Full Body Ky Workout

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The document discusses using a Kundalini yoga routine to achieve full body fitness and health. It breaks the routine down into sections targeting different parts of the body.

The document lists benefits such as helping achieve full body fitness, improving digestive, circulatory and immune systems, increasing energy and vitality, toning muscles and aiding weight loss.

The document provides step-by-step instructions for frog pose including starting in a squatting position with feet apart, rising up by straightening the legs and bringing the head towards the knees.

Full Body Yoga Workout

Yoga is not just for stretching and flexibility, but is perfectly capable of giving you a
complete full body workout. If you are looking for fitness, strength and muscle tone, along
with the added benefits of mental and emotional balance, yoga is an excellent solution for

The following is a combination of several key exercises and sets, which when put together
give you a complete fitness routine. This workout will target your upper body, stomach and
abs, as well as help you tone and strengthen your lower body. On the way to doing this, it
will even give your important heart muscle a bit of a workout.

The techniques and exercises in this comprehensive set come of the school of Kundalini
Yoga. Kundalini Yoga, because it uses so much dynamic movement, is especially good for
routines geared towards fitness and dynamic strength. Don’t get me wrong, other types of
yoga also use flow and movement, and will deliver quite a workout as well, but in general,
Kundalini Yoga fits the needs of a full body fitness routine very well.

Benefits of Yoga for Full Body Fitness:

Each exercise and set offer many benefits that are listed accordingly; they are too many to
list here. Below are the highlights of what the overall workout delivers:

 Helps you achieve full body fitness and health.

 Good for the digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system, immune system

and nervous system.

 Increases your level or energy and vitality.

 Helps tone your abdominal muscles, shape your stomach and gives you core

strength and power.

 Helps with weight loss.

 Significantly develops full body strength and flexibility.

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 Tones legs, arms, chest, shoulders, abs and buttocks.

 Helps improve health and well-being.

 Helps develop sexual fitness and virility.

Remember the golden rule: please do not overdo or over strain. Especially if you are
new to yoga, please use the beginner’s version for the difficult exercises and back off if you
feel uncomfortable or dizzy. For all the poses in this set illustrations have also been

Yoga Set for Full Body Fitness:

To meet the requirements of full body fitness, this set utilises a wide range of exercises and
sequences. Do each exercise as per your strengths and weaknesses of your body
regions. If your abs are already fit and strong, you can do more repetitions of the
abdominal exercises, while if your legs are strong already you can do more Kundalini Yoga
Froggies. If you are new to yoga or just getting started with your fitness programme, do
the beginner times for the exercises as detailed below.

Fitness Yoga Sequence:

The routine is broken down into five (5) sections:

Section 1. Exercise Set for Maintaining a Flexible Spine

Section 2. Upper Body Fitness - Cobra Push-ups

Yoga See-Saw Shoulder Exercise

Section 3. Core Fitness - Yoga Ab Exercises Set

 Single Leg Lifts
 Double Leg Lifts
 Criss-Cross Legs
 Piston Legs

Section 4. Lower Body Fitness

 Yoga Chair Pose
 Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose

Section 5. Rest & Rejuvenation

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Fitness Yoga Section 1: Exercise Set for Maintaining a Flexible Spine

One of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy body is a flexible spine. The
yogis say that youth is determined by the flexibility of your spine.

Low back pain and upper back stress are some of the most common health complaints of
adults. The best way to avoid backaches is to take care of your spine on a daily basis. There
are no quick fixes for back pain, but this exercise set is an effective maintenance

To Begin
Sit quietly and be with your breath. Consciously slow down the breath and breathe from the
belly. Be with the sensations in your body. Tune into your own rhythm. Allow a few minutes
to calm down, centre yourself and create your own space.

Tuning in

Before beginning Kundalini Yoga practice, always "tune in". Sit in easy pose, or any meditation

posture that you find most comfortable; with a straight spine and centre yourself with long,

deep breathing. Then place the palms together in Prayer Mudra at the Heart Centre, fingers

pointed up at 60º, base of thumbs pressing against the sternum. Inhale and focusing at the

3rd Eye Point.

Inhale deeply through the nose before you repeat the mantra. Repeat 2 or more times. The

purpose of this mantra is "to tune in." So chant it as many times as you feel you need to get

connected. This chant protects and connects us with our higher selves. It also links us with

the "Golden Chain" of teachers who brought Kundalini yoga to the world. In other words,

our teachers are with us in subtle body guiding and helping us.
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Rotate the Pelvis

Sit in easy pose. Place the hands on the knees. Deeply

roll the pelvis around in a grinding motion. Relax into
the movement. Make it a moving meditation.

