OS3050 OS3051: Controller For Reverse Osmosis Plants
OS3050 OS3051: Controller For Reverse Osmosis Plants
OS3050 OS3051: Controller For Reverse Osmosis Plants
Controller for reverse osmosis plants
Instruction manual
Softwareversion 3.04
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
"PRODUCTION" mode ......................................................................................................................... 1
"STANDBY" mode ................................................................................................................................ 2
"RINSE" Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 2
"MAINTENANCE" Mode ....................................................................................................................... 3
"STANDBY STOP" step ........................................................................................................................ 3
Dosage of chemicals ............................................................................................................................ 3
Measurement of Conductivity ............................................................................................................... 3
Temperature measurement and compensation .................................................................................... 4
ALARMS/MALFUNCTIONS................................................................................................................................ 15
CM 1 MIN ........................................................................................................................................... 15
CM 1 MAX .......................................................................................................................................... 15
CM 2 MIN ........................................................................................................................................... 15
CM 2 MAX .......................................................................................................................................... 15
CM % MIN .......................................................................................................................................... 16
CM % MAX ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Stop ........ ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Stop by hand ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Tank Full ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Tank Empty ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Overpressure ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Low pressure 1 ................................................................................................................................... 17
Low pressure 2 ................................................................................................................................... 17
Low pressure 3 ................................................................................................................................... 18
Concentrate 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Concentrate 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Concentrate 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Motor safeguard switch....................................................................................................................... 19
Temperature MAX .............................................................................................................................. 19
Power Failure ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Standby stop ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Output functions................................................................................................................................................ 20
High pressure pump/three-phase regulator ........................................................................................ 20
Inlet valve ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Concentrate discharge valve .............................................................................................................. 20
Permeate discharge valve .................................................................................................................. 20
Dosing Pump ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Alarm Relay ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Malfunction Relay ............................................................................................................................... 21
Recorder Output ................................................................................................................................. 21
Input functions................................................................................................................................................... 22
STOP .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Tank full/empty ................................................................................................................................... 22
High pressure ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Low pressure ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Concentrate low flow .......................................................................................................................... 23
Alarm reset ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Motor safeguard switch....................................................................................................................... 23
Conductivity sensor 1 and 2 ............................................................................................................... 23
Temperature sensor ........................................................................................................................... 23
The OS3050 (external) console and OS3051 (internal) panel-mounted controllers are used for
automatic monitoring and control of water treatment units, based on the principle of reversed osmosis.
The following description applies to a standard unit. Depending on the size of the unit, the quality of
the water which is to be treated, the usage for the desalinated water and local regulations, the actual
unit supplied may be different than that described here. Alternative designs include such types as
multi-stage units, permeate or concentrate return units. Furthermore, the permeate discharge valve is
not always included as standard. Refer to the installation notes and operation instructions specific to
your equipment.
The pre-programmed values and setpoints in the controller can be altered at any time; their storage is
non-volatile, i.e., the modified values are retained even in the event of a power failure.
The controller can be in four modes, "PRODUCTION", "STANDBY", "RINSE" and "MAINTENANCE."
The start of the PRODUCTION is depending on the programming of step 11.1 and the state of the
level switches (input FU en EM). It is possible to stop the PRODUCTION by hand with the OFF key.
There will be no production until the ON key is pressed.
When "PRODUCTION" mode commences, the inlet valve opens. After an adjustable delay of 1-999
seconds, the h.p. pump starts operation.
Alternative it is possible to program a second variant with rinsing by the concentrate discharge valve:
the concentrate discharge valve opens - delay - the inlet valve opens - delay - the h.p. pump starts -
delay - the concentrate discharge valve closes. This delay is adjustable between 1 - 999 seconds. The
water then travels via the inlet valve and h.p. pump to the reverse osmosis membrane.
From here, a stream of water with an increased salt content (concentrate) passes via the concentrate
control valve into the sewer. A stream of desalinated water (permeate) of the desired purity flows into
a storage tank. Desalinated water which does not meet the requirements flows via the permeate
discharge valve into the sewer.
During the "PRODUCTION" phase, the following values can be monitored (if the controller is
programmed for them, the optional I/O boards are installed and the required sensors are connected to
the inputs):
A built-in timer registers the production stage to the minute for up to 65´000 hours.
OS3050/51 Overview 2
"STANDBY" mode
In "STANDBY" mode, water flow is stopped. The inlet valve and the concentrate discharge valve are
closed. Only the permeate discharge valve is open. The pump is turned off.
The following values can be monitored (if the controller is programmed to do so and the appropriate
sensors are connected to the inputs):
"RINSE" mode
There is made a discrimination between "Rinse before Standby-Mode" and "Interval Rinse". In the
steps 8.3 and 9.4 will respectively programmed, whether the rinse will be done with the high pressure
pump and whether the inlet valve and the concentrate valve will be opened.
A possibly connected permeate valve is always open.
Example: the inlet valve, the concentrate discharge valve and the permeate discharge valve open.
The high pressure valve can be optionally activated after an adjustable delay of 1-999 seconds. Water
flows via the inlet valve and the high pressure pump to the membrane. The main stream flows via the
concentrate discharge valve and the adjustable concentrate valve into the sewer. A small amount of
water flows via the permeate discharge valve into
the sewer. If a U-bend is included in the permeate piping (see the drawing below), no water can flow
into the storage tank.
i n ta ke hi g h t p re ssure
va l ve LP CC2 TC
pump EP revers e-os m os is m em brane E P CC1
sh ort o f wa te r
co nd u cti vi ty cel l 2
swi tch
o verp re ssu re
cell 2
conductiv ity
te m pe ratu re p ro be
swi tch
o ve rp re ssu re
swi tch
co n cen tra te
storag e tan k
Example: R.O. Plant
Interval Rinse
It is also possible to set rinse cycles to take place at regular intervals, calculated since the last
production or rinse cycle, to help prevent formation of deposits. For this purpose, it is possible to
program intervals of 1-999 hours and rinse time of 1-9999 seconds. See steps 9.2 and 9.3.
Like the procedure, "Rinse before Standby mode", can be rinsed or like an other procedure for
example without high pressure pump.
The following values can be monitored (if the controller is programmed to do so and the appropriate
sensors are connected to the inputs):
In "MAINTENANCE" mode, the unit can be started up and shut down in order to, for example, cleanse
the membrane with special agents. By entry of a code, it is possible to prevent unauthorized personnel
from switching the unit into this mode. A maximum period of 1-9999 minutes can be programmed. It is
also possible to set the unit to automatically report that a maintenance cycle is required (a
programmable maintenance interval of 1-65,000 hours can be set).
