Snubbing PDF
Snubbing PDF
Snubbing PDF
Prepared by :
Dendy Sudrajat
Fajar Kurniawan
Guspan Hamuddin
Hargyan Hendratmo
Irwan Bermawan
Muhdi Rizal
Teguh F. Saksono
Wadori Purwanto
Wikan Gunarso
• Sand washing
• Fishing and milling job
• Gas lift macaroni installation
• Well start - up
• Killing well
• Injectivity test
• Squeeze cementing
• Circulating out of mud
• Drill out of cement (plug cement)
3. If snubbing unit is rigged up on a well, where stripper only 7. Never use stripper rubber when using stripping BOP's.
is being used, each BOP should be opened / closed at
least once every three days to prevent corrosion or
formation of deposits around the rams.
4. In a gas well situation, the following additional equipment
is highly recommended : 1. Several calculations are required to confirm that all
a. Guide tubes for all the necessary size if workstring equipment for the constraints they will be exposed ti
to prevent buckling during the light phase. namely :
b. Injection of grease between the 2 rubbers of the - The max snubbing force required
stripping bowl lubricates the workstring allows to - The depth of the neutral point
work in a safer way and reduces the time spent in - The critical buckling load of the work string
snubbing with the ram to ram technique. - The regulated hydraulic pressure settings for the
There must be a hole open between lower stripper jack
and BOP to prevent pressure build up at stripper.
c. A choke (usually 1/4") is to be fitted in equalizing 2. Check the slip bowls by submitting a joint of tubing to
loop to reduce the stress encountered during the 50,000 lbs traction and 250,000 lbs compression using
operation. the guide tubes during the compression check.
d. All BOP wing valves should be doubled, the second
ones is for back up. 3. Run a pressure test on each BOP at working pressure.
e. BOP stack must include shear and blind rams.
4. Check the communication system.
7 8
III. SAFETY RULES DURING THE JOB Note : The shear rams are not designed to seal and their
use is aimed at the closing of the well at x-mastree
1. Correct functioning of all emergency engine stop systems level. It is the ultimate step.
either triggered manually or by a gas, smoke or heat
detection should be checked periodically.
2. The crane should not be used when work string is in (when the alarm in the engine room is heard and fire is
motion during snubbing or tripping under pressure shouted).
1. Take out fire nozzle and fire hoses from box, connect
3. A tubing safety valve equipped with its cross - over if noses to nearest fire line, then open fire line valves and
required should be within the reach of personal on the spray on to burning object.
work basket and be ready to be placed on the tubing in Note : do not use water to fight electrical fire.
the case of a blow out.
This valve should always be in the open position when not 2. At the same time, secure the well by stabbing the safety
in use. valve and close if then close BOP's.
IV. IN CASE OF GAS LEAK 4. Connect fire hose to foam maker unit, open tutogen drum
(when the alarm in the engine room is heard and gas is and insert 1" hose from foam branch into tutogen drum
shouted). open fire hydrant valve and regulate foam water mixture
according by adjusting black - knot on foam branch.
1. Switch off all electrical equipments on deck and engines
from black shut down on switch board located in the Note : - Any body seeing fire must report to snubbing
supervisor office. superintendent.
- Fire drills should be performed every month.
2. Secure well by stabbing the safety valve and close it, then
close the safety ram :
• if the leak comes from the surface line.
• Working Pressure : 5000 psi, Cameron Type
• Drift : 4 1/16"
• Operating press. (hydraulic actuating press.) : 1500 psi
• Rams block to accommodate : 1.315" ; 1.660" ; 1.900" ;
2 3/8" mac. pipe.
• Functions : BOP No. 1 : Stripping BOP
No. 2 : Stripping BOP
No. 3 : Blind rams BOP
No. 4 : Shear ram BOP
No. 5 : Safety BOP
No. 6 : Safety BOP
• Well Head Adaptor Flange : Handil Æ 4 1/16 x 3 1/16,
gasket RX35
Tatun Æ 4 1/16 x 4 1/16,
5000 psi, gasket
• Kill Line : - two 2" x 5000 psi manual valves (1/4
- below BOP No. 3
• Equalizing Line for BOP No. 2 :
- one hydraulic actuated valve 2" x 5000
- one manual valves (1/4 turn) 2" x 5000
• Bleed Off Line : - one hydraulic actuated valve 2" x
5000 psi.
