc.
240. Feeding animals on filth.
241. Consumption of smoke.
242. Prohibition of nuisance.
Regulation of Markets, Sale of Goods, etc.
243. Licensing markets, slaughter houses and certain businesses.
244. Opening, closing and letting of markets and slaughter houses.
245. Power to expel lepers and disturbers, etc., from markets.
246. Slaughter houses, etc., beyond municipal limits.
247. Unwholesome articles of food and drink.
Prevention of Dangerous Diseases.
248. Prevention of infectious diseases.
249. Duties of municipal council on threatened or actual outbreak of infectious
250. Withdrawal and modification of powers and orders.
251. Duties of municipal council in respect of disease among horses, dogs,
cattle, sheep or goats.
252. Proceedings to abate the overcrowding of interiors of buildings.
253. Special powers which may be conferred by Government in respect of
overcrowded areas notified by Government.
254. Prohibition of making of vault or grave in place of worship.
255. Closing places for disposal of the dead.
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Nuisances from Certain Trades and Occupations.

256. Premises not be used for certain purposes without licence.
257. Power of Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to prevent use of
premises in particular areas for purposes referred to in section 256.
258. Setting apart areas for use for industrial purposes.
259. Factories in crowded localities.
260. Use of siren or whistle for summoning or dismissing workmen.
General Penalties, Service of Notices and
Miscellaneous Provisions.
261. Police and municipal officers to aid fire brigade.
262. Service of notices, etc.
262A. Prohibition of unauthorised occupation of land.
263. General penalty.
264. Municipal council in default of owner or occupier may execute work and
recover expense.
265. Occupier in default of owner, may execute work and deduct expenses from
his rent.
266. Proceedings if any occupier opposes the execution of the Act.
267. Entry for purposes of the Act.
268. Determination of compensation in certain cases.
269. Costs or expenses how determined and recovered.
270. Requisitioning of premises, vehicles, etc., for municipal elections.
271. Payment of compensation.
272. Power to obtain information.
273. Eviction from requisitioned premises.
274. Release of premises form requisition.
275. Penalty for contravention of any order regarding requisitioning.
276. Municipal council may prosecute.
277. Power to compound offences.
278. Limitation for distraint, etc.
279. Distress lawful, though defective in form.
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280. Damage to municipal property how made good.

281. Alternative procedure by suit.
282. Power of compromise, etc.
283. Bar of suits against municipal area, its officers, servants, etc., for acts done
in good faith.
284. Previous notice for suits, etc.
285. Powers and duties of Police Officers.
286. Prohibition of expenditure not budgeted for.
287. Presentation of accounts.
288. Revision of budget.
289. Maintenance of accounts and restrictions on expenditure.
290. Audit of accounts.
291. Power of auditor to require production of documents and attendance of
persons concerned, etc.
292. Penalty for disobeying requisition under section 291.
293. Audit report to be sent to certain officers and bodies as Government may
294. Audit report what to contain.
295. Municipal council to remedy defects: Procedure to be followed after report
of the Auditor under section 293.
296. Commissioner to surcharge or charge illegal payment or loss caused by
gross negligence or misconduct.
297. Recovery of surcharges and charges how made.
298. Application against order of surcharge or charge.
299. Expenses in respect of requisition of auditors to be payable out of
Municipal Fund.
300. Transmission of accounts to Government.
301. Publication of accounts.
302. Annual administration report.
302A. Preparation of Development Plan.
302B. Finance Commission.
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303. Chief Controlling Authority.
304. Power of inspection and supervision.
305. Power to inspect the office of municipal council.
306. Deputy Commissioner’s power of suspending execution of orders, etc., of
municipal councils.
307. Execution of work in certain cases.
308. Liability of councillors for loss, waste or misapplication.
309. Commissioner’s power in respect of city municipal councils.
310. Government inquiry into municipal matters.
311. Power of Commissioner to prevent extravagance in the employment of
312. Government may require any municipal council to appoint a Health Officer.
313. Power of Government to provide for performance of duties in default of
municipal council.
314. Power of Government to direct person in custody of municipal fund to pay
Government dues.
315. Power to appoint administrator in certain cases.
316. Power of Government to dissolve a municipal council in certain
317. Disputes between municipal councils.
318. Power of officers acting for, or in default of municipal council and liability of
municipal fund.
319. Power of Government to cancel or modify bye-laws of municipal councils.
320. Powers to transfer officers.
321. Delegation of powers by Government.
322. Revision.
323. Government to make rules.
324. Power to make bye-laws.
325. Power of Government to make model bye-laws and adoption of such bye-
laws by municipal councils.
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326. Rules and Bye-laws to be printed and sold.

327. Appointment of Chief Officer.
328. Appointment of Health Officer.
329. Duties of Chief Officer.
330. Powers of Chief Officers.
331. Appointment of Municipal Commissioner.
332. Removal from Office.
333. Salary of Municipal Commissioner.
334. Prohibition of engagement in other business.
335. Leave of absence.
336. Contribution from municipal council towards pension and leave allowances
of Municipal Commissioner.
337. Power of municipal council to require returns, reports, or production of
338. Powers of Municipal Commissioners and limitations thereon.
339. Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer deemed to be authorised to
exercise powers of other officers.
340. Right of Municipal Commissioner and Chief Officer to attend meetings of
municipal council, etc.
341. Punishment for person disobeying lawful direction given by Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer.
342. Powers of Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to appoint, grant leave,
punish and dismiss.
343. Orders subject to appeal.
344. Delegation of powers of Municipal Commissioner.
345. Power to execute contracts on behalf of municipal council.
346. Mode of executing contracts.
347. Tenders to be invited for contracts involving expenditure exceeding five
hundred rupees.
348. Security when to be taken for performance of contract.
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349. Specifying transitional area.
350. Municipal Area.
351. Constitution of Town Panchayat for a transitional area.
352. Election to Town Panchayat.
353. Power to extend provisions of this Act to a transitional area.
354. Consequence of the applications of the Act to a transitional area.
355. Effect of absorption of Panchayat area into transitional area.
355A. Effect of absorption of part of the Panchayat area into a transitional area.
355B. Effect of conversion of Panchayat area into a transitional area.
355C. Effect of absorption of part of a transitional area into a smaller urban area.
355D. Effect of absorption of a transitional area into smaller urban area.
355E. Effect of conversion of transitional area into a smaller urban area.
356. Interpretation.
357. Effect of conversion of panchayat area into smaller urban area.
358. Term of office of members of interim municipal council and their powers.
359. Effect of absorption of panchayat area into smaller urban area.
360. Effect of absorption of a part of a panchayat area into a smaller urban
361. Conversion of two municipal areas into city municipal areas.
362. Conversion of city municipal areas into town municipal areas.
363. Amalgamation of two contiguous smaller urban areas.
363A. Omitted.
364. Removal of difficulties.
364(A). Specification of Industrial Township.
364(B). Constitution of Industrial Township Authority.
364(C). Term of Office of Chair person and Members.
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364(D). Transaction of Business by the Industrial Township Authority.

364(E). Authentication of documents.
364(F). Functions and duties of Industrial Township Authority.
364(G). Powers of Industrial Township Authority.
364(H). Powers to extend provisions of this Act to the Industrial Township
364(I). Funds, Budget and Accounts of the Industrial Township Authority.
364(J). Levy and collection of Property Tax.
364(K). Power of appointment, conditions of service of officers and staff.
364(L). Returns.
364(M). Power to issue directions to the Authority.
364(N). Power to appoint Administrator.
364(O). Effect of conversion of part of panchayat area or transitional area or
smaller urban area or larger urban area into an Industrial Township.
364(P). Regulations.
364(Q). Removal of difficulties.
365. Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service.
366. Agency for execution of public works.
367. Recovery towards the Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service.
368. Penalty for acting as councillor, president or vice-president of a municipal
council when disqualified.
369. Penalty for interested member voting.
370. Penalty for acquisition by an officer or servant of interest in contract.
371. Bidding prohibited.
372. Offences by companies.
372A. Official Display of Flag.
373. Signature or notices, etc., may be stamped.
374. Provisions of respect of licences, etc.
375. Conditions of service of sweepers and certain other class of persons
employed in municipal service.
376. Admissibility of document or entry as evidence.
377. Licensing and other provisions not applicable to Government.
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378. Licensing provisions not applicable to bus stop, passenger shelters, etc.
379. The provisions of the Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing
(Regulation) Act, 1966, not affected.
380. Provisions of Improvement Acts not affected.
381. Transitional Provisions.
382. Repeal and savings.
383. Orders for bringing this Act into force.
384. Omitted.
385. Omitted.
386. Omitted.
387. Consultation with Planning Authority.
388. Directorate of Municipal Administration.
389. Removal of difficulties.
SCHEDULE V - Omitted
Act 22 of 1964.—The Municipal Councils in the State are now governed by
seven different enactments in force in the different areas and in order to have a
uniform law in the whole State, this Bill has been brought forward. The Bill governs
both City Municipalities and Town Municipalities as the provisions are in most case
common and it is convenient to have a single enactment for both kinds of
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Municipalities. The Bill embodies the principal features of the enactment in force at
present. Provision has also been made in chapter IX of the Bill for undertaking and
executing improvement schemes and levying betterment fees on lands whose value
increases by execution of improvement schemes.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 30th
March 1963, as No. 46, at p. 292.)
Amending Act 34 of 1966.—In order to empower municipal councils to exercise
control over the functions of the Chief Officer it is considered necessary to amend
the Mysore Municipalities Act, 1964. Opportunity has been taken to make certain
other amendments found necessary to facilitate the proper working of the Act.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 28th July
1966, as No. 132, at p. 8.)
Amending Act 2 of 1976.—The Corporation of the City of Bangalore and the
Municipalities in the State are empowered to levy an additional duty on transfer of
immovable properties in the form of surcharge on the duties imposed under the
Stamp Act on instruments of sale, gift, exchange etc. The basis of the levy was the
amount of consideration in the case of sale and value in the other two cases.
But the Stamp Act was amended by the Act No. 12 of 1975 changing the basis in
the case of sale etc., to be the market value. Consequential amendments therefore
became necessary in the municipal laws. Corresponding provision was not
available in the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act, 1949, under which
the Hubli-Dharwar Municipal Corporation is established. It was considered
necessary to provide for it also to achieve uniformity.
Hence, the Karnataka Municipal Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1975 was
The Bill is to replace the said Ordinance.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette, PART IV—2-A, dated 22nd January 1976,
at p. 7–8.)
Amending Act 39 of 1976.—In order to augment the revenues of the State it is
considered necessary to levy a tax on urban land. This tax is payable with effect
from 1st April 1975 in the cities of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar and in the city
municipalities of Mysore, Mangalore, Belgaum, Gulbarga, Bellary, Davanagere,
Bijapur, Shimoga and Bhadravati. In respect of other places the effective date will
be notified. This tax will be in lieu of land revenue assessment, including non-
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agricultural assessement, ground rent, jodi or quit rent and any other amount
specified by the State Government, payable in respect of that land. The levy will be
at graduated scales on the market value of the urban land. Procedure for the
determination of the market value is provided and the market value once
determined will hold good for five years at a time. Appeal to Tribunal by the
aggrieved is provided. Small bits of lands not exceeding 223 square meters and
lands used for public purposes are exempted from the payment of the tax.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 14th
February 1975, as No. 343, at p. 27.)
Amending Act 83 of 1976.—The Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 received
the assent of the President on 7th May 1964 and came into force in the State. The
action Committee of the Karnataka State Municipal President and Vice-President
conference held during 1969 desired a scrutiny of the Karnataka Municipalities Act,
1964. A Committee was therefore constituted to have a detailed scrutiny of the
provisions of the Act and to suggest amendments thereto. Some difficulties were
also felt in the implementation of the provisions of the Act. The Divisional
Commissioners and the Controller, State Accounts Department also proposed
certain amendments to the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964.
This committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of the minister for Law
and Municipal Administration. The Committee has made a detailed study of the
provisions of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 and keeping in view the
proposals and suggestions from the different quarter and has proposed certain
amendments in the form of the Bill.
The salient features of the Bill are as follows:—
1. The strength of the Councillors is raised with reference to population.
2. The territorial divisions shall be so formed as to comprised as far as may be,
contiguous blocks.
3. Corrections in the Electoral roll may be effected till the last date for making
4. Offences under the untouchability Act and the Food Adulteration Act etc.,
constitute disqualification from being Councillors.
5. Every Councillor may receive monthly allowance out of the Municipal funds.
6. Elections should be subjected to control and supervision of the Government
and Government may make rules to provide for or regulate all or any of the matters
for the purpose of holding elections of the Councillors.
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7. Councillors, Vice-Presidents and Presidents may resign by giving notice in

writing and such resignation shall take effect on the expiry of the tenth day after
receipt of resignation.
8. Allowances to the President and Vice-Presidents are revised.
9. The President have been given additional powers and the Presidents shall be
ex-officio members of all the Standing Committees but without the power of vote on
any question.
10. Every councillor is to be provided with copies of the meeting proceedings
before the next meeting.
11. The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall be elected by the members
thereof by the system of single transferable vote.
12. The power of the Council to lease, sell or contract is raised.
13. Power of Government to supersede a Municipal Council in certain
circumstances shall not exceed one year.
14. Conversion of notified areas, Town Boards, the Sanitary Boards etc., into
municipalities is provided for.
15. Provision is made to meet the expenditure on Municipal Administration
Services from out of the consolidated fund.
16. The Madras Public Health Act is so far as it applies to the employees coming
within the purview of the Karnataka Municipalities Act shall be repealed.
Hence the Bill.
(Publishedin the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 18th
March 1976, as No. 1539, at p. 17–19.)
Amending Act 13 of 1979.—Section 18 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act,
1964 (Karnataka Act 22 of 1964) provides that the term of the Councillors elected at
a general elections shall be four years. In some Municipalities, for various reasons,
election of the Municipal Councillors could not be held immediately after the expiry
of their term and the elected councillors continued to function as such. To validate
their actions it is proposed to take powers to extend the term of elected councillors
upto a period not exceeding 24 months.
Provisions relating to resignation of members. President and Vice-President are
being made simple and clear by amending section 40.
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In section 42 provision is being made to limit the effect of the resolution of the
Council limiting the term of the President, only upto the life of the Council passing
such resolution.
Opportunity is taken to make some other minor amendments to remove some
working difficulties.
Hence this Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 24th
January 1979, as No. 78, at p. 5.)
Amending Act 21 of 1979.—In order to augment the revenues of the State it is
proposed to amend taxation and other laws. Opportunity is taken to make some
other amendments also.
Hence this Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 27th
March 1979, as No. 259, at p. 43.)
Amending Act 22 of 1981.—With effect from the year 1973-74, the municipal
corporations and the municipal Councils are requested to set apart 18 per cent of
their revenue every year for the welfare of Schedule Castes and the Schedule
Tribes within their respective jurisdictions. In order to ensure that the programmes
for the welfare of the Schedule Castes and the Schedule Tribes are formulated well
in advance and implemented effectively, it is necessary that each municipal council
constitutes a social justice committee and entrusts the responsibility of formulating
activities and programmes for the welfare of the Schedule Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes in its jurisdiction to the said committee.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 3rd
February 1981, as No. 82, at p. 4.)

Amending Act 26 of 1982.—It is decided that there should be some minimum
period of exercise of profession in a year for attracting the tax liability under the
Karnataka Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment Act, 1976. It is
considered desirable to fix up the minimum period at 120 days, in a year.
604 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

According to the proviso to item (xi) of section 94 of the Karnataka Municipalities

Act, a tax under item (xi) shall not be levied where the Municipality levies a
profession tax. As profession tax is now being levied in all cases, item (xi) of the
proviso thereto of the Karnataka Municipalities Act are being deleted.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 10th
June 1982, as No. 469, at p. 3.)
Amending Act 28 of 1982.—Section 321 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act,
1964 empowers the Government to delegate its powers to the Divisional
Commissioners. It is proposed to empower Government to delegate its powers to
the Deputy Commissioners also in the interest of quick and more expeditious
Section 342 (1) of the Act provides that the Chief Officers and Municipal
Commissioners may make appointments to posts whose monthly salary does not
exceed Rs. 60 without the sanction of the Municipal Councils;
Due to the revision of pay scales in 1977, the lowest pay scale is Rs. 250–400
and there is no post whose monthly salary does not exceed Rs. 60. It is therefore,
proposed to amend Section 342 to provide that; the monetary limit may be
prescribed by rules.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 27th
June 1981, as No. 488, at p. 3.)
Amending Act 12 of 1983.—By passage of time, there has been a steady
increase in the participation of women in all walks of life. In order to ensure more
and more involvement of women in the affairs of the municipality it is proposed to
provide adequate representation for women by increasing the reservation for
women to as nearly as may be 20% of the total number of councillors. Power is
being taken to divide the municipalities into single member constituencies.
It is proposed to make all persons who have attained the age of 18 years eligible
to vote in election to municipalities. Opportunity is taken to make some of the minor
Hence this Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 25th
March 1983, as No. 188, at p. 5.)
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 605

Amending Act 2 of 1984.—(Note: By this Act the Karnataka Marriages
(Registration and Miscellaneous provisions) Act 1976 was enacted. Therein some
consequential amendments were made to the Karnataka Municipalties Act.)
Amending Act 33 of 1984.—It is proposed to provide that copies of all
communications except confidential communications addressed by the Municipal
Commissioner or the Chief Officer to the Government shall be simultaneously
forwarded to the President.
It is considered necessary to enable the members of the Legislative Assembly to
take part in the meetings of the municipal council and the standing committees
thereof. However they shall not have the right to vote or to contest for any elected
office in the council or in the standing committee.
It is proposed to provide that the President or the Vice-President of a municipal
council shall not preside over a meeting of the council in which a no-confidence
motion against them is discussed. However he will have the right to take part in the
discussion and the right to vote.
At present water rate is being levied by the municipalities both in the form of tax
on buildings and the lands and charges for supply of water. The High Court has
held that according to the existing proviso it is not permissible to levy it in both
forms. It is considered necessary to levy it in both forms by making suitable
modification in the provision and to validate the collection made so far.
It is proposed to enhance the maximum fees leviable on buses using municipal
bus stands from twenty-five paise to five rupees. The actual rate will be specified in
the bye-laws.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 29th
March 1984, as No. 194, at p. 5.)

Amending Act 34 of 1984.—The problem of encroachments on lands belonging
to Municipalities, Bangalore Development Authority, Improvement Boards and other
Local Bodies has assumed serious proportions. It is necessary to provide deterrent
punishment for such encroachments.
606 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

2. Hence it is proposed to introduce a provision to make encroachment on lands

belonging to the City Improvement, Trust Board, Mysore, Village Panchayats, Taluk
Boards, Municipal Councils, Municipal Corporations, Improvement Boards and the
Bangalore Development Authority an offence punishable with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to three years and with fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees. Further, it is also proposed that any person who had
unauthorisedly occupied land belonging to any of the said bodies and who fails to
vacate such land in pursuance of an order under Section 5 (1) of the Karnataka
Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act 1974, shall on conviction
be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with
fine which may extend to five thousand rupees, and with a further fine which may
extend to Rs. 50 per acre of land or part thereof for every day on which the
occupation continues after the date of first conviction. A person who intentionally
aids or abets the commission of these offences shall also be liable to receive the
same punishment. It is proposed to introduce this provision in the following statutes:
(1) The City of Mysore Improvement Act, 1903.
(2) Karnataka Village Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959.
(3) Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964.
(4) Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976.
(5) Karnataka Improvement Boards Act, 1976.
(6) Bangalore Development Authority Act, 1976.
3. It is also proposed to extend the application of chapter III A of the Karnataka
Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act 1974 to the whole State and to make
the Tahsildar of the Taluk the licensing authority, where there is already no licensing
Hence this Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A,dated 6th
February 1984, as No. 104, at p. 8–9.)
Amending Act 33 of 1986.—At present the Municipal Councils do not have
adequate funds for implementing water supply schemes efficiently. It is proposed to
take over the maintenance of water supply schemes by Government and to entrust
them to the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board in a phased
manner. Therefore, it is proposed to levy 10 per cent water supply cess on property
tax to raise the necessary resources for the purpose.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 607

2. It is proposed to entrust the Divisional Commissioner alone with the powers of

revision which were hither to being exercised both by the Government as well as
Divisional Commissioners.
3. Provisions have been made to enable the Government to delegate certain
powers exercised by the Government, the Commissioners and the Deputy
Commissioners to the Director of Municipal Administration to have effective control
and supervision over the Municipal Councils.
4. Opportunity is also taken to make certain changes which are necessitated due
to the coming into force of the Karnataka Zilla Parishads, Taluk Panchayat
Samithis, Mandal Panchayats and Nyaya Panchayats Act, 1983.
As the Karnataka Legislative Council was not in session and since the matter
was very urgent, the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Ordinance 1986
(Karnataka Ordinance 7 of 1986) was promulgated and this Bill seeks to replace the
said Ordinance.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 19th
August 1986, as No. 625, at p. 8.)
Amending Act 20 of 1987.—It has been considered necessary to provide for
prohibition of defection by Members of Zilla Parishads Mandal Panchayats and
Councillors of Municipal Corporations and the City and Town Municipal Councils
from the political parties by which they were set up as candidates. In order to
provide healthy politics in the local bodies it is considered necessary to disqualify
such councillors subject to certain conditions in the case of merger or split.
Opportunity is taken to amend the Karnataka Zilla Parishads, Taluk Panchayat
Samithis, Mandal Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat Act, 1983 (Karnataka Act 20 of
1985). The Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1977)
and the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 22 of 1964).
As the Karnataka Legislature Assembly was not in Session and since the matter
was very urgent the Karnataka Local Authorities (Prohibition of Defection)
Ordinance, 1986 (Karnataka Ordinance No. 18 of 1986) was promulgated.
The Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance.
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from LA Bill No. 3 of 1987.)
Amending Act 2 of 1990.—The Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964, the
Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 and the Karnataka Zilla Parishads,
608 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Taluk Panchayat Samithis, Mandal Panchayats and Nyaya Panchayats Act, 1983
contain provisions for the preparation of additional Electoral Rolls of the purpose of
conferring the right to vote to persons who had attained the age of 18 years.
Pursuant to the amendments affected to the Representation of the People Act,
the Electoral Rolls for elections to the Assembly and Parliamentary constituencies
now include persons who have attained the voting age of 18 years.
In these circumstances, it has been decided to delete the provisions requiring
the preparation of the additional Electoral Roll by making suitable and consequential
It is also proposed to have a uniform term of office of five years fixed for the
Councillors, Corporators and the Members of Zilla Parishads. Consequently, the
statutory term of four years for the Councillors is enhanced to five years to be on
par with the terms of office of the Corporators and the Members of the Zilla
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 20th
December 1989, as No. 616, at p. 5.)
Amending Act 14 of 1990.—(Note: By this Act the Civil Services Act was
enacted. Therein certain consequential amendments were made to some Acts
including the Karnataka Municipalties Act.)
Amending Act 22 of 1991.—It is considered necessary to prohibit display of any
flag other than National Flag or a flag approved by the State Government on the
offices of City Corporation and City or Town Municipal Councils.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), PArt IV-2A, dated 15th
March 1991, as No. 97, at p. 187.)
Amending Act 36 of 1994.—It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 to bring it in conformity with the provisions of the
Constitution (Seventy-fourth Amendment) Act, 1992.
The Bill among other things provides for,—
(1) specifying smaller urban area and transitional area by the Governor having
regard to the population, income generated in the area, percentage of employment
in non-agricultural activities and certain other factors enumerated in section 3 and
section 349;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 609

(2) composition of the municipal Council and Town Panchayats;

(3) reservation of seats and office of chair persons in municipal councils and
town panchayats in favour of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward
Classes and Women;
(4) preparation of electoral roll by the State Election Commission and
superintendence direction and control by the State Election Commission in respect
of conduct of election;
(5) Finance Commission constituted under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act,
1993 to review the financial position of the Municipal Councils and Town
Panchayats and to make recommendation to the Governor;
(6) effect of absorption or conversion of transitional area into smaller urban area
or panchayat area and that of panchayat area into transitional area. Certain
consequential changes are also made.
As the matter was urgent and the Karnataka Legislative Assembly was not in
session, the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Ordinance, 1994 was
This Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance.
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from Vide LC Bill No. 1 of 1994.)
Amending Act 20 of 1995.—Section 9 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964
(Karnataka Act 22 of 1964) provides a period of two months to entertain any
objections from all persons to the proposal to constitute the local area to be a
smaller urban area or to alter the limits of the smaller urban area in a certain
manner or to declare that the local area shall cease to be a smaller urban area, as
the case may be. Specifying any urban areas as smaller urban area is a first step in
the entire process of election to Municipal Councils. Consequent to the expiry of the
term of office of the Councillors, Administrators have been appointed to Municipal
Councils and as such election to constitute new bodies will have to be completed as
early as possible. Since the period of two months provided in the said section is too
long, it is considered necessary to amend the said section to reduce the period of
‘two months’ to ‘Thirty days’.
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from LA Bill No. 24 of 1995.)
610 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Amending Act 24 of 1995.—It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964.—
(i) to substitute the existing definition of Backward Classes in order to re-define
it on the lines of the definition of “Backward Classes” contained in the
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993;
(ii) to earmark eighty per cent of the offices of the President and Vice-President
reserved for Backward Classes, in favour of category ‘A’ and the remaining
twenty per cent in favour of category ‘B’;
(iii) to earmark eighty per cent of the seats reserved for Backward Classes in the
Municipal Councils and Town Panchayats in favour of category ‘A’ and the
remaining twenty per cent in favour of category ‘B’;
(iv) to provide for deemed deputation of the Returning Officers, Assistant
Returning Officers, Presiding Officers etc., to the State Election Commission
during the period commencing from the election ending with the date of
declaration of the result of election, so that such officers shall be subject to
the control, superintendence and discipline of the State Election
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from LA Bill No. 26 of 1995.)
Amending Act 24 of 1998.—It is considered necessary to amend the provisions
of section 11 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 and section 7 of the
Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 to do away with the requirement that
the members of the House of people and the Legislative Assembly should be
registered as electors within the Municipal area or a city as the case may be, so as
to bring them in conformity with Article 243R of the Constitution of India.
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), Part IV-2A, dated 15th May
1998, as No. 600, at p. 2.)
Amending Act 22 of 2000.- It is considered necessary to prepare upto date
Codal Volumes of the Karnataka Acts and to repeal all the spent Acts and
amendments Acts from time to time.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 611

The Government constituted One-man Committee for the above purpose. The
Committee has reviewed the Karnataka Acts for the period for 1.1.1956 to
31.12.1998 and has proposed this "Repealing and Amending Bill, 2000" which
seeks to repeal the following types of Acts,-
(i) Acts which amended the Karnataka Acts whether they are now in force or
(ii) Acts which amended regional Acts which are no longer in force;
(iii) Appropriation Acts as they are spent Acts;
(iv) Acts which have been struck down or by necessary implication struck down
by the Court;
(v) Acts which are by implication repealed by Central Acts; and
(vi) Acts which are temporary and spent enactments.
The Bill does not include,-
(i) Acts which amend the Central Acts and regional Acts which are in force;
(ii) Acts which are already repealed expressly.
This Bill seeks to repeal and remove all spent and amendment Acts from the
Statute Book.
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from L.A. Bill No. 17 of 2000)
Amending Act 28 of 2001.- It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 to simplify the procedure, introduce the system of self-
assessment of property tax and to provide for the following,-
(1) to abolish the system of determining the Rateable Value on the basis of
annual gross rent to which a building may reasonably be expected to let from month
to month or from year to year for the purpose of assessment of property tax;
(2) to introduce a system of assessment of property tax based on Taxable
Capital Value having regard to the estimated market value of the land and
estimated cost of erecting the building;
(3) to levy property tax at such percentage of Taxable Capital Value fixed by the
Municipalities with reference to location, type of construction of the building nature
of use to which the property is put, area of the land, plinth area of the building and
age of the building;
(4) to provide for payment of property tax and filing of returns by owners or
612 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(5) to provide an incentive at the rate of five percent of the tax for owners filing
returns within the specified time;
(6) to impose a penalty at the rate of fifty percent of the tax in cases of failure to
submit returns;
(7) to collect service charges in respect of properties exempted from property
(8) to collect penalty equal to twice the property tax leviable in respect of
unlawful buildings without prejudice to any proceedings or action to be taken for
unlawful construction;
(9) to publish property tax register for public information;
(10) to undertake survey of lands and buildings and preparation of property
Certain other consequential and incidental amendments are also made.
Hence the Bill.
(Vide L.A. Bill No.31 of 2000 File No. É â ªÀ â Xµ Ö E 49 µ Ö É â }â 2000)
Amending Act 8 of 2003.- To give effect to the proposals made in the Budget
Speech for the year 2003-04, it is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Stamp Act, 1957, the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964, the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act, 1976 and the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993.
Hence the Bill.
[LA Bill No. 8 of 2003]
(Entries 5 and 63 of List-II of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India)
Amending Act 23 of 2003.- It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 to provide for Minimum representation of the persons
belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Municipal Councils
and Town Panchayats.
The 74th Constitutional Amendment provides that in every Urban Local Bodies
the members of House of the People as well as members of the State Legislative
Assembly be represented in the concerned Municipalities. When the Acts were
amended in 1994, the provisions of section 11 were amended to ensure that the
members of the House of the People and Member of the State Legislative Assembly
and Members of the Council be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the
Municipalities and also to vote in the Council. This particular provision was not
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 613

incorporated in respect of Town Panchayats. It is therefore proposed to amend

section 352 for the purpose.
Hence the Bill.
[LA Bill No.20 of 2002]
[Entry 5 of List-III of Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India]
Amending Act 24 of 2003.- Second proviso to sub-section (1) and sub-
section (3) of section 3 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 provide for
specifying an Industrial Township. Now it is considered necessary to omit the
aforesaid provision and to have a separate chapter in the Karnataka Municipalities
Act, 1964 for specifying industrial township and other related matters and to make
elaborate provisions in that behalf. Therefore, it is proposed to insert a new
chapter XVI-A to provide for the following:-
(i) Specifying industrial township having regard to the factors enumerated in
the proposed section 364A;
(ii) Constitution of Industrial Township Authority and its composition;
(iii) Term of office of chair-person and other members;
(iv) Transaction of business by the Industrial Township Authority and its
functions and duties.
(v) Conferring on the Industrial Township Authority, the powers of the
Municipal Council specified in sections 175 to 275.
(vi) Power to extend provisions of the Act, rules and bye-laws applicable to a
Municipal Council to the Industrial Township Authority.
(vii) Funds, budget and accounts of Industrial Township Authority.
(viii)Power to levy and collect property tax.
(ix) Power to appoint Chief Executive Officer and other officers and staff and
their conditions of service.
(x) Power to appoint an Administrator.
(xi) Effect of conversion of part of a panchayat area etc., into an Industrial
(xii) Power to make regulation.
Certain other incidental and consequential provisions are also made.
Hence the Bill.
[L.C. Bill No.12 of 2002]
Article 243Q and Entry 5 of List-II of Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of
614 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

mending Act 31 of 2003.- It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 22 of 1964),-
1) to provide for specifying a smaller urban area in which district head quarters
is situated to be a city municipal area even though population is less than
50 thousand;
2) to require that motion of expressing want of confidence in the President or
Vice President should be passed by a majority of the total number of
councillors having voting right and by a majority of not less than two-third of
the councillors having voting right present and voting;
3) to dispense with the requirement of sanction of the Government to levy tax;
4) to reduce the rate of property tax on vacant land from the existing rate of
minimum 0.3% and maximum 0.6% in view of several objections received
from public;
(5) to provide for exemption from levy of property tax in respect of places of
public worship, choultaries for charitable purposes etc. as provided in the
Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976;
6) to levy a penalty at 2% per month on belated payment of property tax due;
7) to omit the provisions relating to levy of water cess to mitigate the tax
8) to exempt vacant land to a maximum of 50 square meters around a
residential building constructed on a site measuring up to 225 square
meters from the levy of property tax;
9) to provide for delegation of powers of the Government and other officers;
10) to validate the assessment etc. already made.
Certain other incidental and consequential amendments are also made.
As the matter was urgent and the Karnataka Legislative council was not in
Session the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Ordinance, 2003 was
Hence the Bill.
[LA Bill No.19 of 2003]
[Entry 5 of List-II of Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India]
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 615

mending Act 40 of 2003.- Considering the complaints received from general
public that candidates contesting in elections to urban local bodies spend huge sum
of money on publicity and other things concerning campaigning which amounts to
corrupt practice, the State Election Commission has proposed for bringing suitable
amendment to the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 to insert a new provision
providing for disqualification for failure to lodge account of election expenses.
Hence the Bill.
[LA Bill No.22 of 2002]
[Entry 5 of List-II of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India]
Amending Act 17 of 2004.- According to the Karnataka Municipal corporations
(Amendment) Act, 2003 and the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 2003,
property owners are required to pay the property tax for the years 2002-2003 and
2003-2004 before 30th September, 2003 without a penalty. There have been
requests from the general public to extend the period of payment of tax without
penalty. Hence, it is proposed to extend the period of payment of tax without penalty
up to 31st March, 2004 in order to provide some relief to the tax payers.
Hence the Bill,
(LC Bill No.8 of 2004)
(Entry 5 of List II of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India)
Amending Act 5 of 2005.- It is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 22 of 1964) and The Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1977) to provide for,-
(1) reduction of property tax levied for the years 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and
2004-2005 from two and half times to two times of the tax levied for the
year 2001-2002;
(2) exemption of Property Tax in respect of the vacant land around all classes
of buildings in the Municipalities and City Corporations;
(3) total exemption of the tax on vacant land in Municipalities having a
population of less than one lakh;
616 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(4) enhancement of Property Tax once in three years commencing from the
year 2005-2006 and to give guidelines for enhancement;
(5) reduction of tax on commercial buildings from an upper limit of 1.5 percent
to 0.9 percent situated in the Municipalities having less than one lakh
population and in respect of residential buildings from 1.0 percent to 0.6
(6) Certain other consequential amendments are also made.
The Bill also seeks to replace the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2004 (Karnataka Ordinance 3 of 2004) and the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004 (Karnataka Ordinance 2 of 2004) with
certain modifications.
Hence the Bill.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 617
1 1
[KARNATAKA ACT] No. 22 OF 1964.
1 1
(First published in the [Karnataka Gazette] on the
Seventh day of May, 1964.)
1 1
(Received the assent of the President on the
Seventh day of April, 1964.)
(Amended by Karnataka Acts 34 of 1966, 2 of 1976, 39 of 1976,
83 of 1976, 13 of 1979, 21 of 1979, 22 of 1981, 26 of 1982, 28 of 1982, 12
of 1983, 2 of 1984, 33 of 1984, 34 of 1984, 33 of 1986, 20 of 1987, 2 of
1990, 14 of 1990, 22 of 1991, 36 of 1994, 20 of 1995, 24 of 1995, 24 of
1998, 22 of 2000, 28 of 2001, 8 of 2003, 23 of 2003, 24 of 2003, 31 of 2003,
40 of 2003, 17 of 2004 and 5 of 2005)
An Act to consolidate and amend the law 1
relating to the management
municipal affairs in towns and cities in the [State of Karnataka] .
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to the
management of municipal affairs in towns and cities other than cities for
which municipal corporations are established in the 1[State of Karnataka]1;
BE it enacted by the 1[Karnataka State]1 Legislature in the Fourteenth
year of the Republic of India as follows:—
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
1. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called
the 1[Karnataka]1 Municipalities Act, 1964.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
(2) It extends to the whole of the 1[State of Karnataka]1.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
(3) This section and sections 2, 323, 365, 381, 383, 384 and 385 shall
come into force at once; and the rest of this Act shall come into force on
such 1[date]1 as the Government may, by notification, appoint.
1. Rest of the Act came in to force w.e.f. 1.4.1965 by notification Text of notification is
at the end of the Act.
2. Definitions.—In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(1) 1[xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
618 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[(1A) “Backward Classes” means such class and classes of citizens as
may be classified as category “A” and “B” and notified by the Government
from time to time for the purposes of reservation of seats and offices of
President and Vice-President in a Municipal Council or Town Panchayat;]1
1. Substituted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26-9-1995.
(2) “betterment fee” means the fee payable under section 160 in respect
of an increase in the value of land resulting from the execution of an
improvement scheme;
(3) “building” includes a house, out-house, stable, latrine, urinal, shed,
hut, wall, verandah, fixed platform, plinth, doorstep, staircase or any other
such structure, whether of masonry, bricks, wood, mud, metal or any other
material whatsoever; but does not include a portable shelter;
(4) “City Municipal Council” means a city municipal council established
under this Act;
(5) 1[xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
(6) “Councillor” means any person who is legally a member of a
municipal council 1[or Town Panchayat]1;
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26-9-1995.
(7) “dangerous disease” means,—
(a) cholera, plague, chicken-pox, small-pox, tuberculosis, leprosy,
enteric fever, cerebro-spinal meningitis and diphtheria, and
(b) any other endemic, epidemic or infectious disease which the
Government may by notification declare to be a dangerous disease for the
purposes of this Act;
(8) “date of commencement of this Act” means the date appointed under
sub-section (3) of section 1;
[(8A) "Director of Municipal Administration" means the director of
municipal administration appointed under sub-section (1-A) of section 388]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
(9) “Election Tribunal” means in respect of any area any judicial officer
appointed by notification by the Government to be Election Tribunal in
respect of such area and where no such judicial officer is appointed, the
[Civil Judge]1 having jurisdiction over the area within which the election has
been or should have been held.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 619

[Explanation.—x x x]1
1. Omitted by SO 1911 dated 24.10.1973
(10) “Government” means the State Government;
(11) “hut” means any building which is constructed principally of wood,
bamboo, mud, leaves, grass, cloth or thatch and includes any structure of
whatever material made which the municipal council may declare to be a hut
for the purposes of this Act;
(12) “land” includes land which is built upon or covered with water,
benefits to arise out of land, things attached to the earth or permanently
fastened to anything attached to the earth and rights created by law over
any street;
(13) “market” includes any place where persons assemble for the sale of,
or for the purpose of exposing for sale, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables,
animals intended for human food or any other articles of human food
whatsoever, with or without the consent of the owner of such place
notwithstanding that there be no common regulation for the concourse of
buyers and sellers and whether or not any control is exercised over the
business of, or the persons frequenting, the market by the owner of the
place or by any other person;
(14) “municipal council” means the council of a town or city 1[municipal
area]1 established under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(15) “municipal area” means any area specified as a smaller urban area

and which is deemed to be a municipal area under section 3 and includes

any local area which is deemed to be a municipal area under section 350;]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(16) “notification” means a notification published in the official Gazette;
(17) “nuisance” includes any act, omission, place, animal or thing which
causes or is likely to cause injury, danger, annoyance or offence to the
sense of sight, smell or hearing or disturbance to rest or sleep or which is or
may be dangerous to life or injurious to health or property;
(18) “occupier” includes,—
(a) any person who for the time being is paying or is liable to pay to
the owner the rent or any portion of the rent of the land or building in respect
of which such rent is paid or is payable;
(b) an owner in occupation of, or otherwise using his land or building;
(c) a rent-free tenant of any land or building;
620 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(d) a licensee in occupation of any land or building; and

(e) any person who is liable to pay to the owner damages for the use
and occupation of any land or building;
[(19) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.

(20) “owner” includes a person who for the time being is receiving or is
entitled to receive, the rent of any land or building whether on his own
account or on account of himself and others or as an agent, trustee,
guardian or receiver for any other person or who would to receive the rent or
be entitled to receive it, if the land or building or part thereof were let to a
tenant and also includes the custodian of evacuee property in respect of
evacuee property vested in him under the Administration of Evacuee
Property Act, 1950 (Central Act XXXI of 1950);
[(20A) “population” means the population as ascertained at the last
preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published;]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(21) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made by the Government

under this Act;
(22) “private street” means any street, road, square, court, alley, passage
or riding path, which is not a ‘public street’, but does not include a pathway
made by the owner of a premises on his own land to secure access to or the
convenient use of such premises;
(23) “public securities” means,—
(a) securities of the Government of India,
(b) securities of the 1[Government of Karnataka]1, or of any other State
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(c) debentures or other securities for money issued by or on behalf of

any local authority in exercise of the powers conferred by a law in force in
the State, or
(d) a security expressly authorised by any order which the
Government makes in this behalf;
(24) “public street” means any street, road, square, court, alley, passage
or riding path over which the public have a right of way, whether a
thoroughfare or not and includes,—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 621

(a) the roadway over any public bridge or causeway,

(b) the footway attached to any such street, public bridge or
(c) the drains abutting to any such street, public bridge or causeway
and the land, whether covered or not by any pavement, verandah, or other
structure, which lines on either side of the roadway up to the boundaries of
the adjacent property, whether that property is private property or property
belonging to the Government or the municipal council, and
(d) any street which, under any provision of this Act, becomes or is
declared to be a public street;
(25) “Scheduled Castes” means the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes specified in respect of the 1[State of Karnataka]1 or in respect of any
area thereof in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, and the
Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, for the time being in force;
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
[(25A) “State Election Commission” means the State Election
Commission constituted under section 308 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj
Act, 1993;]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(26) “street” means any road, footway, square, court, alley or passage,
accessible whether permanently or temporarily to the public, whether a
thoroughfare or not; and shall include every vacant space, notwithstanding
that it may be private property and partly or wholly obstructed by any gate,
post, chain or other barrier, if houses, shops or other buildings abut thereon
and if it is used by any person as a means of access to or from any public
place or thoroughfare, whether such persons be occupiers of such buildings
or not; but shall not include any part of such space which the occupier of
any such building has a right at all hours to prevent all other persons from
using as aforesaid;
(27) “tax” shall include any toll, rate, cess, fee or other impost leviable
under this Act;
[(27A) "Taxable capital value" means the 2[value of any buildings
including any land accupied by it or vacant land or both]2 fixed in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and rules for the porpuse
assessment of 2[tax on buildings or vacant land or both]2 ]1
1. Inserted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
622 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(28) “Town Municipal Council” means a town municipal council

established under this Act;
[(28A) “Town Panchayat” means a Town Panchayat established under
this Act;]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26.9.1995.

[(28B) “Vacant land" means land not builtupon; 2[but does not include

appurtenant land to a building]2]1

1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.

2. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.

(29) “vehicle” includes carriage, cart, van, truck, hand-cart, bicycle,

tricycle, cycle rickshaw, and every wheeled conveyance which is used or is
capable of being used on a public street.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994..
[3. Specification of smaller urban area.—(1) The Governor may
subject to the provisions of section 9 and having regard to,—
(a) the population of any area;
(b) the density of population of such area;
(c) the revenue generated for the local administration of such area;
(d) the percentage of employment in non-agricultural activities in such
(e) the economic importance of such area; and
(f) such other factors as may be prescribed,
specify, by notification, such area to be a smaller urban area and such
smaller urban area shall be deemed to be a municipal area:
Provided that no such area shall be so specified as a smaller urban area
(i) the population of such area is not less than twenty thousand and
not more than three lakhs;
(ii) the density of population in such area is not less than one thousand
five hundred inhabitants to one square kilometer of area;
(iii) the revenue generated for local administration from such area from
tax and non-tax sources in the year of the last preceding census is not less
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 623

than rupees nine lakhs per annum or a sum calculated at the rate of rupees
forty-five per capita per annum, whichever is higher;
(iv) the percentage of employment in non-agricultural activities is not
less than fifty per cent of the total employment:
1. Omitted by Act 24 of 2003 w.e.f. 21-8-2003.
(2) The Governor may while specifying any area to be a smaller urban
area in sub-section (1) may also specify such area to be a city municipal
area, in case the population of such area is not less than fifty thousand or a
town municipal area, in case the population is not less than twenty thousand
but less than fifty thousand.
[Provided that if a District Head Quarters is situated in such smaller
urban area the Governor may; specify such area to be a city municipal area
even though it contains population of less than fifty thousand.]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
[Provided further that notwithstanding anything contrary contained in this
Act where after specifying any area to be a city municipal area or town
municipal area, its population is reduced on account of specifying Industrial
Township areas, its status shall continue as such city municipal area or town
municipal area, as the case may be till the area is specified afresh under
this section.]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 2003 w.e.f. 21.8.2003.
[(3) xxx]1
1. Sub-section (3) Omitted by Act 24 of 2003 w.e.f. 21.8.2003.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), no cantonment
or part thereof shall be comprised in any such municipal area;
(5) Every notification issued under sub-section (1), shall define the limits
of the smaller urban area, or as the case may be, the industrial township to
which it relates;]1
1. Sub-Section 3 upto sub-section (5) Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
4. Power to include or exclude areas in or from 1[smaller urban
area]1 and the effect thereon.—(1) The 1[Governor]1 may, after consulting
the municipal council and subject to the provisions of section 9 2[and having
regard to the provisions of clauses (a) to (f) of sub-section (1) of section 3]2,
by notification,—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
624 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(a) include within a 1[smaller urban area]1 any local area adjacent
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(b) exclude from a 1[smaller urban area]1 any local area comprised
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(2) Every such notification shall define the limits of the local area to which
it relates.
(3) When a local area is included in any 1[smaller urban area]1, this Act
and all notifications, rules, bye-laws, orders, resolutions, directions and
powers (including any tax levied) issued, made or conferred under this Act
or any other law applicable to such 1[smaller urban area]1 shall apply to the
said area from the date of publication of the notification under sub-section
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(4) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time
being in force when a local area is excluded form any 1[smaller urban
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(i) the rights and liabilities of the municipal council in such area shall
vest in the Government; and
(ii) the Government shall after consulting the municipal council
determine what portion of the municipal fund and all other property vested in
the municipal council shall vest in the Government for the benefit of the
inhabitants of the local area, and how the liabilities of the municipal council
shall be apportioned between the municipal council and the Government.
5. Erection and maintenance of boundary marks.—It shall be the duty
of the municipal council in every 1[municipal area]1 and of every municipal
council whose local limits are altered, to cause, at its own cost, to be
erected or set up if and when so required by the 2[Director of Municipal
Administration]2 or Deputy Commissioner, and thereafter to maintain, at its
own cost, substantial boundary marks of such description and in such
positions as shall be approved by the Deputy Commissioner defining the
limits or the altered limits of the 1[municipal area]1 subject to its authority.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f.1.6.1994
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f.20.8.2003
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 625

[6. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

7. Property and rights of 1[Municipal Council of the smaller urban

area]1 which has ceased to exist to vest in Government.—(1) Subject to
the provisions of section 9, the 1[Governor]1 may by notification declare that
any local area shall from a date to be specified in the notification cease to
be a 1[smaller urban area.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(2) When any local area 1[ceases to be a smaller urban area]1, the
municipal council constituted therefor shall cease to exist, and the property
and rights vested in any such 1[municipal council]1 shall subject to all
charges and liabilities affecting the same, vest in the Government and the
proceeds thereof, if any, shall be expended under the orders of the
Government for the benefit of the local areas in which such 1[municipal
council]1 had jurisdiction.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

8. Naming of 1[smaller urban area]1 comprising two or more

places.—When two or more places bearing different names are formed into
one 1[smaller urban area]1, the name of the 1[smaller urban area]1 shall be
determined by the 1[Governor.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

9. Procedure for constitution, abolition, etc., of 1[smaller urban

areas]1.—Not less than 2[thirty days]2 before the publication of any
notification declaring any local area to be a 1[smaller urban area]1, or altering
the limits of any such 1[smaller urban area]1 or declaring that any local area
shall cease to be 1[smaller urban area]1, the 1[Governor]1 shall cause to be
published in the official Gazette, in English and Kannada, and to be posted
up in conspicuous places in the said local area in Kannada, a proclamation
announcing that it is proposed to constitute the local area to be 1[smaller
urban area]1, or to alter the limits of the 1[smaller urban area]1 in a certain
manner, or to declare that the local area shall cease to be a 1[smaller urban
area]1, as the case may be, and requiring all persons who entertain any
objection to the said proposal to submit the same, with the reasons therefor,
in writing to the 3[Director of Municipal Administration]3 within 2[thirty days]2
from the date of the said proclamation, and whenever it is proposed to add
626 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

to or exclude from a 1[smaller urban area]1 any inhabited area, it shall be the
duty of the municipal council also to cause a copy of such proclamation to
be posted up in conspicuous places in such area. The Commissioner shall,
with all reasonable despatch, forward every objection so submitted to the
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Substituted by Act 20 of 1995 w.e.f. 7-7-1995.
3. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
No such notification as aforesaid shall be issued by the 1[Governor]1
unless the objections, if any, so submitted are in 1[his]1 opinion insufficient or
1. Substituted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29-11-2000.

10. Incorporation of city and town municipal councils.—(1) In every

[municipal area]1, there shall be a municipal council, and every such
municipal council shall be a body corporate by the name of “the City
Municipal Council of . . . . . . . .” or “the Town Municipal Council
of . . . . . . . .”, as the case may be, and shall have perpetual succession and
a common seal with power, subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire,
hold and dispose of property and to contract and may by the said name sue
and be sued 2[through its Chief Officer or Municipal Commissioner]2.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967
(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the municipal Government of
a 1[municipal area]1 shall vest in the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 2004 w.e.f. 1.6.1994

[11. Constitution of municipal councils.—(1) The municipal council


shall consist of,—

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 2004 w.e.f. 1994

(a) such number of directly elected councillors specified in column (3)

of the table below in respect of the municipal areas specified in the
corresponding entries in column (2) thereof, namely:—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 627

Serial Population of the municipal area Number of
No. Councillors
(1) (2) (3)
(1) for a municipal area with a population of not less than
20,000 but less than 40,000. 23
(2) for a municipal area with a population of not less than
40,000 but less than 50,000. 27
(3) for a municipal area with a population of not less than
50,000 but less than one lakh. 31
(4) for a municipal area with a population of not less than
one lakh but less than three lakhs. 35
(b) not more than five persons nominated by the Government from
amongst the residents of the municipal area and who are,—
(i) persons having special knowledge and experience in municipal
administration or matters relating to health, town planning or education, or
(ii) social workers.
(c) the members of the House of the People and the members of the
State Legislative Assembly, representing a part or whole of the municipal
area whose constituencies lie within the municipal area 1[x x x]1;
1. Omitted by Act 24 of 1998 w.e.f. 10-6-1998.
(d) the members of the Council of States and members of the State
Legislative Council registered as electors within the municipal area:
Provided that the persons referred to in clause (b) shall not have the right
to vote in the meetings of the municipal council.
(2) Seats shall be reserved in a municipal council,—
(a) for the Scheduled Castes; and
(b) for the Scheduled Tribes;
and the number of seats so reserved shall bear, as nearly as may be, the
same proportion to the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in
the municipal council as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the
municipal area or of the Scheduled Tribes in the municipal area bears to the
total population of the municipal area.
628 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[Provided that atleast one seat each shall be reserved in a municipal
council for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes:
Provided further that, if no person belonging to the Scheduled Castes is
available the seat reserved for the category shall also be filled by the
persons belonging to the Scheduled tribes and vice versa.]1
1. Inserted by Act 23 of 2003 w.e.f. 10-11-2003.
(3) Such number of seats which shall, as nearly as may be, one-third of
the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in a municipal council,
shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Backward Classes.
[Provided that out of the seats reserved under this sub-section eighty per
cent of the total number of such seats shall be reserved for the persons
falling under category “A” and the remaining twenty per cent of the seats
shall be reserved for the persons falling under category “B”:
Provided further that if no person falling under category “A” is available,
the seats reserved for that category shall also be filled by the persons falling
under the category “B” and vice versa.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub-section sub-section (2A) of
section 42 and sub-section (5) of section 352 categories “A” and “B” shall
mean categories “A” and “B” referred to in clause (1A) of section 2.]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26-9-1995.

(4) Not less than one-third of the seats reserved for each category of
persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Backward Classes and those of the non-reserved seats to be filled by direct
election in a municipal council shall be reserved for women:
Provided that the seats reserved in sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) shall be
allotted by rotation to different wards in a municipal area.
(5) The councillors referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) shall be
elected in the manner provided in this Act.
(6) Nothing contained in sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) shall be deemed to
prevent the members of the Scheduled Castes, Schedule Tribes, Backward
Classes or Women from standing for election to the non-reserved seats.]2
[12. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

13. [Wards]1 for elections.—2[(1)]2 For the purposes of election of


councillors to be elected to fill the seats under 1[clause (a) of sub-section

1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 629

(1)]1 of section 11, the Government shall, 3

[x x x]3 by notification
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Renumbered by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
3. Omitted by Act 12 of 1983 w.e.f. 24-2-1983.
(a) the number of territorial 1[wards]1 into which the 1[municipal area]1
shall be divided;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(b) the extent of each territorial 1[ward]1;

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(c) the number of seats allotted to each territorial 1[ward]1 which shall
be [one 3[x x x]3]2; and

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

2. Substituted by Act 12 of 1983 w.e.f. 24-2-1983.
3. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(d) the number of seats, if any, reserved for the 1[Scheduled Castes,
Schedule Tribes, Backward classes and for women]1 in each territorial
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

[Provided that the territorial 2[wards]2 formed shall comprise, as far as


may be, of contiguous blocks.]1

1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(1A) No notification under sub-section (1) shall be called in question in

any court of law.]1

1. Inserted by Act 12 of 1983 w.e.f. 24-2-1983.
[(2) and (3) x x x]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 and omitted by Act 13 of 1979 w.e.f. 23-2-1979.

14. List of voters.—1[(1) The list of voters of the municipal council shall
be prepared subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the
State Election Commission:
Provided that the electoral roll of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly for
the time being in force for such part of the municipal area as is included in
any ward may be adopted for the purpose of preparation of list of voters of
the municipal council for such ward:
630 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided further that the list of voters for such ward of the municipal
council shall not include any amendment, transposition, inclusion or deletion
of entry made after the last date for making nomination for the election to
such ward and before completion of such election.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(2) The officer designated by the 1[State Election Commission]1 in this
behalf in respect of a 1[municipal area]1 shall maintain a list of voters for
each 1[ward]1 of such 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this section, “electoral roll” shall mean
an electoral roll prepared under the provisions of the Representation of the
People Act, 1950 (Central Act XLIII of 1950), for the time being in force.
(3) Every person whose name is in the list of voters referred to in sub-
section (1) shall, unless disqualified under any law for the time being in
force, be qualified to vote, at the election of a member for the 1[ward]1 to
which such list pertains.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(4) In every 1[ward]1, a voter shall have as many votes as there are
councillors to be elected from that 1[ward]1, but no voter shall at any election
give more than one vote to any one candidate.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
15. Qualification of candidates.—(1) Every person whose name is in
the list of voters for any of the 1[wards]1 of the 1[municipal area]1 shall, unless
disqualified under this Act or any other law for the time being in force, be
qualified to be elected at the election for that 1[ward]1 or any other 1[ward]1 of
the 1[municipal area]1 and every person whose name is not in such list shall
not be qualified to be elected, at the election for any 1[ward]1 of the
[municipal area]1:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
Provided that a person shall not be qualified to be elected,—
(a) to a seat reserved for Scheduled Castes 1[or Scheduled Tribes]1
unless he is a member of any of those castes or tribes; and
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(aa) to a seat reserved for Backward Classes, unless he is a member

of such classes.]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 631

(b) to a seat reserved for women unless such person is a woman.