Dosage of chemicals
Dosage of chemicals can be performed in "PRODUCTION", "RINSE" or "MAINTENANCE" mode, as
desired. The dosage time can be set from 1 to 65,000 seconds or for the duration of the whole mode,
however, it cannot exceed the duration of the mode in which it is performed.
Measurement of conductivity
The standard unit includes an I/O The standard unit includes an I/O board with 1 conductivity meter for
measuring the conductivity of the permeate. Optionally, instead of the standard board, a board with 2
conductivity meters and the circuitry for water temperature measurement can be installed.
The second conductivity meter can be used to measure the conductivity of water either at the inlet or
at a further stage in the process.
If the second conductivity meter is used to measure conductivity at the water inlet, it is possible to
calculate and display the relative conductivity of the permeate as a parameter of the degree of
The conductivity meters are capable of switching automatically between two separate ranges. The
ranges are dependent upon the sensors used and can be set from very pure water of 1 µS/cm to very
saline water to 100 mS/cm.
Calculating the ranges:
Conductivity µS/cm
rangemax = cell constant * 10 000 µS
cel - 1 10 100 1.000 10.000 100.000 rangemin = cell constant * 10 µS
constant 0,1
cm -1 1,0
For the function control of the conductivity measurement a lower limit can be set and for the quality
control of the water an upper limit can be programmed. If the lower limit is reached, a shutdown
YES/NO can be programmed after a fixed delay of 60 seconds. For the upper limit, a shutdown
YES/NO and a delay can be programmed if the limit is exceeded.
If the reported value is outside the programmed range, i.e., a value not between the upper and lower
limits, it can be signalled via the monitoring and/or alarm relays.
OS3050/51 Overview 4
If the standard board without temperature measurement is used, manual temperature compensation
can be performed. At a temperature of 25 °C, the correction factor is 1 and no compensation is
performed on the conductivity value.
Automatic correction is possible when the extended adaptor board is connected to a temperature
Temperature compensation
Correction factor
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature °C
The correction factor for automatic or manual compensation can be obtained from the graph below.
Wall-mounted type OS3050
CM I CM II µS/cm %
3 20
Service 14:11
ON OFF Enter
9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18
CM I CM II µS/cm %
Service 14:11
ON OFF Enter
OS3050/51 Measuring values and display of functions 6
LED display
CM I CM II µS/cm %
Conductivity meter 1 or
Conductivity meter 2 or the
Relative conductivity
The values of Conductivity meters 1 and 2 are displayed in the unit µS/cm and the relative conductivity
is displayed in percentages (according to the formula : (Conductivity 1 / Conductivity 2) * 100% ).
If the conductivity value lies outside the measuring range, then the “OFL” (overflow) message appears
on the display.
The green LED's above the display indicate the actual conductivity meter and its related unit.
Production (green)
Production Standby Standby (green)
Rinse (orange)
Maintenance (orange)
Alarm (red)
Rinse Maintenance Malfunction (red)
Alarm Malfunction
OS3050/51 Measuring values and display of functions 7
LCD display
Top line of LCD display
On the top line of the LCD display, the present state of the unit is given, e.g.: "PRODUCTION",
If the installation is switched off due to an alarm during one of the phases as mentioned above, the
following messages can be displayed in the first line of the LCD display :
NOTE: If "overflow" appears on the bottom line, then a value outside the range of the unit has been
Delay 10s
On the bottom line of the LCD display, the following information is displayed during "PRODUCTION"
Initially, the delay in seconds is given. This occurs until the high pressure pump is started (example:
"Delay 10s").
Additionally, dependent upon how the unit has been programmed and the hardware configuration, the
conductivity measurements 1 and/or 2, relative conductivity and water temperature are displayed in
series. The hours of operation of the unit are given as well.
Rinsetime 600s
On the bottom line of the LCD display, the remaining rinse time is displayed during "RINSE" mode.
If the letter “ I “ is placed in the right upper corner then a programmed automatic rinse at regular
intervals of the membrane is in progress.
Otherwise, it applies to a rinse after the unit has been placed in "STANDBY" mode.
OS3050/51 Measuring values and display of functions 8
Dependent upon how the unit has been programmed and the hardware configuration, the conductivity
measurements 1 and/or 2, relative conductivity and water temperature are displayed in series. The
hours of operation of the unit are given as well.
Service 114:14
Dependent upon how the unit has been programmed and the hardware configuration, in "STANDBY"
mode, the conductivity measurements 1 and/or 2, relative conductivity and water temperature are
displayed in series. The hours of operation of the unit are given as well.
Maint.time 120m
During "MAINTENANCE" mode, the bottom line of the LCD displays the remaining time of operation of
the high pressure pump, in minutes:
Additionally, dependent upon how the unit has been programmed and the hardware configuration, the
conductivity measurements 1 and/or 2 and water temperature are displayed in series. The hours of
operation of the unit are given as well.
INFO - display
By pressing the information key, information and values can be displayed. Changing values are
described, where possible, under "Display and Modification of Setpoints."
Press the information key to display the first item of information. Each press of the key then
advances to the next item of information.
Input states - 1
Input 1
The present states of inputs ST, FU, EM and EP are displayed. A "1" next to the code means that the
input is activated, a "0" that it is inactive. Input EM is normally open, i.e., it is activated when the circuit
is closed. Inputs ST, FU and EP are normally closed, i.e., are activated when the circuit is opened.
Input states - 2
Input 2
The present states of inputs LP, CO, and PS are displayed. A "1" next to the code means that the
input is activated, a "0" that it is inactive. Inputs LP, CO and PS are normally closed, i.e., are activated
when the circuit is opened.
Output states
Output 1234567
The present states of the output relays are displayed. Each cipher is assigned to a relay (see electrical
diagram relays K1-K7).
A horizontal line ("-") under a cipher means that the relay is not activated.
A vertical line ("|") under a cipher means that the relay has been activated.
OS3050/51 Info display 10
0031 73 443755
Software version
OS3050 3.04.01g
Software is updated regularly in the factory. As required, changes are incorporated in order to reflect
new developments and requirements. The installed version is displayed.
On/Off --||----
This displays which alarms are programmed to activate the alarm relay.
A horizontal line (dash or "-") under a letter means that the relay is not programmed to trip the alarm. A
vertical line ("|") under a letter means that the relay is programmed to trip the alarm.
On/Off --||----
This displays which alarms are programmed to activate the alarm relay.
A horizontal line ("-") under a letter means that the relay is not programmed to trip the alarm. A vertical
line ("|") under a letter means that the relay is programmed to trip the alarm.