- one manual valve (1/4 turn) 2" x
5000 psi.
- below BOP No. 1.
• One Spacer Riser : 4 1/16" x 5000 psi for 1.315 to
3 1/2 pipe length 0.5 m :
between BOP No. 1 & No. 2.
11 12
•) ID : 4 1/16" x
WP 5 K Psi
•) 1.315" - 3 1/2
•) ID : 4 1/16" x WP 3
K Psi
Stripper bowl
•) Stripper rubber
available for :
Stripper rubber 1" to 2 7/8" pipe size
Stripper Rubber Assy
17 18
- Counter balance
- Hoist capacity : 500 lbs
- Max. hyd. operating press :
1500 psi
- Reel capacity : 200' ; 5/32"
- Line speed : 415 Ft/mnt
23 24
Objectives :
* Increase the performance of the equipment
* Increase the number of working hours
* Increase the safety of the personnel
For detail information Sec SI 04 - 0340
25 26
1900 (P105 / P110) 2.162 110 mkg ; 800 Ft lbs 2 3/8 EUE 1.56 ; 1.62 ; 1.81 ; 1.87
2 7/8 EUE 2.25 ; 2.31
3 1/2 VAM 2.75 ; 2.81
4 1/2 VAM 3.68 ; 3.81
1.315 (N80) 31,000 (80%) 14550 14160
1.660 (N80) 40,000 (80%) 12360 11800
1.900 (N80) 50,000 (80%) 11280 10680
1900 (P105 / P110) 89,000 (80%) 19780 19340
3 1/2 tub 4 1/2 tub
1.315 (N80) 0.557 0.332 3.660 7.060
1.660 (N80) 0.9662 0.43 3.140 6.530
1.900 (N80) 1.314 0.52 2.707 6.110
1900 (P105 / P110) 1.140 0.65 2.707 6.110
27 28
• Macaroni tubing check and maintenance - In addition each tubing shall be stenciled with the API
grade as folows
*) Macaroni tubing check - Grade N80 : (N•) one N followed by one center
- Always deck the drift with an API rabbit punch mark on the sloping face of
- Visually inspect the thread to detect any the upset pin
damage : - Grade P105 : (P••) one P followed by two center
- galling punch marks on the sloping face of
- mechanical damages the upset pin
- corrosion pittings
- box connections shall be checked for - Care and Use
swelling cover torque) - Each connection shall be thoroughly greased & fitted
- Visual body inspection for : with plastic thread protector
- straightnees - Handling shall be done with care
- outside overall condition
- internal condition of tubing - Tally Pipe
- Wall thickness / measurement Before running the mac. Pipe, always measure the length
- the remaining wall thickness not be less of each pipe.
than 87.5 % of the nominal wall thickness
- Magnetic particle inspection
- upset area and box ends shall be checked
with an A.C. Yoke and dry magnetic
particles for external check
*) Marketing
- Rejected tubing : colour coded one red
point bands encircling
the tubing close the
- Serviceable tubing : colour coded with two
white paint bands
encircling the tubing at
a distance not greater
than 2 Ft from the
upset pin.
29 30
Damaged or mashed 30 shoulder
not permissible.
RIG UP PROCEDURE 5. Pick up BOP stack and set on well. Install the four legs to
FOR SNUBBING secure the BOP stack and then make up the BOP stack.
Use water pass to check vertically of stack.
NOTE : - Clean the groove at ring basket
I. PREPARATION - For dual x-mastree, use half moon
flange adaptor
During moving to new location
•) Change BOP rams to new location 6. Install the jack assembly and basket package on the top
•) Prepare and check rams it necessary of BOP stack. Secure with sling connected to the platform
•) Prepare pipe tally pad eyes, assuming that stack up is vertical and equipped
•) The snubbing rig up check list is filled during the rig up. with guide tubes.
3. Remove the wire line gin pole. NOTE : •) In case of wireline operation with the
snubbing unit :
4. Rig down the surface equipment if necessary. - connect the wireline adapter to the
•) Bleed off control line to close the DHSV stripper bowl, passing thru the top slip
•) Bleed off the well above the DHSV (on burn pit) and snub.
