Guidelines SHP 29th Jan 09-Final Final

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Six Step Protocol for a Successful Infant Oral Care Visit

By Francisco Ramos-Gomez D.D.S., M.Sc., M.P.H. and Man Wai Ng D.D.S., M.P.H.

arly childhood caries (ECC) is an almost completely preventable disease. However,
effective prevention requires that risk indicators be identified early in young children,
and oral health preventive practices implemented during infancy, no later than the
emergence of the first tooth. Current recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry (AAPD)1, the American Dental Association (ADA)2, American Academy of Public
Health Dentistry (AAPHD)3, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)4, and the Academy of
General Dentistry (AGD) 5 call for children to see a dentist by one year of age. Unfortunately,
an ADA study on the patient composition of independent practitioners indicates that children
age 5 and younger account for only about 4 percent of patients seen in a general practice and
approximately 6.9 percent of patients seen by specialists.6This trend has prevailed even as
dental and health professionals recognize the growing prevalence of Early Childhood Caries
(ECC).7 Nevertheless, through the support of AAPD membership, we are noticing an increased
adoption of the age one visit. In this article, we hope to remind our colleagues of the easy steps
and great benefits for the provider, caregiver and the young child in implementing this practice.

As disease prevention models successfully including significant financial costs, in addi- should be expected, and answer any care-
adopt perinatal oral health practices and tion to over-burdening of an already fragile giver questions on the procedures. To build
research continues to validate the efficacy health care system, the discussion regarding rapport with the child and caregiver, the
of prevention and early intervention, well whether to see a child at the age of one shifts examiner should also offer positive feedback
baby oral visits at age one become a natural from “Should we?” to “How do we?” and praise to improve the caregiver’s enthu-
extension of a cradle to grave comprehen- siasm and reduce his/her anxiety. Once the
In this article, we offer the reader a
sive preventive care program. New mothers connection is made with the caregiver, the
simple and systematic six step protocol to
are apt to be more receptive to the anticipa- examiner can begin gathering key informa-
enhance the ease and effectiveness of infant
tory guidance, behavioral change and self- tion on risk factors and behaviors that, when
oral visits for dental care providers.
management goals requisite to a long-term combined with a clinical exam, will be the
strategy for maintaining their own and THE INFANT WELL BABY ORAL foundation for a treatment plan based on the
their offspring’s oral health.8 Infants are less CARE EXAM (IOCE) child’s risk for developing caries.
likely to have the anxieties that 3 and 4 year
An infant oral care exam is a simple six For example, the examiner should in-
olds display at their first and ensuing visits,
step protocol that includes: quire about the:
especially if these older children present with
caries or experience traumatic dental issues. 1. Caries risk assessment; • child's overall general health;
Infants and parents alike will benefit from
2. Proper positioning of the child (knee to • availability and use of fluoridated water
the early oral hygiene training that initiates
knee exam); or supplements in the home;
lifetime habits such as consistent, regular
dental check-ups, daily tooth brushing, 3. Age appropriate tooth brushing prophy- • family tooth brushing routine and use of
optimal use of fluoride products, and the laxis; fluoridated toothpaste;
establishment of a dental home.
4. Clinical examination of the child’s oral • oral health history of the child and par-
Untreated ECC can be consequential, cavity and dentition; ent including their last dental visit;
leading to severe pain, infection, malnutri-
5. Fluoride varnish treatment; and, • known caries in the child, siblings and
tion, low self-esteem, and even early, tragic
death. Additionally, the cost of later stage parent;
6. Anticipatory guidance, counseling and
ECC treatment versus preventive care is self-management goals. • bottle feeding and sippy cup usage in-
astounding. The average cost of infant oral cluding contents and frequency; and
1. Caries Risk Assessment
care visits with caries management by risk
assessment, fluoride varnish, and anticipa- • diet and snacking habits.
Caries risk assessment (such as using the
tory guidance averaged out over three years CAMBRA interview form) would be the first While the 2000 Caries Assessment Tool
is $660, in contrast to an emergency room element to the infant oral care exam (IOCE), (CAT) design is based on the recommenda-
treatment or extensive restorations requiring and allows the family to become comfort- tions published by the AAPD10, the Caries
sedation averaging $6,4879. When viewed in able and acquainted with the examiner. The Management by Risk Assessment (CAM-
terms of a child’s welfare, their quality of life provider should begin by clearly explain- BRA) group has developed a risk assessment
and health, and the overall societal impact ing what will happen during the visit, what form that it is based on the principle of the
38 November 2009