On/Off --||----
This displays which malfunctions are programmed to activate the malfunction relay.
A horizontal line (dash or "-") under a letter means that the relay is not programmed to trip the alarm. A
vertical line ("|") under a letter means that the relay is programmed to trip the alarm.
On/Off |-------
This displays which malfunctions are programmed to activate the malfunction relay.
A horizontal line ("-") under a letter means that the relay is not programmed to trip the alarm. A vertical
line ("|") under a letter means that the relay is programmed to trip the alarm.
Rinse interval
Rinse interval
24h* 16h** 300s
Concentrate rinse
Concentr. rinse
The duration of the concentrate rinse cycle after switching to "STANDBY" mode is displayed.
Cell constant
C1=0.10 C2=0.50
The display shows the cell constant for conductivity meter 1 (C1) entered in program step 1.2 and if
the plug-in card with the second conductivity meter has been installed, the cell constant (C2) entered
in program step 2.2 is shown.
Maintenance interval
500h 500h
The duration of the time between scheduled maintenance stops and the time remaining until the next
maintenance stop is displayed.
Autom. 15°C/80°C
Here the measured water temperature as well as any programmed max. threshold limit value are
displayed, in as far as a plug-in expansion card has been installed and the temperature probe has
been connected. In the other case the temperature entered in program step 4.1 is displayed ( “Man.
OS3050/51 Manual operation 13
Manual Operation
Usually, the unit is switched into and out of operation by the level gauges in the storage tank. If no
storage tank is present, or if the storage tank is not full, then the unit can be switched into operation
Press the "ON" key (the key marked ON ) LED marked "PRODUCTION" illuminates and production
If the level gauge on the storage tank activates the "tank full" relay when an operator tries to start
manual operation, the message "Tank FULL" appears on the LCD
display, and "PRODUCTION" mode cannot be started.
ATTENTION : If the production is stopped by hand (OFF key) then the production will only start after
pressing the ON key.
"STANDBY" mode
"PRODUCTION" mode can be manually terminated by pressing the "OFF" key (the key marked OFF
After 4 seconds, the LED marked "OFF" illuminates and production stops.
If automatic rinse has been programmed, then, before "STANDBY" commences, the LED marked
"RINSE" is lit for the duration of the rinse cycle. If, however, the storage tank is empty, the message
"Tank EMPTY" appears on the LCD display and production cannot be stopped.
ATTENTION : If the production is stopped by hand (OFF key) then the production will only start after
pressing the ON key.
OS3050/51 Manual operation 14
"MAINTENANCE" mode can only be entered from "STANDBY" mode, therefore, first switch the unit to
"STANDBY", and then press the "MAINTENANCE" key (the key marked ).
If no access code has been programmed for this step, after a 5 second delay, the "STANDBY" mode"
LED does not illuminate any more.
If an access code has been programmed, then first enter the code using the keys " " and "#",
keeping pressed.
Use the keys "ON" and "OFF" to start and stop the maintenance program. The program will stop
automatically after the maintenance time programmed in step 16.4.
To return to "STANDBY" mode, press the "MAINTENANCE" key (the key marked ) once again.
ATTENTION! Only trained maintenance personnel should operate the unit in "MAINTENANCE" mode.
Terminate "RINSE"
To terminate a rinse cycle before its programmed completion, press the "OFF" and "RESET" keys
( the keys marked OFF and ) simultaneously. After 5 seconds, the rinse cycle is stopped.
Tip: if step 8.1 "Rinse before Standby" is programmed with "YES", the "Rinse before Standby" can be
started by activating for a moment the Production mode for a moment and next to change over to the
Standby mode.
Alarms / malfunctions
If an alarm and/or malfunction relay has been programmed, these can be switched off by pressing the
key . Once the cause of the message has been cleared, the message on the LCD display can be
cleared by once again pressing the key .
Limit CM1 Min
under valued
The conductivity measured by conductivity meter 1 has fallen below the programmed minimum. A
shutdown YES/NO can be programmed (fixed delay of 60 seconds). The alarm is turned off as soon
as conductivity rises above the minimum value.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible causes: changes in
water quality, air in sensor 1 or an interruption in power to sensor 1.
Limit CM1 Max
The conductivity measured by conductivity meter 1 exceeds the programmed maximum. A shutdown
YES/NO and delay can be programmed. The alarm is turned off as soon as conductivity falls below
the maximum value.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible causes: changes in
water quality, setting of sensor 1 changed, defective membrane or a short-circuit in sensor 1.
Limit CM2 Min
under valued
The conductivity measured by conductivity meter 2 has fallen below the programmed minimum. A
shutdown YES/NO can be programmed. The alarm is turned off as soon as conductivity rises above
the minimum value.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible causes: changes in
water quality, air in sensor 1 or an interruption in power to sensor 2.
Limit CM2 Max
The conductivity measured by conductivity meter 2 exceeds the programmed maximum. A shutdown
YES/NO and delay can be programmed. The alarm is turned off as soon as conductivity falls below
the maximum value.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible causes: changes in
water quality, setting of sensor 1 changed, defective membrane or a short-circuit in sensor 2.
OS3050/51 Alarms / Malfunctions 16
Limit CM% Min
under valued
The relative conductivity measured has fallen below the programmed minimum. The alarm is turned
off as soon as the relative conductivity rises above the minimum value.
Possible causes: changes in water quality, air in sensor 1, an interruption in power to sensor 1 or
sensor 2 short-circuited.
Limit CM% Max
The relative conductivity measured exceeds the programmed maximum.
A shutdown YES/NO and delay can be programmed. The alarm is turned off as soon as the relative
conductivity falls below the maximum value.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible causes: changes in
water quality, settings of the unit changed, defective membrane or a short-circuit in sensor 1, air in
sensor 2 or an interruption in power to sensor 2.
The stop input is activated and water production is interrupted.
As soon as the stop input is deactivated, water production is continued. The message is switched off,
insofar as the message or fault relay are not activated. Then the display must be cancelled by
pressing the key.
You can quickly switch on the installation by pressing the “ON” key.
Start by hand
The stop input is activated and water production is interrupted.
The installation can only be started when the stop input is no longer active and the “ON” key is
pressed. In so doing, the display and any programmed message and fault relay are cancelled.
Tank Full
This alarm occurs when attempting to start the unit by pressing the "ON" key although the level sensor
measures "Tank Full."
Allow the storage tank to empty before reattempting to restart production.
Check the level sensor in the storage tank.