(2) Subject to any disqualification incurred by a person, the list of voters
shall be conclusive evidence for the purpose of determining under this
section whether the person is qualified or is not qualified to vote or is
qualified or is not qualified to be elected, as the case may be, at an election.
16. General disqualifications for becoming a councillor.— (1) A
person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a
(a) if he has been sentenced by a criminal court to imprisonment for an
offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six
months, provided that (1) the offence is one which involves moral
turpitude and (2) such sentence has not been reversed or quashed or
the offence pardoned; or
[(b) if he is convicted of an offence under the provisions of the
Untouchability Offences Act, 1955 (Central Act 22 of 1955) or the
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (Central Act 37 of 1954);
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(c) if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the
Government of any State specified in the First Schedule to the
Constitution of India, or of any local or other authority subject to the
control of any of the said Governments other than such offices as are
declared by rules made under this Act not to disqualify the holder; or
(d) if he has been dismissed from service under a local authority or
Government service; or
(e) if, having been a legal practitioner, he has been dismissed or
suspended from practice by order of a competent authority the
disqualification in the latter case being operative during the period of
such suspension; or
(f) if he has been removed from office under section 41 of this Act; or
(g) if he is unsound mind and stand so declared by competent court; or
(h) if he is an undischarged insolvent; or
(i) if he is not a citizen of India, or has voluntarily acquired the citizenship
of a foreign State, or is under any acknowledgment of allegiance or
adherence to a foreign State; or
632 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[(j) if he is so disqualified by or under any law for the time being in force
for the purpose of election to the State Legislature:
Provided that no person shall be disqualified on the ground that he is less
than twenty-five years, if he has attained the age of twenty-one years.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(k) if, save as hereinafter provided, he has directly or indirectly by himself

or his partner any share or interest in any work done by order of the
municipal council, or in any contract or employment with or under, or
by or on behalf of the municipal council; or
(l) if he is employed as paid legal practitioner on behalf of the municipal
council or accepts employment as legal practitioner against the
municipal council; or
(m) if he is a licensed surveyor, or plumber or water supply contractor of
the municipal council or is a partner of a firm of which any such
licensed person is a partner; or
(n) if he fails to pay any arrears of any kind due by him, otherwise than as
an agent, receiver, trustee or an executor, to the municipal council
within three months after a notice in this behalf has been served upon
him; or
(o) if he has in proceedings questioning the validity or regularity of an
election been found to have been guilty of,—
(i) any corrupt practice, or
(ii) any offence punishable under section 171-E or section 171-F of the
Indian Penal Code, or any offence punishable under section 36 or
clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 37 of this Act,
unless a period of five years has elapsed since the date of the finding, or the
disqualification has been removed by order by the Government:
Provided that,—
(a) the disqualification in sub-clause (b) shall cease to operate after
the expiry of the period during which a person is ordered to furnish security;
(b) a person shall not be deemed to have incurred any disqualification
under clause (c) by reason only of his receiving,-
(i) any pension, or
(ii) any allowance or facility approved by the Government for
serving as president or vice-president or as councillor;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 633

(c) the disqualification in clauses (a), (d) and (f) shall cease to operate
after the expiry of four years from the date of such sentence, dismissal, or
removal or earlier by an order of the Government;
(d) a person shall not be deemed to have incurred disqualification
under sub-clause (k) by reason of his,—
(i) having any share or interest in any lease, sale or purchase of
any immoveable property or in any agreement for the same, or
(ii) having a share or interest in any joint stock company otherwise
than as a managing director or agent or in any literary association registered
under the Societies Registration Act or in any co-operative society which
shall contract with or be employed by, or on behalf of the municipal council,
(iii) having a share or interest in any newspaper in which any
advertisement relating to the affairs of the municipal council may be
inserted, or
(iv) holding a debenture or being otherwise interested in any loan
raised by, or on behalf of the municipal council, or
(v) having a share or interest in the occasional sale of any article in
which he regularly trades, to the municipal council to a value not exceeding
in any one official year, such amount as may be prescribed, or
(vi) having a share or interest in the occasional letting out on hire to
the municipal council, or in the hiring from municipal council, of any article
for an amount not exceeding in any official year fifty rupees or such higher
amount not exceeding five hundred rupees as may be prescribed.
[(1A) A person shall be disqualified for being a Councillor if he is so
disqualified under the Karnataka Local Authorities (Prohibition of Defection)
Act, 1987.]1
1. Inserted by Act 20 of 1987 w.e.f. 29-12-1986.
[(1B) A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as and for being a
Councillor if he is disqualified under section 16C.
Provided that the disqualification under this sub-section shall cease
to operate after the expiry of three years from the date of the order made
under section 16C;]1
1. Inserted by Act 40 of 2003 w.e.f. 10.11.2003.
634 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) If any councillor during the term for which he has been elected or
(a) becomes subject to any disqualification specified in sub-section (1),
(b) votes or takes part as a councillor in the discussion of any matter,—
(i) in which he has directly, or indirectly, by himself, or his partner,
any such share or interest as is described in sub-clause (i), (ii),
(iii) or (v) of clause (d) of the proviso to sub-section (1) whatever
may be the value of such share or interest, or
(ii) in which he is professionally interested on behalf of a principal or
other person, or
(iii) in which he is engaged at the time in any proceeding against the
municipal council, or
(c) absents himself from the meetings of the municipal council, during
three consecutive months except with the leave of the municipal
Provided that no such leave shall be granted in case of absence
from the meetings of the municipal council during a period
exceeding six consecutive months:
Provided further that when an application is made by a councillor to
the municipal council for leave to absent himself and the municipal
council fails to inform the applicant of its decision on the application
within a period of one month from the date of the application, the
leave applied for shall be deemed to have been granted by the
municipal council,
the Deputy Commissioner either suo motu or on a report made to him and
after such inquiry as he deems fit, shall declare the seat of the person
concerned to have become vacant.
(3) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Deputy Commissioner
under sub-section (2) may, within a period of thirty days from the date of
such decision, appeal to the Government if the person affected by the order
was a councillor of a city municipal council and to the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 if such person was a councillor of a town municipal council
and the orders passed by the Government or the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 on such appeal shall be final:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 635

Provided that no order shall be passed under sub-sections (2) and (3)
against any councillor without giving him a reasonable opportunity of being
[16A. Account of election expenses and maximum thereof.- (1)
Every candidate at an election under this Act shall either by himself or by his
election agent, keep a separate and correct account of all expenditure in
connection with the election incurred or authorised by him or by his election
agent between the date on which he has been nominated and the date of
declaration of the result thereof, both dates inclusive.
(2) Any expenditure incurred or authorised in connection with the
election of the candidate under this Act by a political party or by any other
association or body or persons or by any individual (other than the
candidate or his election agent) shall not be deemed to be the expenditure
in connection with the election incurred or authorised by the candidate or by
his election agent for the purpose of sub-section (1).
Explanation 1: For the purpose of this sub-section “political party” shall
have the same meaning as in the Election Symbols (Reservation and
Allotment) Order, 1968 for the time being in force.
Explanation 2: For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that any
expenditure incurred in respect of any arrangement made, facilities provided
or any other act or thing done by any person in the service of the
Government or the service of the Municipal Council in the discharge or
purported discharge of his official duty for, or to, or in relation to, any
candidate or his election agent or any other person acting with the consent
of the candidate or his election agent (whether by reason of the office held
by the candidate or for any other reason) shall not be deemed to be
expenditure in connection with the election incurred or authorised by a
candidate or by his election agent for the purpose of this section.
(3) The account shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed.
(4) The total of the said expenditure shall not exceed such amount as
may be prescribed.
16B. Lodging of account with the returning officer.- Every contesting
candidate at the election under this Act shall, within thirty days from the date
of election of the returned candidate or, if there are more than one returned
candidate at the election and the dates of the election are different, the later
of those two dates lodge with the Returning Officer appointed at an election
636 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

under this Act an account of his election expenses which shall be a true
copy of the account kept by him or by his election agent under section 16A.
16C. Failure to lodge an account of election expenses.- If the State
Election Commission is satisfied that any person,-
(a) has failed to lodge an account of election expenses within the
time and in the manner required by or under this Act; and
(b) has no good reason or justification for the failure;
The State Election Commission shall by order published in the official
Gazette declare him to be disqualified and any such person shall be
disqualified for a period of three years from the date of the order.]1
1. Sections 16A, 16B and 16C Inserted by Act 40 of 2003 w.e.f. 10-11-2003.
17. General election of Councillors.—(1) A general election of
councillors shall be held for the purpose of constituting a municipal council
for the first time or 1[before the expiry of the period for which]1 an
Administrator is appointed under section 315 or 1[before the expiry of the
period specified]1 under section 316.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(2) A general election shall also be held for the purpose of filling the
vacancies arising by the efflux of time in the office of the councillors.
18. Term of office of Councillors.—1[(1) The term of office of a
1. Sub-section (1) substituted by Act 13 of 1979 w.e.f. 8.12.1976
(a) elected at a general election shall be 1[five years]1;
1. Substituted by Act 2 of 1990 w.e.f. 6-1-1990.
[Proviso x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(b) nominated under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 11 shall,

subject to the pleasure of the Government be five years.]1

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(1A) The term of office of the councillor elected at a general election or
nominated in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 11 shall commence on
the date appointed for the first meeting of the municipal council.]1]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(2) The term of office of a councillor elected 1[x x x]1 2[x x x]2 to fill a
casual vacancy shall continue so long only as the councillor in whose place
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 637

he is elected 3[x x x]3 would have been entitled to hold office if the vacancy
had not occurred.
1. Omitted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29-11-2000.
2. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
3. Omitted by Act 13 of 1979 w.e.f. 2-9-1978.
[(3) Not withstanding anything contained in this Act, where two thirds of

the total number of councillors required to be elected have been elected the
municipal council shall be deemed to have been duly constituted under this
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[18A. Allowances to Councillors.—Every Councillor may receive out of

the Municipal funds, such monthly allowance not exceeding rupees one
hundred as the Government may, from time to time, fix and different rates
may be fixed for different municipal councils.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

19. Casual vacancies how to be filled up.—Where a vacancy occurs

through the resignation or non-acceptance of office by a person elected 1[x x
x]1 to be a councillor, or through such person becoming disqualified to be a
councillor, or through any election being set aside under the provisions of
section 23 or through the death, removal or disability of a councillor previous
to the expiry of his term of office, the vacancy shall be filled up as soon as
may be after the occurrence of such vacancy by the election of a person
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

Provided that no election shall be held to fill a casual vacancy occurring

within 1[six]1 months prior to the expiry of the term of office of councillors
under sub-section (1) of section 18.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

20. Publication of results of elections.—The names of persons elected

[x x x]1, as councillors, president or vice-president of municipal council shall
be published in the official Gazette:
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

Provided that the names of all the councillors elected at a general

election and 1[nominated under section 11]1 shall be so published as far as
possible simultaneously.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
638 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

21. Election petitions.—(1) No election of a councillor shall be called in

question except by an election petition presented to the Election Tribunal
within fifteen days from the date of the declaration of the result of the
(2) An election petition calling in question any such election may be
presented on one or more of the grounds specified in section 23,—
(a) by any candidate at such election, or
(b) by any voter of the division concerned.
(3) A petitioner shall join as respondents to his petition all the candidates
at the election.
(4) An election petition,—
(a) shall contain a concise statement of the material facts on which the
petitioner relies;
(b) shall with sufficient particulars, set forth the ground or grounds on
which the election is called in question; and
(c) shall be signed by the petitioner and verified in the manner laid
down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the verification of pleadings.
22. Relief that may be claimed by the petitioner.—(1) A petitioner may
(a) a declaration that the election of all or any of the returned
candidates, is void, and
(b) in addition thereto, a further declaration that he himself or any
other candidate has been duly elected.
(2) The expression “returned candidate” means a candidate who has
been declared as duly elected.
23. Grounds for declaring elections to be void.—(1) Subject to the
provisions of sub-section (2), if the Election Tribunal is of opinion,—
(a) that on the date of his election a returned candidate was not
qualified, or was disqualified, to be chosen as a councillor under
this Act, or
(b) that any corrupt practice has been committed by a returned
candidate or his agent or by any other person with the consent of a
returned candidate or his agent, or
(c) that any nomination paper has been improperly rejected, or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 639

(d) that the result of the election, in so far as it concerns a returned

candidate, has been materially affected,—
(i) by the improper acceptance of any nomination, or
(ii) by any corrupt practice committed in the interests of the returned
candidate by an agent or by any other person acting with the
consent of such candidate or agent, or
(iii) by the improper acceptance or refusal of any vote or reception of
any vote which is void, or
(iv) by the non-compliance with the provisions of this Act or of any
rules or orders made thereunder,
the Election Tribunal shall declare the election of the returned candidate to
be void.
(2) If in the opinion of the Election Tribunal, any agent of a returned
candidate has been guilty of any corrupt practice, but the Tribunal is
(a) that no such corrupt practice was committed at the election by the
candidate, and every such corrupt practice was committed contrary
to the orders and without the consent of the candidate;
(b) that the candidate took all reasonable means for preventing the
commission of corrupt practices at the election; and
(c) that in all other respects the election was free from any corrupt
practice on the part of the candidate or any of his agents,
then the Tribunal may decide that the election of the returned candidate is
not void.
24. Procedure to be followed by the Election Tribunal.—The
procedure provided in the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, in regard to suits
shall be followed by the Election Tribunal as far as it can be made
applicable, in the trial and disposal of an election petition under this Act.
25. Decision of the Election Tribunal.—(1) At the conclusion of the trial
of an election petition, the Election Tribunal shall make an order,—
(a) persuade any person to give his vote at an election; or
(b) declaring the election of all or any of the returned candidates to be
void; or
(c) declaring the election of all or any of the returned candidates to be
void and the petitioner or any other candidate to have been duly elected.
640 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) If any person who has filed an election petition has, in addition to
calling in question the election of the returned candidate, claimed
declaration that he himself or any other candidate has been duly elected
and the Election Tribunal is of opinion,—
(a) that in fact the petitioner or such other candidate received a
majority of the valid votes, or
(b) that but for the votes obtained by the returned candidate by corrupt
or illegal practices the petitioner or such other candidate would
have obtained a majority of the valid votes,
the Tribunal shall, after declaring the election of the returned candidate to be
void, declare the petitioner or such other candidate, as the case may be, to
have been duly elected.
26. Procedure in case of equality of votes.—If during the trial of an
election petition it appears that there is an equality of votes between any
candidates at the election and that the addition of a vote would entitle any of
those candidates to be declared elected, then, the Election Tribunal shall
decide between them by lot and proceed as if the one on whom the lot falls
had received an additional vote.
27. Appeal.—An appeal shall lie from an order of the Election Tribunal
under section 25, to the High Court within a period of thirty days from the
date of the order of the Tribunal excluding the time requisite for obtaining a
copy of the order and the decision of the High Court on such appeal shall be
final and conclusive.
28. Election valid unless called in question.—An election of a
councillor not called in question in accordance with the foregoing provisions
shall be deemed to be a good and valid election.
29. Corrupt practices.—The following shall be deemed to be corrupt
practices for the purposes of this Act:—
(1) bribery as defined in clause (1) of section 123 of the Representation
of the People Act, 1951 (Central Act XLIII of 1951) for the time being in
(2) undue influence as defined in clause (2) of the said section for the
time being in force;
(3) the systematic appeal by a candidate or his agent or by any other
person, to vote or refrain from voting on grounds of caste, race, community
or religion or the use of or appeal to, religious symbols or, the use of or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 641

appeal to, national symbols such as the national flag or the national
emblem, for the furtherance of the prospects of that candidate’s election;
(4) the publication by a candidate or his agent or by any other person of
any statement of fact which is false, and which he either believes to be false
or does not believe to be true, in relation to the personal character or
conduct of any candidate, or in relation to the candidature, or withdrawal
from contest of any candidate, being a statement reasonably calculated to
prejudice the prospects of that candidate’s election;
(5) the hiring or procuring whether on payment or otherwise of any
vehicle or vessel by a candidate or his agent or by any other person for the
conveyance of any elector (other than the candidate himself and the
members of his family or his agent) to or from any polling station provided in
accordance with the rules made under this Act:
Provided that the hiring of a vehicle or vessel by an elector or by several
electors at their joint cost for the purpose of conveying him or them to or
from any such polling station shall not be deemed to be a corrupt practice
under this clause if the vehicle or vessel so hired is a vehicle or vessel
propelled by mechanical power:
Provided further that the use of any public transport vehicle or vessel or
any railway carriage by an elector at his own cost for the purpose of going to
or coming from any such polling station shall not be deemed to be a corrupt
practice under this clause.
Explanation.—In this clause the expression “vehicle” means any vehicle
used or capable of being used for the purpose of road transport whether
propelled by mechanical power or otherwise and whether used for drawing
other vehicles or otherwise;
(6) the holding of any meeting in which intoxicating liquors are served;
(7) the issuing of any circular, placard or poster having a reference to the
election which does not bear the name and address of the printer and
publisher thereof;
(8) any other practice which the Government may by rules specify to be a
corrupt practice.
30. Maintenance of secrecy of voting.—(1) Every officer, clerk, agent
or other person who performs any duty in connection with the recording or
counting of votes at an election shall maintain, and aid in maintaining, the
secrecy of the voting and shall not (except for some purpose authorised by
642 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

or under any law) communicate to any person any information calculated to

violate such secrecy.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall
be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
months, or with fine, or with both.
31. Officers, etc., at elections not to act for candidates or to
influence voting.—(1) No person who is a returning officer, or an assistant
returning officer or a presiding or polling officer at an election, or an officer
or clerk appointed by the returning officer or the presiding officer to perform
any duty in connection with an election shall in the conduct or management
of the election do any act (other than the giving of vote,) for the furtherance
of the prospects of the election of a candidate.
(2) No such person as aforesaid and no member of a police force shall
(a) to persuade any person to give his vote at an election; or
(b) to dissuade any person from giving his vote at an election; or
(c) to influence the voting of any person at an election in any manner.
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-
section (2) shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to six months or with fine, or with both.
32. Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations.—(1) No
person shall, on the date or dates on which a poll is taken at any polling
station, commit any of the following acts within the polling station or in any
public or private place within a distance of one hundred yards of the polling
station, namely:—
(a) canvassing for votes; or
(b) soliciting the vote of any elector; or
(c) persuading any elector not to vote for any particular candidate; or
(d) persuading any elector not to vote at the election; or
(e) exhibiting any notice or sign (other than an official notice) relating
to the election.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall
be punished with fine which may extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
(3) An offence punishable under this section shall be cognizable.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 643

33. Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling stations.—(1)

No person shall, on the date or dates on which a poll is taken at any polling
(a) use or operate within or at the entrance of the polling station, or in
any public or private place in the neighbourhood thereof, any
apparatus for amplifying or reproducing the human voice, such as
a megaphone or a loudspeaker; or
(b) shout or otherwise act in a disorderly manner, within or at the
entrance of the polling station or in any public or private place in
the neighbourhood thereof,
so as to cause annoyance to any person visiting the polling station for the
poll, or so as to interfere with the work of the officer and other persons on
duty at the polling station.
(2) Any person who contravenes, or wilfully, aids or abets the
contravention of, the provisions of sub-section (1), shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine, or
with both.
(3) If the presiding officer of a polling station has reason to believe that
any person is committing or has committed an offence punishable under this
section, he may direct any police officer to arrest such person, and
thereupon the police officer shall arrest him.
(4) Any police officer may take such steps and use such force, as may be
reasonably necessary for preventing any contravention of the provisions of
sub-section (1), and may seize any apparatus used for such contravention.
34. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station.—(1) Any person
who during the hours fixed for the poll at any polling station, misconducts
himself or fails to obey the lawful directions of the presiding officer, may be
removed from the polling station by the presiding officer or by any police
officer on duty or by any person authorised in this behalf by such presiding
(2) The powers conferred by sub-section (1) shall not be exercised so as
to prevent any elector who is otherwise entitled to vote at a polling station
from having an opportunity of voting at that station.
(3) If any person who has been so removed from a polling station, re-
enters the polling station without the permission of the presiding officer, he
644 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
months, or with fine, or with both.
(4) An offence punishable under sub-section (3) shall be cognizable.
35. Breaches of official duty in connection with elections.—(1) If any
person to whom this section applies, is without reasonable cause guilty of
any act or omission in breach of his official duty, he shall be punished with
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such person for
damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid.
(3) The persons to whom this section applies are returning officers,
assistant returning officers, presiding officers, polling officers and any other
person appointed to perform any duty in connection with the receipt of
nominations or withdrawal of candidature, or the recording or counting of
votes at an election; and the expression “official duty” shall for the purposes
of this section be construed accordingly, but shall not include duties
imposed otherwise than by or under this Act in connection with such
36. Removal of ballot papers from polling station to be an offence.—
(1) Any person who at any election fraudulently takes or attempts to take a
ballot paper out of a polling station, or wilfully aids or abets the doing of any
such act, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to one year, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with
(2) If the presiding officer of a polling station has reason to believe that
any person is committing or has committed an offence punishable under
sub-section (1), such officer may, before such person leaves the polling
station, arrest or direct a police officer to arrest such person and may search
such person or cause him to be searched by a police officer:
Provided that when it is necessary to cause a woman to be searched, the
search shall be made by another woman with strict regard to decency.
(3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested on search shall be
made over for safe custody to a police officer by the presiding officer, or
when the search is made by a police officer, shall be kept by such officer in
safe custody.
(4) An offence punishable under sub-section (1) shall be cognizable.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 645

37. Other offences and penalties therefor.—(1) A person shall be

guilty of an electoral offence if at any election, he,—
(a) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any nomination
paper; or
(b) fraudulently defaces, destroys or removes any list, notice or other
document affixed by or under the authority of a returning officer; or
(c) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any ballot paper or
the official mark on any ballot paper; or
(d) without due authority supplies any ballot paper to any person or
receives any ballot paper from any person or is in possession of
any ballot paper; or
(e) fraudulently puts into any ballot box anything other than the ballot
paper which he is authorised by law to put in; or
(f) without due authority destroys, takes, opens or otherwise interferes
with any ballot box or ballot papers then in use for the purposes of
the election; or
(g) fraudulently or without due authority, as the case may be, attempts
to do any of the foregoing acts or wilfully aids or abets the doing of
any such acts.
(2) Any person guilty of an electoral offence under this section shall,—
(a) if he is a returning officer or an assistant returning officer or a
presiding officer at a polling station or any other officer or clerk
employed on official duty in connection with the election, be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two
years, or with fine, or with both;
(b) if he is any other person, be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both.
(3) For the purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed to be on
official duty if his duty is to take part in the conduct of an election or part of
an election including the counting of votes or to be responsible after an
election for the used ballot papers and other documents in connection with
such election but the expression “official duty” shall not include any duty
imposed otherwise than by or under this Act in connection with such
(4) An offence punishable under clause (b) of sub-section (2) shall be
646 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(5) No court shall take cognizance of any offence under section 31 or

under section 35 or under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of this section unless
there is a complaint made by order of, or under authority from, the Deputy
[38. Control of elections.—2[(1) The superintendence, direction and
control of the preparation of list of voters for, and the conduct of all elections
to the municipal council shall be vested in the State Election Commission.]2
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
2. Sub-section (1) Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(2) [Subject to sub-section (1)]1, Government may, by notification and

after previous publication, make rules to provide for or to regulate all or any
of the following matters for the purpose of holding elections of councillors
under this Act, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(a) the manner of the splitting up of electoral rolls for Legislative

Assembly constituencies into parts for the purpose of constituting one or
more of such parts into the list of voters for a 1[ward]1; and the officer or
authority by whom such splitting up is to be carried out;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(b) revision and correction of electoral rolls;

(c) redistribution of territorial 1[wards]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(d) the appointment of returning officers, assistant returning officers,

presiding officers and polling officers for the conduct of elections;
(e) the nomination of candidates, form of nomination papers,
objections to nominations and scrutiny of nominations;
(f) the deposits to be made by candidates, time and manner of making
such deposits and the circumstances under which such deposits may be
refunded to candidates or forfeited to the municipal council;
(g) the withdrawal of candidatures;
(h) the appointment of agents of candidates;
(i) the procedure in contested and uncontested elections and the
special procedure at elections in 1[wards]1 where any seat is reserved for the
[Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Women]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 647

(j) the date, time and place for poll and other matters relating to the
conduct of elections including,—
(i) the appointment of polling stations for each 1[ward]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(ii) the hours during which the polling station shall be kept open for
the casting of votes;
(iii) the printing and issue of ballot papers;
(iv) the checking of voters of reference to the electoral roll;
(v) the marking with indelible ink on the left fore-finger or any other
finger or limb of the voter and prohibition of the delivery of any ballot paper
to any person if at the time such person applies for such paper he has
already such mark so as to prevent personation of voters;
(vi) the manner in which votes are to be given and in particular in
the case of illiterate voters or of voters under physical or other disability;
(vii) procedure to be followed in respect of challenged votes and
tendered votes;
(viii) the scrutiny of votes, counting of votes, the declaration and
publication of the results and the procedure in case of equality of votes or in
the event of a councillor being elected to represent more than one 1[ward]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(ix) the custody and disposal of papers relating to elections;
(x) the suspension of polls in case of any interruption by riot,
violence or any other sufficient cause and the holding of a fresh poll;
(xi) the holding of a fresh poll in the case of destruction of or
tampering with ballot boxes before the count;
(xii) the countermanding of the poll in the case of the death of a
candidate before the poll;
(k) the fee to be paid on an election petition;
(l) any other matter relating to elections or election disputes in respect
of which the Government deems it necessary to make rules under this
section or in respect of which this Act makes no provision or makes
insufficient provision and provision is, in the opinion of the Government
(3) In making any rule under this section, the Government may provide
that any contravention thereof shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to one hundred rupees.]1
648 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[38A. Returning Officer, Presiding Officer etc. deemed to be on
deputation to State Election Commission.—Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or any other law for the time being in force, the
returning officer, assistant returning officer, presiding officer, polling officer
and any other officer appointed by or under this Act and any police officer
designated for the time being by the Government, for the conduct of any
election of councillors under this Act shall be deemed to be on deputation to
the State Election Commission for a period commencing on and from the
date of notification calling for such election and ending with the date of
declaration of the result of such election and accordingly, such officer shall
during that period, be subject to the control of superintendence and
discipline of the State Election Commission.]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26-9-1995.
39. Bar of suits relating to elections, etc.—No suit shall be entertained
by a civil court in respect of any matter relating to the election, appointment
or removal of a councillor, president or vice-president, unless such suit is
authorised by the provisions of this Act or any rule made under this Act.
[40. Resignation.—(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), a
councillor may resign his membership and a president or a vice-president
may resign his membership or office as president or vice-president by giving
notice in writing to that effect,—
(a) to the Deputy Commissioner in the case of Town Municipal
(b) to the 2[Director of Municipal Administration]2 in the case of a City
Municipal Council.
(2) The resignation under sub-section (1) shall take effect on the expiry of
the tenth day after the receipt of the notice of resignation unless withdrawn
in the meanwhile.]1
1. Substituted by Act 13 of 1979 w.e.f. 23-2-1979.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
41. Liability to removal from office.—(1) The Government, if it thinks fit
on the recommendation of the municipal council, may remove any councillor
elected 1[x x x]1 under this Act, 2[x x x]2 and after such enquiry as it deems
necessary, if such councillor has been guilty of misconduct in the discharge
of his duties, or of any disgraceful conduct, or has become incapable of
performing his duties as a councillor.
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 649

[Provided that no Councillor shall be removed except after being
afforded an opportunity for submitting an explanation.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
(2) When under sub-section (10) of section 42 any person is removed
from the office of president or vice-president for misconduct in the discharge
of his duties, he shall, from the date of such removal cease to be a
councillor and shall be deemed to have been removed from the office of
councillor under sub-section (1).
42. President and vice-president.—(1) For every municipal council,
there shall be a president and a vice-president.
[(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2A) the Councillors shall at
the first meeting of the Municipal Council after the general election and at a
subsequent meeting held immediately before the expiry of term of office of
the President and Vice-president chose two members from amongst the
elected councillors to be respectively president and Vice-President and so
often as there is a casual vacancy in the office of the President, or Vice-
President shall choose another member from amongst the elected
councillors to be the President or Vice-president, as the case may be.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(2A) There shall be reserved by the Government in the prescribed

1. Sub-section (2A) Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(a) such number of offices of President and Vice-President in the State
for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
and the number of such offices bearing as nearly as may be the same
proportion to the total number of offices in the State as the population of the
Scheduled Castes in the State or of the Scheduled Tribes in the State bears
to the total population of the State;
(b) such number of offices of President and Vice-president in the State
which shall as nearly as may be one-third of the total number of offices of
President and Vice-president in the State for the persons belonging to the
Backward Classes;
[Provided that out of the offices reserved under this clause eighty per
cent of the total number of such offices shall be reserved for the persons
falling under category “A” and the remaining twenty per cent of the offices
shall be reserved for the persons falling under category “B”:
650 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided further that if no person falling under category “A” is available,

offices reserved for that category shall also be filled by the persons falling
under category “B” and vice versa.]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26-9-1995.
(c) not less than one-third of the total number of offices of the
President and Vice-president in the State from each of the categories,
reserved for persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and Backward Classes and those which are non-reserved, for women:
Provided that the offices reserved under this sub-section shall be allotted
by rotation in the prescribed manner to different municipal councils.
Explanation.—For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that the
principal of rotation for the purpose of reservation of offices under this sub-
section shall commence from the first ordinary election to be held after the
first day of June 1994;]1
(3) The election of the president or the vice-president and the filling up of
vacancies in the said offices and the determination of disputes relating to
such election shall be 1[x x x]1 in accordance with such rules as may be
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976 and omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f.
Provided that the authority to determine such election disputes shall be
such judicial officer as may be prescribed.
[(4) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
(5) During a vacancy in the office of the president of a municipal council
and when there is no vice-president to take his place or if a vice-president
fails to assume charge of the office of president which has fallen vacant as
required by sub-section (2) of section 44, then without prejudice to any
action under sub-section (10) the Deputy Commissioner or the person
performing the duties of the Deputy Commissioner for the time being in the
case of 1[city municipal councils and in the case of town municipal councils]1
any officer nominated by him in this behalf not below the rank of an
Assistant Commissioner in the case of 1[municipal councils]1 at district
headquarters or the Tahsildar or the person performing the duties of the
Tahsildar for the time being 2[or any other person not disqualified for being a
Councillor]2 in the case of other 1[municipal councils]1 shall, notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act or in the rules or orders issued thereunder,
perform the functions of the president.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
2. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 651

(6) Every president who, for a period exceeding two months and every
vice-president who for a period exceeding one month, absents himself from
the 1[municipal area]1 in such manner as to be unable to perform his duties
as such president or vice-president, shall cease to be president or vice-
president, unless leave so to absent himself has been granted by the
municipal council. The question whether a vacancy has arisen under this
sub-section shall be decided by the Deputy Commissioner.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
(7) Leave under sub-section (6) shall not be granted for a period
exceeding six months. Whenever leave is granted to a president and the
office of the vice-president is vacant, the vacancy in the office of the
president shall be filled up by election by the municipal council from among
the 1[elected councillors]1 within such period and in such manner as may be
prescribed. 2[x x x]2 When leave is granted to a vice-president or when the
vice-president is acting for the president, the vacancy in the office of the
vice-president may be filled up by election of some other 1[elected
councillor]1 thereto.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
2. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
(8) If a vice-president of a municipal council is elected 1[x x x]1 as
president of the municipal council, he shall be deemed to have vacated his
office as vice-president.
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.

(9) Every president and every vice-president of a municipal council shall

forthwith be deemed to have vacated his office if a resolution expressing
want of confidence in him is passed by a 1[majority total number of
councillors having voting right and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of
the councillors having voting right present and voting]1 at a special general
meeting convened for the purpose:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

Provided that no such resolution shall be moved unless notice of the

resolution is signed by not less than one-third of the 1[total number of
councillors having voting right]1 and at least ten days’ notice has been given
of the intention to move the resolution:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
652 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided further that where a resolution expressing want of confidence in

any president or vice-president has been considered and negatived by a
municipal council, a similar resolution in respect of the same president or
vice-president shall not be given notice of or moved within one year from the
date of the decision of the municipal council.
(10) Every president and vice-president shall, 1[x x x]1, be removable from
his office as such president or vice-president by the Government for
misconduct in the discharge of his duties or for neglect of or incapacity to
perform his duties or if he is unable to pay 2[dues he owes to the Municipal
Council or has suffered an order for commitment to civil prison for non-
payment of any decretal debt]2, and a president and vice-president so
removed who does not cease to be a councillor under sub-section (2) of
section 41, shall not be eligible for re-election as president or vice-president during the
remainder of his term of office of councillor specified in section 18.
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
2. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.

[Provided that no such order shall be made except after the president or

the Vice-President has been given an opportunity for submitting

1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
[Explanation.—x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
[(11) Save as otherwise provided under this Act, the President and Vice
President shall hold office for a period of thirty months from the date of their
election, provided that in the meantime they do not cease to be councillors.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.

(12) In the event of the non-acceptance of office, death, resignation or

removal from office of a president or vice-president or of his election being
void, or of his becoming incapable of acting in such office or having ceased
to be a councillor, previous to the expiry of his term of office as president or
vice-president, the vacancy shall be filled up 1[by election]1, in accordance
with the provisions of the foregoing sub-sections 2[x x x]2.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.

2. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.

1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 653

[(13) The President and the Vice-President may receive out of the
Municipal Fund such monthly allowances, not exceeding rupees two
hundred, as the Government may, from time to time, fix and different rates
may be fixed for different municipal councils.
(14) The Municipal Council shall place at the disposal of the President
annually such sum not exceeding one thousand rupees as may be
determined by it; by way of sumptuary allowance.]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

43. Functions of president.—(1) Subject to the provisions of Chapter

XIV, it shall be the duty of the president of a municipal council to,—
(a) preside, unless prevented by reasonable cause, at all meetings of
the municipal council and subject to the provisions of the rules for the time
being in force under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 323, to regulate
the conduct of business at such meetings;
(b) watch over the financial and executive administration of the
municipal council;
(c) perform all the duties and exercise all the powers specifically
imposed or conferred upon him by, or delegated to him under and in
accordance with this Act;
(d) furnish within a period of a fortnight to the Commissioner or to such
other officer as the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 shall from time to
time nominate in this behalf, a copy of every resolution passed at any
meeting of the municipal council; and
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(e) furnish any extract from the minutes of the proceedings of the
municipal council or of any committee or other document or thing which the
[Director of Municipal Administration]1 or other officer calls for under section
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
[(2) The President of a municipal council may, in cases of emergency
direct the execution or stoppage of any work or the doing of any act which
requires the sanction of the municipal council, and the immediate execution
or doing of which is, in his opinion, necessary for the service or safety of the
public, and may direct that the expenses of executing such work or doing
such act shall be paid from the municipal fund:
654 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that,—
(a) he shall not act under this section in contravention of any order of
the municipal council prohibiting the execution of any particular work or the
doing of any particular act, and
(b) he shall report forthwith the action taken under this section and the
reason therefor to the standing committee at its next meeting.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1-1967.
[(3) The President shall have the following additional powers, namely:—
(a) to issue directions to the 2[Municipal Commissioner]2 or the Chief
Officer to implement the resolutions of the Council or the Standing
(b) to require the Administration Report and the Annual Report of the
Council prepared and placed before the end of the year;
(c) to issue directions to the concerned officers to comply with the
points made out in the audit report;
(d) to undertake inspection and supervision of the works taken up by
the Council; and
(e) to call for any record but the same to be returned within one month.
(4) The President shall ex-officio be a member of all the standing
committees but without the power of vote on any question.
(5) The 2[Municipal Commissioner]2 or the Chief Officer shall, whenever
they address communications to Government, simultaneously forward
copies thereof to the President.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

2. Substituted by Act 33 of 1984 w.e.f. 26-6-1984.

44. Functions of vice-president.—(1) It shall be the duty of the vice-

president of a municipal council to exercise such of the powers and perform
such of the duties of the president as the president from time to time
delegates to him in accordance with the general or special orders of the
Government issued in this behalf.
(2) It shall be the duty of the vice-president,—
(a) in the absence of the president and unless prevented by
reasonable cause, to preside at the meetings of the municipal council, and
he shall, when so presiding, exercise the same authority as is vested in the
president under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 43, and
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 655

(b) pending the succession, appointment or election of a president, or

during the absence of a president 1[for any period exceeding seven days]1
[x x x]2, to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the president.
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

2. Omitted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1-1967.

[(3) The Vice-President shall ex-officio be a member of all the Standing


Committees but shall not be entitled to vote on any question.]1

1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

45. Rights and privileges of individual councillors and president.-

(1) Any councillor may call the attention of the proper authority to any
neglect in the execution of municipal work, to any waste of municipal
property or the wants of any locality, and may suggest any improvements
which he considers desirable.
(2) Every councillor shall have the right to interpellate and to move
resolutions on matters connected with the municipal administration, subject
to such rules as may be prescribed.
[(2A) Every councillor shall be furnished with copies of the proceedings
of the meetings by the 2[Director of Municipal Administration]2 or the Chief
Officer along with the notice of the next meeting.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(3) Every councillor shall have access to the records of the municipal
council after giving due notice to the chief officer or the municipal
commissioner, as the case may be, provided that the chief officer or the
municipal commissioner may for reasons given in writing forbid such
access. The councillor may appeal from the order of the chief officer or the
municipal commissioner to the president whose decision shall be final.
(4) The president shall have full access to all the records of the municipal
council and the chief officer or the municipal commissioner shall comply
without unreasonable delay with any requisition of the president for any
information appertaining to the municipal administration. 1[The President
may also call for any record of the Municipal Council from the 2[Director of
Municipal Administration]2, the Chief Officer or any other officer, but any
record so made available shall be returned within one month.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
656 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

46. Penalty for refusal to hand over charge to new president or vice-
president.—(1) On the election of a new president or vice-president the
retiring president or vice-president in whose place the new president or vice-
president has been elected and on the removal of a president or vice-
president, under sub-section (9) or (10) of section 42 the president or vice-
president who is so removed shall hand over charge of his office to such
new president or vice-president, as the case may be.
(2) If the retiring president or vice-president or the president or vice-
president, removed under sub-section (9) or (10) of section 42 fails or
refuses to hand over charge of his office as required under sub-section (1)
or sub-section (3) of section 368, then without prejudice to any action under
said sub-section, the Government or any authority empowered by the
Government in this behalf, may, by order in writing, direct the president or
the vice-president, as the case may be, to forthwith hand over charge of his
office and all papers and property of the municipal council, if any, in his
possession as such president or vice-president, to the new president or
(3) If the retiring president or vice-president or the president or vice-
president removed under sub-section (9) or (10) of section 42 to whom a
direction has been issued under sub-section (2) does not comply with such
direction, he shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one month or with fine which may extend to five hundred
rupees or with both.
47. Meeting.—(1) The municipal council shall ordinarily hold at least one
meeting in every month for the transaction of business, 1[which shall be
called an ordinary general meeting.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1-1967.

(2) The president may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, upon the written
request of not less than one-third of the whole number of councillors and for
a date not more than fifteen days after the presentation of such request, call
a special general meeting.
(3) If the president fails to call a special general meeting as provided in
sub-section (2), the vice-president or one-third of the whole number of
councillors may call such meeting for a day not more than thirty days after
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 657

the presentation of such request and require the chief officer or the
municipal commissioner to give notice to the councillors and take such
action as may be necessary to convene the meeting.
(4) Any meeting may be adjourned until the next or any subsequent date,
and an adjourned meeting may be further adjourned in like manner.
[47A. x x x]`
1. Inserted by Act 33 of 1984 w.e.f. 26.6.1984 and Omited by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-

48. Notice of meetings and business.—Seven clear days’ notice of an

ordinary general meeting, and three clear days’ notice, or in case of great
urgency, notice of such shorter period as is reasonable, of a special general
meeting, specifying the time and place at which such meeting is to be held
and the business to be transacted threat, shall be given by the chief officer
or the municipal commissioner to the councillors, and posted up at the
municipal office. The said notice shall include any motion or proposition
which a councillor shall have given written notice, not less than ten days
previous to the meeting, of his intention to bring forward thereat and, in the
case of a special general meeting any motion or proposition mentioned in
any written request made for such meeting:
Provided that the motion or proposition in respect of which notice is given
shall relate to matters connected with the municipal administration and shall
not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
49. Place of holding meetings and maintenance of order thereat.—
(1) Every meeting of a municipal council shall, except for reasons to be
specified in the notice convening the meeting, be held in the building used
as a municipal office by such municipal council.
(2) The president or the person presiding over a meeting shall preserve
order thereat and shall have all powers necessary for the purpose of
preserving such order.
(3) The president or the person presiding over a meeting may direct any
councillor whose conduct is in his opinion grossly disorderly, to withdraw
immediately from the meeting and any, councillor so directed to withdraw
shall do so forthwith and shall absent himself during the remainder of the
(4) Subject to sub-section (5), every meeting shall be open to the public,
unless a majority of the members present at the meeting decide that any
658 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

inquiry or deliberation pending before the municipal council should be held

in private.
(5) The Government may make rules under clause (a) of sub-section (2)
of section 323 for the purpose of admission of the members of the public to
meetings of municipal councils and for the removal by force, if necessary, of
any member of the public so admitted if he is found interrupting or disturbing
the proceedings of the meeting.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 56, in the case of grave
disorder arising in a meeting, the president or the person presiding may, if
he thinks it necessary to do so, adjourn the meeting to a date specified by
50. Quorum.—If less than one-third of the total number of councillors be
present at a meeting at any time from the beginning to the end thereof, the
presiding authority shall, after waiting for thirty minutes, adjourn the meeting
to such hour on the following or some other future day as he may
reasonably fix, and a notice of such adjournment shall be fixed up in the
municipal office, and the business which should have been brought before
the original meeting had there been a quorum thereat, shall be brought
before the adjourned meeting and may be disposed of at such meeting,
provided that not less than one-fourth of the total number of councillors be
[provided that if any meeting called for the purpose of election of
President or Vice-President is adjourned to the following dayu or to a future
day for want of quorum, it shall not be necessary to have a quorum for such
adjourned meeting.]1
1. Inserted by Act 23 of 2003 w.e.f. 12.5-2003.

51. Presiding officer.—(1) The president or in his absence, the vice-

president shall preside at every meeting of the municipal council.
(2) In the absence of both the president and the vice-president from the
meeting, the members present shall elect one from among themselves to
(3) The president or the person presiding over a meeting shall have and
exercise a second or casting vote in all cases of equality of votes.
[(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections, at
any meeting of the municipal council, while any resolution expressing want
of confidence in the President is under consideration, the President, or while
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 659

any resolution expressing want of confidence in the Vice-President is under

consideration, the Vice-president, shall not, though he is present, preside,
but shall have the right to speak and otherwise to take part in the
proceedings of the municipal council while any such resolution is under
consideration. The provisions of sub-section (2) shall mutatis mutandis
apply for such meeting.]1
1. Inserted by Act 33 of 1984 w.e.f. 10-11-2003.

52. Method of deciding questions.—(1) Save as otherwise provided in

this Act, all matters required to be decided by the municipal council shall be
decided by the majority of the votes of the members present and voting.
(2) The voting shall be by show of hands, but the municipal council may,
subject to such rules as may be made under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of
section 323 resolve that any question or class of questions shall be decided
by ballot.
(3) At any meeting, unless voting be demanded by at least four members,
a declaration by presiding officer at such meeting that a resolution has been
carried or lost, and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the proceedings
shall, for the purposes of this Act, be conclusive evidence of the fact without
proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or
against such resolution.
(4) If voting as aforesaid is demanded, the votes of all the members
present who desire to vote shall be taken under the direction of the
presiding officer at the meeting and the result of the voting shall be deemed
to be the resolution of the municipal council at such meeting.
53. Business to be transacted at meetings and order of business
how to be settled.—(1) Save as provided in the proviso to sub-section (2)
of section 59, no business shall be transacted and no proposition shall be
discussed at any general meeting unless it has been mentioned in the
notice convening such meeting, or in the case of a special general meeting
in the written request for such meeting.
(2) The order in which any business or proposition shall be brought
forward at such meeting, shall be determined by the presiding authority, who
in case it is proposed by any member to give priority to any particular item of
such business, or to any particular proposition shall put the proposal to the
meeting and be guided by the majority of votes given for or against the
660 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that answers to interpellations shall be given priority and not

more than half an hour shall be allotted for the said purpose.
54. Minutes of proceedings.—There shall be kept in Kannada, and if
the municipal council so resolves, in English, either in lieu of or in addition to
Kannada, minutes of the names of the councillors and of the Government
officers, if any, present and of the proceedings at each meeting, in a book to
be provided for this purpose, which shall be signed, by the presiding
authority of such meeting, and shall at all reasonable times be open to
inspection by any councillor, and on payment of a fee of twenty naye paise
by any other person.
55. Councillors not to vote on matter in which they are interested.—
(1) No councillor shall vote at a meeting of the municipal council or of any
committee thereof on any question relating to his own conduct or vote or
take part in any discussion on any matter (other than a matter affecting
generally the residents of the town or city or of any particular 1[ward]1),
which affects his pecuniary interest or any property in respect of which he is
directly or indirectly interested, or any property of or for which he is a
manager or agent.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) If the presiding authority is believed by any councillor present at the

meeting to have any such pecuniary interest in any matter under discussion,
and if a motion to that effect be carried, he shall not preside at the meeting
during such discussion, or vote on or take part in it. Any other councillor may
be chosen or elected to preside at the meeting during the continuance of
such discussion.
56. Adjournment of meetings.—Subject to such rules as may be
prescribed, any general meeting may, with the consent of a majority of the
councillors present, be adjourned from time to time to a later hour on the
same day or to any other day; but no business shall be transacted at any
adjourned meeting other than that left undisposed of at the meeting from
which the adjournment took place. A notice of such adjournment posted in
the municipal office shall be deemed sufficient notice of the adjourned
57. Modification and cancellation of resolutions.—No resolution of a
municipal council shall be modified or cancelled within three months after
the passing thereof, except by a resolution passed by not less than one-half
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 661

of the total number of councillors at a general meeting, whereof notice shall

have been given, fulfilling the requirements of section 48 and setting forth
fully the resolution which it is proposed to modify or cancel at such meeting,
and the motion or proposition for the modification or cancellation of such
58. Motions and amendments.—(1) Every motion or any amendment
thereof shall be received in writing and then duly moved. Every motion shall
be seconded, and until seconded no debate thereon shall take place nor
shall it be put to vote. No amendment which merely negatives an original
motion shall be allowed.
(2) Any motion or amendment may be withdrawn by its proposer with the
consent of the municipal council.
(3) An amendment to an amendment may be moved at any stage of the
(4) On the conclusion of the debate, in the event of there being several
amendments to an amendment, the presiding authority shall put the last
amendment to vote first and after it is disposed of the next preceding
amendment shall be put to vote and so on until all the amendments are
disposed of. The original motion or the amended motion, as the case may
be, shall then be put to vote.
(5) When any motion or amendment involves many points the presiding
authority may divide it and put each point to vote separately.
(6) When a motion or amendment has been put to vote and declared by
the presiding authority as carried, no further proposals for amending the
motion or amendment shall be entertained.
59. Conduct of ordinary meetings.—(1) At an ordinary meeting
business shall be conducted in the following order:—
(a) the minutes of the previous ordinary meeting and of any special
meeting held since shall be read and confirmed;
(b) business postponed at the previous meeting shall be considered;
(c) subjects noted on the agenda shall then be considered.
(2) A councillor may propose any resolution connected with or incidental
to the subjects included in the list of business:
Provided that the president may propose any urgent subject of a routine
nature not included in the list of business if no councillor objects to it.
662 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(3) All points of order shall be decided by the presiding authority with or
without discussion as he may deem fit, and his decision shall be final.
(4) Any question of procedure not herein provided for in this Act or the
rules made thereunder shall be decided by a majority of the councillors
present and voting.
60. Notice of business to be transacted must in certain cases be
given to the Government Executive Engineer.—Except for reasons which
the presiding authority deems emergent, no business relating to any work
which is being executed for the municipal council by the Public Works
Department shall be transacted at any meeting of a municipal council unless
a letter has been addressed to the Executive Engineer or the 1[Assistant
Executive Engineer]1 concerned informing him of the intention to transact
such business thereat and of the motions or propositions to be brought
forward concerning such business.
1. Substituted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29-11-2000.

61. Certain Government officers may attend meetings of municipal

council.—(1) The Executive Engineer of the 1[ward]1 concerned, the
principal officer of Health in the district and any other officer approved and
notified by the Government in this behalf, may be present at any meeting of
a municipal council and, with the consent of the municipal council, may take
part at such meeting in the discussion or consideration of any question, on
which in virtue of the duties of his office, he considers his opinion or the
information which he can supply will be useful to such municipal council:
Provided that the said officer shall not be entitled to vote upon any such
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) If it shall appear to a municipal council that the presence of the

Executive Engineer of the Public Works Department or the principal officer
of Health in the district or an Educational Officer or an officer of the
Department of Veterinary Services and Animal Husbandry 1[or the Executive
Engineer Karnataka Electricity Board or the Executive Engineer Public
Health Engineering or the Deputy Assistant Director Town Planning]1 or any
other officer approved and notified by the Government in this behalf is
desirable for the purpose aforesaid at any future meeting of such municipal
council, it shall be competent to such municipal council, by letter addressed
to such officer not less than fifteen days previous to the intended meeting, to
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 663

require his presence thereat; and the said officer, unless prevented by
sickness or other reasonable cause, shall be bound to attend such meeting:
Provided that such officer on receipt of such letter may, if unable to be
present himself, instruct a deputy or assistant or other competent
subordinate as to his views and may send him to the meeting as his
representative, instead of appearing thereat in person.
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

62. Interpellation.—(1) A councillor may, subject to the provisions of

sub-section (2), ask the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer
questions on any matter relating to the municipal government or the
administration of this Act or the functions of any of the municipal authorities.
(2) The right to ask a question shall be governed by the following
conditions, namely:—
(a) not less than ten clear days’ notice in writing specifying the
question shall be given to the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer;
(b) not more than two questions shall be sent by any councillor for
being answered at any ordinary meeting;
(c) no question shall,—
(i) bring in any name or statement not strictly necessary to make
the question intelligible,
(ii) contain arguments, ironical expressions, imputations, epithets
or defamatory statements,
(iii) ask for an expression of opinion or the solution of a
hypothetical proposition,
(iv) ask as to the character or conduct of any person except in his
official or public capacity,
(v) relate to a matter which is not primarily the concern of the
municipal council or of any of the municipal authorities,
(vi) make or imply a charge of a personal character,
(vii) raise questions of policy too large to be dealt with within the
limits of an answer to a question,
(viii) repeat in substance questions already answered or to which an
answer has been refused,
(ix) ask for information on trivial matters,
(x) ordinarily ask for information on matters of past history,
664 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(xi) ask for information set forth in accessible documents or in

ordinary works of reference,
(xii) raise matters under the control of bodies or persons not
primarily responsible to the municipal council, or
(xiii) ask for any information on matter which is under adjudication
by a court of law.
(3) The presiding authority shall disallow any question which is, in his
opinion, in contravention of the provisions of sub-section (2).
(4) If any doubt arises whether any question is or is not in contravention
of the provisions of sub-section (2), the presiding authority shall decide the
point and his decision shall be final.
(5) The Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer shall not be bound
to answer a question if it asks for information which has been communicated
to him in confidence or if in the opinion of the presiding authority it cannot be
answered without prejudice to public interest or the interest of the municipal
(6) Unless otherwise directed by the presiding authority or the presiding
officer of the meeting, every question shall be answered by the Municipal
Commissioner or the Chief Officer at a meeting of the municipal council.
(7) Written answer to admitted questions shall as far as possible be given
to the councillors one hour before the meeting.
(8) Questions not answered at any meeting for want of time or otherwise
shall lapse.
[63. Standing Committee.—(1) In every municipal council there shall be
a standing committee, which will deal with the following subjects, namely:—
(a) taxation, finance and appeals;
(b) public health, education and social justice;
(c) town planning and improvement;
(d) accounts;
(2) The standing committee shall consist of such number of councillors
not being more than eleven or less than five as the municipal council may
determine, and elected by the municipal council in accordance with the rules
framed under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 323.
(3) The members of the standing committee shall hold office for a period
of one year.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 665

(4) The President and the Vice-President shall not be eligible for election
as members of the standing committee.
(5) The standing committees shall exercise the functions allotted to them
under this Act and subject to any limitations specified by the municipal
council especially in this behalf or generally by rules made under clause (a)
of sub-section (2) of section 323, and to the provisions of Chapter XIV shall
exercise all the powers of the municipal council.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
[64. x x x] 1

1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

65. Casual vacancies.—A vacancy occurring in a standing committee 1[x

x x]1 shall, as soon as possible, be filled up by the appointment of a member
thereto subject to the same provisions as those under which the member
whose place is to be filled up was appointed. A person appointed under this
section shall hold office so long only as the person in whose place he is
appointed would have held it if the vacancy had not occurred. No person
shall be ineligible at any time for appointment as a member of any such
committee on the ground that he has previously been a member of that
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
[66. Chairman of Standing Committee.—The Chairman of the
Standing Committee shall be elected by the members thereof by the system
of single transferable vote.]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

67. Procedure at meetings.—(1) The provisions of sections 49, 52 and

54 and of sub-section (1) of section 61 shall be complied with in all
proceedings of committees as if meetings of committees were included in all
references to meetings of municipal council contained in those provisions. If
the chairman of any committee has been absent from the municipality for a
period exceeding 1[seven]1 days, the president or vice-president may, in his
absence, call a meeting thereof:
Provided that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
section 54, committees may record their proceedings either in English or in
Kannada as they may think fit.
(2) Committees may meet and adjourn as they think proper, but the
chairman of a committee may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall upon the
666 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

written request of the president of the municipal council or of not less than
two members of the committee, and for a date not more than two days after
the presentation of such request, call a special meeting of such committee.
(3) No business shall be transacted at any committee meeting unless
more than one-third of the members of the committee be present thereat.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

68. Procedure by circulation.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained

in section 67, the chairman of a committee may, instead of convening a
meeting, circulate a written proposition of his own, or of any other member
of the committee or of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer of the
municipal council for the observation and votes of the members of the
(2) Previous to circulating any such proposition as aforesaid, the
chairman may, if he thinks fit, and, if the business to which it relates is of the
nature described in section 60 shall obtain thereupon the remarks, if any,
which any officer, whose presence the municipal council would be entitled to
require under provisions of sub-section (2) of section 61, desires to record.
(3) The decision on any proposition so circulated shall be in accordance
with the majority of votes of the members of the committee who vote upon it,
unless a special meeting is convened to consider the said proposition.
(4) Every decision arrived at by the committee under this section shall be
recorded in the minute book.
69. Subordination of committees to instructions of municipal
council and compliance with requisitions of municipal council.—(1)
Every committee shall conform to any instruction that may from time to time
be given to it by the municipal council; the municipal council may, at any
time, call for any extract from any proceedings of any committee, and for
any return, statement or account or report concerning or connected with any
matter with which any committee has been authorised or directed to deal,
and every such requisition shall, without unreasonable delay, be complied
with by the committee so called upon.
(2) Every order passed by a standing committee 1[x x x]1 shall be subject
to such revision and open to such appeal as may be required or allowed in
respect thereof by any rules that may be made by the Government in this
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-1-1996.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 667

70. Powers, duties and functions may be delegated to officers

whose expenses may be paid.—Any powers or duties or executive
functions which may be exercised or performed by or on behalf of the
municipal council may be delegated, in accordance with rules to be made by
the Government in this behalf, to the president or to the vice-president, or to
the chairman of any committee, or to one or more stipendiary or honorary
officers, but without prejudice to any powers that may have been conferred
on a Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer under Chapter XIV or any
committee by or under section 63; and each person, who exercises any
power or performs any duty or function so delegated, may be paid all
expenses necessarily incurred by him therein:
Provided that in a 1[municipal area]1 for which there is a Municipal
Commissioner the power or duties or executive functions under this Act or
under any rule or bye-law made thereunder conferred or imposed upon or
vested in the Municipal Commissioner shall not be delegated save as
provided in section 344.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

71. Joint committees of local bodies and joint levy of 1[toll]1.—(1) A

municipal council may from time to time,—
1. Substituted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.

(a) join with any other municipal council or with any 1[Town
Panchayat]1, cantonment authority, 1[Taluk Panchayat or Grama
Panchayats]1 or with any combination of such 1[municipal councils]1 or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(i) in appointing out of their respective bodies a joint committee

for any purpose in which they are jointly interested, and in appointing a
chairman of such panchayats.
(ii) in delegating to any such committee power to frame terms
binding on each such body as to the construction and future maintenance of
any joint work, and any power which might be exercised by any of such
bodies; and
(iii) in framing and modifying rules for regulating the proceedings
of any such committee in respect of the purpose for which the committee is
appointed; and
668 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(b) enter, subject to the sanction of the Government, into an

agreement with a municipal council, 1[Town Panchayat]1, cantonment
authority, 1[Taluk Panchayat or Grama Panchayats]1 or committees or
combinations as aforesaid 2[that the levy of tolls]2 by the bodies so
contracting may be levied together instead of separately within the limits of
the area subject to the control of the said bodies.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Substituted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.
(2) Where a municipal council has requested the concurrence of any
other local authority under the provisions of sub-section (1) in respect of any
matter and such other local authority has refused to concur, the 1[Deputy
Comissioner]1 may pass such orders as he may deem fit, requiring the
concurrence of such other local authority, not being a cantonment authority,
in the matter aforesaid; and such other local authority shall comply with such
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) If any difference of opinion arises between bodies having joined or

entered into an agreement for any purpose under this section, the decision
thereupon of the Government or of such officer as it appoints in this behalf
shall be final:
Provided that if one of the bodies concerned is a cantonment authority
any such decision shall be subject to the concurrence of the Central
[71A. Staff of municipal council.—Subject to the provisions of section
365 and the rules made under section 323, every municipal council shall be
entitled to employ such officers and servants as may be necessary for the
discharge of its duties.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 1-4-1965.

72. Competency of municipal council to lease, sell and contract.—

(1) Subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in sub-sections (2) to
(9), and such other restrictions and conditions as the Government may by
general or special orders specify, every municipal council shall be
competent to lease, sell or otherwise transfer any movable or immovable
property which belongs to, or for the purpose of this Act has been acquired
by it, and so far as is not inconsistent with the provisions and purposes of
this Act, to enter into and perform all such contracts as it may consider
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 669

necessary or expedient in order to carry into effect the said provisions and
(2) No free grant of immovable property whatever may be its value, no
grant for an upset price and no lease for a term exceeding five years, and
no sale or other transfer of immovable property exceeding 1[twenty-five
thousand]1 rupees in value, shall be valid unless the previous sanction of the
Government is obtained.
1. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6-6-1986.

