06 Chapter 1

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Vidhu Priya. A “Investigation on the alpha systematics of Acridoidea

(Orthoptera) of Kerala” Thesis. Department of Zoology, University of Calicut,

Tremendous scientific and technological achievements have been acquired in the latter
half of the last century, especially in the frontier areas of biotechnology, atomic energy,
and space research. Still we live amidst several irreversible catastrophes, the most
pressing one of which is unprecedented loss of biodiversity on earth. Today we are faced
with one of the greatest extinction spasms of geological history - the centinelan
extinction - i.e. extinction of species, unknown before their extinction and hence
unrecorded, is happening all around us. (Cherian, P.T, 2004)

Systematics plays a pivotal role in completing the inventory of world's biodiversity and
its various components before they are lost forever. A large role is demanded from
systematics by the extinction crisis. This is an uphill task because of the unsuspected
vastness of biodiversity and vulnerability particularly in the tropic regions. Thus there is
an over-riding importance of systematics and its creative role in fulfilling the emerging
needs of science and society. (Pushpangadan & Nair, 2001)

Insects are by far the oldest, most numerous and smallest flying machines. Comprising
9.5 lakh described species, they account for more than 54% of all living organisms. The
number of World's insect species is assumed to be 8 million (Hawksworth et. al, 1995).
In this case the number of insect species so far known may account for hardly 11.9% of
the total, leaving 88.1% still uncensored. Recent high profile of biodiversity as a
scientific issue, is leading to increasing interest in insects because of their astonishingly
high species richness. (Cherian, P.T, 2004)

Directly or indirectly most of the insects influence human life. They are of extreme value
to mankind as they play an important role in the economy of the world. Some greatly
benefit human society directly in the role of agricultural pollinators and food providers
and indirectly in the form of parasites and predators of pests, weed controllers,
scavengers etc. They affect human life adversely in the form of pests damaging crops and
as vectors of diseases. Insects become pests when they conflict with human welfare,
aesthetics or profits. Pest status of an insect population depends on abundance of
individuals as well as the type of nuisance or injury that the insects inflict. The short-
homed grasshoppers are a category of pests that attack plants as short as rice to as tall as

The Short-horned Grasshoppers

Short-homed grasshoppers coming under superfamily Acridoidea are cosmopolitan
insects being absent only from truly polar areas and few small groups of islands of
oceanic origin. Very few species have global distribution, as distribution of these insects
are limited owing to severe inhibiting ecological factors.

The size of these insects varies from small to large (15 mm to 70 mm). They are usually
found on grounds in all sorts of herbs, shrubs, vegetations and agricultural fields.
Majority are terrestrial and few live near edges of water sources (Oxya sp. and Gesonula
sp. etc.).

Since grasshoppers are mainly phytophagous and depend largely on vegetation for food,
some of them have gained considerable economic importance as enemies to mankind.

Grasshoppers that develop seasonal and occasional behaviour of mass migration are
called 'locusts'. The reason for the migration though not obvious is apparently owing to
stress of unexplainable nature. (Bhowmik 1985)

Ecological significance of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers exert an important ecological impact. Plant feeding by grasshoppers can
deplete plant biomass and damage crops. It can shift plant community structure due to
their differential plant preference; extreme cases can even cause ecosystem damage.

Grasshoppers are significant due to their role in nutrient cycle. Grasshoppers consume
large amounts, often eating their own body weight in plant tissue daily, which may affect
the relative abundance of plant species in an area. Grasshoppers also hasten the
degradation of cellulose and other materials by breaking them to smaller units and even
their feacal matters are easily degradable and thus increase the availability of nutrients for
plant growth.

Grasshoppers are also ecologically significant because they convert plant tissue into large
units of animal material and serve as food for vertebrate animals. Grasshoppers are large
enough and abundant enough that they attract large number of vertebrates such as
reptiles, birds, skunks, raccoons, foxes and mice, which regularly consume them.
Grasshoppers thus have a major role in the food chain.