The display also appears, if you have selected "Y" at programming step 13.5 or 14.5 when the "FULL"
level switch, connected across terminals 25 and 26, gives open contact
OS3050/51 Alarms / Malfunctions 17
Tank Empty
The storage tank is empty. The alarm shuts off as soon as the tank is filled.
Possible causes: Water is removed too quickly from the tank.
This alarm can only occur if only one maximum level gauge is used to measure the fill-level of the tank
and the minimum level gauge is used to measure the low level (see step 11 of basic programming).
The display also appears, if you have selected "Y" at programming step 13.4 or 14.4 when the
"EMPTY" level switch, connected across terminals 27 and 28, gives closed contact.
The "Overpressure" input is activated. The unit is shut down. The alarm is deactivated and the unit
restarted as soon as the "Overpressure" signal ends and the unit is manually restarted.
Low pressure 1
Low pressure 1
The "Low pressure" input is activated. The unit is shut down and, after a programmed delay, the unit is
reactivated in accordance with the instructions set in steps 12.2 and 12.3 of the basic programming.
The alarm is deactivated as soon as the "low pressure" signal ends. It is possible to temporarily
reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: no water pressure, blocked filters.
Low pressure 2
Low pressure 2
The "Low pressure" input is activated. The unit can be shut down. The alarm is deactivated and the
unit restarted as soon as the "low pressure" signal ends. If at the same time the "Alarm" or
"Malfunction" relays are tripped, then the alarm must be manually turned off.
This alarm can only occur is the value "0" is set in step 12.2 of the basic programming. It is possible to
temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: no water pressure, blocked
OS3050/51 Alarms / Malfunctions 18
Low pressure 3
Low pressure 3
The "Low pressure" input is activated.
The unit is shut down. The alarm is deactivated and the unit restarted as soon as the "low pressure"
signal ends and the unit is manually restarted.
This alarm occurs when it is attempted to automatically restart the unit in spite of low pressure or if in
the value "1" is set in step 12.2 of the basic programming.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: no water
pressure, blocked filters.
Concentrate 1
Concentrate 1
The "Concentrate" input is activated.
The unit is shut down and restarted automatically in accordance with the instructions set in steps 7.2
and 7.3 of the basic programming.
The alarm is deactivated and the unit restarted as soon as the "concentrate" signal ends and the unit
is manually restarted.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: Changes to
unit settings.
Concentrate 2
Concentrate 2
The "Concentrate" input is activated.
The unit is shut down. The alarm is deactivated and the unit restarted as soon as the "concentrate"
signal ends. This alarm can only occur is the value "0" is set in step 7.2 of the basic programming.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: Changes to
unit settings.
Concentrate 3
Concentrate 3
The "Concentrate" input is activated.
The unit is shut down. The alarm is deactivated and the unit restarted as soon as the "concentrate"
signal ends and the unit is manually restarted.
This alarm occurs when it is attempted to automatically restart the unit in spite of a concentrate alarm.
It is possible to temporarily reactivate the unit by pressing the "ON" key. Possible cause: Changes to
unit settings.
OS3050/51 Alarms / Malfunctions 19
Possible causes: Changes to unit settings, malfunction in the unit, motor overheating
Temperature MAX
Power failure
Supply fail.
No power to the unit or the unit is shut off. The alarm is deactivated when the "RESET" key (the key
with the symbol) is pressed. This alarm only occurs if, in steps 13.10 or 14.10 of the program an
alarm or malfunction relay for power failure is activated.
NOTE: All programmed values and the values of the internal clock are stored in non-volatile memory
and are retained in the event of a power failure.
Standby stop
The high pressure pump and the cut-off valves are not driven in this position.
Exception: when altering the program steps 8.4, 9.5 and 17.1. The following actions can be carried
1. Programming the basic values;
2. Calling the info data;
3. Switching the “MAINTENANCE” step on and off;
4. Starting production;
5. Stopping production or starting a rinse;
6. Cancelling the fault and message relay.
Once the “ON” key for production start or the “OFF” key for production stop has been pushed, the
“STANDBY STOP” function is cancelled and then when switching on the mains power switch another
time, a normal start follows, which generally starts with a rinse.
OS3050/51 Output functions 20
Output functions
Larger units are often fitted with pumps using three-phase motors. Power is supplied to the pumps via
a fused three-phase adaptor connected to "PU".
The adaptor must be installed outside the controller. It is recommended to use a switchbox with the
internal model (OS3051). The switchbox can be used for multiple three-phase adapters for pumps,
thermal protectors, time-delay relays, star-delta starters, alarm and signal lights, etc.
Power to the high pressure pump is started after a delay following opening of the inlet and concentrate
discharge valves in "PRODUCTION" mode and or after opening the concentrate discharge valve in
"RINSE" mode. A delay of 1-999 seconds can be set in programming step 6.1
Inlet valve
The inlet valve is connected to pins "IV." The voltage at this point is the same as the unit's main
power connection. The inlet valve opens when power is applied.
Permeate valve
Dependant upon the way the valve is fitted and connected to the "PV" terminals, it can function either,
as a purge valve, or, as a permeate valve.
In the "Production" mode the purge valve will be opened and the permeate valve closed.
ATTENTION: if you have set a limit, at programming step 1.6, these valves will change over whenever
the limit is exceeded.
In the "Purge" mode the purge valve will be open, and the permeate valve closed.
The valve function in the "Standby" mode is selected at programming step 17.1 .
The valve function in the "Maintenance" mode is selected at programming step 16.5 .
OS3050/51 Output functions 21
Dosing pump
The "dosing pump" output is an ungrounded (single-edged) output marked "DO." This can be used for
an ungrounded control connection for dosing units or, with special wiring, a direct connection to a
dosing pump.
It is also possible to use this output for a return valve for concentrate or permeate.
It is possible to limit dosing to between 1 and 65,000 seconds, however, the time may not exceed the
duration of the mode in which it occurs.
If step 10.1 is programmed at No this output will be switched parallel to the output PU.
Alarm Relay
The alarm relay output is an ungrounded (single-edged) output marked "AN." When no power is
applied, the relay is in the state: no alarm.
Malfunction Relay
The malfunction relay output is an ungrounded (single-edged) output marked "MF." When no power is
applied, the relay is in the state: malfunction.
Recorder Output
In order to use this output, the unit must be supplied with an optional I/O board for connection to a
printer-recorder (oscillograph). The recorder must be capable of accepting inputs of 0-20 or 4-20 mA.
If more than one value is routed to the output, then each value is transmitted for a period of 2 seconds,
in cycle
OS3050/51 Input functions 22
Input functions
The connection from the „STOP“ input is marked with „ST“ and is active (closed or opened) depending
on the programming of step 18.2. In the event of a STOP message, water production is stopped after
approximately 6 seconds.