•) Disconnect the gas line (if any) - carry out a standard wireline rig up on
•) Disconnect the top cap flange (or the hanger flange this adapter.
if any, low torque top valve in close position) - estimate the correction factor for the
•) For gas lift surface equipment weight indicator as the angle of the wire
•) Lift the hanger flange and the top valve assy at the hay pulley should not be 900.
with the crane until the 6 locator comes in •) In case of electric logging with the snubbing
contact with the hanger flange. unit :
(Note : beware do not exceed 1500 lbs - carry out a similar procedure above.
pulling capacity, check all valve is open - be sure the crane boom is long enough
position). to hold the top pulley above the
•) Close the upper master valve lubricator (top pulley independent of the
•) Bleed off x-mastree pressure if any lubricator and injection head)
•) Disconnect the adaptor flange and remove all
surface equipment.
37 38
III. TEST 14. Open safety ram no. 6 and bleed off pressure thru
bleeder valve.
1. FUNCTION TEST 15. Open the kill line.
•) open and close all the rams (from the basket and
from the remote control panel on the barge). NOTE : - if gas injection is planned, anchor the line
•) install macaroni tubing thru BOP' s 1, 2, 3, 4 close then pressure test the line until gas line
snub and connect stabbing valve. valve at 1500 psi for 5 mnts.
•) open and close the slips and snubs, test the fraction - test BPV at 3000 psi for 5 mnts.
to 50 K lbs and compression 25 K lbs. - perform low pressure test first at 300 psi /
•) open and close automatic valves 5 mnts then continued pressurize until
•) move up and down the jacks. desired pressure.
•) check the handling pipe system is running correctly. - test should record.
•) check the koomey pressure (min press : 1500 psi
max press : 3000 psi)
1. Pressure up all line and manifold to check if any
2. Close swab valve on x-mastree.
3. Fill up lines and BOP with water, close Blind Ram.
4. Press. test BOP no. 3 thru kill line for 5 minutes.
5. Bleed off pressure thru manifold bleed off line.
6. Open BOP no. 3 (Blind Ram).
7. Insert mac thru BOP (check the size mac.) until top
of swab valve.
8. Close kill line valve on BOP and connect stand pipe
to stabbing valve.
9. Fill up stand pipe, mac and BOP stack with water.
10. Close BOP no. 1 / stripping ram no. 1 monitor for 5
11. Close stripping ram no. 2, bleed off pressure thru
bleeder valve monitored for 5 mnts.
12. Close safety ram no. 5, bleed off pressure thru
bleeder valve monitored 5 mnts.
13. Close safety ram no. 6, bleed off pressure thru
bleeder valve, monitored 5 mnts.
39 40
5. Hold the basket + jack package with crane, untight slings from
platform pad eyes and transfer the passage to snubbing barge.
NOTE : for size 2.81, 1000 psi is the max pressure to be applied
as the wear busing has a wall thickness lower than a
separation sleeve. There fore there is a risk of collapse if
too much pressure is applied.
CROSSING BALANCE POINT B. Procedure snubbing out of hole when pipe heavy to pipe light.
1. Calculate number of joints needed to be snubbed out of
hole to reach the balance point.
Crossing the balance point refers to moving pipe either into or out of a 2. Pull pipe with slips until calculated number of joint are out of
well at the point where the pipe goes from pipe light to pipe heavy or hole.
vice versa. 3. Continue pulling pipe with slips slowly, checking each joint
with the travelling slips to determine if pipe can be moved
Calculate the balance point in pipe footage by multi plying cross down hole.
sectional area by well pressure, the weight of pipe which equals this
valve must then be converted to footage.
NOTE : Most hydraulically operated slips and snubbers will hold
However several variables are involved in determining the point at which several hundred pounds of pipe backwards. This holding
snubs can be changed to slips. These variables include : hydraulic ability can be temporarily increased by increasing hydraulic
pressure on BOP's (changing friction characteristics), friction of rams pressure.
and / or stripper rubber, weight of fluid in work string and tubing as well Once the balance point is crossed, hydraulic pressure
as the difference in the coefficient of sliding friction vs static friction. should be lowered to its normal pressure.