(3) In the case,—

(a) of a lease for a period exceeding one year or of a sale or other
transfer, or contract for the purchase of any immovable property,
(b) of every contract which will involve expenditure not covered by a
budget grant,
(c) of every contract the performance of which cannot be completed
within the official year current at the date of the contract,
the sanction of the municipal council by a resolution passed at a general
meeting is required.
(4) In the case of a contract for the purchase of movable property, or for
the sale of any movable property belonging to a municipal council, if the
expenditure which the purchase would involve, or the value of the property
to be sold, as estimated in the municipal accounts exceeds one thousand
rupees in the case of a town municipal council and two thousand rupees in
the case of a city municipal council, the sanction of the municipal council is
(5) Before any contract for the supply of materials or goods or for the
execution of any work which will involve an expenditure exceeding 1[five
thousand rupees]1 is entered into, tenders shall be publicly invited in such
manner as may, from time to time, be determined by the municipal council,
from persons willing to enter into such contract and, when the estimated
value exceeds such amount as may be prescribed no such contract shall be
entered into without the previous approval of the Government or of an officer
duly authorised by the Government in this behalf.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(6) In the case of every contract not otherwise provided for in the sub-
sections (2) to (4), the sanction of such committee, or of such person as
670 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

under the provisions of this Act or of the rules for the time being in force
thereunder, is empowered in this behalf, is required.
(7) Every contract entered into by or on behalf of municipal council, other
than a contract to which sub-section (6) applies, shall be in writing, and shall
be signed by the president or vice-president and two other councillors, and
shall be sealed with the common seal of the municipal council. Every
contract to which sub-section (6) applies shall be executed by the chairman
of such committee or by such other person as is empowered in that behalf,
in such manner and form as according to the law for the time being in force,
would bind such chairman or person if such contract were executed by him
on his own behalf.
(8) No contract which is not made in accordance with the requirements of
this section shall be valid or binding on the municipal council.
(9) The provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions of
section 86 and Chapter XIV.
73. Transfer of property may be subject to conditions.—The grant,
lease, sale or other transfer of movable or immovable property by the
municipal council may be subject to such conditions as the municipal council
may specify and notwithstanding anything contained in the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882, or any other law, for the time being in force, the grant,
lease, sale or other transfer shall be subject to such conditions.
74. Contracts by officers appointed by Government to execute
municipal works and payment for such works.—Notwithstanding
anything contained in section 72 any person appointed by the Government
to execute any work on behalf of a municipal council may, subject to such
control as the Government may prescribe, make such contracts as are
necessary for the purpose of executing such works to the extent of the sum
provided for such work; and the municipal council shall pay to the person so
appointed such sums as may be required for the said purpose, to the extent
75. Compulsory acquisition of land.—Whenever a municipal council
requires any immovable property for the purposes of this Act, the
Government may, at the request of the municipal council procure the
acquisition thereof under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and on payment by
the municipal council of the compensation awarded under that Act and of all
charges incurred by the Government in connection with the proceedings, the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 671

immovable property shall be transferred to the municipal council and shall

thereafter vest in such council.
76. Municipal fund ordinarily liable for all costs and expenses
incurred by municipal councils.—(1) Except as herein otherwise
provided, no president or councillor shall be personally liable in respect of
any contract or agreement made, or for any expense incurred by or on
behalf of, the municipal council; the municipal fund shall be liable for and be
charged with all costs in respect of any such contract or agreement and all
such expenses.
(2) Without prejudice to any other action under this Act or any other law,
the president, the vice-president and every councillor, the Municipal
Commissioner, the Chief Officer or other employee of the municipal council,
shall be liable for the loss, waste or misapplication, if such loss, waste or
misapplication of any money or other property owned by or vested in the
municipal council is a direct consequence of his neglect or has been caused
or facilitated by his misconduct.
77. Officer or servant of municipal council not to be interested in
any contract with such municipal council.—(1) Any person, who has,
directly or indirectly, by himself or his partner, any share or interest in any
contract with, by or on behalf of, a municipal council, or in any employment
with, under, by, or on behalf of, a municipal council other than as a
municipal officer or servant, shall be disqualified for being an officer or
servant of such municipal council.
(2) If any municipal officer or servant shall acquire or has acquired
directly or indirectly, by himself or his partner, any share or interest in any
such contract for employment as is referred to in sub-section (1), he shall be
liable to be transferred or removed from his office by an order of the
authority appointing him:
Provided that before an order of removal is made, such officer or servant
shall be given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action
proposed to be taken in regard to him:
Provided further that no person by reason of his being a share-holder, in
or member of, any company be held to be interested in any contract entered
into between such company and the municipal council unless he is a
director of such company.
672 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Explanation.—For the purpose of this section, “company” includes a co-

operative society.
78. Penalty for councillor being interested in any contract, etc., with
the municipal council.—Any councillor who knowingly acquires, directly or
indirectly any share or interest in any contract or employment with, under, by
or on behalf of, a municipal council not being a share or interest such as,
under section 16, it is permissible for a person to have, without being
thereby disqualified for being a councillor, shall be punished with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees.
79. Councillors, etc., to be deemed public servants.—(1) Every
councillor, officer or servant of a municipal council, every auditor appointed
under section 290 and every lessee of the levy of any municipal tax, and
every servant or other person employed by any such lessee shall be
deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian
Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 (Central Act II of
1947) for the time being in force.
(2) The words “State Government” and “Government” in section 161 of
the Indian Penal Code, shall for the purposes of sub-section (1) of this
section be deemed to include a municipal council.
80. Validity of proceedings.—(1) No disqualification of or defect in the
election or appointment of any person acting as councillor, or as the
president or presiding authority of a general meeting or a chairman or
member of a committee appointed under this Act, shall be deemed to vitiate
any act or proceeding of the municipal council or of any such committee, as
the case may be, in which such person has taken part, whenever the
majority who were parties to such act or proceeding, were entitled to act.
(2) No resolution of a municipal council or of any committee appointed
under this Act shall be deemed invalid on account of any irregularity in the
service of notice, upon any councillor or member provided that the
proceedings of the municipal council or committee, were not prejudicially
affected by such irregularity.
(3) Until the contrary is proved every meeting of a municipal council or of
a committee appointed under this Act in respect of proceedings whereof a
minute has been made and signed in accordance with this Act, shall be
deemed to have been duly convened and held and all the members of the
meeting shall be deemed to have been duly qualified; and where the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 673

proceedings are the proceedings of a committee, such committee shall be

deemed to have been duly constituted and to have had the power to deal
with the matters referred to in the minute.
(4) During any vacancy in a municipal council or committee the
continuing councillors or members may act as if no vacancy had occurred.
(5) No act done or proceeding taken under this Act shall be questioned
on the ground merely of any defect or irregularity not affecting the merits of
the case.
81. Municipal property.—(1) Every municipal council may for the
purpose of this Act, acquire and hold property both movable and immovable,
whether within or without the limits of the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(2) All property of the nature herein specified, and not being specially
reserved by the Government, shall be vested in and belong to the municipal
council and shall, together with all other property of whatsoever nature or
kind not being specially reserved by the Government, which may become
vested in the municipal council, be under its direction, management and
control and shall be held and applied by it as trustee, subject to the
provisions and for the purposes of this Act, that is to say,—
(a) all public town-walls, gates, markets, slaughter houses, manure
and night-soil depots, and public buildings of every description;
(b) all public streams, tanks, reservoirs, cisterns, wells, springs,
aqueducts, conduits, tunnels, pipes, pumps and other water works and all
bridges, buildings, engines, works, materials and things connected
therewith, or appertaining thereto, and also any adjacent land not being
private property appertaining to any public tank or well;
(c) all public sewers and drains, and all sewers, drains, tunnels,
culverts, gutters and water courses, in, alongside or under any street, and
all works, materials and things appertaining thereto, as also all dust, dirt,
dung, ashes, refuse, animal matter or filth or rubbish of any kind collected by
the municipal council from the streets, houses, privies, sewers, cess-pools
or elsewhere;
(d) all public lamps, lamp-posts and apparatus connected therewith, or
appertaining thereto;
674 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(e) all lands and buildings transferred to it by the Government, by gift

or otherwise, for local public purposes;
(f) all public streets and the pavement, stones and other materials
thereof and also all trees, erections, materials, implements and things
provided for such streets:
Provided that lands transferred to the municipal council by the
Government under clause (e) shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided
in the instrument of transfer, belong by right of ownership to the municipal
council but shall vest in it subject to the terms and conditions of the transfer,
and on the contravention of any of the said terms or conditions, the lands
with all things attached thereto, including all fixures and structures thereon,
shall vest in the Government and it shall be lawful for the Government to
resume possession thereof.
(3) It shall be competent to the Government from time to time, by
notification, to take over any property vested or vesting in the municipal
council under this section on such terms as the Government may determine.
82. Decision of claims to property by or against the municipal
council.—(1) In any municipal area to which a survey of lands, other than
lands ordinarily used for the purposes of agriculture only, has been or shall
be extended under any law for the time being in force, where any property
or any right in or over any property is claimed by or on behalf of the
municipal council, or by any person as against the municipal council it shall
be lawful for the Deputy Commissioner after enquiry, of which due notice
has been given to pass an order deciding the claim.
(2) Any suit instituted in any civil court after the expiration of one year
from the date of any order passed by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-
section (1), or, if one or more appeals have been made against such order
within the period of limitation, then from the date of any order passed by the
final appellate authority, shall be dismissed (although limitation has not been
set up as a defence) if the suit is brought to set aside such order or if the
relief claimed is inconsistent with such order provided that the plaintiff has
had due notice of such order.
(3) (a) The powers conferred by this section on a Deputy Commissioner
may also be exercised by an Assistant Commissioner 1[or any other officer
of equal rank specified by the Government]1 in the case of a town municipal
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 675

(b) Any person shall be deemed to have had due notice of an enquiry
or order under this section if notice thereof has been given in accordance
with rules made in this behalf by the Government.
83. Municipal Fund.—All moneys received by or on behalf of the
municipal council by virtue of this Act or any other law; all taxes, tolls and
other imposts, fines, fees penalties paid to or levied by it under this Act; all
proceeds of land or other property sold by the municipal council, and all
rents accruing from its land or property; also all interest, profits and other
moneys accruing by gifts or transfers from the Government or private
individuals or otherwise shall constitute the municipal fund, and shall be held
and dealt with in the same manner as the property mentioned in section 81;
Provided that,—
(a) nothing in this section, or in section 81 shall in any way affect any
obligation accepted by or imposed upon any municipal council by any
declaration of trust executed by or on behalf of such municipal council, or by
any scheme settled by order of the Government for the administration of any
(b) a municipal council may, subject to the condition that reasonable
provision shall be made for the performance of all obligations imposed or
that may be imposed on it by or under this Act or any other law for the time
being in force, credit to a separate head in the municipal accounts any
portion of the municipal fund received or set apart by it specially for the
purposes of schools or dispensaries or water works or fire-brigades or other
such purposes as the 1[Deputy Commissioner]1 in this behalf approves, and
the municipal council may apply any sums properly so credited exclusively
to the special purposes for which such sums were received or set apart; and
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(c) a municipal council shall credit to a separate head in the municipal

accounts fees received under section 137, and the municipal council shall
apply any sums so credited exclusively for the purposes specified in the said
84. Application of Municipal Fund and property.—(1) Subject to the
provisions of this Act and such rules as may be prescribed, the municipal
fund and all property held by or vested in the municipal council under this
Act, shall be applied, for the purposes specified in sections 87, 88 and 91
and for all other purposes for which by or under this Act, or any other law for
the time being in force, powers are conferred or duties imposed upon the
676 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

municipal council, and with the previous sanction of the 1[Director of

Municipal Administration]1 or the Government, for any other purposes for
which the application of such property or fund is in public interest.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) any officer duly
authorised by it in this behalf,-
(a) incur expenditure beyond the said limits,—
(i) in the acquisition of land, or
(ii) in the construction, maintenance, repair or purchase of works
for the purpose of obtaining supply of water required for the inhabitants of
the 1[municipal area]1, or of providing the supply of electrical energy for the
use of the inhabitants of the said 1[municipal area]1 or of establishing
slaughter houses or places for the disposal of night soil or sewage or
carcasses of animals beyond the said limits, or for drainage works or for the
purpose of providing mechanically propelled transport facilities for
conveyance of the public or for the purpose of setting up of dairies or farms
for the supply, distribution and processing of milk or milk products for the
benefit of the inhabitants of the 1[municipal area]1, or for any other purpose
calculated to promote the health, safety or convenience of the inhabitants of
the said 1[municipal area]1; or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(b) make whether within or beyond the limits of the 1[municipal area]1 a
contribution towards expenditure incurred by any other municipal council or
a 1[Taluk Panchayat or a Grama Panchayat or cantonment authority]1 or
other public institution or person or body of persons for measures promoting
the health, education or convenience of the public and calculated to benefit
the residents within the limits of the contributing municipal council; or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(c) create scholarships tenable outside the limits of the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(3) Nothing in this section, or in any other provision of this Act, shall be
deemed to make it unlawful for a municipal council when with the sanction
of the Government it has constructed works beyond the limits of the said
[municipal area]1 for the supply of water or electrical energy or for drainage
as aforesaid,—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 677

(a) to supply or extend to, or for the benefit of, any person or
[buildings or vacant lands]2 in any place whether such place is or is not
within the limits of the said 1[municipal area]1, any quantity of water or
electrical energy not required for the purpose of this Act within the said
[municipal area]1, of the advantages afforded by the system of such
drainage works on such terms and conditions, with regard to payment and
to the continuance of such supply or advantages, as shall be settled by
agreement between the municipal council and such person or the occupier
or owner of such 2[buildings or vacant lands]2, or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
(b) to incur any expenditure, on such terms with regard to payment as
may be settled as aforesaid, for the construction, maintenance, repair or
alteration of any connection pipes or any electric supply lines or other works
necessary for the purpose of such supply or for the extension of such
85. Power to deposit and invest surplus fund.—(1) It shall be lawful
for the municipal council to deposit at interest with the Government savings
bank, or with the sanction of the Government in any scheduled bank or a
central co-operative bank in the State, approved by the Government any
surplus funds in its hands which may not be required for current charges,
and, with the like sanction to invest such funds in public securities in the
name of the municipal council, and from time to time dispose of such
securities as may be necessary.
(2) All surplus funds over and above what may be required for current
expenses shall, unless deposited or invested as provided for in sub-section
(1) be deposited in the local Government treasury or such other place or
invested in such security as may be sanctioned by the Government.
86. Power of municipal councils to borrow money.—A municipal
council may, in pursuance of a resolution passed at a special general
meeting and with the previous sanction of the Government and subject to
such conditions as may be prescribed by the Government as to security, the
rate of interest and the repayment of principal and interest, borrow either
from the Government or from any bank, corporation or person, any sum of
money required for constructing any work of a permanent nature which it is
required or empowered to undertake under the provisions of this Act, or for
acquisition of land.
678 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

87. Obligatory functions of municipal councils.—It shall be incumbent
on every municipal council to make adequate provision by any means or
resources which it may lawfully use or take for each of the following matters
within the 1[municipal area]1, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(a) lighting public streets, places and buildings;

(b) watering public streets and places;
(c) cleansing public streets, places and sewers, and all spaces not being
private property, which are open to the enjoyment of the public, whether
such spaces are vested in the municipal council or not, removing noxious
vegetation and abating all public nuisances;
(d) extinguishing fires and protecting life and property when fires occur;
(e) regulating or abating offensive or dangerous trades or practices;
(f) removing obstructions and projections in public streets, bridges, and
other public places, and in spaces not being private property, which are
open to the enjoyment of the public, whether such spaces are vested in the
municipal council or belong to the Government;
(g) securing or removing dangerous buildings or places and reclaiming
unhealthy localities;
(h) acquiring and maintaining, changing and regulating places for the
disposal of the dead;
(i) constructing, altering and maintaining public streets, culverts,
municipal boundary marks, markets 1[(including separate and suitable place
for vending vegetables)]1, slaughter houses, latrines, privies, urinals, drains,
sewers, drainage works, sewage works, baths, washing places, drinking
fountains, tanks, wells, dams and the like;
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
(j) obtaining supply of or an additional supply of water proper and
sufficient for preventing danger to the health of the inhabitants from the
insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the existing supply, when such supply
or additional supply can be obtained at a reasonable cost;
(k) naming streets and numbering houses;
(l) registering births and deaths;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 679

(m) public vaccination;

(n) providing suitable accommodation for calves, cows, or buffaloes
required within the 1[municipal area]1 for the supply of animal lymph;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(o) maintaining schools for pre-primary education;]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
(p) arranging for the destruction or the detention and preservation of such
dogs within the 1[municipal area]1 as may be dealt with under the law in
force relating to police or under section 222 of this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(q) providing facilities for anti-rabic treatment and treatment of lepers and
mental patients and meeting the expenses of indigent persons undergoing
anti-rabic treatment within or outside the municipal limits;
(r) providing covered metallic receptacles and covered metallic
receptacles mounted on wheels for use by servants employed by the
municipal council for the removal of night soil and rubbish and disposing of
night-soil and rubbish and, if so required by the Government, preparation of
compost manure from such night-soil and rubbish;
Explanation.—In this clause, “rubbish” includes dust, ashes, broken
bricks, mortar, sewage, dung, dirt, 1[decomposed]1 substances and refuse of
any kind.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(s) providing accommodation for municipal sweepers and scavengers

and granting of loans to such sweepers and scavengers for construction of
houses, subject to rules prescribed in this behalf;
(t) printing such annual reports on the municipal administration of the
[municipal area]1 as the Government, by general or special orders, requires
the municipal council to submit; 2[x x x]2
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

2. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(u) paying the salary and the contingent expenditure on account of such
police or guards as may be required by the municipal council for the
purpose of this Act or for the protection of any municipal property, and
providing such accommodation as may be required by the Government
under the law in force relating to police.
680 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[(u1) vital statistics including registration of births and deaths;
(u2) regulation of taneries;]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

[(v) maintenance of up-to-date record of all buildings and sites within the

[municipal area]2; and
(w) planting and maintaining of road-side trees.]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

88. Special functions.—Subject to such reasonable and adequate

provision as is mentioned in section 87 being made, every municipal council
shall make reasonable provision for the following special matters, namely:—
(a) providing special medical aid and accommodation for the sick in time
of dangerous disease; and taking such measures as may be required to
prevent the outbreak or suppress and prevent the recurrence of the disease;
(b) giving relief to and establishing and maintaining relief works in times
of famine or scarcity for destitute persons within the limits of the 1[municipal
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

89. Power of Government to exempt municipal council from any of

the functions.—Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 87 and 88,
the Government may exempt any municipal council from any of the
provisions of those sections or may declare that, in regard to any municipal
council, any of the functions specified in the aforesaid sections shall be
deemed to be discretionary duties within the meaning of section 91.
90. Analysis and inspection of water supplied through pipes.—If any
municipal council supplies water through pipes, it shall take such steps, at
such intervals, and on payment of such fees, as may be determined by a
general or special order made by the Government, to ascertain the condition
of the water so supplied, by inspection and analysis at a laboratory
approved by the Government in that behalf:
Provided that the Government may, by notification, exempt any municipal
council from the provisions of this section.
91. Discretionary functions of municipal councils.—Every municipal
council may, in its discretion, provide either wholly or in part for all or any of
the following matters, namely:—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 681

(a) laying out, whether in areas previously built upon or not new public
streets and acquiring the land for that purpose, including the land requisite
for the construction of buildings or curtilages thereof, to abut on such street;
(b) constructing, establishing or maintaining public parks, gardens,
libraries, museums, mental hospitals, halls, offices, dharmasalas, choultries,
musafirkhanas, rest-houses, homes for the disabled and destitute persons
and other public buildings;
[(c) providing shelter for destitute women;]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(d) constructing and maintaining, where necessary, suitable sanitary

houses for the habitation of the poor and granting loans for construction of
such houses or for effecting necessary improvements connected therewith;
(e) providing accommodation for any class of servants other than
sweepers and scavengers employed by the municipal council or granting
loans to such servants for construction of houses, subject to the rules
prescribed in this behalf;
[(f) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

(g) planting and maintaining roadside and other trees;

(h) taking statistics and granting rewards for information which may tend
to secure the correct registration of vital statistics;
(i) making a survey;
(j) securing or assisting to secure suitable places for the carrying on of
the offensive trades mentioned in section 256;
(k) supplying, constructing and maintaining receptacles, fittings, pipes
and other appliances whatsoever on or for the use of private premises for
receiving and conducting the sewage thereof into a sewer under the control
of the municipal council;
(l) providing of music or other entertainments in public places or places of
public resort;
(m) the promotion of public health or child welfare;
(n) contribution towards any public funds for the relief of human suffering,
within or without the 1[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
682 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(o) by a resolution passed at a general meeting and supported by one-

half of the total number of councillors and with the previous sanction of the
Deputy Commissioner in the case of a town municipal council and of the
[Director of Municipal Administration]2 in the case of a city municipal council
organising any public reception, public ceremony, public entertainment or
public exhibition within the 1[municipal area]1:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
Provided that the expenditure on such reception, ceremony,
entertainment or exhibition shall not exceed such limits as may be generally
or specially prescribed;
(p) the organisation or maintenance during scarcity, of shops or stalls for
the sale of necessaries of life;
(q) housing and maintaining destitute orphans and destitute cripples;
(r) subject to the provisions of any law regulating the establishment of
warehouses, constructing, establishing and maintaining warehouses;
(s) establishment and maintaining of dairy farms and breeding studs;
(t) provision of transport facilities within the 1[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(u) maintenance of an ambulance service;
(v) supply of water beyond the limits of the 1[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
(w) the acquisition and maintenance of grazing grounds;
(x) guaranteeing the payment of interest on money expended for the
construction of a telephone line subject to the previous sanction of the
Government when the line extends beyond the limits of the 1[municipal
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(y) promoting the well-being of municipal employees or any class of

municipal employees and of their dependents;
(z) the construction, purchase, organisation, maintenance extension and
management, of mechanically propelled transport facilities for the
conveyance of the public;
(aa) the construction, maintenance, repairs, purchase of any works for
the supply of electrical energy;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 683

(bb) making contributions towards the construction, establishment or

maintenance of educational institutions including libraries and museums,
any hospital, dispensary or similar institution providing for public medical
relief, or any other institution of a charitable nature;
(cc) construction, maintenance and provision of public bathing houses;
(dd) revival or promotion of cottage industries;
(ee) improvement of cattle and live-stock including construction and
maintenance of veterinary hospitals;
(ff) maintenance of maternity homes and child welfare centres;
(gg) maintenance of art galleries;
[(gg1) slum improvements and up-gradation;
(gg2) urban forestry, protection of environment and promotion of
ecological aspects;
(gg3) urban poverty alleviation;
(gg4) promotion of cultural, education and aesthetic aspects;]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

(hh) promotion, formation, extension or assistance of co-operative

societies; and
(ii) any other matter not hereinbefore specifically named which is likely to
promote education or public health, safety or general welfare or
convenience, or the advancement of the economic condition of the
inhabitants or which is necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act,
expenditure whereon is resolved by the municipal council by the votes of not
less than two-thirds of the total number of councillors and with the approval
of the Government, to be an appropriate charge on the municipal fund.
92. Arrangements purporting to be binding permanently or for a
term of years.— When a municipal council has entered into any
arrangement, or made any promise, purporting to bind itself or its
successors for a term of years or for an unlimited period, to continue to any
educational or charitable institution a yearly contribution from the municipal
property or fund, it shall be lawful for the municipal council, or its
successors, with the sanction of the Government, to cancel such
arrangement or promise, or to discontinue or to diminish such yearly
contribution provided that it shall have given at least twelve months’ notice
of its intention so to do to the manager or managers of such institution.
684 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

93. Management of public institution maintained by municipal

council to vest in it.—The management, control and administration of
every public institution exclusively maintained out of municipal property and
funds shall vest in the municipal council by which it is maintained:
Provided that the extent of the independent authority of any municipal
council in respect of public education, health and sanitation and its relations
with the Department of Public Instruction and the Department of Public
Health of the Government shall from time to time be prescribed by the
Taxes and Procedure for levy.
94. Taxes which may be imposed.—(1) Subject to the general or
special orders of the Government, a municipal council,-
(a) 1[xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
(b) [xxx] at rates not exceeding those 1[specified in this Act]1.
1 1

1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
may levy any one or more of the following taxes:—
[(i) a tax on buildings or vacant lands or both situated within the
muncipal area (hereinafter referred to as property tax)]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
[(ii) x x x] 1

1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.

1 1
(iii) [xxx]
(iv) 1[xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[(v) to (vii) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
[(viii) and (ix)]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[(x) x x x] 1

1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 685

[(xi) x x x]1
1. Clause (xi) and proviso omitted by Act 26 of 1982 w.e.f. 27-7-1982.

(xii) a duty on transfers of immovable property in the shape of an

additional stamp duty;
(xiii) a tax on advertisements (other than advertisements published in
newspapers) erected, exhibited, fixed or retained upon or over any
land, building, wall, hoarding, frame, post or structure or upon or in
any vehicle or displayed to public view in any manner whatsoever
visible from a public street or public place (including any
advertisement exhibited by means of cinematograph):
Explanation 1.—The word “structure” in this sub-clause includes any
movable board on wheels used as an advertisement or an advertisement
Explanation 2.—‘public place’ for the purpose of this sub-clause, means
any place which is open to the use and enjoyment of the public, whether it is
actually used or enjoyed by the public or not;
Explanation 3.—The word “advertisement” in this sub-clause means any
word, letter, model, sign, placard, notice, device or representation, whether
illuminated or not, in the nature of, and employed wholly or in part for the
purpose of, advertisement, announcement or direction;
1. The provisos and Explanation (i) and (ii) omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[(1-A) The following buildings and vacant lands shall be exempted from
the property tax, namely:-
(a) places set apart for public worship and either actually so used or
used for no other purpose;
(b) choultries for occupation of which no rent is charged and
choultries the rent charged for the occupation of which is used
exclusively for charitable purpose;
(c) places used for the charitable purpose of sheltering the destitute
or animals and orphanages, homes and schools for the deaf
and dumb, asylum for the aged and fallen women and such
similar institutions run purely on philanthropic lines as are
approved by the State Government;
686 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(d) such ancient monuments protected under the Karnataka Ancient

and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and
Remains Act, 1961 (Karnataka Act 7 of 1962) and Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958
(Central Act 24 of 1958) or parts thereof as are not used as
residential quarters or public offices;
(e) charitable hospitals and dispensaries but not including
residential quarters attached thereto;
(f) such hospitals and dispensaries maintained by railway
administration as may from time to time be notified by the State
Government, but not including residential quarters attached
(g) burial and cremation grounds included in the list published by
the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer;
(h) Government lands set apart for free recreational purposes and
such other Government land as may be notified by the
Government which in the opinion of the State Government no
income could be derived;
(i) buildings or vacant lands exclusively used for,-
(i) student hostels, which are not established or conducted for
(ii) educational purposes by recognized educational institutions;
(j) buildings or vacant lands belonging to the Central Government
or any State Government used for the purposes of Government
and not used or intended to be used for residential or
commercial purposes;
(k) buildings or vacant lands belonging to the Bangalore
Development Authority, the Karnataka Housing Board, the
Urban Development Authorities constituted under the Karnataka
Urban Development Authorities Act, 1987 or any local authority,
the possession of which has not been delivered to any person,
in pursuance of any grant, allotment or lease;
(l) land which is registered as land used for agricultural purpose in
the revenue accounts of State Government and is actually used
for cultivation of crops;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 687

Provided that nothing contained in clauses (a), (c) and (e) shall be
deemed to exempt from property tax, any building or vacant land for which
rent is payable by the person or persons using the same for the purposes
referred to in the said clauses:
Provided further that for the purposes of clause (j), a certificate
issued by the Government or any officer duly authorised by the
Government that any building or land is used for the purposes of the State
Government and not used or intended to be used for residential or
commercial purposes shall be binding on the municipal council.
(1-B) No tax shall be levied on any advertisement which,-
(a) is exhibited with the window of any building if the advertisement
relates to the trade, profession or business carried on in that
building; or
(b) relates to trade, profession or business carried on within the
land or building upon or over which such advertisement is
exhibited or to sale or letting of such land or building or any
effects therein or any sale, entertainment or meeting to be held
on or upon or in, the same; or
(c) relates to the name of the land or building, upon or over which
the advertisement is exhibited or to the name of the owner or
occupier of such land or building; or
(d) relates to the business of a railway administration and is
exhibited within any railway station or upon any wall or other
property of a railway administration;
(e) relates to any activity of the State Government;
(f) relates to any public meeting]1.
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[(2) Notwithstanding the exemptions granted under 2[sub-section (1A)]2
it shall be open to the Municipal Council to collect service charges for
providing civic amenities and for general or special services rendered at
such rates as may be prescribed]1.
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
(3) The taxes specified in sub-section (1) shall be assessed, levied and
collected in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made by
the Government under section 323.
688 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[94A, 95 and 96. [xxx]1
1. Sections 94A, 95 and 96 Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[97. Publication of resolution with notice.- (1) A municipal council
shall by a resolution passed at a general meeting levy any tax specified in
section 94 and in such resolution specify the classes of persons or
properties which shall be made liable and the amount or rate at which the
tax shall be levied. When such a resolution has been passed the municipal
council shall publish a notice of such resolution in the notice board of its
office and by advertisement in local newspapers.
(2) The publication of such notice shall be conclusive evidence that the
tax has been imposed in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the
rules made thereunder.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

98. Power to suspend, reduce or abolish any existing tax.—(1) A

municipal council may, except as otherwise provided in clause (b) of the
proviso to section 141 at any time for any sufficient reason suspend, modify
or abolish any existing tax.
(2) The provisions of this Chapter relating to the imposition of taxes shall
apply so far as may be to the suspension, modification or abolition of any
[(3) Suspension, modification or abolition of a tax made by the Municipal
Council under sub-section (1) shall not take effect unless approved by the
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.

Duty on transfers of immovable properties.

99. Duty on transfers of immovable properties.—1[(1) The duty on
transfers of immovable property shall be levied in the form of a surcharge at
the rate of two percent of the duty imposed by the Karnataka Stamp Act,
1957, on instruments of sale, gift, mortgage, exchange and lease in
perpetuity, of immovable property situated within the limits of a smaller
urban area]1.
1. Inserted by Act 8 of 2003 w.e.f. 1-4-2003.
Provided that no such duty is leviable in respect of a mortgage where the
amount secured by the mortgage does not exceed two thousand and five
hundred rupees.
(2) On the introduction of the transfer duty,—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 689

(a) section 28 of the 1[Karnataka]1 Stamp Act, 1957, shall be read as if

it specifically required the particulars to be set forth separately in respect of
property situated within and without the 2[municipal area]2;
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-8-1997.
(b) section 61 of the same Act shall be read as if it referred to the
municipal council as well as the Government.
(3) The Government may make rules for regulating the collection of the
duty, the payment thereof to the municipal council 1[or Town Panchayat]1
and the deduction of any expenses incurred by the Government in the
collection thereof.
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

(4) No duty shall be chargeable,—

(i) in respect of any instrument executed by or on behalf of or in
favour of the Government in cases where but for this exemption the
Government would be liable to pay the transfer duty under this section in
respect of such instrument, or
(ii) in respect of any instrument exempt from stamp duty under the
[Karnataka]1 Stamp Act, 1957.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Tax on vehicles, boats, animals and dogs.

1 1
[100. xxx]
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

Assessment of and liability to tax on buildings and lands.

[101. Description and class of property tax .- (1) Unless exempted
under this Act or any other law, property tax shall be levied every year on
all buildings 2[or vacant land or both]2 situated within the municipal area.
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.

2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

[(2) The property tax shall be levied in case of,-
(a) commercial building at such percentage not being less than 0.5
percent (rupees five per thousand) and not more than 1[two]1 per
cent of taxable capital value of the building.
1. Substituted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.
690 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[Provided that the maximum limit of property tax levied in the
case of a commercial building within a Municipal Council whose
population does not exceed one lakh shall be 0.9 percent]1
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.

(b) residential building and buildings other than commercial at such

percentage not being less than 0.3 percent (rupees three per
thousand) and not more than 1[one per cent (rupees ten per
thousand)]1 of taxable capital value of the building.
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.
[Provided that the maximum limit of property tax levied in the
case of a residential building within a Municipal Council whose
population does not exceed one lakh shall be 0.6 percent]1
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 17.3.2005.

(c) vacant land measuring not above one thousand square meters,
at not less than 0.1 per cent (rupees one per thousand) and not
more than 0.2 per cent (rupees two per thousand) of taxable
capital value of land.
(d) vacant land measuring above one thousand square meters but
not above four thousand square meters, at not less than 0.025
per cent (rupees twenty five per lakh) and not more than 0.05
(rupees fifty per lakh) of taxable capital value of land.
(e) vacant land measuring above four thousand square meters, at
not less than 0.01 per cent (rupees ten per lakh) and not more
than 0.02 per cent (rupees twenty per lakh) of taxable capital
value of land.]1
1. Sub-section (2) substituted by Act 31 of 2003, claused (a) and (b) shall be deemed
to have come into force w.e.f. 16.6.2003 and claused (c) to (e) w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
[(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), no property
tax shall be levied on a vacant land situated within the Municipal Council
having a population of less than one lakh.]1
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.
1 1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

(3) Subject to the minimum and the maximum rates specified in sub-
section (2), the Municipal Council shall, fix the property tax at such
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 691

percentage of the taxable capital value of the buildings 1[or vacant land or
both]1 having regard to the location, type of construction of the building,
nature of use to which the 1[vacant land]1 or building is put, area of the
[vacant land]1, plinth area of the building, age of the building and such other
criteria as may be prescribed:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 29-11-2001.

Provided that the percentage so fixed may be different in different areas

and for different classes of buildings and lands.
[Provided further that the land appurtenant to a building shall be
exempted from levy of Property Tax.]1
1. Substituted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.
[Explanation.- xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.
[101A. xxx]1.
1. Section 101A deemed to have been inserted w.e.f. 9.11.2004 and deemed to have
been omitted by Act 5. of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.

102. Method of Assessment of property tax.- (1) The taxable capital

value of the building shall be assessed 1[together with the land occupied by
it]1. The taxable capital value of such land shall be assessed having regard
to the 2[market value guidelines of properties published]2 of the land notified
by the Government under section 45B of the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957
subject to such rules as may be prescribed, the taxable capital value of the
building shall be 3[equivalent of fifty percent of]3 the market value guidelines
of properties published under section 45B of the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957
minus depreciation at the time of assessment as may be notified by the
Government from time to time]2 shall be substituted;]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.

2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16-6-2003.

3. Substituted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.

(2) The taxable capital value of the vacant land shall be 2[equivalent of
fifty persent of]2 the 1[market value guidlenes of properties published]1 of the
land notified by the Government under section 45B of the Karnataka Stamp
Act, 1957.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003

2. Substituted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1-4-2005.

692 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[102A. Enhancement of property tax.- Notwithstanding anything
contained in section 101 and 102 the property tax assessed and levied
under either provision shall not be assessed each year thereafter but shall
stand enhanced by 15 percent once in every three years commencing from
the financial year 2005-2006:
Provided that the Municipal Council may enhance such property tax
upto 30 percent once in three years and different rates of enhancement may
be made to different areas and different classes of buildings and lands:
Provided further that the non assessment of property tax under this
section during the block period of three years shall not be applicable to a
building in respect of which there is any addition, alteration or variation to it.
Provided also that nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to
affect the power of State Government to direct an earlier revision of property
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1-4-2005.

103. Rebate for self-occupied building.- A rebate at the rate of fifty

percent of the property tax shall be allowed in respect of 1[any residential
building or part of a residential building]1 which is occupied by the owner of
such building.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003
1 1
[104.- xxx]
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
[105. Assessment of property tax.- (1) Every owner or occupier who
is liable to pay property tax under this Act shall submit every year to the
Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may be or the
officer authorised by the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer in this
behalf (hereinafter referred to as authorised officer), a return in such form,
within such period and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that, if the owner or occupier who is liable to pay tax files his
returns and also pays the property tax which is due within one month from
the date of commencement of the financial year he shall be allowed a rebate
of five percent on the tax payable by him.
(2) Before any owner or occupier submits any return under sub-section
(1) he shall pay in advance full amount of the property tax payable by him
on the basis of such return and shall furnish along with the return
satisfactory proof of payment of such tax and the tax so payable shall for the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 693

purposes of this Act be deemed to be the property tax due from such owner
or occupier for the purpose of Chapter VII. After the final assessment is
made the amount of property tax so paid shall be deemed to have been paid
towards the property tax finally assessed.
(3) If the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may
be or the authorised officer is satisfied that any return submitted under sub-
section (1) is correct and complete, he shall assess the property tax in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder
and shall send a copy of the order of assessment to the owner or occupier
concerned. Assessment under this sub-section shall be concluded within
one year from the date of submission of return under sub-section (1).
(4) If any owner or occupier fails to submit a return as required under
sub-section (1) 1[or fails to pay in advance full amount of property tax as
required under sub-section (2)]1 submits an incomplete or incorrect return,
the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may be or the
authorised officer, shall cause an inspection of the 2[vacant land and
building]2 and may also cause such local enquiry as may be considered
necessary, and based on such inspection and information collected, he
shall assess the property tax and send a copy of the order of assessment
to the owner or occupier concerned.
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.

2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.

(5) When making an assessment of tax under sub-section (3) or (4), the
Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may be, or the
authorised officer may also direct the owner or occupier to pay in addition
to the tax assessed a penalty,-
[(a) at the rate of two per cent per month of the amount of property tax
assessed and due in case of failure to pay amount of property tax due and
to submit a return]1;
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.

(b) not exceeding two times the amount of difference between the tax
assessed and the tax paid along with his return in the case of submitting
knowingly an incorrect or incomplete return.
[(c) One hundred rupees in case of faliure to submit return after
payment of property tax in full]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.
694 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(6) The owner or occupier may either accept the property tax assessed
and the penalty if any, levied or send objections to the Municipal
Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may be, or the authorised
officer within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of a copy of the
order under sub-section (3) or (4).
(7) The Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, as the case may
be, or the authorised officer shall consider the objections and pass such
order either confirming or revising the assessment of such tax and penalty if
any, within a period of sixty days from the date of filling objections and a
copy of the order shall be sent to the owner or occupier concerned.
(8) The property tax shall be paid by the person primarily liable within
ninety days after the 1[If default is made in making payment the person liable
to pay shall pay a penalty at the rate of two percent per month of the amount
of tax remaining unpaid after the expiry of the period]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.
(9) In order to facilitate filing of return by an owner or occupier of any
[building or vacant land]1 and assessment of property tax the Municipal
Council shall from time to time issue guidelines for determining the taxable
capital value and property tax payable thereon.”
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.
106. Preparation and publication of property tax register .- (1) A
Property tax register in respect of 1[buildings or vacant lands]1 or both in the
municipal area containing such particulars shall be prepared and revised in
such manner as may be prescribed.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
1 1
[(2) xxx]
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
(3) The authorised officer may on an application made by any person
and subject to payment of such fees as may be specified by the Municipal
Council from time to time, permit such person to inspect the Property tax
register at reasonable hours or grant certified extract of the entries in the
register or certified copies thereof.
107. Levy of penalty on unlawful building.- (1) Whoever unlawfully
constructs or reconstructs any building or part of a building,-
(i) on his land without obtaining permission under this Act or in
contravention of any condition attached to such permission; or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 695

(ii) on a site belonging to him which is formed without approval under

the relevant law relating town and country planning; or
(iii) on his land in breach of any provision of this Act or any rule or bye-
law made thereunder or any direction or requisition lawfully given or made
under this Act or such rules or bye-law;
shall be liable to pay every year a penalty, which shall be equal to twice
the property tax leviable on such building so long as it remains as unlawful
construction without prejudice to any proceedings which may be instituted
against him in respect of such unlawful construction:
Provided that such levy and collection of penalty shall not be construed
as regularisation of such unlawful construction or reconstruction.
(2) Penalty payable under sub-section (1) shall be determined and
collected by such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed. The
penalty so payable shall be deemed to be the tax due for the purpose of
chapter VII.
(3) Any person aggrieved by the determination and collection of penalty
under sub-section (2) may within thirty days from the date of receipt of the
order appeal to the prescribed authority whose decision thereon shall be
(4) The prescribed authority may after giving a reasonable opportunity of
being heard to the Appellant and Municipal Council pass such order as it
deems fit.
107A. Survey of lands and buildings and preparation of property
register.- (1) The Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer as the case
may be, shall, subject to the general or special orders of the Government,
direct a survey of 1[buildings or vacant land or both]1 within the Municipal
area with a view to the assessment of property tax and may obtain the
services of any qualified person or agency for conducting such survey and
preparation of property register.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
(2) A property register shall be maintained in such manner and
containing such particulars in respect of 1[buildings or vacant land or both]1
as may be prescribed.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
(3) For the purpose of preparation of property register or assessment of
property tax the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer as the case
696 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

may be or any person authorised by him in this behalf may enter, inspect,
survey or measure any 2[vacant land or building]2 after giving notice to the
owner or occupier before such inspection and the owner or occupier shall be
bound to furnish necessary information required for the purpose.]1
1. Sections 105 to 107 Substituted and 107A inserted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f.

2 Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

108. Notice to be given to the municipal council of demolition or
removal of a building.—(1) When any building or any portion of a building
which is liable to the payment of 1[property tax]1 a tax on 2[buildings or
vacant lands]2 or both is demolished or removed, otherwise than by order of
the municipal council, the person primarily liable for the payment of the said
tax shall give notice thereof, in writing to the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19.11-2001.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11-2001.
(2) Until such notice is given, the person aforesaid shall continue to be
liable to pay every such tax as he would have been liable to pay in respect
of such building, if the same or any portion thereof, had not been
demolished or removed.
(3) Nothing in this section shall apply in respect of a building or portion of
a building which has fallen down or been burnt down.
[109. xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 16.6.2003.
110. Tax from whom primarily leviable.— 1[(1) Every tax imposed in
the form of property tax shall be payable primarily-
(a) if the property is held from Government or municipal council or
town Panchayat, by the actual occupier;
(b) if the property is held by the owner, by the owner;
(c) if the property is let, from the lessor;
(d) if the property is sub-let, from the superior lessor;
(e) if the property is not let, from the person in whom the right to let
the same vests;
(f) if the vacant land has been let for any term exceeding one year
to a tenant and such tenant has built building upon the vacant
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 697

land, the property tax upon 2[the land occupied by such building]2
and building erected thereon shall be primarily payable by the
said tenant.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
2. Substituted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 1-4-2005.
1. Proviso omitted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
(2) The liability of the several owners of any building which is, or purports
to be, severally owned in parts or flats or rooms, for payment of the rate on
the building or any instalment thereof payable during the period of such
ownership shall be joint and several.
[110A. xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
111. Notice to be given to municipal council of all transfers of title
by persons primarily liable to payment of 1[property tax]1.—(1)
Whenever the title of any person primarily liable for the payment of a tax
imposed on any premises in the form of a rate on buildings, or lands or both,
is transferred, the person whose title is transferred and the person to whom
the same is transferred shall, within three months after the execution of the
instrument of transfer or after registration if it be registered or after transfer
is effected, if no instrument is executed, give notice of such transfer in
writing to the 1[Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer]1.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

(2) In the event of the death of any person primarily liable as aforesaid,
the person on whom the title of the deceased devolves, shall give notice of
such devolution to the 1[Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer]1 within
six months from the date of death of the deceased.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

112. Form of notice.—(1) The notice to be given under section 111 shall
be in the form either of Schedule VIII or Schedule IX, as the case may be,
and shall state clearly and correctly all the particulars required by the said
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
[113. Name of transferee to be entered in property tax register.-
Whenever such transfer comes to the knowledge of the Municipal
698 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Commissioner or Chief Officer through such notice the name of the

transferee shall be entered in the property tax register.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

114. Liability for payment of 1[property tax]1 continue in the absence

of notice of transfer.—(1) Every person primarily liable for the payment of
a tax imposed on any premises in the form of 1[property tax]1 who transfers
his title to or over such premises without giving notice of such transfer to the
municipal council as aforesaid, shall, in addition to any other liability which
he incurs through such neglect, continue to be liable for the payment of all
taxes from time to time payable in respect of the said premises, until he
gives such notice, or until the transfer shall have been recorded in the
registers of the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11-2001.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the liability of the
transferee for the said taxes or to affect the prior claim of the municipal
council on the premises conferred by section 151 for the recovery of the
taxes due thereon.
[115. Power to assess in case of escaped from assessment.-
Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in this Act or the rules made
thereunder if for any reason, any person liable to pay any of the taxes,
cess, rates, fees or charges leviable under this chapter has escaped
assessment in any year, the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer as
the case may be, or the authorised officer may at any time within six years
from the date on which such person should have been assessed, serve on
such person a notice assessing him to the tax, rate, cess, charges or fees
due and demanding payment thereof within fifteen days from the date of
such service; and the provisions of this Act and rules made thereunder shall
so far as may be, apply as if the assessment was made in the year to which
tax, rate, cess, charges or fee relates.]1
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 12-11-2001.
[116 to 122 x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12-1976.
[x x x]1 Toll.
[123 to 127 x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.
[128 and 129 xxx]1
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 699

[130 and 131 x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3-1979.
1 1
[132. xxx]
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
Advertisements and Advertisements Tax.
133. Prohibition of advertisements without written permission of
municipal council.— (1) No advertisement shall, after the levy of the tax
under section 94 has been determined upon by the municipal council, be
exhibited, erected, fixed or retained upon or over any land, building, wall,
hoarding, frame, post or structure or upon or in any vehicle or shall be
displayed in any manner whatsoever in any place within the 1[municipal
area]1 without the written permission of the municipal council, granted in
accordance with bye-laws made under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) The municipal council shall not grant such permission if,—
(i) the advertisement contravenes any bye-laws made under this Act;
(ii) the tax, if any, due in respect of the advertisement has not been
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), in the case of an
advertisement liable to the advertisement tax, the municipal council shall
grant permission for the period to which the payment of the tax relates and
no fee shall be charged in respect of such permission.
134. Permission of the municipal council to become void in certain
cases.—The permission granted under section 133 shall become void in the
following cases, namely:—
(a) if the advertisement contravenes any bye-law made under this Act;
(b) if any material change is made in the advertisement or any part
thereof without the previous permission of the municipal council;
(c) if the advertisement or any part thereof falls otherwise than through
(d) if any addition or alteration be made to, or in the building, wall,
hoarding, frame, post or structure upon or over which the advertisement is
exhibited, erected, fixed or retained, if such addition or alteration involves
the disturbance of the advertisement or any part thereof;
700 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(e) if the building, wall, hoarding, frame, post or structure upon or over
which the advertisement is exhibited, erected, fixed or retained is
demolished or destroyed.
135. Presumption in case of contravention.— Where any
advertisement has been exhibited, erected, fixed or retained upon or over
any land, building, wall, hoarding, frame, post or structure or upon or in any
vehicle or displayed to public view from a public street or public place in
contravention of the provisions of this Act or any bye-laws made thereunder,
it shall be presumed, unless and until the contrary is proved, that the
contravention has been committed by the person or the persons on whose
behalf the advertisement purports to be or the agents of such person or
136. Removal of unauthorised advertisements.—If any advertisement
is exhibited, erected, fixed or retained in contravention of the provision of
section 133, or after the written permission for the exhibition, erection,
fixation or retention thereof for any period shall have expired or become
void, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may, by notice in writing,
require the owner or occupier of the land, building, wall, hoarding, frame,
post or structure or vehicle upon or over or in which the same is exhibited,
erected, fixed or retained to take down or remove such advertisement or
may enter any land, building, property or vehicle and have the
advertisement dismantled, taken down or removed or spoiled, defaced or
Power to Charge Fees, etc.
137. Fees in respect of Jatra, Urus, etc.—(1) A municipal council may,
if in its opinion it is necessary to make special arrangements for the health
and comfort of persons resorting to any Shrine, Jatra or Urus periodically
within the limits of the 1[municipal area]1, by resolution, and with the previous
sanction of the Government, levy a fee not exceeding fifty naye paise per
capita on persons over twelve years of age resorting to such Shrine, Jatra or
Urus, and in such resolution specify the rate of fee and the period or periods
during which the fee shall be levied. The levy of fees under this section shall
be published in such 1[municipal area]1 in such manner as may be
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 701

(2) No portion of the proceeds of fees levied under this section shall be
expended for purposes other than meeting the charges of the establishment
for collection of such fees and the making of arrangements for the health
and comfort of persons resorting to such area or the improvement or
development of such area.
(3) The levy and collection of such fees shall be made in such manner
and be subject to such conditions and exemptions as may be prescribed.
138. Municipal council may charge fees for certain licences, etc.—
(1) When any licence or permit is granted by the municipal council under
this Act, or when permission is given by it for making any temporary erection
or for putting up any projection, or for the temporary occupation of any
public street or other land vested in the municipal council, the municipal
council may charge a fee for such licence or permission:
Provided that when permission is given for putting up a projection, the
authority giving such permission may charge every year a recurring fee until
the projection is removed.
(2) The municipal council may charge a higher fee by way of penalty for
any erection, or projection, or for the use or occupation of any public street
or other land vested in the municipal council by any person without its
permission or licence. Such fee shall be leviable irrespective of any other
penalty or liability to which the person liable to pay the same may be subject
under any other provision of this Act or any other law for the time being in
force. The rates of such higher fees shall be determined by bye-laws made
by the municipal council.
(3) The municipal council may charge such fees, not exceeding 1[five
rupees]1 per bus, as may be fixed by bye-laws made under section 324, for
the use of a bus stand maintained by the municipal council:
1. Substituted by Act 33 of 1984 w.e.f. 26-6-1984.

Provided that no fee shall be levied under this sub-section unless a bus
stand with adequate facilities for travellers is established and the previous
sanction of the Deputy Commissioner for such levy is obtained.
(4) The municipal council may also charge such fees as may be fixed by
bye-laws either under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 324 for the use
of any such places mentioned in that sub-section, as belong to the municipal
council, or for any other purpose relating to municipal administration.
702 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(5) It shall be lawful for the municipal council to lease the levy of any fee
that may be imposed under sub-section (4) by public auction or private
(6) When any fee has been leased under sub-section (5) any person
employed by the lessee to collect such fees or the lessee himself may
subject to the conditions of the lease, collect the fee or expel from the place
for the use of which the fee is payable, any person who is liable to pay the
fee, but refuses to pay it.
Special Provisions Relating to Taxes.
139. Fixed charges and agreements for payment in lieu of taxes.—
(1) A municipal council may, instead of imposing a water-rate or where a
water-rate has been imposed, in individual cases, instead of levying a rate
imposed in respect of the supply of water belonging to the municipal council
to or for use in connection with, any private 1[vacant lands or buildings]1,—
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(a) fix at rates not exceeding such as shall be specified in the rules in
force under section 323, charges for such supply according to the quantity
used, as ascertained by measurement; or
(b) arrange with any person on his application to supply on payment,
periodically or otherwise, water belonging to the municipal council in such
quantities, or for such purposes (whether domestic, ornamental, or
irrigational or for trade, manufacture or any other purpose), on such terms
and subject to such conditions as it shall fix by agreement with such person:
Provided that,—
(i) the meters, connection-pipes and all other works necessary for
and incidental to such supply, and all repairs, extensions and alterations of
such works shall be under the control of the municipal council and the
expense thereof shall, so far as is not inconsistent with the rules or bye-laws
of the municipal council, be defrayed by the persons liable for the charges or
payments fixed in respect to such supply; and
(ii) such supply of water shall be, and shall be deemed to have been,
granted, subject to all such conditions as to the limit or stoppage thereof,
and as to the prevention of waste or misuse, as are prescribed in the bye-
laws for the time being in force under section 324.
(2) Where a municipal council has made provision for the cleansing of
any factory, hotel, club or any group of 1[buildings or vacant lands]1 used for
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 703

any one purpose and under one management, it may, instead of levying in
respect thereof any special sanitary cess imposed under this Chapter, fix a
special rate and the dates and other conditions for periodical payments
thereof; such rate, dates and conditions shall be determined either,-
(i) in accordance with the rules for the time being in force under
section 323, or
(ii) by written agreement with the person who would have been
otherwise liable for the cess:
Provided that in fixing the amount of such rate proper regard shall be had
to the probable cost to the municipal council of the service to be rendered.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(3) Where a municipal council has imposed a tax on vehicles or animals

used for riding, draught or burden and kept for such use within the
[municipal area]1 it may be compounded with the keeper of any livery-stable
or of horses or vehicles kept for sale and hire for the payment of a lumpsum
for any period not exceeding one year at a time, in lieu of any amount which
such keeper would otherwise have been liable to pay on account of the tax
imposed as aforesaid.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(4) The municipal council may compound for a period not exceeding one
year at a time, with any person for a sum to be fixed in accordance with a
scale approved by the municipal council and to be paid monthly, quarterly,
or half yearly, in advance in lieu of all tolls payable in respect of any vehicle
belonging to such person and issue a pass for the free admittance of the
vehicle or animal, within the limits of the 1[municipal area]1, provided that the
sum charged shall not be less than one-half of the amount which such
person would have been liable to pay if the vehicle had to pay toll once
every day during the period for which the pass is issued.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(5) Every sum claimed by a municipal council due under sub-section (1)
as charges, payments or expenses, or as a special rate under sub-section
(2) or as lumpsum under sub-section (3), shall for the purposes of Chapter
VII be deemed to be, and shall be recoverable in the same manner as, an
amount claimed on account of a tax recoverable under the said Chapter:
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the right or power of a
municipal council to contract with any person to supply for use beyond the
704 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

limits of the 1[municipal area]1 at such rates and on such conditions as the
municipal council may think fit, any quantity of water belonging to the
municipal council but not required for the purposes of this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6-1994.

140. Power of Government to suspend or prohibit levy of

objectionable taxes.— (1) If it shall at any time appear to the Government
on complaint made or otherwise, that any tax or fee leviable by a municipal
council, is unfair in its incidence, or that the levy thereof, or of any part
thereof, is obnoxious to the interests of the general public, the Government
may require the said municipal council, within such period as it shall fix in
this behalf, to take measures for removing any objection which appears to it
to exist to the said tax or fee, and if within the period so fixed, such
requirements shall not be carried into effect to the satisfaction of the
Government, it may, by notification suspend the levy of such tax or fee, or of
such part thereof, until such time as the objection thereto shall be removed.
(2) The Government may at any time, by a notification, rescind any such
[141. Power of the Government to require municipal council to
impose taxes.- The Government may by notification require the municipal
council or Town Panchayat to impose any tax specified in the notification as
may be imposed under section 94 in such manner and to such extent as the
Government considers fit and the municipal council or the Town Panchayat,
as the case may be, shall forthwith proceed to impose the tax in accordance
with the requisition.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8-2003.

142. Presentation of bill for taxes.—(1) When any amount,—
(a) which, by or under any provisions of this Act, is declared to be
recoverable in the manner provided by this Chapter, or
(b) which, is claimable as an amount or instalment on account of any
tax which is now imposed or hereafter may be imposed in any
[municipal area]1, shall have become due,
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 705

the municipal council shall, with the least practicable delay, cause to be
presented to the person liable for the payment thereof, a bill for the sum
claimed as due:
Provided that no such bill shall be necessary in the case of,—
(i) a tax on vehicles;
(ii) a tax on dogs;
(iii) 1[x x x]1 toll payable on demand;
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31-3.1979.

(iv) a tax on advertisements;

[(v) property tax including penalty leviable under sub-section (5) of section
1. Inserted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11.2001.

Provided further that no such bill shall be presented to any person for
payment of profession tax to the extent to which tax has been deducted
from his salary, wages or remuneration by his employer.
(2) Every such bill shall specify,-
(a) the period for which, and
(b) the property, occupation or thing in respect of which, the sum is
claimed, and shall also give notice of,—
(i) the liability incurred in default of payment, and of
(ii) the time within which an appeal may be preferred as hereinafter
provided against such claim.
(3) If the sum for which any bill has been presented as aforesaid is not
paid into the municipal office, or to a person authorised by any rule in that
behalf to receive such payments, within fifteen days from the presentation
thereof, or if the tax on vehicles or the tax on dogs or the 1[property tax
including the penalty leviable under sub-section (5) of section 105]1 is not
paid after it has become due, the municipal council may cause to be served
upon the person liable for the payment of the same a notice of demand in
the form set forth in Schedule X or to the like effect.
1. Inserted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 12-11.2001.

143. Distress.—(1) If the person on whom a notice of demand has been

served under sub-section (3) of section 142, does not within thirty days from
the service of such notice of demand, either,—
(a) pay the sum demanded in the notice, or
706 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(b) show cause to the satisfaction of the municipal council, or of such

officer as the municipal council by rule may appoint in this behalf,
or of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer, if any, why he
should not pay the same, or
(c) prefer an appeal in accordance with the provisions of section 150
against the demand,
he shall be deemed to be in default, and thereupon such sum not exceeding
twenty per cent of the amount of the tax as may be determined by the
Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, may be recovered from him by
way of penalty, in addition to the amount of tax as an arrear of tax; and the
tax and penalty with all costs of the recovery may be levied under a warrant
caused to be issued by the municipal council in the form set forth in
Schedule XI or to the like effect, by distress and sale of the movable
property or attachment and sale of the immovable property of the defaulter:
Provided that where any measures precautionary or otherwise have been
taken in respect of any such property for the recovery of any sum claimed
by the Government, any proceedings under this Chapter in respect of such
property shall abate.
(2) Every warrant issued under this section shall be signed by the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer, of the municipal council causing
the same to be issued.
(3) Where the property is in the area under the control of the municipal
council, the warrant shall be addressed to an officer of the municipal council.
Where the property is in another 1[municipal area]1 constituted under this Act
or 2[the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976]2, or in a cantonment or
in a place which is not a 1[municipal area]1 constituted under this Act, the
warrant shall be addressed to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer
of the Corporation or of the municipal council concerned or the Executive
Officer of the cantonment or to the Tahsildar of the taluk, as the case may
be: provided that such Municipal Commissioner, Chief Officer, Executive
Officer or Tahsildar may endorse such warrant to a subordinate officer.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

2. Substituted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29-11.2000.

(4) It shall be lawful, for any officer to whom a warrant issued under sub-
section (2) is addressed or endorsed, if the warrant contains a special order
authorising him in this behalf, but not otherwise, to break open, at any time
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 707

between sunrise an sunset, any outer or inner door or window of a building,

in order to make the distress directed in the warrant, if he has reasonable
grounds for believing that such building contains property which is liable to
seizure under the warrant, and if after notifying his authority and purpose
and duly demanding admittance, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance:
Provided that such officer shall not enter or break open the door of any
apartment occupied by women, until he has given three hours’ notice of his
intention, and has given such women an opportunity to withdraw.
(5) It shall also be lawful for any such officer, authorised by the warrant,
to distrain, wherever it may be found, any movable property or attach any
immovable property of the person named in the warrant issued under sub-
section (1), as defaulter, subject to the following conditions, exceptions and
exemptions, namely:—
(a) the following property shall not be distrained:—
(i) necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the defaulter, his wife
and children, and their cooking and eating utensils,
(ii) tools of artizans;
(iii) books of account; or
(iv) when the defaulter is an agriculturist, his implements of
husbandry, seed, grain, and such cattle as may be necessary to enable the
defaulter to earn his livelihood;
(b) the distress shall not be excessive, that is to say, the property
distrained shall be as nearly as possible equal in value to the amount
recoverable under the warrant, and if any articles have been distrained
which, in the opinion of a person authorised by or under sub-section (2) to
sign a warrant or of the person to whom the warrant was addressed, should
not have been so distrained, they shall forthwith be released;
(c) the officer shall, on distraining the property forthwith make an
inventory thereof and shall before removing the same give to the person in
possession thereof at the time of distraint a written notice in the form set
forth in Schedule XII;
(d) (i) when the property is immovable, the attachment shall be made
by an order prohibiting the defaulter from transferring or charging the
property in any way and all persons from taking any benefit from such
transfer or charge;
708 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(ii) the order shall be proclaimed at some place on or adjacent to

the property by beat of drum or other customary mode, and a copy of the
order shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of the property and upon the
notice board of the municipal office, and also, when the property is land
paying revenue to the Government in the office of the Tahsildar of the Taluk
in which the land is situate;
(e) any transfer of or charge on the property attached or of any interest
therein made without the written permission of the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer shall be void as against all claims of the municipal council
enforceable under the attachment.
144. Sale of goods and property distrained or attached.—(1) When
the property seized is subject to speedy and natural decay, or when the
expense of keeping it in custody together with the amount to be levied is
likely to exceed its value, the officer by whom the warrant was signed, shall
at once give notice to the person in whose possession the property was
when distrained, to the effect that it will be sold at once, and shall sell it
accordingly by public auction unless the amount mentioned in the warrant is
forthwith paid.
(2) If not sold at once under sub-section (1), the property distrained or a
sufficient portion thereof or if the property attached is immovable property, a
sufficient portion thereof may, unless the warrant is suspended by the
person who signed it, or the sum due by the defaulter together with all costs
incidental to the notice, warrant and distress or attachment and detention of
property, is paid, be, or the expiry of the time specified in the notice served
by the officer executing the warrant, sold by public auction under the orders
of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer, and the proceeds, or such
part thereof as shall be requisite, shall be applied firstly in discharge of any
sum due to the Government in respect of such property and secondly in
discharge of the sum due and of all such incidental costs as aforesaid.
(3) Where the sum due together with costs is paid by the defaulter as
aforesaid, the attachment of any immovable property shall be deemed to
have been removed. Sale of movable or immovable property under sub-
section (2) shall be held in the manner laid down in section 145 and the
rules framed in that behalf.
145. Procedure in respect of sales, etc.—(1) When any sale of either
movable or immovable property is ordered under the provisions of this
Chapter, the officer concerned shall issue a proclamation of the intended
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 709

sale, specifying the time and place of sale, together with any other
particulars as he may think necessary. Such proclamation shall be made by
beat of drum at such places and in such other manner as the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer may direct.
(2) A notice of the intended sale of immovable property and of the time
and place thereof shall be affixed on the notice board of the municipal office,
the office of the Tahsildar of the taluk in which the immovable property is
situated and at such other places as may be prescribed. In the case of
movable property, a notice of the intended sale shall be affixed on the notice
board of the municipal office and at such other places as may be prescribed.
The notice shall also be published in such other manner as may be
(3) No sale shall be held on a public holiday nor until the expiration of at
least thirty days in the case of immovable property or seven days in the
case of movable property, from the latest date on which any of the notices
referred to in sub-section (2) have been published.
(4) If the defaulter or any person on his behalf pays the sum due and all
other charges, at any time before the property is knocked down, to the
officer conducting the sale, the sale shall be stayed.
(5) In respect of sale of movable property (other than property sold under
sub-section (1) of section 144), the person who is declared to be the
purchaser shall deposit immediately twenty-five per cent of the amount of
his bid, and in default of such deposit, the property shall forthwith be again
put up for auction and sold. The full amount of purchase money shall be
paid by the purchaser on the next working day after the day on which he is
informed of the sale having been confirmed by the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer. On payment of such full amount of the purchase money, the
purchaser shall be granted a receipt for the same and the sale shall become
absolute as against all persons whatsoever.
(6) In respect of sale of immovable property, the person who is declared
to be the purchaser shall deposit twenty-five per cent of the amount of his
bid, and, in default of such deposit, the property shall forthwith be again put
up for auction and sold. The full amount of purchase money shall be paid by
the purchaser before the sixteenth day from that on which the sale of the
property took place.
710 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(7) In default of payment of the full amount of purchase money within the
period specified under sub-section (5) or sub-section (6), the Municipal
Commissioner or the Chief Officer may in his discretion direct that the
deposit, after deducting therefrom the expenses of the sale, in whole or in
part, shall be forfeited to the municipal council, and that the property shall be
resold, and thereupon the deposit shall stand forfeited as directed and the
defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claim to the property or to any part of the
sum for which it may be subsequently sold. If the proceeds of the resale
which is held by reason of the default of the purchaser is less than the price
bid by such defaulting purchaser, the difference shall be recoverable in the
manner provided in this Chapter from him by the municipal council as an
amount due from him to the municipal council.
(8) Every resale of property in default of payment of the purchase money,
or after the postponement of the first sale, shall, except when such resale
takes place forthwith, be made after the issue of a fresh notice in the
manner specified in this section for original sales.
(9) Any person owning or claiming any interest in immovable property
sold under this section may at any time within thirty days from the date of
the sale deposit in the municipal office,-
(i) a sum equal to ten per cent of the purchase money; and
(ii) a sum equal to the sum due for which the immovable property was
sold together with interest at nine per cent per annum thereon and
the expenses of attachment, management, and sale and other
costs due in respect of the sum due;
and may apply to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to set aside
the sale.
On such deposit and application being made, the Municipal
Commissioner or the Chief Officer shall by order set aside the sale and shall
repay to the purchaser the purchase money deposited by him together with
the ten per centum deposited by the applicant:
Provided that if two or more persons make such deposit and application,
the application of the first depositor shall be accepted:
Provided further that if the applicant is also an applicant under sub-
section (10), his application under this sub-section shall not be considered
unless he withdraws his application under sub-section (10).
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 711

(10) At any time within thirty days from the date of sale of immovable
property, an application may be made to the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer to set aside the sale on the ground of some material
irregularity, or mistake or fraud, in publishing or conducting it; but save as
otherwise provided in sub-section (11), no sale shall be set aside on the
ground of any such irregularity or mistake, unless the applicant proves to the
satisfaction of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer that he has
sustained substantial injury by reason thereof. If the application is allowed,
the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall set aside the sale and
direct a fresh sale.
(11) On the expiration of thirty days from the date of sale, if no application
is made under sub-section (9) or sub-section (10), or if an application made
under sub-section (10) is rejected, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer shall make an order confirming the sale:
Provided that if the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer considers
that in the interest of justice the sale should be set aside for any reason, he
may, for reasons to be recorded in writing and on such conditions as he may
deem proper set aside the sale.
(12) Whenever the sale of any property is not confirmed or is set aside,
the purchaser shall be entitled to refund of his deposit or purchase money,
as the case may be.
(13) If any claim to any movable property distrained under this Chapter is
made by any person, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall after
a summary enquiry, admit or reject the claim. If the claim is admitted wholly
or partly, the property shall be dealt with accordingly. Except in so far as the
claim is admitted, the property shall be sold and the title of the purchaser
shall be good for all purposes, and the proceeds shall be disposable as
provided in section 144.
(14) Where the municipal council itself purchases any immovable
property under sub-section (16) it shall on payment by the defaulter within
one year from the date of sale of the amount of bid offered by municipal
council and the expenses of attachment, management, sale and other costs
together with interest at nine per cent per annum thereon, reconvey the
property to the defaulter.
(15) After sale of the immovable property by auction as aforesaid, the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall put the person declared to be
712 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

the purchaser in possession of the same and shall grant him a certificate to
the effect that he has purchased the property to which the certificate refers.
(16) It shall be lawful for the municipal council to offer a bid in the case of
any immovable property put up for auction, provided the previous approval
of the Deputy Commissioner is obtained to such bidding.
(17) The surplus of the sale proceeds, if any, shall immediately after the
sale of the property be credited to the municipal fund, and notice of such
credit shall be given at the same time to the owner or person in whose
possession the property was at the time of distraint or attachment, and the
same shall be refunded to such person on a written application if made
within three years from the date of the notice. Any sum not claimed within
three years from the date of such notice shall be the property of the
municipal council.
146. Sale outside the district.—Where the warrant is addressed outside
the 1[municipal area]1, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may, by
endorsement direct the officer to whom the warrant is addressed, to sell the
property distrained or attached; in such case it shall be lawful for such
officer to sell the property and to do all things incidental to the sale in
accordance with the provisions of sections 144 and 145 and to exercise the
powers and perform the duties of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer under sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 144 in respect of such sale
except the power of suspending the warrant. Such officer shall, after
deducting all costs of recovery incurred by him, remit the amount recovered
under the warrant to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer by whom
it was issued who shall dispose of the same in accordance with the
provisions of section 144.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
147. Procedure when distraint is impracticable.—(1) If, for any
reason, the distraint or a sufficient distraint of the defaulter’s property under
the foregoing provisions of this Chapter is impracticable, the municipal
council may prosecute the defaulter before a magistrate of the first class:
Provided that an occupier of a 1[building or vacant land]1, in respect of
which any tax remains unpaid in whole or in part, shall not be liable to
prosecution in respect of any sum recoverable from him unless he has
wilfully prevented distraint or a sufficient distraint of movable property found
on the 1[building or vacant land]1.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11.2001.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 713

(2) Every person who is prosecuted under sub-section (1), shall be liable
on proof, to the satisfaction of the magistrate, that he wilfully omitted to pay
the amount due by him, to pay a fine not exceeding twice the amount which
may be due by him on account of,—
(a) the tax and warrant fee, if any, and
(b) if the distraint has taken place, the distraint fee and the expenses
incidental to the detention and sale, if any, of the property distrained.
(3) Whenever any person is convicted of an offence under sub-section
(2), the magistrate shall, in addition to any fine which may be imposed,
recover summarily and pay over to the municipal council the sum, if any,
due under the heads specified in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (2), and
may in his discretion also recover summarily and pay to the municipal
council such amount, if any, as he may fix as the cost of the prosecution.
148. Summary proceeding may be taken against persons about to
leave the 1[municipal area]1.—(1) If the municipal council has reason to
believe that any person from whom any sum recoverable under the
provisions of this chapter is due or is about to become due, is about to leave
the 1[municipal area]1, the municipal council may cause a bill for the sum
due or about to become due to be presented to such person and demand
immediate payment thereof.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(2) If, on presentation of such bill, the said person does not forthwith pay
the sum due or about to become due by him, the amount shall be leviable
by distress and sale of the movable property or attachment and sale of
immovable property of the defaulter in the manner hereinbefore prescribed,
except that it shall not be necessary to serve upon the defaulter any notice
of demand and the municipal council’s warrant for distress or attachment
and sale may be issued and executed without any delay.
149. Fees.—Fees for,—
(a) every notice issued under sub-section (3) of section 142;
(b) every warrant issued under sub-section (1) of section 143;
(c) every distress or attachment made under sub-section (5) of section
143; and
the cost of maintaining any live-stock seized under sub-section (5) of section
143; shall be chargeable at the rates, respectively, specified in that behalf in
714 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

the rules and shall be included in the costs of recovery to be levied under
section 144.
150. Appeal to magistrate.— (1) Appeals against any claim included in
a notice of demand served under sub-section (3) of section 142 or under
sub-section (1) of section 148 may be made to 1[the judicial magistrate
having jurisdiction over the area concerned.]1
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1.1967.

