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Diagrams for Understanding Chemical

The most effective way of communicating information about a
process is through the use of flow diagrams.

This chapter include:

Different type of chemical process diagrams.
How these diagrams represent different scales of process views.
One consistent method for drawing process flow diagrams.
The information to be included in a process flow diagram.
The purpose of operator training simulators and recent advances
in 3-D representation of different chemical process .
Types of flow diagrams:

1. Block flow diagrams (BFD).

2. Process flow diagrams ( PFD).
3. Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID).
This diagram consisted of a series of blocks representing different
equipment or unit operations that were connected by input and
output streams.

Important information such as operating temperatures, pressures,

conversions, and yield was included on the diagram along with
flowrates and some chemical compositions.

The diagram do not include any details of equipment within any of

the blocks.

The block flow diagram can take one of two forms:

I. Block flow process diagram: drawn for a single process .
II. Block flow plant diagram: drawn for a complete
chemical complex involving many different chemical
Both types of block flow diagrams are useful for explaining
the overall operation of chemical plants.
example of a block flow process diagram:
Mixed Gas
(2610 kg/h )
(10,000 kg/h )
Reactor Gas
(8210 kg/h )

(820 kg/h ) Conversion MixedLiquids
75 %Toluene Still


Reaction: 𝐶7 𝐻8 + 𝐻2 → 𝐶6 𝐻6 + 𝐶𝐻4
Figure 1.1: block flow process diagram for the production of benzene.

This block flow diagram gives a clear overview of the production of

benzene, unobstructed by the many details related to the process.
Each block in the diagram represents a process function and may, in
reality, consist of several pieces of equipment.
Although much information is missing from Figure 1.1, it is clear
that such a diagram is very useful for “ getting a feel “ for the

Block flow process diagrams often form the starting point

for developing a PDF .
It shows the main features without getting bogged down in
the details.
Figure 1.2 Block Flow Plant Diagram of a Coal to Higher Alcohol Fuels Process

This block flow plant diagram is for a coal to higher alcohol

fuels plant. Clearly, this is a complicated process in which
there are a number of alcohol fuel products produced from
a feedstock of coal. Each block in this diagram represents a
complete chemical process (compressors and turbines are
also shown as trapezoids), and a block flow process
diagram could be drawn for each block in Figure 1.2.

The advantage of a diagram such as Figure 1.2 is that it

allows a complete picture of what this plant does and how
all the different processes interact to be obtained. On the
other hand, in order to keep the diagram relatively
uncluttered, only limited information is available about
each process unit. The conventions for drawing block flow
plant diagrams are similar to Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: convections and format recommended
for laying out a block flow process diagram.
1. Operations shown by blocks.
2. Major flow lines shown with arrows giving direction of flow.
3. Flow goes from left to right whenever possible.
4. Light stream(gases) toward top with heavy stream(liquids and solids) toward bottom.
5. Critical information unique to process supplied.
6. If lines cross, then the horizontal line is continuous and the vertical line is broken.
7. Simplified material balance provided.
The PFD contains the bulk of the chemical engineering data necessary for the design of a
chemical process.
A typical commercial PFD will contain the following information:
•All the major pieces of equipment in the process will be represented on the diagram along with
a description of the equipment. Each piece of equipment will have assigned a unique equipment
number and a descriptive name.
•All process flow streams will be shown and identified by a number. A description of the process
conditions and chemical composition of each stream will be included. These data will be either
displayed directly on the PFD or included in an accompanying flow summary table.
•All utility streams supplied to major equipment that provides a process function will be shown.
•Basic control loops, illustrating the control strategy used to operate the process during normal
operations, will be shown.

The basic information provided by a PFD can be categorized

into one of the following:
1. Process topology
2. Stream information
3. Equipment information
1.2.1: Process Topology
Process topology :
the location of and interaction between equipment
and process streams.

Equipment is represented symbolically by “icons” that

identify specific unit operations.
1.2.1: Process Topology
Figure 1.3 shows that each major piece of process
equipment is identified by a number on the diagram.

 A list of the equipment numbers along with a brief

descriptive name for the equipment is printed along the top
of the diagram.
1.2.1: Process Topology
V-101 P-101A/B E-101 H-101 R-101 C-101A/B E-102 V-102 V-103 E-103 E-106 T-101 E-104 V-104 P-102A/B E-105
Toluene Toluene Feed Feed Reactor Recycle Gas Reactor High-Pres. Low-Pres. Tower Benzene Benzene Benzene Reflux Reflux Product
Storage Feed Pumps Preheat Heater Compressor Effluent Phase Sep. Phase Sep. Feed Reboiler Column Condenser Drum Pumps Cooler
Drum Cooler Heater

Figure 1.3: Skeleton Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for the Production of Benzene via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene.
1.2.1: Process Topology
Figure 1.4 Symbols for Drawing Process Flow Diagrams