Do 26 rotations or 1-2 minutes in each direction.

Benefits: This exercise opens up the energy in the

lower spine, massages the internal organs and aids in

Spinal Flex
Sit in easy pose. Grab the ankles. As you inhale
powerfully, flex the spine forward, keeping the
shoulders relaxed and the head straight. Do not
move the head up and down. Exhale and relax the
spine back. Continue rhythmically with deep
breaths. As you inhale feel the energy go
down the spine. As you exhale feel it come
back up to the third eye. Mentally bring SAT
down and NAM back up the spine.

1-3 minutes or up to 108 times.

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To end: Inhale deep, hold the breath, apply root lock (mulbhand), exhale and relax. Sit
quietly and feel the energy circulate in your spine and throughout your body.

Benefits: This exercise stimulates and stretches the lower spine.

Spinal Flex On Heels
Sit on the heels; place the hands flat
on the thighs. Continue spinal flex as
above with a powerful breath.

1-2 minutes.

Benefits: This exercise works on the

mid spine and heart chakra

Neck Rolls:

This exercise removes tension in the neck and

stimulates the thyroid.
Sit with a straight but relaxed spine. Adjust
the head so that you feel like it is sitting on
top of the spine by slightly moving the head
back and bringing the chin down slightly. Roll
the neck slowly in one direction and then in
the other. Let the weight of the head move
the head around. Do this very methodically so
that you go slowing through tight spots and
work out areas of tension. At least one minute
in each direction. After this exercise, sit
quietly and be with the sensations in your
body and spine.
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Side Twists
Sit on the heels. Place the hands on the
shoulders, fingers in front and thumbs in
back. Inhale, twist to the left. Exhale, twist to
the right. Twist your head to each side as
well. Gradually feel an increased rotation in
your spine. Keep elbows parallel to the
ground, allowing the arms to swing freely
with the body. This exercise can be done
standing up, Continue 1-2 minutes or 26

To end: Inhale center, hold the breath, apply

rootlock, exhale, relax and feel the energy
circulate, especially at the level of the heart.

Benefits: This exercise opens up the heart

centre and stimulates the upper spine.

Side Bends

In Easy Pose, clasp hands behind neck in Venus

Lock (fingers interlaced) and bend straight
sideways at the waist, aiming the elbow toward the
floor beside the hip. Inhale as you bend left, exhale
right. Don't arch or contract the back. Bend
sideways only. This exercise can be done standing.

1-2 minutes or 26 times.

Benefits: Side bends stimulate the liver and colon

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and increase spinal flexibility.

Shoulder Shrugs
Still on the heels or in easy pose, shrug both shoulders up
on the inhale and down on the exhale.

1- 2 minutes.

To End: Inhale up, hold, apply rootlock, and relax.

Benefits: This exercise loosens up the tension in the

shoulders and relaxes upper back


Lie on the floor with the palms on the floor under the shoulders. As you inhale, slowly arch
the spine up, leading with the nose, then chin, then pushing off with your hands vertebra by
vertebra, until you are arched back as far as possible with no strain in the lower back,
concentrating on a. good stretch from the heart centre up. Breathe long and deep or
do Breath of Fire.

2-3 minutes

To end: Inhale, hold, pull the energy up the spine with the root lock. Exhale very slowly
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and come down one vertebra at a time. Relax. 1-3 minutes.

Benefits: This exercise strengthens the lower back. Removes tension in the back and
balances the flow of sexual energy with navel energy.
Rock and Roll on the Spine

Bring your knees to your chest, grab

them with the arms, and rock back and
forth on the spine, massaging it gently
from the neck to the base of the spine.
Make sure you have a soft surface.

1-2 minutes.

Benefits: This exercise circulates the

energy and relaxes the spine.

Alternate Leg Stretches

Spread the legs wide apart, grasping the toes or any other place on the legs where it is
possible to keep the knees straight. Inhale center and exhale down to the left leg, inhale
center and exhale down to the right leg. Move from the hips to open the pelvis. Avoid
simply bending and arching the upper spine. Keep the spine comfortably straight and get a
good stretch in the back. Loosen up the muscles, but do not strain them. Continue with
powerful breathing. 1-2 minutes.

To end: Inhale centre, hold the breath, apply root lock and then relax. Bring the legs
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together and bounce them up and down a few times to relax the muscles and massage

Benefits: Opens up the pelvis and stretches the leg muscles.

