A. Related Documents:
1. Drawings and general provisions of the Subcontract apply to this Section.
2. Review these documents for coordination with additional requirements and information that apply to
work under this Section.
B. Section Includes:
1. General requirements that apply to implementation of commissioning of fire suppression systems,
assemblies and components.
C. Related Sections:
1. Division 01 Section "General Requirements."
2. Division 01 Section "Special Procedures."
3. Division 21 Fire Suppression Sections.
A. General:
1. The following documents form part of the Specifications to the extent stated. Where differences exist
between codes and standards, the one affording the greatest protection shall apply.
2. Unless otherwise noted, the referenced standard edition is the current one at the time of
commencement of the Work.
3. Refer to Division 01 Section "General Requirements" for the list of applicable regulatory requirements.
4. Refer to Division 21 Section "Common Results for Fire Suppression" for codes and standards, and
other general requirements.
A. The purpose of commission is to ensure the University that work has been completed as specified and that
systems are functioning in the manner as described in Division 21 Section "Common Results for Fire
Suppression" and specified system operating criteria. It will assist operating staff training and familiarization
with new systems. It will serve as a tool to reduce post-occupancy critical systems operational difficulty or
failure. It will, also, be used to develop test protocol and record the associated test data in an effort to advance
the building systems from a state of substantial completion to a full dynamic operation.
B. Commission will commence after preliminary punch list items are completed by Subcontractors.
D. Operational staff training is essential to the commission process and will run concurrently with steps one
through three.
E. The Commissioning Team will include representatives of the University, Construction and Installing
Subcontractors, Test and Balance Subcontractor, FMCS Subcontractor and Construction Subcontractor’s
Commissioning Agent. Equipment manufacturer’s representatives will be present for start-up as specified in
the equipment specification sections and for equipment training.
A. Submit under provisions of Division 21 Section "Common Results for Fire Suppression - Review of Materials"
and Division 01 Section "General Requirements."
C. Prime subcontractors or his Commissioning Agent shall provide Functional Performance Tests (FPT)
procedures for the above listed systems. Prime subcontractors or his Commissioning Agent shall provide
system narrative descriptions as part of the FPT procedures.
A. The commissioning plan shall outline the organization, scheduling, team members, and documentation
pertaining to the overall commissioning process.
A. A narrative description of the design intents of the systems and their intended modes of sequences of
A. The FPT procedures at the minimum shall consist of the following sections:
1. Narrative Description:
a. This section provides a narrative description of the design intents of the systems and their
intended modes of sequences of operation.
2. Testing Prerequisites:
a. This section contains verification that primary mechanical, electrical, and controls systems that
support or interact with the system that the FPT is prepared against are completed, tested and
3. Installation Verification:
a. This section contains verification that the system installation is completed and is ready for
4. Commencement of Functional Performance Testing:
a. This section records the date and time of the start of system commissioning.
5. System Condition Prior to Staring Performance Testing:
a. This section records the current set points and parameters of the system at the start of
6. Functional Performance Test:
a. This section shall provide the following:
1) Sequential steps required to set parameters and conditions required to test component
and functions throughout intended ranges of operation.
2) Full range of checks and tests carried out to determine if electric and pneumatic
connections, components, subsystems, systems and interfaces between systems
function in accordance with the contract documents and design intents.
3) All modes and sequences of control operations, interlocks and conditional control
responses and specified responses to abnormal emergency conditions.
7. End of Functional Performance Test:
a. This section records the date and time of the end of system commissioning.
8. Field Notes:
a. This section records notes or remarks during system commissioning.
9. List systems modifications, not required by the Contract Documents, but provided by the Subcontractor.
List other questions regarding such system modifications.
10. List problems discovered during Commissioning that were corrected.
11. List problems discovered during Commissioning that were not corrected.
12. List recommended party that should take action on these problems.
A. The Subcontractors shall be responsible for performing procedures presented in specification and contract
drawings as detailed in the Functional Performance Tests (FPT). Members of the designated Commissioning
Team shall witness various portions of the commissioning process. Responsibilities for these activities are
listed in the following paragraphs. Commissioning Team members shall sign-off on appropriate sections after
verifying installation, operation, or documentation. Final sign-off shall be by the University and Commissioning
B. Any test ports, gauges, test equipment, etc., needed to accomplish the functional performance tests shall be
provided by Subcontractors.
A. System narrative descriptions will be prepared by the Commission Agent and supported by flow diagrams, one
line diagrams, and appropriate specification sections for major systems to be commissioned. The Commission
Agent will coordinate “system description” meetings with members of facility management and maintenance
department groups to review system description documentation. The meetings will provide an overview of
major system features, components, and arrangements.
B. The Subcontractor and associated manufacturer’s representatives shall provide required training to operational
staff after the system description meetings have occurred. The Subcontractor training sessions shall provide a
more detailed analogy of systems operation and maintenance.
A. Instrumentation will be provided by the Subcontractor. Instruments used for measurements shall be accurate.
Calibration histories for each instrument shall be available for examination. Calibration and maintenance of
instruments shall be in accordance with the requirements of NEBB or AABC Standards.
B. Application of instruments and accuracy of measurements shall be in accordance with NEBB or AABC
A. The installing Subcontractor shall be responsible for collection of pertinent data during system start-up and
functional performance testing. The Subcontractor shall submit to the Commissioning Agent documentation of
tests performed prior to and after system start-up. Documentation shall also include start-up procedures as
approved by Commissioning Team.
B. Documentation is to be typewritten on 8-1/2 by 11 inches (200 by 280 mm) paper and inserted in a 2 inches (50
mm) to 3 inches (75 mm) thick three ring binder. Indicate the project name, number, volume number, and
volume title on the end panel of each binder.
C. Provide a title sheet for each volume and list the following:
1. Volume Title and Section Name and Number requiring this submittal.
2. Project name, project number, and address.
3. Subcontractor name, address, and phone number.
4. Name, title, signature, and date of person making the submittal.
5. Name of University, a blank line for signature, and the date of person accepting the submittal.
6. Name, address, and phone number of Commission Agent; a blank line for signature; and date of person
accepting the submittal.
D. Provide a Table of Contents for multiple submittals. List each submittal and page number. Number each page,
centered on the bottom in sequential numerical order. Provide tabs for multiple submittals in a single binder.
3. Designated systems requiring test and balance work shall have this activity commence after systems
have successfully completed start-up. System and equipment deficiencies observed during this activity
is to be noted and corrected.