Optimization of Connected Component Labelling
Optimization of Connected Component Labelling
Optimization of Connected Component Labelling
Richard Beare
March 2, 2006
Department of Medicine, Monash University, Australia
The report details some modifications made to the ITK ConnectedComponentImageFilter in an attempt
to improve performance. Some interesting observations were made during this process. A new filter
using a different algorithm to perform the same function is also described and improved performance
1 Introduction 2
2 Important notes 2
7 Testing 6
10 Performance lessons 7
11 Other observations 8
12 Conclusions 8
13 Acknowledgments 8
1 Introduction
This work started out as my tutorial for writing ITK filters and learning about iterators.
The ConnectedComponentImageFilter performs a task known as labelling in which each distinct object is
given a unique identifier1 while the background is set to zero. An object, or connected component, is usually
defined as a set of connected, non zero pixels, where two pixels being connected means that it is possible
to construct a path including only non zero pixels between them. Steps along the path are defined by a
neighborhood function, as illustrated in Figure 12 .
Labelling is often a pre-requisite for operations such as region based intensity statistics and shape charac-
terization. It is also useful when using marker based segmentation approaches.
The connected component filter in itk has since been modified to include a mask image. The modified filters
do not include this facility 3 .
2 Important notes
Whenever optimizing itk filters there two important checks – make sure that you build the library in Release
mode. This is often mentioned on the mailing lists, but is easy to forget. Release mode isn’t the default build
option and makes a big difference in performance when compared to the less optimized modes. Also ensure
that the ITK libraries are built with profiling turned on and that you are linking against the correct libraries.
If you built shared libraries to support interpreter interfaces you may not be getting the correct profile
measurements. I discovered this much too late - in my case much of the time related to the equivalency table
was not reported in my initial investigations.
1 In practice this means that each pixel belonging to a given object is given the same value
2 It is feasible to have neighborhoods that include more than immediately adjacent pixels, but this isn’t done very often in practice
3 It is not immediately clear why the masking capability should be included in the filter rather than in the pipeline preceeding it.
• Find all non zero input pixels and set the corresponding output pixel to the maximum label value.
• Iterate over the output image. If the pixel is non zero, visit the neighbors of the pixel that have a lower
index (the “previous” neighbor pixels).
• If one or more of the previous pixels are already labelled then the current pixel will inherit a label
from one of them.
• If multiple neighors are labelled differently, then this information is inserted into the equivalency
• Collapse the equivalency table after all output pixels have been checked.
• Revisit all output pixels, lookup their value in the equivalency table and replace.
Two hosts were used to test the filter described in this report. The first (host 1) was an AMD Athlon XP
2000+, 1.67GHz, 256kB cache and 256M RAM and the second (host 2) was an AMD Athlon 64 3000+,
1.8GHz with 512kB cache and 1GB RAM.
Three images were used in testing, two of which are included in the associated archive. The 2D image is
the 217 × 180 BrainMidSagittalSlice image from the ITK distribution and the 3D images are are a 371 ×
371 × 34 image of cells (ESCells, included in the archive) and a 256 × 256 × 120 brain mri image that is not
included in the archive. The ESCells image had about twice as many pixels above the thresholds used in the
study as the brain mri image.
The filter was optimized in two stages, and the timing results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The first
set of changed included:
• Updating the neighborhood iterator only when over non-zero pixels, rather than incrementing along
with the standard iterator:
n i t += o i t . GetIndex () − n i t . GetIndex ( ) ;
• About 5% of the computation time was being spent in the progress reporter. The reporter was modified
to report once per stage, rather than once per pixel. (This proportion was almost certainly wrong, due
to incorrect profiling).
5.1 Optimization results 4
A curious thing to note is that the performance of both hosts was very similar, despite one being a much
older machine. It may be that the performance of this type of operation is largely governed by memory
performance, and both machines have similar capabilities in this regard.
