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8 .- Read the pairs of sentences. Which are correct? Circle a, b, or both.

1. a. Donna is moving into her new house this weekend.

b. Donna is going to move into her new house this weekend.
2. a. It’s snowing tomorrow.
b. It’s going to snow tomorrow.
3. a. Bill is going to be a great lawyer one day.
b. Bill is being a great lawyer one day.
4. a. I’m graduating next month.
b. I’m going to graduate next month.

9 .- Complete the conversation with be (not) going to. Use contractions where possible.

Paul How ___________ you and Clara ___________ celebrate New Year’s Eve, Sean?
_________ you ______________ go to any parties?
Sean No. We _________________ go out for dinner. Our favorite restaurant
______________ serve a special meal, and our friends ______________
join us there. But we ______________ stay out late. We have to get

10 .- Complete these plans with a prediction. Use “be going to” form to write a logical

My brother is graduating from economy school soon.
My mother is going to buy him a laptop as a gift.

a.- Sharon and Arthur are getting married next month.

b.- Tomorrow I am camping in Porcon farm with friends.
c.- For Christmas my family and I are travelling to Lima.
d.- In my neighborhood children are preparing costumes for Halloween.
e.- My father is retiring next year.
f.- My cousins are coming for the next carnival celebration.



1. I love Indian food.. …………

2. I am not in the mood for fast food... …………
3. I think pizza is delicious. …….………
4. I have heard the news. .. …………
5. I understood the play.. . …………
2 Circle the correct responses.
1. A I’m a big soccer fan. B I am too. / I am not either.
2. A I can’t stand game shows. B I can too. / I can’t either.
3. A I love movies B I am too. / I do too.
4. A I hate vegetables. B I do too. / Me neither.
5. A We don’t speak Chinese. B We do too. / We don’t either.
6. A I went to classes by bus. B I do too / I did too.

3 Circle the correct responses.

1. A I love baseball. 3. A I don’t like to shop.
B I do too. / Me neither. B Me neither. / Me too.
2. A I can’t speak Russian. 4. A I’m from a big family.
B I can too. / I can’t either. B Me too. / I do too.

4 Unscrambled sentences

1 next weekend What doing are you? …………………………………………………..

2 going to next weekend go Are you shopping?......................................................
3 tomorrow I’m to the cinema going. ………………………………………..
4 rain going to It is later………………………………………………………

5 Underline the correct words.

1. A So, you and your brother like to watch football, right?
B Yeah. Actually everyone / no one in my family is a football fan.
2. A Do you and your friends like country music?
B Not really. Everybody / Nobody in my class listens to country.
3. A Connie’s a wonderful dancer.
B That’s true. Everyone / No one can dance like she does.
4. A I love to swim in the summer.
B Yeah, me too. Almost everybody / nobody enjoys swimming in hot weather.

6 .- Circle the correct words.

1. I have a terrible toothache / cough / fever. I guess I need to go to a dentist.

2. Rick always does really well in science. This year he was the best student in his
geography / biology /geometry class.

3. I don’t like sitcoms or soap operas very much. Anyway, I almost never listen to music / go to movies
/watch TV.

4. It’s easy to get to the stadium. First, make / go / turn a right at the next corner. . . .

5. The kids usually have a lot of fun on Halloween / Valentine’s Day / their birthdays. They love to wear
costumes and go trick-or-treating.

6. I fell and hit my face at the gym. Now I have a sore throat / black eye / cold.
7 Complete the sentences with the problems in the box. There is one extra problem.

allergies a fever a sore throat a toothache

a cough a headache a stomachache

1. She has ______________ .

2. He has ______________ .
3. He has ______________ . 1. 4.
4. She has ______________ .
5. She has ______________ .
6. She has ______________ . 2. 5.



8 .- Match the correct parts of the sentence.

1. Sam plays the piano ( ) She can make sweaters and things really well.
2. Joe loves gardening, ( ) She’s a talented cook.
3. Tina’s good at baking things ( ) so he knows a lot about plants and flowers.
4. Kate likes knitting. ( ) He’s in a jazz band.

9 .- What do you think the “vague” expressions mean? Circle two ideas for each.
1.Jenna loves to go to cultural events and stuff like that.
a. concerts b. festivals c. restaurants
2.It’s going to be a big wedding. There’s going to be a band and everything.
a. lots of music b. a lot of guests c. sports
3.Do you like parties and things like that?
a. folk songs b. celebrations c. special events
4.Anna’s going to get lots of presents and stuff at her birthday party.
a. flowers b. cards c. costumes
5.There’s going to be a lot of things to do at the party, like dancing and stuff.
a. playing games b. going to restaurants c. eating

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