Algorithms and Data Structures: Counting Sort and Radix Sort

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Algorithms and Data Structures:

Counting sort and Radix sort

8th February, 2016

ADS: lect 9 – slide 1 – 8th February, 2016

Special Cases of the Sorting Problem
In this lecture we assume that the sort keys are sequences of bits.
I Quite a natural special case. Doesn’t cover everything:
I eg, exact real number arithmetic doesn’t take this form.
I In certain applications, eg Biology, pairwise experiments may only
return > or < (non-numeric).
I Sometimes the bits are naturally grouped, eq, as characters in a
string or hexadecimal digits in a number (4 bits), or in general bytes
(8 bits).
I Today’s sorting algorithms are allowed access these bits or groups of
bits, instead of just letting them compare keys . . .
This was NOT possible in comparison-based setting.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 2 – 8th February, 2016

Easy results . . . Surprising results
Simplest Case:
Keys are integers in the range 1, . . . , m, where m = O(n) (n is (as usual)
the number of elements to be sorted). We can sort in Θ(n) time

ADS: lect 9 – slide 3 – 8th February, 2016

Easy results . . . Surprising results
Simplest Case:
Keys are integers in the range 1, . . . , m, where m = O(n) (n is (as usual)
the number of elements to be sorted). We can sort in Θ(n) time
(big deal

ADS: lect 9 – slide 3 – 8th February, 2016

Easy results . . . Surprising results
Simplest Case:
Keys are integers in the range 1, . . . , m, where m = O(n) (n is (as usual)
the number of elements to be sorted). We can sort in Θ(n) time
(big deal . . . but will help later).

ADS: lect 9 – slide 3 – 8th February, 2016

Easy results . . . Surprising results
Simplest Case:
Keys are integers in the range 1, . . . , m, where m = O(n) (n is (as usual)
the number of elements to be sorted). We can sort in Θ(n) time
(big deal . . . but will help later).
Surprising case: (I think)
For any constant k, the problem of sorting n integers in the range {1, . . . , nk }
can be done in Θ(n) time.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 3 – 8th February, 2016

Counting Sort
Assumption: Keys (attached to items) are Ints in range 1, . . . , m.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 4 – 8th February, 2016

Counting Sort
Assumption: Keys (attached to items) are Ints in range 1, . . . , m.
1. Count for every key j, 1 ≤ j ≤ m how often it occurs in the input
array. Store results in an array C .

ADS: lect 9 – slide 4 – 8th February, 2016

Counting Sort
Assumption: Keys (attached to items) are Ints in range 1, . . . , m.
1. Count for every key j, 1 ≤ j ≤ m how often it occurs in the input
array. Store results in an array C .
2. The counting information stored in C can be used to determine the
position of each element in the sorted array. Suppose we modify the
values of the C [j] so that now
C [j] = the number of keys less than or equal to j.
Then we know that the elements with key “j” must be stored at the
indices C [j − 1] + 1, . . . , C [j] of the final sorted array.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 4 – 8th February, 2016

Counting Sort
Assumption: Keys (attached to items) are Ints in range 1, . . . , m.
1. Count for every key j, 1 ≤ j ≤ m how often it occurs in the input
array. Store results in an array C .
2. The counting information stored in C can be used to determine the
position of each element in the sorted array. Suppose we modify the
values of the C [j] so that now
C [j] = the number of keys less than or equal to j.
Then we know that the elements with key “j” must be stored at the
indices C [j − 1] + 1, . . . , C [j] of the final sorted array.
3. We use a “trick” to move the elements to the right position of an
auxiliary array. Then we copy the sorted auxiliary array back to the
original one.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 4 – 8th February, 2016

Implementation of Counting Sort

Algorithm Counting Sort(A, m)

1. n ← A.length
2. Initialise array C [1 . . . m]
3. for i ← 1 to n do
4. j ← A[i].key
5. C [j] ← C [j] + 1
6. for j ← 2 to m do
7. C [j] ← C [j] + C [j − 1] B C [j] stores ] of keys ≤ j
8. Initialise array B[1 . . . n]
9. for i ← n downto 1 do
10. j ← A[i].key B A[i] highest w. key j
11. B[C [j]] ← A[i] B Insert A[i] into highest free index for j
12. C [j] ← C [j] − 1
13. for i ← 1 to n do
14. A[i] ← B[i]

ADS: lect 9 – slide 5 – 8th February, 2016

Analysis of Counting Sort
I The loops in lines 3–5, 9–12, and 13–14 all require time Θ(n).
I The loop in lines 6–7 requires time Θ(m).
I Thus the overall running time is

O(n + m).