Life Nerve Stretch
Legs outstretched, bring right foot into left thigh, and
slowly bend over the left leg to grab the foot or ankle (or
wherever it is comfortable), keeping the leg flat on the
ground. Breathe long and deep or do Breath of Fire. 1-2
minutes each side.

To end: Inhale deeply and exhale several times deepening

the stretch. Then slowly come up. Bounce the legs and
massage them. Switch sides and repeat.

Benefits: This exercise stretches the leg muscles and

loosens up the lower back.

Cat Cow
Come on the hands and knees, knees shoulder
width apart. Inhale as you flex your spine
down and bring your head up. Exhale as you
flex your spine up in an arched position with
the head down. Keep the arms straight.
Continue rhythmically with powerful breathing,
gradually increasing the speed as your spine
becomes more and more flexible. 1-3

To end: Inhale in saggy cow, hold, pull the

energy up the spine with the root lock. Exhale
and relax on the heels. Sit quietly and let the
breath slow down. Feel the energy circulate.
Concentrate at the third eye.
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Benefits: This exercise is known as the

Kundalini chiropractor. Done regularly it
loosens up and adjusts the spine.
Pick Me Up Exercise
Lie down on your back and simply relax for a
moment. Then bend your knees and draw the heels
up towards the buttocks, keeping the feet flat on the
floor. Grab your ankles and holding on to them,
slowly raise the hips up, arching the lower spine and
lifting the navel towards the sky. As you lift up,
slowly inhale through the nose. Hold the breath as
you gently stretch up, lifting as high as is
comfortable, then slowly relax down again as you
breathe out through the nose.

Slowly repeat this lifting up and down movement a

minimum of twelve times, synchronizing the
breathing with the movement of the hips, for a
maximum of 26 lifts. To go from the minimum
number of 12, to the maximum number 26, increase
your total. 1-2 lifts per day.
To end: Inhale up, hold the breath for ten seconds, pull in the navel and apply the root
lock. Then relax down, stretching the legs out. Totally relax and feel the energizing effect of
the exercise.

Exercise Tips: If you can't grab your ankles, let the arms be at your side and lift up using
the arms to help push you up. People with any history of lower back pain should check with
their doctor before beginning. Try to let your breathing do the work--inhale the hips up and
exhale them down. This exercise will automatically get you to breathe deeply. Keep the
eyes closed throughout this and other exercises so that you can feel your body move
rhythmically, without visual distractions. Rest on your back for two minutes after the
exercise and just enjoy its vitalising effect!

Benefits: This exercise releases abdominal stress! It gives you an immediate boost of
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energy throughout your body that lasts well into the day. It also stimulates your thyroid. It
allows you to breathe deeper and adds to your energy level. It moves the energy from the
lower spine to the upper spine.
Deeply relax your back, hands to the side, palms facing up. Simply be with the sensations in
your body and enjoy the feelings.

Concluding a Set

After a long relaxation, particularly one that follows a series of exercises, you will find that
doing the concluding exercises below helps to ground you and bring you back to reality:

1) On your back, begin rotating your feet and

bands In small circles. Continue in one
direction for 30 seconds, then in the other
direction for another 30 seconds.

2) Cat Stretch: Keeping both shoulders and

the left leg flat on the ground, bring the right
arm back behind the head and the right knee
over the left leg till it touches the floor on the
far side of the body. Switch legs and arms
and repeat the exercise.

3) Still on your back, bring the knees up and

to the sides, and rub the soles of the feet and
the palms of the hands together briskly,
creating a sensation of heat. Continue for I
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4) Clasping knees to chest with both hands,
begin rolling on the spine. Roll all the way
back till the feet touch the ground behind the
head, and all the way forward till you're
sitting up. Do this 3 or 4 times at least.

(5) Sit up in easy pose, palms together in

prayer mudra at the heart center. Eyes are
closed. Inhale completely and say a prayer of
thanks. Exhale and let the thought go.

(6) A happy conclusion is to sing this song:

"May the long time sun shine upon you, all
love surround you, and the pure light within
you, guide your way on". Repeat.

Repeat if you wish. Then chant 3 long Sat

Nam's. Saaaaaaaaaat is long and Nam is
Sit quietly and meditate. Be present to the
sensations in your body. Increase your
awareness to include every part of your body
and spine. Consolidate your presence by
feeling all your sensations simultaneously for
at least one minute at the end.

2-5 minutes or as long as you like.