STORAGE TANKS process input Valve
process output Stream number
PUMPS,TURBINES,COMPRESSORS Control valve Instrument Flag
Global valve (Manual Control)
1.2.1: Process Topology
Table1.2:Convections used for Identifing Process Equipment
Process Equipment General Format XX-YZZ A/B
XX are the identification letters for the equipment classification
C - Compressor or Turbine
E - Heat Exchanger
H - Fired Heater
P - Pump
R - Reactor
T - Tower
TK - Storage Tank
V - Vessel
Y designates an area within the plant
ZZ is the number designation for each item in an equipment class
A/B identifies parallel units or backup units not shown on a PFD

Supplemental Information Additional description of equipment given on top of PFD

1.2.1: Process Topology
Table 1.2 provides the information necessary for the identification of the process equipment
icons shown in a PFD.
As an example of how to use this information, consider the unit operation P-101A/B and what
each number or letter means.
P-101A/B identifies the equipment as a pump.
P-101A/B indicates that the pump is located in area 100 of the plant.
P-101A/B indicates that this specific pump is number 01 in unit 100.
P-101A/B indicates that a backup pump is installed. Thus, there are two identical pumps, P-101A
and P-101B. One pump will be operating while the other is idle.
1.2.1: Process Topology
When a piece of equipment wears out and is replaced by a new unit
that provides essentially the same process function as the old unit,
then it is not uncommon for the new piece of equipment to inherit
the old equipment’s name and number (often an additional letter
suffix will be used, e.g., H-101 might become H-101A).

On the other hand, if a significant process modification takes place,

then it is usual to use new equipment numbers and names.
1.2.2 : Stream Information.
Each of the process streams is identified by a number in a
diamond box located on the stream. The direction of the
stream is identified by one or more arrowheads. The process
stream numbers are used to identify streams on PFD.
1.2.2 : Stream Information.
Utilities are needed services that are available at the plant.
Chemical plants are provided with a range of central utilities that include
electricity, compressed air, cooling water, refrigerated water, steam,
condensate return, inert gas for blanketing, chemical sewer, wastewater
treatment, and flares.

A list of the common services is given in table 1.3, which also provides a
guide for the identification of process streams.
Process Streams

All conventions shown in Table 1.1 apply.

Diamond symbol located in flow lines.
Numerical identification (unique for that stream) inserted in diamond.
Flow direction shown by arrows on flow lines.

Utility Streams

Lps Low-Pressure Steam: 3–5 barg (sat)*

mps Medium-Pressure Steam: 10–15 barg (sat)*
hps High-Pressure Steam: 40–50 barg (sat)*
htm Heat Transfer Media (Organic): to 400°C
cw Cooling Water: From Cooling Tower 30°C Returned at Less than 45°C†
wr River Water: From River 25°C Returned at Less than 35°C
rw Refrigerated Water: In at 5°C Returned at Less than 15°C
rb Refrigerated Brine: In at −45°C Returned at Less than 0°C
cs Chemical Wastewater with High COD
ss Sanitary Wastewater with High BOD, etc.
el Electric Heat (Specify 220, 440, 660V Service)
bfw Boiler Feed Water
ng Natural Gas
fg Fuel Gas
fo Fuel Oil
fw Fire Water

*These pressures are set during the preliminary design stages and typical values vary within the ranges shown.
†Above 45°C, significant scaling occurs.

Table 1.3: Conventions for Identifying Process and Utility Streams

1.2.2 : Stream Information.
Most of the utilities shown are related to equipment that adds or
removes heat within the process in order to control temperatures.
This is common for most chemical processes.
For small diagrams containing only a few operations, the
characteristics of the streams such as temperatures, pressures,
compositions, and flowrates can be shown directly on PFD.
For complex diagrams only the stream number is provided on the
1.2.2 : Stream Information.
The stream information that is normally given in a flow summary
table is given in Table 1.4. It is divided into two groups—required
information and optional information— that may be important to
specific processes. The flow summary table, for Figure 1.3, is given
in Table 1.5 and contains all the required information listed in Table
Table 1.4: Information Provided in a Flow Summary
Required Information
Stream Number
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (bar)
Vapor Fraction
Total Mass Flowrate (kg/h)
Total Mole Flowrate (kmol/h)
Individual Component Flowrates (kmol/h)

Optional Information
Component Mole Fractions
Component Mass Fractions
Individual Component Flowrates (kg/h)
Volumetric Flowrates (m3/h)
Significant Physical Properties
Thermodynamic Data Heat Capacity
Stream Enthalpy
Stream Name
Table 1.5: Flow Summary Table for the Benzene Process Shown in Figure 1.3
Stream number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Temperature (˚C) 25 59 25 225 41 600 41 38