caries balance, which includes data from the • The caregiver continues to hold the • Presence of and location of soft tissue
parental interview, risk indicators, protec- child’s hands in each of her hands and abnormalities;
tive factors, and clinical findings of disease uses her arms/elbows to hold child’s legs
• Occlusal status; malocclusion or develop-
presence and progression. Regardless of the steady against her waist; and,
mental pathology; and,
format used, it is essential that the initial
• The examiner can then position the
interview is conducted in a respectful, non- • Indications of trauma.
child’s head and prompt him to open his
judgmental, culturally sensitive, and friendly
mouth for the tooth brushing prophy- If facilities and resources permit, the
manner.11 The examiner should acknowl-
laxis. assessment should also include a salivary
edge and recognize the caregiver’s own
analysis, which may include a measure-
knowledge, life experiences, values, and valid 3. Age Appropriate Tooth Brushing
ment of S. mutans, Lactobacilli levels, or the
viewpoints. It is crucial to listen carefully to Prophylaxis
acidogenic potential of biofilm. There is still
caregivers’ ideas and family perspectives as
The examiner retracts the child’s lips and the paramount need of a user-friendly, cost-
well as to discuss oral health using culturally
cheeks during tooth brushing and demon- effective and chair-side salivary test, that can
and linguistically appropriate communica-
strates this technique, along with the proper assist the caregiver and the provider to assess
tion tools.
way to brush his/her child’s teeth to the risk based in a quantifiable mode. The clini-
Introduction of anticipatory guid- caregiver. The spongy handle of an age-ap- cal exam results should be combined with
ance should also be provided during the propriate sized toothbrush can be used to data gathered during the caregiver interview
interview when appropriate, as indicated prop open the child’s mouth. During this to ascertain caries risk, determine an oral
by the caregiver’s responses to questions.11 “Tell-Show-Do” encounter, encourage the diagnosis, and formulate an individual treat-
Any significant findings, especially for any caregiver to brush her own and her child’s ment plan.
medications or special needs, should be teeth at least twice a day, especially before
5. Fluoride Varnish Treatment
documented at the interview. bedtime, and remind the caregiver to use a
small dab (pea-sized) of fluoride toothpaste Children categorized as moderate to high
2. Proper Positioning of Child
when brushing. risk should be given a full-mouth topical
Proper positioning of the child for the fluoride varnish and be recommended for
4. Clinical Exam of the Oral Cavity
clinical exam and the application of fluoride re-application every three months, and at
and Dentition
is critical to the success of the visit. In a minimum of every six months, even if
general, the Knee-to-Knee position should The examiner counts the child’s teeth the child lives in a community that already
be used for children ages 6 months to 3 aloud, using the toothbrush handle as a receives the benefits of water fluoridation.
years, or up to age 5 for children with special mouth prop if necessary. Many providers The provider should reiterate the cumulative
needs. Children older than 3 years can sit make a game of this task, singing songs, benefit of the fluoride varnish, even if it has
forward on their caregiver’s lap or sit alone engaging the child’s attention, and if all else been mentioned earlier in the visit. After ap-
in a chair. fails, distracting the child with a brightly plication, the caregiver should be reminded
colored toothbrush or toy. Praise the child to not allow the child to drink for 30 minutes
Examiners and caregivers need to work
at each step for her cooperation and good after treatment to allow the fluoride varnish
together to transition the child smoothly
behavior. to be effective.
from the interview to the exam. Explain
what will happen (Tell, Show and Do) prior During the assessment of the child’s 6. Anticipatory Guidance, Counseling,
to starting, and anticipate that the child may oral condition, in addition to a soft tissue and Self-Management Goals
cry, since that is developmentally appropriate exam, the following information should be
The visit should end on a positive note.
for babies. documented:
Sit the child back up and praise him for do-
• Visible plaque and location; ing a great job and provide a reward for her,
Knee-to-Knee positioning includes:
e.g. sticker, toy, etc.
• Chalky white spots;
• Dentist/examiner and caregiver sit facing
Six areas based on age and risk should be
each other, knee to knee; • Brown spots that indicate decay;
discussed with the parent/caregiver:
• The child sits in his caregiver's lap facing • Tooth defects; deep pits/fissures; tooth
a) Oral Health and Hygiene
the caregiver; anomalies;
b) Oral Development
• With the caregiver holding the child's • Oral and other tooth abnormalities;
hands in theirs and the child's legs c) Fluoride Adequacy
• Missing and decayed teeth;
wrapped around the caregiver's waist, the
d) Oral Habits
child's body is laid down on the caregiv- • Existing restorations;
er’s lap; e) Diet and Nutrition
• Untreated caries and/or defective resto-
• The child’s head lays in the lap of the rations; f) Injury Prevention
• Presence of and location of gingivitis;

