Process Control Matlab Exercise No. 8 Stability Analysis of Dynamic Systems 1. Objective: 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (Ilos)
Process Control Matlab Exercise No. 8 Stability Analysis of Dynamic Systems 1. Objective: 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (Ilos)
Process Control Matlab Exercise No. 8 Stability Analysis of Dynamic Systems 1. Objective: 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (Ilos)
Stability Analysis of Dynamic Systems
1. Objective:
The activity aims to analyze the stability of a dynamic system.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 analyze the stability of a dynamic system.
3. Discussion:
When a system is unstable, the output of the system may be infinite even though the input to the
system was finite. This causes a number of practical problems. For instance, a robot arm controller that is
unstable may cause the robot to move dangerously. Also, systems that are unstable often incur a certain
amount of physical damage, which can become costly. Nonetheless, many systems are inherently unstable
- a fighter jet, for instance, or a rocket at liftoff, are examples of naturally unstable systems. Although we
can design controllers that stabilize the system, it is first important to understand what stability is, how it is
determined, and why it matters.
The system is assumed to be linear, and can be represented either by a set of transfer functions.
Linear systems have an associated characteristic polynomial, and this polynomial tells us a great deal
about the stability of the system. Negativeness of any coefficient of a characteristic polynomial indicates
that the system is either unstable or at most marginally stable. If any coefficient is zero/negative then we
can say that the system is unstable. It is important to note, though, that even if all of the coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial are positive the system may still be unstable.
When the poles of the closed-loop transfer function of a given system are located in the right-half of
the S-plane (RHP), the system becomes unstable. When the poles of the system are located in the left-half
plane (LHP) and the system is not improper, the system is shown to be stable. A number of tests deal with
this particular facet of stability: The Routh-Hurwitz Criteria, the Root-Locus, and the Nyquist Stability
Criteria all test whether there are poles of the transfer function in the RHP.
A dynamic system has one of the following stability properties:
• Asymptotically stable system. The behavior after an impulse is shown below:
• Marginally stable system. The behavior after an impulse is shown below:
The poles is important when analysis the stability of a system. The figure below gives an overview of the
poles impact on the stability of a system:
Unstable system:
At least one pole lies in the right half plane (has real part
greater than zero).
4. Resources:
5. Procedure:
1. For the transfer functions as shown below, determine its poles, pzplot and stability properties as
asymptotically stable system, marginally stable system and unstable system.
Determine poles , pzplot, and step response for the feeback system. Is the system asymptotically stable,
marginally stable system or unstable (for the 3 different values of Kp) ?
3. Given the following control system:
Define the stability properties of this process (is the process stable or not?).
4. Determine the stability properties of each of the following system
Where : H1 =
H2 =
H3 =
G1 =
G2 =
G3 =
G4 =
where :
H2 = 2
H3 = 3
G1 =
G2 =
G3 =
4h Given the block diagram:
where: b1 = 1
b2 = 2
b3 = 3
a1 = 3
a2 = 2
a3 = 1
Course: ECE 006 Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory Exercise No.: 8
Group No.: N/A Section: CH42FB1
Group Members: Date Performed: August 19, 2017
Percil, Queenie Rose I. Date Submitted: August 26, 2017
Engr. Crispulo Maranan
6. Data and Results:
Procedure 1a
Transfer Function
Poles P = -1
Procedure 1b
Transfer Function
Poles P=0
Procedure 1c
Transfer Function
Poles P = 0, 0
Transfer Function
Poles P=1
Poles p=
-1.7549 + 0.0000i
-0.1226 + 0.7449i
-0.1226 - 0.7449i
Step Response
s^3 + 2 s^2 + s + 2
Poles p=
-2.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 + 1.0000i
0.0000 - 1.0000i
Step Response
s^3 + 2 s^2 + s + 4
Poles P=
-2.3146 + 0.0000i
0.1573 + 1.3052i
0.1573 - 1.3052i
Step Response
Poles p=
Step Response
Poles p=
Step Response
Poles p=
Step Response
Procedure 4a
-1.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.5000 + 0.8660i
-0.5000 - 0.8660i
Step Response
Procedure 4b
s^3 + 2 s^2 + 2 s + 2
Poles p=
-1.5437 + 0.0000i
-0.2282 + 1.1151i
-0.2282 - 1.1151i
Step Response
Procedure 4c
3 s^2 - 9 s - 2
9 s^3 - s
Poles p=
Step Response
Procedure 4d
10 s^2 + 11 s + 2
Poles p=
Step Response
Procedure 4e
10 s + 2
Poles p=
Step Response
Procedure 4f
-3.0996 + 0.0000i
3.7373 + 0.0000i
3.2880 + 0.0000i
-1.2974 + 0.8311i
-1.2974 - 0.8311i
1.5179 + 0.0000i
1.1512 + 0.0000i
Step Response
Procedure 4g
Transfer H(s) =
function of the 2 s^2 - 9 s + 9
overall system --------------------
s^3 - 14 s + 18
Poles p=
Procedure 4h
Transfer H(s) =
function of the 6 s^2 + 9 s + 3
overall system ---------------------------
s^3 + 7 s^2 + 5 s + 1
Poles p=
-6.2223 + 0.0000i
-0.3889 + 0.0974i
-0.3889 - 0.0974i
Step Response
7. Conclusion:
I therefore conclude that Matlab is an essential part of our technological advancement. Because with this
application, I was able to determine the poles and zeros, and the step responses of the transfer function
and from that, I was able to analyze the stability of a dynamic system be it asymptotically, marginally or an
unstable system. With the use of Matlab complex calculations and developing a graphical representation
would be a lot easier, thus this is also essential in the course Feedback and Control System.
8. Problems;
I. Laboratory Skills
Ability to do Members require supervision Members require occasional Members do not need to be
independent work by the teacher. supervision by the teacher. supervised by the teacher.
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