- if possible flow the well to allow more pipe to be pulled
When stripping through stripper rubber (or annular BOP's) the difference in the heavy condition.
between O.D of tool joint and O.D of pipe can create difficulty. - continue pulling pipe until pipe starts to slip thru the
travelling slips using the stationary snubs to control
The variable causing the most problems is difference caused by sliding pipe movement.
vs static friction. It takes more force to start pipe moving (static friction)
then it does to keep pipe moving (sliding friction). Therefore, if snubs are
changed over to slips prematurely it may be difficult to over come the NOTE : Remember / tool joints are more difficult to pull thru stripper
static friction to get the pipe moving. rubbers (or annular BOP's) than the pipe body, pull as
much pipe as possible.
A. Procedure snubbing in hole when pipe light to pipe heavy - change over from slips to snubs (increased slip
1. Calculate number of joints to reach the balance point. pressure may still be temporary required)
2. Snub in hole to calculated point. Do not fill last 30 joints. - increase well pressure by several hundred psi (if
3. Continue snubbing pipe, checking each joint for ability to possible).
pick up the pipe with snubs. - snub out of hole.
4. Allow or cause pressure to build up on well (if possible) by - bleed well pressure back down to normal after pipe
several hundred psi. snubs strongly.
5. Continue snubbing into hole slowly until pipe starts to slips
to control pipe movement.
6. Bleed pressure back down to original well pressure.
7. Fill macaroni with fluid.
8. Change over form subs to slips and continue into hole with
pipe heavy.
45 46
To have these datas three ways can be followed c). On Safety Joint
1. Consult the report - Number of turns to unscrew it.
2. A impression block
3. When it is possible it can be very useful to get similar d). On Bumper Sub, Jar
equipment than these one broker / stuck in the hole. - Stroke
After all the datas are completed, it can be useful to draw, to scale
the fish head in the position it has inside the tubing. 5. FISHING
- Slow down and run carefully few joints before to reach the
supposed depth of the fish.
2. SELECTION OF FISHING STRING - Few meters above the fish rate
a). Macaroni ; stronger is better • Pulling weight
b). BHA ; - use safety joint especially when running • Running weight
non releasing fishing tool. • Pressure at a given pumping rate
- a bumper sub will be run in all cases, - Fishing Operation
even with an hyd. jar. • In doubt do not hesitate to consult the instruction manual
of the concerned tools.
• Mark on the string for a given overpull
3. SURFACE EQUIPMENT • Increase the overpull progressively.
The BOP will be equipped with the proper rams to close on the
fishing string and on the fish (long fish).
Pull slowly and smoothly especially when landing on slips.
All fishing equipment must be in perfect condition and tested if
possible. All dimension must be reported on a chart.
47 48
The safety is a two - piece special connection that can be located at any
desired point a string of pipe. It will withstand all of the normal
operations of the string, transmit full torque in either direction or, at the
will of the operator. It can be easily released to salvage all of that
MAC. STRING portion of the string above it.
LANDING LANDING Made up at any desired point in a drilling fishing, testing, wash over or
tubing string. It operates as a unit un affected by vibration inertia of the
LANDING bit or drill collars, or while rotating out of the well.
49 50
Maintaining torque, lower the string on the joint until it breaks. Maintain BOWEN OIL JARS
normal string weight on the joint while unscrewing it.
To re-engage the joint after its release, lower the string until the two The type Z Bowen Oil Jars is a straight - pull
sections of the joint make contact. Apply one point of weight ; rotate to operated jar which employs a patented
left one or two turns, then rotate to the right until torque increase proves combination of proven principles of hydraulics
joint engagement. an mechanics.
The Bowen Fishing Bumper Sub is simple The intensifier is essentially a fluid spring
yet rugged. It is composed only primary which stores energy when a strain B pulled
parts and a double seal assembly. on the running string. When the strain is
removed by the free stroke of the jar, this
The hexagon - shape mandrel slides in a stored energy is releasing, accelerating the
similar shaped mandrel body to provide drill collars and jar end upward until a blow
continue torque capability. The standard 20" of high impact is struck.
stroke of these tolls is optimum for most
purpose. Full circulation may be maintained A secondary advantage of the too is its
through the bores of the tolls all times. ability to absorb much of the shock of the
Bumper subs are suited for all fishing rebounding string after the jarring stroke,
operations, It will bump down jar up, or help protection tools from damage.
disengage a fish after retrieved.
