Ber Analysis of BPSK, QPSK & Qam Based Ofdm System Using Simulink
Ber Analysis of BPSK, QPSK & Qam Based Ofdm System Using Simulink
Ber Analysis of BPSK, QPSK & Qam Based Ofdm System Using Simulink
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2 authors, including:
Pratima Manhas
Manav Rachna International University
All content following this page was uploaded by Pratima Manhas on 21 September 2015.
Orthogonal frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a type of multicarrier modulation technique (MCM) in
which higher data stream is divided into a number of lower data streams and transmitted over a large number
of subcarriers. Various digital modulations techniques can be combined with OFDM for enhancing the
performance of OFDM system. This paper focuses the MATLAB simulink model of BPSK, QPSK and QAM
based OFDM system which calculates the BER. A comparative study of bit error rate (BER) under normal
AWGN channel has been done among various digital modulation techniques of OFDM using MATLAB Simulink
Keywords: Bit error rate (BER), Multicarrier modulation (MCM), MATLAB, Simulink.
As the customer in today‟s world not only requires the mobile phone to be connected to other network, they
require multimedia services (like data, audio, video) and want everything to be connected to single network. It
can be possible only if the lower data rate can be converted into higher data rate. OFDM technique is the
solution. In OFDM technique, higher data rate is divided into number of lower data rate and are transmitted
simultaneously over a large number of subcarriers. OFDM is a type of multi-carrier modulation (MCM)
technique which transmits signals through multiple carriers. These multiple carriers (subcarriers) have different
frequencies and all subcarriers are orthogonal to each other [5]. It is used in both wired (ADSL) and wireless
communications (wireless LAN).
As there is a demand for higher data rate and it can be possible only by using OFDM systems. As Bandwidth is
efficiently used in OFDM system and interference among carriers is also less (as orthogonal subcarrier are
used).But OFDM suffers from certain disadvantages such as higher complexity and has high peak to average
power ratio (PAPR) and also suffers from inter-carrier interference (ICI) & intersymbol interference(ISI). The
paper is organized into different sections. Section II gives the description of OFDM model. A brief introduction
to BER is presented in section III. The introduction to various digital modulation techniques (BPSK, QPSK
&QAM) and its simulation model are presented in section IV. Section V describes the Simulation analysis &
results. Lastly the conclusion is presented in section VI.
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OFDM is a type of frequency division multiplexing (FDM) in which a single channel utilizes multiple sub-
carriers on adjacent frequencies. As the sub-carriers in an OFDM system are overlapping, so it enhances the
spectral efficiency [5]. OFDM system has less interference because of the presence of orthogonal subcarriers. So
OFDM system is widely used in wireless communication.
Bit Error rate (BER) is a performance parameter which is used in digital transmission. During the transmission
of data over a link, there is a possibility of errors being introduced into the system. Presence of errors in data
degrades the performance of the system [3]. So for assessing the performance of digital system, bit error rate
(BER) is used to calculate the errors. It is the rate at which errors occur in a transmission system. The bit error
rate is given as:
Bit Error Rate (BER) = Number of errors that occurred during transmission /Total number of transmitted bits
BER is inversely proportional to Signal to Noise ratio. High value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) indicates small
value of bit error rate (BER) and has no noticeable effect on the overall system.
In OFDM system, the bit-error-rate (BER) is severely affected by the nonlinearity of the high power amplifier
.For low SNR value, QPSK gives better BER performance whereas QAM results are better for high SNR value.
The bit error rate (BER) can be defined in terms of the probability of error (POE). The POE is proportional to
Eb/No and it is a form of signal to noise ratio. BER can be affected by
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Lower order modulation: Lower order modulation schemes can be used, but it results in less data
Reduce bandwidth: BER can be reduced by reducing the bandwidth. Bandwidth reduction leads to lower
levels of noise and therefore the signal to noise ratio will improve. But it results in a reduction of the data
This section deals with the various digital modulation techniques that can be used for OFDM system. They are
BPSK stands for Binary Phase shift Key. In this digital modulation two phases are generated for the two bit
(1/0) information. For the transmission of „1‟ bit the phase shift is 0 degree and for „0‟ bit transmission, the
phase shift is 180 degree.
It stands for Quadrature phase shift key .It is a type of Phase shift key in which two bits are send at the same
time and two bits represents one symbol and four different phases are generated.
It stands for Quadrature amplitude modulation. It is a combination of both Amplitude shift key (ASK) and phase
shift key (PSK).
A comparative study of Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the modulation techniques BPSK, QPSK and
QAM using an OFDM transmission system has been done using simulink tool. The work is divided into
following steps:
i. Modeling an OFDM system with BPSK, QPSK and QAM digital modulation schemes using MATLAB
ii. System Simulation using an Additive White Gaussian noise Channel (AWGN)
iii. Comparative analysis of BER for the simulated models.
This section describes the simulation models of various digital modulation techniques used for OFDM system.
In this model a random signal generator feeds into the digital modulation techniques (BPSK, QPSK and QAM)
used for transmission. Then it is passed through OFDM modulator. An AWGN noise channel is introduced in
the transmitted channel. After passing through the channel, then the signal is demodulated using various digital
demodulation techniques and then the received signal is used to calculate the error rate for transmission process.
MATLAB Simulink tool is used for simulation.
The Simulink model for BPSK, QPSK and QAM based OFDM system is shown in the figures 2, 4&6.The BER
output of BPSK, QPSK and QAM based OFDM system is shown in figures 3, 5 & 7.
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Figure2 Simulink Model for OFDM System Using BPSK Modulation
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Figure 5 BER Output of OFDM System Using QPSK Modulation
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Table 1 BER Calculation of Various Digital Modulation Techniques
S.NO Digital Modulation BER value
It is concluded from the table1 that BER value is less in case of BPSK modulation and higher in case of
QAM system. As BER is inversely proportional to SNR (signal to noise ratio) so if BER is less, than the SNR is
high and SNR is used to measure the quality of transmission channel. The high SNR ratio will easily isolate &
eliminate the source of noise. So minimum value of BER is required to enhance the performance of OFDM
In this paper different digital modulation technique (BPSK, QPSK&QAM) has been applied on OFDM system
using AWGN channel. A simulation study is performed using MATLAB Simulink tool to study the BER
performance parameter on AWGN channel. It has been found that BPSK based OFDM system has least BER
value as compared to other digital modulation techniques. Hence the performance of BPSK based OFDM
system is better than others. BER enhancement can be improved further in OFDM by using channel coding(such
as cyclic or linear block codes).
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