Economic Importance Of Grasshoppers

1. As Crop Pests:
Both nymphs and adults devour many kinds of vegetation, particularly the succulent
types. Most of them are minor pests occurring in small numbers on a wide range of crops.
The following grasshopper are of major pest status:

Hieroglyphus banian (Fabricius): pest of rice and sugarcane.

Hieroglyphus nigrorepletus Bolivar: pest of millets, sugarcane and hemp.
Oxya chinensis Thunberg: pest of rice, millet and groundnut.
Aularches miliaris Linnaeus: pest of coffee, coconut, banana, cashew, grapevine and
areca palm. In May 2005 there was an outbreak of this pest in Kanjikuzhi in Idukki
district of Kerala and in certain parts of Kozhikode in May-June, 2005.
Atractomorpha crenulata Fabricius: pest of millets, pulses, groundnut, jute and
Chrotogonus species: pest of pulses, groundnut, cotton and tobacco.
Thiophidia species: pest of sugarcane and groundnut.
Acrida species: pest of groundnut.
Cyrtacanthacris sp, Eyprepocnemis alacris alacris Serville, Gastrimargus africanus
Saussure, Catantops erubescens Walker, Patanga succincta Linnaeus etc.: pests of
A few species of grasshoppers, which sometimes occur in tremendous number and show
mass migration, are called locusts. When locusts live in such crowded conditions, they
differ in both appearance and behaviour from solitary individuals of the same species.
Locusts have been known for centuries as great agricultural scourge. Locust plagues are
an ever present danger to agriculture and therefore to the lives of man in many
subtropical and tropical countries. Uvarov (195 1) has reported the economic losses due to
locust plagues as being in the range off 30 million a year. A locust eats approximately its
own weight of vegetation everyday and a swarm of several locusts consumes many tons
of food in a day. Crops being devoured thus may even cause famine in minimum
subsistence areas.

The common types of locusts are the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria Linnaeus) and
the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal)). The desert locust occurs in northern
half of Africa and northern India. The different subspecies of the migratory locust have a
range extending from west and south Europe and most of the African continent, through
central and southern Asia to China and northern Australia.

2.As Food:
The eggs, nymphs and adults of grasshoppers provide food for several predatory insects,
spiders, frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals. They make a good fish bait, either living or
dead. They are sometimes used even for human food. Locusts form an important dietary
supplement during outbreaks. The Greeks ground locusts by mortars and made flour of
them. They continue to be used as food in Mexico, Japan and Philippines. Some primitive
tribes of N.America, India and other parts of world eat them. In 1975 when U.S. was
overrun by their devastating hordes, people were advised to harvest grasshoppers by
driving them into pits on ground or were herded into bed of coal by advancing people or

3. As intermediate host:
Certain flukes and round worms attack grasshoppers that serve as intermediate hosts for
these parasites.
Various insecticides are used in the form of chemical sprays or dusts and poisoned baits,
that kills either by contact or when eaten. Ploughing weeds and stubble fields exposes the
egg masses and nymphs of grasshoppers. Parasitic insects laying eggs or larvae on
grasshoppers also constitute a factor in their control. Sarcophaga keliye Alb. (Diptera:
Sarcophagidae) parasitises grasshoppers by laying eggs on undersurface of their wings.
Epicauta vittata Fabricius (blister beetle) (Coleoptera: Melalonthidae) larvae ravishes the
nest of grasshoppers and devour eggs.