But no such appeal shall be heard and determined unless,—

(a) the appeal is brought within one month next after service of the
notice complained of; and
(b) an application in writing, stating the grounds on which the claim is
disputed, has been made as follows, that is to say:-
[(i) in the case of property tax, to the Chief Officer or the Municipal
Commissioner, as the case may be, or the authorised officer within fifteen
days next after the service of notice under sub-section (3) of section 142.]1
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19-11.2001.
(ii) in the case of any other claim for which a notice of demand
served has been presented under sub-section (3) of section 142, to the
municipal council within fifteen days next after the service of such notice;
(c) the amount 1[admitted by]1 the appellant has been deposited by
him in the municipal office.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
(2) The decision of the magistrate upon any appeal, shall at the instance
of either party, be subject to revision by the court to which appeals from his
decisions ordinarily lie.
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) the decision of a
Magistrate on any appeal or revision under this section shall be final and
shall be implemented by the municipal council.
(4) Save as provided in this Act, no entry in the 1[property tax register]1
made under the provisions of this Act and no sum claimed by any person
under this Chapter shall be called in question before any court or other
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11.2001.
151. Liability of 1[vacant land]1, building, etc., for tax.—All sums due
on account of any tax imposed in the form of 1[property tax]1 mentioned in
section 110 shall subject to prior payment of land revenue, if any, due to the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 715

Government thereupon, be a first charge upon the 1[building or vacant

land]1, in respect of which such tax is leviable, and upon the movable
property, if any, found within or upon such 1[building or vacant land]1, and
belonging to the person liable for such tax or taxes and shall be recoverable
as arrears of land revenue:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19-11.2003.
Provided that no arrear of any such tax shall be recovered from any
occupier who is not the owner if it has been due for more than three years or
for a period during which such occupier was not in occupation.
152. Suspension of power to recover by distress and sale.— The
Government may, at any time by notification, suspend the operation of
sections 143 and 144 in any 1[municipal area]1, and from such date as shall
be fixed in this behalf in the notification, every amount due on account of
any tax theretofore recoverable under the said sections, shall be
recoverable on application to a magistrate of the first class, in the manner
provided in sub-section (2) of section 276 for the recovery of such fines as
are therein referred to, and not otherwise.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
153. Receipt to be given for all payments.— For all sums paid on
account of any tax under this Act, a receipt stating the amount, and the tax
on account of which it has been paid shall be tendered by the person
receiving the same.
154. Recovery of rent on land.—(1) Where any sum is due on account
of rent from a person to the municipal council in respect of land vested in, or
entrusted to the management of, the municipal council, the municipal
council may apply to the Deputy Commissioner to recover any arrear of
such rent as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner on being satisfied that the sum is due shall
proceed to recover it as an arrear of land revenue.
155. Power of municipal council to undertake works and incur
expenditure for improvement, etc.—(1) The municipal council may,
subject to the control of the Government,-
(a) draw up detailed schemes (hereinafter referred to as ‘improvement
scheme’) for the improvement or expansion or both of the areas within the
[municipal area]1;
716 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(b) undertake any works and incur any expenditure for the
improvement or development of any such area and for the framing and
execution of such improvement schemes as may be necessary from time to
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) The municipal council may also from time to time make any new or
additional improvement schemes, on its own initiative, if satisfied of the
sufficiency of its resources.
(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, or in
any other law for the time being in force, the Government may, whenever it
deems it necessary, require the municipal council to take up any
improvement scheme or work and execute it subject to such terms and
conditions as may be specified by the Government.
(4) Upon the passing of a resolution by the municipal council that an
improvement scheme under this section is necessary in respect of any
locality, it shall be lawful for any person either generally or specially
authorised by the municipal council in this behalf and for the municipal
servants assisting him, to do all such acts on or in respect of land in that
locality as it would be lawful for an officer duly authorised by the
Government to act under sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition
Act, 1894, and for his servants and workmen to do thereunder; and the
provisions contained in section 5 of the said Act shall likewise be applicable
in respect of damage caused by any of the acts first mentioned.
156. Particulars to be provided for in an improvement scheme.—
Every improvement scheme under section 155,—
(1) shall within the limits of the area comprised in the scheme, provide
(a) the acquisition of any land which will, in the opinion of the
municipal council be necessary for or affected by the execution of the
(b) relaying out all or any land including the construction and
reconstruction of buildings and the formation and alteration of streets,
(c) draining streets so formed or altered;
(2) may, within the limits aforesaid provide for,—
(a) raising any land which the municipal council may deem expedient
to raise for the better drainage of the locality,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 717

(b) forming open spaces for the better ventilation of the area
comprised in the scheme or any adjoining area,
(c) the whole or any part of the sanitary arrangements required,
(d) the establishment or construction of markets and other public
requirements or conveniences; and
(3) may within and without the limits aforesaid, provide for the
construction of buildings for the accommodation of the poorer and working
classes, including the whole or part of such classes to be displaced in the
execution of the scheme.
157. Procedure on completion of scheme.—(1) Upon the completion
of any improvement scheme, the municipal council shall draw up a
notification stating the fact of a scheme having been made and the limits of
the area comprised therein, and naming a place where particulars of the
scheme, a map of the area comprised therein and a statement specifying
the land which it is proposed to acquire and of the land in regard to which it
is proposed to recover a betterment fee may be seen at all reasonable
hours; and shall cause a copy of the said notification to be published during
three consecutive weeks in the official Gazette and posted up in some
conspicuous part of the municipal office and the Tahsildar’s office.
(2) During the thirty days next following the day on which such notification
is published in the official Gazette, the municipal council shall serve a notice
on every person whose name appears in the assessment list of the
municipal council or in the land revenue register as being primarily liable to
pay the property tax or land revenue assessment on any 1[building or vacant
land]1 which it is proposed to acquire in executing the scheme, or in regard
to which the municipal council proposes to recover a betterment fee, stating
that the municipal council proposes to acquire such 1[building or vacant
land]1 or to recover such betterment fee for the purpose of carrying out an
improvement scheme and requiring an answer within thirty days from the
date of service of the notice stating whether the person so served, objects to
such acquisition of the 1[building or vacant land]1 or to the recovery of such
betterment fee, and if the person objects, the reasons for such objection.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(3) Such notice shall be signed by, or by the order of the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer and shall be served in the manner specified
in section 262.
718 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

158. The Scheme to be then forwarded to Government for

sanction.—(1) Upon compliance with the foregoing provisions with respect
to the publication and service of notices of the schemes, the municipal
council shall after consideration of any representation or answer received
under section 157 and after inserting in the scheme such modifications as it
may think fit, apply to the Government for sanction to the scheme.
(2) The application for sanction shall, save in the case provided for in
sub-section (3), be accompanied by,—
(a) a description with full particulars of the scheme including the
reasons for any modifications inserted therein;
(b) complete plans and estimates of the cost of executing the scheme;
(c) a statement specifying the land proposed to be acquired;
(d) any representation received under sub-section (2) of section 157;
(e) a schedule showing the rateable value, as entered in the municipal
assessment book, at the date of the publication of a notification relating to
the land under section 157, or the land assessment, of all land specified in
the statement under clause (c); and
(f) such further particulars, if any, as may be prescribed.
(3) When under any improvement scheme provision is made for the
construction of dwellings for the poorer and working classes, the municipal
council may, after complying with the provisions of section 157, forthwith
submit to the Government for sanction plans and estimates for the
construction of such dwellings, and on receipt of such sanction the
provisions of section 159 shall with all necessary modifications, be
applicable to the part of the scheme providing for the construction of such
dwellings, as if such part were the scheme.
159. On receipt of sanction, declaration to be published giving
particulars of land to be acquired.—(1) On receipt of the sanction of the
Government, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall forward a
declaration for notification by the Government, stating the fact of such
sanction and that the land proposed to be acquired by the municipal council
for the purpose of the scheme is required for a public purpose.
(2) The declaration shall be published in the official Gazette and shall
state the limits within which the land proposed to be acquired is situate, the
purpose for which it is needed, its approximate area, and the place where a
plan of the land may be inspected. The publication of such declaration shall
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 719

be deemed to be the publication of a declaration under section 6 of the Land

Acquisition Act, 1894.
(3) The said declaration shall be conclusive evidence that the land is
needed for a public purpose, and the municipal council shall, upon the
publication of the said declaration, proceed to execute the scheme.
(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 155 and sub-
sections (2) and (3) of this section, the provisions of the Land Acquisition
Act, 1894, shall be applicable for purposes of acquisition of land in respect
of an improvement scheme under this Chapter; and after the land vests in
the Government under section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, the
Deputy Commissioner shall, upon payment of the cost of the acquisition and
upon the municipal council agreeing to pay any further costs which may be
incurred on account of the acquisition, transfer the land to the municipal
council, and the land shall thereupon vest in the said municipal council.
160. Payment of betterment fee.—(1) When, by the making of any
improvement scheme, any land in the area comprised in the scheme which
is not required for the execution thereof will, in the opinion of the municipal
council be increased in value, the municipal council, in framing the scheme,
may declare that a betterment fee shall be payable by the owner of the land
or any person having an interest therein in respect of the increase in value
of the land resulting from the execution of the scheme.
(2) Such increase in value shall be the amount by which the value of the
land, on the completion of the execution of the scheme, estimated as if the
land were clear of buildings exceeds the value of the land, prior to the
execution of the scheme estimated in like manner, and the betterment fee
shall be one-third of such increase in value.
161. Assessment of betterment fee by the municipal council.—(1)
When it appears to the municipal council that an improvement scheme is
sufficiently advanced to enable the amount of the betterment fee to be
determined, the municipal council shall, by a resolution passed in this behalf
declare that for the purpose of determining such fee the execution of the
scheme shall be deemed to have been completed and shall thereupon give
notice in writing to every person on whom a notice in respect of land to be
assessed has been served under sub-section (2) of section 157 or to the
successor in interest of such person, that the municipal council proposes to
assess the amount of the betterment fee payable in respect of such land
under section 160.
720 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) The municipal council shall then assess the amount of betterment fee
payable by each person concerned after giving such person an opportunity
to be heard and such person shall within three months from the date of
receipt of notice in writing of such assessment from the municipal council,
inform the municipal council in writing whether or not he accepts the
(3) When the assessment proposed by the municipal council is accepted
by the person concerned within the period specified in sub-section (2), such
assessment shall be final.
162. Settlement of betterment fee by arbitrator.—(1) If the person
concerned does not accept the assessment made by the municipal council
or fails to give the municipal council the information required under sub-
section (2) of section 161 within the period specified therein, the matter shall
be determined by an arbitrator appointed by the Government.
(2) An arbitrator appointed under sub-section (1) shall be a person
(i) has for at least five years held a judicial office in the State; or
(ii) has for at least five years been an Advocate.
(3) If the Government is satisfied after such inquiry, as it thinks fit, that
any arbitrator appointed under sub-section (1) has misconducted himself, it
may remove him.
(4) If any such arbitrator dies, resigns, becomes disqualified, is removed,
or refuses to perform or in the opinion of the Government, neglects to
perform or becomes incapable of performing his functions, the Government
shall forthwith appoint another arbitrator.
(5) When the arbitrator has made his award, he shall sign it and forward it
to the municipal council and such award shall, subject to the provisions of
sub-section (6), be final and conclusive and binding on all persons.
(6) Any party aggrieved by an award including the finding on costs under
sub-section (3) of section 164, if any, may, within thirty days from the date of
the communication thereof, appeal to the District Judge having jurisdiction
over the 1[municipal area]1 and any order or decision of the said District
Judge shall be final and conclusive and binding on all persons.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 721

163. Fee for arbitrator.—The municipal council shall pay to the arbitrator
a fee to be determined by the Government in respect of the whole of the
scheme for which his services are utilised.
164. Powers and duties of arbitrator.—(1) The arbitrator shall give
notice of his proceedings and conduct them in the manner prescribed and
communicate the substance of his award in writing to the parties concerned:
Provided that every party to such proceedings shall be entitled to appear
before the arbitrator either in person or by his authorised agent.
(2) The arbitrator shall have all the powers of a civil court under the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908), for the purpose of taking
evidence on oath and of enforcing the attendance of witnesses and
compelling the production of documents and other material objects.
(3) The costs of and incidental to all proceedings before the arbitrator
shall be in his discretion and the arbitrator shall have full power to determine
by whom or out of what property and to what extent such costs are to be
paid and to give all necessary directions for the purpose.
165. Municipal council to give notice to persons liable to payment of
betterment fee.— When the amount of the betterment fee payable in
respect of land in the area comprised in the scheme has been determined
under section 161 or 162, as the case may be, the municipal council shall,
by a notice in writing to be served on all persons liable to such payment, fix
a date by which such payment shall be made, and interest at the rate of four
per cent per annum upon any amount outstanding shall be payable from
that date.
166. Agreement to make payment of betterment fee a charge on
land.—Any person liable to pay a betterment fee in respect of any land,
may, instead of paying the same to the municipal council execute an
agreement with the municipal council to leave the payment outstanding as a
charge on his interest in the land, subject to the payment for a period not
exceeding five years of interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, the
first annual payment of such interest to be made one year from the date
referred to in section 165.
167. Payment of betterment fee first charge.—(1) Every payment due
from any person in respect of a betterment fee and every charge referred to
in section 166 shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other
enactment and notwithstanding the existence of any mortgage or other
722 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

charge, whether legal or equitable, created either before or after the

commencement of this Act, and subject to prior payment of land revenue
due to the Government, be the first charge upon the interest of such person
in such land.
(2) If any instalment of interest due under an agreement executed in
pursuance of section 166, is not paid on the date on which it is due, the
betterment fee shall become payable on that date, in addition to the said
(3) At any time after an agreement has been executed in pursuance of
section 166 any person may pay off the charge created thereby, with
interest, at six per cent per annum up to the date of such payment.
168. Recovery of money payable in pursuance of section 161, 162 or
166.—All moneys payable in respect of any land by any person in respect of
a betterment fee under section 161 or section 162 or by any person under
the agreement executed in pursuance of section 166 shall be recoverable in
the manner provided in Chapter VII by the municipal council together with
interest due, up to the date of realisation, at the rate of four per cent per
annum from the said person or his successor in interest in such land.
169. Agreement of payment not to bar acquisition under a fresh
declaration.—If any land, in respect of which the payment of a betterment
fee has been accepted in pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 161 or has
been made after its determination under section 162 or in respect of which
an agreement in regard to the betterment fee has been executed under
section 166, be subsequently required for any of the purposes of this
Chapter the payment or agreement shall not be deemed to prevent the
acquisition of the land in pursuance of a fresh declaration published under
section 6 of Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
170. Forming of new extensions or layouts or making new private
streets.—(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law for the
time being in force, no person shall form or attempt to form any extension or
lay-out for the purpose of constructing buildings thereon or make any new
private street without the express sanction in writing of the municipal council
and except in accordance with such conditions as the municipal council may
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 723

(2) Any person intending to form an extension or lay-out or to make a

new private street, shall send to the municipal council, a written application
with plans and sections showing the following particulars:—
(a) the laying out of the sites of the area upon streets, lanes, or open
(b) the intended level, direction and width of the streets;
(c) the street alignment, and the building line, and the proposed sites
abutting the streets;
(d) the arrangements to be made for levelling, paving, metalling,
flagging, channelling, sewering, draining, conserving and lighting the streets
and for adequate drinking water supply.
(3) The provisions of this Act and of any rules or bye-laws made under it
as to the level and width of streets and the height of buildings abutting
thereon, shall apply also in the case of streets referred to in sub-section (2)
and all the particulars referred to in that sub-section shall be subject to the
approval of the municipal council.
(4) Within six months after the receipt of any application under sub-
section (2), the municipal council shall either sanction the forming of the
extension or lay-out or making of street on such conditions as it may think fit
or disallow it, or ask for further information with respect to it.
(5) The municipal council may require the applicant to deposit, before
sanctioning the application, the sums necessary for meeting the expenditure
for making roads, side-drains, culverts, underground drainage and water
supply and lighting and the charges for such other purposes as such
applicant may be called upon by the municipal council, provided the
applicant also agrees to transfer the ownership of the roads, drains, water
supply mains and open spaces laid out by him to the municipal council
permanently without claiming any compensation therefor.
(6) Such sanction may be refused,—
(i) if the proposed street would conflict with any arrangements which
have been made or which are, in the opinion of the municipal council, likely
to be made, for carrying out any general scheme of street improvement or
other schemes of improvement or expansion by the municipal council,
(ii) if the proposed street does not conform to the provisions of this
Act, or the rules or bye-laws referred to in sub-section (3), or
724 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(iii) if the proposed street is not designed so as to connect at one end

with a street which is already open.
(iv) if the lay-out in the opinion of the municipal council cannot be fitted
with any existing or proposed expansion or improvement schemes of the
municipal council.
(7) If the municipal council requires further information from the applicant
under sub-section (4), no steps shall be taken by him to form the extension
or lay-out or make the street until orders have been passed by the Municipal
Council after the receipt of such information:
Provided that the passing of such orders shall not, in any case, be
delayed for more than six months after the municipal council has received
all the information which it considers necessary to enable it to deal finally
with the said application.
(8) If the municipal council does not refuse sanction within six months
from the date of receipt of the application under sub-section (2), or from the
date of receipt of all information asked for under sub-section (7), such
sanction shall be deemed to have been granted and the applicant may
proceed to form the extension or layout or to make the street but not so as
to contravene any of the provisions of this Act or the rules or bye-laws made
under it.
(9) Any person who forms or attempts to form any extension or lay-out in
contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1), or makes any street
without or otherwise than in conformity with the orders of the municipal
council under this section, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
one thousand rupees.
171. Alteration or demolition of extension, lay-out or street.—(1) If
any person forms an extension or lay-out or makes any street referred to in
section 170 or puts up any building without or otherwise than the conformity
with the orders of the municipal council under section 170, the municipal
council may, whether or not the offender be prosecuted under this Act, by
(a) require the offender to show sufficient cause, by a written
statement signed by him and sent to the municipal council on or before such
day as may be specified in the notice, why such extension, lay-out or street
should not be altered to the satisfaction of the municipal council or if such
alteration be deemed impracticable by the municipal council, why such
extension, lay-out or street should not be demolished, or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 725

(b) require the offender to appear before the municipal council either
personally or by a duly authorised agent in such way and at such time and
place as may be specified in the notice and show cause as aforesaid.
(2) If any person on whom such notice is served, fails to show sufficient
cause to the satisfaction of the municipal council why such extension, lay-
out or street should not be so altered or demolished, the municipal council
may pass an order directing the alteration demolition of such extension, lay-
out or street.
172. Power of Municipal Council to order work to be carried out or
to carry it out itself in default.—(1) The municipal council may,-
(a) if any person who applies for permission under section 170 and is
permitted expressly by the municipal council to carry out himself
the works relating to the forming of the extension or lay-out or the
making of a street, does not so carry it out; or
(b) if any private street or part thereof is not levelled, paved, metalled,
flagged, channelled, sewered, drained, conserved or lighted to the
satisfaction of the municipal council,
by notice, require the person forming the extension or lay-out or the owners
of such street or part and the owners of buildings and lands fronting or
abutting on such street or part, including in cases where the owners of the
land and of the building thereon are different, the owners both of the land
and of the building, to carry out any work which, in its opinion, may be
necessary and within such time as may be specified in such notice.
(2) If any such work is not carried out within the time specified in the
notice under sub-section (1), the municipal council may, if it thinks fit,
execute it or cause it to be executed and the expenses incurred shall be
paid by the persons or owners referred to in sub-section (1) in such
proportions as may be determined by the municipal council. Such expenses
may be recovered from the persons concerned as if they were arrears of
land revenue.
173. Establishment of Improvement Board.—(1) The Government may
after consulting the municipal council, for the purpose of undertaking and
executing under this Chapter improvement schemes in any 1[municipal
area]1, direct the establishment of an Improvement Board in accordance with
the provisions of this Chapter.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
726 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) When the Government directs the establishment of an Improvement

Board under sub-section (1) a Board called the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Improvement Board shall be constituted consisting of 1[seven]1 members as
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
(a) The Chairman of the Board to be appointed by the Government:
[(b) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-11.1976.
(c) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer for the time being of the
municipal council;
[(d) the Executive Engineer concerned and the nominee of the Director
of Town Planning specified by the Government;]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
(e) [Two] members to be appointed by the Government;
1 1

1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.

(f) 1[Two]1 members to be elected by the municipal councillors of the
[municipal area]2 from among themselves in the prescribed manner, or in
default of election as aforesaid, to be appointed by the Government from
among the municipal councillors of the 2[municipal area]2.
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(3) Every Improvement Board constituted under this section shall, until
dissolved under sub-section (15), be a body corporate and shall have
perpetual succession and a common seal with power, subject to the
provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property and to
contract and may by the said name sue and be sued.
(4) The names of the Chairman and members, other than ex-officio
members, of the Improvement Board shall be notified in the official Gazette.
(5) The term of office of the Chairman and other members, not being ex-
officio members, of an Improvement Board shall be three years from the
date of publication of their names in the official Gazette and shall include
any further period which may elapse between the expiration of the said
period of three years and the date of publication in the official Gazette of the
names of the Chairman and other members of the succeeding Board.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 727

(6) Any casual vacancy in the office of a member occasioned by the

death, resignation or removal of such member shall be filled up as soon as
may be, in the same manner, by the same authorities, and subject, as far as
may be, to the same provisions as are applicable in the case of original
appointments and elections of the members of the Board:
Provided that the members so chosen shall hold office so long only as
the vacating member would have held the same, if such vacancy had not
(7) The Chairman and other members, not being ex-officio members,
shall be entitled to receive such allowances as may be prescribed and the
allowances shall be paid from the funds of the Improvement Board.
(8) A person, other than a person who is an ex-officio member, shall be
disqualified for being chosen as, or for being, a member of an Improvement
Board, if he,-
(a) holds any office of profit under the Board or the Municipal council
or the Government; or
(b) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;
(c) is an undischarged insolvent or has applied for being adjudged
insolvent; or
(d) has been convicted of an offence, which involves, in the opinion of
the Government, moral turpitude; or
(e) has directly or indirectly by himself, by his wife or son or any other
near relative dependent on him, or by any partner, any share or interest in
any subsisting contract or employment with, by, or on behalf of, the
Improvement Board; or
(f) is a secretary or manager or other salaried officer of any body
corporate which has any share or interest in any contract or employment
with, by or on behalf of, the Improvement Board:
Provided that a person shall not be disqualified under clause (e) or be
deemed to have any share or interest in any contract or employment with,
by, or on behalf of, the Improvement Board, by reason only of his being a
share-holder of a body corporate which has entered into any contract with
the Board, if he has disclosed to the Government the nature and extent of
the share held by him from time to time.
728 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(9) The Government may after such inquiry as it deems necessary,

remove from office the Chairman or any other member, not being an ex-
officio member, if he,—
(a) refuses to act; or
(b) has become incapable of acting; or
(c) has, in the opinion of the Government, abused his position in the
Board so as to render his continuance on the Board detrimental to its
interest; or
(d) fails, without such reason as may in the opinion of the Government
be sufficient, to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board; or
(e) ceases to reside within the limits of the 1[municipal area]1 in respect
of which the Improvement Board is established; or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(f) has since his appointment incurred, in the opinion of the

Government, any of the disqualifications specified in sub-section (8); or
(g) is otherwise, in the opinion of the Government unsuitable to
continue on the Improvement Board:
Provided that no order of removal under this sub-section shall be made,
unless the member concerned has been given an opportunity to submit his
explanation to the Government.
(10) The Improvement Board shall meet at the office of the Board and
shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to transaction of business as
may be prescribed.
(11) No act of an Improvement Board shall be deemed to be invalid by
reason of any defect in the constitution of the Board or on the ground that
any member thereof was not entitled to hold or continue in office by reason
of any disqualification or of any irregularity in his appointment or election or
by reason of any such act having been done during the period of any
vacancy in the office of any member of the Board.
(12) Such members of the staff of an Improvement Board as may be
prescribed shall be appointed by the 1[Direct or Municipal Administration]1
from members of the 2[Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service]2. The
Board may, with the sanction of the Government appoint such other
members of its staff as it deems necessary.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
2. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 729

(13) The Improvement Board may enter into and perform all such
contracts as it may consider necessary or expedient for carrying out any of
the purposes of this Chapter and every contract shall be made on behalf of
the Board by the Chairman and shall be entered into after complying with
such conditions and in such manner as may be prescribed; and a contract
not executed in the manner provided in this sub-section and the rules made
in this behalf shall not be binding on the Board.
(14) It shall be the duty of the Improvement Board to prepare
improvement schemes, and execute them and perform such other functions
for purposes of the improvement of the 1[municipal area]1 as the
Government may direct from time to time.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(15) When the Government is satisfied that all such improvement

schemes as it deems necessary have been executed by the Improvement
Board, and that such further measures as may be necessary for the
improvement of the 1[municipal area]1 may conveniently be undertaken by
the municipal council, the Government may by notification declare that the
Improvement Board shall stand dissolved with effect from such date as shall
be specified in such notification. Every such notification shall include
provisions relating to the devolution of the assets and liabilities of the Board,
the disposal or management of property vested in the Board, the completion
of incomplete works, and all other matters incidental to the dissolution of the
Board and the winding up of its affairs:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that all immovable properties vested in the Board on the date of
its dissolution and not expressly reserved to Government in the said
notification shall thereafter vest in the municipal council.
174. Property, finance, powers, etc., of Improvement Board.— (1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Government may, from
time to time, for the purposes of this Chapter and subject to such limitations
and conditions as it may impose and subject to the provisions of this
Chapter, transfer to and vest in the Improvement Board any immovable
property belonging to the Government or to the municipal council:
Provided that any such immovable property may at any time be resumed
by Government, or by the municipal council with the previous sanction of the
730 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Government, as the case may be on such terms, if any, as the Government

may determine.
(2) The Improvement Board shall have its own fund and all rents, profits
and sale proceeds of all lands, buildings and other property vested or
vesting in or acquired by the Board, and all other receipts of the Board shall
be credited thereto and all payments by the Board shall be met therefrom.
There shall also be credited to the said fund,—
(a) such sums as may be placed by the Government at the disposal of
the Board from time to time for the purposes of this Chapter;
(b) such contributions from the Municipal Fund as the municipal
council may from time to time be called upon by the Government to make,
on a consideration by the Government of the relief or addition to the
municipal resources accruing or likely to accrue as the result of
improvement schemes undertaken by the Board; and
(c) the betterment fee and other sums due and paid to or recovered by
the Board under the provisions of this Act.
(3) The Improvement Board shall, in each, year, frame a budget showing
the probable receipts and the expenditure which it proposes to incur during
the following year and shall submit a copy of the budget for the approval of
the Government before such date as may be fixed by it in this behalf. The
budget shall contain provisions adequate in the opinion of the Government
for the discharge of the duties of the Board and for the maintenance of a
working balance. The Government may approve the budget subject to such
modifications as it deems fit.
(4) The Improvement Board shall maintain correct accounts of its income
and expenditure in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed.
Such accounts shall be subject to such audit by such officers as the
Government may direct.
(5) Whenever under any improvement scheme the whole or any part of
an existing public street or other land vested in the municipal council is
included in the site of any part of a street to be formed, altered, widened,
diverted, raised, re-arranged or re-constructed by the Improvement Board,
the Board shall give notice to the municipal council that the whole or a part,
as the case may be, of such existing street or other land (hereinafter
referred to as the “part required”) is required by the Board as part of a street
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 731

to be dealt with as aforesaid, and the part required shall thereupon, subject
to the provisions of sub-section (8), vest in the Board:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall be deemed to
affect the rights or powers of the municipal council under this Act in or over
any municipal drain or work.
(6) On the establishment of an Improvement Board in respect of any
[municipal area]1, and until its dissolution, all the powers and functions of
the municipal council under sections 155 to 169 (both inclusive) shall be
exercised and discharged by the Improvement Board and its Chairman, and
the references to the municipal council, the Municipal Commissioner and the
Chief Officer in the said sections shall be read as references to the
Improvement Board and its Chairman:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that every scheme drawn up by the Board under section 155
shall be sent to the municipal council and the views of the council received
by the Board within thirty days from the date of communication of the
scheme, shall with the comments of the Board be sent to the Government
under section 158:
Provided further that no extension or layout under section 170 shall be
sanctioned by the Board without the concurrence of the municipal council
and where there is a difference of opinion between the Board and the
municipal council, the decision of the Government shall be final.
(7) (a) The Government may also by notification declare that from such
date and for such period as may be specified therein and subject to such
restrictions and modifications as may be specified in the notification.—
(i) the powers and functions of the municipal council or a
committee thereof under this Act, and the rules and bye-laws made
thereunder shall be exercised and discharged by the Board; and
(ii) the powers and functions of the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer of the municipal council under this Act, shall be exercised and
discharged by the Chairman of the Board:
Provided that the municipal council shall be consulted before making
such declaration.
(b) On the making of a declaration under clause (a), notwithstanding
anything contained in any other provision of this Act, the municipal council
or any Committee thereof or the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief
732 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Officer of the municipal council shall not be competent to exercise or

discharge the powers or functions conferred or imposed on the Board or the
Chairman of the Board, as the case may be, by such declaration.
(8) (a) The Government, after consulting the municipal council shall, on
being satisfied that any street formed by the Improvement Board has been
duly levelled, paved, metalled, flagged, channelled, drained and sewered in
the manner provided for in the plans of any improvement schemes and that
such lamps, lamp posts and other apparatus as are in its opinion necessary
for the lighting thereof and should be provided by the Board have been so
provided, declare such street to be a public street, and such street shall
thereupon vest or re-vest, as the case may be, in the municipal council and
the municipal council shall thereafter maintain, keep in repair, light and
cleanse such street.
(b) Any open space reserved for ventilation in any part of the
[municipal area]1, and provided by the Improvement Board as part of any
improvement scheme executed by it shall be transferred on completion, to
the municipal council for maintenance at the expense of the municipal
council and shall thereupon vest in the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(9) Any dispute which arises between the Improvement Board and the
municipal council in respect of any matter shall be determined by the
Government whose decision thereon shall be final.
Powers in respect of streets.
175. Power regarding streets, etc.—(1) It shall be lawful for the
municipal council to lay out and make new public streets, and to construct
tunnels and other works subsidiary to the same, and to widen, open,
enlarge, or otherwise improve any such streets, and to turn, divert,
discontinue, or close any such streets, and subject to the provisions of sub-
sections (1), (2) and (3) of section 72 to lease or sell any such land
theretofore used or acquired by the municipal council for the purposes of
such streets, as may not be required for any public street or for any other
purpose of this Act:
Provided that no public street vesting in the municipal council shall be
diverted, discontinued or closed before the municipal council publishes its
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 733

intention of doing so and calls for objections and obtains the approval of the
Government or such other officer as may be authorised by Government to
whom a copy of the resolution of the council and the objections thereto shall
be forwarded.
(2) In laying out or making or in turning, diverting, widening, opening,
enlarging, or otherwise improving any public street, in addition to the land
required for the carriage way and foot way and drains thereof, the municipal
council may purchase the land necessary for the houses and buildings to
form the said street, and subject to the provision contained in sub-sections
(1), (2) and (3) of section 72 may sell such additional land or lease for a
term of years, with such stipulations as to the class and description of
houses or buildings to be erected thereon as it may deem fit.
176. Power to require repair of streets and to declare such streets
public.—(1) When the municipal council considers that in any street, not
being a public street, or in any part of such street, within the 1[municipal
area]1, it is necessary for the public health, convenience or safety that any
work should be done for the levelling, paving, metalling, flagging,
channelling, draining, lighting or cleaning thereof, the municipal council may
by written notice require the respective owners of the 2[vacant lands or
buildings]2 fronting, adjoining or abutting upon such street or part thereof, to
carry out such work in such manner and within such time as may be
specified in such notice.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(2) After such work has been carried out by such owners or as provided
in section 264 by the municipal council at the expense of such owners, the
street or part thereof in which such work has been done, shall on the joint
requisition of a majority of the said owners, be declared by a public notice,
put up therein by the municipal council, to be a public street.
(3) If the notice under sub-section (1) is not complied with and such work
is executed by the municipal council as provided in section 264, the
expenses thereby incurred shall be apportioned by the municipal council,
between such owners in such manner as it may think fit, regard being had, if
it deems it necessary, to the amount and value of any work already done by
the owners or occupiers of any such 1[vacant lands or buildings]1.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
734 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

177. Power to declare any street a public street subject to

objections by owners.—A municipal council may, at any time, by notice
fixed up in any street or part of a street not maintainable by the municipal
council give intimation of its intention to declare the same to be public street,
and unless within one month next after such notice has been so put up, the
owner or the majority of several owners of such street or such part of a
street, lodges or lodge objections thereto at the municipal office, the
municipal council may, by notice in writing put up in such street, or such
parts, declare the same to be a public street.
178. Temporary closure of streets.—The municipal council may, by an
order in writing temporarily close any street to traffic for repair, or in order to
carry out any work connected with drainage, water supply or lighting or any
of the purposes of this Act:
Provided that the municipal council shall with all reasonable speed cause
the repair or work to be completed.
179. The regular line of public street.—(1) It shall be lawful for the
municipal council to prescribe, with the sanction of the Government, a line
on either side or both sides of any public street within the 1[municipal area]1,
and the municipal council may, from time to time, with the like sanction,
prescribe a fresh line in substitution of any line so prescribed or for any part
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that,—
(a) at least one month previous to prescribing such line or such fresh
line, as the case may be, the municipal council shall notify the same in the
official Gazette and shall give public notice of it and it shall also put up
special notice thereof in the street or part of the street for which such line or
such fresh line is proposed to be prescribed and shall further give notice to
the owners or occupiers of the lands affected by such alignment;
(b) the municipal council shall consider any written objection or
suggestion in regard to such proposal delivered at the office of the municipal
council within such time as it may specify in such public or special notice;
(c) the municipal council shall prepare a map of the area comprised
within the said line and the street concerned and a statement specifying the
lands enclosed therein which shall be open for the inspection of the public.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 735

(2) The line for the time being so prescribed shall be called the ‘regular
line of the public street’.
180. Control of construction of buildings within regular line of
streets.—(1) Except under the provisions of section 208, no person shall
construct or reconstruct any portion of any building, within the regular line of
the public street without the permission of the municipal council under
section 187.
(2) Where the municipal council refuses permission to construct or
reconstruct any building in any area within the regular line of the public
street, such area shall thenceforth be acquired by the municipal council and
deemed part of the public street.
(3) Compensation, the amount of which shall, in case of dispute be
ascertained and determined in the manner provided in section 268 shall be
paid by the municipal council to the owner of any land acquired by the
municipal council under sub-section (2) for the value of the said land and
also for any loss, damage, or expense incurred by him in consequence of
any action taken or order passed by the municipal council under the said
(4) Whoever contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), shall be
punished with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees; and the
municipal council may,—
(a) direct that the building be stopped, and
(b) by a written notice, require such building or portion thereof to be
altered or demolished as it may deem necessary.
Powers to regulate buildings, etc.
181. Setting back projecting buildings.—(1) If any part of a building
projects beyond the regular line of a public street as prescribed under
section 179 or beyond the front of the building on either side thereof, the
municipal council may,—
(a) if the projecting part thereof is a verandah, step or some other
structure external to the main building, then at any time, or
(b) if the projecting part is not such external structure as aforesaid,
then whenever the greater portion of such building or whenever
any material portion of such projecting part has been taken down
or burnt down or has fallen down,
736 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

require by written notice either that the part, or some portion of the part,
projecting beyond the said regular line or beyond the said front of the
adjoining building on either side thereof, shall be removed, or that such
building when being rebuilt shall be set back to or towards the said regular
line or the front of such building; and the portion of the land added to the
street by such setting back or removal shall thenceforth be deemed part of
the public street and be vested in the municipal council.
(2) If any land, not vested in the municipal council whether open or
enclosed, lies within the regular line of a public street and is not occupied by
a building other than a platform, verandah, step or other external structure,
the municipal council, after giving the owner of the land not less than fifteen
clear days’ written notice of its intention, or if the land is vested in the
Government, then with the permission in writing of the Deputy
Commissioner, may take possession of the said land with its enclosing wall,
hedge or fence, if any, and, if necessary, clear the same; and the land so
acquired shall thenceforward be deemed a part of the public street, and
shall vest in the municipal council.
(3) Compensation, the amount of which shall in case of dispute be
ascertained and determined in the manner provided in section 268, shall be
paid by the municipal council to the owner of any land added to a street
under sub-section (1) or acquired under sub-section (2), for the value of the
said land, and to the owner of any building for any loss, damage or expense
incurred by such owner in consequence of any action taken by the municipal
council under either of the said sub-sections, provided that no such
compensation shall be payable in cases to which section 213 applies.
(4) When the amount of compensation has been so ascertained and
determined or when a ruinous or dangerous building falling under sub-
section (1) has been demolished under the provisions of section 213 the
municipal council may, after tendering the amount of compensation, if any,
as may be payable, take possession of the land so added to the street, and,
if necessary, may clear the same.
182. Setting forward the regular line of street.—(1) The municipal
council may upon such terms as it thinks fit, allow any building to be set
forward for improving the line of any public street in which such building is
(2) If the land which will be included in the premises of any person
permitted under sub-section (1) to set forward a building belongs to the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 737

municipal council, the permission of the municipal council to set forward the
building shall be a sufficient conveyance to the said owner of the said land
and the price to be paid to the municipal council by the said owner for such
land and the other terms and conditions of the conveyance shall be set forth
in the said permission.
183. Buildings at corner of streets.—(1) The municipal council may
require any building intended to be erected at the corner of two streets to be
rounded off or splayed off to such height and to such extent or otherwise as
it may determine, and may acquire such portion of the site at the corner as it
may consider necessary for public convenience or amenity.
(2) For any land so acquired, the municipal council shall pay
(3) In determining such compensation, allowance shall be made for any
benefit accruing to the same premises from the improvement of the street.
184. Roofs and external walls of buildings not to be made of
inflammable materials.—(1) The external roofs and walls of buildings
erected or renewed after the coming into force of this Act shall not be made
of grass, wood, cloth, canvas, leaves, mats or other inflammable materials
except with the written consent of the municipal council which may be given
either specially in individual cases, or generally in respect of any area
specified therein.
(2) The municipal council may, at any time, by written notice, require the
owner of any building which has an external roof or wall made of any such
materials as aforesaid, to remove such roof or wall within such reasonable
time as shall be specified in the notice, whether such roof or wall was or was
not made before the date on which this Act came into force, and whether it
was made with or without the consent of the municipal council.
(3) Whoever, without such consent as is required by sub-section (1),
makes, or causes to be made, or in disobedience to the requirements of a
notice given under sub-section (2) suffers to remain, any roof or wall of such
materials as aforesaid, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees, and with a further fine which may extend to ten rupees
for every day on which the offence is continued after the date of the first
185. Level of buildings.—No building shall be built upon a lower level
than will allow of the drainage thereof being led into some public sewer or
738 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

drain either then existing or proposed by the municipal council, or into some
stream or river, or into the sea or some cesspool or other suitable place
which may be approved by the municipal council.
186. Rat-proof building for warehouse for storing grain.—Subject to
the provisions of any law regulating the construction of warehouses, the
municipal council may require that any building, used or intended to be used
as a warehouse for the storage of grain, shall be protected or erected so as
to render such building rat-proof and may for this purpose prescribe the plan
and the design to be adopted and the materials to be used for such building.
187. Notice of new buildings.—(1) Before beginning to construct any
building, or to alter externally or add to any existing building, or to construct
or reconstruct any projecting portion of a building in respect of which the
municipal council is empowered by section 181 to enforce a removal or set
back, or to construct or reconstruct which the municipal council is
empowered by section 179 to give permission, the person intending so to
construct, alter, add or reconstruct shall give to the municipal council notice
thereof in writing and shall furnish to it at the same time, a plan showing the
levels at which the foundation and lowest floor of such building are proposed
to be laid, by reference to some level known to the municipal council, and all
information required by the bye-laws or demanded by the municipal council
regarding the limits, dimension, design, ventilation and materials of the
proposed building, and the intended situation and construction of the drains,
sewers, privies, water-closets and cesspools, if any, to be used in
connection therewith, and the location of the building with reference to any
existing or projected streets, and the purpose for which the building will be
(2) No construction or reconstruction referred to in sub-section (1) shall
be begun unless and until permission for the execution of the work is
granted under this section.
(3) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or the rules and bye-laws
made thereunder, the municipal council may,—
(a) either give permission to construct, alter, add or reconstruct
according to the plan and information furnished, or
(b) impose in writing conditions, in accordance with this Act and the
rules and bye-laws made thereunder, as to level, drainage, sanitation,
design, materials or to the dimensions and cubical contents of rooms, doors,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 739

windows, and apertures for ventilation or to the number of storeys to be

erected, or with reference to the location of the building in relation to any
existing building or street, existing or proposed, or the purpose for which the
building is to be used, or
(c) direct that the work shall not be proceeded with, unless and until all
questions connected with the respective location of the building, and any
such street have been decided to its satisfaction, or
(d) refuse permission to construct, alter, add or reconstruct according
to the plan and information furnished, in the undermentioned circumstances,
the reasons for refusal being stated in the order:—
(i) that the work or the use of the site for the work or any of the
particulars comprised in the site-plan, ground-plan, elevations, sections, or
specifications would contravene some specified provision of any law or
some specified order, rule, declaration or bye-law made under any law;
(ii) that the application for such permission does not contain the
particulars or is not prepared in the manner required under rules or bye-
(iii) that any of the documents referred to in sub-section (1) have
not been signed as required under rules or bye-laws;
(iv) that any information or documents required by the municipal
council under the rules or bye-laws have not been duly furnished;
(v) that streets or roads have not been made as required by
section 170;
(vi) that the proposed building would be an encroachment upon
Government or municipal land;
(vii) that the site of such building does not abut on a street or a
proposed street, and there is not access to such building from any such
street by a passage or pathway appertaining to such site and not less than
twelve feet wide at any part;
(viii) that the person so applying has no right to the land in question
or has no right to construct, alter, add or reconstruct;
(ix) that the land on which any building is proposed to be erected
or any building situated on which is proposed to be altered, added to or
reconstructed is required by the municipal council and action to acquire it is
being taken:
740 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that the direction under clause (c) shall not be in force after one
year from the date on which the direction is given.
(4) Before issuing any orders under sub-section (3), the municipal council
may, within one month from the receipt of such notice, either issue,-
(a) a provisional order directing that for a period, which shall not be
longer than one month from the date of such order, the intended work shall
not be proceeded with, or
(b) may demand further particulars.
(5) A building proposed in a notice given under sub-section (1) may be
proceeded with in such manner, as may have been specified in such notice,
as is not inconsistent with any provision of this Act or any rule or bye-law for
the time being in force thereunder, in the following cases, that is to say:—
(a) in case the municipal council, within one month from the receipt of
the notice given under sub-section (1), has neither,—
(i) passed orders under sub-section (3), and served notice thereof
in respect of the intended work; nor
(ii) issued under sub-section (4), any provisional order or any
demand for further particulars;
(b) in case the municipal council having issued such demand for, and
having received in accordance with the bye-laws in force in this behalf, such
further particulars, has issued no further orders within one month from the
receipt of such particulars.
(6) No person who becomes entitled under sub-section (3) or sub-section
(5) to proceed with any intended work of which notice is required by sub-
section (1), shall commence such work after the expiry of the period of one
year from the date on which he first became entitled so to proceed
therewith, unless a fresh application is made under sub-section (1) and
fresh permission is granted under sub-section (3) or deemed to be granted
under sub-section (5).
(7) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may inspect any
building during the construction, reconstruction or erection thereof and if he
finds that the work,—
(a) is otherwise than in accordance with the plans or specifications
which have been approved, or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 741

(b) contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or any rule, bye-law,
order or declaration made under this Act, he may by notice require
the owner of the building within a period stated either,—
(i) to show cause why such alterations should not be made; or
(ii) to make such alterations as may be specified in the said notice
with the object of bringing the work into conformity with the said
plans, specifications or provisions.
if the owner does not show cause as aforesaid, he shall be bound to make
the alterations specified in such notice. If the owner shows cause as
aforesaid the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall by an order
cancel the notice or confirm the same subject to such modifications as he
may think fit.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer may at any time stop the construction,
reconstruction or erection of any building if in his opinion the work in
progress endangers human life.
(9) (a) If the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer is satisfied,—
(i) that the construction, reconstruction or erection of a building,—
(A) has been commenced without obtaining the permission of the
municipal council; or
(B) is being carried on, or has been completed otherwise than in
accordance with the plans or particulars on which the permission
was granted; or
(C) is being carried on, or has been completed in breach of any of
the provisions of this Act or of any rule or bye-law made under
this Act or of any direction or requisition lawfully given or made
under this Act or such rules or bye-laws, or
(ii) that any alterations required by any notice issued under sub-
section (8) have not been duly made,
he may make a provisional order requiring the owner or the builder to
demolish the work done, or so much of it as, in the opinion of the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer, has been unlawfully executed, or make such
alterations as may, in the opinion of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer, be necessary to bring the work into conformity with this Act, rules,
bye-laws, direction or requisition as aforesaid, or with the plans or
particulars on which such permission was based, and may also direct that
742 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

until the said order is complied with, the owner or builder shall refrain from
proceeding with the building.
(b) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall serve a copy of
the provisional order made under clause (a) on the owner of the building
together with a notice requiring him to show cause within a reasonable time
not being less than three days, to be specified in the notice why the order
should not be confirmed.
(c) If the owner fails to show cause to the satisfaction of the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer, he may confirm the order, with any
modification he may think fit to make and such order shall then be binding
on the owner.
(d) If within a reasonable time mentioned in the order made under
clause (c), the owner does not comply with it, the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer may take any measures or do anything which may, in his
opinion, be necessary for giving due effect to the order.
(e) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may recover any
reasonable expenses incurred under clause (d) from the person to whom
the order was addressed in the same manner as tax on building under this
Act, and may in taking measures utilise any materials found on the property
concerned or may sell them and apply the sale proceeds towards the
payment of the expenses incurred.
Explanation.—The expression “to erect a building” throughout this
Chapter includes,—
(a) any material alteration, enlargement or reconstruction of any building,
or of any wall including compound wall and fencing, verandah, fixed
platform, plinth, doorstep, or the like whether constituting part of a
building or not;
(b) the conversion into a dwelling house of any building not originally
constructed for human habitation or, if originally so constructed
subsequently appropriated for any other purpose;
(c) the conversion into more than one dwelling house of a building
originally constructed as one dwelling house only;
(d) the conversion of two or more places of human habitation into a
greater number of such places;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 743

(e) the conversion into a place of religious worship or into a building for a
sacred purpose of any building not originally constructed for such
(f) the conversion into a stall, shop, warehouse or godown, stable,
factory or garage of any building not originally constructed for use as
such or which was not so used before the change;
(g) such alteration of the internal arrangements of a building as affect its
drainage, ventilation or other sanitary arrangements, or its security or
stability; and
(h) the addition of any rooms, buildings or other structures to any
and a building so altered, enlarged, re-constructed, converted or added to,
shall, for the purpose of this Chapter be deemed to be new building.
(10) If within a period of six months from the date on which permission is
refused under sub-clause (ix) of clause (d) of sub-section (3) the land is not
acquired by the municipal council or if within such period, an application has
not been made to the Deputy Commissioner for the institution of
proceedings for compulsory acquisition under the provisions of the Land
Acquisition Act, 1894, or if the municipal council abandons the proposal to
acquire the land, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall intimate
the person concerned that the refusal to build or alter is withdrawn and the
application shall be further considered on merits.
188. Sanction accorded under mis-representation.—If at any time
after the sanction for any building or work has been accorded, the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer is satisfied that such sanction was accorded
in consequence of any material misrepresentation or fraudulent statement
contained in the notice given or information furnished under section 187, he
may by order in writing cancel such sanction for reasons to be recorded in
writing and any building or work commenced, erected or done shall be
deemed to have been commenced, erected or done without such sanction:
Provided that before making any such order the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer shall give a reasonable opportunity to the person affected to
show cause as to why such order should not be made.
189. Power of Government to prohibit the erection of buildings in
certain areas without permission.— (1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, the Government may, in the public interest and after
744 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

consulting the municipal council, prohibit by notification the erection of any

building within a specified area in a 1[municipal area]1, except with the
permission granted by the Government in this behalf:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that such permission shall not be refused in the case of land
which has been set apart as a building site by the Government or the
municipal council prior to the publication of such notification.
(2) The grant of any permission under sub-section (1) may be subject to
such conditions as may be fixed by the Government in each case or
prescribed generally.
(3) Whoever erects any building contrary to the provisions of sub-section
(1) or the conditions imposed under sub-section (2) shall, be punished with
fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
(4) The Government may demolish any building erected contrary to the
provisions of sub-section (1) or the conditions imposed under sub-section
190. Completion certificates: permission to occupy or use.—(1)
Every person erecting a building or executing a work as is described in sub-
section (1) of section 187 shall, within one month after the completion of the
erection of such building or the execution of such work, deliver or send or
cause to be delivered or sent to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer
at his office a notice in writing of such completion, and shall give to the
officer of the municipal council deputed for the purpose all necessary
facilities for the inspection of such building or of such work:
Provided that,—
(a) such inspection shall be commenced within seven days from the
date of receipt of the notice of completion; and
(b) the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may, not later than
one month from the date of receipt of notice of completion, by written
intimation addressed to the person from whom the notice of completion was
received, and delivered at his address as stated in such notice or in the
absence of such address, affixed to a conspicuous part of the building to
which such notice relates,—
(i) give permission for the occupation of such building or for the use
of the building or part thereof affected by such work, or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 745

(ii) refuse such permission in case such building has been erected
or such work executed so as to contravene any provision of this Act, or of
any rule or bye-law made under this Act at the time in force or of any order
passed under sub-section (3) of section 187 intimating to the person who
gave the notice under sub-section (1) of section 187 the reasons for such
refusal and requiring such person, or, if the person responsible for giving
notice under sub-section (1) of section 187 is not at the time of such notice
the owner of such building or work, then such owner, to cause anything
which is contrary to any provision of this Act or of any rule or bye-law made
under this Act at the time in force or of any order passed under sub-section
(3) of section 187 to be amended or to do anything which by any such
provision or rule or bye-law or order he is required to do but has omitted to
(2) No person shall occupy or permit to be occupied any such building, or
use or permit to be used the building or part thereof affected by any such
work, until,—
(a) the permission referred to in proviso (b) to sub-section (1) has
been received, or
(b) the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer has failed for one
month after the receipt of the notice of completion, to intimate as aforesaid
his refusal of the said permission.
(3) Whoever contravenes the provisions of this section or fails to comply
with any order or requisition made thereunder shall be punished with fine
which may extend to one hundred rupees and in the case of a continuing
contravention or non-compliance, with an additional fine which may extend
to ten rupees for every day during which such contravention or non-
compliance continues after the conviction for the first such contravention or
191. Regulation of huts.—It shall not be lawful for any person to erect
any hut, shed or range or block of huts or sheds, or to add any hut or shed
to any range or block of huts or sheds already existing when this Act comes
into operation, without giving previous notice to the municipal council and
obtaining its permission and the municipal council may require such huts or
sheds to be built so that they may stand in regular lines, with a free passage
or way in front of and between every two lines of such width as the
municipal council may think proper for ventilation and to facilitate
scavenging, and at such a level as will admit of sufficient drainage, and may
746 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

require such huts to be provided with such number of privies and such
means of drainage as to it may seem necessary. If any hut or shed or range
or block is built without giving such notice to the municipal council, the
municipal council may give written notice to the owner or builder thereof or
to the owner or occupier of the land on which the same is erected or is being
erected, requiring him within such reasonable time as shall be specified in
the notice to take down and remove the same, or to make such alterations
therein or additions thereto as, having regard to the sanitary considerations,
the municipal council may think fit.
192. Improvement of huts.—(1) (a) Whenever the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer is of opinion that any huts or sheds, whether
used as dwellings or stables or for any other purposes, and whether existing
at the time when this Act comes into force, or subsequently erected, are by
(i) of insufficient ventilation or of the manner in which such huts or
sheds are crowded together, or
(ii) of the want of a plinth or of a sufficient plinth or of sufficient
drainage, or
(iii) of the impracticability of scavenging,
attended with risk of disease to the inhabitants of the neighborhood, he shall
cause a notice to be affixed to some conspicuous part of each such hut or
shed, requiring the owner or occupier thereof, or the owner of the land on
which such hut or shed is built, within such reasonable time as may be fixed
by the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer for that purpose to take
down and remove such hut or shed, or to execute such operations as the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may deem necessary for the
avoidance of such risk.
(b) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer under clause (a) may apply to the municipal council to
cancel, amend or revise such order, and the municipal council may, on such
application cancel, amend or otherwise revise the order.
(2) In case any such owner or occupier shall refuse or neglect to take
down and remove such huts or sheds, or to execute such operations within
the time appointed, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may cause
the said huts or sheds to be taken down, or such operations to be performed
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 747

in respect of such huts or sheds as he may deem necessary to prevent such

(3) If such huts or sheds are pulled down by the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer, he shall cause the materials of each hut or shed to be sold
separately, if such sale can be effected, and the proceeds, after deducting
all expenses, shall be paid to the owner of the hut or shed, or if the owner is
unknown or the title disputed, shall be held in deposit by the municipal
council until the person interested therein shall obtain an order of a
competent court for the payment of the same:
Provided that, in case any huts or sheds, existing at the time when the
land on which they are situate, first became part of a 1[municipal area]1
should be pulled down under this section by order of the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer or in pursuance of his notice, compensation
shall further be made to the owner or owners thereof and the amount
thereof, in case of dispute, shall be ascertained and determined in the
manner provided in section 268.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Power connected with drainage, water works, etc.

