Math Worksheet

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Working on Geometry
How to create basic
geometrical shapes with DIFFICULTY FROM 1 TO 10: 1

Math Worksheet: Basic Geometry with Scratch

The purpose of the current worksheet is to present how we can use Scratch to create
basic geometrical shapes.

Scenario: The cat sprite is the basic object in the application. Cat is going to draw:

a) a circle
b) a square
c) a triangle
d) an octagon

General information:

a) circle

1. For these scenarios we are going

to use the Pen blocks in Scratch.

2. Drag and drop the When Green Flag

clicked Event into Script area

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

3. Drag and drop the clear and pen
down blocks
 clear block: clears the screen
 pen down: this block will make
the cat sprite continuously pen a
trail wherever it moves (until the
pen up block is used).
Note: We can change the color, width,
and shade of the trail with other
independent blocks existing in pen blocks
4.Drag and drop into scripts the repeat
10 block
 Click on Control
 Drag and Drop the repeat 10
 Change the number 10 to 360

5. Put the move 10 steps and turn 1

degrees blocks into the repeat block.

6. Result

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

b) Square

1. Drag and drop the When Green Flag

clicked, the go to x 0 y 0 and point in
direction 90 blocks into Script area
- The go to x 0 y 0 block sets the sprites
X and Y position
- The point in direction block points
the sprite in a specified direction
(direction value specifies how much a
sprite is rotated. It is measured in degrees
(°) and ranges from -90° (pointing left) to
180° (pointing down).)
2. Drag and drop the clear and pen
down blocks into Script area

3. Drag and drop the move 10 steps

and the turn 90 degrees blocks 4 times
to create the square
You can also use the wait 1 secs block
to make the cat sprite waiting for one
second after each command (block)

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

Improvement: use the repeat block to
improve your script


c) triangle

1. Drag and drop the When Green Flag

clicked, the go to x 0 y 0 and point in
direction 90 the clear and pen down
blocks into Script area

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

2. Drag and drop the move 10 steps
and the turn 120 degrees blocks 3
times to create the triangle
You can also use the wait 1 secs block
to make the cat sprite waiting for one
second after commands (block)

3. Improvement: use the repeat block

to improve your script


Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

d) octagon
1.Use these blocks to create an

The last two blocks puts the pen up

and moves the cat sprite to a specific
position (-53,26)

2. Result

a) You will find the specific applications in the following links
b) You can use the set pen color to and set pen size to blocks to define the color
and the size of the pen

We can improve this program together. Show your contributions:

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki


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