The indiscriminate use of insecticides on crops have lead to loss of biodiversity,

appearance of insecticide resistant varieties, and hazardous residues in water, air etc. The
grasshopper pest Melanoplus spretus Walsh (the rocky mountain grasshopper) has
become extinct, the last live specimen reported being in 1902. The rocky mountain
grasshopper was among the greatest impediments to the settlements of the Western
United States. A commission was employed to suggest methods for the extermination of
grasshoppers that recommended tactics like killing individuals or destroying egg beds.
They killed as many as possible to avoid economic harm to themselves. This along with
their habitat interference by man ultimately ended up in its extinction. The idea of IPM
for pest control has thus arose which integrates chemicals along with the use of resistant
plant varieties, predator and parasites, pheromones, hormones and lethal genes. All these
methods are highly specific and can only succeed if the identity of the pest is accurately
determined. Thus the taxonomic studies of grasshoppers become relevant.

All grasshoppers are diurnal in their habit and greatly depend on sunlight for warmth.
The grasshoppers live all over the world in open grasslands, feeding on grass or any other
available leafy vegetation. Grasshoppers lay their eggs in groups which varies from 8 to
more than 100, enclosed in a fairly tough case called an egg pod. The group of eggs is
laid first and then a frothy liquid is poured over it. This solidifies rapidly, forming a
spongy substance that serves to protect the eggs during the autumn and winter. The eggs
are mostly laid a few inches deep in the soil with the help of ovipositor valves for
digging. After the eggs are laid, they undergo certain amount of development during
incubation. The period of incubation varies according to the number of annual life cycles.

At the time of hatching, egg chorion becomes dry and splits longitudinally. When
grasshoppers first emerge from the egg it is in the form of a vermiform larva. The young
nymph is completely enclosed in a transparent sac, which has separate sleeves for the
antennae and legs. The vermiform larvae work its way out of the egg pod by wriggling.
As soon as it reaches the open air, it sheds its skin- the intermediate moult - and assumes
a normal nymphal appearance.

The nymphs shed their skin four more times before becoming adults. Between each moult
grasshoppers live uneventfully for a week, feeding by preference but almost taking any
green thing at hand. During this time their abdomen lengthen by the extension of
membrane between segments but the hard parts of the body do not change in size or
shape. At the end of seven or eight days the insects cease their activities and remain quiet
for a while, till the cuticle opens in lengthwise split over back of thorax and on top of
head. Hoppers emerge from it carefully. The wing rudiments appear in the second instar
in the form of downwardly directed lobes from the tergites of the second and third
segments of the thorax. These wing pads become reversed in position in the last two
nymphal instars, so that the costal margin is directed downwards in adult. The rate of
development of the nymphs varies greatly with temperature. Sexual maturity is not
reached until several days after the final moult. The emergence of grasshoppers usually
occurs during the months of June, July. Males usually die after copulation and females
after oviposition.

The mating call of grasshoppers is by stridulatory mechanism. The stridulation is usually

produced by the friction between the tegmina and the hind legs. The tegmen is provided
with a series of stridulatory veinlets in many grasshoppers and the inner side of hind
femora is supplied with pegs, the friction of which with tegmina produces sound. The
apparatus is well developed in males than females.
The systematic position of Acridoidea as suggested in leading orthopterological and
general entomological works is presented in the table.
Changes in the status of Acridoidea


Order Suborder Super family
Jakobson and Bianki, 1904 Orthoptera Acridoidea -

Handlirsch 1908 Orthoptera Acridoidea

Chopard 1920 Orthoptera Locustoidea

Schroder 1925 Saltatoria Locustoidea

Uvarov 1928 Orthoptera Acridoidea -

Ander 1939 Saltatoria Acridoidea Acridoidea

Chopard 1949 Orthoptera Caelifera Acridoidea

Shvanwitsh 1949 Orthoptera Acridoidea

Bey Bienko & Mistshenko 1951 Orthoptera Caelifera Acridoidea

Dirsh 1961 Orthoptera Acridoidea -

Handlirsh (1908) divided the order Orthoptera Latreille 1793 (=Saltatoria Latreille 1817)
into suborder Locustoidea with the families Locustidae (=Tettigonidae) and
Gryllotalpidae and the suborder Acridoidea with a single family Acrididae. Kirby (1914)
included seven families under the order Orthoptera, all short-homed grasshoppers were
included under family Acrididae.