To end: Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times.

Raise your arms above your head, stretch
your spine, shake your arms and send
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blessings to the world. Carry this feeling of

blessings and gratitude with you throughout
your day.
Fitness Yoga Section 2: Upper Body Training:

Cobra Push-ups

Illustration #A Starting Position

Illustration #B Yoga Cobra Pose

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Illustration #C Yoga Plank Pose

a. Instructions:
 Start in the position as indicated by Illustration #A. Essentially this is the down
position when doing simple push-ups (except toes are extended). You are lying flat on
your stomach with your hands near your shoulders.
 Now come up into cobra pose and inhale deeply as you do so (Illustration #B).
 Next exhale as you bring yourself up into Plank Pose as indicated in Illustration #C.
 Then lower yourself back down to Illustration #A down as you Inhale. Finally, exhale
in this down position and then repeat by coming back into Cobra pose and inhaling

Variation #2:
 In this variation you will essentially skip Plank Pose, or Illustration #C. So come into
the pose as per Illustration #A, exhale, then come into Cobra Pose (Illustration #B) as
you inhale deeply. Continue to move between these 2 positions. Even though this is a
simple movement, I guarantee you will feel this in your arms and chest very soon.
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Variation #3:
 A slightly different variation to this exercise, is that when you bring your body up
into Cobra, have your thighs come up off the floor as well (Upward Facing Dog
Pose). The rest is the same.
b. Duration:
15 seconds – 7 minutes.

c. Benefits:
 Excellent yoga exercise for upper body fitness. Good for chest, arms and shoulders.
 Good for training your back and abdominal muscles as well. Essentially you enjoy all
the many benefits that Cobra Pose and Plank Pose bestow.
 Good for your digestive system and nervous system.

d. Practice Tips:
 A smart way to build up your strength and train these important muscles is to use
simple start stop tactics. Do 30 seconds, then take a break in the down position, and
then start again and do 30 seconds more. Keep up this pattern, you will soon see
marked improvement in your strength, muscle tone and upper body fitness.
 Since the toes are kept extended as show in the illustrations above, be careful as
this can put extra pressure on your lower back.

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Fitness Yoga Section 3: Core Abdominal Training:

1. Single Leg Lifts:

Illustration #1: Yoga Ab Single Leg Lifts – Starting Position

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Illustration #2: Yoga Ab Single Leg Lifts – Left Leg Up

Illustration #3: Yoga Ab Single Leg Lifts – Right Leg Up


For this exercise lie on your back with your palms underneath your buttocks, to support
your lower back, as shown in Illustration #1. Then lift your left leg up to 90 degrees and
then back down (Illustration #2). Follow that by lifting your right leg to 90 degrees and
then down (Illustration #3). Repeat with left leg and continue on. You will feel your
abdominal muscles working to raise each leg.

Inhale as leg goes up, exhale down.

1- 3 minutes.
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2. Double Leg Lifts:

Illustration #4 – Yoga Ab Double Leg Life – Starting Position

Illustration #5 – Yoga Ab Double Leg Lifts – Ending Position

Description: For this exercise remain on your back with your palms underneath your
buttocks, to support your lower back. But now lift both legs smoothly up to 90 degree and
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then back down. Try to keep your knees straight and keep the motion controlled and
smooth (illustration #5). This exercise work your ab muscles much harder than the single
leg lifts, so be ready. Make sure to take a break between exercises to let the abdominal
muscles recover a little before moving on.

Inhale as legs goes up, exhale down.


1- 3 minutes.

3. Yoga Criss-Cross Legs:

Illustration #6 – Yoga Ab Criss Cross Legs

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Illustration #7 – Yoga Ab Criss Cross Legs


Again for this exercise remain on your back with your palms underneath your buttocks, to
support your lower back. Now lift both legs up about 12-18 inches off the floor and have
your toes pointing forward. Now begin to criss-cross your legs at ankle level rapidly
(Illustrations 6 & 7). At first one leg will be on top, and then when you cross back have the
other leg be on top.

This exercise will give the side ab muscles (obleques) a workout,and is excellent for shaping
your stomach region. Energy for fitness comes from your core, so when this gets tough
remember all the good you are doing for yourself.

Breath: Do the Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise as you criss-cross your legs.
Duration: 1- 3 minutes.