If the program step 18.1 “Stop Hand start” is set to YES, then the message follows in the LCD display:
"Signal start by hand". The installation has to be re-started again by pressing the “ON” key.
Application: e.g. an external fault, which requires a manual intervention.
If the program step 18.1 “ Stop Hand start ” is set to NO, then the message follows in the LCD display:
"Signal STOP". The installation continues its normal function, as soon as the stop signal to the input is
cancelled. The installation can also be switched on in the event of a stop signal by pressing the “ON”
Application: e.g. no production during regeneration of a pre-switched water softening installation.
The stop signal can be switched on the message relay and/or the fault relay.
If no stop switch is connected, then the input must be bridged.
See also: Faults / Messages page 16
WARNING: The stop function does not interrupt the “MAINTENANCE” function.
Filling the tank can be done using the "full" level switch. The "empty" level switch is then used as a
"minimum level" alarm. Alternatively, filling can be accomplished using both switches or manually (see
program step 11.1).
The "FULL" and "EMPTY" signals can be connected to the alarm and/or malfunction relays, in which
case they are also displayed on the LCD.
High pressure
The input for a pressure switch is marked "EP" and is active when open. It is polled every 4 seconds.
Multiple pressure switches can be connected in series. A signal is displayed on the LCD and can be
connected to the alarm and/or malfunction relays.
To turn the unit on again, you must press the "ON" key. If pressure is still too high, the unit is shut off
again after 4 seconds. If no pressure switch is connected, contact "EP" must be shorted
OS3050/51 Input functions 23
Low pressure
To prevent the pump running dry, a pressure switch can be used. The input for this pressure switch is
marked "LP" and is active when open. A delay of 1-999 seconds can be programmed in step 12.1.
Furthermore, it is possible to program the unit to attempt to restart from 0 to 9 times. After this series,
the unit can only be restarted by pressing the "ON" key.
A signal is displayed on the LCD and can be connected to the alarm and/or malfunction relays. If no
pressure switch is connected, contact "LP" must be shorted.
A signal is displayed on the LCD and can be connected to the alarm and/or malfunction relays. If no
flow switch is connected, contact "CO" must be shorted.
Reset alarm
To be able to remotely reset the alarms, the ‘CO’ input can be programmed for a reset function.
In program stage 7.0, the ‘RS’ function should be selected, replacing the input function for concentrate
The inpiut should be short-circuited for at least 1 second, after which the reset will be executed and
the installation will automatically be switched on.
The alarm outputs and messages in the LCD display are erased as soon as the reset is executed.
However, the alarm outputs and messagesin the display will not be erased and the installation will not
Be switched on if the cause of the alarm is still present.
If the alarm has been erased manually , the ‘reset’ function will not be checked remotely until an alarm
with activated alarm output occurs again.
In models operating at up to 240 V a thermal protector can be optionally supplied. The contact for the
thermal switch is connected internally in the controller.
A signal is displayed on the LCD and can be connected to the alarm and/or malfunction relays. The
thermal protector or motor safeguard switch must be manually reset, after which the unit will be
reactivated automatically. If no safeguard switch is connected, contact "PS" must be shorted.
Temperature sensor
A PT 1000 platinum resistance thermometer must be used. The connection is marked "TC." The
temperature sensor can be built into the conductivity sensor or installed separately next to it.
If no temperature sensor is installed, then all calculations are performed using a temperature of 25 °C.
This also occurs by a closure or break in the circuit
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 24
1. Press the "ENTER" key. In order to prevent inadvertent changes to the program, the key must be
held down for 4 seconds before changes to the program may be made.
Attention! Start
Programmechange Programmechange
NOTE: To perform steps 2 and 3, the "ENTER" key must be kept pressed.
Change language
2. You may now change the language used for display in the LCD as follows:
Press "#" (and keep it held down) while using the "► " key to advance the cursor through the
selection of languages until the desired language is selected.
The "ENTER" key should only be pressed when you are ready to exit this mode.
Programming setpoints :
3. The following steps can be performed if the "▼" key is held down.
4. The controller is now in programming mode. The "ENTER" key should only be pressed when you
are ready to exit this mode. Programming mode is also automatically terminated approximately 2
minutes after the last keystroke.
6. Use the "►" key to move the cursor. For "YES/NO" decisions, move the cursor under Y to answer
YES and to N to answer NO.
7. Press the "#" key to change numerical values, which you have marked using the cursor, within he
set range
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 25
1. Conductivity meter 1
The sensor is preferably installed in the permeate piping
Step no.: 1.1
Conductivity values can be displayed by placing the cursor either under the LCD
or the LED.
NOTE: If CM2, CM% or temperature are displayed on the same output device,
each value is displayed for 2 seconds, in cycle
Step no.: 1.2
Constant 0.10 cm-1
Conductivity µS/cm
Step no.: 1.4
Value Min 1.0 µS / cm
An interruption in power to the sensor, electrical faults or air in the sensor can
cause measurements of extremely low conductivity to occur. A minimum value 1.5
MIN of 0.1 up to 999 µS/cm can be set.
After a fixed delay of 60 seconds, the LCD displays the message: "Limit CM1
MIN under valued."
1.4 1.3
This enables setting whether the unit should be shut down when a value less
than the setpoint for MIN is recorded.
Step no.: 1.6 Yes No
Limit Max Y/N
This enables monitoring of conductivity values which are above a set maximum.
NOTE: If no maximum limit is set, control of the permeate valve is not dependent
upon conductivity
Step no.: 1.7
Value Max 10.0 µS / cm
Changes in the quality of the feed water for the unit can affect conductivity. A
maximum value MAX can be set of 0.2 up to 6'500.0 µS/cm.
Step no.: 1.8 Yes No
This enables setting whether the unit should be shut down when a value in
excess of the setpoint for MAX is recorded.
Step no.: 1.9
Delay 180s sec
2. Conductivity meter 2
NOTE: This step can only be performed if the controller is fitted with a board for 1.6 / 1.9
the second conductivity meter. The sensor is installed either in the feed water line
or after an extra treatment phase
Step no.: 2.1 LCD LED
Conductivity values can be displayed by placing the cursor either under the LCD,
the LED or suppressed if the cursor is not displayed.
NOTE: If CM1, CM% or temperature are displayed on the same output device,
each value is displayed for 2 seconds, in cycle
Step no.: 2.2
Constant 0.10 cm-1
Step no.: 2.3 Yes No
Limit Min Y/N
This enables monitoring of conductivity values which are below a set minimum.