193. Municipal control over drains, etc.—(1) All sewers, drains, privies,
water-closets, house-gullies and cesspools within the 1[municipal area]1
shall be under the survey and control of the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) All covered sewers and drains, all cesspools, whether public or
private, shall be provided by the municipal council or other person to whom
they severally belong, with proper traps, or other coverings or means of
ventilation and the municipal council may, by written notice, call upon the
owner of any such covered sewers, drains or cesspools to make provision
194. Powers for making drains.—(1) In order to carry out any drainage
scheme, it shall be lawful for a municipal council to carry any drain, sewer,
conduit, tunnel, culvert, pipe or water-course through, across or under any
street or any place laid out as or intended for a street, or under any cellar or
vault which may be under any street, and, after giving reasonable notice in
writing to the owner or occupier, into, through or under any land whatsoever
within the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
748 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) The municipal council or any officer appointed by it for such purpose
may enter upon and construct any new drain in the place of an existing drain
in any land wherein any drain vested in the municipal council has been
already constructed, or may repair or alter any drain vested in the municipal
(3) In the exercise of any power under this section, no un-necessary
damage shall be done, and compensation, which shall, in case of dispute,
be ascertained and determined in the manner provided in section 268 shall
be paid by the municipal council to any person who sustains damage by the
exercise of such power.
195. Sufficient drainage of houses.—(1) If any 1[building or vacant
land]1 is at any time underdrained, or not drained to the satisfaction of the
municipal council, the municipal council may, by written notice call upon the
owner to construct or lay from such 1[building or vacant land]1 a drain or pipe
of such size and materials, at such level, and with such fall as it thinks
necessary for the drainage of such 1[building or vacant land]1 into,—
(a) some drain or sewer, if there is a suitable drain or sewer within fifty
feet of any part of such 1[building or vacant land]1, or
(b) a covered cesspool to be provided by such owner.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(2) It shall not be lawful newly to erect any building or to rebuild any
building, or to occupy any building newly erected or rebuilt, unless and
(a) a drain is constructed, of such size, materials and description, at
such level, and with such fall, as shall appear to the municipal council to be
necessary for the effectual drainage of such building, or
(b) there have been provided for and set up in such building and in the
land appurtenant thereto all such appliances and fittings as may appear to
the municipal council to be necessary for the purposes of gathering and
receiving the drainage from, and conveying the same off, the said building
and the said land and of effectually flushing the drain of the said building
and every fixture connected therewith.
(3) The drain to be constructed as aforesaid shall empty into a municipal
drain, or into some place legally set apart for the discharge of drainage,
situated at a distance not exceeding fifty feet from such building; but if there
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 749

is no such drain or place within that distance, then such drain shall empty
into such cesspool as the municipal council directs.
196. Power of owners and occupiers of 1[buildings or vacant lands]1
to drain into municipal drains.—The owner or occupier of any 1[building or
vacant land]1 within the 2[municipal area]2 shall be entitled to cause his drain
to empty into sewers of the municipal council, provided that he first obtains
the written permission of the municipal council, and that he complies with
such conditions as the municipal council prescribes, as to the mode in which
and the superintendence under which the communications are to be made
between drains not vested in the municipal council and drains which are so
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

197. Right to carry drain through land or into drain belonging to

other persons.—(1) If the owner or occupier of any 1[building or vacant
land]1 desire to connect the same with any municipal drain by means of a
drain to be constructed through land, or to be connected with a drain,
belonging to or occupied by or in the use of some other person, he may
make a written application in that behalf to the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(2) Thereupon the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer after

giving to such other person a reasonable opportunity of stating any objection
to such application may, if no objection is raised or if any objection which is
raised in his opinion is insufficient, by an order in writing authorise the
applicant to carry his drain into, through, or under the said land, or into the
said drain, as the case may be, in such manner and on such conditions as
to the payment of rent or compensation, and as to the respective
responsibilities of the parties for maintaining, repairing, flushing, clearing
and emptying the said drains as may appear to him to be adequate and
(3) Every such order shall be a complete authority to the person in whose
favour it is made, or to any agent or other person employed by him for this
purpose, after giving or tendering to the owner, occupier or user of the said
land or drain the compensation or rent, if any, specified in the said order,
and otherwise fulfilling as far as possible the conditions of the said order,
750 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

and after giving to the said owner, occupier, or user reasonable notice in
writing, to enter upon the land specified in the said order with assistants
and, workmen at any time between sunrise and sunset and, subject to the
provisions of this Act, to do all such work as may be necessary,—
(a) for the construction or connection of the drain, as may be
authorised by the said order;
(b) for renewing, repairing, or altering the same as may be necessary
from time to time; or
(c) for discharging any responsibility attaching to him under the terms
of the order as to maintaining, repairing, flushing, cleaning or emptying the
said drain or any part thereof.
(4) In executing any work under this section as little damage as possible
shall be done, and the owner or occupier of the 1[buildings or vacant lands]1
for the benefit of which the work is done, shall,—
(a) cause the work to be executed with the least practicable delay;
(b) fill in, reinstate and make good at his own cost and with the least
practicable delay the ground or any portion of any building or other
construction opened, broken up or removed for the purpose of executing the
said work; and
(c) pay compensation to any person who sustains damage by the
execution of the said work.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
198. Rights of owner of land through which drain is carried in regard
to subsequent building thereon.—If the owner of any land into, through or
under which a drain has been carried under section 197 whilst such land
was not built upon shall at any subsequent time desire to construct a
building thereon, the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, subject to
the control of the standing committee, shall, if he sanctions the construction
of such building, by written notice require the owner or occupier of the
[building or vacant land]1, for the benefit of which such drain was
constructed, to close, remove or divert the same, and to fill in, reinstate and
make good the land in such manner as he may deem to be necessary, in
order to admit of the construction or safe enjoyment of the proposed
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 751

199. Provision of privies, etc.—(1) In case the municipal council is of

opinion that any privy, or cesspool, or additional privies, or cesspools,
should be provided in or on any 1[building or vacant land]1, or shifted or
removed from any 1[building or vacant land]1 or, in any 2[municipal area]2 in
which a water-closet system has been introduced, that water closets should
be substituted for the existing privies in or on any 1[building or vacant land]1,
or that additional water-closets should be provided therein or thereon, the
municipal council may, by written notice, call upon the owner of such
[building or vacant land]1 to provide such privies, cesspools or water-closets
as the municipal council may deem proper.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(2) The municipal council, may, by written notice, require any person or
persons employing workmen or labourers exceeding twenty in number, or
owning or managing any market, school or theatre or other place of public
resort, to provide such latrines and urinals as the municipal council may
direct, and to cause the same to be kept in proper order, and to be daily
(3) The municipal council may, by written notice, require the owner or
occupier of any land upon which there is a privy or urinal to have such privy
or urinal shut out, by a sufficient roof and a wall or fence, from the view of
persons passing by or resident in the neighborhood, or to alter as it may
direct any privy-door or trap-door which opens on to any street, and which it
deems to be a nuisance.
200. Cost of altering, repairing and keeping in proper order privies,
etc.—(1) All sewers, drains, privies, water-closets, house-gullies and
cesspools within the 1[municipal area]1 shall, unless constructed at the cost
of the municipal council, be altered, repaired, and kept in proper order at the
cost and charges of the owners of the land and buildings to which the same
belong, or for the use of which they are constructed or continued, and the
municipal council may, by written notice, require such owner to alter, repair
and put the same in good order in such manner as it thinks fit.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(2) The municipal council may, by written notice, require the owner to
demolish or close any privy or cesspool, whether constructed before or after
the coming into force of this Act, which, in the opinion of the municipal
council, is a nuisance, or is so constructed as to be inaccessible for the
752 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

purpose of scavenging or incapable of being properly cleansed or kept in

good order.
201. Power to close existing private drains.—When any 1[building or
vacant land]1 within the 2[municipal area]2 has a drain communicating with
any cesspool or sewer, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer, if he
considers that such drain, though it may be sufficient for the drainage of
such 1[building or vacant land]1 and though it may be otherwise
unobjectionable, is not adapted to the general sewerage of the locality, may,
subject to the control of the standing committee, close such drain and such
cesspool or sewer, whether they are or are not on land vested in the
municipal council, on providing a drain or drains equally effectual for the
drainage of such 1[building or vacant land]1, and the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer may, subject as aforesaid do any work
necessary for the purpose.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
202. Power in respect of sewers, etc., unauthorisedly constructed,
rebuilt or unstopped.—The Municipal Council may, by written notice
require that any sewer, drain, privy, urinal, watercloset, house-gully or
cesspool on any land within the municipal limits, constructed, or rebuilt or
(a) after such land became part of a 1[municipal area]1, and
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(b) either without the consent or contrary to the orders, directions or

general regulations or bye-laws of the municipal council, or contrary
to the provisions of any enactment in force at the time when it was
so constructed, rebuilt or unstopped,
shall be demolished, or altered, as it may deem fit, by the person by whom it
was so constructed, rebuilt or unstopped, and every person so constructing,
rebuilding or unstopping, any such sewer, drain, privy, water-closet, house-
gully or cesspool, whether he does or does not receive such notice, or does
or does not comply therewith, shall, in addition to any penalty to which he
may be liable on account of such non-compliance, be punished with fine
which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
203. Encroachment on municipal drains, etc.—(1) Whoever, without
the written consent of the municipal council first obtained, makes or causes
to be made any drain into or out from any of the sewers or drains vested in
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 753

the municipal council, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees, and the municipal council may, by written notice, require
such person to demolish, alter, re-make or otherwise deal with such drain as
it may think fit.
(2) No building shall be newly erected or rebuilt over any sewer, drain,
culvert or gutter vested in the municipal council without the written consent
of the municipal council, and the municipal council may, by written notice,
require the person who may have erected or rebuilt such building to pull
down or otherwise deal with the same as it may think fit.
204. Inspection of drains, etc.—(1) The municipal council or any officer
appointed by it for such purposes may, subject to the provisions of this Act,
inspect any sewer, drain, privy, water closet, house-gully or cesspool, and
for that purpose, at any time between sunrise and sunset, may enter upon
any 1[vacant lands or buildings]1 with assistants and workmen and cause the
ground to be opened where he or it may think fit, doing as little damage as
may be.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(2) The expense of such inspection, and of causing the ground to be

closed and made good as before, shall be borne by the municipal council
unless the sewer, drain, privy, water-closet, house-gully or cesspool is found
to be in bad order or condition, or was constructed in contravention of the
provisions of any enactment, or of any bye-law of the municipal council in
force at the time, in which case such expenses shall be paid by the owner of
such sewer, drain, privy, water-closet, house-gully or cesspool, and shall be
recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on account of any
tax recoverable under Chapter VII.
205. Municipal council may execute certain works without allowing
option to persons concerned of executing the same.—(1) The municipal
council may, if it thinks fit, cause any work of the nature to which any of the
provisions of sections 193 to 204 applies, to be executed by municipal or
other agency under its own orders, without first of all giving the person by
whom the same would otherwise have to be executed the option of doing
the same.
(2) The expenses of any work so done shall be paid by the person
aforesaid, unless the municipal council shall, by a general or special order
754 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

or resolution, sanction the execution of such work at the charge of the

municipal fund.
(3) Any pipes, fittings, receptacles, or other appliances for or connected
with the drainage of private 1[buildings or vacant lands]1 shall, if supplied,
constructed or erected at the expense of the municipal council, be deemed
to be municipal property, unless the municipal council shall have transferred
its interest therein to the owner of such 1[buildings or vacant lands.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

206. Power of carrying water mains, etc.—The water supply

department of the Government or the municipal council, as the case may
be, in whom the duty of construction and maintenance of water works for
supply of water to the 1[municipal area]1 vests, shall have the same powers
and be subject to the same restrictions for carrying, renewing and repairing
water mains, pipes and ducts within or without the 1[municipal area]1 as the
municipal council has and is subject to, under the provisions hereinbefore
contained for carrying, renewing and repairing drains within the 1[municipal
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

207. Works to be done by licensed plumber or licensed water supply

contractor.—(1) No person other than a licensed plumber or licensed water
supply contractor shall execute any work concerned with drainage or water
supply and no person shall permit any such work to be executed except by
a licensed plumber or licensed water supply contractor:
Provided that if in the opinion of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer the work is of a trivial nature permission may be granted in writing for
the execution of such work by a person other than a licensed plumber or
licensed water supply contractor.
(2) Every person who employs a licensed plumber or licensed water
supply contractor to execute any work shall when so required furnish to the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer the name of such plumber or
(3) When any work is executed except in accordance with the provisions
of sub-section (1), such work shall be liable to be dismantled by the
municipal council without prejudice to the right of the council to prosecute
under this Act the person at whose instance such work has been executed.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 755

(4) If any licensed plumber or licensed water supply contractor

contravenes any bye-law made under clause (cc) of sub-section (1) of
section 324 or of the conditions of his licence, his licence may be
suspended or cancelled whether he is prosecuted under this Act or not.
(5) Whoever contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or (2), shall be
punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
Powers regarding external structures, etc.
208. Permission necessary for certain projections.—(1) The
municipal council may give written permission to the owners or occupiers of
buildings in public streets to put up open verandahs, balconies or rooms, to
project from any upper storey thereof, at such height from the surface of the
street as the municipal council may fix by bye-laws from time to time, and to
an extent not exceeding four feet beyond the line of the plinth or basement
wall and may prescribe the extent to which and the conditions under which
roofs, eaves, weather-boards, shop-boards and the like may be allowed to
project over such streets.
(2) Any such owner or occupier putting up any such projections as
aforesaid without such permission or in contravention of such orders, shall
be punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees, and if any
such owner or occupier fails to remove any such projection as aforesaid in
respect of which he has been convicted under this section, he shall be
punished with further fine which may extend to five rupees for each day on
which such failure or neglect continues.
(3) The municipal council may, by written notice, require the owner or
occupier of any building to remove or alter any projection, encroachment or
obstruction which, whether erected before or after the site of such building
became part of a 1[municipal area]1, shall have been erected or placed
against or in front of such building, and which,—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(a) overhangs or juts into or in anyway projects or encroaches upon

any public street, so as to be an obstruction to safe and convenient passage
along such street, or
(b) projects and encroaches into or upon any uncovered aqueduct,
drain or sewer in such street, so as to obstruct or interfere with such
aqueduct, drain or sewer or the proper working thereof:
756 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that the municipal council shall, if such projection,

encroachment or obstruction shall have been made in any place before the
date on which such place became part of a 1[municipal area]1, or after such
date with the written permission of the municipal council, make reasonable
compensation to every person who suffers damage by such removal or
alteration; and if any dispute shall arise touching the amount of such
compensation, the same shall be ascertained and determined in the manner
provided in section 268.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

209. Troughs and pipes for rain water.—The municipal council may, by
written notice, require the owner of every building in any street to put up and
keep in good condition, proper troughs and pipes for catching and carrying
the water from the roof and other parts of such building, and for discharging
the same, in such manner as it may think fit, so that it shall not fall upon the
persons passing along the street or cause damage to the street.
210. Fixing of brackets, etc., to houses.—The municipal council may
erect or fix to the outside of any building, brackets for lamps to be lighted
with oil or gas, or subject to the provisions of any law in force relating to
electricity, for lamps to be lighted with electricity or otherwise, or subject to
the provisions of the law in force relating to telegraphs, for telegraph wires
or telephonic wires, or for the conduct of electricity for locomotive or other
purposes, or such pipes as it may deem necessary for proper ventilation of
sewer and waterworks, and such brackets and pipes shall be erected so as
not to occasion any inconvenience or nuisance to the occupant of the said
building or any others in the neighbourhood or to the public.
211. Naming streets and numbering houses.—(1) The municipal
council may, from time to time, cause to be put up or painted on a
conspicuous part of any building at or near each end, corner, or entrance to
every street, the name by which such street is to be known and may, from
time to time, fix a number in a conspicuous place on the outer side of any
building, or at the entrance of the enclosure thereof fronting the street:
Provided that no street shall be named or renamed by the municipal
council except with the previous approval of the Government.
(2) No person shall destroy, remove, deface or in any way injure or alter
any such name or number or put up or paint any name or number different
from that put up or painted by order of the municipal council.
(3) Any person,—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 757

(a) who, without the consent of the owner or occupier affixes any
poster, bill, placard, or other paper or means of advertisement
against or upon any building, wall, board, fence or pale, post, lamp
post or the like, or
(b) who, without such consent as aforesaid writes upon soils, defaces
or marks any such building, wall, board, fence or pale, post, lamp-
post or the like with chalk or paint or in any other way whatsoever,
shall be punished with fine which may extend to twenty rupees.
212. Removal and trimming of hedges, trees, etc.—The municipal
council may, by written notice, require the owner or occupier of any land so
to trim or prune the hedges thereof bordering any public street that the said
hedges may not exceed the height of four feet from the level of the street,
and width of four feet, and to cut down, lop or trim all trees or shrubs which
in any way overhang, endanger, or obstruct, or which it deems likely to
overhang, endanger, or obstruct any public street or to cause damage
thereto, or which so overhang any public tank, well or other provision for
water supply as to pollute or be likely to pollute the water thereof.
Powers of promotion of public health, safety and convenience.
213. Ruinous or dangerous buildings.—(1) If any building or anything
affixed thereon, be deemed by the municipal council to be in a ruinous
condition, or likely to fall, or in any other way dangerous to any person
occupying, resorting to or passing by such building or any other building or
place in the neighbourhood of such building, the municipal council shall
immediately, if it appears to it to be necessary, cause a proper hoarding or
fence to be put up for the protection of passers-by and other persons; and
all expenses incurred by the municipal council under this sub-section shall
be paid by the owner or occupier of such building, and shall be recoverable
in the same manner as an amount claimed on account of any tax
recoverable under Chapter VII.
(2) The municipal council shall also cause notice in writing to be given to
the owner or occupier, requiring such owner or occupier forthwith to
demolish, secure, or repair such building or thing affixed thereon, as the
case shall require, and if such owner or occupier does not begin to
demolish, secure or repair, such building or thing within three days after the
service of such notice, and complete such work with due diligence, the
municipal council shall cause all or so much of such building or thing, as it
shall think necessary, to be demolished, repaired, or otherwise secured:
758 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that if the danger be not imminent it shall be at the discretion of

the municipal council, instead of itself causing a hoarding or fence to be put
up, to issue in the first instance a notice in writing to the owner or occupier
to put up a proper hoarding or fence, and in the event of the owner or
occupier failing to put up within two days from the service of such notice, a
hoarding or fence which the municipal council considers sufficient in the
circumstances of the case, the municipal council shall at once cause such
hoarding or fence to be put up and thereafter proceed as provided in sub-
sections (1) and (2).
[213A. Precaution in case of dangerous trees.—(1) If any tree or any
branch of a tree or the fruit of any tree appears to the Chief Officer or the
Municipal Commissioner to be likely to fall and thereby endanger any
person or any structure, the Chief Officer or the Municipal Commissioner
may by notice require the owner of the said tree to secure, lop or cut down
the said tree so as to prevent any danger therefrom.
(2) If immediate action is necessary, the Chief Officer or Municipal
Commissioner shall himself before giving such notice or before the period of
such notice expires, secure, lop or cut down the said tree or remove the fruit
thereof or fence off a part of any street or take such other temporary
measure as he thinks fit to prevent danger, and the cost of so doing shall be
recoverable from the owner of the tree in the same manner as an amount
claimed on account of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1.1967.

214. Powers and duties with regard to dangerous, stagnant or

insanitary sources of water supply.—(1) The municipal council may at
any time by written notice require that the owner of, or any person who has
the control over, any well, stream, channel, tank or other source of water
supply shall, whether it is private property or not,—
(a) keep and maintain any such source of water supply, other than a
stream, in good repair, or
(b) within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice, cleanse any
such source of water supply from silt, refuse and decaying vegetation, or
(c) in such manner as the municipal council prescribes, protect any
such source of water supply from pollution by surface drainage, or
(d) within twenty-four hours of such notice, repair, protect or enclose in
such manner as the municipal council approves any such source of water
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 759

supply, other than a stream in its natural flow, if for want of sufficient repair,
protection or enclosure, such source of water supply is, in the opinion of the
municipal council, dangerous to the health or safety of the public or of any
persons having occasion to use or to pass or approach the same, or
(e) desist from using and from permitting others to use for drinking
purposes any such source of water supply which, not being a stream in its
natural flow, is proved to the satisfaction of the municipal council to be unfit
for drinking, or
(f) if, notwithstanding any such notice under clause (e), such use
continues and cannot, in the opinion of the municipal council, be otherwise
prevented, close either temporarily or permanently or fill up or enclose or
fence in such manner as the municipal council considers sufficient to
prevent such use, such source of water supply as aforesaid, or
(g) drain off or otherwise remove from any such source of water
supply, or from any land or premises or receptacle or reservoir attached or
adjacent thereto, any stagnant water which the municipal council considers
is injurious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood.
(2) If the owner or person having control as aforesaid fails or neglects to
comply with any such requisition within the time required by or under the
provisions of sub-section (1), the municipal council may, and if, in its
opinion, immediate action is necessary to protect the health or safety of any
person, shall at once, proceed to execute the work required by such notice,
and all the expenses incurred therein by the municipal council shall be paid
by the owner of, or person having control over, such water supply, and shall
be recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on account of
any tax recoverable under Chapter VII:
Provided that, in the case of any well or private stream or of any private
channel, tank or other source of water supply, the water of which is used by
the public or by any section of the public as of right, the expenses incurred
by the municipal council, or necessarily, incurred by such owner or person
having such control, may, if the municipal council so directs, be paid from
the municipal fund.
215. Displacing pavements, etc.—(1) Whoever displaces, takes up, or
makes any alteration in the pavement, gutter, flags, or other materials, of
any public street, or the fences, walls, or posts thereof, or any municipal
lamp, lamp-post, bracket, water-post, hydrant, or other such municipal
property therein, without the written consent of the municipal council or other
760 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

lawful authority, shall be punished with fine which may extend to one
hundred rupees.
(2) Any person who, having displaced, taken up or made alteration in any
such pavement, gutter, flags, or other materials, or in the fence, walls, posts,
municipal lamps, lamp-posts, brackets, water-posts, hydrants, or other
municipal property of any public street, fails to replace or restore the same
to the satisfaction of the municipal council after notice to do so, shall be
punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees, and shall pay any
expenses which may be incurred in restoring the same and such expenses
shall be recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on account
of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII.
216. Obstructions and encroachments upon public streets and open
spaces.—(1) Whoever in any place after it has become a 1[municipal area]1
shall have built or set up or shall build or set up, any wall or any fence, rail,
post, stall, verandah, platform, plinth, step or any projecting structure or
thing, or other encroachment or obstruction except steps over drains in any
public street, or shall deposit or cause to be placed or deposited any box,
bale, package or merchandise or any other thing in such street, or in or over
or upon, any open drain, gutter, sewer, or aqueduct, in such street, shall be
punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(2) The municipal council shall have power to remove any such
obstruction or encroachment, and shall have the like power to remove any
unauthorised obstruction or encroachment of the like nature in any open
space not being private property, whether such space is vested in the
municipal council or not, provided that if the space is vested in the
Government, the permission of the Deputy Commissioner shall have first
been obtained and the expense of such removal shall be paid by the person
who has caused the said obstruction or encroachment, and shall be
recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on account of any
tax recoverable under Chapter VII.
(3) Whoever, not being duly authorised in that behalf, removes earth,
sand, or other material from, or makes any encroachment in or upon, any
open space which is not private property shall be punished with fine which
may extend to fifty rupees, and in the case of an encroachment, with further
fine which may extend to ten rupees for every day on which the
encroachment continues after the date of first conviction for such offence.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 761

(4) Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the municipal council
from allowing any temporary occupation of, or erection in, any public street
on occasions of festivals and ceremonies, or the piling of fuel in by-streets
and spaces for not more than four days, and in such manner as not to
inconvenience the public or any individual, or from allowing the occupation
of, or temporary erection of structure on, any such streets or spaces for any
other purposes in accordance with bye-laws made under this Act.
(5) Nothing contained in this section shall apply to any projection duly
authorised under sub-section (1) of section 208 or in any case where
permission has been given under sub-section (4) of this section.
217. Hoardings to be set up during repairs, etc.—(1) Every person
intending to build or take down any building, or to alter or repair the outward
part of any building, in such a position or in such circumstances as that the
work is likely to cause or may cause obstruction, danger or inconvenience in
any street, shall before beginning such works,—
(a) first obtain a licence in writing from the municipal council so to do,
(b) cause sufficient hoardings or fences to be put up in order to
separate the building where such works are being carried on from the street,
and shall maintain such hoarding or fence standing and in good condition to
the satisfaction of the municipal council during such time as the public safety
or convenience requires, and shall cause the same to be sufficiently lighted
during the night, and shall remove the same when directed by the municipal
(2) Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this section shall be
punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees, and with further fine
which may extend to ten rupees for every day or night, as the case may be,
on which such contravention continues after the date of the first conviction.
218. Provision of facilities when work is executed in public street.—
(1) When any work is being executed by the municipal council in any public
street it shall, so far as may reasonably be capable, make adequate
provision for,—
(a) the passage or diversion of traffic;
(b) proper access to all premises approached from such street; and
(c) any drainage, water-supply, or means of lighting, which are
interrupted by reason of the execution of such work.
762 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) The municipal council shall, during the construction or repair of any of
the streets, sewers, drains or other premises vested in it, take proper
precaution for guarding against accident, by shoring up and protecting the
adjoining buildings, and shall cause such bars, chains or posts to be fixed
across or in any of the streets, to prevent the passage of carriages, carts, or
other vehicles or of cattle or horses while such works are carried on, as to it
shall seem proper; and the municipal council shall cause any sewer or drain
or other works in streets, during the construction or repair thereof, to be
sufficiently lighted and guarded during the night.
(3) Whoever takes down, alters or removes any of the said bars, chains
or posts, or removes or extinguishes any such light, without the authority or
consent of the municipal council, shall be punished with fine which may
extend to fifty rupees.
219. Timber not to be deposited or hole made in a street without
permission.—(1) No person shall, without the written permission of the
municipal council or otherwise than in accordance with such conditions as
may therein be prescribed, make a hole in any street, or erect or deposit
thereon any timber, stone, brick, earth or other material that has been, or is
intended to be, used for building and such permission shall be terminable at
the discretion of the municipal council; and when such permission is granted
to any person, he shall, at his own expense, cause such materials or such
hole to be sufficiently fenced and enclosed until the materials are removed
or the hole is filled up or otherwise made secure, to the satisfaction of the
municipal council, and shall cause the same to be sufficiently lighted during
the night.
(2) Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be
punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees, and with further
fine which may extend to ten rupees for every day or night, as the case may
be, on which such contravention continues after the date of the first
220. Power of municipal council to recover expenses caused by
extraordinary traffic.—When by a certificate of an officer of the
Government Public Works Department of a rank not below that of Executive
Engineer it appears to the municipal council, that having regard to the
average expense of repairing roads in the neighbourhood, extraordinary
expenses have been incurred by the municipal council in repairing a street
by reason of the damage caused by excessive weight passing along the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 763

street or extraordinary traffic thereon, the council may recover in the Civil
Court having jurisdiction from any person by or in consequence of whose
order such weight or traffic has been conducted the amount of such
expenses as may be proved to the satisfaction of such Court to have been
incurred by such council by reason of the damage arising from such weight
or traffic as aforesaid:
Provided that any person against whom expenses are or may be
recoverable under this section may enter into an agreement with the
municipal council for the payment to it of any amount by way of composition
in respect of such weight or traffic and thereupon the person so paying shall
not be subject to any proceedings under this section.
221. Dangerous quarrying.—If in the opinion of the municipal council
the working of any quarry, or the removal of stone, earth or other material,
from the soil in any place, is dangerous to persons residing in or having
legal access to the neighbourhood thereof, or creates or is likely to create a
nuisance, the municipal council may, by written notice, require the owner of
the said quarry or place, or the person responsible for such working or
removal not to continue or permit the working of such quarry or the
removing of such material or to take such order with such quarry or place as
the municipal council shall direct for the purpose of preventing danger or of
abating the nuisance arising or likely to arise therefrom:
Provided that if such quarry or place is vested in the Government, or if
such working thereof or removal therefrom as aforesaid is being carried on
by or on behalf of the Government or any person acting with the permission
or under the authority of the Government or of any officer of the Government
acting as such, the municipal council shall not take such action unless and
until the Deputy Commissioner has consented to its so doing:
Provided further that the municipal council shall immediately cause a
proper hoarding or fence to be put up for the protection of passengers near
such quarry or place, if in any case referred to in this section it appears to it
to be necessary in order to prevent imminent danger, and any expense
incurred by the municipal council in taking action under this section shall be
paid by such owner or other person as aforesaid, and shall be recoverable
in the same manner as an amount claimed on account of any tax
recoverable under Chapter VII.
222. Provision as to dogs.—(1) The municipal council may, by public
notice require that every dog, while in the streets and not being led by some
764 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

person, shall be muzzled in such a way as to allow the dog freely to breathe
and to drink, while effectually preventing it from biting.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), the municipal council may
take possession of any dog found wandering unmuzzled in any public place
and may either detain such dog until its owner has claimed it, has provided
a proper muzzle for it and has paid all the expenses of its detention, or
cause it to be destroyed.
(3) When a dog which has been detained under the sub-section (2) is
wearing a collar with the owner’s name and address thereon, such dog shall
not be destroyed until a letter stating the fact that it has been so detained
has been sent to the said address, and the dog has remained unclaimed for
three clear days:
Provided that any dog which is found to be rabid may be destroyed at
any time.
(4) Any unclaimed dog and any dog, the owner of which refuses to pay all
the expenses of its detention, may be sold or destroyed, after having been
detained for the said period of three clear days.
(5) All expenses incurred by the municipal council under this section may
be recovered from the owner of any dog which has been taken possession
of or detained in the manner provided by Chapter VII.
(6) No damage shall be payable in respect of any dog destroyed under
this section.
223. Provision as to keeping of pigs.—(1) If it shall appear to the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer at any time that nuisance or
annoyance is caused to the public by the keeping of pigs within the limits of
the 1[municipal area]1, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may
direct by public notice that no person shall, without his written permission or
otherwise than in conformity with the terms of such permission keep any
pigs in any part of the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(2) Whoever shall after such direction keep any pigs in any place within
the municipal limits without the permission required as aforesaid, or
otherwise than in accordance with the terms thereof, shall be punished with
fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 765

(3) Any pigs found straying may be forthwith destroyed and the carcass
thereof disposed of as the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall
direct. No claim shall lie for compensation for any pigs so destroyed.
Powers for the prevention of nuisance.
224. Depositing dust, etc.—(1) Whoever deposits or causes or suffers
any member of his family or household to deposit any dust, dirt, dung or
ashes, or garden, kitchen or stable refuse, or filth of any kind, or any animal
matter or any broken glass or earthenware or other rubbish or any other
thing that is or may be a nuisance, in any street or in any arch under a street
or in any drain beside a street or on any open space or on the bank of any
river, water-course or nallah, except at such places, in such manner and at
such hours as shall be fixed by the municipal council, and whoever commits
or suffers any member of his family to commit nuisance in any such place as
aforesaid, shall be punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five
(2) Whoever throws or puts or causes or suffers any member of his family
or household to throw or put any of the matter above described or, except
with the permission of the municipal council, any nightsoil into any sewer,
drain, culvert, tunnel, gutter or water-course, and whoever commits
nuisance, or suffers any member of his family to commit nuisance, in any
such drain, culvert, tunnel or water-course or in such close proximity thereto
as to pollute the same, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees.
225. Discharging sewage, etc.—Whoever causes or allows the water of
any sink or sewer or any other liquid or other matter which is or which is
likely to become offensive, from any 1[building or vacant land]1 under his
control, to run, drain, or be thrown or put upon any street or open space, or
to soak through any external wall, or causes or allows any offensive matter
from any sewer or privy to run, drain or be thrown into a surface drain in any
street, without the permission in writing of the municipal council or who fails
to comply with any condition prescribed in such permission, shall be
punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

226. Non-removal of filth, etc.—Whoever, being the owner or occupier

of any 1[building or vacant land]1, keeps or allows to be kept for more than
twenty-four hours, or otherwise than in some proper receptacle, any dirt,
766 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

dung, bones, ashes, night-soil, filth or any noxious or offensive matter, in or

upon such 1[building or vacant land]1, or suffers such receptacle to be in a
filthy or noxious state, or neglects to employ proper means to remove the
filth from and to cleanse and purify such receptacle, or keeps or allows to be
kept in or upon such 1[building or vacant land]1 any animal in such a way as
to cause a nuisance, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees and with further fine which may extend to five rupees for
every day on which such offence is continued, after the date of the first
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

227. Removal of nightsoil.—(1) The municipal council may from time to

time fix the hours during which only it shall be lawful to remove any night-
soil or other such offensive matter.
(2) Whoever,-
(a) when the municipal council has fixed such hours, and given public
notice thereof by beat of drum, removes, or causes to be removed,
along any street any such offensive matter at any time except
during the hours so fixed, or
(b) at any time, whether such hours have been fixed by the municipal
council or not,-
(i) uses for any such purpose any cart, carriage, receptacle or vessel
not having a covering proper for preventing the escape of the
contents thereof and of the stench therefrom, or
(ii) wilfully or negligently slops or spills any such offensive matter in
the removal thereof, or
(iii) does not carefully sweep and clean every place in which any such
offensive matter has been slopped or spilled, or
(iv) places or sets down in any public place any vessel containing
such offensive matter, or
(v) drives or takes or causes to be driven or taken any cart, carriage,
receptacle or vessel used for any such purpose as aforesaid
through any street or by any route, other than such as shall from
time to time be appointed for that purpose by the municipal
council by public notice,
shall be punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 767

228. Filthy buildings, etc.—(1) Whoever, being the owner or occupier of

any 1[building or vacant land]1 whether tenantable or otherwise, suffers the
same to be in a filthy and unwholesome condition, or in the opinion of the
municipal council a nuisance to persons residing in the neighbourhood, or
overgrown with prickly-pear or rank and noisome vegetation, and who shall
not, within a reasonable time after notice in writing by the municipal council
to cleanse, clear or otherwise put the same in a proper condition, have
complied with the requisition contained in such notice, shall be punished
with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees, and with further fine which
may extend to five rupees for every day on which the failure to comply with
the said notice is continued, after the date of the first conviction.
(2) Should the condition of the building be such as in the opinion of the
municipal council to render it unfit for human habitation, it may further, by
written notice, prohibit the using thereof for that purpose until it is rendered
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

229. Deserted and offensive buildings.—If any building, by reason of

dilapidation, neglect, abandonment, misuse or disputed ownership, or of its
remaining untenanted and thereby,—
(a) becoming a resort of idle and disorderly persons or of persons who
have no ostensible means of subsistence, or who cannot give a
satisfactory account of themselves, or
(b) coming into use for any insanitary or immoral purpose, or
(c) affording a shelter to snakes, rats or other dangerous or offensive
is open to the objection that it is a nuisance, or so unwholesome or unsightly
as to be a source of discomfort, inconvenience or annoyance to the
neighborhood or to persons passing by such building, the municipal council,
if it considers such objection cannot under any other provision of this Act, be
otherwise removed may, if there is any person known or resident within the
[municipal area]1 who claims to be the owner of such building, by written
notice directed to such person, require such person or in any other case by
written notice fixed on the door or any other conspicuous part of the building
require all persons claiming to be interested in such building, within a period
which shall be specified in the notice not being less than seven days from
the date of such notice, to cause such building to be demolished and the
768 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

materials thereof to be removed; and in the event of non-compliance with

such requirement, the municipal council, on the expiration of the period
specified as aforesaid, may forthwith cause the building to be demolished
and the materials to be removed, and may sell such materials and apply the
proceeds to defray any expenses incurred by it in so doing; and all such
expenses not thereby defrayed shall be recoverable in the same manner as
an amount claimed on account of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

230. Buildings or rooms in buildings unfit for human habitation.—(1)

If, for any reason, it shall appear to the municipal council that any building or
any room in a building intended for or used as a dwelling is unfit for human
habitation, the municipal council shall give to the owner or occupier of such
building notice in writing, stating such reason, and signifying its intention to
prohibit the further use of the building or room, as the case may be, as a
dwelling, and shall in such notice call upon the owner or occupier aforesaid
to state in writing any objection thereto within thirty days after the receipt of
such notice; and if no objection is raised by such owner or occupier within
such period as aforesaid, or if any objection which is raised by such owner
or occupier within such period appears to the standing committee invalid or
insufficient, the municipal council may by an order in writing prohibit the
further use of such building or room as a dwelling.
(2) When any such prohibition as aforesaid has been made, the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall cause notice of such
prohibition to be affixed to, and the letters “U.H.H.” to be painted on the door
or some conspicuous part of such building or room, as the case may be;
and no owner or occupier of such building or room shall use or suffer the
same to be used for human habitation until the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer certifies in writing that the building or room, as the case may
be, has been rendered fit for human habitation.
(3) The municipal council may further at its discretion serve upon the
owner of the building a notice requiring him within such time not being less
than thirty days as may be specified in the notice to execute the works of
improvement specified therein and stating that in its opinion those works will
render the building fit for human habitation. In addition to serving a notice
under this section on the owner, the municipal council may serve a copy of
the notice on any other person having an interest in the building whether as
a lessee, mortgagee or otherwise.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 769

(4) In determining whether a building can be rendered fit for human

habitation at a reasonable expense regard shall be had to the estimated
cost of the work necessary to render it so fit and the value which it is
estimated that the building will have when the works are completed.
231. Power of City Municipal Councils to order demolition of
buildings unfit for human habitation.—(1) Where a city municipal council
upon any information in its possession is satisfied that any building is unfit
for human habitation and is not capable at a reasonable expense of being
rendered so fit it shall serve upon the owner of the building and upon any
other person having an interest in the building, whether as a lessee,
mortgagee or otherwise a notice to show cause within such time as may be
specified in the notice as to why an order of demolition of the building should
not be made.
(2) If any of the persons upon whom a notice has been served under sub-
section (1), appears in pursuance thereof before the municipal council and
gives an undertaking to it that such person shall, within a period specified by
the municipal council, execute such work of improvement in relation to the
building as will, in the opinion of the municipal council, render the building fit
for human habitation or an undertaking that the building shall not be used for
human habitation until the municipal council on being satisfied that it has
been rendered fit for that purpose, cancels the undertaking, the municipal
council shall not make an order of demolition of the building.
(3) If no such undertaking as is mentioned in sub-section (2) is given, or if
in a case where any such undertaking has been given, any work of
improvement to which the undertaking relates is not carried out within the
specified period, or the building is at any time used in contravention of the
terms of the undertaking, the municipal council shall forthwith make an order
of demolition of the building requiring that the building shall be vacated
within a period to be specified in the order not being less than thirty days
from the date of the order, and that it shall be demolished within six weeks
after the expiration of that period.
(4) In determining for the purposes of section 230 and this section
whether a building is unfit for human habitation, regard shall be had to its
condition in respect of the following matters, that is to say,—
(a) repair;
(b) stability;
770 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(c) freedom from damp;

(d) natural light and air;
(e) water supply;
(f) drainage and sanitary conveniences;
(g) facilities for storage, preparation and cooking of food and for the
disposal of rubbish, filth and other polluted matter;
and the building shall be deemed to be unfit as aforesaid if and only if it is so
far defective in one or more of the said matters, that it is not reasonably
suitable for occupation in that condition.
(5) For the purposes of section 230 and this section, “work of
improvement” in relation to a building includes any one or more of the
following works, namely:—
(a) necessary repairs;
(b) structural alterations;
(c) provision of light points and water taps;
(d) construction of drains, open or covered;
(e) provision of latrines and urinals;
(f) provision of additional or improved fixtures and fittings;
(g) opening up or paving of courtyard;
(h) removal of rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter;
(i) any other work including the demolition of any building or any part
thereof which, in the opinion of the municipal council, is necessary for
executing any of the works specified above.
232. Power to enter and inspect, etc., buildings.—It shall be lawful for
the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer or any other officer authorised
by the municipal council in this behalf, at any time between sunrise and
sunset, on giving such notice as hereinafter provided, to enter into and
inspect all buildings and lands and by written notice to direct all or any part
thereof to be forthwith internally and externally limewashed or otherwise
cleansed for sanitary reasons.
233. Provision of bathing facilities.—(1) The municipal council may set
apart sufficient public places for the purpose of being used as bathing
places, and may also provide or set apart a sufficient number of convenient
tanks or runs of water for the inhabitants to bathe in; and may set apart
tanks or reservoirs or runs of water for washing animals or clothes, and for
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 771

all purposes connected with the health, cleanliness and comfort of the
inhabitants, and may prohibit the use for any purpose mentioned in this
section, of any or all other public places within the 1[municipal area]1.
(2) Copies of all orders passed and notices issued by the municipal
council and for the time being in force under this section, shall be kept at the
municipal office and shall be open for inspection by the public at all
reasonable times.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

234. Fouling water.—Whoever, in disobedience of any order of the

municipal council under section 233 or of any bye-law, bathes in any
stream, pool, tank, reservoir, well, cistern, conduit and aqueduct belonging
to the municipal council, or washes, or causes to be washed therein any
animal or anything whatever, or throws, puts or casts or causes to enter
therein any animal or anything, or causes or suffers to run, drain, or be
brought thereinto anything that is, or may become, a nuisance or does
anything whatsoever whereby any water therein shall be in any degree
fouled or corrupted, and whoever, without permission of the municipal
council, steeps in any tank, stream, or ditch within or on the boundary of the
[municipal area]1, any animal, vegetable or mineral matter likely to render
the water of such tank, stream or ditch offensive or a nuisance, shall be
punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

235. Regulation of washing of clothes by washermen.— The

municipal council may, by public notice, prohibit the washing of clothes by
washermen in the exercise of their calling, except at such places as it shall
appoint for this purpose; and when any such prohibition has been made, no
person who is, by calling, a washerman shall wash clothes at any place not
appointed for this purpose by the standing committee, except for such
person himself or for the owner or occupier of such place.
(2) The municipal council shall provide suitable places for the exercise by
washermen of their calling and may require payment of such fees for the
use of any such place as shall from time to time be determined by it with the
approval of the Government.
(3) The municipal council shall, before issuing any public notice under
sub-section (1), publish in such manner as shall in its opinion be sufficient,
for the information of persons likely to be affected thereby, a list of washing
772 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

places proposed to be provided under sub-section (2), together with a notice

specifying a date on or after which the list will be taken into consideration;
and shall, before finally fixing the said places, receive and consider any
objection or suggestion in respect thereto which may be made in writing by
any person before the date so specified.
236. Abatement of nuisances from wells, etc.—(1) If, in the opinion of
the municipal council,—
(a) any pool, ditch, quarry, hole, excavation, tank, well, pond, drain,
water-course or any collection of water, or
(b) any cistern or other receptacle for water whether within or outside a
building, or
(c) any land on which water accumulates and which is situate within a
distance of one hundred yards from any building used as a dwelling
is or is likely to become a breeding place of mosquitoes or in any other
respect a nuisance, the municipal council may, by notice in writing, require
the owner thereof to fill up, cover over or drain off the same in such manner
and with such materials as the municipal council shall prescribe or to take
such order with the same for removing or abating the nuisance as the
municipal council shall prescribe.
(2) (a) No new tank or pond shall be dug or constructed without the
previous permission in writing of the municipal council.
(b) If any such work is begun or completed without such permission,
the municipal council may either,—
(i) by written notice require the owner or other person who has
done such work to fill up or demolish such work in such manner as the
municipal council shall prescribe; or
(ii) grant written permission to retain such work; but such
permission shall not exempt such owner from proceedings for contravening
the provisions of clause (a) of this sub-section.
237. Regulation or prohibition of certain kinds of cultivation.—The
municipal council, on the report of Director of Public Health, the Health
Officer, or the local Medical Officer that the cultivation of any description of
crop, or the use of any kind of manure, or the irrigation of land in any place
within the limits of the 1[municipal area]1 is injurious to the public health may,
with the previous sanction of the Government, by public notice, regulate or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 773

prohibit the cultivation, use of manure, or irrigation so reported to be

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that when such cultivation or irrigation has been practised

during the five years preceding the date of such public notice with such
continuity as the ordinary course of husbandry admits of, compensation
shall be paid from the municipal fund to all persons interested for any
damage caused to them by absolute prohibition.
238. Using offensive manure, etc.—Whoever, except with the written
permission of the municipal council, and in the manner, if any, enjoined in
such permission stores or uses nightsoil or other manure or substance
emitting an offensive smell shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees.
239. Tethering cattle, etc.—Whoever tethers cattle or other animals, or
causes or suffers them to be tethered by any member of his family or
household, in any public street or place so as to obstruct or endanger the
public traffic therein, or to cause a nuisance, or who causes or suffers such
animals to stray about without a keeper, shall be punished with fine which
may extend to twenty-five rupees.
240. Feeding animals on filth.—Whoever feeds any animal which is
kept for dairy purposes or is intended for human food on excrementitious
matter, stable refuse, filth, or other offensive matter, or permits such animal
to feed or to be fed on such matter, shall be punished with fine which may
extend to fifty rupees.
241. Consumption of smoke.—(1) It shall be lawful for the municipal
council to direct by public notice that every furnace employed, or to be
employed, in any works or buildings used for the purpose of any trade or
manufacture whatsoever, within the limits of the 1[municipal area]1, whether
a steam engine is or is not used or employed therein, shall in all cases, be
constructed, supplemented or altered as to consume or burn, or reduce as
far as may be practicable, the smoke arising from such furnace.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(2) If any person shall, after such direction, use or permit to be used, any
such furnace not so constructed, supplemented, or altered, or shall so
negligently use, or permit to be used, any such furnace that the smoke
arising therefrom shall not be effectually consumed or burnt as far as may
774 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

be practicable, every person so offending being the owner or occupier of the

said works or buildings or being an agent or other person employed by such
owner or occupier for managing the same, shall be punished with fine which
may extend to fifty rupees and upon any subsequent conviction with fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees:
Provided that nothing in this section shall be held to apply to locomotive
engines used for the purpose of traffic upon any railway or for the repair of
242. Prohibition of nuisance.—Whoever,—
(a) in any public street or public place,—
(i) eases himself; or
(ii) loiters or begs importunately, for alms; or
(iii) exposes or exhibits, with the object of exciting charity, any
deformity or disease or any offensive sore or wound; or
(iv) carries meat exposed to public view; or
(v) without proper authority pickets animals, or collects carts; or
(vi) without proper authority affixes upon any building, monument, post, wall,
fence, tree or other thing, any bill, notice or other document; or
(vii) without proper authority defaces or writes upon or otherwise
marks any building, monument, post, wall, fence, tree or other
thing; or
(viii) without proper authority removes, destroys, defaces or otherwise
obliterates any notice or other document put up or exhibited under
this Act or the rules or bye-laws made thereunder; or
(b) makes any grave or burns or buries any corpse at any place not set
apart for such purpose; or
(c) at any time or place at which the same has been prohibited by the
municipal council by public or special notice, beats any drum or
TOM-TOM, or blows as horn or trumpt, or beats any utensil, or
sounds any brass or other instrument, or plays, any music; or
(d) without proper authority disturbs the public peace or order by singing,
screaming or shouting, or by using any apparatus for amplifying or
reproducing the human voice, such as a megaphone or a loud-
speaker; or
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 775

(e) lets loose any animal so as to cause, or negligently allows any animal
to cause injury, danger, alarm or annoyance to any person; or
(f) save with the written permission of the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer and in such manner as he may authorise, stores or uses
night soil, cow-dung, manure, rubbish or any other substance
emitting an offensive smell; or
(g) uses or permits to be used as a latrine any place not intended for that
shall, be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.
Regulation of markets, sale of goods, etc.
243. Licensing markets, slaughter houses and certain businesses.—
(1) It shall be lawful for the municipal council to direct that no place not
belonging to or vested in the municipal council shall be used for any of the
purposes specified in sub-clause (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of clause (b) of sub-
section (1) of section 324 except under and in accordance with the
conditions of a licence from the municipal council which may grant such
licences and if any of the conditions of licence is contravened or any bye-
law or any provisions of this Act is contravened, suspend, withhold or
withdraw such licence whether the licensee is prosecuted under this Act or
(2) Whoever uses or permits the use of any place contraty to the
direction, or without the licence required by sub-section (1), or in
contravention of any of the conditions or during the suspension of the
licence shall be punished with fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees.
(3) Upon a conviction being obtained in respect of any place under sub-
section (2) the magistrate shall, on the application of the municipal council
but not otherwise, order such place to be closed, and thereupon appoint
persons or take other steps to prevent such place being so used; and every
person who so uses or permits the use of a place after it has been so
ordered to be closed, shall be punished with fine which may extend to five
rupees for each day during which he continues so to use, or permits such
use of, the place after it has been so ordered to be closed.
244. Opening, closing and letting of markets and slaughter
houses.—(1) The municipal council may, from time to time, open or close
any public market or slaughter house. It may also either take stallage or
other rents or fees for the use by any person of any such market or
776 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

slaughter house or from time to time sell by public auction or otherwise the
privilege of occupying any stall or space in, or of otherwise using, any such
market or slaughter house, and levy fees on any animal slaughtered in any
slaughter house, for purposes of consumption.
(2) Any person who, without the permission or licence of the municipal
council, sells or exposes for sale any articles in the said markets, or uses
the said slaughter houses, shall be punished with fine which may extend to
twenty-five rupees.
(3) It shall be lawful for the municipal council to lease for a period not
exceeding one year at a time by publication or private contract the collecting
of any rent or fees which may be imposed under sub-section (1).
(4) If any officer specially empowered in this behalf by the municipal
council is satisfied that any person occupying any stall or space in any
market is in unauthorised occupation of the stall or space or continues to
occupy the stall or space after authority to occupy has ceased, he may, with
the previous sanction of the municipal council, require such person to
vacate the stall or space within such time as may be mentioned in the
requisition and if such person fails to comply with the requisition, such
person may, in addition to any penalty which may be imposed under this
Act, be summarily removed from the stall or space.
245. Power to expel lepers and disturbers, etc., from markets.—The
person in charge of a market shall prevent the entry therein of and shall
expel therefrom, any person suffering from leprosy in whom the process of
ulceration has commenced, or from any dangerous disease, who sells or
exposes for sale therein any article or who, not having purchased the same
handles any article exposed for sale therein; and he may expel therefrom
any person who is creating a disturbance therein.
246. Slaughter houses, etc., beyond municipal limits.—It shall be
lawful for the municipal council with the sanction of the Deputy
Commissioner, to establish slaughter houses, or places for the disposal of
carcasses of animals beyond the limits of the 1[municipal area]1 and all
provisions of this Act and of bye-laws in force thereunder relating to such
places within municipal limits shall have full force therein, as if such places
were within the municipal limits.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 777

247. Unwholesome articles of food and drink.—(1) The Municipal

Commissioner or Chief Officer or any person authorised by the municipal
council in this behalf, may at any reasonable time, enter into and inspect
any market, building, shop, stall or place used for the storage or sale of
articles of food or drink or used for the slaughter of animals, and examine
any article of food or drink or any animal which may be kept therein, and if
any article of food or drink or any animal therein appears to be intended for
human consumption and to be unfit therefor, he may seize the same.
(2) If the owner or person in whose possession such article or animals is
found, consents, thereto, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer or the
authorised person may destroy it or dispose of it so as to prevent its being
exposed for sale or used for human consumption.
(3) If such article is of a perishable nature, it may be disposed of in the
manner specified in sub-section (2) without the consent of the person in
(4) No article of food or drink shall be exposed for sale without proper
and hygienic protection.
(5) In cases not falling under sub-sections (2) and (3) the article, or
animal seized as aforesaid shall be removed forthwith and placed before a
magistrate of the first class for orders under sub-section (6).
(6) If any animal or article is brought before a magistrate under sub-
section (5), the magistrate, on its being proved that the article or animal is
intended for human consumption and is unfit therefor, may order the article
or animal to be destroyed or to be so disposed of as to prevent its being
exposed for sale or used for human consumption to be dealt with, as he
may think fit, and may direct that the owner or person in possession of such
article or animal shall be punished with fine which may extend to one
hundred rupees:
Provided that a person who is in possession of any article or animal as a
carrier or bailee thereof, in ignorance of its nature shall not be liable to fine
under this section:
Provided further that when any article of food or drink referred to in this
sub-section appears to the magistrate not to be what it is represented to be,
solely by reason of the fact that there has been added to it some substance
not injurious to health, no offence shall be deemed to have been committed
by the owner of the article or the person in whose possession the same is
found, if such owner or person proves to the satisfaction of the magistrate,—
778 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(a) that such substance has been added to the article of food or drink,
because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof, as
an article of commerce, in a state fit for carriage or consumption and not
fraudulently to increase the bulk, weight or measure of the food or of drink or
conceal the inferior quality thereof; or
(b) that in the process of production, preparation or conveyance of
such article of food or drink the extraneous substance has unavoidably
come to be intermixed therewith; or
(c) that, by a label distinctly and legibly written or printed on or with the
said article of food or drink or by other means of public description, he has
given sufficient notice that such substance has been so added; or
(d) that,—
(i) the said article was purchased by him with a written warranty
that it was of a certain nature, substance and quality,
(ii) he had no reason to believe that it was not of such nature,
substance, and quality as aforesaid, and
(iii) it was not exposed, hawked about, or brought for sale by him
otherwise than as an article of the nature, substance and quality specified in
the written warranty, and was in the same state in which he purchased it.
(7) It will be open to a municipal council, to set apart any stall or specified
locality for the sale of butter or ghee and in such stall or specified locality no
butter or ghee shall be sold or exposed for sale that is adulterated with any
other substance.
(8) Whoever sells or exposes for sale adulterated butter or ghee in any
stall or locality to set apart shall be punished with fine which may extend to
one hundred rupees and the magistrate may cause such ghee to be
destroyed or to be so disposed of as to prevent its being exposed for sale in
such stall or locality.
(9) In all prosecutions under this section the magistrate shall refuse to
issue a summons for the attendance of any person accused of any offence
against its provisions unless the summons is applied for within a reasonable
time from the alleged date of the offence of which such person is accused.
Prevention of dangerous diseases.
248. Prevention of infectious diseases.—(1) Every municipal council
may, subject to such limitations, restrictions and conditions, if any, as may
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 779

be prescribed in this behalf, exercise all or any of the powers specified in

sub-section (2) for the prevention of dangerous diseases.
(2) The powers, which may be exercised under the preceding sub-section
(a) power by orders, which may be either of special or general
application, to direct that every medical practitioner who knows or may have
reason to believe that any person whom he has visited in his professional
capacity in any dwelling not being a hospital, or that every manager of any
factory or educational institution, or every head of a household, who knows
or has reason to believe that any person who resides in any dwelling under
the management or control of any such manager or head of a household, is
suffering from any illness which may reasonably be supposed to be a
infectious disease, shall give information of the same with the least
practicable delay to such person as may be designated by the municipal
council in that behalf;
(b) power to direct or authorise the inspection without notice or with
such notice as to the person directed or authorised to inspect appears
reasonable of any place in which any infectious disease is reported or
suspected to exist and the taking of measures to prevent the spread of the
disease beyond such place;
(c) power to prohibit the removal of water for the purpose of drinking
from any well, tank or other place, which may appear to the municipal
council, on the advice of the medical officer, likely to endanger or cause the
spread of any infectious disease;
(d) power to direct or cause the removal, on a certificate signed by the
Health Officer of the municipal council or any duly qualified medical
practitioner authorised by the municipal council in this behalf, of any person
who is without proper lodging or accommodation or who is lodged in a room
or set of apartments occupied by more than one family, or in a place where
his presence may be a danger to the neighbourhood, and who is suffering
from an infectious disease, to any hospital or place at which person
suffering from the said disease are received for medical treatment; and to
prohibit the person so removed from leaving such hospital or place without
the permission of the municipal council;
(e) power to require, by written notice, the owner or occupier of any
building, or part of a building, or a person owning or in charge of any article
780 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

therein, to cleanse or disinfect such building or part thereof or article, either

at his own expense, or in case of poverty, or for other cause which the
municipal council in the circumstances of the case considers reasonable, at
the expense of the municipal council;
(f) power to provide the means, and to prescribe places, for
disinfecting or washing, bedding or other articles which have been exposed
to infection from any infectious disease and to direct the destruction thereof;
(g) power,—
(i) to provide and maintain suitable conveyances for the free
carriage of persons suffering from any infectious disease, and
(ii) when such provision is made, to prohibit the conveyance of such
persons in all or any public conveyance, and
(iii) to direct that any conveyances, that may at any time be used for
conveying any such person shall be immediately disinfected;
(h) power to prohibit,—
(i) any person suffering from any infectious disease from wilfully
exposing himself, without proper precautions against spreading the said
disease, in any street or in any school or factory, or in any inn, dharmasala,
theatre, market or other place of public resort, or
(ii) any person in charge of any person so suffering from so
exposing such sufferer;
(i) power to prohibit any person from removing to another place, or
transferring to another person, except for the purpose of disinfection, any
article which the person prohibited knows, or has reason to believe, has
been exposed to infection of any kind whatsoever from any infectious
(j) power to prohibit the letting of or the providing of accommodation
in any hotel, inn, dharmasala, chattram or musafirkhana in which a person
has, or in which there is reason to believe that a person has, been suffering
from an infectious disease, unless and until the person desiring so to let or
provide accommodation shall have had the building, or part thereof, and any
article therein likely to retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of the
municipal council or of such officer as the municipal council appoints in this
(k) power, with the previous permission in each case of a magistrate
exercising not less than second class powers, to destroy any insanitary huts
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 781

or sheds in which there is reason to believe that persons have been

suffering from infectious disease.
(3) The municipal council may, in its discretion, give compensation to any
person who sustains substantial loss by the destruction of any property
under this section, but except as allowed by the municipal council, no claim
for compensation shall lie for any loss or damage caused by any exercise of
the powers specified therein.
(4) Any person who, in a 1[municipal area]1, disobeys any order which is
for the time being in force therein, and which has been passed by the
municipal council in exercise of any power conferred on such municipal
council by this section, or obstructs any officer of the municipal council or
other person acting under the authority of the municipal council in carrying
out or executing any such order, shall, be punished with fine which may
extend to two hundred rupees.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

249. Duties of municipal council on threatened or actual outbreak of

infectious disease.—(1) In the event of the 1[municipal area]1 or any part
thereof being at any time threatened or visited with an outbreak of any
infectious disease, the municipal council shall take all such measures as it
deems necessary for the purpose of preventing, meeting, mitigating or
suppressing such attack.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) In such event as aforesaid the Government may, by special

notification, declaring that such 1[municipal area]1 is threatened or visited
with an outbreak of an infectious disease, confer on the municipal council all
or any of the powers specified in the following sub-section, and such
municipal council shall, subject to such limitations, restrictions and
conditions, if any, as the Government in the same or in any subsequent
notification may prescribe, exercise every such power so conferred on it
until the same is withdrawn by means of a like notification.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(3) The powers, all or any of which may be conferred under the preceding
sub-section, are,—
(a) power to order, subject, to the conditions,—
(i) that the permission of a magistrate exercising not less than
second class powers shall in each case be first obtained, and
782 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(ii) that accommodation for all persons to whom the order refers is
available, or shall be provided, elsewhere,
the evacuation of an infected building used as a dwelling or of any part
thereof, or of any building so used adjacent to such building, by the person
or persons residing whether habitually or temporarily, therein;
(b) power to direct the examination by a medical officer of persons
and, if necessary, the disinfection of the clothing, bedding or other
suspicious articles, belonging to persons, either arriving from places outside
the 1[municipal area]1 or residing in any infected building or building adjacent
to any infected building, and to direct that any such person shall give his
address and present himself daily for medical examination at such time and
places as may be specified, for a period not exceeding ten days;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(c) power to prohibit either generally, or by special order in any

individual case, assemblages consisting of any number of persons
exceeding fifty, in any place whether public or private, or in any
circumstances or for any purpose, if in the opinion, recorded in writing, of
the District Health Officer or other senior medical or health officer of the
district or other medical or health officer appointed by the Government in
this behalf, such assemblages in such place, in such circumstances or for
such purpose, would be likely to become a means of spreading the disease
or of rendering it more virulent.
(4) The municipal council may, in its discretion give compensation to any
person who sustains substantial loss by the destruction of any property
under this section: but except as allowed by the municipal council no claim
for compensation shall lie for any loss or damage caused by any exercise of
the powers specified therein.
(5) If in any 1[municipal area]1 in which such declaration under sub-
section (2), as aforesaid is for the time being in force, any person,—
(a) knowingly disobeys any order which for the time being is in force in
such 1[municipal area]1 and which has been passed by the
municipal council in exercise of any power conferred on it by
section 248 or under this section, or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 783

(b) obstructs any officer of the municipal council or other person acting
under the authority of the municipal council in carrying out or
executing any such order,
such person shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one
thousand rupees.
250. Withdrawal and modification of powers and orders.—(1) The
Government may by notification at any time,—
(a) withdraw any power conferred by or under sections 248 and 249;
(b) cancel or modify any limitation, restriction or condition prescribed
in respect of any such power; or
(c) cancel any order passed by a municipal council in exercise of any
such power.
(2) Every order passed by a municipal council in exercise of any such
power as aforesaid shall, on the withdrawal of such power, cease to be in
force in the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

251. Duties of municipal council in respect of disease among

horses, dogs, cattle, sheep or goats.—If in any 1[municipal area]1 any
infectious disease amongst horses, dogs, cattle, sheep or goats breaks out,
or if the introduction of any such disease appears to be likely, the municipal
council shall take all such measures as it deems necessary for the purpose
of preventing, meeting, mitigating or suppressing the disease or the
outbreak or introduction thereof.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

252. Proceedings to abate the overcrowding of interiors of

buildings.—(1) Whenever the municipal council considers the interior of a
building is so overcrowded as to be or to be likely to become dangerous or
prejudicial to the health of the inhabitants of that or of any neighbouring
building the municipal council may cause proceedings to be taken before a
magistrate of the first class for the purpose of obtaining an order to prevent
such overcrowding.
(2) Such magistrate may on the production of a certificate by a Medical
Officer or Health Officer stating his opinion that the overcrowding
complained of is likely to cause disease or risk or risk of disease, and after
such further enquiry, if any, as may appear to such magistrate necessary,
require the owner of the building within a reasonable time, not being more
784 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

than six weeks or less than ten days, to abate the number of lodgers,
tenants or other inmates of the said building to such extent as he shall deem
necessary to prescribe, or any pass such other order as he may deem just
and proper.
(3) If the said building shall have been sublet, the landlord of the lodgers,
tenants or other actual inmates of the same shall, for the purpose of this
sub-section, be deemed to be the owner of the building.
(4) It shall be incumbent on any owner to whom a requisition is issued
under sub-section (2), forthwith to give to so many of the lodgers, tenants or
other actual inmates of the said building as may be necessary to fulfil the
conditions prescribed thereby, written notice to vacate the said building
within the period specified in such requisition and any such lodgers, tenants
or inmates receiving such notice shall notwithstanding anything contained in
any other law, be bound to comply therewith.
(5) Any owner who, after the date specified in any requisition issued
under sub-section (2), permits the overcrowding of any building in
contravention of such requisition, and any person who omits to vacate any
such building in accordance with notice given to him under sub-section (4),
shall be punished with fine which may extend to ten rupees for each day
subsequent to the date specified in such requisition during which such
overcrowding, or such omission to vacate, continues.
253. Special powers which may be conferred by Government in
respect of overcrowded areas notified by Government.—(1) If the
Government is of opinion that risk of disease has arisen or is likely to arise,
either to any occupier in, or to any inhabitants in the neighborhood of, any
area by reason of any of the following defects, namely:—
(a) the manner in which either buildings, or blocks of buildings, already
existing or proposed therein are or are likely to become, crowded
together, or
(b) the impracticability of cleansing any such buildings, or blocks of
buildings already existing or proposed, or
(c) the want of drainage or scavenging, or the difficulty of arranging
therein, for the drainage or scavenging of any such buildings or
blocks or area as aforesaid, or
(d) the narrowness, closeness, bad arrangement or bad condition of
the streets or buildings or groups of buildings,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 785

the Government may by notification confer on the municipal council, to

which such area is subject, all or any of the powers specified in sub-section
(2) and the municipal council may subject to the limitations, restrictions,
modifications, conditions or regulations, if any, prescribed in this behalf,
exercise within that area all powers so conferred, unless and until those
powers are withdrawn by a subsequent notification of the Government.
(2) The powers, all or any of which may be conferred on a municipal
council under sub-section (1), are as follows:—
(a) power, when any building or block, already existing or in course of
erection, by reason of any defect specified in sub-section (1), has given or is
in the opinion of the municipal council likely to give rise to such risk as
aforesaid, to require by a written notice, to be fixed upon some conspicuous
part of such building or block and addressed as the municipal council deems
fit either to the owners thereof or to the owners of the land on which such
building or block is erected or is in course of erection, that the persons so
addressed shall within a reasonable time as shall be specified in the notice,
either pull down or remove the said building or block, or execute such works
or take such action in connection therewith as the municipal council deems
necessary to prevent all such risk of disease;
(b) power by municipal or other agency, to pull down or remove the
said building or block, or to execute such works or take such action, if the
persons addressed in the said notice neglect so to do within the time
specified therein;
(c) power, subject to a right of appeal to an officer who may be
empowered by the Government in this behalf and whose decision shall be
conclusive, to prohibit by written notice addressed to the owner and
occupier of any such site or space and by general notice published in the
manner provided in sub-section (6) of section 262 the erection of any
building or of any building exceeding such dimensions as may be
(i) on the site of any building which has in whole or in part in
exercise of the power specified in clause (a) been pulled down, or
(ii) on any space not occupied by buildings whether such space is
private property or not, and whether it is enclosed or not, if the municipal
council considers that in order to prevent such risk as aforesaid such site or
space should not be built upon and either,
786 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(a) to acquire such site or space, or