PDT 39

A final discussion with the caregiver ment plan that may include restorations, • Preventive counseling by offering custom-
should also include: extractions, etc.; ized preventive recommendations and a
mutually-agreed upon self-management
• Results of the risk assessment interview • Key messages for good oral health (such
plan established with the caregiver (self
and clinical exam. Discuss what risk as: Eat a healthy diet and limit the fre-
management goals include providing
level means to the child's long-term oral quency of sugary snacks and drinks);
healthy snacks, brushing with fluoride
health, and answer any questions the
toothpaste at least twice daily, etc.).
caregiver may have regarding a treat-

Table 1 Risk Based Prevention Recommendation


Fluoride Treatment Annually 2 to 4 times per year 3 to 4 times per year

Disease Treatment Not Applicable Review current status, Establish treatment plan for
e.g. pre-cavitated dental problems uncovered
lesions,special in exam
needs, etc.
Reiterate extra care steps
that may be required.
Anticipatory Guidance Encourage caregiver Review and ask Review and ask caregiver
and Self Management to maintain healthy caregiverto commit to commit to achieving
Goals oral health practices to achieving one two goals
or two goals


Similar to the well baby pediatrician The AAPD has been a leader in advocat- Universal adherence to an Infant Oral
visit, the infant well baby oral care exam ing an IOCE visit and the establishment of Care Exam by age one and consequent re-
(IOCE) at age one provides children with a dental home by age one. While it has been call visits is an important first step in reduc-
an introduction to the routine care that is effective in collaborating with other national ing and preventing early childhood caries.
the foundation to their lifelong oral health organizations to support the same recom- We hope that care providers will find the 6
and physical wellbeing. In addition to the mendation, more continuous work is needed step protocol to be useful, and will incor-
childhood complications of ECC, untreated to gain greater widespread support on the porate its principles of risk assessment and
caries can have a serious future impact on national, state, and local community levels, customized prevention into their everyday
health as children mature into adults, such and to develop acceptance by payers and the clinical practice.
as by contributing to the development of establishment of guidelines and minimum
This article is the sixth in a series facilitated
heart disease, increasing the risk of stroke, coverage requirements by private insurance
by AAPD and Children’s Dental Health Project’s
increasing a woman’s risk of having a companies for payment of preventive dental
Improving Perinatal and Infant Oral Health
preterm, low birth-weight baby, and posing care for children including infants. The
Project. The project is a five year Maternal and
a serious threat to people whose health is AAPD can use its voice to exert its expertise
Child Health Bureau-funded initiative to promote
already compromised by diabetes, respira- in supporting the development of a new
the oral health of pregnant women and infants, and
tory diseases, HIV/AIDS, or osteoporosis. practice paradigm based on prevention.
12 to increase public awareness of the importance of
Comparable to a pediatrician counseling
A growing body of evidence supports the perinatal and infant oral health. Please watch for
new parents on the care and development of
fact that an early oral health intervention additional articles authored by members of the Ad
their infant, dentists need to see patients as
program, consisting of caries risk assessment Hoc Committee on Perinatal and Infant Oral Health
infants and provide their caregivers with an-
(e.g. CAMBRA), a clinical exam, and a treat- in future editions of Pediatric Dentistry Today.
ticipatory guidance to establish essential oral
ment plan based on a child’s caries risk level, For more information on the Project or to become
habits that include regular dental exams.
is efficacious in the prevention of ECC. involved, please contact Dr. Ned Savide, Chair of
Unfortunately, unlike well baby medical the Ad Hoc Committee on Perinatal and Infant Oral
check-ups, well baby IOCE’s are presently Health at or Jessie Buerlein,
not universally accepted. Director, at

40 November 2009

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