Pressure (bar) 1.90 25.8 25.5 25.2 25.5 25.0 25.5 23.9
Vapor fraction 0.0 0.0 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Mass flow (tonne/h). 10.0 13.3 0.82 20.5 6.41 20.5 0.36 9.2

Mole flow (Kmol/h). 108.7 144.2 301.0 1204.4 758.8 1204.4 42.6 1100.8

Component flowrates

Hydrogen 0.0 0.0 286.0 735.4 449.4 735.4 25.2 651.9

Methane 0.0 0.0 15.0 317.3 302.2 317.3 16.95 438.3
Benzene 0.0 1.0 0.0 7.6 6.6 7.6 0.37 9.55
Toluene 108.7 143.2 0.0 144.0 7.0 144.0 0.04 1.05
Table 1.5: Flow Summary Table for the Benzene Process Shown in Figure 1.3

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

654 90 147 112 112 112 38 38 38 38 112

24.0 2.6 2.8 3.3 2.5 3.3 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.5

1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

20.9 11.6 3.27 14.0 22.7 22.7 8.21 2.61 0.07 11.5 0.01

1247.0 142.2 35.7 185.2 291.6 290.7 105.6 304.2 4.06 142.2 0.90

652.6 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 178.0 0.67 0.02 0.02

442.3 0.88 0.0 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.0 123.05 3.10 0.88 0.88

116.0 106.3 1.1 184.3 289.46 289.46 105.2 2.85 0.26 106.3 0.0

36.0 35.0 34.6 0.88 1.22 1.22 0.4 0.31 0.03 35.0 0.0
1.2.3: Equipment Information :
Provides the information necessary to estimate the costs of
equipment and furnish the basis for the detailed design of

Table 1.6 provides the information needed for the equipment

summary for most of the equipment encountered in fluid processes.
Table 1.6: Equipment Descriptions for PFD and P&IDs.
Equipment Type

Description of Equipment
Size (height and diameter), Pressure, Temperature
Number and Type of Trays
Height and Type of Packing
Materials of Construction
Heat Exchangers
Type: Gas-Gas, Gas-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid, Condenser, Vaporizer
Process: Duty, Area, Temperature, and Pressure for both streams
Number of Shell and Tube Passes
Materials of Construction: Tubes and Shell
Tanks and Vessels
Height, Diameter, Orientation, Pressure, Temperature, Materials of Construction
Flow, Discharge Pressure, Temperature, P, Driver Type, Shaft Power, Materials of Construction
Actual Inlet Flowrate, Temperature, Pressure, Driver Type, Shaft Power,
Materials of Construction
Heaters (Fired)
Type, Tube Pressure, Tube Temperature, Duty, Fuel, Material of Construction
Provide Critical Information
1.2.3: Equipment Information :
The information presented in Table 1.6 is used in preparing
the equipment summary portion of the PFD for the benzene

The equipment summary for the benzene process is

presented in Table 1.7
Table 1.7: Equipment Summary for Toluene Hydrodealkylation PFD

Heat Exchangers E-101 E-102 E-103 E-104 E-105 E-106

Type Fl.H. Fl.H. MDP Fl.H. MDP Fl.H.
Area (m2) 36 763 11 35 12 80
Duty (MJ/h) 15,190 46,660 1055 8335 1085 9045
Temp. (°C) 225 654 160 112 112 185
Pres. (bar) 26 24 6 3 3 11
Phase Vap. Par. Cond. Cond. Cond. l Cond.
Temp. (°C) 258 40 90 40 40 147
Pres. (bar) 42 3 3 3 3 3
Phase Cond. l l l l Vap.
Table 1.7: Equipment Summary for Toluene Hydrodealkylation PFD
Vessels/Tower/ Reactors
V-101 V-102 V-103 V-104 T-101 R-101
Temperature (°C) 55 38 38 112 147 660
Pressure (bar) 2.0 24 3.0 2.5 3.0 25
Orientation Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical
Height/Length (m) 5.9 3.5 3.5 3.9 29 14.2
Diameter (m) 1.9 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.3
Internals s.p. s.p. 42 sieve trays Catalyst
316SS packed bed-
P-101 P-102 C-101
Pumps/Compressors (A/B) (A/B) (A/B) Heater H-101
Flow (kg/h) 13,000 22,700 6770 Type Fired
Fluid Density (kg/m3) 870 880 8.02 MOC 316SS
Power (shaft) (kW) 14.2 3.2 49.1 Duty (MJ/h) 27,040
Type/Drive Recip./ Centrf./ Centrf./ Radiant Area (m2) 106.8
Electric Electric Electric
Efficiency (Fluid 0.75 0.50 0.75 Convective Area (m2) 320.2
Power/Shaft Power)
Table 1.7: Equipment Summary for Toluene Hydrodealkylation PFD