(b) to prescribe such conditions as may be deemed necessary as
to the use which the owner or occupier may make or permit to be made
Provided that in every compensation case the amount of which shall, in
case of dispute, be ascertained and determined in the manner provided in
section 268, be paid to any person whose rights are affected by such
(3) When in pursuance of any notice under sub-section (2) any building
has been pulled down, the municipal council shall, unless it has been
erected contrary to any provision of this Act or of any bye-law in force
thereunder, pay to such owner or occupier as may have sustained damage
thereby, reasonable compensation, the amount of which shall, in case of
dispute, be ascertained or determined in the manner provided in section
254. Prohibition of making of vault or grave in place of worship.—(1)
No person shall make a vault or grave, or cause any corpse to be buried
within the walls or underneath any place of public worship:
Provided that the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may, subject
to the general or special orders of the Government, authorise the making of
a vault or grave within the precincts of or underneath any place of public
worship and the burial of priests, sanyasis or ministers of religion in such
vault or grave, or in an existing vault or grave.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), shall
be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.
255. Closing places for disposal of the dead.—(1) If the municipal
council is of opinion that any place used for the disposal of the dead is in
such a condition as to be, or to be likely to become injurious to health it may
submit its opinion with the reasons therefor to the Government, and the
Government thereupon, after such further enquiry if any, as it shall deem fit
to cause to be made, may, by notification, direct that such place shall cease
to be so used from such date as may be specified in that behalf in the said
(2) A copy of the notification together with a translation thereof in the
language of the people of the neighbourhood shall be published in the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 787

official Gazette and shall be posted up at the municipal office and in one or
more conspicuous spots in or near the place to which the same relates.
(3) Any person who buries or otherwise disposes of any corps in any
such place, after the date specified in the said notification for closure of the
same, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred
Nuisances from certain trades and occupations.
256. Premises not to be used for certain purposes without licence.—
(1) No person shall use or permit to be used any premises for any of the
following purposes without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of
a licence granted by the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer in this
behalf, namely:—
(a) any of the purposes specified in Part I of Schedule XIII;
(b) any purpose which is, in the opinion of the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer dangerous to life, health or property or likely
to cause a nuisance;
(c) keeping horses, cattle or other quadruped animals or birds for
transportation, sale or hire or for sale of the produce thereof; or
(d) storing any of the articles specified in Part II of Schedule XIII
except for domestic use of any of those articles:
Provided that the municipal council may declare that premises in which
the aggregate quantity of articles stored for sale does not exceed such
quantity as may be prescribed by bye-laws in respect of any such articles
shall be exempted from the operation of clause (d).
(2) The Government may by notification direct that no premises within a
distance of two miles of the limits of a 1[municipal area]1 shall be used for
any one or more of the purposes mentioned in Part I or II of Schedule XIII
without a licence obtained from the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer
of the 1[municipal area]1 concerned and except in accordance with the
conditions specified in such licence and thereupon the provisions of this Act
and the rules and bye-laws thereunder applicable to any premises within the
[municipal area]1 referred to sub-section (1) shall be applicable to the
premises outside the 1[municipal area]1:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that no such notification shall take effect until the expiry of thirty
days from the date of its publication in the official Gazette.
788 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(3) In prescribing the terms of a licence granted under this section for the
use of premises as mills or iron yards or for similar purposes the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer may, when he thinks fit, require the licensee
to provide a space or passage within the premises for vehicles for loading
and unloading purposes.
(4) The municipal council shall fix a scale of fees to be paid in respect of
premises licensed under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2):
Provided that no such fee shall exceed five hundred rupees per annum.
(5) Where a licence is granted under this section for the use of any place
outside the limits of the 1[municipal area]1, the municipal council shall pay to
the local authority within the limits of which such place is situated, such
proportion of the fee received by the municipal council for the grant or
renewal of such licence as the Government may, by general or special
order, determine.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(6) Whoever uses any premises in contravention of sub-section (1) or (2)

or (3) or of any bye-law made under sub-clause (iv) of clause (b) of sub-
section (1) of section 324 shall be punished with fine which may extend to
two hundred rupees, and with further fine which may extend to forty rupees
for every day on which such contravention is continued after the date of first
(7) Upon a conviction being obtained under this section in respect of any
premises used for any purpose referred to in clause (a) or (b) of sub-section
(1), the magistrate shall on the application of the municipal council, but not
otherwise, order such premises to be closed, and thereupon appoint
persons or take other steps to prevent such premises being used for any
purpose referred to in cause (a) or (b) of sub-section (1).
257. Power of Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to prevent
use of premises in particular areas for purposes referred to in section
256.—(1) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer may give public
notice of his intention to declare that in any area specified in the notice no
person shall use any premises for any of the purposes referred to in sub-
section (1) of section 256 which may be specified in such notice.
(2) No objections to any such declarations shall be received after a
period of one month from the publication of the notice.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 789

(3) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall consider all

objections received within the said period, giving any person affected by the
notice an opportunity of being heard during such consideration and may
thereupon make a declaration in accordance with the notice published under
sub-section (1), with such modifications, if any, as he may think fit but not so
as to extend its application.
(4) Every such declaration shall be published in such manner as may be
prescribed and shall take effect from the date of its publication.
(5) No person shall, in any area specified in any declaration published
under sub-section (4), use any premises for any of the purposes referred to
in sub-section (1) of section 256 and specified in the declaration and the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall have the power to stop the
use of any such premises by such means as he considers necessary.
(6) Whoever uses any premises for any of the purposes referred to in
sub-section (1) of section 256 contrary to any declaration published under
sub-section (4) shall be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred
258. Setting apart areas for use for industrial purposes.—(1) The
municipal council may give public notice of its intention to declare that any
area specified in the notice shall be used only for such industrial purposes
as may be specified therein.
(2) No objections to any such declarations shall be received after a
period of one month from the publication of the notice.
(3) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall consider all
objections received within the said period, giving any person affected by the
notice an opportunity of being heard during such consideration and may
thereupon make a declaration in accordance with the notice published under
sub-section (1), with such modifications, if any, as he may think fit but not so
as to extend its application.
(4) Every such declaration shall be published in such manner as may be
prescribed and shall take effect from the date of its publication.
(5) No person shall in any area specified in any declaration published
under sub-section (4), use any place for any purpose other than those
specified in such declaration, and the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer shall have power to stop such use by such means as he considers
790 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(6) Whoever uses any place in any such area contrary to any declaration
published under sub-section (4) shall be punished with fine which may
extend to five hundred rupees.
259. Factories in crowded localities.—(1) In any 1[municipal area]1, no
person shall establish in any premises any factory, as defined in the
Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act No. XIII of 1948), without the previous
written permission of the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(2) The municipal council may refuse to give such permission if it be of
opinion that the establishment of such factory in the proposed position is
objectionable by reason of the density of the population of the
neighbourhood thereof, or will be a nuisance to the inhabitants of the
neighbourhood or in any other manner contravenes the terms of any bye-
law framed in this behalf.
(3) Whoever establishes in any premises any factory, as aforesaid
without or after the refusal of such permission, or in contravention of the
terms of any bye-law framed in this behalf shall be punished with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees and with further fine which may extend
to fifty rupees for every day on which such establishment or contravention is
continued after the date of first conviction.
260. Use of siren or whistle for summoning or dismissing
workmen.—(1) In any 1[municipal area]1, no person shall use or employ in
any factory, or any other place, any whistle or trumpet operated by steam,
mechanical means or electricity, for the purpose of summoning or
dismissing workmen or persons employed except under and in accordance
with the conditions of a licence from the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(2) The municipal council may grant such licence, subject to such
conditions as it may deem fit.
(3) Whoever uses or employs any such whistle or trumpet as aforesaid
without, or in contravention of any of the conditions of or after the withdrawal
of such licence shall be punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
General penalty, service of notices and miscellaneous provisions.
261. Police and municipal officers to aid fire-brigade.—(1) It shall be
the duty of all police officers and of all municipal officers and servants to aid
a fire-brigade in the execution of its duties. Such officers and servants may
close any street in or near which a fire is burning and remove any persons
who interfere by their presence with the operations of the fire-brigade.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 791

(2) No person shall set a naked light on or near any building in any public
street or other public place in such manner as to cause danger of fire:
Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the use
of lights for the purpose of illumination on the occasion of a festival or public
or private entertainment.
262. Service of notices, etc.—(1) Every notice, bill, summons order,
requisition or other document required or authorised by this Act or any rule
or bye-law made thereunder to be served or issued by or on behalf of the
municipal council or by the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer or any
other municipal officer, on any person shall, save as otherwise provided in
this Act or such rule or bye-law, be deemed to be duly served,—
(a) where the person to be served is a company, if the document is
addressed to the Secretary at its registered office or at its principal office or
place of business and is either,—
(i) sent by registered post; or
(ii) delivered at the registered office or at the principal office or place
of business of the company;
(b) where the person to be served is a partnership, if the document is
addressed to the partnership at its principal place of business, identifying it
by the name or style under which its business is carried on, and is either,—
(i) sent by registered post; or
(ii) delivered at the said place of business;
(c) where the person to be served is a public body or a corporation,
society or other body, if the document is addressed to the secretary,
treasurer or other head officer of that body, corporation or society at its
principal office and is either,—
(i) sent by registered post; or
(ii) delivered at that office;
(d) in any other case, if the document is addressed to the person to be
served and,—
(i) is given or tendered to him; or
(ii) if such person cannot be found, is affixed on some conspicuous
part of his last known place of residence or business, if within the 1[municipal
area]1, or is given or tendered to some adult member of his family or is
affixed on some conspicuous part of the 2[land or vacant building]2, if any, to
which it relates; or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
792 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(iii) is sent by registered post to that person.

(2) Any document which is required or authorised to be served upon an
owner or occupier of any 1[vacant land or building]1 may be addressed “the
owner” or “the occupier” as the case may be, of that 1[vacant land or
building]1 (naming that 1[vacant land or building)]1 without further name or
description, and shall be deemed to be duly served,—
(a) if the document so addressed is sent or delivered in accordance
with clause (d) of sub-section (1); or
(b) if the document so addressed or a copy thereof so addressed is
delivered to some person on the 1[vacant land or building]1 or, where there is
no person on the 1[vacant land or building for whom it can be delivered, is
affixed to some conspicuous part of the 1[vacant land or building.]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(3) Where a document is served on a partnership in accordance with this

section, the document shall be deemed to be served on each partner.
(4) Where the person on whom a document is to be served is a minor,
the service upon his guardian or any adult member of his family shall be
deemed to be service upon the minor.
(5) A servant is not a member of the family within the meaning of this
section, and nothing in this section shall apply to any summons issued
under this Act by a court.
(6) Every notice which this Act requires or empowers a municipal council
to give or to serve either as a public notice, or generally, or by provisions
which do not expressly require notice to be given to individuals therein
specified, shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or served if a
copy thereof is put in such conspicuous part of the municipal office during
such period, and in such other public buildings and places, or is published in
such local newspaper or in such other manner, as the municipal council in
bye-laws in this behalf prescribes.
(7) No notice or bill shall be invalid for defect of form.
(8) When any notice under this Chapter requires any act to be done for
which no time is fixed by this Act, the notice shall fix a reasonable time for
doing the same.
(9) In the event of non-compliance with the terms of the notice, it shall be
lawful for the municipal council to take such action or such steps as may be
necessary for the completion of the act thereby required to be done, and all
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 793

the expenses therein incurred by the municipal council shall be paid by the
person or persons upon whom the notice was served, and shall be
recoverable in the manner provided in section 269.
[262A. Prohibition of unauthorised occupation of land.—(1) Any
person who unauthorisedly enters upon and uses or occupies any land
belonging to a City Municipal Council to the use or occupation of which he is
not entitled or has ceased to be entitled shall, on conviction, be punished
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine
which may extend to five thousand rupees.
(2) Any person who having unauthorisedly occupied, whether before or
after the commencement of the Karnataka Municipal Corporations and
certain other Laws (Amendment) Act, 1984, any land belonging to a
Municipal Council to the use or occupation of which he is not entitled or has
ceased to be entitled, fails to vacate such land in pursuance of an order
under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Karnataka Public Premises Eviction
of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1974 (Karnataka Act 32 of 1974), shall, on
conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
three years and with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees and
with a further fine which may extend to fifty rupees per acre of land or part
thereof for every day on which the occupation continues after the date of the
first conviction for such offence.
(3) Whoever intentionally aids or abets the commission by any other
person of an offence punishable under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2)
shall, on conviction, be punishable with the same punishment provided for
such offence under the said sub-sections.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1984 w.e.f. 26-6.1984.

263. General penalty.—Whoever, in any case in which a penalty is not

expressly provided by this Act or any rule or bye-law thereunder, fails to
comply with any notice, order or requisition issued under any provision
thereof or of any rule or bye-law thereunder or otherwise contravenes any of
the provisions of this Act, or rule or bye-law thereunder shall be punished
with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees, and in the case of a
continuing failure or contravention with an additional fine which may extend
to ten rupees for every day after the first during which he has persisted in
the failure or contravention.
794 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

264. Municipal council in default of owner or occupier may execute

work and recover expense.—(1) Whenever, under the provisions of this
Act, any work is required to be executed by the owner or occupier of any
[building or vacant land]1, and default is made in the execution of such
work, the municipal council, whether any penalty is or is not provided for
such default, may cause such work to be executed; and the expenses
thereby incurred shall, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Act, be
paid to it by the person by whom such work ought to have been executed
and shall be recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on
account of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII either in one lumpsum or
by instalments as the municipal council may deem fit:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

Provided that—
(a) whenever any drainage scheme or water works scheme has been
commenced by any municipal council, it shall be lawful for the municipal
council, without prejudice to its powers under sub-section (1) of section 195
or any other provision of this Act, to make a special agreement with the
owner of any 1[building or vacant land]1 as to the manner in which the
drainage or water connection thereof shall be carried out and the pecuniary
or other assistance, if any, which the municipal council shall render, and any
payment agreed upon by the owner shall be recovered in accordance with
the terms of such agreement, or in default, in the manner described in sub-
sections (2) and (3):
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

(b) when an order has been passed under sub-section (1) of section
176, or under sections 193, 195, 199 or 200 or when permission has been
given under section 196 or when an agreement has been made under
proviso (a) of this sub-section, the municipal council may without prejudice
to any other powers under this Act, if it thinks fit, declare any expenses
incurred as aforesaid by the municipal council to be improvement expenses
and the improvement expenses shall be a charge upon the premises or land
and shall be levied in such instalments as the municipal council decides,
including interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, and shall be
recoverable in the manner described in sub-sections (2) and (3).
(2) If the defaulter be the owner of the 1[building or vacant land]1, the
municipal council may, by way of additional remedy, whether a suit or
proceeding has been brought or taken against such owner or not, require,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 795

subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), the payment of all or any part of
the expenses payable by the owner for the time being, from the person who
then or at any time thereafter, occupies the 1[building or vacant land]1 under
such owner: and in default of payment thereof by such occupier on demand,
the same may be levied from such occupier, and every amount so leviable
shall be recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on account
of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII; every such occupier shall be
entitled to deduct from the rent payable by him to his landlord so much as
has been so paid by or recovered from such occupier in respect of any such
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
(3) No occupier of any 1[building or vacant land]1 shall be liable to pay
more money in respect of any expenses charged by this Act on the owner
thereof than the amount of rent which is due from such occupier for the
[building or vacant land]1 in respect of which such expenses are payable at
the time of the demand made upon him, or which, at any time after such
demand and notice not to pay the same to his landlord, has accrued and
become payable by such occupier, unless he neglects or refuses upon
application made to him for that purpose by the municipal council, truly to
disclose the amount of his rent, and the name and the address of the person
to whom such rent is payable; but the burden of proof that the sum
demanded of any such occupier is greater than the rent which was due by
him at the time of such demand or which has since accrued, shall be upon
such occupier:
Provided that nothing herein contained shall be taken to affect any
special contract made between any such occupier and the owner respecting
the payment of the expense of any such works as aforesaid.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
265. Occupier in default of owner, may execute work and deduct
expenses from his rent.—Whenever default is made by the owner of any
[building or vacant land]1 in the execution of any work required to be
executed by him by the municipal council, the occupier of such 1[building or
vacant land]1 may, with the approval of the municipal council, cause such
work to be executed, and the expense thereof shall be paid to him by the
owner, or the amount may be deducted out of the rent from time to time
becoming due from him to such owner.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
796 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

266. Proceedings if any occupier opposes the execution of the

Act.—If the occupier of any 1[building or vacant land]1 prevents the owner
thereof from carrying into effect, in respect of such 1[building or vacant
land]1, any of the provisions of this Act, after notice of his intention so to
carry them into effect has been given by the owner to such occupier, any
magistrate upon proof thereof, and upon application of the owner, may
make an order in writing requiring such occupier to permit the owner to
execute all such works, with respect to such 1[building or vacant land]1, as
may be necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, and may
also, if he thinks fit, order the occupier to pay to the owner the costs relating
to such application or order; and if, after the expiration of eight days from the
date of the order, such occupier continues to refuse to permit such owner to
execute such work, such occupier, shall for every day, during which he so
continues to refuse be punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees;
and every such owner, during the continuance of such refusal, shall be
discharged from any penalties to which he might otherwise have become
liable by reason of his default in executing such works.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

267. Entry for purposes of the Act.—It shall be lawful for the Municipal
Commissioner, Chief Officer or any officer authorised by the municipal
council for such purpose, to enter, for any purpose of this Act, between
sunrise and sunset, with such assistance as he may deem necessary, into
and upon any 1[building or vacant land]1:
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

Provided that, except when herein otherwise provided, no 1[building or

vacant land]1 which may be occupied at the time shall be entered unless
with the consent of the occupier thereof, without twenty-four hours written
notice thereof having been given to the said occupier:
Provided also that, in the case of buildings used as human dwellings, due
regard shall be paid to the social and religious customs of the occupiers and
no apartment in the actual occupancy of a woman shall be entered until she
has been informed that she is at liberty to withdraw and every reasonable
facility has been afforded to her for withdrawing.
268. Determination of compensation in certain cases.—(1) Save as
provided in section 257, if an agreement is not arrived at with respect to the
amount of any compensation or damages, which are by this Act directed to
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 797

be paid, and, if necessary the apportionment of such amount, the amount

payable or the apportionment of the same shall be ascertained and
determined, in the case of 1[town municipal areas]1 by the Assistant
Commissioner in charge of the taluk in which the 1[municipal area]1 is
situated and in the absence of such an officer by the Deputy Commissioner
and, in the case of 1[city municipal areas]1; by the Deputy Commissioner:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent the aggrieved party
from seeking redress in a civil court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) In any case where the compensation is claimed in respect of any land
or of building, the compensation payable shall be determined by the District
Court and the procedure provided by the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, for
proceedings in matters referred for the determination of the court shall, as
far as may be, be followed:
Provided that,—
(a) no application to the Deputy Commissioner for a reference shall be
necessary, and
(b) the Court shall have power to give and apportion the costs of all
proceedings in any manner it thinks fit.
(3) In any case where compensation is claimed in respect of any 1[vacant
land or building]1, the municipal council may, after the award has been made
by the District Court take possession of the 1[vacant land or building]1 after
paying the compensation determined by the District Court to the party to
whom such compensation may be payable. If such party refuses to accept
such compensation, or if there is any dispute as to the title to the
compensation or as to the apportionment of it, the municipal council shall
deposit the amount of the compensation in the District Court.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.

269. Costs or expenses how determined and recovered.—If a dispute

arises with respect to any cost or expenses which are directed to be paid by
any person under this Chapter, the amount, and if necessary the
apportionment, of the same shall, save where it is otherwise expressly
provided in this Act, be ascertained and determined by the municipal council
and shall be recoverable in the same manner as an amount claimed on
account of any tax recoverable under Chapter VII.
798 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

270. Requisitioning of premises, vehicles, etc., for municipal

elections.—(1) If on a request made by the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer of a municipal council in that behalf or on its or his own motion
it appears to the Government or an officer authorised by the Government
(hereinafter referred to as the requisitioning authority), that in connection
with an election under this Act,—
(a) any premises are needed or are likely to be needed for the
purpose of being used as a polling station or for the storage of ballot boxes
after a poll has been taken, or
(b) any vehicle, vessel or animal is needed or is likely to be needed for
the purpose of transport of ballot boxes to, or from, any polling station or
transport of members of the police force for maintaining order during the
conduct of such election, or transport of any officer or other person for the
performance of any duties in connection with such election, the
requisitioning authority may by order in writing requisition such premises or
such vehicle, vessel or animal, as the case may be, and may make such
further orders as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient in
connection with the requisitioning:
Provided that no vehicle, vessel or animal which is being lawfully used by
a candidate or his agent for any purpose connected with the election of such
candidate shall be requisitioned under this sub-section until the completion
of the poll at such election.
(2) The requisition shall be effected by an order in writing addressed to
the person deemed by the requisitioning authority to be the owner or person
in possession of the property, and such order shall be served in the manner
specified in section 262 on the person to whom it is addressed.
(3) Whenever any property is requisitioned under sub-section (1), the
period of such requisition shall not extend beyond the period for which such
property is required for any of the purposes mentioned in that sub-section.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this section “premises” means any
land, building or part of a building and includes a hut, shed or other structure
or any part thereof.
271. Payment of compensation.—(1) Whenever in pursuance of
section 270 the requisitioning authority requisitions any premises the
municipal council shall pay to the person interested compensation the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 799

amount of which shall be determined by taking into consideration the

following, namely:—
(i) the rent payable in respect of the premises or if no rent is payable,
the rent payable for similar premises in the locality;
(ii) if in consequence of the requisition of the premises the person
interested is compelled to change his residence or place of business, the
reasonable expenses, if any, incidental to such change:
Provided that where any person interested being aggrieved by the
amount of compensation so determined makes an application to the
requisitioning authority within the time prescribed by rules made by the
Government for referring the matter to an arbitrator, the amount of
compensation to be paid shall be such as the arbitrator appointed in this
behalf by the requisitioning authority may determine:
Provided further that where there is any dispute as to the title to receive
the compensation or as to the apportionment of the amount of
compensation, it shall be referred by the requisitioning authority to an
arbitrator appointed in this behalf by the requisitioning authority for
determination, and shall be determined in accordance with the decision of
such arbitrator.
Explanation.—In this sub-section, the expression “person interested”
means the person who was in actual possession of the premises
requisitioned under section 270 immediately before the requisition, or where
no person was in such actual possession, the owner of such premises.
(2) Whenever in pursuance of section 270 the requisitioning authority
requisitions any vehicle, vessel or animal, the municipal council shall pay to
the owner thereof compensation the amount of which shall be determined
by the requisitioning authority on the basis of the fares or rates prevailing in
the locality for the hire of such vehicle, vessel or animal:
Provided that where the owner of such vehicle, vessel or animal being
aggrieved by the amount of compensation so determined makes an
application to the requisitioning authority within the time prescribed by rules
made by the Government for referring the matter to an arbitrator, the
amount of compensation to be paid shall be such as the arbitrator appointed
in this behalf by the requisitioning authority may determine:
Provided further that where immediately before the requisitioning, the
vehicle or vessel was by virtue of a hire-purchase agreement in the
800 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

possession of a person other than the owner, the amount determined under
this sub-section as the total compensation payable in respect of the
requisition shall be apportioned between that person and the owner in such
manner as they may agree upon and in default of agreement, in such
manner as an arbitrator appointed by the requisitioning authority in this
behalf may decide.
272. Power to obtain information.—The requisitioning authority may
with a view to requisitioning any property under section 270 or determining
the compensation payable under section 271, by order, require any person
to furnish to such authority as may be specified in the order such information
in his possession relating to such property as may be specified.
273. Eviction from requisitioned premises.—(1) Any person remaining
in possession of any requisitioned premises in contravention of any order
made under section 270 may be summarily evicted from the premises by
any officer empowered by the requisitioning authority in this behalf.
(2) Any officer so empowered may, after giving to any woman not
appearing in public reasonable warning and facility to withdraw, remove or
open any lock or bolt or break open any door or any building or do any other
act necessary for effecting such eviction.
274. Release of premises from requisition.—(1) When any premises
requisitioned under section 270 are to be released from requisition, the
possession thereof shall be delivered to the person from whom possession
was taken at the time when the premises were requisitioned or if there were
no such person, to the person deemed by the requisitioning authority to be
the owner of such premises and such delivery of possession shall be a full
discharge of the requisitioning authority from all liabilities in respect of such
delivery, but shall not prejudice any rights in respect of the premises which
any other person may be entitled by due process of law to enforce against
the person to whom possession of the premises is so delivered.
(2) Where the person to whom possession of any premises requisitioned
under section 270 is to be given under sub-section (1) cannot be found or is
not readily ascertainable or has no agent or any other person empowered to
accept delivery on his behalf, the requisitioning authority shall cause a
notice declaring that such premises are released from requisition to be
affixed on some conspicuous part of such premises and publish the notice in
the official Gazette.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 801

(3) When a notice referred to in sub-section (2) is published in the official

Gazette the premises specified in such notice shall cease to be subject to
requisition on and from the date of such publication and be deemed to have
been delivered to the person entitled to possession thereof and the
requisitioning authority or the municipal council shall not be liable for any
compensation or other claim in respect of such premises for any period after
the said date.
275. Penalty for contravention of any order regarding
requisitioning.— If any person contravenes any order made under section
270 or section 272 he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year or with fine or with both.

276. Municipal Council may prosecute.—(1) The municipal council
may direct any prosecution for any public nuisance whatever, and may order
proceedings to be taken for the recovery of any penalties and for the
punishment of any person offending against the provisions of this Act, or of
any rule or bye-law made thereunder, and may order the expenses of such
prosecutions or other proceedings to be paid out of the municipal fund:
Provided that no prosecution for an offence under this Act or rule or bye-
law framed thereunder shall be instituted, except within six months next
after the date of the commission of such offence, or the date on which the
commission or existence of such offence was first brought to the notice of
the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer.
(2) Any prosecution under this Act or under any rule or bye-law made
thereunder may, save as therein otherwise provided, be instituted before
any magistrate of the first class, and every fine or penalty imposed under or
by virtue of this Act or any rule or bye-law made thereunder, and also all
claims to compensation or other expenses for the recovery of which no
special provision is otherwise made in this Act, may be recovered on
application to such magistrate, by the distress and sale of any movable
property within the limits of his jurisdiction belonging to the person from
whom the money is claimable.
(3) In case any fine, costs, tax or other sum of money imposed, assessed
or recoverable by a magistrate under this Act or under any rule or bye-law
802 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

made thereunder, is not paid, the magistrate may order the offender to be
imprisoned in default of payment subject to all the restrictions, limitations
and conditions imposed in sections 64 to 70 (both inclusive) of the Indian
Penal Code.
(4) Any fine, costs, tax or sum imposed, assessed or recoverable by a
magistrate under this Act, or any rule or bye-law made thereunder shall be
recoverable by such magistrate, as if it were a fine imposed under the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Central Act V of 1898), and the same shall on
recovery be paid to the municipal council.
277. Power to compound offences.—(1) A municipal council may,—
(a) compromise with any person who, in the opinion of the municipal
council, has committed an offence punishable under this Act or any rule or
bye-law thereunder and on such compromise, no proceedings shall be
taken against such person in respect of such offence;
(b) with the sanction of the Deputy Commissioner, withdraw from
prosecutions instituted under this Act or under any rule or bye-law made
(c) compound any offence against this Act or against any rule or bye-
law made thereunder which may, by rules made by the Government, be
declared compoundable:
Provided that the Government may make rules to regulate the
proceedings of persons empowered to compromise offences under this
Provided further that no offence shall be compoundable which is
committed by failure to comply with a notice, order or requisition issued by
or on behalf of the municipal council or of the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer unless and until the same has been complied with so far as the
compliance is possible.
(2) Where an offence has been compounded, the offender shall be
discharged and no further proceedings shall be taken against him in respect
of the offence so compounded.
278. Limitation for distraint, etc.—No distraint shall be made and no
prosecution shall be commenced in respect of any sum due to the municipal
council under this Act after the expiration of a period of three years from the
date on which such distraint might have been made or prosecution might
first have been commenced, as the case may be, in respect of such sum.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 803

279. Distress lawful, though defective in form.—No distress levied by

virtue of this Act shall be deemed unlawful, nor shall any party making the
same be deemed a trespasser, on account of any defect or want of form in
any summons, conviction or warrant of distress, or other proceeding relating
thereto, nor shall such party be deemed a trespasser ab initio on account of
any irregularity afterwards committed by him; but all persons aggrieved by
such irregularity may recover full satisfaction for the special damage in any
court of competent jurisdiction.
280. Damage to municipal property how made good.—If through any
act, neglect or default, on account whereof any person shall have incurred
any penalty imposed by or under this Act, any damage to the property of the
municipal council shall have been committed by such person, he shall be
liable to make good such damage as well as to pay such penalty, and the
amount of damage shall, in case of dispute, be determined by the
magistrate by whom the person incurring such penalty is convicted, and on
non-payment of such damage on demand, the same shall be levied by
distress, and such magistrate shall issue the warrant accordingly.
281. Alternative procedure by suit.—In lieu of any process of recovery
allowed by or under this Act or in case of failure to realise by such process
the whole or any part of any amount recoverable under the provisions of
Chapter VII, or of any compensation, expenses, charges or damages
payable under this Act, it shall be lawful for a municipal council to sue in any
court of competent jurisdiction the person liable to pay the same.
282. Power of compromise, etc.—(1) The municipal council may
compound or compromise in respect of any suit instituted by or against it or
in respect of any claim or demand arising out of any contract entered into by
it under this Act, for such sum of money or other compensation as it shall
deem sufficient:
Provided that, if any sanction in the making of any contract is required by
this Act, the like sanction shall be obtained for compounding or
compromising any claim or demand arising out of such contract.
(2) The municipal council may make compensation out of the municipal
fund to any person sustaining any damage by reason of the exercise of any
of the powers vested in it, its officers, and servants under this Act.
(3) The municipal fund shall be liable to pay the expenses of any civil
proceedings prosecuted or defended on behalf of the municipal council.
804 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

283. Bar of suits against 1[municipal area]1, its officers, servants,

etc., for acts done in good faith.—No suit shall lie in respect of anything in
good faith done or intended to be done under this Act against any municipal
council or against any committee constituted under this Act or against any
officer or servant of a municipal council or against any person acting under
and in accordance with the directions of any such municipal council,
committee, officer or servant or of a magistrate.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

284. Previous notice for suits, etc.—(1) No suit shall be instituted

against any municipal council, officer, servant or any person acting under
the order or direction of such municipal council, officer or servant in respect
of any act done or purporting to have been done in pursuance of this Act or
any rule or bye-law made thereunder until the expiration of sixty days next
after notice in writing, stating the cause of action, the nature of the relief
sought, the amount of compensation claimed, the name and place of
residence of the intending plaintiff and the relief which he claims, has been
in the case of a municipal council delivered or left at its office, and in the
case of such officer, servant, or person, delivered to him or left at his office
or place of residence and unless the plaint contains a statement that such
notice has been so delivered or left.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to a suit in which the
only relief claimed is an injunction of which the object would be defeated by
the giving of the notice or the postponement of the institution of the suit.
285. Power and duties of Police Officers.—(1) Any police officer may
arrest any person who commits in his view any offence against any of the
provisions of this Act, or of any rule or bye-law thereunder, if the name and
address of such person be unknown to him, and if such person on demand
declines to give his name and address or gives a name and address which
such officer has reason to believe to be false.
(2) No person so arrested shall be detained in custody after his true
name and address are ascertained or without the order of the nearest
magistrate for a period longer than twenty-four hours from the time of his
arrest exclusive of the time necessary for the journey from the place of
arrest to the court of such magistrate.
(3) It shall be the duty of all police officers to give immediate information
to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer or any other appropriate
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 805

municipal authority of the commission of, or the attempt to commit, any

offence against the provisions of this Act, or of any rule or bye-law made
thereunder, and to assist all municipal officers and servants in the exercise
of their lawful authority.
286. Prohibition of expenditure not budgeted for.—Except as
hereinafter provided, no payment of any sum shall be made out of the
municipal fund unless the expenditure of the same is covered by a budget
grant, provided that the following items shall be excepted from this
prohibition, namely:—
(a) refunds of taxes and other moneys which the municipal council is
authorised by this Act or the rules made thereunder to make;
(b) repayments of moneys belonging to the contractors or other
persons held in deposit and of moneys collected or credited to the municipal
fund by mistake;
(c) sums which the municipal council is required or empowered by this
Act, to pay by way of compensation;
(d) every sum payable,—
(i) under sections 307 and 317 by order of the Deputy
Commissioner or Government or 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 and
under sections 310, 366 and 367 by order of the Government,
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(ii) under a decree or order of a civil court passed against the
municipal council,
(iii) under a compromise of any suit or other legal proceeding or
(e) expenses incurred in the exercise of powers conferred by clause
(a) of section 88 and sections 248, 249 and 251;
(f) all contributions payable by the municipal council to the
Government for the maintenance of water supply, dispensaries, schools and
other institutions managed by the Government on behalf of the municipal
council or on behalf of the municipal councils and any other local authority
or authorities.
287. Presentation of accounts.—1[(1) The Chief Officer or the Municipal
Commissioner shall, on or before the fifteenth day of January each year,
806 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

prepare and submit to the municipal council a budget containing a detailed

estimate of income and expenditure of the municipal council for the ensuing
year commencing on the first day of April next following together with a
complete account of the actual and expected receipts and expenditure for
the official year ending on the thirty-first day of March next following.]1
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1.1967.
(2) The municipal council shall thereupon decide upon the appropriations,
and the ways and means contained in the budget of the year to commence
on the first day of April next following. The budget as passed by the
municipal council shall be sent to the Government and a copy thereof sent
simultaneously to the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 and in the case
of 2[town municipal areas]2 to the Deputy Commissioner of the district also
for information.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
2. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(3) In such budget estimate, the municipal council shall among other
(a) make adequate and suitable provisions for such service as may be
required for the fulfilment of the several duties imposed on the municipal
council by this Act or any other law;
(b) provide for the payment, as they fall due of all instalments of
principals and interest for which the municipal council may be liable in
respect of loans contracted by it;
(c) provide for the payment of all sums payable to the Government
under sections 366 and 367 and of all contributions for the maintenance of
water supply, dispensaries, schools and other institutions or services
managed by the Government on behalf of the municipal council and any
other local authority or authorities.
(d) allow for a balance at the end of the said year of not less than such
sum as may be required to meet the establishment charges for a period of
three months.
(4) If the budget as submitted, fails to make adequate provisions for the
matters specified in sub-section (3), the Government may modify any part of
the budget so as to ensure that such provision is made.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 807

(5) The Government may also modify the budget or any part thereof so
as to secure compliance with any of the provisions of this Act or of the rules
made thereunder:
Provided that in the case of a city municipal council the standing
committee or any other committee appointed under this Act may, within the
budget sanctioned under this section, sanction reappropriations not
exceeding five hundred rupees from one sub-head to another or from one
minor head to another minor head under the same major head and
controlled by the same committee. A statement of such reappropriation shall
be submitted to the municipal council at every quarterly general meeting.
288. Revision of budget.—If, in the course of the official year, the
municipal council finds it necessary to modify the figures shown in the
budget with regard to its receipts or to the distribution of the amounts to be
expended on the different services it undertakes, it may do so, provided that
without the approval of the Government,—
(a) no reduction shall be made in the amounts allotted for the several
items specified in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (3) of section 287; and
(b) the closing balance shall not be reduced below the sum fixed under
clause (d) of sub-section (3) of section 287.
289. Maintenance of accounts and restrictions on expenditure.—(1)
Accounts of the income and expenditure of the municipal fund shall be kept,
and receipts accepted and payments from the municipal fund made in
accordance with the rules prescribed in this behalf.
(2) Expenditure from the municipal fund shall, save as otherwise
expressly provided in this Act, be incurred subject to the restrictions,
conditions and limitations imposed in the rules prescribed in this behalf.
(3) The municipal council shall, at the general meeting in April or after
audit of the past official year’s accounts, if such audit has not before that
general meeting taken place, pass the accounts of the past official year.
290. Audit of Accounts.—(1) The municipal accounts shall from time to
time and once in every year at the least, be audited by an auditor appointed
by the Government and also by such other agency, if any, as may be
prescribed in the rules of the municipal council.
(2) The auditor or auditors shall, for the purposes of their office, have
access to all the accounts and other records of the municipal council.
808 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(3) The municipal council shall pay from the municipal fund such charges
for the audit as may be agreed upon, and in the case of a Government
auditor, such charges as may be prescribed by the Government.
291. Power of auditor to require production of documents and
attendance of persons concerned, etc.—(1) The auditor appointed by
Government under sub-section (1) of section 290 may,—
(a) require in writing the production of such vouchers, statements,
returns, correspondence, notes or other documents in relation to the
accounts as he may think fit;
(b) require in writing any salaried servant of the municipal council
accountable for, or having the custody or control of such vouchers,
statements, returns, correspondence, notes or other documents or of any
property of the municipal council or any person having directly or indirectly
by himself or his partner, any share or interest in any contract with or under
the municipal council to appear in person before him at the municipal office
and answer any question;
(c) in the event of an explanation being required from the president or
other honorary officer, or member of a municipal council in writing invite
such person to meet him at the municipal office and shall in writing specify
the point on which his explanation is required.
(2) The auditor may, in any requisition or invitation made under sub-
section (1), fix a reasonable period, not being less than three days within
which the said requisition or invitation shall be complied with.
(3) The auditor shall give to the municipal council not less than two
weeks’ notice in writing of the date on which he proposes to commence the
Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-section, the
auditor may, for special reasons which shall be recorded in writing give
shorter notice than two weeks or commence a special or detailed audit on
the authority of the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 without giving
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

292. Penalty for disobeying requisition under section 291.—(1) Any

person who wilfully neglects or refuses to comply with any requisition
lawfully made upon him under clause (a), (b) or (c) of sub-section (1) of
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 809

section 291, shall be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred
Provided that no proceedings under this section shall be instituted except
with the written sanction of the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1:
Provided further that before giving such sanction the 1[Director of
Municipal Administration]1 shall call upon the person against whom the
proceedings are to be instituted to show cause why the sanction should not
be given.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

293. Audit report to be sent to certain officers and bodies as

Government may direct.—As soon as practicable after the completion of
the audit, but not later than three months thereafter, the Auditor shall
prepare a report on the accounts audited and examined and shall send such
report to the municipal council concerned and to the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 and the Controller, State Accounts Department.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

294. Audit report what to contain.—The Auditor shall include in his

report a statement of,—
(a) every payment which appears to him to be contrary to law;
(b) the amount of any deficiency or loss which appears to have been
caused by the gross negligence or misconduct of any person;
(c) the amount of any sum received which ought to have been but is not
brought into account by any person, and
(d) any material impropriety or irregularity which he may observe in the
accounts other than those mentioned in clauses (a), (b) and (c).
295. Municipal council to remedy defects: Procedure to be followed
after report of the Auditor under section 293.—(1) On receipt of a report
under section 293, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall
remedy any defects or irregularities which may have been pointed out in the
report, and shall, within two months of the receipt of the report, place the
report, together with a statement of the action taken or proposed to be taken
thereon and an explanation in regard thereto before a meeting of the
municipal council. He shall also, within three months of the receipt of the
report, send to the Controller, State Accounts Department, intimation of his
having remedied the defects or irregularities, if any, pointed out in the report,
or shall, within the said period, supply the Controller, State Accounts
810 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Department, any further explanation in regard to such defects or

irregularities as the municipal council may wish to give.
(2) On receipt of such intimation or explanation the Controller, State
Accounts Department may, in respect of all or any of the matters discussed
in the report,-
(a) accept the intimation or explanation given by the Municipal
Commissioner or Chief Officer and withdraw the objection, or
(b) direct that the matter be re-investigated at the next audit or at any
earlier date, or
(c) hold that the defects or irregularities pointed out in the report or
any of them have not been removed or remedied.
(3) The Controller, State Accounts Department, shall send a report of his
decision to the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 within one month of
the date of the receipt by him of the intimation or explanation of the
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer referred to in sub-section (1) or in
the event of the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer failing to give such
intimation or explanation, on the expiry of the period of three months
mentioned in the said sub-section, and shall forward a copy of such report to
the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer. If the Controller, State
Accounts Department, holds that any defects or irregularities have not been
removed or remedied he shall state in the report whether, in his opinion, the
defects or irregularities can be regularised and, if so, by what method: and if
they do not admit of being regularised, whether they can be condoned, and,
if so, by what authority. He shall also state whether the amounts to which
the defects or irregularities relate should, in his opinion, be surcharged or
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(4) The municipal council concerned shall include in its next
administration report, such portions of the report under section 293 as deal
with defects and irregularities failing under clause (c) of sub-section (2),
together with the explanation thereof, if any, given under sub-section (1) and
the final report of the Controller, State Accounts Department thereon under
sub-section (3). Such report of defects and irregularities and explanation
shall be open to the inspection of the public at the office of the municipal
council for a period of one month from the date of their receipt.
(5) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Controller, State Accounts
Department, at any time from bringing to the notice of the 1[Director of
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 811

Municipal Administration]1, for such action as the 1[Director of Municipal

Administration]1 may consider necessary, any information which appears to
him to support a presumption of criminal misappropriation or fraud or which
in his opinion deserves special attention or immediate investigation.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
296. [Director of Municipal Administration]1 to surcharge or charge

illegal payment or loss caused by gross negligence or misconduct.—

(1) The 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 may, after considering the
recommendation of the Controller, State Accounts Department, and after
taking the explanation of the person concerned, or making such further
enquiry, as he may consider necessary, disallow any item which appears to
him to be contrary to law and surcharge the same on the person making, or
authorising the making of the illegal payment; and may charge against any
person responsible therefor the amount of any deficiency or loss caused by
the negligence or misconduct of that person, or any sum received which
ought to have been but is not brought into account by that person and shall,
in every such case, certify the amount due from such person.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(2) The [Director of Municipal Administration]1 shall state in writing the

reasons for his decision in respect of every surcharge or charge and shall
send by registered post a copy thereof to the person against whom it is
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(3) If a person to whom a copy of the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 decision is sent under sub-section (2) refuses to take
delivery thereof he shall be deemed to have duly received it on the day on
which it was refused by him.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
297. Recovery of surcharges and charges how made.—(1) Every sum
certified by the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 to be due from any
person under sub-section (1) of section 296 shall be paid by such person
into the treasury or bank in which the funds of the municipal council
concerned are lodged, within one month from the receipt by him of the
decision of the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1, unless within that
time such person has applied to the court or to the Government as provided
in section 298.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
812 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) The said sum, if not duly paid, or if an application has been made to
the Court or to the Government against the decision of the 1[Director of
Municipal Administration]1 as provided in sub-section (1) of section 298 such
sum as the court or the Government shall declare to be due, shall be
recoverable, on an application made by the Deputy Commissioner to the
Court, in the same manner as an amount decreed by the court in favour of
the Deputy Commissioner.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

298. Application against order of surcharge or charge.—(1) Any

person aggrieved by any order of surcharge or charge made by the
[Director of Municipal Administration]1 under sub-section (1) of section 296
may, within one month from the receipt by him of the decision of the
[Director of Municipal Administration]1 either,—
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(a) apply to the District Court to set aside such order; and the court,
after taking such evidence as it thinks necessary, may, confirm, modify or
remit such surcharge or charge and make such orders as to costs as it
thinks proper in the circumstances; or
(b) in lieu of such application apply to the Government which shall
pass such orders thereon as it thinks fit.
(2) Pending disposal of the application all proceedings on the certificate
shall be stayed if the person aggrieved makes out a prima facie case to the
satisfaction of the District Court or the Government for the issue of a stay
299. Expenses in respect of requisition of auditors to be payable out
of Municipal Fund.—All expenses incurred by a municipal council in
complying with any requisition of an auditor under sub-section (1) of section
291 shall be payable out of the municipal fund.
300. Transmission of accounts to Government.—The municipal
council shall, as soon as the annual accounts have been finally passed by it,
transmit to the Government, or any officer duly authorised by it in this behalf,
a copy thereof, or an account in the form prescribed in this behalf, and shall
furnish such details and vouchers relating to the same, as the Government
or such officer may, from time to time, direct.
301. Publication of accounts.—The quarterly and annual accounts of
receipts and expenditure, and the budget estimates when sanctioned, shall
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 813

be open to public inspection, and shall be published in such manner as may

be prescribed in this behalf.
302. Annual administration report.—(1) As soon as may be after the
first day of April in every year and not later than such date as may be fixed
by the Government, a town municipal council shall submit to the Deputy
[Director of Municipal Administration]1 and the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 and a city municipal council shall submit to the 1[Director of
Municipal Administration]1 and to Government a report on the administration
during the preceding official year in such form and with such details as the
Government may direct.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(2) The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall prepare the report
and place it before the municipal council for consideration, and forward it to
the Deputy Commissioner, 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 and
Government as specified in sub-section (1) along with the resolution of the
municipal council thereon.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(3) The report may be published in such manner as the municipal council
may direct.
[302A. Preparation of Development Plan.—Every municipal council
shall prepare every year a development plan and submit to the District
Planning Committee constituted under section 310 of the Karnataka
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993, or as the case may be, the Metropolitan Planning
Committee constituted under section 503B of the Karnataka Municipal
Corporations Act, 1976.
302B. Finance Commission.—(1) The Finance Commission constituted
under section 267 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 shall also
review the financial position of the municipal councils and Town Panchayats
and make recommendations to the Governor as to,—
(a) the principle which should govern,—
(i) the distribution between the State and Municipal Council and
Town Panchayats of the net proceeds of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees
leviable by the Government which may be divided between them and
allocation between the municipal councils and town panchayats their
respective shares of such proceeds;
814 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(ii) the determination of the taxes, duties, tolls, fees which may be
assigned to or appropriated by the municipal councils and Town
(iii) the grant-in-aid to the municipal councils and town panchayats
from the consolidated fund of the State;
(b) the measures needed to improve the financial position of the
municipal councils and town panchayats;
(c) any other matter referred to the Finance Commission by the
Governor in the interest of sound finance of the municipal councils and town
(2) The Governor shall cause every recommendation made by the
Commission under this section together with an explanatory memorandum
as to the action taken thereon to be laid before both the Houses of the State
1. Sections 302A and 302B Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

303. Chief Controlling Authority.—The 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 shall subject to the control and orders of the Government,
be the chief controlling authority in respect of all matters relating to the
administration of this Act and for that purpose may exercise all powers
necessary in that behalf.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

304. Power of inspection and supervision.— The 1[Director of

Municipal Administration]1, Deputy Commissioner, or any officer of the
Government authorised by the Government by a general or special order,
shall have power,—
(a) to enter on and inspect, or cause to be entered on and inspected, any
immovable property occupied by any municipal council or any institution
under its control or management, or any work in progress under it or under
its direction;
(b) to call for any extract from the proceedings of any municipal council or
of any committee, or for any book or document in the possession of or under
the control of a municipal council, and any return, statement, account, or
report which he may think fit to require such municipal council to furnish;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 815

(c) to require any information or explanation which an auditor can require

under sub-section (1) of section 291;
(d) to require a municipal council to take into its consideration any
objection which appears to him to exist to the doing of anything which is
about to be done or is being done by such municipal council or any
information which he is able to furnish and which appears to him to
necessitate the doing of a certain thing by the municipal council, and to
make a written replay to him within a reasonable time stating its reasons for
not desisting from doing, or for not doing, such thing.
305. Power to inspect the office of municipal council.—(1) The
[Director of Municipal Administration]1, Deputy Commissioner or any officer
authorised by the Government in this behalf shall have power to inspect the
office of any municipal council and call for any information or records of any
such municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(2) The officer authorised under sub-section (1) shall submit the records
for the orders of Government, if he is satisfied that any order or proceeding
of the municipal council or its executive is contrary to law or orders for the
time being in force.
306. Deputy Commissioner’s power of suspending execution of
orders, etc. of municipal councils.—(1) If, in the opinion of the Deputy
Commissioner, the execution of any order or resolution of a town municipal
council, or the doing of anything which is about to be done or is being done
by or on behalf of a town municipal council, is unlawful or is causing or is
likely to cause injury or annoyance to the public, or to lead to a breach of the
peace, he may, by order in writing under his signature, suspend the
execution or prohibit the doing thereof.
(2) When a Deputy Commissioner makes any order under this section,
he shall forthwith forward to Government and to the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 and to the municipal council affected thereby a copy of the
order, with a statement of the reasons for making it; and it shall be in the
discretion of the Government to rescind the order, or to direct that it shall
continue in force with or without modification, permanently or for such period
as it thinks fit:
Provided that no order of the Deputy Commissioner passed under this
section shall be confirmed, revised or modified by the Government without
816 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

giving the municipal council, a reasonable opportunity of showing cause

against the said order.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

307. Execution of work in certain cases.—(1) The Deputy

Commissioner may provide for the execution of any work, or the doing of
any act, which a town municipal council is empowered to execute or do, and
the immediate execution or doing of which is, in his opinion necessary in the
interests of the general public and may direct that the expenses of executing
the work or doing the act with a reasonable remuneration to the person
appointed to execute or do it, shall be forthwith paid by the town municipal
(2) If the expense and remuneration are not so paid, the Deputy
Commissioner may make an order directing any person, who, for the time
being, has custody of any moneys on behalf of the municipal council, to pay
such expense and remuneration from such moneys as he may have in his
hands or may from time to time receive, and such person shall be bound to
obey such order.
(3) The provisions of sub-section (2) of section 306 shall apply, so far as
may be, to any order under this section.
308. Liability of councillors for loss, waste or misapplication.—(1)
Every councillor of a town municipal council shall be personally liable for the
loss, waste, or misapplication of any money or other property of the
municipal council to which he has been a party, or which has been caused
or facilitated by his misconduct or gross neglect of his duty as a councillor.
(2) If, after giving the councillor or councillors concerned sufficient
opportunity for showing cause to the contrary the Deputy Commissioner is
satisfied that the loss, waste or misapplication of any money or other
property of the municipal council is a direct consequence of misconduct or
gross neglect on his or their part, the Deputy Commissioner shall by order in
writing direct such councillor or councillors to pay to the municipal council
before a fixed date, the amount required to reimburse it for such loss, waste
or misapplication.
(3) If the amount is not so paid, the Deputy Commissioner shall recover it
as an arrear of land revenue and credit it to the Municipal Fund.
(4) An appeal shall lie from the decision of the Deputy Commissioner
under sub-section (2) to the Government.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 817

309. 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 power in respect of city

municipal councils.—In respect of city municipal councils the powers
conferred by sections 306, 307 and 308 shall be exercisable by the
[Director of Municipal Administration]1 and the provisions of the said
sections shall mutatis mutandis, apply to such city municipal councils and
their councillors.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

310. Government inquiry into municipal matters.—(1) The

Government may order an inquiry to be held by any officer appointed by it in
this behalf into,—
(i) any matters concerning the municipal administration of any
[municipal area]1, or
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(ii) any act or conduct of any municipal authority, officer or servant, or
(iii) any matter with respect to which the sanction, approval or consent
of the Government is required under this Act.
(2) The officer holding such inquiry shall, for the purpose thereof, have
the powers which are vested in a court under the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908, in respect of the following matters:—
(a) discovery and inspection;
(b) enforcing the attendance of witnesses and requiring the deposit of
their expenses;
(c) compelling the production of documents;
(d) examining witnesses on oath;
(e) granting adjournments;
(f) reception of evidence taken on affidavit; and
(g) issuing commissions for the examinations of witnesses;
and may summon and examine suo motu any person whose evidence
appears to him to be material; and shall be deemed to be a civil court within
the meaning of sections 480 and 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
Explanation.—For the purpose of enforcing the attendance of witnesses,
the local limits of such officer’s jurisdiction shall be the limits of the 1[State of
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
818 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(3) The reasonable expenses incurred by any person in attending to give

evidence may be allowed by the officer holding the inquiry to such person
and shall be deemed to be part of the costs.
(4) Costs shall be in the discretion of the Government and the
Government shall have full power to determine by and to whom and to what
extent such costs are to be paid, and to allow interest on costs at a rate not
exceeding six per cent per annum; and such costs and interest shall be
leviable as an arrear of land revenue.
(5) The Government after considering the report of the inquiry made by
the officer appointed under sub-section (1), may give such directions or
pass such orders as it considers necessary and where any such direction is
given to the municipal council, the municipal council shall comply with such
(6) It shall be lawful for the Government to give any direction or pass any
order under sub-section (5), which any officer subordinate to it could pass
under any provision of this Act.
311. Power of 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 to prevent
extravagance in the employment of establishment.—(1) If in the opinion
of the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 the number of persons who
are employed by a municipal council as officers or servants or whom a
municipal council proposes to employ or the remuneration assigned by the
municipal council to those persons, or to any particular person is excessive,
the municipal council shall, on the requirement of the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1, reduce the number of the said persons or the remuneration
of the said person or persons:
Provided that the municipal council may appeal against any such
requirement to the Government whose decision thereon shall be conclusive.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

312. Government may require any municipal council to appoint a

Health Officer.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Government,—
(i) to require, if in its opinion at any time such an appointment is
necessary, the appointment of a Health Officer to be made by any municipal
(ii) to make in its discretion an order vetoing the appointment or
continuance in any such office, of any person selected therefor or appointed
thereto by any such municipal council, and the tenure of such office by any
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 819

such person shall notwithstanding any contract or any other provision

relating to his conditions of service, cease and determine on and from the
date on which such order is communicated to the municipal council;
(iii) to require that any person appointed to be a Chief Officer or a
Municipal Commissioner shall be invested by any such municipal council
with all or any of the powers which can, under this Act or under any rules or
bye-laws in force at the time, be lawfully delegated to him, in addition to
such powers as are conferred on him by Chapter XIV.
(2) Any requisition issued to the municipal council under clauses (i) and
(iii) of sub-section (1) shall be complied with within such time as the
Government may in each case, specify in that behalf.
313. Power of Government to provide for performance of duties in
default of municipal council.—(1) When the Government is informed, on
complaint made or otherwise, that a municipal council has made default in
performing any duty imposed on it by or under this Act, or by or under any
law for the time being in force, the Government, if satisfied after due inquiry
that the municipal council has been guilty of the alleged default, may fix a
period for the performance of that duty.
(2) If that duty is not performed within the period so fixed, the
Government may appoint some person to perform it, and may direct that the
expenses of performing it, with a reasonable remuneration to the person
appointed to perform it, shall be forthwith paid by the municipal council.
(3) If the expense and remuneration are not so paid, the Government
may make an order directing any person, who for the time being has
custody of any moneys on behalf of the municipal council, to pay such
expense and remuneration from such moneys as he may have in his hands
or may from time to time receive, and such person shall be bound to obey
such order.
314. Power of Government to direct person in custody of municipal
fund to pay Government dues.—If a municipal council makes default in
the payment of any amount due to the Government it may make an order
directing the person having the custody of the municipal fund to pay it in
priority to any other charge against such fund and such person shall, so far
as the funds to the credit of the municipal council admit be bound to comply
with such order.
820 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

315. Power to appoint administrator in certain cases.—(1)

(a) any general election to a municipal council under this Act or any
proceedings consequent thereon have been stayed by an order of
a competent court or authority, or
(b) the election of all the councillors or more than two-thirds of the
whole number of councillors of the municipal council has been
declared by a competent court or authority to be void, or
[(c) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(d) all the councillors or more than two-thirds of the whole number of
councillors of the municipal council have resigned, 1[so however,
the total period of such appointment shall not exceed six months.]1
1. Inserted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

the State Government shall by notification in the official Gazette, appoint an

administrator for such period as may be specified in the notification and
may, by like notification, curtail and extend 1[either prospectively or
retrospectively]1 the period of such appointment.
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 1-4.1965.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, on the appointment of

an administrator under sub-section (1), during the period of such
appointment, the said municipal council and committees thereof and 1[the
President and Vice-president]1 charged with carrying out the provisions of
this Act, or any other law, shall cease to exercise any powers and perform
and discharge any duties or functions conferred or imposed on them by or
under this Act or any other law and all such powers shall be exercised and
all such duties and functions shall be performed and discharged by the
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16-1.1967.

(3) The State Government may, if it thinks fit, appoint an advisory council
to advise and assist the administrator appointed under sub-section (1) in the
exercise of the powers and the performance and discharge of the duties and
functions conferred or imposed on him under this Act or any other law. The
members of the advisory council shall hold office during the pleasure of the
State Government.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 821

316. Power of Government to 1[dissolve]1 a municipal council in

certain circumstances.—(1) If, in the opinion of Government any municipal
council is not competent to perform, or persistently makes default in the
performance of the duties imposed on it or undertaken by it by or under this
Act, or any other law, or exceeds or abuses its power or refuses to carry out
the directions given to it under the provisions of this Act or any other law 2[or
is functioning in a manner prejudicial to the 3[municipal council]3]2, the
Government may, by an order published, together with a statement of the
reasons therefor, in the official Gazette, declare the municipal council to be
incompetent or in default, or to have exceeded or abused its powers, as the
case may be, and may 1[dissolve it]1:
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
2. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8-12.1976.
3. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
Provided that before making an order of 1[dissolution]1 as aforesaid
reasonable opportunity shall be given to the municipal council to show
cause why such order should not be made.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
[Provisos x x x]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 and omitted by 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(2) When the municipal council is 1[dissolved]1 by an order under sub-
section (1) the following consequences shall ensue:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(i) all the councillors of the municipal council shall, on such date as
may be specified in the order vacate their office as such councillors without
prejudice to their eligibility for election 1[under sub-section (3)]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(ii) during the period of 1[dissolution]1 of the municipal council, all
powers and duties conferred and imposed on the municipal council by or
under this Act or any other law shall be exercised and performed by such
officer as the Government may from time to time appoint in that behalf;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(iii) all property vested in the municipal council shall, until it is
reconstituted, vest in the Government.
[(3) when a municipal council is dissolved it shall be reconstituted in the
manner provided under this Act, before the end of six months from the date
of such dissolution:
822 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Provided that where the remainder of the period for which the dissolved
municipal council would have continued is less than six months, it shall not
be necessary to hold any election under this section for constituting the
municipal council for such period.
(4) A municipal council constituted upon the dissolution before expiration
of its duration shall continue only for the remainder of the period for which
the dissolved municipal council would have continued had it not been
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
(5) An order of 1[dissolution]1 of a municipal council under sub-section (1)
[x x x]2 together with a statement of the reasons therefor shall be laid before
both Houses of the State Legislature as soon as may be after it is made.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
2. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.
317. Disputes between municipal councils.—(1) If any dispute for the
decision of which this Act does not otherwise provide exists between a
municipal council and one or more other municipal bodies in regard to any
matters arising under the provisions of this or any other Act and the dispute
is not amicably settled—
(a) the Deputy Commissioner may take cognizance of the dispute and
decide it himself if the dispute is between two or more town municipal
councils in the same district or a town municipal council and a 1[a town
panchayat]1 in the same district;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1-6.1994.

(b) the [Director of Municipal Administration]1 may take cognizance of


the dispute and decide it, in all other cases, in the same Revenue Division
except when the Municipal Corporation of any City is a party to the dispute;
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003

(c) the Government may decide the dispute, if a Municipal Corporation

of a City is a party to the dispute or if the dispute is between municipal
bodies in two or more Revenue Divisions.
(2) An appeal shall lie to the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 from
an order of the Deputy Commissioner under clause (a) of sub-section (1)
and to the Government from an order of the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 under clause (b) of sub-section (1).
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 823

(3) No suit shall be entertained by a civil court in respect of any dispute

referred to in sub-section (1).
318. Power of officers acting for, or in default of municipal council
and liability of municipal fund.—When the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 or any officer of the Government or any person appointed
by him or the Government lawfully takes action on behalf of or in default of
the municipal council under this Act, he shall have power to make such
contracts as are necessary for the purpose, and shall be entitled to the
same protection under this Act as the municipal authority whose powers he
is exercising and compensation shall be recoverable from the municipal
fund by any person suffering damage from the exercise of such powers to
the same extent as if the action had been taken by such municipal authority.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003

319. Power of Government to cancel or modify bye-laws of

municipal councils.—(1) The Government may, at any time by notification
repeal wholly or in part or modify any bye-law made by any municipal
Provided that, before taking any action under this sub-section, the
Government shall publish a draft of the proposed notification and
communicate the same to the municipal council, fix a reasonable period for
the municipal council and the members of the public to show cause against
the proposal and consider the explanation and objections, if any, of the
municipal council and the members of the public.
(2) The repeal or modification of any bye-law shall take effect from the
date of publication of the notification in the official Gazette, if no date is
therein specified, and shall not affect anything done, omitted or suffered
before such date.
320. Powers to transfer officers.—(1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, the Government shall have power to transfer any
officer or servant of a municipal council to the service of any other municipal
council or of any other local authority or of any Government Department.
(2) The Government shall have power to issue such general or special
directions as it thinks necessary for the purpose of giving due effect to
transfers made under sub-section (1) and such directions shall be complied
with by the municipal council and any municipal authority concerned.
824 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

321. Delegation of powers by Government.—(1) The Government may

by notification delegate to the 1[Director of muncipal Administration, Deputy
commissioner, Assistant Commissioner or Thasildar]1 such of its powers
under this Act 2[x x x]2 except the power to make rules.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8.2003.