The first modification produced a marked improvement in speed on images that were largely empty, and
will make no difference at all to images that are completely full. This reasons are fairly obvious as we have
removed an operation that is redundant for empty pixels.
The second modification is somewhat harder to understand. For host 1 there was a minor improvement in the
2D case and the ESCells case, but a decrease in performance in the case of the brain MRI. For host 2 there
was no significant difference in the 2D case, a minor improvement in the case of ESCells and a decrease in
performance in the case of the brain MRI.
It is difficult to be certain of the reason for this, but I suspect that it relates to the cache performance. The
2D image is small enough to fit in cache, so it doesn’t matter very much whether the pixels are visited in
raster order or not. The brain mri image doesn’t fit in cache, so visiting face pixels that aren’t in raster order
may result in a significant overhead that offsets any saving due to removal of boundary condition check. If
this hypothesis is correct4 then it demonstrates that the tradeoffs that must be considered when optimizing
filters are quite complex. This is discussed in more detail in Section 10.
Further optimizations to the existing algorithm that avoid the need for boundary checks are possible, but
require dimension specific code, which is not really the ITK way.
I’ve been considering an alternative, based on run length encoding, that sidesteps many of these problems.
The new algorithm proceeds as follows:
• Build a data structure representing a run length encoded version of the line (each line will be a col-
lection of runs. This is typically quite efficient because the input has only two values - zeros and non
zeros, and we are usually interested in labelling “blob” like objects. Each run length is given a unique
• Iterate through the map and find overlapping runs. Insert labels of overlapping lines into the equiva-
lency table.
• Collapse the equivalency table.
• Iterate through the map, marking the output pixels with the appropriate values from the equivalency
The advantages (in theory) of this approach are - only two passes over images - one over input and the other
over the output image. There are no neighborhood operations requiring boundary checks. The equivalent
operations are performed on a per line basis using the map or when searching for overlapping runs. In addi-
tion the check for equivalent labels is done on a per run basis rather than a per pixel basis. The differences
between full connectivity and face connectivity should also be less significant because the relevant checks
are also done on a per line basis.
There are some images that could produce extremely bad performance for this algorithm – labelling thin
linear objects oriented orthogonal to the direction of the line iterator is one example. However this is fairly
The code for this class is itkConnectedComponentImageFilter3 5 .
A progress reporter has been added to this filter to report progress per line, rather than per pixel is normal.
This is a compromise between the standard per pixel approach and the per stage approach adopted based on
erroneous profiling information.
The performance figures for this approach show improvements in both the 2D and 3D cases for both hosts.
In some cases the improvement is a factor of 10 over the original algorithm.
The trick that was necessary to guarantee this performance was to take the opportunity to relabel without
referencing the equivalency table where ever possible. If this wasn’t done the equivalency table proved to
be a bottle neck for some images.
• Consecutive output labels. In fact the output now labels consecutively with the ordering dependent
on raster order – i.e the first object to be detected in a raster order scan will be number 1, the second
number 2 and so on. This was implemented by replacing the equivalency table with a simple union-
find algorithm. There seems to be a marginal increase in speed in some cases and the trick of pre-
merging labels is no longer necessary.
• Raising exceptions when the number of objects exceeds the maximum label value possible for the
output pixel type.
• My test results are include in the subdirectory ImageResults. Details of how to generate these results
can be found in the CMakeLists.txt file.
7 Testing
We need to test whether two labelled images are equivalent, rather than whether every pixel is equal. A
labelling filter is free to assign any label it chooses provided they are unique and the definition of “connect-
edness” is consistent. A new comparison procedure has been written to support this.
Equivalence tests can be run using “ctest” as usual. Timing tests will be run at the end of the equivalance
tests, and can be run separately using the runTimer2d.sh and runTimer3d.sh scripts, which produce log files
called timing2d.log and timing3d.log.
The images produce by the fourth filter have consecutive labels and can be tested using ImageCompare.
This regression test is carried out near the end of the testing procedure.
