Liability Release Form

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Yoga Waiver & Release of Liability

Name: ___________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City: ________________________________________ Zip: ___________

Phone: __________________________________

Email: ___________________________________

Emergency Contact Name: ________________________________________

Emergency Contact Phone: ________________________________________

Do you have any injuries or illnesses that your instructor should be aware of?


I _________________________________hereby agree to the following:

I understand that yoga includes physical movements, breathing exercises and chanting as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress
re-education and relief of muscular tension. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is
always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, discontinue the activity,
and ask for support from the instructor. I will continue to breathe smoothly. I assume full responsibility for any and all damages, which
may incur through participation.

Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under
certain medical conditions. By signing, I affirm that a licensed physician has verified my good health and physical condition to
participate in such a fitness program. In addition, I will make the instructor aware of any medical conditions or physical limitations before
class. If I am pregnant, become pregnant or I am post-natal or post-surgical, my signature verifies that I have my physician's approval to
participate. I also affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to practice yoga and participation is at my own risk. I hereby
agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against ________________.

I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement. I am signing this agreement
voluntarily and recognize that my signature serves as complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by
law in the State of New Hampshire.





1. In consideration of participating the “Activity”, I agree and acknowledge that I am fully aware that
participation in the Activity involve risks and I accept all the risks of participating, even if the risks are
created by the carelessness, negligence or gross negligence of a Released Party (as defined below) or
anyone else.

2. “Claims” includes but is not limited to any and all liabilities, claims, demands, legal actions, rights of
actions for damages, personal injury or death in connection with participation in the Activity. “Released
Party” means STUDIO NAME or any of its affiliates, franchisees and their respective representatives,
directors, officers, agents, employees or volunteer staff.

3. I agree and acknowledge that:

a. I am in proper physical condition to participate in the Activity, and am aware that participation could,
in some circumstances, result in physical injury, serious physical injury or death.

b. I understand my physical limitations and am sufficiently self-aware to stop physical activity before I
become ill or injured.

c. I am aware that if the Activity occurs outdoors, the streets adjourning the area of the Activity are open
to regular vehicular traffic during the Activity and I will obey all traffic laws and regulations.

4. I accept full responsibility for any product or technology loaned to me as part of participation in this
Activity and commit to return the same in good working order.

5. I hereby, for myself and for my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns, fully release,
waive and forever discharge any and all rights or Claims I may have, now or in the future, against any
Released Party, even if the Claims are based on the carelessness, negligence or gross negligence of a
Released Party or anyone else. Without limiting the foregoing, I further release any recourses which I
may now or hereafter have resulting from any decision of any Released Party.

6. I agree not to sue any Released Party for Claims, even if the Claims arise from the carelessness,
negligence or gross negligence of any Released Party or anyone else. I agree to indemnify (reimburse for
any loss) and hold harmless each Released Party from any loss or liability (including any reasonable legal
fees they may incur) defending any Claim made by me or anyone making a Claim on my behalf, even if the
Claim is alleged to or did result from the carelessness or negligence of any Released Party or anyone else.

7. I am aware that there is no obligation for any person to provide me with medical care during the
Activity. I understand and acknowledge that:

a. there may be no aid stations available for the Activity.

b. if medical care is rendered to me, I consent to that care if I am unable to give my consent for any reason
at the time the care is rendered.

8. I am aware that it is advisable to consult a physician prior to participating in the Activity. If I have
consulted a physician, I have taken the physician’s advice.

9. I grant my permission to the Released Party and any transferee or licensee or any of them, to utilize
any photographs, motion pictures, videotapes, recordings and other references or records of the Activity
which may depict, record or refer to me for any purpose (“Likeness”), including commercial use by the
released parties, their sponsors and their licensees. This permission is for use anywhere in the world and
on the Internet and for an unlimited period of time. I understand and agree that I will not be
compensated or receive additional consideration for consenting to the use of my Likeness and that I will
not be given a chance to receive, inspect or approve the promotional or marketing material, messages
and/or content that may use my Likeness.

10. No warranties or representations have been made to me about the Activity which are not stated on
this form. I understand and intend that this document act as the broadest and most inclusive assumption
of risk, waiver, release of liability, agreement not to sue and indemnity.

11. If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that
provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and
enforceability of any remaining provisions.

12. I have fully read and understand this agreement. I am aware that by signing this agreement, I am
waiving certain legal rights I or my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns may have
against the Released Party.

13. I hereby acknowledge that I may be required to use an automobile to travel to and from the Activity
or as part of the Activity. I hereby acknowledge that I have the authority to use such automobile and that
the automobile is fully insured for use in the Activity. I accept full responsibility for the automobile and
that use of the automobile in the Activity will be at my own ri

Elements of an Effective and Enforceable Waiver and Release

A release should describe all of the services and activities provided by the studio; require the student to assume the risk of
harm from participating in the activities; waive all claims against the studio, owners, teachers and independent contractors;
and require the student to represent that he or she is in good medical condition such that participating in the activities is
appropriate. Importantly, the waiver and release should place the burden on the student to practice in such a way that the
student is responsible for avoiding any injury or aggravation of a pre-existing condition in the class.
The waiver and release must be an enforceable obligation of the student under the state law that governs the release.

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