I This is linear in the number of elements if m = O(n).

ADS: lect 9 – slide 6 – 8th February, 2016

Analysis of Counting Sort
I The loops in lines 3–5, 9–12, and 13–14 all require time Θ(n).
I The loop in lines 6–7 requires time Θ(m).
I Thus the overall running time is

O(n + m).

I This is linear in the number of elements if m = O(n).

Note: This does not contradict Theorem 3 from Lecture 7 - that’s a result
about the general case, where keys have an arbitary size (and need not
even be numeric).

ADS: lect 9 – slide 6 – 8th February, 2016

Analysis of Counting Sort
I The loops in lines 3–5, 9–12, and 13–14 all require time Θ(n).
I The loop in lines 6–7 requires time Θ(m).
I Thus the overall running time is

O(n + m).

I This is linear in the number of elements if m = O(n).

Note: This does not contradict Theorem 3 from Lecture 7 - that’s a result
about the general case, where keys have an arbitary size (and need not
even be numeric).
Note: Counting-Sort is STABLE.
I (After sorting, 2 items with the same key have their initial relative

ADS: lect 9 – slide 6 – 8th February, 2016

Radix Sort
Basic Assumption
Keys are sequences of digits in a fixed range 0, . . . , R − 1,
all of equal length d.

Examples of such keys

I 4 digit hexadecimal numbers (corresponding to 16 bit integers)
R = 16, d = 4
I 5 digit decimal numbers (for example, US post codes)
R = 10, d = 5
I Fixed length ASCII character sequences
R = 128
I Fixed length byte sequences
R = 256

ADS: lect 9 – slide 7 – 8th February, 2016

Stable Sorting Algorithms
Definition 1
A sorting algorithm is stable if it always leaves elements with equal keys
in their original order.

ADS: lect 9 – slide 8 – 8th February, 2016

Stable Sorting Algorithms
Definition 1
A sorting algorithm is stable if it always leaves elements with equal keys
in their original order.

I Counting-Sort, Merge-Sort, and Insertion Sort are all
I Quicksort is not stable.
I If keys and elements are exactly the same thing (in our setting, an
element is a structure containing the key as a sub-element) then we
have a much easier (non-stable) version of Counting-Sort.
(How? ... CLASS?).

ADS: lect 9 – slide 8 – 8th February, 2016

Radix Sort (cont’d)
Sort the keys digit by digit, starting with the least
significant digit.
now sob tag ace
for nob ace bet
tip ace bet dim
ilk tag dim for
dim ilk tip hut
tag dim sky ilk
jot tip ilk jot
sob for sob nob
nob jot nob now
sky hut for sky
hut bet jot sob
ace now now tag
bet sky hut tip

Each of the three sorts is carried out with respect to the digits in that
column. “Stability” (and having previously sorted digits/suffixes to the
right), means this achieves a sorting of the suffixes starting at the current
ADS: lect 9 – slide 9 – 8th February, 2016
Radix Sort (cont’d)

Algorithm Radix-Sort(A, d)
1. for i ← 0 to d do
2. use stable sort to sort array A using digit i as key

Most commonly, Counting Sort is used in line 2 - this means that once
a set of digits is already in sorted order, then (by stability) performing
Counting Sort on the next-most significant digits preserves that order,
within the “blocks” constructed by the new iteration.
Then each execution of line 2 requires time Θ(n + R).
Thus the overall time required by Radix-Sort is

Θ(d(n + R))

ADS: lect 9 – slide 10 – 8th February, 2016

Sorting Integers with Radix-Sort
Theorem 2
An array of length n whose keys are b-bit numbers can be sorted in time

Θ(ndb/ lg ne)

using a suitable version of Radix-Sort.

Proof: Let the digits be blocks of dlg ne bits. Then R = 2dlg ne = Θ(n)
and d = db/dlg nee. Using the implementation of Radix-Sort based on
Counting Sort the integers can be sorted in time

Θ(d(n + R)) = Θ(ndb/ lg ne).

Note: If all numbers are at most nk , then b = k lg n . . . ⇒ Radix Sort

is Θ(n) (assuming k is some constant, eg 3, 10).

ADS: lect 9 – slide 11 – 8th February, 2016

Reading Assignment
[CLRS] Sections 8.2, 8.3


1. Think about the qn. on slide 7 - how do we get a very easy

(non-stable) version of Counting-Sort if there are no items
attached to the keys?
2. Can you come up with another way of achieving counting sort’s
O(m + n)-time bound and stability (you will need a different data
structure from an array).
3. Exercise 8.3-4 of [CLRS].

ADS: lect 9 – slide 12 – 8th February, 2016

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