Operation of the tool is very simple,
requiring only straight pull, as rapidly or as
slowly as required by the operation.
53 54
SIZE& CONNECTION 1 13/16 1 1/4 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 7/8 2 7/8 2 7/8 CIRCULATION PROCEDURE
Wilson A.P.I A.P.I. A.P.I E.U.E. A.P.I A.P.I. E.U.E
F.J. Reg. Reg I.F. Reg. Reg.
OUTSIDEDIAMETER- Inches 1 13/16 2 1/4 3 1/8 3 3/4 3 3/4 3 3/4 3 3/4 4 1/2 1. Prepare the bottom hole assembly as per drawing.
INSIDEDIAMETER - Inches 5/16 3/8 1 1 1/2 1 7/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 2 3/8
2. Install the stripper rubber in the stripper bowl.
JARS USEDWITH: 74723 54020 52504 52528 52497 52506 1 15/16 52653
3. RIH the mule shoe just above the swab valve close slibs and
18775 42736 37406 20150 38040 52502 35849 scrubs. Test BPV's at 3000 psi.
TOTAL STROKETO 4. Open slowly the x-mas tree swab valve and RIH.
SOLID - Inches 6 6 8 3/4 7 7/8 7 5/8 8 1/4 44483 10 3/8
5. Every 40 joints of macaroni pump the internal vol. Of macaroni
string to make sure BPV do not plug.
6. When the depth is reached, close BOP no. 1 connect stabbing
SPECIFICATIONS - BOWEN FISHING BUMPER SUBS valve on macaroni and stand pipe to stabbing valve. Start
CONNECTION 1 1/4 1 1/4 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 7/8 circulation it can be necessary to choke the return if there is
Ext. F.L A.P.I Reg. A.P.I. Reg. A.P.I. I.F E.U.E A.P.I. Reg.
pressure in the well.
OUTSIDEDIAMETER - Inches 1 13/16 2 1/4 3 5/32 3 3/4 3 3/4 3 3/4
Never make the return to the barge if gas or oil are coming out of
INSIDEDIAMETER- Inches 3/8 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 7/8 1 1/4
the well but flow to burn pit, except if an efficient separator or
STROKEINCHES 20 20 20 20 20 20
scrubber is available.
7. When the circulation is completed. Open BOP no. 1 and POOH.
Well start up program is used to start the well flow by injecting the gas
MACARONI STRING thru the macaroni string which will reduce the hydro static column of
liquid in tubing to achieve reservoir pressure is greater than hydrostatic
LANDING NIPPLE - If a wire line job is necessary (DHSV to be retrieve, zone change,
fluid level check, etc) install the wire line adaptor and perform the
wire line job the remove the wire line adaptor.
- Well start up :
- Prepare the BHA as per drawing
BPV - Install the stripper rubber in stripper bowl.
- RIH the mule shoe just above the swab valve, close slips and
snubs and BOP no. 1 Test BPV's at 3000 psi
- Open slowly the x-mas tree swab valve and RIH at 300 m.
ONE JOINT - Every 40 joints of pump the internal volume mac. String to
MACARONI avoid plugging at BPV.
NOTE : Record kick off pressure, rate of gas and WHFC & WHFT.
57 58
- If the well doesn't flow by it self, close the gas injection, bleed CEMENTATION
off the macaroni and RIH 200 m deeper.
- Start again the gas injection.
- If the well is still not flowing by it self RIH deeper and proceed I. GENERAL
as per above steps.
- hen the well cam flow by it self, stop the gas injection bleed off This S.I. gives example of general procedures to perform a
the macaroni. cementation through a macaroni string.
- Open BOP no. 1 and POOH macaroni through the stripper
bowl. However as very LWO is a special case due to the
- When the mule shoe is just above the swab valve, close it and characteristic of the well and of the zone, a special procedure is
bleed off pressure above it. written every time in the LWO program.