Ander (1939) divided the order Saltatoria into the suborders Ensifera and Caelifera, the
first of which corresponds to Handlirsch's Locustoidea and the second to Handlirsch's
Acridoidea, except that he transferred the family Tridactylidae to the suborder Caelifera
as a superfamily. Acridoidea was considered as the second superfamily. Dirsh (1961)
regarded Acridoidea as a suborder of the order Orthoptera,

The status and scope of families and subfamilies of Acridoidea have undergone many
changes. In the revision of the families and subfamilies of Acridoidea by Dirsh (1961)
fourteen families come under the suborder Acridoidea viz Eumasticidae, Proscopidae,
Tanaoceridae, Pneumoridae, Xyronotidae, Trigonopteridae, Charifaidae, Pamphagidae,
Lathiceridae, Pyrgomorphidae, Ommexechidae, Pauliniidae, Lentulidae and Acrididae.

Rehn (1948) divided the family Eumasticidae into seventeen subfamilies. One subfamily
viz Tanacerinae has been raised to family rank by Dirsh (1955) and one new subfamily
Socotrellinae was added by Popov (1957). Dirsh (196 1) divided family Pamphagidae into
four subfamilies and family Acrididae into sixteen subfamilies in 1965 viz
Dericorythinae, Romaleinae, Lithidiinae, Hemiacridinae, Oxyinae, Coptacridinae,
Tropidopolinae, Calliptaminae, Euryphyrninae, Eyprepocnemidinae, Coptacridinae,
Cyrtacanthacridinae, Eqnatiinae, Acridinae, Erymogryllinae, Truxalinae

The position of Tetrigidae also with short antennae has been a question. But the
characters of the family like - the Pronotum almost covering the entire body, structure of
the phallic complex, tegrnina being strongly shortened, tympanum being absent and
absence of areolae and one fore tarsal segment have given it the status of a separate
Studies carried out by Linnaeus (1758) stood first in the systematics of short-homed
grasshoppers. Fieber, Schaum, Saussure, Uvarov, Dirsh and many others followed him.
In India Kirby did remarkable work on systematics of grasshoppers in the posthumous
publication of fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma Orthoptera, London
Vol I. Valuable contributions are also given by workers like Bhowmik, Tandon,
Shishodia, Day and Halder torwards the taxonomy of short-homed grasshoppers in India.

The classification of Acridoidea, followed here is that of Dirsh (1965) which has been
followed by most of the workers in India

Importance of the study

A species level study grasshoppers is of great importance because:
(1) Species vary in this biotic potential and their capacity for causing damage.
(2) Certain species of grasshoppers are highly migratory and often pose a serious
threat to distant crops.
(3) Species vary in their seasonal cycle (period of hatching, development and
reproduction), which in turn affects the timing of control treatment.
(4) Because current chemical and biological methods of controlling grasshoppers are
more sophisticated, their effective use require greater knowledge of the pest's life
histories and habits.
(5) As environmental impacts of control are more finely evaluated, recognition of
pest species of grasshoppers has become essential in the selection of management

Species Diversity Bi Scope of the Study

The present study includes the systematic aspects of the families Acrididae and
Pyrgomorphidae of Acridoidea. Indian fauna of Acrididae comprises 13 subfamilies 138
genera and 3 10 species or subspecies while the world fauna considerably over 1000
genera and a neighbourhood of 6000 known species. From India about 19 genera and 40
species of Pyrgomorphids are reported and 148 genera and 440 species from the world.
(Alfred et. Al., 1998)

The state of Kerala has been less explored for the systematic study of grasshoppers and
its great potentiality has been exploited for this investigation. The present work has been
undertaken with a view to bring out the systematic data of Acrididae and
Pyrgomorphidae of Kerala, to provide a workable key to the subfamilies, genera and
species dealt with in this study.

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