2. Omitted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6-6.1986.

(2) The Government may by notification delegate to the Deputy

Commissioner any of the powers conferred under this Act on the 1[Director
of Muncipal Administration]1
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8.2003.
[(2A) The Government may by notification, delegate to any other officer
such of its powers or power conferred on any officer under this Act except
the power to make rules.]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8.2003.

(3) Every delegation under 1[sub-section (1), (2) or (2A)]1 may be subject
to such restrictions and conditions as may be specified in the notification.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8.2003.

322. Revision.—(1) 1[The 2[Director of Municipal Administration]2 may

call]1 for and examine the record of any proceedings 3[including orders of
assessment and revision of assessment]3 under this Act of any subordinate
officer, and after such enquiry as is deemed fit, 1[if he]1, is satisfied that the
order of the subordinate officer is contrary to law and has resulted in a
miscarriage of justice, pass such orders thereon 1[as he]1 deems just.
1. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6.6.1986.
2. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20-8.2003.
3. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.
[(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1), 2[the 3[Director of

Municipal Administration]3]2 may call for and examine the records of any
proceedings of the municipal council including proceedings as appellate
authority and if satisfied that any order in such proceedings is contrary to
law or is prejudicial to the interests of the 3[Municipal area]3, pass such
orders 2[as he deems]2 just.]1
1. Sub-section (2) Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.
2. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6.6.1986.
3. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 825

[(3)]1 No order under 2[sub-sections (1) and (2)]2 shall be made to the
prejudice of any party unless he has had an opportunity of being heard.
1. Renumbered by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

2. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

323. Government to make rules.—(1) The Government may by
notification 1[and after previous publication]1 make rules for carrying out all
or any of the purposes of this Act and prescribe by such rules, forms for any
proceeding for which it considers that a form should be prescribed.
1. Omitted by Act 12 of 1983 w.e.f. 24.2.1983 and inserted by Act 12 of 1983 w.e.f.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing

power, rules may be made,—
(a) for regulating the conduct of business and delegation of any of the
powers or duties and the appointment and constitution of the committees of
a municipal council;
(b) (i) for determining the executive functions to be performed by the
president, vice-president, the chairman of any committee, or the Municipal
Commissioner and the Chief Officer and the delegation of any of the powers
or duties of a municipal council to such persons;
(ii) for determining the staff of officers and servants to be employed
by municipal council, their respective designations, and duties, and the
powers and duties to be delegated to them under section 70;
(c) for the guidance of the officers and servants of a municipal council
in all matters relating to its administration;
(d) as to the amount and nature of the security to be furnished by any
officer or servant from whom it may be deemed expedient to require
(e) prescribing the assessment, levy and collections of taxes in the
[municipal area]1, the circumstances in which exemption will be allowed, the
conditions on which and extent to which remissions will be granted and the
system on which refunds will be allowed and paid, in respect of such taxes;
the limits of the charges or payments to be fixed in lieu of any tax under
section 139, the fees for notices demanding payments due on account of
826 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

any tax and for the issue and execution of warrants of distress and the rates
to be charged for maintaining any live-stock distrained and the time at which
and the mode in which such taxes, charges, payments, fees or rates shall
be levied or recovered or be payable and the persons authorised to receive
payment of the same and the manner in which auctions of movable and
immoveable property under section 144 shall be held;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(f) prescribing the conditions subject to which sums due on account of

any tax or of costs in recovering any tax or on any other account may be
written off as irrecoverable, and the conditions subject to which the whole or
any part of any fee chargeable for distress may be remitted;
(g) for regulating the recruitment and conditions of service of officers
and servants, and determining the conditions under which such officers and
servants, or any of them, shall receive pensions, gratuities, or
compassionate allowances on retirement, or on their becoming disabled
through the execution of their duty, and the amount of such pensions,
gratuities, or compassionate allowances; and for prescribing the conditions
under which any gratuities, or compassionate allowance may be paid to the
surviving relations on the death of any such officers or servants;
(h) as to the conditions under which rate-payers may appear before
the Government auditor, inspect books and vouchers and take exception to
items entered in the account or omitted therefrom;
(i) the powers and duties of the auditors and the procedure to be
followed by them for conducting an audit and the times at which such audit
may be conducted;
(j) as to preparation of plans and estimates for works which are to be
partly or wholly constructed out of the municipal fund and the authority by
whom, and the conditions subject to which, such plans and estimates for
works may be sanctioned;
(k) as to the transfer to municipal councils of the management of any
institution not otherwise provided for by this Act;
(l) as to the intermediate offices, if any, through which correspondence
between municipal council and the Government or Government officers
shall pass;
(m) in regard to the incurring of expenditure from the municipal fund
and the mode of payments from the municipal fund;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 827

(n) for the levy of interest on arrears of municipal taxes;

(o) for submission of returns, statements, and reports and the
preparation, submission and sanction of the annual estimates of receipts
and expenditure and the administration reports;
(p) for the regulation of all matters connected with the grant of licences
and permissions under this Act;
(q) any other matters for which there is no provision or insufficient
provision in this Act (including prescribing appellate authorities, periods
within which appeals or revision petitions have to be filed, fees or charges
payable in respect of any matter) and for which provision is, in the opinion of
the Government, necessary for giving effect to the purposes of this Act.
(3) In making a rule under this section the Government may provide that
a person guilty of contravention thereof shall be punished with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees and where the contravention is a
continuing one with further fine which may extend to twenty-five rupees for
every day after the first on which the contravention continues.
(4) A rule may be general for all 1[municipal areas]1, or for all 1[municipal
areas]1 not expressly exempted from its operation, or may be special for the
whole or any part of any one or more 1[municipal areas]1, as the
Government may direct.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(5) A rule under this Act may be made with retrospective effect and when
such a rule is made the reasons for making the rule shall be specified in a
statement laid before both Houses of the State Legislature. Subject to any
modification made under sub-section (6), every rule made under this Act
shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.
(6) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after it
is made before each House of the State Legislature while it is in session for
a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two
or more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the session in
which it is so laid or the sessions immediately following, both Houses agree
in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule
should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such
modified form or be of no effect as the case may be; so however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of
anything previously done under that rule.
828 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

324. Power to make bye-laws.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act

and the rules made thereunder, every municipal council may from time to
time make, alter or rescind bye-laws,—
(a) for the regulation and inspection of markets, all public places used
for the sale of articles, and slaughter houses and all places used by or for
animals which are for sale or hire or the produce of which is sold, and for the
proper and clean conduct of business therein, for regulating the sale of
fruits, flowers and vegetables, or meat, fish, eggs and animals in the
municipal markets or other specified places, and for fixing the rents and
other charges to be levied for the use of any of them which belong to the
municipal council;
(b) prescribing the conditions on or subject to which, and the
circumstances in which, and the areas or localities in respect of which,
licences may be granted, refused, suspended or withdrawn for the use of
any place not belonging to the municipal council,—
(i) as a slaughter house;
(ii) for the manufacture, preparation, storing, sale or supply for the
purpose of trade of any article or thing intended for human food
or drink, whether such food or drink is to be consumed in such
place or not;
(iii) as a market or shop for the sale of animals and birds intended
for human food, or of meat, fish or eggs or as a market for the
sale of fruits or vegetables;
(iv) for any of the purposes mentioned in section 256;
(v) as a dairy, boarding house, or lodging house, or like purpose
(other than a students’ hostel under public or recognised
(vi) for any other purpose for which the taking out of a licence is or
may be prescribed;
and providing for the inspection and regulation of the conduct of business in
any place used as aforesaid, so as to secure cleanliness therein or to
minimise any injurious, offensive, or dangerous effect arising or likely to
arise therefrom;
(c) prescribing the conditions on or subject to which, and the
circumstances in which, and the areas or localities in respect of which,
licences may be granted, refused, suspended or withdrawn for the use of
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 829

whistles and trumpets operated by steam or mechanical means or electricity

in factories or other places for the purpose of summoning or dismissing
workmen or persons employed;
(d) prohibiting the stalling or herding of horses, camels, cattle,
donkeys, pigs, sheep or goats, otherwise than in accordance with such
terms prescribed in such bye-laws in regard to the number thereof and the
places to be used for the purpose, as may be necessary to prevent danger
to the public health;
(e) prescribing the conditions subject to which sweetmeat, milk, butter
or other milk product may be sold and subject to which licences may be
granted, refused, suspended or withdrawn for carrying on the trade or
business of a dealer in, or importer or seller of, sweetmeat, milk, butter or
other milk product or for the use of for the purposes of trade, of any place for
stabling milch-cattle, for storing or selling milk or for manufacturing, storing
or selling butter or other milk products;
(f) (i) for the inspection of milch-cattle; and prescribing and regulating
the construction, dimensions, ventilation, lighting, cleansing, drainage and
water supply of dairies and cattle-sheds in the occupation of persons
following trade of dairymen or milk-sellers;
(ii) for securing the cleanliness of milk stores, milk shops and
vessels used by milk-sellers or buttermen for milk or butter;
(g) for the registration of births and deaths and the taking of statistics
within the 1[municipal area]1 and for enforcing the supply of such information
as may be necessary to make such registration or statistics effective;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(h) regulating the disposal of the dead the maintenance of all places
for the disposal of the dead in good order and in a safe sanitary condition,
due regard being had to the religious usages of the community or section of
the community entitled to the use of such places for the disposal of the
(i) for enforcing the supply of information as to any cases of
dangerous disease, and carrying out the provisions of sections 248, 249 and
(j) for enforcing the supply of such information by inhabitants of the
[municipal area]1 as may be necessary to ascertain their respective
liabilities to any tax imposed therein;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
830 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[(k) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(l) for the regulation of advertisements and their display;

[(m) x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 13.3.1979.

(n) for conserving and preventing injury to sources and means of

water supply and appliances for the distribution of water whether within or
without the limits of the 1[municipal area]1; and regulating all matters and
things connected with the supply and use of water and the turning on or
turning off and preventing the waste of water, and the construction,
maintenance and control of municipal water works and of pipes and fittings
in connection therewith, whether the property of the municipal council or not;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

Explanation.—For purposes of this clause, “sources and means of

water supply” shall include private wells which are used by the public.
(o) for securing an adequate supply of pure water to persons
occupying residential premises;
(p) regulating the use of public bathing and washing places within
municipal limits;
(q) regulating sanitation and conservancy;
(r) regulating the conditions for the construction, use and disposal of
houses intended for the poor under clause (d) of section 91;
(s) regulating the disposal of carcasses of dead animals;
(t) regulating the conditions on which permission may be given for the
temporary occupation of, or the erection of, temporary structures on public
streets or for projections over public streets, and regulating the structure and
dimensions of plinths, walls, foundations, floors, roofs, and chimneys of new
buildings, for the purpose of securing stability and the prevention of fires,
and for purposes of health;
(u) regulating the erection or use of buildings for grain shops or grain
stores and regulating the use of sites for erection of buildings and regulating
in localities intended for residential purposes the erection or use of buildings
for shops, market places, manufactories, places of public resort or for any
like purpose;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 831

(v) for preventing the erection of the buildings without adequate

provision being made for the laying out and location of streets;
(w) for ensuring the adequate ventilation of buildings by the provision
and maintenance of sufficient open space either internal or external and of
doors and windows and other means for securing a free circulation of air;
(x) for requiring an owner of a building divided into two or more
separate tenements to provide adequate means of lighting at night time a
staircase, passage or private court of or in any such building or the spaces
near or leading to latrines or urinals or washing places therein and of
extinguishing such lights;
(y) regulating, in any other particular not specifically provided for in
this Act, the construction, maintenance and control of drains, sewers,
ventilation shafts, receptacles for dung and manure, cesspools, water
closets, privies, latrines, urinals, and drainage or sewerage works of every
description, whether the property of the municipal council or not;
(z) determining the information and plans to be required by the
municipal council under sections 170 and 187;
(aa) subject to the provisions of the 1[Karnataka]1 Traffic Control Act,
1960, prohibiting vehicular traffic in any particular street, so as to prevent
danger, obstruction or inconvenience to the public, by fixing up posts at both
ends of such street or portion of such street; prohibiting the transit of any
vehicles of such form, construction, weight or size, or laden with such
machinery or other unwieldy objects as may be deemed likely to cause
injury to the roadway or to any construction thereon except under such
conditions as to time, mode of traction or locomotion, use of appliances for
protection of the roadway, number of lights and assistants and other general
precautions as may be prescribed, either generally in such bye-laws, or in
special licences to be granted in each case upon such terms as to time, of
application and payment of fees therefor as may be prescribed in such bye-
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Provided that no such bye-law relating only to any particular street or

portion of a street shall be deemed to be in force, unless and until notices of
such prohibition shall have been posted up by the municipal council in
conspicuous places at or near both ends of such street or portion of street;
832 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(bb) securing the protection of public parks, gardens, and open

spaces, vested in or under the control of the municipal council, from injury or
misuse, regulating their management and the manner in which they may be
used by the public, and providing for the proper behaviour of persons in
(cc) prescribing the qualifications of surveyors or persons by whom
plans required under section 187 are to be prepared, or of plumbers; for
licensing persons to be surveyors or plumbers or water supply contractors
and fixing the fees chargeable for such licences and for modifying the
provisions of or revoking such licences and prohibiting any alterations or
repairs or fittings to water or drainage pipes or house connections being
carried out or made, except by licensed plumbers or water supply
contractors; providing for the exercise of adequate control on all licensed
plumbers or licensed water-supply contractors, the inspection of all works
carried out by them, and the hearing and disposal of complaints made by
the owners or occupiers of premises with regard to the quality of work done,
material used, delay in execution of work and the charges made, by a
licensed plumber or licensed water-supply contractor;
(dd) prescribing the conditions on or subject to which and the
circumstances in and the areas or localities in respect of which licences may
be granted, refused, suspended, or withdrawn for establishment in any
premises, or any factory, as defined in the Factories Act, 1948;
(ee) prescribing the conditions on or subject to which licences may be
granted, refused, suspended or withdrawn, for the use of hand-carts and
hand barrows other than those plying for hire in respect of which licenses
have been granted under the 1[Karnataka]1 Public Conveyances Act, 1961,
and providing for the seizure and detention of any hand-cart or hand-borrow
which has not been duly licensed in pursuance of the bye-laws made under
this section;
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(ff) prescribing the conditions on or subject to which permission may

be granted, renewed, refused, suspended or withdrawn for erecting,
exhibiting, fixing or retaining any advertisement liable to tax under this Act,
over any land, building or structure or upon or in any vehicle or for
displaying in any other manner;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 833

(gg) the fees to be charged for licences or permissions granted by the

municipal council or for the inspection of records or grant of copies of
documents or duplicate licences or permits;
(hh) generally for the regulation of all matters relating to municipal
(2) In making any bye-laws under sub-section (1), the municipal council
may provide that a contravention thereof shall be punishable,—
(a) with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees;
(b) with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, and in case of
continuing contravention, with an additional fine which may extend to fifteen
rupees for every day during which such contravention continues after
conviction for the first such contravention; or
(c) with fine which may extend to ten rupees for every day during
which the contravention continues, after receipt of a notice from the
municipal council or a municipal officer duly authorised in this behalf, by the
person contravening the bye-law requiring such person to discontinue such
(3) Any such bye-law may also provide that a person contravening the
same shall be required to remedy so far as lies in his power, the mischief, if
any, caused by such contravention.
(4) Every municipal council shall, before making any bye-law under this
section, publish in such manner as may be prescribed for the information of
the persons likely to be affected thereby, a draft of the proposed bye-law,
together with a notice specifying a date on or after which the draft will be
taken into consideration, such date not being earlier than thirty days from
the date of publication of the draft of the proposed bye-law and shall, before
making the bye-law, receive and consider any objection or suggestion with
respect to the draft which may be made in writing by any person before the
date so specified.
(5) Every bye-law made by a municipal council under this section shall
not have effect until it has been approved by the Government; and every
such bye-law shall be submitted to the Government along with a copy of the
notice published under sub-section (4) and of every objection or suggestion
received with respect to the draft bye-law.
(6) The Government while approving a bye-law may make any change
therein which appears to it to be necessary.
834 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(7) Every bye-law as approved by the Government shall be published in

the prescribed manner and shall come into force from such date as may be
specified by the municipal council and where no date is specified on the
date of such publication.
325. Power of Government to make model bye-laws and adoption of
such bye-laws by municipal councils.—(1) In respect of any of the
matters specified in section 324 the Government may, after previous
publication of the draft for not less than one month, make model bye-laws,
and such bye-laws may be different for different classes of 1[municipal
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) A municipal council may by resolution adopt the model bye-laws in

respect of any matter, and such bye-laws shall come into force in such
[municipal area]1 from such date as the municipal council may specify in a
notice published in the prescribed manner.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) If a municipal council proposes to adopt the model bye-laws in

respect of any matter subject to any modifications, the procedure specified
in sub-sections (4), (5) and (6) of section 324 shall be followed as if the
modifications were bye-laws proposed to be made by the municipal council.
The modifications as approved by the Government shall be published in the
prescribed manner and the model bye-laws shall subject to such
modifications come into force from such date as may be specified by the
municipal council and where no date is specified on the date of such
(4) (a) The Government may by order direct any municipal council to
adopt the model bye-laws in respect of any matter, within such period not
being less than three months from the date of receipt of the direction by the
municipal council.
(b) If the municipal council fails to take any action for adopting the model
bye-laws with or without modifications, the Government may by notification
declare that the said model bye-laws shall come into force in the said
[municipal area]1 from such date as may be specified in such notification,
and such bye-laws shall come into force accordingly.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 835

(5) The provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding

anything contained in section 324.
326. Rules and bye-laws to be printed and sold.—(1) A copy of rules
and bye-laws for the time being in force shall be kept at the municipal office
and shall during office hours be open free of charge to inspection by any
inhabitation of the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) Copies of all such rules and bye-laws shall be kept at the municipal
office and shall be sold to the public at cost price either singly or in collection
at the option of the purchaser.
327. Appointment of Chief Officer.—(1) Every municipal council shall
have a Chief Officer who shall be appointed by the 1[Director of Municipal
Administration]1 from among the persons in the cadre of Chief Officers of the
[Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service]2.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

2. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(2) A Chief Officer of a 1[municipal area]1 shall be transferable from that

office by a resolution of the municipal council at a general meeting, passed
by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the total number of councillors.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) The municipal council may recommend disciplinary action being taken
against a Chief Officer for abuse of powers, misconduct or neglect of duty.
(4) When a Chief Officer shall have been appointed, all other officers and
servants employed by the municipal council shall, save such as are
excepted by order of the Government from time to time, be subordinate to
328. Appointment of Health Officer.—(1) A municipal council may, and
when required by Government by an order in this behalf shall, within such
time as may be fixed therein, appoint one or more Health Officers whether
temporarily or permanently, the officers being officers of the Department of
Public Health.
836 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) No such officer shall, save with the previous sanction of the
Government, be transferable from office unless by the votes of not less than
two-thirds of the total number of councillors.
(3) The municipal council may recommend disciplinary action being taken
against a Health Officer for abuse of powers, misconduct or neglect of duty.
329. Duties of Chief Officer.—The Chief Officer shall,—
(a) 1[subject to the control of the municipal council, perform all the duties]1
and exercise all the powers specifically imposed or conferred upon him by
or delegated to him under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

(b) subject to the orders of the municipal council, or of the standing

committee of the municipal council, as the case may be, take prompt steps
to remove any irregularity pointed out by the auditor;
(c) report to the president, the standing committee and the municipal
council all cases of fraud, embezzlement, theft or loss of municipal money or
(d) supply any return, statement, estimate, statistics, account, or report or
a copy of any document in his charge called for by the municipal council or
the standing committee and shall comply with any orders passed by the
municipal council or the standing committee thereon; and
(e) subject to rules prescribed in this behalf exercise supervision and
control over the acts and proceedings of all officers and servants of the
municipal council in matters of executive administration and in matters
concerning the accounts and records of the municipal council and to
dispose of all questions relating to the officers and servants subordinate to
the Chief Officer and their pay, privileges and allowances.
330. Powers of Chief Officers.—1[Subject to the control of the municipal
council, the Chief Officer shall exercise the powers]1 hereinafter specified,
and such other powers as may be delegated to him by the municipal council
under the provisions of this Act,—
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

(a) he shall have power, subject to the provisions of this Act and of the
rules and bye-laws for the time being in force thereunder, to grant, give or
issue under his signature all licences and permissions which may be
granted, or given or issued by a municipal council under this Act;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 837

(b) he may, subject to the provisions aforesaid, suspend, withhold or

withdraw any licence in any case in which he is empowered as aforesaid to
grant or give a licence, and in which the municipal council may under the
provisions aforesaid suspend, withhold or withdraw such licence;
(c) he shall receive and recover and credit to the municipal fund all fees
payable for licences and permissions granted or given by him under the
powers aforesaid;
(d) he may, subject to the control of the municipal council and to the
provisions of section 72,—
(i) enter on behalf of the municipal council into contracts which do not
involve an expenditure of over five hundred rupees; and
(ii) invite on behalf of the municipal council and by public notice,
tenders for the execution of any approved work or for the supply of any
materials or goods required by the municipal council:
Provided that every contract made by the Chief Officer involving
expenditure exceeding one hundred rupees shall be reported by him, within
fifteen days after the same is made, to the municipal council;
(e) he may make such requisitions, by written notice give such written
consent or permission, issue such orders and prohibitions, and exercise all
such powers as may be made, given, issued or exercised by a municipal
council under any provisions contained in,—
[Section 111 and 112]1 Section 212,
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.
[x x x]1 Section 213,
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31.3.1979.
Section 128, Section 214,
[x x x]1 Section 215,
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31.3.1979.
Section 132, proviso to sub-section (2), Section 216,
Section 133, Section 217,
Section 138 sub-sections (1), (2) and (3), Section 218,
Section 142, Section 219,
Section 143, Section 221,
Section 144, Section 222,
Section 148, Section 224,
838 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Section 150, sub-section (3), Section 225,

Section 178, Section 227,
Section 184, Section 228, sub-section (1),
Section 186, Section 230,
Section 187, Section 234,
Section 191, Section 235,
Section 193, Section 236,
Section 196, Section 238,
Section 203, sub-section (1), Section 243, sub-section (3),
Section 204, Section 247,
Section 209, Section 248, sub-sections (1) and (2),
Section 210, Section 251,
Section 211, sub-section (3), Section 262. and
Section 276:
Provided that the power conferred by section 276 to direct a prosecution
or to order proceedings to be taken for the punishment of any person
offending against the provisions of the following sections shall not be
exercised by the Chief Officer except with previous approval of the Deputy
section 78 and section 241.
331. Appointment of Municipal Commissioner.—(1) Notwithstanding
anything contained in section 327, the Government may appoint a Municipal
Commissioner for any 1[city municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(2) On the appointment of a Municipal Commissioner, the appointment of
Chief Officer, if any, shall forthwith terminate.
(3) The Government may, at the time, discontinue the appointment of a
Municipal Commissioner for any 1[municipal area]1 for which such
appointment has been made.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
332. Removal from Office.—(1) A Municipal Commissioner may be
removed from office at any time by the Government if it shall appear to the
Government that he is incapable of performing the duties of his office or has
been guilty of any misconduct or neglect which renders his removal
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 839

(2) The Municipal Commissioner of a 1[municipal area]1 shall be

transferable from that office by the Government if at a special general
meeting of the municipal council called for the purpose, not less than three-
fourths of the total number of councillors vote for such transfer.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
333. Salary of Municipal Commissioner.—A municipal Commissioner
shall receive such monthly salary payable wholly by the municipal council or
partly by the municipal council and partly by the Government, as the
Government may from time to time, determine with due regard to the
resources of the 1[municipal area]1.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

334. Prohibition of engagement in other business.—A Municipal

Commissioner shall devote his whole time and attention to the duties of his
office as prescribed in this Act or in any other enactment for the time being
in force, and shall not engage in any other profession, trade or business
Provided that the government may assign to him any other work of local
importance or interest, if in its opinion, he can perform such additional work
without prejudice to his duties as Municipal Commissioner.
335. Leave of absence.—(1) The Government may from time to time, in
consultation with the Municipal Council, grant leave of absence for such
period as it thinks fit to a Municipal Commissioner.
(2) The allowance to be paid to a Municipal Commissioner while absent
on leave, shall be regulated by the rules for the time being in force relating
to the leave allowances of salaried servants of the Government of his class.
(3) During any absence on leave, or other temporary vacancy in the
office of the Municipal Commissioner, the Government may appoint a
suitable person to act as Municipal Commissioner. Every person so
appointed shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and
imposed by or under this Act or by any other enactment for the time being in
force on the Municipal Commissioner, and shall be subject to the same
liabilities, restrictions and conditions to which the said officer is liable.
336. Contribution from municipal council towards pension and leave
allowances of Municipal Commissioner.—When Government appoints a
Municipal Commissioner, the municipal council shall, unless specially
exempted wholly or in part from the liability by the Government, contribute to
840 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

his pension and leave allowances to the extent required by the prescribed
337. Power of Municipal Council to require returns, reports, or
production of documents.—(1) The municipal council may require the
Municipal Commissioner to furnish it with,—
(a) any return, statement, estimate, statistics, or other information
regarding any matter appertaining to the administration of this Act or to the
municipal government of the 1[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(b) a report on any such matter; and

(c) a copy of any document in his charge:
Provided that in emergent cases which do not admit a delay till a meeting
of the municipal council is called, the president may call for the information,
return, statistics, estimate, or other information, referred to above.
(2) The Municipal Commissioner shall comply with every such requisition
without unreasonable delay.
338. Powers of Municipal Commissioners and limitations thereon.—
A Municipal Commissioner shall exercise the powers specifically conferred
on him by the provisions of this Act and the powers hereinafter specified and
such other executive powers as may be delegated to him by the municipal
council under the provisions of this Act,—
(1) he shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and save where it is
otherwise expressly provided in this Act, perform and exercise the duties
and powers of the president under clauses (b), (d) and (e) of sub-section (1)
[or sub-section (2)]1 of section 43;
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

(2) he shall exercise all the powers specifically conferred on the Chief
Officer by the provisions of this Act;
(3) he may make such requisition by written notice, give such written
consent or permission, issue such orders and prohibitions, exercise all such
powers and perform all such duties as may be made, given, issued,
exercised and performed by a municipal council under any of the provisions
contained in the following sections or sub-sections, namely:—
Provided as follows:—
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 841

(a) the powers conferred on the municipal council by or under the

provisions contained in section 139, section 182, sub-section (1) of section
203, section 208, sub-section (1) of section 216, and in the case of a well,
section 236, shall not be exercised by the Municipal Commissioner except
subject to the general or special orders of the municipal council or, in the
absence of such orders, with the previous approval of the municipal council;
(b) the powers conferred on the municipal council by or under any of
the provisions of this Act (i) to make bye-laws; and (ii) to authorise the
president or the vice-president, or a committee or a councillor to do
anything, shall not be exercised by the Municipal Commissioner;
(c) property, whether movable or immovable, vested in or belonging to
or otherwise held by the municipal council, shall not be deemed to vest in or
belong to or otherwise to be held by the Municipal Commissioner.
339. Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer deemed to be
authorised to exercise powers of other officers.—Whenever any officer
is authorised by the municipal council to exercise any power or perform any
function under this Act or any rule or bye-law made thereunder or under any
other law, the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer shall also be
deemed to have been authorised to exercise such power or perform such
340. Right of Municipal Commissioner and Chief Officer to attend
meetings of municipal council etc.—The Municipal Commissioner and
the Chief Officer shall have the right to attend the meetings of the municipal
council and of any committee of the council and to take part in the
discussion but shall not have the right to move any resolution or to vote.
341. Punishment for person disobeying lawful direction given by
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer.—Whoever disobeys or fails to
comply with a lawful direction given by the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer in any matter shall be punishable in the same manner as a person
who disobeys or fails to comply with a lawful direction given by the municipal
council in the same matter.
342. Powers of Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to appoint,
grant leave, punish and dismiss.—(1) A Municipal Commissioner or Chief
Officer shall have, independently of such powers as may be delegated to
him by the municipal council in this behalf, power without the sanction of the
municipal council,—
842 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(a) to appoint, subject to the rules for the time being in force, a
competent person to any post under the municipal council, the monthly
salary of which does not exceed 1[such amount as may be prescribed]1;
1. Substituted by Act 28 of 1982 w.e.f. 10.8.1982.

(b) to grant, subject to the rules for the time being in force, leave, of
absence to the holder of any post to which the Municipal Commissioner or
Chief Officer has power to appoint, and to appoint a competent person to
act for such holder during such absence;
(c) to fine, reduce, suspend or dismiss, or to impose any other
punishment on the holder of any post to which the Municipal Commissioner
or Chief Officer has power to appoint.
(2) When a Municipal Commissioner has been appointed under the
provisions of this Act, all other officers and servants employed by the
municipal council shall be subordinate to him.
343. Orders 1[subject to appeal]1.—2[(1)]2 No appeal shall lie to the
municipal council in respect of any order passed or anything done by a
Municipal Commissioner 3[x x x]3 in the exercise of the powers conferred
upon him by or under the provisions of this Act except in the case of an
order passed or anything done by him under any of the following provisions,
1. Substituted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

2. Renumbered by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

3. Omitted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

(i) sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 181, (ii) clause (c) of sub-section (9)
of section 187, (iii) sub-section (1) of section 194, (iv) sub-section (2) of
section 197, (v) sub-section (2) of section 228, (vi) section 230, (vii) section
256, (viii) section 259, (ix) clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 264, (x)
section 269, (xi) clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 342, in respect of an
order of dismissal.
[(2) In respect of any order passed or anything done by the Municipal
commissioner which is not appealable to the municipal council under sub-
section (1), an appeal shall lie to such officer as the State Government may
by rules prescribe in this behalf.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

344. Delegation of powers of Municipal Commissioner.—(1) With the

sanction of the municipal council, the Municipal Commissioner may by
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 843

general or special order in writing delegate to any municipal officer or

servant, any of the Municipal Commissioner’s powers, duties or functions
under this Act or under any rule or bye-law made thereunder except such as
are conferred or imposed upon vested in him under the following sections,
namely, 256, 276 and 342.
(2) The exercise or discharge by any municipal officer or servant of any
powers, duties or functions delegated to him under sub-section (1) shall be
subject to such conditions and limitations, if any, as may be specified in the
said order and also to the control of and revision by the Municipal
345. Power to execute contracts on behalf of municipal council.—In
any 1[municipal area]1 for which a Municipal Commissioner has been
appointed, notwithstanding anything contained in section 72, the following
provisions, with respect to the making of contracts under or for any
purposes of this Act shall have effect, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(a) every such contract shall be made on behalf of the municipal council
by the Municipal Commissioner;
(b) no such contract for any purpose which the Municipal Commissioner
is not empowered by this Act to carry out without the approval or sanction of
some other municipal authority, shall be made by him until or unless such
approval or sanction has first of all been duly given;
(c) no contract for the purchase, sale, lease, mortgage or other transfer of
immovable property, shall be entered into by the Municipal Commissioner
except with the approval or sanction of the municipal council;
(d) no contract which will involve an expenditure exceeding two thousand
rupees shall be made by the Municipal Commissioner except with the
approval or sanction of the municipal council;
(e) every contract made by the Municipal Commissioner involving an
expenditure exceeding two hundred and fifty rupees shall be reported by
him, within fifteen days after the same has been made, to the municipal
(f) the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to every variation or
discharge of a contract as to an original contract.
346. Mode of executing contracts.—Notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-sections (7) and (8) of section 72, every contract entered
844 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

into by a Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer on behalf of a municipal

council shall be entered into in such manner and form as would bind such
Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer if such contract were on his own
behalf and may in like manner and form be varied or discharged;
Provided that,—
(a) where any such contract, if entered into by a municipal council,
would require to be under seal, the same shall be sealed with the common
seal of the municipal council;
(b) every contract for the execution of any work or the supply of any
materials or goods which will involve an expenditure exceeding five hundred
rupees shall be in writing and shall be sealed with the common seal of the
municipal council and shall specify the work to be done or the materials or
goods to be supplied, as the case may be , the price to be paid for such
work, materials or goods and, in the case of a contract for work, the time or
times within which the same or specified portions thereof shall be
(2) The common seal of the municipal council shall not be affixed to any
contract or other instrument, except in the presence of two members of the
standing committee, who shall affix their signatures to the contract or
instrument in token that the same was sealed in their presence. The
signature of the said members shall be distinct from the signature of any
witnesses to the execution of any such contract or instrument.
(3) No contract not executed in the manner provided in this section shall
be binding on the municipal council.
347. Tenders to be invited for contracts involving expenditure
exceeding five hundred rupees.—(1) Except as is otherwise provided in
sub-section (3), a Municipal Commissioner shall at least seven days before
entering into any contract for the execution of any work or the supply of any
materials or goods which will involve an expenditure exceeding five hundred
rupees, give notice by advertising in the local newspapers, inviting tenders
for such contract.
(2) A Municipal Commissioner shall not be bound to accept any tender
which may be made in pursuance of such notice, but may accept, subject to
the provisions of clause (d) of section 345, any of the tenders so made
which appears to him, upon a consideration of all the circumstances, to be
the most advantageous or may reject all the tenders submitted to him.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 845

(3) The municipal council may, subject to the provisions of section 72,
authorise the Municipal Commissioner, for reasons which shall be recorded
in its proceedings, to enter into a contract without inviting tenders as herein
provided or without accepting any tender which he may receive after having
invited them.
348. Security when to be taken for performance of contract.—A
Municipal Commissioner shall require security for the due performance of
every contract into which he enters under section 345, and may, in his
discretion, require security for the due performance of any other contract
into which he enters under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

349. Specifying transitional area.—(1) the Governor may, having
regard to the factors mentioned in clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of sub-
section (1) of section 3, and subject to the provisions of section 9 specify, by
notification, any area to be a transitional area:
Provided that no such area shall be so specified as a transitional area
(a) such area contains a population of not less than ten thousand but
less than twenty thousand;
(b) the density of population in such area is not less than four hundred
inhabitants to one square kilometer of area;
(c) the percentage of employment in non-agricultural activities is not
less than fifty percent of the total employment:
Provided further that if a Taluka Head quarters is situated in such area,
the Governor may, specify such area to be a transitional area even though it
contains population of less than ten thousand.
350. Municipal Area.—Where any area is specified to be a transitional
area under section 349, such area shall be deemed to be a municipal area.
351. Constitution of Town Panchayat for a transitional area.—(1)
There shall be constituted for such transitional area which is deemed to be a
municipal area under section 350 a town panchayat.
(2) Every town panchayat shall be a body corporate by the name of “the
Town Panchayat of” and shall have perpetual succession and a common
846 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

seal with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property and to contract and
may by the said name sue and be sued.
352. Election to Town Panchayat.—1[(1) A Town Panchayat shall
consist of,-
(a) not less than eleven and not more than twenty Councillors as may be
determined by the Government, by notification.
(b) not more than three persons nominated by the Government from
amongst the residents of the transitional area and who are,-
(i) persons having special knowledge and experience in municipal
administration or matters relating to health, town planning or
education; or
(ii) social workers
(c) the members of House of the people and the members of the State
Legislative Assembly, representing a part or whole of the transitional area
whose constituencies lie within the transitional area; and
(d) the members of the Council of States and the members of the State
Legislative Council registered as electors within the transitional area:
Provided that the persons referred to in clause (b) shall not have the
right to vote in the meetings of the Town Panchayat.]1.
1. Substituted by Act 23 of 2003 w.e.f. 10.11.2003.

(2) For the purpose of elections, the Government shall, by notification,

divide a transitional area into such number of territorial constituencies, to be
known as wards, as there are councillors determined under sub-section (1)
and each ward shall constitute a constituency.
(3) Each ward shall elect one councillor.
(4) Seats shall be reserved in a Town Panchayat,—
(a) for the Scheduled Castes; and
(b) for the Scheduled Tribes;
and the number of seats reserved shall bear, as nearly as may be, the same
proportion to the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in the
Town Panchayat as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the
transitional area or of the Scheduled Tribes in the transitional area bears to
the total population of the transitional area.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 847

[Provided that atleast one seat each shall be reserved in a Town
Panchayat for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes:
Provided further that, if no person belonging to the Scheduled Castes is
available the seat reserved for that category shall also be filled by the
persons belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and vice versa]1.
1. Inserted by Act 23 of 2003 w.e.f. 10.11.2003.

(5) Such number of seats which shall as nearly as may be one third of
the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in a Town Panchayat
shall be reserved for persons belonging to the Backward Classes;
[Provided that out of the seats reserved undeer this sub-section eighty
per cent of the total number of such seats shall be reserved for the persons
falling under category "A" and the remaining twenty per cent of the seats
shall be reserved for the persons falling under category "B":
Provided further that if no person falling under category "A" is available,
the seats reserved for that category shall also be filled by th persons falling
under category "B" and vice versa.]1
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 1995 w.e.f. 26.9.1995.

(6) Not less than one-third of the seats reserved for each category of
persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Backward Classes and those of the non-reserved seats to be filled by direct
election in a Town Panchayat shall be reserved for women:
Provided that the seats reserved in sub-sections (4), (5) and (6) shall be
allotted by rotation to different wards in a transitional area.
(7) The councillors shall be elected in the manner provided in this Act.
(8) Nothing contained in sub-sections (4), (5) and (6) shall be deemed to
prevent the members of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Backward Classes or Women from standing for election to the non-reserved
(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section where two-third of
the total number of councillors of any Town Panchayat have been elected,
the Town Panchayat shall be deemed to be have been duly constituted
under this Act.
353. Power to extend provisions of this Act to a transitional area.—
The Government may, by notification, apply to a transitional area subject to
848 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

such restriction or modifications as the Government may consider

necessary for giving effect to the provisions of this Chapter,—
(a) any provisions of any section of this Act or part of any section which
applies to the area within the limits of a municipal council.
(b) any rule or bye-law in force in such area within the limits of a
municipal council.
354. Consequence of the applications of the Act to a transitional
area.—(1) When any provision of this Act or any rule or bye-law is applied
with or without modification to a transitional area, such provisions of the Act
or the rules or bye-law made thereunder shall, unless a different intention
appears, operate as if the transitional area were a municipal area within the
jurisdiction of a municipal council and the powers and duties of the
municipal council were vested in the Town Panchayat.
(2) When any tax is imposed by a Town Panchayat in a transitional area
under any of the provisions of this Act as applied under section 353, the
proceeds of such tax shall be expended in the same manner in which and
for the purposes for which the municipal fund may be expended by a
municipal council.
355. Effect of absorption of Panchayat area into transitional area.—
Any local area consisting of one or more revenue villages in respect of
which a Grama Panchayat has been constituted under the Karnataka
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 may be included in a transitional area by a
notification issued in accordance with the provisions of section 4 and
notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in the Karnataka
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 but subject to the provisions of section 4 of this
Act, with effect from the date on which such area is included in a transitional
area, the following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
(a) the Grama Panchayat shall cease to exist and the Zilla Panchayat or
Taluk Panchayat within the jurisdiction of which such area is situated shall
cease to have jurisdiction over such area;
(b) the un-expended balance of the Grama Panchayat fund and the
property (including arrears of rates, taxes and fees) belonging to the Grama
Panchayat; and all rights and powers which, prior to such notification
vested in the Grama Panchayat shall subject to all charges and liabilities
affecting the same, vest in the Town Panchayat of the transitional area;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 849

(c) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, license,

permission, rule, bye-law or form made, issued, imposed or granted under
the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 immediately before the said date in
respect of the said local area shall continue in force and be deemed to have
been made, issued, imposed or granted under this Act until it is superseded
or modified by any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme,
license, permission, rule, bye-law, or form made, issued, imposed or
granted under this Act;
(d) all budget estimates, assessments, assessment lists, valuation or
measurements, made or authenticated under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj
Act, 1993, immediately before the said date in respect of the said local area
shall be deemed to have been made or authenticated under this Act;
(e) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the Grama Panchayat immediately before the said date and
subsisting on the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred and
made by the Town Panchayat in exercise of the powers conferred on it by
this Act;
(f) all officers and servants in the employment of the Grama Panchayat
immediately before the said date shall become officers and servants of the
Town Panchayat under this Act and shall, until other provision is made in
accordance with the provision of this Act receive salaries and allowances
and be subject to the conditions of service to which they were entitled or
subject immediately before such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the Town Panchayat subject to the
previous sanction of the Government to discontinue the services of any
officer or servant, who, in its opinion, is not necessary or suitable for the
requirements of the service under the Town Panchayat, after giving such
officer or servant such notice as is required to be given by the terms of his
employment and every officer or servant whose services are dispensed with
shall be entitled to such leave, pension, provident fund and gratuity as he
would have been entitled to take or receive on being invalidated out of
service, as if the Grama Panchayat in the employment of which he was, had
not ceased to exist;
(g) all proceedings pending on the said date before the Grama
Panchayat shall be deemed to be transferred to and shall be continued
before the Town Panchayat;
850 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(h) all appeals pending before any authority shall, so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if the said local area had been included in the
transitional area when they were filed;
(i) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the Grama Panchayat and
all suits or other legal proceedings instituted by or against the Grama
Panchayat or any officer of the Grama Panchayat pending on the said date
shall be continued by or against the Town Panchayat as if the said local
area had been included in the transitional area when such prosecutions,
suits or proceedings were instituted;
(j) all arrears of rates, taxes and fees vesting in the Town Panchayat
shall, notwithstanding that such rates and fees cannot be levied under this
Act, be recoverable in the same manner as a tax recoverable under this Act;
(k) until the reconstitution of the Town Panchayat in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
this Act, such number 1[of persons]1 ordinarily resident in the local area
included in the transitional area who are nominated by the Government shall
be additional councillors of the Town Panchayat.
1. Substituted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29.11.2000.

355A. Effect of absorption of part of the Panchayat area into a

transitional area.—Any part of a local area within the limits of a Panchayat
area may be included in a transitional area and when it is so included then
notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in the Karnataka
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 but subject to the provisions of section 4 of this
Act, with effect from the date on which such area is included in the
transitional area the following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
(a) so much of the Grama Panchayat Fund and other property vesting in
the Grama Panchayat shall be transferred to the Town Panchayat Fund as
the Government may, by order in writing, direct;
(b) the rights and liabilities of the Grama Panchayat in respect of civil and
criminal proceedings, contracts and other matters or things (including
arrears of taxes, fees and cess) arising in or relating to the part of the area
included in the transitional area shall vest in the Town Panchayat and such
rights and liabilities may be enforced by or against the Town Panchayat
under this Act or the rules, bye-laws and orders made thereunder;
(c) such officers and servants of the Grama Panchayat shall be
transferred to the Town Panchayat as the Government may, by order, direct.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 851

355B. Effect of conversion of Panchayat area into a transitional

area.—(1) Subject to the provisions of section 349 the Governor may
declare, by notification that any Panchayat area constituted under the
Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1993) shall with
effect from the date to be specified in such notification be transitional area
constituted under section 349 of this Act.
(2) The provisions of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 applicable
to such Panchayat area shall not apply to any local area declared as a
transitional area under sub-section (1), with effect from the date specified in
the declaration:
Provided that any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme,
licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form made or issued or imposed under
the said Act in respect of such Panchayat area which were in force as
applicable immediately before the date specified under sub-section (1) shall
continue in force and be deemed to have been made, issued or imposed
under the provisions of this Act unless and until it is superseded by any
appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission,
rule, bye-law or form made or issued or imposed under this Act.
(3) With effect from the date of declaration of any area as a transitional
area under sub-section (1) the following consequences shall, ensue,
(a) the body functioning as a Grama Panchayat under Karnataka
Panchayat Raj Act, 1993, immediately before the date of the said
declaration in respect of the said area shall become a body competent to
exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred by the provisions of
the Act on a Town Panchayat in respect of the said area until Town
Panchayat is duly constituted for the area within the jurisdiction of such body
under the provisions of this Act;
(b) the members of the Grama Panchayat holding office as such
immediately before the said date shall become councillors of the Town
(c) the Adhyaksha of the said Grama Panchayat shall become the
president of the Town Panchayat and discharge duties and perform
functions of the President under this Act and Upadhyaksha of the said
Grama Panchayat shall become the Vice-President of the said Town
Panchayat under this Act;
852 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(d) where, under the provisions of section 8 or section 268 of the

Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 either an administrator or an officer has
been appointed, to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the
Grama Panchayat then, such administrator or officer shall be deemed to be
an administrator appointed under section 315;
(e) the unexpended balance of the Grama Panchayat fund and
property (including arrears of rates, taxes and fees) belonging to the said
Grama Panchayat and all rights and powers which prior to the said
declaration vested in the Grama Panchayat shall, subject to all charges and
liabilities affecting the same, vest in the Town Panchayat;
(f) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,
permission, rule, bye-law or form, made or issued or imposed under any
other law in respect of such Grama Panchayat shall continue in force and be
deemed to have been made, issued or imposed under the provisions of this
Act, unless and until it is superseded by any appointment, notification,
notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form made
or issued or imposed under this Act;
(g) all budget estimates, assessment lists, valuation or measurements
made or authenticated under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993
immediately before the said date shall be deemed to have been made or
authenticated under this Act;
(h) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the Grama Panchayat immediately before the said date and
subsisting on the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred and
made by the Town Panchayat in exercise of the powers conferred on it by or
under the Act;
(i) all proceedings pending prior to the said declaration before the
Grama Panchayat shall be continued by the Town Panchayat;
(j) all appeals pending before any authority shall so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if the said area had been included in the
Town Panchayat when they were filed;
(k) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the Grama Panchayat
and all suits or other legal proceedings instituted by or against Grama
Panchayat or any officer of the Grama Panchayat pending on the said date
shall be continued by or against the Town Panchayat as if such area had
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 853

been included in the transitional area of the Town Panchayat when such
prosecutions, suits or proceedings were instituted.
(l) all officers and servants in the employment of the Grama Panchayat
immediately before the said date shall become officers and servants of the
Town Panchayat under this Act and shall, until other provision is made in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances
and be subject to the conditions of service to which they were entitled
immediately before such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the Town Panchayat subject to the
previous sanction of the Government, to discontinue the services of any
officer or servant who, in its opinion, is not necessary or suitable for the
requirements of the service under the Town Panchayat after giving such
officer or servant such notice as is required to be given by the terms of his
employment and every officer or servant whose services are dispensed with
shall be entitled to such leave, pension, provident fund and gratuity as he
would have been entitled to take or receive on being invalidated out of
services as if the Town Panchayat in the employment of which he was, had
not ceased to exist.
(4) A Town Panchayat shall be duly constituted for the transitional area
under this Act, within a period of six months from the date of declaration
referred to in sub-section (1) and from the date of first meeting of the Town
Panchayat as so constituted the body exercising the powers and performing
the duties of the Town Panchayat shall stand dissolved.
(5) The properties, rights and liabilities of the Grama Panchayat of a
Panchayat area declared as a transitional area under sub-section (1) shall
vest in the Town Panchayat of the said transitional area with effect from the
date specified in the notification.
355C. Effect of absorption of part of a transitional area into a
smaller urban area.—Any part of a local area comprised in a transitional
area may be included in a smaller urban area and when it is so included
with effect from the date on which such area is included in the smaller urban
area, the following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
(a) so much of the funds and other property vesting the Town Panchayat
shall be transferred to the Municipal funds as the Government may, by
order, in writing, direct;
854 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(b) the rights and liabilities of the Town Panchayat in respect of civil and
criminal proceedings, contracts and other matters or things (including
arrears of tax, fees and cess) arising in, or relating to, the part of the area
included in the smaller urban area shall vest in the Municipal Council and
such rights and liabilities may be enforced by or against the Municipal
Council under this Act or the rules, bye-laws and orders made thereunder;
(c) such officers and servants of the Town Panchayat as the Government
may, by order, direct shall be transferred to the Municipal Council and the
officers and servants so transferred shall, until other provision is made in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances
and be subject to the conditions of service to which they were entitled or
subject immediately before such transfer.
355D. Effect of absorption of a transitional area into smaller urban
area.—Any local area, comprised in a transitional area may be included in a
smaller urban area by virtue of sub-section (1) of section 4 and when it is so
included notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other law but
subject to the provisions of section 4, with effect from the date on which
such area is included in the smaller urban area, the following consequences
shall ensue, namely:—
(a) the Town Panchayat of such local area shall cease to exist;
(b) the unexpended balance of the fund of the Town Panchayat (including
arrears of rates, taxes and fees) belonging to the Town Panchayat and all
rights and powers which, prior to such notification vested in the Town
Panchayat shall, subject to all charges, and liabilities affecting the same,
vest in the Municipal Council of such smaller urban area (hereinafter
referred to as the municipal council);
(c) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,
permission, rule, bye-law or form made, issued, imposed or granted under
any law immediately before the said date in respect of the said Town
Panchayat shall continue in force and be deemed to have been made,
issued, imposed or granted under this Act until it is superseded or modified
by any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,
permission, rule, bye-law or form made, issued, imposed or granted under
this Act;
(d) all budget estimates, assessment lists, valuations or measurements,
made or authenticated under any law or rule immediately before the said
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 855

date in respect of the said Town Panchayat shall be deemed to have been
made or authenticated under this Act;
(e) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the Town Panchayat immediately before the said date and
subsisting on the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred and
made by the Municipal Council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by
this Act.
(f) all officers and servants in the employment of the Town Panchayat
immediately before the said date shall become officers and servants of the
municipal council under this Act and shall, until other provision is made in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances
and be subject to the conditions of service to which they were entitled
immediately before such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the Municipal Council subject to the
previous sanction of the Government to discontinue the services of any
officer or servant who in its opinion, is not necessary or suitable for the
requirement of the service under the municipal council after giving such
officer or servant such notice as is required to be given by the terms of his
employment and every officer or servant whose services are dispensed with
shall be entitled to such leave, pension, provident fund and gratuity as he
would have been entitled to take or receive on being invalidated out of
service, as if the Town Panchayat in the employment of which he was, had
not ceased to exist;
(g) all proceedings pending on the said date before the Town Panchayat
shall be deemed to be transferred to and shall be continued before the
Municipal Council;
(h) all appeals pending before any authority shall, so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if the said local area had been included in the
smaller urban area when they were filed;
(i) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the Town Panchayat and
all suits or other legal proceedings instituted by or against the Town
Panchayat or any officer of the Town panchayat pending on the said date
shall be continued by or against the Municipal Council as if the area of the
said Town Panchayat had been included in the smaller urban area when
such prosecution, suits or proceedings were instituted;
856 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(j) all arrears of rates, taxes and fees vesting in the Municipal Council
shall, notwithstanding that such rates and fees cannot be levied under this
Act, be recoverable in the same manner as a tax recoverable under this Act;
(k) until the reconstitution of the Municipal Council in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
this Act, such number of persons ordinarily resident in the local area of the
said Town Panchayat included in the smaller urban area, who shall be
nominated by the Government shall be additional councillors of the
Municipal Council.
355E. Effect of conversion of transitional area into a smaller urban
area.—(1) Subject to the provisions of section 3, the Governor may declare,
by notification that any transitional area shall with effect from the date to be
specified in such notification be a smaller urban area constituted under
section 3 of this Act.
(2) The provisions of this Act applicable to such transitional area shall not
apply to any local area declared as smaller urban area in sub-section (1)
with effect from the date specified in the declaration:
Provided that any appointment, notification notice, tax order, scheme,
licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form made or issued or imposed under
this Act in respect of such Town Panchayat which were in force as
applicable immediately before the date specified under sub-section (1) shall
continue in force and be deemed to have been made, issued or imposed
under the provisions of this Act, in respect of a Municipal Council unless and
until it is superseded by any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order,
scheme, licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form made or issued or
imposed under this Act.
(3) With effect from the date of declaration of any area as a smaller urban
area, under sub-section (1), the following consequences shall ensue,
(a) the body functioning as a Town Panchayat under this Act,
immediately before the date of the said declaration in respect of the said
area shall become a body competent to exercise the powers and perform
the duties conferred by the provisions of this Act on a Municipal Council in
respect of the said area until a Municipal Council is duly constituted for the
area within the jurisdiction of such body under the provisions of this Act;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 857

(b) the Councillors of the Town Panchayat holding office as such

immediately before the said date shall become Councillors of the Municipal
(c) the President of the said Town Panchayat shall become the
President of the Municipal Council and discharge duties and perform
functions of the President under this Act and the Vice-President of the said
Town Panchayat shall become the Vice-President of the said Municipal
Council under this Act;
(d) where, under the provisions of section 315 or section 316 either an
administrator or an officer has been appointed, in respect of such Town
Panchayat to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Town
Panchayat, then, such administrator or officer shall be deemed to be an
Administrator appointed in respect of the Municipal Council;
(e) the unexpended balance of the Town Panchayat fund and the
property (including arrears of rates, taxes and fees) belonging to the said
Town Panchayat and all rights and powers which prior to the said
declaration vested in the Town Panchayat shall, subject to all charges and
liabilities affecting the same, vest in the Municipal Council as the municipal
(f) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,
permission, rule, bye-law or form, made or issued or imposed under this Act
in respect of such Town Panchayat shall continue in force and be deemed
to have been made, issued or imposed under the provisions of this Act, in
respect of a Municipal Council, unless and until it is superseded by any
appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission,
rule, bye-law or form, made or issued or imposed under this Act;
(g) all budget estimates, assessment lists, valuation or measurements
made or authenticated under this Act in respect of the Town Panchayat
immediately before the said date shall be deemed to have been made or
authenticated under this Act in respect of the said Municipal Council;
(h) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the Town Panchayat immediately before the said date and
subsisting on the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred and
made by the Municipal Council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by
or under this Act;
858 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(i) all proceedings pending prior to the said declaration before the
Town Panchayat shall be continued by the Municipal Council;
(j) all appeals pending before any authority shall so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if the said area has been included in the
smaller urban area when they were filed;
(k) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the Town Panchayat
and all suits or other legal proceedings instituted by or against the Town
Panchayat or any Officer of the Town Panchayat pending on the said date
shall be continued by or against the Municipal Council as if such area had
been included in the Municipal Council when such prosecutions, suits or
proceedings were instituted;
(l) all officers and servants in the employment of the Town Panchayat
immediately before the said date shall become officers and servants of the
Municipal Council and shall, until other provision is made in accordance with
the provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances and be subject to
the conditions of service to which they were entitled immediately before
such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the Municipal Council subject to the
previous sanction of the Government, to discontinue the services of any
officer or servant who, in its opinion, is not necessary or suitable for the
requirements of the service under the Municipal Council, after giving such
officer or servant such notice as is required to be given by the terms of his
employment and every officer or servant whose services are dispensed with
shall be entitled to such leave, pension, provident fund and gratuity as he
would have been entitled to take or receive on being invalidated out of
service, as if the Town Panchayat, in the employment of which he was, had
not ceased to exist.
(4) A Municipal Council shall be duly constituted for the smaller urban
area under this Act within a period of six months from the date of declaration
referred to in sub-section (1) and from the date of the first meeting of the
Municipal Council as so constituted the body exercising the powers and
performing the duties of the Municipal Council shall stand dissolved.
(5) the properties, rights and liabilities of the Town Panchayat or a
transitional area declared as a smaller urban area under sub-section (1)
shall vest in the Municipal Council of the said smaller urban area with effect
from the date specified in the notification.]1
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 859

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
356. Interpretation.—For the purposes of this Chapter, unless the
context otherwise requires, the expression —
(a) “municipal council” includes an administrator or officer appointed to
exercise the powers and to perform the functions of a municipal council
under section 315 or 316;
[(b) Grama Panchayat includes a person or persons appointed to
exercise the powers and to perform the functions of a Grama Panchayat in
sections 8, 117, 118 and 268 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993.]1
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
357. Effect of conversion of 1[Panchayat area into smaller urban
area]1.—When any local area ceases to be 1[a Panchayat area by virtue of a
notification under section 4 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993]1, and
is declared to be 1[smaller urban area]1 under section 3 of this Act
(hereinafter in this section referred to as the 1[smaller urban area]1) with
effect from the day on which such local area is declared to be a 1[smaller
urban area]1 (hereinafter in this section referred to as the said date), the
following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(a) [the [Grama Panchayat]1 of such local area]2 (herein referred to as
2 1

the panchayat) shall cease to exist or to function;

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
2. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 7.10.1986.

(b) there shall be constituted for the 1[smaller urban area]1 an interim
municipal council consisting of persons vacating office as members of the
[Grama Panchayat and the Adhyaksha and Upadhyaksha of the Grama
Panchayat]1 shall, respectively, be deemed to be the president and vice-
president of the interim municipal council;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(c) the unexpended balance of the 1[Grama Panchayat Fund]1 and the
property (including arrears of rates, taxes and fees) belonging to the
panchayat and all rights and powers which prior to such notification, vested
860 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

in the panchayat 1[or in the Government during dissolution of the Grama

Panchayat under section 268 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993]1,
as the case may be, shall, subject to all charges and liabilities affecting the
same, vest in the interium municipal council as the municipal fund until the
new municipal council is constituted in pursuance of the provisions of
section 11;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(d) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,

permission, rule, bye-law or form made, issued, imposed or granted under
the 1[Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993]1, immediately before the said date
in respect of such local area shall continue in force and be deemed to have
been made, issued, imposed or granted in respect of the 1[smaller urban
area]1 until it is superseded or modified by any appointment, notification,
notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form made,
issued, imposed or granted under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(e) all budget estimates, assessments, assessment lists, valuations or

measurements made or authenticated under the 1[Karnataka Panchayat Raj
Act, 1993]1, immediately before the said date in respect of such local area
shall be deemed to have been made or authenticated under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(f) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the panchayat immediately before the said date and subsisting on
the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred or made by the
municipal council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by this Act;
(g) all officers and servants in the employ of the panchayat immediately
before the said date shall be officers and servants of the municipal council
under this Act and shall, until other provision is made in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances and be subject to the
conditions of service to which they were entitled or subject on such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the municipal council, subject to the
previous sanction of the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1, to
discontinue the services of any officer or servant who, in its opinion, is not
necessary or suitable to the requirements of the municipal service, after
giving such officer or servant such notice as is required to be given by the
terms of his employment and every officer or servant whose services are
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 861

discontinued, shall be entitled to such leave, pension, provident fund and

gratuity as he would have been entitled to take or receive on being invalided
out of service as if the panchayat, in the employ of which he was, had not
ceased to exist;
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

(h) all proceedings pending at the said date before the panchayat shall
be deemed to be transferred to and continued by the municipal council;
(i) all appeals pending before any authority shall, so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if such local area had been included in the
[smaller urban area]1 when they were filed;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(j) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the panchayat and all suits
or other legal proceedings instituted by or against the panchayat or any
officer of the panchayat pending at the said date shall be continued by or
against the municipal council as if such local area had been included in the
[smaller urban area]1 when such prosecutions, suits or proceedings were
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

358. Term of office of members of interim municipal council and

their powers.—(1) The Government shall, within a period not exceeding
[six months]1 from the date on which the interim municipal council has been
constituted, take steps in accordance with section 11 for the purpose of
determining the number of councillors of, and for holding elections for, a
new municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) The councillors of the interim municipal council shall hold office until
the date immediately preceding the date of the first meeting of the new
municipal council.
(3) Any vacancy in the office of the interim municipal council shall be
filled as soon as conveniently may be, by appointment by the Government.
(4) All arrears of rates, taxes and fees, vesting in the interim municipal
council shall, notwithstanding that such rates and fees cannot be levied
under this Act, be recoverable in the same manner as a tax recoverable
under chapter VII.
(5) In other respects the provisions of this Act shall mutatis mutandis
apply to the interim municipal council and its councillors.
862 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

359. Effect of absorption of 1[Panchayat area into smaller urban

area]1.—(1)—Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, if any local
area ceases to be a 1[panchayat area by virtue of a notification under
section 4 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993]1 (hereinafter in this
section referred to as the said local area), and is absorbed in a 1[smaller
urban area]1 the following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(a) the unexpended balance of the 1[Grama Panchayat Fund]1 and the
property (including arrears of rates, taxes and fees) 2[belonging to the
[Grama Panchayat]1]2 of the said local area (hereinafter referred to as the
panchayat) and all rights and powers which prior to such notification, vested
in the panchayat shall, subject to all charges and liabilities affecting the
same, vest in the municipal council of such 1[smaller urban area]1 (herein
referred to as the municipal council) as the municipal fund;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

2. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 7.10.1986.