- Remove the equipment.
These procedures may be applied with or without squeeze in
NOTE : The starting up of gas well is more oritical, Particularly perforation.
care must be taken to avoid the well starting strongly.
After calculation of the teoritical starting point, if no 1. Run of an open ended macaroni string and spot a
success R/H the string only 50 m deeper each time. balanced cement plug.
Adjustable choke should be used to control any This is performed below LS or SS tail pipe.
damage line. 2. Run of a seal assembly with macaroni in an existing seal
bore of the completion (SSD, nipple), the cement plug
may be balanced with a spacer of the specific gravity to
allow easy access below.
3. Installation of tubing stop + pack off assy and check valve
by wire line, then run a macaroni stringer.
Therefore when cement is not displaced in balance, the
only way to know where is the cement is to check on the
volume returned from the well (providing there is no fluid
loss in formation).
4. After cement squeeze, reserve circulation can be
performed only if a sufficient squeeze off pressure have
been reached. This is to prevent over squeeze of cement
thus isolation failure.
A difference of 1000 psi, between squeeze off pressure
and reverse circulation, pressure is required to safely
perform reverse circulation.
Between 500 to 1000 psi difference, reverse circulation
can still be performed by reducing the pump rate.
Below 500 psi difference, no reverse circulation should be
performed unless in case of emergency the macaroni will
then be cleaned on the barge by flushing with water hose.
59 60
Notes : - In procedure 2 & 3 tubing punchers may be - Few days before the job a test will be done to adjust the
needed to circulate cement in the interval to be concentration of additives mainly retarder, required to get the
isolated. rhology parameter and thickening time according to the quality of
- The specific gravity of the cement is usually the cement and the type of the type of job to be performed,
1.70 gr/cc. Thickening time is usually set between 5 to 7 hours.
When the cement slurry is prepared for the job, keep some
samples to check the thickening time.
II. PROCEDURE - When cement slurry is pumped and displaced in the macaroni
string. It will go down faster than the pumping rate due to its
1. Before starting this job, the wire line must check if the higher density compared with water.
tubing is free of leaks above the zone to cemented, in - To be able to perform reverse circulation no BPV is run the
order to know if reverse circulation can be performed. macaroni string.
2. Prepare BHA Therefore if it is necessary to plug the macaroni at the bottom, a
3. Bleed of f the well to the burn pit and kill if necessary. plug can be pumped down to the nipple seat.
4. Open the x-mas tree swab valve and RIH macaroni.
5. Check circulation, record parameters.
6. Engage the landing shoe in the nipple and slack off 3000 BHA
lbs on it. Close the BOP no. 1 and pressurize the annulus
macaroni tubing to check the sealing of the landing shoe. MAX STRING
7. Perform an injectivity test. 1.9" CS HYDRILL
8. Of ok, mix the cement slurry. NO. 90
61 62
(600 F) 8 0 0 0 1 . 1 8 1 3 1 . 1 9 7 9 1 . 2 1 4 6 1 . 2 3 1 6 1 . 2 4 8 8 1 . 2 6 6 3 1 . 2 8 4 0
8 5 0 0 1 . 1 9 3 7 1 . 2 1 1 4 1 . 2 2 9 5 1 . 2 4 7 7 1 . 2 6 6 3 1 . 2 8 5 1 1 . 3 0 4 2
Cubic Meters 6.289 Barrels 9 0 0 0
9 5 0 0
1 6 0 0 0 1 . 3 9 5 6 1 . 4 3 4 9 1 . 4 7 5 3 1 . 5 1 6 8 1 . 5 5 9 5 1 . 6 0 3 5 1 . 6 4 8 6
•) Basic Formula
•) Pressure, Area & Force * Snub. Area = 0.785 x (CB2 - Dp2) x N