P-101 P-102 C-101

Pumps/Compressors (A/B) (A/B) (A/B) Heater H-101

MOC CS CS CS Tube P (bar) 26.0

Temp. (in) (°C) 55 112 38
Pres. (in) (bar) 1.2 2.2 23.9
Pres. (out) (bar) 27.0 4.4 25.5
MOC Materials of construction Par Partial
316SS Stainless steel type 316 F.H. Fixed head
CS Carbon steel Fl.H. Floating head
Vap Stream being vaporized Rbl Reboiler
Cond Stream being condensed s.p. Splash plate
Recipr. Reciprocating l Liquid
Centrf. Centrifugal MDP Multiple double pipe
1.2.4:Combining Topology, Stream Data, and Control Strategy to Give a PFD

The amount of process information displayed on the PFD has been kept to a
minimum. A more representative example of a PFD for the benzene process is
shown in Figure 1.5. This diagram includes all of the elements found in Figure
1.3, some of the information found in Table 1.5, plus additional information on
the major control loops used in the process.
Stream information is added to the diagram by attaching “information flags.”
The shape of the flags indicates the specific information provided on the flag.
Figure 1.6 illustrates all the flags used in this text. These information flags play
a dual role. They provide information needed in the plant design leading to
plant construction and in the analysis of operating problems during the life of
the plant.
V-101 P-101A/B E-101 H-101 R-101 C-101A/B E-102 V-102 V-103 E-103 E-106 T-101 E-104 V-104 P-102A/B E-105
Toluene Toluene Feed Heater Reactor High-Pres. Low-Pres. Feed Benzene Benzene Benzene Reflux Reflux Pump Product
Feed Drum Feed Pumps Preheater Recycle Gas Reactor Effluent
Phase Se. Phase Sep. Preheater Reboiler Column Condenser Drum Cooler
Compressor Cooler

Figure 1.5: Benzene Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for the Production of Benzene via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene
1.2.4:Combining Topology, Stream Data, and Control
Strategy to Give a PFD


Figure 1.6 Symbols for Stream Identification
The piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), also known as
mechanical flow diagram (MFD), provides information needed by
engineers to begin planning for the construction of the plant.
The P&ID includes every mechanical aspect of the plant except the
information given in Table 1.8.
The general conventions used in drawing P&IDs are given in Table
Table 1.8:Exclusions from Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

1. Operating Conditions T, P
2. Stream Flows
3. Equipment Locations
4. Pipe Routing
a. Pipe Lengths
b. Pipe Fittings
5. Supports, Structures, and
Each PFD will require many P&IDs to provide the necessary data.
Utility connections are identified by a numbered box in the P&ID. The number
within the box identifies the specific utility.
The circular flags on the diagram indicate where the information is obtained in
the process and identify the measurements taken and how the information is
dealt with.
The P&ID is also used to train operators. Once the plant is built and is
operational, there are limits to what operators can do.
The P&ID is particularly important for the development of start-up
procedures when the plant is not under the influence of the installed
process control systems.
Table 1.9: Conventions in Constructing Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
For Equipment—Show Every Piece Including

Spare Units
Parallel Units
Summary Details of Each Unit
For Piping—Include All Lines Including Drains and Sample Connections, and

Size (Use Standard Sizes)

Schedule (Thickness)
Materials of Construction
Insulation (Thickness and Type)
For Instruments—Identify

Show Instrument Lines
For Utilities—Identify

Entrance Utilities
Exit Utilities
Exit to Waste Treatment Facilities
Table 1.10: Conventions Used for Identifying Instrumentation on P&IDs
summarizes the conventions used to identify information related to
instrumentation and control
Location of Instrumentation

Instrument Located in Plant

Instrument Located on Front of Panel in Control Room

...... Instrument Located on Back of Panel in Control Room

Meanings of Identification Letters XYY

First Letter (X) Second or Third Letter (Y)

A Analysis Alarm
B Burner Flame
C Conductivity Control
D Density or Specific Gravity
E Voltage Element
F Flowrate
H Hand (Manually Initiated) High
I Current Indicate
J Power
K Time or Time Schedule Control Station
L Level Light or Low
M Moisture or Humidity Middle or Intermediate
O Orifice
P Pressure or Vacuum Point
Q Quantity or Event
R Radioactivity or Ratio Speed Record or print
S or Frequency Switch
T Temperature Transmit
V Viscosity Weight Valve, Damper, or Louver
Y Position Relay or Compute
Z Drive

Identification of Instrument Connections

............................ Electrical
Figure 1.7 is a representative P&ID for the distillation section of the
benzene process shown in Figure 1.5. The P&ID presented in Figure
1.7 provides information on the piping, and this is included as part
of the diagram.
Figure 1.7 :Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
for Benzene Distillation

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