2. Yoga Piston Legs:

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Illustration #8 – Yoga Ab Piston Legs

Illustration #9 – Yoga Ab Piston Legs


Remain on your back with your palms underneath your buttocks, to support your lower
back. Again lift both legs up about 12-18 inches off the floor and have your toes pointing
forward. Now begin to piston your legs back and forth rapidly (Illustrations 8 & 9). As one
leg bends in (knee coming towards the chest), the other goes straight out and the motions

Be sure to not bicycle the legs, the legs should move parallel to the floor for this
exercise. This exercise will ensure that if any parts of your stomach muscles were left out
of the workout, they get a chance to now participate. Six-pack abs here we come…

Breath: Breath out as you fire each leg out.

Duration: 1- 5 minutes.
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Fitness Yoga Section 4: Lower Body Training:

1. Yoga Chair Pose

Side View Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Front View Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

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Hands Position Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Front View Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Hands Position Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

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Picture of Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose Hands Close-up

Side View of Modified Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

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Front View of Modified Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose

Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions for Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose:

 Stand and place your feet shoulder width apart, with toes pointing outward.
 Lean forward till your back in parallel to the ground.
 Reach down and grasp your ankles, such that the elbows are passing from the inside
of your knees.
 Keep your head up and begin Breath of Fire Breathing Exercise.

b. Duration:
 15 Seconds – 3 minutes.
 Start slowly and build up your time steadily from there.

c. Benefits
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 Great for lower body fitness.
 Excellent yoga posture for toning your thighs and buttocks.
 Improves sexual health and builds sexual virility and vitality.
 Helps the body burn fat to promote healthy weight loss.
d. Practice Tips:
 Use the modified versions illustrated above.
 Take a break, if the legs start to burn too much and then restart the exercise again
once ready.
 Be careful with your knees and only go as far down as comfortable, regardless of
whether you are doing the modified posture or the full pose.
 If Breath of Fire is too much, then switch to long deep breathing or normal breathing
which continuing to hold the pose.
 You can also do the modified version of chair pose by standing against a wall and
working your way lower as your legs get stronger. This is the technique used in
physiotherapy in general.

2. Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose for Fit Legs

Picture of Starting Position of Yoga Frog Pose (Eyes Closed)

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Picture of Starting Position of Yoga Frog Pose (Eyes Open)

Picture of Ending Position for Yoga Frog Pose

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Practice Details:

a. Step-by-Step Instructions:
 Squat on the floor on your toes, with your feet apart and your heels either touching
or very close together.
 Have your knees spread out and your arms inside your knees with your fingertips
touching the floor. The elbows are straight.
 Look up, you can have your eyes opened or closed. Inhale. This is the starting
position for frog pose.
 Rise up now by straightening your legs. At the same time bring your head towards
your knees and keep your fingers touching the floor. Your heels should move down
towards the floor. Straighten your legs as much as possible. Exhale. This is the ending
position for frog pose. This completes 1 repetition.
 Come back down to the starting position and repeat the cycle as many times as

b. Duration:
 Beginners, start with as many as you can do and work up to 26 froggies.
 Intermediates, work up to 54 froggies.
 Advanced, work up to 108 froggies.
 Fanatics, keep going :-).

c. Benefits:
 Shapes, tones and strengthens the legs and lower body. Specially the thighs
 Good for cardiovascular fitness and stamia. Promoting better circulation and better
 Promotes flexibility in the hamstrings and calves.
 Overall, builds one level of fitness and endurance.
 Builds sexual potency and virility.
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d. Practice Tips:
 Careful with your knees. If you have bad knees, approach this exercise with caution.
 Take breaks in between if your legs are burning too much. Once they recover
continue on.
 This yoga exercise will get your heart rate up, so careful not to get dizzy. If you feel
breathless, light headed or faint, stop and take a break.
 Here is a secret. Doing froggies slowly is harder. Some kundalini yoga kriyas (sets)
demand you go slow, but in general a brisk pace will allow you to do more. Just don’t
push too hard.
 It is ok to be sore in the legs the next day. It means the muscles got a much
needed workout.
 It is beneficial to stretch the hamstrings before doing frog pose.

Fitness Yoga Section 5: Rejuvenation and Assimilation

Corpse Pose:
 Once you have completed the Yoga Set for Full Body Fitness, make sure you relax on
your back in corpse pose. For corpse pose just lie comfortably on your back and have
your hands out to the sides or on your chest. Just let go during this time and let the
Universe take care of you. Have no worries, anxieties or goals, and simply surrender to
 Duration: 3 – 11 mins.
 Breath: Relaxed

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This set can be part of a more complete yoga fitness programme, but in and of itself it is an
excellent routine to develop total body fitness and health.

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