* Ph = 0.052 x P x h Ph = Hydrostatic Pressure, psi * Pulling Area = 0.785 x CB2 x N CB = Cylinder bore, inch
Ph = 0.433 x SG x h P = PPG Dp = Dia. piston, inch
h = depth, ft N = Number of active
* Ph = 1.422 x SG x h h = depth, m
note : P = SG x 8.33 ppg * Snub. Force = 0.785 x (CB2 - Dp2) x N x P
* Pulling Force = 0.785 x CB2 x N x P
* F = PxA F = Force, lbs P = Hydraulic operating
P = Pressure, psi pressure, (psi)
A = Area, sq. inch
* The if filled with a fluid of a different density than the fluid in the * Max. Main System Press. when Pushing Pipe
well. Into the well (to prevent buckling)
Wd = L x {Pipe Wt + [ID)2 x 0.0408 x Mw1] - [(OD)2 x
0.0408 x Mw2]}
Wd = Buoyed weight of pipe in well with different fluid in Down Force 70% Critical Buckling Load
MSP = =
its, lbs. EA 0.785 x N x (D 2 d 2 )
L = Length of pipe in fluid in the well, ft
Pipe Wt = The air weight of the pipe per foot, lbs / ft Down Force = Max. Allowable Buckling Load
0.0408 = (0785 x 0.052) (70% Critical Buckling Load)
Mw1 = Fluid weight in pipe, ppg EA = Effective Jack Area, sq. inch
Mw2 = Fluid weight in well, ppg MSP = Main System Pressure
ID = Inside diameter of pipe, inches D = Cylinder ID, inch
d = Piston Rod Diameter, inch
* Open Ended
W = L x Pipe Wt x {1 - }
65.5 * Jack Speed Calculation
W = Buoyed weight of open ended pipe, lbs
Mw = Fluid weight, ppg
•) Applying a Snubbing Force
1- = Buoyancy factor Q x 24.51
65.5 Speed = , ft / mnt
N x (Bc 2 Dp 2 )
Regenerative Hydraulic
Hydraulic To Lift
ID 2 OD 2 3 12 VAM 4.54
•) Annulus Capacity = Bbl / ft
1029 4 12 VAM 7.94
ID : Inside dia. of production tubing, inch
OD : Outside dia. of macaroni, inch
•) Displacement Capacity Hydrill Tubing Internal Vol. (l/m) Steel Vol. (l/m)
1.315 (N80) 0.5570 0.332
1.660 (N80) 0.9662 0.430
- open pipe 1.900 (N80) 1.3140 0.520
OD 2 ID 2 1.900 (P105/P110) 1.1400 0.650
displacement capacity = Bbl / ft
•) Useable Volume = 1.5 x Volume to close - open - close All In case of high pressure condition (above 1500 psi), the snubbing
Preventers operation is performed with ram to ram running / pulling method. This
method is done by activate stripper rams no. 1 and no. 2.
•) Bottle Volume = 2 x Useable Volume
(3000 psi WP)
•) Ram to Ram Method - Running
Ex :
Stack has 4 rams ①
Volume to close each ram 0.64 Gal
Volume to open each ram 0.68 Gal •) Lowered macaroni until just above
swab valve
Sizing Calculation •) Closed stripper rams 2
Useable Volume = 1.5 x 4 (0.64 + 0.68 + 0.64)
= 11.76 Gal
Bottle Volume = 2 x 11.76
= 23.52 Gal
In case of high pressure condition (above 1500 psi), the snubbing •) Open the swab valve
operation is performed with ram to ram running / pulling method. This •) Lowered macaroni until the tool
method is done by activate stripper rams no. 1 and no. 2. joint just above stripper rams 2
•) Closed stripper rams 1
•) Useable Volume = 1.5 x Volume to close - open - close All •) Equalize pressure
③ ⑤
•) After bleeding pressure opened
•) Opened stripper rams 2 stripper no. 1.
•) Lowered macaroni until the next •) Lowered macaroni until toll joint
tool joint just above stripper no. 1. just above stripper no. 2 and
below stripper no. 1.
④ •) Closed stripper no.1.
•) Equalize pressure
•) Closed stripper no. 2 •) Back to step no. 3 and so on.
•) Bleed off pressure between
stripper no. 1 and no. 2.
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•) Back to the step no. 1 and so on
•) At the last joint pull macaroni
string until just the swab valve
•) Closed swab valve
•) Bleed off pressure above swab
Swab Valve
•) Opened stripper ram no.1
•) Finish