(b) any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,

permission, rule, bye-law or form, made, issued, imposed or granted under
the 1[Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993]1, immediately before the said date
in respect of the said local area shall continue in force and be deemed to
have been made, issued, imposed or granted in respect of such 1[smaller
urban area]1 until it is superseded or modified by any appointment,
notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission, rule, bye-law or
form, made, issued, imposed or granted under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(c) all budget estimates, assessments, assessment lists, valuations or

measurements, made or authenticated under the 1[Karnataka Panchayat Raj
Act, 1993]1, immediately before the said date in respect of the said local
area shall be deemed to have been made or authenticated under this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(d) all debts and obligations incurred and all contracts made by or on
behalf of the panchayat immediately before the said date and subsisting and
on the said date shall be deemed to have been incurred and made by the
municipal council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by this Act;
(e) all officers and servants in the employ of the panchayat
immediately before the said date shall be officers and servants of the
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 863

municipal council under this Act and shall, until other provision is made in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, receive salaries and allowances
and be subject to the conditions of service to which they were entitled or
subject on such date:
Provided that it shall be competent to the municipal council, subject to the
previous sanction of the Government, to discontinue the services of any
officer or servant, who, in its opinion, is not necessary or suitable to the
requirements of the municipal service after giving such officer or servant
such notice as is required to be given by the terms of his employment and
every officer or servant whose services are disposed with shall be entitled to
such leave, pension, provident fund and gratuity as he would have been
entitled to take or receive on being invalided out of service as if the
panchayat, in the employ of which he was, had not ceased to exist;
(f) all proceedings pending at the said date before the panchayat shall
be deemed to be transferred to and continued by the municipal council;
(g) all appeals pending before any authority shall, so far as may be
practicable, be disposed of as if the said local area had been included in the
[smaller urban area]1 when they were filed;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(h) all prosecutions instituted by or on behalf of the panchayat and all

suits or other legal proceedings instituted by or against the panchayat or any
officer of the panchayat pending at the said date shall be continued by or
against the municipal council as if the said local area had been included in
the 1[smaller urban area]1 when such prosecutions, suits or proceedings
were instituted;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(i) all arrears of rates, taxes and fees, vesting in the municipal council
shall, notwithstanding that such rates, taxes, and fees cannot be levied
under this Act, be recoverable in the same manner as a tax recoverable
under Chapter VII;
(j) until the reconstitution of the municipal council in accordance with
the provisions of this Act, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in this Act, one person ordinarily resident in the local area absorbed in the
[smaller urban area]1 who is nominated by the Government shall be an
additional councillor of the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
864 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

360. Effect of absorption of a part of a 1[panchayat area into a

smaller urban area]1.—If any part of an area within the limits of a 1[Grama
Panchayat is included in a smaller urban area]1, then, notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act or in the 1[Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act,
1993]1, but subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 4 of this
Act, the following consequences shall ensue, namely:—
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(a) so much of the 1[Grama Panchayat Fund and other property vesting in
the Grama Panchayat]1 shall be transferred to the Municipal Fund as the
Deputy Commissioner may, by order in writing, direct;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(b) the rights and liabilities of the 1[Grama Panchayat]1 in respect of civil
and criminal proceedings, contracts, and other matters or things (including
arrears of taxes, fees and cess) arising in or relating to any part of the area
included in the 1[smaller urban area]1 shall vest in the municipal council; and
such rights and liabilities may be enforced by or against the municipal
council under this Act or the rules, bye-laws and orders made thereunder;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(c) such officers and servants of the 1[Grama Panchayat]1 shall be

transferred to the municipal council as the Government, by order, direct;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(d) if the area included is an area in which not less than one thousand
persons reside, until the reconstitution of the municipal council in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, one person ordinarily resident in
such area who is nominated by the Government shall be an additional
councillor of the municipal council.
361. Conversion of 1[town municipal areas into city municipal
areas]1.—(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 3, the
[Governor]1 may at any time after consulting the municipal council
concerned and considering objections, if any, declare by notification that any
town 1[municipal area]1 2[x x x]2 shall, with effect from a date to be specified
in the notification, be a city 1[municipal area]1 constituted under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

2. Omitted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 16.1.1967.

1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 865

(2) The provisions of this Act relating to town 1[municipal areas]1 shall not
apply to the 1[municipal area]1 declared as a city 1[municipal area]1 under
sub-section (1) with effect from the date specified in the declaration.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) Any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,

permission, rule, bye-law or form, made, issued or imposed in respect of a
[municipal area]1 declared as a city 1[municipal area]1 and any appointment,
notification, order, scheme, rule, bye-law or form, made or issued under any
other law in respect of such 1[municipal area]1 shall continue in force and be
deemed to have been made, issued or imposed under the provisions of this
Act, unless and until it is superseded by any appointment, notification,
notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission, rule, bye-law or form, made
or issued or imposed under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(4) Before any town 1[municipal area]1 is constituted into a city 1[municipal
area]1, the procedure prescribed in section 9 shall, as far as may be, be
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(5) The property, rights and liabilities of the municipal council of a

[municipal area]1 declared as a city 1[municipal area]1 under sub-section (1)
shall vest in the municipal council of the said 1[municipal area]1 with effect
from the date specified in the notification.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

362. Conversion of 1[city municipal areas into town municipal

areas]1.—(1) The 1[Governor]1 may, at any time after consulting the
municipal council concerned and considering objections, if any, declare by
notification that a city 1[municipal area]1 shall, with effect from a date to be
specified in the notification, be a town 1[municipal area]1 constituted under
this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) The provisions of this Act relating to city 1[municipal areas]1 shall not
apply to the 1[municipal area]1 declared as a town 1[municipal area]1 under
sub-section (1) with effect from the date specified in the declaration.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) Any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,

permission, rule, bye-law or form, made, issued or imposed in respect of a
866 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

[municipal area]1 declared as a town 1[municipal area]1, and any
appointment, notification, order, scheme, rule, bye-law or form, made or
issued under any law in respect of such 1[municipal area]1 shall continue in
force and be deemed to have been made, issued or imposed under the
provisions of this Act in respect of the town 1[municipal area]1 constituted by
such declaration unless and until it is superseded by any appointment,
notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence, permission, bye-law or form,
made, issued or imposed under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(4) Before any city 1[municipal area]1 is constituted into a town 1[municipal
area]1, the procedure prescribed in section 9 shall, as far as may be, be
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(5) The property, rights and liabilities of the municipal council of a

[municipal area]1 declared as a town 1[municipal area]1 under sub-section
(1) shall vest in the municipal council of the said 1[municipal area]1 with
effect from the date specified in the notification.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

363. Amalgamation of 1[two contiguous smaller urban areas]1.—(1)

The Government may, at any time after consulting the municipal councils
concerned and considering objections, if any, declare by notification that
[two contiguous smaller urban areas]1 shall, with effect from the date and
with the name, to be specified in the notification, be amalgamated and be
deemed to be a single 1[smaller urban area]1 constituted under this Act.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(2) Any appointment, notification, notice, tax, order, scheme, licence,

permission, rule, bye-law or form, made, issued or imposed in respect of the
[smaller urban areas amalgamated]1 shall continue in force and be deemed
to have been made, issued or imposed in respect of the 1[municipal area]1
constituted by the declaration under sub-section (1):
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

Provided that the 1[Governor]1 may, by notification, direct that from the
date specified in the declaration under sub-section (1), only such
appointments, notifications, notices, taxes, orders, schemes, rules, bye-laws
and forms aforesaid shall be applicable to the 1[municipal area]1 constituted
by such declaration and only the said appointments, notifications, notices,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 867

taxes, orders, schemes, rules, bye-laws and forms aforesaid shall be

applicable to the 1[municipal area]1 constituted by such declaration and only
the said appointments, notifications, notices, taxes, orders, schemes, rules,
bye-laws, and forms shall thereupon continue in force.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(3) The property, rights and liabilities of the municipal councils of the
[smaller urban areas amalgamated]1 and declared to be a single town
[smaller urban area]1 under sub-section (1) shall vest, in the municipal
council of the said single 1[smaller urban area]1 with effect from the date
specified in the notification.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act,—

(a) until the reconstitution of the municipal council in accordance with
the provisions of this Act,—
(i) the amalgamated municipal council shall consist of the
councillors of the two municipal councils, holding office immediately before
the date of amalgamation,
(ii) the two persons nominated by the Government from among the
persons holding the offices of president and vice-president of the two
municipal councils immediately before the date of amalgamation, to be the
president and vice-president, respectively, shall be the president and vice
president of the amalgamated municipal council, until the election under
sub-clause (i) of clause (b), and shall have all the powers and be subject to
all the duties and liabilities of a municipal council, president, vice-president
or councillors, as the case may be, under this Act;
(b) the municipal council as constituted under clause (a) shall, at its
first meeting after the date of amalgamation,—
(i) elect one of its members to be the president and one of its
members other than the president to be the vice-president, and
(ii) elect members of the committees under section 63;
(c) the term of office of the president, vice-president and councillors
referred to in clauses (a) and (b) shall, subject to the provisions of sections
16, 40, 41 and 42 expire on such dates as the Government may, by
notification, specify;
(d) the Government may, by notification, make such provisions as
appear to it be necessary or expedient,—
868 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(i) for making omissions from, additions to, adaptations and

modifications of the rules, bye-laws, notifications and orders referred to in
sub-section (2) in their application to the amalgamated 1[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(ii) for removing difficulties arising in connection with the working of

the amalgamated municipal council until its reconstitution in accordance with
the provisions of this Act.
[363A. x x x]1
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 and omitted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 7.10.1986.

364. Removal of difficulties.—If any difficulty arises in giving effect to

the provisions of the preceding sections of this Chapter, the Government
may, by order published in the official Gazette, as the occasion may require,
do anything which appears to it to be necessary to remove the difficulty.
1. Inserted by Act 24 of 2003 w.e.f. 13.5.2003.
364(A). Specification of Industrial Township.- The Governor may,
having regard to one or more of the following:-
(a) the size of the area and the municipal services deemed to be
provided or proposed to be provided by the industrial
establishment in any area;
(b) the public infrastructure facility established by the Government or
any other agency of the Government under the Karnataka
Industrial Area Development Act, 1966 or any other law for the
time being in force;
(c) the industrial and residential buildings or other buildings
providing public infrastructure facility in the area;
(a) the income generated in the area from tax and non tax sources
for local administration and for providing municipal services,
specify by notification such area to be an Industrial Township:
(2) Every notification issued in sub-section (1) shall define the limits of
the area to which it relates:
Provided that no such notification shall be issued unless,
(i) the local authority, if any, concerned is consulted; and
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 869

(ii) a draft thereof is published in the official Gazette for information

of all persons likely to be affected thereby inviting objections and
suggestions within one month from the date of publication.
364(B). Constitution of Industrial Township Authority.- (1) For every
Industrial Township there shall be an Industrial Township Authority. Each
such Authority shall be a body corporate by the name "......... Industrial
Township Authority” and shall have perpetual succession and a common
seal and with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property and to enter
into contracts and may by that name sue and be sued.
(2) The Industrial Township Authority shall consist of the following
members, namely:-
(a) a Chair person elected in the prescribed manner from amongst
the members referred to in clause (b);
(b) five members elected from amongst the owners of Industrial
establishments, in case the Industrial Township consists of
more than one establishment and three members in case the
Industrial Township consists of a single Industrial establishment:
Provided that the members of the first Industrial Township
Authority under this clause shall be nominated by the
(c) one representative of the Commerce and Industries Department
nominated by the Government;
(d) one representative of the Urban Development Department
nominated by the Government;
(e) an officer of the Town Planning Department not below the rank
of an Assistant Director nominated by the Government;
(f) one person nominated by the Government from among the
residents of the Industrial Township having special knowledge
and experience in municipal administration Urban management
or town planning.
(g) One representative of the local authorities from the areas of
which the area of Industrial township is carved out, nominated by
the Government.
(3) The members referred to in clause (c), (d) and (e) shall have no
voting right in the election of the Chair person.
870 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

364(C). Term of Office of Chair person and Members.- (1) Save as

otherwise provided the term of office of the Chairperson and the elected
members shall be three years.
(2) Save as otherwise provided the term of office of nominated members
shall, subject to the pleasure of the Government, be three years.
364(D). Transaction of Business by the Industrial Township
Authority.- (1) The Industrial Township Authority shall ordinarily hold
atleast one meeting in a month for the transaction of its business.
(2) Quorum for the meeting of the Authority shall be five.
(3) Decisions regarding any business transacted at such meeting shall
be taken by a simple majority.
(4) No act or proceeding of the Authority shall be questioned or shall be
invalid on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or any
defect in the Constitution of the Authority or any defect in the nomination of
any member or any irregularity in the procedure of the Authority not affecting
the merits of the matter.
364(E). Authentication of documents.- All documents of the Industrial
Township Authority shall be authenticated by signature of the Chief
Executive Officer of the Authority or any other officer authorised by the
Authority in this behalf.
364(F). Functions and duties of Industrial Township Authority.- It
shall be incumbent on the Authority to make adequate provision by any
means or resources which it may lawfully use or take for each of the
following matters within the Industrial Township, namely:-
(1) Regulation and construction of buildings;
(2) Planning for economic and social development;
(3) Roads and bridges;
(4) Water supply for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes;
(5) Public, health, sanitation, conservancy and solid waste
management and fire services;
(6) Urban forestry, protection of environment and promotion of
ecological aspects;
(7) Safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society,
including handicapped and mentally retarded and improvement
of slums;
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 871

(8) Provision for urban amenities and facilities such as parks, garden
and playgrounds;
(9) Burial grounds and crematoriums;
(10) Public amenities including street lighting, parking lots, bus
stops and public conveniences;
(11) Regulation of slaughter houses and tanneries;
(12) Any other matter as may be prescribed.
364(G). Powers of Industrial Township Authority.- (1) The Industrial
Township Authority for the purpose of carrying out its functions under
section 364 (F) shall exercise all such powers vested in the Municipal
Council under sections 175 to 275 both inclusive.
(2) The Industrial Township Authority may by order delegate such of its
powers except the powers unders section 364(P) as it may deem fit to the
Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
364 (H). Powers to extend provisions of this Act to the Industrial
Township Authority.-(1) The Government may by notification apply to an
Industrial Township subject to such restrictions or modifications as the
Government may consider necessary for giving effect to the provision of
this Chapter,-
(a) any provision of this Act or part of any section which applies to
the area within the limits of the municipal council,
(b) any rule or bye-law in force in any area within the limits of the
municipal council.
(2) When any provision of this Act or any rule or bye-law is applied
with or without modification to any Industrial Township such provisions of
the Act or rules or bye-laws thereunder shall unless a different intention
appears operate as if the Industrial Township were a municipal area within
the jurisdiction of a Municipal Council and the powers and duties of the
Municipal Council were vested in the Industrial Township Authority.
364(I). Funds, Budget and Accounts of the Industrial Township
Authority.- (1) The Authority shall have and maintain its own funds and to
which be credited,-
(a) all moneys received by the Authority from the Government by
way of grants, loans, advances or otherwise and also the
money borrowed from other sources;
872 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(b) all taxes, levies, tolls, fees, rent, profits, costs and charges
received by the Authority under this Act or under the provisions
of any law made applicable to the Industrial Township;
(c) all moneys received by the Authority from the disposal of land,
buildings and movable properties and from other transactions.
(2) The fund shall be applied for meeting the expenses of the Authority
in connection with the exercise of powers and performance of duties
imposed on the Authority by or under this Act or any other law for the time
being in force.
(3) The Authority shall, before thirty first day of January each year
prepare a Budget containing detailed estimate of income and expenditure of
the Authority for the ensuing financial year and submit the same to the
Government for approval.
(4) The Authority shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant
records and prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may
be prescribed.
(5) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited annually by the state
Accounts Department or by an agency appointed by the Government under
section 290. The provisions of section 291 shall mutatis-mutandis apply to
the Industrial Township Authority.
364(J). Levy and collection of Property Tax.- (1) Subject to such
exemptions as may be prescribed, the Industrial Township Authority shall
levy Property Tax on all buildings and lands situated within the Industrial
Townships. The provisions of sections 94 to 115 shall mutatis-mutandis
apply to the Industrial Township Authority for the levy and collection of
Property Tax on the buildings and lands.
(2) Thirty percent of the property tax collected by the Industrial Township
Authority shall be remitted to the local authority from which the area of
Industrial Township is carved out.
364(K). Power of appointment, conditions of service of officers and
staff.- (1) The Industrial Township Authority may appoint any person
possessing such qualification as may be notified from time to time by the
Government as the Chief Executive Officer of the Industrial Township
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 873

(2) The terms and conditions of service of the Chief Executive Officer
including remuneration payable to him shall be determined by the Authority
from time to time.
(3) The Industrial Township Authority may, with the approval of the
Government appoint such number of officers and employees, as may be
necessary for the performance of its functions and may determine the
method of recruitment and conditions of service by regulations. The officers
and other employees of the Authority shall receive their salaries and
allowances from the fund of the Authority.
364(L). Returns.- (1) The Industrial Township Authority shall furnish to
the Government such reports, returns and other information as may be
prescribed. The Government or any officer authorised by the Government in
this behalf may, call for reports, returns and other information from the
Authority as may be considered necessary.
364(M). Power to issue directions to the Authority.- The
Government may issue such directions to the Authority as in its opinion are
necessary or expedient for carrying out the purposes of this Act and it shall
be the duty of the Authority to comply with such directions.
364(N). Power to appoint Administrator.- (1) If, in the opinion of the
Government, the Industrial Township Authority is unable or has failed, to
perform its duties or to carry out its functions properly or satisfactorily, the
Government may, after giving the Authority a reasonable opportunity of
being heard, by an order in writing published in the official Gazette, appoint
a Government Officer as an Administrator of the Industrial Township
Authority for a period not exceeding six months as may be specified in the
(2) On the appointment of an Administrator under sub-section (1) the
person if any, chosen or nominated as Chairperson or member of the
Industrial Township Authority before such appointment shall cease to be a
Chairperson or member of the Industrial Township Authority and all powers
and duties of the Industrial Township Authority shall be exercised and
performed by the Administrator.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act the Administrator shall
be deemed to be a duly constituted Industrial Township Authority for the
purpose of this Act.
874 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(4) When the Administrator is appointed to an Industrial Township

Authority it shall be reconstituted in the manner provided by this Act before
the expiry of the term of office of the Administrator.
364(O). Effect of conversion of part of panchayat area or
transitional area or smaller urban area or larger urban area into an
Industrial Township.- If any part of a local area comprised in a panchayat
area constituted under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 or in a
smaller urban area or transitional area constituted under the Karnataka
Municipalities Act, 1964 or in a larger urban area constituted under the
Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act, 1976 is included in an Industrial
Township, the following consequences shall ensue, namely:-
(a) the Grama Panchayat or the Municipal Council or Town
Panchayat or the Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the
local authority) within the jurisdiction of which such area is
situated shall cease to have jurisdiction over such area;
(b) the members of the Grama Panchayat or the councilors of the
municipal council or the Town Panchayat or the Corporation
elected from such area holding office immediately before the
date of constitution of Industrial Township Authority shall cease
to be members or as the case may be, Councillor and they may
be nominated by the Government to the Industrial Township
Authority as additional members for the remaining period of the
term of their offices as Councilors of the Urban Local Body or
members of the Grama Panchayat wich existed before the
declaration of Industrial Township Authority;
(c) the immovable property vesting in the local authority shall be
transferred to the Industrial Township Authority as the
Government may, by order in writing, direct;
(d) the rights and liabilities of the local authority in respect of civil
or criminal proceedings, contracts and other matters (including
arrears of tax, fees and cess) arising in or relating to such area
included in the Industrial Township shall vest in the Industrial
Township Authority and such rights and liabilities may be
enforced by or against the Industrial Township Authority under
this Act or rules, bye-laws and orders made thereunder.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 875

364(P). Regulations.- (1) The Industrial Township Authority may, with

the previous sanction of the Government make regulations not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder for the
administration of the affairs of the Authority.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, such regulations may provide for all or any of the following matters,
(a) the summoning and holding a meeting of the Authority, the time
and place where such meetings are to be held and the conduct
of business at such meetings;
(b) the powers and duties of the Chief Executive Officer;
(c) the form of registers to be maintained by the Authority;
(d) the management of properties of the Authority;
(e) fees to be levied in the discharge of its functions;
(f) method of recruitment and conditions of service of the officers
and employees of the Authority; and
(g) such other matters which may be or are required to be provided
by regulations.
364(Q). Removal of difficulties.- If any difficulty arises in giving effect
to the provisions of this Chapter the Government may, by order, make such
provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to them
to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty.]1
365. [Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service]1.—(1) Notwith-

standing anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being
in force, such posts under every local authority as may be specified by
Government shall be filled by appointment of officers belonging to the
[Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service]1.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(2) (a) With effect from such date as the Government may appoint,
officers of local authorities holding the posts specified under sub-section (1)
shall become officers of the Government and shall hold their office by the
same tenure, at the same remuneration and upon the same terms and
conditions of service and with the same rights and privileges as to pension,
876 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

gratuity, provident fund and such other matters as they would have held the
same under the local authority concerned and shall continue to do so until
their remuneration, terms and conditions of service including the privileges
as to pension, provident fund and gratuity are altered by rules or other
provisions made 1[under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978]1, and
any such alteration shall have effect, notwithstanding anything contained in
any contract or law for the time being in force.
1. Substituted by Act 14 of 1990 w.e.f. 2.4.1998..

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Industrial Disputes Act,

1947 (Central Act XIV of 1947), or in any other law for the time being in
force the transfer of the services of any officer of a local authority by virtue
of clause (a) shall not entitle any such officer to any compensation under
that Act or other law and no such claim shall be entertained by any court,
tribunal or other authority.
(3) A municipal council may, if it deems necessary, by a resolution
passed by two-thirds of the total number of members of the municipal
council recommend to the Government the taking of such disciplinary action
as may be necessary against any officer belonging to the said service in
respect of any misconduct by him.
Explanation.—For purposes of this section and section 367, “local
authority” means a municipal corporation, municipal council, notified area
committee, Sanitary Board, City Improvement Board, Town Improvement
Board or Planning Authority constituted under any law for the time being in
366. Agency for execution of public works.—(1) The Government,
after consulting the municipal council, may direct that such public works as
in the opinion of the Government require a degree of professional skill which
may not be at the disposal of the municipal council shall be carried out by
the Government or by such agency as the Government may specify.
(2) All other works of the municipal council shall be executed by such
agency and subject to such supervision as the municipal council thinks fit,
subject to the rules prescribed in this behalf.
(3) When any work is executed for a municipal council by the
Government or by any other agency under the orders of the Government,
the expense incurred on the work together with the charges for supervision
and for tools and plant at such rates as may be fixed by the Government,
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 877

from time to time, shall unless waived by the Government, be payable by

the municipal council to the Government.
(4) When the Government undertakes the work of maintenance of the
water supply installations such as public reservoirs, tanks, cisterns,
fountains, wells, pumps, pipes, taps, conduits, aqueducts and other works,
in respect of any 1[municipal area]1, the expense incurred by the
Government in this behalf shall be payable by the municipal council to the
Government, and the Government may require the municipal council to
make a deposit in advance of such portion of the estimated expenditure for
any year at such time as the Government may determine.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(5) If the amount payable to the Government under sub-section (3) or

sub-section (4) is not paid within a reasonable time, the Government may
make an order directing the person having the custody of the municipal fund
to pay it in priority to any other charge against such fund and such person
shall, so far as the funds to the credit of the municipal council admit, be
bound to comply with such order.
[367. Recovery towards the Karnataka Municipal Administrative
Service.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other
law for the time being in force every local authority shall contribute in
advance one-fourth percentage of its revenue to the Consolidated Fund of
the State in such manner and at such times as the Government may, by
order, determine to meet the expenditure in respect of salaries, allowances,
pensions, provident fund, gratuities and other necessary expenses payable
to the officers of the Karnataka Municipal Administrative Service:
Provided that pending such contribution, the expenditure in respect of the
Municipal Administrative Service shall be met from out of the consolidated
fund of the State.
(2) If the local authority fails to pay the amount required to be paid under
sub-section (1), the Deputy Commissioner may direct the officer in custody
of the funds of the local authority concerned to pay such amount or so much
thereof as is possible from the balance of such funds.]1
1. Substituted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

368. Penalty for acting as councillor, president or vice-president of a

municipal council when disqualified.—(1) Whoever acts as a councillor of
a municipal council knowing that, under this Act or the rules made
878 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

thereunder he is not entitled or has ceased to be entitled to hold office as

such, shall, be punished with fine of fifty rupees for every day on which he
sits and votes as a member.
(2) Whoever acts as the president or vice-president of a municipal council
or exercises any of his functions knowing that under this Act or the rules
made thereunder he is not entitled or has ceased to be entitled to hold office
as such, or to exercise such functions shall, be punished with fine of two
hundred rupees for every day on which he acts or functions as such.
(3) Any person who having been the president or vice-president of a
municipal council fails to hand over any documents of, or any moneys or
other properties vested in or belonging to the municipal council which are in
or have come into his possession or control, to his successor in office or
other prescribed authority,—
(a) in every case as soon as his term of office as such president or
vice-president expires; and
(b) in the case of a person who was the vice-president also on
demand by the president, as the case may be,
shall, be punished with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.
369. Penalty for interested member voting.—Whoever votes at any
meeting of a municipal council or any committee thereof in contravention of
the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 55, shall, be punished with fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees.
370. Penalty for acquisition by an officer or servant of interest in
contract.—Without prejudice to any action under section 77, if any officer or
servant of a municipal council knowingly acquires, directly or indirectly by
himself or by a partner, employer or servant, any personal share or interest
in any contract or employment with, by or on behalf of the municipal council
he shall be deemed to have committed an offence under section 168 of the
Indian Penal Code:
Provided that no person shall by reason of being a share-holder in or
member of, any company, be held to be interested in any contract entered
into between such company and the municipal council unless he is a
director of such company.
371. Bidding prohibited.—(1) No employee of a municipal council, or
any officer having any duty to perform in connection with the sale of
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 879

movable or immovable property under this Act shall directly or indirectly bid
for or acquire interest in any property sold at such sale.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), shall,
be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and shall
also be liable to dismissal from service.
372. Offences by companies.—(1) Where any offence under this Act
has been committed by a company, every person who, at the time the
offence was committed, was in charge of, and was responsible to, the
company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the
company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such
person liable to any punishment provided in this Act if he proves that the
offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) where an
offence under this Act has been committed by a company and it is proved
that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of or is
attributable to any neglect on the part of any director, manager, secretary or
other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other
officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this section,—
(a) “company” means a body corporate, and includes a firm,
(b) “director” in relation to a firm means a partner in the firm.
[372A. Official Display of Flag.—(1) No person shall fly any flag other
than the National Flag or a flag approved by the Government on the offices
of City Municipal Councils, Town Municipal Councils, Sanitary Boards or
Notified Area Committees.
(2) Whoever contravenes sub-section (1) shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine
which may extend to rupees five thousand or with both and in the case of
continuing contravention with a further fine which may extend to rupees five
hundred for each day during which the contravention continues.]1
1. Inserted by Act 22 of 1991 w.e.f. 29.4.1991.
880 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

373. Signature on notices, etc., may be stamped.—Every licence,

written permission, notice, bill, summons or other document which is
required by this Act or any rule or bye-law made thereunder to bear the
signature of the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer or of any
municipal officer, shall be deemed to be properly signed if it bears a
facsimile of the signature of such 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 or
Chief Officer, as the case may be, stamped thereupon:
Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to a
cheque drawn upon the municipal fund or any contract executed on behalf
of the municipal council.
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

374. Provisions in respect of licences, etc.—(1) Whenever it is

provided in this Act or any rule or bye-law made thereunder that a licence or
a written permission may be granted for any purpose such licence or written
permission shall be signed by the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief
Officer or by the officer empowered to grant the same under this Act or the
rules or bye-laws made thereunder or by any municipal officer authorised by
the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer or such officer in this behalf
and shall specify in addition to any other matter required to be specified
under any other provision of this Act or any provision of any rule or bye-law
made thereunder,—
(a) the date of the grant thereof;
(b) the purpose and the period (if any) for which it is granted;
(c) restrictions or conditions, if any, subject to which it is granted;
(d) the name and address of the person to whom it is granted; and
(e) the fee, if any, paid for the licence or written permission.
(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any rule or bye-law made
thereunder any licence or written permission granted under this Act or any
rule or bye-law made thereunder may at any time be suspended or revoked
by the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer or the officer by whom it
was granted, if he is satisfied that it has been secured by the grantee
through misrepresentation or fraud or if any of its restrictions or conditions
has been infringed or evaded by the grantee, or if the grantee is convicted
for the contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or any rule or bye-
law made thereunder relating to any matter for which the licence or
permission has been granted:
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 881

Provided that,-
(a) before making any order of suspension or revocation reasonable
opportunity shall be afforded to the grantee of the licence or the written
permission to show cause why it should not be suspended or revoked;
(b) every such order shall contain a brief statement of the reasons for
the suspension or revocation of the licence or the written permission.
(3) When any such licence or written permission is suspended or
revoked, or when the period for which the same was granted has expired,
the grantee shall, for all purposes of this Act or any rule or bye-law made
thereunder, be deemed to be without a licence or written permission until
such time as the order suspending or revoking the licence or written
permission is rescinded or until the licence or written permission is renewed.
(4) Every grantee of any licence or written permission granted under this
Act or any rule or bye-law thereunder shall at all reasonable times, while
such licence or written permission remains in force, if so required by the
Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, or by the officer by whom it
was granted, produce such licence or written permission.
375. Conditions of service of sweepers and certain other class of
persons employed in municipal service.—(1) No person being a sweeper
employed by the municipal council shall, in the absence of a contract
authorising him so to do and without reasonable cause resign his
employment or absent himself from his duty without having given one
month’s notice to the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer or shall
neglect or without reasonable cause refuse to perform his duties.
(2) The municipal council may with the previous sanction of the
Government, direct that on or from such date as may be specified in the
resolution, the provisions of this section shall apply in the case of any
specified class of persons employed by the municipal council whose
functions are intimately connected with public health or safety.
376. Admissibility of document or entry as evidence.—(1) A copy of
any receipt, application, plan, notice, order or other document or of any
entry in a register in the possession of the municipal council shall, if duly
certified by the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Officer, be admissible
in evidence of the existence of the document or entry, and shall be admitted
as evidence of the matter and transactions, therein recorded in every case
where and to the same extent to which the original document or entry would,
if produced, have been admissible to prove such matters and transactions.
882 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(2) No municipal officer or other employee shall, in any legal proceedings

to which the municipal council is not a party, be required to produce any
register or document the contents of which can be proved under sub-section
(1) be a certified copy, or to appear as a witness to prove any matter or
transaction recorded therein save by order of the court made for special
377. Licensing and other provisions not applicable to
Government.—(1) Nothing in this Act or in any rule or bye-law made
thereunder shall be construed as requiring the taking out of any licence or
the obtaining of any permission under this Act or any such rule or bye-law in
respect of any place in the occupation or under the control of the Central or
the State Government or in respect of any property of the Central or the
State Government.
(2) Save in so far as they levy of any tax or continuation of levy of any tax
on any property of the Union is permissible under Article 285 of the
Constitution of India, the property of the Union shall be exempt from any tax
levied under this Act.
378. Licensing provisions not applicable to bus-stops, passenger-
shelters, etc.—Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,—
(1) no licence or permission shall be necessary for the 1[Karnataka State
Road Transport Corporation]1 in respect of the fixation or erection of posts
showing places of stoppage of buses or erection or construction of
passenger-shelters, ticket booths and bus stands on any road or land
vested in the municipal council:
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
Provided that no passenger-shelter, ticket booths or bus stand shall be
erected or constructed under this section except with the previous sanction
of the Government;
(2) in respect of passenger-shelters, ticket booths and bus stands
erected or constructed under this section, the 1[Karnataka State Road
Transport Corporation]1 shall be liable to pay to the municipal council such
annual ground rent as may be agreed upon between them, and where there
is no such agreement, as may be determined by the Government.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
[379. The provisions of the Karnataka Agricultural Produce

Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1966, not affected.—Provisions of sections

243, 244, 256 and 324 in so far as they relate to markets and other
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 883

premises, shall not be applicable to any market declared under the

Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1966 and the
provisions of this Act in respect of any other market shall be in addition to
and not in derogation of the Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing
(Regulation) Act, 1966.]1
1. Substituted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 7.10.1986.
380. Provisions of Improvement Acts not affected.—The provisions of
Chapter VIII of this Act shall not be applicable to the area to which the City
of Mysore Improvement Act, 1903 (Mysore Act 3 of 1903) for the time being
in force, extends, and any other municipal area for which an Improvement
Board is constituted under any other similar law.
381. Transitional Provisions.—(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act
or in any other law, such of the municipal bodies by whatever name
constituted under any of the enactments repealed by section 382 and
functioning immediately before the commencement of this Act, as the
Government may, by notification, direct to be panchayats, town municipal
councils, or city municipal councils, shall, as from the date of
commencement of this Act, become bodies competent to exercise the
powers and perform the duties conferred by the 1[Karnataka]1 Village
Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959, on village panchayats or by this
Act on town municipal council or city municipal council, as the case may be
until panchayats or town municipal councils or city municipal councils are
duly constituted under the provisions of the 1[Karnataka]1 Village Panchayats
and Local Boards Act, 1959, or under the provisions of this Act, as the case
may be:
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
Provided that no municipal body shall be directed to be,-
(i) a panchayat unless the population of the area within the
jurisdiction of such municipal body is less than ten thousand as determined
at the last preceding census;
(ii) a town municipal council unless the population of the area within
the jurisdiction of such municipal body is less than fifty thousand, as
determined at the last preceding census;
(iii) a city municipal council unless the population of the area within the
jurisdiction of such municipal body is more than fifty thousand as determined
at the last preceding census.
884 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Explanation.—In this section, ‘Municipal body’ includes a notified area

committee, a Town Board, a Sanitary Board, or other similar body
constituted under and law.
(2) Subject to the provisions of section 382 and any order made under
section 383,-
(a) the provisions of the 1[Karnataka]1 Village Panchayats and Local
Boards Act, 1959, relating to the conversion of a municipal council to a
panchayat shall be applicable as if the municipal body directed to be a
panchayat under sub-section (1) had been converted to a panchayat under
the said provisions; and
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(b) the provisions of section 362 or section 361 of this Act, shall be
applicable as if the municipal body directed to be a town municipal council
or city municipal council, as the case may be, had been converted to a town
municipal council or city municipal council, as the case may be, under the
said section.
(3) Subject to any notification issued under sub-section (1), every
municipal body referred to in the said sub-section which is,-
(i) a city municipal council, a borough 2[municipal area]2 or a town
committee, shall, as from the date of commencement of this Act, exercise
the powers and perform the duties conferred by the provisions of this Act on
a city municipal council, until a city municipal council is duly constituted for
the area within the jurisdiction of such body under the provisions of this Act;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

(ii) a body other than a body referred to in clause (i) shall, as from the
date of commencement of this Act, exercise the powers and perform the
duties conferred by the provisions of this Act on a town municipal council,
until a town municipal council is duly constituted for the area within the
jurisdiction of such body under the provisions of this Act.
(4) A panchayat, a town municipal council or a city municipal council shall
be duly constituted under the provisions of the 1[Karnataka]1 Village
Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959, or the provisions of this Act, as the
case may be, before the expiry of such period from the date of
commencement of this Act, as the State Government may by notification,
specify in respect of each panchayat, town municipal council or city
municipal council, and from the date of the first meeting of the said
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 885

panchayat or municipal council, as the case may be, every body exercising
the powers and performing the functions of a panchayat and every
municipal body exercising the powers and performing the functions of a
town municipal council or city municipal council as the case may be, under
sub-sections (1) and (3), shall stand dissolved:
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Provided that the period specified in respect of any panchayat, town

municipal council or city municipal council under this sub-section shall not
be less than the term for which the said body would be continued in
accordance with the provisions of the enactment under which the said body
was constituted or re-constituted:
Provided further that if in respect of any panchayat or town municipal
council or city municipal council no period is specified, the term for which the
said body would have continued in accordance with the provisions of the
enactment under which the said body was constituted or reconstituted shall
be deemed to be the period specified under this sub-section:
Provided also that the period specified or deemed to be specified under
this sub-section shall not be deemed to affect the exercise by,—
(i) the State Government or other competent authority of the powers
under section 315 or 316 or any other provision of this Act in respect of any
such town municipal council or city municipal council; or
(ii) the 1[Director of Municipal Administration]1 or other competent
authority of the powers under section 203 or any other provisions of the
[Karnataka]2 Village Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959, in respect of
any such Panchayat.
1. Substituted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

2. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

(5) Subject to any order made under section 383 casual vacancies in the
seats of members or councillors of every body exercising the powers and
performing the functions of a panchayat or a town municipal council or city
municipal council, as the case may be under sub-sections (1) and (3) shall
be filled and all matters in connection with the filling of such vacancies shall
be regulated in accordance with the provisions governing the filling of such
vacancies and regulating such matters as were in force immediately before
the date of commencement of this Act.
886 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

382. Repeal and savings.—(1) The Mysore City Municipalities Act, 1933
(Mysore Act VII of 1933); the Mysore Town Municipalities Act, 1951 (Mysore
Act XXII of 1951); the Bombay district Municipal Act, 1901 (Bombay Act III
of 1901); the Bombay Municipal Boroughs Act, 1925 (Bombay Act XVIII of
1925); the Bombay Municipal Servants Act, 1890 (Bombay Act V of 1890);
the Hyderabad District Municipalities Act, 1956 (Hyderabad Act XVIII of
1956); the Madras District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Madras Act V of 1920);
the Coorg Municipal Regulation, 1907 (Regulation II of 1907); the Madras
Town Nuisances Act, 1899 (Madras Act III of 1899); 1[Chapter II of the
Madras Public Health Act, 1939 (Madras Act III of 1939)]1 Chapter XI of the
[Karnataka]2 Village Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959 (2[Karnataka]2
Act 10 of 1959) are hereby repealed:
1. Inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

2. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Provided that such repeal shall not affect,—

(a) the previous operation of the said laws or anything duly done or
suffered thereunder; or
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or
incurred under the said laws; or
(c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any
offence committed against the said laws; or
(d) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any
such right, privilege, obligation, liability, forfeiture or punishment as
and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted,
continued or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture, or punishment may
be imposed as if this Act had not been passed:
Provided further that subject to the preceding proviso anything done or
any action taken (including any appointment or delegation made, tax, fee or
cess imposed, notification, order, instrument, or direction issued, rule,
regulation, form, bye-law or scheme framed, certificate obtained, permit or
licence granted or registration effected) under the said laws shall be
deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of
this Act and shall continue to be in force accordingly unless and until
superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act:
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 887

[Provided further that notwithstanding anything contained in the
preceding proviso where any tax, duty, fee or cess other than a duty on
transfers of immovable properties has been imposed under the said laws at
a rate higher than the maximum rate permissible under this Act, such tax,
duty, fee or cess may continue to be imposed and collected at such higher
rate unless and until superseded by anything done or any action taken
under this Act.]1
1. Inserted by Act 34 of 1966 w.e.f. 1.4.1965.
Provided also that any reference in any enactment or in any instrument to
any provision of any of the repealed laws shall, unless a different intention
appears, be construed as a reference to the corresponding provision of this
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), any tax, fee or
cess imposed under the said laws may, notwithstanding that such tax, fee or
cess cannot be imposed under the provisions of this Act, be continued to be
levied and recovered as if the provisions of such laws and the rules, bye-
laws, orders and notifications made or issued thereunder relating to such
levy and recovery had not been repealed.
383. Orders for bringing this Act into force.—Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act or in any other law, the Government may, by
order published in the official Gazette, make such provision as appears to it
to be necessary or expedient,—
(a) for bringing the provisions of this Act into effective operation;
(b) for making omissions from, additions to and adaptations and
modifications of the rules, bye-laws, notifications and orders referred to in
the second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 381 in their application to
any panchayat referred to in section 381 or any municipal council or
[municipal area]1;
1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
(c) for removing difficulties arising in connection with the transition to
the provisions of this Act;
(d) for authorising the continued carrying on for the time being on
behalf of municipal councils of services and activities previously carried on
by municipal councils or other municipal bodies; and
(e) so far as it appears necessary or expedient in connection with any
of the matters aforesaid for varying the powers or jurisdiction of any court or
888 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

authority and empowering new courts or other authorities to exercise such

jurisdiction as may be specified in such order.
(2) Any order under sub-section (1) may be either prospective or
restrospective in operation as may be specified in such order.
(3) All orders made under sub-section (1) shall be laid before both
Houses of the State Legislature and shall subject to such modifications as
the State Legislature may make during the session in which they are so laid,
have effect as if enacted in this Act.
[384 to 386 x x x ]1
1. Omitted by Act 22 of 2000 w.e.f. 29.11.2000.
[387. Consultation with Planning Authority.—The Municipal Council
shall, in places where the Planning Authority has not been constituted under
the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, consult the nearest planning
authority in matters affecting town planning.
388. Directorate of Municipal Administration.—2[(1)]2 The State
Government shall, with effect from such date as it may specify, establish a
Directorate of Municipal Administration. The composition, the functions, the
powers and duties of the Directorate shall be such as may be prescribed.]1
1. Sections 387 and 388 inserted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.
2. Renumbered by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6.6.1986.
[(1A) the State Government may, by notification, appoint a Director of
Municipal Administration to perform the functions entrusted under this Act.]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.

[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Government may
by notification, delegate such of its powers under this Act except the power
to make rules to the Director of Municipal Administration (hereinafter in this
section referred to as ‘Director’). 2[xxx]2
1. Inserted by Act 33 of 1986 w.e.f. 6.6.1986.
2. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
(3) The Government may, by notification, delegate to the Director all or
any of the powers exercisable under this Act by 1[xxx]1 the Deputy
Commissioner. On the issue of such notification, 1[xxx]1 the Deputy
Commissioner shall cease to exercise the powers delegated to the Director.
1. Omitted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
[(3A) The Government may, by notification, delegate to the Deputy
Commissioner any of the powers exercisable by the Director.]1
1. Inserted by Act 31 of 2003 w.e.f. 20.8.2003.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 889

(4) There shall also be a legal cell in the Directorate consisting of such
number of officers and possessing such qualifications as may be
[389.- Removal of difficulties.- If any difficulty arises in giving effect to
the provisions of this Act, the Government may, by order published in the
Official Gazette as the occasion may require do anything which appears to it
to be necessary to remove the difficulty]1.
1. Inserted by Act 5 of 2005 w.e.f. 7.3.2005.
[SCHEDULE I. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 28 of 2001 w.e.f. 19.11.2001.
[SCHEDULE II. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31.3.1979.
SCHEDULE IV. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.
[SCHEDULE V. x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 83 of 1976 w.e.f. 8.12.1976.

(Section 94)

Items Class

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

1. Shops,—
For each shop per year:
[City Municipal areas]1 100 80 60 40 20 10
[Town Municipal areas]1 50 40 30 20 10 5
2. Other places where business or
profession is carried on for purposes
of profit,—
890 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Items Class

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

For each place per year:

[City Municipal areas]1 50 40 30 20 10 5
[Town Municipal areas]1 30 25 20 10 4 2

1. Substituted by Act 36 of 1994 w.e.f. 1.6.1994.

Explanation:—For the purposes of this Schedule the class of the shop shall be
determined in accordance with the resolution made under section 95.

(Section 94)

Sl. Particulars Maximum amount

No. of tax per annum

1. Non-illuminated advertisements on land, building, wall,
hoardings, frame, post, structures, etc.—
(a) For a space up to 1 sq. m. 10
(b) For a space over 1 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 16
(c) For every additional 2.5 sq. m. or less 16
2. Non-illuminated advertisements carried on vehicles,
drawn by bullocks, horses, or other animals, human
beings, cycle or any other device carried on any vehicle,—
(a) For a space up to 5 sq. m. 60
(B) For every additional 5 sq. m. or less 60
3. Illuminated advertisement boards carried on vehicles,—
(a) For a space up to 5 sq. m. 75
(b) For every additional 1 sq. m. or less 15
4. Non-illuminated advertisement boards, carried by
sandwich boardmen,—
(a) For each board not exceeding 1 sq. m. 15
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 891

Sl. Particulars Maximum amount

No. of tax per annum
(b) For each board exceeding 1 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 30
(c) For each additional 1 sq. m. in area or less 15
5. Illuminated advertisement boards carried by sandwich
(a) For each board not exceeding 1 sq. m. 30
(b) For each board exceeding 1 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 50
(c) For each additional 1 sq. m. in area or less 30
6. Illuminated advertisements on land, building, wall or
hoardings, frame, post, structures, etc,—
(a) For a space up to .2 sq. m. 15
(b) For a space over .2 sq. m. and up to .5 sq. m. 30
(c) For a space over .5 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 35
(d) For every additional 2.5 sq. m. or less 35
7. Advertisements exhibited on screens in cinema houses
and other public places by means of lantern slides or
similar devices,—
(a) For a space up to .5 sq. m. 50
(b) For a space over .5 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 55
(c) For every additional 2.5 sq. m. or less 55
8. Non-illuminated advertisements suspended across
(a) For a space upto 1 sq. m. 10
(b) For a space over 1 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 16
(c) For every additional 2.5 sq. m. or less 16
N.B.—The tax on item 8 will be in addition to the space
which will be chargeable according to the scale to be
determined by the Municipal Commissioner or Chief
9. Non-illuminated advertisement hoardings standing blank
but bearing the name of the advertiser or with the
announcement “To be let” displayed thereon,—
892 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

Sl. Particulars Maximum amount

No. of tax per annum
(a) For a space up to 1 sq. m. 5
(b) For a space over 1 sq. m. and up to 2.5 sq. m. 8
(c) For every additional 2.5 sq. m. or less 8
10. Permission to auctioneers to put up not more than two 100 (including
boards of reasonable size advertising each auction sale, the rent for
other than those in the premises where the auction is held, exhibiting the
one on a prominent site in the locality and one on board on a
Municipal lamp post. Municipal
lamp post).

(Section 112)
To the Municipal Commissioner/Chief Officer of the . . . . . . . . Municipal Council,
I, A. B. hereby give notice, as required by section 111 of the 1[Karnataka]1
Municipalities Act, 1964, of the following transfer of property:—
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Description of property
Name of purchaser or assignee
Name of vendor of assignet

Number in assessment list

Amount of consideration
Date of instrument

if instrument has been

registered the date of
Date of Notice

Dimension of land
of what it consists



Sd. A. B.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 893

(Section 112)

To the Municipal Commissioner/Chief Officer of the . . . . . . . . . Municipal

Council, . . . . . . . . . .I, A. B. hereby give notice, as required by section 111 of the
[Karnataka]1 Municipalities Act, 1964, of the following transfer or devolution of
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.

Description of property
property is at present

To whose name it is
in whose name the

municipal registers

Of what it consists
to be transferred.
Date of notice

entered in the

assessment list

Dimension of

Number in


Sd. A. B.
(Section 142)
Shri/Shrimati residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please take notice that the municipal council of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
demands from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . due from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on account of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (here describe the
property or other subject in respect of which the tax is leviable) leviable under . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the period of . . . . . . . . . . . . commencing on the
day of . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . and ending on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 , and that if, within thirty days from the service of this notice,
the said sum is not paid into the municipal office at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . or sufficient cause for non-payment is not shown to the satisfaction of the
municipal council, a warrant of distress or attachment will be issued for the recovery
of the same with costs. Dated this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . .19. . . . .
By order of the Municipal Council of
894 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(Section 143)
(here insert the name of the officer charged with the execution of the warrant).
Whereas A. B., of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has not paid, and has
not shown satisfactory cause for the non-payment, of the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . due on account of . . . . . . . . . . . . (here describe the liability) . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the period of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . commencing on the
day of 19 . . . . and ending with the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. .
. . which sum is leviable under rule No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And whereas thirty days have elapsed since the service on him of notice of
demand for the same;
This is to direct you to distrain the movable property
attach immovable property (described below)
of the said A. B. of value approximately equal to the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . .
subject to the provisions of the 1[Karnataka]1 Municipalities act, 1964, and the rules
and bye-laws made thereunder and forthwith to certify to me together, with this
warrant, all particulars of the property seized by you thereunder.
1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order, 1973 w.e.f. 01.11.1973.
Dated this. . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
Signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Description of immovable property.

(Sections 129 and 143)
Shri/Shrimati residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please take notice that I have this day distrained the property specified in the
inventory annexed hereto for the value of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., (here describe the
liability) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mentioned in the margin for the
period commencing with the day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . ., and ending
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 895

with the day of . . . . . .19 . . ., together with Rs . . . . . . . . . due as for service of

notice of demand, and Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . due as for issue for warrant, and
that unless within ten days from the date of service of this notice you pay into the
municipal office at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the said amount together with the
costs of recovery, the said property will be sold.
Dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . .

Signature of Officer,
Executing the warrant
[x x x]1
1. Omitted by Act 21 of 1979 w.e.f. 31.3.1979
collecting toll.

(here state particulars of property distrained).
(Section 256).
Carrying out any of the following trades or operations connected with trades:—
1. Baking.
2. Cinematograph films. Shooting of .
3. Cinematograph films by any process whatsoever. Treating of .
4. Chillies or masala or corn or seeds. Grinding of by mechanical means .
5. Cloth, yarn or leather in indigo or in other colours. Dyeing or printing of .
6. Cloth or yarn. Bleaching .
7. Eating house or a catering establishment. Keeping of an .
8. Grain. Parching .
9. Ground-nut seeds, tamarind seeds or any other seeds. Parching .
10. Hair-dressing saloon or a barber’s shop. Keeping of a .
11. Hides or skins. whether raw or dried. Tanning, pressing or packing .
12. Laundry shop. Keeping a .
896 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

13. Leather goods. Manufacturing of by mechanical means .

14. Litho press. Keeping a .
15. Lodging house. Keeping of a .
16. Metal. Casting .
17. Precious metals. Refining of or recovering of them from embroideries.
18. Printing press. Keeping a .
19. Silk Reeling of from cocoons.
20. Sweetmeat shop except in premises already licensed as an eating house.
Keeping .
21. Carrying on the trade or business of or any operation connected with the
trade of .
(i) Autocar or autocycle servicing or repairing.
(ii) Blacksmithy.
(iii) Coppersmithy.
(iv) Electro-plating.
(v) Glass bevelling.
(vi) Glass cutting.
(vii) Glass polishing.
(viii) Goldsmithy.
(ix) Marble cutting, grinding, dressing or polishing.
(x) Metal (ferrous or non-ferrous or antimony but excluding precious metal)
cutting or treating metal by hammering, drilling, pressing, filing, polishing,
heating or by any other process whatever or assembling parts of metal.
(xi) Photography-studio.
(xii) Radio (wireless receiving set) selling, repairing, servicing or
(xiii) Silversmithy.
(xiv) Spinning or weaving cotton, silk, art silk, or jute or wool with the aid of
(xv) Stone grinding, cutting, dressing or polishing.
(xvi) Timber or wood sawing or cutting by mechanical or electric power.
(xvii) Tinsmithy.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 897

(xviii) Washerman’s trade.

(xix) Welding of metal by electric, gas or any process whatsoever.
22. Manufacturing, parching, packing, pressing, cleaning, cleansing, boiling,
melting, grinding or preparing by any process whatever any of the following
(i) Aerated waters.
(ii) Bakelite goods.
(iii) Bidis (indigenous cigarettes), snuff, cigars or cigarettes.
(iv) Bitumen.
(v) Blasting powder.
(vi) Bones.
(vii) Bricks or tiles by hand power.
(viii) Bricks or tiles by mechanical power.
(ix) Brushes.
(x) Candles.
(xi) Catgut.
(xii) Celluloid or celluloid goods.
(xiii) Cement concrete designs or models.
(xiv) Charcoal.
(xv) Chemicals.
(xvi) Cinematograph films stripping in connection with any trade.
(xvii) Cosmetics or toilet goods.
(xviii) Cotton, cotton refuse, cotton waste, cotton yarn, silk, silk yarn, silk
inclusive of waste yarn, art silk, art silk waste, art silk yarn, wool or wollen
refuse or waste.
(xix) Cotton seeds.
(xx) Dammar.
(xxi) Dynamite.
(xxii) Fat.
(xxiii) Fireworks.
(xxiv) Flax.
(xxv) Ink for printing, writing, stamping, etc.
898 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

(xxvi) Gas.
(xxvii) Ghee.
(xxviii) Glass or glass articles
(xxix) Gun powder.
(xxx) Hemp.
(xxxi) Ice (including dry ice).
(xxxii) Insecticide or disinfectants.
(xxxiii) Leather cloth or rexina cloth or water-proof cloth.
(xxxiv) Lime.
(xxxv) Linseed oil.
(xxxvi) Matches for lighting (including Bengal matches).
(xxxvii) Mattresses and pillows.
(xxxviii) Offal.
(xxxix) Oil-cloth.
(xl) Oil other than petroleum (either by mechanical power or by hand power or
ghani driven by bullock or any other animal).
(xli) Pharmaceutical or medical products.
(xlii) Paints.
(xliii) Paper or cardboard.
(xliv) Pickers from hides.
(xlv) Pitch.
(xlvi) Plastic goods.
(xlvii) Pottery by hand power.
(xlviii) Pottery by mechanical or any power other than hand power.
(xlix) Rubber or rubber goods.
(l) Sanitary ware of china-ware.
(li) Soap.
(lii) Sugar.
(liii) Sweetmeat and confectionery goods.
(liv) Tallow.
(lv) Tar.
(lvi) Varnishes.
(lvii) Wooden furniture, boxes, barrels, khokas, or other articles of wood or of
plywood or of sandalwood.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 899

1. Asafoetida.
2. Ashes.
3. Bamboos.
4. Bidi leaves.
5. Blasting powder.
6. Blood.
7. Bones, bone meal or bone powder.
8. Camphor.
9. Carbide of calcium.
10. Cardboard.
11. Celluloid or celluloid goods.
12. Charcoal.
13. Chemicals, liquid.
14. Chemicals, non-liquid.
15. Chillies.
16. Chlorate mixture
17. Cinematograph films—non-inflammable or acetate or safety base.
18. Cloth in pressed bales or boras.
19. Cloth or clothes of cotton, wool, silk, art silk, etc.
20. Coal.
21. Coconut fibre.
22. Coke.
23. Compound gas, such as oxygen gas, hydrogen gas, nitrogen gas,
carbondioxide gas, sulphur-dioxide gas, chlorine gas, acetylene gas, etc.
24. Copra.
25. Cotton including Kahok, surgical cotton and silky cotton.
26. Cotton refuse or waste or cotton yarn refuse or waste.
27. Cotton seed.
28. Detonators.
900 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

29. Dry leaves.

30. Dynamite.
31. Explosive paint such as nitro-cellulose paint, lacquer paint, enamel paint, etc.
32. Fat.
33. Felt.
34. Fins.
35. Firewood.
36. Fireworks.
37. Fish (dried).
38. Flax.
39. Fulminate.
40. Fulminate of mercury.
41. Fulminate of silver.
42. Gelatine.
43. Gelignite.
44. Grass.
45. Gun-cotton.
46. Gun powder.
47. Gunny bags.
48. Hair.
49. Hay or fodder.
50. Hemp.
51. Hessian cloth (gunny-bag cloth).
52. Hides (dried).
53. Hides (raw).
54. Hoofs.
55. Horns.
56. Incense or esas.
57. Jute.
58. Khokas, boxes, barrels, furniture or any other article of wood.
59. Lacquer.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 901

60. Leather.
61. Matches for lighting (including Bengal matches).
62. Methylated spirit, denatured spirit or French polish.
63. Nitro-cellulose.
64. Nitro-compound.
65. Nitro-glycerine.
66. Nitro-mixture.
67. Offal.
68. Oil, other than petroleum.
69. Oilseeds including almonds, but excluding cotton seeds.
70. Old paper or waste paper including old newspaper, periodicals, magazines,
71. Packing stuff (paper cuttings, husk, saw dust, etc.).
72. Paints.
73. Paper other than old paper in pressed bales or loose or in reams.
74. Petroleum other than dangerous petroleum, as defined in the Petroleum Act,
75. Phosphorus.
76. Plastic or plastic goods.
77. Plywood.
78. Rags, including small pieces or cuttings of cloth, hessian cloth, gunny-bag
cloth, silk, art silk or woollen cloth.
79. Resin or dammer Battar otherwise known as Ral.
80. Safety fuses, fog signals, cartridges, etc.
81. Saltpetre.
82. Sandalwood.
83. Silk waste, or silk yarn waste, art silk waste, or art silk yarn waste.
84. Sisal fibre.
85. Skins (raw or dried).
86. Straw.
87. Sulphur.
88. Tallor.
902 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

89. Tar, pitch, dammer or bitumen.

90. Tarpaulin.
91. Thinner.
92. Timber.
93. Turpentine.
94. Varnish.
95. Wool (raw).
96. Yarn other than waste yarn.
[No. PLM 1 MLR 64 (1).]
S. O. 2147.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1
of the Mysore Municipalities Act, 1964 (Mysore Act 22 of 1964), the Government of
Mysore hereby appoints 1st April 1965 as the date on which the provisions of the
said Act (except Section 1, 2, 323, 365, 381, 383, 384 and 385 which have already
come into force) shall come into force.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore,
Deputy Secretary.
(Published in Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary), PART IV—2C(ii), dated 29th
March 1965, p. 72.)
[No. LMA 2 MNM 67.]
S. O. 124.—In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (2) of Section
1 of the Mysore Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 1966 (Mysore Act No. 34 of 1966),
the Government of Mysore hereby appoints 16th January 1967 as the date on
which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore,
Secretary to Government, Labour and
Municipal Administration Department.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette, PART IV—2-C(ii), dated 12-1-1967 at p.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 903

Bangalore, dated 4th March, 1992. [No. DPAR 3 SDE 92]
S. O. 463.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 1
of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act No. 14 of 1990), the
Government of Karnataka hereby appoint the Second day of April 1992 as the date on which the
provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services Act, 1978 shall come into force.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
Under Secretary to Government,
Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reforms 2, (Service Rules).
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette PART IV—2C(ii), dated 26.3.1992, p. 376.)
Bangalore, dated 2nd July, 1997. [No. UDD 10 TCT 96]
S. O. 834.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section (1)
of the Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Act 1994 (Karnataka Act No. 36 of
1994), the Government of Karnataka hereby appoint the First day of January 1996
as the date on which section 24, 26, 27 and 28 of the said Act shall be deemed to
have come into force, and the 1[first day of August 1997]1 as the date on which
section 35 of the said Act shall be deemed to have come into force.
1. Substituted by notification No. Udd 10 TCP 96, dated: 1.8.97
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
Under Secretary to Government,
Urban Development Department.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary) Part IV-2C (ii) dated
5.7.1997, as No. 745)
Bangalore dated 1st August 1997 [No. UDD 10 TCT 96]
The words " the first day of April 1997" appearing in sixth line of Notification No.
UDD 10 TCT 96, dated 2.7.1997 shall be read as " the first day of August 1997".
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
Under Secretary to Government,
Urban Development Department.
904 Municipalities [1964: KAR. ACT 22]

No. UDD 26 TCT 2000 (P-II), Bangalore, Dated 12th November, 2001
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section (1) of the
Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 2000 (Karnataka Act No. 28 of 2001),
the Government of Karnataka hereby appoints the 19th day of November 2001, as
the date on which the said Act shall come into force.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
V. Sreedharamurthy
Under Secretary to Government,
Urban Development Department.

No. UDD 89 AHD 2000 (Pt-I), Bangalore, Dated 12th November, 2001
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the
Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 2000 (Karnataka Act No. 31 of 2001),
the Government of Karnataka hereby appoints the 19th day of November, 2001 as
the date on which the said Act shall come into force.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
R. Ramachandra
Under Secretary to Government (I/C),
Urban Development Department.
Published in the Karnataka Gazette Part IV-A, Extraordinary No. 1936 dated: 13-11-2001

No. UDD 35 MLR 2003, Bangalore,
dated 10th November, 2003 Karnataka Gazette,
Extraordinary No. 1403, dated 14-11-2003
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the
Karnataka Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 2002 (Karnataka Act, 23 of 2003), the
Government of Karnataka hereby appoints the 10th day of November, 2003 as the
date on which the said Act shall come into force.
1964: KAR. ACT 22] Municipalities 905

No. UDD 35 MLR 2003, Bangalore,
dated 21st August, 2003
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the
Karnataka Municipalities (Third Amendment) Act, 2002 (Karnataka Act 24 of 2003),
the Government of Karnataka hereby appoint the 21st day of August, 2003 as the
date on which the said Act shall come into force.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
Jagadish Jois
Under Secretary to Government,
Urban Development Department.
Published in the Karnataka Gazette Part IV-A Extra Ordinary No. 980 dated 21-8-2003.
No. UDD 35 MLR 2003, Bangalore,
dated 10th November, 2003 Karnataka Gazette,
Extraordinary No. 1402, dated 14-11-2003
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the
Karnataka Municipalities (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 (Karnataka Act No. 40 of
2003), the Government of Karnataka hereby appoint the 10th day of November,
2003 as the date on which the said Act shall come into force.

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