The linear iterator being used is the variety that maintains index information. This information is rarely
used, so performance may be improved by using a non indexing iterator when one becomes available.
Threading seems possible in this filter, although the standard threading model used by ITK doesn’t seem to
be the perfect option. The obvious choice would be to thread the run length encoding on a per line basis, and
do something similar when constructing the output image and leave the label equivalency step as a single
thread operation.
At present the connected component filter produces a labelled image. However the internal representation
used for objects is also a potentially efficient mechansim to carry out a number of other operations. For
example, it is very easy to compute some binary shape measures, like area, from the run length encoded rep-
resentation. The same structure can then be used to perform morphological operations efficiently. Another
common use of masks is to define regions in which grey level statistics are to be measured. This can also be
done more efficiently using the run length encoding structure.
The ITK spatial object mechanism may provide a path for implementing this idea. It needs to be checked
10 Performance lessons
Optimization of imaging algorithms is difficult to do well. A lot of the commonly used procedure probably
don’t give a meaningful measure of how an algorithm will perform in an application. However optimizing
is still worth doing and can lead to important insights and new ideas. The important thing is to think of
optimization as you might any other experiment and consider exactly what it is you are testing.
Here are some thoughts.
Optimization of image related operations is very strongly dependent on cache performance. Techniques that
appear to offer very good performance when tested on images that fit in cache may perform very badly on
images that don’t - algorithms that access data in a semi random way are examples. In the case of simple
algorithms the performance may be entirely dependent on the main memory bandwidth. Some experiments
I once did using the Intel SIMD instructions illustrated this. When using SIMD instructions to perform arith-
metic on arrays it is theoretically possible to achieve performance improvements of between 2 and 16 times,
depending on the data types involved. I used the gcc extensions that support vector operations to implement
SIMD array arithmetic, and when the arrays were small the improvement in speed was obvious. However
as soon as the arrays became significantly larger than cache, the performance became identical to the non
SIMD equivalent. This was an example of performance being entirely memory bandwidth dependent.
The streaming architecture used in ITK is potentially ideal for optimizing cache performance. In the case
of simple arithmetic, for example, it would make sense to perform all of the operations on a small block at
a time and the move on to the next one. The problem is that there are remarkably few interesting imaging
algorithms that can be broken up this way and probably even fewer applications that can be constructed
using only streamable filters.
The testing methodology is also open to question. For example, if we test on a filter on a small image because
the application is also going to involve small images, then the usual procedure is to repeat the computation
a number of times and take the average. Sounds reasonable. However most applications have quite a few
steps, each of which involves one or more copies of the image, so even with small images we are likely
to exceed the cache size. This means that performance of filters that were measured by repeatedly running
the computation in cache are probably not going to resemble the performance of filters in the application,
because the application only uses each image once or twice and needs to maintain multiple copies of related
images that consume cache resources.
In matrix libraries the size of operands is taken into account when deciding how to carry out an operation.
This leads to much more complicated code, which is something that should probably be avoided in ITK.
11 Other observations
None of the filters allow a connectivity of 18 for 3D images. The commonly used connectivities in 3D are
6 (face connected), 26 (fully connected) and 18. If the connectivity cube is considered as 3 layers then for
a connectivity of 18 the top layer has 5 active connection (center and 4 corners), as does the bottom layer.
The middle layer has all elements active. I doubt that this capability is particularly signficant, but it is worth
noting that it isn’t available.
12 Conclusions
The report has outlined some simple changes that can improve the performance of the connected compo-
nent image filter and introduced a new implementation based on run length encoding that increases the
performance by a factor of 10 in some cases.
13 Acknowledgments
Thanks to the reviewers for useful comments, and especially Gaëtan Lehmann for helping to debug the
testing problems.
[1] L. Ibanez and W. Schroeder. The ITK Software Guide. Kitware, Inc. ISBN 1-930934-10-6,
http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf, 2003.