Step no.: 2.4
Value Min 5.0 µS / cm
An interruption in power to the sensor, electrical faults or air in the sensor can
cause measurements to occur of extremely low conductivity. 2.5
A minimum value MIN can be set.
If the cell constant is up to 0,1 cm-1: 0,1 up to 999 µS/cm
and greater then 0,1 cm-1: 1 up to 65'000 µS/cm.
After a fixed delay of 60 seconds, the LCD displays the message: "Limit CM2
MIN under valued."
Setting the alarm relay or malfunction relay is performed in steps 13 and 14.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 28
2.4 2.3
This enables setting whether the unit should be shut down when a value less
than the setpoint for MIN is recorded.
Step no.: 2.6 Yes No
Limit Max Y/N
This enables monitoring of conductivity values which are above a set maximum.
NOTE: If no maximum limit is set, control of the permeate valve is not dependent
upon conductivity
Step no.: 2.7
Value Max 20.0 µS / cm
Changes in the quality of the feed water for the unit can affect conductivity. A
maximum value MAX can be set of 0.2 up to 6'500.0 µS/cm. With cell constants
higher than 0.1 cm-1 a maximum value MAX can be set of 10 to 199'990 µS/cm
Delay 180s
Setting the alarm relay or malfunction relay is performed in steps 13.13 and 14.13 3.1
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 29
NOTE: This step can only be performed if the controller is fitted with a board for
the second conductivity meter.
and is a measure of the degree of desalination. The lower the value, the lower the
salt passage through the membrane.
Step no.: 3.1 LCD LED
Display LCD LED
Conductivity values can be displayed by placing the cursor either under the LCD,
the LED or suppressed if the cursor is not displayed.
NOTE: If CM1, CM2 or temperature are displayed on the same output device,
each value is displayed for 2 seconds, in cycle.
Step no.: 3.2 Yes No
Limit Min Y/N
This enables monitoring of relative conductivity values which are below a set
minimum. 3.4
Step no.: 3.3
Value Min 5.0 %
An interruption in power to the sensor, electrical faults or air in the sensor can
cause measurements of extremely low conductivity to occur. A minimum value
MIN of 0.1 up to 99.9% can be set. After a fixed delay of 60 seconds, the LCD
displays the message: "Limit CM% MIN under valued." 3.4
Setting the alarm relay or malfunction relay is performed in steps 13 and 14.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 30
3.2 / 3.3
Step no.: 3.4
Limit Max Y/N 3.4
Yes No
This enables monitoring of relative conductivity values which are above a set
Step no.: 3.5 3.5
Changes in the quality of the feed water for the unit can affect conductivity. A
maximum value MAX can be set of 0.2 up to 99.9%
This enables setting whether the unit should be shut down when a value in
excess of the setpoint for MAX is recorded.
Delay 180s
Setting the alarm relay or malfunction relay is performed in steps 13 and 14 4.1
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 31
Step no.: 4.1 4.1
Temperature 25°C
Step no.: 4.2 Yes No
Display Y/N
NOTE: If CM1, CM2 or CM% are displayed on the same output device, each
value is displayed for 2 seconds, in cycle.
For monitoring purposes you can here enter a threshold limit value between 1°C
and 99°C.
Yes No
Step no.: 4.5
Switch off Y/N
This enables setting whether the unit should be shut down when the temperature
has exceeded the maximum limit programmed in step 4.4. If the temperature is
under the limit value then the installation will start automatically
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 32
Factor 1 1.00*
reference value
= correction factor
measured value
Step no.: 5.2
Factor 2 1.00* Factor
A correction factor of 0.10 to 5.0 can be entered in this step for conductivity 2
6. Start up delay
Step no.: 6.1
Delay 15s sec
Step no.: 6.2 Yes No
Two starting programmes can be chosen for "PRODUCTION":
with concentrate discharge valve J/N: inlet valve opens - delay, h.p. pump starts.
Step "PRODUCTION" starts.
with concentrate discharge valve J/N: concentrate discharge valve opens - delay
- inlet valve opens - delay - h.p. pump starts - delay - concentrate discharge valve
closes. Step "PRODUCTION" starts.
When programmed in step no. 6.1 a delay of 15 seconds, then the production 7.1
step will have a total delay of 3 x 15 seconds.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 33
Schritt Nr: 7.0 CO RS
Select the desired input function for the ´CO´cennection on the terminal strip.
CO = Cocentrate flow (see also page 23) 8.1
RS = Reset alarm output (see also page 23)
The delay for the concentrate flow monitoring switch can be programmed
between 1 and 999 seconds.
Step no.: 7.2
0-1 2-9
Switch on 3*
A value between 0 and 9 can be entered here. The value 0 means that no
definitive shutdown occurs and the unit is restarted automatically as soon as
permeate can be accepted by the process and concentrate is flowing. The value
1 shuts the unit down definitively at the first detection of low concentrate flow.
With the values 2 to 9, the unit attempts 1 to 8 times to start production, in spite of
the signal that low concentrate flow has been detected.
Step no.: 7.3
Delay2 2m Minuten
If a value between 2 and 9 is set for restarting production, the delay until restart
must be programmed. The delay can be between 1 and 99 minutes.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 34
Step no.: 8.3 You can program, whether the rinsing sec
process takes place with or without
PU|IV|CV|PV| the pump and whether the cut-off 8.3
valves are open or closed: PU IV CV PV
PU | = with pump PU - = without pump
IV | = input cut-off valve open IV - = input cut-off valve closed
CV | = concentrate cut-off valve open CV - = concentrate cut-off valve closed
PV | = permeate cut-off valve open PV - = permeate cut-off valve closed
Step no.: 8.4 This sets the kind of concentrate valve No Nc
you are using: "normally open" (No) or
Conc.Valve NoNc "normally closed" (Nc)
Step no.: 9.4 You can program, whether the rinsing PU IV CV PV
process takes place with or without
PU|IV|CV|PV| the pump and whether the cut-off
valves are open or closed:
PU | = with pump PU - = without pump
IV | = input cut-off valve open IV - = input cut-off valve closed
CV | = concentrate cut-off valve open CV - = concentrate cut-off valve closed
PV | = permeate cut-off valve open PV - = permeate cut-off valve closed
Step no.: 9.5 This sets the kind of concentrate valve
No Nc
you are using: "normally open" (No) or
Conc.Valve NoNc "normally closed" Nc)
Attention: The steps 8.4 and 9.5 are identical. If you have programmed step no.
8.1 = Yes, this program step will not be displayed. 10.1
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 35
Step no.: 10.2 Yes No
Dos.Product. Y/N
Dosing YES/NO during "PRODUCTION" mode
Step no.: 10.3 Yes No
Dos.Rinse Y/N
Dosing YES/NO during "RINSE" mode.
Step no.: 10.4 Yes No
Dos.Mainten. Y/N
Dosing YES/NO during "MAINTENANCE" mode.
Step no.: 10.5
Dosingtime 120s sec
The duration of dosing is set for each step. It is terminated, though, if the unit is
switched/switches to another step. A value of 0 to 65,000 seconds may be set.
NOTE: If the value 0 is set, the dosing pump is on for the entire duration of the
Step no.: 10.6
Delay 5s sec
The dosing pump can be started with a delay of between 0 and 999 seconds
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 36
Step no.: 11.1
Level switch 2 switches
Filling of the storage tank can be controlled by means of the full level switch. In
this manner, the unit is put into operation as soon as the water level drops below
the maximum level. The empty level switch serves as a minimum level protection.
Advantage: A maximum amount is always available.
Select: Level switch = 1.
As an alternative, filling can be regulated by two level switches. In this set-up, the
unit is started when the "empty" level gauge is tripped and shut off when the "full"
level gauge is tripped.
Advantage: The unit is started and stopped less frequently.
Select: Level switch = 2.
If no level switches for a supply tank are connected, then you can only switch the
installation on and off manually.
The inputs “FULL” and “EMPTY”, however, appear in the display upon activation
and are able to activate with the message and fault relay.
Select: Level switch = 0.
ATTENTION : If the production is stopped by hand (OFF key) then the production
will only start after pressing the ON key.
The delay for the low pressure signal can be programmed between 1 and 999
Step no.: 12.2 0-1 2-9
Switch on 3*
A value between 0 and 9 can be entered here. The value 0 means that no
definitive shutdown occurs and the unit is restarted automatically as soon as
pressure rises above the minimum level. The value 1 shuts the unit down
definitively at the first detection of low pressure. With the values 2 to 9, the unit
attempts 1 to 8 times to start production, in spite of the low pressure signal.
Step no.: 12.3
Delay2 15m minutes
If a value between 2 and 9 is set for restarting production, the delay until restart
must be programmed. The delay can be between 1 and 99 minutes 13.1
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 37
Stop Y/N
The "STOP" input has been activated.
Step no.: 13.4 Yes No
Empty Y/N
The "EMPTY" input has been activated.
Step no.: 13.5 Yes No
Full Y/N
The "FULL" input has been activated.
Overpressure Y/N
The "OVERPRESSURE" input has been activated.
Yes No
Step no.: 13.7
Low pressure Y/N
The "LOW PRESSURE" input has been activated.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 38
Step no.: 13.8 The "CONCENTRATE" input has been 13.8
Concentrate Y/N activated.
Yes No
Step no.: 13.12 Conductivity CM 2 MIN under the CM2 circuit
CM2 Min */P/N minimum value.
* = Always controlling of the conductivity minimum value
P = Controlling of the conductivity minimum value only during the
production-mode * P N
N = No controlling and activating of the alarm relay
Step no.: 13.14 Percentage relative conductivity CM% Yes No
CM% Min Y/N MIN under the minimum value.
Step no.: 13.15 Percentage relative conductivity CM% Yes No
MAX above the maximum value
CM% Max Y/N
Step no.: 13.16 Temperature above the maximum Yes No
LimitTemp. Y/N value.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 39
Stop Y/N
The "STOP" input has been activated.
Step no.: 14.4 Yes No
Empty Y/N
The "EMPTY" input has been activated.
Step no.: 14.5 Yes No
Full Y/N
The "FULL" input has been activated.
Overpressure Y/N
The "OVERPRESSURE" input has been activated.
Yes No
Step no.: 14.7
Low pressure Y/N
The "LOW PRESSURE" input has been activated.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 40
Step no.: 14.8 The "CONCENTRATE" input has been 14.8
Concentrate Y/N activated.
Yes No
Step no.: 14.12 Conductivity CM 2 MIN under the CM2 circuit
CM2 Min */P/N minimum value.
* = Always controlling of the conductivity minimum value
P = Controlling of the conductivity minimum value only during the
production-mode * P N
N = No controlling and activating of the alarm relay
Step no.: 14.14 Percentage relative conductivity CM% Yes No
CM% Min Y/N MIN under the minimum value.
Step no.: 14.15 Percentage relative conductivity CM% Yes No
MAX above the maximum value
CM% Max Y/N
Step no.: 14.16 Temperature above the maximum Yes No
LimitTemp. Y/N value.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 41
NOTE: The following steps can only be selected when the controller is fitted with
an interface board for a recorder.
Step no.: 15.1
15.1 Y
0-20 mA 4-20 mA 16.1
0-20mA 4-20mA
The output current can be set to a range of either 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA.
The following steps allow you to programme the values of the outputs 1 and 2.
Use the key "#" to switch the number 1 respectively 2 on or off.
If one output has more values, each value will be shown in steps of 2 seconds.
Advice: use a "dot"-recorder instead of a "line"-recorder.
To optimise the display of the outputs the following steps allow you to programme
a variable division of the current 0(4) - 20mA.
Formulas :
For example: you have programmed 4 - 20 mA and 0 - 100 µS/cm and the
measured conductivity is 60 µS/cm. In this case the output current will be :
Step no.: 15.2
MeasuremCM1 1-2- µS / cm
You can select on which output the value of Conductivity meter 1 must be
displayed. N
CM2 circuit
Step no.: 15.3 Y
Range 0- 20 16.1
The range of conductivity can be related to the current of 0(4) - 20 mA. 15.4
For example 0 - 20 mA 0 - 200 µS/cm.
One step of 1 mA corresponds with one step of 10 µS/cm.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 42
Attention! The following steps are only available for controllers with two
conductivity meters. 15.3
Step no.: 15.4 1 2
MeasuremCM2 1-2-
You can select on which output the value of Conductivity meter 2 must be
Step no.: 15.5
Range 0- 200 µS / cm
Step no.: 15.6 1 2
MeasuremCM% 1-2-
You can select on which output the value of the relative conductivity must be
Step no.: 15.7
Range 0- 100 %
The range of relative conductivity can be related to the current of 0(4) - 20 mA.
For example 0 - 20 mA 0 - 40 %.
One step of 1 mA corresponds with one step of 2 %.
A value can be programmed between 0 and 100 %.
Step no.: 15.8 1 2
Measurem°C 1-2-
You can select on which output the value of Conductivity meter 2 must be
Step no.: 15.9
Range 0- 100 °C
The range of temperature (0 - 100 °C) can be related to the current of 0(4) - 20
For example 0 - 20 mA 0 - 50 °C. 16.1
One step of 1 mA corresponds with one step of 2.5 °C.
A value can be programmed between 0 and 100 °C.
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 43
16. Maintenance
14.* / 15.*
Step no.: 16.5 PU IV CV PV
By switching from the "PRODUCTION" mode to the "MAINTENANCE" mode, the
valve outlet relays are de-energised and the H.P. pump stopped.
However the possibility exists to energise the valve relays as desired and
stop/start the H.P. pump after the maintenance is started by pushing the "ON"
A horizontal line means "OFF" (de-energised) and a vertical line means "ON"
PU = H.P. pump IV = Inlet valve
CV = Concentrate discharge PV = Permeat valve
Attention! Besides the motor protection switch no input can be activated. No limits
will be controlled.
Use the" ►" key to select the pump and 3 valves. Use the "#" key to select either
"|" (active) or "-" (inactive).
OS3050/51 Display and modification of setpoints 44
Step no.: 16.6
Codenumber Y/N 16.6
Yes No
16.6 / 16.7
17. Permeate valve
Step no.: 17.1 0 1
Permeate valve 0
Dependant upon the way the valve is fitted and connected to the "PV" terminals,
it can function either, as a purge valve, or, as a permeate valve.
The valve operation, either normally open or normally closed, in the "Standby"
mode is determined in this step of the programming.
If “ Stop Hand start ” is set to “N” for no, then after activating the stop input,
“Signal STOP” appears in the LCD display.
The installation continues its normal procedure when the stop input has been
Central Monitoring
For monitoring of the installation from a central monitoring station, ungrounded (single-edged) relay
contacts are available. Additional ungrounded relay contacts can be provided by external relays.
On the relay outputs AN (Alarm) and MF (Malfunction), the following signals can be assigned:
1. Conductivity 1 MIN
2. Conductivity 1 MAX
3. Reverse osmosis unit stop
4. Storage tank full
5. Storage tank empty
6. Overpressure
7. Low pressure
8. Concentrate flow low
9. Motor safeguard switch
10. Power failure
11. Maintenance requested
12. Conductivity 2 MIN
13. Conductivity 2 MAX
14. Relative Conductivity 1 MIN
15. Relative Conductivity 1 MAX
16. Temperature above maximum
If the DO output (dosing) is not used for dosing, a signal can be generated during the steps
"PRODUCTION", "RINSE" or "MAINTENANCE." The duration of the signal is programmable.
NOTE: If the ungrounded (single-edged) contacts are required to switch valves, alarm bells, lamps or
other devices simultaneously, extra external relays must be used.
The following ungrounded (single-edged) contacts can be obtained using external relays:
[ ATTENTION: Some external relays, magnetic switches, magnetic valves, etc. can cause
undesirable interference pulses when switching off. For this reason it is recommended to provide
the components mentioned, in advance, with a “RC-network”.
Inquire at the supplier of the components mentioned for the correct type of RC-network.
Once the “ON” key for production start or the “OFF” key for production stop has been pushed, the
“STANDBY STOP” function is cancelled and then when switching on the mains power switch another
time, a normal start follows, which generally starts with rinsing.
With exceeding of the maximum conductivity.
step 6.1 step 10.6 step 10.5 step 10.5 (=0) 5 sec
step 6.1 step 6.1 step 6.1 step 10.5 step 10.5 (=0) 5 sec
step 10.6
10 sec step 6.1 step 10.6 step 10.5 step 10.5 (=0) 5 sec
step 6.1 step 10.6 step 10.5 step 10.5 (=0) 5 sec
Technical data
Environmental temperature : 0 – 50 °C
Declaration of conformity
Declaration of conformity of the product with the essential requirement of the EMC directive
89 / 336 / EEC.
Product description
Product environment
Date : 26-10-2017
Name : V. Naeber
Signature :
EWS International (hereafter EWS) warrants her products free from defects in material and
workmanship under the following terms.
In this warranty, “Products” shall be taken to mean all devices that are supplied pursuant to the
contract with exception of software.
Notwithstanding the warranty period of five years as mentioned above - while upholding the remaining
provisions – a warranty period of three months applies to the supply of software.
1) Any product or part not manufactured nor distributed by EWS. EWS will pass on warranty
given by the actual manufacturer of products or parts that EWS uses in the product.
2) Any product, on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
3) Damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from:
a) Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning or other acts of nature.
b) Product modification or failure to follow instructions supplied by the products.
c) Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by EWS.
d) Any shipment of the product (claims must be presented to the carrier)
e) Removal or installation of the product
f) Any other cause, which does not relate to a product defect.
g) Cartons, equipment enclosures, cables or accessories uses in conjunction with the product.
EWS will only pay for labour and material expenses for covered items, proceed from repairs and
updates done by EWS at the EWS location. EWS will not pay for the following:
1) Removal or installations charges at customers and/or end user location.
2) Costs for initial technical adjustments (set-up), including adjustment of user controls or programming.
3) Shipping charges proceed from returning goods by the customer. (Shipping charges for returning goods to the
customer are for the account of EWS).
All the costs which exceed the obligations of EWS under this Warranty, such as, but not limited to, travel and accommodation
costs and costs for assembly and dismantling are for the account and risk of the customer.
In order to retain the right to have a defect remedied under this warranty, the customer is obliged to:
1) Submit complaints about immediately obvious errors related to the products delivered, in writing within eight days of
the delivery of the products and submit complaints about shortcomings relating to the products delivered, which are
not visible, within eight days of their being discovered.
2) Return defected products for account and risk of the customer. Costs for this shipment will not be reimbursed by
EWS. The products may only be returned following express, written permission from EWS. Returning the products
does not affect the obligation to pay the invoiced amounts.
Page 1 of 2
3) Present the original dated invoice (or a copy) as proof of warranty coverage, which must be included in any [of the]
return shipment of the product. Please include also in any mailing a contact name, company, address and a
description of the problem(s).
EWS’ liability for any defective products is limited to the repair or replacement of the product at our
option. Except where such limitations and exclusions are specifically prohibited by applicable law EWS
shall not be liable for:
1) Damage to other property caused by defects in the EWS product, damages based upon inconvenience, loss of use of
the product, loss of time, commercial loss or:
2) Any damages, whether incidental, [consequential or otherwise] special, indirect or consequential damages, injury to
persons or property, or any other loss.
Under no circumstances whatsoever shall EWS be obliged to provide compensation beyond the direct
damage incurred by customer up to an amount not exceeding the payment receivable from the insurer
of EWS in connection with the damage.
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